IPIEI. reiliMitTJCZ, Banker and Broker, • tIS Wood St., near corner of Fifth. Ad El escr tptions of Government Bondi toughs and sold on /Mond terms. London, and Coiddnentel lir.7stinnge sold I= ..Gobi, Silver and Coupons bought at high- Cat rutea. Goli Drafts leautoo on New OE FEN/aIOE AND TRADE Urricx or Tax Prrromoson oA.starrz, TUUMSUAY. February Idl7. The following aro the Sew York etoek viootations for LO-daf: 1;614, Low, 141 110.:1; Fly, Twentl,a, old, 111,,: Twentiee ; lor‘jC; poar,IWN; lafp3.l. 311Ohigan Sonar.; !tall r"'". 75 !4; (Moreland and l'at.nr;;lt, ,O; I'ft.taborcll4 Fort Waiaa, cl. Chicago, Wustoo, (*Won rah:grata; Conn- Pan I. —; .d 171.4; CLlaago and ',forth wa,clern, do prefer ;;;CL.cl 247..,. Von; Central. • _ . The New York clenri n gdinuse siettauent , it l ,catCs less posit ively linin usual the. c,,syion ot the money market, he -1111411/01.. Is dull, and the consequent tuten't IS snail for accommodation. Thu cf. •feets arosiwert, however, of the activity in Inc Government sales of now live Teen's 1100 of Itatl, by which' kilo fillth.tronnury bal ance was enlarged by several millions due ing'the closing 'llays of last week. The it. gal tenders in' bunk have - declined nearly 'three millions, tile deposits teas millions, while file loans have Increa , ast ttt,SS).,)O3. Thu apecio has dr:ereasea4l.3 4 lA3l. The torpor of Repent' luedness fq further shown by the Sick that the clearings were lc, -11.53.001,u5a than those ": 'Mut wcek, the utt regate belle; Jlll.l,cou.‘rm against C.S.Ottttso • last-week 111111 MO th • , c moot, pies - • • - -The NeW Tork / , ,if says the chief fen. tura of lutportance In Wall street is the ahigglsiVtorpi , r which prevails In ail Is. pArnm - nt.B of linsiness, - the only eayention 1 +, iM 7 in Government bonds, in ' , Advil a 1 1V...1VbIltn111,11A doing. the :lonisnit Intrtly' speculative nud partly for ince', 'neat. The ',apart Of Ills tales of long b o nds from the Treasury shows a gratifying im provement on the Mate of things 5, luch ',recalled at the beginning of Mat week. The /Melees from Europe of higher prices ' for Eire Twenties 'und scarcity of bonds in the market hero produced a responsive niOrement here, and gold bonds advanced ,t`, on Monday afternoon. • --The Chicago Tributte,'lnf Weitnehday, nays: In our Mesita/Minns will he Men fell account of the case of Drew vs. Wheeler heard before J ud go Gary to-day, The case arose nut of h. "short.teale of 'client, dell, Prattle at Milwaukee. The defendant was ltestrueted to sell for UM plaintiff 1 lot of a heat ur n certain. figure, Wier's option. ton days, plainti ff potting up amorale. A few days uftex the sale was made, whent ad vanced almost enough to swallow Up the margin- Thu defends...it called on plaintiff for more MarEtn, which ho refused to pet on. The defendant Oleo filled in the "short" to protect himself, ut a less to the plaintiff. Subsequentiy 'anti - Tatter° the. option ex- Pirmi. wheat suffered a material decline. TIM Plaintiff sueato recover his probside gain. Thu defendant pleads custom. The Court, bolds that the plea Is not good, as the evidence tilOWB that the CILYI.OIII of •oilling In" at the °running oat of margins' , is uni versal among the commission merchants °LOIS city. Verdict for plaintiff. 72/TINISUILI'M 11.A.RICSTel Optic... raiz Preraztruna anztrrra, Wrlsszrivr. Februnry 21; The produce markets contlnoe modemte iv active; that Is, we can report a fair vet: ume of business to aJobliing why, bet round lot operations are Of rare occurrence. The demand for most, lf mot all, of the leading commmllties,le re,trict,,l almost entirely to Wilug small orders, and both dealers and co:ten:nets, as a general thine, are restrict ing their purchases to the very lOn-tat GROCERIES--Tho market to moderately active, am: we can report regular jobbing Nlllce at the following qUotat lone: Coin, to .5*, , 4, for prime Kali New ()dean, Sugar 13 tO 14%;Cuba, to ltli; Porto Rico, 11 to LN; Cru.hed, 161.1'; .4 .0" COlTee, 15'4; .11" Cof fee, 15; .. C7' Extra. 14 , .; to 11,?..1L New Orleans Afolassett. 9.) to 95; Porto Itleo, Ts to 75. by r up.9, 75 to he out.lde ilgure for fancy brands. Rice, 10 to 11%. Teas qulkt and GILALN—Wheat Is dull and nominally un changed. NVe contlnuo to quote at 4'_,55 to ter s er, for No. 1 Sprang:and tr.,n to 42,90. for Ned Itlu4lr, Barley nt In tleamml at 95 to V. for So. I Spring. We mato:port-a sole ol'l Per Nye at ft,t.".. Oats quiet ttel Oh , Changed: may to, Quoted 014,'. on track, and al [052, In more. Corn ts selling lit smut/ lot, at 75 to 00, us to .inallty. FLOC ll— , ll dull and weak with it droop lug tendency. Pr at 01/,:K) to $l . l for good toottolce standard :spring .Wltest brands; 413,:0 to 414 tor tinter Wheat; anti 1.16 to t. 17 tor fancy at. Loon bretiltlß. Ityc Floor Is netting In u small way at 47,10, to tit 47,75 per Intl, and , Backwlreat ut 33,70 to $1 law cwt. - . I . ItOVISIONS—IIacon Is selling In Jon Ling _way at 10 to IW,i for Shoulders, and I. to 1:,04 for Sugar Cured Lams. Lard Is, ou tel 0,1 at 2t to. It':, for steam, awl I; Jar kettlu rendered. , bless lurk—oreasiona stntal soles atsVl to 811,20. DRIED FlitrlT—.,ll , of tear Apples, de- Ifrered, at 9c—no charge for packages. rotchni—aales of 7 Idtis quartets - at It: cents and It folds Itsivem at Itt—ln a I atoll way. niA,l O.IC teat Ice 13001.1 higher. ftEEN Sl'PLEft—llennottl lair and.ntar bet 4t.1441y at (orn u quotations—sale of ISt tilt common at 4.2.551 per !dd. and Sabarrtdi talon -, at yi er fold. l i iil'ATlJES—Couttnue very dull, sales ' 1 bas Itt i 3 1.. , r1 , 1”twi; nult choler rt In per bbl, qua 111 'Able "River,. at $2,73 per I/111. • LIGTTER—COntInnes dull with hupplv ci?tuditerably lu exec.. of the demand, and of any Eilgult.lu rout 1 hardly be 11,Aititl at any price. • We quote prime 11 , 11 lit 30-.111 a einall Way. EtiGS—The inarkot Is dull, with a supply constilernbly In erre.. 01 the demand, and e it acne teeth paek.l 'nominally at :iir-per aloree, I e may he quoted firm at 44 , ...) for buoill lots—a MUM lot wouiti hrtuti 8 . 2,7re!,,75. Cloverbeed mein, gln a mail way at to b 7, and. Timothy at 43,23 to 11 tl'—ltoloii Itay cent inheit very but anchanwed—way he quoted at VZ.I to ir2ro for boost to strictly prlinv Timothy. PITTYBUIN: LL re, iItOLL. IJM 4A RIi ET Crete, n. run Pirvfatrafte Gassers, / • - Tarlisuer, February 21, lrei.( CILUDE.—There Is but little doing In the Crude market, when we tune Into consider. ((ten the fact that nay Igttion is again lair /y resumed, and that heavy arrivals may he expected within the next few days. a n d. p e v ared with yerilay, however, prices have under..." no vitauite, and we can new,/ it sale el ,10 blik, to arrive, at ler March delivery, at 7!(;ad' .0 1. the t.Ol, at 7N._ April woralay mity he Blun ted at 8 to 84, arid June awl July at el; to 9. nnaltli's Ferry nil In dull (ilia u droopiii.t tendency—nothing dohig to lianaWlilt oil, inn) hear of none . olfifring. REFINED—There to apparently a little more inquiry, but prices are no better; in deed. tile general belief Seems to be that the bottom 'has not yet been', reached, and that a. still drelile must enmue. We eau report a sale of ZOO able, on the spot, at 2114, which is a /11(hk above the market. 27 to :Pi being the hest offers at present for iiiimediate delivery . , 11l Philadelphia; also, hrdi bbis sfundiff , d trhtfr,for April delivery in Philadelphia, at IV. Prime light stme to white may be goofed at :1 to 271.../ (or March, and 2S •to f.. 1 for April- For free oil, the demand Is very light, and prices are un changed; email suite at 42 to 43. • .611.11.1VALS—lne following arrivals of Oil 'Tern report.l foelayf Fisher 1ir0....14001 Jas. R 199 J. 11. Barbour... S. 11. Fifty d C 0..: 15 BM cENTICAL LIVE,NIVELi • -• .prrics OF TEE PITTEric Earl GezETTE, NY YONSHDAT, Fob. 21, Therelias been a light run Of cattle-this week uwaln, and with a good attendauctiof buyers, and a brisk shipping demand, the market was Rem, and compared with last week, prices harp stall further advanced. We now qute at a to 7 cents, gross. for, fair ish to mediu o m; to a rot good to rthvo• and :34 to s!.,' for extra—,, ; Th o raid that.thero NOSS bale Ot extra at SI nig nationally Dant, h , ;wier: ninrings be -110 di ffi ctilty in selling, and tij .. ..r rie r e ,t d adentico noted, while toiyers toros a rj e tc e Pay the prices or goliome with their r m their pc/clods. Even common Cattle w e re after, and taken , at an inlvtin‘ce.r" thing which Occurs only when eattie ar: theyand high, 0101 sellers -realizing that they had the market pretty much lu their own anode, had no emnpunctiona of con. wileti. in tusking the brat posoible use of Usually big priotis draw out larger ship. meats, and Willi an Over supplied Market, prio, are sure to decline, anti it would not be surprising to cis a reaction within the next few weeks—shreard operators are look • for it, mid tamping their calls imeord- Stig/Y• 8 WINK. During the early part Of the weeL the market for Hogs wets a tit tie "shuicyl and with unfavorable reports from flew rt rk, giants , ' 'ffireakolown" was looked ter. bitten then, however, stronger feelin has prung up, anti buyers are buying pretty frocipt at about last. week's prices. Light flog , salable for NeW Tork.may no coloteg at 7 to 7ii—Win twists` reports he ring hought .1110 ' neail for shipment to that mar ka,i, at the priemt-atiove named. tit ul to prime rhiliolelphla fleas sold at from 7 , 4 to s gross, the outside q notation being reall ced with butlitt le .1 ty for primeheary averages , ti t. the quality of Eau liege was of au inferior order; and this, as nmattiir of course, hati a [malignly to ap. preelato prime heavy averages—suitable fOr retailing in the Philadelplrra market. Among others,. Crouse Emerick & Co.. thiebrast Co., Singer.. la:Mod; Mae° Orr, bought pretty' liberally fershiptouit. Lafferty at Co cold oeveral also:ca. C. hi. Kays shipped head to Dal timbre which Cost bite ono an are rage, Woe trausuetums for eta week until proba ble foot oil about raven thousand hetithmore Or less.. _ The market for thin class M crock has im provud, tual wltJa R good chipping dumma JAMS DIULELLA SON, 69 and 70 Water Street, • LARD OIL MANUFACTURERS, And draNit's In CRUDE, LL:I:I:I._%ITING and CARBON 011.3. Wc warran ur No. I Lard 11 ~ "0 1 o . * elrclan or utl.e. .at, to WI 1.4 /01 , £lclulnuatl or .-'lilo‘,. Our N 0.2 Lard as a Luldluat4.s eA.! L10...k Creek I.olorlealtri and nur,',..l urands of Carhop Id: iv On inn I. 1.1..r.-tiant, as, rs will Ord It- to their gl‘e a a call ,r•ltring Lard I the We., le 9 t.” aml w 'pretty f atm:Ma:lca dyers, DMus, fl)1110:11,1i with la, Weelr, urn it -11 tole We a:m:0 at from 1 1 to 7,15, arm tc,,,0 may tm rekrat , I.stremes of the market. 3101.01 ,ottl Lelsman 110 head of rater at 7.15; 110,1: to lirl,man 17 , ttt to .:our, 150 at rw . in to ,:11110 , L f 01. 51aco , 51 ,1:1 . to same 1;u o f ai at .I,lllmou tllll 3 ear loads of ...xtru at ni.roilt of 41 . 25. tle,er Go. • re rl•rt lotclog elkllmal to 1 11 / 1 1,o1c1phai 16 cur Ifaal,, %Well coot Vito 7. r.EIOIITED 33t.r.3 41V I,TI Le. VOll TIM WEEK ISNOINLI Fial.2l. Strait to Toda 55 head of good isteere k hive. thr - oh; 1.9 , 1, at pur held; .“111.1 to ..1k11...10 Ihssa Itght. steers, IkVeraol, rat 1 , 215 , :11414319hck to ',ports IT 11enil, weigh' lug 19,379. ht T. 31..lonttston to Mootp.y co.gOltesa. wo!ghing . 21,400, at 6'4. .51,11 Co. to Frank 411 knead, weighing :pars., h t 7,49. Myers Nr.1.1 to ,a,nr• 3,01,1 g li , ll, 0.6,5,, sal... la ,L17:1!, IS Ruud, weighlng at h. Dickenson to 5100ne9 e. tag hi 3,25.19 t his:. 111151.3 Co. to 3 1 111, 1 1 1'5' I , llostil, wt.lol nit :II W‘h,l to .9loorny lii head, weigh kng . lll.l,a, 71 t— !sag. to Montagne a Uo. 1.1.9 " 1 '.. 111 '. 11, 3-1.19:10, at 7. 9lyers a tie, arc to Wood, :la.'s,' a Co. Is 91,0, welghina 111, - 90, Ri at Co. to 119 Inen Is hew!, tll.lgtring i 5,190, at 110t7 10 th,lb, S co. I, 11 1‘ ,575, 1,t.. ( Ml. Cittf,y tidier wt"^nfing- st 7. Parrot, t% 211 , 0 a Itro. 17111,0..1.10ring Is,ll9goa ,11111,11 10 NWCOZCIII .I .II 11,0,... gt1111,1..13J, 6,110. 919 ers N.v.ly soh! Barney th tho ear loads, eat rg can., ou pri vitae terms —suppose/1 to he arslut r M. Johnston to John Smith at ilen.l, aroraglog att. Va; shun, to csi.tuu 1 car “thil ends" I,L t 1 ;i• !LANAI ETS lIY TELEGILAPII. New York Fllianclal Mar lees. Naar Youk, February 'O.-Money easy untl steady, al 31G pot cent. Sterling, firm It Gold a shade dreier, opening at declining to 39-4. Government stocks ilrto. Trelglns to Liverpool. 01,1110. 0111, engagements of 30,001 bushels of coin, tit 10,;t: per sailing vessels_ Las lea-11'01) et rem, 01 nnsettic 1 the as pect of atralra in Washington. Gold ;Irv, steady and advanced. Governments in till. foreumm were active 111141 firm. The of dye-twenties at 15.12., available for ex poi appears almost ( 1 1 1 111pletely emhann ed. and the hest Issue of deed , ventles of toe 'Tillsequently In demand for shipmen:s. : Treastn•y has .ispenittsi the 01110 of SllO now lase,. of the latter, owing to the large amount of seveibtlorties I,waltlng eonv.ir slim. This Is going !toward al. 11 rate % Mel; will dispose of the whole Bermes berme Ioa. ony. Governments clowd quiet and 01 cailYi eoullons, $l , O, 110:i411 0. `..; Coupon., OW, tio, new. 11. 0 ,`•.1. , 1 110 'S; Compound led Seven Thirtles. 103_ Tim illife tic.; of 1i iu per ceut between quotations for I . :on TWentics at London soul Paris may oz plulned from facts that hoods aro estiniat ed Itt Paris bourse on a hales of dye francs on Is dollar. w 11111; the actual vide.; of a dollar eachimgo transactions 1.3,10.(5,15. .Stocks firmer and meagle, anti the con tinned depression 01 Pacific and Atlantlo hall. The termer fell to 13, and the !utter to et. Erie higher:. 'lllscelleanous shares quiet and unchanged. In the afternoim the stock Market watt - generally better, and Paeltic Mall and Illldsou advanced consul eriblu. At 4101 One quotations were: New York Central, 10,111:, Erie, Reading. 1 0 4: Michigan eoutnern, 711,, Nortnw ester.. Sag R ; ock Island, I .IE-N;;•fart Wayne, a",; Paeinc Mail, 131 1 ,•,i'. Toanorrow. will be observed as a holid a y in financial circles, and the battas end ail stock boards 10111 be oloscd, and business in Wall street unit viclulty will Ito generally suspended. - Tito Mining, market Is strong, bra gener ally quiet. Gregory to in hot ter demand, and rose to 413, at the cause Ph only a It tle 01Tel•Ing. 11,11 ad,iiet..! to $5.5 4 , 70 : Benton, 41,1 a: Columbia, 41,M; ury don, 412,00; Deauteanes, 42.15, Peoples', 41,sa. 'Express stocks-Adams, 37; Wells, largo It Company, 1.1:17,;. New Yvirk Produce Merkel. New Yoax, February heavy at 4(010. lower; wales of 170.; bolt, of uplo.rol, at tile. FlOar more active., lit better, chiefly to low grades; recelpti 1116; sl 01 ttoot tol.thele, of ~tote unit wester[] ; at ist„7, cat rw e tern, 1112., ; c0.1, , ,,;1.101 ; a. enus, nole brawl, $11. ,, ,e12,•5; er-root bero, *l2, Ilarket elO.seet Proc. aa,l t; wt. Whie.lzy quiet awl , teatly.. le hut , 101; no revelpt.; KO, 01 01000 10101001 0: No. .1, Ml' wauke.t., -ales :out/ rri.fit Cana , l.s free, ley wollout decided eltaotre, at .S2S, Cana, w IVO , t 1:0010 3 11.11, Corr. 10 100 or; r , opts :rt.; ot htl :lens in ix C'l 41. ee (5:•410,7 on shore und 1.0104 afloat, westera yellow no Am,. 41.C5. Oalo :Innen :cochlea . ...;00; .01. 1 0: 1 of bushels ofwestern. ut 53077,, ,ate Ityo in fan demand; ssles of 75 tierees of Carol ton at Pi' : Coffee fi rm. ,Ogar rimer; lIS 11110,;C:/ - na, r.orto Rico. nu tit ro. hobo, 514i:411. Vett - 01watt .10:1, retlunt: tlop—New, aarS 70e. Pork droner and In fan iltun.iil; of 3.71111,0: rah, '41ii,:in(421,110 f.r oew aies•, cars , tit 40i,e5 for w e st e r, (or 1/111 1100, 51 , 1,:::10:7,1.1 0 fur prone, tool 4194420 for pi lon Me.,.....5 also ~.:L barrels of new area 1.1 ihks742l., for sellers' and hov ers' option' of February, March and AN 11. Beef MI0111,17,0; PIO., 01 Pal litre, li-ef /lams quiet; tales of 3u barrels. at ,1,14,0 05,:11. Baron imaetire; vales Of 1:r.11/001,0 of long cut hams, 13c, and 10) boxes of short ibbed, for March. tic private terms. cot 31eats firm; salel id . 3.5 psalm Fes at . 0 ,41; for nhotilders, snilll44l3c for hams.' 1 ireend Hogs' firmer, at pi,„,;1 0 .,t, tor ;tv este, n, and 110,,,, 1 / 4 412e for city. Or ;tow; sales of barrels, at 1i.}.•1412• , ,e for old, and 1 . 2 1 “4 1 3 1 . 5. for new. Matte r at If.e.pfae tor 01 , 11). • Cheese dull. • . . LaYasi-5 r. x.—Flour clased dulrand heavy. Irbeat ele-ed fair udlling demand. 16yc etekdy 1,14 forwestern. Corn clomeel riser; 11111111111.4 i In duire, and lip, Oats CilitYl steady at. western. Whisky closed dim at ir1,3101,3:4‘.i" It, bend. ('urn firm Load for hew , Imes-ed (lugs II rut al t.e..e for ',velem, and (lice for city-. Lard rinsed bales at. 13!.e fur new, •41 Incinontl dinrkrt. Cmcitetsin, rebrutiry 11.—Cot ton remit:its Inactive, and the demand is light at Mty 0.0. 1 .,:e lot oilddling uplands. The receipt. for the last too days are 407 hales. none Is unchanged; 1r1.75500.25: brands, $ tot, noel fancy dole„ I+, $l4 ii;10. Wheat No. I, 12,10153.13 for l•teringi and $0,90 for Winter. Lorn is In rather better dernand e hut prices are not citioiti -ItlyitiOltor, at relbiree tor No. 1 i elevator, and 74+57:0 eaelts. Oste . firme ll r, lug to light receipts, but prim, hie not change.l. at 0t • for No. 1 in elevators. Ityti Is lire, $1:4451..M. Barley sin') and 1111(111LLII VI! I.• IV 11, k, eitoolv, at ebt,es bond. Meta. Polk Rt. 4.1.1 for city, tool 410,75 tor epantry, and roma et the latter was sold. at {c.i.f. Milk 310,119 ere 111.11 at ei„ 0 1, and for city. gait., montter of thit emortry psekers Intro are try Lim ito still bulk at 10441t) , ,,,e. ased rn he bought at Ole for Sides, tool lel, fur country, with ionic demand lit lie less VII. the rates. theme. Vibe. I:lltter, 3fe 1. , r Gootral 0019, and 3.:4.:.5c. for West erniteserve. Clover SI!1•11 to Mull and prices are- declining at ss,63firs,/.3. Tll/10thy and closed at 1 53,0048,44. good Ai , mum! at $1,05110i,3.1 Ilay 1$ Mill at 61551 S for fair to prime Timothy; 'ln bales, ell-ar rival. . Chirac. M.rk,;t .• CHICAGO, February 21.—Flour stanic' and firm. Wheat firm; No. 2 init . /plead _tent sales of No.l at 1i22.11; No. at Corn active; 11,4412 e higher; tiiforpik tor No. 1, and nac for R.,. 2. Outs niece native; lc higher, and abating firm at 40tifY4le. vtslons doll; first ChM. 1)1,11.14W In t,l pork hold at 1118,7511119; buyer. at tilli,tsieds.i.2 l 4; sweet pickled hams held trot at iltl4l lit s ie, Lard toilet at 11%ipl2e. flogs in light isupply;lslp3lc higher; sales at $7,4ne,... !.ten In good ilettittrol; 10c higher; baits at fti," . ..:417 CC for fair to choice. Louisville Sinrket. Ignsvit.t.r., February, 21 —Sales t 1 Mids. Tobacco; active ut for Ilalit com mon lugs to bright WrBl,ll. Superguit Flour, CVO. Pnme red Wheat, F 2,53. Corn, shells ed, ear; too. MCA. POIk, Lard, 14c. 1101 k Shoulders. Ac puck. ed. Bilotti; shouldVrs. 1(0.,,c; clear hides - -/0N(4112%, : , Wlitsgey, s2,lh. Huy, Lholco Sugar; N. O. prime, 111.4c.cotton; good middling, Baltimore Market. • DALTISIOIIIL, February cl.—corno ern, a cargo of Dun to prime Itlo, hold for 13 , ;c. gold, In bond. Flour dull 11.1111 lower. whe a t ateudy, Maryland ...care, while 124.30; rod, 0,301%11,3l; Pennsylvania red, $2.70 GIC,CO. Corn aettro. Clover kieed Inactive, wrime now, fhi,75U11,00; 01.1.1011. Sugar firm ith P. large business doing, advanced ; , Ic. Who.ky unchanged. Negr ',Cork Dry Goods 31 orkol. Ncw Yogi, Fob , oary2L—The Dry tinoda trtronen, Dratherdull, but fiFI cos are ei eao Iy, for Standard blwetlug...; :DUD for IS 0001 Prlubi—Coebeco, I.l;mo,,keug, :I MusDs—New York Won , - salts, 3 45; 11111bitonadale,25. Arauurem ah.l 77. rumen.' uml . • Cottonadec,ll7!4, not. • ' natgalo Market. F "hry St.—Flour steady; No. shrth g, 11,GO. 'Wheat; den/and light and tutuge.l utco . Com 111 (ult. Inquiry; sales II curs Toledo No, 1 1 ut 7 / 2 31 , e 0./ 6/nt° Mau true., Outs un Lurch:mg.]. Rye noglecutd. Bating; CUII.I, to store, $l,Ol. Whiskey notutnuc Nnw Mon, Pork quart and unchanged. Luc,' ditto. Li. esed flogs 40(11111LLI. New tilerleekena -Meeker. Now Olitns.sts, Fens/wry 21.—ktAtun dull and lower; uiea or low nadtillng at ?Me; /saddling Llo.Our and hinllsi,/,/ unchanged. Flour,rtirre,; anneenn e *G 4 Tol•aeco. medium 11... f 4,7G,h .7.7 11. Whl,ky .XlO. Gold 137)4';'St.erkIng ln~y; Vow York exchange. at. alseo ,, ut. - Philadelphia Mark et. - Pebroair _l.—Flour don; Western. WA/. Wheat dell, ernalt odes or California white at $3,25. Corn active; sales at d $1,03i t Oat., eady 57e. Sonar: UN(' for Havant, 4:i t for Whl;key,sl,YJ for con trataud. San Preaching., Market. oks Felireary til,Wheat Ern to. Minton i.tiett.i— nava,. l,,,kut Crown Peint. et ; follow 7 ,, 0t 50011 1 Curry, 511 Choler, till. tieven-Thlrtleii, June *or, ir!d Legal aure,Ti: PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS, MARSHALL, FULTON L MILLMAN, =I HEAVY CORDAGE, r 4 ultahlt fur rittaill and Cola Bons. HAWSER LAID OIL WELL ROPE. Tarred Ropes for foal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, CAULhINCi corms, &C., Wareham,. 114 and 11S Water Street, Near MoaoaKthel• thous, dell:p43 RIVER NEWS The river was appurautly at a stand. lost evening with eighteen feet In the channel, aceer.ling to the Allegheny tnarks. The . Weather yesterday was stormy nail 0111-0, 0,11, with ruin In the early part of the oily 1121 d 1110,r In tile afternoon. The Muerte:l, frrati Sinr (1,1011011, li Ihe ,111). errlyttl WO lot Ve 10 report, and 1 110 COIIIIIII,III, for Nashville, was 11,0 only do. darter, Tile littler 111,0 11 , 011.11 , 11,1 trip, having about all the tt eh; tit she ronhl tOlvand tiogittreittenti hollolr. 111111 q 1111, II 11 1,i1 , 10, of Irns,•11,(!1,. Ti.' Ilene arrlvis,l 111111 elettrisi for Oil City. 'rho 11,1:1 11 good trio up intie. ding thr,e leliatrvit toles 01 11111.-5 i for A co.; is; for Ileho i , 11.•11 A. Co 7,.! tor lieulledy,Clllb , R Co.; go,l to for I'.trke, Zt. Co. villiniwo 11,111/ gilt up 12 boy+ el invihiling 2.1 1111110 for C. 11. Ileers A 1.1,1111.l:rue Cotionao. Cato. 11.t11 1/0011 1101111,kg1,1 1, 1 1,11C0.-10.1. of 1 ,1.• 1.011 to.lante. Lowrie, vs an old steanibihttillitOl - 11111 atlllllo 110011 11 , 11110.1t. , 1 11111 hl. 1 . 111 1 , 1 Cllll'llllllo 1 l'eeket all!, 111 Ilatellelor 4:011/011.1.1 t I'l .t Ile:then y. tor . ouolier of v-ira let 110 111,5:11,11 clllOl clet is et the CE/Ntolu HOU,. Croat Itopuhlte volittion.4 to hi• the great eeotre ot attntetlonotel she is no, tolmirril by all g has, neon 'rho pecilit, Minting 111•11.1 g. del.! by 111. V..., C. Wgll. who, ave 11:16 4 no doubt, g 11l pet 011 1110 "be , ' The finishing, lar. lashing and equipment of 'this hour 0 111 41 11 . /111YttlIng, of the kind ln tile Iresti.ru country. Tim ktr..ra Portttr, Cattt.J. Portor,t,lll lotr tut vartatltly for ,t. WII/ /1•1,1 ttrd n3' Witfinla 1.111, 1110 tt/i/ sump rt. marks will ttpitty CO Ow H. C. itrtty. CAW.. .Itldt,:tot, Ittr Ctorgnortil ant! Itottlttvrlit. lersvtutr rot Saturday. The Artnt•nut. Cnjtt. A. C. 11iiCisllutu, t. tit llog tin slowilily for Now Orly tits, awl ht, rite llt t I,otit itntl palgaeng...l, unit diblpiiiirs should bear Wr•t. huh Tor VattlittrOur¢, VA.) nnu'r it gives plea.ruir to bo to .111111111 f, 011 tilt, authority or Sir. Sle.trthur, 1:11• gine, for 130 Consputty, • loa utull,tu So. I at ,tiroskto,l, ulre - ady Uuter coo t r.ter, uty , l that thU root ractoru uro our thy un.l cutrrort,oor eltlrun, bau. M.Lortrt.. lu 1,01•...111(Illet• or Or lo htt uortzonatrly logU t ttut.er, s ilo .luutu At., to I.e rou,tructud ,t N0.1.11.3tir I.vrelrs this. i/ViOR Sewur., :30W for 10111 orgotlutiouu well tut ptotnutly I/I:LI:•• for puttlng It ti, In the of rotgroctiou. on Friday, the 11th ' the stern whool roar. lyisisrla (Johan hay with souls freight oil tward, sow+ sunk by Os...moving leo. slits was (114,31,1 by 31,,r5. Dougherty, Sisals anti sllser.s, of lieskuk. lowa, and insure.! for 112.00, K 1110111111). 111 St. I.oul, SstffrffsY. Sill, at Ness Orleans Sheriff S.ssson oslo potato auction Orleans, 11.111(e Fellows assl 111010. This llollie flows wit» purchstood by Capt. Jos. 11. Paelps for 1110, and Ulu Dials by 11r. N. Cttrpoot or for 1.1!..W. Too gnsy and Maggio Mays were ad vor• i.eti to leave Cincinnati fur Pittsburgh un Wetinoodity. Wu take inn following items Iron the Cincinnati tbramereica : Capt. R. H. Porter left for ratuhurgli lent night' train. Ile takes. churl:" of 111,, Ezra Dorm, tint. Luw hates ha.. retired from the commend at the Dean Line packet Minneola, and wail take charge of the item team and lancinnull Parket Compinly • .canter Darling on her return from Mem •ohla. Capt. W. 1t...U.11er, formerly of It,, Dam . 0,01,, and more recently or the liou, of Dean .2 Ilale,acceiiik Coot. kate La the cowmen,! of' Iho Mlnnleolii, unlit Mr. Johii Crab., iincceNstiript. MCI, with Ire Dale. Mr. sV. rontinor+ln the mil., of the Alinimolit, now Mailing for Menifilit.. Loin. T. Doan, t , omerniteloir_nt 01 Ma "Mom Lino." returned front New York yoi...enlay, dentin, for New lest 13 hen week. lie smite Li. new tile. the Int. Cunt. Sam Shuman, ,unerin terelent of the Pati.linrith, Cmelunati, Cairo unit St. Lnuln Pueket Coal pAuv, li In thin city perfeetinz arrilngulnehl, far the prioeot ceiLuiti. ilia line etenorl,e, mow, ulautell, and retlatile nu...gerund Dem ht , LeaMer,COLOtil.tlid,l by thOrollgh hien. hit. D. It!chard.on and Mr. Gen. Vunktrk lett for Louis luou nigh, train, rc Imre Dim: alit tnke charge of New Yolk. recently mirchamed Iry CulitaiN C Richmond. The l'Ulted Mute., Lauri ut cu, o. of the mte , tl2,i Agaccom the ith hi the tel. lowing 1n3.11,10,- T u'oeo,kn of telue,lumileil m the Im..toth-1t0t.., rt.: New . I ciiiiined an the Agnes, unit dellerreu he her mecem to ill , lialVe,ton. U aWar, that o ere on lug to the United otaht4.- The Mom, ml.imigeit th.tt the — ve. ,c 1 ought hut to be held, became, her otilcor loutmeanii of knowing Mut the good were Cable fur dulleA. .'iowOl , o AND 31 c 11... rrnay.—Few 11rsa.e Foundere and aleatu and Li:o. Fitt,. In ICI country enjoy a tleseretally Waller rep 111.. tlon tor mechanical t. 1,111 and WWII,. limn 111. r ...al loc(lnffray, hose placo or lodne, tat the etiroyr or Third tool TlIeY alve earerut .01114,- , alletillon to ery Job great or -mall un i kn It ..nirti,led th , m. and no 1,11 Weir 4uvh el - tall:at/lc and durat Wan ner not will in even; Instauce Inaurn Lel ;on. All dt .cnition of 'light and Ileavy lurana ...Mgt% lire furliDillvd 111. 1.0 order, radii tweelial attentlOn paw to In.. all Ina out Ural r. twit - mg of oil rellnoe 10n11, Av. Toe Ii l a ical deal extra. vuly and manutarturn •;dalri and galvuoirod wrought Iron plot. ty 011 troll ',Min., ulallonble and east iota itual Iron cock, gliOw tiaretY Cheek valiem; ntDatu, ayptou and every kind of hand pump., The Ileummlea whl•dlei., water gtation monorail tired DV tLir !Iran are favorably know o all rive-t -auell, and are 11l P. 121111114; 14 1 1111 1112 3 / 1 / .44 1110 worLADalimlllp Of ar. I turned riot trolls tons t,tablodonout lye eornu.od I him firm to the patron ago of ail ear r.ver. ;lies/as and reader,. wills may Theyany art aDe ID their tif Thvy are I:DlD:pr.:4f, fair dealing and o.trlina, alollo.ooot In every way worthV llro patron:tan or the colon/unity at larg e. IMPOUIM IST KAILILOAD =!13!1!==1 DEMI • • • - • . . M. It., February M. —1401.34 Apple, !tin, W00d...17 do ilar. 1 3Ivoro; 72 .1...30, SI-ow le; G 4 halo, I T Join: %Vol,' Jr; I.; by,. cheor.o. .11.113au11., 3 .1 ono; II pump, 113.10 y a. 1'0r t..3;3 1,114 f.y. Vnlgt 1. c..; 111.1"Zezi 1.-oxono, linos .0 Orrt..l tows rye, IV .1 Mork; I cat. 0t05...., 45' 11,1411t0,r3 110 .10, Itt.lya 1. Robin- nOOll7 .107..111 /.700111•1, Klrkpalrlek a lirml enrn hay. C.daphell 3 Brown; I ear 11111", W liluelusm; I in .1", Adams a. Austin; lon Irvin hominy, C Ituaymt 41 Intetl rrrrl, T C Jenkins; In k.na apple aottor.l; hound Arta . strong: mold, need, Elrkpatrielit 3 Ilseron; hhle hotter, II lo apples, Cull, .t Shepard; JO:ol pen shoulders, - Js• Lippincott; Il 1.1/. appies, Ellehar.l; 11:5 green E 311 ers so; Inn tdds float, Seglanver d ves. katnp; 101110 1111,/ 71 Dilworth; 100 do 1: Do. ; 101 du tin. bilomuker d Lang; In, do din, Watt a. IV ilson; 11.0 do .10, E Heableton; lon no 110, Sam Lunkng Jr 171"1,. 0..11 a. Itltehart; In nes horlev, lilrLpul rick a. Herren; 10 eruten ntareh,joha l'orterneld; 1.111.12/1 rlo , 11 It 31 e: 335 oak, malt. Polleen a en.; 1 ear uuda.l, Isryan R s..eigl.ey; II earn do, James WOod, boa a. eo; 'J rlo .01, 7'11111.1,11 CO. • Cr.ser.c.stin 000 Pirrentinuit Kea consu.— February 21—I ear pig Irou , Nlunek it co; 12 do iron core, Storimberger illalr; Ito tilt, Bryon at:aught"; 2 ...h', J /I K . ciffert 25 hui cliemm, Kirkpatrick it 'Cerruti; Si bia cheese, Win Cooper it co; if ease, handles, Coutio a lit - egg:3 cur,, potatoes, NV I/ Fat tcr.on; 1 car lumber, CV 1V ItIgilou; 1 do do, 11 Schmidt; 2 111310 till, J Farrell: 1 Ohl off, August S. 51Irch; 15 do do, S It Floyd d co; 1 d. do, .11t Goghs; 1 th/ do, Jas - Erving. -GI l* ' , rye, Jos Glean; 17 blibi apples Al'ar biidgb .2 co; bear paper, Godfrey a Clark; bags rags, SpenCerd McKay; I eon k polo tot u, Ilerby; 7 "kits old metal, Lewis, Oliver 1 1 1 0 . 10 .1 1 1 t ,”, V OI I4I - a co; 15 kgs pearl barley, limitleton; 2 kegs out meal, LewisslcClure; bids do, 5 kge pearl barley, Seglanyer d Voekain p; 11 liblg butter, .1 110 hpplon, 11 Ilea Jr; 10 ;igs sued, 4 Logs semi, Fetzer Sc Armstrong; 7 olds ttio ' 2Jars butter, Shomaker d Lang; 4 pkgs butler, Gruff a li.o lter; 3 du produce, MI IV Feelcy; lot lilt sonde, lino Eaton; pkgs Crof ter, 1 1110 eggs, Yangorder dcheparclol3; Ito. broonis, Wm llaslage:so d" do Jame. COMMIT, 5 1 / 1 00 cornmeal, Culp & 3 litchi uppleS, Chas Lithe; 2 cam staves, ocludir. sosurr.ClotAncolls aCtwimirps, eebruarylll-1 car cool, J Stenos: 10 barrels apples, Lll Volgl co3ll do do, 1 du pots, 'toes, J 11 MeLoughlin• 7 mks reel. 7 bids lard E Srull11; 11 sks corn, W A nolerson; 15 liar robs. apples, It llobluson a 00; 10 do :10.11ead 0 Metzger; 1 OW nutter, I IlovggA.M W nan kin; GO empty oil bids, 11 10 Moure• ' I bbl gigue s boo butter. D Houston; 10 bales tow, Pack in, A I rw in; 1 dressed hugs, G Emeriek; 10 WA, fluor. Kirkpatrick A. Ilerrou; 171 smiks A Guekettbeimer; 101\1 . Hon ore, W II 101oenburger .0 Blair: I car corn, W J hteck; 17 Idols ham+, J 11 Parker; IW Obis - flour, Scghloyor Voskan:p; '2OO do do, D Wallace. ALLCONYNT .S . raYtou. February 21-1 ear wheat, Kennedy .t Brother: 1 ear grain, Stewart Landon heltn;4 bbls anpinx, Ito hen It. 11r0,2 do eyed, 1 keg lard. 001010.6 Ktll/1011y; to bbls 11.PP101, Johu. llerbert; COOII tobacco, Ileckert; 10 1”s candles,'lo do iota p. It Carlton; 10 .10 candles, Shute S bonnet bbk lard, Ido pork, J Voter; 2eo dko 0010, 1.1.1”:11 d, corn, It Knox A. Ion; 1U boxes candled, 1S C Aleredll.ll; I bbl butter, 80010, MOO Lt. CO; 2.3 bbla elder, Tress; lea 660 10011, Butterdeld t co. Sem Cam:Arm—Prt Animus-10 burrUls whisky, A halloo; 51 bales cotton, A 1.1 Idols sugar, C Coleman; ii sta ova nuts, I.alub Dickey Lee; 171 6.00 wheat, Koomaly A 11ro; 111 bills whisky, 1' Evert c;..71 hue lard, S Elrart &. co; 157 bales cot ton, IjotmeC, d co; II Idols tobacco, .1 na,Yr;l l r- 1 bider, 14 bus feathers, 3 box tars, S liarbaugh ft co; 52 bales cotton, lienuedy. Childs A co, 70 Mods sugar, 10 obis 011, E It 9q ern . t .0; Oil balm. hay, tJet/ Nerld; 40 haled cotton, [lark, Painter A co; 1 , ) Idols sugar, nu Consignee. - - - - EN ECILI'I'OItS , NtYTICE.--Lelters earetillary on the stale of A,. late tot the City of AllwgbenT fro * L.% l lll latet malo. at Mimed...ol un.l. - r.1..nc.1. nod lisvlng 4,1.1111 , 4111 pre.4.11. .4 I. dt. 1 ).‘”i4... ttret...l, for pAylnee Tll—,l 01 J. ..W EN, NDWAitil 11,1141U:1i STEAMBOATS FOR NEW ORLEANS. _ , "-, ..-. . t- The New,Maguilicent and Illammolh LOVV PRESSURE Sf.tectncLer, " GREAT REPUBLIC," W. B. DONALDSON, Commander, WILL COMMENCE Receiving Freight for ,111. E UM I Si VI(IiSBURG, and NEVI' OIC MANS. ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25th =II puirsday, Ilarell,lllll, I8(7, PC:or32 =I Ili= 1:=1 = MBE MI PIT'USDUIIGII AND ST. LOUIS X. v. car. t or Et, f• Zit k I'oi , TEK. 4.: D.. 11A1, , , NV AU. NITA, NEW .44114444.141 A, 4r,1111\ 1.4. N It N.,, 4, 1,11.-RTEI4. . . KA rr, I.llTsAll . K 4TV i I.V Eft I of the xllnvr an} W... font. CuYouth An l a a. IrEtrtn.rdl‘tr purl* n itch W !Li An , l,All , itilA Y. at 5 o, • , ca r. . . Frt •n vs.. l' .trnaerar, r, 4, • 10,...,0, to ail palnts 31,85,,nr, rts,.ri 1..%.1t th. rt/ Co., 111 Inuis Mt. r I . a. Cu. and 11.1.,..tari boat,. A pplv FI,Al'l%. POD, 'ARNE, 1•..1.11\'..S Ac• CApt. 511:11 . 1. 'IAN. `ni.• rthteu.l.lll. li`Oß CAIRO AND ST..- •p.e11.1.1.1,,au.er IIZII/Orolat!lt l'apt, J. 11. l'onit.lc, Will lam for the *tore •n.I Intcrwoll.te ports. ou , I. I'. el,t'h fell IlAlt.trA, , ' n "• pDit TIIE 'GOLD MIN ES Ur MoNTA N A AND IDAHO.— I:, dt. r lo• NI 01:E.Lk AI. t' Carl. tiv.,T Nf it•X, !.ay.- I, Fork ii, atm, .ry 'LI I awl al, 1....1.ta 311.. ,, erl 131 , n. built. titre ~iv I..rtbr r.tle met ortt lage•u,rtu.. varata.e. ,00d. 3 ,, It. tUre”lll 11•31•tcli. lotormatl.. ay:, • cr. board. I, • VOR CINCINNATI and. 1.k.11 L , VIL LE.—'l :lc Gra I,r. ...... A N 1,1,•,,, o- ~r f.or I t , 1.0r14 x11:1:1,1 P.b. .. • 11.i , h A COLLIN li tpt A/1,, FOR NASH IL - Thb sen.r I I %II I t lu 111 P.: I/ ,1 I=ll )1. k. OOP, - 14 . 011. !r1 F.YI MUSA:VD attamr.e. AlatatNlA.. .......... C, IV.11r1r•• n•r Itt• ••• 16,1 A 1 Intrrn.•ll4lo • port, mu 1.1...111...• lat,• YJt fre1p 4 ,44 , 14...44 , .1:4 44 4' 44 44 txrattl or to 1 4 1.44 4 4,44.1.1,41j,1110, ..r fell 4 11A111.14, 44 A1,N14.. . 4 4444 . 44 . 14.. 'REGULAR, 114:1: N. 4 .1 API LEAv4,4; 4. V1,141', ON 14 14?4 , 1k4,14 tl" AT 10 M. 1144.. 114. t ar4.1c..444144,444.444 A VAN !'or Irooll. or t ti T4f .. e. „ ..p g ;r . ° on t .,, ,oard w Cu ' t Attest, FOR GALENA AND In1:1- - CT ' Ilue pas rug, r SSVANNI“I lease 1.,11,, a , ort• 0 , 1 al: lutermt.cll•4. ports , . the lah M re. 4 .1. 1, 1 , .1.1.1NliWo011.? 'Arens. felt It. CI-1. AAA'. 3 UDR WI. PAUL D1,0,71.—T ,0,71.—T ur /Mk:AM, itirA•yr:r Capt. J. W.. V.a I,[ll. f0r•4,1 L. purl, ou /CriJl:l,l . (latch. J. 11. I I .1.1, 1 N1.111.1... 0. .1011 • F.., K. ; 1,7.111 It. C. 1.1:/t 1. - NOTICE TO 0 viiniEtts op DRAYS. HACKS, &C. NOLfr, ✓pen to all wornurs of W•g. on, Dray, Curt, arrla,a, .1,51,..rr0a1,1.nt • r nern•rc thu ettv 01' I'll;sluurgh. 0.., unc... at 11, Traa•- ;true...L:l,oW, , 11, itttpluir,ll. rot - thaw!, uordane . .1111 au art unly, ap pr. , •41 31. r. 4ul on or 4 pant, af th e•uuni a of the city tf I'lla•barK. paascal Apr/1 10. tu.i. All I.lce usr • net petition or liefore blartS. 147 will I.e placed in the bandit of Mr t Illef of Po nt,. fir c•ill. rtien, tut9ritt it; Lle fre of Suiten:a for liar collection tlieki of, anti - ell iirretou• +tin neelert rt.ft,ir lo "At. out LiCt.e. 11l lie rt to a pen•lty. rre it -rvd 1./..fotc the May,. the/ I.le linitoini tt (4 , 1 t•i.e. • • Ttat e old to Matta of ItreVittatt , tt•e• ta . return , l tt.t. Watt the /Jetty .• &retaken out, ar cLUta thereft. r. BATES OE LICENSE. Each One Horn.. V.'hlt, ,0 Eaclt Tyr.* /2 UI - Yi••lt /lon, V 1,1••le ISIu 1:3,1t 'l,orn Hone II acl. UI 4; • nIlm••••• do•I mt.., M ll.uly •Irawn 4...• dollar/. ea.,lt by addl. anr 1.11.• •, 1•31 e,, S (.':lv Trea•urrr. I , ••••rusr, I. Im•cif HOLIDAY GOODS. • A utril IMO:CZ E,G I LT, • Carbon Oil Lamps and Chandeliers, Lain'. Trimmings, he. - Also WAIIItANTCIINIIN-IMPLUSIVE.CAI4 BUN 011.. wholesale stall. JOHN ROSS & CO., No. Eta. 112.4.3.-lcat lertroot; dea,..,:tla 1 . 111," UItIIH. PA. I;IT' Tlll4.olUltltlt'h Orme,. Fehr., f. WElt ASSESSMENTS,-Notlec to the o•ni.ral.rl . l:ol . V.llTY vrit , .l.l the Inultn d for the v....ruction of the on the Wv , t Con.m.m, and Ilse newer tn Itennont ztr, 4.t. and MI partied liiterrated, hat trip a. ,, eaktnents mad.. on eat.'wera lit now Li I te..1,1d at the TREA,LSIII:IV4t.FFICE and Vont rigid • !thin I tarty A.t. ;rot:all/la datn Eh, 1.1 In.;dared In the handy / tile IClty OUP. fir eullectl4n, with p..r cent. added thertun, ‘l_ gutted hy feta:LW D. bIACFEHIt IN. City Treuntor. F. MIISSMANN, Fifth Strat.b elsrcen Tunnel and C'h alham Mrcels, Gunsmith and linter in Hardware. -ho First els^g g oods of all we. n•srtlhtlons hiways on wl and Go at the lo NEW eAPER /1 AtiGING a. FOR PAlCLUlth—French Uhrlphs, with Uold iin•dera. WOK I.lllliAltlElS—Pionrelan Patients ' on Orange ground • • 11.1.L1.5—NewOrtek Pattern. oil Ited els) , grouqd.. 1 , 03 CHAMBER...S-1402 .Rd 1100003 Pattern o.cr.lhrk Aronudy. Yor .10e by W. P. NAIOIAI.I., 111 . . 0., 10.101.7E5.,.0t6 3'o (.113.1,3MAN d CLARK. Moriltincture."( OAK LEATHER MELTING • 11101no•trret. Allegbour City. Af•u full xesortm. nt of Belting et 0 li. AN- Draf.M.,N•ki. No. 1451 1.1h,1t t•t., I.l lto.uNth, 1.17 GEO. 0. cl.Altli, Supt. of Work.. PIANOS PIANOS 1 I—An eniiiil Stock of li NA ISE& CO.'S VIA whlell are now ronl.l.lere'd the bebt made: al. II A [NEI lOU CET-KJ:RAT El I . IKNo, Price from upward. Per.n. In want of a dr.. Oa. Plano aro riannotfolly Invited call and elatnlon ,bcfbre porthasfnic elsewhere CLIAIALOTTE 11 LIME ' e r1e2.4 ~ 43 Irth Ftrert _.— --- . WHITE LEADS. rtru "I'Ba . rron. Co." Brand While do Lead •• ••• do do do ••coton.•ntor , ` do 0 ..Cooou,tt• . do do Blue rad, for .11 Reflorra. d Lead end I.l:llare., Y. (:'lore L CO.'S. r bale fee W, corutriblrd and llartt{ the ''i4kihsliYimeamop A N OIIDIN&NCE levying a Pity , h Poor and Ilusloots tax far the year " 67 . and •nhropriallor the metope arising therefrom. ' :sacnon 1..04 ft ordninrd nod ernmled hi, the hr and Common. Con nrits the City , ,f Olen, rtnet it (shore, Ordain,' doll on acted fq, rho authorl4,ot the sums, That there shall be as levied and collected from the persons, r.rgeol t Zl ' ae ' l d ly " nf " Pe Ta r Vt r le, ‘7 f n : t o d r twelve it) 7.111100 n the stout. ' on tot County ssssss theot for the use of the efts , aforesaid. Also. three 1.11 lolls.. the dollar for the support of the for of Vt. city. Also, ther, it hereby ...fussed sad Irv lud for the resent year a tax sf one 111 =tit on the dollar (for th tse of the ells, UPon we amount of annual tales of all good, ware. and snerchsn.ltee, a d open all articles of trade and commute,. sold In th e (qty. whether sold by aud it .n or otherwise. Pros klieg al. pc...sons obese sale. doom amottut to rhea shall be exempt: provlslog water rest. "rept tfy suet , rhessure he reduced per rent• ann ' . to collected a. other city tat, a are or may he (Inf lected. or a, the haMe is now ctatur. ea,. 2. The rates of Itueuse closaged upon ail Carts.Arayo, tenons and other vehlslei Phs , eng ugh the ('lip shall he as follows, Freach and es try wagon. cltrt, car, dray, i , 4,9 or carriage drawn ire one the rum of 5,0 For rash and every one oi the sho:e name. l arawu LI two burp,. (Ise fllutof 1,00 F., each of the al,r t drawn by four horses the sum of 10,00 /or each and tvery 11.01 drawn by two h .r -10°. th.. 10111 of 10,00 For vach and vv. ry omnibus 71111100 tiros drawn I.) two • theSIMI Or. 1 . 2,01 For Ai:110 , h111 oval horseattached LIP •uy . . . • • {Z'7t:r " l ' A n ote r t . i..l:l ' th , :r, It..rh aping, 1nt..1. first. to 1111, pa . tit or thr.lutrckit upon tlic bond. IsrAted for ilt.T.r..,metit the Wharf, att.! ruck ~.I.lrectsotrt •s• may mot bit requlre.l that ollallt.e. t orilde Ittvellieri un tl....ltrectlioin 1111 . 110 111 1CIIA 111 1 11t1I'lly le. no, for the n•druarltion I..vint.ut ..1.1 100t..14.nt inattirit). Cold appi,rlattuli to Le .t)1...1 No. IS. ,aa• 4. That thet rerelpt• from the sale of Wharf lmpruvenseut Maud. shall he ap prom, meg! vat he perntxpentllnenorealent orthe Wharf. an4l Bahl appropr.atton than he No. ,t 't receipts tutu the 1 relattry rts. tug trout Inlet, water rents. markets, 13 nee arts. rk•l•urt,, Imensea, and a,l ut her guar.:es, together .1 hall moneys In the hands of the Tranurer Hut °them e appropriated, he, and the tame Is thereby appropriated to the following parponea- Nn. I e.alativa *l3.Pr• to,l es • • 1 Engines and ?Arent,. 11.10 .10 erttaing 1 1 .1*1 *lre*. and Bridges 13. 11 6 11 harreal , l `• 7 es lt Police 1.1 ••n t o u rs Farm Yam! .` 10 Poor Farm, (prucaadsof a three mer teal, •• II Water Works :• , ,tar.•• .6:l.4o.6tarldluK arrants and un• paid claim! ror.)7 IU • 1:1 Gas 50.. , Col •• lliln king 111114 Jur 4 ter cent. 13 nude .),ten eltr n vio or, EtTIMATED RECEIPTS FOR I 7. Illsomund,cales * Fines. Forf.llntes and L.leelwee n I.Wo Iu 1.1,,n0ta ................. . Salt. of Frrrules 10. Seminary I . r...pertY roar.l3leewofln• lu.l~ccttu It of,lll. and Sleaturtog WOO.l .1.1 !Lark :l lul Martel. 010111 of way. Pal,. Y . , W. and C. Ittllrray 3.0., 1. 1 •,l , or ay Co xi' In 11,01 of l'ottollwe lfwms ..+V /1.11 ete Ca, uno uHll 6.V4 Cltv tax. ',qr.. twills L., Walt, betas 41,011.0. Ac. , ...et. au., sod raeta In frva..o ry. . 1' nor Tax, of a Ilarre 11.111 ley) 1567. •,) , 1 rust-tetl Into low thle,lll. 14th dAy .f Fctatury, A. JAI! F. , SI, Hltlr.l2, Presldeut of the belect Co.cll. Attest: I)., of elFrl. of the L.,fluct - c - ":" MMUS=Miiii putte CALIFOIINIA WINES • GURNER •& GO., No. 80 Cedar St, Now York, Offer far Asir true Talval , l6 At Wes. which sre ran ' u n lfofe " t ' n ' Pr.:l r ,l " lt l r l y l ' Earl tr le trot without nir 11 nu ~ h Uh are tm tl l) f•lrly test,,,! ti„ RP, thrmth, pr, ferer:re r A.s purlll. r:of thvy I 3 , 1 ...thrr Ines,and the xtumeroustt .1. • w Save voluntsrhy been ta.D.lrreil from the me. nt phybklaris. Is well .ts •entlrwrn at ..c proof Mat WI." • e, 0.0rW1a.4 ClSvilrtr wt.loll they . • . T@ I.r follow Inr.ds •r. no. .t 1 orctl y eublimlse authe variet:e. Low lu the lat.le tor FAlt.: 1% 111 or HOCK WIN E—r , fn hint attan very aerlfato 114 One I svore.l. 4;i.niotx—s auM rl. , r .A.'sIiELICA—A rich and rttcutallt avert wine. mud, tclullre , 4 by 1,41,...bu In milt mat... tir., I*~a nue Jra lrt vrtur, and "'L I: slaittred V.:741, • li,Mlt ....Own .1. 0 ~ eq .11e. Ver....111v Fuler — lb, , 1 , 4 1010 r. due 1111,, and 11, 012131 t • to Ow MIMO=iMM NVI% 'en 11 , :r tonic Kad A SU., tem•d, for the 'lt, it o.to 8.1 the tort.o a.11.1r tt.n.1,n111...np of a ..fillti owl tilt o.tr, able ott. rogr tl.at .•• tt ..Irtrd to tt.t 3112 , ...nt &It, throurn Nuttlt dorotor 11. c yraro. ontl,l...rtter Int 1111 l !red :t prm..l •wt.:entnt: lo inta.l.l faudlT rtir, au.t t. 1•1 [1.1r....ard. 1.•11... wLe lA, st:entrtll and and (mut 1r../Itlu. •11.1tyrt1c... grntto men whe . Oda, feel • ery Mot 1, t.troto fait ordinnt.r. ttostatcht. aroma tonged: Inntlatrs weal:Our fro a.n. nal .•1:1:nta n of (.1k atm nun. ..onr. ouniommoaa: ravria r, no Ira L ion to enanstethr, 'ant. r: •nul ail +nu 1 n 3 •nd ar...unon aamatle lollneorra. will I: on. or Inn wont ',Yank lavienrainta that ran tre takrn. vrry citta , lluly In Iv.l. wttl, irwnt . r. "atloar ant. that luoterobrit :.• uor wa. rtult unorcesaar, {•• or n stay errtitteata-• ittu wa.nave ave. ava dal Main.; rry Icrui• In IU Alt that arr cau •ay t• lg. anaraatra. that at ayllr ple•lKro re... 1, •to tarnish artkle titl.lltltaTlay 11. E... burta gla . vta to little enliven one, p K tr... la ea..., and ra,ai a.laata aalth 01,r. On, 111. girl, partbu.ax. with.,. In har h.aal. lora of •ppa.ltto and (tally • ...an,unttlou. on nh.nu m...1.•an0.141 Ps. ...han.ted. has txren entirely e..ntur. ann *HU guts leaspoonSul s day. wd streintla r.144,y i ... 4 and the lb non ell. X—aiest c:st. 3Foriczoos: Prr mot:. l'erl , nr,i. Ilnet. . , ~, NVIJ I.• Itltt,r, .' !!2 I. I ..., II ~r, (41 01 q 3 VI • Ile i Ilr I I . •-•••:I{EAT WATICII SALE ( E TILE t opolar one prtrt. e,lng ..very tr.•ll le•ncl.oini, .0.1 ItethitreWstrh for Melo.. of Ten Do!l."rs. without ri gm,' 101010 e. to nut to be poi.' fur 1111.6 i 0311,1 Y f+tlbr. ,,- torl. ,011 d Vold Hunting Watches... r.:.0357.1 tu• 3lnele Ca•ctl Wat , lti.s -to to AlChr, 1101 t, 0 It BoldChrott•r Ws cher... , " t.• siold 'tontine English Lever, . 201 ty .• 6.1.1 Dopier Watclire t -1,0 0..131 Ilttut•g Antrrlcatt etchesl , llo IMI 'lnver ...tug Lever, wto .0 ',River Hunting ltuplest.s 7, to . LAI I.Z t!vo. 114letteg 1,1.401.10 'looting I..rnlnt.• bo to 71 1.1.0 311,..11anc0u• Cheerl . to ho 2, ,, A /touting Oliver to Assorted Watch i all kind, lu to 75 itarEvery patron obtains a Watch us this Ar ent, costing tot $lO. while it roar be w tit t,o. No paealltv Oe The alvertiser. wish to immediately dispose of the above maanificent stuck. Ceritlif /111 Mill, hit articles are placed lu sealed e atol well mixed. Ml.:ern are eutillod to rrticle. naMtelou theircertint.ates upon ply. ots,,' Ten Dollars, whether It he Vitllol - rat/0r...1 worth less. '1 be return of *Ol of our certificates enllll.'s you to the article .tue.4 thereon, upon payment. Imapvetlve It. WOllll, and as no article valued lest an $ s 1. Is named on soy certificate, It will at once.: ecru that this id ho Lottery. bat a •tralght forward leßltl mate Trl4lll3.llrt loa.ehle In may be participated In even by the nand Yastldlonal A shah. errtlfir•te will be sent hy mall, POI, TO, upon re,ipt of cents, dye liir•ft. rle , rn for C. rty• three kml elecant preml , ire for •I ty-nis Inure ya amble prem,um f one hun•lred and moat superb Watch for C.S. To Aeentsor liloll.l wlatand employment tills It • at . .. Opportunity. It Is% I. , gl , lmatrlY cuuJurl business July antlirrlred by the tloverumeut and upon to Um most Cart NI scrutiny. Try us Address. J. I:MILLING tt CO.. Jaa:ell IGltroanway. New York. GOVERNMENT SALE. • The Property known all the "Goerrn lnentTatowry & Steam raw 31111, , withitevenly-11.eAerea of Land, ===Mlt==! SEALED PROM/Sat.. In duplicate, will ho redelved up to the 111M1' DA 11Y .11,11V11, ror the porch.. 01 Y 3 acres of Land. (M.m. or lona,/ together with the liu ildinas erected , that Is the appurtenances apoertaltang, that Is to say. ()NE TAN:SP:OI. coots:fling II titans atone Vats, Fifty-two Wooden Vats. Seven stone Poois; madcap/able of Miming 11,00041 d. per 1.11111.1 000 ONZ STEAM lum SAW MILL. unable of &awing 3feet of daily. • ON It SMAL. hTt/NE 111.4L1 , 11.11/. The above property Is althatt ithout two m iles *ler, water Antonio, on the San Antonio Inter. and the water Is conducted to the eslabllshment by a race of hewn stone I.id In ertnent. 'I lie land s/a• purchased and Improsen,nts made by the lato -called Conft demo Dec.;,..lJ nt, and are estimated to hose cost sltir,ols/ In ash!. The property has been non, learn far the yen letel. at monthly root of $110; payable In ail. vane. A neaten title In fee •Inaie Winne given by the batten testes lievernmen p s. rroposale will be markeil i•broposals far mann Tannery and Caw Slily , ' and ailinneen H - /nth et Mal (ton. Ant Com. BerettaK I I M t. F. & A. C.. Lint estoo. Tr en. GREAT DEVOLUTION TIIE le Y.TRADE 01 , 111 K UNITED IiTATES. —PURE HALIVOUNLA /IHAstIAtiNK. made and prepared It* lr done In Fru.. Pout peer (I.lloenla Jae. Lod taking the Il it. lnc ° " l. P" . i leuttire 4 rtrnell would call the attention of the Dealers i aud Hotel /teepees to the follow- Ins letter, whleh Mar be • correct lilts of Lite lihnittY Or their Wine. ”ColvelLrarraL , „ PHlL•mthen M.." ".• Hocelltil Jt Cottemen: Han- L iven your Csliforousellatuounne w u throe? in . :beet il,:gl".=,trzt,t u ut:d o . k lVe troll atone! place It on our /allot fare. lours ‘ rot, • J. E. HINfIeLEV HO." ",q.. Yr ' t try our C10 . 1114:flu Cbotoourne. ROUCIIrit A 1:1...:11t trey rt.. Y ROADWAY 14XCHANGE RESTAURANT, 104 OMR nnn d9B 911111/IEIII STS. 101 Ladies' Dining Rooms 2d Story. FILE,II CAN WitiTEIL, AM) (JAME oi ol kinds an b.nd. P, mum I•LER• vrop,D:wr.. dta:Pvi VIE/4111GLLZU, I COMMISS'N MERCHANTS. CO - PARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED RAVE AS .. w eriatthl with tlit m inall branch. of their bonito., JAS. 1.. ItitNsi:ATEl. The name hem will continue as heretofore. Co. 1. SELLVIP R. CIPIA. j 1. „ e „.. m ,. F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, And Manta Latin Ili Or 3C-a ..E!L. 3R- 3:0. 7 ; New Bacon. Beef and Tongues Kill be rail tor dellver7 on 3londat7, 24th lust., 12101 Ce Sup,ai—Cured Boma; Do do no Becl fro do do 'leer Tongires; Do do do lireaklabt LlaconL Platt Cured flacon Shuuldere; Hu du .10 SithA. At reduced prices and or excellent quality. , From tills ualew. shall be regularly SuPPlied srlth all articles In Its, Prevision trade. )sluirts BREWER, BURKE & CO., COMMISSION MECUM ANIS, AUENTS FO THIG PatMe, Globe & Liberty Oil Works Ample ntortge fur Crude and lie dnetr. I.lte• eral sash adrenre• made on conslg ants of UroJe or Refined Petroleum. Terds storage and shipment of Crude VII at Layrronellite. Mice and Warehouse. Corner or Moo one WaY and Ideneort. street. l'lttsborgh. • fiILeSS X 1 UNIIALL Suc .ol ..,sora IJ a.rise.rti 14.twiesnle and Heim! Peak ro In. GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS. No. I/ Dia mood. Pittsburgh. &extol,Oats furolihell eu obortest milli,. A eantlnusece of the tottrousgo of the oldcloud reep.ciftilly tollciteu. rXrell Rem — Y. EITCZAAT. KEti, S. itiimustv, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Flour, Grr.lir, B;e'd7,''lWill Feed, &c. 319 LIBERTY HTREET, PITTIIHUItaIi. PA I. 4 'ETZELi & ALIThiSTLIONG, Ful:WAIMG11)0,11131 31EUR3V, for Ole 'Ale of Flour, El rsin,itisitott, Lard. liatts.r , Ssede, lirisd Fruits, and Prultuce wenrrally, No. IR alit .t :trest, corner or First, Flttobargli, Fa. fr2...u. Rola. RUGS uniox R KON, Commission •e!rf:cit ANT:3I,,S-1/calsrs in YLUCIi, OISAIN, MILL MEET) and PLIJIMJCIE No 7tl Vlstnonl, elms - Tits City Hall. Ails sl,sny CI?T. Isl ZIST ( & KE:SiN47.I)II, LICE Cm:lMlssluN MERCHANTS rod Wholcc.lt. issklere In Ft SLEIUN ANT/ DOMES TILT IT, SALT, yr,00l:;t, SUITT:IL EtAis, lUI A. rot.:, c.. in and Vrtpitsc..., • . . 171 oppo Age,. for the sabe E./ tn , : J. Kcr::•e aolt:17.1 WI.I. J. r . .7.t•L STEEI. S 111t0 7 late .t is •I 11.% rrr. reerlre and sell Fl ~0 1t ,,: C4, ,1 ., C ae t s awl Cur:. Jkau,, 151 con, Lard, and an omostic sal,: of Yorellf. Y. Its, ,O. 13$ street, r 1014:411 J . S. NEE/M - 7Eli at, CO., • COLIMIZEION MEECH/ITS, And 4.a6rs In Flour. Grain. Fr. i and Erodacc. l'adh lrxr.cs, -.aado ronellgnuwnte. Warehoutr. No. 3001 . 01 , ti oriti.XT, opposite !goo,. IMp.t. ElltsburgA PA. YIb:ELS I)AV. AItAVVFOitEI. diAIM'ILANT Intl° METAL. lILOQM6 toILE, 4.1(1 dICIt 011 /A , 01110 LURIE and CLAY. &T. Woreboos• and Umb. No. 300 and 3.114 ollt.l.f.T.btorax• Con.lonnarta.• foildlved. . eel . J. N. •1,11.111 NI 'BANE kr. AISJEIC, COMMIS -2•1222., 4222.1 , ...ea1er5122 TIA/CH. ULU 222221 1 2 / 2 2 ,12L C IC, 23rcon4 strcct. t.etwa en Woo.l 2.22 , 2 222n1.2 . 1t 10. P1ua1212,212. . ap11:17 ?Out , , r•irr zu....soJN 22222n...5..111 [I'YAIID IJOT'r D 1122e1,22 11.22 2 C•• 2 20 12222.222 t, rotatoe• 22.2.122 c, v.:2101y. .12.,0. 1.1111212TT ..`2712.22Vr. ; - .2.2221222.1 2 22a0c00r /. 4 1 20 %. 11222,21,;22.. • 12.4.1‘11) C. PATTON, • NO onlealdnalrne...rs. (1an...41110n Xurchaats. kn.! l'innlnrc. yn.,nn Horn.. ,connsa, r- , . Car:: ,n az.d I..rd lid. 1r.., Ynllt. ciao, tltdinn Yarn, an: all rittanutati onardatananre• tn..a, a an :!(U 4. , ^ , dpl Vlt.:Onned. p. REY su pEryirat (Successon J... to 101,n.: S Anacreon.) V: talesman Dealers In Tor. Igo Nuie and :plena. ,Gunlaction• rry. n nrks. la and ISO n an e , d, o r ,o tatsOurstb. la =do (1,..1N a. C4.3iFiELD,COI2:LULIOn • pion and Torwardlng finrchant and want..- .ale /:tni., In 11, nate.rn Itaanson Caeca., Dot r. ..a•1. tort. ' Brno, alone - . Flan. rot and and Yrnlt. sod Pro n.., anners/17, Not. 141 and laS Trott ,treat. • uro! . W. P. ....... ..... Tau, MlStailt.L. P. IY.F.:CMCO.. `10..%0T 1.11,...xty e; ref Viaole r) l'e 0;nz...,1,10” geredarda and dealers In Costa.ll, , as. Hawn. Lam, .1,/tter, 10,1 e. 015.,. flour r,els, l/rto Ar d Ac.. dal) II.II)DLE,No: 1143 Liberty: ra.,Comnalsslon Sterchsta...l Lul real elk ay. r In Coma try Produce, lirocerles awl Inanufactur,. Cmsh .Irsooed . . - . ,n and yald fur yruducc Re per. soZI, PORT. DALZELL .t.CO”Whole . nate tiuc•ll, Coratnittel , ,n all,l ForwardlAk 11, rCal•Pt, .4 dealcr• 1,1 'llnotli,cluzna. No. 11,1 1.14,,rty /tract, MU- , _vacs f/AILZELLb.NON,Mariu g, facturcr• of 1.en1"111L. and Cnountaston Mer- Mhants fer o.e. connate and sale of erode and ol:ell . ..role:no, Nos. 0+ and 70 Water 11[1,4., lnthsharsh /deans., wade on Conelentnents. .101, I. 11001.1.1[13‘,/IP 110001..W111. c. 001.35. JOHN I. fIOITAIE BIL 113„ Cut. Juun 1. Horns / co., Trtela• sale Urocers and Commlsalon Merchants. ou satof Strilthll.l+l and t 1 star Mrs Oa, Pittsburgh. St'llollAliEll & LANG, Whole eAld dealer. Intiro , crles. ?lour. Undo. l'ro: duce. Pruvlnzone. Pleb. Chetre, Salt s Carbon NO, lit a-id 174 Wood o,reol, nor Llberty,Str..,. Plttat,ordl. Pa. no , : a 45 TSALAII DICKEIL'AcCO., pa, Grodr,, Cornoth.lon Merchants. and ddn, rn I. Produ,... No. St Na4r atrdet and ID Ir.ont titcsbursh. A. W A LLACE. 4.:,1.111PT0N A, IVA LT ACE, Ili hole- N euE LIKALERs. No. c O;Atli .•• • - 01IN FLOYD „lc CO„ Whulega 6/MCCILS, No. 173 Wood and 1331 Liberty Vilt.Nutrb. 14. 31323:13.1 I . STEAMSHIPS. vtitirrnonE AND HAVANA smEnItISHIP CIVIUANI% ALEX. HICOWN A ./NN 0 eve.. AKept. FORli AVA NA AND NEW 01.1LEANd, OAR. ny I Nl. THE UNITED STATES MAIL. • . T 1 o Yln:•i;4•• bt.O;rokilfs of tr.ls Mao • 11 tall ••. . .I.IIIF.RTY-I,MOtous, foe New Oefeane VIA (J , men W., and Ilerana, Tirol. A. naib. on TILUICSLqLY, Feb. 7111. MM= Ears -• , • . Hoene., Guccnotol, uc SATURDAY Yet-hare ?rum lattr{Vf..3 {CRAM?, YELI.R3 MINT At 2 'o'clock I. preeßely, oh the days an. For [relent or Porrogo, haring unetrrpassod ennonodtt loug.. apply t„ l!. Nk Alit &CO.. Agetty . HMI of Ladlne not [hoer of thee:coo,. m us t Tell; be thmt d. ftiv the freight must h In teem thl• Duce. ` 240 height received Dm 101 l of ladme signed an des of cell- In e. • Dole AM TO AND FROM LIVER. 1.1. M. AND Ill' he:NSToWN (MILANO) TWICE•A The /INMAN LINZ...IIIoz EVERY SATURDAY,* /". EVERY WEDNESEAY ein . ltitYlrile U. H. 11A11,t1, Ticketsnund to and rrom 1re1..1 . England nr. i n.l, I.lernmny and France. • App:y int th.ooOMp MAY tertices. JWU DALE., Arent., 15.r.r,r00k..1 N Or, WM. /11N R OILAII, Js.. Admos,lC.zprv.Orare. • it -114!'", , 1 x"..T-...Yar0=1214:=1171 SALT MANUFACTUR% CO. tteslizqax.632. Pet. PENNA. 11.1 PENI;A WO eti. X.ittissl=rusga:_i, row.. IZOQUETS, C1111111E1.1 , 1 $, W. here the Istrgest and be...locked' Wl,l - TUMMY:II PI.ANDS anon the eitY. n.l are prepared. to n, rn b wedding and mbar Dr with Tnntennd Hand Hamlets. Flom Dralgno, Jte on them notice. We d*n aim. for nlth Floral Wreathe. i . r.o.tes, no. Allorder* promptly attended to Cara Inn to tie thrern• en..e46lC4r. 4/4 ..11.40 . 1 It. S. A .111111DeC11. MEDICAL CONSUMPTION COUGHS 4 D TIIE LUNGS. The chin gta °lntimate Incident to the teiaon tLa bear are rife with diatatu of the throat and theta, which will hod a unfailing remedy in Dr. KETnEilln IN LUAlita: ••I'ELTURAL Brieue,••acttlng 75 naut.• it t. Dr. lieyaer's I•cctural hyrnp will cure Itrosichltia. M. Dr. liyeer'• Vecroral Syrup rrlll cure Bleedlag Lunes. Id. I. Keyser's Pectorgl hymn will cure W hooplng Cough. ri li. Dr. ireyrera l'ectoral syrup will cure Loh! In the Henn. 5 i0.t. , 1,r, Keyser• Pector•l 137r00 will cure • noon t It ha'f • gay. Ith. Or. IC eyser a Pectoral nyrup wW roller! Coven. of IJog duration. Ttli. Ur. lief sera Pectoral nyrap will core Laryugitis. Tilt lit. lieyaer a Pectoral Syrup will cure uena t imotion, If token inrtitue.. VW. Or. Ileyacr's Pectoral tlyrup will cute In. 10,h. Dr. Neyeer's Pectoral !limp will cure Cats re.. ILO. Dr. Knlrer'e Dectoral !Syrup win cure Lloarsenerr. • rlh. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup Is sold at 1/10.61. 1)ros ntores. and at the rIODatIOV. 140 Wentretreet. Consulting and Eatuntnlng ()face. Intl Pena street. CONSUMPTION. Oar son. JAOIO 1 . 1.11, Mt. some three year. o Ke was atilleird with cocain:option or tile luugs for which he len. (I,..ltrsed from the arm.. , 11e was essuitned ry Noe army plisitclans, who all :wetted ths.the must di• with the disease. WO (tow t0,..11r. 1K ESSEIS, 149 Wood street, in) pens treat,)s Who. atter iwomitnic his Intors commenCed to treat him, and caret, him torn)! and well. 11.15 now well and has blue so mau le r (yr t p at thr. Ise be rated d. Ohers ataleted itar lecan !skew I . • • . . • • J•NAN PAINTAN. ALANT ANN T•IIIpeIMICCT llle, Eept. 550. 1556. Pm - ram:non, December 31, 1536. A UItEAS CURL BY DU. KEYFEIPS PEUTO RAL-nYlle.e. I lice It, Peebles township, Alit" ghecy I had a cough and spitting, which commenced about theeth of Vehrumy lett, and coutlnued eight-en months. I employed the belt ral'alelsys In the count/ I', and aly COUlal contimued unabated until early In October. ' that lime d If. advised to try your Pectoral Cough Bcrup, which / aid. and alter I had taken one /wide, I was entirely free from ever ghing and sniffler. I had desoalled of gettlng well. valuableink that It should be withkno at this. relikedy will do for othersh has done In my use. JOHN C. LITTLE, Pilumaa-1411. lima. Peebles township., 6 are 'Of troWears' standing cured by Dr. KEIPLEttii PIiCTUILAL Prrrencnotr. January IL IMP. be. EiVarn:—kly wife has been all:limed with *cough and difficulty of breathing ftr Are or six Stara, which. star several year. back, had grad sally Increased in violence. Tar complaint has een hereditary, and she had bees treated by several phymetans without any relief. In this stme other case I procured some of your P.EC • COUliii ea - BM% I bought the Prat time • site cent bottle. mulch mil. Ted her rely Insert; I the ratio auitgot • dollar Pottle, which cored .I(trelT, and she haa now no trace of the former ill...rare. except weakness. I would also state that I used the medicine myself to • culd and miugh. The medicine mired use by takin our time. I express my mUllni satisfac tion tub One medicine, and y o at Liberty to publish this If you desire to au au. ffi. WILSON. • Aldutman. illth Ward. WHOOPING COUGH. Below will be found a certificate. from Doctor hi. Dr roe, ono of our most respectable dentists, In regard to lir. Keyser.. Pectoral Prop. The Pectoral nyruo Is also an Infallible core for eve ry form of cough, and cold to which we are Made. Prrrtingeou, June', Dn. Kers/Lai—Dear alio: Shave fora long time been oppoeto to ael•er tit that pitteut medicines, end ft to with relue ton t e norl recommend of Do in. The conelderatlon. however, that I am doing the common my • service. Induces me fa overc say objections, and to lin WWI) re ome commend your Pectoral :syrup. We bay. kep t it lo our tomtit for theta. gee or en years and ha, g teen It for coughs,etch are produced cy coin, dn.. with the effect of alteelettne or eutirely art estlif • them. During lent winter our colloren were expose, to the to faction of whoop jo• rough, ands ech one of one three boy a was attoceeo wit administered believed to be /Ma& malady. We youen !Shoran,. and the result was, that the whopping cough. lasted witt , neither of th em more than ten or twelve days. hope others will et loud mike. trial of your medicine. to such cute., es we have found It beneficial Yours, a. DUPUY, no. T 1 Wylie street HERNIA OR RUPTURE. It will be obsCrred that we hate bublishad for ...time pastas advertisement of Dr. George 11, lieyeer, 0(140 Wood street, trlttsburgh, Pa. to reference to Tr.,es and other - Mechanical appliances for the cure and rebel of betel., rupture, besides various broken/town conditions of the human body which are usual ly beyond the neach qieuediration. Dr. fileyief has given this branch of the Nosiness great attention for sever al year. pest, aind we think we are Justified In saying that he 'comprehends It thoroughly. Too can get at his Store, Shoulder Brace• for weak breasts, ltiaslix Stockings for varicose veins, Pile Props fort the cure of Plies, and, intact. every variety of iiiShisulcal appliance. Dr. Keyser I. the Inventor of a Truss for the radical cure of Henrit or Rupture. so perfect InluDurte nut to comfortable to the wearer, as to elicit the admiration of all who may need such as aPPII• lie has recently been lit commurdcatton whit some of the ablest and most experienced tenu surgeons le the Untied States, and feels saUsked that all those who base been plagued or annoyed with ill-fining and uncomfortable Muses, can be accommodated by calling at Ma elllusuntut teem., No. 190 Penn street, or at het Medicine and Truss Depot, 140 Wood street. Affilce heart trout eight to cloven A. sr., and one to too r. D a =at :1' kiany person. have rested content In the be lief that skin and ear dlseues, however trtouto - - some, will wear out of theinseives, or that o remedy will seal! In erecting a cure; in this te many Persons have suffered through half ado en years, who might easily hate been volleyed at the onset In as many week. ro also with re. Ford to the ear, apreluduce has obtained that the qtr L ton delicate oa organ IJ often lo ,n; obeTtreabrucl,: ben . deeds deeds have Ulna remained deaf for the greeter part of a lifetime, who might have been greatly relieved, and la I..7'l.mm:tete, completely re stored to their hearing, bid proper assistance been timely applied for, as rosy readily be seen by a perusal of the followlrig certigente, also take octuion to remark that the testi/maul al comes from source_elose at hand. to Sin emu,' City, where,upon Inquiry, any one mtge. voted can satisfy themselves of its troth: rxrrantracan, July 23, INK Idulat ilia,vl take pleasure In adding my tee th:cony to that °tether. In favor of Ur. Inymrs treatment of deafness. sty son had been Lelia ed for ere yearn will deafness prodseed from scarlet fever. At times he could not bear at all; • red could only underataed as we would motion to DIMa tilt• speed& had also become all. Med., Haying tried Other re ...lea withutt receiving hny benefit., I &plled to Ur. geyser, and under. ie treatment he ban entirelyrecovered, and ea u cow bear as well as ever he dtd.. JOLIN D. DAUDET, No. 177 Beiver meet. Allegtieny. To Dr. KeYser, 190 reau otrtrt.. 4019:17 UMTFACTIMERS, IMBRICIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGIIIES, 1..15^rt33311711t.C3 - =. = AMERICAN AND CLUB Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Bails, 16 & 20 lbs. to the yardr Tram Balls punched and coun- ter sunk Boiler,Bridge a - ld Tank It iTets Cut Nails and spates; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car la steels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and ALXIei; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Bulled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WASEIWIRIZ A.NI) OPTICS., 120 Water and 153 Front StS, BRANCH 1101JHZ, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., Jel:els OHICAIIO. ILL. UNION IRON MILLS, BIRTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. A f•8111;"11TP-Ne'S.IN.:0,9L5M. OMNIUAL 21 A.NUTAGYVIIEUS 07 IRON AND FORGINGS, Special attention Oren to the toanafutnen of ilammered and: Rolled Locomo- Jive and Car Axles, 1E1G.00751/CELIV RAILROAD CHO lIIC. OBLitiE 11Altn, BIWA: IKON BOLTS, AC.: LINKS ANI/11ULT3, 11tELSIS, 011111 ELL /14A OCTAGONAL KUL/A/o( Nynout: HT, IRON TONTO; T AND ANKLE IRON. NO. WAILEITOUNL:t 95 Water and 126 First Streets; OFFICE, AT THE WORKS, NINITLI WAND, BlTTnllifi H. ocls-127 ATLAS WORKS, M0RT0 . ..1" STREET. Math Hard, Fittsburgb. THOMAS Pi. MILLER, Pres I den t These Works ire , arnong the lareost snd most Complete estoblie.o.stt to the Welt, and are now pre- seed to futalth En fines of Every Description, Hollers, Oil Tanks, Sheet Iron Work, Railroad Casting", Bolling Dllll casting`, Engine Castinga. linenlnn Carttngs, General Castings, ORDERS SOLICITED. n 09.% pITTSBUIWU STEEL WORK ANDERSON, COOS is CO. ISUCCI:BSSOItIiTO JONES. 110Y1/1 CO ) bfanntactuttrs, of the hes; refined Cast Steil. Sonar*, Vlat and Octagon. of all Ores, Ban Plates. Roe. Fort and Sheet Cast Steel, Cast Sahel for • Reaping and flowing Machines err.= PLOW WINGS, nPEINGS, ex /Lib CLECIILARN, ea. • Cut A Common Plotrgti S Spring !'.teal : OLLoe—Cornerof First end Itosestreeto, ter. tee—•••bove the Monorh - shele House. waroly 11EYSTONB IRON' WORIiS HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO., hiantaseturers or the different stses of Bound, Square, Flat and Borne-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, itc,, Works, PITT TOWNBUIP, on Slonongehela Meer. (Moe and Warehouran No. 146 Water St. 0c4:141 'MOM art LL WORKS, MILLER, BARB & POEM eteNtRACTEAMM OP :BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Warremted Equal to any In the Elar het, either Imported or of Der emetic Nan ofaeture. orEcLAL ATTENTION PAID TO PINE EMIT AND 1113 tITEEL. Office, 38 Wood Street, IN ET. (MERLES HOTEL ISUILDIN. Flrrammou. Jaue ISIS. lel U S:diS DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. HALLMAN, BAKU & CO., =I Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. BPHIHG AND A. B. STEEL, &0., W.lll3l3.otraH. "Xa.m. 77 'VPmter Sitree rrfrantawn. an= as 1-1.A..1-11-bW.A../ I E. B. WOLF. CO., Hardware& C utlery. ire now receiving large additions to min stook which is °Scrod to Dealers at 712.A13TriaRts7 PPLIOIIIII3I. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Rs., Pittsburgh,X.a%. 1ie2511[73 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, OPPOSITE UNION MON MILLE, Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings. LOESER! A! CASTISGS MUM. (irders promptly •nd carefully eieinted. CR/alai/A BEAtIONA.I3I..E. EBIJELIT & MACKLLITD. oak= 1. W. N05P0w.....---,7=....•e.5. n.aowPOLI., O'HARA BOILER WORKS. MORROW a BARNHILL, ItioWITACTOII3IS O steam Hollers, 011 Stills, Agitators, Tants. Halt Pans, Gasometers, Wrought Iron Bridge., Shoot Iron Work. tkO., &C., COIL LIBERTY HD SECOND BTB., PITTEILtunGIi s pa. REPA./11.1.2iti DONE PROMPTLY. mytt:t4 LIPPINCOTT& BAKEIVELL„ ,No. 118 Water Street, x•arrwc - rranne Os PATENT ufWEIND, PATZINT TEM ZIOSU. PATINT TO0211x1) a6CULAR. BILILAY. MILL AND CEOSIS-C172 • a Vc r Et , , BLACK DIAMOND suer - NWCOXAIM.7B. rrrraramua. ra. ' PARK, BROTHER & Co„ ManodtacLuzon at BUT Qtruarr Hair:lmi CAS? STEEL. --Man. Bat and oO t agon, ot gam t.opal to any . ha:lon.' or inatufaclond In Wu country. Vehlt Stillwarelionaa. Ma. 149 and ILI Tint, it p dosond Anita. rttlablran. Loll _ . !„___IIIANUFACTURERS. ........... IN Il• A. CARRISOIsi & CO.. to Ito 11 1,14. S Co.I FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, lf.ofutorer. of CHILLED ROLLERS, OF 411. SIZES, From Iron. S..dtl, Bra., , 2:ln, so, t , &old. Straw li-er and Indian hod. 4 Wort. li-dttng orad willtIons:13”), Matt?... Iroutdo s a drarletv , rf ofhtir ~t :ern, at wa•-• ort La nd and lat' Al, or:e (Lo nottCa aLY voranic ,ertr•. Vdirc and Warthoute. .T 0.119 Sinith field Street, M=l! MEM IRON IND 'SIM WORKS. 11.11 LEV, DACZELL & CO. M %IS 07.11CTURIIL4 Ul BAR, BOILER, SHEET ICON NAILS AND NAIL RODS.• Warehouse, 73 Water 690 Front st. PITTSBURGH,. PA. 5a.54:k6 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD k BLACK, Best Common, Band Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. } ..RIV.HANT IWt. It(II.7!CD k HQUABEIHUNI BAND. T and AN CiLY. IRON. BOILER. VLA 1 E and tliF.E,r ILUN. i MOWER sod ItEArk.lt HAILS t;"/141:11Ali.And U UAlill OIL I , lltitikli Illt/N aIiALL T ILAIL9, 21 And VI lbs. to the 7. 14 bk4IIT eilA 11:3 evil brINES for vane. FLAT lIAIL2. I , 4aztted and eountersant. CvAL IRON. . NAILS and bLIKES. • arehonat, No. toi Waterand No. 0 Mute 113. Worts, Ser,Ll street, Eighth Ward ad Joiol:: tils Work, Plrto.urgh. aa01:14 ROBERT MASUFAC:tiuea vet. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Freight Roisters AND DOCTOR _ ENGINES. lurcutlegs of all descrlpt.on• snide to-order. Corner of Flat end Ferry 5t =a =1 RAIL.B.OADS W E STERN — - PE NN Ii after 4lL DNY A ri l ir p' V d s-affigigga uary Ine, the l'aisen xer Tra'n• on the.Westero Penns:qr.:its Eat road will &nitre at and depart frorn the Federal ntruet Depot. Al, gLuny late, as fellows: • AILNICA. • I- DEFIES. Sharp.•s. Nol :10/..1K Wre. part So. tr.Os.w. 31.11 Sharnsb'g.tio: eharpat.'7 No 7. C:2oA..st Freeport Ylo. 1 STA s.ss [harps's. No X.l 1- Xi.a.Y.;What peg hi 0.1.10,15 5..34 whartisteglio 4 1: 5 1 I , l4.:Snarpou. 5.2504 11:5..5. ]ail l;,71 2:05P.11 Freeport hia. S... o Pls.,l.llarpatirlho s a spa r.re Nharpst,, No 5 6:50 sr.j Freer.. No • •. 5155rpst.,¢ No 6EI r. ti . Olisrpsb•e No S 7:54/P.Y. All trains run daily except Sunday. Comte u tat!ori Tickets—For sale in pack...ear. Twenty. hetween, A 1...e11en,. ells. Cheats...it street. Herr 's. Eel:mutt.. rins. Creek, Ems and nharpsburir, and stood only on ,the truths stop plot. at Station. , TreCllle.l 00 tickets: Through Ticket.. to Both, awl liAnnatellOWlt rt s t y . LA purchased at Walker's Stahel/Glee 3 Lisle etre , t, ntar heir liddse, Pitts- Tr. " I te tft. h yit ' a nla e a tlmarl will nut a n, risk '. for Eaggsge. ' except tar M earlue-Ap par..l, and limit th eir responsibility to One • 111:7COnils DOLLARS In Yalue. All be.gsge eX ervaling tAls Amount In value. will 1.3 at toe risk of the owner unless tater. 1.7 special contract. i For further nformation apply at Depot, to JAMES LEFFERTS. • Eent. Federal direst Depot. OEM PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL MAIM:VALI. ggiging Detrain er 301 h. 1145. . Trains arrive and leave the Duni, Depot, eor• nt rot Washington and Liberty efts, as follotc O D 01,117, Sinn fl rainMU TA. La) a tell/ay Express,— atta it Fut Line liso fie I Wall's No. L.. eana Wall'. No, 1... 6:2•1• ! Man Trans..... IBM a m Brinton No. 7:50 a tol Wall'. NO. L.. IMO a m Well's N 0.:... HiY.• mLW:lneln•ti Br. 10:5C a en Soluistown Ac. 11050 a anftValPs No. 2....i1 . 30 • m }Ultimo, Er. p Braddock Sol. I:4opsn Express I iScpp ' Sig nT: r, tqZ::11:: rxd duck No.l. 0:0,p vo!tp,i, Wallbi No. .. 7:(10p m Tast Lane. 10.r3 put Altoona /Leer. Johurowa Az. 2;0o p m and Emigrant train 10fn p •Dallv, all others peinnaye exupted. • TheChnren Train leave Wall's Steam eV., 10 .. an . day at u 9;l3 in., rued/ix Pitteburrh at 10.05 sod Sen'e‘e ITh46..?Wg.tI.IOT,LY:V;.IIIS' The Baltimore Express will arrive with the Philwielphla Lunen at 1150 p. on ODODDyII. NOTIC.—Io use O( loss, the Pennsylvanla it. Conipany will hold themselves responsible fox 11.00100 Only. and for Mbar.= not ODOP•Ditilf sloe. lab W. H. DECILWITIL Aunt, 1867. ffan_grANN . 1867. THE PITTS lURGH,FT. WAYNE .1 Bt 1c - K.,. AND CLICVAL AN I/ A rITTSBLIBUII IL IL ?min. arrive and leave at the Union Depot, as follows: LL&VZ. ARRIVE. Elevelavd En.. :133 alt fie . r• a n ' EX: : Erie Ygn- E 6:00 a ' , blear° Ex.••..10:M p &Wltg. 6:15 • m Wheeling Ext.tlelt Chicago Er.... 7. a a 1. £ lighx. pto r: 4 42 Chleago 1:4.1 o tttac. Ex, sexdp m Wheeling Ex., 4:33p Cl. a'Whg. Ex Stilipm Dep. from Allegneny: Antra In datelehexeY• N. Erna Ae. 9:00 a to,l.,ettadelts 7:9 Sc Leetsdale •• 111:00 • m.N Bete •I 8.36 am " 111.50 am ~iVciOvlLe •• 6 t 3 3 am Rocheeter I: 9 p et Neer Cull. am W 'lek N Cane 3:mp m'Leetsdale •• 11:13 • m Leetsdale Lain 4:50p •• •• 7;06• m N. Ertta •• &Pip m Briton ,•• 2,30 sti N. 'lett, t. 6:167 m Leettudido 4:10 am Leetsdale 10:317p ni: ' •I i • 740 am No D•insteare Pitts-1 ..1/31•10.Z. a. M. Chios, b",regebl:l'l.nnlTEßS.Ft'latfAlTlNNttr. PITTSB URGII MN , aniams - A. COLUMBUS - ft ATI BAILBOAIO—Fen-H Rance.— crt And after MONIIAT, January train. k Arrtyantl depart front Union D.poi ArSollorrst =AT; I . lllBlsPoort 21111. .411011 , 11,, Fact Linn 1 .05 A. Y. 10:13 A. Y. Mall - .'M .1. Y. 4:10 P. It, Mimed KZOP at. 2,40 P. N. 5,0 r. X. PK ....env Ill° Accomtno;ti 3:A P. mt.- 050 A K. McDonald 0 0.... 5,55 I'. N. 0-3 A. K. Fat( ' Zang, Matt: ' ISAnrcas . 1115510 A :1054. Y.l 7:11)4.01.., ldnlur. 56 , I eolub's 10,50 A. M. inno r. •. , 11:511r. N. Clnenllti 5:33 r. K., SAM A. 51.: 0500 A. 51, 10 , 11,115 0:00 Y. N., 7:55 A. 5t.,, 3,55 A. 4. , Tle lilt. II:00 r. at.III',K A. 51.17.:20 A. tc. .M.L.02.5 410 A. tal 4,1/0 r. M. 15:0,. r. 51. C;a l l7o . l ' . 15 ' 1: rt . . i ‘ b?) 1 / . . it; I:T. /.. M. Chicago ;Out, [Trion r uwp ....li mo ... oer a , tl oo vnic A., i.m ia rri . t.t....u s ,„. : . o9 arg A .b.. ..la SL., 1 , 1 110081 Agan P I C I UL r e, LesTe errire BM pIi s TRDIJEGIE AND CONNIFLI.B - TILLY- U. B. • #Ol§O6 l M 0. and Spring Arran,gemerit' after TIII.I.IIDAY,IaRCEI 11211. nen. ar Tbe arsine will leave the theyot, corset fa Jam &au Wolof throat!, SU follows: Leaman Aare". PfthetneryA. Noll to and from Uniontown. Mo. Y. COD P. at napreer, . " 1010 Y. IL ZO:CO.L. lel y r i gh t el v ezton Aceonemo ecspon i'allethE Z. n. Second •:. r. sc. P. O nunday (Tafel% Tr a in to sad troth West fiewton..— r.)a. lenn A. X. /of Tickets apply to T B. SUM Agent. 0e27-1- W It. arum.. ant. ALLEGREST TALLEY BAIL- ItWalk. Werig CHANGE OF TITLE On and after rittlLY. Yeti. rsa. T4l.l.7tt.l7,a::&'lll=h.PeP°4 Lower. Arrloie not KlakitethetO Ammo:to-kin A.M. 1:30 r. It Moll, to Anil from 2 almeng..7:3) A.Y. &Or. Y. riot it Work. Acc0m....t:31 11." ItOO A. K . 11 ul too Accommodation atICIA.M. 11:CO Ennio to and from Madinigatls r. K. Iliro A. K. Second hoda Work. Aecom..l:3UP r Sunday 12111000 Train from and • to • Soda. Works. 1:00r. ac. 10:0) A. K /1. BLACKSTONE. Santa - - IIILITATE DISEASES. 110.17r1 b. VW. 01 kr. sate Diseases .with umperailetedimormas. Partientar attention pant to ntieinistorrhoct. an diseases or the Urinary urgans. /its treato meat fen Um tone being tte moat successlel ever lnylOve.. Sir gives herpes of a speed) no to the agnicied. Ladies lOU And hisfirtemensiosne superior to We other the pireal thy paration fee removing obstructions h of flood. No. I. de gr ee s to r• r bouts. No. 2, width ta four Asnieres, sod designed for obstinate cases, 71y. Dollars ar ()Mee bourse a. sit to 6 P. Y. a 'P. Y. to Br. x. Address, with stamp, Um. YOUNU, An, ys rbeen sue., Peitansvern sePers.e.le pitiVATE DISEASES. urnur, PZII2t tyrIAZT, near Band for the !arse, of all Chuang Of *rinds na. naltrona two Lau daya. by an entlle new and sate Licata:eat. Also, danalnal Woaknena and all other diataaaa of the indllat organs dmettdin wrivent l .ll. Cure IrasSlLlted to Sant, Yen:addl. OSee tuxira-7 to la a. W.. ads •Ad e P. X •Anneaa letter Or. W. V2l: Penn anat. I)oTARY Ma !tett Rotary Vise, Just recelved a full sa ,ort t Nos. I. 2.04 3. The beat Vise In the Market (or Coach )takers. for sale by lad J.11.11E7 LIS Wood Wect,