'IIIE'PITT GAZETTE. rUIILISIIIED Br PENNIMAN, REED & CO., AT GAZETTE NUMBING, No. 80 . M"1111:3. kltroot. It. PENNI.I7/11.V,1”,.„ T. P. 11411INTON. JONTAII 'LING NELSON P. LtELD Bastuessr-.n.ft's. IMEI2I Itie le Copier...... 3 cent , thvern 4 by earner. ( eer weed....... IT. cents lint] i:iie,ii !heir, (pet - Jest) ~On. Liberal reductions to 3inevenny3 snot Anentn. I=l per year, by rta...l F!‘ , a do. Co. Ta , or ttl cop,, to ore addrtts, 0. ' 1! 11 , I' , flel., (fell CITY ITEMS. 'rho 11: H. P. lira of ton Initlqls above ,tan't for Os "i , l nswl to the paid le, one sal!el. every one :Ce. , :;11100 anti 200 which every COO It Mit Vit'!eUtile; we refer to Coe's ,ti Calf.aut —411 o" Ottrite , t all.l Iterl plc. 11l the woe:4 for ern01 , .C. ,, :: 1 / 3 . At'At thrw.tt, two! luog coutrioautl. Via ' , :31, 0 1t4i arl, COW, ityspe , is. Clue —the Chap r4loir.ly ov , rlatown that is ,urn to .11.1.1 a, illaige3tloo.llllttlle/ley, .14 L!, Su:o auent for Fit llburgh s:reut. Cet=l eunnel Fruits nut vcg,ga!,l,, and I, II ,ol , t ruwp as atany other how, In ant v. Call :nal oz.onloo and JuOgn for Yoor,n[tna, at tio. 111 Fedora!street„till (:;ty. for Ulu well-knou , t.• 1.:,. a F. IVltitinmi, Plata Rao Cream "lion Dons,' •1 - Aluontle, iValnat Du's% • Ilnr.nr4 L l'axwi3ll l l. Coil Liver Oil. The 1 . 1.0 , ,t,nhl ti , vcchhit Cott I.vor 011 I the ,':‘,l-Itl. 11esmalllet110,1 Iron fresL h. 410 fiive . E.. upon 1110 lx.u.,llore. It i petfcenly pure until env vek. A6l: tor “ 1 / a . zact I:3S Coil LlVer lillutll.leo.l.-v. canw2a.t.,ll.nce Von F.ohl oil dragg!sLi. Tar 9rtllrmrr:i . . Tbo of .1. A. nobin,on A cn. liar, 1 , 1,11:Ca in C 1,., hands of Altkunnin E • Morro .v, No. 71, renngylvania !Iron, oi,f,or n b; for rottiomenl.. All pnrlif: flowing llmuiolve3 ut bo finlobto.l to tu tut Will call immediately MITI .aro R,,qtzhvlmier.n. COLMOCULI.II In - I.le city to gut thu worth f ttnr t4oney In good , lining. All•!lie I. well as (lie hul ,, lnnita:s I twrvell ',lt'll!. 'iv - kg remoriable Pt lees. clrgantly evil up 9..10un Is neat door I!zo on Itanlrcen and Tierebanty ' .. ,irh tip-top InealJLt their plaees or t,y voltahrhner, proprietor . or the no r,palar Coatlnetaul Lade,: 1:oorns, :lb : trcri. next deer to the rtlrtotller: in eel try . 1113 nyqlere, whielt art Alto ry be-4 to be loon ala the City. Tax: Can mar I.lquore of v.ll kinds nt ;Toper S. IS.I, an 1155 rht l'ittkbrlrcrh. Ale r nZl ( :rl . 43.st Y ll : S. Finch's 'You Can lUty . 11 . 0r9 .I,s.nnA S. i'ONDESSED TELEGRAM'S wnrd 11 , 1;r1rm, of New Jersey, rnllrond Lend,, convicted nt No v:iork or ovticr, 'was lined ztr, huntlrell nonieneed to three: menthe.' Inwri-or nvLilAynco In causing un ncelden: two 11W,ClIgerb were /tut. male, t is vstinettea that since ItdiSfalocanct, 4:mane:need /ricer. seizures at Boston, 11.1,4 accurod teventyadvo thou-and lions, Valeta! at two hundred and flity dolhirs. (4. this amount 0013 , al hundred gallons were ale. About two xl.lllllO pineti bal., been des;casea. akuel B.' litowglea, d. Couaddibioncr, Lawreace :Sad t h. of Henna:l;y, Corn- Fstontaa to the Path: E11 , 0,1t1012, 4.1L711 iaturd ay. ho sir anibehit Glpecy, in Government iloy • iforinl . 1110 rar en Iho lola., was thAl Jcr.,oy City alt hataitiliy morainj. he clothing wort:boils° of llonliolib huharkt a Co., huuth ,treat, New York, ihao.hzeil by grz tiaturOhy morblng to ..mount of et'Nub • ecnnuaaeu 3,vgitlaturu 171.11 atljou 3,1,1 i la ;Tenn.) has bccu authorized t. , urth of SLT , IA: to lb. Ittriirceul. Much opmitioa 9. outho par I. 01 the property hut 11.3 newly nnpOlnted X vi .•r at sue rinncl=o, . 1 111.14,.1111,11 /11, h fee td the most prominent morettintn in York Lily, Swas importers, on a rut tour of oh :ervat ion to the Southern Cm,lLlTiVeti (It it MUGU Ul.l Friday :and opout the al ternonn to nn luterner Jot Davis. They were plennantly re. el I an!' entertained by Mr. and Mrs. tin. The eon vertatlon, which CRS 12161 On Ca. truhlects, w. Wolenged rat Loom. ltrt tearing the Fort they. ed t hetra antrum that Mr. Davis Iv. ..utortably pitiNvided for, they having water - the imprestlott that he Was - poorlyaaken Cure Of. They found him , , od health and ttemessing all the means mint uncut which the .lenloney of tire erll !MUM be!io,7 under the grave Ire 61 the cikirco for which . Ire remains • Nuw.:Kork Custom )louse trouble ran - c, and 1-MiceLOT SMyr4l.l Is gutting the .1 of the light. by nil odds. There Lux. n great deal of 1 ing .mevThere. - . . tho new tax..levy, eleven snlllioris aro - fmrlated for the municipal uspea.es of York during the coming 113c:A year. 'n southern_ 'teller Committee it vc •d nearly one hundred Monte nd dollars ire food unit clothing to famishing Amer!cart 1311 do Society hare received. my thousand dollar, durin suhntil cs,en , led fifty thousand on tiro work In nany, China, Japan, India, u Stale Senate leos abolished the Roorti • uncii men of NOW York. It Is believed the bill Will pass In the House also. ;ht pecan steamers sailed on Saturday 6 of them for Europe. • nerul Thomas LlCatite es the nomination resident by the Tentmesee•Union men. :Lys that as be Is nothing butssoldier, to best eery° ht, eonn!.ry in that CI- Mlryland Senate, on - Satur lay, (I Iton3o of 11 , :legates Slit to call a eLiuventlon to f 01.,. LL nex.y:ott:tltu. Icy 15 to vet; a. red: o . Nevada Liir.lslature adjourned sine midnight on tbe dtb. Teri Lientenant, timer, before It adjourn eil, relit the Leg arils brought no credit. to tberw , ielres or 'tote. - No revenue hills hid been P. 29. nit the,Scate was wltlibut ercail. 111.1. t. Ing it had been refused credit for a rod poultdd of liver te• the State O, t•'eoty days lio would turn limners loose to reel; their tiring for .itilves. Thu elothig roeuts were die. later 1 115patah Ray, the tiuestioa of an b1,C103.16. being ligituteit by ibn e, but that the Governor week' not 18-. bull uniesi atoYonaubillgeenitre.d beforehand nod the meolber. Plb,bab,l Ilrealy anti- unt.pAlvoc.tily to .LC4 bill itatuuditttely upon reng;teiii. In ten. Inebei too''' through •rn WI.9eOIIXITI on riOV,IIOr Or MclsnorloZors n resvor.l 114 ILIO utreet,of Juo. W. Orputly.lzte and ex•Collectnr of Adair county, LW: 1h tarn =mount of .tc'd • thaalia mu.zuc:pal clealon, an..Tacs• fleet weay. rekalf.ad In a coa-iervalre In I t a artertniaster.— Marshall J. ton ban bccn om t mlnted and con. 1 a., flnacroconnno thin liccnnic the rank of Major. fo r m er ly NI in Patton - m. os, Ina ..ccod I ',rung', al war on ncolunt Quotternnner, : jmnocnctl In Colonel ecd Brovnt Ice s Geacc..l ll° Is tho only volun• :otrlcrtnu,incultollaguln:cn uppolnted tc nor 4 .:,:vtatu Io ult: k 7-tar, Wood's nun and rittnity. COFFIN ROOMS AT ratzilEsna LIVERY STABLE, Corned-Übe/Meld and Chartters litatze and Currtudt.4 furubh.d. pIrILIMALE CEMETEIZIG—The. ..liod'e-aere.• the lasaresraliblbra -- -- ban pl tee aepedellre, e teen: ace. In ads cony.. ty. ad este.] ou .Ntrer Brl,thion road. imicedlato. ly ocot6 ad Aileeheny. Far burial lots. perud. or a. . 11 at Ceatral fitly atom of COOL .t CLAY:kW. Aileeheny CUT. WATCWES,Iip J3El'. 1...R-Si'', AT A vEny-grfALL rotor T. WILL T. INILR'S, 6 ►l'Slio St, 3d door from 50. I. W. BCD= JOELNSTON Sr. SCOTT, Fine Watches, (lochs, Jewelry; SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., g 74 LIME/ITT ET11.F.1.-... Vrreerlerlsr attention Oren to Beetlrlow Vitaecce, Clotle tad Jewelry. All work war reatol WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters; AND BRASS FOUNDERt A lArKe Actortmeat of Claude Hey.% Brackets, Lead Pipe, rumps, Sheet Lead, &c.; ALWAYS OR HAND 161 itrood Street, neap Stitt!, 127r72:. , S 9. S 9 S. . S 9 S 9: S 9 49 S 9 S 9 . .. • 1 6A--9 1 88 - 11AgKET STREET. 2 189 18959, GO TO 1 ,99 i PEZ. C) 323 0 'ES, ss I i s9 l 89 Afar/at Street, 1" - AND GET TWIG $ ...41)9 1 BOOTS 8110 E ~4S9S . &C 9 - j• , TILE CLIEJLCEST AND I /MILT ,s 9 irra• .I•=3:1 CiT."2 - is9l NO AUCTION GOODS SLEPT. I s 9 ;JAS. ROBB, 89 Market - SO .89; lB9 IS!) S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 89 89 THE PLACE TO BUT COOD BOOTS & SHOES . CMCELAL.X.; Xel 49. T. McCLINTOOS.' S. .ro. 92 recrerai ALLEUHE.ST CITY'. MIULER. CLOSE & CO., Practical Forniture :Manufacturers COP. PENN AND WAYNE ST3I bae,2 sty:as of ITIENITUICS eoultsattli via ha, !! F ri/E rettEAPEtsT. The Slusp!est. The Best SEWING MACHINE, 1. NV ITILSON,I3 WA11.11,7T. TII Yr.inc , BALZI.OOII I% 2; FIFTII AITLIEET, roz SEWING MACHINES. Elz stachirres. Used hats short time, for sale •t CO., Fifth street. Pieca price. 11016 - E:4, CARRIAGES EtltiGl ES of the reel - beet for Lire at Howard's Livery Stable, • • Virtt strett, 21[17 ltonoortbela trotting, , • Citt . t.l Attention psld to Loylzg and stave • po, 1.)11"1.9B1;RGIN NunsEnv LIND J 114KI,ND G1LEEN1101.141.....L.7011N • MT 74I34 JCH. (..t . cc» , .), Jobs. 111.0.0»..14 ..) As!) urr..r. it attentl9a t.) the!). extensive Ql' Fru anal Oz. suncntal. itrr.,)4 ea. 6tei- UraPC it tt nod timettbottee / taxa natt - in ti