The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 23, 1867, Image 1

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8 . 421 'Firth Eitroot.
N r.Lsost I. HEED, Ba•ine" ManAleg
E 723
eltsered by carrier, (per 16 cents
Halt bubscrtbere, (pee ye.) •R.OO.
• Liberal reductions to Newsboys aid A5.,11.
Three Coptesk; per year, by md , i•••• ,, .....
nye, do. do.' do. each
Tenor more topics. to ono address, and
one free to club. each
The Nation.. opportunity.
The distinguished colored lecturer, Mrs.
P. E. W. Mailers, rj l ,speak in the. City
"All. Pittsburgh: next Tres., 'LTZOIIIO ,
FebruiryNtli. Subject, “ThoNation4Great
OPPortinity." Tickets of admission
cents eacn. Reserved seats BO cents•each.
A part of tho proceeds, trill be given to two
— eltaritablo fuisOelatlOne, whose mission is to
help the poor, vlz: The Ladies, Benevolent
Society of Pittsburgh, and the Allegheny
.E.;11.. League. Doors open at 7 o'clock; tho
lecture Will begin at 8 o'clock. The public'
is earnestly Invited to attend.
• • . Rev. Jou, Puna, C omm ittie,
M. A.. Next., SS
She spoke_ for nearly an hour and a half,
her subject beteg ..The Mission of the War,
and the Demands Of the Colored Race In
the work of Reconatruction," and we have
seldom seen' an audience more attentive,
better pleased or more enthusiastic. Mrs.
Harper hes a splendid articulation, uses
cllll.4tO t pare language has a pleasant voice,
any allows no ono to tire of hearing her.
We shall attempt noabstract of her address;
none that we could make would do her Joe
tiee.. IL was one of w Lich any lecturer
might (eel proud, and her reception by a
Portland audience was all that could be . ,16-
sired.: We have seen no praises of her that
were Overdrawn. We have heard libs Dick
insen, and do not healtate to award the
palm to her darker colored alster.—Portland
Hernia - or, Rupture
ft will be observed Ulla we have published
for some time past an advertisement of Dr..
George ii. Kbyscr, °CM Wood Street,.Pitts
hurgh, Pa., in reference to Trusses and oth.
er mechanical appliances for the cure and
relief of hernia, and rupture, besides vari
ous broken down conditions of the human
body which are usually beyond the reach of
medication. Dr. geyser hos given this
brimeh of the business - great attention for
several yelirs past, and we think we are fue
lled in saying that he comprehends It thor
oughly. Ton can get at his store, shoulder
Braces for weak breasts, Emotes Stockings
for varicose veins, Pile Props for the core of
Piles, and, in fact, every variety of mechan
ical appliance. Dr. Keyser is the Inventor,
of a Truss for the radical cure of (Rends. or
Rupture, so perfect in ifs parts and so com
fortable to the wearer, as to elicit the the
admiration of all who may need . suck
pliant°. •
Ile would, respectfully sellcit the atten
tion ot all those who have been unable to
get relief from Other sources to call sad
see his great impiovements in that depart
ment o: , dr a chanicel surgery. _ •
lie cently been m communication
with some of the ablest and most experi
enced truss surgeon! United Stales,
and feels satisfied that all those who have
been. plagued or annoyed with ill-fitting
and inceinfortable trusses, can be accom
modated by calling at his consulting
rooms, No. IM , Dena street, or at his Medi
cine and Truss Depot, No. ISO Woad street.
Ont.) hours tram eight to eleven a. st., and
one to four r. Y.' , ,
Beauty Fates Away
°Beauty Is but a vain and doubtful good
A atoning gloss that fadeth suddenly, -
A flower that dies when first IL 'gins to bud
A brittlo glass that is brokon presently,
A doubtful good, a gloss, a glass, a flower,
Lest, faded, broken, dead WIWI. an hour.,
So much, truthfully says the poet. We
should not wait for the morrow, but while
health a n d Leauty test with us, should have
elle of those excellent,. time lasting snn
shadows which none but Dobbs, `X, St. Clair
street, takes so admirably. We etwo it min
duty to our friends, if not to ourselves, that
our portraits ho taken ere time or CliSeS.Se
4iefeces what beauty may have been given
its. Mr. Dobbs takes all styles of pictures,
from the tiny miniature or watch.diol por
trait to full life tire' cabinet photograph.
Ilk works of art wall compare favorably
with any exhibited In the photograph line
in America. Pictures are taken equally as
well in all weather. '
I,lllolbakspeare and Cassius.
"Let and have men about me that are fat,
sleek headed men—Yon Cassius has it Icon
and hungry look; such men are dangerous,"
So said Shakspeare. Now Cillisius, like
many another simple man, was slim because
lie knew not bow to appreciate good living.
If ho were living to-day he would not be re
protmlied becauselean, foritaloltzhelmer's
Continental Saloon, he would repair like all
ensible mendo• and partake of the splendid
ly gotten up meals and be as sleek and fat
us his tormentor. Gamins would appreci
ate Holtaheimer's bill of fare and would be
Line of the lIUMOIMIS patrons who throng
this popular restaurant day add night. Al
Cass! ue is dead, we can only advise lean men
like WL•rt to patronize no other restaurant
than the Continental, next door to the Poet
°glee Fifth street, unless they want to keep
lean and spare.boued. •
Irbe..lle.t KUOlin Tonle
Cosivell, Rack h Co.'s Combination of iron
Phosphor. and Cal Lingo, known as Ferro-
PhosphoratedElLoir of Callsaya. The Iron
- restores color to the bloods the Phosphorus
renews wantei of the nerve tissue, and the
Callsaya givess natural, healthful toneto
the digestive orgaus
Duo rent rattans the virtue of one - ourde
of Calisaya and one tosersnmtul a grain of
Iron and Phosphorus. lianufactimal by
Csewstr.., aloapc t Co., Now York.
For SlllO by 011 drniTgbitS,
To ilonseiceepero. -
Coed Tolman: es at 00 omits ner can.
Strawberries at s.: cents.
Blackberries at 10 cenl. l . •
Peaches at 11) cents.'
Peach Marmalade at 00 cents.
Tench Jam at 50 cents.
Good Bathes at 20 cents per nouttl.
stood Prunes at 2Scelats per pound.
.Bood Currants at' 1 cents per pound. •
At 111 Federal street, Allegheny City.
• 050. Mauves
linen !licitness with Children,
es oil as adults, attributed to other caus
es, is a:dee/flow:1d by "worms; Browns "Ter
rulfuge 131Rtifita" are etleetual la .destroy.
leg ~,orem;:and can do no possible injury
to the most th!licate child. Joseph Flem.
lug% Dreg Store; corner of the Diarriond,
miarlilenrit , street. MaXMIXIDGI the place
Remember the place,. !Sp. 134, Market Street.
Drug. and 110dielaex.,
Doctors' prescriptions carefully prepared
at half tho nenal price, at Fulton's Drug
dune', opposite Predefine°.
;Yon Llso Buy
°reign Luitoirs of all /rinds at Joseph S.
Vlach's Dislern iel; 191, 193 and 195
9"lrst street, rictelmrgh.
111ot:realest Ittergelne ever offered In this
, Cltir, at. Lb° lictut'Closlhg Slue, So. CO F.lfth
Adieet. .
ota and tihoe.
%Acing fora mere trifle, at the, great 60 daY
sale nt Lilo 00,2i0. house Shoo Store.
Nlfll Catainuer,
The preatruillt'!,ll.llu popular Opera ifou.o
Shoo Store. 1
• - 'You Cala Boy
Alenhol wt 4oapph S. FlnclVit.
Ton CAD, Roy
Now Hopi at J.soyh B. Finch'.
PlttoelL hoi them Stereoscopic ylowe
good enalitlea
allet's rittlxlo.
b. 0 941:P1LK.k , ,
M 41,1.51 tt.t 3.lttock%
<==t 5 •
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From a Former Kt... Mentor Dutra Col
lege. •
"At the age of• seventeen I graduated In
your College. I have since kept hooka to
Inutka In Springfield, Illinois, and Bt.Louts,
miliourt, until my health compelled me to
return to this vicinity, where I am keeping
the hooks of this extensive firm. it Is duo
to you to say, that the longer I have prac
ticed upon it, the more I am satisfied. that
your Judiciously arranged and diversified
course of study is superior to all others that
I have seen, in preparing a young man * for
any branch of business?' T. K.llancock,
Book-keeper to the Cambria Iron Works,
Johnstown, Pa.
88111 Open . ]larch lat. 1807.
E. R. Gardiner having disposed of his old
place of linslness, will open an entlle new
stock of Spring Dry Goode, at Xo. 69 Market
street, west .corner Market and Fourth.
March Ist.
lioW low they are selling their Gents French
cal[ limas at the Opera. Ilouse Shoe Store.
Cio and ore then,
Spring. Styles of lists and Cap.,
At the fashlono.bie lint and Cap 'louse of
Wm. Fleming, h 0.131 Weal ittreet.
Sel!lnir Ladles' Fars,
At the first elan Fur nous° of Ww. Flom
inn, N 0.139 Woal a treOt.
Auy iht!sir ln Pittock's department at
o great prices.
Advices from Rio Janeiro state that large
numbers of americans lately emigrated
there, are forced to beg their living, as they
can get no employment.
The Wabash river is now at a stand, and
the water Is higher than ev e r before known.
It is reported that steamboats are running
over the prairies on the Illinois side pick
ing up corn and other freight. The water
is.ten tulles wide and the tops of houses are
barely visible. The fences are all gone and
considerable dainage
The steamer Rising .Star, with California
dates to the 30th, arrived at New York yes
terday. She brings nearly a million in
treasure. Among her passengers Is Senator
Nye. of NeYada.
PUMMEL dates of the 11th state that the
attempted revolutiOn in Cal:mamas quelch
ed by killing several of the insurgents.
• Three hundred delegates, from sixty work"
ing men's unions, met in convention at New
Mayen, Conn., yesterday . , but failed to even
organize. Their time was used in confused
rambling debates. The Convention finally
resolved to' make no nominations for State
°dicers. It passed resolutions favoring the
eight hour system.
The .Illinois leglsLature adjourns next
Business was very generally suspended
yesterday in the prtnelpal eastern and west
ern cities.
General Thayer, Senator elect from Ne
braska, started from Omaha (or Washing•
ton festerday , with the °Modal act of the
State Legislature of Nebraska, accepting
the conditions of Congress.
hieLaw , s grecety,Lon liroadwar. between
W.hington and Carr streets; St. Louis,
and two small stores adjoining, were burn-
• a SoStordaYosOrobag; loss about pu,ooo
Insured 125,C.C0.
The appropriation bill which hue passed
the Sane. Legislature provide, for the as.
sun:toil= and settlement of Oahu, growing
out of Price's rant and ti,e Indian °sped'
Lion of IFYA.
The iron has imen purehasea for the flat
twenty-four miles of the LMPTCDCCI and Gal-
eston Railroad south of Lawrence. -
Atlmtrul . Tegethoff visited Fortress Mon
roe and the dug ship SoserteMama, yeste
A letter from blatanras &ports the tall
ore of Cosme De La Torreto, a wealthy Dian
ter and merchant. Liabilities, $7.000,040.
A Caie of Interest to Wool Inspectors
—News From Aostrall w—Coonter
felting Material Neeared—Denth of
an Old Clllson
Nate Tong, February' 2.—Acase of consid
erable interest to wool Importers was ate
dicted in the ti lilted States Circult.Court yes
torday, before .lidge Smalley. The suit
was broug et to recover ton thousand collars
excess of duty paid on sa importatiort of
:wool from. Buenos The nurchase
price was less than 'twelve cents, which
made !Citable tothree cents a pound duty.
The appraisers, by soma compaticia of the
exchange value of money In the two count
ries, added to the Invoice price, malang It
overtwelve cents, and imposing accenting
:Ulfof SIX rents
o l th n l; '"la nt t?
reps se ac tion ohibr
Verdict for the plaintiff.
Australian dates of the oth of .1 nary
says that a ship from London washer ed In
the harbor tit Sydney by the action of Item
le is in the cargo.
Thu Captain and crew of a trading'schoon
er were murdered by the natives at Sew
Hebrides, and the vessel plundered. 3
EleV CU ships arrived from Cali:orate with
breadatuffs and lumber.
A ship is loading wool for New York.
- Amelia= goods areal good supply at the
west coast.
A valuable press; two engraved plates of 2S
cant. curr.'ncY, 'l.OOO sheets of bank note
paper, tools, ink, Bc., was seized last night
y a Treasury detectiva t on Meecker street.
Mang or AN OLP ClTlr.rlf.
Dtullol Devil, for many }tenni City lak ,
berlaln, alma this m0.0.g.
Grover Baker's Sowing Machine Depot ,
Broadway, near the corner of Broom •troet•
was badly damaged be fire thin evening.
TUE 3 O..
The rem. Dandarbersr made a "trip 4ovva
the harbor today to LOA her stooring gear.
A Propositib . to Exteoo Govern.
went Aid; to the Sorforlog Poor—'
'Ann to thy Plumley% to be Nero ,
by o Lien oo the Coming . IP
--- - -
Sr. Cocci. February 23.—A Comm.
oehalfof the X5l. LouLe Board of.Trat
slating of Jam ea y. Teat man, Georf
ridge - Mot A.O. Bream,. have issue.
mortal to Cm:micas, oo the sueleet ,
to tho South. lifter Setting forth t
dition of the Southern planter, stod ',-
tress of the people generally. is tionieet ,
of the failure of the cotton and Man ore,
and tho importance to the nation of a goo ,
cotton crop, the Committee urge Congress
to make an roation of front tiftylo
one hundred mil lio ns
of dolled - B,or !United
as LO amOunt, Ouly by the necessities and
wanta. of the suffering , districts, - fey
the' purpose of supplying with proof.-
ions all who are engaged In produc
ing cotton, and . wise aro unable ~ to
procure provLsiou in any other way; the
cost of suppl ies ea ri rIl Wiled to be A UP4I 011
1110 'crops, and to b Sul for out of the nrst
proceeds of the sal sof the cotton; the pro-
visions to he parch ed by the commissary
department of tae army, • Oa distributed
through the Freed en's Bureau es oflleers
of the army. The dvances thus made ere
to hs - solidi ed thro gh - this agents of tho
- for c leettng M eve
lIIIIj tax
cOtton, with. crepe , checks and lialariem,
such as can be read ly established between
the War and Tre my -Depar tm ents. A
system dan be will operation, to continue
for one Season. li will utfonl perfect sa
eudty to the Bove meet, and witch will
give the desired relief..
The Committee entire that this plan will,
not only Government of the
threatened necessi of feeding the desti
tute. as au act of el arlty, hot will fully era.
Ploy the labor in thd•coucitry, and creel= 4 I ,
famine in the land.
MC Capital EinCLIALed by %be Frei:Bib
. —Marquez Declares Martial laW.
Now Tons, rebruary //ercild's
City of Mexico correspondent says: On the
evacuation of the capital by the French,
Marque docb.reil martial law. rho
United States Consul Inquired of him If
some of the provisions of his proclamation,
which wore more than usually strict, op•
plied to Amorlean citizens, hut received no
answer, •
Special I)l9patch to the Pittsburgh ,•azettc
11,Ertuncno, February
The special order, the law for a more ha.
Partial selection of Jurors, was amended
by striking out Philadelphia, and passed.
Tue act relating to the law of evidence
to allow persons interested to testify, and
the Het protecting wives and children of
husbands end fathers who had deserted
them, were passed. -• .
The CHAIR submltted tho resolutioni of
the Rhode Island Legislature, ratifying the
Constitutional amendment.
Mr. ILOWE presented resolutions from the
Wisconsin Legislature certifying to the rat
ification, .by that body, of the fourteenth
amen dment to the Constitution.
Mr. CHANDLER, from the Committee nu
Commerce, r..ported buck the House bill for
the rtpair, preservation and completion of
public works, with amendments, prominent
mong which is one striking out the uppro•
priation of one million dollars for the Im
provement of the Deernoines Rapids of the
Mississippi river, and another. striking out
the appropriation of seventy-nve thousand
dollars for the improvement of the harbor
of Michigan City.
Mr. POMEROY . called. up the Joint resolu
tion to extomi to the Stato of Tennessee the
benefits of the not donating public lands to
the several States for the eenabitsbutent of
an - Agricultural College. A proviso, adopt
ed in the House, to prohibit any person
who CVOr held oftleo under the Rubel lice
mint from holding a Professorship in the
College, was stricken out and the lull passed.
The bill in relation Inlhelnipan Ilurean
. . .
was taken up. Mr. DOOLITTLE and other,
opposed the House amendment, which wan
disagreed Wand a Committee of ConforOnee
" Dia Senate ttlo agreed to a CotornittLe
of Conferencu ou. the Legiblattvo Appropri-
.irallar course was taken on the Mill
tary Academy and Diplomatic Applopria
Lion bill.
A bill was passed directing the Postmas
ter General to advertise for proposals for
monthly steamship service between San
Fruaetßeo and Honolulu—the Cost not to ex
ceed sl.oe,ettO per annum.
On motion of Mr. SUMNtilt, the Joint Ites
olutlOn, supplementary to that tor the
representation 01 the United State, let toe
Parfet EZpOstliOn, was considered and pwis
ed. It appropriates V-t3,n 00 ; in addition to
11150,eitt peeviOusly appropriated.
- - ArraormArlos
Mr. STEVENS reported back, with.
amendments, the Senate amendments to
the elttt approprtatiOn hill. The- amend
mend s, striking rout uppropriations fur the
Deily and thogrestiermi Globe, were, on the
reLsommeneation of the Committee on Ay
propriattons, nonconctirred in.
The Senate amendment appropriating
/Sio,tou to lacilitate telegrsphic ontiseauntea
lion between the Atlantic and Pacific states
was concurred le. Thu other 11111e11411.11Clit3
were unimportant.
Mr. STEM ENS also reported back the Sous
ate amendments to the Military Academy
The Senate amendment striking out the
proviso that no money shall be otxpemied In
violation Of the test nath, and no cutlets be
admitted Prom rebel States, wasnonmoneur
red In; also, the amendment relieving the
chaplain from academic duties: mid ludem-
Mg LIM to hold daily services In the chatteL
Thu other amendments wore concurred in.
Sir. STEVENS, from thesame Committee,
reported back till! Senate amendments to
the consular and diplomatic appropriation
• .
The Senate amendment, making an ar.
propriatlon for the Portugal 3ll.isinn, was
non-concurred in, and other amendments
concurred In.
Sir. LE BLOND moved to rooensider the
vote by which the Senate amendment in re
gard to Portugal, wad uon-concurred In.
Sim ian to roconsider laid on the table.
The House conildered the Senate hill for
the relief of contractors for latilding 11 - 011-
cinde in the nsvy. A .sulAtltote ealooltted
by Mr. SLOA! 4 ; - woo agreed to and the bill
The Committee on Way. and Means I."
requested to-examine Into the expediency'
of bringing IS n hill to establish a Notional
School of Science.
The Monte then went Into Committee of
the Whole on the Tax bill.
Au amendment was adopted tleat, after
the first of September, 1,C7, no tax chap he
levied on tntton grown In the nod
An amendment relieving insurance coin.
panics of a titz of (me and a half per root.
on gross receipts for one year, was debated
and Tort.
. A large number of articles was added the
free lint. .
• .
The Committee rose a motion to inibPonii
the raise so as A
mo to close the debate was loot.
tion was adopted that the debate on
the pending section be ciesal In one minute.
The 110050 again went into Committee on
the Tax bill. The amendment...offered to
the tax an Income. wan lost, and the In.
come tax remains at 5 per cent. on an excess
of 41,0, 4 j.
Recess. .
E.Tif flg Sesslon.—The Sonata bill to amood
the act for the enfety of pmts.:it:ors on board
of [team *twttels, twat popeed.
MURDER or usu. Tutuila..
Mr. PIKE. from the Select Committee o
the murder of Union eoldiers la South Car
olinu, made a report with leave to NI
Cooper to present the views of the wino
ley. The report wavordere.l to to printed.
. aatXDEM airy
• • - „
The Mouse constituted the hill from the
Jndiciary Committee to declare-valid and
ceaciuelYO eermin proclamations of the
presideet,andactadonuln punuance Cr,,.ite
of. in the suppression of Um rebellion.
Mr- PIKE moved to extend the limit. to
December let, lone, instead of lad. Adop
In answer to Mr. Eldridge, Mr. WILSON
mildthe purpose of tne bill was to present
civil courts from interfering with theirj lir.
istUctiOni - tri the prOceedings.of-xellitary.
Ments dually arranged that the me
up tomorrow, under the °penal.. of the
previous oneself-m..0m0 time being allowed
The Mena°, In Committee of. too Whole,
resumed the consideration of -the. Tax telt
voluminous amendm ret o rting ade to the
clauses to income
.Ttita.:COtardttee came to the thirteenth. I
section, imposing a gag of two dollars par.
gallon on distilled apirlts.
Mr. lAligllelt moved in amendment
providing that the act should not ha con
strued as prohibiting-the .coiitlnnotni re.
distillation Of - whisky by diatillera. •
Altus debate, the amendment woe retire ,
tad. -
a t • t offered.= atainduieut
that •the tax shall not be collected Dorn
spiribi manufactured in-Turineseem and
consumed prlor_to August; Van, which wad
selected. , , •
Mr. BUOKLAND mated to trainee Viet=
'On spirit., (rpm Ibt told° On thu gallon, lie
' In the illocnsalon on the whisky frauds
•LLltiuti attrilmted much of these
frauds to the appointment of Ica
by the Secretary of the Treasury, not of
his own °beim. bat in hbodienCe to the will
°Ut President. • -
M rs CN &INO suggested thatif the Sec.
relAry behl sot -manhood enough to resist
the appointment of unlit persons he she d.
tw held responaible for frimulaOpEetnat
' Mr. PAINE asked Mr. Allison whether he
knew a single instance of the Secretary art
, milating an
ON person an inspeolor.
Mr. ALLISON replied that he knew of a
great many who were totally unlit appoint
ed to such . posltiOn.
Mr. WILSON', of lowa, mentioned the case
of un Inspector In nis district toun
fitness fo p r the poeition he had called the at
ntion of toe Secretary four wet:U.o4;o,llnd
whoatill held the office. .A..a general rule
rernd unlit pored , . had been selected.
The in
motion of Dichhit, sking the
-salaryof the bpireeters of distilleries pay.
ahie by the Co Ite.l States, was lost.
The remaining hours or the smell= were
occupied in rapid tooling, by the Clerk, or
the several s ections estaliffshing rules 1 1l
reform:me to distilled 'Ott.. The reading
f the bill was oopi al orde tied,
butad It
leftt w. etill
in Committee, st rto of th
offering of an amendment to-morrow.
The Moose, at 11:15, adjourned.
- -' s
Report of the Murder of Union
Soldiers at the South.
--- L
The Soldiers , Bounty Bill.
John Snrrallt and 1118 Sister
The report of the Special Committee on
the 3lassacre nr Colon Sotillers to mouth
Carolina, and the release of persons coo•
rte thereof, states that the names of the
murdered men were Corlett, and Privntes
Ewer Smith and Macon Brown, of the first
liattalton Maine Volunteers. The Commit
tee gives u. circumstantial account of the
tragedy, and add that no *eclat cause was
aisigned at the trial for this .cold-I,lomied
murder. The young men .33:581416ted had
been stationed at Anderson, about two
months. and the resolution, of a nubile
meeting, held ut Andel - atm two iluyv after
the murder, ecetify to their goof conduct
white there; their only offense seems to
have been Wearing the uniform of the Re
militia and obeying their superior officer.
Of those committing the murder, We liuy,
family seems to have been one of the molt
prominent iu -tinter Ann, and ;Stowers •Getvi
IL man of sufficient consideration to
have been at one time a ruembiir
of the tiecffigiu Senate. Tuts ussMe
. - •
killurore wan le charge ut Charleston, and
l:unt•ntlSteklet titedeS that when he took
command lionerallillmoro called hts atten
tion to this case Os one of grrout atrocrty,
and one which the Interests of the service,
In his estimation, requlred a thorough in
vestigation. A tallitary controls-lon a a
conVentst by Liston:al rolgicles, and proceed
ed to try those cern - Tied witu tile mnr
der, who were all rare...toed, eurcpt Peter
Key, and the person who Wine not rt.:cogniz
ed oy Bryant and llowell. A long and thor
ough evrarainatiOn 01 NV 'UMWes tirade,
occopying thirty days. The ofclense wa
orkilltully managed; an :Ting was at
tempted too be provvi our the part
of Stowers, by negroes who hret the
this 1.2, hat aurwehnently hwt changed
their tentinrony and swore they had been
trained by :showers to mahe their prevrous
iltlealpted to shale the
. _ .
ti pony of Rowell snit itrynnt itt vertu.
iinys; but utter n diligent eounetrison or
tatements, the Commission limuil the lents
awe have already iletant i ii them. The
initneuce in Slimed over many hundred tie.
ges of rocord, and It 111111piX sustains the con.'
elusion ut which tile 'court arr.gdr The
Cernm/.3loatound the two Reim, Stayers
and tirrent guilty, and auntenced
be hung. The sentence was approved byline.
oral olchlc4, Lus to the elder Key. and
stowers; hilt Oil
of their 1610,
andbeldg2 mraer the influccice weft
alseiclates, the ecntcnco corned.
. -
led ewie, o[ y01.1140:1'
keys and Bryant to Imprlionment torud e.
11 Cll.o wt. Immediately pretended to the
iir,ldeni, and appliedtions aade for
para.)", Letters trout aureral leading
men of the SOntlloolelt as Alex.ll.Slephon,
liovernOr Orr, and 11. V. Johneoli, apptilr
among the papers laid before toe t,
and with utllcrn, at nitictd n petillots
tAtnit upon It that the Pros. wtoweil
willey hut tho petitlnaura to u‘k with
ontliiiinee tilt Interpti.ition to 1011011 i ot thii
culprit, Lion. 9111. ltro arning,now
of the Interior, tor et fee 41014
orgionent to the President to Octal!' ill the
pig-Aims, and argued thitt thee to i brought
within range' of the writ of habros corpus
In it Northern Court. !fumes,us petitions
unit letters argot the hresitlent to direct.
the °Meer, having the prisoners lit charge
to region.' to a writ of /label. reepur, 110111
the expectation that the courts, alter the
derision of the llilligan cane, would illicit,'
the trial althoul authority of the lan.
These papers Wein all role r roil lip the Pres'
dell to the Judge 4th - orate General, will
reviewed the ease at length and
• . • .
ury tributut.l. Subsequently, 14 writ or
habeas corpus WAS /21>tled. SAO the United
States Itletriet Court of south ‘srollzot, by
J wigs Bryan; lout lien. 0.10 . 1.14, deellopsl to
rtSpollii. An aturstonont for conitunpt fob
lowed; but Urn. sloide4 ducllucd to obey It,
and his conatict was approved by the secre
tary or War oa the 23101 J uly,. nueselaiteri
to all these occurrences, the President or
ileredtliat the tentences to Le banged, 1,
commuted than four oases to ovollooolo.o
for lite at Tortugas. Thin order was Julie
dlately executed; but On the flat o
July the President directed the pris
orient to be tran,lerred toot
Delaware. The Secretary of War, In his
testimony, gives as reasons for the trans
fur, that COLliitiGnOlo .lay occurred In the
transfer, hilt when prisoners did arrive
there,Colonel Howard, who was In coin.
mand of thu fort, was screed Kith a writ of
hetheur eery,. from the United states
trlct Court. of Delaware, .1 edge flail presid.
lug. Colonel /toward wad directed ay tile
War Department to respond to Um writ.
A hearing was had before d nage hall, and
the Prisoners were discharged. The re.
one for this extraordinary proceed u re anon
the part of the part of the venerable Judge
net forth In his opinion. tin Manus tc
have judicial 'knowledge that the rebellion
IWho suppressed and peace restored 11l J u nu,
65; and, further, that the civil court.: of
South Carolina wore open for tile adminis
trution of Justice at the time of the arrest
and trial of these murderers; but General
sickles states at the time there were
no civil courts in South Carolina that could..
have trial them. Neither the United elates
District br Circuit. Court, or state Courts
were opened. Stops were In progress to
that end, lint they hod not been consum
mated. It le not 'within tile worm of tilts
report to review the legal grounds mum
width the opinion. In based. Its assump.
110111 are. bull Snore offensive, li pm.sible,
than those of 1110 Court lathe Milligan case.
, 111 Ito clear that It titles not tend to the
farther-amo of the ends of Plittoe to have
tau fruits of u trial se fairly aotalucted no
this appears to Pave been; .tritted away
by Inc whim of it - single lodge In a dis
tant section of the country. The Com
mittee call attention to the report
of General Sickles in the Eagan eass.
and tilt statement in his testimony of
the ground of Ills action. IL Is not 111111 cult
toilet:his between hl., end Judge Ilan. The
vigoro.cornments of the secretory of War
upon Mu Aillhitais ease, apply with full
'force to the decision of Judge }loll. The
...shins were then diecharged rind return
ed to their homes, where they are still at
I large and 110 attempt has been Made to
bring' them to trial Its civil eourle: It II a
strlgemuMentilon this 011110 of socie
ty, that while newer rig to the tedlemey of
Surgeon rillsbury, no doubt appears to
have been entertained ' in the minds
that Community of the quint of at least two
pop.. 'discharged. They were received
by the inhabltaute of the town with eon
ratulations, which ended in a ge'ne'ral
Thu testimony of tient:teals Schofield.
Sickles, Baird and Wood exhibits ills fol
lowing proposition:
Firss,•Timetor the prinishinent of crime
lit their ilepartimentS, the Courts cannot be
relied Whefe mddlers or Union men
freedmen urn concerned. tattle° Is tweets or
catty denied and offenses o grave charac
ter against. them No unpunished. neither
Inagistrate.nor Jurum being dispesied to
Oischarge their duties In this respect.
Second, That up to this time there 1104
been no change fur the better, but rather
for the worse.
Third, That unless substantial Justice le
done to the laboring 011555 hertilliter, and to
Union men and Northern men, who desire
to go, them to engage 1111..111e. enter
prises, ao Improvement In this state of af
fairs can reasonably be expected.
Under ouch circumstances, it would seem
eonel.lvely established that the best Ina
tenet interest of the COUntry i la well
no the • highest co - ridden:Mon of hu
manity, cull for the Intervention of
tho authority • of the . general gov
ernment, In the Only practical mode In
lt can he executed, and that is
throtlgh the military force. It ili of Vast
lutoortaneo that ordinary justice shall be
ali:wandered. The whole superstructure.
of government must rust on that. The yin.
lent poptical and soma] con vulaions through
which Um country has passed, eau ho com
posed In Moe, and parties end races live to
gaiter inintace and pro.perity, if, in the
meantime, there le ithelorn and strength
N ufnderit in the government to take care
that all urn fairly dealt with anti crime pun-
Ished with reasouahle certainty awl Immo ,
thtlity. In Order to compass this desirable
end the military forces should he [mall lark.
In the language of (}moral Thom. thole
“should be established sunlit supervlsOrY
authority in these nate* with power to ad-
SUBl;Licire .
i •
vise and Insist on tile Impartial admlnk.
tratiun of Jostlce, nthompanied by suet
cleat force tenni.° the people to feel that
authority is suillelent to enforce Its
and Instructions." The government of the
country /Mould to this way be placed
temporarily in the hands of men
whose eminent services during the war are
sufficient guarantee that it will not ho
ed. Stich government should of coarse only
be continued so long as neoessary. Whet
ever lite and property can be safely trusted
ton local govCIII went, all external Coercion
should cease, and In the meantime it can.
not reasonably be supposed there will he
lone/I,m:et' of forcible Intervention. It will
ordinarily beenough to know that such
power exists and will ho ozerclaed /1 nem.-
As the house has so recently passed upon
it measure of the kind Indicated, it Is not
worth while to enter into farther details,
hut only to say, 11l the Judgment of the
Committee, that tho testfinony herewith
presented fully sustains the necessity for
resort to such extraordinary means, and,
without the adoption of BOMB
tine, the day ol the restoration or peace
and prosperity in those unhappy States to
greatly, If not Indefinitely, Postponed.
The report la signed by tlepresentatives
Pike, Farnsworth, and other members of
the Committee. •
Mr. Cooper will early non wet:l:33lW") a
minority report.
Ottelentter. MILL.
7110 Senate M Finance Committee will nn•
ttoubtettly report against the house one
bemired mullion greenback bill.
onn frET.I . 4, 111..T.CTION.
The ticorgetown municipal eleetion takes
Place next 3lomlay, and it In looked to with
Interest, in consequence of the nuutbe; of
newly enfranchised eolorwl citizens who
will for the first time, exercise the right to
Tote. Thu Chief of Mica is taking proper
measures for the tualuterpmee of tinier.
.Ll/18.1.01' BUBB,' BILL.
A numMir of Western soldiers and Bailors
at a meeting last night, pallSoll resolution,
urging the Senate to put the San mica boun
ty bill oil Its passage. and appointed arum.
atttee to call upon the Senators In furthet
anoe of their c leas.
Mips Annie ilurratt visited the Jail 1..4
evening and had an interview with her
brother. •
The must earnest supporters of the recon•
struetion Lllt have ateertained that the
President will veto the bill on Monday or
Tuesday, thus affording an opportunity for
Congress to take action upon tho measure.
General Sickles is heroeon Lis way to re
cline his conlinuel In South Carolina.
The United ,L11112e5 eteatuer Shenandoal
arrlTed at Singl6sro,Jawriary ht. She we
to hare eallad on the t , th or loth foe lion•
.She had a floe reeeptton at all the
yobbo touched at In the East
Washingtou , t birthday Ira. ot.,erved
tho suspension of In..lneas anti the closing
of the FaecntlVO Drparthabots and the di*.
play of flags.
NATION 11. 510,i1 . 112.1, /1F40C1AT10.,%.
The NiIMONA' Monument All/10Chllitql me
and le-elected then:el otncer.,viz:—Andren
301015011, PreSLACIIL: Mayer WallaCh, Cc!,
era; Grant, Inter Puree. 'Pine President; J
Brent, loceret,Lry; 4.11. B. :4 mit 11, hear
Thin evening the patiliC reception by . :; thi
Pr,hlunt win> largely utionded, LL, It
thu List, of thu sein.on.
Preenlent John-on tots commuted to Im
prisonment for life, the sentence of Robert
CrOw, WHO WOO to hove Leon banged on lust
/Lboae Isinthlkar laurder on thu
high seas.
• Front tto Tames Cot:env:orlen,.
The Judiciary Committee wall visit httrutt
InJail, and take sloth testimony 11, he will
give regarding the Cotnizilelty Jul! Davit
with the assassination. I t tin Ores may test
thnony it will lau voluntary, as they eAnnot
force hint to lentil', ha rrattt.s counsel Ittave
advised him to give no testimony ort that or
any other suideci.
Ti,.• Ways and Means Commatteze tans,
made two hundred anal snty artaenal•
.:tits to the tariff'kill, ali e n which 1.111
have to hu COl3,lllvred in lath Houses.
None of the appropriation bills for 'l , asS
are yet eotnialetasti.
:From tho Tribune, Porretpunbenee..
Those who think t he . impeachment mat
ter will die In thu hands of the Coma:title.
will ho startled when the Consnali tee r ,
ports. Parties ere In Washington to testlf
to the restoration of plantatious siezed a.
el/widened property, to pardoned rebels, I ,
President John4on, at a /line when 4;
crops belonged to the 11,50.11.1., thus Ignorin ,
e.mtracls, mud inflicting great losaes upo
Unlon men.
The Special Committee to investignth the
matter of tho diechnege of lour el to neIIS of
Georgia, after the urn:victim, of the mur
der of three Union eoldinrs, have hound'
that the conviction woo n JLLYt one, and con
demn then/ discharge ant, conyletion. The
Preeldent commuted 'the iienten , , which
wee to he ,ha n ged, to iniprieonment at Dry
Tortugas. They ware trionsfornal to Fort
I heloware, there released on habeas corpus,
then lott at liberty.
thoneral lie wt loft for Um {Vest lent night
to be tosent two weeks.
The Fortieth 1:1111. - ed status ci.dored troop
w II I inert (or South Carollha next Saturday,
LOU; , duty in that Department..
The Winer - urn bill la now In the hands
a committee appointed to-day, unl 're 011011
pronatily near nothing inure trout It for
i „nrui‘ nine.
Since the Incarceration of Surnat no one
brim been sulfured to visit him except Ids
counsel and the oincers of the prison
Sul - raft's quarters have Lent , enlarged, and
he can now promenade the corridor of the
prison, but is, of course, prevented fresh
having tiny communication with his fellow
prisoners. Thus far ho has bore his itnpils•
ontnent plillosophically, and apparently
relishes his prison fare. Ills trial will take
place early in Ulu March tents of the Crilils
hial Court.
Apprehensions of a Bovolt in the
Austrian Danube Provinces,
VI i”: 114; February tl. — llaron Von Roust,
Minister of State of - Cho Austrian Empire,
says that AUHtrill 15 to ravor of the °vacua.
thou of Sery la by the Turkish forces. ho far
as Cretan affairs are concerned, the 'Baron
says that it Is the policy orthe t tovern taunt
Co avoid tutu .04,,etion entirely.
R1911,1[1( vtcn 11C1 1 7,11,..
hughng, Fubrcutry t3.—(hmut, Ithlmark
much butter, uml IL hi now thOggla bo w
ecsrwt.seurics wrrn 'Ma UNITED VTATKS.
Lagoox, February t.l.—Tbe Enggall gov
ernment promises to lay do a 1)1110 4001:
en{; 110001pl010l eeount of the Postal service
between Cirent Britain nod the United
Mama, YebruarY bur
been received from Vienne that aurlonc ate
preintunlona are •entertalned there of a rim
lag of the penman try In 00 Anatrain prOvin.
MI, on the Danube. A large number of ar
rests have born made by tie government
rramircirr. own et:matron..
February 97..—Uonsole declined
to ...0 , ;; Eric. 37!,i; Illinois Central, 77;,;';.3...0r0
I.lrartrOOL, February ic es
market heavy. and prices materially de
clined; ealeo of 8,018.1 bah, 'Filo following
are tilll prices at the clone: Snaffling Up
lando, 1314 d; °cicalae,
Thu Manchester market for nrcodotulTo
wee very honey. Corn declined to 87e 181
pee quarter for mixed Western, Barley la
0n0 . % 4, tA, per an pounds. American
W heat, Its 311 for California. Provhdona
firm. lard to considerably advanced and
closed at bin per hundred Weight, tor
American produce. 'Wined Petroleum
firmer but unchanged. Itusln Os sci per hun•
dred weight fur common. Linseed oil. 370
10.1. Spirits Turpentine, 370 6tl for Amen
I,noorow. February : V. — lt Is proposed to
put the Greek loan In market.
Limnos, February 20—Ereniati. -- COnsola
for money. :0%; brie. :17 , ,i; Illiauls Central
Flvo•Twentlea, 7;p4.
PARN, February Y.l—Ecening.—Unite
States bonds; aP.S.
asak roar, February ll—Eceninii. — Gal
toil Status bonds, 77,
- .
P0L1T1CAL.,,,,.-- Clo.tagol the tolverNallnt rate.
On Thut, , lny night, or rather on Friday
morning, the Universalist Fair and Feet!
val, at City NMI, was brought to a termini.
TENNESSEE REPUBLICAN STATE thin, utter nearly three weeks of extremely
continuance. rho business of
. the l air was all closed out before the even
ing of Thursday and the Hall prepared for
the grand social and select reunion which
I born announced ns the final pleasent.
Gov. Brownlow Renominated and :,''.
..,s oT the en terprlze. The' company corn-
Gen, Thomas Urged for Next ',.."';l'veV..ra e rT.t b igUtt r kit'l.. l ":o=M
President. . • 'with alargii and select party, who contin
ued In the height of social enjoyment until
far into the small hours. We rejoice to ray
'that the Fair wee a compieto success, and
the object for which it was held—the paying
nit of the church debt—was very materially
cr, February 22.—The Republican
State Convention met hero to-day. lion.
air. Wiener prattled. Governor Brownies,.
was nominated for re.eleetion by ucciatna,
tlon, my. responded In 0 characteristic
speech. VS...lntimnn were adopted netting
forth the principles of the partytePProving
the administration of Brownlow, and sus
taining the Federal Government. The fol
lowing resolutions were offered anti unani
mously adopted
12:sottvd. That the people of Tennessee
look spun General G. 11. Thomas as their
adopted eon end the envier of their State
capitol from the hands of traitors, anti as
the men whe never made a mistake, and
ever lost. n Natio.
It<ekterd, That La le the choice of Teen.
. . . .
e n for too noxt Pre4lttent of the United
ThVeu elteeni were given with
(or Gen. ThOMPA:
Vat lolls speaker.. addressed the ConVOI,
thou during the .t.fterncpn tont night.
ehrtutry ?Z.—The National
Union , Ilat . l-01141.11tifIll unanitnonaly nom
inated general Burn.dtle4or Governor, and
, irenne for Lieutenant Linve r rnor.
GiLll.4noininutril for
Attorney General; .Jahn it. Ittrtleo, Secre
tary ol , tllte.and ticurgo General
The Notional I //lon Congresslonsl
Mention 1.111,1,11 C illt‘ted Thout, A. 4,1. kn
In the Flr,d IThdrlet , and Nathan F. Dixon
In tile :Second lOstrlct.
. .
maimed falling hero this afternoon, haring
reached Iltly-four tent. Considerable dam
•s,l has been done to property In this neigh
borhood by the high water, nail some Inert,
:titmice hut been oreallontsl to the rail
rinds west of here. Tracks have lawn Ante
merged in several places. The 11i1/0 LOW
2111milsrliiiii Railroad Is Intact to St. Louts,
and mull go through without tin ny.
FultrUary —Arrive.l-14ulckstep,
Evansville, retort, 9 I. 51.; hate It limey, so
Louis, hew Orleans, 12 0. midnight; Matte,
New ; tirlenns.St. Lools, CA. to.; .aurn Fen-
tnn, Il etnph, ln,iile; 2 :A. M., EU:Unlit!,
New,,:: A. w;Sllver Moon, MenwhlA,
Itelle..llo.r, New or/ea. , .
!M. A. St 301(4111200, 1,11 i% PIMA
-1,urg1,,, A. •.; Nortnnu,'New Cln
cinn3,l, AA. v..; Olive Branch, New I Orleans,
st. 12 M.
C ',lnn, February —The tiro - . has rinen
fight Inchag In 111,1 hot t wahty-four hours,
wetter untri;. Weather elninly; mercury 16.
Arrivals—byte liuthain, groin Loot, for
Pitt,bnrgh, 1 I. , 51.; Urilnniblith, learn St.
hoiti, for New Orlen., I. w.; Virginia.,
teem St. Loma for New Orleans. 0,
liarnier, (rein Memplab. for Cincinnati. 5
; tkavia from Alemp (or
Lynn., r. U.; ATILLBAL; from 1:11.11m-
Vlllll ttml return, r. r.
New lebruitcY —Clear and
dap: ne . necally ot.orveil no
nlinv. rrteva—Fnum at. Louts. 'taco. Clurn,
Insloes; noes vtuhewrB, 21Ingurnis. Depart-
Pii—ror on. Louts. Forsythe; for
',W.:N . IIIe, Stonewall ene7l Lou '
Nssevit.n..e, lebrusty 122.—Th0 river Is
. .
Ailing, It louncen feet on the ohne!,
out her fair anti cold. Arrived—JAl. Tr..
er, from Evansville. l/ , portol—NAoncille,
r Cairo; J. 11. Trove, * for Etnnoville.
LOCH, February river to
Illng one-hell Inch per hour.
Fr ~I'ILTII PAGE.—TIa< owl most
awl Pr,cin, Markt( R. •
ti Br an by nny inzin, in (her
ot . P.urth Pirve.
A man giving ins Imo, a+ Mnitdi 55tH re
bron4la to the Wo,terll
from comercet, Loser,' out u Sentence for
b or ., stea li n g, on his Way hither Lt WHY
very communicative, and to thou Who
ought hen, we learn, related the tot
wing remarkable htstory of crime:
Hie proper natnu l 7 Jul. 11. Cooley. Ile
• n, born In Kentucky In from Whetter
oullir rut ed to Cleveland, t Imo, and was
leployed for a number of years as clerk
aa hotel. Ile marned tit that place, and
d fire children. Ile was attacked one
night to- an Irishman and woman who
threw him ilown and commenced maltreat
ing him. There on the floor he drew his re
volver and defended Ithubelf with It, tiring
three times at him u seiinelt. lie escaped,
tool win. gone live months without knowing
anything of the fate of the Irish, being un
utile to ere anything In the pattern, and
ativitil to write. Ma - at length lie returned
the boat. lit, W. arrested and charged
with the ingriler of the Irishman and. wile,
and I,IL‘ ht, lete.l and sentenced tent years
1.0 the Ohio Penitentnary. Ile was repilevesr
ufler five months Imp, Igtoutent.
. , . . . . .
Ito returned to Clevetuna And hveil with
hie family for four yearn. Ilia having got
Into the counterfeiting business, he was
discovered and Bent ttt 0 years to the penis
~ shortly after serelin; out the second term
tit impri4onment in the Ohio Penitentiary . ,
Ito tame near to Pitlaborith and mulehorde, sold him, but on the trial was die-
quitted. •
Afterwards hr Mild two 1,00500 end a
buggy front a livery stubie keeper In Alle
gheny county, 5141.11.1 elf, MOM rite, and,
while in the act of rolling the otatuk horse '
and the buggy, Ifas err.ted, taken to I'ltt•-
heryl, and put upon trial. lie plead guilty'
end WWI sentenced HOVUO years tit the
gheny penllenihery, Bin , h0e . e.P 1 ... , the
Of 00.0[1,,
At 11,01 lie appeared at Altoona axe distin
guished Shoe man. Here ue gelled the cal
-0010 10 high style. Advertisteg liberally
Ito got no an exhibition lecture, alleging
he could uoike roosters anti chickens Ilan.,
Oiler xnil rats sing. Ac. A full lentss Was
the result: After taking in several hund
red dollars, he told his assistabt at the door
to keep order a moment Wall he went to
111$ room hard by. to procure something he
bull forgotten. k'loally Ito went Joh. -
10011, and to Somerset. Ile Olin convicted
for the larceny of a horse, anti sentenced
or four years and three munths.t On his
reaching the reultentutry, Dr. Uampbell,
the warden, lennuillately recogulked the
former inmate. Ceeley request. to have
his old cell, which the Dr. promised 111 M.
Ile will thus be eleven years and four
snouths In the sumo cell, and I,t the 00,1 Of
the present sentence will have been thir
teen yea. ate 111110 1130113.1. it "durett.
LArtol3.l of Cloth!"
estenlay .101111 Brown, all, John John
boll. and Edward Scott, wore committed to
Jail byJ tuttlee Ammon, or Mod Mem Ingham.
n' o,oogo of larceny, preferred against
them by Llmu 110041, it Colored man. 110011
!Ives at Mr. Joseph Walton's, and a 0 halt or
Iwo ego had a cult. of Dow clothing . Orden
front him. ell - C111111111t111 . 0• 1041 111111 to 16,..;
neve that Brown tool scant note the parties
responsible for the disappearalteo 111 ills
Clothes, 111111 110 1111/1111 11l 1111111111 1(111 before
Juatlen Ammon, clowning 51010 with too
lireeny. .1. N. Jarrett, to, eoligoolo gm ,
coetled In arresting meat 011 /11111,111 Q.
morning, and a m
alter a here. 110 “153 lie 1.1 to
ban In Mot rumor three halo I ted Ilullara far
Coat's. At the hearlng lot allotted that
Brown, who boards vett), hint, loortald the
clothes to the 111.0,. I left them to watts
fy t hoard all. I erttuy morello, 1;1,11...
i l lll Jarrett ar,st.i moon, toot IS hearing
0111 1/1111 tly 1 Ito .1 wri 1,... The primmer
anent:Al that he 41 111 no. ntent Liu r(rttllCY,
but that Montt Itt I limn to the house
himself. was-(itted to full to
answer at Court In default 11l three hundred
Yesterday Sentt'a ball 1100141110 dig... 114011
will) the WON/CCU and aurrenderml Wm.
AOnd 1 41 0 00 Wl I ,l ll l ' l l 11.1111 ottlem Jarrett
re.arrested Scott, who IN ti) then cninmittod
to.llol. •
The Mtewnrtatuan Daps Case.
Yesterday morning, Philip heist and
William Stewart, the puitles charged will
being lundlenteal is thin alleged attempt to
outrage Mrs. Smith, on Monday night Punt,
were brought before AiniernYan Strain for a
hearing. liebd to charged with Commit
ting the nontniult with intent to commit
rape, and Stewart with being resent nihilist
DIN abetting. Heist was required tie find
101 l In the Hunt of tlfteen hundred dollars
for it further hearing on Monday next, anti
SLOWItri. woe held to Otis thousand far a
hearing on the same tiny.
II•tt .--We learn fromC/ir. McCook, thot
Itnbeit Christy, the 701ing Wan who made
so desperate an attOlOnt On Tianaday, to
eonlant With a 01011g0 Intlntner lot
Nitnicles Varloty Work!, IC, inoterlally bet
ter nf the Injuries Inflict,' On Stitt
will probably recover. ills friend Mr. Nich
olson, whoui he aleo InJurtol aeverly WWI
the illthlhe,Witif able to be about yethordalr.
Ettok Embezzlertieot
We learned yesterday of an embezzlement
to a considerable amount, which has Just
come to light in the Pittsburgh Dollar Sa
vings bunk, on Fourth street. Georg,,, Al
brec, Esq., President of the /lank. yesterday
triads information before Mayor McCarthy,
charging AgUst us 2.1.. Edler, chief book
keeper of the Bank, with embezzlement of
money and the falsifying of books. A war
rant was issued for the snout of the alleged
len without a formal arrest. ball
was entered for his appearance at some fa
tore time for a hearing, he being at present
confined to his house with a serious Illness.
The LI iscrepency in his accounts is said to
be very considerable.
'Me Drowned Woman
We yesterday stated that a dispatch had
been received at the Mayor's once, stating
that a woman. whose name was not given,
bad been drowned in the Yonglatogheny
river, on_Wednesday afternoon. From a Is.-
ter dispatch recopied, we learn that the de
ensued wits a young married woman named
Campbell, and that sberesided near Buena
Vista. It appears that Mrs. Campbell no.
Weed a fiat boat floating down the river,
'when she and u female friend took a skiff
and rowed into the stream for the purpose
.rearing it. Atter going& short tattattee
they (mina that the current was very swift,
owing to the breaking of the dam a short
distanee below, when Mrs. Campbell, losing
her prevent, 01 Mimi, plunged into the rlV
er and mt. drowed. /ler companion pro
served her neat In the eklfratid was saved.
An Old Mike*. Dead
I t Is with sincere regret that we announce
the death of tie. Culp, a member of the pr.
lieu lorce under Mayor Lowry, which oc
tarred yesterday at his residence in the
First ward. Oaring Mayor Lowry's ad mile
istration ho aegulttoil himself to the entire
•attsfactien of the authorities. Of late he
has bean employed by the Firth street mer
chants to keep the pavements free of loaf-
Luring the itatatn Opera season, hu
wan en itapal in the Opera House, and gulag
from the heated room to patrol his best on
the street, took a severe cold, which result
ed in lila death. Ile leaves a wife and three
children. being a good omeer ,
. Mr.
Cushy ma, n most estimable man, an d Me
(teath will he XI source of sincere sorrow to
many friends.
Ms. Thempeolabs Benefit.—The Opera
lbw. was densely crowded lost evening;
the audlcnCO was appreciative, and the
character of the performance far above
the average. In fact, an attentive and
well-behaved audience inVarlably elicits
the b, et efforts of those on the stage, and
this was the.c.tse last evening. Miss Interne.
son acted :hurls better—with greater Spirit
and power—than situ has hitherto done
dunag her present engagement. On being
yelled before tae certain; she made a very
neat littleaddress, characterized by great
good taste In its manner and matter. " This
lady is an established favorite In nue
rel, and truly merits the kindly feelings
of our citizen..
Tog-night, Miss Thompson appears lu "The
Belle of the Faubourg.”
One Nallosial Ylnaoeea. Tile inbject,
cue whirl. Interests everybaly who holds In
Ms possession a single greenback, will be
ably dismissed to a lecture by Dr. William
Elder, tlie Statistician of the Molted States
treasury Department, en Tuesday evening
et the itcademy of Music. It is of vital
importance to our bankers, broker" and
tra.10,r11..11 that they should understand the
Ihreat question of (government wealth. and
Dr. Elder Is the Less posted gentleman In
.Ime rice upon the subject.
Importoot to Ottitem of tbe Army.
—llya recent decision of the Court of
Claims, all °Mem, of the Army, in eonnuis-
Ann beta coil May lot, IJLI, and idnreli.3d,
arc entitled to receive flee' dollars per
month additional pay for each servant al
lowed them by law, during tile above time.
P. F. lirown, well known an 1 successful
arid respoasible Claim Agent, Is now pre
pared to presant and havo the above claims
.Arled in the shortest possible time. °Mee
, r 7 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa..,
First Itoptlss Choreb.—The how chop.
el of this church will he thrown open for
public worship to-morrow, (Sunday,) the
dth inst. Appropriate services will ho ob
-served in the morning St lel; o'clock, and
In the evening at
The anniversary . of the' Sabbath School
trill be at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. Sever
al Interesting addresses, and other appro
priate exerel., are announced.
Mlna Jisne lionxwell Moore.—We hail
the extreme pleasure of receiving a call
from this talented and philanthropic young
lady, yesterday. she IS briefly sojourning
In our city among friends. Many a feeling
of love and gratitude will be awakened at
the mention of her name in the hearts of
our gallant soldier eiti rens who had the for
tune of buing nursed by this young lady in
the hospitals of the Union army during the
Moldier.. 3leollog.—A meeting of the
retsriki. Vet. Vora. ASVOlitttOn will be
held this ( eittUrtty) evesliug, February
at 7 , 4 o'clock, at the rooms of the AssGels
tient. City linildlng. liminess at import
T. 9t. C. A.—The Young - Hen's Christian
A,sochttlort will hold their next monthly
electing this trlaturdayt everting, at ISr.
Havant's church A full attendance is re.
,eCoro fr cro.• lipobsindigll
on tilos° o porf.t littlottShlrts, which
ru made to order, at MorttOek S Putnam's,
Vienna - journals relate a dra
matic incident at a recentmasked ball in
that city. A young couple, finding their .
steps constantly dogged by a female'
figure in a black domino, were about to
leave the theatre in order to escape from
the espionage, When the stranger placed
herself before them and dashed a vial of
vitriol in the face of the gentleman. The
domino on being arrested and unmasked
proved to be a lady belonging to the
aristocracy, and the. wife of the young
man whum she had thus disfigured; she
hail also just obtained a judicial separa
tion from him. The face and neck of
the husband were horribly' burnt, and
one eye was completely. destroyed. The
domino bad also spilled so much of the
liquid ou her own arm and band that
amputation became necessary.
—Mr. 11. N. Maguire, formerly editor
of the "Gentile" paper called the Valley
Ten in Salt Lake City, and late of the
Helena (Montana) Ga.:We, is writing a
work entitled "Settlements of the Rocky
Mountains." It will appear in two vol
—Several provinces in Spain possess
iron mines, but the yield is inconsidera
ble, except in that or Biscay where lA
-467 toncof ore are annually extracted.
Spain occuples the lowest rank among
European nations in which iron is to be
—The Frankfort police have forbidden
the sale of the fabric known as green
tarlatan, as it is dyed by colors composed
ix great van of arsenical preparations,
and consequently very injurious to
—Emma Harding; long known as a
"medium" and lecturer on spiritualism,
Is preparing a "History of Spiritualism
in America," which will be published In
two volumes.
—Eleven thousand gin hundred and
three children have been relieved by the
New York Society for the Reformation
of Juvenile • Delinquents, In forty-two
—Anna J Dickinson spoke at Cooper
Institute Thursday night, on "Something
To Do," before a very full house, and was
heard with great attention and interest.
- Ticknor t Fields have sold more
copies of Whittier's "Snow• Bound" than
of any other American poem, excepting
"Hiawatha." -
—The friends of George Peabody are
to have a re-union at Danvers on Ilia
ItRAlOl,lltl)— , l.OAN—, Toesday,lrth Inst.
at the Itrldea mother. Cytho tee Joreph
Kerr, WILLIAM Itlia • , Itlt and 11-1.1.1 E A
ttLtIA N, both or Alleet,ny city.-
GRIAIIIS—WOOD.—On Thumlay e ening
rtibruary 91St. 1547. be Henry it. ,
Mr. J. A. tiltUttlih toM].. OALLIE WOOD
nil of Allegheny.
GEYEli—On Thursday. rebrnnry tint. at 4'.
n'clonn In no 4741 i
year of hts axe.
Funeral on "tI.LTURDAT. Fel.ruary 232. at t .
o'clock P. 31.. from the reAldence or big sister,
Mts. harsh E. Rodger., Nu., Ohio street, Al
legnenv. Friends of the fauellyare reeneettully
Invited to attend.
1:1 - 27773EIPI.T.A.3ECEI PC,
Yo. left ironrth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. COVFINS
of all a inds,• CitA.PES, iiii3Otrkn, and erery de
scription of Funeral Furnishing (foods furnish.
J. itooms opened day and night. Hearse and
Carriages furnished.
kisraurNcus—lter. Darld Kerr, D. D.. Rev.
EL W. Jacobus. Thomas Ewing, Esq., Ja E. Miller. Esq.
At T. WHITE & CO.,
• Manchester, Woal's Run .and
Coiner Sheffield and Charlie. streets
Hestia and Carriages furnished. .
tieautiful the largest subur
ban place of sepulchre, except on*. In this coati
tyontuated Bea Brighto lmmedlate•
ly north of Alleeheny. • - Fur burial lot, po•rnitts
or Mit, call at Central Drug More of COOL S
CLANEY, Allegheny CID , '
Has eared thoubtholaqUyepepsliatter all other
(I . xxx Siam, pcmer. Cr. Am.)
RA glorious bill for SATURDAY NIGHT. The
Intel . .. Wit, drama, In three act*, entitled THE
OItPHAN OF GENEVA. Carerln. Mr. Wm. Mc-
Yarland. SAM COLLYE it, The Baltimore Boy..
and The Great Consolidated Companies In ea ,
sets. song,. donee., 11m/rola:as MO the Spanish
Ballet entitled. LA M a.JA DE SEVILLE.
••. • . .
ruler ~r Al,—Se•erved .t.sests.. 7.5 e
Dress Circle, 3.13; liallery. :Sae; rrlvato Ituxes
rgri!EW' OPERA Hous t h
scare and !lan t i aed i Ni c, lipSl3 . Enna!:
Treasurer ELLIN IiTON.
THIS AFTERNOON, by requent Cr the many
•siTOG, tea of tempersace, the mousgement wlll
produce the great morel dram, •
Wbo wua apnea, in
In preparation—THE SEA2OF ICE.
B.V I- Cr.T-sr-a i3MT
With Beautiful Gums, fur
$B, $B, $B, $B,
team Dental Establishment,
'Teeth Extracted Without rain.
Ai'Call and examine specimens before order
nielsewhere. battilacilougnaranteed Merely
Hardware, Cutlery d: 'Calico . Goods,
:to. 3 St. Chir Street ?.d door from The Bridge,
Ammunition of all kind. always on hand.
41110. and 1.1.101. repaired. eel/item and
to .. - .Ak , riond and met. Also. penknife blade. in
, Iroit 13raker,
124 First Street,
rrnrsnuwan. PL.
Josephine,r the sale of Coremall, Dunsghmore,
Isabella. 'immanent, Stanhope;
Glendon, and other brands otantitrael Le, liounn.
log heap Coke 011pliantis C. it. Charcoal Mil
Conelenments tuna orders respectinllT sah ,
led. Jett,.
1..41.022C.XD 7 CEir:
A full otoelt or the above
baud, which we will sell to Peeler., Railroad
Companies sod eotioomera at tie same prices its
It cam be purchased from the manufseterare, as
e Care b,..0p01.w 4 8," AxesU for W°'""
01. e 1
os. al Imo exatul J .
It a Nos. ousO
street, • A it. t
1.21 .lola Argots.
Thr Clll:flyleaf, TL. Rest
i j W RRA NT. Tit nci YEAns. NALR._RUOII II
27 Firm STREET, li
I. [ell
Ole awiluou, used but a elan time, for Weal,
reduced prices. WM. BUMMILIt
fen 7.: PM Alert.
DUMMIES of the eery beet for hi,. at
Howard's Livery Stable,
Plitt street, near Monongahela Home,
Great, attention paid to hullo, and sell i ng
Corks. Moms kept at leteeeT• Lal9
WAZ 1 112.75. 1:11.3,1:1
.T]c. :'CE3..SZ~
6 WI lie 81., 3d door from sth.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
5117,1 trr11.21.7.
a f ar- Partlrclar mtentlol2 <l,eta B..l+Litz
W n.4 IVCCIC4, ”.1 Jewalr, Vltw pmt
s, $9 $9 sUP $9 S 9
- _
!S 9 s 9 MARKET STREET. ;149
ls 9 Et,449
S 9 Market Street, sm
S 9 . 08939 i
xxv wrxsa Ox r - tr S 9
JAs. ROBB, 89 Market St.
S 9 S9'
,$9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 89 S 9 S9
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A large assortment of
Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe,
Pumps. Sheet Lead. &c.,
IE4 Wood Street, near Shiba
No. 100 Wood' Street.
LERY. •11.1171. Os baud.
CHINA ErrrrtioNB,
BOHEMIAN WARE oferery /Die/it/non
&ROLLIN STONE WARE et all a/tetanus to
sin arbolesale and retalt trade.
The lugeet llld mut complete stock of cagey-
Wog In this ling ha the elle.
Pelee. and terms the ease tbe- eutern
cleles. tug
Cu!, B. BAUR ..41[11. TU. 113(A.SZ,M.
No. 12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh.
Pianos, Organs,
.14 — Soie Agents for the Celebrated illiADßU
tiew Tort, and SCIIO.II..a.CESSM d CU..
Cblladelphia. CIA.Nus.
ESTEY a CO.•S ••COTTAOE," and S.
The best Italian and German Violin and Gni.
tar &sings alwass on nano.
ecosric _E=.Tztacos,
McCORD C 0.,
ruqve to
No. 15 Diamond, PittAborgh,
House t p•ceent occupied
I_ . 'other • • e„ropo,e doing E.X.IIt.UnIVE.
• c,l-1•• LOCI! , Eer. All pe• so. latcl - g
w Iv po-nent ar, hereby :1°,1.1
tie ncron be cloned March .st. it
being des r ble to tote our boo. co no be
fur.- rrmoylo. we ot old unru.tly sad respect
luny request prompt • ettic.eut• •
NY• •$, HANCE St
I.lFederai !tree, Al egbony.
N. H.--)4. c-toplete tel o; grocery p pro
counteys. oh. 1r og. of . 0 ”
cyle, 'nestle F. ot/N•
to of 44
ettaate in North Fayette township, this roan.
ty, tvar Slotour's Churchoelli ue strain olirdred
publis sale on the pre. ins, on the hiNTIL of
MARCH next, st 10 a•clo• It a. Ibis farm la
on the On, uhenyille Pike. about ti tulles from the
city and it eligibly situated. 'the gull and im
provements, together with its fine toestion,
mates it one of the mos t del/I.oe Latins on the
County. Tie rovements cons et of a Neat
O[U/ice blouse of brick, Large Barn, -nod aim,
fruit trees of the twit sarietles in r ood bearing
.1111LI00. The term It partly underlaid wits
MO ands fees acres are tininened, principally of
large white oaks. Inqu W
ire of 40110 ON LI
PNER, near toe premlits: or of
It A SilitrElt, Attorsters.
feill9B:dlwF 1,0% girth street.
OS - x'e S 8 8T
MoOLINT 002 C. S.
tXto. 92 :Federal- Street,
ALLEanmirr crrr
Vaults, Fountains,
Statuary, -Vases,
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
bels rebbe 'Clover Seed.
ai•• Wh
ii"7 !trted App les. Scans.
Il • • •
tt, " A A .Vol:eses.
tro I.l " fsr l re ' ls leacti yoeTotstoes.
y :i
•` ' Crib
U s 3
Bets fresh Ergs.
1'11.""d re, 117. - 7.EIS /113ISTILOSI.I.
ray Corner tet and SU. streets.
03 Barrels N. U. Molasses to artlyis.
s 1004, `• bug, ••
Ts Barrels Booth and Edgar Sy - two.
•` Act.tas 61 us ••
lOC Low tirade to Good ••
-lingo prime to eltotto Coffee.
0% Ilarrsist-rusbrd and C. gee &agars.
114.15. good to choice rubs ``
rot sal* by ' LCILOSLAN. gat 2 LANG.
t%./agti It- sod 04 Fool suwet
_ -
VrX.T6I32 eeksllo3re
Three doors stools nroltheeld direst.
rrrrsnrson. PA:
Ere, kind oncort done. the shortest notice
sod most ressonahle terns. rskrttenler attention
plod to J Edibles. • tale:red
825 , 000 - iii - LOAN
neat Estate Douses •^a sold.
WI. 1.0 rotate 2 8,
Flour, Grain and Produce
connisinirc AERC 11 ANT. '•
2 015 X..."PctriV" 15 trecot. -