The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 21, 1867, Image 1

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No. Be Firth IlEtOreoe3t.
r. 11. PENNIMAN -
'. P. nousTox. I Editor.. •
1 8 , ° ,1 4 , 4 , 1 n, ,16„," Do win ae• Nemec'
Coylas ..
aaall rang earrter, (per la cents.
)IM/ ta➢aer(6en, (yeryear)... . ... 18.00.
idberal radaettona to Newsboy. and Agents.
• Ylirce Co plea, Der year, by .mall • 1 50
.r/v. 4 do. do. do. cods 125
Toni:4l3mo cop.,. to ono oddross. and
_ono free to club. tooth 1 15
„ Itlnca/homer
I.ett. ?amp:nil° liallto,rilght.
• Seeeitatt-Iland Ptaao. ,
VDT sale or rent at low prices, at Charlotte
.131cuile'a Itasni Store, 43 Firth street.
CloFiLuir Out'Snle
Don't forget it, but go to-Oily tor„borgaine
TA FLft-h stroet.
-- Dr. fisyreer 8i0.2 MeMireber
. .
Cared AnnltOicari.otcanCertor It bad
eaten 0;:r the uonaraebeal. Dr. Keyser'N
niootk.SeiLlitiek tad 17artil Kinnoly, of S.ll-
K.?, of Wm esa. •
' yeer's Blood S earcher cured Danbq
Boyd, .of • aLI Liberty street,. or •rloient
- aerofttia, after Ittitul eaten into the en. end
'add forehead., .'
Iti..ti'pyserallloott Searcher cared Elliott
•D.Aa. .township, Allegheny
comity, 'aril:deeding piles of twenty years
' Dr. .kiesterea Indo(1 Searcher cured Sarah
Glirk's•aoit qtrect, Plttabural.), of
• bgrofulou. E 011) C;YAS:
• Dr. SC'eyiter , s lilikra Searcher cured john;ff. ,
of, atreot, Alleghe.
' Of tcs ' tal'Actifneii, 'resulting from ACE,-
Dr. Aelaar'rltroml- SearehOr cured the
arlf6of .Toliarlifthbelnaker, A m erl eau Hotel,
I. l odtruottuiro,.ra., of a frightful . ulcer ou the
-• , •
Dr....Neyeet!aßloodSfaFeher cured en. W
Sfiac, , ,:of Pennvlllu, of white swellltw.
Dr.licyser!s Blood Searcher curwl Barr
son Brynor, i.
West Newton, of paralwds of
both limbs. • - I
Dr. Blood Searcher cored Mary
elm&t total WI lido..
Dr. heySer's Blood Searcher cured James
cdpalti In the .§lde.
Dr. lieysei'd BloOd Seareber cured 1': J. V.
‘. ll rad : .:C4:muellsville, of akin disease of
yeare stailinr. .
Dr. lioyeer's Blood Searcher cured Belin
da of Coutiel/s wile, of scrofula.
Searcher eared lsalah
shosatne place, and brother of
the abos,, of scrofula. -
:Ask for Dr. .grocr't Emoa Scorcher, and
take no other. One lotor per bottle, or six
bottles for f 5. at 110 woa street.
. Itlncellister
At dll~onic Ilall to-Aiglu.
Delays aro Dangerous. •
. IL will be to every person's adrauta•
attend toe Greet SL:ry-Dnys , Sale. •
Orem... /lover. euea•nro
. .
- 2111 . hiltinkapeare and
"Let me lime men :Mont me that are tut
hienk headed men—You Cassius has a km
sMillimmry lonk: such men are dangerous:
Now Cassius, Ilk.
many, another simple nean,.Wll.4 slim beeaus(
Ire kne cr not bow to appreciate good 1101110
It be were bring to-day he would not be
prouthed became lean, forat
CO . ntln'enral i;aloon, be would repair like all
eenelble men do. and paitake of the splendid.
ly gOtien up meals antibens sleek turd
ns his tormentor. Catalrfa As , otlia apprec
ate floltzheirner'4 bill of fare and would 1,,
Oepithi) numerous patio,. who throng
this popular restaurant day and night. As
• Cm - Steals - dead, vie eau - only advise lean men
Cleo hint to patronize no other restaurant
• than the - Continental, next door to the Poit
ollicenftlistreet, unless they want to keep
teen-hurt .spare•boned,-. • •
• Metcalf Ixter
It .5.1n50n10 . Bull to-night.
Visit the (local, Sale of Boots and
Shoos. Orzos Horst: Snug Stout.
To Itoosokeepera.
Good Tomatoes at 3. Conte per can.
Strawberries at 40 could. .
Blackberries at 40 cents. ' •
Poaches at SC cents.
leach Marmalade at 5.1 cents.
Peach Jam at 50 cents.
Gnarl Raisins at tb cents per bound.
Good Prunes - at 2.5 cents per roam/.
Good Currants ut cents per pound.
At 112 Federal street, Allegheny City.
Br.o. IlmArec,
Mocal I inter
At -Masonic hull to-night.
For slnty Day% Only.
You can get Boots and , illOO5 at your ow
Prices. Ortrt..n. llorsz Snot 5.r0u1.:.
... Children ilavinn- Werrn,
Require Immediate attention,as neglect of
the trouble often eaulesprolonged sickness
Itrimo's'Vernalfoge Comfit," are LL rlmplu
comedy, and will destro' bTormsteltbout
Jury to the child.
Sole agent for Plttgbargl), Jo,eph Flew
tog, Drugftlet, No. tit Ifitiket street.
At ..I.l.monte hull to-night.
Time Flies Piwiraly.
Ailul the Grunt liesty Days' Salo well ,non b •
over, 1 ^ Orzen horse Sees ,—ronr..
To buy If.o6tetter's Bittern, Drake's Bitters,
Retina's Bitters, or any other kind of Bit
tore, go to Ileining , a Drug Store, No. el
Market street, where you mill get the gen
uine fresh article, (or Mai money than at
any other place in the Ci ty. .Lelllt`rll bur this
and the PliMe to get them—ill-Market Street.
_ .
TO Vbllnt rr •II erriinn Ir.
, Wo..AXii..lferlue full 'Lacs of .staplo and
Fartei o il! f ry'qUotle, at Ea , tern prlco3.
• ''.l; IF. Itmeseu a Co., ..;!) Alarl:et street. '
.... _ .
. . .
Drugs - end ifiedicfnes.
Doctors, prescriptions carefully 'lmpart'
atafali filo mina]. prlee, ut YU:LOWS Dr a g
store, opposite roatolllce.
Foreign Llgoore of all kinas nt .loveph s.
YincLy'4 DLitAllery, No. lak,-121, 41..1125
hoot street. Plt ti.bu
• , You con BUY
VS pet Cent. dlenhol ut Jotteph S.
Yon Can Day
HOY !lops at Joseph S. Finch's
At Blasople Hall tO-11141a.
'T e. Fenian Exeltement—neetittr, Sr
the Boord of Tiro Toderwrit,,,_
Two Minaret] Minot. of Copilot
Itepreneta ten —.l Murderer con.
)/wyr. iebruaq JELL
Tito Fenian ex.:lnt./lent In this city in
into serlonS action. Thu thscour•
aging catdc telegrams am disbelieved.. and
volunteering is Mich. Thu al. Lawrence,
Tara 811,1 other circles hell rut lin-
Enuatle meetings last CVCIIIB g. 3layor 1190 ,
man being inched lea Fen
ian meeting, declined In a 11“1118er that
allowed hQ did not ay:lra/Ye den,
enCt nit Inns.
B. Shaw, Nashville-.
sal i:
nig W
ht ad:
Lou. second Clerk, Nash , lr, • A .
Mel, svle; la Dsvi s
Nashville; J. It. Too il mbs, ol Crate,
John Jewett, Carpenter. Canada; J. Story,
Engineer, New Albany . ; Itobt. Elam Strick
er, Parlous'', Brewster, Polk county,
Tenn sser IV. Lilly, Kentucky; —Mitchell,
yoreTirlt; Or Tile Uttere.Wltt .,%
I Ohio: Harrison, Paducah; D. Carlton,
The first. annual meeting of tile Board of I Tenn orsce; Eddie Linn, New Marlin!, Mo;
racier Writers, commenced ;o-slay About ; L. Briwn, loam; Martin; Butler
rwo bander./ and HBO , rade:tares were 311114.: liya Wm. Ferris, Ky.; Wm. biome,
present, representing two hundred millions y.; -Jerry Ball, Steward; 11.. lii Own, Hoe,
rf capital. The report of tile Executive tires;'. Jim. Slicks. ssm. Johnson c-nd J o h n ,
::ornmittee, favoring Jaerrgrsed rates, was ;,Miller, Porter, er. 51. Taylor. Patrick Cal ,
ccopred, and the power to set was given to': m
ay, Patrick Wirlte, James Woods. Parker;
that Committee, , 101 l wet, Itteret.eri -to Martin Moran,' refer Hines, Charles l.
refer members. Tire subject of a thrcesquer's dock,' Frank stossiroir, Harvey Unlearn,
:cgs of value rule tor Instlmrtee, u lD hr con. I John Brag, Hun. Carr, Jerry Cockrell, Jim
adored todnorrow. some unluiportsta ilarriurs,
niSlite, Wits transacted. This: subject or ins ; --- trocsr 7 riZ 7 Cairt D. Kinney, Na,hville,
nuiliings w bird. VOtrnietou . badly seabird; Jonn It. Hart, pilot, Louis
-tarred was discussed; but no atition was la. v bruised; John Ray, engineer, severely
.1. r . : O „, D ,Dr r , or tog was appointed to ; bruised; Robert Hay strleker, Chas. Cross,
mull/late officer:, tor Lim tense M 1/
g year. Ads 4111.5711r0i,etl and ...allied; 3111 ' es Cann, cab
earned till to-morrow. • in buoy and greaser; Mack Paris, scene.
I vine; Dr. Buell, Louisville, thigh broken;
F. P. Bucker, New Orleans, badly bruised;
Charles 11. 3innuel, a colored tre-tl J. H. Triplett, Owenbbirro, slightly bruised;
Clarksville. Tenn., bruised; John
unvicted to-day of murder In the lint de- D r. gh„,, ,
rce, for erturdng [bun 1101,111 of Cleary itnoer 6114 b. :lames Cummings, John Brown, John
December last. I WeaVeT, Wrot ThOrn, John stMey,
- _
ercLLYr eNtON. Sliglitty, and IVm s Wilson, all mere or less
The COl/111,11teo of Conference. looking ; ' , dared.
r anion of lb:, New and 111.1 ;school Pres- Many' n. at., of th e jr4, ni,d IDJ acrd are
vterise Churches, hold thole ;ti
Se,lon unknowa. Of all rho calac passenger,. only
. New York to-morrow. gee, VII to, !min) trod.
The-Fenian menu og tenfl ed for ho nignt
rs bl) ell Indell tutely .st pent,l; ostene:bly
nheount of the wentlhr.
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_t A
Pennsylvania Legislature
to the Pittsburgh Gazette
IlAun.ucao, February ISG
In the Sanate, the act appropriating the
I on the agricultural scrip to tho Ag
r/eeltural Collogo, In Centro, county, was
ho following bilis In Diace were read:
Mr. Grahatni An act to authorize the
citT of Allegheny to limo bonds in the
amount of sixty-fire thousand dollars to
btill,d'a market house. Passed. Also, an act
to change the commorm of Allegheny City
Into, a public park.
Ily Mr. Itigham: An aot to allow no.
. , • •
School Directors of thu Seventh ward,Pllts
torgh, to borrow money to build a mho°
house. l'asseti. Also, an act to allow the
School Dircetovs of Marshall township t,
apply the funds On hand for school pur
BP Mr. IWhiter T 4 4, petition of cit
.r Indiana county to submit to ayototh
tut,tion of tho .010 of liquor In said coup
ty. Also, In place, an net to Increase th
fees of certain officers In Indiana county.
Ily Mr. Ingham: To allow the mercantile
appraiser of Allegheny county the same
foes as the same °Meet-31u other mantles.,
31:. Wallace offered a resolutlon declare•
tory, of principles. Referred to the Com
mittee on Federal Affairs by a party vote.
The 'special order being the general Rail
road Law, was taken up, discussed, , and
again Made the special order for Tuesday
next. 1.
The (15!lowing Rouse bills, in ,place, w.
By Mr. Chadwick: A supplement to the
uct Incorporating the Met., Pittsburgh
and New York Petroleum Company, to
change the principal omen to Pittsburgh.
Mr. Colville: To divorce James Wey
man and Julia ills wite.
By Mr, Wil.on To ellango the place of
holding the election In Jefferson township ;
idso, to authorize the Sch - ol' Board of the
c&reath ward of Pittsburgh to borrow:mo
ney, not exceeding forty thousand dollars,
to build a school house.
Mr. Boyle: An act to authorize an appeal
from interlocutory injunctions in thleCom
Mr. Wean!, o outhonzel he Cranberry
Coal Compost- to build n railroad.
• Mr. Day: To protect the people from Du
Position and quackery...
Mr. Ewing: A eupplement to the net in.
corporeal:it; the National Teleeraph Com.
pony. Passed.!
By Mr. Gallagher: To extend the terra of
the County Treasurer of Westmoreland.
The to/Ion:Inc bilis were reported from
the Committees :
An Act to regulate iliac/Fa! on . topyr,
• gnu,
An act misting to the Purvii. 4 vo , n taw
library in' gton county. .
An act relative to the-election of 'ofEcer
in.l directors of the Italirov.l Conipanliai In
lie COLD mon Aseulth. It compel. the I:1100,
ty of the dir ectors and the officers to be
esid.•uts of the State. •
An act to incorporate the „ Masonic Fund
oddly of Greensburg.
The following bills were read in place:
Ey Mr. McKee: To prevent unwholesome
latter being thrown into the running
reams of Allegheny county, and Preserve
ie health of the eann.
lty Mr. (:base: To legalize laws made by
borough of Titusville.
rile Philudolphia u'unday ear , zumalon
me up ou the third &lading of Um 'Ali. It
as di,cumcd and poutpo,ed.
The following hills an the private ealem
liar Were considered add pulsed :
An act relative to tho lcea or the Coroner
of Allegheny county. -
An ACC relative to the fees of the District
Attorney of Grdene county.
An act to innorporAle tiiePitlisde Gas and
Water Company
d 0 act to authorize the Burgess and ToTown
Council of Irvin's to borrow money for bor.
coals purpo6es..
An act to authorize the Council or Kitt.-
, log to pave and giude certain street..
A supplement to ;he ant Incorporatinz, the
orough otLowre:neeville. ,
An act to ' amend the charter of the Cam
el-mfr. Company.
„Anact to yr.,. the sale of Ildiner In
:New Alexandria and Itoliver, Weatmore
land county. ,
- The art to re4toro thn charter of the Con
hi:11,111e Railroad, went 10 a aeconil read-
Dm,le and wt. Mid over for the present.
Conmatlen of the citizens of Pala
burgh, °nit Ise euttMet of the re-charter of the
Conneil•yille Railroadng COMDenr, arrived
lucre this Winni, end ern inert : leg 'trig°,
immotion of Mr. Colville, the Committee
ieos (I et, argot] from the eocislileretlon of
Mr. Peter', Lgnor hill.
Accident on the David White,
Below Memphis.
1;i ;E
Ilestruts:Februarry.2o.—The steamer Da
vid White, which tloft No.w Orleans on
Thursday night Just, I for Lrantrtlle, with
one hundr e d passengeis and five hundred
tons of freight for .Ntrallyillo and ' , Uterine,
exploded her larimard ,hoiler on Sunday
noon, near Colutublsq two hundretl and
twenty-five miles south of here.
The forward part of tboboat was literally
torn to atoms. Many passengers and 0111.
earswere blown notate hundred feet in the
The s r, with fragments and debris of the boat.
'l'n,, cclothesent: IWere s closet-
WC/ 1 A .1, 1101T sown of6d a hearbr e tbe ndln of g. -
beers. Captain litnnek was blown up ono
hundred feet, and landjal In the river much
bruised opal scalded. Vain. Shaw, Cierk,
reports the loss 01 passim/El rs at sixty-fly°.
lat.) . of the names. urn unknown, as the
books, aro lost. ,T han boat its a enrapieto
wreeh. Part of tho explodedb
int anti I,rt. downw,artis, tearing the
hull witle oven": The soglneens and pron.
on the ateh cure bloWft down with t mo
Tate In:cuter Piles Bolen pielced . up tho
survivors, and lliorr Emerald ant i
Car' Id ototht then, lode. Dan Stoney Is
n., Iv scalded; slight hoot, of Is ro
casualties: d
ottratry. The Jo:lowing Is a partial list of
W.tsu morn x, Fehr,:la • y 20, 1.67.
to AUG subcnittod
the Governor of Pennsylvania, /sal that
Stale had rlltlfled tau hint:en:lth nalead
mont, to the Constitution.
31r. PATTERSON nresented the resole
ilone of the Teenessee Legislature In favor
ofgrant of public lands to aid in the Ml_
edruntion of the Tennessee and Pacific Rail
road. Tabled awl ordered to be in-toted.
Mr. PoLAND, from no Committee on Ju•
dielarv, reported adversely on tho 1,111 to
ureter[ Children of African descent,
from being enslaved, in violation of Mu
Constitution of the United 'State, and
moved for an Indefinite postponement of
the hull; but on motion, the bill was placed
on the maunder.
Mr. TIZUMBI'I.t. Introduced a bill au.
horirl nu till. Pale of tho hot anrings rase,
nuon, lu Arkansas. Referred,
The bill was considered to provide for the
nnual !erection °CP:alien Affairs, upon
bleb the !loastion Woe, upon agreomg to
lie eubelltute passed by the nose., trees--
ming the /radian Bureau to the . War pa.
artruen t.
At two o'clock the Clerk of the House an
nounced the notion of the Rouse on the Ile
constroctlutt 1101. •
. Mr. WILLIAAIS moved the postponement
of tholndlan 1301 for the purpose of taking
.1111 I with theamond
writhe /louse. The m ' otlon was agreed
to and thulAll rend.
.Mr. WiLLLLMS: moved that the tiensto
Paragraphs were (lisp:Mod Of
atlon mi ter follows: On boots and tondo
o. wholly or in part of tolla übber, tipeeent.
1 valorem; on hats, l oeps r and hoods r of all
;irked pitons, per cent. sit valorem.
Alter debate, the Senate took a recess.
Evening NeS.ioll.—Tho House Joint Tosemu
tton, authorizing the eMpilljrnent of na
tional vessels to transport food hid cloth
ing to the destitute. people of the South
DWPSW9ES OW TIM 000211013, rneevrien.
Mr. SCALNER: from the Col:emitter an
Foreign Al%sire, reported the bill to pro.
ehle for the.iiiifense of the Northern front
ier. be printed.
The Iteeonstreetion }Sill wan then teen
Mr. In/WATTLE offered an amendment
to the Moose amendments to add to the last
section the following prov tot,: - P , osdtd,
That n o thin g 1:1 this act amtalued shall be
construed to tllsfrannhlso any penan lu
either of saki States from voting or hold
ing odic° who hare recurred - pardon and
amnesty In accordance with the COnstltu•
thou and laws:"
Mr. DouLITTLE supported his amend ,
. till lilt MAN said If the llonse amend
ments isere toil beech, IF,: Southern people
had the Dimmersl.s lit the Reuse to thank
(or it. A minority of the talon party,
PlttUd by every Democrat, helped to defeat
toe ueeepinnee of the Senate Prolitsittiott /.
the House, und left it open to furtner
amendment. salt the insult now before the
31r. LIENDIrICKS defended the action of
the llenererat in the Ilonse. They court
not have vted dlfferently without
the I
on revord In raver of the g
to whlch they were opposed in every rev
Afterdnbate Mr. Doolittle's amendment
rt.jeeted_s. ag11.111:it 32 nays.
Mr. Wll,olll offered en atnerolm.l, as
an addltlonal seetlon, :o raeote all onlres
pow held under the rebel authority
ninety Ile), after the poesage of the acts
'Disagreed to.
' The tanendlalcat of the flon,e sras then
roneurred in.
Brown; I lenderkon, obormnn,
(natell, Howard, • ...nte wort,
I:barmier, Howe, k o mine r,
Connoks. Jokn -on, Trumbull,
Cragln. Kirk wood, Van Winkle
C . mssaloll, Lane, Wade,
Edmund, Morgan, Wdley,
1 - :etentlen, Morin I, William s,
1 Ogg. • Poland, IV ilaon,
owler, Pomeroy, Yates-31.
Frolingbuyven Ramsey,
Barrio, Ito,o, .
Hue). Ilurldrick,, Saulsbury—
Cosv.n, NeSTUall.
The Senate adjourned at 10,50,
Aftertonne unimportant business, the
/louse proimeileil to the com+l , lerotion of the
Lill to Provide an egielent government for
tic rebel
air. IIL JUNE m ltlniretv Me motion to re
cede from thu dlruereement to the Senate
emendmente. and moved the pre Viotti tine,.
Lion, on the motion of Mr. Wllson,of loon,
In concur with the events ate end Meet, with
no untendment to the filth section, tts tele
graphed yesterday.
Thettomt, refused to lieeOncl the pruylou.4
./Ilteaten. 74 to it;. -
Mr. 511E1.1./111.1RGER moved the tenon
ing itinenthneut, to coon In et tt new see
iThls amendment bonne section 6 or the
III; as published In our Washington lii
The previous question was moved unit
• .
Mr. lasitilt move) to table the bill. Neir,-
- .
IIr.bIIELLAItAI7GEII'S eeeell./1911ei Cam
adopted, U 0 agaturt 70.'
Mr. WILSON moved to eeeeer In the Sen
ate amendment, amend rant
o; ameuded on motion of Mr. Shellabargor.
Aurced agalnct'4.;.
The inn moo thou moot to the Connie.
The militia Intl, on motion of Mr. PAIN
wan recoutroltted to the Military Comma-
euir CANAL. 11.1,1,6,1 TUG TWO
rho Senate Joint resolution exienduhraill
tl facilities to el tizeue of the t/tilLeti buttes
thasurvey of IL l ute for a Ship Canal
rosy the intomus or r ' , Amen, teas Noised.
Thu House bill to render applicable to the
seamen of the United States navy, and to
marines, the provision relating to pension s
to the appropriation bill of July Mth,
wan passed. •
The Hondo bill directing the Secretary of
the Navy to dlst.ribute an Mine money onn
hundred and ninety thousand doilarn,
Vein,' of the ptraticul steamer Alabama,
to Commodore Winslow; llisera ato
crow of the Neal . ..tile, was cortablered o ,velth
out action.
The Army appropriation bill was talc.
no, The motion to xtrike out ttn:recond
Ruction, In regard to the location of the
General-In-Chief ot the Army, was rejected
by 41 against B',.
_ . .
Among the yea 9 Wern Mem". Bingham
DXI.IB, linykontlall, Loan, Marvin and nay
The 19111192L9sect—iN yea 9 to 32 nays.
111 T•Y 1111.1..
The House then went:lnto Committee of
the Whole on the Tax bill. .
The taxon clgurettes.cheroota. and cigar,
of ail deAc defame, W. lazed ut flve dollare
a Vitnuund.
. line taxing brandy at fitly cents a
gallon wtos struck Out, leaving the tax two
'Evenin &Mon.—Mr. I/001'E kotl
leave to l ot raluera, bill for.reference es
Waye :sod Moline Committee, to pror/flo fur
the ouyinent of compound lbtereet note.
1 . 111(IE ohleetr4l:
sale TAX
The Douse wept intoWILL Committee of tile
Whole on the Tex bill.
Mr. WILLIAMS offered nn amendment,
lira effect o(m - hlch is to terminate the right
of rollrond and stemohrgtt imm patsies to add
the tax to their rotes °nave, on the 30th of
April. ltrJ eteii hp 4•i tiphni
ef Mr. red..mendnlent, the
fet of which in to relieve ierryluestn of
the tax of 3 per cent., cull emblem
_them to
the name taxas st eale bOat Agree ,1 to.
Mr. ALLISON offered an noteuchnent eon,.
Pelting street rattrap, companion to sell on
their ears packages of tickets, Without ad
dine no the tax.
Uri motion of Mr. SPALDING the receipts
for the payment of money were exempted
from the stamp duty. Stamp duties acre
IOW) removed from nil legal documents,
anltlavits, probates of wills, .10., Where the
value ofreal and pfxsonal estate does out
exceed 61,100, unit nptillentrons for eolith:ref
bounties, omen.
Thu Coma, tteu rose unit the louse
Elver TeleEmmy
illy MereMott.' Alai,ma Tclivre'ph Cu.]
OIL C r rr, FObrUaryAther cloudy
and colder.
Inver rlx feet and lulling nlOwly—untlre
ly clear of lee.
Oil market quiet uutl trareUsetione.few
NEW Onbew,s, Februnry :a7.—Arrlvndl at
Now Orleans from St. /Ands. thu Mary I:.
Thompson; from LAIIIIIIIIIO. the Glaskoa
and 6t- Charles; from Vicksburg, Um Gorr.
Quitman, Departed—J. C. Swan add Iy. 1.
Loads for Si. 14111tH; lhu houltlana for I.ouls-
LOrl.,LLE,FthrtirtrV riv,r 7n qtin
Agreement of Congress on a Pan
of Reconstruction, •
orloY NMI OF . Tlil MAU AN ROM
A Military Bill, the Blaine Amend- -
ment, and Disfranchisement of-
Leading Rebels Secured,
A Safeguard in the Army Bi
Statistics of Confiaiaird- and
, . .
The greatest eaoitement prevailed this
murnittet, as to the probable action of the
I House on the Senate amendments to the
Stevonsl-nillltarT govoinuttoht .btit. When
thal4Orise met, the tpiestbalti first eamo up
On 'No 'MottOn of Mr.` Wilben," of lowa, to
concur In the Senate amendment, with the
addition of a (Umber amendment to the
, lOW notion of the Senate bill, eon/Mktg
stuffraire, In the formation of the new State
geVernmen to of the frberst lutes; roperson s
who arc/ not eat:444ld from holding otico
by UM terms of tit Pending cOnstitn•
Intent amendment. .The Moose refused
the weld..i question on 11110 amend
; MOW when Mr. Shollatargi.r, of Ohio, pro
110x0,1 an additional section to the 1,111, set.
tutu' forth the snpreme authority of the
United States over the proposed prosista,
govommenta. foul it. power to atx4l,ll,
modtly, control or auftereedu them at any
Elam, and ale dlsfranchi•lng all relods
clarod incapable of taddinif race ny the
Hard at t tele of the Colt,t lt uttonal amend.
runts. This was agreed to by S vote of va
00010x1 ;e, alit then the Mouse voted to con
cur In tine senate amendment, as untended
by el/el/al:urger. On thls the vein stood,
ayest 125, lIILYY Pi. The bill was then, at Ii
o'clock to the afternoon, bent to the buns
for Ito concurrence
In the Setlste, a lively •leleite took Place
[on the hill. Sherman said if the proyi•
storm of the bill, as it now coal, eeemed
harsh, the Southern people ',AIM hold their
Ziorthern pourecratie tulles in the Ilotme
aponsielu, for they, Su etuklunetion with a
minority 'Of the 'itepiiblieim party in the
Douse, had rejected the mere liberal pro
ririon3 of till Sermte bill. Mr. Doolittl
anted the bill amended, so as to rceognie
the fact that thu Pre , ldtali . ,l pardon or not
nesty, relieved the ie,son parloned of tht
disfranchising prow:sinna of the bill. A pro
v les to this effect was rejected Ly I vote
for to :tr .11g:tenet. Mr. Wilson Moved
itummimeat vacating all ottlees 01 till
. nolv hell under rebel authority
, ',titian ninety days from the passage o
the act. This was rejected. Tit, Senate
then coucurred In the sullen of the Donee
amending. lite bill, 1 , 7 tele:Thee, ayes to
annul naye, and adjourned at eleven o'clock
The bill now only awaits the action of the
President—either approval or veto—to be
come: u law. The ten flays which ho Is
allowbel to comet', a ti I, expires on the
4th of Mardi, and the present Congress will
and at neon of that day. It Is a question,
therefore.whether he can defeat the MD by
withholding Ills siguatore; he certainly
cannot by u veto.
The Democrats appear to be conEdent of
a vote, unit It is 44h - tinted that the Yrebi,
dent has said be wilt pot delay ills veto, hot
permit it to be rent In In time (Or action
previous to the fourth of March. In refer
! noon to this report, tee (94runicle of this
morning says,— ,, lf en could rely 110011 any
promise coding from .indrew John-on,
each a COLlCellylOa would citable the two
houses to complete the work before ad
journment, the denial of It Under any other
administration In the face of the illitalitCO
power of Congress to Ilnish the mission sou
tbled t 0 It, would be tot down us the very
madresa. of faction, and this fact may not
be without Its effect upon the present '4
The following I, n copy of the bill as
pu.sog both Ilona., a n d goes to the Pro
tient. for 1113.actlus:
.1s Aer for t h e more efficient government
of the rebel States.
Wherni.No legal Slat, governments or
udrouate protection fort ite Or ptoperty now
exists In the xcliel States ol Virg, fitp.fla
Carolina. South Carolina, lieorgla,Alatiffaa
111Insissippl,l Louisiana. Florida, Texas, and
Aricatia.; and lehr - rrat, It lAnecessary that
peace and 'good order should be enforced In
e. 1.1 elate. 11122.1 1 loyal and republican State
governments ran be legally estaltslicd
Br 3 2 en. relcd, A . c,Thut the said rebel Staten
shall be divided Into - twittery districts and
Made subject to the military nuthenty of
the finned Staten,
an hereinafter mention
ed; unit ((Jr that iinrnOse Virginia .hell con-
ntitUte the First District, North Carolina
unit sonth Carolina. the Second District.
Georgia, Alabama and Florida [be Third
Idetriel. Mississippi and Arkansas the
Fourth lilstrlet, and Louisiana and Tomas I
the Fifth District.
Se.c.'2. That it shall Vic the !duty tit the
President to assign to the coinand of each
of said lstriets conker of the army not be
lOW the rank et Brigadier tionernl,.tind to
dotal/ a sualelent military terse to Inlable
sect:officer to perform Ills duties and en
force his authority within the district. to
which he Intissigmal.
Sac. 3. That It shall be the ditty of each
officer Ininlaned ea aforesaid to protect all
p r ersons In mud rights of person and prop
e IT. to suppress Insurrection, tilsoriler,
an violence, and to punish or cause to be
punished, all disturbers of the public pece
and. crimtrials; and to this end he may a al
loff local chi/ tribunals to take jtirinil lotion
of and try offenders, or, In his judgment,
when It may be ny for Lao trial of
offenders, lie Shall have power Lo organize
military commlaszons or tribunals for that
purpone; and all Interference under color
of State'authority with tee exercise of mil
itary authority under this act shall be nail
and void.
Sec. I. That all persons • put, under null-
Ivry Orient by virtue of tills act shall be
tried without. noutnam.iary and no
cruel or unusual puninhment . hall be In-
Meted, aml no sentence of any
COUnneinlOn or 2rlbunol hereby authorized
nhallcting too
affe Ilf cutedo and liberty of any person
be too
the ° IL In approved by
Meer Colo Wand 01 lab dtt; and
the lawn and regulations for t h e y)
to o of the army awl not Litt alTeetail by
this net, except In no far as they too con
flict with Its provisions. Pr 0,1411, That no
suiter coof death under this act shun be
carried Into execution witlaOut the appro..
vat of the President.
i t ..
5. 10nim the people of any one of the
said rubel Mates Md' Love formed cons I
11.11tion ;Tit government lit eonfortnity
;I.titittgfc:cociLttitirtillmoealot, the 1 . 1 , 11
delegates b ti y a tt ‘ i "" .l " l ‘ .'3 of
of ,
nap] state twenty-finis ye le r ' I
1.3 '
oat Whatever 2 me, cOlur."Or" 02.211eValUtluele0a021
21021, who hove been resl2lo.t In 0114 limn]
for ono ear previous to the tiny of .Stich
election, xcept such lin limy be dist, neig e od
for participation in thi rebellion o r ' tor foto
fly tit C0M121021 haw, nail When each COnetl 2
ll shad provide that the elective fran
chise shall be enjoyed by all such persons as
t0,e.., the qualifications herein Stated for
elector s of itelegistisi, and when such consti
tution shall be rattileil by a majority of the '
per2.ona setts;; on the onettlo22 railaca
lon alio net qualified ea electors for dele
gates, and when such constitution shall
hove lees sub:nitwit to Congress for
examination and itoprOV22l, 420.1 Con
shall have approved the Name,
feel When eala • elate by it vole or
Its. Legislature elected ,Under said eon
siltation shall have adopted the amend
ment to the Conant...lmi of the United
Stat. proposal by. the' Tnirty.ninth Con.
gross, and known as article 14, anti when
said article shall have-become part of the
Constitution of the Lotted States, asid
State shall bo declared:entitled to repre
sentation in Congress, and Senators and
Representatives shalt admitted there
from on taking the oath prescribed by law,
and then and thereafter ttie preceding sec
tions of this notarial be Inoperative 1u said
Sac. C. And Ge it. lure, enrteted; That
Until the people of said rebel States shall,
bylaw, be /representation In
the Congreasof the United States, civil gov
ornments that may axial therein, shall be
tlecalW ProvialOnal onlyinud shall be, lu all
respects. subject to the paramount author
- of the United States, which, at any 11100,
- may abolish, modify, control and superoede
the same; and In all elections to anyplace
under such provisional; governments, ell
persons shall he entitled to vote, and none.-
others ! wile are entlUed ; to vote under the
,pronsiona of the fifth Neil ou of this act, and
Wipe/Son shell he ell& fil
to any,oee en
dor :leach . previsional overnmeets, who'
Weilld:De. disqualified from holding eta.
Under, the provialona of the tided article of
sald codstitutional stodedment. • •
' - saunas an TO TUC PIISSID.VB Vernon,
It, has been rumored ll'ere for several days
' that the President.would sign the military
. retionatruction bill containing the Elaine
amendment) but there to be ho goOd
foundation for such rt„: report," It Is quite
certain 'that Mr, Blaine; and - those who en.
operated With him In scenting the passage of
the measure, have no toqot that the Pies'.
dent. wil[i approve It, - -
, - .
Tile GINSI.I. sa-crims or. Ton
The army appropriation bill passed th
}rouse to-day, by a veto of be to 3'2- ' Thor,
was °alto a contest on:the motion to strl lo
from the bill-the seeded - section. This Sc,
lion provides that t the General-In-Chit
shall have his headquarters at Muhl:lnto,
and not be . assigrie,l:to duty elsewhert
without the n14 , 10'5111 . of the Senate; an,
orders given to the contrary to be considei
.1 a misdemeanor In „Mace, and arty race
who shall tral2.lllil 01 . 0110 Y such orders, h
liable to imprisonment for not less Ilia
two nor more than thirty years. l'he Cl
toot of the Incorper,hllon of this section i
the bin la evident. The Democrats end.;
or,sl to have It sirdek out; and In till
move wore supported by Mr. Ilingh am an,
soma other Republic...4M Members. The rot ,
on striking the section from the bit ate
ay. 11, nays at.
The army hill appropriates
and a half million °Netters,
appesr.i from to communication fro.
the Secretary Of tini Treasury, that 11
Government proceolls of the sales of cop
Lured and atratutonea cotton in rebel state
The proceeds of IL
bales of uriseellitneops property. ratees th
total to 4.11,024,00.11,1 Total tlialonrcament
-0,511.01.7; the nonani of profit to the Unl
tel States, 1. nearly 05,00e,0h01, The numb. ,
of bates of cotton Calleettool, r.s e i coaloaeol
10re.4.11,151.4 mouton, tel to own err, %tot'
nnonber of bales enlleetc .1 it-cap? oneol,
. 4 45; number recelYl3.l by nano), DrooPer. Cato.
ton meat at Non - York from other colorer-,
4,512; the num her ofhales stolt n from agent-,
111, and noluoolicr burned. while in the band-
There Ic nu truth In- Ito reisprt that lb
priantiar IdungliCpyar by the Sliat
r artl;
DU, being John M. Surratt I/van-Au ere
promptly in the adirmative when ushry
on stepping whore yesterday II Cad. my,
1116 name. Ito Is In first cite. htvl.h , itll ,
presents a moat tanking and the:are-0y
appearance In rtia Zousve untform, Which I
moms an& to It ptsla Oben n=o44 , ;tnl Alec
orations. 11.14 Connect, Es-COVernor Thom
as B. Ford and Colonel Sol. Mucked, havy
already made application for sultairolon
his tell, and it rs riatter,tood that tlyy
authorities of the Coin - eat in Maryland, I,
which AnnieSurratt ha= taken, raugt
duce the death of tier mother, will !nuke
similar application on behalf or the rioter
of the pelsoner.
• A votntuonleatlon front the VoNttinaster
General, lull Were the IlOttee to-day,
Mina, that between the of dale,
met the tit, of Deceohlter tint et:other of
pipit thastera !infeed arias Of this 1111111-
hi:fll t :l,3 were for political offence,
. . .
ennuntinieution front the Comm t rot ler of
tteCurreney stetts that the National Bunt..
11,10 A: eel, In the thielNion of the ,niitetne
Court, that the States can trio their chares,
and three hundred mei eighteen of them
have punt iii,tl2,ldi; under etate taxation
I tieluilinit.thotio unreported, Ahe npproxt
mete hotel .
1,11,10 I.OASC
The Way, knit Means Committee vs ill
reliably Intro:lnce a hew di:ln:mil /mot bill,
ithin two or three days,, covering the
round of that ncilLto the flanking Commit
.o inlet night.
The Senate Yinance Committee Liks ell
er consideration quite an in be rof nom
tiellz or revenue ellicers, collectors amd .
soccer. from New York, l'enticylvari
it Ohio. _Nearly till will ho reported bitch
adversely, Which is IS virtuat L reject Ina.
The Senate Military Committee, who have
had under conslderatlen the military nomi
nations, have patina thou fur hut very few.
The chances are that a large number of
them will be rejected. The Commute., Ism
instituting rigid Inquiry Into the character
of thee° made by thed'resideut against the
Witiilo,l of Secretary Stanton, and unleey
will is gaol tiwy will be,rejectc
At a Meeting of the Southern Itopublich
tlon. hell in Wa. , .4lllngtoo en
ning, Gov. Hamilton, of Tema, elferet
following resolution, Which lens felAp
lie.rolr ea, That In any action of rho Cou
grens of the United States touching the con
sl Rion of the States lately In rebellion, It 1.
essentially necessary to the protection ti
lives andproperty of loyal men and the erre
lion of loyal governments In those States
that thu present existing governments b
abrogated, the, loyal MOO of all races be en
franchised, ended least a portion of the ref
lhi disfranchised, and the orgnrazat inn o
egitimate Statq trove - mamas confided t
loyal hands. TS ey therefore respectfully,
Ma earnestly ask Congress to apply the 101 l
known as the Louisiana bill, reported by
Me. Eliot, of the ]lone of itepresoututives,
to all the Insarrodtionary States not non
reprenented In emigres., and wo do disap
prove the bill now pending before the llouSe
of Itopreseritutives, known an the Military
11111, as passed by toe Senate of the United
the Impeachment of Jadffes by th.
Mlasourl Leallabst aro—Their Memos'
al. for. Refuntar to ltatoreo low
agablist Diftloyal peraopm.
be. Loots, February dispatch front
Jefferson City, Mates that Mr. Jewett, Iron
the Judiciary Committee, to whom wt.
referred as resOlUttOn Ordering an inquiry
as to certain opinions alleged to have hem
expressed by Judge Itimady, Of Um hi
Louis Circuit. Caort, an his nets In entnan
netting Jornrs without requiring them to
Luke the oath of loyalty, have reported that
the Commode° aro of dot opinion that the
case coils for the action of the general
sembly In the form of an an attar..., to re-
Mr-`vs sold od go from °Moe, and recommend
uJoint resolution that Ltd,. Is primer coma
r tit° removal, by atioresh, of Judge
Moody, on the ground that ire has violated
the State Constltutton by his olllclal /tots,
and that ho is nu unsafe, unsuitable and lin
proper person to hold the oflltm of d nage of
the Circuit Court In St. Louis.
Tice resolution was read three times and
dlr. Waters, from the special committee
appointed to in q uire Into the ofhcinl con
duct of Judge• lying, of the Fifth .1 mitt:lnt
Circuit, reported that, after a careful con
sideration of the case, they wore of opirden
that Ito low been guilty of 1/1011 11/ 1.1 cm eun
ora 1n onieo unit groom corruption, and •1 .
oellii thendo of n rcnolut that
he ifouso imp each)btlon
ald Judge for ion
ueattore in °Mee; among tit itcrn, of
Instructing tbn fraud. J err to find
no bills of indictment againti C o n.
federate auldlors, of the regular or
Irregular art-Vico, for any armies corn
mitten while engaged in that service; for
Instructing the grand jury to find no bills
of indictmentaettinst P0t.. 0 who might_
ho charged with perjury to taking the oath
Of loyalty, and for lulling to Instruct the
ggrand jury In reference to a riot which oc- I
currud at Platte City In September. '
A minority report waS blating
that mach of the evidence Co ',et c h the
charges against Judge li lug are hosed In
vague and indefinite.
The lloune adjourned without 11110 lie.
The Hebei Fentans Escape Capture.
Increase of the English War
LONDON,. February W.--..Yoon.—lcono of the
tube! lonians have been capture]. Nine
personi, arrested In Debtin, on suspicion of
being lonians, have been tried, found guilty
and heavily sentenced.
- .—TheelectlOn returns
Mr members of the (ler - Man Parliament aro
nearly all 10. All the members' from Asa.
ony are aotl4'russlan.
- .
Beaux, February 2 0 —Evening.—Tho re
ports from all, portions of Northern Get
many initleatethat the Liberals 'have car
WAR si - tiSliEri9 or TOO Anetnnan TATTOO,
The Government has contracted for soy
'eraliGestneis or the Atnorlca.n'rattoret.
1•03110 N, February ap—euening.—Tbe
ceas of Wales bay been eafelydellrered of a
. . . .
no war .e51.11116t.e.9 in the budget are
.thereased over those of the Dre
-ding year.
_ . .
ATITZ;111 February 9l.—Sews has been m
eek-ea here that the Turkish govcrinineni
i`l about, to send a mariso.reir in pursuit of
the fiiieek ship Pun hellion, oil ebb island of
Camila. A armed brig will be dispatched
from Greec . to her
.11 ,, 15011100 in'case of
ccotreclec, A, "I;NANctAL.
Livcncooz February -y.—Cotton opens
and stsady. Lartl antis . ..owl advanced
Cil. ionce 14.1.-1. report- Aincrlcan tiuOted
of 3os. ea.
LosnoN. February- 20.—E,rang.—ConsolS
for moncy. 7•1:0e ut Es
Ceut Cul, extra al ltlentl,
lay enema., February 7F.-lilarrang7.—Clot•
ton elO3OO quiet, sieles or +,C'4 bales, add.
dElla at IC. Wheat and corn quiet.
I:aeon—middles, Ills per rot. Tallow, 431413.1.
Lon!, :V..4 ;W. nosln,eounon, lls Petrol
mn, lees.
.lusNlietsltT, February
I ulted bLates bonds closed heru to-day nt
February il—Errining.—Anierlean
ilb :lave !wen belling to-day at e2';.
The .1-pot of the Morris and Esrex Rail
road, at Dr.thevillo, S. J., teal burned on
Tue ,lay morning curly. The agent - of the
Condotny, 11 r. i itnels ilryan, and Ills wife,
who tdrpt lad Ming, narrowly Ca.
coped wtheir live from the burning
latildia, Two of their daughter, were se
verely burned: Nothing In - the building
was saved.
A Mall named Massey. was attacked by a
gang of ex -rebels tinder the leadership of a
sheriff nagnalpacls; at Wayncavlll6, North
Ca:oil:la, recently. Ile wits fired noon forty
times e it' eel t tieing injured,' a returnint
tee gre, Injuring a man na nd med Underwood,
Ile nice escaped, but the sheriff says ho
wiii rail out the giant; to take blot. Mas
sey wife engaged during the war in intiebog
recrolts through Lhe goes to this Union
&ray, and standfluilictial for thatotralgok
Thin woo tau can, of attack.
At Poste, Maas., Frank W. Pounds, con
victed of tuardef,in the second degree', for I
tie murder of Adolph Prager, last Septum
,. r, has I.een seat eneed to t State', Prison
or life. A stall:at' sentence ha, been pass
on James Rutin:sob, colored, at Lowell,
of au outrage on the person of Mrs. Rebecca
Linn, year, 01,{, on the lent of January
The Deweerate of the Ilartfertl (Cone.)
Istrlet , have nominated lt:eltr4 D. Hob
e.: for OM grf.,.
elterdAy merning, at ritlladelpl3 111, as
oiorne Ellin ger was Eelng taken from prison
Into the Crlinlnsl Court, for trial on .1 charge
of w•satilt and hatter; and attempt to cow
mitrape, he moo shot dead by- the father of
the girl on whom the Outrage wan attempt
ed. 1111 father, whose natue Is Thomas
lads, gave himself up, null has been corn
mittesi for trial.
Guttural Sheridan arrived In Cincinnati
Tai Jaynight.
George A. Ellsworth, Jelin Storgan's tele
graph operator a .who allot and killed James
Sum:her, at ilharpshurgi Sloth county, Ken
tucky, on naturally last, was arrested near
dexiligton, Kentucky, yeAterdan
Tee benate Of Maine, has Outlet a resolu
tinn for the change of the Constitution, by
int iking out - the innenduaent of 1 0 17, which
prohibit...l the creation of any state debt
except for war purposea. Thu lIUuyY will'
probably concur.
The railway bridge over Pike river, near
stanbrldge, Canada. 0.100 way yestentay;
precipitating a loconettive and four loaded
freightears lido the river, killing 01 , 0,00,
railway employee Ins tan tly.
Aliralimil Shuts, um old gentleman aged
seventy--I,t, 0011101all'd ~1/ICnto eieath
c,lield, Connecticut, yesterday, thinly a
temporary aberatlon of the mind.
.. • .
The ',tables, lit lionton, Main., owned
and formally. irrupted by the Broadway
Railroad Company, were burnt yesterday
afternoon with four horses. Part Or the
ludlilinif wan occupied by the Shaw Air
Eno.° compan'iortioselmachlnerY Is badly
Some citizens of Dan vino, Bentneky, and
'eternity, through anonymous lettere, order
e4i Major W. ii. Bourne, Superintendent of
Freedmen's Bureau General Fry, and oths
Tr;:;:lo leave the county - 71[11ln two days.
he persecuted parties arrived at Louis
ville last evening.
Tile New Albany, Indiana, glass work
were burned yesterday. j Lossyr.) ,000; Insur
un co unknown. .
The Superintendent of the niobile and
Ohio ItallrOnd Ler the Whole force of the
road repairing the damage=, and hopes to
havu the trains numinghy to morrow. The
Company is building a now levee amend
the depot, and etrengthco log the old One, a
Cale while.
The Nehmska Legislature has retitled the
sinil Mons it:l4loB.i by for the ad
niesion of Nebraska as a !gate. The vat.
r the Boone stoat twenty to six, and of the
note 1.11 1 / 1 111111011S. Thu Legislature ad
ou 1 . 114 trfslay.
TheflignoerAts of the Third Dl.,trlcr at
Norwich, Conn., norninatod Earl Martin for
The hotter of the Wlseonsln Paper Cony
pony's int!), at :1111walthee, exploded yes
terday arlernoon, , Your persons were
killed and three injured. The names of
the killed are Wane Mil, engineer, and hie
Wire, Ileilnis Short, fireman, and Mrs. Jor
dan. Damage to the mill 'ertirnsted at
Governor II urn pbreys has rent a message
to the Legislature of disapprov
ing ....Lusty of the southern reeonstrue-
Mon proposition, proposed the North
Carolina delegst lon, similar to thoSe in MI,
duets. in tbeNenate by Mr. Dixon.
!liver Telegram..
42 , 1.011., February 2i.—The river roil,
fraction over. fonduen inches In the poet
twenty-four hours, rising, at it., rated' ouc
h:Alf Inch per hour,
stopptal raining last night, and the
eather to now clear. 'l7le mercury is Co
Arrived since noon—Shatnrinti, from St.
Louls to Cincinnati, at 2 r, n, and Sam J.
'little, from Memphis to Cincinnati. at 7 r
It Is rumored here that the steamer David
IVnltis exploded Won. Heral-lie on lust;
NAttIIVILLti, February 20.—The river Is I
rising, with seventeen feet on theahoels.
Weather dear and warm; Arrlved—Star- I
light, Wabash and Nashville, from Cairo.
la:lmM/id—Tyrone. for Calro;,:A. Baker and
J. L. Graham. fur
Mammies February 2 u.s - Weatbur clear. i
River slowly. The rowlaraLs south of
here are Inundated, Basing., Fri sg
FOLIkTiI PAGE.—The p.dlr.a and moat. re
liuNt ' Monty. Oil and Produce .11arket Re
poris yi.r. by any paper in Use city, u:411 Le
found on our /burin Page.
41,0, additional City and Saburban
Highway Robbery—ThejPerpetrator
- - -•
5541.14116 y afternoon 6 regular soldier
named Adolph liablord, on duty at the
Allegheny Arsenal visited the Fifth ward,
and had a good time with several of the
Fifth ward fast boys. The soldier had con
siderable money about him and spent It la,
Ishly, treating the crowd repeatedly. After
drinking with his comrades until dark, be
stepped tolde and counted his money over,
finding that he bad E.. 0 left. This he divided. I
putting forty (Sollars In the outside pocket
of his cost and reserving ten dollars in his
pocket book for the further expenses of
the evening. Tito pocket book he placed in
his trousers pocket, after which he went
out with a select knot of his companions, to
`•take a walk.. was
his fellowlittle
walkers into lle a
alloy off Lib
erty street, and there knocked down, as he
alleges. by Wm. Smith, a notorious Flint
ward character, who proceeded to "go
through. him. Smith supposed that the fifty
dollars whit:him know the victim to posse...,
was still all in his pocket book, and ho ac
cordingly 209444 the pocket nook, and
before he had time to continue his.,
investigations, the, outcry made by the
robbed snag alarmist the robber, and he
hastily decamped, having secnrrd thy his
venture on/y ten dollar.. The soldier made
In the next mornin ir before Mayor
McCarthy, charging Smith with highway
robbery. A warrant was issued and the
capture of the thief was intrusted to offi
cers Cupples anti Moon. Smith's Tolima of
residence is on ?luta street, at the' foot of
Walnut, In the Illth ward. • but he seems
not to have goo lipme at- alt after the rob
' bary. The pursufffir officers were constant
in their efforts to apprehend the criminal,
but. were for some time tolled by the "pick
ets" Smith bad constantly on guard. It was
ascertained that ho was In Lawrenceville,
and house after house whore it was known
that he had been secreted was visited, hot
80 alert were his friends, that he always
managed td getout of the - way In advance
of the visitors. On Tuesday It was ascer
tained that Smith was going to make an
effort to /cave the neighborhood last night.
It was also ascertained that a pair of panta
loons which lie Was to wear oulla trip were
being repaired by a woman In the Filth
ward, on an alley off Factory street between
_Etna and Pike streets, and that he was to
call personally for them at half past seven
o'clock, last evening. Accordingly the Mt -
cers were On 4110 spat promptly at the stlis•
elated time, and so was the object of their
solicitude. Ile was nabbed juel4 /49 he was
coming out of the basement of the house.
lie recognized the °dicers immediately, and
"Came. very gracefully, laying that
he Oct well aware what they wanted with
bins, anti he wasvery well sat/stied wi th
the long chase ho had given them, though
they bad certainly outgcnoralled tdm at
lest. Ile was taken to the watch house,
where he now awaits a bearing. Ile ills.
plays considerable br evade concerning tin
matter, saying that arresting him 13 a/
, that they can accomplish. The officers co ,
I . carned la the arrest, are retitled to gre
credit, far the energetic stud successiul
forts tuado by them.
Coroner Clawson, yesterday afternoon
held an Inquest at the Mayor's omen, on
the remains of the mulatto child found o.
Tuesday morning lu the Seventh ward.
The 'allowing testimony % . 0.3 taken:
•;.DS. R. S. Sua.o n, sworn—Made a roost mor
tem examination of a colored child, at Sir.
lievore's, on Tuesday afternoon. The child
weighed four and a half pounds; the body
was small and oot that ad a hearty well
developed child. On examining the ,
found the parietal bones drlven In upon the
brain; the right lung sus tolerably well
tilled with ale and floated upott water even
after pressure; the left lung bad not been
inflated, and differed from the right in
color. Exadnined. the stomach and found
that had been takes. From these
l J u lypOslibl ia e to My that tho
child haffEkkokfmt ttifor ean
be decided. The right n long lag Is m h o re fre
quently found to contain air than the left.
prolmbly because the right bronchus is
larger and shorter tb an the let The child
umy have lived iteletleitely; children have
been known to live twenty-four hours with
out air In either lung, having lived by
bronchial respiration. The breaking of the
parietal bones was no if done by the toe of a
boot, and may hare been done by the person
analog the child.
Andrew Pry, Sworn.—Llvti in the Seventh
ward, corner of Webster and itoberts streets,
at about half past seven yesterday morning.
1 sirw &gentleman =Coe:newt/ling saint to foot - and walk away. Went down mairs to
YUCI but It iwas and found the chlltilylng
beside the hole In which it had apparently
been partly burled, Thls was in heele's old
brick ye rd. near Webster street.
(I,orge Weaning/en bwore.—Lire with Mr.
Pre, and Bow the man kick up the enild.
Went out after Andre W . Cams back and saw
the child for myself.
TheJery returned the following verdict:
That the unknown male child breathed
either during or after birth, and came to
his death at a time and plane, unit Ina man.
nor unknown to the Jury. '
Wastangton.x Birthday—An Eplatola
To-morrow will be the 2..1d day of Febrile,
ry, a day which, ever since A Merl.. was a
nation, has been regarded by all true Ameri
cans as a hollowed day, and nee winch, while
our country shall exist, will never cease to
be remembered with lore and reverence. It
is Washington's birthday, and pert history,
though she may reverse all other fondly
treasured beliefs, will - never even attempt
to poison our lure for Geo. Wasumrros.
Attempts have been made Morn time to
time to have the day formally declared a
notional holiday, and - 01110 time ago the
National Leglelai are did so declare It, and
it is now observed by the closing of all pub.
tic institutions. liow it was observed in
lois, the following letter which, through the
courtuyy of Alexander SleCurg, Esq., we are
permitted to copy, will allow:
. PITTSOM:II, February :11, PAX.
cm, The Captain being absent an bust
nese, 1 hare thought proper, (ut conformity
to our usual custom) to parade to-morrow
as a tribute 'of respect, In honor of thu birth
day of him who was the principal instru
ment in achieving our giorltua Inilepen-
Ileum You are therefore required to have
the Company notified to attend parade In
complete , tali : form, in the Dionioad, to-morrow
at Gm hour of II o'clock A. M. precisclu. with
eight rodnds of blank cartridges each.
Amex. McCue/in,
Lieut. MI Company, L. Infantry.
Carpenter Shop Sobbed in Allegheny.
Souse time during Tticsal.ay night, the car
penter chop of Mr. Hugh Clancy, In the
Fourth ward, Allegheny, on the corner Of
Cedar aVenee and Avery street, near Ohio
Was entered by 'ounce person or persons un
known and robbed of a quantity of tools.
Tile tools taken were such as would be use.
ed by a traveling ' , lour" carpenter, and
comprised two tine caws, two rip
saws, quare, rule, de.. The articles
stolen were one the !West in the chop
and seem leisure been selected with great
Care by tile vialtoni. Entrance loth° shop
was gained Irons the back yard by means
oda back door. The door it seems •wits
without hinges alai
place by
a prop leaned asraltist it. on the inside. •Ity
some moms this nrop was loosened and the
door i AEI ,red. No suspicion as to the Mou
thy of Isle thief or thieves is entertained.
The pollee have tile matter Inlhand. Mr.
Clancy has been unfortunate ill his expert
mac,. ho bas had his shop twice burned
and twice robbed. The last [melt, was burn
ed Was about a year, ago, sold a short time
prevtously At Wan robbed of 11Cally every
thing In it.
The Wood ?street Flee.
We gave yesterday morning the an
nouncement of 'a fire which ocgiarred at
about fifteen minutes alter three o'clock at
the -drug store of Messrs. Kelly d hood-
Kraus. No. K Wood street, with pitch par
ticular, a, we could gain so shortly before
going to press. An examination of the
pre misea yesterday morning showed that
the lire bad started to the Cellar, and when
ditwoverell the flames hail burned two or
three holes through the floor, near the front
part of the store. The principal damage
wan done by water, which Injured the gyoLla
stored In the cellar. A number of jars con
taining fluids were broken and the contents
debtroyed. The loss has not been accurate-
IT e s timated, but is covered by Insurance.
1120 building Is owned by Ligge,rll
find in but sllght/y damaged, tbs loss being
covered by Insurance. Thu origin of the
I.llre to have been by pante 1.000-
0011.4 co mbustion . but was niece prob
ably the work of an Incendiary.
Last evening ten UniversalLst fair and
festival, at City Mall, notwithstanding the
exceedingly unpleasant weat her, was large
ly attended. Tun principal bui , inesS was
closed out. The ItlagratiCellt a/ A 0
was drawn be Mr. James .4. 'Wilson, who
held th e welry. number 1%. The •
sneer pitcher fell to the lot of Miss Eunna
Foster, and the fine silvettea set witS drawn
ny Mrs. J. It. Spear. Mr. Engle l r again do.
the company with his wonderful
skating., and the promenade was exceed.
ingly pleasant. This evening a select social
re.maiOn will hold, accompanied by all ola
gnat supper. Admittance
go '', l '
Slultalar Affair—A Stu-pieta:is 713'a.
An affair. with 'owe leature, and
until the ip . u ., llbillty et an it itering . .., curl,
has come to light In the do: a.:1; (on
Tuesday morning, Mrs. •
t• c nt till. it tlert,
a- man re ' .tt nag - at Ni,. 01-.2 Peen street he.,
ffarrlson, d iscovered, in a vault the
.Icar2l attached to the house, "bat
ben quantity 0.1 cietting ii•jit•
gether Int,/ leoce The her ,
was rentoved, and I.v,
11110tni, sidi I Iny In iJit,
alga Wan reitlOVeil, tool • • •
inn V'S litm 511,10 Oa'.
nn appearanee, tri
bon, and having a 1,14 I.• .
to it. Some (loot •:, • . • ,
hat, and the call also Inal:peed
;or else lint been se:tr.:lied, t
11). - .1 it weresupable to cloci t.: addch. Vie
!inutile. on befog openet. nue Pion:lle c . .. 1-
,tain a pillow - I.hp. a black lace reit. n whit.•
I apron, a maul', shirt, amt taro reroute ups.
:Jeri:extern ta. The pillow p
whole, and Wit, spotted with blood- 1
to seine extent. The apron an,
torn somewhat,' and was isi, shine-it
with blood. Ti,,- ulna's shirt was coter - i
postal nf alino - st nen - cloth and
torn about the noel: :mil in j
It was splotched with blouli , 111.init j
places. The female eurnients were a 1.,:
made of cloth almost new, sad er we torn it.
a rude appiner about the sleeve , : nod peek.
on tho necks and tacsoins of hdfti of them
thorn worn considerable stains of
The rents in nil the articles seemed snade
In at Violent manner, as if in straggle, Tile
cloth, as we Intro said, almost new, :in
that the tearing required considerable
force, and was not the re:. tilt of natural
wear. Avery conselerelclo it ;tree of es
cltement ealited In the neighborhood eons
awning the aff.dr, and ttto pre,,u, I here
abnits seem thoroughly convinced the
there has been foul play 01 seillo dreerli
thin. Whatever the explanation of it to
he, the eltellniStilliee le curtail/IV O Stran;
ono. It may he that cloth ing • leo portun t•
connected what!, and It maybe that Its so
ton wall In vol re more or Ire, trag teal
An Unwelcome Visitor.
At aliout two o'eloeli yesterday moral
Mry. WeKrit ,, e3', resitting en- I . lke etre
. .
near O'Hara, way awakened by It ner;'e
her sleeping roam, and on looking fib
the apartment, discovered a loan stand!
crouched behind a rocking chair near he ,
bed. She made an exclamation, and then,
trader, finding that he was disco'rered
mode a caring towards the bed, snatched ,
silver watch which hung ut the bed head,
nn ran sent It out of the door. Isidore Mrs.
MiCartney could grapple with him. :he
Immediately ran to the window end shout,
ed. for help, but no one heard her, and the
thief made good his escape. The darkness
of the room prevented her seeing liar un-
WeiCol7l.) guest illstiractly , enough to be able
to give any description of him, and if he is
discovered at - ell it • will probably ho Ire
vans of the stolen watch. This is an•ola
time. lace, and • comparatively valueless-
Doubtless the liner will consider himself
poorly mild for so bold as effort..
.1 ) 1/onicrly In -Tl!mehester.
John 11011.11 an, residing In
made Information before Mayor Morrison
on Tuesday evening, eaarging John t /liver
with 111borderly conduct. The accused, it
appears, has a spite against Mr: McMillan,
I and on Tuesday vented Ms ill will by break
ing the , windows of Ills residence, calling
him vile names, and threatening to hill his
wife. The accused TVILY arrested by odicer
Campbell and hail a bearing - a:identity
morning. Ito was 11 n etl, ordered to pay the
cods, nod put under ball to keep the
after which he WILY permitted to depart.
Yesterday the man who had become his sa.
curtty, appeared at the Mayor's mike nail
give Vlri v er up, J. he bird shown s a
disposition In renew his former denaoristra
nous, and hail even begun_ by calling Mr.
McMillan names again. A ball piece ws
Issued and °eer •Carripbell will provably
re-arrest the accusealtonlay.
!infidels Delllh.
NTe regret to announce the death of Mr. tit
mum! B. Munro, foreman of Jones & Laugh
llatojro4.~fila 4L Itrownstown. The de
ceased has beenseine . ..hat ill Tor some,
time. Yesterday morning he rose rather
early, and cult] to his wife that he was spit
ting blood. Shortly afterward,. the .hemer
thaws became violent, unit Lt a very abort
time he tiled. The deceased was forty-two
years of age. Ile was widely knowu and
niversal Iy respected and esteemed. In his
calling /IC thoroughly skilled, being
more than equal to all the req. trent ents of
Ids position. In consequence of his death
the mill he. closed, an, will remain so, in
respect to the deceased, nett/ after the
funeral on Friday.
The Philadelphia P7es4 says; In Its Wash
gton specials:
The [°port of the Ledger, to-day, that
George P. McLean has been apholnted Sur
veyor of the Port of Philadelphia to
take. liewas nominated (or ourve3 Or 0l
the Port of Pittsburgh.
Tim Republicans are protesting decidedly
as in stes too c
Seventhof Jhn 11. Manly
for ssor of the di s trict, and of
Thotruss-t. Rowley for Culled 'States Mars
Mini of Pittsburgh.
Toe rumor that Syilenhani Ancona, from
Herbs county, has been uppoin tea 1141,1o:b
-eer, is Ineorrect. The itepubibmii
lion to him is very strong.
Another thsither thisolo it it.
Frank Glatz, a barber , owl', huh,
yesterday made information bet re Mayor
Morrison, charging Michael and
Daniel DoWncy with disorderly" conthiet.
Ile alleges _that the 'two aerostat raised a
disturbance In his shop, and on going 4/1/t
-t•lde, threw stones through his windo%‘s,
swathing tho sash and demolishing some
of the Iftle/C3 in the shop. Warrants a ere
issued grid placed in the hauthtof thllts-ri
Campbell and Scott, who proceeded to the
locality but toned that the two rowdies had
made their disappearance acid had grant
down the river on a steamboat. They art-,
therefore, out of danger (orate present. -
Ileettng or the National Henning and
Morino. Cornpetny. ,
An annual meeting of the , ttockholders of
;ha National Refining anti StnringiCompan y
was held on Monday. The following otlleers
and directors warn elected to sort., tor , the
ensuing year: President. a. Cameron; Tren•
surer, Joan Birmingham. Secretary, John
McCurdy. Directors—A. ' Cameron, David
Kirk, A. F. Mattbens, Wm. D:lei3011, D.,
James Old. joint llamlitne SC. D., Arthur
Kirk, Si. De Lunge T.. 1. Gallagher, 31. D.
Gone After Ills flormen.-31r. Irwin,
of Deergeld township, Crawford county,
whoso horses wore stolen In August last
and purchased as is alleged, by Mr. St. Clair,
of Youngstown, Ohio, arrived in Allegheny,
yGstettlay, and , departed I mediately for
Youngstown to Identify e the horse:1001d to
belong to him. He presses himself as
perfectly convinced, from the description
given, (hal the horses are his property, and
says ho - will hare ,the matter thoroughly
ince. tigatod.
Fin she...l.—l:Wortley morning the lent.
porary wooden bridge over newlekley
creek, on the Pittsburgh and Connellsvillu
railroad, was completed yesterday, and
trainspassed over it for thu Aral. time. It
wilt ho remembered that the iron bridge,
which spanned the Sewickley, w washed
away, arid it Iles In such a portio its n
or the
creek that it cannot be moved Masi /OW
water. Passengers will now go through
without change of cars.
Tbrao Against One.—On TueidaY .."."
ink John vehenck, Jacob ilennitmer,and
George Link severally appearial lo 4 °_,re ) “ .
tlee Lipp of Birmingham, ardd lodged
forination against Georg. Ataley,
11101 with assault Gall battery with intent to
kill. lie was arr.:vim% and afters hearing
yest.Crilay morning. wk., remilred to enter
bail in the num of P. in oa.'l cane. lit de
fault of the ball, lie was cumulated to Jnti
to answer at Court.
Would Kill is Chlld.-I.terdity Ald
erman Lynch reek the' Information of
Hobert navage, living on Boyd , . 11111. c hare_
leg T. /Salley. n colored man, living In the
aama localliy, with nurety of the peace. It
Ia alleged that Ridley threw, a /done .11r.
entfab ❑tile boy and threatened to kill
him. The accuwed was arreated,' the c,.. 0
heard and dlarAisacil Oh the colt of the de
Disettarged.—Charies It t ., hort,, the old
man whom we noticed yesterday- as having
been arre,ted for tiloorderly conduct at the
Allegheny depot, had a hearing before
Mayor MorrLson yesterday morning, and
having told a serious story of suffering and
war service, he was dhleliargcti.
Pleat to the noose of itriogo.—Frunk
or "Yankee" Gallaher. charged with eteat.
the blanket,' and ehttwls from a wagon
In Allegheny,,ln Jartuary. Was veatertlay
scot by Mayor Mormon to the hoe, of
12 .1eason on linli.-3(leheet Dann. One
of the boys eharged with the robblnit of ttxu
Varieties' tteket omen, and committed to
Jon to await Ids trial, yesterAny unteined
ball and was released.
Cunt so.:1 Luxury received by pro
curing a hull dozen of the perfect fitting
Shirte made loonier lit 31ordoek .1 Put
nani'e,72 Fifth et met.
Good for Allegbeay.—The lio,tort rem:
aro: Allegheny ls pronounced "the most
. . o
}'ale and reatten l .—To-day et the Sun.*
day .Sohool Coors, of Trlnitv E. church;
Sloth strect,..n - Fair sod still be.
I.uneh wlll b. serrod from twelve tilt.
tro o'clock. and the Festivaland Fair from threatill ten o'cleck r. Tick.
et. at Itichardson corner of Market.
and Ftlth ,treete; at J. It. WoLlln .t Co..'
o. 101 Wood otreot, and at the door.
To llolders olSereo•ThOrty
lames T. Brady t Co., the wolf.
known bankers And brokers, corner. or
Fourth :and Wood streets, are 'IOW prepared.
to deliver Immediately Flre-vreaty Gold.
Coupon Bonds In exchange for Soren-Ttar-•
of any serit This will bo a matter or ronvorooneo tboso Of oar cltireaS
'oondd to exchange.
American Watehea.--Our friends Dim.
co., a - holt:dale and retati
So. Fifth -trout, are the agents in this
eft t• tot the Amer:can Watch Company. Fat
particulars of the enterprise. goo adrertiso
went of,t he company In another Column.
P 1 Ctebargb. Feb rrrrr 20. 1867.—Tb0 , '
brbige•+ t•O the Pittelburgti mil L'oanellgvllla
cud lining rebuilt, freight will be re—
...electl for all ' , Wilts on the road. S. ll.lfttro s .
Freight. Agent. •
Whetted.—,oe vert_t+ement to to-day's
paper et .. eteortal nein wanted."
W` o . , sd.7':Arebrriary zotu.
D D. MD s
ft!eits of the ratutlr hit reepeettuify
Rea etttrhl the renucal, which rllt take
t . etraence. )3rOvriStOwh.,
•v•i Prl.l. v:751:1.. , .. ten We."
:In Tut..., February 11th. 070
r lAZ AI: JAI AN N WATT, agual luny-
•• • ..1,•‘• thr t.ndly arc Ito Led to aural
L..!tl r,•,.11: ~elan ,or her ihotbir.
• • t•
.11,/restt inerta. 'WWI.—
• - •
•". 11% A 1:1 r It. 114 LI1`EZW.i. ned
Lr I 1:1.
‘,,:t. ral race t;n7IIIDAT. Feb
v Of Thriflld&r..
ht., tot°, thlVerafe,, (rum We rlttalatrzb.
- izzv - msmpe..a•.4Lazc2ElL3
Pojrlltlirry!. rlttinllrgh,ra. COF.n.MI
GLOVE:,, and ern, de
rPot,t,,L of lcm.r..l.Furtii).Wn,ol.lo4.. furnt.C,
.lay 00400. Hearse and.
- • •
11.c - h.:sten.. %Wood's yart and' ,
Corner hhcalehl and Chartieri Mitreets
cc and C4rriagc: furrilatted.
•.• . • •
AA I, fll I ' • Cie largeit;sublar
'l,ap-pt e oseeptunek.ju ;LIB corm
at( on Nt. Itrlghtote Toga.' numedlin..
Iv north of Ally. Fut,,ktrl4l
or :1:1‘,. call at Control DrUg - ntore or COOLS
(ILA-NEI". Allekheny
w 331-5.R."42",
WILL T. WlLE\i',
6 Wylie St., 3d door from 51b:
W. oporr
J 0 HNST ON fir. S (50TT,
Fine Watches, •(locks, Jewelry;
No. 5174.-LIBX22T
- Mr.kitatbelara,..73, X. 032.17.11111.
.161 . 1'ertlenlar attention d,., So iftatriat ,
Clocke end JUR:BII7. Xi erect war
~'. c. A~aC7r pO~
Fine Watches, Jewelef,-Diamonds r
French Clccks,
Snectal a:tent .ron suer wihdEayalaurtlOr
alb. 22 Ptah Street.
M"'" Z:6 IV la ^Sr vrooavia.
2,23. -314 E.
37 Ohio Street, Allegheny,
glue Watch and (loci. Repairing promptly ado
m. 1,1 to. •
. attar:
Money, Wealth. and One Na.
lional Finances:,
neamtlelan or the United State. Treaanti'Dee
psrhtieut, at the
On Tuesday and Thursday Evening..4i
Isbrnary 2Gtu and
')I cbc is Inv) be o Malted at tbe book and .Heart
btu,s. rt4erve,l et sts•
zxttisa Cox,.
,J. 1,1 11 ,, D0 lU.
1. 1..
s9 - JD - S9 S 9 5e..89
'", !"" utTro
3E?.. .13 13 1 El,
s! , S9.Ylarket Sired,
S 9 TSB] 02•r-s
-,,,9! AUCTION GOOD) .IKEPT., ROBB, $9 Market St.
,S 9 $9 $9 $9 89 $9 $9 S 9
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A lame won:meat tit
Chandelle s, Brackets, Lead Pipe,
' Pumps, Rest Lead, art.,
..42.WA.78 05 HAND.
163 Wood Street, near Hill
193zr.m.a.w. ) xis
11/I cOLIN'I'O CM' S.
Tao. 92
,Federai Street,
• -
L. used but s'shorttls . ue, for sale at
reduceu! eke.- WM. EVIKIVIS 41 00..
frl2 27 rlttli street.
('il EA PEST, • ,
The lilmpten, The Best • • I
Ch.LeTel, Tilt= XS•ItS. betune**.
. el:
27 Fll7ll STREET, f
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
At,led of FURNITURE .
llVettilEh of the very bettfor tare at
Illaward'm Livery Stable,
First &Meet. near Monongahela Homo.