The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 22, 1867, Image 1

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Ptrausurm BY
?BMW, REED it CO.,
zao• cie situ= iirrocm.
F. R. H
? PPM24I-131AN. Egitorx.
Blairle Copies .
cheered by carrier, (per wresti..—;.. 15 Coate
Matt babacrlbers, (per Yter) / M .OO.
Liberal redactions to ZievesboTT snd Art".
ThreoCoptes; per year. by .....
Plea do. do. do. each......
Tenor more cord., to one addreer. and
one clot, each
The ihdirm• Irnir and rextlial
At tbe nunday School room of Trinity
;tr,pikoptiii Church. Sixth Areal., will he
contiOned 'tills evening. runner will ha
,t.ervag Ett.G P. 0.. and thu Fair will continue
until 0 r. N., when It will cl.c by a Pak, at
'auction of a 'variety of fancy artichts,
• firologleal I.ecture,
At, thalvertuty Bull to-night.
`.: taseekilaster
At i'donnle.ilall to-night.
Zitovvratiay at Bpenes . o, Sp. 73 Markei St
The Greatest Sale of the Fieason.
Tho Opera Mute Shoe Store la tall blunt
Go today.
-Lodlon' Furs.
-At the lost clots Fur House of Wm. nom
lug, N 0.14, Wood street.
Important Truth,
TIM fact ias become well estaLlished that
a large class of diseasee can be 'traced to
depraved state of the blood, anti are restllly
ouretlby Adel _remedies de will enter lets
the blood, and expel from it all particles.
By this-means the remedy can be brought
Into ImMediate contact with the disease.
The remedy that stands pre-eminent for
thia Purtaiso le Dr. Keyser's /Rood Searcher.
Scrofula, Elitg's Evil, Cancer and Canmr
mia Tumors, White Swellings, Enlargement
of the Belles and Joints, Chronic !Chown.
time and 'Gent, Eruptive Diseases of the
.ISkin, old and Indolent Ulcers, (lentil - o.llnd
Goitrous Su - 011111gs of the Throat and Neck.
are cared by DE. KEYSEP. , S .111.00 D
SEARCHER with a certainty that has ns•
Welshed evert men- well schooled In tut:di
em, D.untireds of such persons are new
aullatmg with diseases of this class, who, If
they knew the mires made by Dr. Keysur's
Blood eeareher, would not hesitate ono 1.
stunt in giving It a trial.
trial will glve COIIIII.ICTICC,.ti perEOVC,
L . ., =CO la the use et the medicine will restore
himdreds of sufferers to health and useful
-.lle .ireif ut and oak jiff Dr. frelisrr'. Blood
Searcher, mid;takc no Water. It your drug
glrts di, not keep It, write to Dr. Ney:wir, 140
Mood iitreetainit ho will send It by expres,
al per bottleiltix bottles fur V.
At Masonic Mull to-nicht.
Don'i EnlC
To call Ms day at, Ko. 73 Market fitrect, for
it new Spring ,acque.
Spring, Styles or Slats - add Cops,
dt the fashionable Rat and Cap llpuse of
Wm. Flouting, \o. 139 Wooil street.
Undeniable .Attraction•,
Alt the Opel& Meat, Shoe store, where
'joy are closing out all goals at leas that`
vest, to order to go into the wiioleaale bust
BUJ Pi h!ski. pea - re and Cnnmits•
“Let me haye teen about me that are fat,
sleek heitded men—Ton Cassius has a least
and hungry look; such men are dangerou,”
So said Snukspearc, Now Castes, lilie
many another simple men, was slim because
'he know-not how EP upnreante imoti
11 he were hrinn to-day ho would not be re
preached heeateni lean, for at Itoltzheimeria
Contlnentallbalonn, he would repair like ell
Sensible mantle. and pirtake of thesplendid
ly gotten np meaLs and he us sleek and fat
' n41:119 - SpitllErrtot. . taisins - weal,' appreci
ate Tioltztteimer's bill of fare and would be
One Of the numinous patrons who throng
this populaf rustaurantday and alzht. -ts
Casino In dead, We ran only telrlee lean men
like Urn to patronize no other • reAnursat
than the Continental, next door to the Post
°Mee Fifth street, unless they want to keep
lean and spare-honed.
Mac Allister
AL .11xisonip Bull tonight.
Tho Prettfeet
Aod most stylish wrap, for spring wear, Is
now in store at Spence's.
Country Dealers
'Will do well to attend the Great6laty Days'
Sale at the Opera Ilou a Shoe Store, as they
will there find a greatvartety of goals suit
ed to their trade, and ter lota money than
they eon be bought in the Itaetern market.
„ To Housekeepers.
.Good Tomatoes at 30 cents per eau. •
Stramberrtes at 40 cents.
Jilackborries at 40 cents.
Peaches at 10 cents.
Peach Marmalsdo at 50 cents.
reach Jam at 30 cents.
Goad Raisins at t• 0 cents per nomad.
uaoa Prune. at as centsper pound..
0/ocsl Currants at 21 cents per porad.
At 110 Federal street, Allegheny City.
_ • NI Ninon., Of Wenn% lel Children
Are often overlooked. Worms In the atom
acit end Lowell cause Irritation, which can
be removed only by the use of a cure rem
edy. Brown's "Vermifuge Comilts," or
• Worm Lozenges, are simple(and effectual.
Sole 'Agent for Pittsburgh 'and vicinity,
„Joe. nettling, Druggist, corn* Market
street and the Diamond, Pittsburgh, Pa.
• Mara[lister
At Mamontc 114.11 to-nlght.
- 31/icalllnte,
At 11 . 141sonle iinll to•uizht.
! Will Open March Ist, Po:.
. Gardiner having disposed of hie old
place of businesa, will open an entire new
'snick Of Spring Dry Goods, at No. cu Markel
street, - west corner Market and Fourth.
March Ist,
braes and Medic/nen.
pouters' prescriptions carefully prepared
ithalt tho usual price, at Fulton's I)rug
litorei - opposite Postotilee.
•: . Ton Catt , Bay
•Antetgn Llgnors or 811 kiwis at Joseph 5.
Flacten Dint!nary, So; Lit), DI, 1 / 3 and 195
First stioot, Plttsbarglt • •
You Cama Bur
s per coot. Alcoholat TosePh B. rinClea.
Yon Can Bay
Now flops at Josoph 5. Finch's.
• !fecallinter
At /laconic liall to-nl nh t.
The National Fire leloratteetonven.
tion—election of Officers and Boni-
Des,. Traelorted.
Saw Your; February Ill.—The National
Fire Insurance convention to-day. elected
James 3L McLean, of New York, President
for the ensuh,g year, and a full list of other
ollicers. W. Conner, of Now York, was elect
ed Secretary, F. W. Ilailard declining a re
election. Among the Executive Committee
are J. It. !Sennett, William Cassels and 10.
mph 11. Letter, tilneholati; 5. 1. Atwater,
Thomas tewelman William B. helot, Chl
tmgot.g.. C. Roam and m. b. Coo, Cleveland;
'S. Warner White, Detroit.
The set:lector lionteatnn of Insnrance was
referred to the Easentive Committee, and
resolutions were adopted recotoniendlng a
clause en policies that the Ilse or gasolene In
lighting premlaes, without consent In pol-
IC.lloeb&Utr?'n;4..t'ele"o:V.Virnis'tntnent of Claims
reported that during the past hear there
o„ptue,eo,ooe everiethi In the Coon.
try, owing to the want of proper itteeethot..
11.011 of leases before claims were paid_
The Atlantic and Yeetti U
Utaliettel—General alic:laaTil"'"l
••i•r. Loris, February ;:I,—Lovi Persons,
xistant President, and J. Rob'neon, Chief
Engineer qt the Atlantic and Pacific Rail
road, hero (min N•ro• York on business
ronneettiCwith the viunroun prom,:catio”
work on Met toad to routhwert. Molourl.
Major tientrid oheriiian and several MU
rers of his mail' Cann, [row Cincinnati to
Odin, Illinois, to-day. alter., they took the
train for Cairo, cutouts to
- ,
44 *
- -
• I 5 0
. 11.4 u
suspension of the Habeas Corpus
in Ireland.
Pacification of BungOry
Halt OP 1,1111.. COMM, IN IRELAND.
Lennox, February 21—Noon.—The Sniper
sten of the writ of habeas Zorpua Las been
prolonged la Ireland.
/1161 e... DANIirIMMILT ILL.
Dentin, February . ...1.--Bismark is again
prostrated by sickness. Doubts are enter
tained of his recovery.
• Siaratazt ASV TUN PESIANS.
LONDON, Futrruury 21.-1 L is stated that
, tephens 10 not, and has not been. In Ire
land. It is• also reported that be recently
bad boos seen In Paris.' Natxonal troops
are posted at Various plaza. In Kerry and
Cork counties In such numbers as to effec
tually prevent further outbreak.
run nusio it inane eIIifTNNTSD.
Vicxes, February 2i.—The reetorallon of
the Con.3titution of 164:f to Hungary, by the
Emperor, bus bad the effect to remove the
troubles heretofore existing, and the people
are quite contented.
BALL -or TnxluirrAnWxxocs—,Au7.l or
. . .
Tar anx,r
LITERVOOL, February IL—The ?Acura.:
liappatairimock Was sold at auction to-day
be Mr. Dudley, the Atuerlean Consul, for
£5,A$O sterling.
Thnreratrs on the Groat Eastern aro corn.
pleted, and eh° was succoserully launched
from the Gridiron at iltrkenhaao.
Ltotbon. February 21.—The Sultan of Tur
key LlG br oillcmay informed the leadmg pair
eof Europe, that he has decided to cal
together an assembly of the representu
fiveaofall religions creeds in' his empire,
for the purpose of adopting measures fo
more elfectual execution of the prey:sten
o( Firtuan of 1,,,ba.
All..Vtit, or Sr....MUNI AT Butt.
Dakar, rehruars2l.—The steamship Eo
rope, from Saw York, has arrival.
LoNDOIC, ronransy 21.—The steam ship
Damascus, from Portland ht.nrrtved.
' •
ao es TIMATEI, AS SIII.As. •
Lnanott, February :I.—The English Gov
ernment announces it will treat ahem,
caught In the act of 1n irclantl, as
Lorton', February 21.--Consols opened at
al •; Erie, 377,“ needs, 7•1; Illinois Central,
VEIttOOL. February ill—Nuon.—Cotton
very dull and declined an eighth. Middling
LONDON. February 2 1 .—Eiviting.—Coxisols
cPosed ILL la. Illinois Centrul, 7,7; 5-Ws, 74;
.Eri Lrrouroat., 'February gl.—Esisainp7,Ot—
ten-Lim a declining lend enciri siad closed
dull; Middling Uplands. Id; Orleans, laid:
sales. Isl bales. Corn—Mixed Western sold
ex ale 9.1. American Lord advanelne and
closed at • 511. Asbes, 7.3 s for pots. Petro..
loam =changed.
Inaas roar, February 21.—United States
Panla..lebraars 2.l..—Ernang—Atnerlcan
Pennsylvania Legislature.
Socelai:lnspatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette
Ilaatimau au, February .1,13,;.
The 'following bills were passed today
.1. supplement to an act for the protec
tion of owners of the wharfs and landings
at Oil City.
A supplement to an set incorporating the
borongli of East Birmingham.
A supplement to an net Incorporating the
St. Clair cemetery of Greensburg.
Am act to Incorporate the Odd Fellows
soctatlon of Wayneetiurgh.
A supplem-nt to an net ineorpbrating the
Ifirminghsm nntl - south - Pittsburgh gas
en act to provide an additional Judge in
the Twentydirst Judicial District. -
The to:lowing petitions were rent in
place: •
lir. Landon presented a petltlon In favor
Of a change In the legal rate of interest
tram seven per cent.
Mr. Taylor read a-petition (row the eitb
ZOOS to incorporatoi portions of the town•
sh!p, of Bridgewater into the borough of
Lawrenco =read a remonstrance
against the sale of liquors, and against
Sunday travel. _
' Also, a petition to authorise tke School
Directortkof the Seventh ward, Pittsburgh,
to borrow money for school purposes:
The supplement CO Inebrporatu the Blr.
mingham Bridge Company was passed, and
the general Jury bill was taken up and free
ly discussed. IL was dpposed by Lowry• and
Mr. Waddell called up an act relsting to
the Sato agency at Washington. The bill
was amended closing the agency in June
Slid no Lion was postponed.
The public bill relating to law evidence
and husbands d.serthig their wives was
discussed during the session and passed.
De!Gitotfon lin - elooth Carolina—Bebel
uotragoe in Virginia 'non lien.
tarhy—The Poellion of Governor
Orr, of South Carolina.
New toga, February' 21.—The. flesh)',
Southern correspondencerepresents that
some excitement exislitte In South, West
Virginia, on account onto murder of two
members of the nod String Association, a
radical organization for electioneering par.
In South Carolina, the great destitution
is believed to be mainly Alec to the Mao,
confection of the !slue system.
• A C v
case testing the alidity of a power
of attorney, held during the war, on which
property was sold for Confederate money,
spending in the United States Court at
Charleston. Mrs. Caroline Carson, daugh
ter of the late James L. Fettigrn, and now
residing; In Now York, Is the plaintiff.
Governor Orr has been severely denotinc,
cal for the ments he expressed at the
Chamber °Mortimer. banquet, and In ale
address to the freedmen recently ho said
that four millions dollars worth of property
had been banished from Charleston by Ito
of the people tnassociate with north
era Inerchents. lAc also announced that he
was In laver of giving the negro, who Meld
road, the right of suffrage.
In Macon Georgia, hign nopesof success
ful business Lids year are _entertained by
tile merchants.
- .
The action of Now York In reference to
the relief of Southern destitution Is looked
to with lively emotion.
Tee fiereid's Frankfort ,Kentucky, Er anal
imp, The rebels in Boyle county have re
cently- sent totters to Lienaral Speed
Fry. Captain Goalie°, a relative of James
F. Ben, Wellington Ilarlitn, and the °Mears
Or the Freedmen's Bureau, to leave the
country under penalty of death. Applies.-
tlou to General Thomas bets been made for
the protection of Union men against Ma..
reaalatOrN. General Fry is the °Meer
who I, believed to have killed Zolliceffer,
and Wellington Harlan recruited the first
...Puny 01 Union troops raises! in Ken-
Welty ilarlag . Lilo war. Neither of them are
extremeredicels politically, nod their most
probable °dem.° .L 4 thelr.record during the
A dipatch treat Now Orleans tlaye: Tho
rebels hold at:evict. to-morrow, to attotept
to Control the Democratic Convention. It
Is es. neeted they will chute a epllt In the
Conventten between thetnoelveA and the
Conservative Unionists, and will nutmeats
0 seporale ticket. with the rebel Ilt,ternl
PrettOn for Governor, If there I,lno ppIII,
ho_ v. Hahn, a slat... Kt-horn,. 111 Ito
the notolt“,-.
WASIIINOTO,t. FOruitry 11,1867
GorXll..:llt3T 1 . 1:01,ILTY AT CO . .. int,.
Air. WILSON reported u Joint reolllllori of
the 11 011801.101141t1111., the buildings at Camp
Chase, Ohio, for . the Ohio insane asylum,
recommencing an a ...urtamortt providing
that the nroperty be used for an asylum for
disabled eoldiers. Amendment agreed to
and reiolntion adopted.
namiloari LAND nnAlrtl.
moved to discharge the Conti
mittee on the Pacific Railroad trom the fur
ther conanleratein of the bill arnn'ing Ltio
construction of that . rallmad from Law
rence. Hausa,. to the boundary line of Mex
ico; also the bill to amend an act granting
aid - in the construction of the At lent to and
Patina Railroad. Aims from the considera
tion of the bill to old In the con-limonite of
the Kansas and liesiton Valley Railroad.
Aim a bill to meant net for the eenstruetiOns
of the Union Piscine itailroad. Also a bill
to expedite the construction of the South
ern Pacific Railroad. Mr. I lowaril said that
la making those moons ho was directed by
the Committee. and I hat it ay. done with a
new to ezord lie businesS, and not to emit,
dire any inewitires.
The Committee was discharged from fur.
'alter consideration of the hills Inamud.
IRONCOONS rontrtidcAvtost.
wlLSoN D introduCed a reartelotlon s au
thorizing It Board consisting of six onicer3
to be appointed by the Secretaries or War
and the Navy, to make a tidal of the com
parative power or realstanets of Iron clad
snips and smile fortifications against the
fire heavy of artillery. Thu nse of ono of the
.strongest Iron clad ships of the navy, and
most perfect sea coast fortification for trial
t hereby, to be anthorir.i. The resolution
was referred to the Committee on Joint res.
Itr , FRELINIitiUYSEN W reported front the
Jtollotary !rpm out too of the Move, the bill
to reAtoro posAo.sion of !anal confl.eato,l
by ant horlttoo of the rebellious states.
Thi, hill woe nmenEled.
/kr. Introduced n bill to con=
arm the ealon mad T i the direct tan corn:
mbaltanern for South Carolina, to portions iu
the army and navy, or marine corps, provi
ding rho condition+ of sold salon had been
complied with. Otherwise the property to
ho restored to the tax eorntnisaionors, they
being authorized to make one hid on cad.
tract for the Vatted States. Itoforred to the
Judiciary Committees.
Mr. CONN Ls:: reported from tiro Post-
Wilco Committee, watts an amendment. the
MD estahlishinc a mall rotate between Cali
fornia and the Sandwich Island,/
Mr. YIN from the Committee
on linguae, reported a resolution antboria.
Inc the Secretary of the Trcasory to rotund
to National Flanks the amounts of excesses
path in certain cases under an erroneous
ruling of the Treasury Department.
The resolution was passed.
Important buutooss (run the Committee
on Commerce win be taken up in order on
Monday next, that day having been naegn
'eol by thepeuate, on motion of•
Mr, HOWARD. fromAl LUO,D.
the Cornmittrs• on
the rant& Itatinuul bill• asked that tiutt
Committee be discharged (COM ant further
Collaideratlnn of the bill • granting that
ompany:aid to build their road from Lake
Superior to Puget Sound. Thu Cou.mittee
was discharged from [unit,er consideration
of the entdect.
Tiitl TRlosartn. nr rile tons A`t arnica,
The bill in relation to the I milart Bureau
14...5i taken un l i e the Senate to-rlity. The 1,111
la (Or thn antinal inspection of the Indian
tribes. ro.^ till, the 11011 , 1. f.o.s back a
substitute, (WU am for ill In , llan Bureau to
the War Department,and agattoW this the
Senate Committee on Intilutt make
a unanimous rrpnrt.
Mr. SIIEIIMSN morel that the Senate
non-concur and call for a Committee of Con
Ur. WILLISAS was In favor of the I (COOP`
proposition, anal rathrt than two It In the
Commttttin of I.:09 ft:ranee, he tool ho amnia
move to Jude:laity/1 , postpone the bill. It
aronlallahencome up AC some future time,
Pending eatnnltterattorrlinftlite—Vent
Into execuilvo Besstotl.
Erening 6'w-show—rho hill to amend the
military hal of last erosion so as to tames
Judge Advnentew en the 'nine footing as to
tenure of ottlee nw nth.•r ofileerw hnnweA.
The bill to ornnt Inner to Oregon to bell , '
a military wagon :owl from Columbia rrwer
to Sonic e river. Pers.!.
. . .
The liullAn Buchan bill war conciderel
without action.
11 , 1JOurilud
the Hosea of Itepramentad ves
and after transactions of aomu unimportant
business, among w pleb vm.l the going of the
time for meeting hereafter at 11 o'clock' In
the morning, prom:oiled to tare op general
WG1111WC: 011 W 11 . 11,1,311,1 At IT. I.OM+.
The Semite bill to authorize the coast run-
Lion of e submerged tubular bridge nee°,
the 31.1a4lesippl river, at St. Louts. Passed.
Cor ti NO"Www.
InLOPER. from the Couttnitt et, on
Way , and AIWW. , •IOI/Ort.l a bill to provide
ways and menus for the ear
t hat of cote
, pound Interest notes, and for the contrite-
Lion Of the currency. Mr. Ilonper explain
ed the bill, saying the am o unt of compound
, Interest .notes, all of which fell I
bee Lila
! thleal year, WYS OliW 1.1141,1 and forty Rill.
linen of fin/tars. The bill proposed to allow
them to Meet the demand by help derived
as a special temporary loan, for which err-
Uncates are to let loused, bearing an Inter
est of 3. tl.l-160 per cont.. Um Committee be.
Mg of the opinion that the flunks would
gladly exchange thern for such eerrinem e ,
Mr. STEVENS moved to amend Le sill
by making e section read, that the Secre
tary of LIM Treasury— he directed 'to re•
deem the compound Interest notes frith
accrued intermit, and Issue therefor legal
tender pries. After debate he widt• ! the
words "without interest, not ern edlng In
amount, One hundred millions of ikalamo
The amendment was adopted by git against
SS. The second section of the bill repeals
an act for the retiring end cancellation of
lour mlllione of grimed/milts per month,
and prohibits such retirement during the'
current year; the he
to lei en
grossed, but on the .4 nest inn being taken on
the postage of the bill as amended, it WE.
rejwatwl IT 73 saltiest Sh '
Mr. RANDALL., of Pennsylvania, moved
reconsider the vote, saying that he In
tended to move to FLIIIro out tile second
section. The reconsideration 'nes carried.
Mr. 11.t\1W.f. moved to refer It to the
'Committee on Barking, with instructions
to report buck Immediattly the first sec
tion only. The hill WWI agreed to. .
Mr. RANDALL reported from the Hald
nommithm the bill with the second section
trunk out.
fIOUPEIt moved to tabie the bill. Tte•
Jected by he yea* 'walnut 'Arley..
The bill thou 'mused by el‘s acainyt
Several report• front the Naval Commit
tee of a private Lature weto uettal. upon,
when a rect.. was taken.
azacvrtvn DOCTIL.2..
.Fcerning Scision.—Executiv., do:gunman
worn received, enclosing therer.ort
of the Secretary of State that Wo,
consin and Vennnylvania have ratl•
ned the Conetlterlonal Amendment, and
from the Governor Rhode Inland a similar
announcement; front the Secretary of the
Treasury tranatnittime the lint at clerk.,
Ac., of that Department, and thetr - comoer,
cation. All referred. • 4 •
On motion of WILtON, of lowa, the
Secretary of War was Instructed to report
all the Information in his Liematnient, rola
tire to property noised or taken possession
of by tho Government or Its agents in
Louisiana and the amount that bas been !
restored, by whose order, &e.
• 1.01.11. or .TAL
Mr. CLARK, of Kansas, introduced a joint
resolution to pro ride for thu payment 01
certain award. for Motes nustained by loyal
Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians. Referred.
Mr. BRANDY.IiEE, Irma the Naval Com.
mitten, reported a JUNOII3/1011 fur a Doand of
nayal olllcers toe:amine into the facts In ref
erence to the Naval Academy at Annapolis
with a vlow to the expediency oriel i emoval,
and to make a careful survey and examina
tion of the harbors of Now London and Now:
port for a location of such an Academy/ and
to report to Congress.
Mr. seLIENCI: offered a [substitute dir
renting the Speaker to appoint a Commit
tee. of three. if the matter to left to too
nary Department n report would be got op
whitewashing Annapolis. The resolution
wont over.
011,4,11 , 10hR - 11 1,16d.11.1( 210065.
Mr. DAVIS asked leave to ofror st resolo
tiou matt uctlng the Committee of Ways said
Means to report n bail nnthorieio the oua
rotary of the Treasury to looms U. S. notes
not bearing Interest, and, not exceeding
4..SfrlAst,ooo, to redcoat the 7-30 noted au tlay
become due. ObjeoLlou made.
Tll6 TAY MU..
The House, Ot Committee of the Whole
comedered the tux hill.
Mr. WENTWORTH Intimated tied If tbo
bill we's not Iln!shod to-night, ho would
move to-morrow to unspen t the, rules mina
to discharge the Commliteo tomtits further
eonsid..e.tion, and that Ito Would then
move the previous quoutlint on It, allowing
members to offer I1111.11111.1(11 lOW have
them voted.
. .
Mr. 11.tiV TUNS moved to exempt, from
the three cent.. pet pound tax on cotton. ell
tlhnotitto , under, flee bales produced by .my
one farmer. Rejected.
Mr. Ml)Ol . l5Lt moved to among tho 1111.
sec Mon, Woo to make Ito, free Ilet go Into
operation on the lA, of Starch. Agreed to.
Various propneitlona of uniennlnelit to
Sttletes ettenterotell In Ibe tree lint wet-.
mete, dtecuened and Ito te,t e ll.
1110 COMMIL 01,
SECOIO 101110.
Statements as to Sntratt, his
Sister and Counsel.
Assessor 1,10)d and Collector Mc-
Candless Rejected.
1116 APFO: \ !HMS OF SIONEW, fFSTOJ 6:11)
GOCTOI GL61661l ittG FiRS.:
IV A9ll llVOtolf Fill;rt;ary 1!,G7.
John It. sarrntt SCPIIII. In excellent health.
Ile sloops wall and eats hearty but speaks
very little and Wen only to regard to his
persunal wants. Me cannot ileil or have
any intercourse with nay' other prisoners,
Itad :0 vory closely it - Mental by the guard.
It I. now stated the klersrs..rtradly and
31r, Merrick have been retained ns his Conn.
net, and yesterday SI, Wadley, Jr., hod an
interriew of wain length with nun. 111.
muter, Silas Anon Surratt, orb last Vaal the
governirss in the !aunty of Capt. It. I: alone
in the lower part of Prince llsoros county,
Wit roe seceral weeks past she has boon In
this city, stepping with some rotations.
The Semite toAlay . conftruie,l the follow.
lag apuokuttuent4,
Sam and tolu.ul at Ilatuburg.
OLZU Elsc...Nll‘,l6tcr to I.o , erla,
E,Pumr,l 1« Plumb, Secretary of I.egatlon
at Mexico.
Joshua, 1‘ Ass,tivat Treasurer
of the I ll (l et/ Clifaleeton.
Lit V. Norton, zulieltor of the Culled
States Court of Cin leis.
.A,seelor% of interos.l Itcvenue—lred.
Isclinucd, Nebrs.isik; C. It. Whitt., Twelity
fourah , listrIct.01110; Junto, fl.lvte. N :nth
district, 111110.
F. 11. Erie, rat
• .
FoßmasterS—Litne I;• Itatchvil, Frank
fort, Rentunkv, Fullvrton, ,r.
Ellnnpirth .11,113.ter. lown.
Collectors of Internal 11.•vennu—Lurn
eppon A. b 1.10.11,.
ney, New Meitco.'
Superlntendent of Inalan AI
'1 nn Hate
also rantlfattol lt large num.
her of milcary 4Lppolannont, The mono
Important holeo the rondo:nr, vrhoonrve.t
mo. generak.laring the 0 he, all dating from
tile g-1.11 of Jfily to 11l ollgalal viten:l
Lieutenant Colonel Ander. - .1. Smith to
be colonel of tt.o , evetzteett. Cavalry
31olor John C. Ilulatt.son, Colonel lOrty
third Infantry.
Major Thomas 1 / I tcher,COlonel Forty.
fourth Infantry,
.11:0".. Georg.: W. Getty, Co:Oilel Thirty
scverall Infantry.
.I.LaJur llavlil OLanly, colourl Twenty.
• I
Cantata "Jolul GI " Co.ono 7t,lrtcuth
C,ptnio CLntlw urullo. Colonel Thirty
111'Ln loran try.
Captain .1' Two:,
ty.n.lll - .1 InColtry,
Captain Jon:: "lout T went) . -
boo nth Infantry'.
Major Thonnol L. Crittelnlen, Colonel
TI it rcnn.l Info VP try.
Major General Vaulrl en Lie Colonel
ForLy.aevon'l Infantry.
klepr General J. Li:you'd., Colo
nel lirenty.oixtb infantry.
Major General Benjamin A. ririeriton, Col
onel Tent! Cavalry.
Major ~.nri•Ed Wagner Swn;oe, Colonel
l'itty.ilrst Infantry.
Bator General ,N . eletirt A. Mile., Colonel
Fortieth InfantrY.
Brigadier thnoralJolPA E. -inlL4, Colonel
r. y -Iv V en t 4 Cavalry.
Briti.oller General Tiletnn, 11. huger, Col
or! Thirty•third Inr.thtry. •
Brigadier General Edward Haire, Colonel
Ninth Cavalry.
Colonel L'lturlei li. nullth, latwrct Twen
ty-enrlltb Inntntry.
Major .1. Cl. Potter, I.leutenunt-Polonel
Thirtieth Infantry.
.1, Culler Jlrover, Ciente:l:ant-Colonel
Thirty-month Int - entry.
Major Prank 19boston, neutertent-toloio
el Thirty-ninth Infantry.
tor Char!. Wundm, LleuttusauLCol
oriel Thirty-tillnl Infantry.
.11.1.10 r livOrgig brook, /Aotlt4:llaElt-Colonel
In ratan.
Captain 1.. 11. Ayers, I.leutenany-Colonel
Twonlywelghth ln (wart,.
'Captain Ang. V. Knots, Lleutonnat-oe
onel Thllly.fourtl. infantry.
Captain A. 0. Wobb, Lleutennnt Colonel
111 . 11114 Cavalry.
Captain 1.. D. 11"atIsin.4. Lieutenant Colo•
net Twt.t.lethlnfautry.
Captain .taine. 11. fa hewn, Lieutenant Col.
Onel Thirty-tat/1 Infantry.
Captain ...tont. U. Mclntosh, Lieutenant
Colonel Forty-second Infantry.
Captain Emory Upton, Lteutenant.
oncl Twenty-fifth Infantry.
Ilrlgtoller lieneral Ldward fildle,
Lleutenant Colonel Fortieth Infantry.
Brigadier General Thomas C. Devine,
Lieutenant Colonel Eight Cavnlry.
Colonel Biennial N. llowetitp, Ideutenitnt
Colonel Tidily-flied infantry.
Colonel (iporge A. Woodaehrtl, Lleutanant
Colonel Fourth Infantry.
Jame, lj.. filddo, Lieutenant Colonel For
t yooteond Infantry. •
Edward 51eli&rvey; Llentennat Colonel
Tlllrty-necond InUntry.
The norninatlnns Lientenant Colonel
Stoneware to be Colonel, and Captain Gor
don Granger to be Colonel, and Captain
Costar to be Lieutenant Colonel, together
with others,,rere sent In nt the MOO time;
but the Senate to-day either passed them
over, or did not definitely act noon them.
Thu Sentito rejecioll.lo, following noml
Assessors Intermit Itovonne—A. U. Ca
froth, /air Ditartet, Pennsylvania: Alfred
G. I.loyo, 234 DiatriCt, Perna via/Lula; Cyrus
0. Loomis, Districts tillehigau. •
Commis:inn:wry—C:lms. I)ougherty, Penn
sylvania at hoinloinierry.
Collectors of Internal lievenun—linfim C.
Swoons, 10th Instrint, Piinmlylvunia; Wm.
li. -„ ldoCunailess. :24 I)lstrlct, PennsykiWails
.• :from the Times Corre • port 9e nee •
There is no Lope that the President will
npprove the Military lteconst ruction Bill.
The Ways Ithil Means Committee will re
port to-clay or tounorrow the bill ainnpanni
lug the contrectiort of itreennaeltn for one
year, In aocertionee with instruction., of
tho I/ OURO, but they will necounuiey It with
a IMIIALItUtO, which they will revoininend,
identical with the Scottie Loon Certineoto
• •
Front tic Correspowl,ncee,l •
It Is untlerstOod that Prank . P. Blair, Sr.,
has done to Boston to induce Gov. Anorme
to swept this position n 1 Secretary of SI etto.
The Visit Is by authority, mulls In this In
terest of those who favor universal sulfrago
and universal amnesty.
(From the Tribune Corrtrpondencn j.
The notion of the Douse In referring the
loam resolution to the Committee on Bunk
ing wit. intended to defeat that menstunom
there le no ye... Ability of that. Committee
being nailed again tubs benalon. The Wuxe
and Menus Committee. however, Will bring
in 0110 W bill which Will ho moved no u mg.-
..tante for the hill relative to the centime.
lion of greenhaelm.,_
' :From Ilispatthes.te the. Evening Chresiciej
'rho Bankrupt bill will not he heard from
this session, In consenuenco of the stmenco
of Mr. Jencks, which:prevents the appoint,
went of a committee of conferenco to meet
the Senate COMM Moo upon the differences
of-the two !louses. The balance of thh.
Congress will he devoted untinviatlngly to
legislation on the practical commercial ne
cessities of the country. TOO 81.1)11/IIS of
both Rouses, night and day, will be Um re-
Tular order, and It In Ili us hoped to pass too
artlT and Tan hills with the brief week
Hon. Alexander Moulton, Postmaster Gen
eral, Lad a low: le Lovett, w with the Pres.-
tent yesterday, rciatiog LO hit probable re
tirettomt (rout the Cabinet. and the accept
ance of u mlsultm tamed, The ministry to
which its will be accredited will be One of
the most Important In the lint of our n 1 Iplo
tootle agencies, and will be provident by the
recall of the (present Incumbent to Luke an
11/11 , ortma plaee lo the hoots ministry.
Ti m jud,oinry Committee. In a few Mays,
will examine Johu Surrati, nt the (all,
where be ha uL present incerccrutell, to Mire
the final tlenomtlou to the linveuttgatiou of
the Jeff Davis !emote with the ItYßlVlNitill
lion conspiracy. ourrutt itcheml el,
load th fu I and tali:olive, and 111111,3 not this
niigiaClL ) , rut...ION Inn. hientity.
( ~..,
f'se--+ '-
' IT. N,
~./ , c..k\,. ''''
f r a
-fir.lll2 tp . - %
r c,
4 - .. eg .. ...._=a
. k
-.,': . _. 1 i :;:;.2 I ;7,1 - ...- 4. bpi - .• - ..... , _: , :.::, , . a.,:„....,.------
..ft... ~_ 22- - -- . - --- ----:-___7,1,:.---P
. 4 *' . -•
_.,...!-- -a_. ~.„,,, : . :- ..- - al : -.....4.,-.::
FOURTH PAGE.—Thetiilleit and snort re
tinGle Money, Oil and Prod...
porta yittn Gy any paper in fits city, Intl to
found on our Fourth Awe,
Dootroolloo Conflooration—Deparno•
(lon of the Ailio Work,. Foondrj.
At about nine o'clock last evening, an
alarm was Pounded front boa No. url,rorner of
Pena and Morton streeio,lo the NbabwOl•
100 - ilarm was OCCASIOIIeiI by the discovery
of a tire to the Atlas Works Foundry, a eau
story brick building, situated on Sumitomo
street, near the eornfl of Morten. At u
little after nine o'clock Mr. Wm. sterreti,
o niumbel of the Atlas Works Company,
and foreman of the fennuiry, who rosidmi
near the budding, Observed, from Ms win
dow, a light In the direction of the mon
dry, for which ho ,could not account•
being to the spot. lie!discovered a lire In
the end of the building tow tints Morton
street. Thu lire, whemPiscovered, butt [mule
considerable progressis anti ulthongh ale
alarm was promptly sounded, and the on-
Ones on [lto spot as soon after no possible,
the scarcity of Water In no olligrkrOW/0.1
:Lured greatly to the disadvantage of the
compute le., and before the . dames could be
sulsludd, the building was entirely-destroy
cd.r be walls falling'lll a comparatively :
Stuart time; but very lillls Was saved Irma
humbug blllLllng, few p.ittorns con4ti
tuttng all that was Saved. Thu lualf/Inn.
51101, bulunglng to the 011110 rstaldintittient
escaped InJory.
Tho building destroyed was thirty Mtn
high, ono hundred feet long and sty tee,
wile. The structure, With the cranes, was
merited at 414,101. A Intim number of tad
terns Wert, to the Milli:ling and were nearly
all tleatruyoti. sty good fortune, .11r. Ster
rett had occasion, during the al ternoon, to
remove about a thoasanti dollars worth of
patterns to the third story of the machine
shop. The amount . of 'ors austainoti has
not been estlmeteS, - but. will prove very
large. Tim loss fa 11111 y covered by !tofu. ,
ranee, principally 'ln l'ittsburgh coll./pa
l:de., we beitete... ; ,
The origin Of the flints unknown: - The
workmen quit wort at lire In the
afternoon, add 'all fdAte tlsitt no unk,ual
Oro was In the building u nen they left.
The most probable auspleion no that tte
lire was an incendiary ono. All the en
glues, including MOM treats AllegllenY,Were
In sere lee. The Friendship Bose Coluitan)
of Allegheny was to retrace for the first
time and dud noble work.
Roldler . • noeurstent
Me cling of 1110 Iµllm of Allegheny
Gouaty SOlLltor'a Monumeutaf .I.w/elation
Lva% held yostut lay Kni.,llot n at thrive
wolook, at City null, .11m. lichou cL,
It wag report tanhat too I nice or ter. Me.
Um', church. In Layrunceolllu, the 1.111,'
of slatmdeltl, aria the halos of .111,Mons..
City, each had agfetal 10 take LL tab', at the
fair next mouth. .
A eck. t Limo for tile . attethl ants At the emu
log lan - o tolopted, to co.'. of n Orere
of him Muck , n mot opron trim toe , l
Woe or cherry eolOr—rautst to tho-e wet n
At the Into tutlthrp rt&ii —glob o hula,'.
Oti motion, Mr, W.,tt Alt, Pre ii , on
were .ippolnlett ealtamlttee ttoteiiitle att.,
the .11,tlactne Imigo to be wont hy the e
vent tve Coalmine.
The 10110wrills TedbOlutl.ks were coreri..
which wrre
RAt,ilas-d, That elk-L
uttenil the church tabln In
lug. Thes.o tickets arc only to hold soul
for the evrolog when Ulu are ou
iltlty. and to tie truniiforreil to 11.010
soot from Corning to evening.
ker./tech hat each church rerort at the
nett meeting the number of attendant,
they will require In one econlne.un,
Steil holy wet two yowls loilles are rug,ieit•
oil 10 a good n mato!,
sttotton, the followinw ladle. ant gen.
neatenwens attntmatnt C•stlttiltt. e
Decorations of ity Matl fee Cite fall: .en
Jam , . S. Nntley, Capt. W. It Conk, A: t es.
Ml—. &maw:a
Moon ll,e varnr.; vWet Mica .
ti k.tistmett I tit:to t nlt ,13, alto r
nt two awl a ltsif o'cltw's, at the re.t.
.leitee of Mks suer, No. St, 1 . 011:1
preOrd rwre I oan 4.! ~e.,,tatlon,
= at the nest sheeting of tt,
Assoehtnen. Taney articles:nut atrott,
may be left at Mr. It. Ituttto son', No. t.
Ilautl street, or at Mica VertteC.s.
. _ . . .
It was atat ' e , l.tilfit nil contribution: 1,1
luoitcy may IN) rilacc , l-1,1 any I,unk. , o the
rtallt of James, ruck. Jr., Trc.iaurer c•I Ow
Ttiu Association then folJoermal, to Ittel,
at the same place I. Ther,.lay attorhool3
heal, the a'ith lust. at halftpa,t two o'clock.
A very teepee:able young l.ll
1:0bOrt Christy, an employ/A/ n
ut N tualek's
Variety P/Tarl.e. on Diamond till'/y, yenteN
day returned to Ms wort, after an IlIce•s
of several weeks. Ile did not apt/car to le ,
still suffering fronititscone, but after tel./
e s hue In uo, sheicild suddenly lont bla
son, threw car lax coat, anal seising a Leary
sledge liatomer, began striking himself .t
the betel With It. Ile stench noverid
and lon moment or two blood was stream
ing from We wounds. some of the work
m claticaVOted to prtt cot hint from In
ing further Injury upon himself, hat he
kept tin nn ay with tun ilitrigerio,
poll. lit then rushed upon Aar. Nh.1,01.,?1,
a warm personal friend, alit dealt !um a
blow on the bead wlatell almost felled 111/11
to the ground. and Willett./ asevere scalp
wound, from sr filth blood lloWed pi of u rely.
Christy then nelxisl on troll bar, and Inking
position in the shop, doting any i.:1,01k to
interfere with kiln. information ws c.
coped to the Al ayortes and o ffic ers
Moon and Dressler were sent to arrest Mtn.
As noon an Christy saw °Mem Mi.'n he
throw away 'lllsweapon and taking
him by the hand he shoot. It very
heartily. lie was filo! 13eval toen
compeuly the officer to the lock/up. when
Dr. te. I. ll'Cook was called In to dress his
Injuries. Several gashes were fuel on trio
Mao of tale head, and a very severe 0110 ex
the top,' which it .wan found necc , ary to
innop. The litcystelan came/cool tilt, opIll•
that the skull was nut fractured. Th e
condition of the unfortunate young wan,
no le undoubtedly laboring under tempo.
marl' lonanffr, Probably eupertoduced by
his sickness, in considered precarloos. Al.
ter I/ Is wounds were dressed he oast/ono,
ed to the residence of Ids mother, a widow,
in the 011th ward. tin Is represented by
those who know hlfn /as being au earth.
plary young clan, 111111 of a most kindly at/-
pm/lion. Dr. hl'llook also (11,0 , 01 the in
juries of Mr. Nicholson, whom Christy
struck. The wound in apaintul one, Put not
of a dangerous character.
Yesterday morning, Michael Sullivan, a
boy in the employ, of Mr. John M'Closkey,
coal merchant ,of Port Perry, as an eflice
boy, was placed in the lock•up for larceny.
It appears that the coons of 11.1'. 11 ylie,
clerk of the coal yard, was entered crime
time during Wednesday night and n poc/ret
book containing a safe key and fourteen
dollars aad con. ..rill, taken from kis pan
talcg,ns. Suspicion Was at 01100 attached to
the hey Sullivan. Mr. tVtlo came to the
city at terra o'clock yesterday morning,
and made known the fact to the Mat or's Po
lice, and diligent search as Made ter the
boy. °Meer Pasha toned him on the gnar l
of the steamer Bayard, lying at the
at talent nine o'clock yesterday moraine,
and conveyed him to the Mavor'e °nice.
where ho wad conceited and the pocket book
and the safe key were found In his peicec
slim. It wits feared that he 11,11 opened.the
safe with the key, and alcitraCted SUMO val
uable papers theroirom, but tills was found
not to he the earn. The prisoner was lock
lot op and will have a hearing to-day.
A Double Larceny
About a mouth ago a boy named James
Dearly, tole an from his father, Writ. Deafly,
a second hand dealer ou Gay Alley. Alleghe
ny. On t he came day, male alleged, manih•
or pay named Alexander GArdner, decoyed
young Deeny la the Railroad, and I here rat,
Led Min at thu Mulun money. After the rob•
bury Gardner went and purchfeaed m gml
with part et the manor, ulOl then decant be.l.
Air. Decoy male in furznation against Gard.
or before Mayor Morrison 41141 ollleur
wan sat to catch t Iltl ' boy. Yoder.
day the officer atmeueded In finding him In
the blacksmith ohop on the earner of , )Ida
6,edeaky SLCCI3.. Thu youthtul high
wayman wee looked up, and tit the rout me
of the afternoon young Decoy else made lilt
appearance and wan Ob. Waked hp fur a
hearing on a charge of larceny.
Robbery In. Allegheny
On Wednesday evening. Llzzlo
Grubbs, realding on Martin street, lint
ward, Allegheny, while absent I rein her
room fora short time, was whoed by:40410
syoundrel wile entered her room and mole
therefrom , six dollars In money. ono dol.
Mr Of the money was in the pocket 'of n
.greeg hanging unaltist the wall, and' the
mainder,Lwas in a i3Oz oa the maatlu pace:
A considerable amount of money was con.
coaled ht the bed in the room, and escuned
tlis , thief. Allan Grubbs Is 11, hurt! Working
woman, and the lass, small as 11 is, con..
eldarablu to her.
Commtkited.—Wm: Smith,
;charged with highway robbery im,Vattlinf
liahlerd, us reported
by us yealar
'day =rang. hada bearing before Mayer
:McCarthy yesterday afternoon, and was
flintily committed for trial.
Yesterday afternoon, betweetA two and
three o'clOek,an acchient oedurred ow
!Mott tinting, off the Contiollsvidu
italirtiail, by which James lioughertY,
brakesman on a train of Mittinpys, o or dirt
care, on the COnnellsville Railroad received
Very cover, injuries. At tile time mention
ed, a train 01 live mini, partially loaded
with dirt, hall backed upon the oiling to
permit a passengi r train to pus,. The rut
gine of I lid dirt train_ wits attached to the
train in a reversed positiott, and Duniberty
was standing at the brake of the ear nekt
thu engine. The trail, bad commenced
moving off the biding when the Dottier of a
shifting engine which wa s movlitg slowly
nin•udof the train, way struck by the
tender of the dirt train. The shock was
very slight, as both trains were moving
at nearly the name speed, but Dough
erty did not nee the other engine
ahead, and'AllY therefore unprepared for
th° shock. Ile wee thrown from his
balance and fen to the ground, falling be.
tweim thinralls under the first car. The
train of live cars oilseed entirely over him
bolero it way stopped rolling blin over and
over, and, an was at( first supposed. crush
ing tam completely. Ito was Immediately
token up and conveyed to his limuding
place. Mrs. ti tyre's ho trilln iltiudu, on
Water at refit, ideiveiirant, where every at
tention watt rendered him. Dry. Arthur/I
1111.11 • 111111113 Were aril NI to attend him, and
assert:onm! that Ills Injuries, though eaten
-0 slid severe, are not necessarily fatal.
lie has received SeVete (AILS and cOntuSiOne
on duo Lead , but hi. injuries there are not
co:editor...l very serious. A very seVero et:m
-..0i wound was itilllnterr on th e right
ellmw. At first it WWI supposed that the
elbow joint - was laid me but but a careful
e‘16, proved that this was not no.
The right hip Was found Milne:atm! in oath
It man :teittlr
that A red net ion et it Nos exceed
limir oeidt. Ti,, lower third of the nbu.
Mot Ow bit teg ny trileturrii, and the left
atiMe Welly The was._
plheml tinder tlei inliumice iddorofortu,
tool hi, ft it, tires I‘ll.l dislocations reduced,
tool other tirlos at tended to, and
last orening, whim 111111, 110
smutted very comfortable. Dr. Arthur., ens
pressed the opinion, that with proper care
caution, the Injured man a 11l reenver.
Mr. leamlierty is (I, v Illflg shun , rent(llll4' in
the CI I V. 0,111 Is highly rpolren of by those
who know him.
The animal report of :he tinalites - of the In Itailro.Tl Company, for the
year Palo, was real Inefere the annual inert
lag of nhareholtlers On Tue.blay, it Philg.
dotal:la. 1 . 707.: if V i i i :cut, that the capital
of ilia tompoir is ilo,too,OLO. The mortgage
onilit 121 4,idt'iditti. and Other' llidnllltlag ale;
Y7--.!l—taiiklrig an aggivgate of $15.ti,1,734.
To , , colt of rag ro ni ani: lira:lawn la put
bona at 41.;,, , ,,n00. la !of itltlon, tile Coto
gamy alai:ail void, far the Harrisburg Call
tin:it, 41,--t,fi.P; Coltualila Railroad and State
c., i,1, , ~I.(1141, 1 , 11111i11.14 al of road, $.1,371,-
:X '
teal orate and teiegrap telegraph, lgo, titir'iliWi
anil eiVennioit of trunk line went to tG l a
tliiiiiiiinialnela, and tia,it to thin Inelau ate)
fit,ltl,l,S7—amallig an aggregato of eilla,nlia,
4 .a. Tn., Company pre ants ether areillts
In tolls reciavable, stork, beside, A,,,t,,,,1,,,
Willalit of y1ti,n7,714. The grin,: earningl
of thii roar, anti! of the relute workeit
laeiaini etniii wlin it, iitti err Inn Palill
,inns i and i-rir Iliad. far tie- pant year are
,; , ...,...:,—.!J.TuI the win! 1•0 poriobi, orillitary
il!!' I +tri .
oiril!liarl'i i11 . t,7, , ,, , ..1i—1eav0r, an
vai On, of 1.1,7,1,,:t. Ino wlninia numiter of
paniiengiii, earrinnt In pin:, waiii.2,bill,n.i:, and
'hag the pant year awl"..Lirlin, - Thu average
!I,ii, time,- travailed Iny l i ars, paimiatioarn wan ,t
iiillwi, and the Pre,' :our year, 7124 . ,
4 1, . , 1-0.
ilifforani a bring 'lain tin the larger amount
of !brining!: trace; anil troop, in tw,i, Thu
Ini.:,:ht earned a noi 11,47,:,: 1 • tone, etas brae
in! 1.11 3, l! ton, at co.: rho increase la
• \ o,:,
the , - ,, ,! :rattle I, Ylii,l,l P oo!,. lai toe whole
tot:an:go 01 the ro.ol iinainiiiila th at of 100,
n tons, or nearly . ...5 pt r rent. Tian
at ',. lag rviain , e, a ate nt per amt. of groan
raninip, of lion Coin is road.. The
t iimpanyla ea la to the year armed Vt.:,
w.f. ~,,,,a.t.fini al, for Inf.. The 4 , 1•P... , a
~,,,, 4a , ..,4 , -- t , : 1111. lA, a iii It p at of $44,-
Fain, Alnrm..
Cal, alarm, of tiro tare a eGurCu , Of ifrtai,t.,
to tlie urn ilepartthent and the
_flat are; withal, not 4,4,14 of dan
, :tn., teuticricy t.. rentzti\:. entilance
npi inn 0: 0,
It, 1 , 11,1 It to 14.1
. ularinth tint edneada3 -
ihttethoon the department end he people
It I,l' 11, a7earkablo
inixt ere of :OA re a which ....mindfront the
hht , 01.1.01:11 6 : am.... ;eau non
uied whin, they 11131 the
n at4rrn fel,. it 'scene,' that a boy .
,1,e , 1 nhuri rart to hire a ;tight
au - ntail rwl, - and , t at the top
101('0. 'rite Nkateklll/./11 I llllAliaLeiy
went to hoz isitt:*:;, on the corner of /rent
• • • •
:.:1,1 •.1r...•1%, 'truck the itlaxtu.
Il 111.1,..••1.te1y pouti,li.,l trout
t:.• ;Alt IA fore the te,initetl
Tehetalun tool lacu risen au ularto entue
ot trout box No. 7 ; ' corner of Mat aet ;Ohl
tt a0r,,.;,,, that the . 411111
1;1, Isout a.rol met. IL
..toetal ahertah. to ~ t ool o , ul,o yelled
tlfe. the,. au,onir the aecood alarm, which
ar, struck trum,itately after Nn. Sotto,
tho eogoo, went to No. 1, aro! sreno to
.1.0. 7. OSLO ono ..tartl tor box. No.
otarne. here false,
ho fault attache, to the operutor tu the
otter , It *III :.mill!}' that ull
tir.anod .ha a hat tho Brlthai
army kball'„ would ativlo
thn vonua ionuanueht of that boy, mu!
•r , conur.uud no, having keys
in !heir ht. !note alreututiptet
in the of alarna,
1,1,11.11 N citing orncers With:int and Strewn'
01 ,trein'i independent l'oliee force, visited
Ntewarthiton u..titheth the city, adjoining
ellarle.burg, and arrested two men, named
Witham elewurt and Philip lieliter, on a
chargo of roAttult and eattety with intent
to eoinnitt a rep, Thu Information had
been made yeeterday Inlfore Alderman
methn by n girl ...lett SUMII thiltl.„ a reel
dent of Hay Street. tills city. :the litivaca
tlOO tho wes on nu i , ttl., 1/11. ilOl,O of Jus
t,. • elaith. of litvvriml-town, u low duye
e:nce, and while th•lret. in bed at about lehl
night, the privoneth entered her mom and
liehdee got Into the bed and v. Ith .violence
nttemptiol to outrage her person. Stewart
merely sthod by Uilboln. ASMSl.llll.(the girl
du her efforts to get free from liehder.
hearing will 11.1, held in the thee toolay,
when perbets a new light may be thrown
upon the effete, hot h the nectimett are mar
ried 14.1 . 05111 Galli'
Tomorrow Mr..loim Engler,Jr.,tho great
skating champion, takes his leavo of Pitts
burgh and goes Emst, whore he has engage
ments io give exhibitiOns of his marvellous
skill nn parlor skates. Mr. Engler, during
his stay lit our city, has won host-sof friends
by his persoffal ellaracteristics; , as well as
tintutteriess admirers by his wonderful skill
as a skater. 1,0 Other adept in t l / 4 c faselnat
art of tla
eiillY ',helms ever Jetted our
city. has awakened the enthusiasm that
has Items shown for Mc. Engler tiering his
entire stay with us. Ills admirers wore not
with the high honor, eeeertlell to
tapir favorite I.y the Judo., or the late na
tional crouton, lOU lie 4. token of their high
approcial hot, 'thetnsclara presented him
with ono et the most magnificent gold
modal,. weever saw. May Mr. Engler meek.
evi . tvwliero orient friends as Ito
ns 'laurel lit Pittsburgh, anti fie will bo
happy', ee far as Itionils can znako a man
Common Pte., Court
Before J ndgu Hcllon.
liqran Bracken vo. D. I'. Hatch and
hors. nefnre reported. Verdict in favor
of plandiffi for 4N, non-volt as to all of
dcfendWitv, except, 11:1'; Hatch and Henry
ilkin, , on, seas taken by 'plaintiti's couriseL
J cunt Stowe.
O. and J. McClurg v. NV.tora Tra.por
"U." Thu was an action to re
covr thottAges to the amount of between
slo e nod Porn wagon 113111 contours du
st royed IsY It cob imion with stir ex twee,. train
of .lefetolanl4, going west, nt Purls croesintr,
iti Washington Count)', in 1 .4 1. T lO
ruse went to the Jury, and the verillvt.
ronticred on Idonduy morning. Alessrs.
I:lrhisttflek t .Mellon for ; W. C.
31orelund, Esq., for defundnuts.
Ilearlichr.—George Nesmith, charges!
With sedum ion OM oath of Isabella Molter,
had it partial bearing before Alderman Don:
yeatereay afternoon. The case was
postponed until novt Thurailay afternoon.
The tie tendon t proved-by several witnesses
that lie did not learicsLirerpool until July
4th, wbctuus oho tdieeted ooductlotl let fittl , l
to have taken pined In the latter tart of
June. Dr, Pratt, tibialted by the Immo pros
eruom with attempted abortion, has been
held to bail for Court.--
or tit Dronon.,,ii.—Vosturdny a ills,
patch was reeelve.l!ll4 the Maynrn! !aim
froto ..trnistrong u. refuge on the Youghlo•
bony river, at a woman Lad bean
IirOWIICti at that plane rladerliaY. and re
' uestlng that the pollee give latortuatioa if
11,0 holy was theorem! here. The name of
the isidertunatu WOMMI WWI not areu, nor
any plrlieulars of the drowning.
Dana Washed Away.—Thu flood' In the
Youghiogheny yesterday. earrtual away the
Jana 011 this longhlogladay river. :lee tulles
above 31eKeespora. By MY allsaster, the
canal interest oh that nelghborhonal he
~ B lrlaaally allotted (or several months.
.1 ' --/ •
7 .., , .
~, ,H
1. L.... 5 , ~,: .:,
' ' -) c
h,;,y U Explosion—Conein.
e l an or t h e c o zener'. Inquest—The
Coitipany teosuZt4.
Our readers will remember the dream.
stances of the gas explosion in Alit:WO-le.) .
last week, by which it little child nameu
Barker cams to its death. Last evening,
the testimony Lefore Coroner Clawson Was
concluded. Si! the evidence went 1.0 1:110IP
that the explosion was occasioned by leaks
the mion.gan pipe in the street, seine
fifty feet from the house, and the service
pipe Ismßug Into the duelling. Alter de
liberation, um Jury agreed upon the ft/nov:-
111 V vent let: ThatSurnuel li. Barker came
to Ms death le Allegheny City, on the oth
Of February.l.7, from injuries received by
uu 1,10011(111 Of gew, caused by n leakage
from a break In the main pipe on Darragh
street, and also In the service pipe between
Bradley's woolen factory and Ills dwelling
house, said escapes of gas being caused by
the to gilgence of the Gnu Company In not
promptly attending to said leaks.
The lecture of Kr. Henry Vincent, the
eloquent English Reformer, who is now on
a visit to our sleores, on the lira and char.-
tor or Oliver Cromwell, given knit evening
at the Academy of Music, under the tinsel
ces of the 'Young Men's Library Associar
lion, was one -of the most eloquent and
spirit-stirring vindications of the principles
and character of that great man that It has
been our privilege CO hear. hardly ever
have we heard sucu hearty and oft-repeated
bursts of applause from a Pittsburgh audi
ence, its one magnificent and thrilling pe
riod succeeded another. To hundreds who
hear.Ltbat lecture It will be a lifesiong mem
ory, and a salutary anti nealthy one.
R. B. Norris, No. 77 Federal street, Alle
gheny, the fashionable and popular Mer
chant tailor, announces through our
columns that he has jest received a fine
fresh stank of new spring goods from which
cellent selections may he made :suitable
le x r the season. Mr. Norris enjoys an earls•
bit reputation In his bmintem, gets OP gar. ,
teems in the must approved, durable O uch
(11.1ilonunla style Ann may be depended
en Khali turn for anal, zit,. Give him a cellp
for any thing in the gentleman's clothing
Remember the Poor.—Through the
courtesy of airs. Levi - Waco, Secretary of
the i'Pit 4:burgh Association fur the Itehef of
the Poor," w• have been favored with the
third, and fourth annual reporta ej tins
Sell Worthy 11,1 . 1 noble organztion. The
Of 181,01'11M !Wen large, toot the good
work of relieving t ion's suffering children,
went on nobly through the exertions of
rtn.e cbristlau ladles.
Iron City Temple of Honor sod of
Temperance, N o. li,last evening appointed
On following delegates to roc/relent said
Temple In toe Star. Temperance Coneen
:10I1-4:0111IIIIII en to meet In Ilarrlaburn on
February Sit h, 1547: Las. lihares,W.
con. G. L. 3.l.`intyle, S. Landis, J. C. Uraioy,
an.l liedley.
District Court—Before Judge ilittrirs
too. Too co.: Of Samuel Rattan and wile
se. Pittsburgh and Cleveland Pallrold Con,
ratty, betorereign - led, was proceeded with,
and evident , ' anti arguments having
non von ci o ,:zd. Court stilourned I.lll.llen
dgy. s hen Judge i:z! , 2Pton will deliver ilu
charge to the Jury. •
l'nloo Alorm.—tihortly after the alarm
from nor Melt night, another dorm
amooleil from buz No. 51, corner of Wylie
nod Volion uireetr. The :Anzio 'NM Met -
atoned bye burning chimney.
I:crorti to Ho. Zt
dozen of thnie ported 811105 shirr, n mch
ro while to order at Alurtlth: rutimm't
Fifth street.
For lira t.—,ukt . miser% Isoment 1n toolay's
Dam, of rooms for cont. Avollcatlons
'Mount bo lett ot once at the 0 000Tre count
ing room.
/Prof. Gunning lectures at University
The ltletenoncl Dispatch says a cable tele
gram was rvceived nu Wednesday by Colo-
AV; Eall.sPresidunt of the Janice Etrer anal,
lininaWnaCtanit referieni7Sltatlmrtbat tUo
noetefe Generale. of - Paris, bas agreed to fur
u tin• maximum capital of forty millions
of dollars required for me lrginia Canal
Adviccs from Itto Janeiro state that the
refute, to the v.O of Itoberts' and noyder's
bretch-loaders, reported to favor of the
limner, an
American invention, for atiop•
Von in the flrazillui army.
Prue'dent ltolierts tine called a Contention
of the Fenian Brotherhood.
.1t Faintsvlite, Ky., Y. nargcant, m ar
rrsting one J. J. Brown, yesterday, for lar
ceny, .het and killed him.
The Austrian Admiral TagethotT, was
at the Norfolk miry yard, yesterday.
The Flues of can Francisco held a large
and enthicsittstle meeting on Tuesday night.
Tuey received to eartutotly co.operate with
their Eastern brethren to achieve the Lode-
Pendence of Ireland.
A disastrous tire commenced at. WlMei,r,
New York, on Tuesday night. Fourteen
storeswere destroyed In the heart of the
business portion oh the village.
A courtier ails committed In
yesterday. Too men, named Johnson anti
/Corker, kluarrelled in the Louse of tor tat
ter. barker drew a gun and firing, kilted
Johnson instantly, then made good his es-
Cape. The deceased was n single man, aged
about thirty years.
The merchant s of Quebec are to establish
• line of steamers to ply between that pinto
anti the lower provinces.
There I.r. a heayy 51101ir storm in New
York, yesterday:
In a ent encounter between miners
and soldie 6 rs in Belgium, three of the fdr
mer were killed and fifteen of the lattdr
nt Sweedish Chambers, a motion his
been Introduced, proposing general liablfb
ty to military service.
The Prussian Parliament hue approved
the 101 l granting a loan of twenty-four mil
lion of thttlers, for the construction of
ratilwat e.
In Tennessee, the railroads by way of
Humboldt hare been repaired, and all the
trains aim running regular and on time.
The Progreso. cor the War—Lucid In.
formatloa—Allalro. at Matamoros—
Defeat of Imperialists at Zacate
New Orttress, February 21.—Later dates
from the interior of Mexico state that Cs.
rune has issued a decree to the effect that
all Persona taking part with the Empire
must leave Jalisco within eve days.
Guadalajara papors.of the "Zil of January
.Late that the imperial iota .till had linana-
Juate and vicinity. Soule petiy Liberal chief.
hint gained trifling advantage..
31orello au in Lila poiise.siOn Of the Lib.
lloriozahal has completed the argent:a-
Oen of n National Guard at Matamoras, con
ending 1,1 ono thoneand teen completely
oincerint and well equipped.
Escobedo Informs liorcessabal that he
will ImmedlatelV place at bits disposal two
thousand men, to be employed In preset,
log order in the State of Jamallipas.
Maximilian has homed another proclama
tion condemning the occupation of MlMS
morms by lion. Sedge, lob.
lloth French and Mexican animate waving
over the forts and custom house. at Vera
Cruz. The Liberals are encamped twelve
miles from there.
Wssumucez, Feb. 2L—OClclal news from
Vera Cruz, of the ltith inst., at the 31ezienn
',llon, confirms the report of the defeat
of ujiramon by Escobetta near the city of
Zacatecas. The report of the capture of
President Juarez by treason was only ru
Misusing, February 21.—Weather clear;
riversising slowly, the Mississippi is now
a broad expanse of wpter, the plantations
iuljacent to the ricer use all inundated.
Business is Retive.
Lou isvihcs, February 21.-11.1rer rising
one-bait illeb per hour,* he Alice Dean pass
ris ing.up. 21ereury liarOmoter Akte; and
Ns/me:Lax, February 3l.—ltiver falling
flrteun feet on chouls, weather clear and
tit. Lou,, February In.—Meer still rising.
Weather turned cold. Sorcery
0HM..., February 21.—Weatltor
clear and warm.
Feornary 21.—Tobseco un
changed.. fleml dull at a.49e03 for new un
dressed. kat. —superfine ranges at 33,2
39,.2.5; Extra, 110.50; Double Extra, 11:(11,13.
Wheat lira , : k1.7.54'2,811 (or Prone fall; 12,b5tp
32,u0 for, choice, and 32 for fancy brands.
Not so Net y yittortoos.
'Saw lona, February 21.—Yr. John AS•
amg, Paymaster of tho Harlem Railroad,
half mysteriously disappeared, with, it Is
said, a deficiency of from twenty to thirty
thou..and dollars In his accounts.
Wettner..lty. Yt:ls
1, ^ 7 . the Rev. Wm. IL I Mr..ti
ItEttl . .MOUltE to Mles MAItY la.7l , ljlLL;
of ttewl,ley,l.••. ttocxrds.
I:E.YEIs - Un Thursday. Veirnary 3.1
o•clork v. st.. DANIEL r:F..1.1,11. in tnv sCt
year of lila
o•clock I. 31,, (run clu r , '.l , len, of his ,
Mrs. Sarah E I:calgora, Bala etr.,, , t, Ai
lagtivriy. Friends of are raara.:M . ly
invited to ...Lad.
15u. .IlAttliAß LS I: 1341: - .:106;.01.
frinFral 1.111 leave rit7 Form THIS
I O'clork. Carrlaxt 2Co,
No. 104 t: Snot to.c, the r,qualo, o! , 00 c
1.001. No. 1, then to proccel to A11ta,...n7 Ct.*,
MIN Ito-9n Wear..A/Li. V. I, , :ary
KWIC!. 3.10.N.1[0, Aged 4 . 2 yi
The friends of the family are rcapt.,, , l 4l, 'T to
•lted tU attend the funeral, witch ‘.11:
place from 021 late ree.l.l.ruce. In .Ii rununtow`t.
TO-Ifonio,lV (rally t ro - n5,, , , St ten o'clock.
No. IG6 Fourth /trnyt..l'lltlnurrlt. Pa. 1 4, F FIN,
of all kind. CRAPES. OIA ,VEs. tad ..very.n.-
rerlptlon of iILIIVT4: Yurn...nin ...w., I urn
M. Ifoonn optnnd day and night. hearse a.n.l
Carr , agna farnlshaa. .
nnet I I). 11.. Ites.
M. W. Jacobi
eJt, If. MLA, F.BI.
H . T. WHITE Si CC., •
llsnciseste:. N'oel's ltun and viernity.
Corner Shealeld noel Clenrtiere ets eels
Hea nut Carriages lerunlled.
beautiful 'IlIod•s-.ere.' the latrest subur
ban luluce ot.epolehr, cxecto. uoc. In tbla roan
ty, ....tett on New llngbton road. !men:44.o.-
1Y north of
ar Permits
or titles. call at (' rec t al 1/rug Store of (X/91.
CLAO.EY. •Ilesbeny City.
,s 9 89 89 S 9 89 89 S 9 59 89
'S 9 ' 89 MARKET STREET. 'S9
, - - -
.;9'PL CD 33 .1 7 fEcs9'
is9 t S 9 Markst Street, I
s ,
,S9 i l 9 • S 9
' S9 IXXV . X . .12CM1 CITY l '`I)
891 '
! ,JAS, 110138,59 Market St.l s9
S9 l 49
189 S 9 89 89 89 S 9 s 9 S 9 89
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A. large azoortmeat of
Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipc,
Pumps, Sheet Lead. dc., .
164 Wood Street, near Sixth.
tOIEIEELX.; Xs9l 4901.
vro. 92 :Federal Street,
S. Mtaln.Wr .W. VANSIIRK 3. R. IWWW.ST
Manufacture ovary anslaty Or
Cook, Parlor and ,lleating Stoves,
Among artilcri me the col] brated EUREKA,
Tito YR, and TALISMAN (Coal Stever:)
MA.IA VETERAN and liwantmEn (Weed
Cook stoves.) Alas manufactore
sod Wotan:sum. Corner of Second and
d strasts... • rittatrarrh. Entrance on ',rood
'tract. jals:rs)
.11.4.1GC1ACTVII1113 or
Iron, Bubket, Tub and Trunk
M.otactorers of assoal.Janisla it Polished
limes AND WLIM1100:3, N 0. 28.11.1iN5.41:1:7.
TEL : O2. I4 i CaiDaS.
Was ertosto6. SOS. 165 apdxj.Thoz.—....
JOt. P. RAZOR fl. tiltd.ta.
facture al l all cinema of Forging., bleamboat xis:
Shafts, Cranks. Piston Rods. Levers. Pitman
Jaws and Wrists; also, Railroad Axles. Lotomo
ilre frames , and all shape work. The undersig
ed haring been for many year. engaged In the
business are prepared to furnish all orders en
trusted to them with promptness and dispatch,
1111;04 JCS. HAIIIH a IX
• {
hi: machines. used but a abort time. for sale at
reduced price.. WM. SUMNER & CO.,
raid 2.7 Fitch street.
IWW ItILANTILD Tin= Yxhiss. IS.M.m,slooni
, 1 1. fen 2 7 FIFTII STREET. •
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
L.thgt styl. of YURNITIVLIC constaoLlT ou
1117001E5 or the very best for btre at
Howard's !Avery Stable,
71rat street. near brononewhela
prom.ttc.,ion pitltl to buying and aelting
hone, Una.. 11.,t at Livery. kly
•203 bushels Prime Clover heed.
50 Barrels •• hit Beans,
• 8.1 •• Dried A pp le s.
03 Banta ••
103 Barrels reach 11l tlr• Potatoes.
•• Apples.
' t ,
•• Leaf Lard.
II Kegs '• ••
Barrels Freah Pigs.
8 • • Ffth,.
In Store and for sa'r.
Fr.l7.Elt & &11115TILONtl.
fell Corner Mattes and Fly es street..
ILEA, Jr.,
rioter, Grain and Produce
888 1 , ...t1auc-t - v- ES treoc.t.
20 MILS. HI PEMIt: received
1.0 fur sale by 17E1•. A . 3( 111,yy o,r,
etZl DrUggl,l6, fl
NEW ADV.?,yrisi g y EE 4 3.
, Wholesale Agents
A;;%erican Watch Company's
- T,T. h ITCHES.
No. 56 F.Oh Street,
6 iTylleSt„ 3d door from 51h.
Fiaf Watches, flocks, kwehlf
No. ;374 LIE KII.TY 51T'S.ET.
didr Particular aitectiou Oren to PAOSltliik .
Wairri,, Clocks and Jewstry. sit Port Isar-
;ELL An BRASS Fon-nu,'
NOF. 91 Fint and 70 Second streets,
MAN LIFAC: III ' 4 n 6 07
From 10 to 100,000 pounds.
tap Cocks offrass Or Iro at,
P o rcuts for 2.llthe allrereut
Celebratel Steam•Syphon.
Dealers in ti AS PIP:, STEAM And GAS TIT
OAK. eta, ea.
Particular attention pat . 1 tO /STEAM and OAS
FITTING In all Its braneltes . •
be only a s
IS EAU. hc.
THIN hit:Tat. constantly on 11. d.
lilt SUN and SE LL Chan:C. 4 S made to
!lambed with neatness and I J.: 44 <r- -
rtlcalar stteation paid to Brass l'alstilair
In ali it. branches. Vie also teen conataoll 3 7 an
Land ail .izss of Sheet . Square and Bound ora,
theme and Cotton Packlair. Gam Bose al all
sit,. tit up to order.
- PUE%- - "r WCI-TZEKS,
Corner Carroll and Smanntan
Streets ( Ninth Ward,
N. 75731.2. EIMISa r iI34
Cast Iron Bowl Pipe,
idy ripe. are ail cast eartleally Fitts, In Dry
nand and YFEES LIAGTII2. Also, ftall assort
anent of
STEAD' PIPES, cusoitzrzas, AND /*OH
1.81.503 , 1 DOOM /L 147.) COAL SHITTBI3
oMcootadWorko corner Second, Thlrd:
tilhort pxtd Liberty Stroper.O..
Pittsburgh, Peruasyliartia. -
/arflrders rent to the above ultimo, will too
promptly attended to. ,5e.14:11/
X CIAT, Cllttillalt. (USG .LND C 11056 CDT
Cast Spring Rica,
Cast and German Plow Flee!,
rum WINGS AND MOWER ruuts.
CROW-LAM A 4., dC....te.
Warehouse, S 3 Water St, Prttsr'gh.
• sel.S:k4
1 4E
IS /mist atteralon paid to MACHINERY
q••‘• •
YLK/Alihn stranded to promptly.
As heretofore. the best usaterLth WWI atm/
be used st - rhis Foundry.
Having disposed of our of patterns. **ears
O r.-hued, With ESA .11.2 , 1) IltrlirOVZD patterns.
constructed under the supervision *IN,.
311,2, to furninh NAIL MACHINES at short no-
Hee. no.:0
ALLLX—J.S. L. was.
Manufactures a great variety of COOL PAZ-
Luz said FIXATt* STOVES, Mon i tor ch Coat
celebrated Allegheny a me
nd Coal
Cooking Moses; also, the Autocrat and lientlnel
eoal dr wood, and the unrivalled Mar og the
Empire, for wood: alao, Stratea„ fen
ders, Oceer Kettles, Log Ito. and Hallow Ware
& 13LATOR,'
No. 83 Libeity Bt., opposite Fourth,
They matte e specialty of Iron Bedttend and
rivet Cute.: Pardlate t Itedetend and ?trot
cettort; deleett Peetettegn; SLOP. fur £.1.0*
sloe Tablte, Or: They Coo enavereettue and
ht , Ve .ettt , eetlitee tutede Thumb Latch.. 1 4.. 1 .1
ter nod Butt Hinge,. (triad-none Hamden.
.M.. 1 Irons, '04.0 We. t retts. ae.• AO. 171:a71