The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 05, 1867, Image 1

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No. 86 Imirtl3. Mtroot.
M.lO. COplef ....... ........ 3 ctn . ,
cliveryd by cs.ritir e. r.te.
HMI enbecx there, (yet . year) C, CU.
Liberal roductionz to bewetA.ys and
Tbree goinee, per . ftee. mall ;
Yore' do. . do. do.
c ; e
Ten or more cOlnee.. „
One free to clulp. each ....• ......
A 31e .t Worthrb. Ct., by I), liey
flood Searcher:
My daughter, Margaret McFarland, now
about eleven years oflea s eboon sal
sere:M ie.,
led t with a om. ever since
she*u one year old. 1 employed it Om si.
clan of this city, who treated her fii Come
time, but failed to glee her even temporary
relief. I consulted three others. They all !
agreed In naming the disease st.rofnin, but
fulled as the first had done.' The d I-ease
Increased In severity each year. and 111. i
lovely.' the whole as stein; the neck, arms,
and feet were covered with eating sore,'
and ulerers,,ithe were blood.shot.
and one of :the eyes 61111Orit cloned. ' T:111
'Sores were Continually tiLmharg mg :natter,
.and had bersowed.iuto the heal, ..0 as to
expose 'tiliftione 'underneath in it great
Many plate's. This was especially the ease
with the Lands and feet. So badly were the
feet:a:Meted that for six years she could
not wear shoes on them. A great many
pieces of decayed Junking bonen were dis
charged and worked out of the sores. she
was unable to Stand on her feet, and hod to
Leiria reclining position. At this stage of
the disease, Mr. Lawrence Ennis, round lily
neighbors, informed me of the wondertul
cure Of - Mr. Daniel .1, Boyd, (with whom lie
was personally acqualnted,) which was U.
footed with the use of youritlood Searcher.
/ called to see Mr. Boyd, and he advised me
to consult Dr. Keyser. I concluded to'4 to -e,
but found tt was Impossible to bring her to
the Dectoes °Mee,. her sulfering3 maws en
great that she could not bear to he moved.
I then went to your store. No. Ha Won , '
street, and purchased a bottle of your valu
able medicine, and before elle hail used the
first bottle, 'she was able 'to walk croued.
'She has taken your Blood Searcher ref and
on for the period-of three years, atid eat of
thirty-six sores which were on Ler 11 , ,, , 11
when she comma:need taking your nash
eine,Orily two remain, and they are all,.st
well. She me at present eitkayleg good
health, better, to fact, than she Ins en,
- in her life before. 11001 boundin grat ltmle
to you to make known them fart?, n . w ell
us for the benefit of those who may he
'arty effected.
The' following persim.•are neighbors of
Mr. McF., and have full knowledge of this
extraordinary cure, and have allowed their
names to be uses with refereuee to the .
facts. I-wee:tee Roxtt,,
. .JouN
Pittsburgb, January
Ask for Dr. KEY:Mier. BLOOD 6001.1.1L.0.
your druggist does not keep It NVFO.O to Dr
Keyser, and ho will for waq. by emote,. $1
Per bottle; 6 for $3.
Particular attention will be givtn tothe
cure of all 4.llSears of the
scrofula, pilos.7llstala, and ulcerutt:•i_:ol:
legs, volt .out the use of the knit', lie.
Keyser's consultation' rooms, No. 120 Pena
street. °dice hours from te A. u. tot P. M.
New - Arrival
tit canned Fruit and Vegetables. IV 11l
sold as camp as litany hou.e fu both s.
Call and examine and fulge for you,elf, at
No. 112 Federal suUet, Allegheny t. lty.
Gxonur 110AVI.N.
Also, Agent for the well-ku o,v hon.., Cl
Stephen T. Whiteman's Celebrated P1,11,-
delphla extra duo Cream 11011 (
late, Walnut Cathly, Draper Drops, „
In the true sense of the word. Our large
2 7 'stock of excellene Boots awl shoes us He
aro daily thspollns; of thous:MON of pair-,
at prices seen as goods wcrc,old for t.,:ort
the war; every boy knows what such pl . ,
. roe were, and can at once see that l:uo;•
and Shoes must he selling awful cheap, al
the Opera Howie Slnsq, Store.
Triesulny,.Tnewday,lrrrehany. Murrh
The New Dry Goo<ls House, No. ‘...1 Marko t
Street, on the west corner of ,Market
Fourth SU:CO[2, will he open.
Moved Me Floe° or itnalorau,
Gardner,lo so. C 9 7.larket -treed, on west
owner of 3la.rkk and Fourth at re: Is, -and
opened an until,• new ,took of Siwill4 Pr 7
Goods, much cheaper than old stock,.
; .10 cents per Yard,
Pr!Waist No. G 9 Market street, IvoSt, corner
llCarket and I , ..arth streets, at the Now Dry
Goods itouce.or pent.Bll ft STE,VAILT.
One case Spring Print!" , tan colors, Fine
Cloths, choice styles. at the Now Dry G00..1.
Mouse, No. 0 Market • street, west corner
Market and Fourth streets.
Unbleached Munn', of Itt!.'s. for yurd.wide
tino Itua,un Crash. at the New-
Dry Goods House, No. C 7 .11arliet street, we,t
corner Market and Fourth street.
Gennsett.V. Sr
',An Auction Litter indict' Fine Cotton Iln+c•
worth 37); cents, No. CO Market :greet. west
corner Market and FOurth streets.
GALMNI.-at SSCW/11'.1
Will Open, Will Open, WM/ Olten.
Thia week, at No. G 9 31iiiket street, Wesi:
corner Market and Fourth streets, liarnu,k
Table Linens, Nook ins, white and bordered,
Fringe Doyles, Towels, Irish Linens, Snort
Fronts, white and boar Brilliuntoy, wlnit e,
buff, plain and ligored Pocket liatolker
chiefs; and an entire new line of IV hife
Goods, Sheeting and 0111 ow Linens, Toilet,
Lancaster and Money-Condi Quilts, which
we will sell for about ono-half the twice
naked for old goods. Call at the New Store
k Sraw.tur.
AvLite, Ned and Yell' 0111,1 thta
week, at thu New'Store N 0.60 Market street,
Vesl. corner Murket cod Fourth
ardemn canvasser, Gardner: Cavast...
liss moved to No. 0 .Slarket 'strovt, wet
corner AtarketAnd Fourth strect.lo‘nd opens
this week on entire 1112 W stack of in,
st prices ustOtashingly
Black and Colored Silk, to be opened the
week at 69-3144.1kel street, on aeCt eor.44•C
Market and louith atreet, ,d the NC-.
Stora of
win open this week, new Cloa jug , ' C . ..thc,
CFLEAILLerP, Cnssinctts, Tweeds, let tuck} .
Jeans and Pants , Scul.l4boule n 3 low as
cents per yard, at tbd Sew Store, No.
Altaket•.street, We.,t. corner Mac ket
leuurth street. . 4wnoxec 3 STL, ALT.
LlPltzhelmer, the epicurean of Ibe trot
City, 010 Prof. Blot of too col:nary 41ep%rt-
Went, continues to nerve trfremeollent uteaP,
at Ulu most re/1,01 - o,lu of prieetl, lit the
popultir Continental Dining Saloon, Filth
.throht, next door to the 1 o4toilleu.
Try T hem
Tho OratOr season le rapidiy draw I n g to
, elow. Try some or the oelicimm Mvelves
-served Up to the very Malt Styli, by IMIt,
heltner, at the aver rimier Continental
Ittning batons, port goat_ to tha I . o3tuOkte,
as Fllth street.
Clo•Ing out Pinto .
14 if grand thing, awe, arc I arge, I.lines art.
soml, nveryboly in elit.1611ol." 1t will
pcmittyarcloae prlllst—Orem 119 , T.,0
Ton Can Buy
foreign Liquors of all kinds at •J merit ti
Finch's Distillery, No.
'First streot. Pi tt huruh.
-• Toucan 1.107
9 per cent. Alcohol ea .Joseph S. Firs.!,
.'Ton Car. Du?
TOO, Hope xf..7oeoph n.,,
<==ts c!=
! <!
v )
S 1 14 1 :01110
~,,,,,•,,. Li •.. ii •
F3r4;ri'i WIWANS.
407'iG lit ESS/07iAL.
The Thirt):lhnh Congress
t' or 'eresident of;e
61.11U1'1:1'.!: lfq.r.lX SlT.iliElt Or
Speech ;:t . i\lr. Col ELtx.
k \ r .11 , d en Iti3 provid
; 1 , 1,e lof -e-otet to lucre:v.le
tt , ter:t- It o at .:Inenaed II.;
init n! tea ,, la:ertlng Ilve, and
rc,,-,12`.31ir.7 1 , 13: vic: G - qual
h o”2.111::.:;., • .11 the joint
1,411: in to f.eri]::.:te tt, seith.ment of
!r 11.13.1 . 0 It.
,t,,tl it , t t
Iv tee
:A1...4 rut i.lll,- the
AL 10:7,1 Pr,',l,l.ll:aal,leltr
o,,, his vut,lle,ory wZicr, , upou
vacarc.l the c , "1.1r. WIN! ...•••.-re,ury Fonley
A-1,11,111, or., of pre,llngr.
Ino,nnof Hc. t o
'the ~ e ttate
relle ~ , tv.tte eLeet.t reteteteet, , ,,.tet.s.
t tlf the
,I,reco,ll tht
ertn the
l're,tott atet 31r. Wtt,le't
Yr. AN rfCr un ebbiurrut tribute
wit: meet.. ..vete crf thuni, ilerlerter.
11:1')1:;1 • 1.i. ;T:ovol To Lite Tap the
LU t La'
1,,,,11-1 ,
,1011, [Or
etTlotT,l tite
. .
:11 M 111'1.i- Lnln
gr-Itt tny 1,, Al /nen ut tnt.
to 1.11., 1.-tytu,st e0:11(,11-
,12.,1 1n fin , origlnal 1,-,Cer,1011141.,
tn-n 1,11 . 1,1 It 1.1, aft
a,l, ..111.1,1t of their
o 1.,•1 .lit
Nlr. I, the. un
M1::1 , 11:r1.1. • wo , ritten to
I I I I y
\ -,LIL! t!,11 ii.,Wer • (h.: wilt,
t con-
. to hall Mr. Marty to
th•h•:1, t, Itt th , thLhtzpr to 1,1."11.
but Mr. 11.1.1t1:1,
x , ot ve and the door.. were
1,1,311,,. IV 11,11 I
. . .
zosoLT.t.: wua in
.11.011. •
Tho v,ro not oponc.l , soo,trter
twol Woiock, tne
I.ongro, wa,lo•tt doel,l - 4,1 prt,ol•
otheer euljularned in< ti.e.
Tho ,en t. .11 r z to W. 11. IV..`rn
the iron c;n.l on 13.
the amount tint t:ov.,roloonc pnnt lam on
acconn, of h!s. non; WI, I/ I.
A varfety of Important boaOnto', W. of.
TheOehate 101 l to proviale for the et
c:wae al ,cerl..!n foahre ..lotarraentaa. too
wren the GovernlLVl, of the
Stott, total orea.4” thaverriftietatwati taalffreal.
The 0. WA., 1:11/ Tit the relief of rathoael
arahlo, for ae•rt aver, wi
of the lloile4 frtallet att I.levelanal,
alfalfa, v.,-
. .
Scint',Will l: c to critict mar
ial in tlic iirn.v v. I finitely Incllt , oncli.
ntinnt, bill :t n.l tau uct tif July
1-01, for Inc ccrtatni caeca
tram Matt: Court,
Mr. tr.', 1:010.0tt teriitCoo.
recent, 0111. toil to t,teittt.nte toillting of
Meeolthl, .11.1:411 . -011, officer., tenote te re
port, o . llleo
Th, .ieh,tre Intl to .ottentleertnin ttet6 TO,
ll' 11:0 A.:ovy,
iii ot•tulil 0111 i
The Setrllo joint rrAbilii inn of tthtnltit to
Cyril. W. Field One
1' a• 311:10.1 . 17.111g,G. V. v.10,te.1
the ,Illeters of tine Mitinteeoluuh awl ..00.
411.011 to 000, Pr teehere.l ttient fty
the Emperor 01 unti the ~,nitte
jolOt eTtilutiOn thaith on; tile Cheater of
aeol 11,1011.,,,1 Brazil .or re,oln
tion..hf',..,rpe., end ~ yroihstliy for the dtath
of Pretbielli 1411(011, 00,11.
Tee I . lthOrt 01 the Cooterersee Cormosttee
all the Intl inn littre.tu tilll reported they
We 1.11r.1101.10 to :twee, tool
oein ditielharged.
Ton Senate. 101 l reitliillg bre-Vet-4 ill Vie
01Illy 010 it.t., , ed.
711.0 1,1115 0.,r0i.17110ii.
The Senate Intl ustelzleor tits roldstlonot up.
peori.itosts for the, repre-entallon of Amer•
leen p Ind todry at the rat x pitstlon, 0101
n u I.ll p
n proviso 1110C011101islilOr
-1.11.1ii rVe ou
Ibt...ppri.lo - 1 0 t 0 ni 11,00 4 101 , ,,0 to
I'AILN , OI tun.. the neleet Coo•
milieu on the Mueller of Union Soldiers In
Ce.roi not, noole it spechil report,
1.0:n 0.1, laid 0.1 that [able 01111 Ordered to
pl lett .1.
N,S, itrA. I,z-A No.
31r..1, front the Juitieh,Y
th_olothiltre. 014.10 report of t lo , Mnionl'
is in the usve,t - .on Into freedmen's
011.11, ,lar:ltotti. I/ I.l.thtti M the
t k rat the House to he but,-
esivtel to ;he to tiutli C 01411,,
1/0 11.1,11.... th Air A 1.% 1 ..N.l lilt. anthorlty
oven lo the Chtilemen 01 011 k'oinuil,
to., to 1.111-kr•
Mr. 11AI:1%1:e:ell,.Colniettlee On ledt
w:en...6 e
the el ia
t" , / In
tit ,np nnentin,ol
OIL tni,,,tllnr be r,jeted,
u 1
m, . I lo wait
Inforta It 51.1: I.lllr
1300:1 1. •
,1 ilit••1 •in•l (he
i; z•t•••••,, •tell,••••
• r•••••••••• 1,1•1 •-.1 . 1..1.1.E.1: w••••••
A•••,11•;t• • with
‘111,11,1, c'••••••••1 Ite i,
• I_!util . ••••11•11 , witleally
coRI - 15.1 [Ns
c.:i1 , 1 to ord4,
31, W.IIIE. !en, Aiterli,..y.
eL hy ii.e cn.,plai., thn Heel I,u4lnenn In or
tier IvL;-,10.1.“t.,1 to ho the
Thvy_svgrre sworn lu, in ILo loiliiwing or.
(,onfloon,l:iirbotl, C 011.101., Morino,
liovi., 1410:0,11,W, i,Sortou, Nye,
Pomeroy, 60ention •noil
-01,..1,00140,1414 00.4 :0:
Tilo "10 , 1 1 . 0001.4 OtOllllJ . l, LnL
00 0.0, 001 re.pond.
. .
!qr . ThU)11:11.I, tirt,enttol (ht. , rreelen
::- ot toe ,elcoto, :root John
M. Th;tyer and T. ThOoth tool they
V, re n.
tot 111111,ital of Mr. the Senate
the ',orators (root
hro , ..t. Mr Th:LY,' Otto.' chit, No. Zt
stod Mr. Tipton drew' chitin
Not going tot: ot
T., u
tot TllOllOll of Mr. Tit.'M rns. u
toe, couuktlitt, or ]loses. l'rtuttbult
. ,
- 1 ,
-.6, ,- ;.,•.. - •,',.. - 77 ;:q 5 , ....., , ,,,, , ,- 7, : -- 1 ,----N
~,,,............__. ... ....tir, ... r:J . :7 \ , ... 6 ,:a.:', ...: s
-''''' ''',.---,? - ,-",--;,.---------- 1 ir , : 7 - ' -- i ---- „i. 7.t.... 1 -'' 2._ : _ .7i....7 ,\-- -...,!••••--
1 . %. • ~. -. '',,
~,,,t t -- . •
I it,.... Li .V;
„„I'•,:-.::---:- -----7L--,'-/1.1-1-:-:.41tc:;t,..."6-_, 1 .: " L - . ' : 11: ! ': ;: ;"
'' ,
l' i .r .. t .k 1:'1-11 1 -4-4:\ i '''‘C:4! i '";
- 1Z571
Il e
- - -.-- . - -= - - . •
linekttiew, were appointed to wait on
the President. and Inquire nny
communication to make.
Thu Senate ordered the Seeretar , • In in
form the house that Um Senate , wort. role
to proceed with buslucaL Then, mllllOOOll
of. She. TRUMBULL, the SelllltO at one
o'clock adjourned.
After the confusion had sun+ine•t, 51 r.
1 1 111:1ISON, Clerk of the Ilemie of the
Gehgreas, called the roll,
Luring the roll cell, the Itepresentative.
front COnnect:cut, Now Hampshire, !teeth.
Island, Indiana and Hontlicky, did but Co. spond. '
Mr. WILSON, of lows, having 11101,41 it
proceed to the election of a Speaker.
Mr. BROOKii nose, and nftern fipeoch,
which ho denounced the organization of
the Vienne, the abaellee of sesitinteen
.`.tutu, as a revolutionanY in'
ore*ented a written protest thtataid it. On
the of.the minority.
...14te_protust was not receivoil, and the
Meuse then 1a...1ed to. the et it
cols, ramel.acveli—ma
Mr. Colfax was elected. On taking the
Chair he spoke us follows:
for the third time
to this responsible and trying liOsithm, I
aunt emate more then ever reams the Inher
itance of the trus , and V. 51110 More than
when entering on Its elli.ent duty the nits°.
lute necessity or your conlblence: and Atli , .
port, Nor do I overrate the gravity of bur
position as Americans and legolatiirs. The
years have never dropped their :sands
mortal Isaac so'voot un.l grand. u' tint. to
klay. 'A , nation decimated by owl', or
faternal strife; u land desolated by! trite.
:Ire marches of beadle armies; n people
with fruits of prolonged wore riptined
11 harvest of hearts dead with the bullet, as
well as hearts heavy-with bereiveloonts
anti broken with anguish, look noxiously
from North and South alike, and by thst
light we should ever walk. It to town:hi our
steps by the Justice of Oral and the rights iit
It Is to banish all mattes enee
slid to jtootty our faith by
works. It Is to anchor our leg( lton en
what the great Commoner of kingrobt,.lotin
Bright, declares to be the simple but sit's
lime principles on which great nationsl
questions should De Settled, Elio I,
eternal rights. IL is to write on out 1 , in
thr these words, that will Shine tirizlit,
an Inc stars which gem the Ili - mum:mt.
Lov•t.Tv; •siel.sw." It isio to
n./50 history, that postenty shah rt., lip snit call us blesmol. The Coavvess
boo Just passed away has written a recool
that will be long remembered by the
and i.friemlless • hom It did not fore.,
ilist r epreicnted or mlinmlerst , o 1 by tine,
who denounced us uhemlro, itar,h ly and un•
Justttled, entleiresi by some Woo
have been Ps friends', it proved Itsell
more faithful to human progi one and DO
ty than any of Its pi edeceiSors.
and iiliiire ,oo d nave found in these
sfonal hulls champions and Itionds 1.-
key note of polio.' was tioi l ecilloi
down trodden. it quailed no: beloti• th e
mightlesd, nor neglected not the
It Lilted the slave w Man l be natl.:a had 1,4.
to full stature of utauhood. It PI,C.'II I/
our Statute books the civil rig h t..
as Mir national _Magna l ll,rrro,
than all the enaciment• tn." It.mor
American code, and In' all r;en, u
civil government had been ilestoned
vanquished rebellion, It disbar...l
- of defense to the iivake-t. 111.11
ineria bonito should wield freemen!, 1 , d.-1
It proelattloai the:re coultl
legal reconstruction onn tonmlst,n,
of mi n "
repontant rebels and tlislonl!y.
nate 3t wilt bo for tit, If, when 00
der these seats to our t ureeo.ol... w o
point to &record which will tn.., o
ntstoryttlptgo like that of the t:
0 . 1 , 1011 hat just ex plrel. I, •
tunate. If whenwe 1..11a it.,
11..0, 1 our Whole nutionAt •tr 0,..•.•
t1.33t1 be permanently restored.
On sure foundation ebony, of
unity, slberty and right. Wit I: sm h b - •
tomb of duty, I come to Int., t. sot: - I:: at•
Dior your rule, lust not LA a 1bl:5115, I
appeal to you for that gVu
e hive alone II proiddinsf onk, eroui 1 . 31 !b1
pleilgtn, you In return I.l , ll:btt
mapartlality, which shall belT•y
end luvokur , on your
the Invor of atm who holds :no , b,,,:e5574
nattnne in the palm of Iles hanl. I Mtn now
ready In Mite the 0.1111 of 011b:e lvc er:bc.!
by law.
Tno spedkur was solemnly ts:tdrn
milto by Mr. P.S. Itirt
101 l tp.,:itenntlnue.l In sor,ce. and FM,: me
spesker proceeded to admtsdster
do mombors States.
Tar lions°, by resolutldn, clectol , .1
Mel'hersou Clerk.
The SPEAKEIL announced :ha: tio•
'lent 1101 slimed the bill in reit ret., •
nil and woolen!: !hot the tinny
lion 1,111, with a petite!, Tne
hiti,tage On the same enildeet wa- :to: end
laid on ILo table.
Capture of Col. o*Conool
Garibaldi GOing to Crete
ru,Ncli Bina IS THE (011ECtION \ Off: I
German Confederation Constitution
Household Suffrage DNeusged
I,NDOri.Mur,ch 4.-2% - trora-I , lnpatr.h.. , ft , .m
Dublin minor:nee the rapture of I'Moh , l
O'Connor. lie was evert:l:tulip! by f.m, !,,L•
thatiLl. at ./.1. hone. nearly hon.
itrell miles from the acme of the in.. "IL -
r• au, March' 4—rho tarthei for hi „her
lengesonh the oncritilvi, of Iraq".
are becom hm ing very frequent; uml
mach trouble.
FLottatsco, March 4.=liarittm:.ll, having
Bent his boas to Crete, nrottilbes now to go
Isimaelf and take up arms.
QUIELNNTOWN. March 4..—Tito Maui,
Australatiun, from Now York, lirriVeli (ICI e
this morning.
farts, March 4,—The Government Coto
mencos. legal proeemilogs lu tho COrrec.
(local COurt against Emilio Do (Omani for
a. leading editorial in Ills Journal 4.1410
criticising the policy of the Emperor, -
Houma, March 4.—lllornarlt to-lay eume
herons the North Gorman Parliament with
the draft of the now. Constitution for the
Confoderstioa. •
Lonoon, March 4.—Lord
a speech strongly urging the adoption ..f
theDrlnciple of bousenold suffrage
Ti,, following changes have 1,4 , male in
the Cabinet: Duke Ltleldnotel
cornea Colonlal Secretary; SirJ rein Pecking-
Secretary Of War; Sir Stafford North
cole, First Lord Admiral; Right lionora. , le
Corry, Under Secretary for dbe cot.-
nica; and Mr. Stephens Cave, Presideut of
the Board of Trade.
sea roll mimeo[.
Liveuroot, . March 4 —E. 011 ny.—ool ion
111. kla cloned steady, at an aqvanca !,;1.
Middling Upland! being quoted at LP
a DI; sales of 10,100 Balsa. Ashei. SD.
LONDON, St arch d—j:pning,—ConsoL+
cloned at DI. Flew Turentlea, !insole
Central, 711,;.
Filing You+, Starch 4—Erceing.—Culted
11.51. 11411.9,
a all, o,latta and
Lyallata Congreal
Pah!le Meetings In 4Jrargin — lrre%aln•
Ilona In Virginia lAgiwistilro t, Una ,
a fiats Convention.
ATLanta,...lettrell 4.—A public meeting
av held pure to-tiny to nonvoter the cond.
Mon of the country. Tim., we% Li large at
tendance. itcaolutionn approv lug 1 110 term.-
01 the Sherman bill, and tile comae of lint- ;
teor Brown, wale repdiel. Thu meet log I
the n n divided, the mittorlty,approvitig
man's hill, withdrawing. They will bold n
mettang Vl...Light. The majority organ.
111101 is new meeting, and pmeicil
volution, counseling quiet vutnolvioon to !
the bill,hut Characterizing it harsh and tin- 1
mt, expreviling approval of too nom/. •
tour. of Provident Johnison In timer ting I
the honor awl manhood of the :von:limn I
people, and announcing as MOOOllllO of the
moiling that the freedom or a 111,11 , 0
0111,1 Inn be bartered au ay for the provlv
ion, of the Sherman bill. Tim revol tit pint
rceorilMend the Governors of the 1110th.
ern States to take ate pi to tent the vonviltu
iionality of the I/111 Ist the Supremo Coot L of
the United States.
ArtIVNTA, Ga., March 4.—Mectlngv err he•
log called to consider the treOteltnnntllell.lll
of Gov. Brown. Pithile opinion Iv divided.
Three-fourths of the papers urn In favor or
a ehenhaoce. A majority of the phoplis on ,
et y on lily opposed toll.
liiiMvforith March C—The revolutions to
cell a State Convention were referred to a
committee of twill Licotem of Abe Legigle
The Election of, the Speaker
of the House
Scveulten tnreprcAnti,d.
Ni'S PRoll
, I
Nominations ConfilinitA by 'cna!e
Tlll. 4116' 110IIIIIIILI;1111. 116..1 , tor
IJip ,101 . 1 . 1, .11iLL1
• 14 t I Tl, r - t .
I'. 1110 r, rs Vili10101,7‘1, • .(:1 , •
0: •!, !rm. by
: • mutt
t•;,1111 ,Iknlvver /1111lIP yoll 111 C,,
.11 L:11 . 011;11.1,
r ..4..
' 1
~ ... Sr: , ~ t . i:: ~~. 1.. ~1
, ~~ ,
1-1 :•41,1 '.l . •
Ct.,/ al/. 11./ La{ tire 1.:11;o.1 ,1:414••••—,.
C.... 11••• • .:
.L.: ~f :..• .• ,•••
~ ,
i. i.•... I:.,
. S.
I. .1J :I 1 . 1.-1 ta.:Lmittg,! .
0•1:1, ,, , , •artll
r: v•rtgAiry •
; {II I:I"
: ~1:•
/1 . • w, r , ,,ntlttlt,:l,ll
Its 1,11'1,11,
r l il
/I{ .11. 1 • - .! 110. V, :•.1 •
ntilwp.op: t flow I
0.•:c t•I••
11 I tlllllllol./ Illy
Ili. 1031.
' i.ry jII 11.4, I
111/trii1:11.11 .11 , 11,1 1,1-111,01 t.
I , t nu rtl:n
..-111,o, , 11:1,1 , .. Gutter 1;11
an.l 11.0•1. InaP.)Lgom o
plac,Mille 111. V”g ,,,
1170 /.0 ,, k 7 11111 an, WI.,
tra.:ltA L, C. 17 1.1101 : 9 F,
'ILl'1”1,11:1111tIVI!DASVI ,
eit:co11.10 , 1 11 '
.1111011. Out .:ski•k
the:. wool , : 110: hallol, .0,1 llit•r4 Upoll (11.1
111{:, ,
.1'1,12.1 be it.. 'lllO
gruut coulent for tt00r.1,4 , i11•:.
110111171 e, 121,11,111 ol 1111-
1.11 11... pr... 1001 Inemnibuol. Capt,lll
t...r0,t. , 110w, of Yoz 1.r1.1i , ••
ntemiLatol I , y p., oln Itirtiorlt... Woo 0.
1:Ing %a, :or
4 1111! lt , 111114, , 1“11.•1 '•l.l..llatt s
Frl.lay root - m. 1,1 11 6, Cl : et
kee Itollar4 Of liansas, modifying ti.vlJ
of July 1111,0 tot to allow the trlls• :,11
aTilt . k/1.11,11 /td vutral
bout 00I,I:OI herr., u 10 tilt' 1 . ,
011111 UllllOllll Company.
710 i morning o treaty was mitere•l tot,
ulth the Slooyneug of 1100.11'., in 011111110
vision la matte LOrtonove 11//•10 lilt, , IL.' IS,
dials roootry. l'reatics M
loom ina.
with - all tile. litomrts Itollulm for their re•
hunnte confirmed, meting et het
the holletetng 1/011ffilla1OnS. 1:11itl•li SOns,
A. S. Willi:onto, San ~tlvAllo
Unit, .%tniit.c•W
of kllchlnan, It Port Sarnia; f.orrimor oi
Dakota, .indrow.J. lir PontlaYtill.nin
.Irbitl3lol,,it o . ll . hurt 0/ Ihe rffit,i ,{./6t ll
re,Mle at `terra Loone, F. A. Whlttl,oy
Now York; roittnastms, John It. I'erctll PonnkylVania,
Erwin, ii.±ive r fo, New Not),
senate confirmed Thom, It ..ell
Collector of Boston; Cohort S. Glitukau
Podtromfor ut Chiouno.
equlinnint the following 11.111i
.14, ,of of Internal iii.venne—,l.
of. Mneflit, i-uninnt iastriet. M Besot A.
of. Infernal Row, no—lin•iert
iAtrti . l Mininvotai 1, .1.
Itx,hil!. tlt,of n•!. Mninviont; llegi'.tne
Lop] doli,e—Jettlw, 11. 3InCI urn, .11110.tion
city, 11r05v0 . .114, 111.1numpo..
11, I:• ~ : , • I of 1 . 10,110 111111.{.'—‘1 . 111111111
It l!'.111{ .. . . p 1111,• (.3 . 11/4 Ittrl ,l l.
, 1010, MI1111,0,1; i'llllll,olln. ,limEtaitl,
Taylor, Mlanttoga.
l.'s t rawlor.l,vitiv, 1:o1,.•Ft.
IC. 1;11,11, 1,..k.1.rt; 11.rre II Lut,e;
~:ylll, l NIMIOrd• Alt •10,11 l
' , may: M. U.
%tent W. I reinktu, hokum., •.1.1/1.1
dri.Lh”,,holbyvillu• Won. Sclioi. ‘ nAinin i 51n.111-
tf ',' ' ' ;.; . : ' ,%l . l ; t j N '-' ll t u ' r '
A. JULletl, Itleinuoinlienil of the foregoing
;1.1111 ;11MA,, 5:r1,1,-. II qLt
;;.111VIli ••, In
W. T. ,c.,11, %v.t.
C. .1v, 11 0,1%
1,„, ;11 , 11.:C.1 . , N. I: '
, Id• 41.1 :I, J. .1 ill/111[;;111, ,, , 1,111,
Ih y It 1 . 111, , ter1;,n01. T., 1.•• L.l- -
•uil, C. II
1,. `' \l, l \l ,a;),
Cr.r• TO
in I:I licurgii I.
Tlit. 1 - .llou kttl : ,, ininutin, I,
ItAnyton, \
; w
I 1:40' 111
I, I I //I, k / 1 11 /.
Ungitr, .1311e•VIIi., r,
1:4/1'; II••111 I::.ri t,::01, \4':::...;:,
t,•l ,
t 11 .le. Nll
I111•1.:.111; I I
11:,••11, 4j1071 , .. Intl:.tnni 0. .1. N
0, •
It. :11, - -11:,'.11.
I 1/•: 1,11; ChM. 11'.1 11.
A111.1,..•.11 LniN4ll, 1%.11,“,n
11 I
. --1
r -,
. . . ,
!t+l 1,, ,, , I. 1. , 1.• 1/1:i1,111,1 , P.:. 1.1
44,N 1)1:1 F. LTA:IC.IOi s. • •
..p.,1:11,! I of 'lnt. (0,1 1,110.1 , 111.1:
It h.'
A ' •
VII )1;1pV At• n1,00-
ltd. i1,,,11/1,1/ 11, .1,1111.
Iti•prt , ll,l7l.
W. tV1:‘,.5,1;••,11101,,n, ,
M,,yor d,C 1,21%;,t,m, M 0.., by z:
_ t.,:cnltt),
tti• Vir:;11.1 ,t,t4.103, Thom, 311.1ktt
n,.• zo I "I,l.'g'. " 01 ."
lor bl,PoI: On,
Om . ; 1.121. 32,•1:1:1201 g 1,1... 111,
N . .1 .. tl. nue tan,. ttltct .Itr. IZ.clitttr
ittrgt• Ltt (1,4.1 y ,t•ttt . t. Wt.! ' , tttt•ttl-. +Lila 101 1 , 1.! itt t.ttct tt
tlolr t.
1,1111., \. C.T.11,11:1i ; 31, it. :• , :ltt Itttllttt•e 4 t )It , '“ tttttt tttt
with Ill.' It•l,,ttt g,•• ttx Is It Ittlt were
l .
nttvetttt, tt ,tt In:/t: ,tl:t U. wttrttatt tliti Ittlt pay, Lottitt... tt t‘tt tttutttutt
„„„ t,,
~„ tttottt.y Itt.t ittittltativ, ttiett,tttit, ttt her
ttt; intott attt•t. ttt tt t;.‘,l a w.,tt
itt 1,1 I :It .tttl, tt tom!, Ite
1,1 ltiti lll.l/1 1 . .,11,1 1:I .11110 N. 110.121/
. 1
hoard 1,1,1 /It'll lsorro, ca r Innne r ,, an 1 Iv :11611
ICI It 1 ,, f: ~,,1:1 „t Fah, o , :Argo
n 111,161111. •• &If .1.1 ill.", /1..1 Ihe for t to, vnie,, L , „an . to
11,1”01.1 11. i• the font n 1 1 , 1.11:rtloot Mr. v '" " "".".
1 / 3 1111.11. IJi 1 , 0,,111
101/d ,
1111 . 1 , 111111. COIIII , II
Itoll,l of Louloyllie ~ 11
.t I,l%i,ote‘t
,rnioun's y 1, 11 , 11hg, fo.. M.O. - A „ I.•.:
vine, 111, lomnol - I,y nt, Itioniv r tisay tn, Vous 10'01 '1. ' 111" • ‘ ."1.1l0
4:ay. I t i ll, toorliO , if ! ,.. .n.thoi , S
nlllll.or 1,11 0.1-1
wII h 1•0V1,11111.1, -.lnv hoinvn. varrlog , ', '"tth
1 . 121:1 Vl.l,
A.O. Agyf vorn , te 5,111111
A nropo4lt i. n, 111 t lie lennes, 1.1•01.:1,. "."
hire to reio.o the liCe InuchVe lI'LL. . 1, " I ''
pr 4.1111111111,; nev, fr, 1201.0111;
Or 1,1,111 g 1 4 ,a, Itvt by thine 1„,„,„ ,„
IhnJority. tnn 11-11ve out! or ....on Inn
• fnr 11,1.olotn• no,
The Lily
101 0 utrinnati, In von. In• • •, 1 L , • , t ‘‘,
nono,lon 3AieteidaY. or , I, :old nail Inollnl tins: It
pu, r ,y. the to . arlng liophst • .lal.l 1
" rt..•IIII`,
by rL tote id yr, to nnys.
1,.• 1.1 tho ,ssole a,. of nO.
E.llohteen font,“l non}, ts, , toov, -oto „. Inool 'A.:n. 4, 1.1,1 , 1 oat. ..,
,tore, 04 , 111 nontly ,•..Innolo r nt I, tuenty O.VI 1 . 1; 11 . 11. I
p•ar, nrrivrol :it littv,tnn, '
C. IV., 1.5. 1;:1,11 ft out 1 ,, 1.J1/1, 111.1
u err 11111/1.113,..1V (.11V1.1,1 to till' pnnltnas Cnnfin II 11l anar,l Pt
Hot r 111 oinn. nlel;ol],,. rtlol, n, 111.4
Inunleipa: nient ion 111 Il,lltllnnre, 111' 1,1..11,, 111, It, .•
Ttotnlay, in-ult. - 0 In the e:entlon vf llon.the • 1 1. 1 " , o no a , -
1 - .r.t n l Putman, Itepohlielyn, tl'thlity•llvo
turtforlty. uhal.
t \id 4
'"'"l'! , '
r., , ~: ;~
~ 1 1}:, I 1 , 3 . IA II
A Deli:lto.,"
ni ii;
_ .~.. i~. ~i \!II
111 rr altd T4,roituer, ate.
r:1111,ki Me .- 411 M. , ,nit for,- I
trikv,,, sulnyuoned
z.. o:. mitt I ,, gthe tn
••,, y 1311 e,
t“r1.1111t. ,000 n nt tin: ton,
.0:010, t•rstY.
on the I,ench,lt o l
1.1111, •.I is g•l/tOra., n~l:n in t~lru t
tllrr null
". ll' ,111 . 1 i tuni confirmed
ill tie Med witilm Ii day..
.PI lot Vltriouo rh•ction
.••'.14.5 111.111101 Ito,' 1,:1/1 . 11 , 1
the .4 ,i.tltitour
- omtter ,, ,o; tire
.4111:..1 afl, .t to Ink., eogni-
T,•'• , , pt,-Itig of lot th1f....1 reeugnl4l4.3loo
.fir jt
0 . 1110 (lil, lug
rl.l PI"! aI were, 4tlJett'im
'l'llonany Allen,
. . .
au, Cyrus II tuvilln , nn
:1'11,1! 1 . . .Juno. .cr.,
11'm U<lw~nu ell:
• ,
ief . , Joe. %Vallyer, Jr.
IL. II 1:.,, ri,. t ,Id . the re:let.
usi,'`i-ele,eil l'ore
the Jury having heath duly sworn,
111•11V../1 . 6/ I 1 charge to then,
SS..l,ra,, ILL folic's,:
I,• oaae and 1
prevalence of liritne—
1•.. j.• •lfil• 11101 W 1 ,:4r.v.t 1..,
l'T 111.11 n 1,111,1 arrest. the ultrotton
tto: /tt•L!ve ellort, of. every lII].
1,111.1.1;0-1. .1n of
. 1111 r eritni.
0.11 l• 111 . 11.1.11" S MIL 4•1111lilL all 0.131,1111/•
oo,nber • f crime+ 111111
I:: m bul 'WU COM
p :11. 6! g 1.6.1, ClittrUClVl . Witt, th0....0.
o!r.ontot tall to -11 Call,
13, aro ellaralnict it.ed LOY
Atirt thoro Sf re:t,On to lie
-1!.1.• I.LUDIIILIOnt of Iho•e that es
-1,0/-111111AIL glcatly In
•t z!i• 11.-1 3.,tr, tho follotc•
11,111,, fir r 1,1211,1.
• ..... !•rt:ti,ll7. I, tn.....1L1UM or
..ILUSIt. Ull6l Ip,Livlllelal.•
t,•,•:‘,.. O
”1. (lOU, ,11111 , 11:
II • 1 , 2, 1,11, • 4
1 4 .. ......
1 'I ' ',WWI /t• 1515451 y 4,4-
• 1,41,4 r , .at
_4•444 utak; It". 4514.1 01
44p4.1 ',WI, 11,11
:,••' I i. I. 4•44 ..,4441444t). 1144.24.4,.e.
glade, of 1,:lo:;y
Aar, vvry upt to ttltrlt.nte lien
.••• • .i-.• ••I I I l 0 till. dt . ll/fm - LtllLing
war thningh wawa W
•• . ol:Ly hr
nt.l Inrr ott,:r cau,w , have not
~•• Ltoi innlarno.• About
than at hint ,gbt ,enerallY
• •:, ;, o t:••a =tin
-truggllng• (Cr
1:1.• tt, a tuo,Ntltl the oht•rglos 01
common au,.
• vory oral to thnt the
thtoa log off the re4trahlt.
o r,o •
mol the. Lpovsnre to Loftin.
• ',or.. of Lb.. onenn, tout recolt in
IMO. Rut.
there fon
- •,, ' • Lt 1,114 nel-In' front
• to‘vo tn neratly
• • •:. L0r,0,111111,0,1 that
, ; ' , • ••of• notnl,rs if
• •1.r..1. P-ere
.1.• 1...111 011 purl, .of Int.
t. tt.t. tizttaittititt of nhfii•
tit. lii Whit ..ttaftts. of
: e.ttup f..l..r••••t+.
11/ /./.r ak,• of our a: mit!, and
,c,uvn of thvg eent,re , l
• "untry, alit It•rin al,rge iwr
aro . niJ♦ ffillog up out'
iwn,eutat wu know
L 114; In (la vnun
'.1.1 • I.i .....a.lllLaryj in ~ • “•1 or p,rol
et.itracler 0: tainny
~tun:f thew So theft upon
the, r Incr.... of crime In our
trntl nvi, th‘t 1:InkI.,hool.! not • lw
/• / t.el, tothe tlvrneraltrlng
:1,1: 4 . -..11 , 1ne to product: tbe ti
..f proln,:a•r.z. Of
.luaglnz from
,•• t.e. quite
I , lrcnt;ul.:l
U,4311 MI, 'I Lgllite
. Auti
• m•it.
1,3- Illy
t 111
111 fax-rt.:telt
:. 0111, II I,
:itl dele,rinus
chrou,n me
• - .1! t . lau.llll,
1.1 eLI/111,metit,
11:.1-11:JFIA:tly, ..• /Ve 10a.
cti.rory 11o.r width
gari, prrforlus 1,
and opo
r.l i apiwAlif, to the
r t.oth
'l',.' , ,wat.lly powtke of currytng
• • ,
'1'”••-•• an, tun iiy col rapt and ror.
t•o1,11111.1y ea.oia•ra-
I .... the u.,a.10r tn.., We an. any
ttiztut 1• t/Mitre „fI
x tit 111:1,11•11,, atiti
tt.t.lty ttt HULL 1:11g111. be; sitttetat..l, are tor
_ 11..t,t1t Ittilt, 1,111 11.111, rtlittlallllll,, 111111
tt.ti.ol by tiwtr 11„1(,',1 pr.,:gri:lg et I.rve-t .pf crmle
dolibto , l,
1/.1(1 trit • Y
' ' cVe'll re ,, tritin,tll .
o: I lii• of rutsllqh•
cv tor at the bur of
it—tt t'S + for
• .
. •
E'EE E.llO . E E•11E, pE•iliErklltEnt l'entrllltatEElll
rE I 111E441 Eklgher prizleiple. The
!mil. Ito eh ,
1,1 , ;••:11 f, the nit, ul tutees
1 !. !. II
• i. e ne. , nleea. ltpurt t•tvc, and the
.:• ti: 4 , 1,1. n, It Ll', 101, 110[11 i,a In that
I Lw nett tier reet....,ed'tor ellielent tor
ot the couffnuntly unit-reit it.mnstained
Lo pit.l Lc Intent. •is — lotistlaht
twin u retelhi Lean Inztttutionz receive
I too r oar,.
read) the vroplu to treat
Not 1,3..',/11 ratline UMW to 1.11;.
A. tit -1,11,a, 01 luaral Jo•tiors, and the
11 lie L et ',Lathe prw,. nail tattle r. 1,.. Tin. puble. eott-ahenc - ..
ntr.!totted to the nears-ley of applying
:Le approto relettar, "lint mine State
ot It- enteei,,hot, like, the Almighty.,
-ret till t tern or open Kelton, of
tuenototeh 1.,: their 1 bought[ or lotentionz,
It eezotnee the duty 051.1 y citizen to
t-erreeye, to tilt Stair, to wive!) over the
tat tot, el their leilnw elliZe!"1-1:1V0 Info,
teal ion tit WI 4 , treace , to the proper otneura.
11 etoe oireuder-t for the ppnialunent of
the ec
le. For though, in the Vll.Claintl of
WI 1.1, I Irk, I Ile duty of it rungistrx.te or
vji:Cer !..1 11.0,1 1.111 to name, Ihu duty of a
ny,' nod the duty - of aiding public nu
o ity 1.1,,ed ape., all; and dr , ' citizen
ho conceal.. offeneeyagAlust a Ztate, frets
tile Atom-ledge 'or shore to wholn purist,
ment.lo - lonti.., or who assist 'an offender to
...cape, or to•itlects proper measurer to ren
der 11.1 11,1.1 tile to unlace, saps the foot,-
.4 ol ptiblie authority unit contribute-1
to or:m.ler lint t/1•011Vtlielletl to the law,"
I lit.'quotatten flow a charge of Judge
ttothron, Lie:leered three—quartere on, ten.
tory :Their, Lott guile applicable to the
ILl...tent pet Ind]
Aa an 1.1 it+ t rat ton of the manner in
eft tact, ptercut the puniziattlent of crime,
.111.10.' yell instanced the ease of per.
who, upon recovering property atolen
;tont them, li-clitte prosticuttug,the.
ing int. offender :0 go oupintfblted and to
ell 1I 11 111. Ilk career Of crane. ills Honor
nlarge-1 upon thd manner of procendingz
in erttuinal uteaterz, and expinined the dm
lie, It grand jurkq Wleett he WO 000510-
0,1, the hay retired to stoat room to ltrk
p 1110 ter the tran+action rattle-1r busineas.
rnanut.zir roost.,
Adolph Eberhardt was arraigned upon as
ilsicttu,tt i lea emu Itjus wttii
.1 eiel In 31,1.0 Urn township, at the
le, general elect:Um. Thu circumstances
i. %taint Wire: 31r. laairlitereit was lu the
cnite. ~t the Pittsburgh, Allegheny and
slam :ester l'a-iensier hallway Ctimpieuv,
at 11.0 eietel reali Run, and contempt!,
It .1 t emosi nig 111, fanitly !rote layette coon
], el :I eel could proctire u
Ill' el. It ,,, e.ea:ltt Manchester, but upon tele
cl ea to vote rid the polls In that bureugh he
e as e:thew:ail , hi. vuturctitsau, on the
gene,: told lits real:wile. was in Fayette!
eellely. 1:1 McClure luienunlp, where It tap
he 111.0 1,11,4 assessed, Ills Pete
re eelved for Syria voting
le a pro, elated eel', .4411h:tett, as rtatent
1' nil, hit Lit. , eirennittances cenchitlon.
:lei' wit seem to he instal:A, Inasmuch as
there wtee vs . Wetice of such trauil as the
e I eit Assembly is designed to punish, at.
t tweet, there may have been a technical etc,
- -
It;ri 1.1 11, law. Mr. Eberhardt cuutem
rime 11110/11111.7 111.4 1 . 1 , 1111 . 11 Ce In the Inehlity
bere t'oled, lap! had he beehlh latette
„,• hold have beer. mop-
II)_ Vote. Thu cane. aunt to the
SnlVely Irs. Robert iTootltt
A , •t.ou to rv - otur for pitottrlttg the
tlrttntklaut to Chartletts torritsltill•
Ito tz.,tl.
Mntrimootstly melintAl orhould
r. .e or those pt.rfect I'llemcm
I mix 2,1111 - U4 ut Murdock S rutualra's,
I%l[l. strut.
le 1.1 It h or;;rg et Irewill, Collece
PL. ,I, A lie a.A.1,0:1111 females,•nerw:c. stand.-
l'ltz .hurgh ,tifortls
opporlui.ll,.. :or 111, Alr•Olire.l3lelit nc
A 414111 CALII . , IOII A: hrt•
et iN-trtictten
hy the ..
moult} It.attlt,oll , Mot att
the ~t..rn ot cri.turttnv edtto.ition I. a,
learn , ,ant.l
ter. wilt , 1 0 ,..• 11.1, the 1.111 {, L.
upon wl.l l. lifttl VIIIItt , t
t.W.2,1 111. g ot ,1,1/tlr 1,.•-•
, t rr tt ttgt• t tll t•t:11.0. The otint.,
fa ail touch
for nearly all the
, 1..1 ready alt• 1 r.Lcittal vet, ttlut
literary prelLwtton, May' ttt 4,11,...,1. Ile
to .1..1.1.1t. tip.. the tio , rlt, .4 the
.111frrt.itt ar.. I.tee. 11. It. it. 1,
Ilan. 11. IV. ail, 11,...,1 I%
t hi
111111culty tualii..}; their Itect.,ton
oil, literary of hii fair
Wu .141, 111,4' 1:11,1t toll 1.11 . 1 t the clo,lnt;
tent, 0, the College, muter the useellcut
man.turotcnt 01 ltr. l'erlunir, the till
-11.1151',1 Ilfl , l etruucnt pi .. . .th 11,4 :wen the
'till -
ol .1111. ill I, ILI-tory. Flo
ntily hecn pi 0- u th• the
nitinher 01 ,1')1 , /”.1., in al tt.fl , llilll, 311, two,
lunch Inlet, than nt uny utuling term:
lie Ito tr.l of Maint,ter- ,Lrc luny uctcronn
e.l Ilia, the coming um will proro eVUII
11101 V. )rill)
11 01111 othlnit will he .eft undooe to continuo
the youttlitr,tv which Like now ettjoyd
throng hootiii" coat/tit . . A tirce,ures, in
the per.4ol of a tuleni Ludy of Ludf liberal ex
peritYncu, rtrently Irceri utithul to tn.,
'acuity, and wtil - uP e r s Mu '
te:l, Of ulinor linportunue, or , ich 114 inny
:e. overlooked .1:1 tit u[lon
whicit are cry el,enth otl t:L 1. 0 . 1 4;
4.1111eM1011. ellen° 1031161.g+ nre lit
very caccilent rvintir mut colulttion,itud ev
crything coin: lois, to comfort,
and COTIVCIIIIIOO , 4 the 10it , 114 ht attended
to. Tile ' term C0111111•Inee, oil the
101 11 It-t., unit itppltc ttlon, for allllll,Slorl
should ut I , ltel, he 1 , / the Pre.ialunt of
the Ineulty, 11 10 . . whotn
appliontll.ll , for cutulo,o , glytutt (nil
in lttrmu. inn r 1.10. term-, n.e., ,lantht
he ,0111re,u,l. 1 Parent- hoeing tinny:ll , er, to
ed acute stlonlLl not ignore till. Ot the
widely known rxthruitf e th Female College.
Pleb Inertz at. en., No. 01 Fifth
Elsewhere he the untatuneernent
by the hobo, we!! known Loot au.: shoe
firm o 1:. ttreut rrhinetton tool etoeiug out
of there !rumens,' stoek of Fall un.l
Winter tools. For b trg.ontwe know of 110
Inure tel. - inn:de pUtee to v! , :t than there,
for an stuulitre. tool styles of boot. :tn.:
.hoes, which are warrante to equul any
offerfol IT, tilt. murk., ore ethnust thuees
rewArdles. of hoNt. The stock euthtu.os the
latest style. !,1101,1 and. shoes, .Ihilles'.
misses' unit etubtrens. cloth, t, het ato:
roll halo/orals, button, taco mot Con tt. e,
gaiters, shoiers. ties, evnt, hors' we:
combs' French cut kid tort thtek hOots
bootees. und tt fine essltrttnent of gents'
fancy 'dippers. t.oods ',resold at wholesale
Lortail, awl we earnestly coututend this
bon., to the putronage of the public.
Mr Irtri;el ' , hoer,. a farm. ,livtna . ti,rew
talk, above ,t,lg , per.r , lrl.t.on 310 n,!..:..
110 an r. , ei.lent, uhlett it 1, feared
re,tit I at....1y. II aan log au
ointraent to tar boot of a bore, that wa,
attt icte,l with rrrut et,.. , when the and uptt
hiet.r.l 11111 on tho right lert, rattnin4 a corn.
Ira., ate of the to.b. Before DC
rout..? get III; tlio hor-o ramp , - , ! rrAtlly,
and thou Lt..] dolt 11 on 1.111., LA:ling hero:,
the lower r,trt of hi. ILL.?! both
Mr.,Zototer tra., held in thi., ruffering
po,t :Ira tor r.nory that,an !tour, N. ttra
erle+ attention itntl 005
truer. Itr...littx. .t.t irt, of t-hlppotsburtt.
rortor...l ...lical an , l stirgleal but
the. are but might Lone: of recOrery.
We recorded come lime ago the fact Simt
tscentv•four laboring men had proieented
the r,pre,entancee of the Pennsylvania
nail road ~ onnuany, before...Ode:man Lynch.
for the recovery of .larnages resulting from
rut:l.Won th e par, ..i.l reprUmAnatic,
to give them employment after pr, Alllng.
upon them to uo 1010 the mounlalus to clem
he troth of' the ralhon a nit, the la, till
of nlagn,rate rave hni deetsiou
lu [none of the pro-ectuor.:, au them
lour dollars c“ch. The Anlcrtnan'A (n
-ekton i.el to u oppenn•d from mol yester s
atty tho c wa taken up in C.Ollll.
Commo , n 0 0 Inca. writ, et cn,ocari. Sot],
luyhoe bern.done with it /c• yet iu Court.
District Court.'
IS Canton a Co, v.. W. B. Ittokey. Artiotr
to recover that, tattanee Ittlettetl to clue
for tan bark delivet'ett till contract. Verdict
for 4J2.50.
Wier .1. vtonl Tu. Pent+ylvartla Railroad
Cotnstany. action to terover daunt:tett lor
tt att,irnrtion Wat,ltingtott ,reet
eseavattoit Zro the cro—tng of the Pan
handle Itattroa.d. -I'laintof4allegot that the
..truet war 01.,tri10.11 for tell tunnth.,hore
the., ee.sar, WOrk (wad Mare beta twitt.
In one-I.lllrd the tn., ttu trial.
Why Ile W... Rebind.—Th,re have
been ,otn.lon% con.luctor, 1:1/1,1i11{4•1/6/1ille
Pitt•burgli 1.1,1 M,t,cl.l.,ter ity, not
of tUrin 1,1 u.,...1t1t•ra1,10 of it cnanwt. r.
On nAurnin: ,Lutlon,
. .
~ftri one"! itt,lr, tap., hi- ear 'w 1.-
1..1 the relo•Otti , anti om• a lt th, ofll.
al , th.“. 1114.. of lant the 211•4.0111
“why Ito wag it,hin I r' evulently
not comprehetto the ...I:nation, nn.l oplted
that Uhl', WU' it platform at r...ett 1.z141 and
he tiltPut.,uppozo mad,: uny .101..renet.
whetltor he wit. helot,' or Ingiinti." its will
probably' learn the thlrerence.
The School hearing 1,01 had
ye:3lll[day morning, h-lore. norri..on,
ni the ea,. iit Lorena tioltien /rant.
:win/Mimi et of. The ea.) wan reported to
nor ettimiin4 yo..ter,lar and re 1...., ,nit of a
mthentty In the tow - strait, wittily
eellool, of whit - , 31,...;0111011 I, till,' :1.1.7“..
At the Inuring yo,ter,lay, a .1.,r•• war
oviner.ti On fill tlttCh to 111,V , the matter ad
wlthout all appeal to Court. Altera
get eral of the subject, a titt.,-
fttetury ~tanti tut: wa
. arrived 111, the.
plot.etattrix rt . :W.l,u mg chargu the
Isa . ti. preferred.
The Siren/ow Ilapo
liner hearto4 of
h.., .11.1.•rtnlu
rorain ye:ner.lnv In the co., ol r William
mewurt and 1 . 1.1111, eharge.l, 4,1 our
render, will tetnember. en . o_tilt
Or Sara!,
Smith, with Ittlit 11tVIT with 11,
Will to Cc - mining rale, upon I tie prosecutrli
at Sil,llllSto4ll MIOI11.! 01110 too. g'he re
suit or the hearlie, w fly that. Stewart
1114ehargril tont ilium 'en! hal to Sail to
unlwer the charge ut Court.
A Colored Iteiri.—Yesteolay Margaret
Jane !bunt:ton, a colored unman, residing
on Eluxal Street, In Ili., Seeenl.ll w ard
before Alderman L'Alasters and noun, In
tormatlon for assault Kul battery total/Ist
henry Logue, ul.o colored. she slleges
that IlSury came to her house reeontly, and
ralsed a grand rose, In the progress of
whichtllli tea her per,onally and I wat
her severe lLVb ly. A warrant sins Isauctl. The
turcuaed Is a steauslaul. luau.
Runaway —1 oterday afternoon, the
horses belonging to the Niagara Engine,
Company, while -tan.!ingin Irret of d•
Cooper h Co's. Bros Wort,: corner of Pike
611 d Walnut btreera, tetra fright nt n train
of care whitilt iaosed, and ram away, going
at the top Qf their speed up Walnut street.
They were captured after going a abort
tam:, and tt was found that nri liana had beet
been done, either to the tercet or the wagon
Contsnert'n Treat Coinp}ny. This
ban king InstWution,whicli rim A flourishing
condition, has its temporary ondte for•the
transaction uf hotness at No. a; Market
street, It hmr purelmlett thin large three
story brick . , No. IA
whlan rue once will tm removed HbOlit thll
neat of Aprti next. A. J. Raker, Esq., has
be e n ehn,en Vresblent, and tr. J. Patterson,
Esq., Secretary and Treasurer.
snow nal .now storm of yes
terday morntegttatte 1,14.1100. bOrti grand
epportuutty to etre - cum their occulter 15001.
ties. Peter Martin came before Alderman
Taylor In the a f 111111 matte informa
tion turslust Albert (1,414:v11e/1, that
he bud exercised lei it.cultltts In that diree
tlon too much, eAtraultlint deponent severe.
ly with snow balls. A warrant was lisucd.
Th• Allowed lutrocuy of Flat ttata.
r—We stated hod week that Albert 'oung
had made Information before Alderman
Otrtun,chargmc James ilet t orern a tot the
htroOny of two flat heats at IdefithOt Rocks,
Itobhuum town.attl.. A final neat log mutt
had in thu 0000 on /sate May, and Ito ocean.
was held to ball to answer the charge at
rnrclblo Ent.-4,111x Sen4ll. residng
at N 0.25 IVehstet ry
street, made infor 1
mat i ion'
before Alderman Taylor, yesterday, charg
ing J. Connor with foicihie entry. She al.
I eges that on Saturday the isceu , eit came to
her house, fumed his way ltd.° it, and throw
her goods lido the street. A warrant was
Prixe Elglnt.—lt 13 repotted that:a prize
fight, between ft. Philadelphia and Now
'York tough,, will tote place In Col...btu
county, sometime tlueluz the prement tomtit
the 1411,, we tlook. It is to occur rustr
the fleets routity /Wu, along Llfe fl.efellug 6
coin/obitltulito ,1,
- -
rAfelde tnn the Mononcnbeln Bridge.
Yegtnnlay rdtornonn. at Clout ft, , n'ed‘tr,
amattnamed John Mart!n,
Ortver by A. I D. 11. charnbera ref aonth
Mittatarg iv, drove his dray, loaded wills two
henry casks of soda, upon thallononzahela
bridge. After going a short .1 latauce on the
bridge, the hot se sllupoal, and in endeavor
tag 10 revaln hin balance, shaped both the
<Sena 0r the drat - ahOrt off by the body of
the Amt. Mr. Martin was standing on the
forward portion of the drat- and felt to the
hint.both of the henry:casks reining over
hint. Ile wan taken up Immo , ' lately and
carried into the toll-bowie of the bridge. ,
.and to s..McCorik. Sutton and Umbatnetter
e Inenorsai. At that It was thought that, los legs neere broken, but it was noon
1...cert....nal Shia. 00 ?when were broken ,
thodith lad
severe brulnes
: hIl loth Iva,. alter receiving thi, limper
nt•clltiol. t luddrod wan irue conveyed In
1te1:1.4.10,VA purr% a ire les his how, In South bitinberzli. Mr. Martin is a bang married
Accepted.—W e 1,11121,71 that
Mt,. Mr. S. Laird. or Lunc,+tor.
rowed thepoutsral cloirso or the ~., e venth
street Enirtr..h I.stLorso cl.ur,h
Mon. .110 Lit 0 Lellloo. Porkor ht tm.
of hi, 31.ottor. and wo welconau aim warmly
into our midst.
Ps, March 4.—Weather cloudy
and Wit); KO°. two InC.L. of 100 w on 1110
lolltill. Inv, lire auila half feet and fall
ing slowly. ()amt.:fel dell /Wad prlove num
CAttto, 91nn It 4.—ltalniug all day anti to-
:,;h t einuntatinott snowing. Minn - mar four
in a ontav-tour !tours. Ttiti nioad tane
titt tun 1110 bottom Inotbt, lott ato 0.000,
broke. wutiltina una7 fettcani snit largo. num
ber, of mtttlo, hornes tOttt mutt, itari • 10,00
~ttowaru. . ito11; accountUM
11nrett 4 -ITIto rtver row four
10-1 Ir 111.1 7 ♦ 0. to I' , l 14., and at ill rtiong
nii 110 Is tloLic. Mercury. 31: iron.-
.., 1.0000,, 00 11,
trout NtoMMllt. Lm I.4tveti. it inn. been
titom tog oil
NT•olvILLI:, Marelt —The river et rieinif
alum,. oat. of Its lo,to44,ltuti there ha. het,u
conetantrah , . for t Lel likot IWC .1t5,011r
,lit tit-toOlt. ArrWtel—Co
tooth., trout Pittston g!1; Tyron Co - /I[g,', A.
halter, Dot
Mr heat, Waren 1.-1 , 0i...t0me Sunday:
W avetly, Lorlo•let and DOra for Vieketairg.
Loot,. the 11.111 New t 3lnntlay:
iIP Abel, Nlcl Lonfneortlt. Neal Tracy, J. D.
rerry. for Nae t lean.; tie allow and nob
!toy, tor t Ineinallt Julia, Clara, Dalsen,
in raw on, Jacob, and Ilene -Dern ph Is,
for et. Lowe, Laurel II for Loulevllle. In
hurt Itolyert borne, Clty of Alton, Anna.
Counueretal, and Liberty No. I.
tio,lon Financial Matters-.—li.p.rat
Feeling of uintruNL
itosink, March I —Thu Liming TourrsaL
eayi there Is a general feeling of otstrust ort
the street as regards the transactions of
brokers and ban k ere, the recent failure flar
ing taught to light such gross Irregular.
ties that even well established and nigh '
toned houses well
iron suspicion. Tha
Flrst National flank of Newton appears cum- I
pletely cleaned out, snit many cases of In
d...lust suffering renting to it appear.
Probsbly ono or two other banks besnies
hose enumeraten hive been subjected to
losk, and et..Ou wan trikot from eon Individ
ual, whose friendship made him an easy
dupe. There Ls every m prospect that Um
whole affair will bemade tLe subject of
legal Investigation.
The .t(Amer Ci.tle, from Havana.
February c‘lt.ll, arrived at Now York yest,_
day. All lees trout l enernela state that
Maracaibo had been the scene of another
retelution,ry movement. General Canso,
wi to four hundred men, attempted to our
le Lao 'i - .lace• and a determined tight
rook place in the streas with the forces of
the State of Trutillo. Gen. C. was killed
and his men dispel,ed. The pending trou
bles in Carob tba are about to be amiethly
;0,1, tar which purpose a rrorislonal
Government has been formed.
lf:T 1V" 3=7 MIR
11,. I, Fonrth rtrret. PlT.l.aburph. COFFIN
of all i. 111.1, ettAVE.S. LiLOVEs, and every de
scrlpt,,n_of Funer.l Furnl.Clna Uoods furnish
,l. l a VVVEIa d day and Light. Hearse and
1.1:•,,L.:L1taV . .. Kerr, I). I).,
D., Thom*. Ev. IfK, E..
it. 7.1111er, Ego.
31uuclicitcr, Wood•, Run aud
Corner bliellield and CharCiers
anal se Lod Carriages turulsheaS.
"ti0..1 . 5-acre,' the largest subor
n,. pl Ice of .epulehro., except one. In Ulla room
-0": ...Ira on Inn Brighton road. tmme.liato•
iv north or Allechenr. !.•r burial lots. permits
r at Central Drug Store of , G.UOL
N Stint Lea, blip.
6 1V lie St., 3d door from sth.
J. w. aolir:wrox
Fine Watches, flocks, Jewelry,
Pit tail:sum/sh,
WS - Partici:ller attention even to Repairing
Weienes,. Cleeka and Jewelry. A.ll work were
.1 3 1,ITIABERS,
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A large assortneat
Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe,
Pumps. Sheet Lead. dc.,
161 Wood Street, near Sixth,'
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 K 9 S 9 S 9 sy;
0321-0 155,931
I s 9 i S 9 Alarket Street, 71
Sill S tte
'3 4 89
JAS. ROBS, 89 Market SO ' ;
ssi 1,49 i
89 S 9 S 9 S 9 89 89 S 9 89 S9l
C 7 .133E2A-Vo; MEI; -ELT .
92 ;Federal Street,
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
Loma% stylot or WURN?TUILE constant!, on
Tbe elrupleet, The Beet
II t
Is ViIIEEI.V6 A1l;3ON•21. -
WAnitAsr. Titittt Yx.krot. hALL,p„no.
Six triachliset. used Lot a short Unix, for We at
Fifth street
BrutilESof the very Lest for bt” at
Howard's Livery Stable,
First street, near Mononirdhela Hewn,
, t . .. 1 . , r.
a z lng and intiLll:g
rErrk: PURI/EN, seer-Mu cure for Dy.-
P , o4a. Tuve,- and Ague. Aeldltf of elem.)...
blst. Headache, Pain• tbeStosascb sad
els, and ail dytli Nis Mustier.. Tel tt. Sold
drawl as 11. Doi,
j Vir.