The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 12, 1867, Image 1
THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. II PENMEN, REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, ra . c.. msissa e3treet. F. B. rr.NNtuaa, T. P. HOUSTON, MUG". JOMAII KING I is Lungs P. REE D, t Business Mann% FEE e4.o6oopiell 3 cent , . ellrered by carrier, (per weaki.......15 cents all Enbseribeins (Per year)............50.00. Liberal redactions to Newsboys and Manta TEHILS roil WEEKLY: Three Comes, per year. by mall Flee do. do. do. each.. To or more copies, to one address, and one free to etch. each CITY ITEMS. lost the Weather for :Young Docks: lint very had for consurnotives and people predisposed to pulmonary weaknesses. To all such the spring season Is very . trying, and great care should be taken to keep the body dry and warm, and all irritation of the throat and bronchial tuben allayed at once, The soothing properties of Cine'd Cough Balsam render it the conenteptive,,t best friend, while all recent cases very readily yield to its curative power. It is Pleasant, safe, sure and cheap. Soto agent for "Pittsburgh, Joseph Fleming, No. et 3larket street. Now Arri Val Of canned Fruits and Vegetables, and se tl be sold as Olean as at any other house In either city Call and eXATulne and judge for YOnrsel:ce, at Ti 0.11.2 Federal street, Alle gheny City.Gronon .llKAvax. • Also, Agent for the well-known house. of Stephen F. Whitman's celebrated rldta tlelphla extra lino Cream `gam Cons, ,, *.Chocolates," Almonds, Walnut Candy, Drageo Drops, Ac., Ac. ESollabeimer•n Continental Saloon.. The beet place In the city to get the worth of your money in good dining. All the choice delicacies as well as the substantial s of life, served up ut most reasonable prices. His elegantly fitted up Baleen is next door to the Postoillce, On Filth street. Mantiera land Merchants F.orred with tip-top meals at their places of busines4, Dy lioltzteimer, proprietor of the of the popular Continental Dining 'Comae, Fifth street. next door to the rostoilice. Coil in and try his oysters, which are the very beat to ho found itt the city._ • Tort ton Boy Foreign Liquors of all kinds at JOsoph S. Finch's Distillery, 1:o. IA 1)1 153 and DS F brit street, Plttshrtrat. You Coo Buy as per cont. Alcohol ot. Joseph S. Finch's YOU Can /107 lion Hops at do•Aph B. Tineh•• PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE litspateh to the Pittsburgh a.ette. lIA. - alumnus... March 11,1,11% The Senate is not In session. HOUSE OF ILE PRESENTATIV ES. . On .metiou of Mr. Quay, the orders were suspended and the Connellsralo 11.allroad bill was made the setelal 'ordex fur Well -00:,..1 ay at W.; o'clock. - • Au net. regui.ung Assoelltn Juag" of Common Pleas Courts of Pennsylvania. Mr. Chadwick, an act to improve the Coal Hill rood In Coßine township. To allow the Borough of Sharp,burg to borrow mopey. Act relatlneto Notary public fees In Alio_ gheny couoty. , To allow the Tongletoghenv Sirtft Com pany to increase Its capital stick, To allow the Supervi,ors of Collins town ship to levy a tax to make additional side walks in said Township Ity Su,lplemeat, to tho act Incorporating tho borouzh of South Pltts burgh ; Arso, relative to the State road la Alle gheny and Butler counties. By Mr. lidaeldinzi To leeorger!tte the macadamized road iiiiikrmstrong county. - To repeal the second section of the act in relation to Railroad tax iu the borough of Kittanning: • Mr, Quay: To incorpoiato the Brads COO and 011 Company. Dlr. Linton: To extend the law Licensing •billiard rooms to Loretta Spring, Mr. Waddle: 1u actxelutire to the taxa '. ilea of lands which neglect to bring a tax at the annual asse.,tnent. • ?dr. Chasm flulatlve to fees of the Sheet(' of Crawford county for keeping pri,mers; RICO, relative to trespws on selmoi premises; also. relative to the advertlzing lawa of the commonwealth. . • "3fr. 31eCreary: To prevent discrimination In the transportation of fielebt against ill hums of l•onnsylrania by any railroad In tile commonwealth. Iloylet. To Incorporate Ferry lirldge 'Company. ' CONDENISED TELEGIMAXIS Early Sunday morning two ruffians, named William Siiipp and William Cun ningham, broke. Into a roorn Decanted by a lady.tothe Branch Tolling Hotel, corner of Courtland and West streets, New York, knocked her down, and kicked her In a mod. shocking manner. Strlpp was arrested, but Cunningham escaped. No er.use is assigned for the outrage. The este of Cm St. Johns Park. New lork. to the Hudson River Railroad Company for one 'million dollars has been completed. Pont honored thousand of the amount goes to Trinity Church, and the remainder to the owners of the property fronting the Park . Several young men were arrested to New York on Sunday for robbing the storedflien• nerinin Co.,llroadway„._ Tno Excise la.* was %boreal : 101y observed In New York on Sun lay. No arrests were made. Mpean steamers go out crowded, tho reports that the Paris Expo,lLlon 7111 prove fedinre having no effect upon the tempo rary emigration. The New York Press Club has proved a Ultimo. Bennett, Jr., and jealousy klII•id It. Robberies hays been quits, frequent .in New York for along time and It Is estima ted that . 410X00 worth of dry goods bare been taken in nil. The Internist Revenue Commissioner has cent instructions to Collector Shook, of Sew 'York, to selan all distilled spirits collected m New York at ra tea lea, than Government . The correspondence has been published relative to the case of Wheel O'Brien. an Amerlain citizen. Bo was arrested In Liv erpool on suspicion of being a Fenton and brutally treated at ilk trial. Ile was ac quitted and the vase laid before the Amen can Consul at Llverpoal, claiming comp.- cation for fol. imprisonment. The cane was referred to Minister .adema, who re turned the papers with the - Intimation that that the Rome Government bad better be consulted. A State Convention ; of Fenian arlll be held at Chicago to-day, and a large attend unto is expected. neventy-flve circles will Isu represented. On Wednesday, by order of the Town Conacil,of Clifton. C. W., the sole remain leg portion of Table flock will be blown from Its pi west position. • Tee' Otto., (t:winds) Times says Dr. Dacht,Calaillsu Commissioner to the Paris .I.;xpositlet, on being shown the ',lntergraph of Rend Centre Stephens, in the ofliec of !halite Consul at Perla. recosnized it as a likencsa of one of his fellow passengers in the steamer crossing the / rtsh channel. Inter Teleqranas [l'y Merchants:llEl.4llW Tcicyraph Company) Om CITY. Ilarch 'Ml.—Weather cloudy am] cool. Inver ;.."1 lncho Aunt mm„,., mow , till market dull and ducllidng; quoted here at slakhatMq. Nesne.t.Lc, Ylereh 11.—Itleer risen half an inch per boar; !a a ;thin tour feet ten end ihalt Inches at trio flee of A rise of Wee. foot Is reported above to Coma doadt yet. Attired—Savannah, Cleetnnett; T. rano: Casno, 'Mareh D.—Arrivals—Luminary, Irons New Orleans for St. Louis, to r. n.; Al. frosts Cincinnati for St. Louis, 11 r. a.; John Xilgour, from St. Lenin for New Or- leans, II r. y.• "'sullen Cerro!. from New Or hums for St. Louie, ii, a. It.; Edward Walsh, from New Orleans, II A. N. ').l stern's,' March 11.—The weather Is eloutiv. The river is rising slowly; It Is one loch higher than the high water mutrk In IMI. The whole lower unwary Is OVer. 1101,d. Cattio. hogs NMI mule, art:drown lug stud pert...hint:, lessees urn swept tvny, and p11.11.11.41011r ile4troyo.l photo here. The hilistintunts say the river IS higher than St was ever known beton, ' • The Liberty N 0.2, sunk in. Baternan's Bend, is breaking down lore and oft. The wrecking boat *Moon is working at hoz. . • ~ ~...,._ -1 1 - -:::::, , _,, _,).. _ „1 i ', • l V i i i• -- , \ s .. \ ile ... ti I t rt. (._:_ . , .- ' I: 1 t 2 ...t, , 1 I Z . V.' ..,,,.. ~ , ii„!, ,/ ;,. A i • 1 ! 1 r 0 :, , - \ ----1- • \ ' -, ~,, ,Pi F-!..4. i ....Si 50 1 25 VOLUME LXXXII,---NO. 59 FIRST ONE O'CLOCK, A. M. Emu TELEGRAM. FILM EITIOPE, TheWilleftharlesEllrowne. ALL aDIET IN IRELAND. Toe English Eeform Measure. INCREIEED AGITAIIC Or TILE LEAGUE COMESS:OL'S to Catholics and Jews, LONDON, March It —Artemos Ward has directed In his wtli that huts property, after the ot 1,0 mutittn, f.hall go to*anuts thus ertetton of an neytunt for printery. A subsidy to the Cousin radroad Is to be proposed in raflitlittllt this week. All the nceonnts 'trout the scene of tho . ota. turhanees in Irst and represent that nvaters have become ellnet, anti that order reigns undo more. There have icon no fresh con flicts between tic armed police anti Fenian bands, who are fleeing to the mountat as and hiding from pursuit. LONDON, March 11.—Noort—Con,nle. 91; Flve•twentles, Sl! , 1; 1111nol1 Central, Erie, March 11— Noon.—Cotton opriletl,ol,t, at IV; for toidallag.•hPlac.l and Orlran, 11rcarl,tra.4—Proy1110115 quirt Lard, ti)n Ott. [RU Seco me .J Nsav YORE, 11.—The steamer Clt: of ilo,ten, rep Liverpool, arrived Pere t tla. for me NI, 31ftreh 11.—The et comer Sort I Amoon, from Liverpore rem Ihe 2,1, out Londonderry ilk. eat,: :Li after noon. reform broiipects enutlnised the 7e:if lee theme et tilt pre*, The Gorererizebt' withdrawal or the rePOIOUOITS, til r.reeileell Introduction of the bill, met el that. W. ilernerb led by the Lib,.rsl•, awl telle ore ivy:taw! with 'beet/ interebt. . • The reform league :Mow edges of Increas ed agitation. They adoptedre,olut ten, for a tozof meet inn In Trafalgar fwentre, on the evening 14 Ihareit Ii lii, allll Corte:et meetings In life totem - al . , and abin one Invi ting the p. oplo Loutton 10 ariemite In Ilple Pork., for the Intrlfdt`e Of artt.fix ou good Friddv.• In the Ilitteie of Commons a 1011, having for Its obje eft he thrown], open of the of fices of I,l2,lCltancellor of England awl Ire land.'and Ipxrd Lloutetta••l of Ireland. to Itoman %L./ •I,,ve, by amending tho o,ll4lrequired, ft, letowd to a f-econn reading by In/ ithqof ny, 1,1 wno 1112, another bill opetainn tbe Prote.morchtp lu I,u Attu Unlvendly to itotnan Cat holler. All aerannetelent lom been effected 114, to ten thr , Pro-tian :rovt,nment una fit Duko of Nut.l-ttb, awl It v-to tcportt. , l oat b 11= nuns • anovr, Toe Emonror of .tn4tria. In an Impori • . patent dated efklt Fe:treaty, dts,olvot the .flohemlon, tort tonlert it keen electron itnnoollotely. Thurepton, nr signel In the potent fur tee tii,oc. lotion are that the reeolutlerei ed. hp the majority - m of the .V.renthiy tf theY terelecu Imperial annetton,nesehl prostrate the eueeee,i teitieutent Of the Coebtrtutional reltoloilo to unoiorelly. Tho rrnol of gram hue resolvtel ttt 'tend a proteet to the I-I:op.:tor again,: It,': ,ehtone Of military or,ein,tation, ..nil tunleting on the Integrity or Crontet. teiegrnm ettyg the:. t!ueletn Bay. who ban /Nell tam,'! for Tni knoll Minleter to America, retool,. at klerehee sutler of the r.rte. FORI UN CONGRESS. (FIRST sEssios.)l IVA,CINUTOI , , March 11, 18..1 SENATE. VARILTIC Or I, 1.1, Atria:arm Mr. E.1.!lS1:1" latrolseed a 011 l to grant lumls for the cou,treetSai of a Railroad from Sc. Paul to the .I.lS,sourl Rorer. Re ferred. Mr. 111/WARII Intr.lured a bill for the cilstriLui ion of aaiirils for the a:niacin of Jett. Davis. Referred. Mr. %Vit.:it/lir presented a petition of eight hundred amt tbirlv.r.even Oita.. of Ales. brie for the rearinexatlon ci tint city to this Distrito of Columbia_ llefeveil. Mr. w 11.L!.1316 lin:mooed 11 to provide for the reglstratiOn Of vote, ill Terutories s whiell was inferred. Mr. SUMNEot introduced a bill tOPrelViiln for moment. and bdti,titetioll of iiie claim. of American eittronl for npolint.lon commit too by thoprtor tO ul y. I slii, being ttoi Of teat ....,Sort. IZef J rrisli Mr. 3.1011a11.1. Int riol tivoit a tall to provide (or the deleneo of taro Nin tiienoorii irontlor. The bill of I in be.,toit to aid Lim Europ ean. and Nortli American Unllzoin.l. Re ferred. , Mr-TATTERS:ON introtinecti the Nil of loot sersitin - relative to tile remittance of loons sold for mass, de. lieferretl. 31r. Cll.tllN Inutslured n Ohl authoris ing the settlement, of too etches for the ttlsburscincrit of t e er-tr, pay grantra to the oflicerr, seamen null tnartiont of the no-'. 1.7 woo served tin the Pacific CoA9t by the naval appropriation 11111 of AUfust,l.:,t, and 31arTcb, Ital. 1 I,l,r:rd. Air, 31011I1ILL Introduced a 1/11 1 amenda tory of the act den ti log the num., well regulating tho ippoitittnent of onlecrs of ,y,schich provids Out tbe Prcsitlent cleat notnlngto, d iv! l a brtbc: consent of the Senate. promote nuoll dices Of the not ox,ceei,og ten 11l 13.I111bbr, thirty numbers in Ihe raid,. who 11,501 , 4111110• g o i,b r d themscirci In Inittio ne , l have not already b 121,11 pronlOtefl for such service. Referred. SALO. Of TYRYY.L. TO TELLIOLRENTS.• Mr. W11..,0N Introduced a resolution la ',root leg 11•0 Jodi... Jury Comulttoo 10fini,..14 fini,..14 heth, Ibe ntio.or mintmod fool on ,aano,d o, •• , - od belllgorent rowers, by Alio:riven citi,eng, lIOW lowtol, nod .4 bottler the rig:lL to do r.° ran be stood.' ill legiotallou,and to report by bid or other. Wde. Agreod to. • • • TCitillrrt tillAlLAXl•liesi /LOY LATii Mr. CUM NEM cAlle.l up the renolutlon in trude:Tit liy hue on Tlitirs•lrty last, •I•icla Ilitt 0,1,1111 tern., g.tu:unlct , ',Ault - est ill the todossernutson of the rehnl 01 litre. to or c,nsislcsnisle Mr./It YSEN nabt Mime of tins Volute lit ti ecc resolutions were I,lotlll/11;11 In the supple y or Mr. Wil,ss. whlell woe DOW betere the Jed loin, Cotenslttne of the Svnal.e. Ile move.' to 1.17 thew 0.l the table. CArrlesl—Yea", nay`. le. • 31r. YOWI,EII Introlueect rerolUt tl I rOCIIIIY the Secretory of War to lurnh.ll limb] .0,1 ...ion - mown to the novernor of tho etate 'Yen ro,rmee. to rani. e Ulu Orr. equhonun4..4 the 1,111(41. taken by the lbelerre4. After 1.:.1,7111.1ve PPeglon the SCHILIO nd )oit 1101;!it: OF 111;PRE , ENTATIVE3 HILLS 5.C7,611L0. Bills were lull - WT{.ll and refer:ad as 101- .. lfy Mr. I'EIIIIATIt Extentlin.< Itrtavklot. of 1 110.1:0u:11y lon to 0 blot it 1111.1 ellil.irrta of nohlient ettlft.te.l far nine rnonthn anal killed t.l bottle. Py .11r. VAN 110 RN: TO provld« for the comtructlet, of it 0.11, conal ttrotnatt 1110 I'm to of A. logaro. ' Naflort ea to a ncloot Com- to Itte of Bye. , By Ste. W.l ILI): To guarant..o to eort‘ln States that have been in rebellion o ropub lionts term of lovernmont. fly Mr. /40 , ..ai1l EAU: To provide for in crennotl revolt to, My Mr. WILLIAMS, of IfolInnu: To i.g0.,1. 11.0 the honour. or .01 , h0r , .. bourn , . and 000 , 00..., Who ,ervi...l. In the Lau War fur the Union. fly Mr../ I'MAN: Amendatory of !Imhof:tn. blend net Tor a .tinhattot. Alinettniftitt. 1.011,1- ..4 At Li... WWI fletrhlotalso, auto/Idol°. ry of tint pro-emotion la 4,; idea, to extend tho provialons of /OA Oct of August, 1,i2, granting tho right of Way to rnilroutin owl plank tenon over otthilo total , Ity Mr. WAnllltfllfNE: granting youslOns from ilate of Met:barge. By Ur. JUDD To clothe a portion of the colliers et the Republic nom ruirerlng from Injuilcs received. Retested to a Select Committee (4 lima,. By Str. Directing mho coin claim ed by certain bank!, In limon.l, Va.. now oepolitial in. the. treasery, tor mato Irelibitilt, to lei pr...t out utile. treiciury wDLit the right to to.e.ccute their chinas Ilktren, In Om Conn of • . Ily .51r. Bout/HALL, l/cdorn tory of Lilo law ar to woo :Whit: Ulu Court! Of Itto1:111tr.,1Olottm. By Slit Stet LULL.: lq.iein it certain ' Is *hurl troop 04 att equhl footing with other oluutecra ha to Wittily; alto, to amen 4 the net to unto 311150url Into twoJudiclul 1.9.• tri C Ll. Ily Mr. PAINE : A memorial or the Mt• c0n, , 10 Leelalature, aKklar; a grant of land to ahl In the eromtruet ton of the Sugar Vat. try Railroad, ,front Freeport, /Ilmols, to „ . Mr. or Wisconsin: Tn Qitl le the State of Wisconsin Into two Ju• ollstrlet, My Mr. DONNELLY : To protect the right of net net settleru on public lambi, by limit lug the I Llnottnt of lend Mut can he entorril in Oily townshipwith agricultural collet:0 Betio to three sections. . . Dv Mr. CLAIN( (Kansas)—To alit in the colistructlott of a rallro.,il nail ((dep . 111,11 line front Lizerencit to: the boundary lieu between the United states and Mexico, In tile direction of Guitytnae. Galin/mt.: alert, to authorize the Conetructlon of a brldio acricte the Mlevoitri Tie fr. at Fort Leaven worth, Ennnae; ;den, to.itirovido for giviiii: the right of breetnittion to nettle on Chero kee nrutrot lands in Kansan. Ity Mr. PI.I.E—To establiih en °Mee for the .say of gold and silver St St. Louis. Ity Mr. 1101:1tILL: Instructing the Ju,ll - COMMILtvo to I nqUlre whether farther legtslainta Is necessary to give the United Mates jurtsdletten over cane MS Com wirier( On other waters than the high seas. Adopted. TOO WAIL DEBT raorosrrlop. By I,Ir.KELLI.:Yt Declaring that the prop. osalon that the war debt Of the country dinold be ett:lnftnlthed by the generatton w Welt contracted tt, Is not -ZanCtletted by sound principles of natlonnt economy-, awl dm, not sleet the approval of this douse. Tnn Home refaced to second the prev inns role3tlOn by a vole of 34 to 63, and the (1,0- 111110.1 Wn't then, On mOl Inn of Mr: WII,S.ON, of lona a, referred to the corn Lulu. On Way, and Means, when appointed. CONCCIININO Tab St:S.3IE COCIee. Ity Mr. WILLIAMS, of Pennsylvania, To egoista the 'prioutee 3114 dello° tale powers the Supremo Court of the trotted States a eells/111 eases arising under the conetitu• Mon and laws thereof. ISSlXlSrastaa tor., Mr..,TEVEii..3:latlyo to tho dam ago ‘101:10 to loyal men. y Mr. Si'it L.DISti: A concurrent resolu tion tor the itopoitmutunt or it Joint Com mittee of two Simators and nitre Iteinc sentstivc., to examine the accounts :or re pairs and furnlching of the Er, ct:tire man mon, es provlilud lot lu the tlclictuncy TO INTALIZIt 00CNTIS, By Mr. SCHENCK: bill to equalize the bounties of solitlers, antlers until 11larit11-3 WhO served In the late war (or the Union. toque a bill In the ..soot words /1.• the Hulot: urn the 1411 of February last, giv ing bounties at the rate of eetilt. and line third dollars per month for actual servo, deducting local bounties and prize money. 'rue previnns question Was ordered. Mr. COUTW ELI. mooed to reconsider thin roe by which the main quest Jou wits order. ed, and Mr. HOLMAN moved to lay that motion ou tins table. Negatived—yews 61, nvs7S. T lie vote ordering the main question was then reconsidered; ye. rinays 41 Mr. 11011TlY I.E. t r 1 ritlll4 to debate, One bill went. over ender the rale, Elf .Inounc.l ton iii.polat in.nt of committee , , follows: Ibisovit iiplurs-111,,5. Ortli, bon, W,Oiliorne. n( Wisvoniin, Mcilisithy R 1.... Ms er!, Robinson anti Morgort. Juint Commat-e no Library-51,,ers. I; 1.1,1 x In ti••l Provo. Vn Enrollni Btil,.—}leshr, ilron, ilo. kin 0,1 liolumn. To all VACMI(.II, Jlllllt COllllll I: it, 011 Iteronetimetion Meaero. Weimer and Harlin l;. —)earoaal Committee , in Niagara Shin Can. le Ilion, (S. V.I. Cook, eteven Wa.ltimene, 51m, ), unit ti. to.loot Counnittoo on Clot him; lo,Lble 6oldlorl--51c.arm. J ad, Vile, and Col,n. Al r.GACFI}I : i intrcklareA a 1411 appr priatmg tor the Department of Edileetio .7,10 i. I:ono - red to the Committee on A eropriations, worn appointed. MWM=M . Hon for the oppolntsuent of a Sulect Gom tolttee to teem , allthelsws and n•solothe 111•• ex pun dlt rol of the Conti , ytent lon.l sod other fonds Of 1100 House. Air. CI: ohjeeted. I= The spLA K ,titled there wo. •mint 10t1ht ue at the pa!, went of mileage to meth hot , ut rho preernt ae—iton, the I tw dirrct In,: that IL Le paid at Hot oonytorlift.Ment 0 eaelt rette tar Nte •oon, end th .ot At L,..t WhIOI HO, !WI Of in T , to OH II ',CI) I hot milfettfe !0 ,11 wit he paid t , titeee member, of the prefent Coo,ret IS ht - Wel, me:otters of thOLLitCO34I , I,I. Ho do• sired. therefore. to totrecet the queettea t the .la.lictare, ComnatttLe, it, ha Owl to gtv eartilltates of uttleage. CONVENTIOI Or aTALIIt LIOYMLLNMENTA. i. WILsON (Plea) from the Juilhilary Cominitiee, reported e bill calling it state C....ivy:aloe of the , iate ru. merits rebel Slate.. It IC Itit• bill intro. fuel by Cdr. WILSON {Mee,. tile itiC,loll et Jett Thersoty. Tile hill wire cur.:Oiler:dile Ll:set...dine, anti tautly 'paiiiiett by a vote of 1: to' . =I Mr. DONNELLY offered et preamble an, resnital ,, n giving encomagernernt and n 3 to burpenn rulna the Douse rllournol. FROM IEW OEMS. • Urn. Sheridan Order. the Lirellan Nut to be Ileld—llloton. nod Prewar:n(lol.ln A•ond Trouble. Nov Yong. March 11.—The 7 Wnsio legion cpeclal thro. Mates the narration in Now Orleans Drier to General Sherldnrt'fi Order ire hrtiltlng tho election. There bo. Mr Indic. Y o..Mf It -riot, Gun. Sheridan .ma.le nil neces.nry preparation. to 11/051 and r poplin:lra any Mout bance. lie has tour wo hatterlea of artillery and ft bottaliton of eavalrY, Ilmelber will , Geller -0.1.4 Mower, Kant: anti flailly Scrota 10 lite city, ready to take pall in any hontilitten. Tim trouble origloal on In the fact Ito 1,00. moor V, r lin recogntred the itecoost ruction blll, enotedered the' ntate Govei nmerd re. driced to a led Goys-none:LC, The Marcell to le, Mtlrt are Governor oilly• Th. municipal oulhori nee, borcover,ebt riot rece wolf. th 11, ;Mango, InimmuCti an the !tenon soot-two till WO 110 t yrt tmen read 10 ofti• oil! form, and Mayor Ithero, IlUtt Chief of Poll., Adairs ordered the police to obry no ortleis DO , 13•0,...1 by thou, rrlvsto formatton recel.rol at Washing. ton from New tirleann pays that Mayor Mo roe ordered the police nut to obey orders except frOm him. Governor Wells and the recorder., or police Ord lees. orde ed ilie po lice not to obey order. except frotn thorn. Governor Weill, Clairol that the diemallll • eate. 1/t tile reC(III.I.I . OCLIOn 1/e 1:11(w - cell, arid ft - el:Omen 10011 be eat to vote. Mayor Moro oar cialin. that the low In 1101 yet In force. 1. later tilnpoeil nays that tut election is proceeding quietly toelay, but the negro°, aro not 0001,111 . with tile 01/1111 in ea. -A riofin espected lo grow out of till, 0101.11110. An election for City Col:m.llmm was to take 11111011 011 MOIIIIIV, roll Goy. %Vella, in limprociranatiomoedered that tiro frOtiillir, mar - uncut:eel under tile recoomtructlou brll 11110111r1 vote, endthe cia4n die:ranch Med cirould not 71110. lion, was an opportunity for a re•enact trent of the former rin , n, but Moo irlan'n order postponing the elm titer net II the MO riot Coartnender in apt/ Muted ender the reconatructlon 1,111 or apeutal in• ctruetloim coneern In g the mum aro receive/I, has rust tired o der. FROM CILIFORSII. dieolean Adslcup—filming Company lOrld end•—Nbnen of tto Iffirthquake —cotronerelol Newt, Safi In•safsro, March • lL.—The strainer I.lerra Nei tole, from llluzatlaii, February with in treasure; arrived to. day. The report Is current at Mazatlan that J our e z had proclaimed a general amnesty to all political eArenenn of a prior date. Thu defeat of Mc:town In two engage.• cued . m by Escobcdo, Zacatecas, Is con firmed Thorn Is no no.ell regitrtlllig the timeetnelits of the Liberal attains in the val. ley of Pitexlen. ' Tile Trustees of the efoRILPOInt. Mining I. ,, rupany Lave sulmerlbete nevenly•livii thousand dollars tattle Satrd Tunnel Co.. nuldeet to the rutlfleatlOn of the Stockholders. The Stockholders have de clared a dividend of eighty dollars, payable on the Ifg It lost. Tho Halo Norcross Com pany iltielarril it dividend of ono Imenlreil :tridterenty•llvedallars payable 011 tliezyneue day. Arrived—The hlllp Chieftain, froia,Valpn. ral,n; Horatio gpratoe, liredon; Itrllloth Coa t ul. Live, pool; Mnl lnhxr, itONCILU.I; Poly ut• Ida, Mart:olle, Flour unchanged. Pr heat ad vanced r.c; 111Ilrk et 11 rm. Legal lendori, 7411 A severe sutick - or an earthquake Ira" felt at bacon' , ge. Mariposa county, March Th., nevillationa northwest and southeast lusted 1l ft gen secoralx. . . . The ship Kosaarell Sprague, with a full cargo of wileat for Liverpool. railed. Tun trarkCatbarina takes s,tttJ barrels of flour for Rio Ds Jam:.lro. Ziellonal Bank Iter.ompitou—ADrulfl kJ order. trfom, N. Y.. Moron 11.—The Float A. tional Book ali t ri-onno row ~ f rfonlf. Itokkri OlooporO, etopoll.te , l Cashier. 1110 1011., I, Ihe 111 Coining eaolOor lhortomek, n to: not eo serious io• to luipalt• operatiOu., looltol murder no counnittogf attior ao oast/own; Saurday morning; the victiul was UM Oslo of John Welch, so I doh Labor r.. Welch war arreuted we the murderer. I , v - :. - rr --'' - • I'` ...-----;,...._ ' -' " t;' ' ' '' - • ''''' - - . s e::."'T-- ..& 2 1 , 11 ' 1. 7 . - 77 - (; - 4 :' , ''''''-- i,-,:,),,,,,, _ „ ,i, .„. I _ ;L -- .7 ,_ .M, _ ... 44. .gr,q-q-1- -- -- 1 -,-,--,;z- •0 ' trk , 2 : oz.—v. ,> -- - - - i-iv,.:j...g vn. 7 5., V Q„c•-•e, ~. .- ' 3 - e-1•1 , --,.. • , - _ 4,0A7-, - r4•31--......' , , A ti, ' ',...=. 4 ' ,.' -.V.e ., ,r''''''+' - ' ' '!' _,..) 1' '''''''_ '' , s' -'''''' ~.I ' ,- \ • , ,*..,.......,_ ----- \—. li:; - •aoo. -& >.- allifnAllk, j ,•: . ~V ie 5.,...:,. , !! .. 1 - --- , .6,7, ..r."'" , ~ . -. :- IESO P.:',::::, - .. • --T ,' 0.?,77.37i . .., 1 -c.•:•:=-1 :::, -.,----' - - ,. - :: :' ; ‘ , --- _:.7 - '-1. --- '4 ' "' 1 --- L-.:.: • .-- '..-- -t -.-- - ' - ' - " ,--- 7 ,--- / -;- _ -'- . : '-i---- " -'2*-- .. ..-7' - ::: 7 .- ' '''7' ''''- ''-'-“-•--.-,:;;%. - - ) ---.-----:- ' ' ---- 7 - 1. -- . --- --=',/-=' : ---='-:,.. _.--/-.-----..---"---- , '. ----/ PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, MARGIT 12, J 867. NCOIO FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M 'ERV LATEST TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHEGTON. Military Reconstruction Com- mandants. OHM MINOR HITS AND VIRGINIA. Difficulty Itetween General Grant and the President, THE QUESTION OF lIECESS Caucus of Republican Senators. WA,nlNoto,, 111:41111, 1547 al.turnim . re or (:).5r.C.11. ,ICFLEA, Under a more earettol rioting of the lie eloastruetlon Lai. It Is not required that tlio Coonmandants 'shall he Gial!ntLi of the neg. ular army, therefore General swklos to There it orients to holleve Gen erait Sherman, Meade, llancoch, Schofield and will tot et:lee:ed. Thla ifort not titT ,, et General 4 Thomas tool Sherhies In their Department COMITIRMIS. John Minor Unite has written a letter, un der dale ot Marra ltit, ton prominent Cori um:into:lm ins n hich lie ,tates that the rend Le:; tel.tutu of V I rgllllll, Will tan' 1110 iltet T n ,,,l a y in M.,,y UM! t hnl the tellt . ll l, lers are therottplly organiae,/, anti will certainly Control the COIIVC/11.1011. ainie-.• a reu,try 15555 nntl provi-sons for °nag by ballot are pri, :dial at the prceent tiat Loiiiitte — ii Ile sit), not cow-fifth the colored people arc a‘t arc or their Ight to Vote at the etooting election, unit i.e I :don Implore Coe gry-, pot to a heti.: ploylillog the leiiielatton utt of the pro ~U 31,4 0101. 00t putete.l ttu • the last hours et the Thlrty-Ninth Con 157!1=E1 w 1,0% lt2el far the try, 1:a!te1 `tatty Mitr-nal Itl•triet or Columbia by tho Jti,ttro ur tbo pl.etnu Court loatvaLl of 1 y tto: ut prapent. An EDmiriu Chronic. , , pedal F The Inlvinty I:etAft . MA the LAnAI runt teltatiVO to the :Appointment of the ttouttaortttr otOders Tlle lietteto cornl wants tire act elt cute,' at tin, the t•retitlent IX oe lttrr fOr SrMlll,thirla to turnop apparently. Al the matter now', amt. , . :Lc 0i11,4 , , for 1,1,41113!lai of .sirtrlers' 111 (...neruls nnerman, nt,kit!. nontill The arrangement ill not effeet Getierul ;nom, Ist 4110 coen. and Of 1.14 011 ~ o ronent, roo . p; obanly tv+tl.ot 0 hoar I.ovo d.: )+ulimcnttl nder thele control. TX6 aceasii. Thu Republican fniontiel , of it, niinate hula cam:Lc:lloa morning mut agrceil not to lin time for adjournment or tie,. un- t❑ Lre:gre•+.ll.,ll has, pb.,,,1 the pr0r , 0 , 03 bill eutplerneetary to the IteeenNtractlon net, tta.l until tltho Is given for dent to kv . t. I:port tho Cot,titution ullows I.c.k du), for L ectitivo ron.l.lerstloo. riA I,llloot p't that Congrets 401. I,lit contrmOnto 51= .r.l tuthe than to whlClt tircwol trod, Om CAUCUS took no Ortlalte notion, but thy opinion rl',lllB toy brovall among the sootktot3 that it will bn until 9,:tobrn. The Pre • ole spomoted Dr. Barnard of Counecticot. co:nnueeloner of EllueLtlon . - Indiana Lenialai arc adJourned. - )lArvll Ind!.,lAttiru tidjouritc.l Yilfr ale tier n eca.ton of slaty days. [4 .su - Ko nunf ,r a Important. In%s Int,qs4 .during thu itinong which a reglatry law for the prow iithili of the eOll.. twielonal and leg hilativu aptiostlenternt hill, low to pintialr I toll lee lit the Idignila lure, arid h I+l,l . for ti', initalillehmout lit a loot, of rrt lice for )(Iv.: ille offender' The ,Ileatioll of local iglu nt on agricultural col lege, snit illaiweneg of rorigreireional grant, for (.16111,1. Tile amount of money approtirtaled lu gcortal and apo elticapproprlation bilk amount. to THE BUTLER COUNTY UOMICIDE. A for the der oof Myellury dlinoton It. Custolstahotolllo nod - James It. Treptro. NASri:OAT .1103.170, Metrell 14% 1%1. John It. Adlloglon, tho prbomer, brought Into Court by the Sheriff. The Clerk culled over the pane! of Jurors, when all bat four answered to their names. Proclamation 01.V.1 theft meal, that Jurors lumanenilmlto try J oho IL adling ton. The following due the name/ Of the Jurors impanclicul:, I John S. Irouthett, of Adams towns/dn. 2 Thomas U. Rolf, Borough of Mlllurs own. 3 rillllp Iturtorr, llorOugh of Saxonhurgh. 4 John Christ lry, :Slippery rock towns 11111. Thenlins Vandyke, 51srion township. I rotor rentieli..l 0., Clem' 11e1.1 townselp. 7 'Whore Trimble, Middlesex township. al John lietsrignper, Winfield 1011.1011111. W Iluto NIeLII.I , IO. Petal township. Ilsory IL Iketr, Jefferson township. 1 1 •Iseeb Croup, Ittnier township. 1 John Q. A. Kennedy, Venn township. Ton wire.' WWI or tho Court, up to 12!4 Weleek rh., was OCCIII,II.ii in im panelling 111110 Jurors, when the Clerk nonnuors,l thu punrl tahnuenrel. end the Court 4¢1.1 they would two° a precept for calling In loininm to 1111 up the, jury in Mu 11 u, and thu Court adjourinel to meet Itt r. Tr..lOON 11[1. , / , 102 Court met pursuant to n.ljnorrintent. join, It. At Ito prlauher, al brought. Into court by tho hticrlff. llo H Is usually attcnilvil In nottrt, hy his wifu, children and n inuly relative. . The.; ury—tlie n Me select est—were brought into court by the con•stutsies, and later b.... log seated le thethe Clerk called their names, when all were found to Ins pr tha t. Can Court then ia.mell It precept to the Clerk to call inlesmen. The door.. of the Sher room were closest tool guarded. The heriff' commenced his solectscom, ano it w its to mtnntes to live o'clock, p. m, be-. fore the Jury was complete soul sworn. The clerk of the Court then read the in slletieent. /t charges the prisoner, Jehn 11. Adllng ion, In er t of Sydney 11. he usual lega Ce l v n erbiage, whit the 'hardeirsallarts, at the talrerlgh Of Porteraville' In the county ot Butler, on tho srith of December Ills lerist be I stabbing 1 , 1111 le the left stile,belie penelmtleg upwards between the lower rltd into the chest, Inflicting it mortal wound of the breadth one and a quarter Inch end of the depth ot fosse and it half Inches, eaualeg Instant death. Tho Indict ment over• that the accused held the knife lu his right head. Alter readmg the Inillettnent, the Clerk molds—Upon tide Indictment John 11. Ad- Bunten hob been arraigned, and thercomm bath pleaded hot guilty; and for h. A Oat bath not hlsorstslf upon Coal und but country. which enlia•ry pull hrn. tie that your charge 1,1 tO I smolt° whether he be guilty In manner and fore. as he elands Indicted. Jethro areGulllnott thesuggeatlon of memo bars if the bar, reniarked that it wan now near dark; the room hall been crowded all week; the atmosphere was ut Mow and un wholesome; the Court, bar jury, altiteriatal --uveryleely Irma westry with the week's fa rigc,, Ile wools!, therefore, say a few I words of canalise totter j ury, and adjourn till e A Y. or Slnday. The jury was cautioned against • ermirers• tog with any ono on tills ellldeotj or of rood lag hearses's.. comments. They wenl.l bo kept together In a room; but Blond , ' boor°. visied with every comfort. They tolseht I read ,woke or write Lathan . friends on loon- Hems. 'Vises , ' roald rem! nay Pala , . ^Wall contain. , nothing relat leg to this With T hey could rum go to clench. Thu Conetu• Het wore strlatty charged to see tbut.they had tsVerYthltsg to render them comforta ble, at the eeleity's expunsef het to keep them aloof from contact with the nubile. Court adjourned. llli CITY AND',BIIBURBAIN: FOURTH race.—etc fullest and most re. liable Moo', Oil aid Produee .Iforkei Re ports pit:entry any paper in the city, will be found On OUT Iburth'Ave. Also, t 1 Court .P.cportc. Daring Burglary gm Mount ireahlug tun ll•roul.h. There scorns to be no and to the burgla ries committed lu this city' and vicinity, nod no luntt to the range which the opera. tors give their enterprise. Now we are startled by the report of their nefarious work in the heart of the city; the next day colors an equally startling report from Al legheny; now the perpetrators leave their traces in one borough and again in another. -V tow days lance three burglaries were re ported in East Liberty; and ea it gals with sca , cely an intermission.. So rapid and alert are the scoundrels, that the tallurs have bcareely commenced look I ng for them at the teene of their newest exploit, before they turn up at the opposite extreme of .101b0r1100d. Ott hum Joy night the quiet and seldom heard of borough of Mount Washington wan ode the theatre of u burclarlouo per formamnce. home time during the night :0.- Iml—the hour eonout be fixed with any lie. elliney. so startled and excited nos the only' person who hod the epportnuity of jtnig. 11/X—tee 1101750 of John Cnigati, Esq., Tar Collect. In the borough of Mount W %Kb lngton, was entered by two men, who gain ed entrance through the back door of the bolltlieg. They roneocked the lower port of the house, but dot little harm there, he paid "tearing lip" tile IteellOgeoleute et the lnedio , d. They then went tip stubs to the sleeping room el Jolla Crewel, Jr. Mr. thegint inn tilsoltimed coddler, torot is at present employed in a rolling mill in the vicinity. Ile hoe. reeently received one bemired dollars of Ms bounty, and the cheek for tills amount was la het room. The robbers berm to have be,tllloaru of thlo feet, anti to gain posseaslua of this check won apparently the object of their visit. At all 000010 they toot it. Mew. ibllyerm lady of thlselly, w. sleep ing In the house, In a room not Mr removed front young Mr. el etion'euotel heard it noise n loch Mtl her to believe that nll Was not right. She made &Movement to a.certain the ea.., of the 'noise, and the I Libbers, heurtng the stir, linuselhately entered her rem, Hutting her awake and dlle,ed t.i' Intake a Al, Int 11:0110, they Inn:ate:lon her 111111 death oho remained len feet ly quiet, and toghat greater tort. to them ltneato, one°, them drew a knife end told her he would cut her throat If she mimed or crltd out. The fedowa the mu vaXml her room, hot taco took nothin n g. lin go r ing cut they repeated their threat. II she 1.0,1 , 1 Mire any Merle. to Lave belt the hound onumtnately after this, soil the flu- , of Mrwiilllyurla Loving been (tante m pl ultubly the 100 , m of Incir nu:Tending their dep. edatton o without waiting to ex 0., farther. As IL I. tiler took nothing of butiortance, save the cheek Mientiontsi. Um. t. alarmed toil household soon after the hurelurs had lett h.roont,biat the MI. loom Lao troute goo'J etr meant,. They e ere fts rung . e. tr, Mr, 1., •nd 11110 identite reseals... Mu moat earnestly 1114. flint the ratealt, map be can:an:4. A Criminal Wife—A, Pending Divorce. The details or anothet cam, of domestic infelicity peculiarly aggravated to Its char• actor, and involving several parties well know n to our Citizens, bare recently come to car knowledge. IL 111 a front derelop merit of a phase of the 1 4000 1 evil" which IS la reirrintg letglitr any prominent in those and which calls for must active and tmergetio measures of reform, It there be any measures of reform *bleb are capable of reaching It. The crime of domestic In• conitromee, which his Warn :rota an en. eeptiolott man utmost general Crime, One2l. If possible, a atilt MOM pressing need tar legal. social and World notion, than the ante epread vice of Prentloomeat *Web bee alwaY• clUreed ell saga cities. The ease to whlelt rtfEr probalsly soon be Made public throttah the Courts. Meauwalle, wtthnolding for the pt ,seat the names of the parties Corteernenyre 000 a brief statement of ill. facts 'Otto lending partner to a well-known /and Mir city has • arlfa who I. beeatiful and well quali fied to please In eoctety. tier hosimmi's poi aition and her own attruetions made her scheme In the obese society," and she b.. !Iv - bort° mingled freely therein. She male the meg uaintiance of several fait young Writ of the eupper etre:ea," sal come time ego, an It renuni, ticestne regardless of her oat , inn.Luly character nod her hustatal's honor, and became erlintnaily intimate Nvith some ot teem aegnatutances. Her criminal kindnees, It enema, was not grant bd to hatter two, brit to quite a large num er, tonne of whose names. If Published. would set Dame liormb's tongue waging for a week. lite lady's ntriband at leoitta learned hi. dintiOner by proofs 100 strong to be gatogrila Ile decider on legal aepara tionea the only remedy left to him , and linmedlately net abOOL Instil tiling the heeetlSSey steps to obtain a divorce. TOO e fe, as we are lnionnof. doer not deny her guilt,and will not remise dleoree, tint she inol,l that It shall be Obtained quietly. with as little publivily mlb pola Toe Unstated, an Olin other hand, deemed.. teat his a lfe's clinic emir. of crone elm! I be laid before the oolitic but be (Start piticecti litas, and eton that she .hall Make a eon feiedon, a hi Mrs. !ten to ho pubilely used in the CoarL. Ile moreover is deter 'nlntend bilininoned an w Itnernia In thn the refuses to comply with these demands, sod so the matter toot. at preseht. •• The unlidi•py ain hie ere liv ilia' i."iinriitOi Cr pre-Yet, rad their chlthlten hair bee lent away CO 4 !warding euluatl 112 prtpa • lien for tilt Impending ' , milt, We the lirobeldy be able to lay still further lacia b lure our readers 110.7113. Bela Burglary s Roe la Allegheny—Stole uou.l • • Thu resilience of Alra. 11111, on River Ave. our, below Anderson street, Allegheny, was burglarious)y entered by tbleveson Sunday evening last. They ontalned Ingress to the Route by placing • tut, beneath a back window, and standing upon R, rer. ono. bled to hoist and climb througliit Into the bark parlor. They lelauirly proccisleil to gather up teen vainablet they could toil in the way of clothing, oilier service. jewelry, itc., and WI 1.00 the piano. It la presumed that they were alurtned and fled before accempllabing the r plans, le they loft alt the Wunder In the parlor, 0 . 1111 the exception of a valuable velvet lotolaufl, 110 , 0110,1 g tea Uteelbee 11, faintly. Yesterday m ade , mg,inm tlon of the burglar) , was a and deter. live Long proceeded to Intik up tile intsalog yarn.. It was toned in a pawninsikers onlco In street, where It had loien left at tete!, o'clock - youtooloy ni • lug by a young plan who ryceletel to eIVO ,Inhere tipoll IL as a pawn. Soelue (archer than the illiusivery of the ene,lllLl 100 l as yet been dtacovurtal of the perputraters of this bold robbery. Milker/ Naval and Claim Aftww<7. Toreadors who may hero soy collectable chant, upon the (liniment en t la the way of bountler, pentanes, back pay. (deluxe for to. 41011111Ity nail prize money, or officer., claim, for aerrunte i pay, Would do well to favor Wesere. IMP end Dann, 103 Fifth Wert, with them for collection. l'oeimealne obtained by lout; application to and expert elleo In the littetur , a, they are de to In tone the clatamot at once w hether lilt claim le collectattle, and If a In, w recure payment In the least poosit,lo Wino. We el ly recommo at to the p of our relilter upon t his li ds, and to all In ferreted In chili. upon the Ouverrimeet. They nth reionelbl (air dealing and Whi- m atde gentle m men, an e, d ill !maims.. outrust • ed to theta will L. attended to lu a prompt 41%111101. 021331:=! • Wo have 'mentioned the project by wh ch It wan proposed to effect slackwater navi gation to slOrgantOwn. The Morgantown Post has the following concerning IL': Ily referenno:tolour advertising columns it will 11(31,cen that the couandssionerl appointed by the new charter will meet ou Monday, ' the 11th day of March, for the purpose covaetaing and opentog books :A subscrip tion. We hope thorn will he a rnoettng of all the conicalssiontin , , and that they will et once put the work In molloll. Our drat shoold bo - built the cowing mummer, tool can be, If the proper means:ere used. Let on hale the river Improved at once. Thu money Is awaiting lho honks. The ' , coldu are anxious for it: A littio "filthy lucre" is nothing compared to an easy across to the Pittsburgh market. Let us have It. Attempted Ontrage on a Female. The Allentown Diva:Many. Lost night, shortly after nine o'clOck, as a young w ommioterying Id a family on Yahrth street, wan pealing along that street, when near the loot of Linden shn Was suddenly animal by a burly raglan who placed one OS his bands over bur mouth, and then attempted to drag her Into an open lot, close by. liar erica of taunter attracted the attention of someeole livg co nn inghe neighborhood, and of them to her rescue, t lie vil lain relinquished his hold and ?lOUS L saf.ty In flight. Suspicion rests upon. smut, ono and we hope too guilty party, whoever his tutty be, will bu drought to Justice. At Ilorne.—Jobn G. Brown. .Esq., the present ours , efficient Clerk of too Court of woarfor Sees,Ons, absent' ut Donor lost week on Court basil:tense, has rotor:tad, nun resumed the MOMS Of WS WACO. ME= /gb ' An Anti:horsy' BololnoSS ilonse—ftro. eelles and tilneusettreaw. lamps and Chandeliers—earth° r Melt, NoS. 172 and 171 Federal M l'ereeYerance, application and dote at tention to bnetnese, gilded by a nice some of Donor and fair dealing are sure to win MC eentl • antl - prOmpertly to the trittlceman or merchant. Numerous exemptes of self-made men aro to he found In this omgliborhnoil—men who have commenced life without a farthiug, but overcoming all ditllculties, have made their way np to the highest walks of Ille. -Such aro Invariably el:ft:Las the reviver:a tenth men of benne., thosewhom the young should imitate for they ere living ex emptoe of what perseverance, Industry anal honest bumluess tact will ace:mai:ol. w hen tightly directed. In a trip of observation through Allegheny we were Impressed with the blocs that all Relic t me might be prosper°. If they d foll n ow In the track or systein laid dom. n lay their fortu nate eel); hbors. It do. not do to rest upon our. Oars ail trust to luck, for luck slotms all who has . ° Ito real:men 11l their cell ell. pat:Allem. Wu must move, put out our best endeavors, tau active, energetic, enterpris ing anti always have a close watch upon our a(faire, If we weight be muccessfid. Wu have already noted some of the retail Infests which have sprung up In Our skier city which anon to tarty. formidable rivals to eatable:ham:atm Sn Pltthborgh, nod to' day will direct attention to the now well known and popular house of Dir. Arthur Kirk, Noi. 171 and 171 Federal street. A low yearn ago this house with several others was !tenet:ly engagml in the took °Mee:ling emu trade from tinning its way to this Maloof the water. TIM was dinithit, matter to eracomplish, us it as harts to make the purch.aug community believe that Allegheny atoll vita and compete I euecesmfully with her mere op,,,aleut nelgithers of Pitts burgh: T.'oe, - sepal one people at 011eit recognized the enterprise of :spirited end prorresslee merchants, nod bt vtowtel epos them their patronage, but at Rloe 511100 tone before the masses were cheated to the fact that It was to their ad vactsinge 10 Inv On that nide of the water. Gradually the prejmlices of folks were overcome, and , the siumal stores well maneged were the re.- etpionts Of an I ut fau e nae patronage and were sotto tralleforntert into rate:naive business marts. Mr. lilrkfa house stands as. an ex m mole, Of cote paretic - ray humble harganning a fear years ago, It hag grown 10 fro 0110 of -the largest and most pa 09perOtts retail bun neva pinees 01 elther city. The veered of tie proseerity le not hidden. Mr. Kirk me naced at all times to keep cal hazel, la, befell 'flocks Of goals as would pleath anal satisfy Ids enstoaleref ho mmiett an In vert able rule to veil at G.A.:onside pm.. as "Map as the prim coot nod anneal marginal Lprotit va maid penal; he advertised his wares euri ollered 1111 hadeeement to trade tr latch he roold not emery tett; eal that ea:tome., 1:00:1110 onel , perebe.e at the helmwould inverts-bay return again when 11l need of any article 11l Ills Iliac.. Thus was till! popularity of -Kirk's Atom" built rip, twel that It In retateed. In mar Vlrll to the e•talaltdouetat yesterdsay wit found the clerks busilyemployed In stowing away original package," of green and blank teas. which had Jost ar r,ed (rush from the unpnrtern hoods. IN. log eutnitwltat a taster of the true!, tre rz whinetl fferolal specimens anal unhemsta. .Lao, pronounCe the teas kept :ay Mr. K ark as •ery napes for, anal only marvel tbact. hie pileen are so haw, (as will rao seen lay his ed. vertasement elsewhere). Bat he has made a I:permit ty m team, celiac awl sugar and in determaned that his coca will equal In quantity. cleanly D o nal Klee any 1001111 here tlr ellew here. Tho stock of et:Woe grocer lem.-everythlo kept (or family. Mae is large and MOW,. anal hOOIICkCCOCr., Can, po,o,.....beretine to better advantage. We feud however. that It le .etees for es to speak in particular terms of Mr. llirk's ,:Aveiro( as nearlYsil Moor read tr, are already seitlehmtly infer med noon he subicet. At other specialty in this store intim aelect stock of table glean, lamps, chandeliers, pendsois,glotres, da, Ac. No et tore Into. two allies Is a better stork kept of lamps and floc pressed end cnt glues wart, Id the heat N 4,1111110 roomatm tsehed to the store are ninny t style, of limps, some really benntiful epeconens, which would peeve intim: ornaments for the to surly!. apartmentsof at king, 110L110. konn Sas tO Supplied stay and eve ry art le in tell line at eery reasonable pri cer, alalle atealors w alas 1:117 to 'fell agate will In: tarnished at rates its low as the um ufac turer's Elegant clottelallm, su eonstruct eat 00 to re inerd ter tither cam or oat Cr,, al. to be found 11,, , , eanoraciug all the !s -iert tool Ino.t st ill of eastern style* W. , observed patent e lamps suspended from :annoys anal really lowered anti beaet oat, lam Ps and comer. nue of her art:odes this nee warn will rOlOOll.Oll themselves to tile Imusokeoper, end alenier. Upon the n hot' the ,Olck loss, goo oral srocerive, !iss and oil chstolll - and I amp., net glasswae, lie.,ound et Mr. Kirk's, ba equal to tha ny where in the two cities, while the range et mac. I. anon. reasonable and 1314111 CW lc. We commend this house tothe attention ot the nurch.ang etontamnltr. km:awl:lg that an IMMO , 1.11011 of the stock will secure Ina cteased pet renege, The i n steams In pleats all who may call am! there 1.5 no charge for showing goods. Ifenterither the place, Nh's. sir twat 111Fetterulatr.t, Alio- Mly. Vwenty.thlrd Ulatrtet Appointments. the ItepubDean Pectination hold at Shaw's 11111,1 n township, on tinter day evening InatL-/ . S. Smith, EN., Prost dent, anti It. ilowaid, Secretary—the follow ing resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved; That we recognize ma beau fide itcpubticans. Mose who cormally ePtiOrile the policy of Congress Inwards the Mates illtV 1n reUdilon 17 opposition to ••my poli cy° of giving them representation without any gearantees for their future conduct. Renticol, 7 bat Congress has our heartleet thank • for rll.lll[ t Liu - Military Iteconstrac thrm 11111 ovTr the veto of actin[ rthsitlent. Johnson, tells placing the. Southern States -in a attention to obtain renreidtatation by recognizing that all men are ft - co and equal without regard to color or nationality. Resalred, That lila thanks of thin emigres stoma district arc doe to the Senate 01 the United States In thrush.% to • confirm pointmentn made by Ito President In t his district, for tho Cola purpose of dragooning the people Into a support of his measures, the appointees either being fresh from the purlieus id democracy or roue/mit , republi cans who sold their political principles for the °Svc, loaves end two fishes" 01 official salary. Beat c•tnte ?wring. Bank. The card of t ha tellable .ntlyerfuctly s Real hente .4avings Bank, 47 Yourth stn. appears In another ?Mame. Tile business of this Company is Onducled upon correct principles, and in no department is there any lock of care oi ability In its manage. meet. No where in the elle are moms favors able in tl ereinents offered to dep.:enter.. Pars lirelarly to 11,000 a ho aro of limited menu.. an Inherent at I tin rate of slx per rent. is senti.annually compounded :upon all e posits, free of Covet 011,0111 tax. The ' PIO 1 lowing gentlemen am the Truntees, and A mere glance the 11111111,1 wail oilmen 10 01111 W the salute of the Dank a* a place (Cr deposit: Mu. Timms+ at. Howe. Inane Joann, W. li. Copeland, Itarecy Ciiild., 1100. .1. li. Mottritniet, C. li. II ginner, Jacob II us. ney,.l+rott Patater,Nichelas Voseghiler anti W. 11. thotth. A. A. Crrier Is the tary and TI venter,. fr a om whom all Inf.., I nwron may ho obtained ono. alltlittlAtlta at the °Mee. 61 Fourth street. flArglars on 1.1b1917 A burglary, daring enough In Its eoneep. lion and execution but wait exceedingly small rermite, wag perpetrated on Sunday night. In this clty. Yesterday morning It was discovered that an entrance had been gained to the roar of Mere., lived and Stet:gotta wholesale grocery store, et No. =Liberty street, up boring through one of the doors. Investigation ellowed that the safe, containing a large amount of money and bends, had been tampered with, and violent efforts made to open It, but they were Ineffectual. They haul probably bona fro/Memel away before emotepllsldng the lr purpose, and ail they realised by their en terprlite was forty-eight cents. They evi dently had II very narrow escape groin male. tug st very large haul. No trace of the thieves has been obtainpl. Partnere hI is Dismeeyed. Elsewhere we 1101 , 01 the dissolution of the firm of Dunseath d Company, the favor ably known jewelers. hir..l. L. Dunseath, now of the arm of F. Sellers & Company, tot ic rocker., has disposd of his interest. o the remaining membe e nt of the firm Messrs. William U. thirteenth and Georgo W. ilaslett, who will COlalllllo the business under the same eaten and style of dem at their welt established etand, tie. 56 Fifth erect. Ten Orin have now on band a large and carefully inducted stock of watches!, clocks, general Jewelry and fancy gem/ -which they are enabled_ to sell to at a grog advantage to enrolments. lime them a cal for waything W t le jewelry lino. No More to nig.—The monsters of the Pennsylvania ti , te dgrmiitor havo recent ass, olv Wolfer uo more pro , minute fur ft It tree and there li ft strong feeling in favor d excluding all nionstrosi ties, mountebanks and ohm shows from their exhibition grounds hereafter. This is all right, hut It will vory much dutract from the excitement and interest of the nail road llnstinon..—TuceolUmbon (0.) Jet:rani nays: TM, nesters. on the ralinusis is again becosultur active. Inure (reigns. ”1 Unfelt transooried and travel has reached the old standard. Tile cased is open and in worsting order to Übillicolhe, but business Ityet is Only uralorato. Before east week la thou g ht the regular and extensive Aux- Intel will be roeumud. -4 .~ .t fin.-~:,~.a~m.,~ . , 14 c*- - ) I 7 ; 1 (,•1-, • I .t . k ry - kz 7 t ' el ( • '-. t . 1 ' r ri t / i ) . 'ft/ \ / • ....., ' • , Fire trs South Pittsburgh. This morning, at about two o'clock, a fire was discovered issuing from the three story 'brick dwelling, recently occupied as a reel 'dente by Oliver Adams, a colored black smith in Eolith Pittsburgh. Efforts were made, to check the games, but they had gained such neadway before being dis covered that it .was found Impossible to stop their progr - ess, and in a very short time the building was one mass of gra The house was entirely debtroyed, but so far as we could learn. the surrounding build ings escaped A short time sin hoseand slide occurred in the rear of tha and Mr. Adams' family becoming alarmed for the Fate? y of tan building he moved out of It a few days ago. More recently he geld it for a considerable amount to a gentleman in the country. The latter was making ar rangement, to move Into It, but fortunately had not yet occummi it. The loss on the building will reach ,to be tween two and hr., thousand dollars, and 10 coveted by insurance. The fire was undoubtedly - au Incendiary one, as the bon." .5 unnCettpied, and there has been .no I o n it for some Uwe. It will be re membered that Mr. Adams' blacksmith shop was it hhers time since destroyed by o re—also the work of an Incendary. = ' Robert S. flaslett, a p mono r In the county NI, committed from the aluyoes office on Sunday, for drunkenness, was found dead In his cell en 3londay morning. Ile cot, alned offfiness. 41111.1eu1t3 in IdrentlAng during Sunday night, and was peruiltted to exercise In the hull. An 'lnquest being hold be Coroner Clawson, at which Dr. licCami less, tall physician, was aumrsoned, the Jury found that death resulted from intem psrance. or convulsions caused thereby. 1W...4,i was about thirty-tiro years of age and unmarried. lie will be hurled to-day from the bolos, of Its brother-In-law. Slr. Uzi+lett. on Crawford street. The deceased tierformurly employed la a Jewelry I:4o ma the rile. The Coroner MILS also ca'led, yesterday, to hold an inquest upon th e body of David Thompson. colmed, at No. 191 Crawford Street. Itecenmid had bm.o suffering. ae- • ennllnd 10 Dr. U. 11. MeNarra testimony, from pulmonary ‘llotie Cr soma time, am] hi+ death ,molted therefrom on Sunday af ternoon. Thu Jury found that death re sulted Iron natural canter. Tbe sequel It will be remembered that abOnt a month ago Mrs. Kate V. Close wade Information bethre Alderman Donaldson, charging Geo. Ilechtel, an attendant In w 811;101h:0 street grocery, with throning boiling water on bsr ❑tti. hey CO tin WAS scraping Vane sugar ant of a hogshead on the sidewalk. Thu de fendant in that ease yesterday came before Alderman al•ttasters and made Information Este v ,Close and Alderman J awes Donald.un,eharging them with obtaining money nod, 101.0 pretences. lie nileges that the water thrown upon the child was rot hot enough to :held it, hat Mat the mother, by dressing the head with cloth, end 011, n• It it welt, badly burned. made Idea believe, with the awboance of Alder- an lluts slai%on, .113 a t bo ball aucerelS InJur . . . eit the child and woloil have to go iincrthis the river." Wlththts belief he pant a toms tired dollars to sotto this ease, and of Ws tile magistrate and thewoman each got half, a, lleclitel alleges. Warrante were is suedand we shall au - ait the nearing of the ease with considerable tntereaL llottle4 Alec nod 21Ineral Water. Elsewhere w 11l be found the advertise. meat of ..11e.s, , rs. J. C. Itutfurn di Co., bottlers of ales and sods. waters, Nos. 22 and 21 Mar ket street. No other house la the country enjoys with a aide spread reputation for the quality or the beverages turned out, as this, and perhaps the trade is as extensive ly carried on hare as at any other place In the Union. The ales are the seer best lin...ed. are selected with great good, and are eTerywnero recommended by prac- t is In ure phystcians.g.Tho sods Staters are of the pst quality, contain nothing two and Kee temperance drink are quite Inviting. Orders from any quarter are prOluptly atteu , le , t to and tibipMClAUSare tuaat• at the slightest rani., ritewirs Bot m ,t, Co., w monopolize their particular trade lit this locality, ate deserving of the increased popularity their bottled ales and °littoral waters have obtained, as they are careful, energetic: l / 2 1md fair dealing business Men. in every way ,Worthy the confidence of the community and patronage of the habit. I= R. C. [lnward; n livery stable keeper On First street, near the Monongahela house, canto before Alderman McMaster. yester day, eel charged James McPherson and John W. Yeas with. misdemeanor, In viols. ling the Art of .la.embly, passed in 1513, re lating to Livery Stable Keepers. lie al leges that on the 3111 instant the defendants hired from hisstable a harouche .ind two horses, and while the property was In their, they nAed It recklessly and Ins, lielewir , abusing the horses and breaking whalebone whin which belonged to the establishment.. The parties were arrested and held for a farther hear Leg on Friday of Mils week. Mitchell, the Sit. Lortia Shover. We gate, some days sines, the MoticUlars of the arrest in this city, of John U. Mitch ell, ty Assistant LT. S. Marshall O'Reilly, of St. Louis. Mitchell, it will be remembered. was wrested in St. Louis, for dealing In counterfeit money, ••cuto his ball and fled to this city. The Missouri Democrat says that, on his return to that city, the ison er t a kes, into court before Judge Test, who fixed his bond at SIO,CCO, in default ot which he was commottui to Jail, where be will' likely remain until the nest tefutof the Deiteti.titates District Court. Alleged Lares•wy.—rotor Kelly states whileon Mb lest, be was drunk and . ie li st entot Mon lie entered the tar. ern ot Jelin tout - sin on Market street. Willie thorn ho allege s the proprietor, Inking advantage ol his condition, took from him thirty six dollars In money which he hail In his possession. Kelly made oath to these representations before alderman Strain. .t warrant was issuisi and the tte- C 11.4 WI was arrested. Le had a partial bear. leg verterdayund was held to ball, In the sum of OW for it further hearing of the Pith lost. A Hewn Deceiver.—lt Is mean enough fora man teptoutl-e to marry a woman and teen to refuse to NMI ale promise. But It Anna Ziegler tells a true story. she sae found meaner meanness time that In her lover. Shu came twfore Alderman Taylor vestenluy and made Inf , rmatlon against Ilernerd Zshnlngor for larceny as bst:ce. See stated that Barnard prom!-wt to mar ry her, and then procured sixteen dollars of her money. yubleutiontly be refused ut terly to marry ber, sod flora than that, re tubed also to return her sixteen dollars. The Pherllthlty it.Clivirom.—ln the Court. of Quarter Sessions yesterday fore noon. Judges Sterrett and Mellott on the bench, a partial Argument was hoard on the motion 101 . . rota to eIIIOW I s su e hy ft Win of neon warrant° should not aealnet S. It. CI uley.Esq , Sheriff of the county. Messrs. Kerr and Unhurt, argued in behalf of the tuntion, and T. M. Marshall, .Esna In oppo. *lllOO. Tint argument will be coneindod at n early day by J.llllOB Vlgeti t Etott., who in at preseut abscut from the city. Ze/da • • Nur.ery Note Hook, for th use of mother*. There Is much wisdom unt truth very pleemultly Oct forth lu this lILLI I,ook. Its title indicates Its design. tuoroughly ebrlstirtu. 111.1 We Call return mend it without any misgirlug.—Devis Clark. - .'s I..ermart Series, No. 2. A el book for the Germita lanuunge.—W. A. 0 denfeney. Dlotettergeil.—lli cline] Coward, the keep. or of a hotel on Grant street, near Sixth, had a hearing yrat-rday before Alderman Mcwasters on a charge of larceny preferred ■ainst him, as already noticed, by Henry take, who alleged that defend"nt opened his trunk and stole therefrom •'Cre or sax: pounds worth" of clothing. as Those was no evidence to Support the charge, and the case was Oisfulssed. Tb e !low Eaglec.—The magnificent new steam bre cop!ae of thb YmlLont ComponY will have tts .,, ,nte fullY tented thts noon, at two o'clock, at the corner of 1150 krt end Bator streets: Dlr. near, Superin tendent of tho Amosknag Works, who" s ue g engine was built, is ln the city an . kl w pe il rvise the operatof testin. machloe Ise:sotto s wore splendidly. T ho now • Beleaned on Ball.—Tony Snyder, eOta. =Weal to Intl by Alderman McMaster", to await hie trtal for aggravated assault and battery on , colored boy named Washing. ton Miles, obtained the necessary yes. today and was released. Morrow At Darehtll.—The card Of MOT , rowtho well known Boller Mater], sod sheen Iron workers, proprietor. of the O'Hara boiler works. corner of Ses , and an d yroertysisests, appears in another 001110.111. Erie catching Skunks hal bccoroe a favorite fano...mem, as we learn (rote tile Dispatch. Thorn 14 no al} wunclug for taste or smell. Faluting up.—ln all coroners of the two cities palntura ere at work renovating an d improving with paint, stores, Vitro. houses and dwellings. The J•tl 1 In oxeciloiat sal - 44w condi tion, PRICE THREE CENTS. • Larceny of Coopers , Tools.—For some time past, Mr. John Dixon,. cooper to She Scions ward, Allegheny, has missed tool. from his shop at Intervats, but has not been able to discover who were the authors of the depredations. On Sunda ya large htu l. leer, worth seventy-Ave Cents. was stolen. and Mr. Dixon saw 21. boy, named floors'. Newman. In company withboy. go • ing away from the shop, and believes that Newman had the hammer. lie accordingly made Information before Mayor Morrison. charging the bay with the larceny. A war rant.- was leaned, and officer liens yesterday succeeded in arresting young Newman, and locked him up for a hearing. The boypro tests Innoectee and mays that ho was not at the cooper shop on Sunday at all. Allenbeny Common Cases.—On Ban slay there were live returnee Canoe before Mayor Morrison. James Reed, arrested by dicer Campbell, on Federal Street, for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, was lined two dollars. George Amen, arrested by °dicer Eck., for gross disorderly conduct In a house on the corner of First and Mid dle streets, on Saturday night, was lined live dollars. liohert. Brelstline, found by officer horagne In %drunken elect, to a dry goods box on Federal buret, was fined one dollar and a half. Tyra other drunken ones, picked up In the gutter, were lintd the usual amounts and domissed. „ Slownlar.—Ye3torday morning, on the Tpremiere where stood the residence of hee. Scott, Esq. , near East Liberty, was found a brown envelope wnich'lras found to contain an excellently executed'corinterfelt one hundred dollar Intl on the Central Na ttonal Bank of New York. The envelope had evidently been dropped by the incen diaries m their flight. The bill was ono of the best executed counterfeits that hue been put in circulation. When the flee wan first discovered the back doors of the hour° were all found to Do open. brae Importent. Reties of Real Estate, —A Leggett', Auctioneer, will Pell on Thurs• slay the 14th 1nt1.., at ten o'clock, on the re spent:ye p amities, the valuable real Ontiate 01 tits Into Hebert Ashworth, In the city of Allegheny und McClure townthip, detailed description of which can be seen ut the Auction House, No. 151 Federal street, Alle gheny. Sale will communed wills the lot nu the elintll western corner o Federal atree and Noes Av e en fr. Ninth Co f mmon. Sprint ettentlon Is directed to this inige, impor tant and attractive Diumslatten.—The partnership hereto. fern eMtillat: between Marshall, Fulton A Hallman, manufacturers of heavy cordage, nines, c., warehouse Viand 71.1Wuter street, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. A. M. Marshall blot disposed of dsnterest in It. to the remaining partners, Messrs. b usiness E. M. Fulton und IL L. liolhoun, who will continue the trade ut Untold s tand. wish the new firm a cont Maurice at the patronage awarded the one J.:, dissolved. A Nntsance.-3.11. Eat on be half of the Board or health, yucturday made Information before Alderman 31or• row. charging J. KeSTney. recant:a , on Wy lie street, with maintaining a nuisance in the shape of en overflowing ells. pool. The nuanced was good two dollars and ordered to citrate tho Lau:mac. nearing- 11•4.—.thlonnun Donaldson yesterday morning gave a hearing in the sf Wm...ll , lintleyl-eharged on Oath of Brown, of Lust Liberty. with egg., t Beret& and battery on Thomas Free- Lot weer.. Several wttuessea were -_..:fined, and the hearing resulted In the defeedunt Wing COO bail to answer at Court. ated ,Get the Beat—The attention of nor readers Is directed to the advertisement of the great Triumph Cooking Stove, o.lil/. factored exclusively by the well known founders Itlssell S. Co., :To. 233 Liberty street. The stove is mannfactured for horning bituminous coal, and is among the very beatever brought oct In this market. Shoeobercer C o .—The card of this Id and ostensively known house appears another column. The firm mmnfactures eat n.. 115, boiler plate,eneet Iron and patent Intironerod horse and mule shoes, Wu latter of a superior quality to any . over before In. traduced. OlDees, 9 3 Water street and 1N Etna at root. Waived a Etaaring.--Ciam. COeUrane, Esq., proseentetrfor assault and battery by JosepnE. Robinson, before Alderman Me- Masters, Waived rin arance at g, yestethe rda yJaunn, de gave ball for his hoer heappe session of tile Court of Quarter haulms' for At iris Post.—The active and psrseve rlng Atudstant DiairiCl Attorney John W. Hi~ldell Esq., is At his ofllce in the second story of the Court House at all hours of the day. So far as be Is responalble, the action of Justice will not be tardy. Croarded.—The othce of Asatatant trict Attorney John W. Itiddell was throng• ed all day yesterday with prosecutors. It is Important that Prosecutors be in canal ant attendance until their cases are reached. tine* 178 e fortunes have been made by advertising in the Gar arra. It 10 widely spread, to read by erGrS body and as an a vertising medium 13 without a superior 113 these parts. The New Bridge.—No optrosttlon has as et been wade to the election of anew ridge from nundualry street, dlleglaeny,to min street, Pittsburgh. Immerme linalness.—Tha Birmingham assenger Itallway care aro crowded with aeon re from morning night. every Th ay or e week. A I.2.o..Qamotley of counterfeit scrip s lectreulatlon here. Snot, monoy Nages y that one.thlrat of that 10 clrculaclon is tho Woes don. Shedd be Payed.—A. portion of Carson street, to the neighhorbood of Smoky Dol. litraungbara, la in sad condition and simaid So paved. Crowd a ttttt og.—The ' , Great Republic" steamboat attracts gross attention at the wharf and crowds of curious people Visit her daily! Llvells.—Tbo hiournagahela wharf pre .enia quite a lively appearance, the ship •enta by river Doing quite large this Mr. Thomas C.ostammirr.. has Porch.- sod Kcatiog.a White House. at Yornsville, and will, atter the First of April, act as its hod. TLa Ganotto Das entated into nrranne mews for corrnspondenco from talented ritusburnnor now In Europe. Ankle G aaaaa ens delighted with the now styles of short skirts *etch hare Lunde their erituantuce on our streets. Tempewsnen.—The temperance canoe le gaining (reel strength eacll day and U:113 revival goo. on hi right good earnest. Diaapp_earlow.—The old fashioned "To ts" aro rapidly disappearing,. Pooplo as ell as things aro settling down. The Reaten.—Yolka me opera glasses at uteri:, and theatres to bring gcodeoeloty closer contact with themselves. Idle. , —Ttiousands ot worlunori yet remain Me, owing to tins dialcultins bOt Wei= trium - ties and the mann, net urers. An Increase of the police force of the City will probably be imitated At theocrat meeting of the city Columns. • Mt. Patricia's Day.—OU City an/ Per? lcum CPtAro aro 1.0 01/3.V0 St. ratrict'a Day with apnropriate ceretuoahm. Faithful The Central Alarat boll nntea the passing bents walk unareentinbab i n ab• curacy sad Iblelay. Nearly a dozen perreae art about ay to .i tat ty n it., field Yvualalalal LOr next torah. The Cholera has again become, the, type of convora ttloa. it wtil hardly ICLULLtnart •ELOUSICI. Th. Atteeg.lon'Ot the city authorities is ' e blockade of sbieWalka by ~,mpty ',eV:s sa e buses. potter Iron is being brought to the "Iron City" to large quantities. from the EleL olgrallerutt. Fifth Street Rewer.—The much needed Fifth street sewer will ho lead atiOut next Slay or June. • Pea Fut Merchants have advanced the Price of Jiggles owing to a acsielty to the market. The Creation Moose, ou the trietuatalue, wlll be opened about thetindille Lot next Juun Will Attend.—A large number Of Pitt*. burghers will attend the Paris Exposition. There Is Talk of estublishing a Press club to Pittsburgh. It is an excellent ides. Newspapers.—There aro now seven Eng nth dolly papers punnaneat Io EAtaborglz.. Pull.—Tba hotels are driving a good bull ness and nearly all •ru full with guest.. Parton, on Pittsburgh, is expected/nth. May number of the Atlantis Monthly. Travel is Lacreastsg OM the railroads sectoring La tela city. ; Free Delivery.—Erie is to Mass a tom delivery of letters by carrier. to commie:lca on tbe First or April next. the city being divided into seven district, for that put peso; there ore to be two dellyerles each du; in most of the districts. . Ulster! !a the subject of fashionable talk, and from present appearances atm will ere, ate a fat ore upon her advent into our loot begrimmed city which will bar exceed the excitement occnalonal by the visit Of Jerni7 Lind. Ilevrard For a Illordorrr.—i rew►rd fo t r h ttl e o ° Tr m re i rt. ' 0 ' 1% 7 K. elanrced with th 3 rottrflof of uJoald of t.tat. county. Neer Fr beildlnge:oeemPl B4 ,N s : law ofEloes oe Fifth street. ladewSt had on the eame of the thor euChfere. are all to toe remodeled into its; class .•.ores. • Nearly Com p l elea..—Latayette 11111, Wood meet, Ls rwarly wrap:two.. Wo hear Some eoloplaint that, its walls are too tutu, awl will examine Into the matter before It. ls ready tor occupancy., Filthy Mired , /s.—The streets are *EL In very filthy condition, nO faalt, however.l 3 ( the active :treat t;ocatulsatoalsra who wytt cleats tip I.looo+las they aro groaned afOr able weather. Cherie. , filttert, or Pittsburgh, ities been nonnualmt se Minister to Copetklauren, by rrts,blvet Johnson. So slays the Pelle. aelphia Press. Whole Cher!. Stuarl.l Esenralcnet.—A large number of ladle.; ant gentlemen of tat. citywill depart on the e rnt. itepubllu" for New Orlera, ulna nn ezgurg of pleasure. . The 1111marlmootalrl7 inclined should ord ern d orcn or those n”efec: dtting Firemen Yoe* Pith!. et Monica S rtanAriVa, 12 111111 Ir Two hnnured boy. have already Doerr plxced on board thu 6 .0119511 , "Sepal) fur atupmauL aontrt—WO mean etlrboys,of course. The nominallou -Ex.-Sheriff Stewart. to supercode ti. S, damns.. H. A. NVeaver, hcs been re-called by rrmlldent Johnson. liay.—A large quantity of Loy came down no Allegheny 011 Saturday. rhybielnraa Complain that trade Is dull aria the population healthy. The ehironey NI of tho .Grestle” are seventy feet high. 31 Brat.—Tbere to not a Moused Wren' In Washington, Pa. - ERR". are vac plenty and cheap In MIS Mat dee. EDI! FoICK HR-0a Bondap, March 10th, ll)Itt.'11ClE. Btlltliel C, Infant eon of Col. Joseph and Annie Irleket , aged Ninon ha. Thu funeral will take plate Ikon) the rectos:me of U. .1. Fender. hag., Yo. St Wylie street. THIS t Honda)) Arta its our,. at o'clock. The Mood. of the family are reepeatfully Invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALEX. AlliEN. 1:111,1 - 1=13EMLWALlEGIE1 FIL, No. VA runrth rittatiurg P. COYFIISTS or all kinds; (2 KA, IiI.UVEd. and eve , 7 Furnial,lng Uoods farnlati -1,,,uw day co,l night. Beane and Carr , ag.. furi,ll,ltea. h•rsuES , .s—ltev. David Kerr, D. D. Bei. M. W. Jacouus. D.D.. FA, Ja r .1, t1..‘11114., LA T. ITEEITE & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Wukel's Itun •nd viemlty. CDF;lti news AT MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE, sect Charti‘ts street. lieshee And en.rrt.g.s furnished. . IIILLDALE CEMETERY.—The ••• ••Gotra-aere,' tbe latirest subur ban ri cc, aeputchrr, e leers oue. In this roan. ty, attuatrd on et rw Brlehtoo road- Immediate ly p.m!, or A Itreben r. r o e burial lota. _permits or call at Central Drug Inore of COUL ct.ANF.V. allrehenr City. DUNSEATH& CO., Wholesale ,Agents MEE American Watch Company's , WATCHES. No. 56 Fifth Street, I=Z=MR VATCHES, CHAINS AND s3a-vvx:7_. - t=t-sr, AT A VERT !MALL PROM', AT WILL T. WILEY'S, 6 Wylie St., 3d door from 50. Z. W. SCOTT. jonNSTON & SCOTT, Fine Watches, (locks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 974 LIIIILIITY I...l.tUsbusigky, 3Permumei. @• Panlonlaz attention abrin to Rena Unit 'Katona,. Clocka and Jatritjor. Olt work war ranted • WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, • Jam anortment of Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Plite, Pumps, iiheet Lead. &c., ALWAYS ON HAND. 164 Wood Street, neu Sulk. Inv= :h1 89 89 89 S 9 89 89 89 Gi 89 MARKET STREET. no TO 49;13.. C:0 - 3B.113 7 Oa, , s9 l S 9 .4 arks'. Strut, AND GET TOUR 9 1 91 1 BOOTS , • SIIOES, &C. 189 1 TIIN CLIZAPAST 441.30[Dr.8VT s 9 NO AUCTION (MODS HEFT. JAS. ROBB, 89 Market St. 89 IS9 S 9 S 9 89 89 89 89 89 THE PLACE TO BUY COOD BOOTS & SHOES 023-IMLiaP, McOLINTOO33.- S. .fib. 92 Federal Siren; ALLIUMENT ' Jall 11111Elt, CLOSB & CO.. Pritctical Furniture litanufacturere CO. PENN AND WAYNE UV Latest rola. of I . IIIINITUILZ ooninnutly on I`UE CHEAPEST. The Simplest, Th• Beet SEWING MACHINE, 1 Is IV IIZELES. & Ii'LLBON•IS i742.2ax7x0 Tunzz !MSS. BALLSIIOOX fe. 27 FIFER STREET, BARGAINS IB SEWING MACHINES. EU machine.. used tat a Mort tlrmr. tortilla itt redreett pricer. U. LIUMINTIII I CO.. 'S Filth street. HORSES, CARBLAGEJ3 AND IlttiGIES of the very belt for hire at Howard's Livery Stable, rim street. near lfonaatabolz Grant attention ptld to ttrylog 11,..••••• . 1.•••••• ..... • 1.1 k' PATTSBURGIt NVHSEBY 11'11) ILL kNI) 4111EESIIOUSICA.—JO AN • IWLJOCII. (scieeccoonl UPV.Airt LY tt N U. '" i t otirl riterttill: .st m or . o . f Lra po lt lut v g .. l.7 . , aore d Pltubarrb thalwth n P u. Vile erred:a. tftefa ffilatlN• - ,cevareaamr. ~~, En=