Zhe'-' ) ifir) . 11111 . (21x€11,1.;- - cite , nommr; MARCH 11. 1577 CiIAL .ImoEt from the beginning of the Traffic in Coal in this Commonwealth, thinkers among our citizens have per— plexed themselves with the possibility of making it defray the whole or the larger part of the Public Charges. It was , soon discovered that the traffic would neces sarily expand to such a volume that an excise duty of a few centsa ton upon the whole amount mined, or even upon so Muth thereof as should be transported across the borders, would yield revenue sufficient to cancod, in a'few years, the l'utided Debt, and thenceforward make all other leVles unnecessary. It has frequently been suggested that a tax of ten cents a ton should be laid on nil outgoing coal. Against this preposi tion has steadily risen up that clause of the National Constitution which confers on Congress the exclusive right to "regu Lite trifle between the several States,7 as well as with tbreign conntriss. New Jersey has managed, in its bargain with the Camden and Amboy Railroad Cons. pany, to make citizens of other Etutes, who journey through its territory, pay its entire expenses. But the t.', , . 4 4) cases =roma entirely analogous. tax en coal outgoing from Pennsylvania,--would certainly be declared unconstitutional &ad void. , Coal is now so gcnc"ally lied for fuel within the State, that a taiNan the whole production would operate ahout as even ly ns most other (okras of assessment. The Legislature has clearly thupower to impose and collect such' a tax. It would .yield a vast inctmao. Is ouch a lax ez pedieut? That teems to be the main question. Pennsylvanid Las not a mutopoly of The Coal Trade, either East or West. Already considerable competition is cx pericuced from Maryland. Coder the pressure of Internal Taxation and in ore ised wages resulting from a mischiev ous expansion of the currency by irre- Vccruable paper money it Las been found nceessary.to demand additi 01151 duties on foreign coal, which demand Las not been complied with, and will not be for 5000 months to come, at least, if at all, On the Illineds side of the Mississippi, midway between St. Louis npd Cairo, large masses of coal exist fully equal to the best bituminous in Pennsylvania. A New York Company has constructed a railroad from a point six miles west of Carbondale, on the Illinois Central Lailroad, down to the Mississippi ricer, and havecommenced delivering coal in large quantities, designing to contend for the trade, all the way- to New Orleans. Other enterprises, of like sort, tare been projected, and will soon be exe.Med. These brunches of productive industry In-Pennsylvania, which involve re con sumption of coal, in large cm atities, are not in a condition to carry !a fresh assessment on that commodity. In pros perous times no embarrassment Would remit from ii; bm, in the existing com plications it would prove_rninous. Nor are the proprietors of collieries, whether corporate or individual, iu situation to find a levy of this sort com fortidoei unless, indeed, it is,.insisted they can afford tcii.ay it out of the large proEts of former years. The coal trade is decidedly , depressed. High prices and 'uncommon profit' during the war, etitu ulated production. Lest year the ex ccss, in ant's:ache alone, once the ',Terre din,: year, reached mare than two nil t.r.r.e. The excess tLis year, oyer 1-,r, will be 'very great. The overstock itr.s re.lire,:d prices If , a low figure, and :Lc tendP.r.ey is still d'iwnwards. 1 , .:1 the railroad and canal compaiice, larr.:el:y engage," in carrying coat, grad uate :Le charges for freight, ineast:rahly, if rot alesolutely, according to the price it commands. The idea is that when is Ligh, aa3 aifortis au unurnal profit, traasperting companies shall be in el.-vanitled for low charges during us pro -111 tirEIS ... - Te,iens. The look now is that i'osl will be low fora succession of years, never go back to the prices of two ;,nd three years ego. • The impoeition - of a tax on coal, at this flaw., titsrefore, would be specialty injurl. , as oar manufaCturers, to all companies , 77: individuals engaged in mining ,sst:. - ..usd canal anuTailroad compe.xies m;:x_pe.l. in taking it to mar het. It r.:oy - oetriit some, or nil, of there parties, se accennta from . Ilarrisburg aver, arc urginc the passage. of a tai bill to this coil; but we do not believe it. :hfrt arc pretty certain to . look out for their own interests; end the manufactur er, coal producers, canal and railroad men, ate not commonly reputed to be • foe! s. Rept esem arises from counties in which no coal is mined and little used, may favor a spacial tax upon it; but we apprt bend a larze majority of the mem bers will not consent to the proposition. SMNIPICANT.—MAREII•LL 131 fiLllt P., (elkcror of the Seventh . District, New York, was loth owl because he could not Eupport the President's Policy, at the time that functionary Was "kicking" Foch men out of office. The Senate not having confirm:A the :117 . p0111111 - I?ni or his man, he smt in the name of Mr. Ilf..knr; on IVe Inesday, thus' restoring a good oflicer to the place from which he had beeu thrust only for opinion's sake. • Tus Legislature of Lou Liana gives 11 , 1111i,:tlkablo evidence of a determina tion to resist the late act of Congreiis fur the reorganization of the Southern States. Atilt has passed over the Gov ernor's veto calling a State Convention, and declaring that those rlitill vote, and no more, vim arc authorized E 0 to (10 by the existing Conzoltutiou. Pears are en tertained of . „). repetition, at th e election, to he held to-day, of the July troubles. TUE c„mint,..iou ers or the Marini nnil Monongahela NavigatiOn Company, netiug under a late net of the Legi4a ttire of West Virginia, will to Jayopen, at Morgantown, stiteFcription Lucks for steel. The design is to put in - ilams the coming 'summer, so as to 'extend the navigation of the Monong,uliela to that town. TOOL Loyal Leanpe is rapidly t- prcad ing itself tilrotti;ltorrt the Southerte States. In Georgia there are thirty . titousattd weathers eniolled,!rrhile ;Alabama con tains nearly onothird -tint number. There is nut a Southern State hut con tains hundreds of the Leakue Lodges.. IT 1s reported that Secretary McCul loch will resign abtoit the first of April, and cetalt hat 1-Ondon, in connectio with Jay Cooke, an Atudric.n. Banking /louse. Tin inadequacy of the two existing State Prisons has led to a Project for u third to be built at Hurri.burg. Ez-Gur. PoLLocs is brought forward as a e (Udate for the Supreme Bench. Jr is apparently reivectl t) a certainty that Congress win remain in FerriOn some weeks longer; but that no impor t tut linanciel ineas - nriis will he wiled in. TIIE retail butiae-s, and the jobbing trade to some estat, or this neighbor hood, has greatly withia a few days past. I=l —Gen. Joseph E. Juin2ston is in New Orleans. —The Jewiil.l poDulution of St. Louis is teu thousand. —Miss Dizabelli Thu.licray, the au thoress, IS soon to be msnhi. —Mr. Wade is the forty-second Presi dent pro tempo e of the Serrate.' —'Alonzo Ilarrery, on old settler of Chicago, died on Thursday. —Geo. Peabody my!, that after Lis re turn from London, be slia . :l take up-his residence in Sales, Mass. —J. F. Beecher, aged 55, a tailor, hanged himself to a bed post, in Cincin nati, fur domestic trouble. --L. W. Jeanne, of New York, has lost within a short period about $1,000,- 000 by the decline of Pacific Mill stock. —lt is rumored that John G. Whittier, the poet, is to ho married in his old age, to a widow of Philadelphia, with whom he has been in love for thirty years; —General Glecson, who is nowl mill tory director of the Portia' Brotherhood, h is giTeo a contract for two thomand nniforma to a largo vlotltiaz firm in Now York'. —The unanimous opinion of the Loh don clubs is "that the recall of Mr. Mot ley from Vienna is disreputable to Mr Seward, disgraceful to the President and a misfortune to the American pro plc." -11.1 e Daily IVaconsin tells of 2 man halelntl vigorous with a rine bullet still in his brain, received at the battle of Buil Run— le was is a hospital for n; year, btu can now swing an az or scythe with anybody. —Under the previsions of the naval appropriation bill, passed-rat tic late set- EIVI of Congress, at least ten them-and employees in the government navy yards will be discharged during the pres ent year. —George Peabody, Esq., has added another to his long list of splendid gifts for charitable, educational and scientific purposes, ley bestow ing one hundred anti flirty thousand dollars upon the county 01 Essex, 3lass. —A mot of Prince Napoleon is being repeated in the sotions: 'The Emperor has twice deceirsil France—first in 1813, in making her believe that he was n fool; next. in 180, in making t ier be iteie he was a genius." —Punch sometimes jokes. on grave snbjec's, And in one of its latest numbers represents a child asking its mother: "Ma, dear, what do they play the organ so loud for when church is over? is it to wake os up:" —Aceording to people who have made researches in Egypt, the ancient Egypt bus were finniliar with the use or iron: for it is shown by the tini!s In the inner door of the Theban Tomb, constructed at least [Nee thousand years =ln New Orlcang, on Thursday, - one of the Annunciation slrAt cars ran over a man named W. A. Lannigan, who fell under the wheels from the front platform of the car, severing.his hood almost com pletely from his body. He was, of court.% killed outright. —The Ron. Robert C. Winthrop, of Boston, In contributing $3OO to the South ern Relief Fund, takes the occasion to write: "I fear that our peop:c are not sufficiently olive to the dodgers of Kar -1 Tatioa which is impending over many I parti of the South." —Leo nucleon's horse "Sensation," Was choked to death in Patterson, lc. J., last Wednesday Right. He get hi 3 hind feet over the rope tied across the scar or his Fedi, and then in attetvting to lie down, the baiter got nuclei — his neck, and being unable to falee hinzeil, he stranijed. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE is timptrad by tilt oriolost m or the) ust.) . Ot-la ttal aollicti llama.: Mr. CO.: has newt p•ra d lel tat article for pular ce and pp • and to. at has shot. ttrop neat tests. • and has a wsys Lome Via palm of +L . . bs , r c.ery clarimu It Nat. ermlOed to cam. F cut who are tulTaong rr,at clys.ceptlh, naus4a, :Ic3: ht alt. - Ice, cholera 1...r1005. P., , entary, and gamer,. olablaty of the who , e Yates. try Imt. alit. lamtla) We x 11: acme orpc •au agatn.ll Iu the tom rut.. Our o.'o I.lco wl,ge of Its bon. united teacloth.) 44 au who ham aear triad It, Me cumnhoca 4:1 'tundra., or ,nr 000 nalchlans, your 0., to y0r5..24 nod. the haneteat re...L. at certain' aa topplclua, all Urgeuttr. ttrrrr.icutly or:re et ro 1.• • Ju, ot, bona, If what /rasa, Isnot comae, I( our stags:meats ammerniug its wderful virtu, are not found to Oa tror..—tr I s do ant sat toot oarratio.t of me medioine Is Ins tun maeotis sad tirriretir woad. fol—we blue a. 10.. oar Pr...a.. as oat. Tort In :Le pa blter bait... and retire :non tee dehl. ad:11110m/ bat we ara. tri‘otnoetent to omit...mud is madiclnal preparation ',Won would be tallited La your. cr.lcure. gorno:o Agent for rl:teburrle' end vlelat:y Irruggi.t,. N. 14 Mark,. •tree[. Tab..l GNAT HAIR,BALDNESS DAND- I.CnI. OVALP.-1 , 0 1% IdelO VE /: A raicE w 1111 'LONDON 11A1 It COLOR HERTiIItER Alas, Ott Etiit Idi..•• ••Tendon Our Beat flair Color Rot [o'er.' Hair Color lU:starer" iia.onitou Physletnas H.,;r Color Restorer" “Lotoloto . Hvr Cotor itertorcr• ••..ondon Ute and live C.ilor ocakortir•• ii•boodon Hair Color Itestorer" —London Recommeod 11. /lair flu:or itestorec•• It torecr (alio to Import ilk-. 'root!, and 'Hear to el'; weaaret hair. falcon and atop. Ha folio, owl Is cur t to producc a Arre irro-011l of hair. causing it to grow thick and strong'. Vol; Ta cents a bottle. H the bait doren. • told tty ktoOLAltiaalii nicKENNAN ..Varket etroa, (it:O. A. IiKLLY. 37 {Vied at.. snit JOS. ri.EALSO. 04 Market street, 1 !Ho bart,. It Aria. al.l/111.:ITI, ty. iktl77:lZ, SPREAD TILE THE'rfl. borne at-.lleal menlne.l.t that It In tandlgtililed to advent,: a remedy, however sl'atble It may be. Q eerreasantaa. this. It la /lee esyln*lllst al, ankle willelt the worl.l reelle aboui.l be 3L1.1 In a aerate-11.ot bonen. and I.lessiars may be aeletely elfr.lae,:—:hat the menus of yrotert• rest aline:health should M •Inare mono ta. oly. nest not see:eon/1: to .11. The arytt . a.ent Is had, It la than tLat: , t It inhusaon. Su oa 1... e 1101 l'e.TTell'a - Ttl.lllX/1 11l YYElli.—en a' /1.11, op. e.no for all p-ttal.. b..lll..nanaas noel niter be. a khown h.. styli ;he rep...Tatra of ill. f tonztY ..bat the rub•..l ne..? lath et curing and lovle, 1,tne...1. .na, the goaleLecte or the l,r[pata ina et hare De. ....eclat., to a. eomoarat, ye 'noe la the biglarst authority Pr atylny VIAL Ileht net be bl.lu.ldee banana:;./.at ...beet voila n bold Do placed as a ally au a ht!.....Lete all men Can tale eoyunrinco of It. npan stale prlne.p.e that the I,IITEHS bare beet. aolvettlherl an.t conalnue in be adv. r tlae.l In .Yer, near:Taper of anl I.romlamlea In the wkahall nomlsplpere, bud that the sir...tate testlmhn ml lu Ito Incur bare bean tranala tihl luta all .y:ltten languages. Thetiah.lo Pert ~ 11.alta to-claa. e.oopt lan,bh,... o o heda ..Y ne•• tf tlo. lvorrap, b not mproeultAe troth 1....(1......0ar1t0 un.onalret in /rigor ./ . . , , ,, ,ryvic. tt , :ortt.y. , l , leatnl..l.le. ,i, e . u4po l : A.Tt011../lo,ltilt tnbllc las hue beta protect...l; I t live-. bare /ilea atrest; if the te, has. etrongthen; ol oral the reat,ed, greneflo ,, d 4 olt.ell. id; ail Innan as ia pradge to C.ltalsilf alreotell Nr le bar teee..l.l? mbc. THE 110.7E1: OF SVIIITE EINE th that Itnlornlta!Ac Yankee tin and gealam p con.. to the people of liuw England, and worthy of the Itutinct of the toney-boo .17 LIEOEUE T 7. SWETT, of Eorton, has cor 7,2unded a ua,dielne cat or the awes: /made bark of the rhlt , plea tree. "'Welt has a wide repute tine In .:ergo eeal..te of 411011e0 OF the tledder and ktdaeye, clrtltei and thin. branes •`‘Illtel: GIME /Jr. :AT rtT .ars I hot It Is tweet and palatable bad Is i . e:silly taken bo:b by el:211.11%n And adults, "awa smlh , ooll, known to the abort,f Ines, who nao:,l tho retests of trio:, Stoke, and ace.! It la a •atfcty of eleesses, esti:T.llW) , those of scorbutic attract,. It ten tars cure for DIA BELLS,. GRAVEL: BLOODY AND MUCOUS Bill NE, and the tratblegoras mlody to rea% as albuininurra, or Brlghti,i dß oars. 'I boas 1112. hate trtuA Bitola tbn luskon aa diuretics. trill Yea to yultaßa White 00m Altid It retard, Of aoptilorat• racy sue • e Void by toe gram tl,rre, or single bottle, at E [Err. 10 Woo.l a tr, et. ;els NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WIIL' LNG 11.434 Jr., Adams X>prsss Of. as, 54 illth Street, is an aurnorisal Agee: to rime AdverasementJ for I.lte 049:L7TE, and • It other papers throughout as United HOstes • nd the (.2madas. GLOVEEED.-74 ' limG LOVER GEED .- 7S' 1 rime Ciorrr r, erlyrd 1.114 oar, ard for • .Ir bl r mt , ll['wee einrlr.t .tr. El,Ol EXtra rura lly I , leer, In tier. awl re sgie by FErZErt Alt.llSl'it9NO. Walt wrnerBlatketsad utr,ll,ll. pi.lavartior,Dk - vitiaAsii[2km_Cll AttE IVOl 7 lr CON VERTLIIG ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT 'SFJIIRITIES INTO THE. Nell 5-20 Gold Coupri, Bond, ISCLUDINU 'United States 6'8,1651; Baited States 6's, 16612; • Ettlted Stater 6'8,1862; United States (old) 1565; And ail Series of 7 3-10's. James T. Brady & BANKERS ANB BROKERS, corner Fourth and Wood Streets. SPRING STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES, AVHOLMALE, really Reduced Prices, ;FORGE F. UHT'S, 00 FOURTH STZ.M.ET, PITTSIIIJILGU 3". 32. 31. 36 ezul ON bTnEET, ruir.aDmrun, FA( BF ( (hi: THE ESTABLISHED RULE MELDS & BOUCHER, TELE CTIOICEST GROCERIES, =I LOWEST FRACTIONAL PRICE, FOR CASH ONLY SIGN, ENGINE IN THE MNDOW. SHIELDS & BOUCHER, 108 Smithileld Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE• tnhll:llwr GOOFING STOVES. No. 235 Liberty S mbl,ro STOP COCOS AND FIRE PLIJGS. br.a.T.F.L) .111' be re-r:vel .t lb efll, or 'b R *ter HiLras, Nazi:4 autll 7 Vea.k r. Tuesday, ?Ilarch 12th, Mr rot u!shing the rlttabaegh Waco Wont twit All the STOP COCKS Ati - D FIRE PLUOS require 4.10 nue the year . 0 0r:rm.:et la, of April ur et. _ t ELEGANT RESIDENCE. A31. , )51" LE3LIABLE TWO STORY Brach. 'ABYSMS, In the Ttor.agh of 11 , K for We , on roes t•r•ot. Dmerin, har, , tn, earner. 11•nl en I,orn, Yttchon, rise Cliambers..• Beth WO an. ond .parl.9no 11.11,1 tad Watir la Altrh , n, 2050 Mooni and ttmeol,te; {Awn, In ,ry nanza for ego Ace Inn to Tan loin thn Alontll.l,. e 011010. Ate coM by Corancnvoillo neuron, 5-{ntlele [me. !‘) /TUC.: 11 tralosprreny. Ills I, voinnh, pr,n , tit, and ,l,tl all opport.ltylo art cilltaalal4l:v. Ingult uf STEEL A WI, 91N. lkok[r• owl .14. el E A•vnts, reoll 750 ci , , ,v, t e.: ..l.irrrt. Wlirr'' no tr. h. co.. I= Housefurnishing Goods, ITEM TABLE LINZ4% stlycnnut.. PILLOW 111:111.1.N7J, (WILT% TOWELLING% Atilt At: , /to THE PkirriEusulp Telfo7:Krzls4ng a n..nr the 'a.. or MAU, YLIALL, Ylna 011 6 FIULLSIAN., Was Ms°lied January Ist, 1867 BY MUTUAL CONSENT, A. 41. 11A FIVIIALL dilPe.thr or hi. !mom!. la enid lola to the rema'nlei(rArters, who vlll cot tithe the busterao at the •401001. 114 and /13 RATdLI hT/lEET. A. 11. MAIIMHALL, r:3I.FtILTON, nit. 11,13 U. L. 11OLLSIAN A D7II%ISTIIATIILICM NOTICE. Al —Letter• If Aduiltiletratiun on Ike sttlite Or entice! e Aln•alcit. Otties•ed, ito.mg sninted to the tand , isigncd, notice la Fete'] vire, w all weal.clalat• ••t said tolledto Kest.. weld.. and ail rho.- Intletatd to Will etoit. .1:1,1.1ot u.ake Inintedisie neat, to the landersl/3ed. Il J,,sra NV ES r. EM•N. awerz r P la, MEM QUOILT HAND to ItITING.A p"r„ c t •sewl.dge of Wit valea`de art taught In ten short nod tat] len•011.. by a pile, tic.' retorter from leorlton. England. Each pupil taught and at any alma irroult thcle ova convenience. Apply t• J. A. GRAY, - rnb11:•21 1M ercolld alrect, Pittsburgh. 1 EXIP;RE‘iS WEAGON: , I,lOEf It€l UNO & AfJOAat COAI. WA1.1...NA; ES CA lot, WII LIRA RFLOWIII aur "AA' I m.yeasais f elltitES ER & . thg arlen Avenue, near the Perutent i lArh ... 4 " --_LT . IL" rIIIE/lA7 ACCOU 8 NT 0041. 42.111ACK.- %1 Utnlrt Of 10m I r . h Agi , jlll. ny 0 ant., a! ~...111.71.11,1,4 •nd the s. me be rl .wed and I tte rude. or Waltham Witetre may be coacher Jd et Watch Dealers geuerilly through out th:onetry. A£P , ECTON. A.,Fentr for the m ,, etan ararolt floropann • No. 3N2 ertadator. Ncw 'reek: or, ItOURIN APPLYTON CO— toell:itr No. UM ITAC,Ingt•-n St . I.lcatns. DOSEATH & CO., Wholesale Agents Fen TIIII American Waich Company's WATCHES. No. 56 Fifth Street, Lz nproqt - rK MAE,NIC EIMEZI 711 E MERCLIAhTS MON EXPRESS COMPANY, CAPITAL,. $20,000,000 sad Operated Cy Our Merchants and .11ainlacturers. , . .!4,II,IITENFIV ICSPIREIS.M Duey, ` - ' , Ealuablen. Freight and Par cell., over more Man • 13,0t10 utiles of Express Line. al lust and liberal rays, Sal es Millions yearly to Exit Cu Ynippere. and ran be tunde permanent only by their liberal patronage. nth we hope to merit and e eeive. Office, No. 145 Iffoncistrent r itli.urrix, Agent. mhlmM PROVISIONS. /WOAD (CUED DAUM, DRIED tIL no EA WO9/. NIIDELDEILIc AND 11/DMA, mover No. I LADD. taro.% Jpo. I MINTED 1111 - DAINED LAILD OIL. rALLOW AND /I'LL GUZABLEI I bare shared a large atria orate at°, Peoria. lotto, which I ant prepared to oupplr to the trade as.the oneat carart price: 'lttelt re w rumbas- to t Lett toteroat to attetne tea I before jAalts,trarrue .aAs. LIPPINCOTT, Pork Packer, No. 23 Seventh St., rillshurgh. te:lth.l7 ES'IABLISIIED 1533, ROCHESTER CUEMICAL WORKS, Raehester, C. IL WI eillWlSTrut a atm, Croons ter*. totsouleolorereat eturice r. [furriery, Yiastiritiu I...tras.s An. Erupt.iylog•nlyuneto• 1. awl perusing • ' direct front Part, wito ' , nettle understand their prof:scion, we coca dnntis rrecotrotod ev.7 Lrtic:e na.zottartured e.a•nE, t , f either Porel o doeueidtc. tier lavorlugextraots are or totter "tenon end leer ona.tst Maowq anufactur• eil, no our 11