CI IRE II II LiZi II El SECOND SUPPLY OF NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, AT THE KEAY STORE Or. J,lll. BUOCIIFIELII t CO., . No. Es 7 .114Cinantot Estroot, (Weil aide, reNt d-oe to the etton of TILE LIU .1t04.rr.) • I{."4ITV. MA1.E .. .r.Tr.1.E.3 QUILTS. 11ONVX C O ll.ll f2L'IL :6, <101;11 qt. to.i . g. n4r prea ,, , rim.ol:gll lill•Ell 1, 13.0 11'. I•itA4ll, TOWELIko, v . II .oRg.III:OI‘I,ZItED TOWELS NAERINS.. 1=11!M WI RTE 4'101”.4., • Da.E , 4 (loot , S, BOYS , CA.qlffE 7 lX. ' • GENTS , ~ ,,,M EI:Fs, .. . IasTeaLCLUIII.I. TEE STOCK IS EDECi AND ENTIEELt NEW. .N 1) OLD STOCK. ltemerotwr t 2 Pisce, .Yo. S 7 .11.1.111KE V STREET m11.:1174 G. SCZEZITEII, 'NuccEsson TO GAEDNER SCRLEITER, 92 Market Street, Offers a Largo Stock of SPRING DRY GOODS, THE CBE IPEST AIMIKET PRICES, MEM AT EATON'S, New Bal. Skirts, NEW STYLES HOOP SKIRTS, Now Style Hair Coils, NEW LOT WATERFALL PADS, New Bead Drop Trimmings, .rE E.ID BUTTOXS, New Guiimre.. Laces, IU AND 131, VAL, LACES, 17.1E1. 1-E.A.9rOOIN'S, 17 Fifth Street, N. 11.-3 0 11 LED WJOP SEMI'S A. LESS THAN COST. Nipw- GOO . EIS • OPENING DAILY. MACRIDI iB, CARLISLE, ,No. 19 rtlth Street, I=l NEW AND DEHRADLE GOODS. i p r II 4 . ADLE.I , B NEW IN VITIBLE for LADIES` ItATINEE, I.IRODR AND OPERA RIDS. • GENTS' 'MICR AND PIAIN NM). GE NT R.{ . {Ecl uils—A,Lsalts. only. TIT NEW FILP:NCIt rAli`Elt coLLA.RI and c1i414 tfillll';',lli'ilViAti,V2V3mrre.- `1:51 1 11 PURR LACES—new. Myles. READ tafill: AND FALIPAiE.A. :NEW LACE{ CULLA.K.Y. Dealers Supplied NEW YORK JOBBERS' PRICES. & CARLISLE, 3.1 E/ "2"11113. 1811 x-coot. I NEW GOODS NEW GOODS I = JO3EPH HORNE'S & CO.'S, We am now weal= •- Fargo and wet-ielectcd it.“k Of • SPRING GOODS emlynelng sllthat Is ntw and desirable, l Da , " :momlop, • 8.14 Pllnrea, In Wbite,lani.and Ansbar, !tend Trannalaw., Itoand Clancy-Lace, utc•nd AT•plltin. lace, Lace and Craps Vella , Jiang*, Or anadlue a .4 Tit/ [let • • lianaburg Lids and Lcaertnann. A toll lin. •C LENIN HAN DIZEECHIEPS In resin, Vetoed. Hattotl , obed. Etoto, Idered and 1 tor , which lot are offering at very low prices. BEITTONS In great variety. conslatlog ot Jot, 61. a. velvet. Eroehot d Steel. ol LK TOWELS, at 35 echt• or st-sometblog ne DOop §k1 lAet . .:,..Porsets. • RoT4.laipti 110 f et. and Ande.. c S TRIP alwlc SElRTl Nyoote r 4i—A large ttock Jest re- ed of e ae. - Italmorot ottrt• too or•vell no Ray.. ..Fotl Ilpe.f teL.II'ES .04 HOSIERY. 011 R WHoLaSALIC lentoll., p DAD, In o round w•ll sto.dted trip, fresh roots, which we offer to Ma trade at EASTERN Pal ICES. .IOS. HORNE &. CO ., 77 and 79 Market Street. r 022 wEw spninraa GOODS. •LN We tie :nut Creel,lna a trill sal complete " caP T TOW ' g g aVV;:go " & " gtirfer, Jac anti, Swiss Molls, Barred rod Plain Inalasonks, V.ctorla Luau, Litres. Liar* C:Mnbtic arid Lac a. Tacked Cambric dkirtlad. - t11111:01DERIa,S• toil lice J.monet Edging. " Inxttinga. H•scharg Ellglngo and !nun- Era. faronal nod ilambur.y Ylonoclurr. French Caontcle Mande, Mtn. y Bands. laantr Embroi dered he Wa , ato. • L ACCu,Aleal Point. and appllgne Lace and PArlnc., Valencia. Mane., an.l Cluny. Th read and (Mipare lemee and lr.lalngs, lint. Val. 1.1- cr s. C.irluer and Ineertlnge. IL AaNI,CcIi i iM lto 111 CVre.. Is T n r al Cnlnt and, ppllqun. lbe and lunyand . runa, X=bll- itched leen: • ' . s• LI . ssii ...,1 11uNNET AIBONd, Trlm.T.lalisn ItlllllOA5. FUI,L LINE ALVNANI . )II.E NIL/ GLOVESIor 1.3.1 es ilents s o t 31:s as. sua 1-1001 . rularra, •it we,rf.ll ra43. Lls:r Ito Ls. toroast Bands, !Sets. lac A NUI.GLINEGEN TS , FilltNl.4lll, (1000LyS. coUrs rItY DEALtilin, awl ALL Vrno buy s••ii ae's. wilt iint: In per Wholassla Depart s:est. a sa.sal•l arortasal, ps lusr sa ts MACRUM, CLYDE & CO, 78 and 80 Market Street, • GARB, IIicCANISIODEAS 86 CO., llamt Wizens. Cala 4b C 0..) EIOLESALE; DEAMEAS lltt FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 1.67 co. 94. VlTocraL rd EMU tome Anna Dlazuon ei.) PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN. PROPOSILS Fell .1 LOIN OF $2 A.N A CT To Create a l_donit FORTHHEDEMPTIOEJ CF The Over-Due Bonds of the .1 Commonwealth. Wustris, The bond, of the emomoutrealth, and certslc tertlUcates or twit:W:doe., amount ing to twenti-ltree nall:tons or ttollart harts been ore; 41ae and unpaid for some time past And Warn., I; la clearable tbat the acme should be hbl wilt Cram. from the remthe t Crercr,. ELCSI ox 1. Ite It en , ' cet.l a;• the Senate alt 4 116 .Etpresenta!ises .11U C0.m.0. calla of Porn ey Iranta fn o< nerat Ateetthly Tait: ate/ afa here by enactt Ab 2 Mt authority of Ito en mr, That the Unnernaf, dudßoe General and State Treainrcr ma,! are Lereby, larborl.l Aral cuipawerol to borrow, oa the 12Ith or the Corrnon.weolth In such smoucU .111d.With ouch notice, (not lion than forty days) :vast. y may detda raott cap dl cut or the !nterests or - the State, tnentY•thtce millions of dollars, ond Issue of loan or bonds of the Coothe.ozwealth for the vane beau tag Interest at a rate Dot exceeding six per , cattle= Per annum, payable remt•annualif, on the tint or FCbrnary and nest of Angnst, in Wel CRT or Philadelphia. avbich eciti2oates of loan or towts aball tot to subject to any tazatlort whatever, for State, racalclpal, or local part., tea, and shall be par ablel3 folldsrs, namely: Five mlllloue or dolinrs payable at any tim e after era rears and within ten years: elght , ndtllona of dollars, nayanle at any time after ten year. and within fifteen rears. and ten Int:Ilona or debars =S1121:0:111!1=11!1!1!! Eza an.] tbell be Eigncd by Ibe Ger stoner mad Etate Tronsuri.r, and countersigned by the Auditor Oche eel nhC rests ter.] lu the book. of the Auditor (horn!, sod to bo ttsuorrrablo on the books of the Commonwealth, at the Fu nad ]fee`_•aulea. National Eant or nu. delplal; tII. proceels or tb, et ',Mei loan, including premiums, el cetera, trailed on the eebhe, 11,111 be appltel to the paymcvf of the hoed:feed.. rUleates of ludebtedne. of the =I EEC. 2. The bids for the did lota shal be opened La t➢e preserce of the Uoyernor, Auditor "Oencral State TraasurP; and alnardcd to tae higheli bidder; Prerfded, That ro corttilmto hereby otatha.lited to I.e.l.sos!,sholl bz nesotlz tod rollers [hoz Its Paz toll,. EMIMMIIMMI of Indebtedness, nov evcr anc,elkall be re,clT;. ble In immeat or the nid loan; ender Bach reg =I State Tlt a.lerrer ma)_ pres et lbe r and open elthler for the loan, now aethollard to Le Issued, shall ktate In h , s GDI nbetLer 4tr %rine Is payat le In Leah or to the Other or co:11OG. ter of thlelthrtl Ise. of Me Commoun'es:tb I. Itat truat,s. etc cater!, 1=11! = I== the State or mantle, are licrelai i authorial te I= =I held 14 them at the the, *l.:le:eget:eh bid sod to roculso the bondt butb::::zol to bo :ttood CISME dZC. I. Any person or pore.s standing lm the =1 0(011. act, who may desire to tort,: moosy la their Lauds for thu bericat of the trurt, way telthhotaey order ofroort, Invert the some Itt the bond, antltort..l to t•tl,saed b 7 this at a rate of PreZAUT2I.: exceefling twenty per tellt[ll3l B.:. G. Tl al. from Snit after nc tria.rto of tbl• ait..ll the hands of MIA Cocanonweaqh shall be paid o 6 In tile °Me: of their me:vette 1= not ye: d.c.ahail es from Etat, Lauri cipal or !seal taxation, after the lntere•t I=l sizty.s_va, chal bate In. paid I=l thereof. leconslrreet brreeltb, are Lcrel,7 re- COM ==! Speaker of the House of It+ Prc.e.t.tts" EIESM3I3 =ll2 Approved tteaecond day of , Yrbrvsty, ono El::=1 El= In accordance with the rosin!aa of the slave act of Assembly, Coaled proposals will be revel, ed at the olilce of the Stat., Tretnrer, In the ally of Ilarrl,burs, Pennsylvania, antll I: o'clock, at., or the let day or April, A. a., to be endorsed as follows: "Proposals for Penn. sylvan!. Etat. Lcan," Trcasury Departmcnt I=! Bids will be secelvel ter 63,000,000. ..1.- FITe Tear. and payable ill Tell yell. 81.000,0U0 re:st.rzable to Ten year• andlisy able In rlCIA:en - tents; and L 0.000,000 ulna barnable In Ilftn en tars to , l tot alne 1n Tn. ty-Fl:e,7eere.• 7Le tote of luterott to be tab, 5 orb per cent. pi r,num, Which mint be ex yIRIUf stand lX the bid, arl tbu ),1113 most .1 mlE:gee. to the L'tAtc will be accepted. No par will be canaldated. The ll= 139E1E517M Lu I . lsuttl Ina ms cf i5O, and cad. nigher .11.. desired 17 the loaners, to he free from tat e, local and zoo n lelpa Luca The over due bond' , of the Commonwealth or l'ennstlywalatortil Lc received at parte pattnant of lhit 10:11,, but b:4l,lers mutt t late tt briber We) Intend to not In mat or In the over dcc lonia atorealle No alstic.iton will be made betreeti bidder! I=2 JAIN W. GEARY. tinvornor of rcnnaylva?la I= = =EI I= /ra”:. 13, —N.:, nt, rvILII3LIng the above Withially4.lVlll4frcostyp L'!. ZireSittoburgit6ak'rtte, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1E67 Pttt•hnrh /Knotted Conference of the nethutlletleeopal Church.' E Spectra. Cores 5: Cnoence glttotoar Rli Ossetic.: MASSILLON, March 0,16 g, The Conference frieth.his morning and was i opened with. rel!glona sender., Conducted iby the venerable Thomas 31. Hudson. Arun to all the honored names in the Con 'crone., no one stands higher. Ile was One , of trio number embraced in the Conference lat its organisation in IN.'5, harlots; mitered the.ll.lltimo're Conference in probation In Is/1.. For fosly-oix years ha has performed the rook of a Methodist preacher, and for forty.Llve years of that time has been on t h e effective list. For many years ho labored in Plttsnargh, and wherever he has inert, has been 1.1 pioneer ?or goal. The Contsulttee on Church rateninon made their report Red shit, the Clint reus ee Centenary Committl.s. '1 ho littler report shrived that Ottrlng the year, though all tire UppOill ton. nts had not reported, opasarde of I fear toolderdthoumnd stoner, had linen eon. 1 e t r e 'b o u , ' L l a7b i ll u' Llo u n ' t i : t l lT " o "i rSin " l4 " c e „ t u l t ' r n l= 11o c ns line In to other object,. at 10 , cowl:Min ty believed that when all - 'thecharges 1 ero beard from, the special contrani- I liens 01 thin year. Will roach tile Wag . nilicent sties of half sr tnifison• dollars. Certainly this ts a record of whirls ally church may be Mond. 000 hundred and thirty-three thousand of this amount was contain:lied to the Pittelinridl Female Col lege, Allegheny tool Mount Union' Col leges. With the addltsons mode this year tut ough'mt the eon. coon to the endow. meats of Its Institutions of learning, Silo new churches erected and church debts boo:dated - , hod the parsonages built, the Church will begin the second century of its history sends a st onderful augmentation of Ito newer end appliances (or the isccompistl- Went of its InieslOn. Who will east the horsi , cupeallti tell the number that will set down under the spreading branches of tile tree of Methodism is hundred sears bencel . Tue drat qucat Inn, vls.: Who are admitted on nowt Prui taken np, and Allen 11. Neu Robert J. White J. J. lama], Andrew 51. tiregg, licorgo A. filleuta. James E. Wal tham', iblYtti IL Stevenson, W. L. Olson, U. AL Ercrlt ater, R Illlam 11. Layne, nod Mal com 11. Strahl, beingauty_!reemmacullal, were ntlmltted. Joist E. ILMlLster was ro aaltnittea. - Great ear° Is taken In the adinlsAon' - of muuaber4, word or I.f being rejcuted every year. Dr. John P. Durbin, for nanny years the old. and ulllelent Correrpendlng Secretary of tile Ellasionurs Society of the St. E. Chinch, was ihtrotteccd by the Chair, and for half MI hour haul the Gonterencu spell boom! while ho detailed the financed con d ltiuu of the society.' Whether un thu plat form or in the pulpit, ho has few ocers in this or any Inner eclat Inent. lu 1.110 !Mar anon a Mia , ionary.. meeting won ne1:1 at which stirring atitlre.ralni were 10000 by Ill rii.a Sillier Lad W. 11. Loehr, both Or Wawa Ato go to your City tile cowing year, tee{ lbertb L. Long, referred to In u pr..•lotts letter no the .111.tflOnary to Bulgaria, Lev,. Miller and Lake, are men ut ability and e Oyu a good ...runt Or themselves ill the future. Alllo7l the nanny vlinera pretient In the Comet - enc.: MOW this morning, / notice/ Colonel Ball, it prominent wetuber of the Church in Canton, Ohio. and the Inventor 01 been nil:oral's Keeper anti Mower," the best machine of its hind ever Inventel; Bev. 31,60 DLLTIAD, a mlative of lir. J. I'. Dead°, awl, hire hls namesite, au excel lent preacher; and they. W. 11. 11.1.,11, as nlmtault editor Of the Pittsburgh Chrutain Ad.caie. • • • . Int, Conference will pass strong resolu tions 05 thanks en Monday morning, ai the members have boon eutertained to prince ly style by the eitlens of Mass:lon. Tneugh the appointments will not be na tion:l.l until Monday nterulng, yet, us inn. ism Cl your readers are deeply intereited rho mutter, I append the Ms: fur the coming rear. And tiers tiol Llll3 labors of your ens respondent. Arromnriteity or ens PIT2.SIIIJELOU CONTrat• ml!aAur,A P. 'Hoerr, P. E. latlerty street, If. IL .Loeke; stnltelleld St reet.ll. Sd li lisf; rtst Lunn., L. P. Moe. gen; Wesley Chapel. L. I.l.cHune, Pennsyl- Vito, AVe .1. Y.I. Trinity, Hodgson, !toss street, H. 1.. Weekly; .I.llle. .11 1. (laurel], W. I'. Lsuck; Cent.ensry church, S. Burt; Sonth Pittstturgh, E. B. tirnll.l; Ladles' City Altsston ' W. L•utg; Itirullughulu, I:. L. 1111 let ;'Cost Liberty. 11. I'. Tearer; V( 111Ingsberalt. IV. IV. Bonn; Itradtleenstleld und Port Perry, IL. T.' Stlitel L MtunCeVille, J. .1. Hiller; Caton Lltuden nry el; al ell, IV- Stuallt,• Irtstn Stutlon.E. U. Tstrentaun, IL Hamilton: :•;,,,,,ridlo tunislon, to to so pnlIeLL: Butler, ./.It,LeAet; rret.j, nu, E. 11. II test; Wszent,.; ten, It. Jor dan; Htllertown circuit, W. H. 'llntnes. Ilersnony t Brunnadule, IL W. Cedusge, W. .1. V.t., nu. I. C.l . er;/.lng, Plitsburgh Fetunle Cul 1e..0 an d Isc caber Chrlzt eh:ULU quarrA ly couterm..o. fereiv:e. 1. Chaplain Pit Laburgh L/ thel, mein:int Lelicrty •trcht, year Ler*. iltusrltille Lett:Oct—T. I.leCtuottc, P. E. !slot:, Ile, A. Semi.; Joltns‘o•n, A.. If. Thom:, lattlerm, J. 11. User; hit tannin,. )1. . lit een•lttba, SC. Cu. , tter: lir; • ion, P. G. ItAntorelm; .Ithleiton, 11. C. Ile•s -emu, C. Mcl tit Lotrobe. 31. J. )I.erittroto eiy, 31onnt Pleutout, J. C. Ile . tn; II rat Neo tun, W. A. Stuart; 31.notonleNlegric • C .ker,./. Per.letng; Sew Floreuee, r.. 11'1111 .ut_; Itu well and A 0,110, J.,. Lemon; Li,oefer, Jkeerier llollin•tueerb :seat:Arr.: met Hoer, ob, A. P. Leonard; Morte.on,l, .1, tiro): b.lthport. B. Lung; ClA:b.:but tt, J. Perry. trit.11(011,1 DiJlricl—A. J. i.:240,111, C. Cr I:WWI:Own, G. W. etnlttc Jiro% nrville, L. It. 1L ..ram; brbigeport, J. It. !Hilo; Cat env eat' ant 11.oleete bon, C. 11. I:Loot - dr; het !I, J. If. Coe .e,• Alefietreort, It. 1.. Clap. won; Drove,' and 4:tut:nook, J. II.r• Ihrstrover, A. It. Chapman; Cntinell.,:le, Ibektone, J 1.. retire,. ne r IA)'; New Lexington, Lou, sOppluel; Sumer et owl Berlin. A. 11. Nereto.,l Jruner, A. :thud,' J. Alec:tm: Fayette, D. btevenoon ; Carmichael,. J. U. liog:ey ono to be tubple. t; Ur, “Attoro, Gearue , t. ale; lloont. Merril ' C AL Colon; SVayne.bure, .1. Sian: yret Volpe.H alit to.i T. Pot tcr,oo. 11"nah gr:on Ij:et rie.—W. A.D•vlosox, l'.E. Washington, W. B. 1.V./tlrtns; Motion:run, Is (Ate, A. W. Mat.C. Wellsbn, g,l. A. renree; TemPrrunoor tile, . J. B. Malsior• 114,11e10, T. B. W Ilkutson; Cburtters, 1.1 ).; klor ence, W. I'. M.:Al:barn; Canonsburg and Faueetts. U. A. rluicu; I). B. Campbell; Greenfield an d Cul 'forma. M. B. Buse; Bentlnysvll is, I'. C. Stela ore; Poem Creek, J. W. Wenee,; ShoueLlown, W. Dar by; rllllllpaburg Ana McGuire ChapeL L r. Bore; Georgetown, M. .S.Sien.ll,:; Fr /meth, A.. 1. Lane; lnileimullenee, M. n. While; kr t••rs' Creek, G. W. Baker; Plea Bun, J. ' Jackson- Clayseillo, .I.L !::!wards; Tee Mlle, It. Winne:L. BurorgriZfrfliatrtet..l.l..Dsuts, I. iilr.u.evllle. J. Drummond; Dodgem/m.l. B. Castle; Moot - geld, J. E. flollistert Morris• town, J. Dliion; liendrytiburg, F. W. Vert le mint Somerton 1.. Ellison, Bealovllle, U. Rhodes; rain:low, V. I. Swaney; Marmsbal, F. mount., to he suppited; Vroals lebl,.l. Stevens; Centreville, J. W. Kessler and it. 11. Stroll; St. Clalrsvltle, J. Brant; Bellaire, W. Drown; l'owbet tau, A. W. tireg„, - ; Wlllistusburg, N. C. Worthington" W hem tag Vsiley, J. It. Cooper. HeConnelbrtitte 1110 r rt e, I'. D. SlcConnellevllle, J. 11„,• Vail; AlorJan, J. 11. Whits, one to be supplied; Beverly, 1 , . U. lielltster, Sharon. T. Winstanley; cumber- Intel, I. N. M'Alge, one to Lie supplied; Otto. et:IP/111e, It. Cartwright; Norwich, A. b. Mc- Cortolet, buicauertleid, U. 0. %Vatter,. J. 1' olltipn ' Ooletn, to be suppled; I..ebenOn, J. 11. Down; Newport, J. W. liamiltont Union. town, U. C. lino wt.., T. C. liat dell; Stull - deli. 1). Clem, Combridoe Districterl. F. MiSoa, P. E. ll Cambridge, A. PettYl Washingtoor S. Itwers, J. Lila . hill; tholls„W. Pittenger; Bethel, U. Neff; Atisinsville, I. I'. h,,d/iler, W. U. Sl'Llrlds; CoshoctonE. Itirkltt; BURL Plainfield; J. E. Starke,- ' West Cliestor, J• C. Endtell, J. shuw;. ti. W. De, nts, J. C. CtoPle; rolladelphla, J. M. Cure; Deers - vitt°, J.Coll, J. 11. Choy; Now Athens, W. U. Morton,. Martlehritle, Crease; Warrenton, T. SI. /I utiton, Bop.• well, to be suppled. Ale Awn title Districl.—D. 1.. Milo, sr, I'. E. . • tilt:ober. tamer chapel, E. Illngc. Icy. oleo bonvillc—listrilitio chapel, T. N. Boyle, Canton, 11. tilnaabough; Maeollion, W. Lynen, Wellxvlllo, Jr Bennet - ant, Car rollton. J. R. Boller; niclanowl, J. '44. A. Miller; Salinas-111e, B. Thorne; Hanover, A. E. Ward; New Cumberland, M. Meg. Garrett; Springfield,. S. Conner, J. W right; ear.dy vale, .1. V. Yuman; Wavneaburw, J. M. Bray, Sr.;Looatmrg, J W. nhirar; Market, W.I. Diann; Omithflold, W. C. I'. Hamilton; Illoontgelti, W. Johnson; New SOIDeir.I., McCall, It. M. Froth orator; Malvern, W. B. otevons, C. vr. Scott; Wintersrlilc, J. Hue, Lon; Iroxford, to So supplied. Allegheny District... 4. WILLI/011, Y. E. Beaver :Brno; J. W. Baker; South Corn,. mon, 31. llickman; °Mit Snyder; 'Bandleader, James Ilolitnexlicall; A I ic.,rlmn v Clrellll., .1. B, Moore; Sowlokley• vii le, J. Horner; Now Brighton, J. J. slctll yer; Freedom, T. Storer; Bridgewater, IL Morrow; Beaver, J. S. Bracken; Enos Val lov, A. Boston, one to be auppllc4l; pool, (I corgo Crock; Columbia., R. Cunning• Sam, ono to Ire onset od ; Salem, I. N. Butch; Now Lisbon, W. fi Brown ;Alliance, W. Cox; Idarlhoro, It. J. White; Lire.. town, %%Gaol. Sic; Goshen and Benton, J. McCarty; Elk ton, U. D. Linuttar; Glaxgow and Ohlovllle, G. A. Lowman; 1)0tp.10.911e. B. Moss; Boohoo -1...r, L 04123 ralrtpt Rungs, Union, T. J. Ale; glue. 1 4 .11. Nesbit, editor of Pittsburgh Chris tian Advocate, and member or South tZLlArterly t , onference. 0. S.. Ilurtellorn, President and General AgentOt Mt. Union Unllegotunt member of 311. Itnlnn Quarterly Conference. Sillier. Agent Young Stenos - Bible So cisty, .11 , 1 member of Leaver Quarterly Conference. J. A. Swaney, Secretary of Western Sett 'nerve Frlende Soctety, and member of pea` vet Street Quarterly Conference. A. 1.. Long, Elotoonery to Bulgaria. It. T. Ta7lor, lareeldent, Beaver Setnlttary end Intel! ate, and member of Beaver Quar terly Conference. . C. A. 'Dames and K. W. Brady, transferred to the lowa Conference. • J. M. Bray. Sr. and J. J. Ezell, trawler. red L. tile trio Conference. J. it. ilumbung, tranlfoirOd to Mlsaouri and Arkanuas Content:we. J. IV. McGregor, transferred to Cincinnati Confrre nee. F. F. Jones, transferred to Now 'England Conference: • 51,LITANNITATED rr.enencro. Joshnti Monroe, R. lloyd, Z. 11. Coiton, I'. 31. McGowan, A. Juelcron, 11. Cree, a. It. Itrockunler, S.ll. .tioner , , J. L. Itewl, C. Morrleon, W. Al key, I'. Cook, It F...;:,01,111,. 11.1. Clark.. 11. It. lien), 1.. Petty, P. S. Me- Coo, 1Vak,11, , ,d, It. Ilookln, - RUPXIIMUUGUARY rucavnEnN J. M. Thom.. W. McCracken. N. Low!. 15..1.70r, 5. T. lienntAy, J. 5. WinkellelA. T Darl4/fton, I), U. Jackoon. Tile fiprinii; Tionnets and Hata. The ladles are always thankful for any in formatton in regard , to the forthcoming fashlons,henee they will be Interested in the following item on the various styles of bonnets and hate prepared for the spring trade. It 13 9,11 , 1 there era four prominent vat - Celle., of bonnets, Viz; the .. I) , lgmnt"," the “Prineess," the ''Maria .11n,tte," and the n Margaretta." The "llagtnar , to re garded al the queen ot.the e 4.1.011, which 13 oLO:extrema of the eerles, of which the "Margaretta” 13 the other. It 13 a eros3 be tween achy Ecraper" and a “patch, ,, hav leg a shallow mown, tare deChkelly In longitude, a pert,' uplifted how, and a small goring cape. ;3 neon tract,' .` Dagmar," about halt of the ear, how and cape of the latter help' alisarlaal in 1:6 crown. Taking the .•0 comae" as ono Inailultim, the ••frOl re,” I. a healthy upproxitnal../h tom "We not g. (II the" Marla dinette,"and nMargaretta," We eau only say trap are diminutive bowls, regarded aa pleat Inventions now, but like triont gnat love:diens, so nano. A1np1e,131.2,1.iy ever thottald of them before. Recall tile ,31:1111 cape of former days, and Nou have an Intelligent idea 01 their b114./.0• In the hat line there 19 alsn a great simil arity, the styles belifg only distinguishable' by an extra curl et thurisn Or an ineanallOn of the crown. - Tno “Paiti,"..ltpstort. , "Elo. ••Deater" and •'tiens" are the most popular vet letlus. Ali have ellullU,e net crowns, and IlarrON Clue,. Tim •Werter.” to ulna Ilantical plame. Is n raid,ll looking . 'crafLatiparently ecurnl tug under bare lades. The rim Is perhaps an Inen-anildtdtlf wide, and does not turn up at Ino edges. Ills “Itibtori" differs !torn the "Dexter" only Its the limning up of the rim, giving It a heavier appearance. The rim of the •'Gres" Ls turned up more than the "Elsiort,..' Is much the Mane, Inn crown meeting It en an. gin ritnnoef fortydlve deg rd.,. The Insta are made or -Milan, pearl, Eng lish, pedui and split air:ore. wimp bounuto are much In Veg.., plain and mottled. Tito ovorlastlng Jut ornaments have given way to errant and amber with preference for the lustier. Bonnets and hats tee konshal with amber, and ilowers droop tinder dig weight. In ribbons ism( lavender, plat: and umber urn tile prevailing eludes. = The Guernsey County Taws says: tt.i. few weeks since we mentioned that some kind of a wild animal, supposed to be a panther, had several limos been seen two or three mules east of this place. Slams that time it has been seen by di recent persons and been run by hunters and hounds at durerisnt susel, bat tt el wai s eludes lii pursuers. A meetings wan held is Lim neighborhood it In habit:, a few evenings store, for the per pu-n of draining lllrlttl3 fur its Capture, end it was del...mused by the meeting to cdfor a reward for t h e killing or capture of lt. The plan adopted by the tneetines to raise the money to Pay the reward to an offered, was to form a conuoany,_each pm - son Jobbing It to pay Om: dellur, and this reward to be paid toho preset: list tit isiember of the com p:my." MISCELLANEOUS TEIIIIIIILE BOOTS AND SHOES AT PRO'ES TO SUIT TIO'. TIM P,l Fon , 30 DAY,. Mary Litton LEO:: 'MAN EllthT CO , T. MoCe alt 11. a,, tap radocrd from f:• + 1 : M cturol fromtrOcrb,.,t, 'rater proof, µMug re. Irs entirrtro:rts, sewed. se!ltro . :Bl,so, rolver , t trim 0.00. Mora lip h3otseellsilo ta,:k rod tte..l from V.'S, Ha n'• opora :tedtra,l from 41,p. Stru, tolmnrals. top lOW, reduced loom 4t.25 11..n•rfOmors',. v. tilrgt!.:ll, rota, from 11,•[1.. •••,.1010,,•if•on:12.,:* from rr.•.., 5 ".! 1 1;.; a • Ladle, Frew,. (MO) tal.• ,1 , 11C7, from ham. grut Lip. 51.40, ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATREOUCTIINS 26 and 2S Elfin St, Pilt;burgb. W. B. CLAPP & CO. LEA C13211.7-.M231=3.13-.1•137a WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE • r,,,,,,,,,c, AT . ' EXTRACT li: or • I.F.Triz from • . 7.. L . 0T111 . aSE(II a Zit PICA t. ':L\. MA!. al SEAMUS .BZ Trte ,e , . to hla Itrothrr • ''' . 1r an cE ..,T En, 'ONLY GOOD STU" :11....4'-' f . ivi . ~—.. 4 7,',„ '-, „ ~ ~..- 1g .„.. i:; 'I, I: I ; n - that 13a.lapp:Icabla t• •-----.. 1,1,,1y est, en •.: in a.: O. :n vn r Z.VC•i Tkr.ll.lT ,4.. v,, , 1 ,. „, ~,,• ,i,,,, , ,, ~-,, •.•,t . ,ton• ~..I:CY. t.,.1 DX - 191EL% .. If [1,11.1[ . •• The Ittr,fli , roll. moat de lcOois and ner1•101. ed condiment tky,,, 0 , -.,.1 m.ui n , ,rt0 .,, 1'‘. 't deal, r. to •r , [4• t:,.. /1 . 11311.. 10 , 1 . , ,, 1 , ( too PorxDs, 11. e I 111.1,141 . 1.4 . 11,,41-1.1 arofrtii 8P.., 1 . requeso..l To a. • Lt., ti.. , A1:11 1 of IJ. A 1 1,1:I:INF!), uo..n I:.e W RA L'VElta LAO1:I., ' ,, t'f' , lt an.: U 4 ,111.17. ' Itar.4l:acturca ty LC:\ fa rr.ntil NS. Worcea lc, • 301 IN PON'S. NFA ti.1:1:. AGENT,' VIM. 1111-: C3A, rtt. rttt ...Jct..... L. ut /1111 . 1.•;i BARR, INAKE BULTTLER, I=ll No. 12 St. elair St., Pittsburgh DZALLIIIS IN 11,11:04, i-gnns, I= arßege Ave,s for tbe f'rleb•ated GRA DItU ItY, New 'loft, an.l SCIIUMACKKI: a CU. 1.1XN,„ A 134, ESTEY a 1(1...5 •To PIT All Ir.•• 1114 I). A 11. W. bI!;TIPS .•A 3.IELCI(;AN— UANS. AwiTll.To!...t PATENT ci lIITA It. Th. t I rad berm •n Violin •ml Gal Striors h•no, ' Lws.t {YSRef OLSE RICHARD E. BREED, xmi - nce.vvrzirt., No. 100 Wood Slrccl. IU AND BILVVIR IFTA ftI,P. WA UN. TN! TRAITS an.t TARI.k curt , LKItT. alwaya en haw:. criNn TEA ntTY, (LOINS DIN +I CR Arm: I'OII.F.T SETS, CHINA 11.1 A trITTVWO4. 110110.11.1 N WAltr....feeery dts>rlo!to3 I. kVA LAVA VAsky, • - I.AVA ni.III,2IWM. LNULI.II BTU!. A WARE of .111(01211.. suit "'he) vkale and rrtatt trA4r. The !are* n.ntl most emuptet: stock of !Teri 01113 g In this line in the cult. Prices nsul terms Ulu same .. In the ealtrrr EA". Isle fiLEMIBINti, /;AS AND STEAM 7/TTnie. IM ITS BIIANCIIES, Caretillly attended to by experleacrd and prat ties norkshes. A One 11L3colt=till 01 OAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS 511OWEB BATHE, /NATE'''. CLOSETS, HE BRA NT Constantly on hand and made to onlor. clll SSE 17±1.,M. IE4 59 Federal street. Altrcheny. and 1199 I.llwvl, WfilT.ti — ile; Pure Co." Brand White Le a 4 •• "Passeon' , .10 .10 do 0 •. "Com p/anter" do .1 0 ot ••ciu.tin.ntnt" 1111, Lead, for 011 lt.durre: 111,1 Lead and Lltharge: Coles dry and In o 11: Yes sale at T. II N .VIN 0., Iss. W. , .. - ....01 ,1 r.10.1.1 mass. g 41. , F. MIISSRLANN-, Fifth Streef,b elevens Tunnel and CA eithant Streets, Gunsmith and Dealer In Hardware. tint elms sonde of nd d netescniptlonnah.y. on hand nnd sold at she low prin.. Ittp•lrthlt 01.10 ,1,1,1111 , •hort nntl 01. WEST 7; 411'{'ZIT.„',47,AE!!!,". We. Common. ALLEGIILNY. YIIZIPX ALI VATrIt £ o. • Hi, on band or prrpnrn onl abort. notice HICANTII AND ITF.k' bTONE3, F6A , 111 100 1:111/IC-WALKS. BiIKWOIIO, 'HEAD ANL I'llllll noN 1t.% &rt.. 4, eLii - tie , re promptly teccutce. SON klif.X. ne,mlll $25,000 TO LOiN I=! to tome of MO and upwards =I (I MHO E CF.TTT. PO. Bowl totes Arent. Ito. U if. I rnt puxos 2 PIANOS! 2—An entire Murk ..(11 A A BE* CO.'S MANI.. whirli atenow ellZlSidt:led alma Illt GET.EIIII ATE.L. 11. th t 1 . 1 - It.e trona $ upwftrd. .1 . 1 , 101. want ul ft. Nar, •ro nprelful:y loylt,tl I. call .04 traitor before purchlaing ,lon.wlotre CHILkiLOTTE BLUME, ^ ft. 43 Fifth I{EIIIIOVAL. —. II HEIR - FI, hare retnovt..l the Obey street /101 . 1 C t/14 loom :15 I , larket I'lltsbor‘t, to their Wor Ls 4,0 Carson e.lrret, boy .11 ncreaf , er be found. Poilfallee Address WM. t•lttsourgh. I VELTinili! HEUT .11 au:l lion, I,IIItIP 0;12 ' 1 . "!—l ' "atner lowi by ,s on 1: 1 no . i: itflfor stVrlccn a. ft Rua 315 ral'i.VlZZt. SPECIAL NOTICES 10 ., -A emuto TO INVALIDS. A Clergymen, while melding In South America miariposry, elsconered a Onto and simple rented,. for the Core ofNernons Weakness, Earl - Decay, Dlstmes of tic trnary and seminal Organs, and the whole train Of disorders brought on by baneful and nlclom 1.11•1 ts. Great nem- Nos bane been ilreatln cared be Ibis noble rem rely. Freon...end by a desire to benefit the nnEct en and onfortnnate. I mill FCCLI the recipe for preparing and using thls medicine. In ae,...14 envempe, to any cue who Fner or C 1, 1 ,16. Plc., ez^loac pDsc-pl:44:nvertlopc Aldrereed to Yourself. • Ad•lrem JO.EPTI T. INMAN. rrtallon D. Bib, Hot,. N. Y.. MT. ALAI I'LLaIIIE 14.12.1 - 111; 1 , 15.1:111.1111T rb n i„,... 4 , Night rglootating Ccretn.l Planteney Illoontin;.• Cot-crow. • Maltz lLloomiag Cervus.? ph,,1.7..`g "Night Blooming , Camas.' • rbolores Night ttlooming Ccrensyl • A moti rrnzrant ri led .from t o trzti twevtlittl tkrrer frvi ,Iticlt it taktA It. mama lialuraclared only by I'IIIALON nON. NC.' York. BEWARE OF COUNTER/'.:ITS. AcE pop. wrIALON'S—TANC LO OTHER P . X — VV3I. HAIL:MILL Zrz. co., BOILER MAKERS N • SHEET IRON WORKERS, Noe, 20, 22, 21 and 26 Penn St. Having Jocund a lane yard and Punished It paredh moot approved machinery. we ary pre elo matingtcture enry de ...Option of Boil ers in the boo manne . , 1114 warranted equal to any IMO:. In tly• Country. nnneye. lin•och lug. Fire Beds. Steatn Pim. Locomotive Bolt er, Cnntiensres. Salt ran... Tank.. 0•I Still.. Agitators. Fettling ran,. Boiler Iron. itridyys. imrar l•ans, and IMF - manufacturen of BARN -1111.1.•ti 1 . AT NT lieli Ly. ity. It,: pal rine done nn the anon es . notice.. I•••deti LAIIE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL /t, SMELTING WORKS, PARII,ISIcCURDY Et CO., Manufacturers of Flteathlng, llrsaters• and Bolt 0 dr., Prtsted Cort Bottoms. Itatat nut Bottoms, Pprlt, Cr. r . m ALo Imorters and Drs eale In Metals, TM PIM, /Bu p rt Iron, Wltr.. Constantly on hind Tiontrar Mactrlora anal TE , Oh. arc 11 ay,. No. 140 FIN IT BELT nod 11.0 SKPr.NII nTI:KBT, Vlttst.ortrit. hp.mal ',Cdr. of c.rper cut to any desired pastern, m)II:r,N:IWT ^• —• " -- `1101.1ENTSON, REA. St. CO., (±uco..,. or. to BOBINEON. &SIMS 5111.1.LP.F.) • WASHINGTON WORSE, Fonuders mad PI I l•borVb4 Manufacturers of flat and Stationary !Bram Farm,. Itln,t rnglnes, 51111 51achluern Bear to, Shafting, Basting. of all deacrlptlons: 011 Tanta and 011111, Bob, and She. Iron Work. trritgrnls for Lil Yi'Altl.r.l PATENT 1N• run for ferrllne tour... latltri2 I POI/ SPECIAL CASES, No. 14 Hood :Street, New York lull I.l!ortaltlnti, with th..M0 ,,,, rt•ta.w. ,, w.” 1, . zit, I Ito .ta 11111 •t . t Mar fit ow r. anti •rtz , lf.r nil wilt 5.1 tt: for. as adlt trtislr,c so , trltlly without n..trvlrrer total.] L. trtlttr.i. Enclose "W- GIIAVEST "IA LA DIES OF 1,1 , 111 AND HAN /10011.—,P.VARD AA,PCIA I lON I,y+l.olog y of In, P..... 1011.1. .n.l Etr..ra. Avid i/I•es•e• p'eu:lar to 0.. nr.l are of man. with 1,1,...r p. ur.....t11...19 trvatu,nt m1 ., P ,1 10 V•Ilt. IA t... 1 J. Prr (pe Ad Pr., Pr 1.11-I.l:`:ll.4.llfteN, Ltow•nl I rpt..l. o.lz. I . L. 1.1 :1041.1w1 . OIL - WORKS& COMPANIES 4:10.1=-0EM C,XX,CM SOHO OIL WORKS. MEW LS: CO 11ANI.:rAcrunrs TUC CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICrEIit Petyoleum LubricatitT Rik Sperm, La rd Wad whis.e oils, 1119.1.1af,IIVItit(111,1 am . GCBSI A 1.40, STINDIII9 WHITE BURNING OIL, No. 33 Market Street,. - PrITSBUfiGH, PA IJtn. WARING &KING, 01111551C3 maws AID ELOEBEI3, Petroleum and Its Products, 4 D trifj UES.rE )J 11, =M! I . IIILADILLtHIJI. WARING. K ^ et CO.. ISt t st.. Philo HENDRICK'S LEIBRICITOR. 1=1:13=E1 WIIITE, OROS. & CO., N. Tork. E. 3. ROBERTS, Agent, O. I Pit. OM,. Street. Plittabogib. Leer. conitantly on h.nd Cortne rtelory anl, Dart %I/whine, Ott. lilitlll = I Ictra Kngthe 1. 1 10 , ‘ C , .C.t 0 11, Dark Car 011, No. Llcht Gild tara.r-Cut. Dark Car (Ai r No 7- titm I3,•MaKI7 WOOLDRIDOE OIL REFINING C7C)DeI.P.AtILIS4. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT, Presternt. 11. LON H. Seer sn4 Trmer, ivonum IN lI:POILANCIIVILLE. Office, No. 3 Duquesne Way, ( tlaa lon WAR.) It.LNUTALTURLItA WI PUKE Wtll7 Z . BIT RNING .1712:17E •- Brand"Luoifor." EUREKA OIL WORKS, LUREKa C4D!tDJ OIL, =I EUGEKA IPERM LUBRICATING OILS, Awl Whole.ale Dealer. In Crude, Refined and Lubricating 011 s, LARD. ISPLILM. WHALE. rt SI) VIM OILS, No. 31 Market, St., rittxbursh. c,. IC. IST4=I33X‘I3, aa_gt. Call and era:llllmi samples and read carttneates. nelan.k4 BUT TUE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, EZI=I Blanufactnrcd only and for rale by T. EVAN N CO., PIONEER PAINT WORKS, N. W.Cor. 3d and Market Sts, oclD I PA. BREWER, BURKE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, k AtIENTS FOR TILE Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil Works Ample Storage for Crudest./ Iledm doll. eml Ad, ance• wady on constr.:lents of Crude or 11.:fined l' tn. Yards forutorage ttl.l nblputeut of Crude Oil at Lawrmmerllle. an.l noltunse. cuomror Duque., May •rol flameout ltreet. PlLmtmegb. my letut.3 ILA. MtDZIIIIO2, EAGLE ()IL WORKS, LewocrroxacoN7ll]Lo. WICHTNIAN &ANDERSON. Refinery and Denlen; in PETROLEUM. OTITICE. SECOND STORY, courm: HAN• COCK ST. AND DIRDIZENE WAY. rnvin.c.3 SEMIEM =1 . • S"loGurEcefisloir.ol:o A. ' r iL . lEl oc i al . bman a C 0..) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. The SITISAIi ESTABt 1,11:111.114'BT WDST or TDB MOUNT/ann. Business Cud., Lotter Heads, Bonds, lenisent Circulars, Chow Cards, Diploma, Vortrsits, \'.f Re. Cortincswesor Deposits, Invitation Cant. &c. N 05.114 sad 74 Third st., I-I. 13. .I.ile4olN, Sealer -of- ifelghls awl Measures. 011icet - No. YD ittalltliLT STREET, I=l FOR BALE VOll SALE.-4. Farm of about Si sere. In Union Tow - v . ollo, Alßahuu y mtt le. Pa.. satiate about four nil., front the city on the Washington rite The Imp o. men" aro a urge two rosy 01111 levelling Roue, writl: moo , a two-story Spelng Hens, a Carrier • Hoge, a large Lumber Room. a So. I C.a., Rohl [ t are. with stataing for 60 head of cat There Is a Coe Young orchard, prising theta 12 IVITE, stocked with the htit To Netted of fruit trees. It Is nil underlaid wlltt coal. The land Is In I high /tats of cultlrstlon. well watered. fences good, andwoold stilt alt ruttishly for dein" or irtirdcleng ptrooees. also, Igs acres adloinlnz the above. with a am, r..c Carrtsce Roger. good non. g licence and other oat-boildlnes: with a goo, ter -o...rtngcondition. Tug piece la ateo all on.lerlald wit:1001i. Alm. arms edloloing the a^ore. unimprov ed. Mr rale low. This ploce is also all underlaid with onsl. I Tot, shove three pieces of properta lie between Inc Little bow :dill Run amtetonbeu7lllo I:all . roads, and rho coal can be reect!ed ea.lly from tutor road. The cool alone Is worth on that l• toted (or the entire propene. Also Farm Of 070 sere, altuate 10:31, elate tow„shin. Weotmorellud eoentv. I's 1000001' aely on the Rue of the I enna. Ran coed. lila Itn. proecments are a teeter-tory Frame. Boni tents !eve s and good collar, a Frame hare. tom (eel, and other out-baLdlngs. Tbere ..n te bare a ood Yong Aidee lb-chord: 1.0 acres clear l d, balan g ce In good thhiser! fe.....n0 gener, ly ...eel. well watred: uhtlerlaid with tool An limeetonet conve e nient to chnrellos I lls, eebon.• and hiact sr:llth shop,, toroth!, with [ha herequal property such no stbek. Imidetbentc, era." in the ground, .7.c. roseLsiongivau imme diately. ao a Farm of 117 acres. situated In 1 , ntt townellip, Westnr.reland eool.lo, ro.. tololo ler se, ao. vibe:S:011o, ou Penn,. Railroad, on winch ['sere le a goo.l oo slaty air I,e 100)10. with 010 Il..caue, a Bare, Car wee I lou c. ecd L. , lac beiblings: or. hard of different fru:t terra: It is cal 7: ere is a cal. Wed It 1., .1 order. produ 1.. g per day_ eTU!o property 1501h:sea ocra cheap and s. Alen, a Yarn of 171 acres. situated In eon,- mommaegls nahlp, Ina Latta con:sty. Va., a t tuttt from the: Weet l'enu•o. Itoilrood. 1.10. 0. mom btatacte. The 1111prt , Vt 0.01101 err a Two Rory Fraoe Moue., se to Four !looms. a sheoble Porch and n:.l Leg Ilan., Pprteg Al! ut WO act. lear.d. the re lu timber. m.O. as !elate 001, locust •ntl chests ot. Theo WILL will be cold Dory low, the witcur 1•1,111111( to ga west. Vueleesion teemed I at iy. Also. • Farm of =4 acruS, situate! It f"en ere torrueltle. en.tlanotouaty, abont, !corn neuter Station, tot the li•os, !t., Ital,rolol. Improvement. are a good Two :story Brick ell 14,01n,.11tr. a No. I ' , awe 010110 Bar 11, y 4, • 111,0 Abide reliers ,robe a vancty of different Iru.t trees, a toed Cid, Pre.•: fencing generally go .1: Welt wattled About 117 &errs cleared. tauic.idue In good timber lard, sod a good six foot reln o{ coal -toter the lard, A yo.rtl ea of Lin. !lurch... y be taten for well located latt,-J In SiehraAte., 11161, , , ,, ty, It bold tiL. lore thr /title of March. 111 be au 41 at tin, low ortee o(_0 yer acre. roatcastottore the tat day of Artl. s. 1,0 .01,.,, Al, excellen U. t }'arm of ID) acres, of which 9 , acres Are under tultleatlon, tloan,' In (Aria tit!. counoy,' 11111.011. letprtll,ll , ,ttle—a 00,r frame drretilue cohtstri , g rooms: about 4,0 001,10 Irrea, good I, ttelng, c,1111.3 within 21/11.0 , 01 the 11.1nols I,otral R. IL: will ,1 01, resacon.bLe term:. City 1 170 1.e 11 .7 taaeu In part elelssuee If ile:lred. Also, b.1...ts In soothe. enburbs til l CLicao.. ...see. Lod by In lied:tee. sts , ni•lon e 01 lots. bese lota Ile one wale North of theJunc t:on of et. Louis • .1 Atoll owl Michigan houlho ern It. 14., and an: an the Ilecof th,. art Ii aloeand Chico. It. U., pat a lati , ea 11th 0f401,,,t,rt litte:e. near the new 010,10 , 15, el 0111 0. sobl for aa,leoca• AIN. a F•rm .•r al, . In Penn Insenrhl v, Wr.unorrland ce cleared allgi till. di I CIL t{i vat., 11r.l-ra, , aht-e oat and on.. r of at,rl. a, oth I I a.. ry. r.itn atet.ant Louar. 11l a ..rat•rate JO. am :awful( In I. 01 running order, )oung 0ret..,., f•nl' nn , lant I , r•d , lng: ev , V at, rfl 1:1Itne tone tOt awl at r I,lllnit ape - 071: All Llu one nun ,a , l ludn ol Eby P. 1111.1. c:.tral s eaet ureltt.bur.ll, and In:, nffles *rat or l.ret4shorg• anti) , and elig,lr y altutted In a am, ID undurlald 'wenn coal. Übe 111 . a O Y l a rtr. acre, the . 1,1 In West teal!-Id town,l/11.. lit, lana P•ntra, about ndlca trout tooll, aE..Lloo.ou 154; Pct. es. linl:roa.l. nlta Imp , overnt arc. a t , vo• 'Au, lid , AI fl: Iv 01330 No. I Iran, Bank I.arn. and all Ott., on, tul.d lny.. lve tPt1.,..4"k1, nod Olio rcty alol on tang term, W.,furtua part.culare,nnatre of • • 0. 11. TOWER. Reg! EStAte Agent. 16} funr6l. n t•ti FOR 841-E, A COUNTRY, RESIDENCE, AT SI2ADI' SIDE, On the PENN'iTLVANIA It/111.1[0A11, Wlth'n "Z” min 'tee rule from air city. The huu," tn n•ve, con•rni,ilt in li.•ar,na•me.nts. •4,li6Atefully ornunctitc , l ,11 , ont.ll 2.11,1.".".1 water. and a :l gntures 't,r0u,0..1. oo ~pt, a ,r.nrnanah, stira .•.t 4/ nye part of ~tale:, la it.. rlgi:lal fur., the rtrnain , ., ' , Ong tat II •lept t o •I f.,:truit• an.l 'lli re Ira tlanitY or,af , l o:4lwarl 'I a'l alto. conatatlng of_ro 01, Ywr •PP'a to aria. EEEEEMB MM!IIIMEt! =I ELEGANT AMUSE' DE-II:A.11LE TITO STORY BRICK 31INSION, 1. Itnranrh 11•Kerro,V. sal, op reaa• .nt , ..11.-r.e. I, a.rtr, r•r...r, I< h/tOl.ll, (3131a,rr. Va. 1... n, •: ape,lta I.; Hut and 1 o .t. r K 114th an.l ryfrr ra tug t ran la , /Sao. sof A•• r..a, b . ll,aluke "It 3.1 srlzmtas, r •Is.r. 'I 1:11 rat,3l,,,prop erry Aura ”irpt,rl6.l3lty Is 3133 olnrsilt.laUv. , • FTE'r.l.l •55 , 1 Ur,. Easel, A. rnla. r. 5111 etrri.l. EMI uorSE AND LOT, . CREIP. Tt , •t two-stor7 I(OrSE. Nl* , lon' btr,r.t. - rl“:,rvatel..tor rrytn •,n.s, Otot. , ir Wm, Ktiral anqdr" r, /our t nothp.l . , rle. ro4 ” ..t 1 . ., I•bl,liug: R•ler M.. air ...) I,•, 11 by IA: *.l 11 fur: p.l, Alley ah.r.p.1.1 0 nr. var. , ,rert ILI 1 , 0),1. Thlo .5 a,t. • . . 11..2, (or 1. wa!, latmly; relts I..n.tedukt 121131212 EM=II=AMI IROLOVED PROPERTY M"0.151: ELOCI33 tusteljn, La.,enc,ll!e. And l'Prin;dald. ad lotrang. ranni.or In prtros from ...colt. V.0:0. I= =2 for further Informslion, apply st the BetljEe ate sa4 Ihiurarce (Mc< of 'U. S. BATHS, E= 'OR SALE.—.. 4 FIRM AT WALL 11FATION. on the Central Railroad. with trod 11:1FOIL.,:t, Alms, Tlbet I.titM4 AT h Et< eTATI ,, N, well Improved. A ('AI.I FARM o • the tiruw¢l Ille Itahroad. night miles fr•ro the lily. Property on i . f a‘e. anoint twnte• errant, Improved an.lnNimpro, ed. and In all p3/16 ..f tee titles and auLoutb• FA131 5 0.11 ittrrhasTO I.V.E lugulte of It ILIA AN IV 001). oppo cite the Cathrdral, NO. V:tiraot .treat. 1.11.111UM6 AND LOT FOR MALE, AA. on Paga , er'• I.ene or Bidwell etreet.,, owl Warp. erratic, C.ty. A comfortable Frame aswelltagE of Sit 110,,,te and Cellar. with lot of about t frr mon track of :street Carr, by at...nt li lit het dart,: or the Il ou.o with hail the lot. will he *old e.p•rawly Apply to J. C. lint: LI Pr. No. 65 1 , ed. ral garret. Allectictiy. oral No. 111 VIM /met. I . ltt.our,h, to deM:07,141 . 11 N. iiir...lsQN Altry • V.v.. .ICESADENCIE • SCI , R 1311la-13. On the Washington Pike, c o oot two ranee from the rtver. YR/cut IitIUSE, rontainine tire ro uo, with noo,t one acr targLOYIKI. amble. 'tett tree', crapes and ahrobiwry, awl water la 1b..100 Apply at N 0.51 Palo Alto coreto or, vile. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker. JOBti D. BAILEY, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AUCTIONEER. Having taken outo commlaslon at AnellOnwer, andenaagewent with the Pima burgh Hoard Neruritot nao of their rooms, shore th e Third 1.. ntlonal Bank, lam now pre pared to ael: at Public Auction. mock.. llondh ,ecnritles. Lunt Fate. Sc., either at thq above r.nn or Oa the premise.. p•rticular atamuon paid. at heretofore to tIM sale of Real Estate at nel rate am, OOmollteal Estate In Um country attended. men. I Oa eounii is{reet. 11,9 TOBACCO, CIGARS, &o. POSE BUD ItOUGII AND ILEADY, 1,0,1 t 'IUD litatillTP huSE Itt And other Noted trawls or riVCI9O..A.CICC), , by IL& W. JEN HINSON. Fifth door from Ilianpenblon ittidge, Allegheny deC.:1,11,21 JOHN MEGRAW, HaavLtcLolleno Ile tall Tobacco, Snnff and Cigars, 4irs Mr.2.56.1N7X) tanerLIELICIT. A general a.seertre era Smoking loaacas.Plx rt S'' tLIIIVEL M. WICKERSHAM Ixoii 3Eirolzer 124 Firiit Street, rITTNEVROII. • Agent for thesale of Cornwall, Donaghtnorr i ! Josephine, • Isabella, Duneannon. disengage, Glendon. and other grand ofanth log betty Coke red U. %steam' VIU USUNS.- Consignments and orders reaps Uhl') toile. tsd. irga • • BAICIG & DIOSE:11, ..a...I.I.C7ELTTMCi \TAB, ?MITT Ad9)O.llON litlThisi NO, Nos.. and ♦ HT. CI.AIIt STitE lrT, VlTTatalliti If, VA. Nuclei attention given to the desigulog and building or Coal blow end gliy2 • I THE NORTH AMERICA LIFE IN SUR.LNCE COMPANY, Of New York, IS SIZE I Only Company In the World ef=iss setethlty nuaran teed by the direct super. e.tion ALA cents', of Its k'unda of the General or State te. entnent a.I boon to seenrlty bcrethfere ofEred. we cad part Imo, att. n• len to the Etlowine : Bs a ',cent art of the of the ete Of New the , tutronf IS ant. unreel to real. e,n,lal P. posos the Superhattnetht 01:Le In.:ran, ME to:nett...7o re. elrt then !, berlstt red Tonclet, bearing the boll of the Oepsrlineut ant a Cretin:4th tact the Veil, Is aet tared Ly pltdoe of ruhl lc eve•lts nod., a cI at Truo et, aE.I by the Act of I cyl.lstere fa fat, or:Le EuNTIt Alll , eICA IN ell RANCH COMPANI eecluslerly. TI :'cry INC. Poll, as rore to tira hot 2.4 N ona Soth. or a COE: Eta: et Bond. WE...Telt 110 N In '/ rarely Itestlen, Cr the Ord Ptr: pEsyn.r nts In thy t art of the hulled ~tates or Lam,,. at any sethop of the 7.e Tlt II:TY DAYb` 01:A0E. on all renewal Ply- A El. POE/etre are non-forft !ling and Inure dlattly Inalsbutelt. Income of IM6to, ovrn ONE BULLION uot,Larza. All Inturcre ar , Ironed I oennanne end conc rete tl rleatr policies u'/lb ti.o..c of tba ••!...ortlt Aeaco N.D. Mom:Ay, President, J. W. ME1:110..1... E. T. CnOli & CO., General Agent% rtrrsnrat: II BRANCH. No.t.i7 Fourth street. A few moth active. etiletent then can bay Arrneet. ha I n,e::•11w? A L.LEGIEENS: INSUMANCE CO. VF FirtL st re, lr.r2res NtalaA, lanls 0: Firs and Marla° JOIIN 11 JOIYM, csiLD, vice I.rcsta,nt U. U. 0 N nlc f.L. :teem:Arr. CApt. DLAI.i, (Jet/tr.,/ At/`i • Capt. Wm. Dena. H. L. FLl:,,tock. W. H. Evarnion, f'...bcrt H. 111.7. b, YrancletPalt r., Geo. J ob 0.. Jn Ir. Jr.. - Irrrtn, C. . 112.11., CILt:43, T. J llo.L.lttsor4 - 1/E:kl :11 S Ti.IYAIVLIL CE C ~311.• AN Y. OF PIITSBURGH, PA. ttelee,Sl Flab Street, East Stoat, in. TLI a o y . I. n Home Company, and !nouns &galas! girt. extluclrely. Lii:ONAIIL) NV ALTER. Preeldent. C. C. BOYLK , Vice Pres: lent. HOILL'ItT P.ITHICii, Treseurer. LLUULI .U . E.LHEN Y. Becretarl , Einwront: Leonard Welter s George 15 - I'son, C. C. 13oyle, . taw. W. Eva.. Robcrt Catrlck, • .1. C. Lapp., Jncut.l . l.lntur. • .1. C. IC,Lner, J..11.7.h ICrtg, Jo!. Voeoley. ./... H. Hopkins, A..a.maloa. 11.nwppfoul, UT ESTERN INSLIECALNCE CO., V i UV riri,gunuit, ALP It A.Ei s President. WIS. P.tit! IMP. becrehary. CAP?. ti Eultu It IS nt".1.1", woncral Arent. Onleth to Wooer treet. dn.,: A. Co.'s "Wore tlo~.e no stairs. Plttrourch. Incoro of olnst mods of Fire And Marine hicks. A. hob, tostitution moulted by Directors wit ore welt known to the couromulty, and who tisternchwel by promptheso and Illenedity, M to =b:aro the choroet, wh . .eh they hove L.. nerocd, on tenting the best protectron to thous wbo ddr.Do to Pr Inscred. Pr.r.r.r . reari. Alex. I.:lslet. 1 11ets J r Thom., .11.114. r. Jr, • Chas. J. Clarta, Jar , Jotta It. 11cCune, Alma .sneer Precr, I James P. ;Senn. Anarcr+ Ac.1.1c7, Jo•epn Kirkpatrick 1).1 . 1t.1 Lcur . • Hvymer. Wllllaca tl. Krana. dcl Wit. V. Fecretary . pEONLE'd LiSCIVINCE CO. A HOME COMPANY, TAXINU 111 AND MARINE EISB.I. John L. Mond& Y.m CI r. htrleer, Charles Attestle. John F. Bilreniarlek, Prank U. Bissell. . Henson Lore, LLIVIS, ressidentsi "ATT. Vice B i n:shims,' Genii n. John Watts. John E. l'arno. Jr -3. Wl.n. Van lc Sr:, Jam., U. Verzer. JOltS W. 7. oAset,SF.2., Se 11111:1? Cana. JAM COAL, COKE &c tot..e.tvrtunnn ........... settnnent. KAUFFMANN & CO., UNION COAL YARD. Best Family Coal,Nut Coal apd Slack " hsnd sect promptly dell,- r.,* to order. OFFICE: COIL HARMON AND PENN STA, , y u Est:road. neat Car fetn.t!D l'lTTslll.7tel3ll. INN.. U. CLAN AT. ....... CCMLIING. IL N. ........... L. MILLNII. WAIL CLINEY, lc CO.. Gas Coal Works, ON," and dealers In HUPEIIIOII. OAS AND FA 311 LY Coal,, NUT CO &Laud ,LACII. Yo.. orlco adore.. ItiN% 7,l . l:lalurgit. and LtIC.E. Aaexhe az I Ity. aN GRA'. l.t t ICL, accond Ivory l'lttsbnegb SA:ll.'l ant. 1;u1r1Inr, r.rner rty tlreet au I %leg. OPFICY.St Nu. Lau rty 3eract, ender i . V.16 . 1. 1 . 1 ,t 1 .- 6 ,3 211 . " N 1 ): U Z!. aIT! turn er le n tat •ItR. of the above idacra will reed". prompt all,llun. Ii'ORT I.ll'T COAL COIIPAN'E. —'-hirir.ra and deal.. In hop..rlor and et. Coal. Nut toil and Slaaa, general ur. I', [l.l[o2d utnrz l'ittaburdh uavina. !tank Build ing. er-, 1.11,ty ottect and Vlrgla rIIIrc. turner 'I ry ant Third street.. l'lttauregh. ord. Irft at either 01 the a 001• are. n o,ceeler prutupt .to-. noon. 1.0.40111 c. !Act roo• flos .Ib7, rittsb•gb. DIALCTJISS: • 1 .4 J. J. GILLE,riIL N. L. TARSASTOCX, F Mr.:lttsßAll2. WK. 1:1N•116T. G.11:•G A .. I I •sl/. JAS. MUNTGUYEUT, WAL (LA ItIVJAST, JUAN ILSTS, /.1.70 CS SOU I, J. .1 . bILLIsri. livtle kit. t.r..'s. . I Trt .\ . 11. , XNGLI SR, Befry. N ei...A, r. W. W. crnit:Y . de 4:0, Rim:lagers pITMISULtGIi NATIONAL COAL AND CCKE COMPANY. Weer. shippers and dealers. wholesale and retail. to tad BEST FAMILY COAL. Nast Orcsaa. yBlnols. OFYLCE AND YARD, corner Fourth gad Try Illtet•in, Ltehurgh. Pa. A • 1 orders (Or deliTtry In Ike Pity, or Shipment West, will meet prem;d. and trumeolate •t/ea tbm. K. A. el.ll a A SPE, superloteullent. COAL: COALS! 4,0-4JL:II DiCliSol l l, STEWART a, Daelag 'removed their OfEce to No, 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately CID flour Mill) SECOND FLOOR. Ate now prepared to f ornith good Youghiogheny LUMP. NUT COAL OR BLACK. At the lowest market prlcee gli-A.l orders Ie it at their office, or addressed to them through the mall, trill be attended to promotly. asyksrbiS CILILIILIES 11. VILALIIII IN OIIIMOGHERY & COHHELLBVILLE COAL •wi Ala eancLurrrsof Coal, Sleek. end Desolphorlzed Coke ONVICK AYII YARD. Corner of Buller andldesont firs, yard on Lib brty and thylner streets, Ntnrb ward , and on rrund Loot No I, Plt tabor, h. Pa. • Yatntlles and Sl ne ansflot tarots supplied Twills the best "stele of Coal 41r tno lon Ott rash MCI • Strdr-• leftat any of thole *floes will receive prompt attentlnn. BOOTS AND SHOES CLOSING OUT OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK BOOTH. 43A I IrEIES. UA IZIORALN, /.01.1bil HOOTS AND GUYS ♦T COOT, to make room for Fall and rrinler Good,. Call and ace Cur prlees at J. If. it. W. C. P.OIILAND'Ai . ru t. No PS Bluket .tract, 24 door from Fifth ht. . FIEL.ULNG &13/21Zr '1"°12" Manufacturers and Dealers In Chuustorsa MX:4e BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 11.10.0hi0 St., Allegheny. metomr , os ro 4 uont.i sso.,ntait nu Ma shortest YALNTERS JOHN T. GRAY, boot.E r 11/ON PAINTER, GRAINEIt AND GLAZIER, • No, 61 Hand St., Pittsburgh, Plate and Vellalielltlia MOO, Of story denrlO. 1100 done to order. All Wort does promptly u reasonable rates. - - t:e.7 • —••• W . COULTER, • ROUTE AND SIGN FAINTER, NO. 63 DIAMOND ALLOY, rirrairn, PA. All enters left at the Flipp. or seat LZ mall, , l 1 rerel ye prorup attests iGU . WILLI.IO2 B. BROWN, (late or the Arm or linow's a bioancroro LLOILIBB AND NINA PAINTERS, tear - dreer of Third and 'luta street.. FITTS/11711111Y PA. "W . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, znl:rl‘ PII JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT 'LAW, OEFICE. No. 133 FOURTH STREET, CIEET H . C. NACEERELL, ATTCRNEY R. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant . §trast, prrrsuunert, PA. znrII:t•VI B. FAMOWN, [Late Loeil (leen Agent. U. .1. `Jan. Co..] Niko, 80, 47 Fourth St,, second floor, lUTTNEIrItGP..PA, PINSIOP, DOLIIII?, IND AP.lllkl2 or r.ti Promptly Collected. • No chaste sasdo until clams aro sciticd. and then Tat modetat e Ica. mV9-1120 8100. BOUNTY. 6100 ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST SISCHAROES. geildlera who have lost tbetr dl salts ran riles and who are othersrlaa etatt tied to the aadl tlno•i $lOO bounty, can lit're Itnle CLIC. at tended . to by cilllng on or tl.t CS Si g W. J. S BALL PATTERSON, . ATTOR.NETS AT LAW An CLAIM AGENTS, felt Y 1 GRANT NTILERT. SOLDIEI.I.S , BqIINTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, Le., Collected la tho Short.At y.extble tLn 0. by A. Ito BROWN. .101111 ti. LAIIIIIE, Atlf"'Del 9 at Law. no-0 CMce. No. 111 kir 51 stft “)et, S•ITTIATI111il OLLti A. STRALN MEI 45..T.iri 71CZAV.T. Ex-OtZleio, Justice of the Peace ASD I'OLICS MAOISTIIAT9. Office, 112 Filth St, oppoalte Cathedral, fiNi=ll22 Deeds, Bonds, Marti, ages . Actnevrtedevnenra Depoeittens and all Legal Business execnted a Ite promptness and aspect, , my tv:vl WILLIAM JANCEY. NOTARY PUBLIC, tuencr OTTHN DEACE. AND ItZaL ESTATE AtiENT. corner of Batt. and Craver streets, Lawrenceville. . of ,;`,;` oropel:a:Ion and' oek Legal Lonveyaniee. norrlodgeeent of all kind) f WILLIAM JANCEY, Justice of the Peace and Notergrablle. enrgl:o33 EVSTACE 8. 310B110W, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue. Tot of the litthiti and or r ote th:Lhis ?trees CHAU:ILAN T. EWING, - Attorney at Law, No. 09 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. air CoinnilsOoner for Ohio, Ficomorr„ won 111teoutI. sad f•ltt, JOHN C. McCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. KirVen.lons. ltountles, and drrea.r.s of Pay curtly cyllettod. noTAtt...) BREWERS, ZIM,STERS, &c pITTSIMUGH BREWEILL CARSON, DABLE7GTON& CO., LUSTIT.S MD 10? DOOMS, I= JOSIIVA IMODZS .Ik. CO., Pittsburg W. W. A.7i15r.30.‘, Alleghea The ettantion of the eustor.ero or the two fine tm Is pertieulei ly 'netted to our , . ALES AND PORTER, Which, throsgh the care NI selection sir Malt (rots our extensive malting frailties and liars from the yards tau and Hest. tee can assrantee to be pure and satlsrantors to the ;lads. ()or IN Illaa LL has been highly reesturnarr by,a4prc.if, ,, , , ,ra-nTsa:::;l..m.r • wel r. particuW WI Woes , Claas aid r. K. lieutl, men's Cl:ss 0 . 7!4, evewhy o'n . _ ._ 74 Dol—Urand euiree on ilidsr OVOnn , TA:Denary 10. Uyeroare DY .. ,,, DY* ,, D. at eCI,I, '1 , ,,1ng so eon:state at. II o'clock pre. clrrty Tlekete can be Dad of yhe ...Pile wr I:Y4‘ . fee... Cew,er wo,y. : SEWING ItIACHINES BES T. n" USE WEED, ALSO FINKLE &, LYON Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, .t. ell al:ne 1.0 , 11 ellen. If Ike . parldnaser U es et ry nand them anp•rlor to any other he can rrta en Ir. fo ur. no se ter•ety per eallt• to one. Wartants.l nears, SarCIaNODS: • T N PaNernon, Ceaste &&&&&& , as. It B. 1 4 1.• e A . /Ir. A. i . Unal. at 1 , • New B•nia. Ilrn 1 4 :••••••a, thre• eon. fee. 2.•••,,wa 'falter . JI/Ivbeelelty. 11r... P. Uentug. l ostere7 .heat .22 '1•722' v•V. J. a nn c ace e d, Ns. It {.coed street. A.ll•ighearn LJ wise . otaire •eny UJrn. . ManLl•r. Lavou•eoentl le. WINS bee /ir. Lee's tn•• An. Lott Llll•rty. .lanta Qa1 . ,•2 0.4 Keiss streets, Sir. rzta:na,. It. In. F.Nreen nt.eet. J. /On., Josep% acrort. •peentte rtlttbargb a uts.t.• .••• iit.mtnellazn, and nary •Ibars. ',al I h eel nunra.dory ra vi n e[ .r na, T•Len. elf 121.r.1 s irons As Freese ratterne• Sts t:P.ld WAN f.GI/. It. W. LONG, •t. 112 Gra2t.arees. tel 7 I r• ,'• fe11:7.T.11 • INTrasu UM, Ta. 61:0VEIL d 4. H. hEii'S ELASTIC STITCH AHD LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines An, Tilt BY.trr lot Panty and Mitantsotating purpose., Cell awl tea Lc . ES Fifth Street. DO C£ BECLIIFED BY asEit. I: tots beltn fully taated tor al.- .all COLipe• bI U lEor VESVIE USE. No, 3.0 W.1.r.t.13. istrecot. 109:nfts 825 aiIiTLETT 8:25. MACHINE fleet cheap Ucersted Metalse in the tolled twee. Agent. "mated errt7where• ray h 22 to 1200 per m••oth. Enclete talhp mac asareas PAU t: BUOTHCUP. tieneral Agents PI I Crtettnut treet. Philadelphia, she ' 2Ol ma etreet, Toledo. Otto. •1 GET Ai ONE BUT Lk GROVER ez.BAKER - Per a 11011,117 Olft. It Is relLable, 'erfet and hercturc tae• lx.t. Don't fall to call and sea Itat P. 1101.1., HARNESS & CARRIAGE ka ILA K ZILS .honht nee the new GUM & DRIB ?iO. I SUM EMIL Before bnylng elseethere. It Is the beet for )Deft ore. For .21e. NIL 12 FIFTH 111 . 211 T GELOIEII 6r. ItAJMER SEWING MACHINE Is the Ultims Thule of Ilecksalna. Mem tad ext../tie It at NO 18 117TIt 5 ries RT. AUCTION BALER. pUBLIC SALE On Friday, March 15, 1567, =I The nedsiscal Atli tare nt °Stale see, his S'n•m t m etre.. etieate semi:ship, ailta,chy mile . .. Rear iteml.lflt•lllC rua.l. ere three dietsin the ally. On the antra le er.cied • new frame asealine. sit. tressed of Jour sexes with tie ban. fruit tee,. The leo m will be sole entire, orla par cels of lye end three sores. Also, • yummy horse, : cons, S bogs, IS chitkena. 1 spring wagon, pt,' elate press, PS belie. or 'larger, :$ bath of c:slues, elc. . ==:e!=11111 ♦ 'l` 2.ATTEH 01 ,0 111 E RE _I. •11110 CI a. t)S,` , ro r amer or Ineorparatlmi, 2i.. CI; „Nleecu Term, MU. . . . And now, to-wit, iebruat7 10tb. tle Coa st,tutton of tbe AOreeletiun Or ••Trus itesenw urrughlu Building Amoclatlon." betnr exam ined, 11 is hereby ordered that notice of the tq . 111101 be pubdubcd In Tr. L . /TIM/UWE DAILY tmarc - r• for Came tweets. at tie expiranort of which, to reawma appeartne to tba mis e r. laid rbar:ar wlll be gebe"d• BY THE COURT. Attest: JACOZ 11. WALTZ., Pestlanatarf. frfrosl7 A DAINISTRATRECO NOTICE— ...Where. Letters or Adodhlatrationoa th. Estate of AARON late of Pitt•tdrak. deceased. have th-en granted to Rahman Maned Al p.rwna baring damns s t eals. sadd aatace ..111 hut:sent "non to the nnaehslorned. and all persons lddebLed are iambi laetined to ...le pi went to taahridic RACHEL YETItiO. Adnalx. OfOINISTRATIIIX'S :NOTICE. —Letters of a dclo titration on the V 11111! of Patten e deeeued, hartng bees 'rented to the utders , gneo. nog, ie here:m gleen to ell persons herlog Claims sewn., sa id estate. Is present them. sad all tho.. Inal.nted to eahl estate 11l make leamecitsto pay. meats to the tedersloned. 4 ,, S[Pel CPPISTEEMAY. esrrerevllle. Potter Co., Pa. MOM IRIM CITY SPICB NUS,- FIFTH STREET EITOSION, .{'tear rettrasvivanta atrenue, PITTSBOII6/1. PURE srios AND MUSTARD Wiiraated wbea oar alma 1. as Me Article. YVlni GEOUND COIN/MAL STE F KnArtrE7l;l2tnidi) F zoesraD tontlito• the rgargatattnr• of all Ls DIFFEREST HINDS OF SPICE, ranee :e offer to Aboletak. 1.1 Bolan Dulers v::: i lige t trito= l ,./kamto deal fa , . Chopped Feed Coastaatly in Baud. STRICIELER MOILLEDGIL den. 07.1 =I S H EP HARD'S CEUICKERS 317 Liberty Street, J ITTSBURGH, FA. EMEZEM:3II HOLIDAY GOODS. ALL HIFDA OF UUONZE,GILT, Oarban Oil Lamps and Ohandeliera, Lamp Ilium &c. atraiNgtargg' ExrwlnnE CAlt. JOHN ROMS & COy i 52,1,112...., ram!, Cf.11.3ELX 3 332011P-121191.. Mr.tvg;t2a. Alhazery, Three down abort Einittallekt ttrees. rrrrerzunort. PA. Every kind of Wirrk done on the oborte,lnkotles •nd mast ressonabli Wino. raziliklarniiintion, Tsld .041.61 . • - ME44 C. IL 11012LX.Dr.Z.