TIIE PITTSBURGII GAZETTE. rinizassii, DY PENMEN, D & AT .904151 - - - mocp. 80, Sitrairt.. r.V.AmarSvdriara,: T. Pr. SILOIOBTO3I.. /10111AIIIi SUMP/ is Lupo. p ju rj r- bashoiess Idanaa's. . . • ..._ . TZBLEt • 3 cents. invited io* outlet. tretweekl....... 15 cents. Nall Iltbeattnits, (Dar Telit . 4313altsdnellons m Newsboys and AV.U. TIMMS 303 TIZEILY: MOW OeTnes, per Tear. DT scadt.—... -• do. - do. • do.' Tin omens eciplet. to one' Address. and ban tree to club. each Y ITEMS• Chrocdcprbnchitla. ~ The word Chrfpi nsed to deaignatO this . dleease, is Intel a te signify ono of long continuance-, or n , contradistinotiOn to acute Broachit , 'which diseiseinns a rapid con anii is atteadeek with fever usually of ahl It:grade. It is a diseased or inflamed cond of the Luting meinbrane of tho broach 'trams, and is charactorlsed by a Coagb, h antentos, - and an increased accretion of futons, It is attindedwith more or lota . sin 'or rather a pi-Iclang, tingling tonna lon, which °Beath:irelr at tracts little or nenntlec. The Bronchia • comnienoes at 'a 'i•Oot of the nett, and then branches Into pasts, one Pstrt de.: unending into each •ldng, where Pit to .gates diShisal into Wel:minas of: smailet tubes, witich ramify every portion of the lungs, and =wipe air to tnem. It is the lining nof this Bronchia , which Is erected in• Bro- =.,whether itiu.dliease be el:ironic or ?: Alio Bronchial glands in this die. OLIO are forced to: in increased and an extra effort of nature is induced : in order to overcome the dliease ; boom there is increased discharge of mucous, sometiteet ..tinged with blood, which 'oftentimes 'weakens considerable alarm in the personaffeeted. Chronic Bron chitis may ternitiete either in an acute , attack of bronchial Inflatuatton, or Inbron chisd consuniption,Or even is Pulmonary Consumption by communicating the ?Geese° tO the mileitanos of the lunge. The disease ite begirming,ls • slmple and easy of cure, but when allotted id get headway Is often had to control, and very deiMmetlire of life. I believe that • thousands of caselPef bronchitis, as well Gs pulmemary coMitunplion, have been hin dered by the use of my PICTOIII4. Syncr, medicine which:Cl:hive prepared for tins Past twenty years. .I have sold lens of thousands of bottles; and I know of Tely few eases Whore it nes failed to do good: It' soil cure recent coughe and cottle us /no .doses. I do net. %know of any other medi cine, now before the public for the purpose, which can at all compare with my ...Pee. tt;ral Syrup.. In is cerutled to by hundreds of our own citlkitis who have used It, and liiihnot possibly: be deceived with rd.'. to Its cfSr.ielicy, and besides would have no interest in trying to . deceive_the kriave;ettredraulai:of Loris t1i9C1450 very trdAnaltlifthepriad been ' , given up , l—very , here is Pittsburgh. In briny Wee Of !Pulmonary Consump. Use, I u e oihdr'reihnelme besideS my Pec toral Syrup. I. IMO/ell aware that' medi cines to build sip the coustitutimG tech as tonics, and altetatiVes, aro often, yes, el. most InvariablY.lledhstutY• ' For „this purpose' l prepare a. medicine called LUNG CURE,',or Pulmonary Butinv, Um, which-laP also s tonic, alterattve and nutrient, and enables the system,by nddmg to the blood' the olcmentlry principles, that it seems to lraltine, and; at the name time, carrying Out of it those morbid elm:, mails which tends:to destructive lesions ~Ohnicalealtby accuppslations in:any par-, , hicular part, or organ—in tbla way It rm. stores healthy Orgunimni and a renewal. of the - Yariona; fuectionaries of. life and -1, health—for health tipssists Ina Proper newa ot the wear and exnaustion of the - unianil organism; and disease, In the fall lira of It. Allittedles are maid at the, Arrest SledlehtmEltdre, No. 140 Wood street. = 7;7 19 - 7 - Dean atilort..l , ol6 . re 'boars from o'clock A. x, uOtll tour o'clock r. min spinispesre and "Let metiatatifen sheet me that 'aro fat,• sleek headed tataPs.l'on Cambia ham a lean and hungry looktinteh men am dangerous.", go mid saskspliwc. Now. Camius , like, many another simpleizian. was tam became, he knew not how toappreeiste good tieing. .Ifliahrere hying to.day,he would not be re • egropzided bemuse lean, foratHoltzlielmeriA Continental galleon, lie Would repair like all eensiblemmido,andpartalteorthasplendid ly gotten up meals and bens Bleak and tat. as Na tormentor. Ce.tilfie would appreci ate Holtahelmer's bill of fare and would be mite of the nutnexotis patrons who throng tits popular restaurant day and night. As 'Tamil:tab &adore can only advise lean men 'like hini:tri patronize no , other restaurant Ike COnthiental;reszt door to the Post ofte Fifth street, unless they want to keep , leatilizeirsparationed. ' • Housekeepers.. AEssd cßoznatoes at tO cents Der can. • 7.:E.1*7_ . 4 14146 . 1 4 *malt • I;4o,sosserries,al4o cants. - • ;••••Poached st rO =sputa. . t.•:.llstatffitationladest BO cents. i.k,Rattlqua.PAPPOt" , ;. r Otssi gatents is;=%) cents per pound. - ~;14.604 ?nuts, istq cents per pound. - I. GrX?l4. currants at. 2•2 cants per pound. = t: At 4 42 YeaSna "tree% 41/eltitony City. itsweieWee Autruett.n. • The grthsti closing sale continues to . drair great erowds,and goods are lining sold at astoolstdag low prices, at Zi o.GO Filth Street. 11:MICILM 212Mentlreldont oethe opera House 8 boo scorsou whatever the 10045 will bring CW inunedintely.f9r.baPPL 2s ,. - . =I Jr - 6411 4 6d fOiroefifroolfing for eight dollar, atm being elosestoutlor five dollars and a half at the Opera Haim Oboe Store. , rininOt games For Boys, Ro.thmi ror ir.tbitt.cc!st , $"-- 5 . - ac Ito Operi flossehhoeStoh. • t. • 1- A • • ; . ,tikeaC isszt, Doi bate. imnevtibet4t thts.ts the great week for bru* O. opera. House Shoe Store.- 1,1/111e121.0 SillerinCl3,, • ' tiCixtiactuag_ leas than cost it the great log out sal. No. tv vita. street. • _ A Great 11.rilita... A splendid Presoob...lLirror or sale eheop at the Opeza. Haase Shoe Store. • =2l forefin Pqatisa of all kinds at JovePh 5. Innofk.a Diatalesii I= and, loa 'tint street, Pittobargb. Ton wn Bay . 98 par cept,...43ontiol jit Joaep B. rtattee. YOU Caw Deg New Lfops at.l.OWDb B. Fleck's. txrii&liksq•rELEastAnst. be President of the I Smate, ThODeninerals will tor Sena tor Doolifdln, j lt !SWILL& ' A. severe pealiatY ' sitithist belling elger bases, WlttiMUSseited stamps upon than, hap been 'put in the tax bill. The Govern . moat ben been greatly defrauded by. this ''!'• ,-01 AtiSiew Tort rimer has private advice, . :xst.pss Domirigo, 'leading to bplleve that • M U O mission of fietreturY Seward to the Westing:lles was wholly sue vendni,the object beingstrecty,witb Pres ident Cattrat t aecitrinit the long desired Bey of lianums ass navel station of tau United It lino" understood that Governortiwann, or "101.J.Issid, , srill sot - resist.. but wiltdo altos ittio...Uulted States Senatorship. glir -Laghtg teas Ons to the Legislator.; ln ,a daY the orport, that General Grans is aboutto /a% the Roam Lr Tenswanee ts- dented in - .preptumboi. upon good authority. Goyer . nor Hoary stated .that thstiiiieneial proposed to dOtikkkii a speech oath!, ltarristrarg Tont. .; Apothem s . r _the Dunosnon iron' ir 9 ris ' . '::sthhifirt;, " 4si. l ;oia 'arrested In nitta4i • • 4.taii, Re spivs the , name t f grants.. Drain. ts nottitafelp lodgeikin Jan st Gurris . Governoe:Goiu7, said to tbojlarristoitir ietoperance Convention. Out hatisoit hohh • 'fitatetitVar attttlittre. s i __.~..._ ... .~.... ";~'~~~ I 1 , , 1) 1 i? ~,.. n_--. 5 1 50 . 155 VOLUME LXXXIL---NO. PAMIR ONE O'OLOOK. A. M. EARLY. TELEGRAMS. Pennsylvania Legislature. THE -TEMPER&NIE CONVENTION, Spatial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette NAiruserao, February 27, It SENATE. . . . • The following bills in plane wore road: • By lir. Mahar= An act to annex a por tion of Lower St. Clair township to the bor ough of Birmingham; also, an act to create a Board to erect public buildings in Pitts burgh. . . • By Mr. Graham: An act to vacate and sell the Methodist berlad ground, in the seventh warti, Pittsburgh; 'also, a supplement raly live to' streets sad sewers In Pittsburgh; edsci, an act giving additional power to Ma City Councils of Pittsburgh. .By Mr. Brown, of Lawrence: An act rela tive to the publication of laws. and legal hddertMementa In tee Commonwealth. • By Mr. Searighti An act to incorporate Abe Drawly Camp Railroad.. ,By Mr. White: An act to Incorporate the. • Entetprtse Gas Coll Compimy. The following bills were passed: • To'creato a /Ward to bulitl.publlc build ings in POIMMMIM. To COD V grounds of Allegheny Into rt Public Park. • enact relating to ,the JalF,ot Mercer county. repel:ling the law relative to the * Collection of ums to North Faint= and Itoblosob.Toenships,'Allegheny county. • I. Arm( te °stabil= • Law LtbrerY In Arta .[.. troop county. A supplement to . the Pittsburgh awl Bin. 'mlngttam Passel:wet Railroad. • An act- to ompower the Courts to make election precincts= Allegheny county. To allow liereantiMApprelsers in Alto• •gheby cOunty 'to 'charge thoaamo fees al. •iowed in other counties. I ; . To cooler .00 the Pittsburgh Forge Com pany the same privireges as the Jon. and 'titan= Wanufactimlng Company. To establid.a ferry over tae Monongahe la tir er at, Cali(Ornia, Washington CoontY. To erect a bridge over the Youghiogheny 'rites% 'IC two= Dickinson Run and Taylor , * Fora Fayette county. .To incprporyle the Boyd Farm and Petro loom Centre Bridge Company. A LtupplemeAt of the Thiloute Bridge Company. . , • . I Toanthorize the clerk of the Mayor of Pittsburgh to administer oaths. ; I.suPplement to the net meorporid leg the i Borough of Lamm:Wet-We -To authorize the Prothonotary of CAM- ' Will County to keep an extension docktql ..' • AO act tb antittorizelhe Borough or Dlt. 1 motto increase the Tate of LUAU= far bbi•-_, pugh purposes. • Authorizing the ,Borough of West Ellaa. bath Kr increase taxation for borough peirS An act to incOrporitte the TlirigA . ii4ti . (Mils. . • . . . . A'supplerneftt to The - Pennlyirstda Oat and Cod Company. ; To tampers= the Pithole Gas and - Water 1 ComrmoY• . • . , To adtnorlie Selleol Directors of the Say.: entk ward, Pitgaburgh. to borrow Watior , .To antltarige School Dirac:torso( Manama township to apply surplus boonty tat to se dot perposek • - • A supplement to. the act inePrparating the. PittsborgA and •Bumbigham Bridge ,smaliapteorn• - • - - . e COMPLUY• The act relative to the Tempernneeellie and.Xobleatown PLank Itoad Company, was • 'ROUSE. • Tho following.htilo in place, ware read. *An net to 'repeal the fifth section of the ctrelating to. road/ and bridges in law , react county. An act relating to the fares on certain ru se:beer •railrbads fn tho county of Aile en act relatlngttothe duties of the Teen sttror of Lawrence county. The at(ernoen eeision Was taken up with I the consldeintion of the eupplement to the school law. Speaker Glass moved to amend_ the bill by Striking out the provialon'ln the bill mak ings teacher's certificate invalid. Feeding the consideration of tee bill, the !Towle adjourned. IDECIBSCLO, February C.—At the Tem perance Convention this morning a yew:illa tion wes adopted calling upon the medical profeesion to be careful In pr.critting elec. .belie drug.. r.oltition was adopted urg ing the enactment of a law to prevent the sale of so-called. bitters. Itomco Greeley I made a lengthy speech. FROM EUROP F. Movements of English Politicians tal AttliNDEll WI II Till 11:171311 Garibaldi on. a Visit to Venice LIOLISP TOLIT.3 Losoos, February 27.—The party called Adalamut, under theleadersiiip of Mr. Boa back, have resolved to Join their • forces with the Liberals. • CALIII OP TIC I.LiZAND . IIi, The Eogilsh Court of Admiralty, to the eve of the steamer.Alezaudrli, which Mel ted States Consul Dodly recently com manced suit to recover, has required Beane ity for costs, thus indicating that , the cans - luta been decided for the defendants. Tb . doll decision is reserved until the perform Knee of this preliminary. GARBO:UW:4AT VIIINICIL VKALCS, Febraary ll.—Garrll.ldt arrived here yeaterdsy. sad was greeted watt tne most unbounded withadaant. r.l■olll . llf VIEUX°. .• Pasts, Yebrusril7.—One of the reform. proposed by the Emperor, the abolishment of fhe address from the throne, is partion larlylunpoptelar. The Liberal party insist tilvan the preservation of this privilege. Turiretryo • BTATII3 Is rim raaace couars. IlLthe PrencttCourt of Admiralty, in the =raj of the United States agemst Armor Xits, tits appeal 'of the unitea inataa against the decree MI:Orloff PsYmoht Into Court of &tertian stun ea security for the costs cor' Stilts, was again. rejected. • 11.AzoN oraaaasoala jrnAlicx. PAnia, rebruary . 27.—The French Govern mental:details Annollane that they wUI not robin/W.O the rlghtto march the baggage Of all forolgwele extlving,lo Franca. ilamr6x AL az o Gosport. February 17.—Noon —Cunsola el. F.31.3114.1111n01s Central 7754, 6-21,4 73.4. Lives.root., February 211.—/Yoon.—Cotton. dull nod inactive; Itidollalr Uplalide quoted bicker; sales at. 13;4. Takes , [mamma. o Livearoot, February 27—Erraing.— rho Gotten market has been a little =pro active: sales kike troles• ' the prleee quoted, are 14%4 Dricans, and 13%d for uplands. Weed stuirs dt b. Corn. at rs for mixed western. Provisions unabacged. Moon, at flail owt for. uldales. bard. at bus Ikt - 11 owt, for Ainerican. Proe m* Unita:4l Oil, at 39. Iron kb re lAm py. , eDruary 27—Erertinfh—Consola, 01; Mes Erie shares , seg, 7%; 5.20 =MCI, ny v snmensows, rensual7 twenties 76%. rnins.ietuttery t7—zsening-wA7, bpads WA , • FRO JAPAN. The Colorado Weeps lesektt at Yoko yams,AolitheeJispaseese - towing to the Volume States, flax rnAneUhno, Feintlore 27.—Advioes from Japan confirm the arrival of the ateamahlp Colorado at "Yokohama. Januso7 kid, Crest activity prevailed at Yokohama in rebuilding tko burnt district' of the A. Japanese embsery of. Aro persons and sotto, 'will proceed -to iVashingion on Cho Totem trip of the Colorado, on a tour of in- Reaction of the nay) , pads, vestals, imple , moots of war, eta' The American kflitster had returned to lingnenk I, utter an sttn•enee of four reeky-. Trurrinfted I l amp, Wyoming, in Mlle clog through the Inland sew of Japan, Wen 4111&1WhOre cordially reciteod. i _ i 1,1,-r:n: :-.,-,....stirtiF :., .i ii Li , Its 1;1 ,saeliks.locn, dir : e .r otti t g the Setreta i i ,: y o .Hi w. • , , . , 1 au.{ at ac 0l demon ost not exceeding $31,000. Tln the Mozlcan R hii resolution was amended so as to read "to FOUR .0' C LOCK, A. NI,. I t",, P 7 1 .V. 4 ,Z0 1 0 .r tn k r 1 1 , 1 gq tr b l Yl ' 4:4g in nlit o eil _,__, by the Secretary of War: , Penile. . ---_—__- , eInetOPIII.LTIOZ BILL. - .. VERY- LATEST . I'ELEGRIII S. The consideration of the mlscelaneousap- 1 , preprlation bill reamed. - • . Th. , question was on the amendment or. Sir. }Miranda to substitute fur the section abolishing the office of Conimiesloner of Penile Buildings, .}.e.; a motion abollehing the office mid , imposing Its duties upon a competent Civil Engineer to be appointed by the President, atau annual COMSI-01131.- tiOn or $l,OOO, adopted. • , The }Mance Committee riiporamen4 the adoption 01 a resolutlem . authorisint the Secretary of the Treasury to pay sue As. Blatant Assessors as were actually em 105 , °din the collection or internal revenue in the rebel States, prior to Athiruat Ist t leG6, compeasatten at a rate presort by law. Mr. THilrifilULL. omitted the amend, inept Mr..B . lllatiltalf explained the drawn stapotot Malta which theta titan ware ein loytit.-:;,.. , . . Ur.' eIVMS2II. aald the Secretary of the TrearittrWas guilty of an illegal act; nay more, of • nrime. Ile violated the law us appointing men who cauld hot- take the oath. Ile denounced-Me accietair as halt ing be ea guilty of a falsehood, in saying there w ere par lova/Men AA WWI localities who cffuld bold the office. Mr. sIIERMAN said this language was and parlinnientary; it was nagentletnanlyi4 was base; It ought not hate bean late lin the Serinia The tiebaloWas ocurtmued at great length. Mr. FESSENDEN defending tne SecreitaU of the:Treasury against the attacks of Mr. Swans:. -....., 31r. W11.•ON offered a substitute for the pending resolution declaring that in sp. pottititte AlSeagere, persona who_could not take the oath, the secretary f the Treasury acted in violation of the law; bat the persona appointed, being guilty of no °dense, ate entitled in;eo tiny to comperuia- Clan, nod authorising the Secretary to pay them.. Atter further debate, the Senate, at ilita, adjourned. . _ ___ FROM WiSRViGTON. Report on the New Orleans Custom House PROBABLE INJECTION OF GEN. DA AS MINISTER TO FRANCE. Aetouramerkt of the Supreme Court To-bay. - WASillanios,robruary 27:1%7. STIP Oht.'tlift CniTOIS L lEOpts ISCSSTIGATION.. Tito Committee on the New Orleans Riots WhO were Instructed to Inquire Into the al . leged frauds In the Aire Orleans Custom Elobso, have madtra Yey/Ogt on the latter blele, In which they say they decided not to . ttempt an investigation of matters con coining which no. Information • bad been Olen them, or into occurrences said johns transpired at so remote a date as ISM; but Moaned their action to that part of the re. solit.ion which regarded the appointments la the Custom mimeo. The conclusions at which the Committee arrived arc, • First, That the Collector, Ur. Kellogg, has not wade appointments of persons who, he i ., 1 reason to "Selina add been In any way mental with the rebel sarrlce. . • , {Pasta, That it does not appear that Mr. Kellogg deemed It Lis duty to Inquire, and it tit t be had not, in foot, inquired, en to the ne icodents of applicants for oaten with ref roe. to their connection with tee Fed ora or Rebel serviee. ' spin a That removals bud heels- wide. spine ot which were quite recent, of pereque erpployed In the Custom House, when ital. peered that they had boon actually eaßaged Inwendering aid during the rebellion to.tho 2rebel cause. /berth, That great and continued core muld be taken in the appointment of °M ears whose duty It tato protect the G trent , ent against frauds upon the.,,internal roe. it e m laws; Unit none but genuine anti / k non friends DC the Government should anointed to &lice. - - ---- - Irth, Such "Mae has been uniformly taken Nall the departmesiga of the Code. Itouse. atepresentaUre Boyer, ono of rho Commit trfe,dOes not unitu with the sonority In this et echisben.) _ .. - Sixth, That the effect of the egaintnstinn a , d inquiry made by the COuselit.loo will he to ensure the exercise of greatercere in the ✓ 'ling of the parties now In oilier, and in . 0 appointments hereafter to he mimic. dh. That It is not expedient at this t oto recommend to the 'route of Repro. ten ins any action pen..,trning-apnOitd haa to tootilte In the Custom Hone at New Orl Tit Vector inn letter loth° Committee. says o ,the ZS employed In' the Gutless Ilona; tlhavel serve' in the United States army, 17 lee thn nnyond 23 Inie been con nected with the army-as clerks; or neatly fifty per cent. of the entirentrtaber,• . . All the regular appointee have taken thp. ollitrt re quired by law.. Sour persons who had serv ed in thirsted army, obtained alVelot , nenin under toiler of the testa tit, "bat witeriOTtl . , . It! tannin!. of 100 Collector be dtstrassed theta. ADJCMILAIIGNS OT lIVTIZTAIL 00007. The United 6tates supreme Court to . orrow udJourni uutU thn llret Monthag of pril. DISSPATCII.TU sew VORIC Tarot, A man attempted to olitain admission to u matt on Toeaday, by pretend; ri ir to ise to I rooter. Just from Texas, bet the cuArils ITcre not satiefied of hi, Identity. and I,lllb. 11.0 admit him. The Senate Committee on Foreign Atttirl on Tuentay,vottel on the marline:Ma of lox %tut ivina, as Sim lster to Tranceand the 'tittle. Too vote was three for confirming d three for rejection. (fad Mr..TolinsooMf Afaryrand been present, Le would have gone for confirmation. Trio :senate Part, Cepeettfon blil, apprf , Prtatinif ilifl.oou. has been °Marna to ban re ported I.? Sim iluun.l COMMlttee.- IL It SlOUbLral whether It can paita tllO/.101.1,90. VOLIVESku (31;CONL,t 5E51.,51031.) /1311INOTON. February 'Z.:, 1167 .SENATE. =1 The bill relative to tho ooSP. passed with n amendment, reducing the number of • data at large from twenty-llva to ten. CLIANON or JCILISDICTIOI. The act to amend an act for the removal of causes In certain cocci from State to Milted States Courts was passed. 1..1153 YOU ILAILISO.O.. Mr. 110WAILD report.] a bill granting a portion of the nulltary rewrvation In Kan sas for railroad purposes. Pending its con sideration too morning hour expired. COM rorro 114*ZILIVIT NOTS.IIILI.., On motion of Mr. SW:OMAN the cons. pound Intereit note bill was taken up. The queetten was on the Senate substitute tar m6llOEO°llll. The WI, as passed by the House, authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to redeem the compound Intertat notes with a new Ismue of legal Mutter notes, not. to exceed iIICO,OLO,OOu. For this the Senate finance Committee proneses ss a substitute, the bill Pseud by the Senate a couple of months ago. authorizing the re demption of motoring compound Intermit notes with oertiflestos of into, at three per cont. interest. The sobsUtution Artho nen- • te bill*. ngreenl ogl,re.l the following - - . - • amendment from Um Duane° COmmitten •.That no National !taut: JAY. or ro" calve, interest on any portion of its ruserye, when deposit.' Many other National Bank', and compound interest noteti shell IiOL hu heLi, orheld ad part of their reserve fund, after theliirst of".juiy nen," VAS was agreed to, anti Um Nil re -amend eul palm". • DACL•ILIDO VALID ODUSAID TDOCLAWATIODS. 111 r. TECCAILICLL reported from the Cont. •mittoe on .Indiclerp, Without amendment, the !Imola 6lil declaring valid and conein , sPle certain proclamations of the President. and DODS done In purettowee thereat. Or of h 1 order, in the suppression Of the lute re. hellion against the United SLAWS. vmaiipy IT Tat oPpICZ OP PELISIOPNT. , Atr. TIM/ MBULL reported advorseiy on the House bill amendatory of the ' , Act . ;le clorlpg the ofiteer_who shall Oct as Presi gent of the United President sf and In tbo calm:, both of an Vlco i Preoldont," sod =toyed Its pootponettiont for the reason that there was not eufliment time for its COnbiderialol2 during the pres ent aposion. • The motion was tori cod to. Mr. tillEttiiv; polled up the occulbuo ap propriation bill,wltich was rood. The linanee Committee reicommanded ',overfly amendments of no publics impor tance, and ono alxillobing the Wilco talsoloner of t'utille buildings, and au th or- iting.the election by the Bcnsto of a Super intendent thereof. fyr, wApE opposed the latter amend- Mat. . AIr.'StIEMMAN thought P. gator place in an appropriation bill: Mr. WADE paid the COIIIIIMMIIoner of rob. lie Buildings had charge °fine Capitolbhild leg. 11 any dlgleulty occurred between the President. sad Congree• while an °lacer had charge •at the Capitol under tile appointment of the President, it migh C lead too gloat deolof inpOnventonce. He thought it •ery impatiens that MA nom havunc charge of the Capltdl should' po a loan friendly to Congrume.:t•• Mr. HOW.Ottli cold lie tbonid tote egeleet strlklagouttisesectieb,lopeituselg, tbought the appointment ought to be vested la flag Sonata. Moots. SHERMAN pad WILLIAMS spoke In favor of toe amendment. Mr. 1, IndUNDS doubted the right of Con- Rte. Id nice[ a Commissioner of Public. Buildings. Ito propowd, In place of the Douse prOpoSitlon, a oration, that the °Noe of Cointalosioner of Public, Buildings. Is I hereby aboitsbcd, and, until otherwise pro. I 'nand, the duties of that onion Wail to per (opted by the quartermaster tioneral or. w e Array. /I.r WADE contended for the ifousaprop.. Conlon. There hav° neon tareatii 0i Co. ' lance agvJaat Congress by tho organs land sposeemen of the Prcolilent. and tlio Prost. dent had cover done anything to contra . duct ttaiSO Statement*, ' This hang the rase, poogrese 0401 E? aFp . rliup4 itaop with pa. Dlr. FLOW ADD spoke to slmth. v low. Alter farther dubuit4the t•onatst went Into' Executive session,And wbsconontly tool, or...micro sum" tool-. Eft „ f „,, ealle4 up theijotobtosoluttoseps ooo d by tho btouse ot PITTSBURGH. THT,3,RSDkiI FEBRUARY 28. 1867 HOUSE OF ItEPRESENTATITEa. • TEE "110 LE tE TEE WALL." On Leatten of Hr. IiTEPENS;' PrOPoaaht aru to. he recictred for renting the reatattr nut attached to tint haute, the proceetia tO on to The golilters , and Salton' Orphas Home. • ' XarAt Arre.orzlrrto, BILL. The House Bent Into Committse of thp Whole, and proceeded to conaider the nikpal 4 appropriation bill, the total of srhiebt-li , On motion of lir. EIIYIiENDALL Mkt thousand dollars was appropriated fora naval station at !lotted City, Minot,. After some fur th er amendment, tile pained. =I The SPEAKER. prenented the 'ant:twin. port of the stnittloontanlontltuta Orderoo tabs printed. • • • TRY 1,1/.11/7 .1.4. • The House went into Committee of the Whole on the tariff hilt The Amendments from the trays and Means Committee were disposed of as follows: , • The amendments numbe r ed Veda twenty to thirty, to refesence - to wool patting, mobile!: the wards ••at the-last poin d t or place' , Au., so as to leave then inittkine. pond upon the price In the principel mar- Lon Ift tint conntry. , Mr. MURRILLmoved , to amend amend; 100111, outliner twenty_ as reported , by striking ant the rend, tend tech rOmmis- Mona,. eo them the clanistatiould read "-and upon wool of the flea elan, imported no. washed, the value whereof in the prist s i maracas of the oonntry, whence eai= the trotted Stites, excludible nharhm, Chid/ ho so tench Mr pound." • havingll oppoeed tho amendment as toe eireet or enlacing the duty on Tho amendment was rejected. The amoodmendesents teported f the Committee on Ways and Mean., nuniln4tell tram twenty tee thirty sr • ,„ 10 the paragr aph tail • ••, _ at.- trredyn cents per pound, came np. , The amendment was agreed to. The amendment to strike trot of the Sen ate's suleit.ituirt the word• "Anil On woolen flocks or allerdings of pulled cloth, the defy shall tee three tents per pound," was agreed to. The amendments relative to woolen cloths, bunt tne..il revs good*, carpets, oil clothe antE tires; eiike. wets adopted. • • On the arnerol meet tocrea.lng the tan on Inanurodored flax from ell to to Per tan: Mr. st,IIENCE moved to increase It to SA and ent,....oneutly tee 5104 both rejected. Atter ,pbste, in which thouderests of the Ealt toed West. were vindlcatol by members (tem each sen, IMO. A opted leered to inereAse the toOto IMO. Adopted by a Yobe of 3)to 31r. SCHENCK moved to tnerease the dot,' on h ink led .IPto to 13 1 per "ton, and Mr. FAUN stt't , RTit moved to increase )t trt fog A shoilar debabernsuol, whichi Mod. ty terminated by the t labia of thewaCommit tem •, are Comtnittee has disposed of bet forty e of the amendments of the Ways and UV* Onamittee. • • • . I: • noting SAssion.—Mr. SCLIENC/i. reported ate bill the Slithery Commilu.ee the Sen ate bill to provide tor a temporary Increase In the pay of efacers of the army, with some :tole tulin eels. The amendments we re agreed to nod the bill pawed: • _ The Mouse went Into .Committee Of the Whole on the Tariff 11111, having ordered the debate to be closed on the pending par enr,iph. All amendments to the paragraph' wore rejected, and the duty on Oda adopted as reported by . the Committee. Luring the debate on the amendment to increase the duty on horse shoes lir. STE VENS suggested that if the friends of the tariff would hold their tongues and not talk to much, there would be some chance of having the bill palmed, but not otherwise, (Laughter.) After having reached the sbl amendment, lensing-still /53 to be eousideced, the tom. nalltuo rose. Sir.IL)RItILL gave notice that be would, todedirrow, try to prom the tallir bill to Its final vote. • • Yea irtno cow es veneer.. 111 r. II AY lIOND asked learn it:t r offer area- pietism declaring that the establishment In sue itnmecilate proximity of the. Vetted dates of a powerful monarchy, under the support of o 14:R431i:it nation, cannot be le. !carded otherwise tisane% being hostile tn peace and usentsclug to the , ssfety or Ibo rcpubilc, and . requesting. trio -President to inform the mouse whether any cameos nuance bet been made by this Government against the proposed consolidate= or •all the Uritish North American . proVlnees Into is amgiu tlAdOr toe 1124,perist rule of an Y,nit li i Urlphet and Ph:ether the consent of th • Government-4as been glean In any way to the conamixistatlon of that proi Mr rnO C t. . NKLIN(' oojaetpq. • • "••• Mr. ICA YAIOND moved to suspend the rule+. On the vote being taken thorn was no quorum la the house. The resolution re mains 1411 erifirdshesl butanes*, to 00618 up 1.001106r00 13:106 , 6018. • • 4111)011r006. FROM NEW TORE. Tr.r; Ironhio News from ;Kotond—lts Effect on rho now York:Ur.°leg-41 . e. torn or Yormmao Bermett—Salo Of New Yoitt4 Yebritar7 VL—lteport aime a Tauten envoy has arrived trom...lreland, who says thulinglish statements thattllil re- Itellion is maw are false; that the uprioing was general In the count!. of lierry,toublin and Tipperary. There or otrons- • or than am*. The minim - care under drill of:leitirlinnolred men who Burred In this ggunto.tieringthe radiation. As to isfec- F o rani& Vie British troops, it is undo* march..allusruver.ortional • l-willato*ey Vignette! tie they will kiln* Amer eau Maar tiaterillet at- Oat belated Brßyh troop* , awe. t-Agagmlatitglitif Minium hero today, no watitstigli*Aldence In the movement eV or depiriviutiZtietria Zi:ottgro suZmlttesi ir=antli. to eatd bri be ennartip= f tbilleigilabats Of the /Witten' Forman:Met In it shbuld render malbumnie there extra-hazardous, to transfer 'Operations to *England and •Scol land. • 'Op ris sense. Loos.. Financial tillers are unsettled curler the uncortimey as to the disposal of the re- construotion bill, and under the settlhutent of trim" querimay qqaotioa, sip' It t felt tbq dontinnahea 'of con of moo n Meter!. silvaMet the course he money market, and iihatoss Interests amorally; Thetis 'et disposition to hold oporationa looking to -the future- in atievanee, until Congrese corneal* come undttritandolg mpOn.'that gueotie. • .'.ll n I.ILE Or XIIIROL'EI SATLLOADS. Tillb . oobllllll.l.4a 'appointed let' the .111 tot. mud Legtetatilre to Investigateall matters -oi:inflected with thir sales of- r4 i alalit ran. • roads of Ist &Mite, whith has &M -elon berg or several day, , imam !nitwit! .nest atid payers relative to tho ode of the daniliwextFooldc Road, closealibelr labors underact:4 that their report 7tXrla t i t' e t u j ipn ° oro r rgamt i- zignnil &Rao that rout smite* Melt 3171/14111./.. - The steamer rereire, from Morro via Brent, on the lath, arrived to-hey. Illehon hit eh onoei o f aniT:11101. Bennett. 10., were lnissenifmg. NASElrlit.' February , ft.—titiver falling with 13 feet of water on the aboals. The weather Is mlld. Arrivals—Leonora, Evansville; •Ndsliville, from Cairo. De. partures—A. halter, Fenny Dwindles, waits- bore Anna whits, for 15 . t. LOuti; Itlytwieetia lOC tbuiCiztuati; ,- ~ ~p '' ~~.~ CITY AliiiatßßAN. FOURTH PAGE:.;+Whe , - and 'nog re. Wage xorka ports given by any paper ta the city, will be found 'on•our .Fbarth . • NATIONAL. BINKiSTOCK. mportaut. Doeletoui tti2tie Supreme Court Off Penneylra•• Are ialittres . of T P1 . 1111t 0. 1: ? Nat! n.,..k. Liabl e The Supremo Court a anneylvanle on outlay, et Phlladelph mIAMI 'Mat the bares in National boo . are =Dj M. to into taxation In the oldie ehare • olden,. Judge Agnew vered:thnopiri . on of the Court; CUM.." stlce Woodward • 'slanted, stating that"leo Ina conglelor... • • d the eubject carofallyilandthei mere be . gam Med it, th e morn ii: mks ,convinceil . •at It was ble duty tO d lam tell M ama: All tax laws should be (fitly construed mist the Govomlo ' dmtioe strong as not present at th e ent. We an• •ox the opinion of klo'J ice Agnew s • - William Illatzer ye. County of Mont. ornery Error to C. e -We Montgomery ' tante opinion by Avow J. f the shares 'of -took in tae -Nationed ks. ltable in the in lands of the - etockgde g. to a Ste tax 1 Ste 1s the qumtlon ha . ted awe mad It presenta two potato.' 1. is the taxation p cal for th the State law 1 I. le it forbidden by :oat oT Congress. Tn e=l eection of the tof nth April, 1,814, provide., Mr the Manor debis,..a. • ants. stocks In Moo , tited told unmoor • rated nasociatio. en public lox.. The •• disc Intent of the 1 w memo to be to main money In every m of Investment: ' Ith this guide. to. latliretaiton. the 1 r.,. .• timing of th e stock tam plan : ° Also; I Minced or stock In eank,luatitution, • r company now or . incorporated • .or In pursuance of, y lewef this Com. •• onwaalth, or of any ar Mate or govern - °ll Is Moo, thatAbere were:no Na until banks whoa tel 9 the was passed, but to operation woe mad prospective. 1;n• we, therefore, wo d ibet JIM • • Vatted • I ate' arc a govern wro must say that ..rnorattens created r. an acriof Con . •• are incorpOrated . Mt•pursitanca of the aw of another aoVer9leent. ThOSIS elan rug under Ma lama of gillter Stilteit'Are Oro. Wel for In terms, eadtbe exprosedOn *witty other government" ti be .coatinod to 1 . •ign in goVernente, not appltoable to ' of Mataialled" . • Boy tale would i • ' •JetarpOlate the. "foralgo° con- ! " • • MUM Motu in ftho Oct. • Card- • Mild be muck Illutly- Inc Into 1 I &Mattel barite a :nue= 9 theta 1 I • .1: into foram" Stutiong. tte arP, ' ' oilier amount' • =tar" eltipttalju- • . lts at the . would =WOO tai. • lion i t the term •• ent" 011 foroed • ut of Ite isitukal thotf...'Looking at w attelept to r iOde of exenay tar entMente. we should •ly mileltsfe Me. • live mark by ma s the altpMet of nation to Minres to_ , ,Iga trielitittions. to the 331 section QS Leglantiture Drovi • ed for too of of, • • Moll rested State upon etooke of • retionS crested by • y law of °memo , • Wealth, pawing the. eytrient dmettly f • • corsoratlou In . the treenail , Of••onWeell.b.• Tall •• ode is somewhat ' • • and Is now sup. .11011 by tne senor • o April, MO. Ilat le preeetvianst • ,estiOned to toe cur. • tattoos of lei • sag not reaching MOW of other ate • crofeents, the ....d soaloa of the ea ^ • iterbelas opera• re upon the snares stockheldent In the nstltuMoris of the..l4S, ifia,..Manalr UM ecision in Allegh ‘OIIOW. ei.Sbaelther• • or, Ili rent, St, is . to the took in our own g Toe geacrattienklies leffikVialllPl • the appicatent of liftda AWL- tare. • • , providtes for kletatitkoM_;_o ( __the • met of the State fanlaelaalkt , 9 o at.. r t' e " Zkrt r a S eiV[l.ll 4 -W 11 . liitZtlb.2 held d ro i re n • nation fore '.• • . ' - ltat - thill does •ot touch the ease . - • • • . et.' Tee -shares f the banks and ot•-• corptications 01 oth• Matt,/ end gar , ' 0 • ease swum Beale to .. , s , .1 under , section wf Um act LPL • • - .ll4lSilhatierltr thanal hanks hate been,,,by previa loti In the .forty-iltst seetlon [be National Banking law of al June, 1014, left open to Statetalation as a part of the personal ea. tate of the der; pterided„ the rate ot; tax. : atloo does not exceed that *seaweed upon other moneyed capitol In the hands of indi virtual ritlzens of the State, and does not exceed thereto Itutmawl by the Sato upon her own state tae on. The language of the several provisions of the net of Concre..o pays Jasttce Nelson) Is so axolotl. and po, tinas scarcely toast! forjmilotal must r e. The stated case raises no question of excess In the rate of soiscwstnents or of re. pogoanee to the prorWonsof the forty-drat section. It to, therefore unreceirotry, with the ticclstonsof • ilutwerinr Court heluce us, to jay more on this htutnell Of the •übleet.. Tee enablinglet of lte.i npplies only to the bank.. St bleb tlremleives of Its prortolnne. There Ore Nevem/ State banks 'which did not, among them the old Bank of Pittsburgh, which never auspendel specie paywentr, ant yet reniains a I t talu hook. hut even bad all the betsksof thistNammon• wealth gone In under the National spite= IenTMII no State hank In existence., the law for taxing State banks would stilt remain, and would Imply to any State hank which might arise. The question le not Whether subleet of the t. tr. may enact.e to be formal. But It is sufficient that the law atanel• unrepealed, and we know et at I.at one retr.ninlre; ate bank. • The Judgment Is therefore affirmed, . In DiMenltle• Ilre.2l,:ry MAlimn, Ilvlpg .in the Ninth ward, L the proprietor of msale •property en Paw Street, and Urn. r.;atlierlari is her tenant. Yesterday, Mrs. Lemon peaces' before alderman Lynch 11.1.4 made information against her lundintlY fir as. exult and battery, stating that ' 13. ita. sailed box . with violent blows on tho side of the head, knocking hos down. :kn. Pall bon wet arrested, and Stated In eeltinatid. oatiod„ pm:air cliu. of tilt rot between herself and b tenant tiaa the fact tbnt 112 e latter cometed depredation. on she tenement honest, bn.iglngseverat penes ut &oaten& got tee wiralitata, lieu. tharoforo, =We Information au:l9:W Uri. Lesson for inalictene •miscblet. -kart. Leeson_ - Died 'tirat tbo breaking of the win dows woe the commencement of hostill r•bqt -a l tat bor. landlady wok the rtmi stop n unwarrantettle • manner, by forcibly entering her domicil without. Jett canoe or excuae. and throwing hor Par niture'inte. tbs, street, sabl • furniture con sisting, en we cite informed. of a bundle of straw, ands candle box partly. full of coal. bite therefore made informstion agalwt lior landlady far [arable oat rlf awl Wahl.. or. Ziot aittlehnt with this. azubtint Of Ilti; liattob, - Mrs. Leeson repaired to Alderman otralntit office„ and there Made information gollist Mts. Dalittan, far another usnult and battery, aileglng that the defendant atrnck her ovor the - hcad with & broom stick: Both defendants, on all charges be. tore both ralutistrates, wore bold to bell for 1 turpier hoprius. . Another -Alderman's Oilico Marriage. Ou Tuesday evening Kate i/eartnott, big m the Sixth ward„ made information ler egillatten before dbiorglell VeYlor. *Mast John Carrol.. John was arrmtod, And: In 'default of hall ,WaAcalcimltted to 'Jett 'for a further hearing yesterday alter. goon.. At kiln appointed thin) the heetlee 7t" . r" t tf " = W'° : ao'i El.ge ai. mt pro II h er scm, to limatuott ex ' procee readiness to eattle the diMcul. ty by matrimony. John demurred but du ally cemented, and the ceremony began. .The groom was not eo ready with the ra , Sponseg a) he yulght bay. boon lint nice lordly. with 60010 prompting. lie got - through the ceremony. ' tt u statedthat the intimacy between um puttee commen ced to Ireland, and that they came. over to the same ship. Ito peolll3l4ht to marry the girl at tjueentstOien, hot she refured to mar zugeer lod the iherelage tetta not aoletuulzod until estorday, an - stated.' itamodlately lifter be ceremony John lect bride. fn appa rent Olegunt;thue proVing that had , ble heart-not In the Marriage. Tbo partied had searenly lett the' °nice, when agirl came and made Information against John for. for. ele x uan and beetunly.. A warrant Was suet. HO wlllbardly Merry himself out' of this scrape.' • poaarter CommitOd.--Spinia walar ago capt;Boilth Orthe Lanett) , street reurolting roodenvoui enlisted a man named goblin:wh et. Horilbeelier very-soon became chasm!a fled, and to aday or two deserted. Etruria were mods to capture hint bottle, eluded moult Onlik Yesterday, when ha returned to the city and delivered himself up to ntel Dickey of the Fifth street rondezvlcus. . Dickey committed hint to 101 l 'until an WO° au 110 CAIIIIO scut to rainy. AnObstructed Vire-Plon..—Tho It/ton. tiod of thtf 'proper maim' Ince la respect, fully coltedlo the condition of too lire :Wog on 1 onn ettnot between Morris and Morton. AVVITant itc,,l7&°c ' gi l l 7 1 . trcru t a= bb mead= to 'use thu Nug I t wou ld b . !band quite talpractlcablo no It could not be gored for tho ntonon. 'Viol , should .ht) removed untNedlato/y. Park .--The attention of our readers 13 Illaectrilla the na rartlsoment of damaa ..ipptricolt. _Pork Paoker,WBevanth street. no has now a largo stock of sugar cured hams, dried beef, breakfast bacon shoulders and sides, ati4 - choice taro,list pit sad .Wreasei wblth will be sold a tlso most, favorable market rata, filko him ca lk and ositailtta his primp % . .a '` •l s~~~ The 'Allegheny Common Ground.. Having given place to communications on both rides of the anbject of improving the Allegheny-Commons, notwithstanding the crowded , "tato Of our columns, since the subject itself is one of COlleitlerat)lo injer., est to the whole . community, and becarne of tluilriteileetual and social character of the writers—all of whom are attune of Allegheny—we had intended to decline pith fishing anything furtherer' the subject. We herivever, abate tilt. listei3tion, In publishing , today the Arrible iligned n gisUlark." Werth tilti In deference to the author and in order totive the benefit of the last word to the side which 131 opposed to our own view. 3 , - .ALLIGIIIZai CONXO3II. - ' Thuvaluable heritage to proposed to be wresteds from the sightial proodetors by the same. needs It was proposed to.absord the entire city, Its corporation and Com b:lons within the Dowels of Pdtsburglt. The whole project of converting the Commons, at the triging expense Of gme,ooo, into plea. toe vowels far wives and children, hat Its origin and ILSITOOStei over the river or with :those 'whose . entire blelleete capital is in- Vested there. - This Is the ILTOWILI of one of ' 'mama-the advocator', In the 011.111 - 11, who compll: month the two cities by saying the ester cities have • more "horrid record of crime than nay other In the country... so tar as . ..21.11.egterth jo intended in this atheelous lut ..petationliMe simply tletree, and trOtreverr .much some of as aredlimosetim contribute , ter tensentiolsosert.for "their s h rives anti dauglitarstl r by providingpleasura grounds , for,streit gegroation, wo repluilato all giro 'tarty rultitionehip In th e . cataloger: of `ctime,ver/thatich neighbors, as the crimi nal recorder th e County lined Jnry fatly . Telvalandarousimpotatton wedenounee and repel. having Ma origin outside offal°. ghony. Igo citizen basing daily no of events meaning within' her borders; would thus dishonor her elatM to rank high est throng the most pcscaftd, sober and moral communities of the land• we Heel-Ir. nod has some affinity. in stolid ignorance to the allegation that funds n e 10 be raised to the tune of (200,000, not by taxation at all, bui by ..kmerratene.- We would' inquire by what procesa taxation usually proctestp, if not by assorsment. This is a wonderfel discovery indeed, wed rete Utile 00330 f - r•A monkey to reform the timed' i . -ligeolgeginn vilextforafgettilmea.". _ 'And new by way' Of pactileation on this subject, why should not this Committee, se wthurocus in the appropriation of the two- Piresrestfine Iliad 1-yo the meth pro. vis tibilh preteenatle.ar drive for the dly and fashionable. g 0 a step fur teer and apply one-hall of the same or pi,- elb to the erection of an opera Houser or .-111=311eir wrrea and naught... The ,M i tie s as Oho Ot er if 'ei gad ther, s Uin be lege thesti br . tam) Ithertil LOglelature, which we wrelltiorthCien Mo ftepreaentailvre_of this glortobriallirelybefbreantherthing . ..anatialtintial bather to 06 briffrotad .•on - elm City or Leeway, mid arrest this iniquitous petfiect of taxation. or amen ut,m=ft is celled, and the besfortl of , e 0 112 jrbei fencing to snit star:mails iulerri gtegningelre who may In the Ibmtrprove to be lons of themselves, should they be ' disposed to neconte bkiders for the work. W. undertake to ;my. witivaptiasts, it Is ne ver to .:FtVPI:c7(I7 nor a single petition proposed, the question originating solely in a committee of five, sone of them hate their entire Moines* Quite( Over the water, with 'much of then. oympathlea for e waro our temporal treas ures are th ere ar our hearts also, and dis • min the Whole subject to the ...sober second thought of the lwarnie.thfnurclls - god dna t action of the Leglaisegra, should oar mum hem venture tabling It before that body. Dismissing the subject to the second so. hur l ugt bf the Connell& the pterpleiand dua action of th e Legislature , should our members venture to bring it before that body, we would .xitiem to Pease, under the reflection that thigidelre of this city. In bonds and other municipal Ile/MIMS. hi at. this day within a err" artall /rectum Of - In all reasonable talleeettenceslinot Hann sum large enough to impasse on the Ma teo., but must we. at the bidding of a small re snout 1n1yrrap ... 3tE r.. 31 ,... 1.1331 tee n, lc ferrrd tit - by TOW' ..'''. • =1;1e Id Wally a levy upon the °Manly all It Nasal. meat or taxation KS you will 1 ~.iit.. ..litsgs as" Common Micas Coma Wore Judge Mallon. itosantut 11Offman vs. YlehaelGoh ler. Ito. lion to recover for services as a domcsi is for tbo period of eight years. Liston, re ported. Tito Jury found a verdict In favor of plaintiff for the sum of $4ll, beteg at the rata of about si,O6 per weck. Th. Jeer probably took Into consideration the fact that plaintiff had with her during her em• ployment two of her children, and made allowance for their hoarding. Kirkpatrick and Mellon for plaintiff, John IL. Large contra. James K. Kerr ci. Nathaniel 11.. /legit. This was an action to recover amount tf bill rendered. The plainter 13 a culnaware merchant of rhiladelphls.„ and averred lu bra affidavit of claim that in .turd, lied; the defendant, a resident of this county, pur chased (or ordered) sets of eninetand ware, which ne dwured decorated In II cer tain manner. Nothing definite was agreed upon as to the time of delivery, plaintiff de clining to fix a date and oni agreeing to have tuearticles ordered finis hedar soon as Pitasible. isabsentlently the defendant call. ed upon plaintiff, and refused to take the articles orderralby him from tbd plalohly Effort to compromise failed and the plain. US rendered the defendant a hilt, held the toots subject ro his order, and .I.rougllt suit as siat.el. V. W. A. 8. Zell for ISirlatiff; .1.4 cues Vean .1 Son for defendant. The Ju ry found a verdict In favor of the plaintig fur eZti 6114% . G. Kann a Aro. vs, edam Tahr,George Visitor, et. . /Neu trespass on t he ease. PlansLiffs al'ltelte owners and poseuors of a tannery In Reserve township, located on what is known Vtlia street, • their let Or close-hams • /Mat ot thitay feet book erne hundred feet to an alley. They allege that Villa street and tee alley, Common and pub, he bighlyays, have been made a dorm:rotary fur clay, earth, dirt, atone and- asavel,' and thereby obstructed and closed by defend : ants, preventing plaintiffs from passing over the same, and cauling damage by vs fllth front premised oldelend s.nts arid the Obstructed laighway4 le the tapeery of plaintiffs, forwtileh snit IS brought. A. Brdwn for plaintiffs; .f. 4. Sieheneck for defendants. oa_ trial at ad. jorirptnent. M. John Lieuth ♦o. Steemboat InetatOr.. • 4. Mlltinger 6 Annwell vs. J. U. Corey ot jitP.V.VAg'ild.° l ,',l It i g: 11. o. DA. IleDonal4rvs, dames Tumor. 43 .43 r i ll Ml' 'IL P . 11' 4 ",t; . agr go ggefll73:Witiat:lck'tillVani' O•Ilara. a l Court /ieforelgo .- Williates,'lliamool Androvra and John Grubbs vs. Edmund Nutall and teen or eighteen others.. Action to recover the stun of ii,two, bOrrowod for the parpose of raising q fend to coy bounties to nelsons volunteering In the military service. to the credit of Ilninptaii township under the llist call of the Prallidellt for troops to suppress , the rebellion. - /Sr, pasts, plaintiff% counsel took a non suit. - Woohichlgo 011 Refining 'Company ve. EquiWle laatirthogUatepany, of l•litlad el. phis. The teßnery Of plaintiffs', in Tem peranceville. lylui destroyed by l ire m the spring of 1618, and Uliggst!on was brought to recover on - a policy of insuranco 4o Iho manculototag.sou in the Eq uitable Company. The defence Oct op wteat th 6 terms of the polity were not compiled with VI to the giving of proper notlde after the loot was gualamed. J.II. Baldwin and James Vccch for plaintiffs; Bobcat, Wood, and Thomas McConnell for defendants. 110 trial. 7.r.i.Ax, LIST VOA TNCrtilliod.T . . • 14. D. Carson A Co. vs. W. B. Youkay. 117. A. Moss ost'aL vs. Wllllaus Paralas Amp , et al. ye. I homae rerklns, L 4amee Clothier end, W. C. Mackey TS. learySpnliev. Wileoxoa, eftelelstratar, ve. (iaorjge 17. lot t o . tt o lt i ojqg j i lt : I .l . otr u ally!. 01 al. Alex. lace ys."l 2 . llememat. Mtl A Desna Megan,. Workman, Moore Jt Co., carriage waiters on Waver Meet., In the First ward, Allegheny. nave Just completed a numstllt• Onnt hoie carriage for the Met hintlest Ma; Company of Mirg4hilhAte. The Gartland is now on az tuiltion at tlicar shop, and Is a truly beaulil6l specimen of the carriage ert,fing perfect In all respecui and finished the highest style of opegli att. loin. It Is sal to be the finest ever bulls in this portion Of the State, and it would cer tainly be dlnlault to Cell anywhere a liner plebe of war*. IL will in te of ince worthy ht It when bta ransfehrreh eadsd to the Mechanics. • Fair and Featlcal.To-day.—thar read ers aliould bear in wh] that the 'Fair and .thiswlles of St. Yotor's Prole. at ililaeopal Charon chroznenees In If evill nail, corner of Fourth and I,loer ty stream" Ilieellent Moner and sapper will be screed up, and meals can be had at all hours of the day and evening, bee ad- TOrthlenbilit In eduithyr column. • Fite iiiii eat'lst.orat'Y way complete fay making to order ' perfect Bulng Frau.= Yoko shiqs. ou : a depot; 72 Fifth street. iiVlLatocz rtrytx, tttf. - Amusement■ Da. Wet. Etnia,mf Washington, D.C., and a member of the bar of the city some twall ty4lve ',Tear*. ago, will deliver his second I c-cturetomi ght at tbe nOinieiny of Mus lc, on 7"2llLoney and 1b Franc tionito There is not a morn orlidetttor pleasing lecturer in this country. than Dr. Elder, and from his nest 'Den as Statistician to the Treasury De partment, ho can handle the aubJect chosen In an admirable manner. We trust a large audience may assemble tonight. the last riportnnlt offed of hearing our old Ails. ting,ulshed f orm errtoWlismart. Mr Janes E. Alsanocu.—Tbis great tra gedian and reader holds forth to-night at City Hall, on ...Shakespeare and the Bade," under the auspices of the Mercantile Li brary Aesociation. Mr. Murdoch bas few equals on the American. stage, and we might Safely say Is without a rival as an elocutionist and reader. lie will doubtless handlonis Habject. In ills usual good style, and will afford all who attend a rare and pleasing entertainment. Resorted seats may be obtained. at the ball this morning 'at ten OTtIT.A Efotar.—The success attending Miss Thompson , s engagement is most flat :tering to that lady and creditable to our caftan.. Last night the Opera House was crowded, to see her as Little Barefoot. ins acted with st , charming simplicity of manner throuitiPPins. abd r ,drew 4forth laud brdiWeated hernia Of applause. witWether Algona of =earn. .Lod igr a Tr af ir 'f i n V2 tiral ta I us E1f10tti 1 1 5 .. 10 .5 . 4 1 5;0P:4 4 ,/q a.2 ... • Tarangigs, -realeiinilTnis , popular. re: .or continues to drain erende every !Tbellerforin suss is as IFlltittl SO It well can be, sad these . - who attend are stireititaa aratillag evening. - A'lllyittertani Lamm . Oa TtxMdayekftthig. a Man ' named Wat kinChbe,lliring in Penn towinsehlp, i ntiont :nine miles out of town stopped at toe Mob leaving-his begege, went to stay L for thelatght at the home of n'lnend in the 'Noah ward. ,When linyent to bed he had kso in bas pocket book. Tissterilty. morning . ho emus &Totowa and hawing oosanion to we come swam topiput 1113 * incicef, book when to bin consterusteM• ho dficOvered ihathla moon , was all gone: Ile Mu not -the slightest late when; where ar howfhe lost his money: - lie met - with • a siimilar mysteriousloes about • yearago lie Came to town with a eso 0111 In bis pocket 1 book, with file In multi trilfils, UP making a our. Chase he offered the Oa bill. and not, , being able to get It Changed, pat the bill violin* erste part of bis poste' book- Ile went -t0 -bed that night Ina publio Geese, and the next morning timid not lipti bin pantaloon. unlffl their Werefiall, dispowered • under a bed in anDther pert of the room. Whoh he took his nocket book he dieeovered that tie whe gone, the Iffe were left but the Cs. 4 Mil wee never 101111 d, and 4.6% . never been hoard of elnco. • ‘ one Masa Rees a Family. Thomas A. Melton. Yesterday, caussa ; bes fore Alderman ' Miatn and" preferred a Charge 01 aggravated moat and battery against John Rough, of the Waverly Itensaa, oa Otaniood Agcy between WOod.and Yrlt ketBtreett. lie alleges that, on Tnesdity night Rough assaulted him without see sufficient cause. and beat him Ina very w ere manner, cuttiug his foe and tumulus him in paleful style. .1 lie suso,' made inforniation at the same time , •gatnat Joseph Rough, also of the Waverly 1101.1.111. for selling liquor without • lleenee, &net ig that at different times the accused has violated the Meuse law by ceiling liquor without the proper authority. The same plaintiff also preferred •charge against Barbara Tug, the mother of the f=trintsgsfen,;lNicrpregristgelisier saws ams.., fendautfor keeping& gembling house, The detwolsed lives now ou Third street, beast the time the allowed offences were ociusimit tgtedir.th=was at th ,=wl,w iestverly = /lostee. .W l= arrainta alld drown. who arrested the parties last evening. Theyerere held for a tontring, -.!.- Foreign Trade of Philadelphia. During the last four years, the total ♦al. no of tho foreign exports from PhlladolilhAg have been 113 follows; In 1533410,thi.11.6i tb LW. 1113,C44,862.; Its Ma, $14,V.N,L12; , $1,947,715. Thews flgures show au Increase Aerie. that parson of nearly seventy per cent. There 11, however, another gratifying feature LS this exttlblt that the figures tltemnolvee do not show, and 13141, In that nearly Lbe whole of the ex port. In 1,04 were composed of articles that are the growth and Protect of one own Slate, This will be better exemplified by the fallowing lint, chewing the aggregate vale° of nine nrticle a only exported to ker. 0:1:11 coup' t le. during the last year: iron manufacture., all :UM Lumber, *nook. and Barg 1,101.011 Tallow and Cowl Itst, a0.,1,01t,103.... 567441 Oil Cat ,e%RIO Lost, thin ..7,94 911,101 Corn 31ta1,1,111.., 34%0 1444814 Indian Corn, hush., 751,443 04%7 Vetrolcom and "Ilenslne, gallons, 5e,t41401 11,11.4= Total, nine Artitgos $13:150,612. = hit Malta Forrest, committed. to jail tour 01013L49 and tea days oho, for the non•pay. meat of the costs In a desertion case, In which he was fond guilty, yesterday paid the required costa In the case and waste. leased by order of the Court- George Stewart; committed by Alderman Lynch, on Tuesday evening, en a charge of malicious mi.chkr,ooseaud twlYcelcrdaS and Wan released• ' • . . lame rope,. committed by Alderman Strein.oo Tuesday, for trial on 4 citurge of sorely or the peace, obtalne.l ball yesterday aud was released. do4n Carroll, committed by Alderman Taylor, for fur th er bearing for ndiliatioo. was released yesterday and rnarrh.d the proseentria, as elsewhere noted. Thomas Montgomery, committed byAl - of the :Ninth Ward, for sorely of the - peace, obtained ball yeatea day and went out. , . . • Daniel AlbriKlit, committed on the 7th Mat, by hlityor Idtorrison, for surety or the peace, obtained. bail yesterday and waa re. /earied. Elide 41reesk7, y ea te cl! ty J. C. ll,ltchle, of Armstrong station. on tho Allegheny 'Valley Ilaliroad, made Inform:Ana before Mayor McCarthy. *barging John ltd ards and John Warner, with Dm Inrseny of a basket, a gallon Jug, and two pint o,aaks. Warrants were issued and °facers Barry and Dressler went to Wake the arrests. They found Warner at Sandy Creek, near Stoner's • MID, and brought him In. Edwards is Hying near LOS same place, butthough they found the eto• lon articles at his house, law had made gool valuhis etmage. The articles aro of :very trifling e- r noY worth taking away, in fact. They worn stolen off the train at Armstrong station some days ago. Warner is In the look up awaiting q hearing.' Sheep Ealing Dag, cera mic a farm nn the. Deaver rdad, soma dls tan. tram Allegheny, came' yesterday be fore Amerman Hay., of the rust ward, Al. logheily. arid made infonsatlon, charging lienry Snyder, a neighbor id liers,with keep. log ferocmos dogs, She alleges t h at some two weeks age the defendant's done got among her Pooh of sheep daring the night mid killed nine of them. The cheep were valued at four dollars each. The tielenu ant was Arrested and had a Dental bearing yesterday afternoon, when the ease was held for a farther bearing Accident in Allerrnen,y,An accident occurred a day or inn nrn. by Which BMA kartirelede,llving in incock street, In the Veneta ward, Allegheny, had Ws arm bre: ken. The child was playing on the front weeps of his mothers dwelling, when be tell off the lower step ta the pavement. Not: withetending thi, short theism.° he fell, It was dlecovered when be was taken up , lite tight arm wad brat ?to, In t.wo Ula Injuries *ere proper ettende4 and the little sufferer Ig nowdoing as well as 20 ,44 qb eZPool."4. Coottseattieo.—Testerday olneer John Messner, one of the market constables, Me *erred a lot of roll bettor expOsed sale adder:the thoolikt,tram lta appearance, srse short In. weight.. Ido nal/ad Um atteetlon of the clerk of the market to the matter, and the bUttilrLigthill. Tie rolls all tell abort to welalzt, and were eousequeall.7 eons located. being turned over to the quardten• of tie Poor. The lot. amenotod to,about lOrlyeonnds. - Bindimp of Erle.—The Vale Gazette gays The atatem•mt that nee. Pr. o , o3Oner haa boa been appointed to - the raeanny Cans. ad bp tbooleath of thelat* Tilehep Perm& of Erie. le an error. no aPiXantmant having yet boon made. Rev. John p. codey. now acting 411k.hop. ' , inmost Probably be .pearsSelect ealdmhiea b po o U a n iftd. 10 in n,.- re. Died of Apoplezir.—oa itowav, man mod E . ja. johnagy amployol on u. m n. - nailmad, while engaged, In Station **Sam. iv ad In a lit of soOpleny: The.dei• was unmarried.. &no Unto liana ho was ecmduntor on the mid, Pour common cssed of dettokenners were berate Mayor morrow to Alloritionr. yortenlay, for dtroo sal.' They 141. Weir required nous, awl IrrVilkerit Vuols respective mays. • PRICE THREE.CENTS. Accident In at, Emma Ward. Yesterday afternoon, at about four o`ooek. a man named Daniel McKenna, a car - pewter lo the Fifth ward, met with an accident whiCh may result fatally. Ile was engaged at Zugg's 'tolling Mill, the Sable Iron Works, in the Fifth ward, working on Ma 'wpm:memento that are going on _there. While walking 11CrOSA too scaffolding he fell off, striking brad foremost on the ground some thiny.five feet beneath. Lie was taken op and removed to Park's boarding house, on the corner of Walnut and Pike streets, and medical aid culled in. It was ascertained that his skull was badly fr., cured and that one of his legs was fractured in two places. Deceived skillful treat mont, but It to thought that be may not re cover. We understand that 'he has but re coolly returned from CaltfomM. = George. Stagier, of Ross township, the driver whose exploits In the Allegheny Market 'name We noticed yesterday, was beam Kayorriforkisop yesterday for an id. justmeat oft,turruatter. Lie had become en. tirely sober, and expressed the deepest re. gretfor what had occhrred. 'The German, who wall the sufferer by Singlat's franks, was present, end egreed nettle for his In juries for the nom of Leh dollars. Siegler paid thistareount and trioCalite Of the case, and was discharged. lie is said to mural nartirtik.gooSt.xespectable eittrrei, bur - fell into ~ .10/2410[1111 C 1 1 1, on, the. °merlon of Ma Matt lioAllegbeny: The German boy is bet. ter cif 101-latunes,lind seems to 1001 that hisrasin . grievance is tha fsct that one of lits4po ran away with a portion of the bar. nest and beg not ypt been recovered. , The Memard . ekolgwaititf." -.Teaterday morning, a 'gentimnan went into the. Rook. Howe,. mul4idle .there dropped a pocketbook, eontatting seieety eutien dollars In money. Ile went out with out dime vbring his leesibdt a newsboy who was In the hot= caw the mishap, and waiting -till the gentleman had gone ont., plated up the package zed wan, himtelt stecasnr Cot of the door with .It.; when Mr: Levi Karen, the enabler, ,who 1= watched Ida movements, nabbeththe, little Map : Jest at that moment the , losev M.Pglie atone,. who had- dlneovesedttla„* . i.rameed and took possession of his - trader - the Imp:maim that the b oy' -been houelt, the gentleman gave him two dollar... beAringlialid ease of George Nesmith, charged on iastir.rd'imi. bel la Stoner sitti seduction and foraleatien and ba.alardy, sru to hare been henkyaster day before' Alderman Donaldson. dec fondant was present. bar the Tirane-nide did not make her appearance. The primm er was therefore honorably. discharged. Ch arted with forestrilliwg.:--A-butitt az Mahlon O. Affenbach, charged on oath of Market Constable John Messner, whim fore stalling the market, was before Mayor Mc- L'artlq Yesterday, bet yr. dLsobarged, tho defendant establiahlog the fact that the seal was purchased tor his mother, who keeps a boarding horse In the Filth ward. Cbaellergitesusw Case.—Tbe piper. In the chanters township bounty fandease. of whith Ir. made notice-yesterday; have pas awl Into the hands of Jodge hterrett, who wit! deckle to to what is necessary to be Stile in the case. Caved In.—Yesterday afternoon the sever at the Corner of Cherry alley and =lint went cared la-extemlvely, all or a Sudden, It fell upon the supply orator pipe And broke It. Itepalre gore commenced. " Xlle of the New Work Kense.—The rrlson Board of Allegheny.Conaty propose to pay 11.V.Ilit to-day to the projected she of the nese County work-house, about seven tulles out On the ?consylvante Baßroad. The laicals° • Court.—Judee Sterrett - 41 =gifted. yesterday to heannir applies!, lam for lateen and eating-home Iteen?es, Mrlafirtlf4""eade tany-o4[hL: Of Aistaintleogailtort.—Ablaretaida teaterday traded awarrarit • •• • • Ulla Barns, of MoorheadNr row, Qalciaad, charged by Annie KJ:isle, a htlih,bor, with assault and battery. CONDENSES) TELEGRAIIIS The United States commissioner at Nor, Colt, yestordaytosmed warrants for the ar. rest or Ore magistrates or the Corporation Court of Norfolk, for violating the Civil Itights bill by refusing colored testimony In legal firoceedinga. The New York. Mato Fenian Convention adfonrnen, at r\s e-` , last evening, alter a two daya session. It is understood import ant halktellil 1/1 transacted, but the Inpuse- Ma of senresy precludes giving. any infer mutton, gennedy, the incendiaiT, convicted of setting fi a to a Lome in Somerville, Mass., Last November, has been sentenced to the State prison borate. Six houses, belonging to Pierce, Butler & Tate, on Fifth and Callowhill streets,Phil sdelphia, were damaged by fire yesterday: Loss 430,00 e; no insurance. Au extensive potion moil, belonging to Mr. Itiundia, the Twenty-fourth ward, Philadelphia, was also burned yesterday morning; Insured for {MAO. ' - The President hsa approved the remain tion, to extend facilities to the citizens of the Vetted States engaged in surveying a route for a ship canal across the Isthains of Darien. • P. W. Parsons, Postmaster at Niagara Palls, woe arrested on Hondas . , ellarlPsl with opening letters reeeirod in his once and held to bail in ENO to appear for trlid, at tne United States Coort, Utica. March lh The Legislature of New Jersey has SlT:rift ed Llowsril Jones, liepubllcan. State Treas• Orel% . : • • , r. oyd Girrison leoturod In Itrooklyn, the Immo ,night, and took strong groands In favor Of illa immediate Impeachment, of the President. This sentiment was warm ly applauded. The 'Stuyvesant poor tree, planted .by governor Eitnyvesaut, some two hundred years ago, at the corner M . what is now Third avenue and Thirteenth streets, New Toric, was destroyed a low days ago bif . a vehicle coming in collision with it. Thu Jstparosso bent even the Americans fn the matter of fires. Ludy a coaflairratloa. • at Yeddo destroyed four miler or Loured 11,1 she commercial quarter of the city. The Louisville Pydye tiomparty, charter. ed to build a bridge across the Oilio ‘ bas elected W. IL liamilloa Preadult. It is reported toot work will commence intater • diutely. J.?. Baker is the nominee of the Union Convention for Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky, In3Loatt of John Ideson Brown. The latter is thn nominee for'Attorney eelzaral. - Governor Army, from New Neuter., has as rived' Trout boots Fe. lie reports the lm• diens on thoplaina as dtspored to be pesos able, but those in Arizona And Now Mexico are an the war path, and have oommitted a number of murders daring the past month. Agsrdis lectured in New York. on Tae+► tiny, on the "American monkey."' I Canto. Yebruam 13.—Thei rivrr Das par- Malty Molten thloogti the lavas at tnolum b.a, Kentucky, .and partlally inundatod that city. - • pe,smsy W.—weather eltradyt rarer decanted one inch in thlipast Minty. remr mama; buslnese quiet, Departure.— CnLll . Oll. Phil Sheridan and alem e , Dam for Naw.Orleans with full loadid La canary. Mart( Forityllae,. and 'Tom fits. ,ens,tni et. WWI. Anglo Saxon wltil iW palm pf notion, and Clayton; with 1870 balm, left for Cincinnati at els p. m. vmpire, for 1{ M . in port—.llln.. pmin, 2abarL Pfnltinand Mary S aum. CHIIIBTY—Stk9SIIAI.L—q. Toerda 16 91. 191 T 9 911Ye1. by Kyr. Merritt U 1011946 N, 9.IKDDITY. Yet cod_ Ml.. 14.3ta1l H. 411 adA1.1..yonazyst 9 19 949 99 . r 99 D. nantla.ll. 0 A 311.110W—Ch2 Weeluenday mornlog. !ter.- !I WU, it at o.•eiOCk. Thvbl.lo. A- M. and Camaro. . • . The funeral 7#lll .1.1.1'°"" form tee resldence of th.i...t.• %z o. 111 Boyle .acct, Allestu.Y• lb. ffi.""th. /Wally ars re•pOctfully lavlted sestets& A LEI. AMEN. • •••••••• . trAriaztlui.e.xcEl Ei,L ao. us Fourth street, rit+barra. Pa COTIIN3 of Ml kin of (10.ds; ea +lMa: 1.0'.6.1., aicKals tarsi+. 04. Moroi opened 3.1 +.3 .++++. illeane =0 Cattlasas lataLabed. ksrap....C+++-4+++.l.). A. Jacabaci.?.l+.."ll+o Ewing. Za9....11+. GPO /1. KW.. Nig. NEW ADVER It T. wurrE & .co., . • UNDERTAKERSAND EID3ALMEBB, Wood's Enn and itautr, CDFFIN RIM AT MAPtiIIiTaLIVERYSTiBII. Cornet sauna& and Cliartters Irtripets • Haase Ist *Maps &tabbed. ' ' • 11/I•I.DALE CENETERIr—The brantlful ..God•s-sers.. the ler et sobs, ZfracMl'. B.1 3. 1:1 1 11tra.': lv north of AlleabelM ht: 100 101 ..,C .4 " or tato, esit at Ocattai D 54,0A1 of Lc A 9LA.SIET. •Ilorheor MI, . D d. - 4; c..EIENILLIPS rarrlc.roglix2,. cure hia-i repels. Tease ma ALM. *citity of Stommh,. iilck headache, Palm 11Jetheliteauch and 180,•-: and all drahmtleellaordan. Try Saki lsts int..so ...mt.,' An, f-^01,414 Et2_ WATICHEN, caws AND ." AT • 'VERT SULLL MONTT. AT WILLT. WILEY'S, - 8 WylieB4, Sd door hem Nu J. A. NOW. joicvsTON & scorn, Fine Watches, (locks, hielei,. SILYER•PLATEO WARE, ETC., ••.—: 'No. Alf LINCISTItrairr. 1.11:1101:kirs.13; 3Ppiass..a. sT Palikalar attinglos alvoia o Baaatrinit. *stouts. Cl,?eki ad . A.ll Inlet .Q• T B F. LOnEs . ?SILTS PlOilShilf . tfacdtu. 14:0 1 ?: Ptif• rni: .44 I • • FUR. fiIBSTIVIL; AT .NETILLHAL.I.4. Co9str or /*gra sod, dbos=lii US TEILOBADAT . ant men% week. TebrwrlMUC isd Wart t.t. Fair arall ripen co TtIONSDA - V NW Lunch trill lin sera CallF.llNra LI WI 41'0.94 cNd N Pact each 67.1. g. ham.* - Announcement Extraordinary. FRUIT SEASON, darts % tAto.l irm3r-tv E)iwsras. Sell Quart Cans Peaches (or 45e, or $5,45 per Dea l Mu Sams .Quality as Usual], ,Solti for 55e.- Tomatoes (Quarts) tar. &Sc. Prime Dried, PlatMerries for 30c porPowid. E,NME IH ThE WINDOW. SHIELDS & KOUCHEIt, - 108 Smithfield st*t, OPPOSITE :POST OFFICE. •-- ilisiPackst Palemay, CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! New Patterns! New Patterns! PITTSBURGH CUTLERY CBIIPAILY, C/C3r3D - MWEii, fag • DI3G.TCFI BUCLDIViI. WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam FitterS, MID BRASS FOUNDER& A. lame asoootsonst of Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead. he., ALVA= OS MM. 16L wood Street, near Stith. THE PLACE TO BUZ • - COOP • BOOTS & SHOES - °Ennawi t x. ALT. Alcol,llT - 20 S. :mva•;at acrid, cans DIELEIL &EL . Practical Fonitarmillaalidaititiiitri COL PENN AND *UNE $T$ Latest stiles of TEMNIII7/12 esaessally es VAMETIES THEATRE. Pyg sum: staspr : Cunt. -MILE UMXIM BAY. OOLLYEN tie ameba*. Men. ttot •nure I,rwastle. ude and whin rops In a Ntsniteent i p=rait i ,. tezatetels Newell and Us. Online trlU.sr. new In a tetsudly set-to. • • I!THE CHEAPEST. • - ' - 1 i SEWINC MACHINE; 1 Is W81Z1.T.64 WitArlrb . i Wm:amain TuasiTimui. : .. , i n i 3 27 , Ilirm!Arris . We, 13A13813 .r, SEWING NIACHINES. Six numb:lne4 auk but • 60402E4 Vandal& red seed prier& ALCM., fell Sr SUM Ong.- • HORSEty CARRILSOVA.._ AMID, : •II QU0125 of the Tory boot Ito MO ot•— , Livery Oisitile; . Plitt Knot. moo 11(co;torshols Wpm.. Th. Great ottrutioa D 441 to brylalt aia Ointat . *sag toot... Moor, : :1/0 GEORGE BEATEN, - - - Candy - ffieauLc er Lad ita le 4 l l =llg eh r i erCl l l l No. us FedWAX Merl, sewed door. his : NMSifatfeaM , Beak. Went . NETT. lA. 8S EAR AIDDITBON —4 Me flalvalo•ofqaZT ;b. O•r iVA: a so be "old 14: gruirrltA . • •10.0...nrAV1 ilar Ca' A ,. .foltas reu:r. .1 7 v. 7 , 211 , turm. lases ju i e, gr na . t i =lY. , ratt•bergh. ET32IM! flovsTnr szlizotscE rOR arAuciem. CM Oerthelrinsblngtri_flk4, Ooot VRoialles from OW Mc& 111.111 , 114.11:41N, evida.hULls magic, milb &Wei axe acre orstomsd. aladot. pispee sad slimsbaery, austwataral Adoor. Apply AI No.IL Yalta aato moat IL= . • - • Collie. MUNI OW- wut Ira irreelved at Oa af /D e ft.. 31alket Battetta es. as tti to • at .of Otani t. ittC , to , nualsblag arab Maier Wons 14 , 11 *Oath for the lam at am.year Apl. ELIGS casts *ads tot althea. ItIZD bEBIOVAL.—..nre of a• .2.0 tag If 131:Ve 'meowed 11* age* a the HOPIS 011. 1011001 bum 36 aorta anbla• ri[4 6 . , 114 03 100 r WO7 ts Canon 01784 iteognissows.whors taw eat bitm110 , 101.42.1. • Pos o 4o.ll.lo r yleas -soap ~ . ,•••••• • ..10148.111111. EMI it I=l theywlll Aiino sell SET Ossravi nix kvi i:141!.41 CM - -