} IRE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PEALDILIED BY PENNINE, REED & CO., LT GAZETTE-BUILDING, I\7o. EIG Firth Mit-root. F. B. PENSIMAT,I T. P. 110USTON, Edltems. JOSIAH KING i BEIAOdi P. BEND, I , Mudnee•Mlansn'a. ISCM3 Bogle 3 cents elivorcd by carrtor, (per 15 cents Mn(l bubscrlberv, (poryear) Liberal rot/nett°ae to lirmsboya and .Aweati. TEJIIIS 1011 WEEKLY: Three Cows, per year, 1 SO Ylve do. do. do. " cub 125 To or Moro copies, to one address, and One free to Cleo, enel 1 15 CITY ITEMS. Artificial liftman ESQ., Adjusted without pain,. by Pr. Spenser, neathi, ti Perm street. Confectionaen Stock of TooDi, riOe • Show Cones. Vountent, eh.aams, /*oration., Dining Ware. Hemel., liornesfs and Watfon., at Aectiou. The extensive stock of Kinder • Confectionery, Ice Cream and Pining Sn .-Sooits, will be sold on IVednesdaY.l ) ::areh tath, commencing at nine o'clock, „; con. _ tinning without interinissirn,• Burling tbo entire day. Special directed to the Connters, Slieiving, Show Cases and Jar . s, which ara very tine. There are twen ty Marble 'ion Tables, Center Tables. .E sten sin g and Card Tables, Divans, Can and ater fixtures, .111115.5C/S and Ingrain . Car pets, Oil Cloth, Wardrobe, Deck, Wavers, Matting, Marble top Burettes, Tollot Fists. Iledsteads, lfalding, Tete.asTetee, Cane seat Chairs, Queensware, Glassware. Cut lery, Ilatlt and Wash Tabs, very large Cook ing Steve, tits and .Ant hraci to Stoves; Met al lint Rack, Blinds, Coffee and Tea Pewter ConActioners , and 'takers' tools of all kinds, in grout variety; the barrels of Sneer, Syrup, two 'fortes,' four Wagons, I.laraces, Ac., &... Terms at sale, A. Locoavc, Auctioneer. Menu. or the Uses , of the Pine Tree. It earls correspondent to the Ch.embsd :,‘"rel, writes thus: "We are glad, to hear. that M. 11. Schmidt. MI lerls products et the pine tree, forestorpol and other substan• ceo arc at present In active development In Pails. .;.6t us enumerate them rapidly. 1? frlnbte ilitclaing.—This preparation pre serves ail the propertif s' of the. Pine; It evolves an aroma etrile&ntly whoicsomo• Schlllbach recommends it as a most harmless but efraelouti remedy In cases of catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, sore throat, he, Raw rcideb/c lroo/.—one-half cheaper than ord Mau WOOI IllattreSSO:. Those stilit cd with this wool ito net attract humidity; Its odor and the ozone due to its resmons principles keep otr or kill the Insects. &Arafat Feannel.—By reaßou or the res:n, the tannin, and the Formic acid it contain It gilds the 00r0100 of the ulluer• tart functions of retipirateon, ate, crptlon and perspiration, in a greater degree than ordinary Cannel: • ••• • Hamaled rine Ciii.—Employed in friction bas given unexpected resolt.;; In the first eointruneement of paralysis and apoplexy, In eacs of recent, burns, to. Some German doctors recommend a few drops in sugar and water, to be administered Internally an a remedy nifeln.it cramps in the stomach, Ivories in children, neuralgia, drimsy, • There are also the Extract ef Leaves of (ho - Iraritiiito Pine, ties P:iie Spirit and • line .Swap. . Ail these diflerent products are . most Fiiill.lo but very - valuable acquisitions Dr. George W. Swett - , of Boston, however. has brought into shape for enurement use, a most valimide preparation called PO .LAND'S \MITE pINE COMPOUND, which • for a on.mber of years, has given great Isfactloa In the cure of all these ailments dependent on an inflamed or Irritated eon ilttton of the mucous membranes of the an- Imatorganism. For orarci, ilitiricter, irrupts, chronic brorichilid, unseat catarrh, conitipn lien, when depending Os it thlittitatOil state of the intestines, It ts 0110 of the moat vale. aide discoveries recently added to pharem ecutical medicine. It is lik r evrbie - a most TM uable compound for illseawts of the kidneys and hadaler generally, nanny one eau satis fy- himself upon a single trial. livery one knows tho healing virtues of -the while pine for sores and elms, but Dr. Sweet has gone to work and prepared from the sweet Inside bark of that valuable tree, a com pound that will moot every Indication where tiorpino •ii-Ould be valuable. Ask for POLAND'it Worco Pier COMPOrtili: For sale by the gross, dozen, or single bottle, at Dr. Keyser's great medicine store, HO Wood . street. I= Of 0 .m 30 . 1 Vegetables, and Wu be void as cheap us at any other house In either Cltl. Carl and examine and judge for 3 - 9arselles, at lie. 112 Federal street, Alic- Pl:ety City. Saone c IS cavrX. Also, Agent for the Will-known house' , of Stephen F. Whitman's celebrated -Phila delphia extra line Cream "lion Bons,. •'Chocolate.," Almonds, Walnut Candy, Dratee props, Se., SC. flowed & CassieWs Cod Liver OIL The Purestuad Sweetest. Cel Lver Oil in tee world. manufacture,/ frota frehli, bealU:y livere, upon the sea-shore. It is perfectly pure and sweet: Ask for "Hazard .t Caswell's Cod Liver 011; menutactured by CABIVELL, MACC S Co. Non York: Bala by all aragglets. .lloltnbelmer'h Continental Saloon.. The best Dince in the city to gettbe worth of your money in good dining. All the 'choice dell:metes as well as the sahstantiats of - life, served op at most reasonable prices. the elegantly ntted up saloon is next door to the INetonlee, on Filth utreet. • Bankers and Merchants &erred with tip-top rheas at their planes of Desires, by lloltsheimer, proprietor ilf,the of the 'lmpulse Continental Dining Errams, Fifth street. next deer to the Poston:cr. Coil Mond try his oysters, which are _the very bent to be found in the city. 4=l Of Con's Cough 'Balsam—the great remedy for coughs, colds. whooping cough, croup, and all lung compiaints—is received and tind for sale at cur drug stores. Sole sonata , for Pittsburgh, JOseph Fleming, No. fr.l3la.r. .het street. • To Can Day - Foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joreph 8. Finch's-Distillery, No, 189, 191, 193 and 199 Find, etreot. PittAlmreh. You Caul Buy 49 per cent. Aleobol st:Joseph B. Finch% ' Ton Can Boy New Flops at .Tos.nh CONDIbiNED TELEVILiIIS The dry house of tlx o Miami Powder Coven pany, Ciro ILISICS north of Xoofo, Ohio, blow vp on Monday forenoon.' Two men Fealantemhaa:reeelved a cheek le Ne Ti all, under dOcouraglng cable telegram. It Iv stated, hoWever, that 1,4 aoon as th weather settles another raid will le matt Into Canada. Sir ocean steamers centred In New York on Monday, Minting One thousand pa en- coturnlttee of New York Fontana have. gone to Ilro4hington for the purpose of on- Ilsttngthesympathy of .Secretary SeWnra and the l'reldent In their entv.e. !textual: dates to the Nth nit state that the Liberals were bombarding Can:peat:by, In Yucatan, end had cantered the . Prtiliery float to the relief of the Imperialists there. The steamer Vino de radii, from Brest o the IA arrived . mt 2ork. yesterday Pars Papas zmattuM Dhows of impor /MUDD. ,in accident occurred on the Caiuden and Amboy Railroad, at Bristol, Pa., this morn log. Vireo passenger cars faith° tow mall train worn thrown off' the track. Nobody wan injured. lepateh reeelvedLy the; Southern It , llef VommtAAlort or from Want ington states, on the authorlti , of Gen. Slow. uru, that Although the 'proposed emigres. lewd apprOprlatlon wlll 1, ra,sei, 'Private coo triLutious should not be curtailed. ' The lower Louse Of the blissourt Legode. tdro Lai passed tho eight hour system: Thu mother of ZdaJor General Pepe died at Loull on lionday. Generul CooL•'aroceat raid in the vicinity of.Steln , s mountain reenited in the killing of aVxty Indians. .` The Marlyn na Senate yeeterilay, hp arca° Of Senn to win. Imascil a bill appropriating one hundred thousand dullard 11l the ferteg South. . . "4 , .._, STABCI.4<S . • k ..\.., '.\',.'''. ' l ” l .;' , "'- - • 178- - i ~...- r' 4 A - =-- - v e. - - -;-;-` 7. . (:. ~,il . . %1.'4".• ' '-',, • .4- . # . ' t - F:-4. • ..,_,.---_-, 7 .. , , ‘ 10 2: -. - ..,..,„,zl.y? ,- -- ,, •..=',:., ._•-_,....-,...,..„.......,.....„?.;......„...,,,....„,4A„,::::....„....,,_,,: • , _,l__, . , r . i _,\ \ • t - -,- - , -. „ -,-,-,- , c --..-- •,z - 7 - ' -,-A- - % ,, - - i 1 ,-, ~ - _ ---,-.-_,...,g4 ,--- t t , 162 ' t -j ': :' ! - i, - , -4 . 1 - i 1 1 1 , I --=-_,-.-.- .:1,.. -; ',..::: : ' '' ;,- -:-- sr - . -77 -'"r= - \ IX- f7. - :-:' ;ALI , ! _ :-______4,-• ' , ------..-3.,',--'7k;;.-=---<.1",,,':---E/".z..rkit:-. 1 fg - lc.- . 1_ , ;2%,/ , ,•L,; ~,.: , , ./ \ A, ~ ~ I , _— _ ~----_ , • --- 2-V -.-_-_,_ --,,,,,..2:'...!--''.'-'',,,,-,,r.....-rX,-..---..a....._ ------_--,.--.,--- _-,,---- ._- --7_ ... __'-, --, , . . ' -:------- -- - _ - -"' ---,---:-71-7,,,,,e-e4,-,-±_- ._:•!,,,,,:-:,^4.7.,:,-,---,;.,,,=-,,:-.2f7------.,-, -----,..,,a-...:,:—..- VOLUME 60 FIRST Pilll.ON. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. frattL ELEIRE 4SI PENNSYLVANIA LEGIBIATgRE. ED,c.tal rataburgh .7eLte. .„_.ll.A.ant.la,a, March 12, V - Tl. ,SEN ATE. r.cror., of LOAMIST.S. A joint resolotton to appoint oo agant to prosecute in.lvent and suspontied clutotA agitlnit the U and St at in. To extend the V - ellle:u licen:se law to the bororilt of Mount ‘Vnstilotion. To change the mole of el 1111111;11 proceed ings In certain coauty. To incorporate the Pittlburzh Tranipor, tralon Corn p3h y. Mr. COnneli: A till to uotharizo filo \Var na and Fl'aul,!in 1:111rout COlulunlY to Complete branch - es for the port 0,0 Of may log oil:Mond:2a for trine lfort Ole. Whitt, A bill act2l:tilu4o::: north and upper oranOu-, of tho Mellonum Cretl% public 01,1,vny,; 1150, n ,eypiconent to nu net rolallog to InnaLlenalnlOMMlZards• Mr. Creme., An net rygolathlg tUel trans fer of cinch ant tonne bytrollecn, protect ing fo: 011, agent:, 0.10/ 10001000. ' 1101.7.511 OF REPIZEFENTAtIVES. The Governor Iwo vetoed tlyYttet to ullOw Lawrenceville to hull a water hotiEe, the Courts having Power le the prelatic, PRoIVSEU NEW COUNTY. Petitions were rre,, , :tte,t 17 .IteSere. Ct.°, Espy, D:tyL, :trot Paten:, from eltl. eras of traw.cl4l, Velmutto, Warren ttr,.l Forrest — to forma..lre...ay. lta . . Mann To rea:nlato the pay of raemb,rs. lty Mr. Whann To -extend the law rata tint; to Mena at mechanics to engines and tnectutotry to Veretttgo conaty; nl-o, ere. tlng an add atonal rttura 11:1y for Processes In Venctrget. at: , , to annex pardons of Crawford to Venango county. ,14. CLlale: Au art to prorlle for tae erection orw roomy ont of part s-lor Crawford, l'en,azo, NVa,ron, and rarrycl, conatle4. .By - -Mr. Sear!gilt An act to incarporatg tirr .11.mangahria. ILailroad company. By Itr. t;alloolter Asuppixr.unt to tho Itoultt Jr. Kimmel!: 3 , ,hibitory law of RI rorllt,.• t, ho town,:bilis or Barrett Bad East dl thouing; also, to prevent. ilcon.ioi within two nalos of I , n,cport. To cerLale Inau, tuatlelw the cl'y of Titusv.ille. j. largo number of I:1113 on tiro private cal crlor, pasi , •,l rt nr,t, ba .1105,1 Of to-11101 VOW Erreatiri.—Li the report of yooterday instead of i`tho Oct, tollicorporuto .tal Pittsburgh," it zh.ould have beca "to loco, poruto 1.11/3 co•o - perittivo ii,oclittiou , of ealct Tho act allowing , ha Ilayor'3 clerk to ad oa In lit, ~ .nth.. r:l,4ed on ilrAt 3Lr. Cbathvb:h amead , ”l by hubjectln4 tt to the con,ent or the cour.ells of FR 11 EUROPE, The Fenian Forces Dispersed. ANOTHER RIz3ING FEARED, Strike of Laborers on the Ex position Building. /BM ILLFg3 IX 1 1 .1 PIIII3 6F LOSoon March Feuian band, to Ireland hove Atli heel, til:iponc,l, and the entire country is tr,mull. - The au thorities . have :rood reason to fear another rl9log, and have taken measures to tom• trate it. PAntal Starch 12.—The laborers on the Ex pos:l.ton bare struck for higher wage.. 31klek 12..-143ulark rcleornmentls 11COMprOalihe bet:roan oevcrai faction 3 In Clarcuiont,ln maur to adopt, We new Con utltutlon. Drntax, March 12—Ercning.—Arrests of Amines aro being made to all parts of tin, country and large flUalatttlea 01 arms admen] by the police, A ttnunitt . h from Cork elated that Bidet:len lnent was pUrrorir of a large unre:,,r of the rgente who ore reported to hove Untheroil :LI the eternity 01 unc t ion, on 1111pordantroillerry ceatte LU County Cork. VIIINNA. March 11.--Effning.--TouEmP ro of ito9trut left the city to-Joy on avvitt to the Hungarian capitol. • SortuAwrrolf t March 12—Err:ling.—The steampliti, Hahne, from Nrw York - , to.loml at port 0413 uftexlmou. e;ditil ier Bremen. I,oNburi. March 12—Eerrting.—CanFol3cIna. ed 4Ts tor mood: Flre-Twoltic.,, 71;43 I,llnok Leatral, 771 Ile. 11. .:Jaroh i Etening.—Amer lean howt4. CI. Lit - tit:woos, March 12—Erening.—Cotton houthiuud quiet, but-closed liirtuur ut ore. ciom quolu'utue. )11,:111inif 13d; priouns, 13i.til; taloa of `,,.'.i halve; the tuoritut Wail Steady, but without lawn:At. meat, Ureatt-tuffA firm noll .ttrono. Corot 5p for uilxtal 3,-ettru. 0:I 4—AM. - IC:Mit:ld 3.15 l per i 5 pouniti. Astor, 33+ for puts 'Amer:Eta and clover f. 1,0, ..16a Ca par cwt. FROM TIIE HET. 311aannelng. W State CrediLar e Fenian Meetiag. Lama `Y en Th Mate orNetorasna. Sr. Loose March 11.—The State Sonoto pnestol. the lirioneu hill, with :VI lulller,Oulellt •Cottlto: 11001111.0 SI pplopmatl o l , for 11101 ,,, r . went. of over glut liatiige,t tore° lgul,UreU tbroolinil dollora, for tlei of tho sohool lung. The 1 louseot is ittutighi, will reogilv to tier onvoolluent. The Feni.we Lied n very largo awl collie neiellog 11,1 11101 E. Ileaolution: were aoloottal, eletkilosi ovelattiece of Dien owl oteno..to the 0 . 0;0,111000e m 401411110 0- !anti, Otottandlog of our goto,rotrleoL t imlowliato acknowl• clime f,L.14 . ,k 1,01 Of agent righta tote° ltaputitle;ilTol C.Ol. log on lii,innes, 01 0110 tountry porde.° pt . ', :Attu,. Lir v; el . cat Eng Metre. Jr. 13 expected that Gov. Butler trill convene tile Lei;l4lature, and Luke nee,sury to put the Stale Government In v. ot king ord.:r. Irluiber and conyHentig, other property AviLi kit etroyed Ly tile late liCrlit FE en mEXICO. CltylOrcupled by I,9berals—lnkverint ltelan nt nn End. Sas E'n.e.amece, Murat 12--The laxlean Consul bus deformation, dtrived from tho Secretary of 'the floverunient at Mazatlan, that the City of .11a,..ien we, occupied ilv thu Litter:as, Fehruery !Mo. Thu l're,ldent, Cabinet. and Fake Were at (Inert:L:o, the same date, three days) en Ilictr Journey to the capital. The report that Ortega wad shot by order o f Jun. rez, Is untrue. Jung eta hrother•of the imperial Genes:o, 14 - 83 taken near 1, tetiteeiti and allot. iv. trul tor. In the tint eugmtetnent with .111.ramen ono handrail and- dirty Frenchmen, cap. tusrd by Enecti,abi, having !oft the service of Prance to join the Imr.erlttl cause, were ordered to hu ato„),nt Sin Justato City. Mo rello was ay.:cm-tea by trio Imperlsi.sts and reneopied by; the Liberals under Gen. Ilene . Jo, The full of Itioreela loft no rturrl,ottcd place try the Impertullets in all Mexico. geettn 7, of ii)(-31.nerai.c • Coratuittee. • Youni , Tareh hl-'-rhe National Dern -oertal9 cOirmittee met thi, afternoon In thin city, att., ea:ale:atm reimont, Its chairman. )fast of the Nat thorn Mateo were repreemi tot. - The Cominittee cam., to the corielmiloa that. It wan inexpollient to cull a Natioaal Couvoni ion preyiemi in the, reamer nom Inaeithi Convention cat year, but ruciviiii oil natioreughore:mane. Von of the Diinioeratio party throuiihout the Vulen. FORTIETR CONGRESS. (FIRST riESSION) WAsanccrow, March 12, Isll7. 61M3 -31 r. WILSON, from the Altittery Commit tee, reported back the resolution declaring that ••Whereas, arms and equipments for the militia fer tile State of Tennessee worn taken and tit:strived by the rebel author!. ties during the late rebellion. and the pros cht Exceutive of that State, in order to en force the laws of that State, deems it neces sary to employ militia; therefore, the Sec retary of War is anthorized and directed to tarnish arms and equipments for 23,000 . mil itia to the Governorof Tennessee." Mr, WILSON 1,..1:61 Immediate considera tion. Mr..IOIINSON_WUXI, and no rosoln (Wu wont over. vanacti aromArioxi, Mr. SCMNI:II, frOni the Committee On ..ttralre, reported back the bill in egard to the Frelith spoliation clams, anti a bill to provide for the defense Cl the Northern bringer, with favorable reetmi.. mend:Won in each case. 51r. Nit: Introduced n preamble and reso lution declaring the bympattly of the Coned States with the Irish people In their struggle alptinet British otilirlmSlont rntl a.evil immediate consideration. - . Mr. St.:I.NE:It objected, and the rosolu 0105 went over. nESOLVTIONfI INTnOPCCED. Mr. vonEttor, from the Committee on Public Lands, reported n resolution relin quishing the this of the United States ton fa-right public square in-the City of Burling ton, lowa. Passed. Mr. SAULSr.uItY intrmluccd a resolution ditecilitt: tile Secretary of War to return to LUe armories s ail are an of Delaware cer tain !trios and equipments belonging to the State taken hy the Government during the rebellion. Referred to Military Committee. Mr. trialM LL introduced joint rest,. linden to make valid certain laws of the Legislator.: of Now Mexico. p.. 4-04.1 in • lie b-rred to Judiciary Committee. Mr. JORDAN Inirodoced a joint resolu tion for the survey ci ship canal from Lake Erte to Lake Ontario, for naval and commercial purposesßeferred to Committee on Surveys. Mr. COLE introduced a bill to enable Cell fortile. to reelsito certain unproducilyo lands edthin her limits; also e tall to grant Mud to California for toe constriction of a canal forirrigating purposes. Referred to the C0131.11[1,0 03 PUlllte Lauds. riruirure. Orda.ll.lTEE 111.10L1ITIONR. Mr. MOUTON. moot the Seto nth tithe up the resolutions of Mr. Sumner, watch were yesterday laid on the table. Ile said lie voted/grains: laying the resolutions on the table, because he was unwilling to see them d Ispos.l of in that way. lie dis• seated entirely from the views expressed by certain gentlemen that the act of thell/d of Mareit was a pledge. 11 could not On les '41,1,1 in the .light or a contract, because th.id takes two writ lug, ono to propose end one to accept, coo forluently it is entirely cote potent for Congress to alter, emend or repeal flint bill wit Mont dishonor or breath of I natl. There wan much In the tread. Una, which lie room not approve, but he diet approve mon heartily of what they said about the education,of the peo ple of the rebel States. lie couteroled there could ho Ile nelllttlhOltt form of goy • eminent in the betutrt - unless whites and blacks were alit, adm it , ed to the benefits of common schuola. If Congress had the right to grant atofrage to the Clacks, it had the right to provide that they shall he quail tied by education form a° re rash of f ran• chi,: It was due to the whom,: country that tilts ShOlthi dlllO. U.:a:UW[4, the Stattla of the rebel Stater, he 'should always hold that Cougresej hair full pitilsdietiou over them. Slates alone theth itet. 01 the rebel lion, •tnil under this power 0,11.1 do what it Wali ROW timposing to tin, reducing them to territories. • Sir. lit/WE thanked Mr. Morten for bringing too resolutions before the Sce nt, Ileoted yesterday against layttlz on.the tab le and found himself compelled to leen without giving hit reasons. Ito proceeded to address, i.llO Senate On the Sub ject of the IF3o , utlons, prefacing, bin re :ha ' , CIO, the assertion of the centre'. of Cc ::rtes over the whole subject of Itecon strectieu. Ile regarded the provision on the subject of education as more honor tent than any other. Lin did not think it 00111.11,1, eentroverted. Ile assented to the prowl - thin:l that a hodiestead was neceissry :Or freedmen, but Reeves not prepared in -.ay thdt could not be otgatned under the exist ing homestead law. • Al It. TRUMBULL moved the &nate take the eupoletuttitary Iliteonrtruriton MIL It ts/cen np and referred to the Commit tee on 1,54,6 r. EVIWELN BUYPTrII A. 3 DTHAIITSDLIt. Ult. TRUMBULL moved nn laccutive .11 It. nUDI 5.1.11 was oppoted,and there was sl lebt lumbago petweenbtm and 5111.1E1- SEN 13E5., slr. Stunner [loopy saying he would not proceed with Ills mmarks Jnat now, but when the Snpplementary ItCcoll - Lill came up ho would Morn to tllLlsold it by providing that Education 011x11 bo secured to all althe In the Rebel States, acid on Etat ho eltonlit &Wrens the tienata. =I • Mr. WILLIAMS introduced a Joint rosOlu• Von defining the msaniug of the second sec tion of the !Mt of Mureli, ISA. relative to property lost in the military service to he that whenever any claimant shall. comply with nil the terms of the act en the subject of property lost us above, he shall be paid the amount of awards made by the Com missioners who audited the claim. its leered. neresurro crtanrzza. Mr. relotreeueed • the bill of last se slow repealing tto charters of the cities of Washlegtou and Georgetown. and pr.,nllng lor too govern,ent of the came by a Deere of Cowan saloners, dc. Beferrod. TriNZOT OF •01I0TIFS. 31r. WI L:Oiti lain:K.(lmnd a joint resolution providing that chee:cs ho Issued from the TrOlOf ury for thu settlement of claims for pay, bounty, Sle., due to sold lerS or SMI/Or9 who may have resided In the DUO 6111,V0 St dye, the claim for which having been pro- Centel by On spent Or attorney shall he made payable to the eOrnintlstoner of freed men. cubical to payment upon Identities, [tun of claimant, the commissioner first paying lawful fees and es.peuses to the at torney. Iteferred. Thu Senate went Into Executive Session and soon atter adjourned. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ZITSON,L EZTLAII.IISION. WOODIIRIDUE made a personal ex planation in regard - to some remark" fnll n,n.day in reference to claims of the heirs of John Boyligny, disclaiming uny desire to Ile discouriemis Many gentleman. Mr. W Anti BURN did pot suppose the gen tleman intended to attribute to him the in troduction of a resolution containing a falsenood, although he .confessed the lan guage need seemed to 111 m. at the time, meet discourteous. Iledenounced the claim us utterly groundless and fraudulent. After dlscusslen the matter was dropped. EZPOSSO OP lIPCO.TIIIIICTION Mr. STEVENS Introduced a joint reselll. Lion providing for the expense of carry ing Into full Wert the art , 1 the hl of Blurch for the more efticlunt government of the rebel States and ell eupplernentary acte,the bills being !moaned. de 1.110000 to limit the amount to 0u,000,0c0. Agreed to, and tlioreuolutton, as amended, named. TO CLOTRIt DIS•I.I..LD 110/.131612.5. , . Air. JUDD, from tho Select Committer. rem ported a 01) directing the Secretary of War, to furninh'unnually ,pmefcLorninte atilt of clothint.to caoh wounried gtddier, who la an !inmate of any regularly couidlinii,l eel ulers' Immo, or orlvido lunitutlou to well as Dahlia. Tnu bill was panaed. 681(A28 TIPSOLCITIUMS The Semite joint resolution of Omni. to Lienrge Peabody .was referred to the Com mittee of tie, hole. The Senate - jolnt res olution' spernertatmg of $lOOOO ler there. 'lief of destii ate colored people in the trlct of Columbia, was passed. The Senate joint reiuletton ttOpruprlatlng 61.0 , ,..(Kil for the relief or the destitute people In the houth and south.we , d, was referred LO the Commttl re Of the Whole. lignil•LC, moved the Douse go .Into Comtnittee of the Whole to dt,pose of the resolution thus referred. The motion was rejected. EEIEE3 Mr. LANYMENCE introduced a resolntlon instrueung the Committee on 110100 to re port a rule requiring the tiommittees to re. port back without, unnece.feadelny al bilis and Joint resolutions referred to them. Adopted. Mr. BENJAMIN moved the Meuse go into t.:ommlttee of the Whole to dispose of the bill uptfropriating ono million dollars for the relief of destitute people in the South and Southwest. Mr. lIIS %VOLD moved to adlOUrn. Adop ted by GI byes against 48 nays. Myer TO/CS7BIOB DI:DIVNI , TII.I.r.. March 12.—There to twenty two feet of water In the ricer, and rusiug at the rate cf nine inches an hour. Loma Tats, March 12.—The United States Curt today declared in favor ut the owncra of the st.l.lllor neut. Orr, belted by the 4.. u• federates inet radecab,Ry., null gave clumnites at SACO, 0151011 Paducah bee to P IZ . 3IvB front all directions represent the fONI na unprecedented. The roads'south room I..ulaville are badly broken 9111 by Olin carrying away of bridgee, culverts. alai by lend aibles. The Ohio is atilt rleing, and it le et 111 EMM PITTSBURGH, IVEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1867 DITIR CM OCK, A. M FOUR O'C VERY LATES FROM WASHINGTON. nan's Naminatioultejected OTHER APPOINTMENTS ACTED UPON. Supplemental Reconstruction Bill. TARIFF BILL DEFERRED lililary Commandants Under the Reconstruction Bill. LINED AproLNIIIENT OF MM. SEROTIELD. Sheridan's Appointment Pressed. I= •OYTItIfCTIONS FOR IRELAND. About one thousand dollars was collected nd eubscribed for the old et Ireland at a subtle mectlag last night: ' No day 11a3 yet been lined for the trial 01 :kerma. is supposed to be the lith or 'Nth Tho railroad bridge over the Potomac been thoro mighty repaired and tho trains re innulng regularly. „..,t special states that the supplementary recongt ruction hill will doubt let , s , 4ent to the President, on Thursday orFriday. It can hardly be er.p.te4 he will Flan it, but It he vetoes it promptly. Conere,s swill at once enact 11. over-his veto, and adj earn till October, Tho tariff bill and all other Important slnanclal measures are certain to gd over till bleat tall. The Senate nomainstion Of ex•SenatorB.l¢ar Cowan as Ylnister to Ans . trlu. SecOrilinu to the cosver,stiott or lie. publican Senutorq, thuy do not consider his political views soon as shotilil belong to in representative ab rend, to Mew of the rebel- lion thioUgli whleh thu country has jolt passed.. Lewis V. Logy, of 3lissourl, was rr.leeted as Commliiiloner of Indian Mini.; also, John Clothe.; Adams as Noval MTh:cc at Dolton: Congressman L. E. Antal:l2, Naval (Ulcer at Philadelphia, and Jam, Severns, Surveyor n ., 1 Customs at Soma port. The Senate couhruied the following uoml nations r Commodores In the Navy on Lc• flied List—Capt. Lasyrrace Ketalwy, Chas. 5. McCauley, James Ilanllek, James Arm strong, William Inman, J ohn A. C hattneey. Joseph - Clyne,' Robert Ritchie, Prancis L. P.llittou, nail Charles tiretr. Cool totolores— J, D. Shaw, John Calhoun, Benjamin J- Toten,.Tottu C. Carter, John C. Glosoon, Ld ward it. Thompson, Guctuous Causevoort• ant Haien Hardy. The following are on the reser - vet list: Captain Win. D. Sailor, Charles lineman, Wm. Jmnecon, John 11. Graham, Stephen Champlain, Joltn G. Yon,a. coll e einrs of Costotoc, John Ili Idler ; Dis trict of Montana and- Idaho; Iteceivera of Penile Moneys, Thomas Saylor, East Sagi naw, 31.1olitgan; Joel liumten, Topoica • Kan. am; Ilegister • of Lind Mem. U. C. It East Saginaw . ; Consuls, Cs. Salter, I lOn Raw, Chins; 11. J. Conitre, Panic Del Noriu,'Slez lco;lo. Allen, of Talehigith, Timatiad tslandi United States Atiorne”, A. D. Griswold, Eastern Mich Diehard Wil liams, District of Lizcgou; Amessora of. In terval novenae, domed D. 'Weaver, First District or Iowa; Henry Herndon, Strong District of Wi,onsiu; Smith Wilkinson, District of Wlsoonsin; Collootor of In ternal Kevenue, Kent Jarvis, Seventeenth District. of Ohio. .. '—l .4#lt4nk A statement having teen publidiel there was trouble at Williau e Vir• gmin, between the whites and freedmen, and that the military had been -called out to suppress the same, General S. C. Arm. strong, Superintendent of tho Filth District of Virginia. telegraphe d to Gen. !toward to-day that he bud Wol. , Raked for military for Williatesbrirg. Eight mounted men had been sent to 'Yorktown for a few days to as sist In removing freed people, but there was no trouble whatever.. tura PAVING isrnsmose. The Seerottry of the Treasury t►s, in or. ecrennee with suggestions, ordered the as semblege of a CommlNsion in Sew Vora, on the second Monday •of dprll, proximo, lor the purpose of enntnininn and testing the merits of such inventions of a life saving character as may be brought before teem. Said inventions will embrace boilers of steamers, engines, an LI-incrusts:tore, satiety valves, steam gouges, water gouges, stem , log apparatus and life Coate with de inching apparatus. Inventors way apyoJr in per• sou before the Commission for the purposo of explaining their inventions, but no ex. pounce will be alloied under any circum. stances. eoavizaSc PURITCTIOX General Howard toys that in addition to the million of dollars from Congress,OCOMO should be raised by the people. Governor Jenkins telegraphs that the ENS . . Uinta In Georgia number 60,000 whites end g:1,00:1 blacks. which Is largely In t scats of General Howard's former estimate. It Is believed tho real destitution In South Caro. line Is even larger than In Georgia. Thu Government hes given the Relief Commit. tee the free u,c of the barque Purveyor, and sho will ho loaded thia,v4el: with a full car go-Of corn. Her capacity is about Y. 3,000 bus. The Commiaslon hops to obf,tha another to be filled with corn next week. 13 Es. BC/101 , 11:1.0 The Richmond Ihspold. E.ryu it is enabled to announce, upon high nut burl ty.Lb at lien. Schofield buy been appointed commandant of tbo District of Tirainla under the reeon• structlon act. .I:coning Chronicle, Special, Rover(' y Johnwea, oflturylan.l, Pt In dally receipt Of Otlmeruu4 lut'e's from XII regions of the South, thanking bin for the eon,ed he lit, taken recently on the Reconstruction question. A paragraph (coca ono of the.) letters, reeblyed to-slay, wall indicate the, tone of Ills sentiment ninon,: the conscrvn, tiro non of the South. • A prominent Ott. .n of Beaufort, North Carolina, nay., '•We ems that you barb voted for the slierunaa bill under the tmnriction Clint. the South could not do hotter. 1 fear if we ecrionaly opposo It haraller incubates will Liu tatter sett;' • . • There bars been a great many personaa4- mitted to nu audience with the Frei:Went to-day, among them Generals Grant unit 'Meade nail Admiral Furragut. [Dispatches to the new Tort Papers. 3 The Dimes' special says: The rrestdent declines to be held responsible for the lan fTr'irstettlrilitrut;liet°Sti: days since. • The Times' special saye: Two distinct pantes arc at work in every Southern State to organizer nventions under thelie constroctlon Dill. The unconditional Union men say, Itowev er, that the thequalitirations of the Reconstruction Dill are not contorts hensive enough to insure the safety of the Union Cast,. us the mottled men now in ut ile. will he able to take the prescribed oath and secure re-election in Georgia. a There urn thorough-organizations 01 freedmen, and Governor Brawn's party has joined forces with them. In South Carolina. Ala bama, Florida, and Toms the orgemisationt are not so complete, but their ramifications aro rapidly beim, extended. On the other hand, the class who till the Milt:nest preterit are also nevan lard. • The Mcrold's special says the appoint. meat of Southern amrlec commanders oWI /mega fire. Tito President hositatee to apt puler Sheridan. Some ay ho Li too LS UV it of a wittier and roo little a poittlelun for the plarto. Sheridan Is largely commended, and will probably be notwinted, A large limber of Fontana ere In laush legion urging Congroaemou to I In medial cly recognize their eigh.B as belligerents They will 10 pttear before the Comm Mee on For elan Affairs as kbolaas the Committee la or 11111111tett. A Trthune special says: At the ereen!leo session yesterday, the nominations of Greece. Wit Cowan to Anstrla, Tnokerinan e, Sullivan to Bogota, and Sanford to Itrotattle, were laid over. Conlin cannot be went:fled. CUICIGO FENIAN CONTENTION. President Itoberts , Mpeoeb—Merres pendence by Telegraph. Cu to AO°, March 12.—The State Convention of the 14muts Brotherhood met et two o'clock to. day. Seven ty..eight Mrclee were represented. After organitatiort. Prtniti cut Roberts was Introduced and spoke (or two hems on the present state of the organira:. Moe. its Pa , record and future prospects, giving minute details 01 the dispoeltion Of all inuiterd received at Caaddliartela., After the appointment ofcommittees on hu.iness. the Convention adjourned until too o'clock to 3rIOW morning.' Thu toliowing correspondence by tele-, graph wan read to the Coo voullom ...Vete lurk, .16rrch 11.—To Col. W. Rob. twin, Chicago: The Deputation Center, ro ti resenting Ireland, England and Scoliuou, request your ItninoSixte co-operation. Ans wer yes or no. tublisti your I.ltell Plno; (Lately. 't Sll4 - fled .. J, J. lisiur. CHICAGO, Starch 11.—To J. T. Geary. ..Mu lurk: boar dispatch received. Do I un deretand you that the represoulatives of the I. Lt. It. front /reload, England. awl Scotland, now In •Arnerlea, agree to Hun° with u 4 for 1 110 purpose of giving all tO the teen said to be In revolution in Ireland If no, us President of the Yen lan Brother hood, and speaking On behalf of that Organ. leatlon, whim,' holding . ourselves irrc.spon• bible for tile results Of what 1 fear Is a. pre. mature and 111 prepared movement, never. thelk,s we will render all the aid la our Power to our brothers in the tied. 000 Ob jective...point Is Ireland. We la,or for Ire laud, and will styli.> .or Ireland. (signod) W. It. Romanis. l'resldent or the Fenian Brotherhood. } FROM -CA7ilDt Military Moroutouta—The roof.lent.: tiois ^ammo—Prepared for ,Seaton fu from of Anotber Fe 1111.1114,14. ' Morrumet, March 11—One or tarn !attn . !. loon of Montreal militut will be called out, shortly for frontier nervier. Tim Second lattallon, 211 Fun Peers, First Mattalion :Sth, and Eourtli Battubon oath RIM e, *lll 'return to England dozing the bummer. Emorras, Msrch LE—A comimny of Vol unteer Rains on service - here Inc this Mat month, have are rellovad. Three men of theßoyal Artillery alemm tel last night, Metrrne•t., March 12.—The Canadian del egate. In London sail •n their return On the -gall. Sim-vs. - Galt and Newland •re busily engaged In bringing to a cocluehui the prellininery armbgenlell•f. T hai have ahem!. dolly Interview" with filar/tell, • lie is to bring the bill inlo the 'Monne of Com mons for • guarantee lean ot •.ii,ani.oo:l for toe utter colon'. road loan, to be paid off, by mean. or 1151111:lug (Unit, to nut 1,5111 an thirty lour. nor more than torty•hve. The [lc:god:alma for the loan urn suppeued to be e arty. Tito Vaunter, /Let , saes It has not beam deckled to call out V011111[41,11, but oltould the rieee.slty mire, the mill nry I.lllu/tu lles are prepared 10 act pre triptly and mice- FROM TEXAS, laWle••ne.l In film, •nnEonnly—flelt 011iceilt Intl s• Clive reel I' I tint IC ('llln•n•—Order of lie.. l;rlltin. (3 Lehetha. March IL—General lirtNu ha , Is,neil an utter that. la consopit ore of en. petted outruges and unuiters tn rsyson county, anti intern nig unwillingness and ability of civil officers to glee protection to eiuuclat, the opcottnnis of ;Order No. 5 are enupended th tirsysen cuuidy, tbo bate Cotntulesinticr of the Freedmen's Iluroto Is directed to arrest all ferrous r. urged with thu commission ot crime and offentati Ilir.37Ont ottl le., ref u,fees or treed men, In ram, Where the ch.( aelliOrthee (Ailed to tiring thu portion to trial, and de• lain them In counnenient until the Draper indicted trlbutitil to ready to try (Athol. The Ouncrul also orders the milt[ az . > lore., torn. toles Ibis order Ni here eL a_regalred. Mr. Limp, geleate Sheri:Lary 10 the Gun. erntir, has gono to Wiontingtten to consult 1 - 5(11 the President shoal reconstructing the State. The Isiah Ineurrection. New Yong, licrultre low, Ireland, correspondence, of tee contains matter widen goes to prove that tLe Fenian Insurreel lon In that sour. try forms part el a revolutionary movement w nicht. daily becoming more imminent In Great lintels, and In w Inch the Irish mili tary organ:cadres Act &item:ding to ft very donned and attictly °racial plan. Antirl pining the last rising by many days, be .stutcs the very any On Winch It occurred, and sketches pretty freely the coontig cretin:is, even as the des truetion of the Inc.l g rap us and rnliriuela, end resp•-ellag the safety Of the Atlantic Canto on account of the American inter , at , of the affair.' Si ' Cheater, ho eays, oMeers lett . their biding Mac.. Ammunition was-belng collected In L.nvertieut magazines, and hundreds of young men prepared to bravo their homes to particlimte ta a struggle. At the same tittle too stalwart men id dm workshops In Itesierelitur, laiweined. Stialeybridge il IllriairighictL, threw down tilear tools - and startel for Chester, where wits situated an mdiquated castle, In winch were stored :Geer stand of arms and a very large quantity of aniumnition, guard ed LT about fortyy Infantry of very denutrul loyalty. Thu men ertivoil In Chester and the Government was terribly frighteuml. Just at tins. moment, James Stephens baring boon ileposed, en energet ic cancer appointed to direct the movement arrived In England, and learning the coe dit 1011 of Waite, lin teed Jute ly neut.. L acer to Chester with orders to prevent en attack n the us m lie arrived Jt In tie. Other.ellicert were seat througheat Irelano to stay the movement, and they all were stic:essful except ht (terry, Whien was hot reached In time. This corr.pondent fur ther um prepared to Mate ' amities resell will Show the COrtectilge Of the lee nertiell, that in several counties ol Ireland every ri able balled man, excepting some pts, all then arishionev ' , soldiers lin hoe, landlords, nd others depen d ent on Government, readily Join the Insurgents or give them aid. The principal officer lucent. mend of the lenlaus was an °facer In the English army, and lately of the American rebel army. There are others of like stand ing." Efforts are being made In New York by the lerdans to raise money enough to set afloat a fleet. Of Fenian privateer,: Ttle Now if ampablre Lleatiori—Harrl man Lleeted tioveraor Cosconn, N. IL, March ll—Returns from 71 W.VA. give llerrlmsn 11,18 e and Sinclair 17,433 votes. The majority for General Harriman will be about tote In this 'thole Mate. Tho Republicans bare elected three Congressmen by majorities of about LOW encr, This will probably clout nine of twelve State So atom, lour of five Counsel lots.and have 73 majority in the Ilona°. Tha manic is mars favorable to the Repub. limas time was generally expected. ; HicOND DISPATCH. CONCOID., S. M. March hh—itetorns from ono 'hundred and twenty-am towns give Darrlinan 25,097 notes anti binclair and oil others 24112 antes. Ela, In 1110 First Gormrossional District. Is probably elected by 1,3./ majority, and PluVeni, In tho 20, and Renton, In the :Id District, by atom'. lASI majority oact,. In the senutoa Repub . 's:atm. and 1 Demo crats are probably elected. In the Rouse thorn In n tieralillcan majority 01 10. Tea Itt.publiesatt lowa - a majority In Mt comp.' ties and the Domorrata to tour countlOs. ' The Vole In the State Will exceed toot of 1491 .year 1,5°0 to . 2,,D00. TLIS majority lur mp.rhaaa will probably exceed .111111. 3 **** isehasetta Legislature—F....Wee ed Amendment to be Conant° axon. nosros, March 12.—in the lions° of Rep. rc.untat Ives, this afternoon, the report of the Comm dig° ot. Federal Itetations, on the propo,d tOrl.ololllolll to 1110 .liolo9llllllloll Or LOU ITeltod Slatee' sae up, the uuestlein being on the subititatlria of the report of rho minority of 1/141 ,Coramittess which recommends the &don; orlon of •tho amendment with nu oxplan• 'story reeOlution tor 11101 of the 11310101/V the latter recommending the reference of the amendment to the next Lent • 'attire. After two hours , debate on the amendment to the tune , ,lutent, in the shape of a rose. lotion as follows: 'Retelted, That the Legislature of Massa, chusetta earnestly r 134111081 Cornices to pro pose to the States an amendment to the - Federal Constitution prohibiting the tilt. franchisement of any Citizen on account Of coin, This amendment was rejected by a vote of 14 to 130, which glees a pretty fair Ulna of what will be the result when the question uu the adoption of the amendmanteoll3os Up: The New York Tribune correspondence from Crete controls the news that the Turks had the abandoned tbe larger portion of the lelaud, and r 0 not expected to be able to Tone? , the war. The result of the latest engagemente are favorable to the Cretans. In the meantime anew Ministry rota beau appointed:. Constantinople which u favorable to reforn. , Tee b u ilding used ee• the planing mill of Everett St Co., end the furniture establish. meat of Unorge W. StutOrd, South. IlestOn, Wore partially destroyed kV, yesterday. Lees :11,11CO. purtlally insuran• The deaths in New York tult weeks num. hexed throe hkaditril and elgb,tl4lTe.. CITY AND SUBURBAN. FOURTH PAGE.—The J 01.! and Mon re. liable Money, Oil and Produce Marked Re ports g:tnn by ad - y paper city, tall be found on our /Inn). Page. Aho, addl'ionnZ City and Suburban. THE BUTLER COUNTY HOMIUDE Trial or John- O. Adlinnion far the Martial. WI Sidney H. Cunningham and Jawed 11. Tee'.lea. at Porters- wino. a/031MT M 0211170, March 11th, 9 o'clock. The prisoner woe brought into Court by the Sheriff. W.ll. li, 'HAMM, Esq., District Attorney, procieded to open the case for tho Cora toottwenlth. Unsaid scarce ten weeks had paesPd since Chic terrible crime had shock ed the community. Two men had been hur ried into eternity. These.. of the murder was in the village of Eortersville, a place peaceable heretofore, was made the theatre of a cruel itml blochly double murder.' A e of [hi) ettlr.ns bad wrionabled to have figreoiLblo evening parts or ball. While 01001 In the festiVitics. the hand of an , Lad,asswitliOut -provocation, stench to w %women in thu hillvigor of their man ho • hai it is my note particular loroiltcltntilto relate the facts whim ‘ve ex pect to pfleve. 110 filen resol the tlefluttlon of the crime of murder. It Is Inc taking of life with malice otfore•thought. Aloto read the definition of the eritnee 111111 down In the acts of Avec:only—le - tin fret anti and decrees. degree, lint they hall chosen to Pullet . • for Inordef In the first degree; therefore the fury noldt either convict or ;leantt on that eliergwalone. Ile then went on to re eapl elate what the proQoentloo expected to prove; hot which...a It will be developed by the Wittles.lVH.l.9 unneecithxy to reem,h• math here. James Finning sworn-1 live In ;Vellum urg, Lawrence county; I was annnalnlrli nth t;ldney B. Contunglirttn, l i e lived In lie tame place; he wit, about twenty-4.10a cars old; he bait Ilvotl In Lawrence county Lso yeann he was nu not/tuner, ran ployen en Olt the Friday night prevlous trt blade:Wl won the it/nt. /lulu / nut, h/U1 1.11. • . • . life; he woe In good health I next Nara him in Porteniville, on Christmas snor dng at On. rer's tarern, laud out dead; I saw the nil/ In hie clothes—the blood—anti the troun•le on Mo Maly on thedelt side; one about the third rib; one lower down; he tree burled itt" toe 'Allege of ?timpani town. at the Cerruti ite Lterreh, In LAlOl,l.'lOO county. Dr. Wm R. Cana:en sworn—l inn a ph3,l - and turgeon; live In Yorturivll , o; / Woo Gtlle,l, Olt the night of the lith of lite cember eland undulglit, by Jl•luev ()liver; srot he wished mo so cornornror thorn; t bill they bad had a tote, am: that John understomi, uset tort and borne of them nearly lobed; I opened the door and told thorn lucerne sal I •I [resod myself and went over, 1014 tome; the Man that has been identified ns Sidney Cunninuiretnr tatting .01 the door in the ball at the right nide of tho date; ft•it bin poise and fonnd /dun Ilan illy inJor“l in some wiry; passed on nt - Ithe rnalon found another matt en Me lon ot tua door in Olin puler, en the door; ('1 10 n in..en,intint . : he Wet en since It:entitled IL+ J. T. ehte: '<nee e Inenent me up entitle. to 01.0.10nn iniver; ti t rtate who icivitrt/ Up, tuned Innt the room •fultoee , the parlor; there re (WO or three pert ert met...hinz the Idood hlr und face; 31 ion WILS one ot thorn; frank \lls. Oliver; John tootnitit 1101 nincli hurt; nt-heit too to go noon and ?Want to the ottniro; tliothrat- Onto mouth WM . ./ fort !nun 0,0 wont ootvo noel boll noon ing Cu:mono:on Into tho harlor ion! Inv olth an tn. corp. t; think It woo Joon 1.. Joni, n1,1.1°11;1 vitt, limn Alt 111,11 in; they rernovo4 hi* Culnae sninclectlly Lonna wnorn till) nnolll , l I s 01 . 0, (Tile n hue.. , 1101 0 Um still ur of tile wielnds.) 111.1 nM:it 111 1 11 dyi el/lent:On with 110.111. ben, onarloniv n lathe client; noke.t hit. If no was ownru tuat-tin wite dying;ho wacntwtby 000; he ;Int not speak; naked [auk Übe know who ,11,110 ti Will. Or 10,)nro ill slinOk Ills 110,0 1, 1110 iIIOC that he alit. tie tlio.l In ;about thirty 11:1111111.,; forty-41SC uilnutitit from; he Ilion 1 flrot 511 W 11101. . . helirre filet the miner of .411.4 di:nth wita hrinuanriewe from the thug—treat the hi , - per on there was o n hum mot Wig fru.; the lwowuer d; wound. The wiluoa from chanter., %OWd be tile knife went through tua coat. •opt ntnl odilrt; thick lirteolcloih Cost Yllk retort uert, thick knit lane! rh . irt on. The undo wore exactly ante in their ex treinr itre*, and would intlielte that the knife isa.l bouts doable edged; It utinelard to though the knife hull horn phinlicti In ard drawn out again; the lower rionwl roithi nut have boon probed Very readily. When I lir•t. Caighant, ho wax in a dr ing coral t too. lie 63L leaning ngaduat the wall Wl , ll Ilk howl bent forward; ho court not waif .upporlod and thrills it wa. not quite an hour (rein the Limo I rroe firat exii• rd upon. until Cunnlnglirru rhink he did. nut clwaki-tlid not hoer hint opeak. Ity Mr. DieJonktn—The commonwealth 11rUpthp, to aid. Lilo w !Lwow epoistionu re lative to the Tout, a homicide, a inch on. curried at the sane [llllO nll.lPla , O. a.ta wu. part of iho ret ge.ten of the transaction - . Objected to of T 110111114 0 ,1 for defense, on the gronnil that thu defendant wit, tiffw on trial fora opecific °Monne; and that nue.. [lons 1.14 to It.l2o:Aler Cliargo. for which ml In dlctrovnt wan punning. were inadmia - able. Court overruled the objecUong and noted an excepttom /73 . . Cowden mourned—l examined J. 11. Teeple; I bound hum lying on the lett old., of the door of the patlorYou entr; we re moved MI coat nett vest and found e lie had recelval a wound In the left auto of the chest; about an Inch and a h• f long, trans versly Reruns the cheaf; apparently not loom the sixth and seventh ribs. counting from above 1 could mot thul, by probing, that the tulle Pod entered the chest; I introduced my finger, but could um 1104 where the knife laud gone In; lie had the tame spots tome that Mr. Cennlntamm died of; 1 del not aseer , obi where the mote had entered till after bls death; his pulse sous into; I told Clint t bought he was Itl a dangerous condi he; the wooed itulteutt d Olt it hull been' ma o de. ant h sharp Instrument. 1 m u ade un examinations Man . a weer: after time tleot of Teeple,. It NMI a prof tocalent exalulna- Mon. Mr. Thompson objected to thls et Diener. Ily tliallourt..—Did you attend upon this emit t Itness.-1. attended upon him while be • By Mr. Thornpeon.—lt west!. day before New tears, about 3 o'clock' r. x., tlno. 1 he post rearkes TiStllllll.l3./011. M T 1111.14011 MINT That Olin was tn- . . compete n L for Ally ouroone—havina.occur red m irl the a nook s i alter the trausections of wh c o urt wanquiring, and was no parte( the roe gut.. quo court snort - Med the objection. It was part of the re, ursine, to glve it descrip tion of the wound sooken Of. The witness renamed It appears to me that the wountl instr to tuhe tne rib woulit tit used Wlt3 indicat ,lolible o this It IL ; Ir the o wan thin on but intact , : lilt hadbeen th erwiso It would have spilt the rib; I linen nerd, wit' me in court, it was taken oat at titbt/as/murk. examination. Tdr.Thompson objected to tire question whet lire title wound produced death us in retnnetent, Irrolative, mud no ran Of 1110 r geJiac . • tieing. overruled the objections. and 'not ed an exception. Wit:tees re•tarned —I think the 'upend de. servant nectoentrily mortal; ne died of hem utluat;um et that wound; the bleeding wad; not a drop externally; there were poem 'immix on the heed of Dlr. yeeples—etits and !iridium.; they were alone the forehead; on the crown tit tile head and on the forehead—his head wan cut nod bruleed n aeon deal; they worn not, serious; nn invoicing of the skull; the paUcoldid not complain of them; he onlycomplitiond of thosu on the len ultin of the chest; he tiled timidly helm° New Year% aLst u( Doom.- bet was the note. Thu pint-mar assisted to bringing 11r. Couningtioto 11110 the moot; also ror pies; helped to take oil his coat nett vest;there was nothing port color in h la coo duct ; there was tiothing hl engoir cd al Cunningham and Teepivo how Lucy coon) to be 11°11%0111y Old not ILIUM 1100 or who hurt thrill; Counlogbato snock hit head. Teoplea told he did net know tin wan bpoomil. Objected to ny lie. Thompson, 11r. Slc4uu. . km preprint,/ No ask.the wane,. whitt.Tevp• lea said in relation to who injured Met, tills being part. of the re., ge/cv, Ila was directed to put this propoAtion le writing, and dl+l 00. Mr. Thompson objected in writing, he. rause It was rs porn.; nut not dying lieela rat 111118, and no part of the re, goo aod n - , could only ho legal luthc trial of the other indictment. Objections overruled nod exception noted. by the Court. Tho inquiry was made in the room rooked of. Cuuntochatzi was dy ing on the door, and. Teeples was on tile set tee when I made the Inquiry; the defend ant wits present. Witness resumed. In answer to Fronton. ling Attorney,—M.r. Teeple said he did not know how or front whom he received the wound; niter, haring hewn brut struck he erns so /gunned that he know very little of what OCCEirren later llint;'ho could not toll whether be struck !list or not; thought be was struck flint, bet woo not nem. lie said tint beforathe fight began, he and Cunning ham were sitting together before too are, Cunningham on the right, next the north room; IMMO . sandy oile d plected Mtn Mali something 'ln which the word Now . Castle occurred; that them Immedi ately the light began; CllnninirnnlnPLOlnni up and wild something übout rile tilling sup posed, to represent 'No Castle; that if 1..1 Wn.nlOn anything WILD New Castle to allow hls band; he was about ten feet orf bites I told hint, CUlinlnnhati was arms; IM asked If that was Co,id exhibited it good deal of lechngt think . l. told him 12,1111nIlignann ML, (tying hohno he tonne this inacement 19 ) • , , ( 1 1,- , ~.__: i ---,4 , t ,_. 1 . , - S ' ---•- ',4 i i 4 I I i I 1 \ /,, I , d x , / , I ..- • me. This was Lhe nu'),tunce of the couver sat tor, court-1 think I 'manor tol , lTeenle yet. of Ills own ilangeriliv reviving at 0114 Inn, Irt-1 told V'Opleli about S o'clock. that day that he wan In tt danaternlct <medium, L 'natio a poet niurttm examination ot Cum übmltatn, out tint not /11,over min, different from alntt ban been .tl{2l.‘l. ia ....red as Porter-Mlle, in Miller county. Cro, I urn: I,el-1 as theta all the ton - , alter I canoe there till eights: s e/tad:the next ...ruins:. In the room; stoney Wm. litrker, ealvm Weller nod to,el I weal nom my calico to.tel tor to Mr. Inn 4, 1 6 house; Sidney Oliver rood Illeyjnal tool a he:. over there and 001110 01 theta W nem ty killed: .101111 WWI badly toot. It 16 aell.- tadeht Light; 11111110 11t11. Yeet6llll.l examination at that tune of Cunningham; It was In Iho parlor; 1 asked 111tH tf he Itacw he want Iylun; tint 1001 . 0 than thrce minutes before 1 went up stalrs; Illlllk John Jones went an with a lantern; 1111g1.00 was wll,lll - hi,, face: AtIllaglon: I think, was also there ,at the - 11 ale; 1 think 1111 won Ydstin g toWIIIII Oliver: think 1 told them to wash his head 11101 11100; 10118 not In 111.11 I . oolli more thsti 0110 lam -1111, trill below; torlydive minute,alto getherm 1 a 1.11,V;L:11011111g1111111 11 1,1 10/0111 thirty inutes after 1 had 100511 had hit him; I live not more 111/111 foi ty feet Irma the Oliver ,louse; there was a light; a coal lire In Oaf gr Ate u.:1,1 ; ALM:. g• Mu WO John /010 11,41.11,1 111 111,10 1 0 1 .1: (;1111 1101g11:1111; it 111 10111 he not more thou 11 f lew/ Inmates from 1110111110000,15111001,01 lato the parlor, heforu 1 ask b 1111 -how he at,: hurt; think he died 111 till I,LI 11111101,1; about tholy minutes tilterWiLra, I 1111111: It Wllolll,lllehefore notlalght 1011011 1 was cal:e 1; 1 think he d led a little beton: one cg• clock in the alumina. Cuart adjourned till two o'clock. [ the rewalntler of blua,l3.y , s preceodiaga will appear la tameiroa'a Glztrra..l Tho Lawreaceville'Borough Elee lloa The borough eltetlen In the Borough of Ltveroncevlllo was held yestereicy, and re sulted In the election of tha Citizens ticket. The vote for Burge.s was us toilowe: tn woven P.ll J. C. Manua 6. I. 11 ithawnght., BnlTana's tusjorlty Thu teunaning vow stood ns below, tho' Calzun's uslidels•ee uoing worked. 511.11 n • Jr/6,r W.lllO. 6.ntii—.ltoltert J. (Tut:ern, 19'; •11111111 Berver, Rubett. Watson, or., IN; George Me lieu, 110. Jadje J /auctions—•l'eler Lull., 197; Geo. Geri .on, Ts). /...pecior of I:l , trio2.—.Jo3eph 11001, 201; .111.. n Tu.lltl,o I. Rises in govior--..1000 blloo, lE'; John llourr, ILL School Direeturs—•John Kalllolbnller, In ; tilesszt, 107; LteyatoltlL 121; J. Evins, 2.1. Ax.telx9r— . .i. I'. reur6Cl, 107; John Wll. kluson, Alma/ant Assestors—•Jacoti BieUz, "•J, L. Irwin, 194; Juhu 1,011ougn,113; Julio &IL:L- C.0%11Z. Aud.cor—*S. 11. Watson, .0.1; J. J. Cornet, 113. Cbnslntte—•Jamey L. Irwin, 193; Calvin 1it(707 , 11. It co. Cuirneit —.Janice , IL 3litimor,l7l: •Anil rote Scutt, ea; hainum ax :Macau, 11J; Wm. Utah ✓lll.l4(..l of the 1 , u.. —.l.3scrence Mitchell. •.1 ectinvm es, 1,7; W W. C. Brown. 121.; T MuCiure. 142. bal.! r. It. Stewart, I;7i •.1, 1412; c. Iluyinolns, * 147; Etretion —.lleniy Ahlhorn, 171; A ex nsp. Iil:..111111µ , i, 11.44 le.or Ele<lloll.—..ll. J. Green, 163; Ilenry ult.uniu, 112. ./t , turn ilsrp• —•rhum.tn par rett, 111; 1,.m. u. reareun ' 144. A nrruiri.—•l2. 14.,01x0n, 1,1; Jail. T. Me. Ginn, 142. A s axttiot Amersors.—•l'lloum A l Garrett, 1 , 2; •cnel 11iait 0, A. D. uili_rmu, Ito; irin Nortu, 111. Autircir.—•.x. 11. Matson, MS; J. J. Covort, 129 Consmstc.- I. Jamea L. Irwin. 172; Cul, Jet' - futt.4, Mertisq; of %Vorrifignmeo. Over three thoceand workingmen held a meettng at city [loll last sight, John mass Krepps, Eel., presiding. A committee en rutmluttons was appointed, of which J. 11. Oxley, wai appointed Chairman. Able adores., we. delivered by J. W. Kropp., T. 11., Prot:. A..llurt and Colonel J. It. Clarke.. .The COmMit too on P..•cr utloas reported strongly against the odious Tloga or Tenant Act of the Loglnlatiiiii; lit tavor • Cti thn eight hour system; 111,55 oecr.producs thin causes goods to be cettap awl luipover i.thes the itroducerithst the Trades Action ,honlit be strengthened by the corpora. t ion et all triton.; tbat corporation is the only safe.zuard for the work ing classteti rectinithentling oreattigations thrOnghout the State to nand delegates to the litittontil Labor Con Vention which meets at Chloogii next August; Urging the propel.. rip lit lOangurullnK the Mew sy,teiti In their in til.i linen of the mates Senate for tits unwise aud really Ilimilous slurs at the l'ittseuritti workinen; depreciattng the int rtalumitto of ioreiga bettor into America, favoring bold ludo-try awl predue.lon. The meeting catne to no practical conclu sion anti all went home filled with a iletur aililitllOU to battle to Lilo last with capital, and Wu czponente,thu mailuCuctur- The Mutual I.llfe Insurance to. On our fourth page will be found a five column ntivetVectuent of this favorably known and principal LIM insurance Com. p.y. It lis an Institution of which all American"lmuid foci proud. Managed ro admirably, Its vast bustuess being conduct ed upon the ratent and surest system, and stonling. as do nest great unpin - a:Ion ..of tile trot lil, It is Indeed an object of pride «t oil. The agnreA In the nlverttsemout spent velum" n• pr .140 of Its uhtuagehatitit. 01117 Ilihiglii.-11.• cm eut of toe cash dlVldenti oe clare.r al Oils profits tor lilt, equtilic year coding J "miry lint, INA, at two inlllions, and the thitilvti.v titi,ino , .plit the Cowpony Will hr allp.trent. The pollcY bobber , totve good mai,. to Congrat MAW thellotelveS Inc they aro the only participants in the profits, oh It Is not a stock company. Mr: tieorgo M. Inackstruk, No. 37 Ittinatreet, is Is the oge t. for this neighbornood from fuwhom p tnphiets , blanks and go,neral in- I may liti Obtained., , I=lEl A melancholy accident occurred on Mon day afternoon at Temperance , lle. Albert McCurry, a Mind not quite pro ycare o/d, living with his parents on a boat near the steamboat "ways" In Tomperancevitle, was playing. about three o'clock on the after. noon mentioned, with an. eider brother on the forward part of thd boat. The oldest child lett the Oilier for a tow momenta, and 'Slant be returned the /tEtte :show was miss ing. lie tinnicillinely told corn, men and alle Joll a reinniencd hearti. By the alirof a the abibl ass foiled e under water in tile river. and taken Out. 110 could lint, It is bald, nave been in the Willer more than four minutes, hut be Ca, quite dyad. 120reuer Clawson bulb-ale inquest yesterday after noon, and IS verdict el act:Mental death was rendered. Larceny or Steno William Maloney, of the firm of Mullen At Maloney,lealers in scrap iron, in.tlteted snit yesterday, before Alderman Lynch, against O. O'Brien, John Ideltride, anti J antes Dean, lie ilrieeny. It to ullegeil that the firm mentioned have teeently pa rcht.4- .1 a vacant lot in Ilse Seventh .urrl and bed a Iplaiitity of 0001013111 MS IMO , ' It for holitlinft purposes. Shortlyafterwards the rieuuned wine discovered hauling the o,ole oil lilt, ground. Tuey wets arrested and slitter! that they were only obeying the or ders tne. CUM/Oyer, acoot, actor, who claimed tonsil the atone. They were held for a further gearing. Repoblfenn nomlnnt lons for the Lot z oonn of Trial pernucellllr. Barnes—Sam'iCarn .hun. Council—Phil ip Wruier, James w. Ilallvn lon, Fronk IJOrrlngtoo, Vivid Carnahan, Thos. II ersh. , orgor. Justin. , of the Pence—S. Dahno. tine, A. i.. Jones. As-el-or—Frank LYon. - rlngton. Assrs,nr—Lo3odor Moo. fitnt n. m.mrs Arnold. J trig, of , lectloon— Elias Into, Amlltor--.1..r0ns of, Impretor—S.ll.l.lhantno. Constable—down Thompson. A Sehoolmnater Wanted.—We hare ae ebletitally got hold of the minutes of the retitle School Directors of a large and rd spectuble township near Eitshurgh. We 110 not exact our usual rates for letting tho world know that said township stands ttal ly neml o( a schoolmaster. us the fllow. log brier extract Iron intuuteg will tlilOar lur•lloveit anti gemmed that tlui Scho y ol Direcors Pledge Muir sells that tbwill try to git u TilCitChur. ' Moved that Sr., go into a nomanntlon Of Thotrunhip °Pliers. it was past. On mo tion that we go, to Elaction of °Mien" ac. To theßnEr- have been :offering ttR pyspettsin, Cost Ivenrea, culled Debil• Ity, .te. My ameotton was called to the test itudnlals published In the papers alba wonderful aurae performed by tun Indian limn Doctor. I Pliteed •Inyself under hte care, and I ano entirely cut ed. I have gal a . thirteen peuntld C. VI. Baagazer- I am connected with the Cleveland teitsir ahoy. and will Checrially answer any quo.. tines In relation to my Cane. • The Poctore 00:1C1 Oto, Pi Liberty etraat, PRICE THREE_ CENTS. .112uMuray Robbery In Ailcatteny—A Councilman Despoiled. tlighwaym• ti, it would seem, are no rots pectors of persons. iiinr Person with a smell of money upon him isleyllimatu prey, - Munil in flu, most recent ease that bus so far come to our knowledge, a member Of the Allegheny Connell wa,anmixtirlly "gone through." John Itorn,s`Esq., tunnel/ma. from she Third ward, Allegheny.waa met, at atmnt ten o'clock on Sunday evening, when on Ohio atreet, near West, hp t a o men, wise wl tipped him and peremptorily nentantleil his money. tie &unarm:, considerably, tint was most emphatically assured that that Was "played out," nd all he hail toile was what to make umnlfest eash ho had about hint. The Ithrhwaymen Uhl not um violence, Out "lona a' hinted " stlr. limn, seeing that there 1,50 nt• use In reststance, handca over tifteen dollars which he had In hist.... cy4loll Mill Wits pettaltted to depart. Us e has noethe slightest lets as to who the ras cals wre Altogether it was one of Oro hottest [ transactions that has been nem., totted' ever there. Strungelr enough the rascals left him In tuaListatherlyweesion. of Ills watch, , Solt Wlthdrnunt.—Derirce Bechtel, who,' as tve stated yrititertlay, nail made informa tion before Alderman Ilc3tioders, charging Alderman lionaDtin ant Mrs. Kato Lime waft obtaining money COO from bum by fa irio representation, camo again before that magistrat.• ye-Corday and Withdrew the stilt. burn-elf paying Cho corn.. De staled yesturday that !mita.' liven impelled by in- tore-led oartira to bring tile suit, and I hat he hiel never given ono cent to Alderman Donaldson In connection with the came. Al, ter them twit onpodto stories in two duys, we shall await with some biter Cat what Mr. B. Shan IllisJo-11.1y.. Cheated Oat of Three Mesl,—Erzfrear Mamma, who keeps lino Now Idea eati.n on Pennsylvania aeon. ' has come across customer who carried ou t nu ofd Idea very nimeeeptahly. 110 alleges that 13. Latshaw came the other evening hits his house and oi tiered supper fur himself and two hands, stating that he had money necessary to pay for then . The mettle were eaten, and IL was discovered that Latshaw hail not thu necessary money. Informs tion for lalso imperil:es was made before: Alderman Lynch, anilat warrant Issued. A Wife 114;nler.—Elizabeth plihns, living on •Coerry Alley, came before Alderman strain ye ,, er.lky and co:m.1410ml that her husband Peter Spilhes, had asssolted her on Wylie street, knocking her down unit kicking her. The accused tau arrester, and committed to Jail for it hearing on the 10th Inst. Meld for Conet.—J. Henry Stlnkle. tnv ra keep, on ilheinnut street. Alltrigho"3 , , chat gut, lidforo 411:10rinuar ettnlit by raga with 00111 „ g liquor to her habitually tiruukun hu-baba alter being w urn eit nu t to to do had n hearing yrsteriluy unit Wan held to ball to Owner at Court. Went to Jail.—The Grand Jury yester day vi , ltod the Jolt and made a thorough iuntirction tbeteol. The members eßpruea eU entirely Wooed obi the tare and management or the Institution. but inenttoited borne Change, aside Dona there which they proplse to recommend. The Committee from Plttsborgh who at to tt•aahinglou to hare the Tong' Bltl pot throMM, were leolly hnuOled by the Pre:talent et-the WUrilllll,lll.l..i meeting iaSt vvevlnß, for theft empomett repurt oh the wurYthot mesa M nibs yonultY. Wool Groworo , r ouventioo.—The As t:.l4n of Wool Groworo of Allogbooy county Will 1101 , 111.21 r 11r.tt mOtoo , weollto4 in ,o corn! otory (ov., toe Protitonotory l/f -flor,) In Ulu Court House, at ten &WAX:Y.IIIIs toortitug. False IPrietences.,Ablerinan Mullen, t Ihe Fourth ward, adieglicuy. YeetcrdaY tamale , ' to Jail, in default ol Ole bun /tick dollars hall, Michael MIS, charged, a Oath ut C. !lug lua, with false prate/men. Report To-Day. Tho incesturating Lutmittauu of. the Legletature, aVWlateJ ee...lett to exeutlue 11110 alled.•l o;1 rp V. zeeur. , thu pea>ugu of the new 11 , ,t10r WV' for ..Illeghel eeauty. rill report Throarirtg - Alloste..—A number of young for mulimon have been hrtvlmr rare good sport ug the pe-vi lore Jaye in throwing MTO. limn LOU lop 0' 11114 at pe.aing pe vientrians on DIMWIT./ ITD,M. o Bad Odor.—R. A. Colville. one of our rest:Motives st porilsOugg, got heavy :Us at, the Workingmen's westing lust ILL Verily, It IS bard to Inspres'SAL AI y Cottoty. ttis Lestlsloturs. lizilereet—rheileepezt interest Ls wan toil in the Aillington murder trial at 'haler. Tee Gazette bus Increased Its elreuleition there, elect commencin g the repOIL Of the trial, ninety ceples. tyrtceu Avray.—llany members of the linring and mechanical portion of tile nomitnity urn preparing , to remove to tiler elites where work plenty and rents re cheap. Tbe'lll'eCnet by Cruende.—The Dispatch hus fount and:ammo lulls cru.lo unalrat the it .yor'e h111,.1 in ea obscure eveutug Ihnler Culied the Journal. Th. New Vigilant Meaux Fire Engine a -tested yesterday. Stai threw a solid tream of water. 55) see; and side streams •is feet, under 155 pounds of steam. Ciiiinting Their rroUta.—The Mack holders of the skating parka aSla counting their proills for Mu past season, as Lisa Slid ing spurt is about played out. lacreased filtecidaisee.—Tbd daily union pra ' ur meetings at the Fifth street Methodist I.:bursa are each day more mi. ineroualy attended. ` _ '•Crime is MI the increase in tthimoral n'embnurbood. : Mapes and tairglaries are quilt) umefo cud tint Maas - murders will eventually The Vaud Trap of the scaffold fro.. which were /uunctud into ,teruity Frock° lllnnitnill and tirtloleria an object of cuzion IV In the Jut' yard. rlorty=-Traterdtly wets a very bad dny, - too dark to dud hams.-The weather has born nil wrong elute '11: A." resigned its manngement. Don't Pot Off lo.tvuot your mentor. for bolt dozen of that., pertec, titling trench Yoko Shirts, at. Murdock & Yuturm`a, is Fifth atrtot. ..t,owded•—Tho Court of Quarter .Ses slot. Is -doily crosl.l.l 'slat uundreds of iolks woo Luke mum luta:rest In the pro• cue...hugs. . qaart.r era —aa near tt sta ted that one firm has In , eated two hundred and fifty thousand dulhirs to etude on is “Spec." Close Tiler° is Consid erablu rivalry manifested by the too great Express COMptUliCti a iliCh are now In • opernuon. • • old Grimes, of lona, la dead among the ork Ina men of this country, alone he Uw hammed them In the United attires .30DS1O as Motors. Irteglootrrg. Sofrer.—The tavern keep ers begin to Intl the prevoreorthelecno. , none revival, their mates being cOnSiderably smaller. • llow Is it that furniture dealers are Der• initeml to crowd the pavement with their warert Is there no ordinance regulating the pructlett Bret Court Report.—Thotisserre pets. 1131164 the loot court reports, as 00/ 06 00- served upon cos:wart:mu with oilier Jour n3l3. Troantx..—Plyinctraant tattch_ m n „ ore , pavaliar 11111111,4 Ule tactii of 11 geueration thew It was lama WO Were Ilnoy.—Tto aro you brk.3" Just now putting up the mow .otylen of !wring bun to Jur our , ctorr +lves and ollildt mt. • The Poll la tba "only democratic daily parin We-3.ra Penns) !caul." thyOdLtung• fur Wasturn rennesmani. Ciood Order ate slat= n . t ....iortmtlyy 11114 city kexcell ent omp. id good order. to Ogdoo, Baru & nark he Allegheny "and,Pitts burgh mar.ets are liberally supplied WWI Trutt and vegetabir. Cock Flght..—lllis fushioasbla.smus, meat is quote popular let the city, several pita !Nina In success! ul operation. Refmor..lt stud that the rollin¢ mulls and glass faCtories wlll start on Use fLrst pro/an:as, if not sooner. • A new buildlar an ow Intion with largo cat , ltul L abont. 10 Do orgwnzud 10 Ylti.s. bar gb. . I.cat.—Ttin Catholics and EplanoPananS are rigidly otraorrind. the holy booboo. of Lent. Climb!laic 11.11 s aro not wanting In the cityof X./Unbar/4h. - Thu_ t:gat: 1a sought Warmly. . Leger Ileer.—The beer brewers will re duce the price or beer thl4 next summer. • .Cousaterrela nickel fire Cent Wafts are freely circulated bete. A Spoil of coaintoptlon, knlci p r Ar• . luau§ Ward. will rmi.—The oln Lnt h.ran Church ott the c,rnrr of Eilgh eireets, Sl 111 a very think:emus condition. New . Qnn rrrrr 1.111 DontilYtkl In the city lottrket4 to too .4 bucksters.. Better put them out of It entirely. • Hesla -- me4.B. T. Campbell, Esq., Du fb. Maned hie position oo the Leader. "Lie trill. write no more for that sheet. The Recut Republic will be thrown oven to: 111,11 e Inflrecllon about Friday next, previous to EltpmrtUre. Active —he Fenian, fa . verY itetir o here.and COW circles LUVO DC On Cl3lblithed tluougU the county. .9 Neu Elttildloc..—Coaparatlvolg few, r,r eeddiceer ade beleg erected in Fitts bur.gd tilt+ ttellsort. Ple si•a.—severul Fla NI. are already being .ar Lnutta for by the Sonny llttla prariona ' lie.P% EP. — The nigh rate of boWllng charged houtelLas young men hall 1101 yet. Dean M.. tleed. . „ New St.rh.s.—N,harly fll c , c.. r retail merchant , . hard had m thca 'Cocks of SLang good. , • \.... i A &ham e.—lt Ss a a barna tirtit our big bell CULIIIor no alarm for SSr.e outania of city If Timc. In the order of things an regulutcd by Young America, thLi Is ',kiln Uwe," L•rge Attesattaziet , —The Central algla Sen.,l to well managed end la largely at tended. There fan Jolxn,l , n camp In existence Core, composed or the Iricllslal of the rrest. dent. Essier.—.loner Is Lunch ender with the buuk.l and alaCUllati are freely offered. Priem fur ucht.lemou , s clothlng keep up much ruubouuole figures.. Ease Eall.—All the Dsso 1341 eta* aru o•arrgatilslug for Um summer. • .IlonougatzaL% p.sokets rualclug regular trips. Better.—Tbo g ei rurastml 020 CALS . MO uclt improved 44 I ar. Good Tub, Cigars sate selling at one cent . Death Warrant rent. toetr !larch 12.--tlor, Dear? to /My gObit tile dente warrant of Albert To Wel, eouvleted of tare murder of Caputh , James try Ile, In 'lnstal, ra. In .oVeDlber last, tho execullou th take place April 11411, at Doylestown, =I LIPPINCOTT-9n Toerdar. March 12th. I.ldr. W./ v YHA • TA a., tufo of Joseph .% JAPPItt. eat. aged dr. Tears.. The matral erLI tate plane on TittasnAT mare. 11th. et to Wolost. from the re Ideoce Of hen Intattad. corner of • and Wy Ito aimeta. T..e friends. of the ramtlt die reef, .ctf..lly• Invited It attend. it:torte nett and Ba!ttm. , re papers please 0001.1 0 Fri..-41r , Theiday. Idareb an d L X. , want of W. and L.. I,,, dfd• • The (antral will take-place on TnrrnanaT Mot, t.s - O, at 10 o'clock, from :he reelarnee. 91 Grant street, near!. MI. Tn. Irtends of the (wally •re re.peottolly Matted to a ttend• 5178/A 61'. :4011,136 ALFA. 41 1:1 - Xj7Z/ IMIEVE.EII2CEI Et, No. Uri Fourth street, l'lttaburgh, ?a. COIFFINA of all kind., Utta.raa. L.UV auel cvery de arrlottou La . ryucr.l Forn.tuln a (loafs tarnish• a dal and :dant. Hearse and Carr . ag , e furstitLrd. aura...tura—two. David Kerr, D. D.. Bar. IL Jacutpua 'dhows.. Kwin.c. e.h ri. B . T. IVIIITE & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EIIBALNERS, ilsLcOossess Wood's tn. sad Thew • • - HCCMS AT MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE, Corner laheineld and Chart.. Street. neat. at. Carriages turalahed. o s ILLI)ALE CEMETERY.--"kh u e . nexoticul •-liosre-scre,' toe laege , ll:;: O L , ne,.rtlt Aneanetty. 1..? nurta‘ pettulta "f° of CL"L WATCHES, CEIALNS AND 0 - 3uvirmix.i=l.. -sr, AT A VERY 1931A1.1. PROETT. AT • WILL T. WILEY'S , it'ylie SL, 3d door from sth. JOILV4T.,ON & SCOTT, Fine Watches, (locks, JeWelry, • BILVER•PLATED WARE, ETC., Ito. *74 LIB itIITY 1371M16.. Pittsburg,- Possamanw Allir Particular attention elven SO //netting Watecten. Clocks sad Jewelry. All weak war• rant 1,1 WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS mem, aarge sasortaent of Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe; Pumps. Sheet Lead. etc., - AL WA PH ON HAND. 161 Wood Street, near Slit% -- 171313 S 9 t 49 'B9 89 89 89 89 89 MARKET STREET. MO 49 3R. C) $3:13 7 E, 89 Market Street, AND tVET TOCra „„ s9 !ATS, SUOES, &C .' , „.1 THE CHTALPEET AND HEFT r''''l3:l • ST TEEM CI=TY NO AUCTION GOODE KEPT. I„a JAS. 1t01311,59 Market St. S 9 S 9 89 S 9 89 89 S 9 B9 89 THE' PLAC TO &ILI COOD BOOTS & SHOES (7.1E1C 7.119 AST McCELIsTTOOM. 'S. xo. 92 Federal West, =I DAUB& Cl.O SO & Practical Furniture Manufacturers CDR. PENN AND WAYNE STS'- {Wes of YITUNTTIII:i constantly on 1 SEWING MACHINE, WHEELER & WILSON'S 11WAralortss mess Ys4s+S. SALSI.OOX fen 27 Firra STREET, BARGAINS LS SEWINC MACHINES, Blz macelnet. used Deli. ,tort time, for tale as WY. BUR NES Fifth street. talCtd pikes Peri 11011SEti, CAIIALWES AND - IA:001PS of the vol 7 beat for hiss at Howard's Livery Stable, fot Atront, bet? Notion ratotlo Howe, Gevat attention p•td to 6o7LOir and Idling fen piTTSIIVIcHIi NURSERY AND n • r. NI) fittEENHOOnIf....—JORS tt. & . CfnUOCll.(torte "ors so John if usthteb. J.. 1 n OP_ nsgtME as J. 'ls & FLoItInTS. rim : .0, F.... Licit atlcatten to th.tsr eitensteo buses of Prolt west M Amman Trees. ever. greens. kitdipe Vlrsee fed Ute.hopg. Pilsen:l , n end Ostrom! Passenger Cars inn Ins thewe rare.. • every afters Wendt& rxeuti bt bbla , c:ppts htf , Veneljel; la do iettecl ' d:: no bp ,b:s FOTtr i . Appiod; . prl 40: Jn.t ott to adon and for sale WV to the trade. EC11011•111CII • LANG. Id ono 174 Wood street .. ... %Tut...l. Jur+ SEED vu. recetrea 41 La 144 Le , 7 .'.,, o u_onlit A. 1171A41.4Y Virrel.m.:ll.lll , FlCs .LI Wag stmt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers