II d'aapp' ~TS+~. 1 _ ___ .... . . „.... d _. . , - - ___ __. .___. __ _ . .._._ _ ___. hous...ht :Irv) •till think of the T , '; i I po„..ra. c omplexion of' the.° member ! , ' N 1 E'V ADVEP`FI*E'{i 6 ll\i'l.'' 1 NEW AD'VERTIBENEENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADV E R.T.IS IL MENTS - . wit y t iti r l ywo , , kr ,.,.....,.. ttc ,-1 , ‘.5 we ~. . ....... - -... -... - „ m l, nkliti-V./11-seet. t thorough and eminent management of to he .hn en • - k . 1 .4 ,f. it /,,,, J, 1 , j r . ,. _.,,,,, „, ~..,),,,, ~/ 1 A tr . E A nr. Nu n . cON,EnNING PROPOSALS. 1,1. c all of the Pennsylvania Itadmad. : tempornry loom. j ' , 1 , . A 1 Pifth S•re,,, tl rot rg.,,..wit , .! ~,,,,ent (t, VT AMERICAN t ~,, 1 ,,,,,, , f E.,.-ton. "—• i jep.1,, , ,,1 i r•ccirr Aeht , ,lar.ant, 1,1 e (14Z I:'l7l:,and I : TIES DAY , nmaerf S. 14 . 7. We did not, and do not now, "go .••t c_ ~,,..,. mt , y, ,,,-,. ,„,,.,„,.,,,,.„,„,,,,.... . 2 ,- ,1 , ‘,,,, , ,,,,,,,,r, ,4 0,.,.,,, ~, , ,c,,,, , ,, ~,,,,,,,,, , . . __._:._ on our condemnation of the coursoofurbo :1, Stn..d..)" I , ‘ IIIII - . •- ..‘ 1111, 11 , 11 , ~,. . • . ; ~..., .„.. ~,,.,,,,,,,. 1 • ----77.__.7:-: , i...t W.....,-lii 111 Api tl..itl. 1,11..1. _I .. , •••'' I I . ALL. KINDS OF Pennsylvania Company town:ch. the Con- , 2 , 1 -„,..,1,- in N11.,11 s Ham p. 1.1, 3 netts', ille Company. We aid not, nn i 11..,t. 1tat. , 12; I. n ~.. ...Z., 1 , ,, ., . .1,.e . ..11. f izi5 5,:t : :. .. 1.: 4 .., ._ , /:. , ,,,....4 rt t00.,..5, , t • 1 , do not now, TOILS all iota of our advoca• i THE Pit C. , 41:) ENT AN D . ' 1 lI‘I'I 'II 1111- ' I COVERDIENT SECURITIES u, , ...../F. ,,. . • f 1.. Comp fur cre•t• I ~ „ ~ ci of a General lissilrwid Law. In these ~ t , ',midi, 11, ‘1,....”,:da .. 5...1, ..1,..) ! IC . I. . . Thir. will give the ltepublicans one ' ~.... e ta ,d.,,,,,,,, ~, ~, ~,,-• or wil,t.r.y. 1 ~ - ( INTO THE . respects we shalt ns hitherto, Oppose the l hundred and forty-seNen memL"' of the i 1 ,. ..•, - t . LI,- , tr ,.:,, , ,,:. •,1 ,. . ,e i . d , • .: L• i et; ,u ,v , • - , •:, ,i t, ,, ~ policy of the , P en nsylranits hi l:lti o lr u o r a s t e l I house,, and the Democrats ierty•fivc ••• -- t .d., • 41..,....r 1:1..Ir I! it Lg, ttlellve.*, `ear .. ‘,.. Gulp I ''' °• l ' . '''' "• ""' ' .l N • .."' A "'t .." I vz.o Coupon Bondi Company, but in pursuing I- -- - i leaving the former a cloar three -fourths ] .:l"l:l:' lu , ltd , lc , _... ,.- 1 majority. we .r propose !M i ro:: (“ief.l.l/,..L .:act and at," :Lilltl s a that cud snecess list and wonderful ener,:y i.i.STechazacterii.ed it. managynsent. No corporatioll• legujiled by cu:legislation, has dotnior - is capable of doiag so much for the advancemeut of a rapid and healthy development of um prosperity. I.l'e would foster it, cliericil it, uphold it, mall this; otiposiuk and condemning it only when its powerful infidel:leo is opt ratei against extending like facilities and blessing to tie coilaties north andsouth if its line's: We trust the Lsider is sat dlcd. IV HAT ENT The Tariff Bill having been defeated, it is essential to inquire, both of its sup. porters and opponents—what next? A large part of the nianufahtarers, while eager for inCreaSCLI impost duties, which They And I. difficult to obtain, are eq'ually Clamorous for an Increase of ir redeemable paper money. If their wishes should he complied with in both these particulars, they would be io as great perplexity as they , are now. An additional hundred million or two of legal tenders or national bank notes would be lure to send up the prices of Subsistence and.labor to such a degree as to completely neutriiieo the iacrea=e of I the Imposts. A more suicidal policy could int be devised.- lupursuing it, the manufacturers help their western op. poments, who want more currency in or . nor to enhance the price of provisions, while they demand lessened impost du ties, with a view to diminishing the cost of such supplies'as they are compelled to purchase. The manufacturers will perceive, after aWhile, that a steady mid permanent contraction or the currency, is exactly equivalent, in the long run, to a ratable. Increase of custom-dues on im ported goods and wares. Gthilia at pre mium of tbirty 2 nine per centum. No body doubts that with gold at par, that is, with a paper currrency convertible into specie at the pleasure of. holders.' pikes of labor and material would fall away, and With advantage to individuals having. those COsnosodities to sell, at least thirty-nine per centum. 'Here would be an absolute - gain-of Pro tection to that . amount. The manufac turers may see a way to get that much Protection from Congress, and have it constant. If they do their vicious are keener than ours. The OppOncats of Protection refuse an increase of the impost duties. Will they now consent to diminish the Inter nal-taxes? They ought, at !least, not to hesitate at making an end of the duplica. Lion, or,,Mtheraultiplicatioa of taxes on domestic manufactures. Ia some ca ses, as in that of printed looks, seven distinct taxes are paid before the wares. reach the shelves in a condition for sale. \ This Is clearly wrong in piinciple, and most icfstri.ius in practice. Will they, furthermore, abandon the policy of con eontinitedintlatiou, and insist upon com ing down to a snecii basis as rapidly as Anil comport with safety! We take it for granted that both the opponents and supporters of Protection mean the Government shall supply itself with money sufficient lot only to pay its running expenses, but to meet 'accru ing interest, and provide for the ultimate cancelment of outitanding indebtedness. ln what way shall this be done? Many skoi a and tactories are already closed. Many more soon will be. Tke internal revenue already begins seriously to con tract. Last month - the custom-houses made larger returns than the collectors of intsinal taxes. This only !meshed . owe what is to come. Are the opponents of l'rotection wilting to run so close a rib of National bankruptcy sad repulia- Until With large sections of oar indus \ try paralyzed; with mechanics and mac. ufaCturera,, by tens of thousands, forced from their accustomed employments, upon agriculture for rubsietence; and with importations swollen to such \a pitch as to drain the country' of coin and bullion—there certainly can be but one w•sult., and that is a wide-spread and • feartul commercial revulsion. Nor can we fail to protest against the magnitude and manner of exemptions from taxes proposed by the defeated bill: In the existing state of affairs, we are not clear that any other remissions of taxes are safe or desirable than such as . are in jibedience to theprinciple that burdens 'shall not be duplicated or tank', plied onany article. - If this equitable rule shall be established and adhered ta, it will 4ntract the revenue very consid erably, and will distribute relief as fair ; ly as "any other system of remission that • n ibe....dexised. It will, we think, be —1 - --- found to work ,much wore justly to all interests than the plan of placing unser one commodities on the free list. . When the government and people shall have doubled the cape of ditllcialty, and reached the sate anchorage of specie, relic sle caloslations will be possible. The resources of the - Treasury will be computable with tolerable accuracy. The House of Representatives aril beeous- Dosed as follows: CUNcoenict. /Teta York. Marco ruenthers to 1. Stephen Tarter, LL ho elected In Sept, S. Demos Burnea, U. Cennectichl. S. W. E. ILoblittion, D. (Four theuthers to be s. John Fos, U. sleeted In April.] h. Joe. Morrissey. D. Uelauvre.• Ft T. K. Stewnrt, L. J. Al Nichoition, D. 7. J. W. Chattier, U. Illinois. P. Jetties Brook•, It. 1. N. L. Judd, IL. S. Fel - handl, WOUvi.D. Y. S.F. Fnrsnworth,R 10. W. It. !lobe rtenn, It S. E. L. Washhurnr,ll. 11. C. U. Van Wick. IL nen it can bo determined Low much revenue can be reliugninhad. The anti s • ety to get rid of taxa with an impend ine certainty of lessened production,sw consequently of diminished income .seemsLo border on infatuation.. ••THR GAZETTE GONE RACK." The• Leader charges the Guerra with change of front, i. a.: that "whereas. the GAZETTE, is common with other city papers, had severely denounced the nso• soixdy (nealing the Pealsylvalia Rail road Company,) for its hostile altitude towards the Pittsburgh aid Conaells vine Railroad, it has within tke past week published no less than two articles complimenting, in unstinted terms, the management of %be Pennsylvania Road Frost these premises the Leader resaes conclusion Implied by its' interrega ‘ top—"le it possible thy GazErre has forgotten the injustice pf the manage meat of the monopoly towards the Con nellayille Road,. er has it 'gone back' on the latter Company?" Our readers know very well that we have not "gone bask " on the Con mils. villa .(f6mpany. We have written more than all our city sotem paretic& against the net of Assembly re pealing the Conuctlsvtlle charter, and urged both the justice and policy of re pealing, tint net. The Geectre has aleo, all along, persistently advocated spects, the GAZETTE has not changed; 'nor does it in the least abate its advo cacy...of the rights of the Connellaville Company, whiCh•have bee4most wan tonly. outraged. • In what, then, have we "gone back"? We have said both in a brief ,•peech at a recent meeting of 'our businessmen at the Beard of Trade Rooms; and from tine-to' timii in our colunias, that the Penusylvalia Railroad Company was an imitiCutiosi of which Penasylvaais was justly proud—an institution, without which, the State would, as compared with conterminous States, be in a condi tion of commercial barbarism aca paraly sie—that it veer of vital importance to the community—a necessity—that it had been, in 'the main, managed with con• summate ability. • The publication of the annual report of the company last week, gave us occa sion to reiterate our praise, justly dais TUE NEW LONGRIIISS The Telegraph kas iaforsted us of the &sate:Ming and organization of the XLth Congress. BENJAIitIY P. WADE, of (Min t , 1.:.s been chosen the Presiding Milner of the Senate, 'Virtually the Vice President of the United States. Mr. Wane was born in Massachusetts in 1800 and received a very llmited edu cation. In 18121 he emigrated to Ohio, where he taught school and devoted him self to agricultural pursuits. Ile after— wards became a member of the-legal fra ternity, and in 1851 was chosen a Sena tor' in Congress from that State. Serv ing that term, which expired in 1517, he was re-elected, and again re-elected in 1863. Hi 6 present term will expire in 1860. Ile is u gentlemen of thorough business attainments and shrewd exe.cu. tire qualifications, itiid no better choice could hare been made. The present Senate id composed. as follows: , aGNATE. entifornfo. Slimy:eta. John Connesa, IL Alex . . Itanisev,'lt. Cornelius Cole, IL Dautel S. Norton, D. 17annnEncol. Nerodo James Dsgon, D. • Wm. M. Straw I. H. Orrin S. Ferry, U. James tV. Nye. N.m fliimpaharr. Geo. Head Roldle, D. Arne 11. Crash, It. Saul:glary. D. Jai. W. Patterson. U. iffmots. Non Jeraev. Illchard TA , 011, R. A- G. Cattell,ll. - Lyman Truru , all, H. F Tiretinehllysen, 6. Dadanna. on. look. Thoa. A. Ilen , lrlcks D, Edam D. Dorgan, 6. ultver I'. Horton, It. Hose.: Cool:Hag U. Jonas. . Ohio. James W. Grimes, It. Benj. F. IC.ele, R. James Harlan, U. John Sherman, It. Kon.tae. . Urron. Edmond G. I:nas, IL Gen. II Worarn, It. Saw. C...Pnaleroy, U. Henry W Corbltt, H. A.-Wacky. lennautensaa. James Linton., D. Cbs, It Ituega ow. b. Garret 11 syD, D. Simon Cameron, U. Rhode hiarut. Lo'[' It. Wm. Sprague, H. m. P. Igesaerelen, It. loony R. An Leone, G. Atasatchuarita. Tenlicsire. Charin, Snm ttrr, R. D. T. Patterson, D. Henry Wtlonn, H. J. S. Fowler, 11. "Afar/gond. Vereo•nt. Revertly Johnenn, D. Gee, F. E , Hnunos, R. Thom.o ti atnn, D. .I.tln ti. Merril, It. Jhateurs. Wrai neon., Jnn. • Ilerolerann.ll.. T. G. Van W tagle, Charles D. Make, U. Waltman T H. - Mich,gan. • .Wanagann. Zac. Chtonnar, It. Taal, R. Darrel:He, D. Jacob M. Howard, It: Tlmotsy oi Howe. ..Vot,osko— Erpuhllcans,42: Demoenat., L. From this it will be seen ;hat the Re publicans have a majority of over three fourths, un addition of five members to their-force iu the Congress just expired. Some of the above marked Democratic were elected by Republican Lagialatures but are sonouservatien sis to uniformly vote withthe Democratic side of the House. The House has chosen Scut - mks. Cos, Fax for Speaker, a choice which Use country at large will approve. tr. IikoL VAS was born In New York city in ISIS; received a good common school educa tion; became ap-inter and settled in In diana in 1939. Ile then edited, and pub lished a newspaper and was elected a member of the Sith Congress, and was re-elected to each successive session, In binding the 39tH and 39th Congresses, over which bodies he presided as Speak er. The whole country kbows how effi ciently he perfoimed hie duties and with what dignity and tiimnetss be presided over the deliberations of those bodies; his election as Speaker of tbe new House is \ a fresh tribute to his patriotic seal and high executive abilities..., The louse stands as follows, being. an almost exact counterpart of the one which has Just expired. • LIOU•Z OP IMPILLESTATIVILS. - .. A. C. Ila 'line, R. 1.J.9 IL Ketch/Dn. IL. 5. E. C. Ingersoll, It. 13. Thos, Cornell. It. L. Horton C. Cook', It. It. J. 1" L. Proyn, L. 7 11.1' Llllromerell,lt 15. J. A./id...mu', It. S. G. 11. Cullom, It. IS. ()range Ferris. IL 9. Luorls W. Hoes, LI. 17. C. T. Ltul rO. 15. O. A. IL Hure, D. 11. J. 5/. Mervin, 15. 1.5. H. Hershel', D. 11. Wm. C' Flehl.". It. 11. Jehu Baker, IL °M. A. 11. LAIIIn. It. 13.0. 11. ILautn, G. 21. rue lorhe, J A 1.0g0n,13. J.C.Churelllll, .o. , /whore, Den n le APC.trthe ' 1. Win. E. Nitt.elr, D. 1.4. T. 31. Vomeroy, 11. 1. tnichewl C. Kerr, Lt. IS, win. Y. Keleoty, 3. 11. C. 1.1.1,..r, it. ue - Wtn.n. L neoln, C. 4. Wm. s. Holman. D 37. Ham Utot, Wartl.l4. 5.41. m. W. Julton,E. ItB.J.mviatnelye.ls.l U. 6 (John Coburn, R. hurt %on Horn, IL 7.11. 1). V( amiatturn, IL. 140: J. 51. II u.nt,brey,t, B. God love S. GrLll,ll, 11.11. Von /lemur, IC. 1 Sett nyta r Colfax. IL. (Mut ill. Wm. Winton", IL. 1. ilent.Etreleoioo, 11. J. P. C. Shanks, 11. 2. It. 11. 11, ea, An", 3. 11 , 141 C. nellenelt.ll. 1. Jon. F Wx1.4013. Y. 4 WISIT I...wren., IL. 2. 111511.58 Price. IL. 5. Wu, Moug.m, U. 3. Wm. D. Allomm, E. 6. It. W. Clarke. 4.W.1( Loutebreleu,l4 7. S. noellobarger, It. 5. G. IL Dodge, It. 8. C. S. llouttatin, IL. G. A. W. Hulot:ad, It. S. IL. P. /Stteelond, roost". 10 Jame,, 11 Ashley, IL Slane) . Clarke, IL. • 11...balan T. W 0..., It. Kentucky. 12. 11. Von Trump, li, (Nine thernme to be 13. Li W.Moroon.l.) (C) elected in 314y.] 14. Alorun Welker, IL. • .511ttne. 15. Tobio A.Pianta,it 1. John L,oel, IL Iu J no. A /11ohhout Y. 3. Sidney Perhatu.E. \ Ent, IL. Eckley.ll. 3. Ja.1.0. BlatuO, 11. IS IL. P. ripanlinif. IL .4. John A. Peter- 11. 12. J A. Garfield, It. 5. Fred. A. Pike, IL. Oregon. • • More/and. - Enron Alotiory, IL. 1. IT. 51eCtitionb, D. kenuryienulu. 2 S. Artmer, U. 1. S. J. Eantintl, I). I C E. (C ) 2. Charms O'Nelll,ll. 4. Fronds Thorttuall. 3. Leonard llyers,lL. S. Fred. Stone, D. 4. Wm. D Grdol,lt. Thou. 5. Caleb N. Tay lor,W. I. Thos. LE Et MC, IL. s. Nrnl. (I. It' Sr, D. 2. Oak.' Ames, oE. 7. J. 31 Broomall, IL. 3. liin'yTtrit.kell.ll. 8. J. Lawr. tieu, It. 4. annu'l littoper, Y. S. WADI.II. Stev.t,. 11 5. Ern). F. Butler, IL. 10. Genre L. Coke,.s 6. liriL 4. blanks, E. D.ll.Vati•ukett,l) 7. G. S. Ilonerreil, IL. IS. ChM,. Delii.ll, D. 5. JOS 1.1 lily,. Y. Slercur.ll W.B.Waannurn,l4. 11. At F. Miller, X. 0. Door% L.1.M.w.„31 , . 15. A (114"shreuner,l) va . Finnate.ll.. R 23. '311.4. WiMains. R. AJ. P. Benjamin, R. 24. G T. Lawroore.l4. 3.44. w Andmuon,l4.4.l (Rhode Aim/noon. [Two rumnbers to tio 1. Tor. tr. iseamon,ll. elected In Aprll.) 4. C 0.44. neon, IC. 21-nnerzee. J. Moir, R. 1E Ilan 1[1.31,111151 . 5 to he electwl Augnel4.l IL. Vernon!. • n. Jim. P. l. P. E, Wood oridge,U. .3finnewm., 2. Lebo P. el:lintel, IL. 1. Wm. Win den,lL e, W. C. Steil n, IL. 1. Igna•a D0n..14, tc. 11"4,4 , Net oda I. U.l) II o hoard, IL. 11.1cis It IL. 2. bee). M. liiteuen,lL Neu , Ilurapshlre. Laurel Poise)', R. [TO ree I' a tot. 1114comiin. elected In Reich.) 1. Ranieri 11. PAIne,R. -Teo:Jemmy. 2, Bee). F. Rope IL. Moore, R. 3. Am...C4li, I. Cherie! Haight, 4. C. A. Eldridge, 3. Clans. liltgresem,D. PhileLqii Sowy er x, 4. John 11111, IL. AI C. C. Woomera, IL, 3. G. A. Netormka. Republican , . M; Demourata, 91; tunny,. neat itepuullcan, I; Contusuid. . The Republicans haTe a clear majority, a two-thirds vote. Tiara are twenty— nine members to be elected in the cocniag pprilig and autumn, from the States of California, Kentucky, Tennessee, COD necticit, Now Ilatiipskire and Rhode Want. 'The following calcalatlon of tb Tug n.nnir, fu: defuleatton clerks and off,cers has lumi,en out, sad from all quarters we lea n of Macy losses from dishonest olleratione tt ahsr p. ers. Flue Jaculo Welly, of the Ilechan lei National Bald: of Beltitamo, a clerk, Las the modest little ant of three Lan: dreg thousand dollars charged up to his account. Fie kas hem; stealin;, frum the bank Muds only twentg.4eveu years, and all that N. Mile managed to escape &tee- Ton impeachment of the tve-iilent will not be an uolii,ely event of the present Cangraaa. The Judiciary C. to in its report on the charges, urges that evidence sufficient at least to deter mine further investigation, has been dis covered. It might have been prudent for the Committee to have laid before the country the nature of the evidence they claim to have adduced, that the people might judge of the . merits of the ease. Tn rCtCglitie C0V41.1 has not been confirmed jfl u hio appointment. The nosuinatiorOvas so fiercely assailed in the Senate that Sir. thick:flew, frighten. ed at the .whirlwind of indignation he had raised, disposed of dm quii.t ion by moving it to the table. The President, out of charity, will doubtless ontLe an other effurtto provide for hdifavuren pet and champion. suffering asd destitution of the whites and blacks in the South is amen to recline attention from COngresi. A telegram states that a large sum or money is to be placed in the bands of General 0. 0. Iluirann, Chief of the Freedmen's Bureau, to be applied to the 'wants 01 the suffering poor of the Santa. Tun Judiciary Committee of t h e late Congress reported that President John son Lad mad• nu effect vlntever to se. cure the arre-t of the assas-io Smr..tt • although he might easily Lave erracpr•7 •the capture of the man after L .N Lcreo. bouts were determined. THE many fritind,ll Gen, i; .1 Ekin will be p1e.1,1,1 Senate confirmed Deputy Qaarterinaiter , tl, Uyittil State, Army.' Ttie Gtiaeral richly earned this new honor. Tune heavy revcau, tax alp, , -e 1 upon newspaper, propneturs 01 thyOT per cent. Oa crow cash recei , ..ta 15,10 elect tieing has teen taken 5..5 ie the tax which vassed both konxa u: the Ice .Congvess. GOT. HAMILTON, of TyZas, IS a CA, .!I• date for the °Glee of Pus:waster of the House. He did good servi,:• i s thy. Onion cause 'Wit campaign, an.: sMaii.l We rewarded with tlie posiuou bought.' In one of his veto messages, L. Presi dent draws it mild foathe of tke rebeiliaa as the "oppusluan Illek was made in sure States to tke axecation of the Federal laws." A New Tanirsr •to be prepared aid revisal by a C,mini.,odun appontwd Lp Congress, and presented or leglhla tion Dent winter. Tao President'■ lust:Age to the new Congests will prisbab:y ho Icsti :it 60011 WANT SUPPLIED. tond+A Ale, Ltat:•l •1.,, Lou a„ l'orter =1 rn,o,sslbility In [Masi Y. L.r.•/L 4 a , m , la. e ars tsar mum* wore alltable r sa i.emons and Insallos. Tne *ant tae a: !rug o , rr'en•'PP ir . d• A largo amortms“ nr •ha 351,•et nr•uds. sem:M.lc¢ barclay r•rklos• I.4rtMo 41.01 t. Bass 's sale Is. camplyroPs ac•td, etc..Tustreee.rsd a: J.ri FLI4MINtI•S IMMO ITSOLLE, Nu. if Marks: sheet, an I Is sod by tise sum or alles both, at th• low,: rat.. Also, acs el•mi a:wit of the A ,se: I lasort for Medicinal purpOscs. and Csaistoe.i's nparkiltdr Ale, the lots: artiste In use. Ken awn, M. Owls. =1 DlLliti ♦NI) VATIINT )ICI,I(2INL No. 61 II•rkel suer:.' What Swaynen Ointment Witt na -11..,111 cure Itch In (rum' rt to ID hours. —ls will curt the most utostln et. tears of Tel-, ter. ;ell. cure Chronic F.r7elpelar of hie fee, —l—lt *III cure ,ait ec•ol 11+•.1. will cure !Lehi.. 11. e. te't F.ruptlnes. r.e.lttsely cure vtettn etwereire 01.N.L.NT Riad •Clalt.so mor•. ”ITCII" Dr. Stanynee trinfrernt, ••TYTTF.tt'• “I.V.:11.• , Or. tiaanynA's Clistrcart/, "Ti.l - 11,1t” ••ITC11“ NEVE.IIiCht(P.V et "Ter ehtt ••7l:l-rEutt MBE •1111 'IT, I,:par<4 only by Dr. EtWAYNE A NON, 1,11- .I.NDIAA.Id by ILI.I.I.AID‘AN NA N. Mrp MArs. 11411. A. 1, Et..1.T., 37 Woc.: VI N. 3 Hart, • A. m[ : r., cur. 1:12 Marti, at.re•., Pitts burgh; KANE •iL •u'Nk YEARS AGO AND NOW. VITTEE , 1 EAU" OW, lILTTELIS lam strugaltre, Into 1...,t1e0 •,alest ptetoc7l , es r•er.la,a, Lea, however rietll•lat. la doumaf.l toro•woot.r. DOT It staa , a •t. the head of all the bale aiteratlte preparalloos_la rotate., Ds r•I•t, rlt, has .voted mane Italt•tions bat au 1••, rhyaleans pronor.aee It th•IINLT SAYS ail Loot that has tear Lora 1atr0,1•,,1 lota tte aLrk chamher. Ia toe /lospltal. of ttis &mu,. •,1 Na •r. the gariewis dud tue ••ry het tla • f .avalesoooia, nod report It as lavalua - fur the •,tor of troops...l , e at,ral). as leate.ly for KO., sod all sc..rbtalt aff , ottous. sod as the o op-sloe for to • iesn•es. lOrnia.•od hase•lophatleally e.oo , sa (Loa the • [VOWS NIELICINo parearell, co. ill 1 , . apart lb Amer.. boa all tu• 1r..p1 chm.... It hi con•ld.-i••• th• col) rrllablo aollloto I_ - II ale fever. . In re I. no mystery ale me the ...... or tte ncores. tle tlt•ttetly ett marble...l alterative atta cn are • omionstl the r.a.0l 'settle, •f mill, I. bro sad v•volatml •er sten e S•im ,, an t , whit th Sire seles.loe of tont,. atatl•tO Ilona. enti-seerbtallr, nytnerl at and d. ... tire nerlo, plants, roots ant. Loo es t•oo ha vyr bettoin sr's! s eel to • mett deal a •paratoo, Is Is also proper to stat• t .ott the Bitters aro Id excoseivsny lu ale". an 1 •s clreutestencvs, toe gallon or the barrel. Im p am Imitators are •hroal,• no the • nly red of be Pantie nay lag slag. theist Is to see that he " - Ito,. .11• y buy earl' • • ngravtol tat& sad note of Mem,Sao. , and tbs 1,101C , 111C• t tramp toe r e .r 4 of the toti tte•_ - - OF 1.11 V." . 145 Virood,Etreet, :Tp..E, Agent. antol.aa._ THONI;:: tC '"?TS, of the 'nate Ono tree, which hat 'a nble;:epitt, I (Late of WM P.P.I . = n.uTrrnl.flmflfffl I=l and kidney,. and niunuoui, surfer es end ni,su brapeg Rtuerail7 • riled ••WHITE r. COSI MEM Dr. hlr/rrr eaTa that II Is sweet and palatable had to readily taken both by chtbbron and and wk. originally known Loam O....trinities, who .0 oaael the (arca* of Outs states; and u_•d It In a varlity of dt.elsc., ~ P , c 1 . 1 17 tho. of • ...rotate character. It is a lora Cure fur DIA- Lt2t2lB, unAvr.L. IV:DRIED'. BLOODY AND ktUCOUi URINE. and Ike troubluaome malady known as albumin...a, or Might'. Ds sae, 'lke" wb. b.va l lrird In vain the yarlo. ICON, and thurctloh will Cod In ruland•a WM.! I'meComp,und a rotroo, of power. 6otl 17 the groat, dot.. or stag le bottle. Da. EJLICIIIVC, tti Weed ttrtet. mei RAND TEMPERANCE RALLY IM=MIIMIE (Tueftilis 1 Even irclook, lu , r. .;.11-T (111 the ,e •,r .1: . I.l ' ”. A. r 'I 0,111 c I.v ex , DO C. , la the MMEMEZIE Tulng.raw., {ll ~ l u I n l. rolling o.t. ()Tlt.'4E.-9 goo i chance to 1., so, Burl', r :4'. Oulu. It ..11rado. tuooll,r I.•lac.a. z.t , :ENTI:e. Ape NI K. I•lttlbar,..b. w A. L TN , A '6"rOR No. 93 Diamond Street, PI I T. .1:1,1011, , •.t. I)ll'T:int 33.41:1". • ic,i; \ .- ISO May ch ES tk,k koklk•rk, 1 k • kk . 1k • kw.. Leak, ut.• I).‘l' kk t . • tTli nl7 j...c,0 • Tolts• NOTICC.- Lt I,er • 1.1, aa la a•aa,a• :a . ao td • ata•Va .agaaa al. 11 aa• r•...,a la •.1 las 1.1.1 la•taaa.... a a at. .a s taaat,a: i•a 1 , ••1. • italaa., , ,a p•)1:•a•tat Nara L. sae a.‘at•a• ca••,..• 1,, m 1 0. !tit, .1111/, 11,1 11{11,• aua.raa aka., r lat . , 111,1.1 . . . . . ri „ t• ) 11E%, sun.- •• , , • AEW SHUN sTIUS 3L,• :.`O L D ‘k, U 0 - - k NoPLUNTIII , 16;41. Pt 01.' mr• n. - avi0..1:1. - at UZI. of Me Co. • lIITS. 4 IP.- sl tti . .atl. :3 1,,v. Prir Nt) 1.141 II 4.1. 1..111 :On. I= ItLsIIMM C T. 0 ;•10hY Cloth: M;N:4O,i, =I IMIEMIMMZE EME 1,4•,11, • 1 . 5 . 1,• %.•01, Di SOLU TIC t 4 PAUTNEZ:NIIIII. lIESIE le 0 Jrirv, Ito d•• ,, • Ce,l by .hrs 11, Irg,.NNAN %IS W. 111,N .4111.151M0 (111:111C.11, WORKS, IZINIEMILIMS 101•••••,, 1•L• 411.1 p. rrLL L.. y:rety.r:l,:::! :ly tYty& • I' 1:1•11 . .r01,.. , - ~.. All or r•••:: 1,1 •r• str•t.r I • .1 y Is ::: 11, by , rlyeer.y. v. ry.: orY. J . H. IVELDIN 0.. COOKSELLEV/S. Stationers, Paper Dealers, 'T. TYR • r F.TTP PRINTERS AND EII7:iDERS, Mac›.lol. 17i7crocl rat woof, =ll Q. 5. STANII . '. 1., ill r::%. L•. . . ELAN!: 1.111111.F1 LAW ',AN!! • I,