DP:rr '7 7 .01117.7 - - AT New Bal. Skirts, NEW STYLES HOOP SHEETS, New Style Hair Coils, NEW MT WATERFALL PARS, New Bead Drop Trimmings, '3'E Er ptF..lI BUT TO S New Guipure Laces, REAL AND P. VAL. LACES, F. El. - 3C.4 ArrOTN'S. 17 Fifth Street, N. Et. - 3 , 1LE1l 1100 P SKIRTS AT LES'S NEW GOODS 4 _ OPENIIN DAILY. IVIACRUM dr. I CARLISLE, Jre. 19 Fifth Street, Ara •paning dally NEW AND DERRABLE GOODS, ZBADLET'S NEW INSI3IELE ESIEP fur 1.17. LADIES* MATINEE, ERODE AND OPERA. KIDS. GENTS' PIQUE AND PLAIN SIDS. PATENT PE‘ITE,TORS—for Ladles , only. TAa NEW FRENCH PAPER CoLLAID: Ana CUFFS are the latest novelty on P.P. , . NEST Ylißliell WU/LUISA/NE LW:SETS— sit slam .OUIPQNE LACE)—nrw styles. BEAD GM'S AND FEINDES. NEW LAVE DOLLARS. Dealers Supplied NEW YORK JOBBERS' PRICES MACRUM a CARLISLE, No. 19 N•11131a. 'Eiltrockt 0•04:3 OVERCOATS VET REMAINING UNSOLD, which =unite CLOSED QUT UEGARDLFSS OF COST, At tile Immense CLOSLNG OUT SALE, I^a J. D. RA] ALEY'S 334 and 336 Liberty Street. aLorgeAosortsatot of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING DRAWERS, UNDERSHIRTS WHITE SHIRTS, Cotton and Woolen Hosiery, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, /tr. 1-I_.OT7"Mi9 Of aU 'Descriptions. and a Large Assortmna of GENT'S MINISHISG GOODS AU of Which 'must be sold re gardless °remit or invoice. Call and Be Convinced J. 33. RAIVIALEY, $34 and 336 Liberty Street, Opposite Wayne I= NEW GOODS t . NEW GOODS I -MST HECETTED AT JOSEPH HORNE'S & CO.'S. We are sow opoolag a largo gat wo+l-soleata stoat of SPRING GOODS esalnaolog all that Is sow and desirable, la • El,. Avabar Be.47.lager. Head Trlnuel ng, lialpere and Liana, tap.. lota. >a A Lace s ou Crape ate, Benp,Ufteadthe are TI rave, liambalg Edg• meld Instating. I. 1111. Of LINER TIAN DIV.EIICHIEF'd In 1 riga, Revised, liasstWobed, ganorcldered nod laenctoblen ar• are I/ feria; at very low privy, BUT - re/WV In Areal vat1etY.....1. 1 . 1 0g 01 Jct. c a Meal. 131 :1111 ' T . 1./14L11, at WS unto at elt--soolell.log pe• • ts fI." IIITILITin te lo. lt orm nod bons. Frame.. RTIMD SKIING—A it .lock loot rat . ST I7I oqio RT t t eVi s rlf ' 4 . Tr:v ell W n g Hag.. 'lntl 11. e of HLui ES aod lIUSIK KT. • — OOll. WIttrLY3ALE tollll. up stalr.. .111 found 1v..11 sto.ked .Ith kese good., *bleb ire °Style Ito trade at EASTER% roll:Yd. JOS. HORNE & CO., 77 and 79 Millet Street. Ter , vM. NEW SPRING GOODS. W. we last receiving • roll and endplate aline far oar ap.lte r sales. ronaf eine of •WHITRuI.)I.., flnloned Cambria., Joa- Vna.. eyries Malls, Barred and Plato N alneed.k ontorla Lawn.. Marna. 1.1.•12 0100.10 and Lawn. Tucked Cambric nettling. 2.111011.41)Eltlr.3. full line .I...net Urinals end Inaertlng, li•aebure E.lglnna awl low rt. luga. Jannnet and Ilatubarg iIOIII3C/ 4.5. French Eatelt-`e Kande, Illrnity pond, Infanta Embroi dered Robes ae4 L•CES. Point, and Apbllokun Lace and Englar., Va.enela. blalte.e, an I I.lany. 'Tfin , `. l and ti Ed itnlpore Ana. wad ne Edgings, let. Val. La ions ..y 11A N ['EXEC: M ere. t N.a g l Point and Applique.. 'Thread. Cinny and Va.. Te.., than, Lmbro al=4=llllMTrlnvelneand .Nrek itllikrNe. • , FULL E *LEM ANDRE EIU GLOVES for Lad ea !lents and His ea. COILSETS and 1 . 1.1.11 . _ MINT'S, all makes, Waterfall Pada. Haar .: ,, meet t 'Zitti . ,LLlNEff ENTsrunwienl , 13 GOODS. 1/EALEN.n. and •t.t. bo p 'w uy, ~..av'-.....112;azig5zt,111..v. 1 . 11 0 r ile:X . : . 1 0 %7 1 D z e r rt MACRON!, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. -I/ELTI G!nine ILTlNG:neelLeatb r and Gum Be of the best e. • Le e o, Om Meting, Hose, Gaskets, t• • Laee Leath ex and Insets &bells b.d and tor *We ant]: °Weld WWII SIT J. • IL ruaaars. N own quir nerd, FIN tklittl_LL PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN. PROPOSILS FOR I LOIN OF $23,000,000. AN ACT To Create a Loan FORTHE REDEMPTION OF The Over-Due Bonds of the Commonwealth. WICLetrAG, The bonds of the Commonwealth d oortdu certificate. of Indebtodum, amount lag to twerct-tine millions at deflate, have been or.r due .ad unp.ll for some Lime past Ind Whereat, It Ls 'desirable that tbs state lould be paid, and withdrawn from tlieniaritr.t E=ll2l Er.ortoX I. is it enacted ly the Senate endlieuel al Jitrinwenta:ieu tlf the Commonweal HA 4( Peon alrania in Genera: Assembly rnd, and it /sada- y enacted by the authority of the mine. That the lio r tertior, Auditor Utasral and State Treasurer , and are hereby, antberizei sad easneweree o borrow, on the faith of the Commonwealth such amounts assd,rltlt Ino settee, fast less Imo forty days) u tbey may deers meet expect( at or the Interests .0 State, twe•t7-three minions of dollars. and Issue aortlficateo of loam .1. bona• of tb• Ceinmehowesll.l ear tb• time I= ebtum per alkauta, payable semi-auraally, e the ant of Febreary aad ant .r August, la V. City of Pk U whlck corUteatai of 'Loa • EIMMI!= wistrver, for !tate, rcaniclpst.ror lour purpo- sas, and ottallb•payabasaa follaws, dannaly: My fillloos of dollars payable at my ttmenfler I. years and vitala tea 74TH: Malt aLLlltaas of dollars, payable .t ur Ur. attar to years mad witkla fifteen ♦ears, and tea lalllias ' s tau at say tlaa aft.. •Ttaea years an/ witkla M • and shad lode Caned by Om Ob ECI gazer and 3ttt. Treasurer, sad e•ausereload hr the Auditor General and registered lin t►a]edla •f the setae Geeteral, had to be tranefersh an the bo•lta et lb • Ca lasaoswaslalt. at 1101 = delottle; the pro•W• of as whole •f whlCh loan, leeladled premieres, el cetera, received en tbe fiblll b. appll•4 t. sls• payment of • Use bonds ant •srtlbutes 111(0r:stow. .f the 121=1:1= L The bids for Bali lee, BUIL be opened In te• penance of the ■.rerner. Auditor Oaered ad State Trig. rer t ad awarded to the hlsle.tbidder; ?reside[, That •• certllest• Yereley enamel/zed tot* lesaid. shell be segoas =I 1530. S. Tim lands of Me State sad sertlisstes lailebtsdnas s, atsw over 40e, slall be rocsitvs, ble In par:lent et the said lean. ender nal It; tin's aa the Governer, ditca Gemara] and State 7tea.arer •ay preseribe; aa even Wader for tl• loss, now alttlorised to be lined, Asa a Ls Li whether the sane Is payable la Y .r In the Sends or eerttleatei et kadebted El= EM. 4. Tbat all treele4s, oxetutora, adalab J. riLr6 . l lams. .atest. treu.rers, comailt- r ether Penn., holdt.g la a Minatzry ea •r eermeatee •1 lallebtednets te. State at moneys. are hereby aatherised to bid for Ms loos Derobr &ma:col:oil lo 100 lasood • sorrel:4,Sbe bonds.; cartileate • of loan Geld Ly them as Mei:lse of malls: mut bid d to receive the bonds &Inherited t• be tsetse CZ= age. I. Sty persoa or per". stgodlgglo Oa Idaelary rapacity stated la the fourth L•euo of thts act, who nay desire t. Lovett oteoty 1 their hande for th• ben•lt or the trentay without soy order of court, Direst the • I the Weide methorlaE 4 to be homed by elle act. a to of premium not exceeding twenty per e Erma. Sex. t. That from and after the palate et this t, al! the bonds of this Commonwealth shall be paid of 1a the order of their maturity etc. 7. tint all loans •f We Commonwealth t yet due. ettell be exempt from Bute. maul !palm . loud taxation, after tall intClEßt die February drat • one thousand elgbt bundred and pe,ren, shall bare bCflt Pad 19.. I. TI,IL all existing Is rt e or pontos. hereof. LnNnil.lent herewith, ere_ hereby re• ll= I= Epeaker of ibe, Bootle of it, pr.cotative. %outer of the senate Aft - 1 , 0 , d the second day of February. ome thousand tight hundred and al mty-serhiu = Ia aecordaate with the provision of it. above of Asseaob:p, sealed proposals will be recta, 4 at the oeSee of the Slat♦ Treaherer, IS the 7 .r Hoart.bar., rannsylv.nlik, .utU of tha let day of April. A. v., ligr7 to be •ndoraed as tallow.: "Pm:walls for Yana ylvaula Etat., Le.," Treasori Depart:neat EM2=ll Did, .111 b received (or 0,000.000. rel.. barsable in rive years ad payable la Tes years 19.000.000 relm0.1•0 Lie In Fifteen Tears: sod $10.0Q0,000 rein. taatable In Ilfieen tar. and aaaaa laiaTwes ty-Vive year.. The .ale of Interest to De tithe 0 per cent, per a,,auts, which tenet be ex Itly st'Attd In the bin, and the bide =Wad Savona to the elate will be accepted. N.. per will be ioluldered. lb MEM ,d. be leaned In nom. of . 1150, and .elt higher sum as desired hi the loaner, to be Cr oat State, loyal aud =ails' pal taxes The over die bonds of the Commonwealth of Vannrylvspla 1•111 be retelved at par I. pa7meat • r this load, but btddere rohrt elute whether tbey otond to yofto osth or to the ow doe lon Centenary Ageslng.—Tho Centenary Sleeting of Allegheny College. bleadvllln. we. bald on Timmins evenin at g last. The exercises were Manly Interesting, and the contributions of the evening amounted to JULIN W. tIZAIIT. 0,24. E=s:l3 EM!!!!!!!=:E1 prying In cosh or over•due lone Govornor of re11.11,..1 JOHN r. lIARTZIA.NrT toad 81W.—Sevral glides oecarte• on tbe track ot the Creek Eallroadi. • abort Oletwa•• below Tltarttne, on Saint, omr toornlng, In mossequenoe or .bleb • lOW isatUttal. orsostui 301101:1 it 1 4 8 .1 were 4• 111 7 01 abet! sighs keine. • • • • • Ar2lr. newspnverimbllstang t➢e ►Derv. 46,itcL 4"toturgii azttit, THURSDAY, 2dARCH 7, 1107 OutrilWlNKm• r 7 We learn from the Potterllle Miners' Journal, that one night last week, the rear deuce of an old couple, Thomas Edwards and wife, three miles from that place, was visited by a band Of thieves and robbed. The Journal gives the old folks' account of It as follows They say they had loot gone to bed (simirt eight o'clock,) whets they heard a tap ut thu front door. The door was opened, and the man asked if they kad anything to drink. Titan the whole crowd, lion irish men) rushed in. some went up stairs, and some went into the bed room where Mrs. - Edwards was in bed. One of the men held two -revolvers et her head, and told her that she had "to go and see Clod tomiekt;" that alio had to have alx of thoee loads down her throat. Then they covered her over with &sheet. is Lilo tide was going on, three el the brutes treed to put Mr, Ed wards on a fire to roust him. Brave acts truly, towards a attic seventy-seven years of age, and a wonum malty-four years old. Pour of the men searched Mrs. Edward* and found nearly one hundred dollars In heir bosom. They then searched the house. and dually doesurnied with one hundred dollars ilt money, a silver watch, MI the clothing they could dad, making In all a for of two hundred and fifty dollars. Among the articles stolen was a pair of L, which belonged to and were worn by a 50r1 of Mr. Edwards at the time he fell In battle during the rebellion. Ono of the robbers set down and priding off his old (mots put on those of it;. Edwards' snn. On the leg of the robbers' old boots left be hind wore the lettere "r. IV* They alto took a shook, which being heavy, they es, Mat only a short distance. It wee found tile next morning near the house. I= Tim Torte True Democrat says: Thura day evening lgst, about dvo o'clock, Jacob Loucks, Esq., who resides on the Buil road, a shalt distance from' thin, borough. met • - - with.. serious rocnident which has placsol lila life In imminera t peril. Ile had come to town on business and had leftists horses, which were attached to a light •eltlcle, standing in front of .Caristiscr demi er , s store, on the corner of West Main and Penn streets. The horses became alarmed at some noise which was made by a lolly In the ylein• Ity, and started to moss MY when Mr. 'Loucks ran to catch them, but . missed his hold of the rein and fell. lingo( the borers , kicked him in. the fathead, indicting a wound about as Inch square, and fracturing the skull bon• to een an extent at some of the particles of ll tt were driven th Into the bruin. an 1•11.8 subsequently taken to his home, and Dr. Jacob Hay, Jr., Dr. Henry L. imyser and Dr. lamas W. Kerr were called In and promptly attended to Ills Injuries. There were ten fragments of bone taken from the wound, avid a portion of the brain oozed out in the operation, which of course •11/.., one of a vary delicate and painful char. enter. J. ftor thishe esnk tato a dreamy sad apparently noconsrlous state, and at our last advice:a was said to ho In a very critical condition. There wee a little daughter of Mr. Loneks In the vehicle At the time the horses commenced running, but she was thrown out before they reached home, and though considersbly soiled with mud, we are happy to emy, escaped with only slight injury. Mr. Loucks Is wall known in this borough es a deetiesnon, and an 04 :It 0 and elneient business man, and both he and his family lave the sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintance*. Ills recovery is eonsitered exceedingly doubtful. Terrible Accident, On Saturday morning last, 6 dreadful no. *Went occurred on the East Pennsylvania railroad, near Temple Statioa. Two young ladles, Miss Landman, of Ontalaunce town ship, and Miss Groff, of Upper stern town. ship, started for th• railroad intending to go to grading. Upon reaching the station end finding they had missed the train, they coneluded to walk to the city as the distance lo sot very great. and protweded down the rallroed. When they arrived at the k:astern railroad crossing. beyond the aleacc Church. they heard n train coming, had pro eeeded. but • obrult . distance, lance Miss Kenffm•idrisklifid foot was caught in the cow-trap et the crosoing. alleuitiroff, seeing bar critical oltaistion, endeavored to re lease her, and whilst they were both stren gth:or, the train wldala had now proceeded toe far tn etOPPed. passed over them. Miss Kaugnian wao shockingly mangled, both her legs being horribly mutilated, and Miss m Grorwas strust on the bead and breast, arid ochtintrt inufrnelly. The train was stopped so soon as possible, and all the avalleble soalstance to alleviate their suf ferings was rendered. Miss Kendra...l died aboutlilts Groff Is still living, but hopes are scarcely entegndeed of liar recovery. A Tock Coasts . Town. They have found a big tooth In Tork County, and the . True Democrat thus des cribei It “Our nelghlX/rs of the Gazette of. tame had pined In their handl last week a chrystallsed enbstance oleos. kin d. resem.. Wing the molar tooth of an animal, and which was dug out of tile ground, by• In York eohnty, at no. very great depth from the surfade of the earth. Thu tooth, If such It be, weighs eons pounds, and epread• Itself over a ilonslderable surface, showing It to have belonged to an animal materially larger than any known to the past deluvlan world. The out:lnane° has the distinct Into stone, yet It fdesents ail the distinct out lines of a molar tooth, roots and enamel, but everything perfectly chrystalized. i nWhe She er weathe Improves and the ground Is n tattl working order, It the Inte•tlon of the farmer to dig dtwper and mese further research', with i c e praperat, of course, of audio g the balance of the bon. of this liege moneter which Noah could not Pg.C..ll l to his ark along with the rest of the members of Ids interesting' fa. iIY • The Gallop Murder, Tho West Virginia Jourfusi says, .lorne weeks eke a watch was soil by two young meu of this county, which was afterwards identified as that of (Mingo if. tiallup, who was foally murdered near Parkersburg last spring. Thep were arrested on spi cion and taken to Parkersburg, and. S after an examination, were honorably acquitted. Tne watch, be understand, had been ob tained by them from a young Jeweler car rying on in tnis town last summer, since in Cincinnati; and his yourge with that of a young citistin of county, fol. lowed. The latter was conveyed to Par , kersburg last week by Deputy eheriir Ys- - hen, and has obtained ball; walla the former were broug•t from Cincinnati and Parkers burg. A third party. from the vicinity of the scene of the murder.is►also under arrest for the crime. The trial will shortly GAM ta•nce, when the evidence urainst those parties will transpire. Till then au refrain from comments. IltoreeTblef C..rbt. ' - Wu learn that a Man was arrested at Et, ton, on Wednesday last, for stealing a pair of horses and heavy ferns. wagon, which he had In his possession. The property was taken from the viamitv of Camden, New Jer eel. The man with the wagon and horses. which were a pair of fine hays, stepped at Nathan Male's hotel, der before at' Murill he o, l was a Tiar ni- cum, on Tuesday. too , rested, where no stated was on ale way to allealgari, and offered to trade his team for one less cumbersome, giving as a reason that he wanted to raise some money to aid him In his Journey. Ile had in the wagon a quantity of hay and some home feed, d de- Emription of the man and tba stolen proper.' ty had been telegraphed to Xmton, and when he arrived there on—Wednesday he was Immediately taken into custody. A Dead Child Found. Th• Martial:long Tr/groats says Infer. matlon recently came to the ears of Mayor Ed wards that child. born at the States Union lintel, some time ago, bad been burl. ed In the yard adjoining said house. Ac cordingly, this morning, a yearek led Loth° discovery of the remains. They had been placed in a tar an• buried on the premises. They werovery greatly decomposed. lath. seine Folly, alleged to have been the Mothwl or of the ebild, was arrested. and .kno edged that the infant was hors—that It can born in October leet, and was dead 'at the time. it was born on a lionday morning, and was not buried until afternoon, The "ermi C harge oretn ' c ' e L altg b r h a e " b l i ' r e t o c t am:illegitimate chile. She wits a boarder at the tate s Union lintel at the time. BIZ= Escape from the City rrtsea.—about half-psst eight o'clock on Monday night fourteen shams-gen g prtsonet escaped from the Columba • city prison. They efoke hole In the trial under-the southwest wine dow in the second stOry,tled their blankets together, and with thu assistance of this romptu ladder lowered themselves to theground. Three others of the ehain• gang refused to Join to the skedaddle, and oue of those Who succe ire ing out, returned in hailer% houreded to lily o Sldett quarters voluntarily. Xonelf the others were re. taken. • ECE:I=I Peones&logy SKtol•.—Tbe Columbus l ar d:ays: Ten following prisoners were rec at the 0010 Penitentiary yester. day: From mimes county, Amon Luke, bur. glary and larceny, one year: from Van Wert eouoty, James /ledge., inanolauglater, one year; from Manoning county, floury U.K. , man, ansault with an Intent to commit a rape, Biz years; from Carroll county, Jarritt Davis, manslaughter, one year, • 011 Aceld ea I.—Edward Tient, from no Cooneitut.lo, was terribly burned Tlu . clay morning, on the Slot Farm, while kis ling • fire with crude oil. The moo pinged, and bin Cantles were on Pro in Instant. LLe bail the presence sif mind pillage himself In thercreek, near by. extinguishing the tames and saving I th life. Though. he was bitchy burned, lt. Is neve/ Ito will recover. Cope It C•ln--Countorfoit five-cant matrixe Welch they in active circulation. The din or by are made hi nearly perfect, bat the metal Is very base, in some being not much better than-I=W Andltor Ue.eral. EMI =I - the Trial oy Yl•otgossoi7, The Wheeling fatellfgeneee to speaking of lionteomery's acquittal says: The trial of 10.11:004 : , :ontwomery, yr., at Washington rut, no an accomplice in th e murder of Rob. , ell. i, iI - L.lore. hue ended to his acquittal, From the efforts made In his behalf, .watch were all that money and influenee could bring to bear, thin result nus not been un •expeCted. HO stands acquitted in tho eye Of the techalealltles of 11. there is ,•one or two yerylcuriorts circumstances. the effect of winch it will be hard to erase from the mind of tile public. The testimony of persona about the Jail mto the remake of Lennox to Fogier, warning illm to keep its mouth shut on the details of the sloxtting tragedy in wtilett/ by Ills own confession, and no establish/al In • court, Ito stool a guilty participant and showed that tile evidence of tilts doomed man. ho has othing to exPeet at the 11/m.l3o w (ld. fello n w nen. and nothing to hope for at the Our of the Eternal Judge, by an evasion of tile truth, was to be feared. 111. retired to 000 is word either tor against Montgomery, silos, I either that Its had a f. 1150 hope, 5.5.151 k still 011150 1.0 earth and mortal tile, or that io the stupendous crime which now stains Ills soul he fearetitto add the Cl/ of perjury. If Montgomery was not i t l i l t s e 'it'/COVeeleet,/fOLIIIeO 01111 easier I Rt r lt ho ng titoic hundreds of wilnecces, and under•th solemn injunction of that / lel - aeons Judge, that be s en 1.1 Maur the truth have aid. to an k swer to Gd, 111011 for , him to have built. arcessti was not my accomplice, he 1., not gulitY. Granary Bo rued.—tinlilay night the granary and etnble belonging to Zr. A. Moore. reeldlng In Baden, 'Nitro burned to the ground, together with two or' lb rein o f of barmier arid it cenniderable amount of grain and bay. For , innately the borne. were got out of the stable in safety. The building wee entirely dentroved. The mi. gin of the Are in MI know 11, but It le sup. posed to Mu ,e beep incendiary. Mr. Moore,. lots will probably amount to $l,leM, partial ly covered by loner:ince. Tlircntorsed.—Mary flallerd Is afraid of Witham Davis, who Aces nn Tunnel street. any allege,. 115551 en Tuesblay night be came armed with bri eki to her residence on Rob erta street, In the Set rolls warti, s and [Groat. enml to presets Into bee room. Yesterday she went before Alderman Taylor and pro. ferr e d n chore,, of sorety of peace against William. A wariunt, was Issued. . lia plat nett—An exchange that contained • sensation hots about ..nyoung man who wia found suspended from a tree, hung by kis suspenders,. forgot to explain that the sell eusnenlers webs attached to the young maws Inexpressible,. and that the eatehin`` of them on a broken limb merely saved him ft otit a severe tall. MISCELLANEOUS TERIMILE CRASU BOOTS AND SHOES AT MUCKS TO SrlT TOT. TIMES TOR 3 IcATP. AILLy .300.1. LE:,THAN 71330 T COST. 31.1 . • CLIC Boots, op enlL, selllag $l3O, re-Cu-Led from $7,'.0. ggen's d g f rain newt., water proof, stints N,7+, 1, me ttueerom , Iden•s grain b oots, sewed, selling gt,SO, rednoed en's k Ip sO. Ivents red neat from 111,11. glen's opera boots salllol 12,73, re4Lged frptp pc.). Men , balmors.le, top into, selling C... 1 4. redneett tram ZS Mes•st , Almorale.lel , lng mi.ced fromrs IS Co's balmn,ls. $1.14, Tedured f Eno ' 1.4.11e5 , 410 pollsb lag re.ltec.eute . Tr. •• tS {oat bats 11 , , is: 1121 [Adler }reach (mot Dais .elltes {STS. redu•cd Ladles' g.3t ba:sielling , Ineed from u 1.1.11t.' goof. balm. up, aal.log redacnad ENTIRE STOCK AT GREAT REDUCTIONS 26 and 28 Fifth St., Pittsburgh. W. 13. CLAPP & CO. 1 - I.S Z. ...... C. WI. IIOttLIMOZ. MN CITY SPICE FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, ;rear Penstsyfranta avenue I=l PURE SPIOES AND MUSTARD Warn stet w►an our era• is on be Article Varall GHl11•N 1:011,4111TLL and RYE r ruustar.tly unhand. COFFEE AN&I 4JUOUNLI NUTS ROAST/CD prnmotty. Wilt also continua OM Markut.turt of all taa DIFFERENT KINDS OF SPICES, wtnt, nr•off.r ti ,, ot•A•le atnt Retail Dente AL tne low.. Aiming to deal tal Se ...Licit lie pav-nnAge att. Public. • Chopped Feed Constantly on Han STICICKLEII tIOREEDLIF CHINA WAREHOUSE RICHARD E. BREED, No. 100 Wood Street. 1 BRITTANN I • AM , ,ILVER TA BLE Nt. TEA TILAYS and TABLE Cet- - . LKILT, airy,. on Lam l. CVISK TEA .1.T.4. CHIN A DINS ..11.SWIT, CHINA I'irILET a K 1,11 , A txtrr,,,,A., 10,11P:51 IA N WARE ofevcry LAVA I'AI:IIIIAbIEA.TN . LAVA VAnEsi, KAGLISH I: LAVA 011711 , 70.. WAIL,. of all vartotlea, um who t••le And 1 , -,l;tra4r. ' Th• I.rggst and ni,”acornozele stock of -every tblag Ibis 111, in thr clty.. Pric." and Lenw tn.. same as In ine caci. Thl a rd !V.v. above RENRY REA, Jr., Flour, Grain and Produce COMMINIKIONAIERCH ART, 280 T..d:ioartv - Erigreet. PITTSIIIYUGiII, PA. SPECIAI, NoTlf.mg "4" - .6 CARD TO INVALIDS. A while reabilog it 11oath America nsntsalonary, ...sneered a safe and Mr.le remedy fur the Care of Nan sus Weakness. Early Decay, llise.es of the Urinary and Seminal Organ., .d the selkointraln of dtaorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great num bers have beet aireadj caLred by this noble rem edy. Prompted by I desire to beneht the atdict ell and unfortunate. 1.111 send the recipe for gre s.ing and .1. MIS medicine. In • reales elope, to any one who need. it. Pallor Cairns.. Please smells. • post-pald etrreveiope midressed to ...elf. Soldress .31.8P11 T. INMAN. .1..11 Station D. Bible Hocse Y.,.tty. tav PEILIT,3II: FOIL 7111: Night 814..asing Ccrezma Pholon.* "Night Illoominz Carev..l N:ght Blooming Cerra..! IZEISIN Phnlan,s Night Eloortlisag Cerstin.. Plialen,er •• Night Blooming A meet exesielte.reGrant Perfume Ipti.lsa from the ram suor best: F Wel liworot fr. hieti It takes Its Rama blanalbetara emir by PIIILLON OI SON, New York: 11111TA2.1 07 COrXTERFEITS. 2 101 •FraGOu I 4^TASE NO OTIIErIi nsieviuLL & co., BOILER, I4AKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nos. 20, 22, 2410126 Penn St Planing.secred a lartoklard nod furnished It with the most approved Ase Money. we nre_pe pared to manufacture retry description or hot'. exs In the Lest manne sod warraolnd equal In any mule In the cotalstrW. Chimneys. drench- Inn. /Ire Beds. Stem,. lAcomottre Bolt nrs. Condenaers. halt 1 , 4 m. Tank.. p•I Still.. AnitatorsoMttling rans.WMllsr lean. ll!ltifi of en. Ti'ltai..tltAli•Vtle3otreiruf ." Stepalrlnn aono on the s hortest notice, lent mil arLAKE evrauou COPPER MILL 8 SMELTING WORKS, PITIAIII7 I / 1 1. PARK, McCIIRDY & CO., Manufacturers of 011eathlas, liraelers• and Btlt C .peer, l 're '' ed Coot.. Botoms. Noised Ptill Bottum, Sprite! Bode, Silo 110 r- and 'Dealers In Metals, Tin Plate, 05001 Iron, Wire, i Sr. Conatootly on hand T ners' Machines and Tools. VO &rehouse, No. t o YIN it SI uNtcr ..1 uko ONIOIfiD OTIIISI , Pittsburgh.- *eclat orders of Cana out SO IMI7 desired _ __.' Till.t.ftlt42'l.._ arUOBILINSON. 19E21 84. CO., (dim,. on to ROSINSOS, *MIS & MILLX&C) WASHINGTON WORES, Founders nod Mae a, P lIS ba rgh Manufacturers of Bost aid Btattonary bias.. &Jew, Mart &nen.. Mal Machinery. lies lag, &boning, (7stllnito 44011 dearrlptlono; 01 'mar and Stills, Boller sod &neat Iron Work. , /11.1-agenta for tnerAgwe PATENT IN JECTUIt for t'redto boDer& lolltrSl IgrRF MEDI AL Ipllll UTE FOR SPECIAL CARER, 7We. 14 Bond n tree; Aew York. • roll torarmatlon. sslth lee iffate fssriasoaiot.. also, a Rook on lifireini DlleaNe. Ina sealed en asitt frte lki - B4 nor and ofe.f.for fnee a iysn seill set rssset ft: fur. as atlssittalss po,al.lsoa are latisofts,e. &thou. so fortssees sto ....sr • bool4 be tr dated. Enclose f" , tiok,ate. and trast to tilt. LW K [WE. No. la bond tonsor s .kl•gr York. tiolS;o1:1Cs GrTIIIE GRAVEST MALADIES or y,.Ulit •ND lf.AlthlehT 101 HOOD•-11 11 WAlilt AgnhICIA [ION 11...,5Y5. on the Physiology of Um Psallons, sn.l the Errors. Jam, l/Itesso• preull. to tor Arst see of .110 airports on neo snalltoda of to ...plow In thlo Institution. tient tn sraird letter en•rlopes, ire* of castle. Ad Ire,. lir J. oh! L.L.IN Ulf , Howard 1.0C1.011, Plalsdrighl. Ps. lii OIL WORKS ar. CO 01P AN IES SOHO OIL WORKS. BUM & CO xiscrAcTutrza TUT. CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICCOR Petroleum Lubrieallog sperm, Lard and ~ l►lra.e 0111, IESD•W6Ht, TANS' OIL 1 MIL Gem. • LO, STAIiDAHD WHITE BURNING OIL No. 33 Market street, PITTSBURGH, PA. SEND FOR A CIRCVLArt. deT:csl WARfIIG & KING, COIEKSIOi 11110113 TS BDOEII3 IN Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DCQUES.VE War, I rIIILADLIXIITA JLDIJMILYIS: • WARINC. KINC & CO.. 111 Wag.. Atilt.. EMU.. 1111DRIC11'S LIARICITOR. =I WHITE, BROS. & CO., N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agerit; So. ISt. Char .treat, Pittsburgh, n • • 7 !limp aonitantly on hand Cotton Factory 011, Data Machinery 011, Woolen 11111(111, Dart Engtae 1111, Light Vol 'd En,lnc Oil, Dart Car 011, ho. 1, Llyhl Cold Mettle-Cute Out Car Oh, No tint 1,11, nola w OOLDRIDGE OIL HEFUJING CI COM& .P.AN.S.T 'Jr OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. SE JOHN WATT PmMen, .HiNtlY M. TMu'*. WORILII IN TEMPS HANCEVILLE. °face, No. 2 Daqueine Way, EUREKA OIL 1101004, 11.1.11,CITIMISI or EUREKA CdIRBO.r OIL ==l EUGEKA SPERM LUBRICATINO OILS And Wholesale D•alers • Crude, Refined and Lubricating Oils LAUD, I:II . EIf.M. WHALE AND /Inn OILS, No. 31 Market, St., Pittsburgh Q. O. 1%.70321X-.111. Call and examine samples and read - certlneates nu 15.314 BUY TIM BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, I= bllnnfactared ntly and for .4.b7 T. H. JEI^LX CO.. PIONEER PAINT WORKS, N. W. Cor.•3d and Market Sts., 005 ?IT1:18%11WU. rA. BHErvcit, & COMMISSION NERCOINI'B, /WENDS Toll VIM Pacific, Globe & Liberty OIL Works A l m badoag for Crude and ten. doll. I,llJ era e •ance. wade on a...ft...Janis of trod, of Helloed retroteont. jarda for storage and Ilatfooelaatreet. D•A• .11.1A1113.1.• EAGLE OIL WORKS, • 3r...avvrcimoo - n ll3 n. WICHTMJN & ANDERSON„ iteaueri and Dealers in PETit*OLEUM. t1T.(2,1,1;•Ar. TOBACCO. CIGARS, &c, p osE B a la pu f 3 if i lng AND It z•DY '• itosE BUD U D r E. VII N A U dhIt A■d other Noted ar•ods of • .• TCPII3.4I.CIco. bloeuractured by - B. ot W. JEN KIDIIfON. TlMdecry from barprosion Bridge. A y oer::bM 'mammy JOHN PA EGRAW, TrlVlPariOrn4 2"41 Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, iscasv aumuEt3nErr. Van BALE. Farm of about u mgr. to Liston Township. Alleghat y roue- ! I :t t- atstitOrtrn . lTel "t r tle r t .. f' . a m ot he en '" :4: the two story girl. I cwellltir m ‘ otts e e n with m „ no , a two-story Spring House, a (tentage Hon.. • large Lumber Room. a 2so. 1 Frame lino% cat t le stabling suelclent for 10 heAl Of cattle. There le Leine Young Orchard. hest vin- stoma Macre, stacked with the best va- I rieties of fruit trees. It le all underlaid with Coal. The land Is In highs.. of cultivation. well watered. knees good, andwould mml it : ear ably for c hin or gardening purposes. tood .too Al s o, am acres adjoining the .Dude, with • gr Hoene, Carriage Douse. eats , boring Meuse and other ort-buildinast with • good Or nnard One peeringcodition. This piece la also all underlaid with 0004. Also, Id acres adioining the elm.. nnlmoroe. ed. for sale low. This piece Is also all underlaid with cos.L The above three pleeesOt proper" lie between I the Little Saw /dill Run and liteuben•llle road., and the coal can.be reached easily from tuber road. The coal alone Is worth all that Is salted for the entlre proper". Alas Farm.. acres. situate In St, Clair tow o ship, Westmoreland rout., I. ImmeH• ately on the line of the Penna. Hallromt. The let. prover...the are • two-story Frame it ruse wlth ! hire remote and good cellar. a Frame 1 Ink Barn. arrcile) feet. and other out- bale There la on the place a good Young Aptde Orchard, =acres cleared, balance in goo „ timber: freeing ! ly dood. watered: underlaid with coal and ! li m estone; convenient to church., mills. schools and blacksmith shops. together with the per property th cis aa stock. Implenteem, grain In the ground, Sc. Poceeetongignu imme. diatell a . A... 50 Farm of 1%7 acre.. situated In P. no township, Weatmoreland enunt•. Pa.. adjoin ing Grapevine Station. on Penn's.. Railroad, on which there le a good Two story stone house. with six Boom, • Barn, Coml.ge ti ou . e . no d other buildings: ~l Orchard of direreat fruit trees: It is underlay...l wills cot. Th ere is a ;Salt Well or, it log o order. 9 b.s. per day. This property hollered very cireap and gUOI2I entos. •so • Farm of 111 acres, situated In Cone ...ugh tow nthip, India. county. Pa., about 2tl Mlles from the V, rat Fenn a. Hallroad, a Lim-r -otor° Station. The improvnnents are • Two Story Frame House, w lb Four hcronts, • double Porch and old Log Barn. Spring House. Abut 100 sores cleared. the residue to timber. Loch am white oak, locust end chest. act. This farm will be sold very low, the owner wishing to go west. Possession Immediately. .A 1•0. • Farm of T... 1 a... situated C entre townshlP, andiaris county, fe...t.a“ from Horner StAllon, or. the In tiers IV' th Railroad. The improvements are good Two Story Brick Dwelling , with els 14.0m5. a Cellar. • No. 1 Frame Bank Barn, fie ty SO: tine Apple lach•rd with a variety of dlfferent • fruit trees, a good Cider Press:fencing generally go.clt well watered Abort HO uses ee•red. toe rmidue In good limber land. and • good .10 foot rein of coal under moneyi farm. A pillion of the Por e will be taken for well located ith. Nebraska. This properly, IY sold he lore the Mit of !larch. will b. sold at 'the low price of 'M dollars per erre. Posseaalon on the lit dr.] of Apra, A. V. late. Also. An excellent Farrn of 16.3 acre.. of which Scums are under cultivetion. situate in Chris tian county, Illinois. Improvemetita -0 new !mime dweiling,coulainihe I rooms: about .0 choice fruit trees. good fencing, Ac. It Iles within:miles of the 11,1001 a Central It. IL: will be eo.d on reasonable terms. City property taken in part exchange if desired. Also. lo Lots In auuthei n Kuburbs Of Chicago. each Lot 10 le Itedsler•• 1010100 ol lot. These l ode He one North of the June- Lon of et. Louis sad Alton and kilchigan Smi th e it. Its., and are on the line of the Pittsburgh. Von Bayer sod Chicago It. fast 5 mites South of the Court House. nersr Hie new Cattle Wounds: and will to sold fur O. ercb. Also, a Farm or 212 acres in Penn township, Westmoreland county, 7211 cleared said rm . der cultivation, el %cr. of nrat-rate sail, oat and o th er limber, 2 dwelling houses, 1 of them . ; ort. A the Min., 1 awry. e.t.a • tehant H with • art-gate Strata eawmill in acod running eider. lour, orchatd or gtoted fruit. 2 heist., vdttug; tor,ry acre is ti.laule. win lime to. soli and sub ol , a4th neverfalling •prineat within one .0 deed rod. of the P. noa. t mart! gut of Fit...lrma, sod three miles west or tlreenahorg. Lis fruit I• leoa - I wed ellosted In • stood m ltimtm hool,•try arse uuderitud coal . 'the • title is good. tn tad In {Prat • St a b l e s :Cl:l.r t L oTnall It. ° . I t c e r l e s s taC about 2 mile. from bolirc elation. on that . ..4oa. Railroad. ka e t improvemnt. er Nog. ood two. store lart•A House. wilt. owns a 1 fram e Bout Bar, and all other necessary out lug.. 'the site la good, and the price yery aud on veer term.. yo, paruculars, ampler of a• MM;=6INIiMI F 0" SALE, A COUNTRY RESIDENCE, dT 50.10 r SIDE, • On the PENNaT I.VAVIA nAIIALOAD, wlth:n rultraes frhin.the city. The honae 14 •n -mai, w. ...” It., con, anlyal In Ito arrangemertc SW! lasuefully OTII•11,01V t In . .I.le wrid out It has but sour.eal water, sod gas Oilurr• throng...ll,. It a coutnandlai ally am ...t nVe actaa. part of watch ut.pral fore, the tem•inder heln, wYll a• a I•pt ed tar truth. anal veactablra: Is a tl.r.lty orehar.l ut aw art rrrrr . 'I he anry,inollng• are all at. , ca. tl . e, annalatlng Of pap,a,eyeahleare• 0: liar ebasactar. ror I...lPaZtleals“. apply to EIMIE6I I= ST Fourth 51..11tort•'. FOR SALE URGE BRICK BUILDING Of thlrtern ronms, oer.Drin. a Lot 53 an North Canal •tr.r . ., alb! • tinning Imcl t64t sett to I.l,mty atrr•t: e,aboe and camln,,n lons !malts on Llberty "tett: resblene• frbata ,orth Can I atm.., hooted In clt) of Jol•abbn, rouob ward. It lot rrrrdeld , •b •l,roprr tT. and Iwlttiout a fault. 'l,l. Is a ch•tm• mblom offcretl to tb.lar 0.0. r at.. • cuts/tunable bonne of ads abloom,. 1,3 Am . , In 1,130 r arblat.oot frbm •oona on t.eumat tz.cr.el ton: acrve