I) Ei V (40.(. 7 .,. - >";, ' l' -.'d SECOND SU OF NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, LT TILE NEW lITORECE 3.M. OUBCIIFIELD & CO., No. cm xi& errir-otlltroot, • (Wczt .ide, ¢ext door to lke Aro of TU.F. SLU BOUT.) WNITE MATO , LTI.LIF.B QUILTS, BOSKY COMB QIIIL QUO.T.A. WRITE, alkfITY. for spiewho COLMBED BIPED IMMAre. Totbl.E I.IN.ENt. (M/011, TowfmniG. COLOIIKI) BOMDZILED TOWELS.. A large wort:oat of warn , : DAzz3 40.kti•o cLo.i.nB • InnT&E TES STOSE IS nu rSD ENTIESLT YEW. NO OLD STOCIZ. Ne=eraber the place, .ro. 57. . 7.IIZE.ET STREET. G. SCEELEITER, SUCCESSOIC To GARDNER &,SCHLEITER, 92 Market Street, Offers a Large Stock of SPRING DRY GOODS , AT TIIE CIIEIPEST MARKET PRICES nb7:1374 • AT EATON'S, New Bal. Skirts, NEW STYLES HOOP SKIRTS, New Style Hair coils, NEW LOT WATERFALL PADS, New Bead Drop Trimmings, ME - ft" BEdD UTTOXS, New Guipure, Laces, BEAL AND IN, VALIACE4, F. 11. F..A.rOIN'S, 17 Fifth Street, N. 8.-N)ILID floor BICIBTI AT LtS TITAN CO6T. tZ NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. LIACRIIM & CARLISLE, .Iro. 19 Fifth4treet, Ar .a.•uc /Mir NW AND DESLILIBLE GOODS. FRADLETO NEW O'TOOLE. 8 lEr for 1-6 DIES`L MATINEE, UNDUE AND OPERA. Ems. tiENTIP PIQUE AND PhAVICEIDS. PATENT PRHTECTURS—forLWIea • Ser. TYI.. NEW TRENCH PAPER CULLA/LT=O CII V Fa are the latest noTAIIA PAPA , BEST WRENCH WRALEMO TO NE utNLIETS— aII Axe.. GUIPURE LAOIS—Am style.. BEAD Gimps AND PKINGES. NEW LACE CULLAY.S. . ' Dealers Supplied NEW YORK JOBBERS' HMS. ALICRUM & COLIBLE, No. 19 .139Stis 16Itreot. le, NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS JUST BSCEIYID AT JOSEPH HORNE'S ez CO.'S. RA are sintoposiag ~ l arge sad w.ll-seluted Mak et SPRING.- GOODS ealesalag att tbst ta st)r sad dial:able, fa Dress Tnammangs, .Bard I'Maaa. la Whits, Blue Sal Amber , Sesil Trlnalos, {Mauve sadilloa7Lara. • kolata sad APPlltaa Lade. Lace sad Crap. veils. . Otao.adla• a 4 Vane. lisatang Upo sad isegirtlaiii. A full line et LIN Mit TLANDSEXCHIEriI In risla. Timed. Ileinstl , eled. Siabwdelered end l willed we ere offering et very low prices. 'tillTace. Itirld In greet viwiety. coneloclng ol Jct. Flit, _Vet, t, Cirnebet iudi Steel. • TOWILS., at ark tedtd Hoop Skirts, Cerectl. • hells. /telt t.lnpc, Sealr g. Itlimenne. Viewers and Frames. ISTRITO nag. eteck ;all re ceived et cbelee ratans. Italsioesi ***** led Travelled Ern. /roil line of °LOVES end BUSIVAT. vUlt IiciLYSALE oules. femodl.lll•gtOcked witb flesh goudg. , el.lOl IR• 02010 Vie Indent EAST/Jill Tillt:Ed. • ._ • JOS. HORNE & do.; 77 and 79 Market Street, NEW SPRING GOODS. • We are 'net rebalvlng a fall sad emapieta Welt (sr oar daring este, enirfirtlad at WHITE tiool , i, sqfttalsked Camarloo, /m -eans. Blorlet llama, Baumadood Main Ilafesools, V.ctorls Lawns. Lista.. Masa Cambria and Laws—Tuck,/ Cambria atirtlag. - • r.1113111/111E111[5. Pill' It. /MOW igen,. •ad Imertloss,ll.otmed 74_112111 dad lasers- Isis. gusset add Bambara riamialssa. }Met Camims Mudd, Multi Smola. Mil:fats Malang dent Raloes sad Mawr. LACES, Weal Pflat, lad AWL* Lao. 111 Zaginds, IrMembla. maimed. sad iaay,Tloo4 and finlpare Laces tad Vista" t. <rd. Eris tam 04 g 4440444. • HAN nxixeSi444, 041 rem Agolidam. Th.esd, CIII, 111 TM. rlO4. Cored 1.0111 Ilomelltreed Il ••• Wag sad Neck FULL al; ANDRE KU/ GUMS ter Lad es_ •eata lota 7ita M. CORSETS aue 'WW! MIRY, MI iask•lb ‘Paletuall rads, bidau lado4 tAsidadt !Arts. &• A FULL LTSieIIVITSYCIMISIIt SI GOODS. etlUtt TAT DIALSIRS, toad ALL vho buy to .0 assts. will tap Is oer Vilooma's De part • uudat„Y NICISM sued alsaculuilat, aat aa lair as S.A9 C- MACRUM, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street, 10111 CARD, SicCAVOLDEISO & Coy •-• wsukos. CAlit, IS C 0..) OS.U.rats FORM! MID DOMESTIC SOY DUO OS &To: 041. t7P ood at.. TIMM& AMU IMuncrpttgArmi. FINANCIAL C. EL PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN. PROPOSILS FOR I LOAN OF $23,000,000. AN ACT To Crea.te a 'Loan FORTHE RELIiMPTION OF The Over-Due Bonds of the Commonwealth. ' The Street Commissioners.' report skosa on expenditure of a.:01.01. Too Clerk of the Markets , report ghoul; rocelpts for the month 4.1:714. She Weigh. Mester% report shows reeeloto for Um month. eteie.'The WM.:rm.:or reports receipts for the same Uwe, OILL:J. on motion of Lis. Johnson, warrnsta were ordered in favor cf borough aZdasks. yearly aviaries. as fol/ows: largess Sanlsbory Wm. Beet, Treasurer CM Co David I. eaulshory, Clerk 120 tai Alfred Ken, Bellew... 00 CO Mr. Patterson. Street ZeighlAtor se 44 The Committee on .Nugtass Lanisnted to Connell a plan for a cow engine house, and en motion of Mr. Kerr, the plan was refer- red back to the Committee for certain al teratlOLlß. Of BOYOGICIIIeiVOO Cll.lOl/RIOCoIUII s/ ' pr- motion, adjourned. .Winnut&S, The boi: of ta Osam..uwealtJa .41 f 1 T4!1!1F TT!ll. .34 to twenty-throe mi bens •t dollars. kayo Dees over doe and Impald ror sore time east = = =UM = granis in General 4100201 y nut, and U [Acre by eneue.d by V. &whorl/11 ar the came. Tkat ria Governor, Auditor Uliaera l l .d State Tress arer MM2EMSI= borriw, en the Salt► of t►a Cosasa•awaalek In tank annalatt Rad with .ant aattea, (ant len than forty day.) as airy way deem resat eilattl .t •rt! hatettits of .8 Stzte, tw.ty-time mlllloas of dollars . . tad Issue eertlficates le. er item. or WI ll!otensenvegaltl Its UM sane Dea:lr i latereet 'et a rate at awaits, Mx per u•um; payakl• leai-ua••11y, • ue lrsi rr Feb:vary sad Irst of Aasast, In tll • city or Pklladelptaa, whl.l cerlita.tr at le I= =I see, ant skall la payable as follows, namely: 71, alllfoua of diollars payable . at asy tine after Iv lute 111.1.1 WitbiMl tea TM," alllit =MOSS Of dollars, payable at say U.Mi after toa lea. dad mlinialiteess years, and tea millions of doll at say time at/sr Stteea years sad srllbla Men = exri arsor sad Etste Tstssartr. sad csaatsrilisei by tbe Aullter Gen•ral .4 regtstexidla tbelealia of Ile Auditor General, Ued to N tranatarabl on the looks of the Cosnotoswealtb, at the Far mere and Mechanics• tiational Bank of !kW, delphLt; the proceeds of the whole et which loan, !needle' prCatlnaes, et cetera, rnelred . the sal., .111. applied to (.. P.P.. of th. bonds andccrillutes of Indobtetaus of* Coinmo.wealth B2c. 2. T. bids for 114 *Ma Iran rlull armed In the presence et the Cementer. Audit* Gsueril and 'Mat, Tswana, and awarded t the til,flte ' s, kidder; Presided, Tilt ■. certif. kerebi sotitorlool to be tamed. .k 11 be zegOti = ___S=. S. Tim leact• eft!. Btatis. a etrtllaste of ladebtea.es e, 110W•VILT Ave, alkali H recatva- lla a pa7sent of the aid loan, ill 44444 a rig - elsalems u the GIRT!Mar, Mier accent and Etats TfellartrUly presarlbe ; aad tam Wild far tkelean, alw satbonsed Le le Limed, 11.11 atecs L lea 114 whether tate same I. palatal. la sa.k .r In Ls bouts ale cartlasatea of Indebted =I E. 4. lllug all trustees, 4zeaslars. 44.111214- Craters. inardLaas. &tests. Maxwel.. wraith tee.. or at►er Portal, 1.1411 g is a *!,afar) es- pIEtT. bonds Or etrileCitLe •t ltde►tdtul K talon...to er menus, are lereloysvtlarAcel •id for ri• loao . boreby nathorlsed to .turrealler Limbo aaaaa oortticatt• of Us bell by Lea at tbd time attaaklag bld. t to rcceive tla taa/s satkorlasa to be Issued CZ= isc. a. Avy pens., sr persons rtsallne la lb ELdselari cspaelti stated ti" lla leank petla It►L act, 'vial nay dears to /ayes, mum kelt Ita.d. for Lk* .... t of Oa Wan, nay without say order otuart, 107ut Um sans La 1.00 loads auttiorlzel tit De tasued 07 MY act. as ma of pranhun 'sot czeeedlas twat) per ECM C. that from .d iftcr pussy. if this t. ell the beads efteliCeasetosereelLkeltell be pa:defile t►e eller et their setully axe. 7. Tbat .!Moans of thla Commozoroaltn, sot yet due, shall la exempt traii State, nag& olpat or lineal taxation, atter 11,4 !Emmett gas Tobrnary lint, ova tkostaarl olgbt laann4 and Loty-r :vent, Asti luxe 'woo paid. Br.C, L all ozlrtlag lo or, or portlo thereof, Inenelatent lrrewltl, are lerehl Ef=2 epeeker et the Meese et Repeesentettve 444444 Its* seas/ .y of 'rel:nary, sae wazar.d eightadred and atzty-ae”a Ia assordhwea with the proyUitin of law hboTs t 4 :f Att.t,tblT. reeled propmli will be noel! at Om Wise el. as alata Treasurer, is tM, ty .r Martell-et'. .■NI 22 o'clock, K.. of the Ist day et April. A. e.. 1.47, ►e eadorsed as fellows% "rral*uels for Penn /Ivies !tate Loan," Treasury Department, llurlablizi, remit's, I. S. • Ell. wilt ha reralre. for .3,190,000, rata bartabiell. Flve you" mid payable 1e Tea years 1Y8.01110,1100 relatarsable la Tea years wed pay. ble la fifteen yeal.; tad $1.0.04111,0•0 r•La burwalf la Place, fare sill pals►lf It Twit t7-riss years. Tin rats or Interest to be eltbe. 5 or 6 per eeit, per &Av.... vlotek suet le ?licitly stated Id the lid, and the flee most ad 'mdded.. to Um Mate will lb accepted. 2i par .111 b easalftred. 11 =I baud...lll be lamed rant.e 1130. tad nth Waiter tuses - ii desired Ivy the Imam, to Do tre hi. Citate, local and •nIIUD>•I tmn The ever Ise beads et the Common:tweeMel re anrylvaala will ►e re•elved at pas 1a papa f thisUw, tat Ceders nut .fate trltetber they ntend t• D 412 ask or In the vrei dna IMMIM Fo eistinetton will Do Inadf, between bidders ps7lng sUllx or over-due lout == pabllslalng tbe 114 , 0, rr441 , 1 FsOOaNM, rrtA tiesirothi rxrAlllt Trugittrhur6lt6ntitt, BATURDA.Y. "MARCH 9. 1867. Meeting of the 1611m61..1.-,++ CcuPoll. Tho regular monthly meeting of the Bir mingham Connell has been held. The following hills were presented, and on motion of Dr. James Kerr, warrants were ordered to be drawn far their payment: Workman. Moore • Ce,, for How Carriage $ 70100 F. Fogel, expense, Engine House.. a 50 Pittsburgh //Caps/els SI 75 School Board, expenses for town clock 50 00 rlttaburgh Republicaner 7 uo F. Fogel, constable, SOL - VICO 5a CO J. Lundel, 58 tO Joan Wolf, Bounty Becelpt 50 so TEIO Finance Committee preslsnted the report of the Treasurer OA follows, which Nail accepted and filed lIOCSTY PCND. TO amount received By amount paid Balance on hand Arnomit recultrod ulnco Jun. 27th...11 CtO Amount paid for Book. 10 (A Balance on Maul 1:1010r0111MSD Amount mantas,' Amount puld.._.. Balance on tand 1r1f.1411-4 , C313 Amount receives Amount raid rar17. , 3 Litits 5110616 g 6 total b6lanob cu hsod of , 4 I,On a The Canton (O.) Republican says I Oar city was thrown WO IL MAW of intense ex citement on Thnh‘dity.last, by the horrify. tog news that Westloy Tensor, of Baal Jame, California, who has for some months been visiting his friends in Ole place, had taken his life, on the premises of Ids brother James, on Poplar street. The deceased was last seen alive by members of ins brother's family just before noon. He was than with his little nephew in the house yard, and was whittling a stick. At a few minutes before twelve o'clock a. he left the • yard and proceeded to the a able, where about five minutes after twelve, no was fond weltaring in kim own blood, and Quite dead; haying severed the maim arteries Lh his nem:, with a razor which was found in his hand. His hat, collar and neck.tie had been taken off sad placed on ',band near by. The masa of this tragody was insanity. tor a nu mbar of years Mr. Tosser had been mitering twin disease which had affeited both mind ant body to such as extent that rhysicians, in Calitornia, mimed a trip to the States, entertaining the hope that it might be beneficial to Mtn._ Since his arri val,his condition hes been truly pitiable. Litsbodlly health in such condition as to rendaethim miserable beyond description, and his mind so enfeebled that he was Inca. paid° of taking care of himself, a fact so forcibly of demonstrated by his last Wirt. bill act. From the pea eg Dr. Robert Hunter appears in oar columns to-day. The subject of this letter is Chronic Consumption certainly none more important can engage the most intense thoughts of a medical man, or should excite greater intermit among mortal readers. Pulmonary Consumption bas heretofore been the edmitted +odium. of the medical profeselon; and es a natural consequence, the terror or the peeple. For It medical men have contended there was no cure. Under these circumstances Dr. Hunter brings forward his sewe as to the nature, emcees and effecti co treatment of Consumption in a manner en original, so en ergetic and ea practical as to startle tb.e who have hitherto held I, old.lanhloned Ideas, and to tame new hopes Into the minds of the doomed. As a very wodderful endorsement of the result of Dr. Hunters views, the City Inspector , * Reports of yrep York show a dimualtion of over thirty.one per east. to the mortality from Consump tion In that city in three years attar Dr. Hunter first Ictroaneed bin there. and at time when his practice had assumed enormous proportions. Pacts like these cannot be refuted, while to the humane they are most gretifYin The Blairsville Press contains the follow- Inc distressing account: On Saturday lest two daughters of Nathentel SabMs, of Blacklick tp, this county, were badly horn ed by the expiation of en oil lamp. We • bare been farnlabed the following particu lars: Miss----Babins, who works In this place, bad gone borne to spend the Seebeth, and while Italeg the evict of a lamp, fire was conveyed to the oil sensing an explosion. The exploded lamp fallen scan of oil direct ly beneath it, whieb also ignited and exalt- ded. Ening the room with Ere. The young ladles, (there being two daughters at home) endeavored to exungmelt the fames end save their father, who to very old and t-t -flue. The screams brought several men to the scene who extingualied the tee. The young Lance were badly burned. The orie who works In town and who supports her father and sister by her needle, at Is feared will lose an eye. roe entire contents of the room were destroyed. A collection wee taken up by some of oar chat itable citigens for their benellt. TDla lea very distressing calm and one th at appals loudly to th e syminithies of the community. Accused *I Sobbing the Nall From tke Columbus .Thernei we take the following: Borne three months since it wee discovered that some one upon the line of the P. O. t C. Retireeit'vras tampering with the mane. One morales Meter Brooke dis covered In the vicinity of the depot at this place, a number of lotion tore open. This gave the erst clue. and the government de tectives oonatnenced working op the case. lame time since the mad -bag on the bag gage car in charge of Mr. Charles Meeker, or Newark, wax represented to have been accidentally burned. and other thing. hap pening In canna 4100 tkerewitk. led to the issuing of a warrant by United Staten l.om. allselonerliedialay for tke Arrest, of Meeker. Ile was arrested at the depot in title city on Monday by Marshal nankin, of Newark, and oflicer Brooke, and pieced ' in the county jalL Be was taken On Tonaary night to Cincinnati, to await examination before Comumssioner fialllday at Cincinnati. Meeker Is a young man woo by hitherto borne a good character. • As Insolent Demand by a Airman Bondar. . The lieadiag Dfspoich my.: 'leotards,' af ternoon, about five o'clocr, a German tramper entered the etore of one of our. business men in Sixth ;street, near Walnut, and demanded from the proprietor two dol lars, wherewith to buy liquor. The gentle man refried so uncommon a demand; and told t hat cal that he ttmeght lt rather queer he should danord the ruoney and set his price too. At this the seobadrel at tempted to use violence towards the pro prietor of the store, bat liemistook hie men, fur a huge hammer wee displayed before the Dutchman's as* which bed the effect .... of cooling o ff his tem pe r a little. fie west out the door mutter in g all sorts of vea -1 'mums against - the pr praetor, promising to pay him o ff for refuel hit demand. Fl') 12E2E= Speak.r of He 6ea►te I= Cutting Al/var.—W. take the following from the Reading Divots*: "Last night about 11 o'clock a cutting affrav took plane at the corner of Seventh and Fenn streets, between two men who were partially Intox icated, resulting In one being cut very s,ri. ously In the cheek with a dirk. The only particulars we could ascertain were that the two men walked up renn Itreet, carry ing on a load conversation, and when Mei , reached the above earned corner, eon of Muni drew out tan knife end cut the other leftve gash Wene ebese, just. below the eye, and no down ifurenth Street, tha Injured man walked up the liciroad pad was supposed to be • stranger. Wlgued.—Gvernor Geary. kas signed the Nil posed bv the Pennsylvania Lcglo lature, say. the Lebanon Oturter.giviag the nubile land script to the State ARlA'aural College. TWA "College" is certalnlY getting When the of htate appropriattons. the truth Is known. it will be found there are some very shrewd fellows In the back. ground who are sot altogether dish. terested managers in the work of annually Putting the Colleglste Ina into the Slate Treasury up to the elbow. Some honest In. vestlgaring committees are Dully needed about. kiarriSOurg. Neves*ly Ininsed.—The Indies& Messen ger rupl: On Tueeday last, as Mr. Abel Stew art, ol place, was engagod In blasting stems, for the foundation of a mill, Nome tires miles from town, atone, about a foot square, was thrown a denim* of eighty feet, and striking hits on }be leg, above the knee, Indicted a painful wound. Kr. Stew art was brought home In the evening and to now doing well, Patriotic Pitteborgb.—The Indians. Messenger has the foliewing:good word for Pitisbughi A Fair Is going to be held in Pittsburgh. couinioneing on tho lath and continuing two Week% wbich hes for Its object the raising of fends for the cr.:- lion of a noldlers• kellUtiollll In Allegheny county. Patriotic Patti:4lrib Is going to be as generous to our boys dead at IMO Wee lib• erol to Lhasa .JoHNIV. CEaai Goyernor of reas4l•=da• auditor Two Members of Albs Sloe Mart by s Mee —Two farmers living near Zane. 'Ms, WWI* driving tUoir tosses blase from town • feel days ago, oog.,:g.cog cncine and soiled in upsettlsg botis the weepue and the serious 11001 DAM Wily Of bo th Igenieso W. U. W.E.U.ULE. I= Thomas Drown, of East Liberty, rater• day in ....le information before Alderman aild,on, charging William McKinley with aggravated assault and 'battery. The alleged offense was committed on the . 6th In.,tant, on Thomas Freeman, a young 'rah man in the employ of Mr. Brown. It seems according to the statement made, that en the afternoon mentioned, Fe-cw.an was drt. vino Mr. Brown's hone- luta %.'4OU from the shop of the latter, on Liberty street to East Liberty. While passing through the Litter plum, he was accosted by MoKininyt Whomighed to buy the horse. Freeman re. plied that the horse was not for sale. Mo. lanley insisted, when angry words ensued. Ft is alleged that McKinley then attacked reeman, drew Ida out of the wagon and beat him severely about tke hue and bead, so that when Mr. Brown returned home, he could scarcely recognize ha man. McKie. ley was arrested yesterday afternoon, and held for a further hearing on Monday next. McKinley alma not deny ttio beating but clabas that Freeman was as bad as he. • Tile Fealties:ie.—a few of the earliest erring styles Is bonnets have arrived. The present are nothing eesentially new in form, though they are dietle Retailed. by the usual of new aumes—tho rietta,"variety the ..Levlgne," etc. Moot of them droop slight .y In front end are raised at the emelt so as to take in. the still aspiring waterfall: Tray require, very little face. trimming, Imre nllOllO crowns and cur tains, and tie behind the ears. The mate• rinis c.re various fancy IItSLIW. amd Tuscan braids. 610,153 23 . 5,508 (U lEN3 CEI 4170.1 61 . 131... i 5i vine ileaara lays that some boys In the neighborhood of Greenvilla throw a live skunk into a church during eerVlee, and thou gat away during thu contusion which ensued. Their object probably was to bring the congregation to a realizing scents of their situation. COM Ca V./ CO • lilwleldlod.—Tho Beaver Lena states that tho' Natioaal Bank of Beaver county, at New Brighton, had been swindled out of four or Ova thousand dullard by a worthlass Lute. Ilam Loal.—rao late flood In the Monon glthelw carried uwuy the dam OR the Tough louheuy river, rive tunas above blelittespert TERIIIBLE C 11.4811. BOOTS AND SHOES kr PRIFF.S TO PIT TOR TIMES FOR 30 DA.tie. Moto N LIS:OII3N TIOST COPT. Urn, Calf Boots, tap sole. sell Ing 10. reduced Moo $7.74. Itr d o•e Kr f aft. Mots. 'rater proOr , ettllog re uced ro= • • Men'sgrain boots, sowed, settle{ 04,51. reduced from Ss n. Mee... kip boore selttne an. reduced from 64.15. Itte••• •pers boots selling 0.474, reduced trots IJ. M o ee 4. , halmorals t top !tole, selling F.Ss. redated Irma re's er.Os. a tutu red•red !Too 13.7 i teen's batrnorals. te,ll.la reduced r.otult.r.rs Larlee• •• pollati stints{ reOuceorronalo.4.. •• •• •• •••• 01, Ledles' Freeoti (no) bale sent.{ 01.,` TS, reduced fr m 10. n. Lodi,.•goat bale settee 01,7 e, re.lnced from 11.31 Leoliee• loot bale, Up. eel.log 01.411, red•ottl from OP ENTIRE STOCK AT GREAT REDUCTIONS 2$ and 29 Fifth 81., Pittsburgh. • W. B. CLAPP & CO. fen =l3 OVERCOATS = DlStrimplang Badly Zesten Al 4 to Derotlon.—Tho Conneaut- MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 YET REMAINEWG l 3 OLD, wlLlat slut Im CLOUD U1:11 _ REGARDLESS OF COST, At the Immense CLOSLYG O'UT SALE, A3..r J. D. RAM.A.LEY'S 334 and 336 Liberty Street. a•urts A•ser taint If FALL AID WLATEH CLOTHING DRAWERS, UNDERSK IRTS WHITE SHIRTS, Cotton. and Woolen Hosiery Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Le. sarm.crizrmis; Of ail Descriptions, and a Lary. Assortment of GEMS MIIIISIILIG GOODS AU of which must be sold re gardless of cost or Invoice. _ Call and Be Convinced. 31 D. RAMALEY, SSI aad SSG Liberty Street, Opposite Wayne. JAIN= Z. Illtthrtirt C It. MOnLinii IRON CITY SPICE FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, ?ear PCrilitllV/Vithit4 4v•nuiri rmsausau. PITEE SPIDES, AND KIISTARD I ; wkaa oar saw Loa Utik 79101.1. OISOUIS CaIINNEAL and EYE FIA .T , lt tocatantly on hsciA. corm. AMU UItOUND NUTS ROASTED ' Test coattails the manutactare of WI the DIFFERENT RINDS OF SPICES, Which we offer te Wholesale sad Eaten Dee." t:e t rzintettva:itit i g : r d"1 f"r. Chopped Feed Constantly on Band. • [TRICKLES It MO DDDDD E. tsegeri Vaal. 11. BARK. ABR. TX. W.L . arnirrniA BARR. DUI:8 & 2.er-sum to WAJILLLNX r MUM No. 12 It. Clair It., • vaiLliall IN Piaatioes, Organs, Latitudinal Mood. gear:Cir. artlole agent* for tie Cilabrakrd BLUDU iT. :fork. and SCRUMACILIN i CO.. ranadonttli, PLAID*. Alta, Int! a MAI •'UUT?IDa." aid 1 D. • ft. W. SNITIIIS wAIIIINICANw Ob. GANS. aadTILTUN , II PATINT OMNI& Timing' lulls& and Derma& Ttolln Lad Uzi. tar wind. always ea Iwa. ate,mt HOLIDAY GOODS. A ti t [ h ip m inlaf BRONZAGILT, Carbon Oil Laiips and Chandeliers, Lamp Trimmings, &C. WIEN g r a .'"'"'" JOttlf' EONS & CO., 1 7`?:41,1 1 ' /%14".3A€1.1litUrin!' SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. fm..“ IL 13. .11.41(t..).N Sealer of Welilis ant Nissans °Mew Xs. if RARRRT STREET =Z ill = SPECIAL warless. arA CARO TO INVALIDS. I==l it.toatr7. dlscnviyed t atte.ad nthWe remedy for the Core of Nervous Weaknean, Harty Decay. Diseases of We; Urinary • and Boatload Organs, and the whets trite of disorders 'Fount on by baneful and yleloai hablts. great num- Dere nave been already cured by this noble rent ed/. Prompted bye dears to benefit tbi MUM ea and unfortunate. l will/ eand the radio for venering and nand Ude Medicine. Ina seuea ,".,opo, to nay one "'be needs It, Farm or Cliaua Z. Please enelime npostepe mope addressed to yourself. Mares, JOSEPH T. LIMAS. da0:1121 Mit. D. Bible Rouse. IS. I. ,Itt ohimon.c h. co., BOILER MAKERS ►ND SHEET IRON,. WORKERS, Noe. 20, 22,24 awl 26 Penn Bt. saving ...iced a large yard and faralehed it parede most approved ....bluer,. we Sr. Pre. pae to manufacture every description of ers In the beet rnanne . , and warranted equal to soy made la the count,. Chimney., Breech lua, lire ßeds. lite... Pipes. Locomotive Bait er.. Condensers. Palt Pans, Tank.. Oil Wile, Agitators, bettliag Pen, Boller Iron. ~ - HIL Pilge L'S PAr Pane, Tllih and T sid lll/11.111..e ruanufastarere of BABB lie palrin. done on the shorteet •otice. I.6'M VErLAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL I SMELT'S° WORKS, PPITI4SOaOII,. • PARR, WORDY CO., Manufar Inters of ehealltin if, Braaten` and Bolt C Creased Copper Bottoms, Kale. Kill Bottoms, Speller dolaer. Also Importer. and Dealers tu Tln Plate. blieet Iron. Wire, Sr. Constantly on baud Tlnneral Machines and Tools. 14,1,11095 C NO. 141/ IflbirtT SIIoEEP anti cd1)5010/ND STIIEZT, l'lttebergh. • Special order& of Clipper Cut to any desired pattern. toy liteld.darT farROHINSON, ILEA & ...ea on le 1101(050.,. Stale • ii11t.1.13130 WASHINGTON WORKS, Founder. and Norblnl4la,Plltaburgb, Manufacturer. of Boat and Button.) die. ledilnee, Blast Engin., MB7 Macbloary, Beare log. Blurting. Casting. of all denflptionet Oil Tanks and Stills, Bolter sad 55.5 Iron Work. .- AdeAgenta for OITPAII.D.II PATENT IN JEC filo for feeding bolter.. - lITBIEDIiL INSTITUTE • run SPECIAL cAnr.m. No. 14 Bond Street. Asir York. 7011 l nfortuatton. with the klekest also, a Mete Special Di..., In • vented en vefor. tient fr.. 44 - Bo •ore ow.l send for Ws and ye. .1/ net tweet V; fur, as at...Malan oblate.sa are generally floposfe,•, without ee . 4ft-n". sulk :Wryer EirTLIE DIIAVEST MALADIES U/ TUUTII AND Z•III•11114T W AN -140t11.1WL119 Atan)l3lA HON lIMAYIS. on the Phyttolon' of tb• rssolons, •nd th• treore. Abase. Lad preollar to tits nest wee of max, with Reports on new methods of trestmeat employed In title lattltutlon. Sent it noted 1,110 I pea, fees of aselse. lees. Ile J. 1111tlTUJI, Howard Aseuelstloa, l'allsArlphls. 1,0. Ist :rnialse. Lee e :44 Tele), ;CI s Cloir-san CIIX-sel SOHO OIL WORKS. BuF KEIEW &CO .....UrACTUFLICS TUT. CELEBRATED SPEI LUBRICI - 01 Petroleum Lubricating OM Speria, Lard and- Wba.e MUM, TABUN OIL a, MB MBA MAIO. STANDARD wane, BURNING OIL, No. 33 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. WAND MA A ctarmas. deT.ZI WARING & KING, C 4105103 MIMS W main IN Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DUQUE&IE nrdr, PITTIIIACZWIL. MLADZIZEFIA WARING. KING St CO.. st7l7mg II? Waluat Illt" P 11.116. 11ENDRICK'S LIIBItICITOR • NazifletanKt • • WIIITE, BIROS. & CO, N. York. E. J. ROBEEtTS, Agent, It. Clair Strzoll,Pittablirgb. Pa. leep bow/sally on hand vottnn yanaory oil. Dun ilaeldntry 011. Woolen $lll OIL Out Engine OD. Light Cold /Latina 011. D. , a Car Oil, 10. 1. 1..111,4 Ske.ren-tah. Dart Car l)11. Ate WOOLDUIDGC OIL CFCM1.1.11.1011". • OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT, l'lnlisst. HIMRY 11. UM% sary 41.1Trees , r. WORKS of TEMPS 14ECZY11.1Z. Oka, N. 2 Daquesa• Way, lla Isipasaloa Bridgo.) 111/13113/ACTIIIIINS Ur.. PUSS WNWN BURNING Brand—"Luaiter." 3711: OS EUILEILAL OIL WOUILB. itA.III:74ICIRE3III Of EUREKA! caneo.r OIL, The Celebrated EUIIEKA :SPERM LUIIICATINU OILS, And Ilfitalesaie Dettlen la Cnide, Rased and Lubricating 011 S, LARD. 61 . 11.1i111. F tiAl.l ARD /DM OILS, No. $1 Market, St., Patuburgb. O. CI. DZC•3I37-AIL Cell .4 exam'. maples ”d tend eertteutes. BUT THE HEAT. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, 70}/ OIL 84111111/3 Iletand Osl7 aid for W. UT • T.H. .011CFIX I CO., PIONICKEL PAINT WORKS. N.W.C0r.84 and Market OeU ITITSB MOM PL. BOJCWEIO, BUOYS IL CO.. • CONINISSIOSIIERCHART% AULI7II FOY THY Piclee Globe & Liberty 011 Works . • ins pie Iltoresse for erode aid Rata d OIL Lin era cash advances made on ansl”ments of Grade er ilenaed Petroleum. Yards for stoma sad Wawa of Crude LW at Lawrenceville. atlas and Narchouse. nornerof Duquesne Way mid Walcott street. Vittsbanth. • mylaai 4111. •141/11,Malg. ..... .A.141)1,1111)11. gaGLE on: *dims, • xmlivl724.22oovrilio.. WICHTMAN A ANDERSON. Winners mit Deal•ris in 'ETROLEUM. c&:lll:.°l2lDurEtre4l ll . 317t1 PAINTERS. JOHN T. GRAY, RUUIM *MD 61UN MINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. Plato and OrtmM•ota MI.. or ayory QaeerlP Moo demo to order• ill work dons promptly at Platoolblo flk4. MON ILVILILTIEJL, . . HOUSE AND SION PAINTER, . NO. 63 DIAMOND 31.3.33, 1F1T1113 , 31, rG All antlers lefi at the Fop, ar vent by mall. lii receive prompt attention. WILL Leal 11. BROWN, (LAU ante Dna of DloWDt NOHOW,) AO Oat AND SIGN PALATEES, *rear ef7blrdaseltuket streets. QM =3=121:13 pM' IN TUE MIATTER OF "THE 11E SESVZ IJWNBIIIP BUILDING B.OOIA TMN,•• jot Chase[ or Licarporwo, listen Term. 167. Ands°, to-orlt. /Omar,. fatly lae. tap Coo stnutlon of the A•Breistwo of .. Th• Balloro• litlibTrVALlt:Vittia ite"M"lf Gaon he pablisued It Mx rtrrasyNes DAILY tfazorra Tor Of on ea, at lae cardrotfoo or ialdeehutri.re4re:.:lglalt to Um contrary. 1117 TER COVET.' Attetif JAcos WLIMEn. trotalumiltary. Alf all - • • FOR S rural of about .efts in (.1•10, orrnalep, Alleghboy eh oe. ty,in arsou: fair miles:Mtn the city on the sgmhgton Pike. lee imptomm e ote e serge two Mom Crick Dwelling House with 12 ro s ha, t tleo-610r7 opring tlouse, a C/6.:111pe iitottelt. • lefire .•41.letber Boom, • No. 1 Frame Bank Barn, with ambling sueldent for 10 head of There la • ILue - Toung Orchard. one. pe w., .boat thrum, Mocksod with the host vs sietly of treat treat It M au undmiald with 00a.l. The lagd is in shish of adtlyetion. well watered. tuners good o.oloolonl, ad: itdrahly for dairy or gardening purposeg. f , otr ' ialf Ifo r ,i ' L, ' & l .llllA h o e .:, Lb = ou. oud °elm oat-boil not with. good Or. chord in line hearing COndltions This pleoo la 0100 all underlaid with coal. /LINN 111..4 adiolulng theist:4m, unimprog ed. Pm Ws; low. Tide pieta la also all underlaid with cent. The oberee three plece4ol Hu nodeached thytly Boot e o her road. The coal alone la worth all that 11 naked for the enfant property. Also. Farms 01 113 acres, altnats Clair towasblp, Weetteorelarid county, Fa iintnall sadly on the Basalt. Penna. naliroa l . The Imo I:rover:lents are • two-Istory Frame House with g ee o v emo nod good cellar, . Frame Bank Barn. 4bala feet, and other out-baldlngs. There Is on th. good Foinig apple Orchard; lthreres Cleared, beleneethll o timber: fencing genera:- ly mod. well watered: underlaid with coal_and Ilmestoue;nvoniont to douches, mills, black schools end emlth shop., meets...with the persooni property nth ay slat. Implemeute. gu r:4! the ground.ab. romolongtven lmme. Lim a Farm of 147 acre.o situated in Fenn township, Westmoreland comity, Fa.. adjola sirapevillebtation,on Fenn , . Railroad, on which Mere ie • goal Two 60.7 S t oke House with ho Rooms, • Barn. Car•lae Hon., and other buildings; an Orchard of dllercat fruit trees: el underlayed with coal There Is a bah Well on it In gvod order. produeleg I ha. Per day' This property Is ugh red very cheap and goal ;arum. Also, • Fee. of IS acres, situated In 4.'oae maugh toesuahlit indlaa•county. Fa, about 2% miles Ikon the West Penis'. 141.11 , 00 6 / 6 . et 1./•le more hiatlon. The llnprovethepte are • Two b o ry Frans Hou.e, wlh Four 14.001., a double I'oedh•hd Old 1.0 linen e. Abut 111111mno cleared. e na.clue In timber. 1604 h se white oak. locust and chests ht. 'this farm will a sold 'very low, the ammo wishing to go west. Fameeslott township.rm of 274 acres eituated la 4 entre sudlana c0n0ty,.1 4 .., about: 14 mile, from Homer thation, on the In lien. RI ehth Rahrmd. The Improves:mess are a good Two Story Brick livre.line. 101 Roans. a Cellar. a No. 1 Flame Raul Ram, GU •.y 48: • due ADP'o urchard wi th • variety of different fruit in cs, • ha d Cider Frees: fenclug generallT good: w 44 watered wham 140 acres emceed. the 11,11.11te In good timber land. aod • good Me foot vein of 00.1 hater the whole farm • p•rtion of the purchase roomy will tor taken for well located lachls ID Nehraaka, Thl.tar.ty. if sold be fore of arch. will be sold at the of IS dollars ter Lem. Foss ss ion on the Ist' day of Spell. A. D. 1640. *leo, An excelleut Farm of ip acres, of which PI at,.. ate under cultivation. situate In Chris ti.mousy, Illinois. Improvemente—a he irme thweitine ceot•lnte r,ome: about lee the a lee fruit tree., good flucluse. Ob. within:miles of the II louts t;eutral IL 11.1•• 111 he au don remonable terms. City property late& le part exchange If de^l l,ll . lu Loth In asothern en borne of Client.. thels 0 0 by tiedmer . • su'vsliviatuts os loot Them lots Ile hue mile North of the June bon slat. Louts nod Aston sod tilchlyan auth ern IL 1t... Lod !green the line of the rittsburgh. Cost % 1 1 ayue and Chicago R. IL. Just 6 cotes Booth ot the Court Beebe.nezithe new Camie Grounds, mid 0111 eod for gnat lam, Vann or all acme ' tun township. Westmoreland comity. =acres cleared and uts der cultivation, el acre. of neat-rate om nod other timber, houses, I of late: ti stories, the soh I e6ory. •11.66 • [cult. 16w:i.e. with • testes. holm .stwm:ll ai running order: v Doug hrcnard or g •I6e Putt. The Mt. 1.1,11166 g; • art act le It 1•010 01 16 line tone an 4 sue al wi1ef.611164 spcsnre: within one noodle rods of the Mem. Central nallsom; >t miles east or Flttshurre, sad throe miles west of Sleets:Mere. This farm m lams antly sad rho y ituated in • goal as ',LTV/a - - hood; 00011 aro. a is underlaid wstts cool. The utie la gash. Also. a Is an. el' 1111 Lett., Basted In Wmt heatteid township. Maims cesium Fens'., thous smiles from todre Mat! 11, on the l'enna. Railroad. 7ka improves:au. re, • good t• 0• Btore hrt , k Bonne with n made a No. 1 frame ank Barn, and all other necesmsy 001 bold. legs. The Il ls is good, sad the PAM telly low. Ind on easy terms. Sorfurthes parucalarit Onge re or O. 1 . TOWER. Real Lute .114411 C. 10 Fourth street. Rf FOIt A COUNTRY, RESIDENCE, utT 8114D11 BIDE, Ott the PILVICISTLYANIA. 1,411.8.0A.D. Within soltettes ride from the city. The house le rue linty sew, substauttally corneal.% In Ito arnmperrnats, and tastefully oruementel In• Ode and out. It has hot and cold water, and gas axturee throttabout, It occupies &commanding alto { ea a 10l a Doe acres. part lu gbe lett M the .4 i uTir l iti o t ' sTi ' d * ig if= Thera glr.,'; orchard of dwarf trees. The eurrouteltags are all attractl•e, consistleg ofit:.ivfn 1:=1 =I R Fourth rt.. tatirko's Building.) Fon VALE. LARGE BRIG B lIILDING Ins L.& 53 het on Ins neck Alllll feet 1 carriage nous. deuce fronts a orth It, of Allennenl• able poperty..a nee seldom offered Isla home of this Of trarteen rooks, occupy/It North Canal street, and .xnnn to Llocrty Street: cable • hOuts on Liberty °seat; real Canal Street; situated In el Tout th Ward. It la very dealt wit/touts fault. 'ILL la a ch. to those labs dealt* • cools eltaractar. 123 Acres in male county. from Al Wont stattost p n . on Le Imrvernenta excet sous, property Ile. at bt bend Of la good. rich. fertile s,dl; t In part ondergtlll,3ll.loll an I fulfras surd • btu Mannar TOnd to the lame. On fa Mannar and atone ••elelent foneSng puroollet, but no m Terms—half cask. balance In abet shout 4te . waive trial Willi:owl.no raw cleared. Thie tal7. and , Producing largelY. let as Pittsburgh: re. Mee iii.JUO. on• mad two man. LIJTPL4!ME No. i• lourN St =Et THE BAYARD ItIANSION, LACATID ON TIIIC "ToUlitt` , WAVIER AND TUX CiIIiVALLI,VILLE Jost time by abo rail ttOus 1 I ts•lnafelt, Isve McKeesport, and one hour achednle X . 41:302% • Of HOST ADVANTAGEOUS TEII.II - S. The Moose Is a taro-Wary brl4ll..tsartean rooms, moosra- style:asset receded{ oatbaildlnea: 3r sorsa of ertolsl. bled y n0p7y4,1: Oslldiugs al new. rut 14 tents Kr day, od aS each day as train. ton, Ithout addlSlOns shard!. Apply to STIGIL AR - R.BIM Jirokerg and Real Mune Agents, No M tiniltnneld street. ppruor CD PROPERTY soFs ssx,m. %mgt.* In Lawrancalllle. and tprineteld, .d lotng. racutini 1u prices from $l,OOO to 10.03% WM too .old on reaeonable terms II soplled f 5= for farther Imfdrmatlon, apply at the Eu hEi- tat.'and innmice Ofles at 9. E. BATES, ==!M== 14`OR SALE.—A FAB," AT WALL o. the Central Railroad. with ROO , l Improvements. •lso, Tilio FARMS AT CARPI.). ILa eTATIoIi, hell Improved. COAL ?Alta rt. the etenben•file Itali road. tig ht miles fr•lnthe My. Property oh Venn'. are nee and Cent eeeee one. Improved and unimprov ed:. and In all parte of Om tulles and suburb, FARADS AA it Iltaldert TO L t luguirs of 1411.1.1 AM WAAL), opposite the Cathedral. . hich ildUraut street. VALUABLE FARM! FOR SALE. —Cc...lateen/ acre., 10u of whirl ls cleared. and under goad lence• The laproveni•nts are: a hood twia4turg Beam "louse wills I roomc Bars eh o• IC two gaud orchard. oue of which 1. In tall bearmg. &testa In ;ninths town ship, liege ty comity. IS mile from •Th.wsun , a siat.oh, l, ea the ContrlelliTi It Huai. he spare Tarm t. offend cheap and Oil e,../..1911 B. IIe.L . AIN 41)., pi t t ritl ' . • 1= fourth street. COUNTRY RESIDENCE WON& /11.&.X.8312. 01 the Waetttelt*. Ma. %Wm& two Wks Irina the Meer. • /WAHL liOU3ll, cot:demise awe room.. with about Dam acts °tem.!. stable. fruit tree..grapes sod sbrablwry. sad water at the dm,. Apply at So. Si rid° Alto Street. ferr.orr Adeglisoy Ctrs. D WELLING HOUS F l Ofl OIC 11f.717.—A I-606 007 106 81.1.1110.. ...der. style, No. ar. Fourth treet• zato 4 / 6 6 t - rgreall.l4.l)%7N"l". r'q„6• A 1.... t. 66 06 7 7 _ or. IN, 01 7..6 0660, rovr so- C. F uTiro: t ;,, w o r r " 60 Ms 6 . 146010 Ile 061.61664. o 1171 7 16.6" 1 MOO CO.. IA Fourth rt. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Real Estate Broker. JOHN D. BAILEY. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER LIKD AIICZIOkEEIL • Beath, taken out a commisalon as Auctioneer, and effected au engagement with the Pittsburgh Board of Trade, securing th e nth of th eir rooms, above the Third National Bank, lain now pre golllVeZll4".lllt.s. Vo",°:,•=thto.W.l . 4 rooms tlea, or on the premise.. * • particular attention paid. so heretofore to the_ sale of heal Mutate at private sale. eaten ethical [state In tits country attended. Onto. 1 oi fourth street. ne.VI TOBACCO, CIGARS, &o ROSIC BUD BOUGH AND ILICADT,II.4)Si BUD lIHILIUTP °UN% utnil. BUD tit,Ll/62( De. 114. ' And other Noted Brands of TC)Mg.igLCICCIO Yanatactured by - TIM deer from basyenalon lirldge. Allegheny dei:bilt • JOHN. MEGRAW, Yutfact and Whole.al ofnd Ratan Dealan la all kinds Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, qra XILia:D.77J ErrElingrr. • gran& aluartaaat Smoking Taaases, Pipes aial Wimps. Paean.at always es bona. ..a.,•1 pCMOVA E UNDER. W mooed NO base reored the •Ibee of tba OPIC ()IL WOHISS from 33 Market street, Pittsburgh, to stmts . War is on Carson atrret. IRovrastotratoshere thee eau nerenfter toned. Taant"4:l-""*". I • I'lTl NORM AMERICA LIFE INSURINCE COMPANY, Of New York, .Tint' Only Company In the World Offering security guaranteed try itte direct vision and control of Its Fends of as kisatral or State IrtITC/1112:1•111. /11 addition to the wiestrity baretotorm ofered. eW Rya P ! 'L liTi r otilfe u Mitctsl h" Wartitlis of New York. the Uorerday efftElfri..l to make Speelal Deposita with um Soperinteadent of the Insurance Departineot, and receive there. for negletered Polieles. bearing the of the Department and • Certificate Ulm the Polley le secured by pledge of rattle litoYks under • sPe• du Trust created by the Act of Legislature In favor of the MOUTH AMERICA INSURANCE COMPANY wthlusively. This bolder very Reg istered Polley as secure to the as a Ns -1100.1 Rank Note, or • United Modes Bond. NO REsTHILTIONs In Travel, Residence or the Ordinary Employments in thy Part of the united states or Europe, at any season Of the DATIII GRACE oa all renewal pity- Mate. ALL POLICIES are non-forfeiting and IMMO dlately Indisputable. Income at tweet OVER ONE /MILLION DOLLARS. All insurers are Invited toesamine end com pare their ;alleles with th ose of the "bona America." /C.D. MORGAN. President. J. W. MNICHM.L. Secret., E. TI COOK & CO.. General Agents, rrrrsaueon BRANVII. N 0.67 Fourth street. A few more &mire, ellletent men eau have Agencies. Dr511:411,T ALLEGHENY' ENBII.IILANCE CO. meore: irrlicrifAlLL—Ogieo., No• . 37 Fink nk Block. insures assinali oh kLeda ad. Ma and Kartaa MUG _ JOHN kuWIA JR.. President. JOHN D. hiceolll3. Vise Pre.Went. C. O. DONNU.I.., lieeretnre. Capt. WY. L , kienerel .Ikt. 1/13111CTOnn John Irwin. Jr., Capt. Wen. Dun, John Ir. eicK/ora, B. L. rehnenoon• (.3. U. Kumla), W. H. we, Mine Minty COlids. Hobert a. Do Go. T../ Hoektneone /nose'. rtelines. Charles lists. .. Geo. L. MG/row. PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CuMPASIC. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. ommai Jinn sszers. slum mock, Thls Is Horne Comp.), gad lame. Kg= ZB, c. BOYLK_, Vice rms.:lent. ROUIRT PATRICK, Treasure,. t. LiUtill 114/4411C.N7. beerstal7. Dialln - 10110. Leonard Walter, George Wlleon. C. C. Boyle deo. W leans. Hobert PatAnk. 3. 0. CePPe. Job relater, .1. 0. lelelner, John Voentley. A. AnLaon. Ilopuns. tlproal, W ESTEEM ISSUILINCE CU., UY PITT I IIIIEUtI. ALICA& UlUit &MICK, Presidents Wll. P. LIZISB[RT. Veretary. CAPT. littita. NAIL!). beaus] Agents Orem 4 Water street apses & co..' Wars Hr. seels males. Pittsbargh. Will Imre saint eh mods of lire and Marina &las. • home lastlinUon managed by Directors who vs w it Laos. to the commoulty, lad who art deter Used 1g prompter. sad tlberentlt to male n the erecter which they have as sumed. as germs the boss protection to those who desird to be !var.& ilex. it h. Miller, cA Jr, Jecces Muley, Alexander Cuter, Andrew .A.C.../• David Y. Lout. des Wm. Y. Chas.' . 0.614 JobELL YeCane, James P. Hann.. Jose Hirtpst.riCl4 'e. iv rtalUp Ifoeymer. ans. - 136.6.11/611.T. 6ecrat.7. pEOPLE'S MUILINCE CO. 077103.3. I. COL WOOD AND 1/7211 JS • A HORS 00.11PANY, TAXISiti /LUZ AND X.A.61N7. =MZI Wm. Mauna. Capt. John 1.. Rhoads. John Watts, Haman! P. Waiver, John Z. Parke. Charles Arbuckle. Jan, Km., Jo. P. Mirtystalak • V. /Lira. Prank O. Bissell. James Venter. II Hanson Lore, WM. LLIIII, President. JOHN WATT. Vice .I . lroadent W. 1. 13.11 , 1)NLY. Becretary. jallay ' C.o. JAB. tiulll)o27, Oe6•l COKE &c LOUIS a. Y acunAnns. KAUFFMANN & CO., UNION COAL YARD. Best Family Coal,lint Coal and Slack AlWays on tgl i d t r o lszrarly OFFICra coB. EARRTROd AIM PENN BU., .. I =AllrfafWZ.l."""'""-'!'" v"7 fe1111.561 FITTSBUTWIS, PA. MIA, M. CLANZT IVoliDlllo CUYYZNO. Z. N. LIUNtsILL.II J. 1.. 11114.15. WM • M. CLANEY, & CO.. Gas Coal Workig, Shipp. ..and dealers to SUPERIOR.° An AND FAMILY COAL, N11T(.704L and CLACK. Post on:lee x. 161,4,1101. gal. Pittsburgh. and LUCK BOX 07 Ailegbeny PitY• U EN/MAL. OYrICE, second story Pittsburgh Baring rank Banding, corner Liberty street and Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. BRAtteil OFFICES: No. 5 Liberty street, and..? reolVa B. 8.. obit./ sae Metbsule street, Plltsbutp.oad eOrnerlo tro"r?lo'rt.TA tr. 11;01: °"' glen places so receive i Dromot attention. 1a15115 14`01IT PITT COAL COIIPAIIT. —Shippers Nutde in Superior Faintly sad Stoops Coal. Coal sad Slack, general Or. Ike second dory Clitaburgb beet... Bank Build ing,corner Li'arty street and Virgin alley. Cranes office, cornet Try and Third amts. Pittautirjo. tord• • left at either of Ma oboes places null receive prompt •tication. Possoalles Address no: 6/17, Yittalftb. D 11164,065: I. t J. 0,,,. ~sni., B. L. r.f.aXe.SICKS, t 1 IleEXlki..l.2, WY. Xlitall•OnT. 6 curr.o a r. MEAD. JAS. 110:reg011iitY, WALLTILEI BRYANT. JOHN BATS. Luctos eAA,D. I. I. Uu.I.IIPLA. rr..t. A. U. leitousii.l3<ol. 14. /M 1.., TR. neer. MZ:IMMiZ= pITTSBURGEI NATIONAL COAL AID CPU COMPANY. Inners. ablppere and dealers. -. wholesale and recall. In un BEST FAMILY COAL. Wait Clcurs.l. wasell 'arra: 6 AM' Y• 80, earner Tonna and' ry Wert. 11:LII4411713. I . s. All orle re for delivery In rho City, or lArai, Will meet prompt and Immediate otteu- Mu- It. A. oCtl ABEL. nuperlntendent. COAL! COLLIS COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., He'll:4 removed tbelr Office to No. 567 LIBERTY STREET, • (Lately City Flour ENO SECOND /LOOS. 'Are now prepared to Inrulah good Yougtilogbesy LUMP. NUT COAL O& SLAVE. I.‘ the lowest market price. All order. lett at their orsre,or addressed to them through th e mail. will be attended to pnrmptir. =Tzar* CHARLES if. MINISTUOING, DZAZZII tx YOUGHIOGHENY & OONNELLBVTLLE CALL •nd ufseturersof Coal,lllaek,N INCE Dimuli N plutrise4 Coke o 1 • NUL Corn, of Cutter and Morton; first yam/ on LlD erte net titymer streets, Ninth ward, sad on theonti street, near Lock No I, Plttstmegh. Pa. SAWN.. and SI anufacturet I supplied Altb the beet softie of Coal or Coke at tne lowest cast rates. ceders left at any of th eft. °faces WILL revolve prompt attention. BOOTS AND SHOES. GRE►T REDUCTIONS IN PRIDES BOOTS, SHOES ABB BATTERS, IM3 THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. r tiliNorl , r , purrT;4li.l ,, , , ." Foom 40IIX ILILDIXto C . FIELDING & DSO., mann:tun:Yen MS Dealer. in Cruistcom ZiotEtude BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, Fa 140 Ohio St, AlleStlenr• Repairlus DronaiUT executed ea the ithortart HOTELS. LA PIEUUI Holum. Piaaaacipitia. Tn . .t.nber•MrAgn s gar t a a l2,2 IL Ilf ELJACHT a.d 11. sow "ItroVra far Tea Miran" t: Ise.class Hotels rill be mairtained lathe Mon %VW" === 11.411ELTINcii asNELTLYG!—Leather a-x and liana Bettina of the best guilty. Alan, tinaa raralne. Hoar. Outdo, de. Loin Leath or and Matta always on band aad for sale at the acawast prflaul al J. h•H. PHILLirs, PN N WINN. lialtirtroNg. w. LEVVIS, ATTORNVE AT LAW, X% 93 Diarciond Street, =I JOHN W. WDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1311 POVILTII STREET. H. C. RILACIEBELL, ATTORNEYS COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 138 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. micnis B . F. BROWN, • Cate Loul Mat: Agent, U. ft las. °Mee, No. 67 Fourth St., second floor, prrrasviien, PA. ISSIONg, 1111119 01 PIT Promptly Collected. Notharrana4e until claims are uttilsd. end 110 I!=Z $lOO. nouh - Tr. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHAROES. Soldiers who bus lost their dl , ebargo certil - este, and who are otherwlse entitled to the addl. trust Mb bounty, eon hors their cues at tended lo 01.11111 g on or addretsing W. J. a HALL PATTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND CLAIM AGESTB, = SOLDIERS' BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, at., Collected In the Shortest possible thee. by A. M. BILOWN. JOYIN L LAJAISIN. Attorneys at Law. Ohlce. No. I.lll p =med. yowl u. JOHN A. STRAIN. EMI 11...T-.I=OIELVLIVLE. Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace D rowels m..aulsrsa.Ta, Mee, 112 Fifthopeoalte Cathedral, . . . PITTSBUIttia, rA. Deeds, Eoads. Nonni., Acknowledgments, Dont:oMo. and all Leul 11.11ess .ecto..l titn_prosoptnass and dL.Atch. tALLenti WILLIAM YANCEY, NOTARY PUBLIf, ruericr °lrma PEACE, AND HEAL EnTATZ Asi LYT. Ofnce.comar of Butler .4 flavor streets. Lamencentila II {lt els! Attention esea to tne pnrcluse And .15 of Beal Estate. the Collection of Vents. And the preparation and ack.nriediment Of W kinds of Legli C01M171.. n "l ViglJestlce of the Pew. sad =yl4:bal EUSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN - AND CONVEYANCER, Pennwilvanla Avouch). foot if di Irian ul Ulna Etrul m=4o4 CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, IN G 9 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. sr- Ocarnasslastor for Oble, Keratuity. Men Ittawart Alma other maws. larlemillo JOHN C. DicCOMIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. airrenzlone. Bounties. Said AMU" of Pay Olooltitle collected. na9:ote 10 :a *a tt:v akazg.4ll pITTSBURGEE BREWERY. CARSON, DARLINGTON & 00., BEMIS, LURES W HOP BM% Baseeaeorl to • Jonnem =BODES t CO.. Plttanalli WM. W. Aanzzson, Amines • .• The attention of the enatotacee orb:tatted facia Lis Dartlentat ly Welted to our ALES AND PORTER. Which, throegb tbe careful eeleetton et Malt from on.reztenstes lealtlnF feellittee and Hope from _the yenta tut and la at ere ean itaLeantee SO be V ure and satlethetory to t b ade. Quo LS D.AALX b e been he 014017 reeontnurnded 07 phy.triarta for fatally nee.' .114 - etr. AintlEfinOST '8 customs" will blame be i t .. =tr a e Utelr . ozidge o t. ogles ad- Caner d ittnarisy sied B ut noeteall wean 4111TH., a. 4.7017X13 - 7 =wale 00074 • unnOlLas WARW. pIA A ',(9 1 smll3-quatill Having purchused the old established Brewery known as the ALLlCtiktilbY IiatZWEILY, for. merly owitedbr Caropoell & Beehal. WI would Inform the piMio that we suabulmtor. of . . SPRING WATER ALES, %lade Irons rare Spans Water. and from oar Multi. and long experience In the tmalneca. • Ml satisfied that we will be enabled to eve entire eatialbetion tothoce who mu favor to with "their sworwr. lISIMMEL cti 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGUEIVf ...... WLU orders left at BELOW& & ot slo te 3 ad Li o. shear. Pittsburgh. &di beg floor ed berty outh PROEM STEAM BREWERY. 4 kEN J0168,13rw. 11 , I'l i I i 1 I 11 I 1 II Ale, Porter andßrown Stout, PITTSBURGH, Pit. 11.111 , 11 MAT WATION. Mamma... I;irtiv , ol:feNe } Lizirivywiati CM3==!ll HERLEHT & JOHNSON, IPPLIVICIXCE&Xa Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters 711/TII ISTRZZT EXTINZION. 3E.1•1111 . :01.1.2521. 3P/Ms •ll order. by mall executed satlellaCtarilf !Mx promptly atte Wed to. 6 full lon of Hatb Tab.. i`smtba Realm. Water 'loots. Slake. Mendelian. 0.040.10. and Was Nudes for male at um molt reasonable prices. I Orden from tonntrY Tlfort•i^ ly attended to. Siam Holm of emery descrlounn- dt:d" BAILIFF, BROWN & CO., Wa.BB WecLoral. NM. .11,LEGn.r.wr err?: Pd. pLIIMBEIIIt, GAB AND STEAM FIZZ giTrinn, tom abr•ys ea band Isms assortment of DTDRLICHS. sus= LZAD. LEADVIPZ, BATH TDB& WASH SA. SINS. MPS AND MUSS COCA:L.4 sn eats tor Siting no public or print.. buildings vita tIAO. WATEltor !TEAM. saarrso DRUGGIEiTfiL SUMO{ ........ • GEORGE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggists, 37 Wood Sired, IODIDT. POTADMII. 312244 A. C HLUBAT VOT ItUaahni , tgAT P V. T ISIM I It STANDARD ILS G'ICEBEICALS, DREGS! D 8130111411 MUGU!!! JAMES T. SAMPLE avnala Bomar Tirs arra. xwows ,pu to lly ir m u i rAo . B. IZlV i tli y •Jd . D WM keep on bazd • fad assortrocut of all Wide of Zl7 GLOS. d which b• sold cheaper &WM 1 .7 Obi/ +Nom la the two eltlaa. wow &ne eltsccrtptlons carefully prepart4 by • gin& at. 6.11 kinds sr PLUMMY' and FANCY SOAPS on band. easa J . ISCUOONMAILER & SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Werke, PURE WHITE:LEAD, BLUE LEAD re GIF LEGO pUT OIL TUE T Eta GT T lZarthatzeiG. MITT& • I AtItTSERCEITT., OPE:IA izniusE. a • -. • • r..71,P1i.021 Tins (.Iturfloy) Arrit RNOON lloorelt ot•O: Grand ram.lly kloilr.oo. TLe germ apoo‘oooloo aroma of ..l. • 2131 Oiler ICL.. • ' MOREL?. imparf tor devble Diu. ', gr. EDWIN A.Dialll6 I=l I= roNfeW..l by tbe 4031 E OF ETTILICK VALI.. neeagy—Tee new play. CLAIRVIITA.IO2. THEATIME. 1111%). 31111AR5T:.41J411.2 Glorious Sill tot Satarday Klabtl JOEUNNY alf.T and tii• Great consolidation la a aril eialtd%Olfot%`llY,76.litl 1g.1 1 47."" r"" ritICT.S OW .... 11 11105-11.an s 1 DMZ. Circle. WA; 4i.1417. 44.00. urTELEATIIE COMIQUE. SATURDAY ATTILISMOON, Mare% MI, grAal sompliasotary bencit to Uk• ;sub MAY/MUM. Wry .peetsele, eausloa CRS stir Li.D)alto grAN, AIIIIA.O/1141.14g smuts. gorge°. 44. 44 A. saima s li m , • vulg. ham. Ad 161.1114. 60 efatA, , lte All partta It flu 54.15. talil • rgrPROF. COWPER'S DANC ING LCILDZIR AT wtLKIWD MALL. YOMITH STRIZT, MILS SMITIFIBLII. Ye. claws sow tbnatbs. Os Tharsay'l ad rsameday's Neaten ad Elms , Class ekll P. N. lier Alt men, Clam at 7,14, .Texas bAlltauK—Urad bota ak /11401 *a Tebrbay Is 6 Overton by 11.1.115. o'clock. Veneta a cosaaaes as &o'clock Pm lsel y. Tickets= be at et a• alai& at Prot Cowper may. ' fa:s7ll $lOO. LECTURES. igrATTENTION! LECTITRE LECTITRE !I Senator A. L. Morrison, of MO.l WILL LECTUILL IX • cvinrvr mren—te ra, On Sataiday Evening,- March 9th, Under the melees of the FTETBDURGH elLn tha ItetnrredtentsferLs4l.o. Artinlutonlionilte. natt,:v97 ava s~ n t BEST or USE. WEED, ALSO FINKLE& LYON Lock Stitch Sewing Machines, Ptl•eh &Dee on ho , ki aides. If the 'Graham. tea not reeszd them .perirre to any ether be too. 1,11111 IL Oas by Matti per sem. Wassanted ionau, T- N Patterson, Caniia[ololo. near N. Z. Mr. A. A. Moor, at Pa.Neer Basin. Mrs Bell 0. Oderensea. th res doors Item Man gers, stree.. Taylor A/PIBSSI Mrs. 0. Montag. Montarsl .7.47 7.• "s•Arter avenue. J. Peoncd, No. IS Bea °ad street, Allankany. Fimter No. Be Bedford st , eet... R . I. a. Lawns...lllg sear •Sgalra J saes's'. Mrs. L i e' .ntssr. Lawretassilla, *sat door to Mr. unarels. r. M. loon. last Liberty. MILLI.. nooks, Carson sad Mae. Meseta. Mr. lataramn. M N. Bielard 16 Peas street. J... tints, s, JoseplMrset, aIPMIIs PUtsaaret glue boas. Bummstumn, and many attars. Also, Brad sad Embrolds/7 stamps for sat., aan Czonalse, damn Team,. Wrappers, lafne. .118bs. As. assumed from thsqlranch Pattaras, A 021114 WAS rap. U. B. WIG, Am t. 112 Groat strait. Bos 7 . fell:T.T.s Prirmorlai. PA. GROVER & RARER7B ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCI STITCH Sewing Machines Axe THE BM= tar 7 sail • • • Puallaaaa. Call sad ma 1....aa .fro. is Fifth Alma. DOWPE BE DECILITER , BE nourlablag ball eau= adTerttsaseatm of LLB. rlor litatatnas, bat R44 , lllA)Yalit. a BA. B. T.B. lc boa been sestet for att. lean years, &ad Is all tamps. w tn.% Jarmed udar•s_pre- REST Iffi • Tao, MEI ' l "*'t l+ rlroot. Itolim6s 825. BARTLETT lIIWINC MACHINE Beet che p Lleecred Msetllse la Oa Baited Mat.. eats wanted etaryalrera Pay a5O to UM per month. Enclose stamp aarl fatiE. HBOTtlika. Ereaeral Aasata, 814 Carslaat street. 11111adelaras. tad 921 2.l39lstreet, Tole4o. Ohio. • delta GET NONE BETA *7 eROITMER BA.EIIEt For Holiday Wit. uii xuaUaSoa:rhat aal hereon the but. Dm:1%1111as call astetafm ItK = QUIOE, lIABPEB9 ic CARRIAGE Ks:LEM should sea tbs . nsw MEE It 1 1111111 ROHL Bans Dallas, elsewhere. It Is us bast bee thsts VOZ NM Si • DO9:1151 O. II 711 , 711 eras V THE GROVER & RARER SEWING MACHINE I. Um trittraa Tads at Nada:aka. MOM and aaaatlaa It at NO 18 MTN entzcz Ver — W 7 lif.l 3A—A TIESIII4III.X CITY MANSION, n-v No. 10 OLI V/ STEEZT.-1111711) EY EVEN. ISO, )(arch 1211. 11174 o'clock, will be eollton Second floor of Ceatimmelal seta Loose._ lee Malthrleid street; the elegant and denlvabl• Mea_ don, No. 30 Mil street; • Two More Ertel t ree. blot bloom, wlta MI modern Improvensests, Emi le's barium, dialog room and kitchen en Vat door; Four large ehansbers. bath room, and linen room on second Soon and bode well *elated basement an grated Boar flout. IMO addluoaal oatilde enuance. Elegant marble mantles In' y sloe, gas th ' bolo ru Ef °"2::" . .1.11,tt4 'l47'g Or bocce ae wgy routed. paperrd and painted. Or- Dements] grenade front •Ith elude toes, and el egant portly.: CoutillazollO apes oart =grin ee.;clew of clui river. Me elrbly cultivated atop.. ofdletant IOUs; * torlair tai fret Tv.. MOS. end due bac. pore*. The lot front. 5 7 I Q fres ut depth. nib MUMS =lt tmeeeb raps •re ben arid werabber7. The location Is neampaued In . Oe Or say city. and Is fur all tame secure In U advantedes of pare alt. elegant, Improvemeints. and lespoll. cent •leers. romesslooeven liamedlately. Those erlaltlnd are larded to camel** the prorate.. Teem:— One. bah mutt, balan A MOoseWAdINw Ro y&v s. .17 e. ptiBLIC SALt. On Fiday, Jdarcit 11567, AT I* O'CLACK, •. N. The t laestaced W offer at oracle We, his l'atas •59 Wm. eltaate Balderia township, Allegbe y sear th e Itreassellie road. end - three miles ellszaat from the dry. Oaths Mile 111 erected a us+ Rama docllue, .1,11 ara,- Ole; orchard of ;der amas s with ilt• ben fralt tree.. Tim fa , at +l9 Ost sole crams or la oars eels at two tad torte acres. clew ayotum hone. 2 cows 7 bop, 10 elil.tens. 1 eprme +mos, • w elder pea. lo bids. of dollar. am.ttef. of potatoes. ete Terms +UI Da made 125 ms as day sif sate. atlistase • 92.11.1911A.V.D AUST. 30 .)lIARES FORT SI Priv COAL —TI./LSOLS ILV/1110. Marra ISUI, 7,hl o'clock. cal be mid. cos se,ns Sher of tlosasosrclal 'Ukases:as. HS salttal,hl street, lsy oracrof 4 - ossialstrls , ors of Sadnor Walt, do seismal. IS shares Yost kits Coal Co. =WI Lis WAItEHOITSE. RICHARD E. BREED, xnacectinerzura., No. 100 WoOd Street. BICIUTTWAWNII. AAPRAMTO.."aa:TritiaDOTHAT.: L"lbtliVrlllt Vis a • cHI L NA IMNER . CHLNA TOILET lEEE. CHINA VASEL CHINA IaPIVVOONR. ROHE/ILAN WARE eatery distelptSsa LAVA CARD DABILETS, LAVA VAIN • ill. LAVA il IXOLION l ED. ARE at all ositatles." salt IngOt•Ale And. ratan Cade. The lasyst an al:Root oalaylelia stock at ovaly Was la th is Ilse IA dm city. awl Wm. 04 same ta the asstera IMAM. all SABILIUEL AL WlCJiMUillildl • Iron Broker, 124 Pint Street, rrrTaratrasx. PA. Agent for Ma .170 of C0rnm.17. 5 .117= 0 : Joseybint 1 .. 07 e , "•• l a " .t." A ttr' U. I. caussu Y IQ 7 tam coke an it Cortaisaments and laden rioattfilli intiast ted. _ • lesamtur ctsts. SZLNGIEnLY et CLEM. • once...Ts to Ova. Y. Sehaehansii - 6 PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, • The ONLY ISTKAX LITBOONLYIIIO Zernat` LISMIENT KLOT Or TUB HOUB W 4 (WU Blouses. , Latter Heade. BO W 1 Obey Card/ otehmeerVertreita. V kw*.ds, • Certlllestes o DelX.B.• B , ""BI NI Car &e... NOei Ilk es 111 111r4 eh. Vlela. WUITE LEADS. • Pore "T EL rt. • Co." Sdo Lead "Paroirt" 4 • •• "1.411 r, do "Complooter" do do _ "Coounantsi" do dir Mao Leads, tbr Itorroirr: Load orol,l4arrits: Colon dry sadl. on, Tor X7l T. H.• AZT= id 00011. W, 'mast Titre out BOOM MI El EN=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers