°at,',jttalittgivssagettt 4111TCSIDA.T, 141 X AS 1 Cononiss 1611 not sajonim en Alen day, the gllnste being nimble to gnome of the Execntiie nzmilmitione by that 4 time. . A CLEAR NAJOtITT or the Repoblican members of the Rouse are favorable to proceeding with the impeachment of the President_ On the part or the new mem bers the feeling is _particularly - strong, Whether it le wise or foolish to proceed in this business depends upon the fact, elicited and the. nature of the evidence by - which those facts can be sustained. If an undoubted. case nbe made out against the I'residest, tad. on evidetice that shall satisfy pub ic opinion, thee there should be as little delay so practi cable. Rut ifthe only case thst can le made opt is one that fal r-vainded people stiirdiff,:r about, the seoa er it shall li< dropped, the better. The Republican =embers of the Senate seem oppo,ed to the impeachment job. BEFOP.O the last election in this State the Republican party committed itself unreservedly to the poh7,y of establish. ing freedoni in Railroad Building. 1; did this in obedience to popular demand, and with theunderstaeding that itwoubi be beaten in the pending election it it (hi not. Is fillfilluent of this pledge, tkc Seri- ate has passed what is entitled a Fee, Railroad Bill. It might more properly be called a Bill to hinder the Construc tion of Rail:oasis; It makes stockliold ers inslividually liable, demands an ac tual subscription of fUteen thousand dol lars per mile, and the payment of ten .percent. thereon, before a company cats be organized, besides other provision= that cannot be found in any charter granted by the Legislature. Every Sen. ator who Toted for this bill, professing to be is favor. of Freedom in . Railroad Building, is-guilty of fraud and hypoc risy. The pretension is rank dishon esty. -So far, tke Republican party stands (111,km:tared. It pledged its word; and has broken it. The circumstances indi cate that wben.the pledge was given it was not tha• intention to keep it. A swindle was designed; and a swindle has been con.v.mmatad, so far as - the Senate has power. LMIIII:fiEl --.1 the aggressive itebeilion was broken, the notional authorities made' great latish - ie in not bolding the revolted communities under military government until all the measures essential to a just and benehi dent reconstruction had been fully de termined upon; and uu,il they lad been adhpted in manifest good faith by tie Stales. and People who were arrayed against the - Union. This would Lave been following the line of sale prece dent; commonly pursued by governmetitt , under ancilageus circumstances. Nor would the inhabitants of the South:have complained. They were in a frame of mind to anticipate if not aLliniet*ce in -tie measure. They understood perfectly that treason had been committed on a gigantic scale, and that it involved for- feitures. With, their local laws left tact, except so far as they write inconms tent with the Proclamation of Emnnci• potion, and the newly recovered rights of the black under it; with the courts and all the miner details of civil admin istrationleft in regular opiration; a tem porary military government wen exact ly suited to their case. It woo adapted to repress :that spirit of treason. which has aince found ex pression in all manner of outrages against white. and Walk loyalists, as Iniitiduuls, because it was unsafe and impracticable to Salk,: the gas eminent heel.... The ex istence of these outrai,es was at first de nied, bat they become so Jaunieroua'and defiant, and were attested by such unload of witnesses, that concealment or denial became impossible. NOr woulclJhe goal consequences have been apparent only imthis direction. lleld in a firm grasp, there Would Lave been no Cavilingabout terms:Of reconstruction. Whatever con ditions the government judged proper to preScrilic wOulei have been accepted, and before low the great controversy would have been adjusted, by the readmission of the ten seceding' States to equal par ticipation in all national concerns. 'This view is sustained by the readi ness with which the Southern people at first met all the demands on them by the President, under the supposition that he was acting in accordance with popular Northern .sentiment. It war only when the President repudiating the principles and - policy he Med enforced. went seer to the side of the rebels, and lammed Congress, that a different tem per was evinced. Congress his at last done what ought to kave been done uPiii the surrender of the rebel armies. Already the good ef.. facts of Military Government Act arc apparent.. It has brought the Southern people to their sensei. They understand what they have to de; and„who of thi= are to do it.• There will be little delay complying, with the demands made upon them. By . December all the States will be again repre s ented in Con gress, and, en a basis compatible Wilk the public safety. TILE W EST At, this Elt6t, even among the ativo- . estes of Free Trade, the feeling against irredeemithile Piper Money, is constant and strong - . The prevalent opinion is that the only financial security consists id pio - riting giadually'hut certainly back to .syecie pap:rents. This is a natural and inevitalde corrollory front the prin ciple that when a rasa fails to meet his business engagements, lie is a bankrupt, and ought, unless hitch id temporary and - sii.ceptitile - of. satisfactory adjust meet,. to ,go into liquidation. Ale of the direct outgrowth's of the mercial spirit, and one of its best. thsli gatious are to be fulfilled, and he who does not come to time is discredited. , At the West, another labit is dis closed. A strong desire is evinced to maintain the era of unredeemed pledges —of broken promises. The feeling is alMost universally in favor of more irre deenuablo Paper nosey. Having been Wed out of debt by that quickening of hone industry which was the fruit of a Protective Tariff, they transfer the credit to tAie redundant paper currency tithich was coincident therewith, nd made pay ment still easier —for obligations con tractel on ri gold basis were cancelled, greatly to the prejuiice of creditors, with P.P. promises, - while gold was away al • We twoltlii!tired. It wt;uld naturally be inferred that the people of the West, after being the vic tims of all manner of wild -cat banking fur Itirty yearn, would take a -amen of in- security from a currency net convertib'e ; the high claims of the vrest 0.; ' , ...r , ir..o nto pin excepf at ruinous Wes; b u t i which. in the icaercsble weep el free'i... their enaduct leads to disprove the adage , I , d ri, . 1, ...;:: 1 , 1 .1 t :/ ; :j , ,;... 1 :, , , ;;; , 7„ , i 5 ,; : :.,, , ; t r 1:,., ; f '; :ii: 1 , e ' r ,,,U,; ; ; ; r 2 ,, ' ,i ' -hat "burnt children dread the tire.' They are";altogetlier impatient of any I Fortieth Coagrees,.froM ;Cc. e n :a e n l it o il f e ''' o 'e f contraction which looks like getting brave old Thad.. Stereos and Ben Wade, tied f..,ur not that the people will direct mu ut such au emergency. at t you are down to a specie bottom; much prefer ring a still further inflation, antler the new c alled upon - mapliatiodl plea that the currency is not redundant I I:l;: .i lin e i t t , lse e u rna , :f , ' u t t h i e itt p ie re b Y se o n p o t . a: n e f til et g ; whatever the premium ou gold may in adequate reconstruction m. ~ •an ta-ore being llicate the contrary. I carried-into effective ' Nor is this the isaly mischievous WM- i this teat , Johnson—th e i h ri t 7+t i oll. Has rryncruoy they indulge. When clamor- lazy of the Government gzetnitlefruensictliiion rig for mare paper promises, nude to be 1 s• h df liable to imp-n(lm eat? Why no n t, 09 vehement in ,t tm e i a o , B p a r Lim on trial before the.consti hrokee, they are just ;heir demands for lessecei impost duties ; staie;_ii,,,L,Mttthelde i S f epute et• the United on tereign goods, wascs 'and memban. I vexed question sottl i e n d nil l, - 1-n eat— e na b d iA l , ,ip,. Gulp does net leave the country ; judicial authority iecsgnileilry ou-r-M - Mat e0.01:gil tO ktlit them. The commer- I stfilltlon• - • • ? Btsuanu. - vial balance against us, aggravated by I ....3..thfr._,re(loriv,,, ea.Uaited states 6.- national and corporate I tors., the 'capon of fur of ; to - Geor a gia f;i l : . e.l t' u 'e s " eT ; r n i i .j ; hits returned !muds, doss not pat saincieatly manner in wilicli V t ' llt d At e lto l l ' s ; :he period of resumption, nor accelerate. 1 From the is rapidly as they desire the era o, gen. ; P"l:;.:;'',,;'''''7 speaks . 1' I '''. T eter " , tv ,, in .- „,,., baikr.pcy. , If rho ... r.,,,,,ing , c ". i .f i t , ::: , ,.! t o3".s ., •as more strand of hke fellow (....eortaliiit titan ill the federal ;merest could be broke' down, and au I GoverMm in en t Ise commercial balance azainst us be ; I '” ke P t • '''''''''' ' ' F .'' '''C ' ' ' ' ' '' c ''"' l to "V ff, I:.rt,;:,:esse: redkes a . pat l ' i<l;: . :Ol s . ' l t il. l .. e , I loubled, they would be [Vied with ira- ; 1 ,..., i; nediate...,cnutet=ect. Wi1d. ,, , .., would i i i , : I... ls e r:• & a.ix t •ra m n r ot t o tr i,,,,,,,, I , i , . 11,i,, ..rei rapreene fur the :lie-time ofa full l i en- It• Lore s. al ai ' d, .;v T eral r.. t .l'' 'ha I. t"'l'd would cal the roil t . 'l ." l . . r t ' i , . I.::: ' ,.'ee ti' e n i t tote he t: alien. To us it stems 'Laredo's that the , f '''''' .! I: 11 '''' ' ''' Y li ll. Me A' 1 •••" , .4' ,, . - western people do net see that the only 1 ,:,...;. ; , ' .; ;; ; ‘ ,. ' l, n;' ' t '; .-:; ;;.;;;‘;'n7 Le ever len it "- safe course lies in such an adjastruent of t-e 1.-:,1,7'„,1,.„-,;',,!'"e ,‘;',' \ ?lp .10 Damps safe 90.: y,riaiii dacha. ass 05 iih.SH iallsre a . '`ri;'-'s• off,' at 1,- , ii ,l l;: . ' ''' ' ' : in ill in''''. ,119.11 C-e to set is oar favor, nom othrr ;;.,-;...',"''',;;;. i ., ;; ,,`'., n); ; ' ;;;.1; ',' ; '''''''' in the rie•tiOli, 'and such a coatractism •f . th• ,, ,; ' , e-r ; ; ;,,,, .; 5 , ;; ... —";; , '; ‘ ,.„ 1; , ; - ; “ ; ‘" * l t i a i lt - i er , s , l i it .. •olume of paper currency 4.1, shall eon: arc ;s:•et. rains t.+ t , ::>•• l' - ' ;1:e - r..-Z)lc . t. ' l.ll '. :net hack to a specie M.rds. -,Any olio: ' '''•,' bast .;' ,,,-.1 -1. 1 • 1 " -..........-- lwlicL thin ttlls r.,r.sl cc:vainly :ts,i 1.1 dear-dal exp:osiem, sii Lte alre,tal c•srase quer.resiof whires it is cot cssc to depict. 110 X .. Ilk 11. SON !WCAM)LE-..!: It will Le • gratifying to tile ritnaorcus meads of the FLIA. M:Candless, iudge.of the United :Lae& District Court tbrl,Vestern Pennsylvania, to know anti. tinder a provision contaiscil in the gene ral Appropriation Lill, lately passed, in Congress, he is included is a class of judges whose salaries heretofore only was $2,300, have been increased to During Judge 'McCandless's incum bency, heavy and onerous additional duties have been imposed on him and nothing added to his salary. Ile has faithfully, with dignify and ability, mad great acceptance to the people dis charged all tile duties of his laigk and responsible position, and ne.are right glad [kat - at last, 21 salary somewhat ade quate to his merits, and the importance et - the office is to be give. hiss. Con gress should have discharged this duty years ago. EMI ISTEM Cus.r.LEs F. BROWNE, better known as 'dßTaMet WARD," died at Seuthamp toil, England; on Thursday last. Per- Raps n• writer wiil be missed more in A.merica, for his peculiar, if not strictly humorous, productions, were eagerly read and sought after by all claseesof readers. lie did lot write so much for glori us for gain, and dying has loft a large com petence. Consumption, hurried on by rapid living, ha the itunortul show- mat to rest. For the Pitithurgh Gazette, 131PEACiOLENT AI)N LiLCONSTUC— . • THIN. No one of competent ability, who, without prejudice, has rrP.ected upon the .tbitacles cast in the way of Congress Ly the acting President, for reconstructing the Government, but must, err now, be fully persuaded that these this important measures are correlative, and must be prosecuted "shoulder to shoulder." It is a slanderous imputation, a "lie out of whole-cloth" that the loyal masses of the nation look upon the former with diSf vor. The question of impeachment was held in full view of tie people through out the entire canvass, for Repressata lives in Corigress last autuan, and the Wipe was rife in their heart that Andrew Johnson, toe greatest - unpunished cut ' grit in the nation, would he brought to judgment, before tie Svnate of the United Under articled of impeachment preferred by the louse of Repretenta lives, the "grand jury of the nation." But, it seems, the 39th Congress, now about to expire, has been inspired with no effective courage to meet the question Of arraigning the conspicuous criminal who, by the murder of his predecessor, has been invested with Evecutive pow er, flow long, Lord) bow long shall this perjured conspirator and usurper insult the majesty of the Constitution and laws of the United States. The Parliament of England, under an unwritten con stitution and almost absolute monarchy, feared not to bring the head of Charles 1. to the block, and shall the present , and-incoming Congress not dare to meet this only remaining test, of the self-sus taining capacity of tile Constitution and vitality of the Government? The en-1 during valor and self-sactild:ing devotion of tie Revolutionary army tore ussander the chains of bondage and emancipated as from the Monarcey of England. Our iathers in the great council of the nation gave us a Constitution, providcal the nes vessary laws, nod fixed the limits, be , }cld which aggressions from the ma jesty of the Illovernment proves the pri vate citizen to the highest possible Tune. tionary,.not even excepting the Presi dent should dare to transgress, and who, with the robes of Wince may be brought to justice and judgment for crimes and misdemeanors. The first defiant and open resistance xf er Shay's runt* rebellion, if it can be dignified with that term, assumed form and subatence by insurrectionary move incurs in Western Pennsylvania, called the Whiskey Insurrection to this rlas,li Promptly then did Congress provide for the emergency by calling out- ade quate forces for its suppression, under toe immediate command of our great de liverer,' General Washington, who, in person, conducted their march to Bed ford, Pannsylynnia, in IT:dl 4, takiag'itreTr "winter quarters" in Pittsburgh and the borders of Washington county, the chief locality, of this treasonable outbreak, when the insurgents dispersed, their leader, Bradford, fleeing to Flori da aid . Louisiana, then under the yoke of Spain, and never returned, their failure complete •and emphatic. No event of that type oc curred until the period of Nullification when that.prolifie mother .of mischief, South Carolina, sounded the tocsin are volt, speedily suppressed by the thunder of Jackson's menacing proclamation that the "Union slicuild be preserved," whea Nullititistion expired, and restored the flaunt] to peaceful composure, Until Se cession raised its hideous front, carrying with it ten States, and pretending to es tablish a separate goverment, whose torner.stone was to be slavery, with all Its horrors, to whose conquest and sub} u. .Latl . rr e a we are living witnesses, though 4ttb test of oceans of precious blood sad treunro Thus has this paternal government, survi ving th ese several us resisting _ m integrity and power of “ n llamtions of the treach erous and they, evil, .ted the object of i ts creati.n. Yet o.:. sta- Witty remains, th e d,n,t4.,nt test 01 its power and influence, th e of executive taa:ig of un hallowed ainbitiaa on E C C l s i s e , f n 6 r;te e ei n e s a a u' n r a t w e et : ei r , l : control reral gam to of our .sovernment, reducing us monarchical ' bondage. Have not the period and occasion ariewn in the malfeasances of - Andrea .1011116011 to try this last test and moral power of the Govereulest? Sr will the Fortieth Congress, as the Thirty-ninth, slink home to their constituents under cover of inexpediency, or such paltry excuses as they may invent to satiety an Insulted and disappointed constituency, in omitting to briag tkisofenior &pima --)t 1., I.,un thkt of tbo .-%!' C l / 4 01,11, An• pc; ,r;-.1. vs; NI 4 , rot IThg:,b, 3. IN't prr evni rreneo sad 11 - .1:1;, And Ow remaining Bit slated u uthur —lt IA cnid that there are in Maine 1.1,000,00 acres of nnbroken forest, of winch 3,000,000 is em red with hemlock timber. Somebody' estimates that this latter area world yield 140,000,000 cords hepilyck bark, of which the extract or tanning purposos would be worth in tho otarket 11,600,000,000. WHENEVER . YOl3 ARE DIES- MEER • For Cholera Lorbne and Dyaeater7. and for the epeedy cure orany kind •fdla.rrder that or:e. La.e.ea or plOVen.3s fraqh a tlts.dricd elate of the autl .11 ye people, •tls t,thful mrl.l .vre, ule , Sl,:i.se eyu•l. h lup D.rsut pol• 71“.1 uttc* to Its Lions.l•che, risk a:moan inlets 11.x.a au !tour. 14.111tVed wratonel. to a poetlfe. to ❑tc. • de•lre tit 1• ur lu to busy Your food di-tttsstig 700 etc, •tut you •t. Ibidy,ub,or •.ovol cltter, •• tut • •1 Lrlug tel Let. At. Kum.. n•la afi. •pott et, ~ onne. tn•=•. toCuret ba. tazt. gr•ppit,..ta be.zckl by C.... Ity•An DA. /14 - ...,:e Agent for rbt..lur:b *n.l vlrlnl y. .1.. Drug,l,. Nu II Mart, b 21.7 Itwayne>s °influent Will .-11.1!1 r.int I,llln (rota In to IS two.. • ..t.-/twut curio the moat •ustluste cues ur Te.- . 3—lt -11 cure ( hmallt Erv•lpolat• of :lat• cat,. t —lt wl.l :re :••!t ll..etz IIt•.I. s—lt..,tir , , 13154 IT". t ..sat 7-1. te slz tts: mo - attlt no I r .I ' 17 : 1 - :•' Dr. thelyzen Oinfrne., ••TY.TTF ut.u.r74, ^na Tlrtt" =l==giliZU EMZEM ••I Kit, It• I,..t.sred or:v t'.l Dr.tSWA TNT, .t t0..1 L) a ll'hk NAN, •i•l.f t A. I t: 37 st., YI E.lllN t. 1., I It:: “rce“ 9.1.-1,711 T, A1..,L1 SPIIEAD THE TItILTII. • It,l•L th.t It I. I::,llgulted to adr, At, a 0...L1, ,revrt . 41. y I,la tayln• / 01411, lan artl..le war!:•.1! .1.(.1 t..! hid t V, a, ma; lAt t.O !r t ., I. t:lC , Airri— . .l4.l.ti.e mean• of prutec.. la, an.: re. 0 , 100 1..ca1t•51,....1 fr • 1, t 11•1112,.. , - a!!!.I 1,4 actets,!l! to ii. O !A. had. Is I , p 110,1 (.*(11(11 -, -T.AII /0:11 t.t IT S. r dl. p. • ...All • 11,...,1 to. :L., .•1).: :73, • •••r,, , 1g I •u.s. AAA, u v.. 1 •• a crttparat,.. TArt• t . .! 010,1..1 au!!....tity (.0 ••7,11/ !hal. 11., •Ict aot 1,1!!!., , A a! ..1,a1,0A 'heir...ll,A otl,l a rlry 011 tot, *bete u!,:t tr, IL. up. L!L. Is pr.l!, p r LI!, /AI I El, I. API I •01 Lae .0 tor a!l,, • It/ . r, of SU, Aron! nr• cFlu • ,A• An 1,, ttil. ! a, In its tar!, lisr, tr•!!!1•• 1... I:it •ol 1•11.$1f10-• IrtrAs.all.tt t, -a , : t......( :A...., ”••••••p0,• i1.1 ru,r(rra,lo, ro., nt ogarar, ino• .1 • 1.1, rri , hoe 0. a p.. 1 I 1 ... t• • . II it • • A, p`..1,, 111,, I,•ve !Ar, ..yrd AA( lbe fee. , tiar• ftre.l • ~,, {he •A'S red. 6 • , • wtt , ..l n), At. asa sit, tl /la u.” a fa a. 116 TUE 110tiLlt 01 • .11TE. %Van tint indomitable . Lentos =I =Zen I= = i= or tSereeo plan t ee, tion In 'lugs variety. of and knintya, and I.lCl3ona a-rfacaa and lupin Ibranes ;ventrally. cilled ••WiIIT rise Ci)11 BE I= land • readily taken both by childrrn and Zile., and •ns i.rtiginslly known to itiesbnrlglnes. who SO Lament the :o:t.t,t• or Van. States. and tt.t.J It 12 a varl.t r y of dlataie., lbc.e of •.orhot•e character. it if •tars care fur DIA UItAVEL, Utt.ll,l±, BLOODY AN]) sod 'the trealrltoorse Et=ffil=l!MM eile. TEO.e wE• hove tried 'rata the ♦ariOan = White in Corm pouad a raved) . of superior e.CI I= Ho•d b 3 tile groat, .4 , ,ara, or unfit bottle, at On. air •t . NEW A DVEkaIt3EMENTE VIM. JlLArliklllif, Jr., Athens ItCryres. . Jos, GA /VA tiir“l, is an au(Anrizia Agng 0 rsanvs Adverarrrnents tor the ()4.Z.ETTA', arid ail oLlur paper, OraucAout Ike Unara ballor and Or Cafodal. TRINITY CHOU 111. EV.- ICk..-14e ttsas,l AYI ILIVOION tlCit- VICE I. 111 hi, sub, lo THINIIY(I73UILCII. Vls stre , q, 'l9-)14,11.1t9 W, at aK o•c . 0 , k. M 0 UTIR Cfiuncn. IiENItY 1). MO . 12 1 % Pan,. 1011 peach In the AC•IIn.YL Ur siv,v, •. M., an , i•t7:i• d'"'k on . 1 NW. 1.412, Men. deXt—• . *ltiun Jvens Wm.ln, ed LIS, lud .11,1 untu tiOng thou hp, e“.•• J ENIVEIMALIST CIIIL7IICII, COKNEH. t• 1 .1101 A NI/11111W .sTA. —l.avor. Re•. A. Itroh.F.ll.lllAN. l•r•scAluit Ev• 4 1:, , AI" •L 10% A. It.. Al 0 A. U. All Lim people. are I, •11,1 c. , zur Itenr. tiul,rt fur to.o.tr,w e,ciOry—••l rtarber••lt I,tatkiLg." FIR r‘ SE BAPTIST st tet. `"' btrariv . , AN, cordla " • lly In vivo. r.oa•.6cr or at.: Its, JAMES S DICKEII , UN, I+ No. .3 CLatham .trcct RE:LI6IOUS . TUE FIRST 1111:1,TIAN cllt7Nctl. of ...hi t t, KIN.: tp WI the cum pl , Pon of t. hew hop,. ofw..ruplp %I I cnn ttnrp. p. EX , EI,IOI‘ HALL.....Pr, of Federal Lod Laro^l: P-vr. I/ ftt P. to. 211 , 11 , j p. Nay., WEDNEPDAY L.Vi.NINtr rrt.730,1,1c. REV. 1110 MAS I. OUR. of Ibt C•ntral Prrah.torlnn Cb•r , h. c.g.. Per A¢/••t0¢ sad 1 est...pl. wilt pretrell •P-rttaio¢ Lo y dp,..g •soler the •rT , EIg ll'A T A. Pub , ro. — • T. l'orit , R Flll4 11“. zpirmen •••Pairtr.l mt. WriiTOILIE FIITIJUES AND FIRE PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. Ingolre of MAT it COZIPAN n 5 WOW) 'TREE? I.I4EAS--Let Ors of e.et to I. 111-rriu• All t te e r•lq kte are rt guleed to VeTc..... eel are r bet e4ltoe or w kr • >tsar •flt.• .041 ureeeev, s..ele Lat.en . 1 11b•U•d d. 7. t ,.. AeIN•A .wa=4,i,l NEW /11.lVElITISEIKENTS.. WE AUL Neller CON V.ELLTEIiti ALL KINDS OF GOVERMENT SECIIITIES, INTO TEL& New 5-?0.Gold Coupon Bond, isoixinso rolled State& 6ni t 111111; Irnited /tale* WA. 1/62; • United Atatet 6'15156-1; United States 6's, (old) 1/65; And all Series of 7 3-10's. James T. -Brady & Ce., BANKERS' AND RULERS, Corner FLurt6 and Weed Streets. SPRING STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES, I,* HO LEI ALE, At Greatly Reduced Prices, AT GEORGE F. BHT'S, .Yo. 100 FOUR TM STREET I= FACTORY. Noos. 30. 32. 3.1. 3f mOl SI tTREET. FHILAVEL.I . IIA.I . A. HOSIEBT S 110SIEBY S I New Spring Stock, NOW OPENING, AT PHELA.IT'S OLD STANT! STOOLING STORE, = IiSOW 1 LE!' I'AITeNT RTEA,I Ittrmrt-I . 4.TEN tEll Its S I) AND 111, I rot:. Itss et. ttrl”v tltrltt,rrs• r. lu In at rt,n Yu, tterr It rt. ,I*, e 1.111., 1,.1 1u tit Se. lort. I.l.ttl•tor.. Clutrtt. au•!ttr;r•rnt.t. It ra. r 1 , attL. atrt blr r• m" wrttre It •1.1 rot, •;!• •et ir.••yt,ro•.ll ttt art t.tt.tt, • . ar t artril•ttes rut rr.r.tt• . .tarttl tt It 1... a e rn .1 for nt tre than rlxltt •-• fur Lott re, r r-ttt, .rtl ntor- tr. 11••• p-ars on I. , c•trnt•voto, Let t• Ott tit'y tt.rm“ . l.,..rtt 7.t trtt 1 tt at t tt rf t. at - ar et , l t• It •: tt , ytt •It st•ttl ft, r tat, watt, ettrrtt,s t Ire.l.Lttt-tt atr. I••t.u.a trrleg r.t•lttl•tt rtt at , rr •.r t. tre, •tt, f It IM== vr.or t: 1 . ..1•V• Pl/0, au , t fur ,a..plarzt, ah., attra r. Fur fir :he r rr a. 13•11.. E T. IA RItE LI. at 63., rah, CLOhElit: Ot T OtR FALL A:l9 WIN LER STOOL 11001 N, S11411:4, PULINiI boors .1101 D 411.1 S to o..ts r.,to FtIU •tad Goods I=ll J. H. 6: W. C. ISOHLAID'S, NO. ..t. r:!21 SPRING ¢••• •'cg . LA.6tis A.M.) CVILINATIII A1.,..1ttk1..!“ of Eli@ =I =I E= GRAY LOGAN, 1= =.1.1:;) FOR SA LE HOUSE AND LOT, CHEAP. TY•t Pre two.tory 11itl , 11.1'•r., No. 71 11•11,. •tryrt. Errhtfl ward. r•ntai•lot ••••:: NI: art , r.l , lu.• rJen. au, •, e anl nynr tYS,I: 11.1 , 11.4 aw. 2.• r-or yul:tros: w•t•r •t • 21 by IA; s.u.l 1 , 11 , •••J •!..r . I,l r. ill Y . .ta p••• btre•t TI21• 2 ••yy r.-nves,“ h. • ••sa, ••••.Iy, 1,00.1 • r,1at....• 1 , • I 'ou 11,4, i',..••1•11 *) . • . •n_A r trl . l , yv. .K , •741. rltt•r••2l, - •r t•••• 1 ,7 itunev.AL. J. F. NEIFIIITER k (0.. Conintission Merchants, =I FLOUR, FEED, DRAIN AID PRODUCE, ii.E.ILALD Tu 211 Liberty Street. W.?! t'uy will be ples.6 t. see Weir trlen.lo rat.l WALL PAYERS, GOLD I:IIIIORMEDPAIRLaft PAPG4I 14 alliD OA ORLI. /111.4.1/ON r4fiE4 1 4 •PLI14; LINTEL) Pa NEL P•Palla, for Par lor. ale. talllnr.. la New Designs, at .TO. 107 .17.111ILET STREET I=l JOS. R. HUGHES &MO. wlirrE, emit k Co. 10331110 .dttentiori of Buye'rs TO TZIEIII Srucx v BROGLIE LONG SHAWLS, =1 .41.* Roduood M.x..t00 es. m 5 IrALUA OLE MUNK 111TOCK4. I.IEaDAY EV EN 12115. •at i will 4:5 4.2 C,I11111..1,111n•lelaWril, /1011 , 11iiihti• 12 street. la rato: s sale •Ji ti eharre atlenal 11,A; •• h.rnad rte de 1,14,0 ht aryl," 011 (41 I.le •• Caatral, Vara ...tine t . o. ¢hhb - A. welt.% AO:E. Anet . r. sZTOP COCKS • VIII Clor, hrepoeate whirl , erP , elyed et the 011., ea.!, N.tcr Wwrite loe uuL tura, g lc illtools it... J .11.1E11, Sl,tl) at V tr 11l lot er 1 at year ~,,,,me,ohe 1,4 t ilny et aprtl .I‘,l-..1•111 FUN—SCH. tt•p•t. • is..1:)•11 T HOSE M T AN UFACTICIREO.S. —r;eptres.'• ,lor the llautilaeturo of 1.15011 Ft.t.T ((F RI /NCII wit be rreelTed until TIII.7I3SDAY. X arch :Ist, 1,47. at • Weleet. a. M. GEO/Ont .Chalrman tnwtislit•e •0 Vin. Knot ore and..., Nu.-1 0 .9 Yourth etre,. Fitlehure h. Mr 1,4 • NOTICE.—t 'owl chance 'to thine rel.king tn. enrage In the loot vie Shoe Inuainces. I at, ler sale wt entire stork of 111/1113 &ND 811117,11, atl jowl will; doing* good trate. 111Aso0 for erlline—.olpg intoother biaries.. Apply et he. VA (MY , Tltr. AVE NV Y. Illtiliartb. roue:ACCOUNT or ii. C. MACK- Iib: ;L. Com Ice of Itiobb.UT n. alol Aare bl.h Cosa . , of COSMO° r e•r 7.. 17. t t. n No ou, at Jun• ern, 11.41, and the v. 11.6 will b, alb....ed and boalrmad ausulatcly ritlan thirty dam MAW& A. AU/I/AMA. Alry. MEN IMO MM CM= DAY fn DUNN, N 0.103 Fink Street,Pitttlargb, Pa., MILITARY AND NAVAL or...a.xwr Attend toll...collection/lot Intuitlea. Petitons, Back Pay, Claims for leittenialtYi Cad Veil* Boor). °Beers' diddle to pay r,aervaat. Additional Beauties and itterease of Penalona aerured. Call upnn or addraas 1.7 letter. ashniv3 STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. O...X'ATZI rorrxcprows. iLike•e Works. New and revised edition, 12 Wen.: t role. • 11.4.1, 4 I.'o, . 4 41.1141. 7 4 .411t10. e.ot. /4 ,4 .4a, , C0u1p.e444 , 4 4 4•41.6. Ean4oside 1.818108 •o,s. r Cooptl's Novels. • Peoplo's F.Ptlon, Watver•y 11•0.. Uolt.l •ni. vols. DlrkeEts. Novcrs. boriae's Noels sad Tics. 11 vol.. D . la•a, 11, 4. orlosltler of Ll.ersturn. }:1 , 11c1•^, Anieulll4.of I.lteratere. Riven,ld• INlftlenz 2. solo. fl,eno'. Historical Rotb• 2tlrentdc East. • ill cols, Doran•• Anna. of tle Uri:14.144, :I:an:boar of 144. file .rated: 2 vols. Dyneklnt'a C,cl...pedia of American Ll:cratare a's. Prroco::'• 1114 , ricai scare , , 15 roil.. • 111 ,- 11.1,47 •r (4-1,1 i,. 3 vol.. Llyplo.••",l'vil, teal ,ari ttrer. I vul. In•to e'•.1141..ry I vine.. Ettgli.h rsture. 7 'volt Pee. 1ll••••1111,1t#1/11.11• Ile. 1 volt. 1 au tl'rlit,rl.ro,Us Vir•• ks. • • . . Car. yie . 4 'nsues . 4 Volt.• Med•rrt Yrttlall fntatlal a. vole. Byrop . a ruet.cal WfaLe. 11vb I v v E.Atl,e; 10 lo , re`s • • ••••..ctl-Works. 1•410 o Idltlent ro . s. ,La.;l•4 roetle4l orts. Et) 1 ,, ra,v vole. How, Vortical Wor , It...tet, 1011114 p 4 vole t.enr.st Amory eihniglaud, e.I Illeetratr, • • . C'"""4"k. ,oct, Ltre of 1..1 11:ustrate1; 2 111 C lwan's Illatnr7 o of er r .l • arow I volt. ,r,op,ts u C.m,l l I:t.lvess Ant e• • <l,‘a3Oer.reyclopadl• of togilsh Llteralu,: Alg, W.; Voarina of a ful•ro I.lfe. New Id! 'rue appcia.or. Itoetou rdltiou; I Nola. Fur .ale by 11.. tr ot COM PANT. SS Wt)01, ,Terrr. tOrWtil °rev. tly to a•• n•yr •11,1 epa " 4 111.. "' t , 4 11137. '. 4""" IsIEW CARPET STORE. BOVARD ROSE & CO. WII.L OCEN ENT UL NEW ult./CLOP 4c.z&r>30. 2 r., OIL CLOSE*, 1st(110,10101 HMS, LC., IC NO. 21 FIFTH STREET, OVER BATE) & BELL'S mILI J . R. WELDIN (1), BOOKSELLERS, Stationeri, Paper Dealers PRINTERS AND BINDERS, No. 101. , iX7caclcl Rtroot PITTSBURG!! U. STAMI'q. ANT, uni HOUK t . • L•W • 10 !LW I'ENZ4 FEBRUARY, 11%67 WE OPEN TO-DAY, _EI. TA. , =1 ingrarts Three rill ond Eng ' - lists Tnyeatru I=l WHOLESALE AM LETAIL, At the `..0.r , 5,;,:;••51ne• IicFARLAND & COLLINS, Nos. 11 and IS Fifth fittest. I=2 Mffilll • Ti) I'O]TBLCTOIi3, l't PROPOSALS roht TII f: Construction of Public Sewers, n::a . Woo, to art. nr• •%. Ac- ratu fro.o I.,rry •1,.11e zr. • at 0, “f un,r,g b n.srlt•t 11! 11., OAT Vpr• 2r7. • s It .1 Rte ~,, Avg h.:F..... ABLIMED ROCHESTER (BOHM WORKS, V.. C. B. ta,... 4 111V01CT11 • 1a.., walla Wu erre rr row's, ..ag tra a. Ir. Au..1.11a, 0r.17 corm •rn.l p•r,:a.•re `r.. to ..1•11,1 o,r,r ••• 1,,,,L111.1141 m•a,ta..lure I 1,110 • T., al, alttatr a ••.f ar , &Ia arrel.at sad 1111.:.,.•:11.• Cola a • Izanutor.itr .•,...an tar, bar,da•••t,l f are Quaff l• t•••ay harmii , d 10111,1 1 . •• p• .t t.va •r,.. na.l •t• 11, 4.1ty.er.1,••t r 'Cs e•. !I.t are. THOMAS ROBERTS, =1 (2? Tie, tipper and t!beet Iron Ware, U. 61 111111T11111 , 11:1.D 1111TNZEC, • re.r Fostl.l Street, rlttalr,rgh. Barir,lantl, OR Rarer• genrat navatment •f rn PIS n, Japanned. I • .e • s.tdantt It!,rot Tl, • SKr, 1 , 111116, V• ell, I Wt.., )".•,• ll,•ae V•r•lsiOns 1.1 , ..!• In Mbetr•slo a.a,l at: L...., td and ..II 1.d.0t .1, *urn. artnrl.l,:k Dff CDT.T. CUD. Tine. iTotuflututits or :I,enc COAL HEYS TRUST COMPRI!, tr• ter. by yol:Iled that ttly Ulla. or :14 Om pany bk.e• Moved to No. 26 Narket Street ' whpre of re.v.i,ted 'rah 11e Irotltutio Irlkt 41. 55 t, &I) tv Aanearn Et 15tar2..72,T :••:tetzry sad Trim.rer NOTICE: TO - CONTILICTIPIRi. 14,1• rt0p,... , by tuner of the vet r.lourd ...lobo., of the tto.r,l 3choul 1,1,•,.. to Ali•egl.ortv. until 15,14 1..... fur. ttte Of CMIZTECCIII Plan. Stld ap,c's,, , ,r, von 1 , 4 tern at tn. Sins',2.ll4 4 Pt. 1 , 10,•gla. Lte 41,1 kt I. tract', . t , rtlert any and all told/. S f. t: 1,4,13115, Mc. AN'2E, A. YoUNI, Mlegtile67 , <•:,4„1,, ALLEFiI•tNT. IS.Th n. e. 1.0b7. rat, 1.11 FINE POCIiIIT Fine Fockct Cutlery, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! New Patterns: New Patterns! PITTSBURGH CUTLERY COMPANY, CD) 1/NPATCP I 111,11.1,1.11 AtillltE6V BEGGS, GUNS, ROLES, PISTOLS, Hardware, Cutlery & Variety Goods At. 5 St, Clair Street 2,1 do.r Gem tie Bridge, 13=1 wmtuunl[loy of . 11 Until aOsraye on toin.l. : . °A..Z0...1 Lad ,Ilt."1.11:1:1;ent171:1:T•1•11: TTEVT ADV-ZaTISEM.EN TS. NEW GOODS!; NEW HOUSE!. New House! New Goods! WM. H. MILLER, • (ionattly •f 4TON, SIACRUM S •0., !ate. of Y. H. LATtare.) WILL OPEN About the First of April, NO, 64 MARKET ST., WITH LIS ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Trimmings, Lace Goods, Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, =I FIRST CLASS TRIMMING MC Notion House A• tbt,e Reod• ■it. teen I.ou2lit Leary •tellne, Obey 7.111 Ye mold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES GREAT DARGAINS MS DRY GOODS, EMI IN, IIIONNELL & CO., No. 178 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, , I.lst , :pcse I • - Tv, :are, at..l.fr., s• a41•4•1i.• 13•1171 T GOODS. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, New Delaines, Dress Goods I= ALL CULOII7,- Spring Bahnothls, I=ll Prints Gingli Bl,a'clied and tablearbed Table Linea, MEI= Liana llandkereblers, Cloves. Hain Fronts, !ebb Limas. laNsimons, , 4 LE AND Itt TAU. I.u•eroarn tvi4.•l; •.1 ete.7o, ur ru- pi , • - •1 11.411,..1.1,. assay. ILLY 'GYULA ILIE 1 LA4:I.. 111‘CONNELL & CO., No. 178 Federal Street, aLLEGIIE.rr THE 111E1101.MS U:1103 EXPRESS COMPANY. CAPITAL, 520,000,000 I Our Merchants aid ranufacturers. Casuurs BY EXPIREMIttooey, Valuables. Freight and Par eel*. aver more thaa 13,000 miles of Expresx Floe ' at it'd and liberal rateciavenMiltlionis yearly to Express lib i topers, arid can be atade permanent only by their liberal patronage. Tali we hope to merit and re edy*. OEleo, No. 145 Wood Street, VI M. LITTLE, Agent. OEM PROVISIONS. BUIDAR CIrRIP mins. Dairy, szenr, ■l.lw. liLUI;LLLa• ♦JD alal♦. CRAWS VS. I 1.6.1111.. EXTRA ■O. I 11111VEZIL lITUAIITINI 1.4.1.• OIL, rALLVR All 1) MILL CIEBallr: I have ...... •lary• at , all Of tbe a , •ve resale hms. aratrh I u pr•pared to male ~ the trade at toe le•eat rv. , _•t pricee. 1 , .d0, will and It to :We latareslta gll4l/a11•Ill I ►.rate lag alacarhera. JAS. LIPPINCOTT, Porkker, No. a 3 a.e■tk St., ruoti■rsti SOLE LEATHER. Ben MIKRYL•NO OAK TIN azi, ETA,' /aLI aaJ 1111,11tHATAK Sole Leather•, In ‘ssalltlep fr,,mlo U 6 P. At Wholesale Prices for Cash Ord•r. .1.11711.13 W. JONES & CL CIIIEZLANIN-MA HYLANP LOUGHIIIit &MEW, AAAAAAA TUIEBI S►. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, sal A la Al-clus No. LO2 Wood Street, Dlaraezd Alley •:a rink = AsSOITI'ED lloW6 7 ASnORTEII CART. • A VSU ' ILT EL) W A Gic.7(..: Mori lAed H obi And tamed i•r •• 17 At 1.111,0 watt. CvLAMAS. YOUR 7.371:17 i CO., Mario Avenue., rAur lb. rdnlta•tlar7, lilSlS OPENING ' Ni_I=LICIE4I-1 I=l SEASONABLE HODS. New Brest Silks—all retort; New Brocade Alpaca,; Plain & Striped Sprit's' Poplilts; New Wool Dviatne —all colors; Valencia Plaids; New ilroche Shawls; - New 811111101 - al Skirts; White Golds of all kinds; White Dimity for Spreads; French and EnVish Chi eties; New Prints; New Gloghams; Table Linens; • Irish Llnell6; Sheeting and Shirting; Tickingp; CaAsimeres, Tiseeds, &c., ALL or wmcit /ice ELLIN G Low WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL, iT Wes. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 FEDER-11. STIZEET, =i AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCHES. I. — Wt t latm, and are ra , t , ar•ti to prore, that , Au.erle , a I...tr....facture - A a: V, Lam. 411.1.11. , :.•.,lol. 116(• 11,1.10, equal. nnt far a :0 tt,D•s watctei al Yug.a..). aertaud tiJ 11.—`.11,1`e w• a 0.11 neat It w0,.!4 13 e: the tr . DlArea :1 , • L . . 11.- ropktr. l, o f .C , ur. el. and !.: , to we •dot t• Late matl• all dtr . a,re lene.near .•t ver teem. w• ae, gea ..- r d.. 11.1. ILO r.u - •C w•,<ar• ,te (S 1 y caul , Jret'', eery,. t . ! . .1a• exlora -5,e •;10 , 11:11, L. 414 r,el•= ~I .,L•me.r.cal art. 111.—W• •,r wa.cles more ow. a,ate. 1••• a• I•Oreaur..l.p., t. le - s ,50,41 a•cl L, ,e 0..1er Lay •Lser of. &&& 4 O 3111 . 41 . 1,7 44 *1,444 ;4414"3 throe LLLLL tagig •vor E 170,4•4 rtralt sre ICC 11•11 tt• 11,:11,, pie .f tte .11,1n . nn 'IL I • •••,Ird ant In nmr wok-b..ps t,to trene•,[l,.l., ••tlannerna r• ea:7. Iva . rnae,.l,,y sal well. 10,,ytci r‘,„. for lurals 1..:'.d: of /M - sad.ot pew lo polf:t: on' [••••le•ry, •n 4 ••.7 v•fered Ispr•••mikat tt• Of r-rl, ltecs•?•:a e.a or a. T..r1••••• , •11, =lst:, sad •fLe• C 7 . 1 ”1 1 : ,, • ; . 7 .. r I•Ctill•I•Ille cla:a. e/re•mtt.a=ttl , a: Fe-:, , . s acfar...ty, •.,1,4 't la •Cer, ~.;••`• o. ti ar,e•• c••••: • Alper. her' p,aleaa. t.u.;aue•a. raprl strr..s — elar. ,• ~ruanila weight, e,, , nrcrea , la •.S ,:- • •ot••;—•,...•r•.d•st ly 1at,,,••• I y :aa Iv ;all. a...sael rvlsg. tr.. Lau lama c, x• • - ry. I!•re, every arca, •r ar:y •:.14 atyle laa{rn• of to V.—Tlessra.u . ,•uat,le to /er• , ,• rl airy. I,,avae • , •atnrar :Intro ity as I prer.- ••• i., at•sUac , la by blnl, sat ta,..a.ae la a 1 al.- ham alaaafa lem7-t•rry •I•lstre, IMMENE32I3I= •a.e, oltal larlty Is at:us:are rr,ll.:•.:!,••os.•fprcelaclNot tt ••••:•• ustfurv, Ity is , ra,'ts: It lerp._t.at. sad tr.j•l(l:v .nr , •••• •scell.••r• teat at, be •tire a.:41a••,1,•ad la ~,pate any ,:rr..t•lned, , cr ••1 Par, tsar N.Y •r destroje.l. Yll. - 1. addltlu• to:nesn &dram,- ur WIL:CDeI ire o..av'sr Pa Itz Ware. avtl an . ..um% 5.1.1 Lat i'sllll 1... IrCa.te.l tzas Pike mslorlty•l tore:gb ar.V.ebea. .11.1cy arc coap>.ed It !v... In !Gila. pare.. 1. F.p.:1.11 WC!, %ker. are Milo, llona ; ,Ill. — A.tregsn o•r.sperlm 1•1.44. tbo rare of • fore:dab:. r.r•.;•.;,0• rga!not watcte our elate.. wy..w 1..1 e have .‘radllr Ina .1 drrr .nea eaplay •••C 76.3•ehlesios, Sol 1,1 7,,cc0 yeatsheal yeAr. Near., a anat., a al .1..• •f our watches /rein v.. t•olse la every billT ef the Colon, a well lain thebtelleao sad erit lab Provinces and talualta. 'their "Lycra.: papa:sr:ly a IL. hest proof 'of litelr net, 11•1 ae eau produee; They Lase won thelr way is sitit••f of every appo-Itlon mat •f tatteautt.l hrel lt•adred. •f dealers all ever the pr.sty. have ...preened their prefete•eu fey ear oduct..rose along sad practlial with furelgt •att be.. _ Any et the trade. of Wa'thate. , . , ratche. may ha parchased•f watch dealerascaerally throng.- .atto.r.ratr7. ROBBINS & APPLETON, 182 Broadway, New York. ROBED'S, APELETON dz CO., 158 Washington Street, Boston, ==l DUNSEATH& CO., Wholesale Agents ron Tni American Watch Company's WATCHES. No. 56 Fifth Street,. e11.1.0111T11111. 1 .1101 , 1C MAI 1.. +. •.1.111.1 Jt`l 1.311:111.11i. ELMORE & LIEBLER, llsartrActarer, wlul•ule RLE lleta9 Leal.rs If TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Eats, /4 c, A's largs u•ortme .U: L.Ue• Slane! !r1 I=== Nov. 104 and 10G rood St., =I MILLEWS LuallicAvrals 31e8o32Exrg A fall .tack or tho atro•• racitn7 alw,s kactl. which o N• 111 sea to 1,111,4,1 Companies .rte c.u.e vatrs at t!..• • e WU,. .3 ti C. purrbased (row the r sn r... eb.,a I. a Louplnta V/ tor Wt , era Penn, C• 11 slut .m. 114 Bt. Olallttbreot. *see AS•••••• :f.re,N• Til£ I''.111:•••11}ENT - - VANACi a '` ,, • ?“.• I .4 a :t•I •er .a A;••r...;•• 14: ,I.t. •1 . t ilds 4!•,. •ectsieS• tJ r on the ram,' •: . t e patil t• ~..., . ., R tsa!d,rs, or 0,11 . 1, , tr , H.lnkluz I :sr:, !LcWC' 1:.•.1 J. II aV1 . 1.• IT 7, Tri seurrr._ Mil I. M..rch lit. N Tlf ON FOR PRESI- DENT an.D.ll 141/1, ILe Mau chel:er ItAnY ve• tht-tr !mg Moue, nSTUIDJAY, 11.11 day of March.M.llrocl. we I,nuro of I 1.0/::00 T11..1. 6. Li t' KI L:, --- CrPlet •F 'frit N‘I)TEEN r•N Vl3• iI•ILFAIA h. •NI , J, T. 1 . 1111. 47 , L1 /et, ary 11 , 7. 1 ..41)JOIL ITNED ANNUAL W•,,ern l'ent,Tlvanln I' .late Itr oN T...ne ol Mar.rn. W.% y., • ntn la!rtl c.r.n.c. 1,11. r An P',:to , ll re: I, nt 5:14 I , :rac• he held ..a.n der an • 1n.,712 11 nnILKY. rn•••y: OrY,E•Y UNION Itr:•,.•“/ ASP ST Ar •InIN• C•., I Feur ( AIiNtAL lIEETING of the :t.. , 1,1•11ers or tt, 'ONION itEYIN.. ASt ,f..1(1541 CI,. .111 he belrl almrtr 1•I 1.11u.rt7 atll\'l)At. Ita.rch •. u.. for the partub, Or e1.,- t, r....ard al t0 , r0.;71. t• .. . for thr e•sc, Int .1•• - . 00. tbe tr,vek.ll..• of et . .ch other tG.,I• t'ebro”.th.. ta M. Y. LAN leareurr. 1 . 117.'011, VT. War', A r R.W. COI to re of t, 3 , c-raw-V. TITT6•I7P.Cia. 20.1, In4Z. t • ZrTIIE 'ANNUAL YIEEIING et IS. k I I , ..n.tkoldern or th;• Company r.r the e'ett.so •Yl , lrect•re and noel oth, tn•ehi•.e PA muy It, will be heia an acid Company. Is Inset:lnt rll.l.LbUrih. •n TUlrd Wednesday, (20[10 of "March, A. D. 1E67. AT le weLoci 1 NI • FOR SALE. "." .f tb , I 111. STILT SBICI DF311,115 1165 tb,ll,7ce In the eqy or Plttslursk " A"'". Ie "7trhd.v."27'2..t. In iei '. 47;!;EVe r i FrTglla be vooLvd •• the VADAT OF MARCH. wall f,rn rvuea ' :b. avid a a•vr 2, , at C. r.teata eleara 55,11 ;le IlAals2Y 2 BALL., A, E.eal Est •131arck Dar,after. ' Ci 2a. 9i Beaver atrve, F. K. ID:TFRlNall! , l,secrecavy. FOR HALE. -~ - ~ HENRY 6:HAit TItTiTIEST ;Mlle ST. WIT. ST.?. NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, =I All the Novelties of the Season, I= rint-Llass 7:7 erchaut Tailcrin; Ehlabl 1,,4 men: W. HESPENHEIDE, Te~i•el iflt Tailor, No. 50 ST. GLAIR STREET. I:=3 p,terni 4 attst Ea, Lditla f : 89.L.E. Of' KANSAS LANDS, ON TUESDAY, TUC 2d DAY OF APRIL, will be offered AT PUBLIC SALE At the Eldridge House, I=l Lawrence, Kansas, ABOUT 153,000 A( E 3 OF LAND, C NV 1 .1,1:t , E..11..E/ :Led ee4 tee*. ea C. "Delaware Reserve." ,•y:.fe Crect:r nala i}a• •t tae 11103 WIFIC LIBIST, ESSIBN -hr LrA W..f.1 I. •1M c VA,!, 7:11. Y. and ..ae • ..I .rom n r , +•• ,A•l•712 Ir •. • [RII T.IIY. 1.04 • I I ALM, aIiND- K. to,11111.i.1: AYATEIi. ark it, rl:i••-r, . . Sr I, I,:awarem .ea the I•d:an Ittly t au.,‘• Lave seen •5,1 •ca , 4 Lo.u,s, gf. mea al, and w•a? •:Ye: ..pro,e• Ito •• I* tarall.by sag to 12.6,r...1.1,W...10,e". 15..1,•1er Grottier 'lnducements than nay oth er• iu the We•t. A'3ll. at the .me Isme.l'at , .l7 after the ,11.11•61:1•P a•ldabout tas,otio ACRES OF LAND, a 1,7 t ✓. ;h "gm - , •• •f ••• %Le NI, ei , X.II.e.t.LL . V, Kar..a.. . . I o're •r TOWN I-01"5 A%l) r • 1.1 r.. 4 n, ol April :1, 1,7... and ,1. la dr, I. 1111: all the !lads , . . . . . . abo•r astl,r411.••••• b.er, .f. 11. e land C. rttlln•treete lo e,nll,,e+. . . _ T 1 UV , Du] hal- All , d In two equal nl , ll ] Pet fa: r 4.: truul .41.u:chafe. M. BARTIIOI.OIY, Agent. 7: a:I pErflint IRGI] PAPER MANI:- FACI ii.I,4.:CutIVANT, PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS CT:IN - I'N bTV.VI3ENTTI.I.If, 01110 SEW 8 1:10:f/ON, PA OFF/ CI: Sill WAIIEITOUSI2. No. S 2 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 071'1 , f.!;.6—.. pp t I!ARTJE, 1,11‘1,1.1..,4•rr.trv. Truas`r. I , Mr,•7ol,—Anount'l4•:-Ili.. John II hart] J, ho IC. LlTlnge..n. John Si. re: I. Ina. C. 11. M.D..1,. (moth raid for raper Chock. f .:11E.ST IZEVOLI TIOS • ES THE LL H INC I ILAI , E.tth III! t-TATEz. •ntta* If tt•ttt In Ft t ance. Pura pare •rtttir, wanti taltlnk lb, place of ituttOt .- ". t.. 14 ttant DUN:, cuttrr.tgitetl won , ' call the a”entlon of An litttclt . t Mt. folio.- tnay be • curt,. Idea of the tott:i:y thba ls' ;n I'mc.attatma. • 11 - 11,1,. I 1 ti trxr nay. et.t , n ..tur catiftorntachsar t .t•Jto stltttroutill Liar plessarr raylnat ttt•t t ,t a t t t! tit I le;••• Aut.. an 4 . lre Lyre t•er11...1. WO aLaaa "‘' " 2 " !: 4 ' t;. ".'." t1..!,.n7, UC2IL.2: • je N. BROADWAY ExcizANGE R.,ESTAIIRANT, 101 01310 11111 111,5111E11U Sid, 101 Lalit - :st Dining Rooms 2d Story, MINIMIRIMM111;1 VIRRHIV.LICIT, d0.P,1.1 H. Vli.ll/ICLLILIt. NioNutivirr§, G AVE STONE!) V,aulta; Fountains. Statuary, VELMCIS, EMUS Of EYERYIHSCRIPTIOSI, T. 181100M1., Vij ETTA VII &N 1.3 A SO:I, • • 1.:t.x . 16.44 la /al ILLI • C LA.= lifeas , or rrrrr r rrr Oh LEATlttit 11EL711,11, 110. tl tAtie West, All Al,. (1,11 Sor:-trs•sit tor fl•qt,r el*. M. •!f 1.LY84.,!..e. ri , t•Serg , , 1110. Imo. .f Mersa. r.• L 4',1';':!"!-.`„,-.:!‘"!',!;'i or reel cicastA: •LIAAAAN T. rmciri AL] VALTII a CO. prerare oa aLort notice joav !TV: 17!.`:L7. FUL. I,IT-WA 81101 1.7 to, Ii FA 4,11 With •e.. •r. mr, eireute-1. rit1C1,5,114 •U r EoUUE BILAI Candy Manufactzrer t it: FL. Z. A ND AMERICAS C l'c, tic., Cc., N0.1:2 I cd.ral Strert, Cet , a.l , lc.ir Er•ut the: Ft- , Sstipv -p, )51/4/1 A.l.l.4.lititliir CITY. I.A. - 11'N ^'S --; ANTED, EEO 130 ..E1Wt.1:)ISki<ar, l:e ,••• LG:s;.e rat, mem. 'pont,. .alt of Lbc Cu,tvux Mute. ~I Plenty ,relerr•c 0, •-lveferracyc givea It uv .41.1:106, nlth Teri It. t,"F vitL a A ( i' F ATs—Tbe &t `J,: l ."9°. L r.t:II tilaika am- lion. F. II Aatlnr a.a.: 111— In aume: ulna:a:fur atarFl.l•rkat - WANTED.— AGIENT! I . - 130:11. • • MALI. •n , l Ft:MALL, to at.l TRINIII AN II Tnu or. LULL AND LvY LTT: AN II PR •1111.1 ALUILIst OILS ANI. "It, at.., works At• al aturL bre ta ollng :Ven , ..l au, '. (l•ent terrll•Ty Can 4....va , aal by rl-Jr.a trts', J. ( - 0., tlell No. n 11.1rJ larva, Pst . ..Nurgk. Pa. wANTED.-500 clerks, awl and ofters no •ot atorto ,, meot rlttemrgi., to 0.51 ANDREW, GEN EILLTiIIi co:..oallos to gell belt, than rear. Porton. sre suede Iv sel!lng riff 01. ‘l.l•ltltc .a • nor. kls too on;T t'llog el Uod th 11.tt rest ter.. :loci,. [no "aadord. Come Lto4 lice meats are ocalog. No. Ntr..t. w i.N e T e E ee ip eret y e a relyt t .r .,_o e i e Lit . portootatly la latnata -trialrlog 5.41.1131.1. alp add I.2!•ecs corrapaiace.. dpilrlth refikreace, to ft. I. CIBISAS, 93 •ratt street, are? 11,:laster a Oastxra'• Law o.Tce, eppo.ll• Ploube. FOR SALE TWO NEAT FRAME HOUSES AND LOTS, On Palo Alto Street. 11- IL • ~'econd ward. Al;.- •Lent. Oa! .11: the Het,. has Cre ravm: sad cS•llnr:. the otter four ro,irrt. a., tolls. All ntat , y rat,4 up. yard , :rats. wltik hy drau, In the yard; Kr.,perl At. Laepitre Of ItAM-EY IIALL, 11. a, E..tata all 4,75 grayer r,rert. I.,`ORSALE.—A nine years , lease CI • Let •11u•,.. ion 23 , tler ward, Cl by 1,0 feet. on .•111r1 1. eretr/ 32, frame .I•Otigur. Don replica' Inr $l5l, MOklnt. /.L.. • Brick of 5 room, whlrb 1.,111 rent VL7,...k- In• • tatal yr 00, ur $1,11,0 ser r.,r, and b• sold wa IlUerna rrma, If appllt , d c. soon. V., tby Mora, Ettlle In 1 Imo,. ranc• eq . Buller ntreet. I.swrence•lile. FOii SALE, . Tli E . HOUSE A D LOT No. 40 Craig street. First Ward. Ali...ghat , • The twave is a substantl, t Frarne. In revalr. Tat lat. fleet Croat an cralg •treetaan a.p. exteaallat to I estaall.. rat, at!. Inquire at i7aSlvra ttO DIAMOND JT.. Pittsburgh. OR S 4LE.—A very desirable A- PM/PEP-TT far ether. Tan Tar 1; Wo.l-tt Fact•ry.•r SlLt.•,:d at,3lcl.7"ra human... :he elay,an 4 and nt:stru:gh rend. nity-e,1•11, I , •ra Pittsburgh • g0.,41. I.ll.canif. , tu,dlvg C. It 5,.A. Leo •hr.l v•liola •ttr, fret arid, cite at I.t I.urtua ceder good recce Engulr,•l kr115t,,,,,51 JOH!. Y ISPl:ntt r. BANKS AND B &DIKE RS BANAING DOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO., Corner Wall anal Naisaunts., Neer Yarn la roe•te,l•r with done lasuee, la 1•1:11.4,p:21a to lista , . BILL her. a. , i tavestarel, .Ite {.11311... ii.. of ta•lr tmalat,e its tlt , s city. lael.”11e, au.ltaleo ad' kr•VaTilf rect,t -n0,13, sad r en t s cantle -eve•acti al the n:o., Ezehster and U.S, Soar, lebel orle:s O , IIL Ire pl•raptiy lt.d We step.. laa•d • full •uaply •t• to, SIITINT 1:11,1Tle 5 • V ALL buylnr sad sels , •e eerrent price, an , al:ow. 111.1 rarr,p.•adeal, tat e.[: lilitrat rate, Ma mark, ,ff.rds. f r:e JAY rOCIICE CO HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Bankers anti Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, rnn'suunGu,PA., (3GOC - E530.3.1 TO 'LUNN!, 11.1?-: 4, Cal) E=l Exchange., Coin, Coupouv, Az/ pazZleCar at .•,.1 •• :II pto th• rar cas. and GOVERNMENT !. BONDS. .Cz-ste Ilr 1111 *T., ON Losnon. N. HOLIES & SONS, No. 57 Market Stroot, Dep.lt. received In rkr Tondo or/ Correery. Co 4,:10ca nine oo prtzell,ol r•lnts of [be IJ a!ted Slat" nod Caaata, Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities . BOUGHT 13D SOLD OE COIL YISSION roaticuLtr attemlon Ida to We parcbaae via aalg. •C U. S. Securities, lasludisg 11. U. tIYES Or I. 51: d.. s. 5-4.41; r. Fri", 10.14?.; U. CEIITI 11• Al OF D ZETEDN'T:S Oriel - . sat Voucher,boaltit 713.3.2) PROPOSALS. PENNSYLVANIA Agricultural Land Scrip FOR SALE. TA. Casio! at Conmdsslopera "on edl., for Salo Imlog servo balance of Agrlcuitu (the S ral Cl L oege •nd : 4 e rl tbe ocrd, a.-ated on) o! Frnselvadla f sa•nt •r Agrle^ltural Colle toona ge. In thi. 1 . ..a.•11 (or the porch... or nit I. C A eeee •• rite Yuma of Cennalla;ted,, or A arinultural I. sod t,crln.•• will he rrtelia d . lltdcw - reror Omen, at 11.artl.hurg:. 12 o'cloza Ortyreancgday, April 10, 1567. • Tt's nvky . be !created In anb etrte or Ts, tl‘b t,”l : err •I'Lne Elp,“ soy of 0.. taaan,,,l•ted laz,J•ftezcept alb a.ty Le aui•ct to y•szo• n• ILL• ent, F.stb V' Bulb r••pr, nts bubrker 10•ndr...1 bob b , xty sc-r, I. teb. , ltu 111,4•,..,4 NI 1:1 be transiertbln,ltk o,, oblot.ts oat or lormal b-blgnrs. at bia , llt neerl n•t. flied Cubit .sore:eot. t.,104•11. .1W Pa:l-y. when th, por, eau •,1 au•l est, :L. land 1nL1... •••,,• MI 14 ebe made ab per b.., agd be Btellso. Le' rcolvo4 lvr ILss ILaa ono 40s:tc: • Tkßrrin win tmre.7l•te:•rt t 6• r•)m••t •f lie Use . tlgo. atur,••or aanosa,. •111 1 Mae f•Jr• ...,••••taattie than 1. ct.e2,7e4. n-tt•lrfl vada•a• mon•y mutt p‘l3 vrt:lztu ton day, , •41 the rt aon■ tyr•-tr Int& tn!rty 3•fs afler I...lllcat;•tl of .• c •pt •ucs :L• •:3 •r • :4 OT the ales•ra JACOB N. f! I.L. Luntyor ‘l‘.v•l, tb• !I•lard 01 • ••••st.at.leacr, limstrimirso. Teo - nary IV met6,l7/1 121=1:12Z1=1 1110011 & MINITEL BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM AND )At FITTER, for. of Srd sod Liberty titre eti, Atone Carroll 1 Sayll•es, rltultnrgh, Vezina. Uellt mud Heavy Castling, ntralatt•A itrcitptly t, elder. !toottal attnnl:o" WI Io the sit sod Yana. of 011.1tellattlea, nosatiboa., WW2. St. Ages ts her J. S. CaimerosA co.'s STEAM PITIVI.I-38 TILONVER ENG - INER 'rb••• P.A9. Cave RM , rter attraa.ag•••”r a lud evexT•a• ta varrant..l to 41•...0... rmavecostmacti cos bas 4. rez5,40.: Y. lIIISSMAtiII, Fifa Street.b Irteivsn Timm/ end CAI manta hireea, Ginsmith and IleaZer is Hardware. First , cr al: dreerWooss"e* .1. •••.1 /on •.... • HOIIKEII, HELL & Aucbor CGtioll Mills, Pittsicrgt:, BILLI.:"••tur• n I: 1.17 ANCITOI:I7TIFIIfinI, ANCIIOII. i'n) S 1 EuriNCIII, ANcuom. (44 iimr-tazses, Al 4 SATTII•Ii. al7li GE=
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