CITY AND Sala RBAIL LocA.T.,NEWS 011 FTELST AND THIRD PAGES Tho New stunt Itaptist Chorch—A. Model for Church HOlater.. It may be truthfully observed that our W30,14* City of smoke, with its dingy house, noot.begrimed and labor-lovingpopulation, ' poss.'ses her full share of beautiful .and imposing church edifices.. The people, an"- mated with the noble Idea that God's ten: ;pie sholild . be worthy of if fm, vie with each church building, and- us a result have upon all shies and In 1111.qUarterS 1:0050 witne.ies et the zeal and efiterprlsc of the different religtons communttles in olcgarit and costly planes of worship. Nor has the work of rearing . these noble monu ments to Gust's glory and the progress of christlanity, ceased; but caul Say. n: It were. It new structni 0 springs op to challenge oar adintration and'aild lustre to the character of our people. Testi:m.le our attention was drawn to the new' Flr rilaptilit (March. whirl. stands near the Corner of klourth and Ito, stret, in the Seoefld ward. anti which wul be reiOly l et heeePlAion on Sabbathnest. tic wirenet, pre:Are:l to award it :Ito blub praise other:Churah °Steen in the t) 11.01 revelved, but upon a Melt and examination into tile nyoUltuctUrel beauties of the etrueture, we. • "eta : loot in .wouddr how so , mitantectictea building shonlil eia.tott 'lO.llO. nutlet, :50 A sttuateit In ono of the most Mi .,' 17,Fi l d e I bl a tions, for church pt, poses, to tint esti, —a bola: 'Orderly neighborhood, t which to convenient to n.ll the itimseneer nolways, mil yet is not CO dote as to euthir !annoyance from Molds) , etreet travelling. The part Of the building which. Is Plash led and ready for occupation • ri:onre en . ',Fourth atrcot, ia a chasm, and modal how° Or worship. It to MN:, in th e R„ re .r„. esque order of arctilteetOM in plain domes c Stolle while the Oro e nren r,d tin 'chiseled Illss:acwooil stone, w Melt Ls vet,' Oaltnilar to. ' fatuous Baden &very steno is. Cut and placed with delicate aICOEY, and:: the- ornamentation. betoken skill and art. The effect from an outdilti view Of thechurch with its half completed stone. I,,olverblYerYpls:estop to the eye, 1114 re beln.g nothing rude or unpleasant to disturb lb e general harmony of the urelliteets tar- signs. The heavily arched (.oorany ly up.. !kit:rat:hod by neatly Chiseled ' ethne steps, whit° theentrlttlee way 01 . re-litiblllC IS 13111 mosaic tettterna wan colored tiles. The IYru. flour—LlU) eburgh As two stories 011111-I 4 till Chapel ottiabbatli school room. a broad and heartuorne looking room, roo ming the full length or the 0111111 lrg, 111111 1.1 , 111111.111 S• ilk the centre a , hen.Utlful water tOuntain: The latter Is designed to reader the school room attractive to children, and in a nova though -prametrortby idert. The romintdontals2g sums-circular benenes for the scholars, beforreach of wmch in rived to the door a neat phair for ti teacher. Upon the i v 1V112,10,41.13 babbitt& tv.mbOol room Ls a perfecit Mbilelin ifs way, and Will press very at tractive to thtt.,rttle onus. -TrUMßSOtteleal Itemin" i+ . sunk under the platform this room, 1111(11S largo and wall hue Ner he porpoto for widenrunatruetee . ?...ably. pair ot lead down tato - -It , eital the water to, in 001.1 west her, gentl/ 110 5att11 by pu,ingi through, hot iron pip, .s. Lim amconit door to be tellinorarilY twee - Pt tus. rim chapel tor. woishiu, and is to TO 111/tlll. and chaste, and yet so elegant, boa' WM, :and grand that we hardly dare •at inpt dehrriptilini - . km yrw enter you Its, 'airJcw.itllthe harmony and good Mete of lilt t fogs about you. The arched ceilings, titer eh &terming of the walls. the numer ous elegant stained windows through whir a the light of heaven :dreams au tot'l64 '.rajtifitriel neatly carpeted 'noon., the d QientelY carved pulpit top! tin array . Pf4t PoWs , COnwpire 10 render this Thor !lttle verClitentest ir the city. Ity an Inge! tons appliance UP:, ornamental croak, able rung the Irrig..',a of the oottiog o f the .hur parallel . the uttlAde un te, i ti pollee , : ventilator, mut thus nil,. au 01 eirr oftemiitii I, IlltewOto ono of too., The t ewi , are. Of white loth 11n1-heal with. dark tv'jintit, and are comtructed with a few '..Yealltig a t'ffie Puck while Sitting upon • thee , 'Thty'grOlattittsbutely curl4inard and e'.en •ontatua neat .book rucks, which were rim od to ...he congregation by Calvin Bed., of. the Novelty Wort.. The rem, an aro heated rrlth Bourne's patent Mta • furonees, whLch 7 ate distributed on frith r 01110 and frtnt of the church, form thernselveS pleasing Ornamee• themse.. pleasing Ornament:a. The \ t., Anil the general arrangements about ..teful and of Original iltmgnit. The I torea are also new styles, and when il present ii. very tine Street, showing much advantage. it. splendid Tenon lin organ, of which C. C. Mellor .1 Wodd street, are agents, occupies its place. in the ch arch. It I. 11. vary- so. lualrlanaent,',liaving twelve stops and C row or I..cya. It was the princely 01. W. U. • Everi..on, li.q., or Yireston U. Co., who, we be- na \ poly gs Itch t alit° Co.; ta prope pen& IL dout, Y.",roi - _ Lev°, needles at thegan In this claureb?: , ten tee. Our de or scription et the tt4pel is but a . (sin , : outline of its bean. t elti 'l ankal i its7l7,nliiii r. tiVe ' i ' leT h „Vii r .rt u ?;l " l7i . :: I tr.Teth" 73 . t . A n 7 -t"'! : s :eioasem} l. „eiu,:,:%tV. f l ~.„,,.,„, which eri • nole l phel a tsi. David S. fhttecl, E•I., of Pliilade , was or e a, ct, and this einice anti stand ten', we trust, as a ninnuthent to his tkiii and ability. Boyd .lt, Sun were the contractor, Ind have temod their Tian of the earl: . bight, creditable manner. • It is the Intention of the etingrega'lon to i' r'e milii le t t ' , f..P„ ... t r iieti ' al . l 6 [l! ' : pr „ n r Vrml o ifbt i:. ficartonli are drawn, at an early date. Thin will front en Bost street, and it de,ignoll to - nu in keeping witnlit wing we have Just sloweribeel, nand Mill be Otle of the thirst church "Ant:titres in erica. , The tower, ' two t o Irms of which are completed, it of white t'.one„ and will be one hundred and ittFlf . ..y feet high. ~..lo congregation of the First Ilaptltt. ...March numbers many of our wealthier.. wititent,” aria 010 I:UO[111,1 areaIIIIIIIC t% . - place of worship, total,. volorties in behalf . ' ut The reton. ..„ti and anterprize. he Cenci ...1 I In IICCIs I fICi I over by /tee. iti .. darn S. IN - ear” a gentleman of mine, - Lion s , rellnement told experience. ,Is a . •: .ffitilintorater he bus few equal. In this COCO. trY", , iiimil he came Into out' midst a few • yttikts. tido 'with a ',Client name, 'round .., twhleltclustereil many ennobling deeds In tliewetvlce of his country m the hour of dread attraction and bitter narrow. to bail patiently labored In his holy calling, winning friend. upon all shies, and the res . poet and admiration of the entire Christian , ..,community. /rumble, charitable and good, .-'we truer he may long lieu to grace the pal . pit in the church, for the erection of which, ' . t: labored so earnestly and successfully. Tho udiflcia,Will he dedicated to the war - al:tithed totaltm Sunday morning neat by aP prOprfaro /religions terriers, and In Mt afternoon' the Sabbath Sellout will be form ' ally oPefied. The public are retpeettnby in " Tiled !xi attend. . . . . ...Silbersee In the Court!" . • The Court of Common Pleas was yester day./eooteWhat startled from Its propriety _ by the singular conduct of one of Its criers. "..The Crier tell asleep in hie chair, and el u m, bared serenely for some time. At length he was observed to grow restless In hie sleep, anti. his gestmulatings and mutter ' .- toga began to attract attention. One of the • Opetaves approached to awaken him, anti touched him on, the shouluer, when the - the sleeping man, with the sense of duty strongupnn. him, Jumped übrllght and shouted out, at the top of a tolerably well . • developed voice, “Silence in the Court!" The edebt may. be sp ectat e s, ai l Judge, Pry, lawyereand spectate's, all Were completely - upset. and for. the moment these scabs. gaze ... of blank astonishment :rent all eitles,,md then audible cashes spreal over every face, and the Court room woe the merriest place In the city for a few moments. bleeping on - duty may be objectionable, but eerier who .1.5 so devoted to duty even when asleep. ' moat 1.m.v0 good 'qualifications. Sto . p . • ihlet 1 • dtaboutaLne i.Votock on Tomolay °van log . . . • .therttMone • of,.Groverser street,: Itlrmlog humoireie ifertled hi . the- eppailtion of I beile,a Mee. to his shirt sleeves, who nub 061 the street from thedlreetlo • . of the river, towirdt Bingham street,iiliout t log eretretliy. "Stop thief:" A short dis tant:A.ln advance of al. ran another - .tuft ., - who was evidently the' object ot the rear Mania pursuit- the darkness the futii• five Minas:ea 'to i,eane 'unrecognized and nocaptured. It was ascertained afterwards [lra the chased Individual bad entered tile .sbunco of Ids mirkluer nd endenvored to teel money, but. was noten.ncxel.,fal in his • _et:rot-toe the other man In Mg. Anannlt and Battery °Meer Joseph Thomas yesterday made in. lermation before Alderman Idorrowtcharg ' I.g r. C:tr.y, with assault and battery. 1t will be remembered that on Friday olio, tualsat% there Was alitt le difficulty at LItY Dail, 5n vaneh,an le Katie!, the defendant concerned. During the ntraelem he re ceived s.evere treatment at Cle Man! e or om enr. and made inform. 110,110 r aminnit men battery against him b.' Ahlerman Strain, atuio ti bearing, • othecr Thomas was'het t“r ' tria ' l. It ( 5 rn relation to the suede thAL talker Thomas 111111 Cl. his charm., alleging that Daffy attacked and alumed tam. FaTrent 'wan Mance.' . VOMMOO PICOS. • Before JudgtiMelion. Heyrnn BrmeLlest vs. D. P. Hatch tog others. Ihsfore rergrtecl. still nit Lelal. iAt 1.151 . 7 , 011 Tilt Gott f rey vm. Art h. Bato. 69:• Henry Eton Ph. It.. Mertz. • Wut. Eton VA. John 'M. Peter Peternen vt. llntottntter. • Ltuvitl Jour et us Ty. S.. Ring 4.1 Ili. 2.W. C. H. Itobtnnon vn..tes.LehintrgerA lu •4. Naletnter t Uldiv4,ll v:4..10,11'4 ct nl. fn"W. C. Itelter ve. Thos. Clmio.ll+4.a. Dlfttrici. Count. Boforo 4ut.tgo .11.ampton. Samuel Bosun unS RIIO F. 1'itt.”11111T and Clovelund /tailrouil Company. 13.efor. • • • ported, Occupied entire litcsslon. , - To-morrow being a legal liiaidari a other code will no takers up thisweeli,. • I.IIO,ItIrOLF, SILOS impanneleil In lh pane Ott trial, Were ‘11, , e1/1.1.r.04.1 on Moodily. A Diaorderly Tenant,—yemtnrday AI • :Wm. Kelly made Information beforo Aide ruanditornow, charging John Ron., a tea nntmtdactonent o s, living On Gibbons street in the' Eighth ward, with disorderly con ttog le Chang e d that de (umlaut It 111 th babit'of coining Mario .eery drunk, an, matlag , a , parpet and disturbance; to Lb great tthrguet of the other tenant::. The at cused Rita UrreSted and heist for a Nato, bearing. • Mare!. Perlottleril..—W..A.ollden fenny, No.. Filth rareci, tcaalg the Atlantic Mont hly u .n.l Our Young Font for March. Both are dell flaw ben. , J. W. Pitt 14, opporilto the Pout unite, has laid the March Atlantic on our table. Plc. tack has all thin latest pallilestlans €-"11.. /Z.l74ll4.lEtriCZ, Banker and Broker, ttS Wood St., near corner of Finn, All descriptions of Government lsonni nought end erold on liberal terms. London lira . 6nlanental 8-4 to go SO! Er= Gala, Silver and Couperin bony +t at higt rut re.t.ea, r : tiol.l Drafts 1x.11 , 1 on Now York. • FINANCE AND TRADE 0,0T2 07 TIE • ri.5500C eon 15 025TTN, Wm, rts, Fein-nary Ito following ore the New York stock dant:altos for toelayt 1.7,1 bands, I tot,/ Five Twenties, nl,l, Illy':; ; ; Five T 0 en do now, Its;; Fairies, to?(. Michigan Southern Rail road. %%; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, Th!lt Ihttaburnh, Fort Wayne Chic/lino, Erie, 51;5; Western Union Telegraph Com pany, 4F-31 Mileage 00,1 Rook, Island, be%; Chicago told tiorthwestern,:Z34; do prefer red, GIN;; New York Central, tot' Canton, '0,4; Cumberland, 81; Qulcksllecr,P!,t Mar ina,. 35; do, preferred, 21,i; Boston Water rower, Faelllo 141 N; Atlantic lap; II utison,l3l; Reading, l 3 3; :il lett non Central, 107%; 1111001, Central, JEI%"; Toledo and Cleveland, Int Wabash, 33 , 4 t Gregory, 1 Pi;; Quart>. 1 1 111, - 4; Corydon, II; Smith and Parmelee, ftli. Too whole amount of Internal 'revenue collected 'during the 11,001 year 4110,Pon,tts1. Of this 'Sim, 0171),578,136 was col lected Itt the Eastern Stateo, 4111,410,1' 1 1 , the Western . Statcs,ineluding Kentucky and Tennessee, and only 1r.:15 : 5719 In the ten rebel Status. A 5 the CO. utper or the leak I finally pays thelan, n centilderablo part of the ono hundred ataksevettly millions petal by the Eastern States to the COI leelOrS C 010.1.. Out of the pockets of the people ofte IVest svuo consumed the wares made in the East, I on which thetas was paid. The tat on row cotton during tlto lost cal year was [II - nerds per pound, and the receipta from ads source into the Treasury amoinitsl to .41:3,4,9,055. In July last the too 1 , Its raliohl to three cents per pound,and it is estimated that it will produce ou the pre.,ent , crop 01 two millions 01 hales 414,- . Ove,trp, after allowing ton per Cent for frauds and evnalons of the law. —The Seereurry of the Treasary 115.9 .tr. chled, as we barn already announced, to payAtzprassage on Colted State.? 740 notes seuv te the Treasury Department at Wash ington for conversion Into Censohast,i (-1,31 of INta, until March 81, heretofore shippers have been riot:tired to prespny the Freight. As they now stand a profit of more than I per cent can be wade by nonce:nog 7-3 o 110115 - into 5.31 bonds, thus 41,032 1%3 . 1 In .$1,(..T.: 31 • 7-glO3 gal lOr Legs per cent communion $1,W0.5 , 139 of cost, Add 3.. per cent comulf:Aoa sl,na`i 77 t sa-1 , Interest in gold 45 1.1:15, I= Toe 7-..tte , , Orel, life not worth the .111- r121,111:0 expitieg between [hoot and the bowls with which they are couvertibie, as I any One can sea whoa:in ercuaitte the state ment circa above. —There is some speculation as to the ef. feet open exiMunge 11.1111 gold Dy.the de and to pay the expense of Anierlcaus - In Europe outing leaf. For the purees,: the amount is placed as high as 415:rbt , .•1, but tins sum will out, m all prolluellity, Mast,' -.he prlee of gold. from the simple fact that the demand tor American stocks in Europe will cunttnue to make them the cheapest funds to take Mimed. ir, a, the. people at large hope a lit be the ruse, h sr:no:not et ac tion between the Freeldent unit U.:sere-. 1. secured ni rt,glara to recoils truettou, Fed eral stacks will go to Europe In tags: umminte,to the prettent advantage ;If doe cOuntryauit supply more oschutige than is wanted for arty w Ith harmony. I,i...wrest, there is every resaon to e.clnec u I demand. fur United states Sloes Illetent I to rmcc cold from Itlottope in a .105 time. 3". Trdsenr. Y/TTSISURAI • I)7,XE 07 Tug per-re Etna Gaunt - re, Wnusnst3Ar. January tO, test. $ The general markets are quit t t bong)! steady, and a little better feeUng seem, b. prnv/ul In counnercliil circle,. and gun,- ally our murebants and molt:flan:era a:• a little mom boputul lu ruKard bort , future The retumpLiou o 1 a - us - lg . :awn prol,aun 1130 re 1.1.0: 4 11LY, Cir“ and It 1510 by tpapi ., ll Lilac 1,3•1 opllll4 Cr..., w Idea is )1.1,c 0p,,,1ng UP. will turn Out solicit cellar ti.nn Otis 144.5...ra11y pr,- dieted. LiltAlN—Wbest is dui). and nominally on changed. small sab..iS of Data at 21 to 5.i. Rya Is quiet but ste - ady, and prime Mao aaft Venom. may he quoted ut t.1.0:1. Corn le Mali tint unclusaarqi small sales ac to 5. Bexley. to in demand at OZ.te 3: for No. 1 Spring. • .11.01:11-18 dull and weak with It droop ing tentlimey. e now quote at 411,21 tO 11l for good io choice t.taal 143 , 1 spring It beat tta.,tO tO 4t4.fur hinter Wheat: nod gb; tO slnor Laney brands. Burka heat is scare., and higher, and we n goo, at 4:5,:54:5,:5 to 41 per cert. • stye flour q o 0101 and un• chanced Y;. POlglONltacou Is ill join bias way at 10 to 10ii ror Shoulder-, and 15 fur Sugar Lured flatus. Lard 1-• quo. red uti.l2 to for Melon. and W A ' to 1.1 for kertlo rendered. Iles": Pork at Sitl to 421.r0. nEI.D.;—We can report a sale of ,34 bushele Clovers Ced. to the mule. at Cs—small sub,. at cs,be ua g.n.. Timid by in quoted at 41,11 t u 31,51. Flax:icedis 111.3CM:tali at 4iLL.). lillTTElt—Coutinues don wan 0 supnly consitterauly Ificaress ut the demand, but unchanged. triall sales of prime 11011 at 25 10 EGGS—DuII and lower—sales of fecal parked today at 20. APPLE.S—buII but tinehaninnl. We ran report regular na.les In attall at SW" , to per 1101, as to guality.. LARD OlL—The man ufacturers rate. are 10110101: to 90 for Nu. 2, and lilac to 1.10 for No. I. As a matter of course, Joh 1-er? charge the I.loool.adVaa. Over these MIMMEMM EtiUl=2= • HAY-11aIctl nay continues very dull bill unchitnircti—tncy qUOttt , i at 4 . ; - 2. to 425 fur 'good to strictly litho., Timothy. (ILAN DEMO ES—SiLleri tit icr; to errTrin rz MOLE cm ILIUM= errICII OF TON PlT,ler/IWe WEDMEADAY. February 2.0, 181.7. t - Citt:DE—Thu market continues dull and neglected, and with n prety strong, pres sure to sell, end but. few buyers, the ten" decoy still continues downward. We can report a sale of IfAte bbls, to arrive, at 7II; lOW to be delivered any thne during the year. sellers option, at ilyt 30,1, same option and delivery at Yana, price; mall we also heard of POll3O eight thousand barrels bats ing been cohl on Tuesday, atfor .May, end 9 for .1 uty. Boyers, who the other ay were willing to hey at 7ISt to it, have now lowered their figures to "Ois: to 7--som of them have dropped clear down tto 0. Smith's Ferry 011 Is dull and. lower, Whlld In lianaerlia oil there is windng doing what, ever —at least we hear of no transtattlone ItEFISED—The market for bonded nil gonustues exectelingty dull and depretsteti, and whist Is wor.te et ill, there arc (JO Indira tiOns at present of any Immediate traprove ment. • We have but a Single sale to report, two thousand barrels standard whirr, for March delivery in Philadelphia, at show bow the Philadelphia operators re -Ird tho trade at resent, we make the fol lowing extract fr o m a letter troth reliable dealer in that city, under date of Tuesday: i t -Market to in such a deplorable slate that no one would scarcely make an o lfl'r, and we would not be eltrprleetl If 'ornate decline (onside! ably yin. July Woe Offered at 32, without buyers. February sold of 2714, and efanrfrrrl while et ed. From present “Pnlltt, ernes, thi , e who have been rt:cling "rive,. will have a good long tim e r to watt. A gentleman in Ithe trade, who arrived yea. terday from Europe. gives It very gloomy account of the foreign markets. Ile says there are from six to nine months stock of 00 in • market, and shipments still con tinue", • • • •-...._, Ciatroiro newts. CHIC Ai., February 20.—There fen good de murollor the lower grades . Of flour , r La g leg .. 4 .,, lt . V 3,750 , :2 lor low totilgc,ltD,lhivelst. r..:,,.Li;.,, 174 : 2,11/ " flo'r'li,.7oe.9', fool . . 31.1 ,- / 4S I .ell r_ll r N.0... 11 t . Corn llrto soul ',le' blghrrl r'llir of N 1?..!. ._ wr.riwo4r; elregog!lt Siff 3' ',r • } l-/ j a g l i : o l :: , , , ll s . ~. u .', n - A ' l ' . 7 l. oo n fo g r ' n ..' gro To it i 7. °I 1 ° 1:l ' ; prod uele of oil glue very hotel. 21! eel pork hiroulnel,u!: : 2 :4014,n; euleg 01 , prin.. , these al $1.,4... ' nr l:ll.Y. Keil $1 , :,.4 , 4 for rOuntry 1)10..41. Sly., pickled loort3 ot.10)1SlIt; rough n 1410.1 We ”hort rya .liul Lieu,' I Lolqoeallrul,ut.'- latjc• n',prim wy.en ml. quiet lus I"' 'A r'l . ' ) 4' ,,. ' t lurn...:bolebter hog 2. • Dro,od in'n' s e l-- - °•'' , P.b live fairer, active ' rlo, nt V.2.1 ,, t0r crawl:tan to h 0,4 ebOlee. Nes. York Pry taood• Market. • - NE Youe, k ebrunnr —Tlin ctlvltv tim lbw Cotton goon s purl ly subsided In conocquonee'or ,krt gre snow storm, but them Is still for these (idle.. which have been r. '' , r j, "tr : in price, viz: the Atootkenu, Lowell, Nnuinkeug rind Wtousiittu. to oilier styles t horn Is no ellanio not tee, nor is thorn any Ind nationthorn will Is, at the is goal-anti:en. Chestlnks onaroe rind firm at seconds ~ p r i„, ramp, from Il to 1/untostle Wool tun y o relgn rubrics dull and tlepres,, enoUgh• • Louisville Maritet. lAirtayikia , February 20.—Tobaetti - nc five, ardor of 7Q •titela at 4 . 2,70 ne light. common of, and leer Nell, tlon. Superfine flour.Slo. Vett wheat }LK,. Porn—tiliklird bulk, Shch ear lhaa Mrs. pork, i2l. liacon—Aioulderc lee to parked; clear sides,l•lli,•;baiten halo N , plea, 14 . i•te. Lard tierces, kte. NOW Orleans Su gni, prime, 1114; id., Willa L: 2O . cot ton,'.'./. AMES DILIELL & SON, 69 and 70 {later Street, LARD OIL MANUFACTURERS, .Ittattql In CRI.IIJE, LI.IIIItIcATINU and I No. I Lori tlll tqual to IL Ivet 9tlter 11 , andtt , and prOpot , t , t t , II a to , a a. ~ 1 1,, / nnatt or clitottro ratts. , ! our .to; Lard t. t at a Lubrkatur canno I d Cret.k I,l,l,attrg and ttalCard brand:l 4 :4 of C•rt.tot cousin:lllv on li.tu I. Mt.rutla,ls al/d 11.1.11r1VIU [Cr.: Will Cad It to 11:;rt.ri ba"" it Alta ETS iti"rELEdnArn New York FlutinviAl Mrs Nam Twin, February 21.—Money steady. at :AV call. :Telling !mint anti firmmit, Gold' a shade firmer, opening at la-9„ declining to flat ;, advancing to 13 , X, and caaong est 13Itd. tiovernMautl as Orin 1 and' fairly notice. Freights t Liverlitpoof l I quiet loot steady, with yogi :moon oI buchele Of COM, at al ie. I , er ualllng I Ves,als, LATEIVI. Marley Is Unchanged, Gold I firm, cloy -Ing at 1319.. Early dealings. in railway were at lower price«, and the mar . km. was very much unsettled under violent fluctuations In It:m.111c Mall. At 1 Ito Itrct open ouard the general niarLet aim rather Inure steady and followed he a flouter foal , lug throughout ..f «lock exchange, Alter board, Edo roan to :old lten t rat to 11. It ichtgan stiffened 1110 a hole marker. The eat learoro of Sleek Email:Moe old. Nellie Malt, and treating. were ,large and attended with it:crew:AM exclterhent. The clock open:A..lz 137, Cell ott to 131, hut after« war d« miltint to lan. 'flier° wits a panic In vag last ova/ling and sold dawn to 131. Miscellaneous shares are all lower, bat alllor more steady at tho clop. caw etot•ks quiet and generally unclianged. At the mai o'clock board Pacific Mail de. elined ~ t ill farther,' telling at the dividend being but 3 per vent.. witicil bus 2 per cont. lower than ally dividend declar ed he ilia company for many year. It bad the - effect at depor•efating stook. At the sivond board Pacific sold down 10132!;:, with large triumuctlon. l'acllle Mall coot luttoil the feature of the market to tile clod.: of the day, the last quotation being 132. The heavy decline has shaken out a great laser weak parties, aml stock mused lute stronger hands. The inpuictions the case •of the none ol directed« of the Atlantic Mail Company burn all 11.,11 wl:hdrawn, and t lilt or tractors surrendured trio property to the new board. Mr. Wheeler, President, has reeltmett, nod Mr. Hanson la acting ltrecident. The block market war under . and tirm at the Last open board. With a slight Oma h a 11l 1.01110 Vaat, after Call; 1110 ' priers at peen p. m, were: Ohio certificate. 22541r2.11 gamin Union Telegraph littof 11' lteadluti, llopipploli North' Western. 35•.,rp do prides ord. Foot Wat eny. I«ilia.l,act « , ,Ol. ga mate otaelc tlutat: : Telloa, Nee tom 0 , 4: Nor; la caroona, 1:X. loa tams 5 ago: ta, Isto,rs«; Masimurl, c'2•,Lit slovernman , Lt" Mad 111$1,; . r, cloa -1114 Arm: Itegisi arra 'Bl, lOW itn,; t'ota tams 'to, t 0,,, Coupons s.I. lil' ; u111; • nOt„; IME= limo Yuan, February I:b.—Cotton dull and heavy; nummally unchanged: sales ot r.rh bales at =h ; 14:11e! for Inivir:ling bulanos. Flour; rreel;,;o, 2,110 bbl,; mu: 001 n shsde tirttler:llol , o blurb :Ming: sulto 5.103 hols; p. , ,A.V,..i0 for superrino Sure; 1:,33:34,53 ror supextble Wesiern; ae,c , t31d,7 5 roe 00 tru IN 0 irloni, k10,r44.12,u0 for c10u.14 do.; r!lo.heia.: II,:s for shipping brand., ultra 0.110,1 1101 p paw; t11.e3id14,11 10r trade brands, market Mooing quiet. Whiskey :Met 404 steady. No rocelott of Wheat; market quiet, With out duclaca ebauge; sales 1.X.r.; our. atuber Silehigan at 42.,:k li ye dud. Itarley with out decided change; Bale. .2,7(.0 tnis. at akCc for thmada Ake , :it In Pond: $1,40 for do. full; 0,14,, for roa oil State. barley Malt ‘lOll, ...tou, ;;Auo at 41,:d. ileccipts of Coin. 0.4.0: ims.: market to inwer;.Oho .10,OU) lob. ; ll.tdi.4l.o:!,thr mixed W , :edern m . ..ore. am: deed. :or do. arloar. lilt. stemly,ales j too. at for 1% toter:, gave dim. I C.4ree 41r0.1.000:ir duvet..llol4—cs dud. I Petroleum du11,1,0-..„ . ,410 rrtme. oh! :re:, :: for holned hood P in . o, arm a nd d alet ut 4'.4,4c. W:ad lo uot and .carce::. ao can: .ales.:oll.oA , 1 , .,: -i.:-.4 , ' , 0 P4 - "Motootte never: lOn for put:ad:ll l 4 o 4kt for tubbed; - 'O, 0.. , :c for rt - 14, 1,aL111 . 1; nen:lock sou: dud, heavy me! do:mum, Pork elite:. 1.1 stonily: Nlllll , .2.,47S bbl,. at 11;mitt...6 for new me,,, elormg at I:v.:4110r create:it; t 1".02 r:;::::,do tor obi 1111,..e0 - o.lng at Sm. , . tor tog. a• 1.,r; rih. , :;i17, ,, for prime, and 11'i,::41 •,,,,c,, for name tut —I also 1,.:,.: 'ml. . new moos ak ....7.:0.i....h.c;', leilr and buyer. Fehru.:.rY nn:! 1 March. Beef steady; ruler 14d Md . '. uirre ions pelCol.9 1.0,0 101 ~0 1 * ti , al. , '-',' th.. r o. ~., ~..:- . ,ii.41,5d Mr phrne noes, and CLIO) a 1t...00 tor 1,110111,4- hoof Ilans:: nu !.VIA:4g; - .3..:, 0.1.1,00 dull and imoNY:s 4 les 1 4 .'": 111 , 41 :a• tont-hue cut at IP ;r:. Cut kliet , s drnoo: saho ~..ia packages, 1; - , pl. Ir, 101 t.,. 1.1. 1.110. /I W. 5. (01 - bna*. br.....c.1 Hog, firmer at. ;:::,n,.. , ,c. ho We,: ern. 1.4n1 Om., ;::10.::: 1 '''''d ""- rd- 10::4 it' . r .: fur ola, ami If io,l: for pew. 11l ,toil und lea-.y at 1:.;;,:a: tor pit n. I...ilke:oe dud nt 1:44::,-. • ood ormor fdr truollorn ud:. orttor loon, d• [pond o roowd rtnor. uttn !norm rood No. , di rolr tiuto.l ul; u 101 •rilcr- uodcrnxt 91.1;. Corn pool PO• 1111,q7 for n.V.Xoi rlOlO, and for do und.d. !toady kidn , :ul ,6 . /Or .. ,-, dnrn. Pork ...ncod firm nr tr.), for regnlur and at... - t.-torn qulec. Lard And Ann n. Iv - ,a12, for plod to prime utearn and Irotiool ton icrru. Liro.,,d Lod., closld. 1104031 at tr ;0 for u Market. o. leid.oary ...—; , stmt is un changed. toe oti of rec.:Haw,. Nuw. tinuoes, te.looraoliest to-day, caakt's holders Sealer. at Vidsp,e. Flour soil Broth. are ancilan,osl, at, but little al., iS Icy quiet, at $l,). Fros,ioh. dull 011L1 .111:001 Itlaskv• ]lca. Pork. at eSetiZi,24.' Lard, Bulk. os s, at 7'=,:' tool Pi' 0. buLthr:•.lt coi demand lor n bat Aso a liters. luau quiet, at to Is and lit,. toe ,Loluidar.,. soda, and clear sides. Cutter ;lull, at 113710 tor oriole to choice central Ohio roll, and ;HS :etc for Western Hosiery., Chre-e,at Pil,e is . I clover Seed toioly, Flax, at 42,t0. iirruvriea ilrrn will) a fair derniovi. sti,rar,iat 11 1 ^;17^. ColTee.avdigil l o?. at SO,ltslc for New Orleans. Hold for boyars. awl 1371 i3Cl:l' , „ PO' seller.. Et- chance steady, at par bu) tag, and Laurent. ,01110 g. New Orleans Market. N Oates's., rearuara I:O.—Cation 14 rooter; vales et %Soo 1y.0t.:4 lop 1111,1,1111,n at and min iddlg . a1 1 ,1 1 +•; ncrinU 1,4, aalloa ryriortntlna, Sugar at Lief,. tan - , Sinlas,ou--bitr 190; iodine tor a, I3 . ;10 and firm. Float quiet:P.ll o olllc 411.5 0 ; eaten 311,72. Corn WIT, 4115. Vats Idstber: , I. Hay firm at 43i1 1 ian39. Pork ;lulland unchanged: races 4:1,71. Bacon— dioulil ors Whlsky Tobacco--meiltu in 1,..149; lair swill. closed at 14;). sterling hank Sew York bankeltreks per' cent. ;Heenan, Freights to Now York per steamer I.; to Liv erpool 7•1;; In Havre ht. LOolok Markel. ST. I,lnn, February 01.—The demand for Tabora. Cannata, light and strictly local. 1 Honig, Is alintod entire/y - wltindit niovis meat; undreuioril nominal, at Slalugi,oo, dressed, 32,740,10 per ton. Lead Ursa at 9u far soft XI {amour'. Flour Is quiet and a lit• Ile easter for buyer.. tV bent steady; oriole to strictly prime, g_,' 71((1.M: choir, 7,:n .. Corn Drtn• mixed and yellow. 77(ii i tot totked white, S 1 . e/c; prime and choice white, idMstri. Cala LeaVy and ctAler; gOoO lochtnee. Gl7OO. Hurley easier; aiding. 01 V.)O unchanged. rroria mai dun and weak. Whisky dull Kt 4 2 , 11 . 'Buffalo Market. IlurvALo,rabranry YO.—Flour rintat, Can_ la pring MIHXYiIIi, No I sorted Wheitt Ilnll and litsallungen. Corn ael Let with It tali . Inquiry:sales II car load, So I Toledo at Ilttitot. Oats nominal. Rye neg lected. Barley alently; sales 411000 hush Can aoa at, $1,13 in store. Whiitkv neglected. Now Mesa Pork quiet al 5W,9944 1 , 00 . Lod Ile. Dressed I log. for packing CO , • Baltimore Market. lIALTIMOUE, retanury •M—Flour no palere. Wheat, goad Maryland rail, sold at 43,011 Corn rao•optg fair; weather unfavorable; 300, prime do. 03; yellow VASA. Oats dull at 53. nye, sruilli sales; Pennsyl vania, al. Clover reed weaker, iobbino lota at 10.1312,111. Corn firm, print° 10 ,, ,eint% in ntlgar v uAllet. ittillsky dull and hire:t itian Philadelphia Market. February 7.0.—F10 1 1r dull; Western neat tint with 1.100 ulatlea logury; State red 41,09 California white KIVA. corn LL improved deluged; sales of lupe° bushels at al. Hata doll at :tie. WhiakV; a largo bUdillabil in contraband at SI,SO. Mernphla Markrt. .31tiirola, February Colton .1101 nod uulet at 1191311. e. Corn firm at $1,0141,07. (late, 701j7.50. Bay, $30.000311,110 per lon. Floor; supordne; 111u,0ut314.14. Hren, toe. Putter, ltooll7o. fixlrn, lifitue. I'roVIEIOEO pteo,ll3q wilt. po °bang,' lo prices. dlrlwAnkee MILWAUKEE,February M.—Flour timer. Wheat grin at 32,10 for No. 1, 91.5113111,16 , 5 for NO. Corn Tirol rtt 700 for to, bbnlleil. 1,,,tr, firmer a; ton for No, 1. I'rOy/61011,1 IMPORT% Inn RAILROAD. Prrreartaan. f.a7 IV AT.. a CIIIOA can It, It. kilo bonito y, Showalter & Lang; 5 arks butter, Sturgeon Urn' Ile eke pearls, ?Schee & ro: 6 pkg. Prialliec. 'hicßr y Rea jr; 1 car barley, Carson, I/aril:talon A co; I cur corm, Dan Wallace; RI Mils apples, I do onions, Kell a gatchart ; 32 W.I. David Rickard: Ill) tibia deur, Al DleCul lough jr & co; 5 1.1,10 apples, ./ Newluyer & eu; 50 1,1110 paer, AII Enti.lloh eu; 1 eggel, owner; I Car luullrer, John 1101 & 00; I car ton, J L L 11.1 bolt 111110 Witter, .1 11 Cum & co; IS bags buckwheat flour. John tiorterileld & en; 100 bills paper, W 1( tropld rjek It co; 3 pkto. produce, 11 141.1,11.•; Ha lob path., 5 do tabu, Little, 2 5 d o .t rat- Inuit() Mr palls, )". /leacleton; 25 do do, .1 S MI worn; A co; 10 do do, 10 dez 4 pkgi. ego, Herron: dos psslls. sdo 1.111,J, AillUCkleS a. curl . g holi, 3 bids beans, 11 Itcair; earn staves 441k0,114 2t, Son; ears slaves, Italy. a Robertson; l car hay, J 1104010; 5 plll7O butters, Volut, 7'l; 0110 mug, Mar k 0 0% - co: LH/ aOZCS glftss wure,lulm ROCS & CO. Perrnaukon, (..Mt.ottitue & ClnatnnATl It. IL—February 50-1114 0,111 haler, Aa .1 '-',.;,.,610,11 libda meat, J Parker, 50 10110 bide% A 1Iolstelue; fA tibia hisky, J Fluell;i1 empty, barrel., 0 14 Wbltcomta lu kge Ittr(l, 111 eke radii 3 do Handfuls, VotgL d. ( . 0107 bids apple4.V. &Is butter, U S Frazny; inns apples J Itced,• do do, Gook. Itto a. c0:37 do:Owner; 30 big candles, 10 do, ' "1 4 , 11; Ilentlctonta3 papeT, fatal ru- A ,'',!.ol)k, Newcomer. ; 1 1 ; s 1 : 1 0, 1 Son; 0 ( 2:c a: r ' s : l6 ; i s1 0 . le ; 1 1/ ' 0 ;1: rkon :101.11. 10,1,1 ti ltr' S I; 'Ii"; !!!!!MIEMII2IEI PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. 31.11th1l ILL, FulTrox ,s. BOLLM tS, Ooly Itautafictufet7 In tbt Wtet of HEAVY CORDAGE, bultsble for ete.rn E. 124 Coal 150..(3. HAWSER LAIIIOII. WELL ROPE. Tarred Ropes for Coal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, CAULKING Clert ,, N. at., SA. Werehoer°. 114 aml 115 Water tilreet. car 310. ilgr, RIVER NEWS Th. river, tinder the Inflaenee of the rains of Tees , lay nue yeaterday, le agala riateg ut tilt. Itbint, leo Atltatheny tu:trks Italleatlnti Wiese Let last evening. The weather coot least ansettled teed unpitaet. 1=1=! oo.lerately act Ivo at Om landing yesterday, the ollerillg.4 or noight Long Colloubla qua tal.; lag Cinema:OA tr..ight early to the lay hav ing more epough ungdgda below to 1111 llor nu:. W eare Informed that navigation ill, tho Monongahela has bn ee bash:4.l,l tel the present, owing to thri high ,ater. Tile packets dlilbot go out lust evening. .11,0 Peerless ileum.' for till City. nnil the Belle, front the saint , point, teat expect,' 111 last night. Too towboats .11,1111 Hanna un.l sill Valley, w ith oil boats. loaded wlth Dil l were nl-0 rfpeete , l in last night. '11,., Cincinnati ti.i.isen. tiie ulhvr lily, spokein it ratner eneul Ink: ullnln 10 , 0111, the lillourter 'having lull the,. /11r 1111111111/111 1 With a light trip, ion' —that ilneitituttlshil. pers %no, not to either Import or expot ton her." It It, now 11 111 1111 that rviluct.:, on the Iluporl, I).s . the .;,..tte , .1141101151 , 11111111,0 t,l 1-111/1. Nll,l having rehiscil to wive, ise 11l that ',suer. TI,. lienton from New tiricans, nl rived 11 laglit wit an excellent trill, and the Auoinea, iruol In,, 0111111 1101111, 11 11110 11t,1! totil.ty. I'ne Itobt. Nome. from l'oribininith, has ill, arilreil, being two hull ahead of time. The lite) . Ealire chaired on lieu. for Punk ersball, with n lair trip. though, it In nnlii tiOnhtle•x have twee 1000111.ntter, inel it not been Int tlll itielelollll is tattier. 'file lin) , nye, Cu putt" Lim D. Ileore, ix thin regular l'arlieti..burg packet (or to-is), loaning on _ . _ AIIILIVAI.f. OW WintAit., .1101.1.,,,), Asp COT- To:l.—inn henten I Draught Irten hex ur- Iva. a Ina trip, ilitlltitllint It cultbl.luralilll aUtinint 01,11 gar, 111014,1121 1 nll.l oath... a. 11 111 he ..0. by the fdllealug, Wu]. 1. ranee t. See, le Lotda nea,i.e,.... 1: wart A. C.,.. et. der1a.......; 1V,,,. 11111er, 13 Idels ..t, 1110 rule lueloi.e.,; ahlptee It IVullace, 5_ .10 do: .Is - heel:lee ft Ce . , 1,..1e su,ar, 11 bl. ',eeo Carter, Nlvtiritat ti CO., .J 5 hlels ...dal; Ktrkp.drict ~ 11.rron, 50 OW. mu. 1a.e.,;./ane, trudaket.t CO,, In U.' de; .C. C0i , 111 , 01. b0i1,,, kilt. t`lll' 111,0 bit 102 halt.). curio., fOr hennedy, !Whim 4C.,, mud . 3 I dO .10 I, Park, ramter It Co. till, rtoolodt nee el ohl true,, before the I.reoking dm of the rebnllloo, warn I•lttallurgn iheit.ll.4.ida 1101311 t Wetly iamor If 5ne,......,,,,,,,. [ every Ai.SOrt in .1 ) .:04' Orlttalin. ' Tile 1 . 0:111111/in, C01.L....tva. W. 11.ced, will I,ollllSely take her departure tills morn lag for Lillelnnettl, I.nUtt,illn anti Nll,OOOllO, Hiring till Inn 1,144 tit eligiigtt.l [NAL .00. tan lake. A to.) mere plynntro;lo , v.") bit ti.). entilnlo.l.llol. Tile 1:. C. Grey, Caps. And , . onoonacea for CloLlehatl and Lau. ino, lent .14 ea oateta.q• i..1,....eht. C.o. A V.. !let Klima, Sr., li lilliekr up ,Oendily fee New .h - 1ei',..., 1,111 he the drtd 1.0,,t cell. Nhe will . lel lowed hy the Brent I:epotdle, Capt. W. H. pnahben. The F.ltra Portvr,f..ipt.. , . II Po. er.r, C. 1111. mg oe.,te.elily for 01. Leal, :del a 111 leave 1111 Frtday, a1,.1 1,-..ent.nti, innl Ailitpttrit otila tantr I 10• fact In nowt. . l't„• 1,010,1 1,a,.1l tv.l at Clnchitint i OLT :1141n.lati. anti tun Mann., lln, alit) Argo-p tttrtt, alt. ttrt.t.,l 10 11,11, 11 - 1.01. lint llttl., • . . t0ir..;13 oU Montiny. Too HOttl. Mtwo out tow In Ih•roulo., o at Monett,. on Mondav, sat ‘Voom cro 100 ro Imo) Moknotils Pitts ',11•4:, Cain, on the ,Luo.• Atiy. • The to.t.mat,.tJaaiotkl ultit Ins tot V I \s e gay,. a few' uge,,vl4 Mut of 111 t er 'd t t ho r ca.“.• .vorte.t It, the lka,ll 'r 4. , e• Its tiv, Lointl .11 LOILVaIc . 1, on mtr,trutAr . •I : cho 0.21141 WI Mr. 1,1111,, ',04111:, 4. , 4.1,0/ 41, tlivtuag .tt t.. 11, u. , :t 41 • ttt. 1,1• t •1,011, 4.1.. Apr c,im alk, t.• ME tere..i.: 'And a1;•••E:,1. n?U.. r : 't with 11.1trity or ..touts n I 11, r,:rif !lye. f tio•-e tn.0..1., ) ,„ ~!1 cy Slit. Locht..logrAm. uc.l. - ,14t0 of Mon- Chy, 4.ty, :Ott 1,1, ctly 1,1 L for 1110 o - wcr v;o0h1 ko-itc L thvic"E tCc 0111.00 r.l ,h h ,ogr, tut tc,ly of 11m1. 1'a.,1,11. engine,. kIllInb; him inracutly. Tim.: boat. at on, ri•. till• poll. 11.. r co 1).1 , y.” LontictnicL arg Myer rising ,Doeh We. clip not toihntlm train 4 'fromoar (TnetnoTtf ex:hoot:ea of Triesilal The o re appeal, to to isal e -tderable helm Mani. !...srml In rd te the rem:et:ne qualltl, I ot th e l'itisou rega rgh limit, threat Ilepotti ir e and the la,oh•vllle hen:, ittentuetel. Present. tont (Ina att ;the %teen Is said of 50111, then ae Tory tenth dint,' . If nit:WY r•in make miles In an pikk 11,0.+ 0, the nun: , f, Leut, tile pat ket, tvn. 1)11e lard. 00111. rein rmtendent of I the Pitt wine gh and 5t...1.0u1s doe tif packet - , ar in Me city yesterday. Latirste S. to sstnt Linos sr: U. - if . s ilver ( lent No. g on business colin .. . tr.l xii 11,. I lio•. Tie . lila reelttop , ,lllltil'inTteirth freigbt —anat.: and i.nt../o—no the Mantle ilscs. While pa-sin.:(inder the I,rld.p. last 0, rii- In.:, the bin's 0111 n.••; COlll,lOl, •, Nltil the hridge wren kneeked down, I datungang b..: pm, Prather, Laving fp un In I Illnewa, rematte.lcrilniilan•l of ow fdaythella yesterday. Tlte Anne,' tethipped ty tOlll4 •of n agunn for Now tr:lttlati On the limo - dm 'O. Capt. it. v. liras pares! through 11,0 ctly Ye . therday, m route nor, et. Lettla for Pitts art: Ile says the hies: Nort hero Line jiimket Datollqnn, 110 n• coothieted Pitethnrcli, w illl,t rently to loser the lat. ler pain( rim St. Paul durum latter part of :11..1.:1. Ile further says the Northern Tim have not been Ns:anted the St...hodll and licol:tlk contract, as 11.:InnThl. fl consellitalkm ePtbe booth and Parker I.ltite, of towboat, Is under considernOttn. Tin:y.lll ply between Cincinnati and Now Orleans, tou'lng. merehandlite In bark , 0. Copt. Ira N. Mall 'F"I liar rodlrist from tier' Mem:Using In WI illeothe, 111., and 001114•111. platen ['Clint/ling Inn OW [lt/An:AO. n,ntin Of socuitheal mg. Ile Is tit the 111 reel wey and "aid folks" at Vevay In toorrov,i. Copt. Throop's IlelV inn and Cairo wail packet Mayflower will leave direct. fort nine ins rat urdaY. Mr. George Bras, formerly bookdomper In the house of M ears. r. Mgt, t Co., Oled on Satur day. utter ,t,ftvere 11IneTt. All the 1,011001 lands in the stet ally of Lafayette have Insin over delved lip the Wabash }Over. o•Atllian i 112 one 1/1111n.111 41011nrn: nlin.ol snOlijn.l/ rhOna h,nt eight, however. `nix the m. 1.01,10 iteeteorel of v omit, Inc No. IJ, wrecking steamer, strived On Si:Wl:V.lin . , lam In, In tn. Inn hull of the Linn, Martin, lately moth at Cotlit Marys. The maelithery hthet and the teorka are in In had enntlitkrn. The lie. •pnbnenn cot 3 . enteril sy says: "We tinder 'Whorl that the boat wim ranied. : upon, a con• litact wills !ha I/rider...Wen, by which, Its del ivory . at this entrit the bison:um: 4,114. ',Utiles Wen) In Mien Inn wreck Ity paylro; COM, mull( they did not want It the terve k• Inn company nen, to have t open the pa, not of We also Ull•ler•A 0,114 31101 the lltelerwrtters Inthe declined taking . It. Fth, m PallieJelinstOimif the NO. 17. we learn live operat lona on the steamer Nanuittnek hake null abandoned on UV:Mtn{ of Ihn Into hetkvy :lee. It IT very flonhtfel If ever rattled, ill It it entopoTett that the heavy musses: Of 0111 mil rely break up the boat. a= CLUVRILAND AND l'Jrnint . i[AII ROdn— Febreurl'l. rare lion( Ilan Wallace; luirdOo, J t , clooldt;I: ea Iton 61111. et bergor k Blair; 2 do do,ltryot; ,f Coughey; 2do do, Point. .t :non; 21i tad. 11100, T A Jt 0 0 ;11 ow° tobacco; C A do .4 IV Taylor; Di bale. wod,W in Barker Jr; 5 1:1ITT; croubt.rrl, , , lu 1/111A VO.t. (10; 11,9 11s1+ 1:11rIalor A i;;;; In I/to - rein helitotr.t;2llo;lo, 1 keg opplo ter, Oldivor, Openc.r A CO; I 0 bon eltern.,AL nugordor A Slop-. ord; 4 01115 eultrukor; lour corn, Win 'IIII4OIMM AL.OIIIIIIT tiTATIOR. Frdiroory 20.-5 oloc potatocx, .1 W F. 1,01,1; 471.114 1.1140 fuller C'.; l ror linty. A 11010 ;; rtAno ; 1 ear I dadow,lll.ll A ilpi`01": 1 car 1.1.1* 14 Cliont; In eks rag., Idol !Cry A; Clark; Isar tiny; t A c0;.14 broom., IL A 1:ork;011; Icor olodo, tillocilborger A Moir; do do, Supurlnr 111,11 CO. VALLXV BArnacAn.—Rub. 19. 21;1110 lard, 214.1,5 hotter, 1. .1 Blanchard; 1 1,1,1 had, 1,10 La Ltcr, J A Butt.; 2 - cars Arca. ;old diolls, 21141141. 1.1r1c10.11 A c 0 is r11110ou1t; Orgtroyer A A V rc...lcantn; 1 car IMAM, Alin A, co; 2.10 di., LoOLOI4 Godrd; 34 aka nornincal, 31 I. II 11, oats, Bricker A co; 10 RR. 0010. Fdlocr A. A rinotrong. ,• • • IMFORTS `111" RIVER. 12kw flaknnnn—Pcn gram Os. khan sugar, 15 011 n nit,lan un, drlon:k lea d. co; 010 oil !Ann, Brook, 110 fl lenon d' en; hlol. nnorwr, Carter. Met; row. , 00; 10 25' caaillra tobacco, J. 12 1/ravo co; PIA tem lard .1/Ln patrol; 2r. -on; ll' bbla Oil, 1/11 , north 2t 00;15 1 , 1110 /.11‘nr.k' EvertLubbln utulannen. 7 I,ga reatliern, S art & en; Co bbln 011. lard, 170000, GllOlOOO at 'Dianna, 10 tobln tootvnes, %Val Franco .2 non; 01 pko liquor, It P Golty, 125 0010 molnotrn, Jon Gardiner 22 en; 25 pkg.+ cantl lesi 10 tin komp. Hahn rt. Ilatl• Icy; 1. kWh. meat., )1 Pr 'Hanna It co; 10 kcg !Antler+, llcrul .1 hllalzFrar; W Unzon starch, E ' Iler.leton; 15 canci , ;tobacco, %V Jun.+. 50 hlns Ihnlanten, itn 'llerron; 103 halos 101012,11Conne0y. 1:01141 dots; 20 Irrs lons, tot:lran; 15 11100 sugar, 105 L5lO mt. lasses, %Von 611110 tr 15 nye Leandlee, 100 1,011 ham., 111 My. 21.,'c0; Pi lea Lavon2J II Par ker; 2o ..natun; hark, Painter .2 en; ;At Luxes ap,.15 lilt • candles, 51 1.010 molasses, tiltlptm d WuJlacc;2 hhtle bacon, tihomaker • FOR NEW ORLEANS. , The New,ltlagnificent and Mammoth LOVV PRESSURE ..IteEtnaor, GREAT REPUBLIC," W. B. DONALDSON, Commander, WILL COMMENCE Receiving Freight for 11E41'IHIS, VICKSBURG, and NEW ORLEBNS, ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25th. =I Thursday, March 14th, 1887, SPC,A9II.I.riDr33 r-.-ir. l'ar,irger..uil tililpper.vgla consult lb. it Interests to en.ker It. f: 4; IL A.v. ...... .17W. It m. I: A .11A, 1,7,1' N' 111 s ft-A t.arl ./to.,‘• FOIL 15LI5IIVILLI II e r. 4 n'• 111 111!II=1 I •11./..N1,1% trcn ItA bl< FOR lIEMPIII‘ AND ' NEN t01i1.CANc—Ta...,1 , 1. 4 . , • rI.IIAN f.q. •tol all lutarmadlAtn parrAonPATCItIrAT 7.4 trwea yO , ory ar , Pl, on board or .. K. YLACit. Lt.1i..1.1?.. 1 . %RI". o. (et: A I'ILLs AXE:NY. A. m., I.VEGUL A It AVEC N. 1.1• ciNri r. NATI I'l,J:l:r. , 1.0 o'll.o 1...VE111: AT AT 11 Y. rt,“...att c0at.c... 1 " , ” Jar vt.sus r to &It lit A,. 11A A..... VOR .G A LEIII A ANII I Punt' lune paa•cogrr ItTymar S a, I•a,t. A. Mel. (VIII I,a, LOT tr.e..a , 0 ,. ant a:I,e porl• on the iothare Ha r.', J. ak . 001..1...51iW0 , ..q.`, JUd It rt.• Ch. Arent.. fell .11. c.Ci KAY. Von AT. RAUL. DI roACT.—TOe. *ay 1.1.1t-wL,,lia. litcacao W. nx an Wl . l laar• far toe • and all to port. mai' LI It. A 1 A. 11. Co Li Wo. 0,1 .10111 YI.A. .101 It. C: 1 TOBACCO. CIGARS, &c, RUNE BCD HOUGH AND itc,tuv,l3w I.I , iITP 1.1)1K 11 lIVEN U BADLLS. And Other Nt14 , 1 Itrwoo• of 'IUC:Pi3LL. C2OO - Mgnurartund by & W. JENKINNON. rine , lonr trom rmapcuslup uanaacr, .../leglkeny der..ba6 JOHN MEGRAW, Irormatiolo M re, of awl Orbo Mod. ornit 13otoll olar to Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 4.13 MiCALSCr 11211T.0L 31 Err. A rrneal AosnrtmeUtlimukth, anA always ots Pawl •••.: -7;)" 4......._ _'F,.. ;= 6, hr17.7 4 :7 1 1:. t A 1 Oi l afr i I L l Niitr ,,2 ,flatA - S.: ......-4-- - -`, x...,... „ ..... :- 6 1.-4. PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUWO CO. timttistruirizia.. i'v*- kriPF; ( s : l%. * $, Ritt - i4ad ,•41 4 ,,k,e 7 - , h e r .11 -v: I R 5, PERNA; SALT MANUFACTURT CO Pit i~urGlt• Po• HOLIDAY GOODS. A Ik T linE tt iti OF BRONZE 3 G ILT, Jarboe Oil Lamps and Ohandeliors, Lamp TAllllllllllp4 &C. Also WAIni c iNirACISNON-RSPLUSIVEIJA II, BUN OIL, Id, 111 e soil rotell. • JOHN, ROSS & CO., wc). 041 1133trocst; , 1.11,411‘11 1 . 4111 . tri E t R IW A .II L. , Is berth) gl•ra to the o hereof 1•110l.r:/tTli within the OM". 11 for the cow ruc t of the wet m the Wort ,011.111.10, and the newer on prialoat •trreilcd ell partici, Inlrtrated, that r ec e ive .e lanad• on ••11 Never, wilt now be re ht. r/CE end If not paid •ItI I I lately fr"rn at l" ;: 0 1 1 1 0 tl••• al e l' Le eo placed hankie uf the y 70,thoe for eollrrl to 11 . 1, • 1; A pr e r rr ce i n u t; ,) a N d . drd fet.t6Cl City in:starer, R. 01.1r8S3IANN, FUSS en Tunnel and S ham asith Street, Gunsmith .andlnealer in Hardware. Ylr6clav , geode Of all dr serllltlona airways hausl a ad eoldat th• lorreet prices. ltanalrle o g don are fully Go gtvutuotica. lar...pdva S+ MISCELTNEOUS A 3 " 011111 NANCE fixin g the [ales of Wharfage aOl the pay of the Wharf i AW,. r.( TP, P , ;Jed and enorfe4 hy rh, I S , het met f , oun..tte of the ray A r of robarflge rba,l he eh mroed sod cellerte.l: • Flats containing coat. brelz. sand, atone. tiro nfty cents per d•y for loading or unmatilna. Ltr or •boale, ate cite nu . ' ton, Cuat,on House measurement. per day. Oil lauded at the *has in n cent per barrel for the slrat forty-. our,lett - h or 1 0 „.. and one and a half eentr.per barrel for rack ty , i•t11 boors thereafter. All be •1 boats. loodinx noloallna at th. tutu H wharf all cents Per to , o lo r day or I 0,1., ose rm....toner' t,teamboatt landlue at One harf. loallng or unloalse. elm cents per ton w pet day, or let., Cud.out Home me aturement. Boats 1010 up on the w harf, not , r un loading. four cent par ton por mouth, Custom House easurement. Flats or flat boats lariltir at the wharf. not lo.ling or unbottllng, twenty-1...c00t. dar• lonnuer aboard mud,ort/ draw. ou wharf, , r thousand. bhlngle, two cent. mr thousand licaotne., starts and hoop poi. per thqualsild. npars, eight rents per thoosand Seel. 111 , 20111/e. orlkewed loge, thirty cent., per lLne.sand os oloesl ea.,' for nest three dad or iv!, and s et nta per theillsand fees Ore day theresller. Itoards ler pl , nk beard utemurel larolluir at the all. and not drawn, sdie and a half rents Per thoua•n I, „t ter the dent sevent)...two urs or rein 11,11.00 rtot per tholl. td foot for every y -f.. 1, hour , afterwards. Metal, f .11 1.111,1 4. (Ix csntil per ton fa lea an• -ao hours orle.s. Ital.roal Iron and all other kinds of Iron, ten el, per tn.i for neventy-two hours or less, ban. 2. The Commlttli. nn Wh•rves A1V1L1.34• Inns shall have power lu 110 aperial rates for the ! storing of Iron, stone anti Fuel; ar leles un the WI/ 111 pares as shall not loterfere wIW the public nor of the whirr 02,0. Tn lt after the paesage of tlilsordlnanre th.• pay of the Wharf Yaws r shot be. for his services twenty-as , per tent. of the wharfage roll. etas!, uuldl toe whole atuonnt eellreted Mel tall amount to thirty-two hundred I /44,na1) dollars. and Ile shad rec. Ire Pull tsrentl per cent or any money coliketed for wharfage over, Shat hUta C1,11111.1,3I1. 1(1 (Or hie :part , !'et:. 4. TI all ordlnanere or parts or ordll onllletlng with the fdregoing Is liemby repeal. tdato , .l and enact.) Into a law, this fair. hroar 0, A nuo out. thon• W 0"1 "ouJ d 11 . 1 tn. Vresldant of I.seleet l'ouusll. MA, “.1:1,, El. rl. • I oonell. ti 4 . 4 I. 11. 010111,t, of ofononau 1.000011. A tt,...t ll olro3l/I 1..0031. voodnott Connell. . UIIIN 41 WAREHOUSE RICHARD E. BREED, iIf23E 9 C-P-R2TU=IR., No. 100 Wood Street DEN lIRITT.ANN I A AND HILVER ELATED TA- M.A. WA WE. TEA TRATeI And TAMA: LL" r- Lia0..1 , ...,4.°n Laud. (TINA TEA ,LTA. 4.'111Y A DIN N CHINA - 1,11..E.E uEr.d. Cul I - TA li ii Lit AA WARE oruv., - E de,lriptiun LA A 4 - ARD lIAVEITS. EMU:IN/1,10 , E W ARE of !utt Awl r.-t•lt •ndm..,4-ouyt". uf cvery- Dtiug - lo Due lu city. rricus awl Wn.. Ulu name .In - the ....DI AE , SLIEELM.SVICKEItSILIM, Iron - .l:3x•alzer, 124 First Street, W.: Ili. Pit. Agrut IhruAgl.more. 1,1...1 1. ttantl.rpt. at..l,,..rhrAnd , ...fAut`traelte. I utlettl. h C. B. 4j.atcual 1 . 16 ”voloutcrut , .1 , 1. re. r...p.lclful:y l l~rti l t e ~ I uIuEM.ENTS, GRAVE STONES Vaults, Fountains, • tatuary, Vases, OEM DESIGNS CF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, sfr.. 44. l'ene CAUSTIC ,SODA 9 Roth American and Eng a;~: ' h FIN 1: IV 111 TE !MAN DS. For Oil Refining Purposes, ).an.l tn.!, for >a a fn :tltlre ti •tilt puichaskr e, by JAMES HERVEY DOBBS, 2-16 Pearl Street, N. .Y SZI:I . E11.10 1 t Olti TR NE EIt.V.IT Ah.L. LLITIIER BEIJING AND lILISE, M.r.un5,.....1 at No. DM evrritriat,l , bT EURTLEY. PRELPS & CO.. A., A. , . for New Yorl littbbc; Co. Grunt. lie'itin gw Anwar/. on a typertor nualhr °MACE hlt and 1,1 1.11)1140,1(U:1Y. COP -I.`lot sod IIL I:, BELT 11U4llit,ctr. I.)II.IVATE 01,EASES. 1"1:Nti. C•to Of P11111.4..lobla.) No.f Mini :ht., al,' la ill dr.triptlona of e• V.ltt• S alth Pal:l.:at atu nti , Pn t ill ,tpai tnaterrbo•na . oof :Lk, Urtuary Organ.. Ills trtal to,nt rTAt ,i 111( lIIr moat .Iw:teas:of ever rtr gluts of &speed] enre to arnli Ladles will fn.! his U rotnruaprogne ano,lor to an. otn t t t ,,a.tat ion for trroorin onntrurtloot to th • np.ontru al So. On, I{ o l. Lai pUr bottla. No. I, w4IOO Is four Bt:r.• att,n-rr. at 61 do-1 , 100041 fur ,batina. D.,•••• o. r - reLonrt.a.Y.tosr. in a'. foa r. no. . BIIOADIVAY EXCIIANGE RESTAURANT, 101 0111 EL MN MD SIIIIIFIRD 111. 104 Ladies' Dining Rooms 2d Story. YICI,II UAti OlidTEltd AHD IiAMIC au .1 ktuds on band. .1.,n . 6 tif ,V l:rll:: l t i .r i h. }..". t Pr° l `"'°T. VIIIVATE DISEASES. 1 unrict 1.6:1N 11211EILT. near 11.0, Tar the cam c tz of all ,Ilvyneys or • playate us. tatfrorn two to fair tow, by OW entlty,y Or , . mad tat. trroanttnt• XIFIN Bernina! Wealtne”, d an Oho . Mora,. et the aelattal °mama sod [he an ly arywant , n. 'Cure...Mott d of money rein adyl. i1k.....r7 to 0. o.,tn. ato a x Dr. ran, •rrot. NEW PAPER HANGECGS. Vita li.lithOlt.W—French with Vold VIAL , rn• on , k youas El Ill rnytte GA.l.l.—New Greek l'attert. On Red clay uund. 1 't ItE-I..aca and binalln Pattern vre dark For sale by •.1,1 3111EASON, -- T 7 buccEmromr zucit¢6yuAN a CLAAK ]Loo far wren, of ()Ali 1.1.AT/1F.12 BELTIIi(2. No. II Ohio surer, Allegtelay City. Also full lirltlnK at .4 H. AN U. Linanty ht., l'ittaboqth A UFA/. U. CLAMS, Supt. of Work.. • 81.17 IMANOS 1 PIANOS: 11—Au entire 111'w stock °MY:ABE& PIA AIII. which are now con,bwre.l the brut wade: also HAIN Eti BRIM. CELEBRATED VIANDS. Price from 000 upward. tYrwon. RI s Lola brat class Plano are r"PerabßT Invilvd b. can and exandoe before purebsAaa elw.wbrre CUJ.KLOITE OLUNE, drat 0. 43 11th T. m. BLACK, C11L.R.3211%7 , 1%1E1ri1.. 41:2-6123. Atk Three door. shore Etultliticlrl Street. PITEN6ICIM II , rA. Almostnd of Work done on he *bort e.t notice at rra•onnlrle rank ulnr tten t l i no ~.1.1....• 1:01:r.1 - STEAMSHIPS_ BALTIMORE AND HAVANA liA IIIIDWN 01)00 VA NA AND firc-W iltll,lr.As u ts . CA IL N. -UN TED 11TATE.7 31A1L.. The tlrtt-l!laac :q.t./tips of this 1100 11 suit s, fork, New Orleans •1. Kt? {Vial Ind liavanTOO, A. nolo, Commander. 00 TituiL , D AN, ' , vb. O. ..C4 l llA , ' 1,100 tont, for New ° 11 cyan, Command. Op IiATLIUDAY. Yohrilm, Wro o'clock WIIART, FELL`b MINT, At loc g. preclaelf. on the'll4o no- e n d Yoe 0044 or passage. Latlalt a‘nntrragced '7iicTit!`ll:";Arilliitn VIM COIL', A. 015. Aa Like r. IlioMllllllll, of Lading het thte.eof the Curn, o I. remits for the freight must ' ;rro4rt this officc. 140 freight r.celved 111115 of lading clAncd on day 0(.011. 0 nol • SITEAM TO AND iltOM LIVER• 1.7 rout, ANI , 11ITEENATOWN lIAALAND) TWICE A WEEK. The INhIAN LINE, el,lllug EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEENESELY CAIUTKINU U. S. !SAILS. Ticketsld to and from Iralnnd, Muland Sea mso land, Ucsmany and Franco. A nt theecnt. J any'r uMees. OIIN O. DALY:. agent, in Broadway, N. Y., Or, WM. BINWIAM, Su., tec.24;ao Adman . SspressUence, rlttsburgli. WEEMMIII MANUFAbTITRERS. DIERNIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGMES, P='PrB~l7RG*g. KANT/Mull waS Of AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and t Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle aud . T Iron; Gue , ril Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rails,l6 Ac 20 lb% to the yard; Train Italls,putichedand coun- EMI= ' ter sunk Boiler,Bridge a All Tank Rivets Cut Nails and spikes; Ship and Boat spikes; Railroad Spike..; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car 19 Lleela and Axles; Street Car Wit e ela and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Boiled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rodin ItiOwer and Reaper Bars. WARE/it/ÜBE AND 111 , FICE, 120 Water and 153 Front 51a. BItANCkI LIOUNK, - Nos. 22,2; and 26 Ricer $l., Jel:clk OIfICAUO. ILL UN D O IRON MILLS, NINTH WARD, TITTSBLIEGH. A CoVe.OI,II , ATION Tfir. ”ItION CITY YURC.Y." AND .CYCLOrd IRON CO." 011-tattAL MA.VCFACTCIIFL •6 07 IRON AND FORGINGS, Y;oclal sttentlork RIIVsi to the manufacture of Hammered and ( Rolled Locomo- • the and Car Axles, 53.-TAC1.32 , 3 1 % 7 /31RLAILT.T3 0 . ItAll.tto o 11, I la , . SCLiCE RARE, H/IL LH' tubs 11ULTy, 3C.; LIN GSA:NI/1101.TH, I BEAMS, lIIIIDEUJIIoji OCTMIONAL: 1101.1.0 W WIIOUGHT /HON i . 0T:6;.7 ANKLE 11:U\. So. • VJAILEIIOUPE; 95 IV u ter and 126 First streets; ' ()FPI(' VA AT THY: WURKY.NINTH WARD. 111115/PU H ATL9S WOUELS, ..11 RTO-1' 6TREE T. Ninth %Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. 'MILLER, President 7114.4 e Wt. Worts ar among the is.reest.S.O4 1310.1 com p, t , IC the West, sod Sr. OUT pn:• ved to fdeul•tt • Engintniof Every Description, Bullets, 011 Tanlie; Sheet Iron Work, Itaaroad Casting, Boning Mill Castings, Engine Ca*tluga. Mainline Casting*, General Castlnp. ORDERS SOLICITED. pITTSBURGII STEEL WORE ANDERYON, COOS !It CO., =1 11a..faetzrus of Ito bon reArit4 .Cut rat aod OoLu . oa.,of all flsta, Saw loft Cut Steel, Cut L'lll.l. Reaping and Blowing Machines SUL= PLOW WINC% PIPRIXOth AX LII:III , LALIZA, Oa. Cast Cotzneou Ploughs Spring Steal .00.e. , - , Cornaor or !Int aoQ ituasnreets. nro .b ••boOettie Monearabets • • • OEM KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO„ Mahe fectome of the different Esc. of Bound, Square, Flat and Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, noon and Band• Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Short Iron, fie„ &r. Work.. 1•ITT vwv o ilv, on monousaci, rieir. :lN c;i 146 Water St CRESCENT STEEL WORKS MILLER, BARR & FARM, BEST QUALITY EAST STEEL Worrontort gonad to any In the Btu 1.. a. olthor Imported or of Do mestic/ Mon ataotoro. =IMMgEM Office, 38 Wood Street, LY tri. CHAILLEH 110TXL• .BU/LDINti. rtrrstieroii. Juue ISth. DUQUESNE IRON AND STEELWORKS HAILNAN, RAHN & CO., Iron, Nails, Springs, 4i.xla% ELOUGB. SPILBO .SED A. B. STEEL, 1 , 7 e,,. 77 17Trestor 135 tree. MEM jor:A.EUDWA-11 B. WOLF, JR, &CO., Hardware& C utlery Aro tow rocotrlng large addlttons to our stock which 1$ of:terra to Mellen at W. r. MAIIMIALL. MLAJErinEIII.ILIV .311..x0 33 5s Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., 'Wolttaultwa - E33, 1.0 .. sel;:t72 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler - Street, Ninth Ward, UI'L`UtIITF. UNION IRON MILLS. PM - IM' ia 331 a CNI-3EL Boiling 31ill and Bridge Castings lICHINERI ATD rISIINGS 6131111111 UNcle promptly and rare Mll7 execntvl CLIAISO ItrAIiONAIILIC. EBDERT dtr. MACKLIND W. ...... ...,Ae. 0 , 11.1.A1tA. BOILER SI ORR& MORROW & 130111111111, Y.IIIOTACTITUT. II . I9 or steam Hollers, OH ((till, Agitators Tana, Salt rana, I:ammeters, Wrought Iron Bridgea, :Sheet Iron Wort, tn. LIBERTY AND BEYOND STB., PIT TS BUR 813, Pd. NEPAIRINU DONE PROMPTLY• LIPPINCOTT &1111iPilliELL, No. US Water Street, IMTACTIMICte al • PATENT GleouND. rATracr TEit VIM% PATENT POOTEED • • SILL AID ononeworT .Et.VICT . I.ll6:dts BLACIi DIAMOND ISTMEEDGe VITiOoRDLID. r1TT100114421, CL. !AIM, BUMMER 8 Co., M4IIIITUttI=II of BEST QUALITY WAITISIED CAST VEIL. Maury.. /tut Cad Oct:won. or au data. War sm. d c.lod to sAy Imp:dud or lc saufaCtUrtA ILL hit country. • L 11010 c sad wychottLe. Yo. 1131 sad IS Tint. ut !Wand tiro CA. PULA Du rat,. AtU 7 MANLIFACTURERS. NATIONAL FOUNDRY lIPEI WIC3OII.IiS, Corner St carroll and Final Lilian ree is, Ninth Ward, PITTBIUII{G 9, E':l WIALE. E33A/ZI7EII-1, Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS • My rive• re el rvt radlicanY 1. "• Pr T 'and aud a rarr LENOTIIe• in. a NIL . albort nt .ENSIIII CASTINGS 1O GIS AND Want STORM .r,,nlFl the at , rn , ton or .I,perloteirt oc Uns coma to my mak.. of ict.To,Th. MOM THE FULTON DELL AND DIMS EMBRY, rNTAIILISIIED IN 1432. Nos. 91 First awl i 0 Secoid Streets, ALL SIZES OF BELLS, GLOBE, MGM (PICK AND SW:IY 1.41,11:S, Slop Cocks ofßrass or iron, SIAN U FACT [MEWS ur . BAR, BOILER, SHEE'r • •\ NAILS AilDliAir, wipp. archee, 73 V/ ater lifFroat it. '- Celebrated Steam . Syphon. rtrwsMIILIGU, MACE AND, CYLINDER COCKS, AeenteTor all the different M Mehl, PL .n GA, PIPE. t , TE A 3: teand GM FIT TI9 UXISE.II.S . WOILN. e— ee. Particular attention paid to t.1 . k.A31 and OAS PITTINti In all It• branches The onlyufactory , of A. FULTON'S METALLIC:PA man LAU-NU 1011 STEAM CYLLS DERS. A LIA LIBIT•S CELEUILATED A—NTIeATTLLI TPGST METAL constantly nu hand. BR GUN MO BELL. IdAhTINGS made to order and finished with ayatnels and dlepatch.' Particular attention paid to Brass Ylnd.blng , In all Its branches. tS e also tern constantly On hand all attic or eller, Square and hound Gam. Hymn and Cotton Packing. Gnat Ease of all r; GO up to Lath,. A. FULTON'S SON & CO. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL IND TER CARROLL Air. SI YDER TUBULAR, DOLIBLE-YLUED, TU BULAII TIRE:BOX /1 CILLN D Elr. ST Bill BOILERS. OIL STILLS OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, /DIEECIIMI AND ASH SANS SETTLING SANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSER , . STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, ANDIRON BEIDGEs, PRISON D 0013.9 AND COAL SHUTES Offle• inxidWork• corner Second, Titled, ,Short end Liberty Street.. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. iliTOrders sent to the *Dose addreoszVLbe . Dromotif ottoodod to. SINGER, NECK & CO BEST REFINED CAST STEEL SUM PLAT AND OCTA€ON, OF ALL Sing. Mm!., MULLY, CLI...d.R. GANG AFT/CROSS CUT SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND b MD-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast and German Plow Steel, PLOW WINGS A_NO MOWER SPRINGS, LILES AND STEEL TIRE, SICKLE. EMOVEL, HOE, HARR, PORK. TON CALK •ND m•ciiINEILY cAST STEEL, • CROW-BARS. Warehouse, S 3 Water St., Fitisegh sell:k4 • lnE FORT FIT'Y FOUNDRY. CILiBLES FuN3P NEPHEViS HEAVY, • AND ALL IC.LNUtI OP HEAVY CA.II,TINO, tlpeetalattention paid to ROLLINE) Mil 1. , BLAST MACIIINEILY and ItE2OIiTS. F.F.P.IIIUS amended to promptl. As heretofore, the beat muterials will esesys be used at this Foundry. lizelnx disposed of one old patterns, we are pr. pared, with wsw istrutiUbis p•tt.".. cstructed under the cuperrialon of lie. En- LET, to furnlsb SAIL .11.1ClilblEd at abort no tice. L.A.NITTACrOIIiIMS or A.M.( ....ZAN 110.31. yeaLEN STOVE WORKS. PITTS 0113=9111 ( AND MANDFACTUILER OF PITTSBURGH, PA UANUFACTUNERSOP From 10 to 100,000 Pounds, =I I= I= Wo+ll ,11-S. =I nerrau STUL WCRXS I=l Cast spring Steel, KIIrC7ACTIThiIItS OP ,ORDNAIVCIE, ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., Oale• •vad 'Warehouse 3011AI:fort7 Llu 'opponit• B=lihtleld, .I.funalactores • great variety of COOK. PAY, LOX •:.d llEATltitt STOVE., =nog artalen are the celebrated Allegheny sad Monitor Coal Cooking Storer; .40. the Autoerat and renttnel formal °, wood, and the eprivalled Slar of the Empire, tar wood; Coo. Jambe, orate,.ten der, nuararKettles. Dog Iron, and nolloar Were gonerally. 1.11,5 UTILITY 11011163. McLEAN eSt SLATOB, No, S 3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, arabLerdetammas 01 CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. They makol - ivrawly of Iron Bedstead and Pivot Castors: I orcelain, Bedstead and Picot Castor.: 11.d.tes4 Faaten logs; blurt for Eaten eon 'fable., Sc. They also manufacture and hat, conaLantl3 on bands Thumb Latch ea. Spring Latches. M , Lean`. Window bash Supporter. hrLesn's Eccentric bull Button, Utility nhut , Nadi d s as hinges. Grind-stone Ilanrines, ns. Weight., Sc.. Sc. JytatO A. HILADIST.-- asurazt ATNA STOVE WORKS. • A. 101ADLEY & CO. Ilaanheture every ♦artet, of Cook, Parlor and Beating Stoves, among rrideb the ode braced XUItEXA., THAW.. and TALI:CC:IAN (Coal Sieves() PO ALYN& alLTEla&br and litobioury.b Mood Cook rt. , ...) Mao ranaraebere GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, ar Orlon and Warchoone, corner of &toad and W.o d *treats. Plustemb. lentrance norond etreet. ;JaretraL PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. ■ANO/ACTOS[OB OP Iron, liabket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, =:=EM! GEM IRONAITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD, klazoNgotarers of Refined. et, ereosLiontstad: Pollebed 13231ErJErr MOW. neriee..eD w A uf.oposz, o. 411.11A01.-ET liT. 0ei:135 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO,. PEXXSELFId474 11R,CoN WOW-Frs. Walt.... N.. HS s/d 157 /Int atr..t oppe. •Ito . -- " - ----- MIIM=M r=== Dti QUESNE LYE WEST POINT IRON POUGEB. PITTSBUROIL Pa., man- Kufacture all