NEW GOODS A 1 , DRY GOODS, TRINDiING OPENING DAILY iIACRUNI & CARLISLE, .ro. la Fifth Street, Are opening dell NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS p j 11/1.1.13L5Y53 NEW INVISIBLE SEIBT for 1 . ARIES` MATINEE, IMIODE AND OPERA ?.11,1t.PrE,G1REL1,ffILfg: anti. TIIic.NEWbyRENCH PAPER CoLLABS and 21rif/..TEL;(rVITIZZiNPEnPieht4ETS ?IId9/7MIACATIN,7I"Tt NEW LACE COLLArrz. b° • Dealers Supplied NEW YORK JOBBERS' PRIM BLit fll & CARLISLE, Mono. . frit anftla istreiot. AT EAT Im. Emb'd Paper Callan, LADIES' PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS All Styles TILE "IN VISIBLE 77 Empress Trail Skirt, ANOTHER LOT lIECEIVED New Bead iDrop TRIMNING AND BUTTONS N.Zif'.ll2.9ollTltVii , • „: Alexandre's Kid Gloves, AT F. EL F,A.TIDINPS, fe2l 17 Fifth Street, ! NEW GOODS JUST HECLITZD AT JOSEPH HORNE'S ifs CO.'S We are now opening a tarp and well-selected stock or SPRING GOODS ea:brach:lg al/ that Ls new and desirable, to • . . Itnm. White, Meet and Anther, Bead Trimming, Guipure and - CluniT tonne and Applique Lace, Lace and Crape Vella, Be. Grenadine aid Time, liesehurg Salim end • / A mu lie. or crbtair iteltimancrarars • Henied, Ilemati , chee4 Itnibmldered and • lee.. which we are offering at yell' low • Ht BUTITINS grra m t t earjejLtinulaLtue et tie% llkVjt k ELS, 0143 cent. el eh — acariettitng Swop Skirts, Corsets, - Retie. Belt Chum Bealpf. ...1 BTRIPED 68 . 11{431 IT — T d large sack jest re " elved of choke patter.. ' Balmoral/Skirts and Traveling pNey_. : foifit H i4T,Li u r3lll B be found well iniwited with fresh goods, which we offer to the Irene at ZABTE7/111..nICES.. aIOS. HOR/VE & CO., 77 and 79 Market Street. fa ow NEW SEEING GOODS. are :set receiving a RN '.nd complete "AfTol37l:„K.Vria:l l =4.. one's, the At oils, Barredond Plainl;aln.ooks. Vontorla Learns, Linen% Liana Cambria and L ririll 7 ol%E d alitt b irl? Line Edainns a , and Dt•OrGnE.. Rambnor r EA_Flng. and Insert. t agn ft e r,uutaer;tim , r4oulgsr . ..z . 7.42 tiered Rob:.• and UBne rw Lan i f t ,.. , L t o aroftin d ipure Lanes and Edialetip, j /tt :Val. La tettAVRTOVIWS, Reftkoint antlAVlqu.. Thread. Cluny and Van TTlrd. wol.• • 4111.1itinatlYBOINETVIBB(114.S. Trlnundatana ; Neek MESONS. Q FULL LINE ALEXANDRE KID GLOVES for •• , Lad en Gent. an HOO P ea, . .• CORSETS and SKEWER an nukes. Waterfall Pad.. Hata . Rolls, ...annet Band 4 Nem, tie tlrUUtitiffirtfilifr a in2,l l B 7ara G n a ef: ll B. 7 '• • L .: to sell &train. will and In cow Vfbalesale Deport. • tnent, n good aseorlraent. and a. lot na EASE PR/GER MACRON!, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. WHOLDSILB DRY GOODS. New. Hoods Just Opened. Merehants desiring to Sort Fp should eaU and examine our _Stick and Prices. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS& NOTIONS: , • j N 0.115 Wood 81., Pittsburgh. • ARBUTHNOT, MINION & CO C. ANNITEBNOT.T. T. 5HAV10N.7.0.11121.88:660a 525 27 FIFTH STREET. + suaraw 1 .PLUSr? NII 30 D t . Werrt foUTe L I A EU rftpULLAtM y. _ UINtl- ,ATBA6 S.MELLLAN&C bEssulows, o. 9T YaTII 928XILT FIFTH STREET. NOR MEMi I ac a rLO ' ,SI:I7IN " IrSLM ILIKANU KTkr:I6CD Per /VA T • 1 16fir231."., Zeartroti isaUfTls, AT DL8811508.15. ; Te:s No. ai yrira pu=rrr VMS, ItIcCANLDESB & CO., • No masa limas. outs c 0..) EICILNAALM =LWOW RI FOREIGN ANDOOMESTIC DRY 0000$ 11 M.o. 04. larmoi=l. - talpl o rue SI», MAIM d L11%6. DRUGGISTS. 0.0802 41. JUZLT.. . 112101XPRAMI. GEORGE 411. - IeiLLY CO.. Wholesale Druggists, 37 Prood Street, OPIUM, . ODIDC POTASSIEff, YOUPHIA. • CHLIIRATZ YOTatlii OULNINE. /MUM POT/18311M. lODINE /MIMI, NIMILTZ 11/I•VXR. IPTAWDARD CIZEIIICALs, 1117 pumas: ipIiUGIASH DRUGS:II JAMES T. SAMPLE HAVING BOUGHT THIF WELL KNOWS UNud HOUSE COY. IntDERAL AND •, BUSINSOW ITtl.. .O.L.L.StitIX2I7f, Welt kelp°a hands ton ustomont ofallkladt of And vhleh .111 R d abesPor 1 , ••• ••7•Sha bo Pretns. to the two etlptloos aaratall7 Pr•Plwed by • SW' tlw arlatelt. • fJI klatUalkitB.lollLlßY and Wier BOA P 73 I . SCHOONIVILKER SON, J. • - Pittsburgh White Lead Werth PURE WHITE:LEAD.. ITU= LLD 68017WD MOLL "OR PAM. , ?IDO OIL BASTIZIA, 176. 67 Poartellatzett. Up /Wm aoilus6l ~ r ~ ~~~:~~~~: STATE LOAN. PROPOSILS FOR I LOIN OF $23,000,000. :AN ACT To Create a LouIE FOR THE REDEMPTION OF The Over-Due Bonds of the mmonwealth. WELD. The Ronda of the Co=monwoaldt, Lad certain grtlfiestes of Indebtedness, amount Ing to twenty-three of /lona of dollart. hoTo Dees over duo and unpaid rbr some ilme put Ana Wheri7 , IS 4 destrable that the • • la==ft!M therefore, Q:!‘1. Be it exacted by Ma Ifelost.and /10 Elepresnitattrwr qf flu Coaraoßsetala of Pen ay/snail:lin Generatelssevaty mat, and it fr A 11=El!MII! Governor, Andltor General and Bute Treace be. mod ere hereby, &enquired mod empowered ho borrow, on the Leith or the Cammonwealgh. In men amounts and With each notica, ( .. 4 le than forty days) 4.1 they may down aon expedl t for the Interests of tee State, twenty-three ntilllona of dollars.. lune certlfica tes of loan •rbonas °elle Commonwealth ror the same, beatteg Interest at a me not exceeding SIX per per 'annum. payable aembuannally, on the fret or February wad fret oCAufnek In the city or Philadelphia, which cartlileates of loan bonds 'bull not be subject to .ey g.z.tion whaterer, for State, municipal. or local imp.. a, and a/mil be payable as follows, ilamel • ok dollars payable at any time after fire Ye./ and srlthla ten years: eight Willem of dollars, ' payable at soy time after tan years thla.tlfteez sears, sad tea mllllons of dollars at any Una atter 'nein years and .twen • giTe and shut be signed by the tioi •or and dtate Treasurer, and countersigned the Aadltor General and fte1.!..2 th.I.A. IU=MIMI .1 mm book. or toe Commoulreaitty at. ibe hr- men' and . Menmues , Ziainmal Bank of Pelt. delphla; the proceeds Or the whole of wtdch looladliag invade.; et. uteri. ...Ind an the enhte shell tet applied to the patment of the heeds eeei acsafa..Ke or lndebtaness of the = sac. :". The bid. tor the sold loon Call be opened lo the presence Grine Governor. Auditor M;;;=1:1!!!el IM==!!E lia=t!!!!!I Led iar lu. ttuta to par rata. S[o. L- The bonds of the State and erattlestes I;==!!! ble 1a Payment of the eald loan, under neat lea Illailons as tbe Gormor, &tar General an; State Treasurer may preAcelbel atole , e.7 bldg for the loan, now authorised to battened, shall crate In to. bld whether the mate Ls payable to cub or In the . bonds or terttOutes of Indebted nets ot the Commonwealth Hic. 4. That all trustee'', exteuiors, adtolels- • trgors. Irttudlans.-azenu. treasurers. commit- 01=!!IIN paeltT. toads or certificates of Indoitottness of thseisde or moneys, are hereby authorised to E=Z!!l2l and to surrender the bonds or eerthleste • aria. held by them at the thee ofmakleemehtbl, • d to receive the bonds autharleed to be Wahl MEM Bic. S. Aiyperson ot persons itanding trduelweapsettr stated I the fourth shelloa •Ithlitact, bey deers to Ismeat money Itt their bands for the benetlt of the frost, may, IGN=MI MM=EMM tail Of DittaUrn not .evading twenty Der =I atc. a. That tem end altar the passage of Mb INi=MIEM paid ottlii the order of their rottenly That all loam of this th .t yet dee, shell be exempt from elate. cdpyl or lonia taxation, after the Interest doe lebrilary fink, one thcelsand elate beedred sae bay-sevesr,eliall.baye been paid Bic. S. That all existing tars, or with.. hereof, Ineemilecat hereeoh, are hwy re. CM= JO/1N r. GLAM. Docile, of the Boum of Representative.. I= Speaker of the Senate Approved the second dy of February, one. lhousartd Oen b.dred gad sixty-toren. JOlllq W. OEAEY In accordance with the provision et th e I above 4,4 t orAgsembly, sealed propiksala will be reedy nd It the °Mee Of the Stele Treauarer, In th fln of narriaboiA reaurylrain4 aonll 12 , f the In day of •prtl. a. D.. 16d7. to be endorsed as follower' • Troposals for Penn- ryivanl► /3tata ,Leaty. Tremuy Departzuot. H .T 10 ! ,, g. Penny, Cr. B. A. DUI vrlll be rorelro4 for 0.000.000, rel. 'buraabla In /Iva yews and payabli In Ten yew* n 8.000,000 reimbursable In Ten years and w ave In Fifteen peen; and . 10 .000,000 ram burnable In /Menu ear sae parable In Twee. '•ylye year, The ate et Ingest to be either - cent, p uuuuuu re, whirl tenet be ea• MOM plumy stated In the bid, anti the bidet:hest ad eehtoireoto, to the Stata will to leeept,O. 13E IZ:C=:LIM bonds will be issueit la autt. of LSO. .ad rtieb dashed by the loaners, to is A, from State, local end moultlool taito The oyez doe beads of the Cossiaansealth of rylvanlANSllbe retalred &twin,2i • MI, loan, bat bidders mast .tatswhether tDq tend to pai Isl cash or In the *Ter dais loam!. ==ll No distinction will be shade between 'bidders h or,inar-doe loss, C=l3 JOAN W. GLAM.'. Glavoritorat.Pewuqlvaals. JOHN 7. narnuarr, ===l W. H. Yr.MBLZ. State Treimzer. N. /1,7N0 sew/paw pabitshbaa tde above, finless authorised, iv 111 receive Dal, Mica iriteVitt6burgho .2.IO.?iDAY, FEB. Q. 5. 16'67. CITY AND NEIGIIII-9RII-09D The l'ommou Groonau. -- EDITORS Pirreacnau lisearre--1, was very sorry to read the corn munmatlon of • Idoro Anon," in your paporaeveral dayf ago, ills couraging the effort now inaugurated to make public parks attic Common Grounds of Allegheny. 1 had hoped that no citizens with any des g - reo of public spine could oppose the Im provement. t tab add but little to the ar gement or the Colmmlttee itself, but ask your indulgence to correct some errors which 'More Anon^ labors under, Itt the first place, thou, the funds are not to bo raised oy general taxation. I should bitterly oppose any such proposition. It Is Weed by, nosessment; that la to my, each piece of Property pays Its doe proportion of the purchase money of the Improvement, and when the Purchase money Is paid, the assessments cow, as a matter of course. In the second place, in.lotholders are•not to Las is their right. of cowmen taken from them, and then be taxed as much as others in addition, On tho cotrary., they will re wive the fall value of their right of cons motutire, as determined by sworn viewers, appointed by the Court. Having received that, it is evident they then will stand on terms of equality with all others. and the assessments will be laid on them, of course, Just the same as on others, who are equally benefited. As to the claim that out-lotholdere are also entitled to commonage, It comes at rather a late day. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania have, long ago, (Carr vs. Wal -1 Mee, 7 Watts, 248; at - Pittsburgh, to Septem ber, 1838,) and repeatedly slam" the flrot do. Melon, settled the law In question. The Patents referred to always embraced a town! lot and an out lot, and the privileges. What these prlvileges are, are defined by the act of 11th of September, 1783, sections 2 and t. Which are In these words, viz : ' 2. • • • That the President • • is here by empowered to cane to be laid out and surveyed a loon in tots, with a ecuntsetent and sustabis Cumber of outrlote for the accom modation thereof In said tract • • 4. That the l'reoldont • • shall reserve Out of the lots of the gala town for the use of the erste so meet land as they shall deem 1:W.16.817 for a court. Geese. Gaol and Olarketliouse for 1311106110 t public wor ship, and for burying the dead, and without the said town one hundred acres for a cons- The suPreme Court In the ease referred mo m ' P ; t e u e r n * sid ' or . etl the whole question as to, fully rig ht of out.lot holders to comm and dz•!dt•Li that the Ontslots them_ seires were - but Incident LO the town 107 s, that the right of common was appurtenant to the Inlots, and that the owners of oat lots were MO entitled tO right of common The Allegheny Conn:none. Masses. EDITOES Gsrserra :_Just when the enlightened people of Allegheny, aro beginning to feel tnat at length the necessa ry steps are bebag taken to wipe out an old ere sere:- end render the unsightly Com mons' no longer a disgrace to a thriving City, some anonymous person indulges him self in a vain peroration onthe subject. Let to look at hli objections and argu ments, and try to see if we can not rub off a little of the smoke which has evidently been gathering for years on his venerable glasses. • First, your correspondent indulges in Utile dietetic-tilted sympathy with lot own ers, for lievha to pay for theta. of the use Of an unelgb nr.productive common pas tor., and the Only eatdvalent offered is, e verdant park. a sylvan retreat In the neon of al:are/MI city, a place where their wives and Shildreti eau breathe Clio fresh, untainted air at no expense but that of is alight tax, which la to so subdivided as toll. merely At Ind "Afore anon" does not seem to roe any objection bet the prodigal outlay of greenbacks. and magnanimously cries, rid , bono, when several enlightened gentlemen, despainng of any municipal action have already begun the good work at their own expenses and would, If left alone by our prod-gal Counalls, after a lapse pf time, • give us a Park free of common expenle. But then be, with wonderful foresight, per., ce/ves that even City Fattier* may have a I sense of enema' and en appreciation of ON fitness ofthings, eo he looks about 'brother objections, and he perceives that th is ruin ous extravagant,,, this oetrageous outlay. Sanely to pander to the Mates the idle and the fashionable, with which li e has n o doubt, observed, our city Is sd evertor denecL Let as pray heaven, dear (Lorry. :that 4...5ti have nomore anonymous correspond - fem. oa • ?his sort-It seems almost luipowd. ble that enci, abort sighted Ignorance can exist in the preaeill age and community, We are all born to labor, !tad we labor for money, butt think there are "few of us f w o h od h o e n p t e baesluve haam nec e ssarie s gapd that it con procure. Surely snob views as • your correspondent procLitms are b o d yentertained , by . misers of the wont sort. The slater cltles have, proper : uoriately, a more horrid list of c rimes than env other. In the Icoontry, and I think that the want of innocent amusement the canoe of this unpleasant precedency, Our -.S.M. has all work, and no play, except. tag snob as the liquor shop. afford, and the consequences an, daily seen in your crimi nal reports- "More Anon" devoid of appre ciation of th e beautiful himself, ascribes Its poasessioa to two classes. "The idle and fashionable,. and • .riowdles and vaga bonds," who will, he says, be attracted to these ground. I doubt the truth of his classitleation,-but cannot see that It will do any one any harm to be able to see variant, eprmgy turf and redundant fo liage atomid him, and hope mid believe that M. A., if be could spend a little time among snob objects, might find his claws and hls heart enlarging; and I also hope and belie teat arecti mbort-sighted old folly. Ism.. b epreaches, antihero no effect on the onward course of the committee which has the good work In hand. "W," The Disinterment of Pe itckldters—Opukte. mtsplraula Goners!. or the AIit.OTAIOY Attorney General Brewster: of this State, has recently given In important opinion, a synopsis of which will be of interest. Col. Gregg, the Chief of Transportation, has had presented to him, tinder the act of lift, numerous claims for transportation by two class of elalmants—one she ask pay ment for expenses incurred In removing the Teltiallis of, deemed soldiers who had been residents of Gil: f!ate, but who had enlisted In the regiments Of otreir 43:Stee. and sax woofs service as moldier, this State received no credit upon her quota; t h e ell ,er asking payment for the exp. eof an. tu c e moving the remade. Or Mete w had en listed In toe regular army and a , but who were counted In the quotas 7 ed for from this State, and whose service as sot. di ers was credited to this Stato. The queu tion asked by Colonel Gregg was,"whether, under the act of IfiCa, such claims can be Mild. and transportation lssuedr The Attorney General answered that In his opinion the soldiers first alluded to could In no sense be said to be soldiers of Pennsylvania, merely because their hap pened to be residents or cltistes therein at the time of such erdistmenta. in nearly, If not quite, all such cases the parties were induenced in their enlistment by the offer of Wee bounties mule In the neighboring States, and by enlisting there deprived this State of her right to their military war vices, in),that neither the State nor the eltl• rens thereof can be said to have received any benefit from their enilitment beyond what was received from the °Wrens of other buttes enlisting In their own regiments; bet' On the contrary, by reason thereof, had ad ditional burdens east upon them. Such per sons cannot, - therefore, in the opinion ot Mr. Brewster, be called soldiers of Pennsyl- Ofvan and are not entitled toe benefits the ia, law. are , . As to the second class,aa the State had not I only the benefit of their enlistment* in the general service, but &Mo e n listment.,d upon her quota with such and her citizens being thereby, to Mud extent, relieved from the military service required of them, the Attorney bhmeral he of opinion that such soldiers may fairly be said to be serving for this State In th e amok s of the tention of th United States,e act of IBM. and to Mime within the In- Sovstatlons far Lost. Bishop Domenic, of the diocese of Pitts burgh, tom', Wood the following circular do. tailing the regolations Joe lout: 1. All the faithful who have completed their list year ore,uoles. legitimately dile penned, bound to observed the fast of Lent. 2. They are to make only one full meal a day, excepting Sundays. 3. The meld allowed on Fast-Days la not to be taken till about noon. 4. At that meal, If on any day permission should be granted foreatlng flesh, both flesh and fish are not to be end at the mute time, even by way of sauce or condiment. A small refreshment, commonly called collotlana, Is allowed In the evening, no gen. oral rule sato the qutity of food, permit ted at this time, iso c on be made. nut the Practice of the most regular Christians is never to let it exceed the fourth part of an ordinary meal. s. General mor n in g Made It lawful to drink In the. some warm liquid: as tea,ater. coffee, or thin chocolate made with i W 7. Necessity and custom have euthoricod the toe of hog's lard, Instead of butter, 1n Pl"...Dtl:ll.Morsgetables, ao. nom the obllitatigniV"ftsti::;7 ye:4.'lP= sons under twentposie years oi age, preg nant women or those giving suck to In Mots, persona obliged to hard labor, and alt who through weakness can not hum without great prejudice to their health. 9. By d ispensatitm thence of fresh meat wlll be e sloed at any tittle on Eltandaya, and a day on mondani. Edenton% lion of it Tallarsday and naturdays, wth the excep. the iaet AritT:TL ' et m b.' Wee k ' nd /0. Persons dispensed train the obligation of fasting are not bound by the restriction of using meat only atone meal, ora Clay, en which Its see Is granted by ari s en data wbo ere obliged to fast, are permitted to use meat only, at one meal. The time for performing the Easter duty, in mos Diocese, extends teen Paasion day to the second Sunday after Baiter ex_ elusively, wherever Divine held every Sunday. Elsewhere, the time may bo extended. according to the discretion of the Pastor, from the nrst bruiday. In Lent to Trinity tituidor NEWIIIIOIIIIOOD GLELNLIGS EMEI Mit- L•. Is, bat, It :meet Trailway s The male huc a s, cs Isectvtl to have flelttel.l by Septe. - • Business la the. Lehigh Valley is being pushed with great vigor. All the Immense Rolling billie In the vicinity of Allentown, the Gordon manufacturing Company, and all the furnaces are Mee more In successful operation, with orders from c distance for morn work than toey can au-- soon as It Is wanted. Tao Legislature has Instructed the Com mittee on Public Buildings to annuli'. Into the propriety of enlarging the Governor's residence at liarrisburg, and to present an estimate of the met aaidyplan, it found desirable. The Executive Mansion In Its presentren shape. Is entirely unsuitable, for prposes to which it lass bens appropri ated. At nolidaysburg last wcek, the Repub licans carried the borough elections. Eight propellers have been chartered to ply between Erie and the upper lakes They will continence as soon as navigation opens. St. Louis is to have a ,bridge across tho Mississippi, as soon as one can tie hullt. So much seems reasonably certain, for there aro now. at least two different organisa tions, with all tho legal rig tits ueoessary for the completion of the work. • The Williamsport (ra)/hi/term tells the following singular story ; , One of tho curl. °allies of the season is that of numerous gresshoppors appearing on the grass where the snow has melted of Whether this ph.omenOn Is general, or only conablefin to Particular localities, we are not ed to state. Air. M.S. Morse, who resides on Cen ter street. caged several and brought them to our Wilco. Thoy wore as lively as in mldsinumer. The grass la his yards 141111. ed with these summer visitants. Who has aeon winter grasshoppers elsowhere le Improvitnens of the lianawba. A. number of prominent capitallsta of Now York, are seeking a charter from the West Virginia Legislature for the improve ( mem. of the Great Kanawha river. William ii. Aspinwall and other wealthy and influ ential cittAeim of New York, are the signers of the petition, and they give it as their opinion that one million six hundred thou sand dollars can readily be raised in the city of New Cork alone. If that amount should be required to make the Kunawha shippingable at all seasons of the year for anti. They One the fact In their petition, that whilst Kanawha vends out about two mile lions of Mabeic annually to Cincinnati, lionongsliela venue annually thirty-two million. to Cincinnati and the lower mar kets. These petitioner@ have, since en. pendal upwards of two millions of dollars in endeavoring to develop their coal lands Elk,Zr.: naw ha. and Its tribute:lmi, Coal en dPocotallco rivers, and eh their efforts to mine hive octal pronta- , My from that region so far proven a failure, which fal/nre is attributed to too uneertlin and imperfect navigation of the Great Kanawha. Thev now desire to rem. Op this by making the navigation of the Kanawha as good for shipping coil as the itononliknelk. 1 .3 : 1 V/All'kal:4110 tz1:411 :444 TERRIBLE MASH. BOOTS AND SHOES LT PRICES TO SUIT THIC TIMMS YOB. 30 DAYS. litany U.. LESS THAIS YLRS COST. Men's Calf Hoots, tap sole, sellillggi 50, reduced from .50. Men's train boots, water proof, selling $l,ll, re duced from *S.M. glen'sgrata - boom, sewed, selling tbiO, redamd l&o. Mferon:. m gto boots selling 5 3 . 70 ,r,e,4, 0 1 . ml,rforil gl Zoom enz . opera boots selling WM,. Meow balmorals, top sole, sellibg, mit ' in tot; Wog #2,Z, n wen's balmor am I Ins ip.54 reduced tom no Lull,.' als.lpollss retio.twellropeso. g° !' •:: VA• Lune' , rrenek (mot Sam selling WS, reduced Lire ' s' S gost 6418.11 in/ 11:.?5,'5.100.4 Lattleeeztpais, alp, 11,40. 04100.4 ENTIRE STOCILAT GREAT REDUCTIONS 26 gad 28 Fifth St., Pittsburgh. W. B. CLAPP & CO. DMZ LADIES' AND GENT'S 3PIDIR,M, ss SUMMER ; ? - ICES, ;RA I MravERMANPS No. 75 Wood Street. Also. a Large Asoortzo a In of HATS et CAPS MIMI J•is La TEST far Lies. LULLS Z. C. IL .1.1011.5.D05. IRON CITY SPICK HILLS, FIFTH STREET EapsioN, rear Pennsylvania 4 . ventse, FITTEDERGII, PA , PIIRE6PIOES AND MUSTARD Warranted when add name Lon Um Ankh!. ERROR GROUND CORNMEAL and MTN Rtsultt