PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. MARSHALL, FU CT - ON & BOLLIIIAN, oni, .M...sufaeturens in the W.f. of 'HEAVY CORDAGE, rtlll..eqo for 6t03111 and Cost Rom 11A LAID OIL WELL ROPE. T4rred Ropes for Coal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, CAUL.I,ISO CUTI'OS, ac.. a•. Witrehetwe. 11l mud 115 Water S • Near .11onourcecla I= RIVER NEWS The river contlnuert to recede ulowly at this hdint, wit li less than fourteen feet in the' channel by the murkei wet evenitf. Thu w esthcr was 'eve cloudy and consider tddy colder than during the preceding . two tics, but pleasant, neverlhelei a, and busi ness was moderately active at the landing. The Lent Loot I, for Parkersburg, ant..the only 0..1,1111re, While asete from the reg.. h.r+lnlly imeket • there 'were no arrival,. The Is. mon Iron, New OrlinM4, is due, eel tll doubtless be ton Ins el port tuts morn. Tto, bo lob. b,•bn :+os.nothing Illcetau the trip. • tll t:101. It. C. tArby yet united from St. Lout, Slotelay, 11.0" 1.1,r1 t her , • 115 Ilt/e/11:111(1 trout Plttslotrels to River ovetnebt onventlon. The re,t Ileleguttom a y root Mem,. last week. Tee ( . 041111.1, Coot. IY. Iteed, Ilion up rapelly tar Caleb anti, LuuinVlile Na-n %All, and willimsit tvtle get out or 10.11101,0, 11101111I1g. amr shliTers shone' umke a note of aet accordtegly. The It. C. Gray ~IL. Atelv seo,ls announced tor clueitomil nee Louisville, leaving on Saturday . Otll I tirt.y Capt. C. C. Itretinan, t`lurogularp.tutzet tor Itarkurlbara tok.tat's. lu.tv to,: promptly at nooa. ti , erulattal.trattua of Capt. Ike:Lama, 1 N' Xll ,1:nnl to I,ecutau vur t y popular btatt In tat. trail,. Porfer,c,,,l. 11. port, i s :n l(un slen..llly tor Nc. ana Itsztve on Sal tirdity wlll,lll hill. Tlw Port, It, Inuit, and we Inure no do(o,f ccuive, unnerves, gow.l w Ito ...pen by card, the new etttanter I.l.t'Stoet: Capt. M Loth, 1. announeett for the Ittutto goitt regions., The Lorena, ett tuute trot° Lott, to, Ittlt.lotrglt, and the New York.'en route. I l'ttt.ttutralt to St. Lout, were at F:t nal,v Cut suntlaywiel the Itaporter, en route from t tte tutwiti 10 Mettqatet, waa at Catty t , tpt.r,.ntaz I,l.•dF,l•iott tat the loval lusperto, tat tgu 11/3 , l , lt.pett.htig I.ewi. IL. Mart!" pilttt, ::I - IV .110,, I , yr tic. ,111+11111 lietNirt It the eittLata ^ll,, pthot hatter 1,1! sat. the , pl.• I.i the Uellkient- :rho. I .pt. A. t tilting op , tt.ntltly 'll[l, 0.• flr.q ho.it w i ll 1” , L, Cupt.. %v. 11. T,,•• to the •“nr.,t1t14 , 11 nt t•t.l.w/t, I1:1%.• roi Ir.t.•.t that the I .o.1:+ 11..1,1.0t Title turraNht4l tart A:hato) :11,1 4_lllc tit , I /111,, M 1,1 4 ,11, 1 ,1 aW tr, ttl t/i2irwr”:, twit It," Illt p I aftwitt,il.l.l,l,,ite,t mt...1',..1 .t, !are. right.thiqn They hatl ltrr 11/11:. . Tite M;t:,,tit t ILA). and Argo 3 wttre ad s t t utlt-tttl lttle:Lytt l.itlt•tttittli for I . ll.l,lt)trgls ttt t: .... I.ty. 4,1 titti %Vattaltllls I.:‘s ' , tat/Mg mt•tttott.ltt for I . l:,ltttortt w. the TAP T.0.u.. o. .2 it a+ 111,“ Nt,r Ur tt, 1 , . 1,. 1),1,1..1, for t!w of INt, %V•• t.1”...1 . lir fol:owIng Item+ rum tile ',77l.err `A IL largo quantlty ol u P•Nueroy.,m,ll , ,rty ttuaol wxgon. z.. \ ,•%1 I' , l 1,1 1 , 41t ,,, ,,111V, , 0111.11C 1r1P,11,1 , 1 r1:11a11, :4111 rc.,. Th.. cal Inntl IEI 1!1,.. .:I , ) ar::.•, 111,1t,t,kg • plo • 1.11,1•111.41, \..0 v., it .t mth, 1•AC11,14111 I, pr4p..liur •.: r rzr.t + , III, thror• lint rr, r- “ll 1111104• I by Capt. • , ollu u 111 I skt, , .11 ~ , .r1.•••, ,fl int tro• trorl-r• Ilt thr-r city. ar..l ttirr 11%., It tttr r ME 1. I. N 11:• •d up ne- .4 t•i• T. 1,11 t.):1,411, ctlt it it'll:nit ttti ttr ct.ttiNt tt!11,...-: !It , • 111 Plllll,l sty NS 111.111)511. - ,% AIN .t ( 11--}• 'att.,: 14 -11 E .1c.1,, t A II ,L•I- 0•.,. It. NO , kl M.-C . 133 1 01,h .3 1: .•. •t :wig ~rllii:r t r ; ;;; ;;; ri; •• I 1. • ; • 11 , rnm. 1 ~1”,..11 II f.IIA ol' P:71,111 . 110, C.LI•1.111, CIIIVIN 1 6 , . 11 )," $l.ll, .t I vortlli4 . l ; 5 k'l. 11, In; .1 0; I. • 1.1 e,...0f • A. r 1)1,1- pot., A I: do .1,1: IV 11 A. co, 'r 1:1: ;1 r,o 1,1115..1 .1 t 1 .1., .1,1. 1 1,, df. 1 II n 1 . I t i • I tt • GI r, , 111 - , I.; M , :.o. 101 t:, lucat,.l I; I'm LP 11111., 12",,, to,, I :4 I .1., tIo. Hill, t; T I; 0:2 .1,14 I.Lyt.t. H0...L1., N. \ owl ~ 31eAlpin; pc- 11,10.1 /////t, //l/1 at el, • pkg % :.; 'le . OW, II IT 11 , 1" 00.ip..1 //AA :I/ / CAI I. n,!l •I•nitll., I, Inn, rel.. ; Ii 1,. do , It , , 40, n , .1,.; 13, I/ //II WV / A NI/altrat ATI/a/a. I. o l,rimry 11.-1 :II %V.:11; I ear grain, IL .1. 1 P.lr -tavi., .1 313,4 do, Illair VI ou.l, I car ..11,.1 Icr Itnv, • h, r.,; I : Ibut ea. .1 11. tio 1:•-••, cu, 1”. lo BASH. MILE h & BIJETTLER, =I tio. 12 St. Char St., Pittsburgh 0.11.41411 N Vintior4, Drg:Ttlis, I= 4E-64,1, Ag 1.10.11 fur th, I,l,l•atrA ItI:ADOU .• I rk. and NCLI.,SIAeIiELL d CO. rii;1%•14.10i11.1, F.TFIY a ( . 11., •'CIITT ANY, I, a 11. W. SMITII,I "AIIItIUCAN lIICIENI' U IIITA IL. "Ilw Ithau sad tttnnau Vsulla 1,11.1 Jut 1., SAMUEL EMS IiAM, Proit 124 First Street, I 2=Z= for tlr. 0,14. rrf l'ornwall, 1 , 11,111f10.• d(3111.... rr.l'r:r, tio 1 0tt...11 C. U. 1.1. 06,4,,t,••t01y order., r.,,pectftilillnc,7l,2,e "MASON, tcci.:E. , :”ItA7OCIIA.,4MAN A CLAIM %tut. farturer. nr 0.11111 ER BELTENti, So. Ohio eart.vt, Aill gheny City. nt of heluogatq H. AIN IPP.Itzt , N ,,, . No. Iko Soot. of Wort.. ale r • 825,000 TO LOAN I= =II Veal ratite bwaght a nd sold li.tt , lfolr M. PETTY. ft,/ Foate Avrvnt. No. !sot. CIA". e , )1A NON PIANOS ! !—An entire aro now 0.1..rvd the !wet made:also HAINES It I:. Is, :E1,1;1;11ATELI ['IA NUS. Pike from 41.0 I,on. In want of a nrst class Planw ar.• •tnylled to call and caatulne. rletwhere CHARLOTTE BLUME, r • 43 Mb •trrnL Iva !II I>, ILLEZAL A:. co., Anchor Colton Mills, Pittsburgh, Man n imnuro re nt ANCHOR (A) NHELTINION. ANC (1) NHEETINGN. ANCHOR (C) !MEET/NON. end Bdrahli, . WM) ;X STEAMBOATS FOR NEW ORLEANS. '~~~ The Nele i llageilicent and Illatumolh LOVV PRESSURE Eitectmer, "GREAT' REPUBLIC," W. B. DONILDSON, Commander, WILL COMMENCE ReceiViug Freight for .111Ei1PHIS, I 1111:1iS411; kW. and NEVI' (tE: LEA Ris UN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25th A.!}ll LEAVE ABOVE 4131 Thundit), 3lareli I llh, 11167, X r. 4=> J 3 S. 'l' -T. , '"1::11 T, 'IT . =I =I 18(37. , 1867. PEETSIIII.IIIaI AND ti•l'. LOUIS • It, 1.4 , 1:FN . I t..lt. 51 EA. NEN, 1 1 0th. • • I A MA. I.V A Is K. I. I I Ml' •ItrEK. I, Ar I , 1 . 1: I , .1 NI, ymn: r.IINON, ow. MIS . ,11K1f.,AN ll ana niiitn.” 1% • a. 11 I. At • ••• •••L P. w. rt '; • lit t • t 1, A kr n' i ' t; t I 31,, , •tiri A:. ~.1.!!,i1V,...1,,11.5itNe, FOI: 4100 .17.0 ME6NNII lIIINEE I'Olt 'PIIE ~ -,. tiT"',~ ~ :., ~ I:~,:.. [.l ~: K~f ~. MMI FOR .l MEV= FOR N. 35111 II Li . . I'L ME illl4 • A • r •• I • ll At 1 innm • 1!1.t., ME 1 , „ 1,1/11 7.1;11 PI - 1., SNS,II IIV , a , I 0 1,0:N h Pill., it I 'Olt . ..1 . . e , T II .1. • TOBACCO. CIGARS, Bze, I PoSE HUD ItOI GII AND rrll 1:1•1.,i1, • 11 , ot+, A, 1 r 4 t> /BAL. C 2) el - W...II:NRINSON. rift f JOHN MEGFAW, M=MEMI Tobacco, Snuff and 'Cigars, .2.0 X:l—.6- 0:371'. 3E," 11:2. A .014 1 , •1 , at al wa, 011 Wlll.i •••• ••.`, CHINA, WAREHOUSE RICHARD E. BREED, 31/11.. a...ama.p.mrt Nu: 100 Sirect 111:11 - 1 . A,N1 AN,/ ,11.% ATE.I) TA -111, \V A ILI,. 'l"r:.A ia ,'I A VI., CII •InsAy , ..l nu.l. 1 . 1• I, A 'II, cIIIS A DINS • ..itl N A ,1111, , ,.. N v. ry LA VA CARD LAVA V AMM.A, LA VA Nlll'll oil NM. 1. , N141.1,115111.5.V. AI:17 ,arl• lo r 11,111 Ante A., r..lalt aluCk Ale ry thin, in Ihif 111.. In LI.. cIIY. rrice 013.1 lvtlikA cant. tu na I 11 • lM FIIIMiLINCOTTON 1101IKS, E. HYDE'S & SONS n....r..n to manufacture I= euvrALLET inl CANDLEWWK ll= Clrr ruN WARPS, ac., at WY!4TCAI4I.II.STIMF.T. Itobtuson and Mit.gh t ny Pa. P. N — Allrn nl nleil elli•It.11,1 tn, mbl AIONUMENTN; GRA VE S ; JUON Vaults, Fountains, St Lt miry, Y-.IISeSS DESIGNSDF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T, BROOME, No, Pa•on Lreuioicoah Y.' 'IntPZIrAT LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, ofactortol at No. 514 4111ITI1F151.1) er., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Agents for Now York littblo r Co. G-urn Always un hands a , uosrlos quality of I.EATII VI: and 1:1.151 HYDRANT lI.INp COr r KU RIVETst and ItlinS. BELT 1/uOlin.inu. • wecit & ,710Srlt, AL.Tlc,mr.x.rmorr9, glum. ~,a.tt and bT. CLAIR attention given to the drrigning and of Court /Uwe, and I.lllll[ bighting, MISCELLANEOUS A N ORDINANCE - fixing the Ntaatvr. • ratra WlLtrfagt. awl The pay of Ma Wharf , I SEL - r:oti .r,f ow( e•o,tof tt, teo , l ix /or , ~ r.l rovlcti I ihr That Ow loiottc rat., I o wharfage Da. ctilrgud and t.ullrettd: Flat:, .013[111.111g oral. 110:01, tifty cents Ft, • lay for I”adlug !..r t 1 ,10.10. toatF. c,rit , 00r ton, C ithWin nt One „nt r barr..l for the hr, fort y•e Ir la hours or leo, All4l one and 0,1 hArrel fur u+ , ll tw..ltty•f”or Inmrs thervaftrr. . . A •I loAtllnK 41r uralo..lllV. St"' ~ I .• r, nl Inn r dl.). , . . tnamtnn,. landing nt the n hat, I..ling nr unlon.lln, sly. y. tlis per ton inr d.Y• "r 111. - 11,11,111r11L. Illy 4.113 n.pt In,lltr nn lon,llng, four Inr ton 1/11/OUR, C11:40:11 111 0 tIfi• ,Pr not turnlnvlne Li .rttarr. not (.. . I . llll gor l llll , xllllK, tnnnt,-, I cm nt. pnr day. I.untonritn,Srd tnt , l,lll, drswn t whArf.- tl ctnti rto c o , htnglee, two co nt.antr thonlan.l. Elnyib end .110 , nnn“ ptr lllrnnau,i. ii . . rt. rt thirry c. e . • ~l trtral vrr,l:l,-, Du' thr. Irrrt thrcr. arirt Ight_ rent:, Sr. r Mrrnrrr , rd nrri r•r dreY „ - • , '• ard 1,,t0. ul,irr and:not or.tvt, ,fIP nts.l b. 11( ,nts thv .. , v4.till-tv,klorr , eVery vtti,•iout I, MINEMiIUI=M Intl . road Irqn anal all Wher Of Iron, trll et f r t tur nun, Irk hats.. and I.s! • nil lln t , rtug Irnn. ',tone and •L,ll ur u.l,nrt p at,.• ns :113/i ItOt Intcrlt •ulth I ..ll.•lnfirr thu Ilzlk,,Pn3nr. tl, 14't.nrs ;1”,1 t,r lily I I, ~,,, nt Any tarn,. roll. tn..l for Wni171.1., wur tl,n 3+, lIIIIto ktion fur , lu, Fs... I. TIILIL Sit 4 .1,1,111,, or •rl• urdl. n•nuus ,otoltr‘lns slth 11, I 0r.•0..1ng lierusy r•I Ling, 4111 , 1 Pat, •I :t t•r,r. on-1,1,11 ..ti• • 1 , , ,1 , 11.r0it,..1aff , 1 LI, .1 ASII • NI , If, . Atlt t : /111..A.t1.T11 Pt RE CALIFORI.t UV:ES GURNER & CO., No. 80 Cedar St,-New York rtl• (••t• Art• St s•sit talrialrle Int, •wirl••11 tta . tt.rr, put•llr' t it, or yr rtst•rittstrirtg rst•••1•It au• I /fa, It neat Alttrortt 14,1, 11, I.a tot4l, :•• log 11r1v ta ott , t/ rtlt /A, trtr ra tr t, :01 ritrrs. A, A• 0 lg,/ Ow, • 1/1 rrttr , r Wm, s,atr•lll., ttsrArrtrr•totrt rtt• rst•t••!• trarr• rviurrtArtiv I.r•r•rr tr•a•lr tt •I Irt•trt ltr• ••••t ulu Rtrf strttlrrs. wet, .t• grittlrtt, tr Ilt rret - rt tt ttltirrstrr lit-. rt•r• pr•••rt t•lrt. , itttrit, rtrst lip •••• %VII,. • rr• rrtetril 111...rrt , for Al r• it art .•rt. to oMulletiolt f- t tuA•re. ••ftt r.. 1 rty r••• • roar: rrtr.Att tire tattrttat to rry rt•A trr tlrrt ttt rt• r•tt 1,31, %, 11/ ts for 1/1/I'n. • t'f a its•ltt rtrarr • I A 71, .lu. i•olt• ri bur,.ltuturall , •- :1,” K.l; I ,/ t, WI rrrrr:)c_.k ~.n .. ... .... , rutty Ih, durre. .: l.♦ r a l+l I 1 t • I:t.a I.1•~ ~1 'if.. Ifr r;lr ta(r t t•ti. tt• -.‘t tit t 1.1:$ ttt.oltln tt ~ .:,, ESel I 1•1 H,... MEM . T -.1.1.4t Dt .i.ric,cist ;,. r I NI. • : An MEE L.,. t ry .• i. • nal,. t:L • ILL,,sar, •Ar rtot • 1. , :.1 11— r• , ,n. 1 , ..15 , ..t ''f ct.t:lt cltt• It Ns) I.l•ltery. boat so ...trail:lst foroomrd Is..lllstisott•Trion.nellllll.l4lllVh Mt%) be Nnrrrr Ipstarsl let poen by Ibr 1111 l Essolltilostss.: . .. o,ty 0.r.• Au. 1,10 or mt., m1 , 1 , 11.k. ut J. MCI( LING 4 C 411.. 1= NOTICE TO OSINEIIS DRAYS, HACKS, &C Nnliee Iv beret, oven tn dl.wnere 01 Wog ro.,r ll 4.4. Ong, r... Iher leeldrut r 1n01.1.a.t In tire .• MIME Lp, lik..r a.• :111.1 •I rity viLt,uu. A .1 1.1. ever. not 1,14 lurc In 'II, r. nd>r I 111. ..1" tln• ~r, and nll per,bna r 4 1111, 0111 :;','.'4: - ,`.`.;'” Eh'.';:!,%,'.::.::;;,'',; - ,.;1;1.':,-,!;':.":!." . ". • , 31.1•11.!, vlo.to - 1. ,0 ." , r.•I rnt tlst Llet.LE.. • ary L. a tn, IIA•I OE • .t'ct•l Kny , f oal• .11.1.1,1/o.sl. 4:tl, Tr eahurer. • j' . itt .:mrytr. / .. . , •it.ary S. 1.4, . _ ;OVEILNMEN'r SALE; Tho Property koost n Re the "Govern anew Totoorry h Pi1V1.33 ran Min,- n 1111 Nov enlyllrr Arree of Laud. • ===e==l FE...1.1(11 In dnrlle‘tr, al•rdni.f•tlla FI IIIP IDAY for the,vor..lv.v. •tt 75 servo or Land. Itncre 1e,,) r salt V" 11n1:.11m, crw . v..l the. - on, awl the assuctcuanrce That 1, to nay. OS TANcontwwiw 17. SWce Line Vat, Filly -two' 11 . (w.lcn :101,1• i . " 1•14: rind cap•blc. of to plug 110 .ohldw. an n ONE EA M SAW MILL. cAtsahle of lax'luF ,rtstcrt of Ism!), daily. ON K IMAI.. STONY. 11l ILDINIL Thcwwle nrcw.rty ,1t571.1.1 afoul !aro nifits abort,. Antonio. on the sat] Antonio and 1111. watts In c0w15...V..1 tote ~ ,e , 1 151.t.ut by race of hcs alonclalil crnwst. Ilw land was vurchs,col am! Improrrns.nil Inwl.• 1,3 Ow lair vo-t d Cow, cr..v. I ...cer and arc tllmalcd to lia“. 1,,01,14. la. property baa barn matter knee for the Tear IC I At a monthly •rent of $:141, payable In ad .. taeur. A t.vtirra MN' In Iva rlalple ellen by the / . 11111 . !1,,:alell 611 n. fllllll.ll, . In for ,;.Iv crurna nt An ry outtl daw 3111 i." ati.l .I.u. KlDl.oti, lint MO lien. Aba . ,17,.... r, S A, I„, 1.11:11, "al, r•Nton. TrNa.. UREAT REVOLUTION IN 1V IN V. TRA DEM.IIIE UN ITF,I) NTATEs. —POUF. , ItN IA tali A NE. and prupare.l A, If du.. In F mine, ff om Purr Cmlfml.3.s .1 4 1 taklug lb.' Flute ta t.•,11.311.1r1P.X., la 'lireou.l,4lyrn...l ~cull 'Ol A 1, ,, atientlon 1...:1,rt lintel K,epe tue nil"w" Int' ;eller, nbtcl, roar be • correct Idea E.l' quality of Llmlr Winn, Ortelettel. /Itere.L. 1•111 1 , 14.11 . 1.11, th.t 1,41 "MISERS. Hot,ltalt t`th—fiertf/relve: Ilex. lug eiNell your Ilellforutallheeleseue a Ile/tom:IL lest, wt. take isleahurelu aayleg that we 11,04 It the le - at Artiurl , an Win..tve have eter are, shall at unce place IL en our tall or fere. 1 VII, truly. .1. Y. I/1 Eitlll.kl .t Cl)." . C Call and Oro our Vanfornia liampagnn. r.lta t at.. N. V I)I4IVATE DISEASES. • YtJUNIi. (late of Vbiladelphla,) • N 0.173 'ltlrd Wet, true. all dewriptlono. of Vr• rat e Merman., with unparalleled nurct...s. ('articular attention paid to op.,tuaturrionts. CI Manton. of the Urinary 0ra1... trvat n` ul fm lLc ra4, to ing ton moot k11C1, , ,1n I e,r umplorra. lit It',.' bop., of a etwedy Cul, to the laninted. • . Ladles will and his Uru nwooorolfur aul. , rlor ato other tweparation for removing obetructiona tlo healthy tnriotrital flood.. No. onel/tol l/kr pa r bottle. No. 9, which le four degrerm 11(,111,er. at 41 drelgned for übatinato cues, Dollar. pot 'or'/0. Ogler Lonna., at. to b P. K. P. 10 A P. e& Addl.., with vamp, OW No. enor,” 11'1i AND L'&.--NEW ARRIVALS `...• NEW FRUIT.— . SO Lora. Efate Sicily Oran 00a and Lemont , . lull In AIM for nate I, It KY IlEli Q Dime., let 21011. IA awl V-9 Wuutil.-tlcct. COMMISS'N MERCHANTS CO - PARTNERSHIP. THErtiIIEHSIGNED HAVE A .1.2.1 with thrtn all brarrl...• or their lott.ut.s. JA, 1.. I,I•N.F:A.TII. The bomb brut P. grytt, R. Ow Ls. J . L. 1 , 1,t/T.A211. F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, And Mannf.cturtre or A. 31:3 3r_.,; New Bacon, Beef and Tongues WM rculy tordrllvvry Mowlay.:lllA Choice Sugar-Cured Hams; 'Do do do Beef: Do do do Biel Tongues; ' Do do to Hreakfaht Baron Plain Cured Baron Shoulder,: Hu du do Sides. At tmlum,l imMeu told or extrllent litflt T. From MI, regnlarly engmll,l with all Amide, to the I'rovl2l9in trade. BREWER, BURKE & CU., COMMISSION MERIT(IS, MEN'I'S YON TH I Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil Works, for Crud, apt Unlined VIII. kiln ern' razb sdrantra made on consignments of Cru,le or 14 du.-d retruleau. Yards for aorage an capment of Crude Oil a LawrenetTllte. wick , and Wnrenc,o,, Corner , / Llnllne snu Way art Ilswcork a front. 1 . 1 - • • XI UNIIALL Er. MeGRAW, Sue- Whu,sala and nclall 1,41 v, In GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS No. It: lliontoutl. Pittsburgh. test volity. A "“"0 r r Ur. old „And of 111 , patiunaxe kollnteft.' s JAS. r. KEIL Si, lIITCII-IUT, COMS'SION KERCHAIiTS, - /IWO ot/k1.2. IW 1 , 1 , ,nr, Grain, Szed., Mill Feed, &c. II I 1 140 01101' :101:0 ET, I'l7'l It 11 110 H. 1' A . >LOX, X. 403.. ANDUX.W ,) IiNOX SON, Commission E: HIL. II AN I Ar. 12.1 ll..sie.ra 111 11.011 It, 1.1 ILA 14, lIILL,s.tt.I 1,3101/UCF..crerwl ly, 1: 0. TV 44.p..raltr. City 0.11. Alk- Cttl , 111::r J. za•ooo,r ()IVENS & KENNEDY'. 10b0 'S MERCHANT:I onll 14.611 r. in FOREIGN AND LA/11 'I it Sltr 11,.. 0.11.]', I - LOCI:, ign-rfr: 0, Maim, I OF., a7).1 P:071.1 71: YE!, fr.lo. I. ,Tltt-k:T. ono. elll. r, 1,g,, 14,, 1 1{11M1rtta.kr li'. 1. EL I 11:IIII, J. h•r,,, I,lvr J 1; . 1 ; . 66 ,. „ Itlo Into NI IS 51.. N /. 1 .1:1'11.‘1 1 .1 . .,r...-,1,.. aol.l torn .r. ~ , n, Lard. 11.1r.1 1..14,1.11 J . '.S..NEVIV:III.I.:II =II NEIII =I , i:. I n ) 41 . C:t4 11 4 ;IL,M 11111). ( . 01111111iN.• IrLO .•Al: , 4 'iLAI• 11,N. F:1;!,1'0.:11 . an I 3On 1 •••• • '15.3:41: C11:11:1.11,. -1.. N ...I I; aJtl. lu ri.”1. 7 1( .14 l'atraf ,• to •11,:y I )01 - I"ER, A i FiEN EPA D t •v . :.i. riqd.3l It !UM PATTON, •rt: k 31:e. 6,1 . 4. 1 , [1,4,11 na4.l,.facs.urt. ES .-...,. EU BM I , I:lt.Ni- - 1:/. 0 . i,lszietennorn .11)10.N 1. F. Fr. ilvoorlr, 4OHS. 1,1,1 irrrlt. arr% I',- /0 *l,l lit /trove., 1,,er.r0. alm.uc.... 147:711. HECK to. CO.. 1i0..1,41 ,• :3 Uttal4 a:ad Or I,: E.,. Dalt I ' l 't 111.13.1A.E.,:ti0. Is 3 Liberty ht.. Mil )0 Err. ..N.C41....111 hole- I i'r awl EIII VETZEIt h .4.It.IIsTIVIEI(i, v ret,rptc. ...• oz. , • •.. , u: ` u ' : %Ili:: I.yr.; e.mt r1.M.11,1 q , •.,71. 101,1, V 0 ,.. 110,, C!OErSE 03EVER, f!4e- BM E. i:it LA G. IS h01e .,• rl. ts. F. rJr. Pralu. Vrto: &CO., 1111 W— e,, ~ re , lanic •nd - , wr zta Nt . o i. no mad 45 • • • • %VALE t( E , hole o loeer • j,,A1.1 5.,. tn,trt , .t. I•Itt obunt, )412,r, lOUN t'l,oliD 11111,1eha le 1,. %O. 171 mot r, I.lherty ntr•, DRUGGISTS 11 GEORGE A. KELLY t.r. CO., Wliolesale Druggists, 37 Wood Street, 01 . 11 . M. PITA!. 11.11 ED cticmit )itta;s: i)ttuf:l4s:: JAMES T. SAMPLE • 11 A%I NO- - Ic..r.i lrr TIIK ELI. KNOWN io IP COK. knEo1:1:A I. AN U Itt.l MY NY, 11'111 arrp ou Imttil a falla,"rtmeur of all Linde of ID R V G. fa An.l ..11,11 vs In. Bold rlwaper Wan any other hno.rlu m, .to ell car,fully prepared by a ant ' .01 " Linda and YANCY MI/11 . 3 haLo. J . SCHOONMAKER h. SON, 14110:argil White Lead Works, PURE WHITE:LEAD, It I.UM I.C.kt, (IPPON 11 IN Vll. /fOli, 1AIN •01, U OIL flAlttibli. • No. ni Fourtioitr,,a. Up Stairs. BINGHAM HOUSE, ELEVENTH AND DTARKE STS., .r , ,aa - xx..z7L3croc , x.xxXAz.., =I =I =I CUI-LLIS DAVIS, PROPRIETOR LA PIERILI' 110111 A 4E, Ph dad elph la. The I , zottl Hits fa% mile Hlllist. It I,n, bern ILFFITTE • • ..111- lit, IN e.rlIA NT NIA NNEr.• Lt „ s , tv malntalp.l lu the futtue i“ I.In• pest T2ritlAte 1111(ER. 8 FARLEY. PRIVATE DISEASES =I 'For the cure, it of all dracaena of a pelerrie ns twn to four day., by an entirely near and ea , treatment. Mao, rierninal Weßktll,} mud all nil, , diatraae a of the genital organ. andltrele nroyr•nrlnn. core warranted or money refunded. Vallee hours —7 to in a. N., Ito 3, ....tern Ir r, x ...reel., lettere. Dr. W.. Peon aref I. MANUFACTURERS. AMERICAN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGIMNS, I= AMERICAN AND CLAIM par, Hoop, Sit eat and Platt Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Huard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rails, l 6 & XO lbs. to the yard; Trans Ralls,psmehedand coun ter sunk Boiler,Bridge a - id Tank Riven; Cut Nails and spikes; Ship and Boat spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car is steels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold nulled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. VidliEliOtTSE AND OFFICE, 120 Water and 153 Front St& BRANCH lflaltir., Nos. 22,21 and 26 River St., 10.ele CHICAGO. ILL. UNION IRON DULLS, NINTH WARD, Prrrallß,GH. A CIIV.,OI,IIIATION OF THY: "IRON CITY YUltli Y." AND ••CYCLIJI'h IIW CO." 1. , N015.1.11.021.;0u glycla to the manufacture Or Hammered and Rolled Locomo- the and Car Axles, 7f3.1,47.13ZE.A.5713.1.1.411, I SI`LiCE BAILS, ISyiLIiK IKUN LIN siN AND BOIT.,..IIskr.ANDL GIRDER ludi, APAW-ON AL tiOLIAME .W.IWOLKT lILUX T ANSI ANKLE IRON. &a. WAREHOUSE: IV:clbr and L•2G First Streets; OFFICE, A'[' IV 1 II \VAUD. I.I.ITtI3'ULI ATLAS WORKS, „VORTOA" STREET, THOMAS N. MILLER, President Thr.o. Work,' ar.. arrlnng the larrt“ and 7.0. t complete e,taLlo.tuent lu the We., and art uove pre- %red Nl,lllOl Gt..% casing. - ORDERS SOLICITED, E YTS/ILI - CW.I STEEL • WORK Jun Eli. SOYDA CO • Nannticturrre of bv, rvin,(l Cut n•s, rint and isnsavon. or suet, Ens, Hoe. Yen and nisnnt. Cast dtetl, Cut ,I,CI for Reaping and , glowing Machines. BSI:ET I . I.OWIVINON. F1P1119618, AX 1.214 CIItCULAUS, *o. Unq Conussou Plorgi; . A: Spring :4 tirei, Vflce-.Cern•r of Ylr-L 3\21 ttoss•treets • two S • strove tLe /loafs. ser:cly_ KEI STONE 11103 i WORKS. HtITCHISON, GLLSS k CO., Round, Square, Flat and Horse-shoo Bar Iron Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and • Salt-Pan Iron, duet Iron, &CI &c. Worl., PITT T.W.N.SIIIP, on Monoug•bela and War, hone: o. 146 Water Si. _OBESGEINT STEEL WORKS. 21111.144:, BIRR & PARKIN, BEST QUALITY CAST ST EL, "Warranted Equal to any In the .11•[. t. •Ither Imported or of Do- - melatle lion oraetnee. ATTIIN'PO/N PAID TO YLNE CAE! AM/ hIK eTE:IL.. nT. CH/V.:LYS ILQThL Jus. 19th, 1496. Ittle:d49 DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS HALLMAN", RAMA & CO., or hen, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLO UC R. 21'31 r. a EIIDA.B. STESL, ISTe,. 77 Weeta.,r =trot" rrrrsBIUII(3FL ctrl' i.mtvry jr,,111 um oM / unTr. NILE Llt. 104-110114 , NoALwr do re DA Ilardvvixpe& C utlery. .gre bow rerals tog large additions to oar atoCk wblsh Is ttflerLd to Dealers at F • ...ppmlama . ~ i :a..t.czariss. Omer Liberty and Si. Clair Sts., .I.lttolcalia-g-.134- Pa. artStlirg MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, vri.m ITC I:MUN IttAnt .51/LIA Woi r l . l"/E9 -13117.11.(3-33 Polling Mill and Bridge' Castings, EM MY AND LISTINGS GLUMLY, Vrde~s promptly and carefully executed. CIiAiSUILS REASA ABLE, EBBEBT & DIACRLEVD. tudt:lM O'HARA BOILER WORKS. MORROW & BAR HILL, HOTELS 11.111/ACTUYILII3 Or Steam Rollers, MI Agitators, 'cants. Salt Pans, Gasometers, Wivoglit Iron liridges; Sheet Iron Work, , MR. LIBERTY AND 8E ND BTB., PITTSBURGH, P 4. HMI' 11111 h Ii DOS F. PILUM PTLI. myil 112 LIPPINCOTT& No. 118 Water Street, meatmwnumag Op PATttiTUROUND, • YATIZIT TEM PVT, 0111671A1t. DIIIIAT Pk' MITaID MILL AND CllOBB-0171. 10 , 1:eln 411. W BL.Aeli DIALIVIOND SISTUEDEury 1711151111fi PAR ER V K, BROTH .ft Co lt, ra. ~ • Itauvractuter ? at lIEST QUALITY REYIN.AI.I CAST Comore, Flat and Octagon. 14 all alit% War an t. equal to any Imported or la.u.ractured 1p TAU country. ogler owe warehouse, :to. IU aO4 Intim. so • tlecond alma. lttabatib. • kit Y 4 =I = 311,11.7lACTUILIMS Or IRON AND FORGINGS, Nitith IV ard, Pittsburgh. liugiucn 91 Furry Descriptlou, ll= Sher( Iron ‘1 ork, Paltroagt UnKtlugs, Bulling 31111 Ca,ling,,, surinc U tlug: I.lacillne A NIPERSON , ,• COON. = Mice, 38 Wood Street, MEE= B. WOLF, jll., &CO., MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND ]PIPE W 401? Corner Carroll and SmaUnion Streeis, Minh Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA WM. ES AZIEITII-3C, MAN UFACT UR EU Or Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS NT liprs.re i I v•, , t. vrrllrally lii Vl , tx. 1 , ,y sm , .lrrLit, Aato, A full a:tort latll).of t CENBIL CASTINGS FOR CAS AND irATIL IrDEF. I ~,, ,111,1 aisncAll the atterolov :itsperla t. ltd cuts Wks Works to my make of It J THE: FULTON BELL BO BRASS FOUNDRY, ESTABLISHED EN 1 , 32. Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA MA-SUYA.CTUItr.I46 LIF ILL SIZES OF BELLS, From 10 to 100,000 rounds.- GLOBE, ANGie. Cl} .i.\D --SAFETY =I Slop Corksoillrasm or Iron GLUE AND CYLINDER COCKS. Agents for an the different STEAM PUMPS =I Celebrated Steam Syphon Dealt to hn CAS PIPE. STEAM and GAS FIT 'TI MIS. PLUMBERS' WORK, etc.. etc. ro, . • l'artllar at:runny paid to . t.Tlall and OA' FITTING In all It+ Orluellci The on IT Inall.fsztLiren , of A. YCILTIiN'S METALLIC:TACKING 11.11: ',TEAM CYLIN DERS. Na It DT'S CELEBRATED ANII-ATTLI TIDN METAL coos:an:lr on nand. 81LA,.. BUN and BELL CA,TIN US male to order •nd tintened lush aeatn,,, and dl.patrh. Particular attent paid tu Bra,r 1,1,1ne, In all Its branches. %kr also p eonstAtdD hand all sire , of tilleet, rquart Ord iloun.ln. Hemp and Cot,ou tiuut or a:I alzcca ft up to Lade, A. FULTON'S SON & CO 1.17.11, FORT PITT BOILER', STILL Ell TINE cAltnoii, s, SNYDER TUBULAR, DOU LAY. FIRE-BOX A CI - LINDER sTEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS - AND oil. TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECH 1N1.4 AN D Asil pANs:, SETTLING PA-NS, SALT PASS AND CoN DENSER:, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, ANDIRON PRISON DOORS AND COAL SIICTES 01:ElcsandWork• corner Second. Third. .Short .11d Liberty . Struts. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. illiritrdera sent to the above address wlil lit Drotnntly attended to. se11:14 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS SINGER, NIMICK & CO BEST REFINED CAST STEEL EQuARE, rut AND RI kON, OP ALL. SUM 11111 lu. , r. CtItC1:1.111. 11.0 ANDCII , I, CC? SAW PLATES. ELLIZTIC AND SEMI-ELLII•TIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Case Spring Steel, Cast and German Plow Steel, PLOW MIMIC AND ittpWcit BAWL SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL tllt:hL 6, tliior EL, DOE. TUX CALK AND CA,T CROW-11AP... Sc., Sc., Su Warehouse, S 3 Water St., Fitts:'gh, IHE FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES KMP NEPHEWS OP HEAVY ORDNANCE, AND ALL HINM UT lIYAVY CAriTlNfie. lipecl3l attention polo to It111.1.1N(/ 3111.1. NLAWT .41,31'111N EILY and ILETulfatz. lIVAIHH attended to promptly. As heretofore, the Irest a:nu:J - 131s will away. be Clod at tills Foundry. flaming disposed of our 01.1 pstterns. wear e ep oostropared, ll with NOW •C 1 10 IOLD petit:she, cte Ender su E p . Al ER. 3e3 . , to furnish NAIL 11Aelll erslatne E. 3 ate! r,eres touse. nwt: n ALL L. ay.... yALLEV STOVE IVOIIILS. ALLEN. & CO., " I °' "11pr." . .T:=7,21'2 1 .11,""' St KAllafactoret a grt s'aritty of COOK. relit- KATIN ea ETON Y.S. among *bleb ate therelebrated Allegbehy anti Coal (30011Ing lion t: alto. llw Au locrr.t and ..to lint I for clyal or trotl, and the unrit•llt.l ,T at of the Empire, for moot; alto, Arehrt. (tn. decal et•tt Kettles. Dog irons an•l Woo. prone•Tallr. ai lit u_irn.rry onus. McLEAN & SLATOII, No. 83 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, al•Norscrunnnet or CABINET -ADJURE' HARIIWARE. Tb, make a - IPMalty of iron Itedolead awl Pivot Castors: Porcelain, 11,Int.a.1awl of Caators: date.' Fa s tenings: Stow, for Eaten ston Tablea, dr. They aho manufacture and hate constantly on hangs ThumnLatc!lev. Opting Latch... M•Lcan'. Window Sash nuPP.ner. 21• Lean's Eccentric haah Hatton, Utility glint. ter and Butt •Ilingne, Grind-stone Banging., Sul Iron.. hash Weights. to.. Se. lyt:,an vmsrur J 132,—AZL. _AETNA STOVE WORKS: A. BRADLEY & CO. Mature...lre e'er/ variety or • Cook, Parlor and Heating Stores, Lawnß vrt‘lcb are the Cele braced EUHEXA, TlLlM'lt,aid TALISMAN (Coal Ow: •I ILAN!, VETERAN and IIiONSIDY:S s 'I Wood Cook Moves.) Aare IMIL6I:I(KtOre GRATER, GRATE FRONTS, dce. Othoo and WA:oho:zee, corner of Iltoon.: fl stro•ts, eltlaborgb. Eutrukee on ...Ind etteet. PITTSURCIIIRONIIORKS, J. PAINTER & SONS. YANILFACTURIIIS or Iron, Ilubket, TOO and Truulc HOOPS AND SHEETS, releaLte PITTeUVIIGII. PA. IRON CITY MILLS. R9GERS & BITRCHFIELD I= Se flned.i barronll,Jnrilat AA - Poi 11,..hrti 133E1C3EIMPI. IZILC>IAT. 0 ritcs WutiolOusr., ti O. IlAtiKriT 0e.3:113 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO,. p rt. r lIRACYN WtDMOLCS. sl Z 7, :1.!!!!!!4.:7•TLT.!:.'d.1.17.1:!:::.1":::`• JOS. P. 1111011 WK. itaata. I)I. I QUESSE AND WEST POINT IReeti 1 , 01t06.13, PITTSIS1111.1:11, M.. n forlorn CI classes or Fore/Inga, lrteantt.dat lihafts, Cranks. Mot, Lvers, Pitman Jaw, and Wrists: also. Itollroad Axles. Locomt• llsorrainesTand all shape 'aura. The un.lersla d it s Wing egb"u': Tears in, anal to.the trost; arolr'p t s ; ;. ptnes ' 'ri to Cheat with proms and Msoste.lYLiti O.l. Y, 11S1u11 a (XI. tiIANUFACTUERS -IUS' IRON AND NAIL 11 . 0111iS LLIVIS, BAILEY, DALZELL & CO. N UFAVI'I'IMHS BAR, BOILER, SHEET AND "37.136.DnEr... 1 . 71 E3- 4 0riV" NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water & Front st, PITTSIBURtiti, KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. next fommon, Refined Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. MEIVAIANT HAIL, lU'UND A t'QUA LEON [lool . . BAND. 'l' stil ANC.: LEON. M=l! =I CYLINDER and GUARD rtsukrat )IAIL6. 2 I and In 11, to the lard Wgt.t:6lur I:11A I a;d:PlhE,:for smut.. • 1:111.8, ranched and Couut,i6nus. :.CItk.):C.N DION. !slain and .1 . 11:1 . .r.5. • Wr.r.Nou.e. wf Water au.l No. 6 Starke IL.. 11 °rho, Ntoolt4 street. Etztatt I.V•rd, 1,1 J.,ltsll,l,lAtv Use 6orls. l'ittelmreh• at5...11 FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. a9-T-a.1'..6. .CI, Copying Presses, : • Warehouse Trucks, Baggage illarruws, Sugar Mills, &c FORSITLI, TAYLOR S CO., = ROBERT LEA, =I STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Freight lloisters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. airC.,ltl7, of all k!,,rll.t.vns nude to only Corner of Flrbt and Ferry ' • ESE =2 RAILIIOADS - _ W r . : ;, 17,1L Ai PENNS LVA NIA tzar,' Zsl. 11..! •• .• •- rrr Tra•tt• ..n the M est,rt. rennttjraoia qt•! ,,, i arrive' ard depart from the Irrttri al `tr. r: Depot. AI:I gbruy city, a, frllota, , 1 1 1.•rpob•,: No 6.11, ~arp at Fret p,ot No. I r....,0w.5c. 11.111 6:16 w,st - nn an:n.l.o. No 2 1 ,1 11 ,1,1 F., betas ...... 1 6 .110. u. Fre. port o. N o. I 9,0.0 wharll , b. N. ,ltrpos .. 3.10,11,.w ,I.arlbtt No 1 1,03r.5. „area„',, •, No I1:1411..wMao In st. No '1 Ftrelon't N. 11. 1 1bkrb,..e No r.O 6 , st....tharp.b•‘Nu 4::501•.. All train, run drtlly 1.16 , nt titut.tt on Tick< t or sate to portages Twenty. la twee nAllot:11.y ellettnnt tiro et. Ho•r•s. Bennett, rlnt, k, Etna and and e 6 , 4 only on Abe trains ern, bb,, at 11 tal otl 011,ebi. t leht-ta to Itutlor 00.11.1annabstown .oay be botclia..tol at IV,lzrre btu, Amer 7..1. 51a, .tr. .t. n , tar wt.:pen:4.m E T r 1 .1,,Illta• ity. on; 55, for l a lto Ii except t,,r Westing Ap • r ' r. ' l l u r r a . ib!: ' .Al ' F ' l l 2- rr• For In bon, tb.n app, Ittl6/1. to 1,1 - 11 - 'I , IIIITN, 11,11 t. I I .1001:345 • Ft.lerat Street Dew, pEsNsiiLVAMA. cEriTHAL gwiLnuAD. aggs,STgli D a ecnb .Trains arrive . 1 o .•sreer the Union Depot.. cor. . r u, WIL.I.U.Ktou and Laren) , Ms. se fatal. r. MallT rata .1.1 .... 1. m.Pny Ex oxpaitt.B,o M Fs, Welt, No. 1... 0:10 • M 1,"..11, No, a t. Moil Train 0:31a oa Nr:ntoo m: No. 1:04a m 50. to . •(,1”.. - In•tt Er. 10:10 t m Ac. w , lt to No. 3...11 a , . m Itattfulo 1:1M p m,limldock Nol. 3,4 , p in "!'" :111t: Wnlrl :11' ' s No: 0... a.p 0,015.1. Wall, No. 5..,10,0 Ot WslPs No. A.. 7:(..u . p 18,511'.1nr.. 40.Mp0l Altooon Aecom • J.,tmato.tt AS. :OD Pm atl Xtolgraut 1 7V5T1;:,..1 . 1F . c CGtrello—l`rail..6l.l%,%ltive p t etstloo .70,7 Sunday at 9,15 a. m.. reschlog Pltlfborgli at 1.05 a in. Ikturnlng l'lttsimrab 12:t/p...., a] an, Utatlon 84 1:00 p. tn. 111t .• 11,timort. prre, 'xi, arr., wig , tha l'lllJa.tcll.l,ll. Exprena I,no p. 01. or burplaya. Nor:CA—ln co.' 41., lon no - 10001a K. 0 . 01,500 1 , • , 1 , 1111 1 ,11. I: - ea r.,,00111,1c fot •o.r- c „and .6..r_anamount. 00l 1867. THE. PlTT,lllict; D. FT 14Ay.):A: ft.:Ha-A lit It. IL_ AND CLEVELAND le W. Li. BECKWITH. Agent Train, arrive and . leave at the Union lleprit. •• Laeen. ..'hicaeoE• ...• dr, a a Clard," 2:31 a m eland Es.. 2:oe • 2, • m Erie .t r n m 4 . 1.4 %nit. 511. a m.i +en Ey. Wne. 1; m V p m CI. WIT. to 2:1". • n .4 len Ex p m \S hay reony Allegneny.' Arrive In Alle_gl/enty. S. Hrln • m A.c 7..'-`0 • Lvet.dale " Lan; i lo:. 111 1.5• •: SAi am • '9;tl:% •1•• N ca.••• m •• am leer p m •• • • 1.64 ptn N. Or to A. •• 6 . 1 570 pm N. Itr•ton •• 2M.0 am N. Itr . tn •• : p •` CIO m L e Pee) p •• •• 7b., ny Pitt, lcer10:21 a. m. CLIC.- burg!: • :•111.1ny. arrives datly. ~Irr:l Y. 11. IiVER•.. lieneraJ Ticket Ax.t • p7TsIII:ItGLI E7,,, asispas 01z4...4ii m lnyil . -:raandle Route.— and after MONDAY, January . hth. traio,wll. arelen and depart Irum Luton Depot rollows: Arr. rtritqluttoll rata I.lr, ...tr A. K. 10:14 A,. ta ' i • "•X. A. N. 4.10 r. Y. 3112.'d 0:Al A. K. 0:10 r. K. c .rcnicr n 4,1 F. tAI Y. 1 .1 c . D 0 u Act I.lt, Lin.:'s 1, 2.2 . I.rare ,115 A. 11. 71, A.", .1. .trrit, (tutu b . ,. at. A. , n t At •• trlr .11. rt., 11. 6100.41. : i 204 A. N. •• tsi 1:1J A. 34.1 1:3, A. Y. •• ChleAtcr i lt..o r. 1.g.1 ,:r0 e. 11. 1 atCli A. 14 i MlLL 4 l • Alital. Ticket Irent, Uni !W on ltell rnt,Xlt“.buritt• lax 11,111 Tlcket I 3 E7'I'SIIIVIZG.II AND CONNFLLY VILLZ Spring AsTangonier.t lln Artl MI., THUIO.'IIAX. AX.A.SCIIVrtt. TEA: crmaowllll.-Ave 111, Dfret, cor 02 lion 1.4.1 \`..eztr ru.lua,a- tele, Flttrbemplt. M ArDl from lit:, towt.. 7: , t A. K. C.) T. IC Weat Ne..rtor Arcotrirrmt•tr d;l5 P. Y. etv, ~nat t.ercr..r..:l:, A. L. .• 0.4 I ... :1,) r. 5:48 r. Clozro, ar.,l from West No - 1rwrx....... ISC P. Y. 10:00 For • T. Agent. W B. t•ruuT, Dupe. _ ck lL i., t c, .E 111.71iy VALLEY RAIL .. • CUANGE OW TULE. amot after I.t. trains I:earl:cad arr.% o at Pittsto:an Dtpo:, corner Yiks nrot antal streets, aa follows: , drrf oft Illaktmlnet!sAccomo. L(0101 .e:O. 2: - A1 Al An. to coil from fradoOng..7:MA-14 6 - or. K. /lest nona Worts Are , t0....f.:31 A. X. ,:fr: A. X. Itotton Arco:, modal A. X. 11:41 K. Or fr., to and fp.: Y. rt. 11:C0 A. K. Sooood .t , ola Works Arc:m..6:3oT It. :Off r. condse Chnrcla Traln from and to :'‘la Worn. 130 p. , 10:O0 ~cll It . It LAC liSloNJr . 6ort. • STEAMSHIP. LTIMORE ANI) HAVANA. A 1. 42;', A Rent e . M INI. DA VA NA AND SKY.' tdi.I..KA P. 6, Ir~ M. Pirltdlsas 11 %nm::...;..a of r.LD I earl a. "LIVEHTY' - I,"SQLona. for Nr4 Drlt-an.. via Nv7- W.dt sod 11=ans, Tld, A. ,U!.r.a/,,der. THLR,DAY, Yet, DI.. C N aB•AA, tent, s t ' /IV. At 11 RoWN'ti VI - HARP. FF.1..1..d rox.N.r. 2 o'cldei. Y. pr.clL.dy, rho dna an nounce.* for frelcht ur paeang., to 11F..N1ZY H. 10 r. N.B.—No Mlle of ta.:llne but th .st'S oteorthr Com. . ;Lary 111 be rsgro,l. la, 1 , , [Le freight h,t TrL. 1.0 frt:lght. 1411. l aj,ul day of ^cis In.. nolo n nsurpassed Si:EA:TITO !\i) FROM LIVER- vf,lll:.Clit;trT:;4:tra ttA2`,tiTinul EVERY _SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESEAY Rola to And from Inland, England to'ru,,, •, Apply hi ihillonkpativ". VSneea . , JUfill DAI.E. Agrnt. W)I. y" 0 , : • 11:=1 Adams' Xxprethtnlce, Phial:wet. 1867.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers