The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 22, 1867, Image 2
1 0:114'ittantlitOnette PIIICIAM. FEHRUART.22. Viol AMERICAN LITERATURE - lanelt la said, to a vague and general way, - in praise of the universality and comprehensiveness of lerirning in the 'United States. If these extravagant pre ' tensions are subjected to practical tests, of any appropriate sort, they are found to be unsubstantial and fallacious. The most natural and decisive of these 'tests . is the condition of our Literature. This may be divided into' two depart ments What may be termed Perms. neat Literature, gets minted in books, and runs to one or more editions. What `airy be termed Evanescent Literature, includes speeches, pamphlets, reviews, newspapers, sermons, and the like. . Our Permanent Literature bears no comparison with that of Eiailand, FraiMe, Austria, Belgium, or PRISSitI. In the higher ranges what we have can scarcely be called a Literature. Nor do we even borrow and domesticate among us the European of the highest grades. In all the advanced, nations of Europe works of a superior rank are published, and run through several. editions, which are never seen hero except , in a few se lect libraries, and are scarcely beard of otherwise than through the medium of the foreign Quarterlies. If all valnble Literature should be measured by an as cending scale of ten degrees, it would be found that up to three or four there is considerable Permanent Literature here; above, very little. Nor is this the worst of it. Our Per - manent Literature can be called Ameri can only by courtesy. It is not fructi fied and emboldened by the national I spirit. As a geaeral thing it is super- Ada], tame and weak. It dries not em body that contempt of authority which - grows out oPthe character of our polit ical institutions. It' is destitute of our peculiar philosophical turn. It fails. to exhibit even that uncertainty in respect „to first. principles, which is our standing ishame. It lacks our national intensity, our spontaneous hope, and our fresh in tuitive perceptions of truth. Above all, there Is little genuine love of Freedom ,in it. Why? Simply because it is not - original, but borrowed, Much more of what is really Ameri can is found in speeches, pamphlets and newspapers. Between these three there is not much difference, but the last may be taken as representing the cast of the American mind moat accurately. If this be so, no flittering pic,ure of our morals or manners is presented. For, while public journals can be . named which are 'aenducted not only with smartness but with ability; - which handle all questions they treat of with under standing and fairness; and preserve their own dignity while extending due respect to others; the great majority are of other sorts. Vulgarity, rant.; and bragging 'violence, recklessness of truth and jes• tice; disregard of right and duty; what ..are these but the representation of the every day life of thenationt ' The war and the discussiors corm ' quent thereon, have had a beneficial and' . elevating tendency in this regard. For while ample incitements to violence havi been furnished by stirring events, ' :occasions have been developed for calm, searching and exhaustive investigroions. First principles are not at the discount they once were, Still, it will require many years before, in the order of _ growth, we shall have reached that lit entry eicellence of which we even now proudly boast as among our national attainments. ARAIIDONECI CHILDREN All tax-payers, at \east, are aware how _ . considerable portion of the aggregate levies is devoted to the public education orthe people. In all the larger towns from a sixth to a fourth of the taxes paid Make this direction. Yet it is a matter of astonishment how many idle and vagrant boys and girls there are in the streets.- We do not here include truants, - and oc camped absentees;' but children who do not go to school regidarly, if at all. It is difficult to inake a precise estimate of the number also getl about all the educe tion they, Lava' iu the streets, but it is so great as to go far toWarda explaining the increase of crimeshich appals all who are familiar - with the penal statistics of courts and prisons. I - It is evident shat must become of these neglected children.. Conceding that some are so adMirably organized as * not to receive a permanent taint from surrounding corruption, that some have •so excellent a genius that they will ob tain learning under the most disadvan tageous circumstances; . it is evident that the greater part will remain of very dif ferent sorts. They, will take the color ing of their lives from the condition into which they are launched. What have these forsaken or misgov erned children to help them? Nothing, or next to nothing- ~ ,With an intense craving for activity, they have no .ine to • start theta . in the right direction, and man) to give them an impulse the wrong way. They are poor, \wretchedly clad and ill—fed. There is nothing in their surroundings to foster se f-respect; noth ing to awaken and nak sensitive the conscience; nothing to ukken or it, spire their ambition. Tey find them selves begfirs in the mitts of opulence, and idlers in the brisk o -goings of trade and manufactures. . ',ln centers of popattion li with all classes, becomes intense. The man of '• 'business, the student), the:timanita , "-- all feel this. ilelnce tit passions - ppetites of these' aiserable children towns are stronger and more ac ' • - thee in corresponding' grades ~,.,ht up-in the country. Moral and cultivated people spurn them as instinc tively as they do peini eu - d e. Theyare left to herd with thii hasest of f men and take new lessons in vice and crime ' ' ' none to give them wilier andbet . with I el' coun sels or to lead them into safer course s , . It is hard enough to be poor In the country, where social position is not . so sharply defined; vtritere 'wants are few; - where all live plainly; and) where artifi cial wants do not prt.lis and.elamor grail. fication. But in towns unreal a ante are created and .become ' , more Imperious in their demands than n tural ones. To be . _ hungry and ragged sail dirty, in the midst of luxury and wantonness - and retire ment, le a lot sad beyoud the power of r] expres.don; and the ystery is not that this adverse fortune wr4cks many, but that any are found ho escape destruc tion. Take one of Ethic miserable ones. Born, unwelcome, eirtiid wretchedness and destitution, his coming increased both- His struggles through infancy, if natural strength of «mediation holds out, less tended and cared for than the offspring of beasts. is he becomes a boy, and takes a surve'y of the 'World, • and of his case as connected with it, eve rything repels him. Commonly he is \ - dressed in rags so squalid so to prevent him seeking honorable employment with any hope of success. Clouds end thick darkness arc about him, barring his steps in every proper direction. lie is young in years, but old misery. His companions are wo begone as him self. Is it strange that he easily be comes initiated into crime, and rapidly sinks past reclamation? • Who is responsible for all this? Let any man, the proudest in his assured Po sition of social respectability, ask him self what he would have been had it been his fortune to be thus conditioned. It would certainly seem that somebody is more to blame than these outcasts are, and yet it is exceedingly difficult to de termine who, and to fix the precise meas ure of responsibility. This much, how ever, i: clear, that society at large pays a heavy penalty. The cost - is not simply to bo measured by what it takes to maintain constabulary, courts, Jails and penitentiaries. This is the smallest part of the reckoning, vast as it is in itself. Besides this, there are the losses suffered through actual dep redations, and the yet more serious and crowning sacrifice of men lost to indus try, to usefulness, to virtue. It is easy, when a man's capacities are understood, to compute his value as a material pro ducing-force. By a kindred process it Is Possible to approximate the average of pecuniary mischief a bad man will in flict upon the community. But it is im possible to weigh a virtuous life in scales and compute itsirilue in gold or green backs. It is just as impossible to tell what loss a life miscarried and spent in vicious or criminal courses entails upon the offender and society. • Tbis is manifest. It is much cheaper to educate than to punish; more econom ical to sustain schools, and compel at tendance, than to support jails and State prisons. • The remedy cannot be found in additional harahnesses, but in ame liofations tleit shall lift up the lower classes of town population. RECONSTRUCTION OP GERMANY • Some 'days ago We adverted to the strong disposition evinced by the Ger man kingdoms and principalities situa ted on the south of the river Main, and designed by the treaty of Prague to be Included in the South German Confeder acy, to become attached - to Prussia, and of the refusal of the application of Baden to that end. Bavaria has taken a new step. Its Prime Minister announces that no South German Confederacy will be formed, end that, "for ill preservation of Germany, and the unity of all the German tribes," she would ally herself, in caao of war, with Prussia, and that, meanwhile, the Bavarian army would be so organized as to facilitate such cooperation. • A Conference of all the South German governments is to be held at Stuttgardt, to make the same arrangement. This done, all the German troops, in case of a foreign war, except those belonging to Audtria, would be placed under the lead ership of Prussia. This will create a force fully equal to that which France can bring into the field._ These movements are of high moment, and cannot fail of ending in the consoli dation of Germany into one Govern ment. Parliamentary rule has been de creed in PrusSind if "all has not been granted that is desirable, improvements will be certain to follow speedily. There may be some uncomfortable fric tion in the working of the machinery for a little while, but the Germans have abundant learning, intelligence and lOve of liberty to maintain, in Central Eu rope, a system in-which all the inherent rights of matishall be respected. = t..—lndiana is troubled with "milk sick. neon." E EIE —Tha Lt Paris. 333 a —Thy eat Scotch pony in some parts of France. —A live seal was captured on the river near Bangor. —Marl persona ia'Norfolk refuse to be vaccinated, —The "mad itch" is 'raging among Ohio cattle. —Drops of gresee caused the great -fire qt yokohoms. —England trembles beneath the foot steps of Reform. —The philosopher of the Traune has been done in marble. —They have the "black measles" i some parts of Maine. —New Hampshire has $900,000 loves ed in school houses. —J. G. 8., Jr., has received • third medal from the French. —Buffalo has caged a professional swindler of long standing. —A. line of steamers are to ply be tween Baltimore and Bremen. —There Is not trade enough . to make the Spanish railroads profitable. —A. 'Harrisburg lady unconsciously roasted two cats is • kitchen range. —The damp is playing havoc with the frescoes in the Houses of Parliament.. —Several thousand tons of Table Rock, at Niagara 'Falls, fell the other day• —A fire at Fairfax Court House, week before last, was successfully fought with snow. —The grape crop on the Ohio lake shore has tailed Lily four , times in forty years. —A. jeweller in New'York imported $3,000 worth of diamonds in a quantity of cork. "Speech is Mlver, but silence is gold en." hence the expression, hush mon ey.—Punch. —Two hundred additional omnibuses have been built in Paris, in view of the coming Exposition. —Coleus° has written a letter to prove that primitive Christians offered no prayers to Christ. —Ail the Memphis schools are over. flowing, and the opening of additional ones is contemplated. -11111' a dozen gentlemen in New Bed ford dined together, the other day, who are worth $2,0014000. —Panel& suggests th atlif ter dinner eon. • eratition.shutud be called post bragUlal instead of post prandial. —Jul:nu CI. editions's old homestead, a South Carotin's, is to be sold at sue lon on the 4th of March next. —Tilton d Barnum supports 1 1) supports Barnum _ f ll or ion Con; advertising in the Independent. --Ono of the first features of the next tenaod at Covent Garden will be the p pro duction In Verdi's "Don Curio." — Grace - Greeuwood is in favor of giv k" [Le Lal lot w , ry won= wit° owns sewing machine Or n Wll.ll tub. gera by a planing machine, A. Lay. fu Cincinnati loot three ga t:owl den anding $O,OOO damages. Lind goes into —John Chinaman in Parte furnishes a meal at every losi price to workingmen. but -there la an unhappy suspicion of rata - -A lady correspondent having fallen in love with 31r. Leonard Jerome, tpy s that gentleman la the "noblest looking man in New York." —The New York Stock Exchange Sine given 430,000 for the puichaee ot food tor the poor of the South, by the South. ern Relict Committee. —There must be a "tea-room" in the Buffalo poorhouse. The. Ititst 'year's bill of expoises includes an item of ;997 for whisky and cigars. _7.1. THE New York 17Pred does not put a high estimate either inimac• ut i “ienei.s. or ON 11112 0.11.11,1i11 , 5 of In- i vcsl 'O'n'tihi'dgerCa°lr L o ß' i n a r g ' Made in the State Legislature over alleged cor- I ruptions in the management of the ca. , nals, and a committee of the Senate and I ' Assembly has been appointed to ihresti , gate the matter. These inVestigating c ommittees are very innocent, harmless affairs and seldom hurt anybody. The one in question will doubtless have a good time with the Canal Commissioners and contractors, drink a few battles of poor champagne, get well filled with , abominable Albany whisky, and make a ' report extolling the virtues and honesty of all who have anything to do with managing, repairing or running the State canals." —A.t a military luneral in Honesdale, Pa., Friday ~!aPernoun, while a salute was being tired at the grave, the cannon was prematurely discharged, and two men were fatally^ and another Slightly Injured. —Six persons employed al tho Nash ville jail were poisoned on Friday by eating sausages, in which some one had placed arsente. They were quite. sick, bat proMpt remedy relieved them. --Paris is all agog with a magnificent ball given by 3rlle Giula Darned, one of the queens of the derul-monde. She is an Iwlian. All nations now contrib ute beetles to the demi-monde of Paris. —Statistics show that the Northwest contains one-sixth of the improved land of the country, and produces one.hall of the entire bulk of tho products of the United States. 1711,11EDIATE RELIEF—A Cure At' LAJT •,It..TCALI.‘ lilnCla 111-I,IJ MATIL: MEWL fdr Rheumatism. tieura , ala. ()out, Nervuus ...Alta.:, and Ca na in th e dead ad race. This preparation is entirelynew, haelog leen in use only saew months: Yet, In no sin. le In stance hs... iteisoloown to tali Tee nest ooso (forty drops) elle% es the pato. sod. turlee repeated. often effects &cure. It net bulb rellevea the most exerattatlng agony; but. elicit the patient ti.• Seen coolie. to bed for tutmth.. n ar doses wilt ferqueutly enrry off 11, attack In two or three data; sod In teeny ewes of ex treme turbots, relief has been old Item.' ten hones. lo • I other costs t e soft rer has hero yerrsio. ed to Ninth r In • stunt space sodatlt m•. re chsrso o IL,LEDY is the smut . Quentin nee• flare toen•e the most violent attitets of Rheumatism, • en. raleta neut. Nervous Headaches. and 41 wel ter complaints. lo reap et It le eery d der tot to he i other numerous remees ehich are stautly bettor brought bet - re t ie t e greitberient or whlch lies In rout our sup. reris swallowing three et our quarto of ovate /hold, before the slightest Cede, I. prom darterod 11Am:telpher that • fear °censor this rm. , - medlnlue !gets Ilte magic. and IttstinttlY I alleviates the most 0nt0.% able pale. Tell tour athlete. Meats to try It and lie c wittred - A lee one doilar per bottle. Coils dealt for fill.bargh, g Gni /LP MING, Druggist._ Corner Monte& streetanal lhe .1211 J Dd. • f•ltt.Tra rat .bureh, ernes. • (dBAT HAIR, BILDIIESS, LUND- Kyr 'AN Y ••134Ante. of THE St , Al.e.—.t ISCOVERY CAN. 411•• HE Wllll •/.1) , DUN HAM CULLW RESTVILEKNL> .•• London. Our Hest As A ir Color Itcsonter•• ••Lundo Hair Odor K. ..I.naolon Physicians Hair Color Waterer" •Iroudon Hsu Color gestorcrt• ••,.ondon Use and Halt...oleo. tee..orero .•Loodon Hale Color Restorer". ••London Recommend It. Halt Color gestorer•• It never falls to Impart life, ',wet!, and eleor to the eteueat b. or, tar... sod rtottr Its fa Hue, sod Is Sure to prod ut•e a neo gruatti of Oat, eaustng It to grow tittle and strong. veal it C nts • bottle. al the hAf Ogles. • bold by SteCLA KHAN stclilEKNA.ti r lls Kerte& etre...J. HE". A. KELLY 37 Wood Ind JUS. FLEHINO, N 4 Market street, t itts. burgh. KA , E 4 I/WATT, A lento or. auZ,l3)treees /3 ,, rts Trlnunlrg 135..1 Fringe, in WI/tte.lackand Amber, Bead 'Viten tlutpure and Clcner haVP. ointe•nd APP/IPt^ t-aa , and Cape Vella. G•eoadtne a Tl•rue; klivAn't Edge and Instal:Av. A (MI Itheof LIN t• • BAN I , KIF.R , IIIErI In riot, li•dned. cbttli, Idcred and t which we are .• at 'very lon vice, IiUT I los , •r , at varlet,. eunalnlng pi,a. • el, I. er , chet. • d etterl. nILK at:43 cont. etch—something /loop tklrta Cor•rla, a .Irwer• •nd tiTRIFFII "1 . 1"...—a. large .tock Just re cel•rd of to tern.. Hain:hum all I ravelln. nage. T o il i.e.( ..1...V1b and 111.1Kra1l. UIL A arlf, up .talcs. will b e f.,011 weal ILO k .11 1 I . rat: 0 , 0. arhlcn ....Ma to the trade a: EA,TY.ItIi ruICErl. JOS. HORNE & CO ., non commenced reenacting. I have taken roar 77 and 79 Market Street. READ THE CERTIFICATE OF Rev. R. T. FLUALIN. To us. it , v3 nr. rritt : , Dear Str:—Thla If to certify that I was take Ith the deteepele a year stalest Meech, awl. kr • peeled of eight montni, was one of th ,;e: =lsere le creeturea you aver beheld. no beta( abl <Roar to eat, itr!ok, or sl«p, sod was eotooslied to 'rola. Ste tour Incessanttl. Woo pasrlv dopriled or my reason, and bop Lad entirely left tu., all the , EA'. made ray covery baring proved frotelt I. Br too trot of November. 160, I hod lxcoroo I. tat and fatb'e se.• I G 31.10 aearcaty stand lobe. aad, to all anp•srance, wovld soon 41 stall t :no u,.tbr■ re.l TEA , advertAsnment ay wife privalled upon me to try your littler A bdttle WI. procured. end. strange to say. potties, •od •m eOiny Ins u goal • could be fop , rtes for one o[ my are (.bout slaty years.) It., no dotot that 1. was your turrets a one, under Divine rrovldence, that etr,cthd I= its woladerful care HCDSOff, 311c11. Atra.. 70. ne.s THE - HEALTHINESS OF THE WHITE PINE. Otte of the most valuable compounds that has ever been btougtt - ti.ture the Atyerleen runltc le that of the white Pine, called ',LAND, WHITS. PINEC(I)IkIUI 4 I 3 . It t. eorripottoded fr,m the Imade but of toe pine tree, Vett aro.. abundantly throaalf Out all tbr New let ling gate., •nd has Song . Geen known •na snl end for It. anttqueorhole properties. not only by I= restdent. but likewise to the wild Indians who formerly roamed the wlldernes, of the New Eng land pine region, and frum - mbuni lt• vent mcdl e.l Y.... nein to tare - been learned. LA •S WHITE PINE L./IPA:NI/Is, then. nuthlegnc,re 0r... as Its name 'rMporta, than euron'ate. ple•sant and effectual remedy male from tnasmset inside bare of bat valuable Groat tree, ntmbloed with a few other meil ano•n di uretics. its effect. a on the I Idoeys aid other secernlng organs la truly earns:sing, but per .feetly logical and sclentinc et the lame time. It wi'l it found ciecedlogir Taluabl• la all cm ment and dlscaamte.ates of the tune,. tiptoes, and we would especially recommend It where lim.lor •nd such like rentedlesbare fulled. a. be fog more active And eMsacluns for diabetes, bending from the Mdlitt s. blind plies. enuresis. graver, and .e.'7 • 'eery dinesu of the mucous Gatos of the bladder and kidneys. bold by the gross, dozen. or tingle bottle, at Du.. KEYSER'S Great Medical Store, 110 Wend street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS W. 31. BINGHAM, Jr.. Adam. Ezpreu Of. 4..44 'Vat:fired, to an aidhorthed Agent to recap Advert lasnurnts'for the GAZETTE. and all other pallor. throughout A. rnthrd Moths and the 0:modal. 101 - "SOUTIIERN EVANGELIZAI - Unfrn Nf.etlpK In behalf of the Uebbeh Setool en. 3 1C asloo an' 0r . .. , emnelt the deattute white. mad Freedmen of IS lioult..lll be held at the Wocd acre. t, (ttee.'Nt. Oil Sabbath Evening . . the atth I= teleranlox sddreeeel teILT be expeeley troll liey. siILALISH, the •trievese Tract &o ddly.. Verretery .or the rue , : Uncle .101 IN SAA.SAIt, the wall teowo Army telstlooary, atiaCib , is. Thy public arc recpbCtrullf lurltct 07f ICt r,t Tfli I '051.• 1.1...11LLS • 1.07.4.CTL1 2/4.1. , •12 , .STLVA ,11 • If II CI /4/ ILALII.L. Ills Yr brush,' 11. £167. arTHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Ittockeoldtre of Ude CtutetnY telll be held et 'he • Meeof the C0mp...1, ho. ZO south Third !greet, on Wednesday, blarch 6th, 1567, AT 12 ONCLOCIE. M. roe the Purpose or elector( ' . rerddent toe twelve Directors to serve the eusultht fete. J. J. B OICLAY, B, 'Y CHEAP LIOUbE. TWO STORY BRICK,: one roman, located In the town of Maneleld. on the llue of the l'lttdmargh nod th.o n . 0 root seven lal'es from Lot, fronting on tern *trent, lo t.eet hr le° Well of good nett, end etatde I, lo Price Only $4900. El= STEEL & WILSON. RIKIEN.BS A.ND Erti•ts No. 66 Ismltnaeld StroTt, CITIZENS , PAB4ENGEII RAIL WAY 37 MA. c HMI WA Y 'WAD — A TUESD AY N . arc. :W. ' : at c 7, —. alit to sld. on Y6bru 6 Iknor ' of Cou ' :- aterclal 0 1101 Smithfield la tot: ns ircr•co.rr Itallr••y CO.; 60 . " And t il,. It. It alo3lAllegben) K. 76 10 Ler rent. ••onds. 141 • 111011. W A INF', A.uct , .. fIUICES BLDECED — On India -Robber Bening. Hose and tern. e'sele. The, boecerd rae• sr/ Irmo 10 to 15 prr crnt lorr:r UM • Ocr rola.. rate . roll .••ortyncrit or. ban •L tn. Inals'llubber Depot, 26 aye 20 et. I 27 J.& it,rtiniars._ ‘-- OUBEI PEAS.-50 sacks now Li anding VEs.THERIL-20saCks in store, for side by rrL NAIAD DICKEY EL CV. P1E4C11114.-200 sac: and to sale by Dui( Arrixs.-100 radii In f 4u3" •t" r"` ATI DICKEY t C IMP biadminevtre: tO It ADv •IS VI ; " SERIEPIT NRW ADV .• TI NT' JAMES T. BRADY S.W., ltiocc,aors to d. Jon./ C 0..) Corner Fourth & Wood StS, BANKERS & BROKERS, DIALLIIS IN •LL 1:0038 07 Government 'Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS made on all anneasibla points In the United Suites and Canstiaa. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. - FOR RENT—From the first of -•••• Mull. the Gee TWO STORIED BRICE DWELLING, HOUSE. ou 1.. cu.t .vest. Vlavelmetc•. The lot• 1...tree...1th taut, Ice house cud troll trees. Irtkuulre at the • • fen 1,1 stANCIII(STE.It SkVINGS HANK. FOR REST.—The Second story of runt... Ming ft.( wOh water p 0010, ntl web Kool olokoe , ore,. within tl” lU t* Lilo ro.t.elee 'She imullY cuPY M.. hover story cousin of • ruuud wife ou.y. lOfereuco. J. 1311. 1 ENA yl5l'A STREET.—AII or I..taona arr. verOl, noed that lb. ref.. al , Oolutiol to rte.. tot ..ea. , maga, anal boo. fits for the opening of Nueva rAit atrvet. M cotoi Ward. lorghtuy, from pra sea ter toile ou 1 aslor -Ave.., to J acre,. a ill•tance of nt feet, ban been aka lu Dt.trlc , °art of A.•...g ben, ruutoy. at No. 1U a all fora, .eC, hlch report 1.111 be coo- Ihmod unto.. oteeotlo. 61 are Picot Within air ka from gulag the rt. p,rt. ftT.,6 J. 4.. to col,M , S. No,leltor. • ADJOURNED SALE. • THE McITAY FARM, Situate In North Fayette township, Oda coon ty, n - sr hlont.l•ro Church. will OC cu red at pu ,, lt- •aln on th.• preu 1.e., on the h twill of Stet,t,ll neat, “10 a'c'arli. A. Id 'I Mt flrm Is on +he nt Uto.nrOle about milt" f,m,thr rlty and Is tlialhiy situate, .11., .011 and WI.•ots, ...Aber with 111 tlns, mate. It con or the m,”l tie... de tatrus at the co u unty. RI e‘ementa con. etar Neat ps, lane brick. lae Barn, and f.ult trees of tn.. host varlct•ei 0.1 buaring con Iltiou. Abe tam Is partly underiald with coal an.ta few ser.s are unoe•ed• Panclpa ky f l•rre whltr oats. I, guile of .101 i • 0,05 I. VII ER, ne•r lA the S prewl-es; LIE S (CAPER, Allorn,ys, le 2210f...d4 wr toss Ilf,h Sle et, I I \ TEW SPRING 000DS. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF - Goods for Early Spring Wear, SSIECIED RITD CAFE FON 111.1 STOCKS, My customers b e s t s he nubile can rely oh bar ., one or the lnca, in the market to te et from. R. 13. INTORTCIS, 79 Federal Street, = 121=I NEW GOODK! NEW GOODS JUST kacgtrEu AT JO3£PH H . 0135' E'S ez CO.'S, We art now opening • large and wail-selected stock of SPRING GOODS cmbrt<lng t'3 that is now and desirae, in SIGN--ENGINE IN THE WINDOW A SUGGESTION TO Parchastrs of Groceries You can, savo FROM TEN TO TWENTY PER CENT By Buying at the HOUR of SHIELDS & BOUCHER 108—Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE le= TO EUROPEAN EXCURSIONISTS Teeuveler•lgne.l baring lust r•turn•d from New York, • h re howen. to perfect armors meets for booting ps!sergers during W. log s.a.mti. Is ore oared to aler every ieormation as to rata, accommodation, Se., Ur the INMAN OR ANCHOR Lines of Steamships. Vl9lll P1N0..4111. JP.. Ad•ros Itzprr.. Offit /610:174. .. . 61 Flf.h -11... 1 . 1 . 1.4;u , e , WALL PAPERS. FOR SPRING SALES OF 1567. We ate now propsrel to 0ff ,,,, 0urc. 140 .e. , an.l.tu. tr.dn gettcrally, .1 eltenGlv• c... li ctilou of Paper Haagingm, Bordets. Flre Board Prints, tar., react ocsopted by Win. Ilaslsg j.ropose doing on PAW UelV e, • HUMS Zoe, .4... Oorl'lr c . MILLS With us a , orrsept are herr.) timid,' that r ccenunts will be closed March .st. li Us", ass r.ble to b-ee our boo,. m•-.e..1 op b... for PSO,IO, WV St vl.l carosstly sad re!pert. 10117 requc.l,Pr.m ' ' ,..g g .i. b sT24;Ac A WIN. 81 Feller]. Itrret. Al erbe..y. 'l4. 11.—A e , mpletr set 0 , grocery Ortlres, rg, ac.. Of the most •pproset e. 1001010 cheap. W. Y. 00. N. _relit 56. A • Dtit i l f.A/111,ANI1 OAK • T N lIREW BEGGS • 011 sod 111..•UOIII1C11 D11.41.1tt IrmNr,rtiteSilAntitilot of .00,11 kromha to the Trade. 1 . , l'hatu bcrs. 1:1/ each... A•trti,ll7 Itoom, 11. c Alro. TILLSNPARE•T 011.13.0T111% AND PArLit WINDOW NIIAOF,, Al thlOomrist mallet price., Itt. ho. IV:Market &tree.. neat rdllt. 1.-19 , JOH. It HllOl-11ttf IL 1111(1. p LIqATHER DEAkEIIS AIXD SLIOEMAKERS Sole Leather, In qinntlites from IP) lb.. Po At Wholesale Prices for Cash. =I IMECIEMED lIMISES AND LOTS IN AIME witNN r'ITT AT AUerilirr.—The two brick tirrellin, ,hougem. Nop. pa .111 be .old en the_pretelses i , onATURI , A.Y. Feb- 41. at W Welect hey.auh contain ulne rooms awl are situate In a most I,,e.lity far tivre late nelyhtu,r h,,od rued.. 1 0.• near the besnenger cars sod wart. house. Prot ell, In this part er the cut, Is st.adily there e•lok In raid, lerms—Oue alf cash; balance In l+o )ears A. LhAitie. rr, Auctioneer. SZWEETS AND CA/FIEF:N. Plurals 1%. .1. tfol • to •rrtre• bnhn.. •• Subs • •• Ilarral• Booth and Edam . Syrup. •• •• rns .! Low %itsde to Oral •• RI Bags prima to mutt a U. lire. NI liar eels •rushed and U. Ifee dor to, 20 11 jouil to c•pulre , Fur .1" by 6111014A1t tt LAN°. I 1:411 47 -..0n 174 1% tot street R AFFLE:.—On Monday, I elini:•• 751 1567, at [Liu MottUA.l 11.111151 C, CIA gb ,11 .7 "T. ♦ GRAND RAFFLE ink take place for the rtsin , r Intipert "" hunin 'mu. rate, weighlne T. Rd p0ur:1a . ..44e. dred chances at each. - ILI ADISON NTARCIII AGENCY, Just recelaed CO boars. alt lit., Pearl starch: •• ro— du.; •• Cot do.• too •,` elt•itr Gloss :Arch. For sale low to th d e trae y the ee IiCII 'N b A ft U eL Lw ls ko, 1: and Vs Wood meet, ti In MED MODEL BARGES FOR SALE.— TWO ',MODEL lI.IRGES 145• feel tone. 24 feet Berm and 4 feet hold, Yersale low, If april , d ror.°^.- CALUWEI.L & BRO., 10 Water street I=l3 - - JON der..s • DOC • TI.LY 11 1 11'00D & BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAD AND GAS FITTERS, Cor. of 3rd and Liberty Air eet3, ABOVE CLIZROLL SNYDER% Pitts IttlttiEt. PA. Veit and Henry Ctettof forottho° promptly to tder. Special attentlOn ps.d to the shin( out and T , Putfloft of 011uelluartu, litClll9b.ts, halting Ac., Ac. Agents for A.S. Cameron a Co.'s • STEAM PUMPS AND BOILER ENGINES, These Pumps hays sopsrlor adraptogies over. I .b .r t• Cud oyes oou Is warrant.. to ply, facilou. i . .. 112,11 ,' soottautlY on ❑b•ud• CINCLNNATI lAEA.. U PIPE AND _SHEET LEAD WORKS, N 0.19 East Ninth Street. McCOIIMICK &GIBSON, Proprietors DEALICILS IN Pig Lead, Block Tin and PATENT SHOT. Make to ord., 1 . 11 . 19 and 'HEETSar any re ne1r...1 weight ant elm. :'heels per ?pear« root 2t, lb.. mid upwartla. Pipre—eallhre ti inch t • Inches. aka, eery ;lent Pint,' ter itYdraun s•.sn• and or r Maumee. o f ld .peclaily ask the attention 0 Plumbers awl noprlctoril of OIL MORELS AND 011. WELIA tZ STOCK OF CLOFiIIIG i.eLt THE F.NTIOE STOCK OF • WII.I.XSALL CLOTHISJ HOUSE. CM •lfllnß QVER 1,500 COATS, VESTS AIM PANTS Of Superior Makes and Quality, =I Ah.I7CITION 33LC10‘7021 159 Federal St., Allegheny, COMMENCING :FRIDAY, FEB. 22, o'clewt. Buyers wilt bed tt to their interest to attend this west mit . ..tire and veremptery sale_ A. LEGGATE, Aintioneer. BLEACHED Di C6LINS AT J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO'S, No. 87 Ildearls.ot IBtroot =I BLEACHED MUJLI3S 11 , 4 cent 4 oto 5-4 do 1,4 Eli ELTING: 10-4. 11-4 LINEN on EISTINU P dad LINENS: • 2/41ILIC LINENS: II Celt TutV •• Ity the yer.l BLANKEIst FLANNELS, Awl A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS ALLT-11 IVIEMT. fen GILT ORE & LIBELER itautaacturers. Wbo'..esslis and Iltt4l DeCers to TRUNKS Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. /LT 'arse .llortment of Ladtes' Sate.. ways ott baud. Nor'. 10.1 and 106 Wood St =I CHINA WAREHOIUSE. RICHARD E. BREED SMPC)RT77R• No. 100 Wood Street. 11ILITTANN I AND ILVEU PLATED TA ILLE Wa Ht. TEA TILAYB and TABLE CUT- Lala, always on hand. C 1 . 1 N A TLA clll , • IHNN ARBETB.. CHINA rUILILT BETS, CHINA VANa. , . /I EVITTOONS, BOHEMIAN. WARE of•aery desarlptlon LAVA CARD HABIL/Cid, LAVA VABICA, LAVA ENG LIBII STONE WANE of all ♦atlatles, to sot whoo.eale•nd rttat/ Mole, The leer et ruiiat complete stock - thine in this line In the OM Ilrices sad terms the unto u In the •astelt LADIES' FURS, COSH .PII.IIDJES, AT /11S HAT, CAP AND FUR STORE MCCORD & CO., 181 WOOD STREET. REMOVAL NOTICE. ON APRIL 19T. WE WILL RE ...v. so No. 13 Diamond. Pit tab ursb GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, Hardware, Cullers' & Variety Goods, No. 3 St. Clair Street Li door from the Bridge, PITTNIIIMWEI, PA 9 A VON% t .19:1'1 Gunsand of all kinds always on band. Guns and. klatots rCIT•Ired• no...nand B +ors ground and nut. Al.a , pentalle blade. I , • rc.d. FOR SALE. Butter-3,800 lbs. In Firkins I= CHOICE CANNED FRUIT, CICARS, ETC., And Lease of Warehouse, - No. 201'.LIBERTY STREET. loruff TOIIMENCE 13, L.-3(01N,, Sealer of Weights and Measures Ocoee: No. 29 21.1111.111ZT STREET OEM GEORGE BEATEN, Candy Manufactarer And dealer In EUREION AND AMERICAN FRUITS, rtexuan. NIITM, AC, AC.. No. 112 Federal street, SPeund door hem the lint N•tlnp• , R•nk. 1.181.2 ALLIGHLSIL!..ITT. P 2.1, ORLNGES AND LEMONS.- d Lemove in prime Frerli elepte:arteli7 Tor „ tr . , st the _fate.. Zi ' r d ire ", 4 u go r t ' e " " J NO. A Ij% 11 tl ~ . fell Isibertl iIIFAHLAAD & COLLINS Offer at Wholesale and Retail, CARPETS, A. new etock of andlter, Which unnot. excelled in extent variety. Window Shades, In Wenn, Ton color, Bull', Laygder. Drab, and fancy colors, with pialn,! treat and rich wig n o d Vc'vet borders, orerota different Mlle, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, A❑ the best ostterns In mArket In sheet: 3, G 7.%11%, 18 And 24 fret srlde. I TCH WINDOW BOLLARDS, 'HMS, Green, Blue and White, In el widths English Woolen Druggets, soot coot., a, 3% and 31( UNA wide, WOOLEN AND LINEN CRUMB CLOTHS, INGLISiI WILTON AND {BEAM BUGS, Swiss Lace & Application Curtains, In bittern. that are not to be found otrewhere. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, English and French MEd rr cunTaldr GOolls, New Patterns Cornices, Oar-pat wad Clurta l23 . . UPHOLSTERY. °niece proundlnd esreflaill exected. Virll end careful endy a eepertenced upOo u luterera t• of part of he coun , rx to tsp carpets cud AU p eurtalue. t obudes, Ac. TFARLIND & COLLINS, It and 73 Fifth I Street. building to United Rates Cuttoto tient - second floor. x:t.:l, •4 M. SIMON, =I . 68 31EKET STREET. perthathe the 4ttre 51thk of CLOAKS AND SACQUES, Clreulars and Mantles. OE THE L4TE4IT firrir 1.1110E4r al= for sale AT A LOW FIGURE, pnratary to rt•tiving • Soli.ndld Stock FOR THE 'SPRING WEAR. Ell!=l1C1 SHOULD CALL AT ONCE l't'tlrol t[ Attentlol Pal• 1 to Order. left fo li armed ie to In• made le the XJAL.TY7BT EST - 4" LB. SEEDS! SEEDS !1 We are bow Prepared with Our SPRING STOOK 7E4'ield, ANL) FLOWER SEEDS, iiIIEASTEIT IftESII AID GE I% W. offer rpeclal Inducements to Market Gardeners and Gauntry Merchants. ALL OUR SEEDS ARE TESTED Before 01!b ring for Sale HAY PRESSES. Ingersoll's {land and Horse Power PNLEINIEIZIE/.. A Full Stock of all Sizes. 32C-IV - C: 0 ,2C., 137 Liberty Street. CO♦LT D . Z. 6.. ..n 711. IC 'CM!. BARR. KNAKE & METTLER thmee.sors to WA.IIICLINS.a HAM!, N 0.12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh F, - ... • ê p Pianos, - Organs, And Musical ,Goods sa-solo Apanaa fur Oa t'elebrated DRADBII. NY, New lurk, and SCIf92I.I.OIC.EIa A CO.. Philadelphia. MAN.'S. Also. ENTIEY A , V.'S •`cI!TTAnL.I . and 0. D. it H. W. BaIITIPS ••AXERICANw VR OANS. .odTILTUN•n PATENT (MITA& The bast Italian and German Violin .pd Dol. tar Miring. a1...e0n hum. SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS PITTSBURGH, PA. SAMUEL M. WICKEEISILAM, Iron Mtroker, 124 First Agent for the sal* ofearnerall. Denagnmore. Joesublue. leehelle. 1/uuewsnon. 'Stanhope, °leaden. aud ostler nrand• ursu itraelle.' Y oaf luehevT c o e,,,,nd °upbeat's C. 11. I:Stare. al S IB WON S. utruslosomente and orders respectful! suite a 4:rml CAUSTIC SO 1, Both American and English FINE NPUITE BRANDS For Oil Refining Furposoe, Constantlyon bind and for sale Ira qnsintltler to molt purcb saerr, by JAlth ICEBVEY DOBBS, . 246 Pearl street, N, Y. INUNIENTS, GRAVE STONES em:3 PITTSBU CI. M.O, Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, Vases, DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION tMortyyertim 01 , 1 an to N L i-SECOND Annual Report of the NEW YORK Life Insurance Company. OFFICE NOS, 112 S 114 BROADWAY =2 Amount of Assets. Jan. 1 , 134 6 12 3 X L ," " amount of pretolono. r AZ l 7l d "ithignt:"4.. —' 2 . 72 " 1 " celved and secru.o.l. lo e,milog premiums on gold. AO :33,733 04 --- 2,053,411 47 DISIMILSEMENTs Paid Incea br loath 114a5.127 a Pal , on a••fount. tf Urn.- It foilc... Ti as raid Orr rearmptl,s of d •Ideuda. 4 surc oneregandacterled . Pottct. a 217,2 C 42 Paid salartrt, Printing. and QC, EIPC/I.ll' al,Es 51 Paid Commlssirns and AgennY Eatwases4..... 220,790 a: Paid for Adverthong and Medical Examinatlgt w. CAC C raid Tsar.. litteroal Cov eting Stamps, and Law Expece• 24,C0T SI ---- 1.147,901 52 • Cash On dialank, and deposited In Linton Trust RR to 79 • oropany Invest,d In United Mate. • Stocks. colt 1,139,56124 Int e l.ret ea/. $1.5=733 71) • In NeW York City listils swots. cost • • 65,301 60 (Rerltt sslue t $4.7.514.) In•ested In Co York Mute Stocks, cost 751,426 66 (Reek. •alue, 3513,M.) Invested in uth , r Mont., cost 21,07 50 Market value, 100 MO) Loant on dented, secured tre I! IS andoe,her cts 311.600311.600 00 LL R ot oo Reel *state lILMS (Market valise, 111 1 OW.) b. Bonds and niceties's,. 4 , 3.00 111 limuilurchlotesonexistinn rolicte.,bearlon let-erst 1,134021 40 Qn rerl• and ocal-annual Premium. due bse quent te•lstn. ( MT 231,420 n /teemed Interest (not dot) • to uants 14.101 . Acctued Rents •not dui )to • Januar, 1,13 C 1,C4112 Fermium. on Fultete• in hands of Areas and In teams of tratterniSalon— U 9 745 U 041.717.1111 U The Trusieeiblee deehred a Return Perin lum s• follow*: t.Tio Dividend of VIFTS Fair CE•T upon all partiolnatlog pro =lures on en lolng Y0w1... notch were Dotted the utoutus t•rior to Januert - IRV, eau the he dempth•n of the Dividend. oemared Intl.. Cut ti denies will ••e redeemed in l'esti, on and after the drat Mondy in Muth Urn, on re is Itsilon at the Nome r Odle, ',alleles subj P ect to Note. wilt be credited with the itedesopaan on the settlement of nest premlnia. • By order of tit. Board, WILLI&II H. BEERS, Aetaar7. • n n . Ink the veer . 7,34 new raid. wen hotted • Corti g Balonee,Sbeel or 1 lb., Company Is, : ytarr , 1147. Assets ss above, at cost ( Posts t •sLos r.occan fOr doe , d sot to Jai, IPSI 461,P11 41 rssd Ps.porled Losses. swatting proofs, 40.403 DM Ifcs. v.. 1 for snarls( Dr. pos r it furl:10100r cllll O ran ZI4 C Am• ont reservcd for rein. auctuce on all existing (witch (valuations at 4 p• c nt. Interest, not premium) aewrp ••• ........ . 4,• MILT eo l'it znlnra. larad prior to 1, 64, pa yob's on .1 mind 2`,311 IS H.. 10 I, orrice., (ass, 013 tube pain) =1,61336 lirtUrll Per alum. 104 (prescot •ntur) ..... ..•.=CT 423,617 0 A li cte Premim, (n u rea n ent value( u 0.47,1C Cprele Itcserve (not dl. Tined/ 31,111 31" s3,7r.Sle =IIE==3 • • Tort Life lonlrAllne Co. JOHN N. NIX N. Untruth,. t Nixon. 1 7 .7 Goods.) No. 45 War en niter. DAVID t ttiteld Dns-k e s i-oath Co.. 'lour !ter -18'41111..d. 71 ' o t tt • 8211 lain gs, eorne r et William and Floe Meet.'. DANIEL h. MLLLEN, Clue D ater.MUlert Co., Grorers.) W M. C. Li iIrENBIII RT. (PAM Estate Broker.) HENRY William K. 2.0120.4 Y. (Bogert Kneeland.) J"O•o. 42 et N L. Stre (t•te With. Rogers A Co., Imbue en.) No. 64 William street. Jolt if MAINS. (Stereo...l No. 'J) South street. DUL.L• Y B. YULLKitt, (hullar. Lord & C 0..) No. IC Greene Ph street. JUn NI E. et. IL ..1411.n. President at the Metro.. a ). Be re t. n LETON, ( Ippieton t Co., Pub ' 'letters ) Nee. 441 and 447 brotetwty. itt•BERT B. C1it.1.1.42. (Collins it Brothers. titatl.dters,) No. NI Leonard Street. WILLIAM b•lttTuN, (Vim. Baton &Bon, )No. N Wall street. NM. A. (Booth d Edgar.) Ne. IS Front street. SAN u se C oo., President Eagle Eire Inn:- rause Co., No. 7t Wall serene.. eV/ 110U(/' 43. Banker, (Tan achalch. Masse .t 4 8. C 0..) No U v./11118m street. Ile le KY BOW IL -IS (Rowers. Beekman rad ford. Jr.. Dry GoOdE) ao. se Leotard street. CIIARLY.ti ANT"ON x ( •ntnotty LLB, Dry: 440005.) N 0.17 Leonard tweet. lionitiet FRANKLIN. President, le 4AV KEN °ALL, Vice President WILLIAM 11. DEERS, Ae*nary. TH , 01)01?(C N. BANTA, Cutler. Co"N Kt.] BS B. 888 RBI% M. D.. YMlctl N °Nur E., M. D., f Itsamlo CMABLE6 WHIG lIT. M. L.. AM't. Alocf. X A. G. RECALL, General Agent A.T Information desired bo foonl.ned on VI Vl4l= et !?f7A " N B E. A 11 . FO " CYL F , r • ' Ain Viz tf. rencOn. .T•RIES W. Aimorr. Genera! Agent. teM:t9i IILLINGIR & BID ELL, IiONONGA lIELA PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARDS Carson Street, South End Ito nongahela Bridge, •tv{e Mock of DRY LUMBER on hand, we ore prepared to fornleh slideerrip tlona4 DttLits laUstilEli for a.., at lowest market rate.. Dula ers and those intending iv build ' , this Is the moat favorable time for mating their ar rangements, as w• have &large stock of FINISHED WORK ON HAND. fell,t3l J . S. NEWSITER a CO., Commission Merchants, And deniers In FLOUR. GRAIN, FEED AND PRODUDE, Will mote to Silt LIBERTY ISTLIZET, on Marsh Ist., where they will he pieseed to see their friend. •ad patrons. fe10:173 MD CUTLERY! CUTLERY! CUTLERY! Everybody Goes to C2IG-31:01%7'8 For Fine litnives, 67 and 69 FlFill STREET, 4 DISPATCH BUILDVAD. PITrAtIVAGU, PA. linerin L on.. Pcoul,ron'e Orem. Leonetti urcr, Feb 24, ( SPECIAL NOTICE.—PIans. VA TIM •Titi snit Mats of Arremment on the PrOly. truhrwee In the ennetructlon the "West per Commun" aeo "Belmont" Sewers, will n Den for lusurellon at this Onler. for • period if Too Man f otn this dam. ordur of IMMO. and Common Councils. WM. McliEN LILY. Recordlom M gelato, MEM NOTICE.—To holders of noun ty Rondo of the Second Ward, ellerhee7. from No. 1 bp to 20{) Of the nmt Immo, dated neptember in. 1514: The Stave numbered Ronde wilt be paid et the °Mee of she A LI.I.UHICNY ThLST etrhIPANT, on • r before the/VIRST LAY or MARCH. WM. The 10 torest enhe hood. bib be mopped after Shot dote. by oer of the Board. • Itu order Lab. ermildent. Jobs Shown, JR., Seereturl. 1013:144 _ WST COMMON MACHINE TUNE WOhiCa. Northweat Corner of Was Common, ALtsonZAT. TRED . B. Ala VATZR •CO. Have on hand or prepare on abort natio@ HEARTH AND STEP STONIER YLAUS POE BIDE-WALlid, BREWERY - NAM:TB. At.. • HEAD AND TORS. STURM. AG.. Ac. girvrd ere promptly executed. PRICES REA BON ABLY. • .11:6110 OTICE.—A. rare chance Is flow oscessa to those who with to •eyotre • perfect tnowledga °Mu art or PHONDUILA- Puy, or SNORT HAND WIOSINtI. • clue to now being [cued by • practical Reporter town. London. Ragland. Addreu 00111.4 . a. (7., °Amer= Ofrici, • T. BROOME, N 4.90 Pena 900430 F NOTICES. , REFINER'S V. . - 41)1114.TION. IRFFIN The I eti';.''.'.'l()Tl'arifi'Nf.'lit7lTTri...l Ilo"n'nt I arseers, will ho Livid at their rr wit, .n It Al.. 711 L a BMlLlitNis' lit ti. s) . eh TLi.s. I 1/ / .1. 16th Intl. at Jo cluck r li 'all attendance is trilF l, - I Fe d 1 It M. 1.0 • 03, eeerstsry pro - - • Pirran•ou, Tr. WAY,. ,k CUICAGO }LW, Co.} Oiler Eir Me Seneuev • Plrrinmett, reb. leer. Ia:rTHE ANNUAL MEEILNG of the Stock and Bondholders of this Compel)) for the election of Directors and such other t•uslne.l as may come before it. will be • eld at the oMce of said Company, In the Clty of Pittsburgh. on the • Third Wednesday, , (20th,) of March, A. D. 1667. • AT 10 O'CLiCE, A. Y. The htoh. and Board tronaer books of the Comps., at their Miler In the City of Plttenarsh and at the Trsnifer Ago., In the city of N.." fort, wtll be elobedon the 4 th HAY OF MARCH. at/ and rsmalm closed until the 21st day of March thereafter.' fr 2 T. 11. ITTCHlNSON,9eeretary, OrklChfOr Uhrok Ital;NlNGKetirtkOrtts 6 CO., / tiaratCll. February 11, 11el. rgErTHE ANNUALthe MEETINGUNION of the Stockholders of ReFIF rso AND sTuittll CO. wi MO N DAY at their 1.3 Liberty s tye et, att , March lob. at I o'cloek P. W.,' for the tulip°. or elect ing • Board of Directors to serve for the taint- Inc year. soothe trau”ctio nor sack other bust , net. as may be broccro before trio tat Mal. V. LA.Nti, tiectetary. EgrAN ELECTION FOR PRESI DENT. XANAtiE RS and OTY'D !EMU Of the Cam parry for ending a Bridge truer the Al .o legheny Rive,. opposite l'lttsPuru B. In the ROUGE. of Allegheny. vrlll be held at the TOLL HOUnE, at - the tooth 1041 of the Bridge. ott MONDAY. 11.- 4th day of March liost , at the hour ..f o'clock P. m. tri•irls WM. ROSEBURG. Treasurer. t I IarDIVIDEND NOTICE. MEM UrrICK PIS - 1,1,11011 & BOST°, 311,r111n Ca . .. Irbruary 1. , Ml 7. } The Directors of toe HUH AND Nrw. su co. have theinerd a dividend of TII 01.11.i.A.8S (6.1) per Share, u stde‘ amd at elme of osslnel. this day. ayable to stockholder. on and atur Monday, (111 lust. TilOMAs. resumer. VAL.” H. C.. Feb,PlnnnCYG H. }I, Mr" THE REGULAR ANNUAL Of the Iflockboidersuf the Allegheny Talley Railroad Co. MIZIEI = Will b held et the Omce of tha ner of Plte,ud Cash .tceet•. Pi t II o'clock. A. forelectlon of BoaM MousAera to men, for tloo eu.olog Tear. And o traria., suAtt other bounce. as may he pre entcd. ' WILLIAM PIIILLIVS, fe4,71 Precldont. U/7101 Ol A LLSOlienT VAL• 13011, LLY Ist, It. Co,, J igrNOTICE TO HOLDERS OF YIaSTMOItTIiAIi FL W N 113 u V THE AL LEUHENI VALLEY I1e.11.1U1A1) Cf./SWAM'. —The Allegheny Vaa ley Itallroad Conerally here. by glee :mace that they will redeem ilia Within two 7ears from Wad..., In aseardan • with the proslelons of the mortgage given to s • ears the fa• meat of said bowls. By order or the Board of Manager.. 110,15 'WILLIAM StISILLI ltd. Yrestdent. PORSIALE-In the second ward, Alleirbany, two , small two story TliA6ll.: iiZel. front; r alley, four roan. each. wltrt a porch In Vito good order. Price. 11,25 each; Pig e..b on eac h House: the balance la one year. Po ss •ss lon can be bad of nne acne= now; the oth , rat Oa 1.0 of April They tan be rented for sib per month. Enquire at Nu. It B area:, of 17.41.nEY li oLt.. fe2 Beat Istate Howie. FOR SALE. The house Is a neat Itrirk, containlag a dont cellar. a .s rooms add a finished •tttc. Water I the house. and gat in every room. All to pot • order. Ctdialte at 8111 EtaT sruk feltat7 Allegheny City. =l3 FOR SALE, Fri =! SOUTH PITTSBURG H. REMOVAL. • In conneetion with our batons In Philadelphia and Wasting on, we ' , aye creme" • N-It W TVBX 11 , XliE at ibowe lonai"on. and offer our aereleea to Banks. Bakker. and tarectore for the Iranian tion of thole ',winner in this city. innlaolkg tit:l, and sales of liOrianraiNT MS. &el/elle. BOP DeAna CI 01.0. We are COO. antle 'epemented at etc Mock. Exchange and hold Board. where Orden sent us are prempqr id 71. e a Wig: eA LL 1841317 buying and selling al current prices. and 5 / 10 .. fJ Inc correep•mdeata the most liberal rata,' the 'orlP•nr. cor - market Creeds. 'Atwell, on reaRAM • • JAY COOKE & CO. Tuesday. Feb. 26th, 1567, Tittering Marts-awe Bond• of the Co FOR BALE HOUSE %IND LOT THE HOENE AND LOT No. 40 Craig street, first Ward, Allegheny. The Prue ts • substantial two-story Irene. In go , tl repair. The lot Is U fret I runt on cralg street and 0 feet deep, es wooing to.Pennatt jrani a Canal. Inquire sot Jartionis a I al.l DIAMOND Pittsburgh. FOR SALE, , 4 Two rears Lease Of &three story bulidlngon P obd street, biter. Fourth sad Fifth streets. Possession its April Ist, leaf. A splendid bouts... loretlo Addres 110 X 5133. Pittsburgh P. 0 fentlltta FOR S4LE.—A 'very desirable for el tiler a Tan Teed. Woolen ?actor, or Plasma viii. !hostedat gleCagiia Station, on thefileretanil and Pittsburgh Rail r al e tti d oia g igla 4 j:lti l o7o f n ro lrin! .l l .b . u . " .; b .bel !rot length, IS feet wide. Slue of lot ItaisaSii three fourth. under good fence. Enquire of frv:ltuwra JOHN Itilltll.2l.T;'Allerbeng. JHICKLING h CO.'S GREAT • OF WATCHES—On the DoPuiar gine Deice pan,giving every patron a handsome and re 'retry for the log price of Wen Dollitesl W !chant regard to value. -td not tO be paid fur outcast/ea-cal satlavelotw. SOO Solid Goid lianting_Watches....C lo to $250 • 500 Magic Caned tiold Watches :IA to so, 501t.ailies• Watches, Znamelled.... 11.0 to LC 1,010 told Linn Ling Chronometer War chef iwi/ to SW 1.100 Gold Bunting English Levers... ZOO to 0,00001,1 wonting Duplex Watches. 150 to Yoli 5 IXOtiold Iluntigg American W to ISO 1,00 Silver Hunting I erers 10 to MO 5 ittryllver blunting liorresesv. ..... 11 to 100 Loma 11401.1 Lavl.s• Watenr• 50 to :50 too,. Gold Hunting t Wires. ... • 50 to Is In,ool et I.o.M.:mous Oliver Watches— Soto Ito fit OW Hunting sliver Watches tt to 50 . 4,00 A”orted Watches, •il kinds"... 10 to Ili rvery patron obtains Watch by this arrange ment, molting but $lO. while It may be worth $l,O. partisitty shoo n. Messrs. J. wickilng d •lo.s rlreat America. Co.. hew Tort Lay oso to Immediately Me lrose of the aboveMaig nificent Sorsa. LC111:011.5 0•1311. - g fancies. are placed lo sealed envelopes, holdsrs :re entitlen to the •r lees [11.1..4 en thglggegiifigmeg. upon DaYmerit ot len Dollars, lnether It be a ',Paten worth $75.• or one worth ss. II he return of any of on • certificates enti ties pm •0 tho art•cle named the.eon. noon pay ment. Irrespective of Its wont, and as no arti cle valued lett than 4.0 1. named on any certifi cate. it Isla at once Pt aeon teat this .1s no lot tery, but • •traig ot °coward ler/Mutate transac tion. way he garlic paled teat PS the most fastidious. A litre. certificate .111 he sent Orma li n, post -11,e1" 4,`gf 1 0'. 1 :1,1!noulP,A,IITIL:1'27,1rt ?10,1"ro V. Ta t T figtrits or thory itt employmewt thin . la a o ed by ernmtnt and opens , co, the most earel al scrutiny. Try sig. eddrcss. .7. LIICLINU CU., 1411 Broad A way—wear V. 0. febOilf4 . City of New s ork. FIBRIN COTTON WORKS, E. HYDE'S & SONS • =1 = COVERLET TARN, CANDLEWICK.. -4/ 6=! COT CON WAILPS, /La. fr.. W EST CANAL STREET. betareetgßoblnaon and Lactsek. Allegheny City. L. .P. h.—All orders oy matt • ttended to. not'ne9 gUPEIIIO6,OA K TadliNED,PA'r tfTfISITILILD AND EIVILTED LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, Ildoothetured at No. 581mm:trump *T., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Also, Agent. for New York Subber Co. Gum Belting Aiwa's ork bawls • ruperlor qvallty of LACE LEATIII.II. and GUM 1111/RANT kIUdIC. CUP 111VICT$ BUIL`4,I.Si.LT illOOKNete. f IV"Rs''lVirW7Ua A.llll stock of the above racking alWa.. on hand. which we Will sell to Dealers. Railroad thampsnies and.oonsumers at the same prices as it can, be purchased from the manufacturers, as weber. been appointed dole Agents for Western Penna. Call and examine it at Nos. as and as st. Clater . J. 8 11. lit= hOle Agents. T. B. BLACK, 4S-I.lery, Three doors abate Limit Wield Street. PITTSBURG'', PA. Evert kind of Work doneon the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. rankedar attention peat so J obtend. 1.14 :Ks HOMES, BELL & CO., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, Manufacturers of ANCIFIOyt (A) PINIEETINGN .ANCINOW(B) ?MEETINGS. ANCIIOR (C) NIIEETINGS, /LIM 111A.TTINti. tnIsSI 825. BARTLETT . RoF, 'SEWING MACHINE. ' Best cleat. Licensed Maclaine le tee Vetted Mate. As entimaated ertrynbere. ray OSO saw per month. Zoelrma iptamp and addreas PAGE BBAYTit it 9 theocrat Amu. to 614 Chestnut etreet. 1 biladelptda. and 921 bannalt street. Toledo. Ohio. ' deiipt unmet M. rErry. I ( ET NONE BUT A WM Real Fatale Arent. No. 13 at. Clair 8 82 6,000 TO LOAN ON NOIITUAGIS, In sumo of 1300 nod 'onward Heal Estate bought sad .old SS33raIIZEL HAS NOW A LARGE STOCK OF PURE TINE CoNV ECTIONATURO, RARER EOPP end a ll other iroate ha his line Ploie T 96 HOG:MAI 21, me he calls special at tention to his eeoerlor WIELD ERN Ulr. lbSd 91 federal BL„..Allegheny. anyhow BAna & mosEn, • ..sazzopcx•riaowies, Trani. ASSOCI.O•ION WCILItIn(3. Non and • nr. CLAM. MLLE?, I's. Marcial attention given to the designing and bnildling of Court Houses and public litaidLnits. aliel 20RIMS. CIIIP gusric receiv ed and for Wear oirtoZ A.. KELLY A Co. dal Wbolesale Dnurelste. V Wood meet. WA WANTED, -- AN ENCINEER. A ' man who naderstaud• naming Ltlitaatniii dvplT at re= _ OATETTS COUNTING ROOk. VANTED.-500 • clerks, and and then.o now oat ofplonnant In Pittsburgh. to how that AND ent W . % Oh GENERATOR continues to tell better Queens. Yortuees he rustle bre selling tights hd the Bees erste, It Is the only Oleg of tbe than that Ith real merit. •uctess Is the ntstadnytt. Cosh salt see what streets art meting. No. 10 ..• 4 4ig . CT14 .' 5? '• t. WANTED—AGENTS—The best Chance yet. A Work of Ui.toricoi Vahan and National importance. The out y Work on our Nav yet In the field. PAMEAUUE Alin OUR NA VAL CCIIMANDEISS, by lion. i.T. MCAULEY; the Meting:Dolled Author sad M. torlan. ln one handsome volume: illustrated bend Monne tot teems and territory. Address A. 0.. TALMITT, 58.11avket St.. rittoburanjon WANTED. --Graduates of Lit omo Commercial Colleges to ellipig pernrunentli In business reqsdrinx buleenua• ship And business correspondence , stpply , eritbreference. to B. H. CI:9MAX. 99 Grant street. oser kebisster 41, Giisssea's 's L. (knee. opposite Court Ho s se. • dell mil WANTED-AGENTR--TO SELL thr CHILDREN'S ALBUM, or W/CTURR3I AND iSTVISIK.e., written and coMPIIMi Be , ABA BULLARD. The Boot conivos • lice Porten of the author, more tbs. pone 'hundred pictures, and la nicely printed wed wand, sad mast please all the children. Addcass. W. J. BoLLAND a CO.. N. 73 Third street, rittsbargh, cmas:a BANKS AND BANKERS BA:MEM HOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO., Corner Wall and Nassau Ste., New York HART, CAUGHEY &CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER. THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PITTSBURGH. PR, 3TIOCLESSOIO TO vasa, HIST & 01) I= Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And pat ttenlAr . tltttl i :o . lit to the pur- GOVERNMENT BONDS. a7.1311111T DBLYT.I ON LONDON. DM :s= N. HOLMES & SONS, 313A.1V - 33.13../3, No. 57 Tarket Street, PITTSDIIEGIL Dentist ts reeeleed In Par Funds and Curreeep. Codectlona made on all the principal point.. of the United etates and Canada,. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT KO SOLD OH CCOCCISESOIL Puttenlar attention iiald to the purchala and U. S. Sectirities, Itelading t. Sysrs OF 1P111.: do. It-to.; t. 25..FIVSS 10.40.; U. S. CEIIIIVICATE.'S INDEBTZONEEIS. Orders and Vo..kkersbovibL oroolletted, ITT :BURGH _ BANK FOR BAVINCB, formerly the DIME 9 AVLNUS INTIITUTION) 67 Fourth Street, Noorly Opposite Rook of Pittslostegh CEARTFRY II IS 1881 OPEN 13•1.. Y from 9to 4 o'cicak, dof WaLiN P.SDAT AND flairtittDAY en DIU.% from bit to ov.mberlst. 7to llo'clock. gad from Pi ovember Ist to Stay 1.1.6 to 11 o'clock. Books of tly.Lavrib dc.ferntabed at tlfe ogles Tois Institution ...facially eller to time whoa& earning. are . litultbd. the opportunitY to aueno mulate. by email reposlts. tally saved, atom weird mill De reionrce a.nen needs.. and bete ls. interest instead of remaining unproductive. coarcl. c7•l' ntroamagerriiis i•uema.r: GICOME A. BEIIIIT Tics raaSIDENTS: S. Et, HARTMAN., JAMES PAHL EZCnZTAST AND TBRAMAXI D. E. MeSINLIY. A. HEADLEY. WM. A. HHICICS. A. b. BELA., P. RA HAL JNO. b. DILWORTH .10b/111• RHODES, G. FOLLANS.R.E. JUIIN SCOTT, JAS. L. O. lf, R.. e t CH 111 ER ZIA:. SoLzctious—D. W. A-A.IA Wlia.L. 7ATIM:b4O* J. F. STARK & Go., 13.ANSERS, Corner of Wood and Third Streets. samnr .a...xcnzia IBMICELL DM STATES BONDS, GOLD, SUR AND COMB, =1 ENGL . /04P. FRANC& GERMANY. rrALY. 13,1,95,, •e. paysif.:o3oll.l: IA at) al LOUGEIREIT. SADDLE.DAB- J. kbd AND 'MUSS MANUFACTURER. 10111 Wood litreet. haa taken Into bartnershlp Rom the lot of .11116137. 180 T, ALLEMANDE to PitCW, late foreman a the establlattnem. The baldness will be continue.: lithe old eland under the name of LoppailicY A 7112 W. LOUGRREY & FREW, I=l Saddles, Harness, Trunks, = I= NO:1 - 02 Wood Street, ((betweet% Diamond Allay tad TIM 9t.,) = 0-PARTNERSHIP. Yebrnary 11th. IYT. I HAVE TIOISL.IIIAIf ASSOCIA.. TS:D.lth me la:he Duquesne Wham Works, aMt;EL FUHAILoTuIt and Tait,. 7. CULL !! N. Thank itil to my Mends andanaemia TIMID. fir their very patronnye In the past, Ida =Oat reopeetfully eolith. a Contlnuatee of their wont. C. COLLILLai. Inerenserl fulllttes for trovtofnetnsiog all Arlo serlptlon of Plain and epilog Via•ons. Cute, Drays: every style of Patrol Barrows sell Trucks.. Also, rooms< d Hobe and'huned Orestes, 13.7 hakes. Ile, Forks. ate.. te. CULLMAN. FI3FLIttnTEEI Co.. Marton Arcane, In front of Penttentlat7. felroSl iziDtViPhlleitigAsitso;ll.l=l GROVER a. BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are Tin 1311:33T fckr lamlly sad Maanfactorhar P.Pons. Call and N. them at .Pfo. IS Firth Street. DON'T BE DECLIVEB BY Flourishing half column adverttscientlor Infe. tine ataeh , uta. but eat a (111UV/11l • BA haa been fully testa far am. teen Team and ta by all otenpe-( tent Judges. pha etons:teed the BEST • UOL Noe 18 Siti.3 a. •is treat, 000:066 GROVER & BAKER Pore Holiday Wit. It is rell.bLe. perfect and, hemline the best. Don't fill to call and see 'lnt = SEIOE. HARNESS & CALRAILAGE ILLKIES should see the new • MB it BASBB 30. I sum 'MIME Before baying elsewhere. It ta the beat 10t :heir /Or Hie at novhuGS 80.. rN 117TH STILE T THE GBOTER & BAILER SEWINC MACHINE Is the Ultima Moils of Msillatacts. Pleats call ass examine It at • . RO IS 171111 SPRZET, II