z , ..c_itri7z, JAM ES DWELL & SON, -. Banker; and Brolzer, .i . es and 1 W . , • . oWater Street, Its Wood St., near corner .9iFiftb, !LARD OIL MANUFACTURERS, . All descriptions of GOTOMMOit Lk.d. L „... ., de , • ..x,e , r . ;1,1 , 34 CIIUDL, Ll;bitlLATlNG:and bought and soldou lit Aral terms... i IV, w•rrant ,;or No. i Lard 0.1 c.,t1 , 1 , • • Londe. and Continental Vin Lange sold I h . t C" 0, .. , • L'" . 0,,, -....d , au. , - ort ',A4 . . to .1.1 X. /I, 4% , Ilorltmall ,r 4.1.1,,,,,ret.... r . "'" at Soo York rat.. - , i ~.; ,, , ,, L 1 ,, ,, ,, ..i...: Lard vll a. a Lubricator C 8.1112. bi, Gold, Sliver ...acoupo.. bought at high- I ol qu'ili b l , lre,t, ri^ u tirli'utr c .n.t atan,lard-t.fluds eat rates.' • Gold Ewan. issued on Now I 11 ' , , r r tha n iii.; — aTil " ii . itti;TCii=i j cill cud it to • I V.:TI Nri.r7,tl.4 cV:4:' ''''''''''-',2.!",!..'1';g QM FINANCE AND TRADE 01/11C11-el Trill PITTIOraOII GAMY.. I • Mowne.s, Ilareh 4, ltt37. The foll Owing are the. Sew York stock qmotatione for to-day: Cold,. 136 l,;; led! bonds, 11014; Five i Tvieutled, oil, 11C.3,:: fl,vir'eml"9. 'CI, 14, % ; do new, 104%; Soy.. ' -.. m . 111 . 1 . , 10:34. 111001000 couthern Ilall r"at 7 2:4: Cleveland and Pittsburgh, fir:,,, Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne 11 Chicago, N.: , Erin, 'Wit Western l'nlon TelegraPh COO ,- PnhF, -; Chicago and S'orlb.eAterri. P . 3..; do preferred, - CU::: Se.' York Central, F. ,2 : i Chicago and Itock liinntl,,.. The following scat emunt eitl Ibita the bus-, tne.s of toe riti.sburgit Cle,rl tx HMCo , for • th e week , closing on Sat ' •tty, Month 7.7 F.1.I"0 N.1.4G7 :e; 302,3•3: - February 15. k I ruary I. .I.hrilni, 27 .. Frhruary 23 . March 1.. ~ MEM Total $1,9:9AM32 ti eifd,ial —lt transpireo in a discussion In the Unl. ted. States Senate on Thursday, that the revenue of the coup try. hail fallen off lately, in about three Months, from forty to lift; millions of dollars! 'IV bile Mr. Howard as. crib.' Lida falling Off in a great measure to the kind of ..,14,01, and volleetere made by the :President. Mr. 5t10r1.1.1.11 expre,,ett his belief t hat the decrease was mainly et trshutahlo to the hitt that there are fewer articles manufactured now than a year ago. Mr. Sherman Is mittuestionablY correct, unit there Is. much in the fact bearing on the national credit. If this decrease continuer, as It may, in even greater amount, thine 'real cause 'or the .apprehenslon that in be ginninto xpreasiu, that he claimA on theT reas u r ysfor Inte o rest. bou t nties, etc., - will not be met with that promptness that has heretofore so signally maintained the public cred it.. :To turn the current of of de creasion, something must be done to Inspire onfidence—something, In the language tif Mr. Sherman, that will Induce "the manu facture of more articles." Ilerenues come from labor and etiterpriic, and these lire only In confidence of future reward. Acting trout tide Conviction, quite a number of or tides exempted - by the tax bill, such as en gines, locomotives, and various agricultu ral heats, were stricken from the free list and made liable to tax. ==! Onset or Tee PurTsystrnart GAncrre, j ' .riloNrur..llamh 4,1567. The produce markets were unusually dull to-day, which mar be attributed partially at least to the inclement condition of the breather, which always boa a tendency to restrict and retard out-door operations. GRAlN—Wheat Is dull but unchanged; may be quoted at a 2.55 tor No. I Spring, and 52.84 for • prima Ited Winter. Barley is in light supulyi no quote. at U 5. to al for No I Spring. Oats quiet and unchanged; 111.114di sales at be to 52. Bye Is in demand and higher; sale'of 3 rani, with a probability of making it ten, at 91,36—t0 arrive. Corn if dull but unchanged; may be quoted at To, on tract. ' • FLOUR—Is firm, and a simile higher, in consequence of an advance In Chicago. Wu COntintia to quoin at Olt to .12,15 for good to Onoich Spring Wheat brands; }13,50 to $ll for Winter Wheat: uut pi to $l7 for fancy St. Louis brands. Rye Floor, $1,50 and Boot. whistt 53.75 to V.. . . PROVISIONS—Racon Is * quiet and u• 'o.hunged at o'4 to 10 Tor Shoulders, and 1.I! n to IS for Sugar Cured Slums. In Is quo ted at 12 so 1214, for steam, nod I*.i to Cl for kettle rendered. !leas Pork, VI to 121, t/TTEC. Contmues excesairely dull, with Liberal receipt., and a unuply largely excess of the demand. can report sale Of LQ/lld, coldl pack., Tat , le; 10.) falr. roll, at 25. ,trietly ltollts selling at • 2:3 EGGS—The large sales on Saturday has redoded the sanely, and stiffened the mar ket considerably, and today prices ruled higher, sal. Loving reported at IS to lye meetly ut 11. 11NY-eon%loons very taut unchanged fair to good tinted is selling on track unit Wharf. at CC to {2r-sale of l car at SM. SEEDts-Clocerseed ts selling to a re9ular way at VAG to 99, and Timothy at $3 to .3.3. Flaxseed is quoted all the way from 32,75 to $.433-unt little offering. 13EANS , -In fair .1. mond nut! we Can re perbuot t regular sales in store at 51,r,0 9'2,75 shel_ POTATOES-Contlnue dull and uschsns ged; males 1., store at 70 to to, In sacks, and 1431 to 02,75 per hint, 11,1 It/ ...spry. APPLEs-Dull bat unchanged, we can re port regular sales to store at 93,00 to 3,2.0 per 'MI. for common to prime. Olt-The manufacturers rates are as fol lows: 07 to 9S tor N.,. 2, and 91.0 t to 91,10 for 'No. 1. Jobbers charge. or course, a 10100 adranne over thew ilsturc, LittlEiD FICLIIT-I0 tool a little weal: hot onenanged. Wtt continue to quote In a Jobbing way at 9to 10 for Apples, and 10 to . 33 tor Peaches. P/TTSBURdIi PETKPLEUII MARKET Orion Or THE!lnnen GAZETTE, 11IONDsr; March I, 1617. j •CRL7DE—The market was a little more ac tive, which is OWlllif to the tact that sellet3 In order to errectsales, in 00010 ease 4, Wade eOneea3loll.3. We Can repeal sales of 137 bar rels, on the spot:tit 1;10e ;foot 7; lbw, to ar rive, at 7; WO), to arrive, on private tern.; MO do at tillt and It Is said that one of Oar largest reduces contracted on !Saturday for about ...Mir three thousand barrels, for March . and April delivery. at :stn 71,;. May may be quoted ati,,t Jane at 8; and J lily at to U. It Is probable In the event of the price noble much tower, that a sharp ;Te m:dative demand will opting up, and this,iet matter of eoerse; will have a tendency te check the downward tendency; • • REFINED—There to n o Improvement to note In the demand for bonded nil, and the znarkeveontleuesglull and depreaseil with n drooping tendency. The best Offr,r - toqluy for March delivery in Philadelphia, vow 2.711; 30 for July. and 32 for all the year, buy er's option, though It In but proper .to re mark that thorn are hot very few. If any sellers at these quotations. Prime light straw to while may be glinted at . It, op cars here, and 27. delivered 1n Phil tilelphia. Free nil Is being offered at W to 41. ARRIVAL'S—Tim following rirtuvuls of oil were reported txviluv Fisher ft tiro 4 1e0. Jas, 111 Jas. Mawhlnney.. till Jackson & C. Berrlnger 4rt i , Total 4242 New York Cattle Ilorket. - New Yong. March 4.—The cattle markt - , receipt. were: Old; beeves; 177:0 sheep amt lambs; and Intel bogs 11275 Inieves were from Illinois; 17t1 from Ohio; 161 from Indiana; 10t troth Kentucky, and 4l from hlleinvon, under it largely hientosed mule ply. There Is a foiling otT In prices from rive to ten .lollars per head, In medium to choice beeves to-day. with Ul7O liestl on the books at 11.0111 street, and a2SI to arrive during the day. Too brokers were unable. to keep prices up to the mark of Monday, and before noon it WAS generally vonced.l prices were do lower on all grades; average quality was better thou for a long time, :00 bulk of otTerings be- Ing good to prlm r it 111irlole and Ohio steer:. or 709ewt., hence the average of all cal. cannot be lowered, and this high average of quality keerot the range narrow, and quo. tattoo, ore only r.N per lb. lower. There werenut few cattle sold for less Chun Ile, - and hut a limited number for more than lie. The followmg are the quotation.: Ertro, 1701TISe; prime. IGGialr; good, 1!(1155(. 0; t diem , 11@l4i5c ; poor to medium, 131 - 04 e, and worst, 1)1(1)1 it.. average. 15c. The sheep niarket bus been uestyolly. and peters fluctuated consider ably since last Monday Under the light ar rival. and fair demand from sheep mach. ere; prices advanced SO that on Wednesday lota good sheep sold at 9'sllT*.j,C. and extra Intent 1.610...5.e. On Thursday the demand was not quite act if rm, and on Friday sellers conceded about As to sell out, and on Seth, day about hie more. To-day however, with very light receipts, the decline of tlalutdoy reerstrered, and the market was pretty firm, at 71d0 for common, to 9i4c for prime. One Int or Nl pounds sheep sold.. ot I...4"cianother lot of PO armada average, at 9%. In coner, queue.] of the recent 101,01 to SLOW bro .- Acme by the Inhere o certain butchers, the principle nrokors of New York have .orgenited what they term a sheep brokers' motective onion for mutual protection. Owl. —Ott Ss urday fair to prime w an sells Ingot OXfitsNea today, with INV on, prime • was selling The market sales wOrN slow, at from r00f,,, .i. the tendency was downward. llnfrale cattle linrket. • itentet.o. March t.—ln Uiy Live Mac k Market the receipt, were 4,M0 'Smut; t•it k peti, 3.970 head. Dressed Ingo, attar, u t that sermon approaches el se are Inv. active demand, at katstaa ; fa p er e city are ; receipts have imen very heavy from the West, Mat the market rules very active at last week's quotations, nearly all the stock In the yntils having hands. Now York 'nitric, to-day catmeil a decline from yo Strong to qc *OOll quota tions; ant the market 'remains buoyant and hostiles, 'brink. ThtLimarket rote., for ex tra qn tar 914 Cor3MO6;7er heavy Utten and Steers 40,000S50;(1gooll $10a14; for Cuttle nod Steers $6.1547,7 :tor fair a9.1111,W; for - Corm land IrsoftifiV.W. The re c•-rots tor Similar and Monday were 2142 bead. ShlntnentsSupdar and Monday, head. Sheep markatt ellght In/Drove mow In market and shipneta ham , ad. , vanecel; remelt.. et and shipments very light; Sheen, heavy long wooled, or, OWE.. Wl.Ntit 7W; Mir fine isnoleol western ' 9 5.7:af 7,00. Lambs, Stitat37,oo. ling market rates re, dull in tau face of heavy receipts; boaltitar congaed to large. shlnotents; prima heavy 'Hogs range from .7.Wte7,75 per cwt. ' 1 Irnrn.lf3i!Lcl,ln MA, March 2.—Prium Clover seed attract, Irs• atten tem, and bets Su chard—common qualities are nut unniv.l. Sales 0(250 flaw at Cl in 0.14; 155) bushels to lunar, at $7.25 to $7,75; and Iwo nu•liels rid at 4.7.X . 5 per li.l lbs. Timothy man: (aqui r.ll. altar. Sales of 1.50 u bushels at s3.l`q W 13,75—Trorei second hands at the latter rate. Flaxseed is taken on arrival by the crushers $4,3. nooks Calcutta Limited, In Boston, to come hero, at #2,51.f.‘,' gold. L.AIIKETs BY -TELE:GRAFI' Neer York Financial NEW March I.—Money market cattier more flaiVO for call; Sterling heavy; In[ all ruiner easier, Opi, In g at. 13:. dealing . to clo:,;ng „,;;L:a o Government tit at. Freiatit,. ia ,Liverpool ;;;itet :a n d without ileealul elineee. Js S i.—LO:ll., 4, I,6.l36—lncrea.e. ;13.4'21. 1,;.; specie, --iieereaar, sill 3:0 lie eltelliat,lri, ;Itil ‘.gn I t,,,,ez 4, V. 30,111 93 41:;'.1,70,1; depOelt, Il— ia:create; terrast. The railway market Wa..ll,ney nn el tliu with nn iv:wage de cline or lievi.4 per cent. The an filytii utile haul; litatement thettenerra .licappoints twilit on the nein vertineate have to prober Lille. Alter nessiva the inarlait was griller, there was a Daniel recovery in prices.' i.overnniellt %ref., anti Linder ` i i i 1n toots 6011 with f. marked dedi. In Missouri. The Siewthship list lower. Mi,t•lill, 011 K shares were litucti.ti. Anna : : coal i.toehis hus down, I,ut ether telee the inarliet was Urn, 'AL the afternoon hearts stocks were dull 'awl lower, up, evalentenn tinning' to the close. The element eery week anti-the lack of u leader 1/1 mevete/y felt. The followlnif are the t r. cdolet Wain Wchtern Fioon graph, .124512. Mall, 123...4124; .1t• /nut , . 31'411. fd'441....F.'.; New hurl' Cent, al, la2).;411.42l;; Erie, 1d.t.r.c1.P.;; Erie prelu, red; 710:72; . E 7. .;1417.1; Ihnulleg, top Michigan Central% 11/7iilllTj.; S.ML/11,., Pittsburgh, Toledo, 117 , .42117f.; knelt North Western: aas,• In. preferico, Plttaburgli, Fort Wiiyne told Chit:ago, aroitll-,". Money market rennin...L:3,f at 2.7p/on rail loans, mid 047 for pritne Ot.couni. huha closed purity nt 1:7-s2.. l.rrans made foolay• !ruin llai to 7 or vein. fur carrying. Gov at Seca tat ul I . tont ..54.0.13,.. -1.4..g1,4- lered of 'SI, 1104 11.4,i; roilpuM - Of 'el, /1042; Five-ta aloe Loapan, Co ninon. of 34, 107`..4 . .7 . 10::: Coupons ol '13,10... , 44;114 , 2.i. 1201.11,011• 01 '63, 3 an nary and ren•lorty Coup On., A e . 0.1 SeVVll•llartieK, 105%4110, .1.11, ceven thirtie.blle;alo7.22. • Mining bio2Us doll and lower; American Flag 1114.71; MOM./ L4,1041.,N4 liold Hill sl,ai, Quart. Bill KU]; Greg ory Peolllars 10,75; lie) atone 0 price,. Mining Stock, bid In Boston itudav: Cana da 1:0; Copper Falls 254 Franklin 27; Han cock 0; 11 uron . 24; royal 1U; Dlinfiebota 10. Quincy 31. .Nesr York r rodoce.Market. Now Yoga, March 4.—Cotton Snll, heavy declining; eaten of BM for middling uplands. , }'lour—reeeipm of 11,71iS bole market IOC; Vic lower, and rather tonic doing; subs 01 0,101 1101• , at 49, MM 11,7 u for burertinu state western; V. 750,10,73 ! tor extra western; slo,:illiSl2ati for choice 00,53411.50 for shipplng brands, closing ' Callforniu a hinkt quiet, steady anti no receipts. Wheat market dull and droop ing; miles iifO7,Onn hu., Illfd`t,ls for einem,oo to fair Uhicson siting, unit 42,10 or No. .2 Milwaukee. Bye less active and lower, and scarcely so dem; sales et 3,511 lot. western, at .$1,1241,16. Burley quiet, Canada peas dull; sales of 2,7ue lin., at will free rib ceipts. Corn—receipts 1,101 bux nmrkets are better, and in fuse demand' for export and Louie ate; wales of Mob. Int., at ..t.iieeS for mixed western In store, for do. afloat: 91,10 for western yellow in store; 0,0 fur yellow southern uiloat, and !I,le for AN:Alto southern. Oats—recelpts of 1,1a5 tin.; more active, without deeltied etoooo, eaten Of 49,111/ bu at Zeitixt2e for u catere; 700 for state. Voce Sul, ittx,.;alle for C0r0,0 0 ., Caret) firm. Sugar Orin; sal. I,a+l blobs. ea of 1u";;41 , ..34 Mot • e,e+ -Carve nutl Uril no sales. Belt . ..foul dull; 1411.7 1 .ic for et ode unit _B' 6''200 for !leaned in Boyd. lions 'quiet and grin; :kiii7ue tor Now, Pork Maw; sales oa-50 Inns at x11.214 - 21,a2 for New Mesii, closing at 401.10 for Western, for Old More, 416.74117,25 for Brittle, and 9.1,t5 for ?rime Mess; also 422,71 for Sole Meas., $1.1,376 . 21,00, seer and buyer, March and A.p•IL Beet steady; bal. el, bins at precious prices. Tierce Beef quiet; .100 I% tierces at Mulfile Inc Prime tiers tied :fad "kit, for mills Mr,. Beer llama Omni: salts at b.e1,t,,,a0. itxmin yinr, 13p nixes Kt luti, we tin taint, flan., 10 le 14,: !ihort Bl 1,101 and Bit 0; null. , : 0, I,UL, 00 la ildflle for Shoutilet sou.: 11.,5-1, for Kenya, 0 0101 Ile lor rite. Lard quiet and heavy; moos Ma Inds fit ,or Old, nod I= tar New. Butter Chirete um: at 15300. I — t I oloclunati Market. C1,,,,,:1, March 4 —Flur unchange and ,ton.ly; -upertiolo 4=.,:54110.2.5, Du, brand, 611,:ro141:1,2o. awl I 0, 00 41 tit k. %Throat no no, a, ',gars, sp an roog;•No. 1,.01.1 at 4. 2 . 17 . ,, 0 1 1,01,1 at f 2 .2, ,, at Moocioko W „., 00, „.., , 1,, ~ ter wa, dull at 40,+:u2,01 our So.• 1. Corn in 10be.,„,... •• good okomaild at the 410,0. and orotts a : amide higher; ear 5 ,, it://: , 11011101ot2c, 11,11,, tiltrotor. and 77c no sack*. ,•Dals (toady ; note. of 4,000 1,u.. at sa. for No. I, no cleva tor. Rye 41,21yLa5 for No. 1. Barley 41 o'O 1,01 for prinue to ohons- Fall Cook,” 010.1 n•I po leo-. nominal at 2.71, - „O201 for no idolioug nolookl. Whiskey In numerat., doono,t ut 2.... /a Wad. 310,. Pork held firmly, under ...Doors from] Sew Orleans, and coty torand, held at 02.50 D -20.75, and tout le or a o Way k// sell; :00 Idol, cook. ry 0,...0 est ,01,1 uo. 4,;.,20. DUDE Meats held 142 e lot o ohur, w bock ehroloal the demand; on forenoon foo,tDoks, el, 00. fij country, gold at 71.0 tor shoulder., to ~e for soda. and lok ;0 tar Mons. I:.asno ou 00 , 01.0., wand for elear -1,14 1 at 120. hilt thee woo.: Held at 1a . ,: at the olose, and. .101 1 / 4 /./ra sal 4 at tlyyDal;O: rib titles 105•%,e0 eleur rito 1/Nc—the detuatod oniony fur sauuldor. and clone sales. ,1110 Ix 4 LIDA Hama to good dc and at 15,01 , 0,:c tor ern - en.-seal and packrol. Lard N:c hoother, gale, of country al /2'e . , nail city aot IV ao, and at 1t,,, Cal:/// It ova , 'lit- Llcult. to buy to any extant at them. ratcs. Loins: steady at Y. 4280 NM Roo. Sugar aro, at 12.411110 for Coma anaMo ls . o ton Poo to it lo oo and Now Orleuroa. Motroda.As 62.Dt.w.• seed; clover 0.75; Duvall). oktii; flax 4.2.:041: 50.. flutter c for helot h, to two common ”onkr. Elow ah tat. ro•olr, at tbc .!..or,loo or tor r.or at rroa, •TIO 1 , • 10.1 4 . TIT. wrrle, no. I • h: S toh a., ir at , othrr oltrro hu .oram 3,t•1, Wa rhar .1 rithr,tte. t oxr 111 0 te r n, v. or, t.twollr.l hy Ihrt, Int snore, the gate a. a,l Tor., ci la, per thott ,atl.l 1,1 lr rolo,k• A a r e rqu+l•r of any rote that Jo. , Y tlt of tLe tor, gold( at the 1 . 0.11.• 11:ttILE, t .............. tit Prlva, ll rl t”, I SO rt iS , It.sets for putoth . an.l pri• tr. fr”nk S . 1: m ii . 1f „, %:....-10 , ;; ,, l o ss 0 a, ip5, ,, , ‘, 14; , 1 . 1 ,. I . $2 00 .3 a OO ....... -I vanrrinc Itou.•e.. a.ii ir to 1.3 ol to TO or Pn0.1....4 that MI. not Nyvly p.lcier. of V AI An hoof o ... 4 .. to. Ail asol a:rartrotu Hi o'. s.oro roomr , .4E0..1,1 to doeilligers ehAllbo ... .•1 -4,1,1. to • atra lrcordiug to •lz awl •to .tbrr ,ng , imm11,1t.11,1., t,u Vor *;,Ligtg ;. •mo I roin t* !I r 0 4 1,1 I, For 1 , L.11.11,, r I.rll, our n. 1.. r 1,1. 1..... .1 t. scho•. from. to flow ./”.. ni l.lt).• ALA 11 . 1.11, Ili yard,. or 014,14—t.1.1 J. .5 fo., P.., I. 41,11.,..,1kt !.n. 1:,...\ a•d• -.,,... I. lieu brlrle 1.., .:... I , rm. tor op 11.1...1ing ;flu elrerts eLo.II or I-• ~•, 1 ty the An., ~,,,r, In, a...,•,,viru I !or w 410 r,..111, trwl. f •iirt,. t••• If. iloilar... ' att 0811 I.a•e thewtittla tteterst .1 to them to st.speo.l thense of htor sprlttail., Hr. et. v.:tenet., Itt o: We put , ll.: ealttes.elt as.Y ,•- ,/e It. 111. a Water 111.:1 t.otst t.. o at..l ley tie tax lee, tr,e. Lit t.` I lt .lE.ll.lll . l.l.pAris 4.r p Th a..lllic sati. 'at:4 1:tto li , glaveu Alt', I, 11tItE'11.1.VO:rsil 111 1 .1:4 GURNER & CO., No. SO Cdr St., Now York INNIM SRI I= MI .I.r+: (jut: %T Llt H ..Gl.O U\'l'!l4 Ell IM le ME 1111 34., 1,1 Ivry. 1101 w •tr.lu,nt for. aril Ir&I tit.... trnta,ne I ton.. 1114.11 ttttt 3 Lr isarlirlitntval •••••,* 11) the ttttt • Lit •0%1 Idloo. ~.~ :14i •t, .1. It 1NI: CO., =I , 111( . 61,INI: latlE;11' • .•F- s‘.•l.-“V Wrl I If - r r II Ifrr " r I t Iv ,a•Th sh tt he. la ~..1.••••10rer, tian.h, ( ' 1 , , etas tri t l'au I:, hir /14iatia 1 a Sellaal Itar W a N•li t •hn rcr alt he*. ‘ rt- pnSimlaarty rtrou "Yr.l ~rtr Ir lky thryarr la n yr .tting hal #lth hhr It Me, he aarlit tt: eh No hatt!a'll) • thbe a. Mr•r•rl4 ,r4.l,qt 0., Geeal merican ••••• sy Vert t iry rh trr Irrrrrr• ly dr.- ! rrer., nr.rgrrlll - 1,1•I rr. e , tl , Catl it • , 114 I .'.•ylLoht hi . 4 s i whet rI: ha ...Ire Irr ortri rrr .rirr rlrr•r retura h; a , y of • u vcrritic t ittry err er tir i ar• l ' rr:nt!ee;ee:h l ;llla . : ' t! ' r. ' • aine , ll... th 1/14 Uniae.l .I, " ear::ry. at..• II Tell at , •he•o se, Dern IN" th hp rarr irrt• trrry. I.ut r My' a 0 a ae.l trantar-. thka h h ita hartic It ' d Iti . t . •;l I, the' n,nt ra•ti.lirmy. ;• 11 12 , 1•••e , te s, 111 I, .111 by mall, p•ot , r 41 • .1 Awes 0. po r , r inere,l and too, superb at, for 1 ,1 .. nl." r .1.1,1 s mph., [urns IP, Is a ra, appoll unity II 1 , rls F rospl , p Im one, ,Ire le. kip. op er Inent . 1110 .11••• • , hhe most cao Trp Addret 4. ,tr.; Ay ar I . 1 11. fr"...11•1 1 . • 4•10 , of rrt , • q l HEAT LIEV()11.11iTION I:11'1'11E v, IN V.1 . 1(.‘111,11Fer111 , 11I IT I:1 1 —I 1.1111.: 1 . 11,611 1 ,11.11 , K. made and prepared at IC dune In France, Pala Lure Caillornla 1,, •rpl Isklua , the [Out'. " 1 .. - r!ano b' rnderslune , l until call the altentlon of u Wine rah rr nhel Ho w tel fitrr to 11.• Ole letts.r, whin!. be slurred la,a of the quality of tbclr Wibb• ••I•O,rIONTAL i 11,1•111.. 10 K Siten yourCaplb.llforn.ar•nounagne ll,prouvb . •orn• ..” , bortb , t the 1••••. t ArbL•rt Wine Iv.. I,z rr tvvrVo C Ws,. It on .pv1,11114 fare. I ours troll .1. E. 151N1.,1,1,1,1 .1111.1.11 LIT Our Vallf , Prolm no12;1176 11111,11,1 t 30 IS, V At., NI. WATun propo .lll to. r . Itt.• {h.' r Norte 0.1 o•cloc s ,Slarvb sor 1."•"- Works .Ilb tn.• •el.l during . Ili, }vas Ong n ph.l Ist. /011..111 as so sizes 1•11.1 unlobul cau be ass,rsalut.tl 3ltsrel, Sin, on appllcatton.vo • JUnErli r}I.ENCLI, CONlalags'N M - E"R CH ANT S CO - PARTNERSHIP, THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE AS . soclatvl la all hr.snelwe of ti,lr buslores, JA, 1.. I , I'N,LAI H. The as..,,rm will cUntlnue a 3 Lercturot, . SEL L ERS I. CO. P. SILLIRF R j. L. F. SELLERS & CO PORK PACKERS, And Mant.f qbf Ft. I L. fiew Bacon. Beef and Tongues Will be reuly terthlivury on Slowl.ly. Nth lust, Choice Sugar—Cured liars; Do do Co Brett Do do do IteerroN,nie Do do do Break rasa Bacon Plato Cured Baron Shoulders: Do do du Sides,' At redact,' priced and or excvilent From thl, art. Vv u.11.t1 with all articles In tile Provlalon tr.du. CCM BREWER, BURKE & CO., COMMISSION NERCIIANI AttENTS PO THY. Pacific, filobe A: Liberty 011 Works, Ample titorsgo rot Crude and lienned nn. t eal.- .1.1 sdrannes insde con•tguttonte of Crude or 'Lynne.' l'etrolevm. Yard. for eloi.R. sn.l MEl:learnt of 4,rude utl at La+rence•llle. einee and Ware boos, Corner of truutn 01.1 Way and Hancock •trect. Pittsburgh. myln.ata Ill:Ii11.411A. N. McGRAW, holenalg, and Ik. alr r% In GROCERIES, WINES MID LIQUORS. No. 1 , 2 Di• moult Pittsburgh. Steamboat!, furalolu en nlJorteot A eantinuance of du. Num.., of the old stand rt,ptetrully J.A. F. 11171...1... KEIL & HITEIFIALLT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Crain DIALIIII Flour, Crain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &c, GOMM FETZER FuI;IIAUINC A\ COINESIOI Crole vile or L•rd. rw " .du. Fr,11... awl t" rally. No crut r l'lttatairgti, Ps t‘ii - ILOIIT. Yriul ANDLAWKNOT. 11.? KNOX. /4. SON, CollllilligiOCl 4.. kt IC/WU AN'N mad Dcaler. 10 IrLULIi. tiltAni, MILL FEED .u 1 PHA/DUCE ger...al ly, No. 70 Dl•moud, oppoelte CRY Hall. All, sheny f:lty. jal7:rer ( )WENS h KENNEdeI, oN 11 I- NTS lii Iltaltra 1111:11,, bALT, (....14.11y; ttnitETZt.,,o el Agrats for 41,4, exin Yl.E..mn'ss:... J. hrtra, rs. 4413,1 wm. J. Az V1T.71. . 5'1'6.74.3. liito., LYlu r,4%.1..e) .4" "41- Nt1.. , 1,4 4 E1,10 411,. rrr• 4...1 ...I • Art 4 I'v Its l'a.a it. 4. n 1.0 lar J . S. NEI4:IITEIL Y,LiI,"JII,II;E] A.l.lra,r, Fst.t.r. I I yi V. (V.. 1 1 .0 FOUL). ull i stnit. HAN I 1,1• IL PL0t,.1.3 W 1 . ; 11. !: 1 ; 4 A 1. ; . •,•! ..E)OTTIat, ..51.2iE5 Sat':': it sA.3 •• A A . :I:I,. 1.161. - 0 1 urrt,i_, .1 lA d.s..r. ar.3., =IN IL.-111/ PATTON ri- 1:)11N :1. ('.a,;r11.1.:),('4,i,-3alig- Aptlct. !e : .!,. II 11.11,1)1.11::.•“;. LMAIMMAS= 1111:s t. Z1.:13,...1.5.11%,11a11u- • - • • • •• ••• • I. 110th': arrt ta. SC/1011.tat:ii ft. I INC:, 11:tt>ic.- 1531...17,1 hit fl S:V CHEM ‘111 . 011 . : • . laiHN 11,011 , D 2'. Villoie , llle ,nn ¢ rty STEAMSHIPS ,)tE.TEMUZLIE: .17311) 111VA:11A. N rEvssitie COnt h NT. N 0-1 u I, 2IIIOIAVAN A NIO N O.V In IN! 11121 UNIIS.IINrATi, . . . {l.i. .Ir, •• ••t.II:V.ILTI('- - f,..r , ?!.,.4. for Ye Iv • . 2• a , ' 1, t Mar.lll3 , itA" or Nvv •( - . rrcin S • ZI NV 1C. 4 .1tr. •INI, =III 10 1 , 1 I I[or tl.• 0 4 . 4: /44 4. I. pr.,:r4 41 m, Mk• N fr 14 , tit. 41 4.44 4 .! 4 .. .4t 44 TO AND 1 , 11011 ' ANo vt'EF.,4 - 1 . 11,‘ 1 - wit E A. !t ELK. Ti.. 4 INMAN I.l\Y, 1,1111, EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY ;WED NE SEA 7 CART:VINO U. 4 .i 4 . ILV Ll. f I.;_'r Todoid sold to and from Ireland, I , litlan. tiron,l, 6, man, And it ranct.. . •1 thcCoolotor. "Myra. JOHN O. I/Al.lr, rtt'rnt. Or, WM. Or . 21:1U; Ala',. a' Plo do.rgh. 4^, I, j,II , .'. ---''"; ' '., I-- ''''-- 1 -.., . , :: ~ • : :•,-, ,; , , ,, ,:fr o ~ ..- . .k il c . „ fr i ;': - . ..c ... ;;. • -- 4 :: - -_, , A :',"), i , '!l.' ' ;.' .:. ;1 7., 1,t 1 i,;;;.; 41- i i. '4 Fit., t, 4 .' ".,'",' ' te. '• •,.. ' 4,:i•-1.....' ~. .. , ,t,_ ':..) PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'O CO Gi"..ittrglaurgela.. P - 4: :: 7 - 1 1, ; 1 / 4 :. = i vP.ii / Vi r, , , 't.., A i k -, - -= '...2. - _ - _-' 4 A' i.- 3 S : 7: A . ': 57,, ' , I: . .1 1 ' 2.1.• ‘.:, - 4 .4;31, z A . - - - ,i " lif t tp , :i`i . $ 1 14 ' s7rti'li i lc ' i.. t s ,ZOIVIII --__=_- r—L= - -- -- PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'O CO IDDIVATE DISEASES. Or VIOL UN PIL.INSTIiirr, near 1117,1 f to rn mire tort days.nst... at a ',tato nt• 'a two to Or an on , . ew a.' rat• treatment. Alto. tlemtnal nil all Ott? .thattwoof the oetlita organs and their oravontl , rn. Coro warrantod of money refunded. 061E43 hoora-7 to M u.. I to I, rr, •d.a.raa letivrr, hr. W.. =Ow Penn •reat. MID NT A NIT tI.CT MUMS. ANERIGIN '4OllhS. JONES & LAUGHLINS, blAnr, Tr, En , 07 AMERICAN Ail1 7 ) TEAM nar,Floop.Shec , : d Plata Iron Bridge Aron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron;. Coal Screen lrou; T Rai1..16 h .20 1.1. to the yard: Trani 1{:1114 pouched and conn- Roller, Bridge a id Tani: Rivet: Cut Nall, and Spikes; Ship and Boat splitea; Railroad splices; Raltroad Fhb Ears and Roltg; Rail road Car I:Heels:tad Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit car Wheels and Arles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled rililollßodu Mower and Reaper tturv. WALEII , CJE AND °mut', 12t) Water and 15:i Front Si, auJo.cti !four:. N0,,:22,21 and 26 Myer Stip J=1.15 UNION IRON DELLS, NINTH_WARD, PITTSBURGH. A TI(K ••111.1% CITY YOlltiE" AND •CII LAW. CO." Mn=! IRON AND FORGINGS, ul 6p. cla.l atteratr, rns.rtutrtcturt , Hammered and Hulled Locomo- • Ilse and Car Axles, SiL.C:ol:l4[t32'•T BRAND. 11A11.10,1" , PIA ISAR, 131111/64 I.IN !, IP I: !. "CI 1,1.!..r.'• •.1il:C:C: 95 'Wale: Firhl Stree:.; Al - r;;K1V. , ,41.6, 'vi'!kiir/, SHEFFIELD EIZaL ',7OFLYIS rjrCil bl,l Rii\l l ll.l.A3 iiiL4ZiAVA BEE pIIST: REFEED CAVi' `=EEL FLAT OD '.,f7A`:::"l, LP Ali. iiCf. "• , 1. 11 4:1117A7. RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cami ,c.n•: .tit- LI, 3 f ta3t XI.P4 ;Varent:::,e, !-3 t. a:G• :•1,. 3aE5 6, • • 4.(0.1121,•• .~.'~,,, ATLAS ti CI Ft 7' 0.5' .S 7' 1: 'l' MBES r, . rlj;t, . EIS Squat - e, Flat and 11,.,r5:-.l^a Bar Iron, and Band -Iron, Boiltr-Flate, Tank awl lOLT .1 , ! Salt-Pan Iron, - _ • ! ""ft,. 5 . ,:;.P1 Iron, A4' prt.s, ToNN'tit , li oa voann.acila riN tr. .41 IN'ara.l.kousN: No 146 Water St. - t; mn , , pirrsrurreGn. STEEL WORK ANDEItSOI4, Js CIL, UT:L:VV a F,L.A-701'.. t apin and Mowing Machines. Nu. s 3 CABINET MAKERS' IiARDWAn c,~.0~d~ , , '.,~ ~. ~: ~r.`i.:~ Lai' 11 44 :=T4.3 ME • •‘• ... , •• c 1pc..11 16111 i f:l'NA SI *o,l'; cno!:, Parlcr and Eleatinc Sl,,vrs • e:::AN ( te. 0 , .:.Vn..5. tno ) 1, inAa El II I C!)Q'C L A H 't " Wit j r :Ari • - 1 - .7 1110 N \Wilk lIM it'; J. PAINTER. fit SOELS. /At. fl FA!. air 12.,,p, Rw bi.el, 'rub mid Tenni: .1100P3 AND SESEETS, I ) a=gll=iM=2l : 0.1111: [ [ [ ...annfantr.,ra nr Vi il tn. 51111140R' 0.n.i.1111...i, ft tInT Qt.:ALI:I . I llitrln k 2.1/ CAII; ItTr -1.. (yliA Rh. .13ori.En WORKS. raptart., Flat nnl t:ct.t o :on, ot tlt 1 . ,.. War.. :n[pn. aro, warelintn, .[..3. I - ..i an.: :NI 71:nt. nn 1 [ rh'A .["''-'''.4t:' '''. '''''''''' '' '[..."'''''" IR : I 1 : 11()/111()W at IIigNIIILL, tnrrat.[ - runcon C.r [ [ i Sj.nann Bolters. tnl nitllln,- Agitator[, IRON CITY r. , .: Lts. ; I, T.or.F., salt Pon*, (1a,p0r0pt,,,, , Iron ... ROGERS & BURCHFIELD. ! II roug:111 • Slt cot Iron [Wolt.Bridger, Ilanufactnren. of i ti.c., &E., . Itell.trd:t. herconl.Jnitirkin& Polll..t.tett QR, LII3F.IITY AND SECOND STB., IE3-173C3E-lEW 7-X - 1.01"..:", Urrlcr. AND WAl:nnor: L. nu. :P.:MA:It-ET tr. i [ PiT TS / 7 /UR 6 11. , Pad. 0..3.1....1 i IIE:PAIRING IHINI. PROM l I TI.Y. mrnithi '' Jf. P HAIGH - EVERSON, YREST..'III ik. CO,. i iiiTituEsNE AND wEs , Vii i 4 i Ar " . 1 .1 , I /toN ll: lin htl. PITT:In:It. Pa., MaTn -4" E...r...r:1; /'l.. li "...I.l'Ll , ofacture all clan:tee of Portnng.A. :nets:boat via: i nt:[l:-::::,r,varlf,!;,,,l,lLMtnidV,..d/rera., Pitman I:l . i e ,, Ftanst . * i , ,%n r i . . , al i n fi:l . lm , jl,le, 3..,.,c1...T11?:;n,,tF.1T:. 1 - 11 4 0 .7. k i - NV < - 111 - .';. FEZ S . i I.ottot-st at, prrnanni to rurnlth all orders 1.14- ~,,t: t. , :.inn,t... ,..,, , , ; . ;7: .... , ,1 , , , , , i . r .. V . :1, , 5 , t 7; , ... :41. , 11 . ..; I trv i nA , to thew WWI pron.otnneaklld difp.ttl• ./l. 1, 1111t11111 CO. 1.1 T•r!lEf 3IMr ter stink 131=1 TEE I= SixtL %) an!, ~~ . ~~t:~ ~ a-. 1 ~a. Li t •1 I BM IMIE9=I] =EOM IMERIE=I 114.11,,q . S".."11 (lit z!, L . ( IMMII=II =ONE GR1)1:1i ECl,iCirl'f.l). ~„ ; F 9. 2011 l 1 Cu ) .f - - :act, is or L. t , e reflnetl Cut titell. a. Alt all aura, 'Eaw : eza.: SLu.t. cu steel, Cut tr.. . LZ ..,."zi . .::.!.. - ..,..''.;.:'. . 1. 1 , , 11,, al. Il'Al 11, fi^ LDLEy CO 115: Wator =EI liftoTliEß Co, MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL FOUNDRY AB D PIPE VirColl.liS, Corner rarrall and Smallman Siree,:‘, Math Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA WM. S'iMITI3 = Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS V'}' aro a', cs, verileally In rot, In Dry nlos ALT I.l,ullit. Also, A fn,l AA•nr, CENEE MINCS FOB GAS AND WAHR UPS? Its " :+u - Crln lend "' ""n f EL ft) aT.. ULT 0 N BELL IND DRISS HENDRY, E1TAIII.I•IIED IV 1432. Nos, 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA =I ALL SIZES OF BELLS, From 10 lo 100,000 Pound's. GLOBE, URI DD SAFETY ITALTES, =! Slop Corti% of Brass or Iron, MII!ME!! .I: , D CYLINDER_COCKS. Aga-fl, fur ail - - STEAM PUMPS eviebratell Sleam'Svphon GAS PIPE. STEAM tint] GAS VIT 1 . 1.1'511.E11,•11 , !tli, etr.. etc. :t to n ' tl:o p..!1l otr LAx u.l GAS 11 I I.SI. ..11 It: , . mant,fnet,, of A. YULTM.: . .i rAch }Ult STEAL CY1.1.%- 1.!..1,. . . eiz k4:11"... rEl.rmitUrl:l, ANTI-1A"f1t1 en tom,. illlet=o=l . . r 4 r..th r.ild LJI.r 3tr, prlon pxlJ tu Brans lrual , hlog .1i r t., a,r.r eztrtar.tly on Ii i n.I Mloret. and Nound oet v.: , / EA, GU= Iluso of ail e:xt. 4ttour, r. A, FULTON'S SON & CO -- IF 3 rtl. ail PITT kiFLEII, STILL AND TINE W() \EN:IRDTLII. ,t; SNYDER 14 A.:TACT/7M. 07 IifI7L11:, SLF,FLIJED. TI;BULAP. `if E-P. , if,T Sif CI.LINDSII,TEAM Itifi/LEES, ‘ifTILL., AND (EL TANKS, I:llliflifliflllif4Di AND ASII PANS SETT i.l NE PAlif, SALT PANS AND CON tif if A 'NI iif 1 t ii.I.,4)ALETERS, .1...:13111.024 • EI:11,4;1-1,, = MMEEME 'Tort .na Liberty btreets Pit nThurgh, Pennsylvania. lit;'l . -STONI , ', MON WORKS. 11.17i'=SON, C-LASS & CO., El= ESZE IVINIJN, SPRINGS. AZ: CrEtt'ULAE,N. &o. .; A;•Cortnr,a, Plcugh J. Spring Steel, b tea C...., ORESGENT TEL WORKS. :MLLUR,II & MEM, HEST QUALITY CAST•STERL: to,aA.‘. 0 ylol . .ha rusei lc Aalto,afticcure. 111=ISIJ 121261 MEIZMM ()Lice, :33 Wood Street, 1 . ; C:IARLFS BUILDING. L ' UQUESNE Ingij PAD STEELWORKS. 8.1.E12.1 as CO., Springs, Axles, Z21171-:0 AND A.B. I=l =;1 = ' 11)Vi"...-ta B. WOLF, JR., &CO., DK.,21.1141 r - aardware& C utlery, I r oc ,, lvlns large additions to our stock stole:, 1. oft, r.,1 to Dcalers at isirrmigcs‘ri="m_T...cm32s. corder Liberty and St. (lair Ste., Pea.. MOST BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street,' Ninth Ward, 0 E UNION lUON MILLS, X.lri"rt" C 3-33 . Rolling 3101 and Bridge Castings. FICOiL4 GINIZILLE enters promptly and carefully executed. REAUONAIII.E. EITIiEIIT 6c MACKLLND. MANUFACTURERS ,~lSCl\\.f TI I_, -, EIA L 1-34p1;7. AM) SHEET LEM) WORKS, No. 19 East Ninth Street MCC011)11th &GIBSON, Proprietors, IN Pig Lead, Block Tin and PATENT SHOT. ]take to ord.r tn.! f MIT re. , ovelcht atz•tslzr..r.h.tta . p.r. r.or. 11,. and I.pward, I. N, Inch to tu..h., AID. vrry 1 . ,1, for Ilydr• ,, lt tty and for Pratnage. asl, the attention of 1 . 1,111 , ..r., ai o! rrotkrict , •:r of 011. 000104 ANO 011. WELLS. PITTSBIRGII FOE ADM. A. CARRISON & CO.. o,teer.ors to B.3lltuart. Garr[zoo & Co. FOUNDERS AND MACRIMSTS I=1:1!11393 CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ALL !TIER, • From Iron. Sirl. Mrs. a , :'/.4t0., i,ohl. Straw Bo e ards. Pp_ r and Indian 1:t htor Work. .4,1%., Rolling Mill Calling, .r all de •orlialona, 11,.11. Vatcnt ltou nle lirlctlg r, ith a NS fit tY pstlytt. on hand a'l,l rated to order, a hurtlautita and ta. Toralolt Tenn, OM, u.t M areliptise, 1.19 Smith field Street, "S'TJ - NTITJS' IRON :I\D NIIL WORKS. BAILEY; DALZELL Z;. CO =I BAR, BOILER, SHEET ..aasrsi s 9r 3 .8,-INTMK. IRON NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water & 90 Front PITTSBURGH, PA. se.24:kss KENSINGTON .IRON WORKS, LLOYD & BLACK, Best Common, Refined . Charcoal Jrrnia ta Bloom Iron. MERCH T BAR. ROUND I IiQUARR IRON I{VUY:I3Ati D, T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER YLAI F. and EIIEET IRON. MOWER and REAPER BARS - CYLINDER and ULTARD OR YINUSEI IRON nMALL T RAILS. 2 and 1G ins. to tce Taal WROutaLIT CHAIRS And St'IKF.S for same. FLAT RAILS. Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS And SPIKES. N{ Aral/vole, No. hd Watar and No. 6 Marks ta. Wort, r. ,, cand street. Eighth Ward ad Jolting , itv tias Wort& Ylttahorah. aut1:11 ROBERT LEA , 11ANUFACI manor STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS,. . Freight Holsters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. 4 - Castings of all destrlpt!oos made to order, Corner of Firma and Ferry Bt PITTSBURGH, PA. RA.ILROADrs INrESTEILN PENNSYLVANIA after 55' e A s u ii..7 ° „74 4 -ORTagEga nary' Id, 1.57, the Pr...e1:1-gor gor Tra'ns on the Westero Pe from Hal ' road will arrive at and depart from the Federal ntreet Depot. Al.egbeny City, as fellows: •itxtrlL. :thargAtgg Aio I 5 . 35 ....1 6 (..tibarp,b , g1A0l Stni.t. Freeport No. 1 5 , ..041t.!.11•11 nharnsb",Np 0:211•.10. ,Ilarpoldg Not di2OA.ll F.xpreas 01:11.4.0. Freeport NO• eldirpeg N 0.1,1 1 .2.5 a.at. Sil.l peg No 2.10:15s.11 .dharnstdg Nol 13(11,1,5fiar1.,..g Mall 1 xo'.ll. Express... ~.. 21 . 0.5e.aL Freeport. ho. 2 mY...14. •hargstdg No 5 3,50 P.M ,harpan's N 0.5 tr,o v. at. Freeport No 2 ~5 P.M 'Bharpsn's No • Mr,. :Sturp,lo . g t 7:50,14 lollf,nr,Ll.tr„°'•llL4l.l.‘l}Po'r'atarieiarl ckages -Twenty, between aheglieny Cltv. " Chestu ul street, litre'.,n Benett. Pine Creek. Liam and ,harp.to.re. and good only ori Alio trains mop pin at Stations aed On tickets. Th g ro del, Ticketsp ecirl to Rut!, zed Ilannahstown nay be ',mech.:led at Walker's Meg , ornce "0. ,t. ntrert, may buspensiou Bridge, Pitt,- burgh. and at the Bepnt. A ileglienv The Pennaylvaela Railroad will not assume rep 11 . 5 for Engage, except for Wearing ap- Par , d, and limit their reseontildiltY to lnt sir - NI - AMP litrt.tant In value. Alt LA. gage es- Tal t e o t :: rr r a i r s t k . For further Informatinp apply at Depot. to JAMES LEYMERT. 4 , agent, Federal Street. Depot. EMS PEAA'N V L V.etlV CENTItA L lid ILROAD. alilaig7ll • Deember 30th. 1366. Trains arrive and leave the Union Depot, ane nt rot Washlwmon and Liberty err, as follow s• - Nall'l • ItM a en; Day COP • m Fait Line Itso • tr.l Wall's No. 1... 6:30 • m Wall's No. 1... 6:al a ta 11111 'Crain 6:0,. m. Itrlnton7:soa to , Wall's Nu. 2... 9:5. • tc Wail's 5:50• to 'Cinclo`tl to. 10:5[ s to Johnstown. Ae. Paso• Wall's No. a ..il-Su m Italtlmo e Ex, It. p ro'ltraddock No I. 0:40 p al Express 1: 5, 4p In. 4:40 Wall's Nu. 2... InE p Wall's No. 4... 4,0 p ft. Wall'. No. 1... Ittep col P. all's Nu. 5... 60.1 p 0. Braddock No.l. 3:50 p a' Wall's NO. 5.. 7:00 p ito ram Line 10.G5 • Altoona Accom IJuttnstOwn by, 003 and Emigrant train 10:25 p • Dally. all others sundays excepted. The. I:Jarrell Trutt. leave Wall's VAlltiol3 every litintlarirattsa. tn., reactitog I'lltseurksh at 104-I, Thuaz. r 1 4 r e'isrf IV N li leaven i l " si " :ti r fCti b " The Elltlmors Express Win arrive Islth tha rlallacelphla Express at I:50 la at. Or &Imlay. NOTI.CrIn ease of lota th e l'annarlvanta rt e Donlan* Will hold themselves tespinmtble Err — e ~srsonal satmaae 01117. A 12.1 foe an amount tatil exeetatlng SILO. lalo W. El. lIECKWITEI. 18r 67. .aIitIOINN 1867. THE FITTS nUltlt 11, FT WAYNE CHICA- Iit It. IL. AND CLEVELAND AFITTSBUIIIiII LL 1t Trans. arrive and leave at the Union Depot, as follows: LEAVE . 14:f0::1 Erle ‘ x. ygn.Fx SA") a if v l islcago Ex••..10:1 pro L1;?0 1 1 : 1 Ell'l'LV., m . g ."L LT, T t r'l;'/%•,, x .f . Ei tt 2 Chicago Ex.... 2:4 5 n Ex...—. v:4 p ns Wheell o g EX.• 4 1 05 0 a we. Ex 9:lopm Depart from Allegneny. Antes in Allegbeney. N. lirtia Ac. 9:01.1 am, Leetsdale An 7:3/ am Leetsdale' •• 10.041 •rn N. Men ••B.JS am.. •• 11:50 ain Wellsville •• 5.2 &EU Rochester •• 1:2:1 pro New Cutle •• 1:45. W 'le t N Cm•e pea Leetsdale •• 11:15 it Leet•dsle Ac•t: 4450 p m •• •• 1:03 p ml N. 'llr'tn •• 5,1X1p na,N. Hylton•• 2:31 am N.. to •• 4 : rELeetatlala •• 4:10 am Leetsdale 10:20 p re,•• • I:00 m No Gales leave Fitts- .1,3-10a5 a. l• m. burgh uSunda, r Ex. arrives dally." dec.24 F. IL SITEIG 4 . General Ticket AgE. allarigab COLUMBUS .0 CLN eIN NATI NA ILE:0A1/ —Pan-Randle Route.— On and alter MUNDLY, rehenary Ysth. 1910.. tralna selb Arrive and depart front Union Dap, akfolloves: 1.1 1 , 0100n1711 7 . 111 x. Annorr... rut Llne 7. 71 A. A. X. 10:1: A. x. Mall 4 AS A. Y. F.M. x. 311x.d Karr.. „1':01 r. x. 10:1)r. x N Arubenllne Accarcrria,a 3 . 20 LID N. X. ID • N. jkllanald, An . 11. 10. I.e•T‘f . 1:?47%: Arrlic t 0 lal:• ; 10.5.: A. N. 6:u r... 11,1 r. •• 3/. N. 2:1 g 3 A. IA • ra.7 . r. X. 7:10 A. 31.; 7:11 N . •• r. IlW12:111•. , '.; 3 '" r . ••• Calto 1 . 1 r. F 1:3 3/ . 0 / a. A A. • Chle•Ro 11.1a0 F. 32.1 0:00 • -11. Unio Tick 4.1 A Iter.L • n poL Lanarfirb.. 8. 'I BCU( L, 163 Oral Ticket N. Pittsbure3. /LID CONNFLLS .. VILLK Y. B. on a r.l aiWigPea . — Spring Arrangement. aler THURSDLY. ULTIMA 1.3111. The trains willwye li tbs-Deciot, ooraer 01 Biwa no Water atireats. as followar Lurie* At r Wet Paten...wk. rtam.ol Mall i 0 and from Uniontown. VW A. N. 0 .. , t03 1..: tVeTt ' l ' e wto n • A ' cto ma " ad • ti . I:ft F. M. l a;Zi t... a : Past li 'RenA port Atuonen.lliCo A. N. VW A. M . blood " " ...WOO P. M. VW P. so, Braddock^. " .. .1 tid P. 0. Silk P.O tin toley Cburth Ttnin to and .... ... Rom yet . t . t=t u o , n..—. LW 7. M. MOO A. Mg ..'. - T. B. NINO, Anent: e< --1 W B. STOUT ! eipt. A LLEGIIENY VALLEY' HAIL- E O Os and afterCHANG YItLDAY.F FeTIRE. b. lst. 180, trains < and goal .Frrett, as lo"" Ls follows: as. Plot Kiskinslostis locrono..el.lo s..x. I: 3 l rives r. Mall. to and from Matio•nr;.7:3o a.m. S:1: r. Y. 1 1 111100:1 Works Acc0m....2:31 A. It.' i.a) A. W.' Iluiton Accommodation entoA. Min Y. /Litres. to And rrom Maio:0E01:15 r. 11:10 a. Y. Second Soda Works Ace0m..5:103: r. Y. Bunday Choral: Tralo from and to Soda Works Iroo 7. 0. 10:034.1n 0013 8. BLACK4I.O2IL. itnnts