4===. ilieVitV,hlSMazdte. TIFFAID/Y. rEtiatrAlllr WI, WV . • PHOCRASTINAIIOIe. When . Congress assembled last De, comber, its .members underatood that upon them devolved many duties of the greatest delicacy. difficulty, and =par. Lance. , No law.making body woe ever charged with a weigntier responsibility. The industry of the country was par. aired, the currency in a perplex' tag sdis con dition, the taxation most onerous. Bat over and beyond these q tower ed another of ranch more seri us magnl lode. . The foundations of e govern ment were tole laid anew; dso laid as to repress and punish on, and to sedum . the rights of four millions of blacks, from whose limbs the thuuder bolt of war had stricken the chains of , bondage.' It scr -happened, moreover, that the session was the shor t °lle . °fli) affordidg ninety days` for devising and maturing all the needed_ luctomres , Instead .of grappling at once with these gran labors, determined to waste no time, the Bongo, after remaining in session for • few days, without accom plishing anything of couseqience, or • preparing the way therefor, 'dimmed ' over ',, the holidays. The uppermost thought Was not to see how best the great `labors laid on the members could be discharged, but how they could con - trive to have a joyouseeason of it. Nor was much more assiduity =Wes• ted after true vacation. A full month was squidered in useless wrangling. While the.. country was suffering -for want of definite and intelligent action, the days were consumed in debates that "darkened counsels' by words without knowledge." Most of the important billk were crowded over into the last month; and altogethei undue rroportion • of theta into the last fortnight. What makes this delay the more cen surable is the fact that the President and --Congress are at antagonism ea 'most of the subjects requiring freak :egislation. The look now is that a number — OrMost impartant bills will either be lost entire- ly, or else be hurried through in crude and 'undesirable . forma. Some of the. most hapqrtaat ones will reach the Pres ident so late that he will be spend the necessity of vetoing them, because the Houses will dissolve before the ten days allowed him for consideratiOn ii each case will close. It is fortunate for the country, there '-- fore, that provision has already been made for the assembling of the new Codgress on the 4th of March. Where in the Thirty-ninth Congress fails in the performance of its duties, the Fortitdh Congress can promptly apply the rem edy. Let us hope that it will avoid the danger and mischief of procrastination. DIPLOMACY In former ages diplomacy was a game of mystification snd falsehood. 'The Minister or Ambassador . who was Most fertile in inventing deceitful reasons, pretexts, motives and intentions. was regarded as the most- expert and valu able public servant. To avow what was really intended,. and to assign the true reasons therefor, was regarded as puerile and irrational . Fraisichuc, linens, and other negotmtors, towards the end of the last century, did much by their examples and abilities to establish a better model. Sheer lying ceased to be held as (=sum mate siatesmanship, and torturous poli cies as indicative of mental un superiority. For the last six years,. der Ni. BEweato, the 'diplomacy of the United States has been a standing reproach, and in more respecta than one. He seems to to have fallen back on the dicta of lierommou L, embodied in - one of .his tartly admonitory batters tohis brother Joann", that "lying is a power." For a ' long while Talmrsninn was the !post' , shameful expert in that bad school of which Idaentsven.m was the profoundest and most indecent teacher. Mr. thri.f•AD has overtopped his disgraceful pre-alai -fence. • Athome or abroad he Unearned rreputation for dissimulative and main cerity, which will brand his muse as in famous to the end of time. At first his methods were well chosen; but latterly hie art i that particular has failed 14m, salads blunders provoke nal- Yersal derision. And he -does from bad to -worse. Vs late Mexican adventure, in - which a difitingaidLed soldier and a weak civilian were sent to and fro on a sleeveliss errand was-bad enough; bat the abstirditY of this is overmatched by his last' exploit of sending the Assistant - Secretary of State and a gallant commo dore to Iray SX Domingo, A. more lm . dicrous farce in the way of diplomacy . has not been enacted for a century. As the Secretary increases in yearale _ grows in a stupid audacity; which con , founds all his early admirer,and entails " indelible disgrace upon the cenntry. - Having suffered the decay of intellectual powers and the blight of personal hab its, he seems intent . on dimning that just renown which was. the ripe fruit of . his early labors, and on - paSSlng from the scene of many activities undt less eclipse. RECENTLY, ernietTerallmy ions In.the Rouse of Repret singular spe.ctacle halt teen the Democrats sided with to defeat the comparative Bares ihe Conservatives , to carry. Professing a let the rebels oft on the east can he procured, they so mateiy _te jgl3g. upon thei cnndttirMs lidiocatod Jet Bee how this operated the when the Democrats preve . Don, of the . Benate amendment (Skim wan's) to the . Rouse Military Oo4ern mad bill (Mr. %MN'S:Ma's). The fil?ttse bill deprived the rakes of the right of suffrage, While VWShining it on the blacks. The Senate amendment; w , lie granting atdfrage to the blaclut, w i ., i t, also, to all the whites, simply safe ... c the third section of the pending Co. tt. tutional Amendment, which deba be higher grade of rebels from bol. ns office. The Democrats voted in al— . y to exclude the rebels from voting, a • d to prevent a speedy settlement of all the matters in dispute. Of coarse, the pre. text is that they wanted stiff tao lit” oral terms than wee proposed eit rby Conservatives or Radicals. But uch MSC!! public men and parties are pr erly judged by what they actually a out plish. Buttesumnahip does not _ • mist in a rigid-adherence to theories, b t in doing the best that can be done der the circumstances. Tag Temperance Convention, w • assembles to-day at Harrisburg, W be attended by delegates from every ty, towh and village in the State. We hope the delegates will not occupy sir gyp: speech-making, but p e some practical method of abating in perancek tio that the Convention mai not hor ' , ethos , its good fruits. TILE BATE OF INTEREST A bill has been introduced into the Legislature of this State to increase the legal rate of interest to seven per cent. 1 While we should prefer in leave the question of interest to be settled in each cue by the contrasting parties, simply providing for a legal rate if they should fall to fit one, we see no probabilty of the adoption of that measure for some Tears to come. - Under that aspect of the mute we are in favor of the rule now Proposed. New York, wiser la this particular than Pennsylvania, has always allowed seven per cenium an& has gained vastly in consequence. 'The difference of one per cent. per 4111211131 IEI ten dollars in the thousand, which in the large and im mense, transactions in a great Cominon wealth, rises to a sum almost incalcula ble in a single year. AL premium of one per cent. is 'a largo bonus, and however we may calculator on the patriotism of business men, the profits Who derived will determine where they will locate. What is it that drives capital' from Hol land, Pruners and 'England for invest— ment in this country? • The low rate of interest there and the high rates pre vailhig here. The same. inducenient operates among our own people. This difference in the rate of interest bancontributed largely to the coMmer dal supremacriof the city of New York. Notwithstnnding_ the rate of Interest is high, profits are still higher, and more than equalize the, difference. This ad. ;vintage runs through all departments of trade, affects every branch of business,* and enables New York toycontrol the Money market of the countr Bur nuns am quite active in Phila delphia, ,and tt is thought that an im mense number of new houses will be put up during the present year. We learn that a great number of new dwelling hotuies will be erected in Pittsburgh and Allegheny as aeon as the weather growl favorable for the prosecution of the work. Tam Philadelphia University of Med icine, established in 1848, is In a protper ens and flourishing condition. It had Its commencement on Saturday last. There will be over two hundred students in attindance during the present 'terra. lam O. S Borraosoic, the celebrated Baptist pulpit orator, a London, is ex pected to be ii attendance at the me tin eg of the American • Barist Union," In asgo, in May next. CLETIMAND gets rid of her Tag:Ants by shipping them to Pittsburgh. Can our city authorties send them tack with a number of-our own specimens? JOON Goonsurt, a Well known and wealthy jeweler of Cleveland, was taken to the lAsane asylum day or two a hopeless lunatic.. Taw corner stone of .a soldiers menu. meat which, when completed, will cost $75,000, is . to be laid at Detroit, Mob-, on the 4th of next July: • • Ai association of the dairyman of Northern Ohio Ms been formed to ele vate the standard of Ohio cheese and Ten priscmers of the Louisville jail have just been detected in scheme to secure their freedom by tunneling the - _ Ulna CLARA FLUITON, the soldiers' friend and philanthropist, is to lecture in Chicago. . Malt is to have an immense grain ele vator to be erected , daring the coming spring. • Tao young folks of Chicago aro a , enjoying the skating season. —ln dissecting the corpse of a pauper at the Twenty-thud Street Medical Col lege in New York, recently, the students unexpectedly ;• found evidence that' an other human being had been devoured by the intnilesienal worm which the faculty style trichinae spirala. The In testines, when subjected to microscopic examination, proved to be literally alive with these minute destroyers, "ad they were fonedln abundance everywhere in the muscular tissue. The body was that of • woman of whom the hospital ' authorities knew nothing, beyond the feet that she was a pauper, and died soon after her admission to Bellevue Hos pital, and, as a - subject that had perished of an unlmown malady, had been cur -1 rendered to the surgentialor dissection. I Trichinie , ln enormuus numbers having been discovered in the body, the sur- of geons strove to ascertain something ' the hlstorrof the woman 't care, hoping thus to add to their stock of informa tion concerning the origin of these des tructive worms, and of the symptoms of a sufferer afflicted by them; belt their in usiXiss were fruitless, and all that is left theta is a carcass which worms convert ed Will food for the dreaded:Warm. From me to time we =gaol much landed improvements in the processes for tanning leather. The lawn is one said to be m successful operation in the West,. By ihis the tanning is claimed to be accomplished in twelve hours, by extuntsting the sir from the is said that a sheepskin can bo M anne din fifteen tainutes, and that the weight of leather is ten per cent. greater than by the old processes. Itia to be hoped that this is really, an Improvement on t e h esentmode of tanning, Mather' isnot much reason to expect such a result; for alleged improvements have been going on, intended to displsce the old modes, by which we really got good leather, until it is difficult to get leather with any wear in it at all. - —lan Glyn, a powerful and justly celebrated linglish actress of tragedy, has been makings dramatic sensation in London by her reading of Shakspeare's "Othello." In two particulars she as said to have !Aiken a new view of the gun's aaracter. Thus, as interpreted by WES Glyn, Othello did not evince rage, when asking Deukmona for "the hand- kerchief," but spoke= an imploring tone s if he felt that hie wife might yet prove logo's /ago's accusationo._by pro sheaucing that unlucky ,"napkirt.' ig in. fused, into Othelio's manner an occasion. al Instinctive shud tin der, and a recoil from /ago—the prompting of a latent intuition. Ail this is very delicate and t significant, and shows the perception that is ISII a tribute of genius. ti, — . I m il be a c rs nri o o r ti th s efactLowtherat g o t u o ße t e o lg f hl. %hum' Legislature, but eight, arena ties- of that State. Of the other saven. t iirenw fifteen were, born in New York, """ cen In 'Kentucky, twehe in Ohio, ten in Patuandianis, eight in -Illinois, two each In Connectient, Nov Jersey, Tenneraee Maine, Massachusetts, end Booth °°;°111111. One each in New llanspshire, Rhode Island, Indiana, Vir ginia,or Northwhowere ... Carolina and of aforeign Vermont:Of country; two were born In England, two i n Ireland, two in Germany, ona in Scotland and one In Canada. —The suicide of two young beers s a t Sancti-Spiritus, in Cuba, has aed great sensation there. A young r un says a correspondent, rendered deeper'. ate at ing refused the hand ot adored. o be ne on account of his poverty, proposed to her the fatal alternative from . which Hamlet shrunk back appalled. Bhe consented, and leaning her head on the shoulder of her loder, received from him that death which *as welcome in his company; a second shot from his revolver, and the pair yrere united in death . ' Romeo and Joliet No. I. GENERAL NEW —There are Chinese laborers now on the Louisiana plantations. —Dickens is an object of hatredon the part of printers, his copy is so bad. —The gross receipts of Ristori's four nights in Memphis were $3,69 —3laine has a legislator who stands six feet seven inches in his stockings. —The editor of the Louisville (Miss.)' Buffet:la lives and prints his paper in Pal —ln the forty years from 18.0 to 1860, wo took from - Europe 4,512,171 emi grants, - —Portsmouth, Va., is delighted with a cat having six legs, and a dog with two heads. —ln Western Texas they are begin ning to employ 'Mexican laborers in rats ing corn and cotton. —The average money value of every European emigrant reaching this coun try is $1,030. —ln Bar-sur-Aube France, strange to say, there were in 1666 106 births, 106 marriages, and 106 deaths. —The friends of Oberlin Collodi, ' will be glad to know that the endowment of $lOO,OO O is likely soon to be made up. —ln London, during the week ending January 14, forty-two persons, twenty two of them women, committed suicide. ' —The Emperor Napoleon has sent fif ty thousand francs to the prefect of po lice to be distributed among the.necessi tons poor of the French capital. —The rabbis of Europe are to assem ble in council in Paris this year, in order that the great Banhedrim may take place in conjunction with the Universal Exhi bition. —At a recent wedding in New York, the bride's presents, consisting of silver, jewelry, India shawls, and laces, were estimated to have cost one hundred thou. mind dollars. —An old woman at New Buffalo, Michigan, a few days since,ou her death bed, confessed her guilty complicity In a murder committed twenty-six years ago at Watertown, N. Y. —A season ticket to the Paris exposi tion, including admission on the day of the opening, costs sixty franca, is strictly personal, and must be accompanied by the signaturaor plaotographic represen tation of the owner. —Recently a Connecticut farmer's wife, noted for a keen eye to the finan ces, was told by her husband that the church bad elected him deacon, where upon she eagerly inquired, "How much money will you get by it?" —An eagle, measuring twelve feet, from do to Up of wings, recently attack ed a large dog of mastiff' and Newfound land blood, in 'Marquette, Wisconsin. The dog had disabled the eagle just as a boy came up with a-pitchfork, when the bird attacked the boy, but was eventual ly captured. —The number of Public schools in Boston is 260; number of teachers, 612; average whorl° number of pupils, 27,- 723, average daily attendance, 25,600 an increase for last year of a 08; total ex penditures for school purposes, $776,375 —increase over the previous, $132,600, coat per scholar, $20.77. —ln Springfield, Mass., the gambling mania has extended to the boys, and al most every lad on the street DI now Oth er a proprietor in a marble lottery, or au invester m one. Tickets cost one mar ble, and they have a first rate chance of drawing nothing, and a distant one of drawing several marbles. —lt Is proposed to publish - a morning paper on board the steamship Great Eastern, on her voyage from America across the Atlantic. The paper will be called the Great Eastern Gazette, and it is announced that a novellette, "The Story of Two Iterate," already Mis been written, to be published in a aerial form for the projected journaL COE'S f PIVriPEPSIA CURE cel la repared b the orminet.r or the Joet.y e fasted irm's Coach Wilmot. Mr Cue has nets Pru e medlctial m Ode for punt, and at ro • rat um but elms has moo. the •troagess tem.. Sadhas sore ya borne the palm or •lorory e rr re alums It hos been °emitted to tare. Mill you who are auffer.ng from dm..cpsia, lodl lion, pans., to headache cholera Marna. dysentery, and geacral debbity of the whole aya.eimr, tryirtil atoste bottle,. Wiwi!, hetet I urge son again if we f• 11 In tom em-. ter owe kocreeledge or Its merits the mulled testimony l all who hae• meettried It tne eatoalum mdrens of our own Melshbore, Mr del i to h yourself. and the berialictal resod. as certain m sunshine. all urgent!, persi.tently urg• you to try Just one tomtit. If what we aly b out correct f our natements concerning la wonderful elrtues are not Pound to be true--df you do not say Coat the °turnabln of the medicine Is !olden- Memos and perfectly womdfr-til— we + ill re nounce om profession as esteem.. to .be public health. and i real tne geld. •thillttlng that we ars InforMetcut tocompound a medicine' preparation Which would tee estai.leil to your mmaileare. told by druggists ererrehere. Bole aircut for tintedluearati, .IwErLI PLIMING, Uragetat. N 4 t street. feZis What Mayne's Ointment Will Do. s—lt wlll en» Iteh In from 11 to nt boon. 1-1 t Wlll ora Ino most olortltste cares of let ter. a—li will sure Chronic ilealsplt.els toe face 4—lt will core Bsit itneum. Wald d. &—lt will curt ltehluc riles. all ImpUolas. 0-17 eositively cure sliekto Dlsesua. 7—Use ewe:ma's Operisluer al sersicb 1110 M• ...ITCH , * Dr. Bsonowes 01htsons• ...TITTER" I .ITCH" Dr. Amon!. Olothaszt, 'TATTER" *ITCH" ”TETTAK" • 1 1TCH" 11311113 KNOW O 11 . TATTI" `TWO" .TLITZIIALI, "ITCH" TO TAIL "TETTIH" "ITCH" • 1 / LTI KW. Ire/ only by Dr. 'MAYNE £ ION, P Adel 1 - Woobold by 11•CLARMAN IV KER. ,1111 lisrset street, 1130. M. KELLY. 31 d st. ‘ AI& 11.33111 1 0. 04 Market 0., A. 11/11J1INCIL,_cor. 4th and !Whet streets, MlAs bn.V.liiit4l.l. A DZU/TT, Allegheny. READ THE CERTIFICATE OF Rev. B. T. FLEALDI. To Da. HOSTZ TZB Dm, 80:—This U to certify th•t I , flu taken letth the dfeteDet° • gar tkoiui Much, Led, bag A period or eight months, was one of the molttralershle cresteres got ever. behebb tot • • beteg able either to eat, drLok, or us compelled to, want the door to I was nearlY dePll!ed Of my reeeeh. tad eattrely left me, all the efforts made for my cortry hevtu( prove 4 tee Drat Of 50remb.,1865,111•4 be. eat and feeble the{ I bout.] . Mona. ead. to all a2pearaoce, would At tau time (baring read your advertisement.) my wife preselled upon me to try Your bitter.. • bottle was procured, a d, strange to tar, soon commenced recovetin . I bare taken four bottles, and am coloring as good health now as could be ezpected for ooeof my age (about silty 'years.) I bete no doubt that It was your linters alone, under Divine Providence, thet effected this wonderfel core. • ' R. T. 71.1JALIN. MIMI. August SO, WA. THE HEALTHINESS OF THE WHITE PINE. One of the most .valuable compounds that has ever been brought before t h e American public is that of the white Dine, called POLAND'S WRITE PINE CIJUPOUND. It Is compounded from the inside but of the blue free. which grows abundantly three about all the New Eng land States, nod tel lo • been anoint and val ued for its ettaft-ecorbel re properties, not only by the Inhabitant, of that 'tete of eaI:MUT now resident. but 11l ddse to the wild ladled sfu formerly roamed the wilderness of the New Ettg . land pine region, and from whom its great re est virtues uem to I aye been learned. rO - WRITE PINS COMPOUND IA then, nothing mare cries. to its name Import., then , nothing complete. 'pleasant audeffectual remedy made fro the sweet !made but of that valuable rued tree, m combined with • few other well Known di uretics. Its effecu mon the kidneys and other secerning organ. is truly urprleleg, bog Per . (Belly e xceedingly enterable at the ume te. It will lot found e valuable In al l der. meat and dlaeuce states of the mucus Usenet. and we would caudally recommend it where Huhu sod sub like remedies hale failed, es be bleeding trim ore active kid effleselod for diabetes, the idneys, blind pules. enuresis, gravel, nod surly every disease o:the mucous bulog of the bladder and kidneys. Sold by the 'roes, dozen, or single bottle, at VS. RZ Great Medical Store, 140 Wood street. NEW ADVERTD3ENENTB, Wit, AMORAL-If, Jr., Adm. Express Of. ANN 64 701181 rest. ta as authorised Agent to norm tdoorOlomn" for Ho GASETTS, and I ca 00Wr papers throswhotd the United States soul the autadas. ADDITION H to c E I 4 A- 1 — in — . sr + A ar eith irl e nor . , . Ap in A bee ri a 141, arro.ta i.t.rot Now. fl flee, .0. null meaa~ t[ tentlacatloa Wllllzm. written sett. the Wk. liZu. .131111U1:11111, Lite Lt. rtttebursb. In STORE. I te Wrt: Jo barloy YAW; • t Yellow Aar a. do do 1311010 Coro; • bble gor pie rimmt tics • KaIAXX. ► •24J11t. W ADVERTISENENTS JAMES T. BEADY & CO,, (tluccenors to IL Jones & C 0..) Corner Fourth & Wood Btu, BANKERS & BROKERS; DIAZZIIB IN ALL 11110 M 07 Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. OULLECTICINIS made on ill aooeulhla Pa.t . In the Malted and Cinsdai Interest allowed on Thne,Denosite. WAREHOUSE TO LET. THE LARUE WARMIOUSE, orner Water street and Chancey Lane.. Ire. uttera. Now occupied by W. rLLAIb. Enquire of 010. A. fettniti= Ctttsena Nattonalßant. COAL.—Sealed proposals will he received at the office of the Water Works. Market Betiding., cloth. o'clock r. of March 10 letn, fur furnishing the Pittsburgh Wilder Works with GOAL, for the term of one year from Ist April next. Bids exit mule for either wk. or together. fcditat JoSE£II THENCH. Bup•t• COUNTRY RESIDENCE t•CIMIL //341.1.21111. On the Watnaton Pike. about two mule. from the Over. A 1.3•111 g HOUSE. contalutng Pre motels, about ona nor. of groundstable . fruit trees, grapes and shrubbery. and the door. APIA?' at NO. 51 nao Alto street, Y. fe26.1127 A.leubeny CO WATER PlPE.—Sealed propo ode will be received at the °ince of Lb - Water Works. Mar t et [lnitiative, until 7 o _chic t ;1;1 M arch vt teh:drglfi CEttl, An niJUS LtanTlti lin required doting lb year commencing Aped can be ascertained else and amount required can be mite Igareb 6th, on application to - engin= JUSEPH TRENCH. Segel. PORSALE.—TWO LOTS inetch. the Borongh of Manchester...lOW/ on one of them there Is hsmall frame helm with three seems. with a small shop on the back end of the same let. They — bill ho weld cheap and Soh...- aoly if desired. race of one lot aad rfne " htttro . wT e b T l n tf= d three years. These lots are to Taggert'• Ex titslou of the City of A WIT,: a HALL. fel.ntri Beal Estate •gents. gt Heaver st. I N TUE RIATTER OF IN G SS TUE ULUCIE SER BUILD T I fox Charter of lucorporstlon, No. gni, March Tenn, RC. And now, to-wit, Februa letti, listr, the Co, Stitlittoll of the Assulation ry of "The Reserve Townshlti Betiding Association." being exam ined. It Is hereby ordered that notice of the pe- Mien bepublished 1.11-rstICSOU tieZciTS foe three weeks, at the the expiration air which, no re aa aa appeulne contrary, uld charter will be fruited. UT THE COURT. Attest: JACon kl. Wit LTZU, Prothonol..7• feStivat7 FALIPL. TUE LADIES oe St, lITIVS BOTESthI IPISCOPIL FAIR IND FESTIVAL, AT, NEVILLE HALL, Cotner or fourth and Liberty streets. ON TUOUNDAT AND FRIDAY, let. too YLir will ODe n THURSDAY Lanett will Le edtrots la to aerloa ,' lin k , • and 84 poor each erea,og. CITY OF . ALLEGHENY. Proposals for a Loan of $15,000 Sealed progosal• will be received be td sti dersigeed uutll Till'Wilt AY. the ilth day 0 , Mareh imxt, et 3 o'clock r. hi— for the 611.1: •lu i tloo or tee Moods of th- city. beerier In tercet at the rate of 7 per eenxi PaYobie radii *nevelt , on the faryi d.,6 of Jell end JSMILTY and redeemable la Lomat, leer.. • et tl wolans. executors mid o thers desiring pe•flicy irate end good lovuetmeuti ih above ofiersuutieual edema/iamb R 13. YRANCIe, City Centroller. rou7aoxl.xabi itriter, ii Clirt or Ai...M.77i rah MOW. fell - FINE POCKET CETLEItY, r_Fine PoCket Cuttery CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP Few Pancras! New Pattern'! PITTSBURGH CUTLERY COMPANY (Clara:M.l%l'W, DIAPATen BVILIMWII NOTICE TO CONTIIACTORS. -- ~NTIV, L I.ILR'S ‘orri , e. ('ITT or Ai: too err!, Feb. nth. tM. f Felled hbie 0111 be received et MN unite until an loch stn. rar Nel °. fl t 'ere:Wae = He to t thed opts Ocatious - -t W...... BarrMoiter.-/krettitectn Ito. 49-ir *Meet, Illtabergh. Bib. -AI received an the whole. oSOT part at them he ork. Bidden are initiated to In their proposals. the price paystd• In Cub: alto. the ',rice pavane In 11, ihbild•Lily , .arlg er rent. Interest and mdLtemble in Moor. eve and ten veg... The contrite. , null De required to deliver the earth from the erravat.nit. OD th•vr hat( at Imam 11l rirera: eer.r:4' aib7 and [.anti J 7 raZlert'i Tfl none from the eaves mann arta to deliver Mime free of chatg• to the Strret t.onmaletiotter. The right m reeerted to rrje - t any and all tilde. BF dtrevtion of the Cosutuimee nu Bartel, 11. It. FBA Iti•lh, felt City Controller. ROBERT HUNTER, M.D.; Physician for Affections of the Throat and Lungs, Formerly id•tor of it. ••N.7. .I:RN kl. OF IitnEASEI OT THE alter an shames of sow. yesre la Europe, has resumed prisetles .tre Lotted Moms. Dr. Renter takes this mean. of inform:dog his old friends, sod so ca at destre ats 1111 l ces to Fennsylvard. ttmt be will make • entre...tonal Visit to Fit tabor - eh, *ens.. tithe !topmasts/tel. House ga Wednesday . February 17, and ',remain g atilt farther notice. As Or object of his visit Is to affords personal Interview to Mose wlslilon...lil d t mlt is desirable they should do so early. an e lm ,ur his personal the' for as lone • Rm. rosy b. It seems hardly necessiiry to call attentldo t• the rernarkable success whirls bag attended Or Hunter's peculiar method ur treatment wiser tee Respiratory Organs are stieeted. He dere. !tints. however .o recall to mind the fact abet I, the City of New Fe, the mortality from eto sumption and Its cogs stes dlortnisted over Ohio rise V eq ttl e s n ssl ' eul h o r fi7 l leecl;:pVtir.atroe lint tntns easibt parts by lobatatlou or mutates sod Otto combined meg... teßlan's SOLE LEATHER Dtst MAIITLAND OAK - TAN CCU EWAN LdLI and I:II..AUGUTI I Sole Leather, =1 gsmstStles from 100 lbs. on, d hope At Wholesale Prices for Cash. I= JAMES W. JOVE; & SON, CENDERLAND, HA RYLAND I= REMOVAL J . S. NEWIIIICER ki. CO., Commission• Merchants, =I FLOUR (GRAIN, FEED AND PRODUCE, Will more to All LIBERTY STREIT, 00 March let., Allem they will.be pleased to see their Wens sod patron. MILLER% LUBRICATIVE PaI3.O3MINGI , it fall stock of the above P•Oklng always on Viand, which vra•vell I sell to Dealers, Kallroad (30Mpariles and containersat the same prices as it can be purchased front the manufacturers, as 'subsea been appointed hole Agents :or Waste co C m al . l e a s n . a entail h j e . & It li a . t rs a d St. air 1a22 lois; Akent. BUENA VISTA RTREET.—AII of tg r ri?,:e . fa " IVr=t:tr i L k lw " 4 " :,, h d er a::: damage.benplits for the opening onto ens VIM& lama. hotrod Ward, wl.egirmy. from .tr present LUMILI. on TILTIOr Artnue. to Jartmon trtstrit " (!rn O f f l Aile t i:ni y b rou b t ' OT ' a i t e lt tn. vsi April Term, width report wilt be Ora n nrid unit.. extortion. are filed within .Is ••••••Irri tromilllng the reniii , - fitifi J. IJ..feCOW Pr, Mallet tor. ---- lIZCORDI I . I . II '. IILATOIVB AI-L{OIIE4T IM. Feb dd. 16.7. Q,PECIAL E- Peeper sod I.lst. of A.see.ment an the Property. tmbraced In the con.truellon the "West COMIZOn'' sod "Belmont' , Hewers, will be open (or leepeet t l i 7 :11.thle html,e f.r. period 0 1TuTt r o of Select a . nd . g;mmon Connell.. W et. eecIIF.NDItY, tteeordlott n. rel.., NOTICE.—To holden or ty Bonds of the Mean.' Ward, f l ou en. frell No. I up to 400 of toe best issue, dated beplember tit, le41: The above numbered Bonds will be nal I th Whose of she ALl,Klilf DAYlit,B cf,,ajpAtNye Ther before %be or MOOCH. hare. Interest nu the absye bonds will be stopped at"' 'b" date. errtsblent. Joule J LL.. becretary. feit:t4l ------ - MADISON STARCH AGENCY.- Jewt received 4 boxes, 40 r ~ Pearl 5.511 151 .• Vora do.: 51 11 Sliver Gloms titerch. l Poe We low to th i vA.lb a y.iglen to, laud 174 Wood street, IE"IRELTING; t A tte: -. 0 and Clom ac.,, the N bes tl st l T. Le utr a . .Gruillingg.al:::c; on hail ar r famml Ic..",""1""7 4. VI;L Clair street. ORANGES AND LEMONS.-- Irreeli Oldie Oriiiiire. order, Pat received al r -. r e;tltVdteA'ir ' , ° M r ' B" arrier Liberty sad Ilsad Streets. I W ADVERTISEWEEN BEST MANE KID GLOVES, $1,50 a Pair. BEST ENGLISH WATEMBOOF sl,ao a Yard GOOD SUMMING MUSLIN 12}c 1= SPRING GOODS, MS.i:roo• Opozit G. SCHLEITER'S NECCEPO!IOII TO G.AIIDNER & SCILLEITER 92 Market Street. THE CHEAPEST STORE In the City. CINCINNATI LIEAD Pl_l:l,]E AND SHEET LEAD WORKS, N 0.19 East Ninth Street. McCOIMICK & GIBSON, Proprietors, DEALERS IN Pig Lead, , Block Tin and 'PATENT SHOT. Make to ord, PIPIC4 and Sift ET'S ef any rr. ufret weight ear alo.e. p.r ',um , food. t; Ins. and upwards. Plprs—Callorr loch IS 1, trachea. Ale., Tare neat VII. for awe. mad for Melee/v. We would ropedelly ask roe - attention of Plumbers and Eroprictors WORIE•ND 'OIL WELL& •-•- •IwoOD. alvse. JONflx..l. rrrr T I 11.0.0 D BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTED% for. of 3rd and Liberty Streets.. - Above I.Serroll a Seyder'a, rlttahurgim Penes. Light wed lisary.tMatleg. remit/m.4 promptly to 'Tiler. Special attelmion ped to the trtleg oat and resetting . of VII Meteorite, ateamtooata. Malls. at, •c. Agents for A. S. Cameron & Co.'s STEIA.INI PUMPS BLOWER ENGINES, .1 - 14.. rumps Cave anerlor advanis.r.ovrt th•rn. and e••r, 000 11 warrant... 'lvo sat' •etlun. rum,a ,on•Lantlyun hand. felt:810 WALL PAPERS. .• FOR SPRING SALE OF INGT• We ere now I;iepered to el, to oar custom of Uwe gever•ley. so exteusWe .1160 Paper Banging*, BOrdCfll, Fire Board Prints, Ac., Reoloselne qnslttles or roods too,ro to the Trate. f, Parlon, ttlniag Rooms. bees. clutches. Assembly Booms, Is. A lso. TILANNPARENT OIL cLarns PALMA WINDOW KIIADES, At the losseset mutes prlua, et Not 1W Market street. near TIM. fels , t7ll JOS. It. litt/HILIS A PITO. LADIES' FURS, CO twr PII,IOES, AT nur. HAT, CAP AND TUB STORM McC ORD & CO., 131 WOOD STREET. PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPER: Har'zlrliniliThiO.T2: OFFICE AND WARM:MUSE, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa OFFICEILS.-AUGIUST DAMTJE, President. JNO... B. LIVINUSTON, Tress SA.1113(1. RlDDl.S.'Sscrobary. % DIRSGTOSS—AugusS Ilanie. Jobs itirell B. 11. Canals. Jobs H. LloltrOon. Jobs/Cpl.!. kin. C. 11. Herrick. . Cash 'Fold for Paper Stock. sobi:oSS SAMUEL N. WICKERSHAM, Iron Broker, 124 First Street, PITTAIIVAGII, PA. Agent for the We of Cornwall. Donadhmo.4 Josepttlee, tleneannon. eltanbotoss Mandan. and otber Cl and. ofentbraelle, R lesheny Coke and 011 plant's C. D. Charcoal ita cobalsoments nod orders re.pectfolly sone- Sel. 1•14:re3 W ATCIIES, CLOCKS, JEW: ZLIIX SILVER PLATED WARE Iv to "sr Or 101 CII lei ner. caTzt.i=vis, 37 Ohio Street, Allegheny, Tin. Watch Clock P.P.14.4 pro end... to. .re PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAD ./1TT11411.124 ALL ITS 11111.NOIL2S. Carefully attended to by erperteneekt and p~• tma workmen. A One amorUnent Or CAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS' BMW . HU 13!el_LHS, WATZR CLO2.IIII In , D6A i tr Constantly on band and panda t order. cla JEIMITTXXL7.I.I3, No. 59 Federal Street, Allegie.Y. and ssair I.thor9r Row, oborob. ....11.1*•••11• x. S, I_4ICOIN, , Sealer of Weights and Measures. Offices No. SO RARE= STREET, fe7 393 'PITTSBURGH. T. ml• BLACK. • VaraLa 41-11e3r, Three down above tisatbileld Wee , . PITTSBURGH, PA. Sven Mod of Work dims on the shortest notice and moat reuottable tame. Particular attention paid to Jobbing. taleatei 10 DIMS. LINSEED OIL received f""Vionaz A. HALLY 4 •• CO, • !MASAI'S DIA/WM WO• BUNN: 112 ItEvr ADVERT SALE OF KANSAS LANDS, ON TUESDAT, , TUE 2d DAY OF AlEUL,ll.B67,'svill be offered AT PUBLIC. SALE. At the Eldridge House, IN TIIE CITY Cll' Lawrence, Kansas, ABOUT 155,000 ACRES OF LAND, Elotzte In the Counties of LEAVENWORTH. TAN Dorr JEYIEIAnON and DURO LAWS and known. too "Delaware Reserve." These lmuls are dlrently oa tan Eosin Ilia or the MON PACIFIC LULWAY, .EASTION DIVISION. The 'testator the same ROAD It^)f LIGA.VEN INUNTLI TO LA WHENCE PASSER THhOUtin VIZI( and the railroad root Loots to Leir 17h. all'ittlV LIZA"PIiZuI.74III.OII24 D- A?. C c or TlklllEat ANTI WATICIL the*. lands to the VINBOT fLigetsliTtrto7nZerv.- i gt 7 slll'icrlshe h d! and since that data many farms have been Im proved. and churches, school houses, grist sod jaw mills erected, sod many other Improve• 'elfgrearorfe'llsinsan le remsrksbly healthy. and to farmers sod e e ttl ars these lands offer nss than alas OM G"M" Ineg;T:lie West. Also, at the samaSlate, Immediately aft eat er the di•posltlon of the above lusas, will be sold abo 28,0 0 9 ACRES OF LAND, , tllteate In the ' Southeastern Part of the "hAC LSD VOX RESERVE, 1v iheconnt7 of /Mk . Itn; Korman. Also, lame number of TOWN I.OTS AND BLOCK* In the towns of hi OU.TIi LAWN/NOS. TON OANOXIS and Tne sale *rill commence on 'April 24. IBC% and Will continue irom day to day until all the lead* above named have been disposed of. The land. Will headers.' in tracts to snit purchasers. TERMS or OLLA—One-third cash and tml once in two mina/ annual payments. WWI 6 per cent. Interust thereon from data of porobion. E. M. BARTHOLOW, Agent. ALM= - M. SIMON, ROtecoittor to A. OtHISENIII.I3SZEI ♦DO NO: 14.1111111 T STRUT, /living Purelassal tbe caUre ihock of CLOAKS ViD SACQUES, Circulars and. Mantles. OF TINE L.ITE T BTFLIES I ;4111 offer theta for We AT A LOW. FIGURE, rreparstory to nettylog oSpltodld tltoe.Y TOR THE SPEND WEAR gamin dc.iring • Bargain SHOULD CALL AT ONCE Partite:or Attlo val* to Orders left tioreneol• to bentle lo tpe 7...ALTEIMIT eTlrx.risr. SEEDS 1 SEED We are Dow Prepared wjth Our - SPRINGi STOOK Gi-ardeit, FLOWER R. o Waal to ...tents to . Dlarket-Gardeners and Country Lr Merchants. Ail OUR SEEDS ARE TESTED Before Ofibrins lbr Sale. HAY PRESSES. ersoll's Hand and Horse Power wmiLiasswarks. A Full Stock of all Sizes; 12E-NOS, 137 Liberty street. BLFACIIED EIOSLINS AT J. N. BURCHFIELD & COS No. 071116earls.ot (West Ode, near Xartet Ito 111..SACHE.H EIUSLINEII,6 etnUi oD 6-1 do do Si 104 dIiSITLYG; 10-1. 1.-1 LIMN EHTMEINI.I; 11-4 /'IL/A/W LINING; TABLE LINING; HUCK TOWSLO; •• Hy Um yard; /MANSES'S; PLAN/MU% and & LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, feI ALMIX• =E T. MI OILMOILE 8c LIEBLER YastalheturersA Wholesale and Satan Maslen las • TRUNKS Valises, Carpet Bags, Be. Ifira. large assortment of Ladle& Wands al wqa on hand. N 05.10 4. and 106 Wood St" OEM p EVUOPEAN EXCURSIONISTS . New Tort etR5.747:4.rn menta for booking psi...engem d a ting _Uto cm • uo to t 0 gate. uvaitriezetrnrastion INMAN OR ANCHOR Lines of Steamships. imnskipsogsr, %Jut.. ritarg.h. EICIBP v. c- DELLIE Dl Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, stamm.vrmEn. WNT4!IMaICir French Clocks, &c. vrrivmme. to the 11/PAIRINI. Or ' 22 riflit street. mit itini IT MOD: 6L'. BARGES FOR RALE.— FYN 0 .MODEL BARGES 145 lbet oar. WI feet beam and 4 feet bold. 'or sale la If applied soon. 1:11.13W5 LL alla nerd a into, W = •• I • fria r - WALTBAN WATCHES. I.—We Mahn, mtd as prepared to prove. that the America& Watches, manufactured at Walt ham,, Musadbusetta, are not outs eeinal, but fat reporter to the common watches ot Zneaude tStinserland and Trance. - - a mlt that It would be dlllteult asterplema of the eminent Ell . facture.. and while we do not to excel tb Wem7 decisive Improvements over them, we do assert and challenge • success fat deitisl, that our superior class of watches a fully equal, to seem, respect. to the most expez sire specimens of foreign chronometrical art. /11.—We claim that our watches are claimer more accurate, leas complex, more durable, bet ter adapted for American nee, and more easily kept In order sad repaired than any ether match- IV.—of be -TelYloll6 why oar witches pours* thew advantages over their Xtropeta rivals are chid): le the yrinetyle of the dlylston of out to out workshops to Its ex -It Milts, not Inhuman Industry only. but „„ & dantty ss wtll. Estrf ' , lt:4 , vanes through hundreds of hands and hundreds of to 122 C chines. Second, Because we promptly adopt eYery new eyentlon to p.lOct msonittety. and every proffered improyament In the structure of etch,— Third, &scan. In each of the .very numeral Mute, and often 12110302000/0 p 0 .015 of .I , loh etch'. made up, we attain. bymea hanleal pew. r, neatiy ohsoluts matheniatical precision thd I •olfortnity, which it 10 utterly impossible to bunchy manual !star. Wheels. Plothee. ea spensents, Mamma eprinirs end screslect ounterparts In weight, eircronferenceond di .• entlont — are turned out by millions by the en. erring. 1/003111211211121ferT121133 Iron bends 0f ma . eltleerl. lien., every watch of any one Style li • true 0001 of its model. V.—These results enable no t 0 der/ 1123•101 0/. vain% because no Mealieruniformity and precis. lon b strairahls by hand, and because In Walt ham alone Is machinery exclusively employed is the manufecture of th Le Intricate end delteotn mechanism. .—N Vlow, ite will be seen at onee, this aluth. laxity 132 22321C112/0 reduces 11111011•Iof production: It secures uniformity In 121120 1 131: 12 perpetuates and isubilibir diffuse. any excellence that M. be 0 RCS achieved: and maker It easy so repair any Islam . enntathed. or replace any P that may he lost Or deatroyed. Cif. In addition to the. mech.leal advents gee, oar Wetehes ere simpler In structure, and thereforestronger, - and less likely to be littered Lima the malority of foreign watches. They are composed of from MS to MO plea.. In an old linglith watch there me more than =pmts. Vill.—We began our ithperlinent Mita In the face of a formidable oreJodice against /MCA am watches. Our Mete. wag 2013 nod unused. We hove steadily Increased our factlities..util now we employ over TOO artisans, and eell watch. a year. Nearly • querter of a million of our watch. are In usa to-day In every SW. of the Union, a. weft as In thelidexleautuld erit irh P3OVIOte. and Colonies. Their universal popularity Is the beat proof of Ober merit Out we can produce, They have Ober m way In mate of of every opposition and of immemorial pre) dices. Hundreds of dealers , aft over the theatre have expressed their preferenee for onr products after along and pmetical experience with forties watches. any of the grades of Waltham watches may be purchased of watch degere generally through. Lt the co. Wry. ROBBINS & APPLETON 182 Broadway, New York BOBBINS. APPLETON & 00 58 Washington Street, Boston ®~ DI - SEATH& CO. Nitholesale Agents American Watch Company's EEDS, (I anlsl. WATCHES No. 56 Fifth Street, OPPOSITE IEOOEIO lIALL. FEnituAnr, Is4i. WS OPEN TODAY, oar new stock of CIgRP33IITIE I , Om:4Ulns M. Dast Patterns made la ingrates, Three Pig and Eng Kele Tapestry Brussels, = WHOLESALE AND BETA9IL At the lowest peke& ghee the U. hicFAILIABD a COLLINS, 71 need 13 Fifth Stieet. &stood noon, over Hoary lithsa . o Book Btors. jele:T:s¢:eiKP. MILLINGS & BOBLL, NIMMOIDGASIELA PLANING MILL AND LUMBERYARDS Callon Street, South End Sio nongahela Bridge, SOUTH PIT/OBI:MGM 'laving &large .I,ock of DRY LUMBER vagtavart.Mullirglat= l7 :: at iovrest at rates. Benders sad thews Weeding to band. We Is the meet favorable time for teaklni abelz sr rangemeau. as we have •Isrge stock or FIRMARD WORK ON HAND r.mt,sl S HEP HARD'S CRAWLERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBITRGH, PA. orn • CAIISTIC SODA, Both American and English, rum warm =ABM For. Oil Refining Purposes, carrarptgarsazgrd tbr sale In quantities JAIES HERVEY DOBBS, 246 Pearl Street, N. Y. del:r= FOR SALE. Butter—.%Boo lbs. in Firkins. CHOICE CANNED FRUIT, CICARSATC., And Lease of Warehouse, No. 201 LIBERTY STREET = Zeal rotate Doubt, and sold GLOSIOZ PL T 7. li. saga Aro% No. 3I Glin MoyOro o . •rtcr,_ . ~,,,,, z4b. ......1 ~,,,„,argi;itili'vE to A u.ri".. lar lN ogE d oo • • o mit/ .4,?.f,!b,1 . 9,,,,,, QrE sT ''' bud on 6iT". 47:arers. sent of rlttoburO b ili 1...11. the x.i. ► lb. in.. 2:YrencloeuttErast,loarbiLr.olv,i_ctli..bers.2,l.e.rre_.:ttood...,. BOARD OF TRADE ROOM!, On Thursday st O'C Brenta,. Um astb Lust.. 7Mlaelt. To soloyt loch action as to them may seem most late re to farther the Cild• prohosod h, tOe late Blser hoprostmemt Convpstion. Ite . .d st ht. Loots. th=ss3 , WM• C. MoCABTIIY, Mayor. • _ . OIYICS Or TIM CONNeLcati Lia AX 80ortri 1111. FusrXsTr.ira.eria II Moral . FlXll.Luil.relth. February le 07. IarTHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholder. ,•C' this Company Will be belJ at the onlve of the Company, No. ZIO South Third Street, on ' Wednesday, March 6th, tip?, AT 10 O'CLOCK. A. Tr, ►or U. Purpose of electing • Pre..lloll sad twelve Dlzeetorl to servo the ansutag yew:. Urbana Or UTION Mannino Ann Mingo CO.. i Pt . Tsabarnt. February 1.1. MI. , tarTHE ANNUAL BIEETING o f . the Stockholders of the tiMiON lIMPLN -IMfi AND OTtrittliti Uti. Intl be held at their One, in Liberty store', on MONDAY, March intl. at i o'clock r. IC. for the Donnas! of elea . Inn a Board of inractors, to acne for the ensu ing year. and this transaction of such other bun sreitottry be b"W.l."L'AZl°.l3ecretary. IarTIMIIMPH OIL COMPANY. annual meatus or the atoetloldets of the Triumph all Company will he held AT THEIR Of ?WM. No.ll Wood street. on IL aIUAY, llatett MA. at o'clock, M.. for the purpose of ethetion °meets to Wm , tthr . _ tot th e coating year. and the tthossalon o f Inch otter bust.. all may_ come before them. Mama WILLIAM 1111tlaLMIL heel. arIiEFINICIVS ASSOCIATION. azrniZirEgo i um t 4t1T ,F, 11% 17 , 912 . 5 Str!.:..Uil._ ILO at their . roem. 1 / 4 .. 1t57., " 17 . 3 D A "" : W m " " 7"3. Inu attend...a ts requested. R. Y. LONG. fer.:lBl. Beere.ary Pro tag. tgrAN ELECTION FOR PREIII. LENT, bIJIAOEIidi gad OFFICIEUS of thr Cartipaly for erecting &Bridge corer the Al legheny likr=r4 i ii• i ,B . ltbar . lll. In the r0g...: 4 .1 4 ,'1ne roan cud et the AIM ot ciohiDAY, th• day of /Will as the hour of 2 o'clock r. X. te9 , 5718 qY. aoar.Buici. Tresaurer. tr'DIVIDEND NOTICE. own PlTrinsmon d BOBTO* HINIXO C0.,1 Tb irec e Dtr grge g ‘P r imrlivir . ..D BUitTuN 1. oNU Cu. bee. deilsred • dleltie A nd of r T t HE I Z I DOI I LL r S S er y!. t 1. r oo ie .. g . ret . r . . g f e 7:4 tdV r2egak/b3Se TreseateX. IlrreVan, Yr. wx.a C Maor H.W. r , 00.1 11Trsacrw0u. re... Pep. loth. 11.1. arTEILE Arrarca. asesTria a the Met and Bondholders of this Company for %be election online tors and such other business as my come before It. be ballot the ofdee of mid CorspanY• to the City of elttebargh. - oa the • Third Wednoiday, (20th,) of March, A. D. IS6I. - AT 10 O'CLOCII. Th. Kock end Board trensfer books of the Company. at Mar dele e to the City of Pltubstrith and at tee Transfer Agency. la the city of Ness Tore, will be elosedon the 4th DASD/ MARCH. at 2 r. M., and remain closed until the Met day of March thereafter. 7. it. IL9TCHlS*oll,Becretary. Orncr or V3l ALLSaIIKKT VrLisr IL R. Cl. I 1 . 11111.11.011. 764, 1, Isl , l, ir'r TUE UEGULAB ANNUAL •••••' gweining of the Istockbolders of the Allegheny Valley Railroad Co. WM he held at the Office of the Coaspang, ger no of Pike aud Cam' streets, Pittsburgh, oa Tuesday, Feb. 26th, 1867, at II o'elor.V . A. tf.. for the eleedon of a Board of Managers to gene for the thsahth year. and to transact etch o th er busthess as may he pro. tooted. WLLIAStha rktILLWa, fe4371 Presideut. (MICR Or •11.30IIiNT VMS.= L. U. CO.. 1 PITTMSOnon, January ist, 1867. IarNOTICE TO IiKILDERS OF 71BST lULTOAO3IUBI)RUPTtIL AI, LIGEIT2I T VAL, LAY RAILROAD COXPALti Y. —Tbe Ailegbeal Valley Railroad Company Derr 01 Ore ostlers that they will redeem the The 11Trst Norhpere Bends *tabs Co. Within two ewers from Misdate. in secortsnoi with the provisions at the mortgage elven to se cern the woolens of said bonds. By order of the Bead of Man a gers. jel:rts WILLIAM PHILLIIIL President. pon SALE—In the Second ward Arerbet.T. two axial/ two eta 7...01 110U5dal oa rwp alley. tour Tease aeon. with a parch In front; all In rood order. $895 each; slsot to cub On each House: the balance In one ytar. Poeseesbut can he bad of one of them the other at tbe let of Apr il. They be rented for INS per month. Enquire at No. yl Seaver street, of italdWl te21910) Naad Hetata ligents. TOR THE pou SALE. SOUSE .IXD LOT Tim holm Is a neat beet. orntalolos a doubts cellar. sit roma sad labed attic. Water In the boost. and PAIR weary room. *Mg viola order, Enquires{ II WInT 5T5.1.117„ te2o:t77 Altsibelll FOR SALE, TUE HOME AMDILAYr No. 40 Craig .treet, nnt. Ward. Anegbenn ay. house Is s sub.canttal sire-story Fr•lite lio.d • mpar. Tbe lolls lett front on LAW .tregir I,olnnt deep, este:ming to raansit• I:l7:rainne itraLtkONDffr..llttaburgb. FOR SALE, Two rears Ll4ss Of three story banding on % sod street, between Yo lain and TIM Mesta. Possession given April Ist. Md. • splendid baldness Isestinn. A&V BOZ as3. Fltistelsin r. 0. fensall Von SALE .— A very desirable PROPBBTY for either a Tan T. W.l. T.tory..PlaelegßlLL 'Muted at McCoy , Itesilon.. the Cleveland .4 Pittsburgh Ball road. illty-Ove dingoo Plttetnargta • good entatentlel bal It loaht. and ebed lenfenM tsjzt t irga. n. lase el y ; o lot i ltirr: Um, fenaannerat nalt/81T.•LsgtenT. VOR RENT—From the Drat of AprlL Hwang TWO ISTOiIiD BRIM DWELIMG sopsE. Situate on Locust strut. 'Unchaster. The lot largo. with stabi. le. holm and trait Usu. /Imams at the feld:u4 . MANCHESTER SAVINGS BAWL •-•- - VOIR RENT. —The secofia story A- of privets dwelling bodge containing four rooms, with water np etaln. en/ with a good collar; eltnete on Wylie rites, within nee min. Mee wait of the rostollee She madly wno oe copy the lower story consist of amen and wits rey only. ItsPirences elrod. Address, •V. J. 1..." Ossetia Ogle. NEW WRING GOODS. Goods for Early Spring Wear ALSO, A LOT Or JOHN TORNIINCE. 000 TO LOAN OM 3101=0.1. a Mal cd $5OO u9'1.2" If FED. Emoi.s...xzemcoxigrpk... • Iltia Lt Uraortzigu rnnut , ad NAos vita Dowd. hi • tespeetalMe C.." tral Adelrtaa, •TItIal,•• Box No. as P. 0.. statin terms, low ANTED.—aoo clerks, and v and tiara new t out of otanlavanna , t ai l iv.iablyst ra 10.zrvir .I:Au= or.o 0. k '" thv ia ono what afanu .re aanklets, WANTED.--Grada etary and Commercial inrmanentlT In bualmen req snip and basinela nor/nano/oe. rclarenoa. to • Onust street. our Xs Law Office. °NAM. Csout Fr' WANTED—AGENT"—The best r • Claanee et. • Work o -Historic* Palos and National Imporiane. be only 7, ork_ov ViTaNTaUt llgy~ U 1 INTU. HEADLEY. she diatisigniab. /Maur sad wean. In one handsome voreonst Llin.trated Sand at onea for tame anerlct*Ttra 3111:raltdit , or Ed livirat at. Pittaburgnia J. J. B &RC LAT,'Bsc.7 WANTED-AGEZIPIIS--TO SELL the CIIILDRZWEI ALIT. PICTUnX3 AND STOltil:n, written and eatoptled hr Rev. •aA BULLAnu. Tha 800 no r.= a nes Portals of the author, more than one hundred- Pleturea and 10 Sleety hrintOd cad Wand, Ma mu" pluuue un V.T.1370111n.b 0 Third strial $O. liintUhatith: :..: ;. FOR BENT. ", s : s si[ty:lM 1. 'COMPLICIT. ♦ZDOSSYEN2 11Y11 ROI MI ROM My ontontens and Ina ;addle can rat Ing owe of the btss stoc.l. In the MU Iscl. of • R. T.L 79 Federal Street, MM= 12=!MI HENRY G. HALE MERCHANT TAILOR, Northwest corner of Penn dc St, Clair St& Darts to rata= thanks to hi. Womb and Os pat Uo fer the SWUM Dan boron. sad respookfalla soli. Its a share of their Mars DatrOSM. wool d Ds pleased to /AMC= sundae Ms Large and Carefully Belected,Stack Fine Woolen. Goods INWISCLUAIto adSPUtt MUMS net fl 1111 111 11011 Jalia6o REDUCED PRICES. SO no to on MIMS non 01 BOY'S CLOTHING, offerles Seeded Inducements. rtucrs VT.ItT WW GNAT & lACIJUr No, 47 st. ciatr street. GEORGE BEATEN, Candy Manufacturer AAA dealer Is IPOSSIG AND ANERICAZI /AM= rICIAND. N O TA. ix.; AC.. N 0.112 iederal Street, mond 400? Arm the TIM Nstion.l Mu* 3/4...3 maximum yam iptc h.,1:14+ I C. Tivrow ac, soak. MEN les of Lit • tor. u, saga" trlux eslasetaa. MEI ITEM=I BANKS AND BANKING HOWSE JAY COOKE Corner Will and Milian CO., ta., New Yak • 3 , .wrxgrt.,-r.t:,:r"sArprvgat 110UsE et SOOT. afeetton. in after oar services to Beaks . Beakers end lave ezet th e Meese- Ude of their lasetnes• le th city. leclealse perthesee she Wes of tlaYs 3I WIRT IseCtrea rlat. Itr=tho BOXDS sea Le. -We we eoa. t 1: N Vird P 74 e tV t r: eVdt h rt rAttng - Igrallij 4 Oiled. We rhea ma beset a tea supply of wt... ISIOLXII2 PaCUMITIL3 ../ft ALL /830T/1. 1 'meter eed selling et current sites. sae allow the eaTheePendeato the meet , Morel Was the market verorde. • 1 (MOB ' JAY COMM /I 00 HART, CAUG 11 1 & CO., ! Bankers and ' okers, CORNER THIRD AND 11/1 OD STREETS, 1 I pis H. PA., 9IINTESE4ORB TO KOH 1 BUT lOW Dm= Exchange, Coin i Coupons, Au d w it,tb...uzim, v t t o Ow Dar ceaw I GOVERNINEN!I BONDS. AirgIGHT MUTTS ON LONDON. laltal N. HOLMES J& SONS, 33.4L1V1373rE 1 - 64 , No. 57 Market Street. P 1 71133317116 E. Deposits receloed In Par rands and Currency• Collections made on all the princlad POWs of Um United autos m 1 Canadas. Stocks, Bends and Other Securities DWIGHT - 1M BOLD a ooriasinot Porttentor atttaticra paid to tbit Fathom sa4. C. S I . securities, 1555,5155 11. 517568 M Or I;