DR EATON'S:PENNS I taiN New' Beau Drop Trimming-, NEW GUIPURE LACES, Thc.Teir Skirl for IS6I, iIIEAVLOT OF CORSETS, Ndi,v Lot of Ladies' PAPER DOLLARS AND DUFFS, Hosiery, Glove?! aid Woolen Yarns, CLOSINCOUT AT . (seat Rea i tc.tion, POLLED 11001' biattiti at Itea. thatr 'half A.91701\ -:!;"-1, 17 Fifth Street, Nrzliv spRING (TOOLS , W • ar• :rt , ,t recelvlng i foll-Inn rointolt nu far ' our luring ..lee. P.lng - ^r 11-ITE KM., , It Osit.ned "'lris...lairs Ilarredand lain Naln•ool.,, ,ctorla Liurns. Lint it Calutnto and 1 Tucked ainbrie,lartlng• .! )IU I.o.Nllac ,hlglntri ll•nthorg 4 1 - I: ' Lli,t7iUt ' d:; " ;VlVil r . ll. :. "Y.?&,;L:-.1'.1-;,,',.,i'_ rt d Bobo, anti Wast. I.•CES, Real Point. and Applique Lae , . an — d Inge. Valencia. Matte.. ant 4 luny . .. , bread and bulpure Larva and Edgings, Lint. al. 1.- " riti } ;:t i tZfeltt :l lll lll . 7 ii r , t kx .. rolnt and Thread, Ailing and Val. Trlnto , /, lain. and llotarotllchett SA.II and iItiNNET Ing and ti F Olt RIBBONS. I'LL LINE ALFti ANDRE Ell/ I_,LOV ES tor Lad ea Gents and 31 1, CI. COR,ETSd HOOP FKIRTS, all makes, atertall alit Rol Loronet 1150,1%, A ORN FUL-Fitt L LINEEALfIEN ER:, TS FURoI NISIII ALL 6.6 1t0 1,01) buy S. C D a to .11 again. will nail In our a Wholesale. Denart• inti N tl i f i t . nlg ,, ortmt . nt , and al loin no LAsr. MACRUM, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street, SPECIAL BARG 4/N AT • • Dios. 77 and 79 Mark , We would c:9l amok' attention i HANDKERCHIEF'S, EXBROIDE . INFANTS' EDIT, ROHL% ELL LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS AI It ALMAZ,I=KITM. 'Whir :iv gtili ' lf .. k . r 10 . 1.4 . 11NG hl 00 I , . Ire,: and meek ironulialiTi 7 1;1,01 Ok kikillIMIAT ut.I.ATL.I I.LI 1 lii Ot/LaN hill Al 5 '4Y. 80.l.1) NCIILAS, CCAlt£U—olle ring set n ' tb , ...thiltY-31err ' n Ribbed. al Balmoral: Cotton " Flueekil, Tat Plaid. OLOVEli—Good Purls Eld I Dlothark, . Calf Whit aend and :ilk Ylueud Opera Bllatiei iil , C... HANDKERCHIEF SALE CC We >Zr tilt Offering our stock! Itaktikertlafs In r/3111, kl Embroilleresl. THE NEW HOOPSRIET Shama , lhg hntittlY w ed We 11 F.ALtroubt l E.tth to nvite the att ohr evl ttoca,kr c . round tc,contalt , oh Chet 4 ice price, to cult the decline In go, JOS. HORNE 77 and,79 Market ITALIAN OPERA KID GLOVES-OPER =9 Fancy Fans, Opera Roods ~~ A. is 1ar...m.33 x... um 'ES New Duplex Skirt or 1867. 31. 25 A PAIR AND WA RANTED. S $1.25 For '. S. Ki Cloves. DIACRITDI & C LISLE A .. 7 .s !RV , lciV t e;l : Aene 3lsarai,cturcr of V. To Guarantee n'ery Pair. Ithould any rlp or tear when t clog pu t wr will replace Otero with • froAt * MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth 'Street WIiOLESILE DRY GOODS. 'sew Goods—iustOpened. fierehants desiring i to Sort Up should call and examine our ma' and P ices. ' FULL LINE OF DRY GOOD & NOTIONS. 1 N 0.115 Wood SI., P ttsburgh. ARBUTILNOT, Silk NON & CO. C. /021371111t0T.W. T. SRA rillols. a.s.rxruimsos BANKS AND BANKERS HART, CAUGIIEi & CO., Bankeis and Brokers, - CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PITTSBERGIA, (SUCCESSORS T 9 HANNA, HART & C 0.,) IMMMIE3 JEAchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the pur dia. and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS I= N. HOLMES 8 SONS, No. 57 Market Street, l'ITTzl; [JEW I. the Unltcd etedes and Cettenta.... Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT ADD SOLD ON COM DIMON 15 Psrllcular attention vat. abc p.rcbut and, 1 4iC Of --- U. S. S'eciarities, Including U. 6.FINES CV IFSII do. do. 11,4 U. S. FlV , ' 9 le-1 5, n.: CE11T,F1E.,..11, (Jr INI , IITEIINES 4 01'4,s and Voucherallought or colluded. J. F. STARK - &G o ! ,lltinction will I.c nnade ban eel, QuQuirt.lhicto •3 BA:NIKERS, y f Corner onfood and Third Streets, !, 331:r - sr 1~m.T.7:1 tErES-37-• UNITED RAILS DODS, GOLD, 511 A El; AND ((PONS, =I TIUNG E. 6 FACIIA . N ITALY M=llq FINANCIAL STATE LOAN. PROPOS ilEfi FOR LOIN OF $23,000,000. N ACT rro Create a I oinn. FORTH REDEMPTION OF The Over-Due Bonds , of the Commonwealth. The. bond. of the Commonnealtb., awl curtain ccrtinealvs of In debtttluets. amount le, to ttat.rty-three tollilons of dollar, have be. ri ur er due and unpaid for some time past Wh,rede. It Is dtslrable that the gime I= =I I:,pre.rntof irts rJ the C,,,,,,,,py,,,1thrfpnn 411 Gen. rq .1 4, se in, 1,/ mitt. qty (),,,th,rav ft( It! eq,ole, That the Goveruor, Au.lltor licutrto nod. State Trennurcr awl arc. h. [why, putt;orlze.tl and onpowcre4 to borrow, on the Mkt , . of Ow . ..oranl. etith hucll xruoutits sit.l with sucl, notice, I uot less than forty d ' ay ' ,3l si th,y c‘PoIL •at fur the Inn:rests iif the State. twenty-three :1111110111ot nonar, and !BRIM Certlacates of loan or bonds or the Commonwealth fur the same pes•lng Interest it a rate not exceeding six per M , . per annum, payable semi-annually, On thc drat of February mud first of August, in the city of rhlladelialla. which ocrtlllcalt, of loan or lionita ails]: not tar aubicct to any taxation =1 se, utd 0.11 be puntile,rts fultow . e, nuncly: Fie t street. Mlllous of del:e.re peyeele Stony time after er Seers and within ten years: eight millions 0 .than. payable at any [Erne allentnn years and. • our eLock of lEs LACES. I SCARFS, D SETS. Rhin Cdtvcia years, and tea nalllfona of dollar t any time after fifteen years and ',Rhin:Oven pliVe Tuard, and Fll3ll be slgued by the tior MOM =9 3—(3' ores. Iti axe NoW rICEOPRICY.4 11111,00, ry low to closi I= or tho Awnwr Cicneral, and to be [moan:rob Wool an sad ecotm on the books of the eomnt 000 th, at the F nitre end Mechanics• National Bent ofylin •lover f 1.2.1. . A full btork or Ladl. slut aelpblet the proceed , . of the whole of which ct ctcra, rtcelTed NTINTIED. ,rstightiy •.zutchol end on the ,;trcie...thall. be applied to the payment of the Loud, and ccrtlneatesof ludttnedamm of al Commonwealth. Olt 867. 11 , 1.1C-IAV fact oust le, et," at Se, 2. The blds for the rata lusn shall b otoce•1 iu the proeuce of the Got croon, Audit General rt,nd SW.° Treasurer, and awarded & CO the hlghe.st bhider: Prodded. That no certtfica I= MEM I= SEC. 3. Tire bond. of the Nnste and certifies oflnlcbLcd ars s, now over due. shell be receive We In payment of inc. sell loan, under such tag I. MOBS, ulatidn: ti 41 . Udvernoi, dltor lid;weral and = Tiessurer bier prescribe; >nil every ref . the loan, now authorised to he Waned, that, stale la Ws bid .f bettler the Baum lipayablel Ill= ecu of . lice CommOnwy.Al th Br., 4. 'teat all 'trustees, executors. adm I traturs, guardians. a:t•nts. treasurrre. corn.. or other per.ooe, holding . In • ntleclAry boils or ctrtliOte. of Indebtcdtkess of I=l bid for the loan hereby ituthorlztal . to W Issuco awl tu rurrenAertbu Loads or certlilcatc• of by Iliem mt. the tbr..: of making tbcb b au~l to rece.l% e, the bonds luthorlzo to tr,: to=ned Any PCI,OII or person, itandlng In th fiduciary capacity stated In the (nu rth ec or tl;is act, who may desire to Invest money Ml= w I:ht.any order orcourt, !her" the loan the bou•lt authorizt•t to be bo4ed b, this act, at 1 este of premium not_ exceeding twenty :fr., E. That from aud alter the pusage of tbli act, all the heeds of this Commotwealth shall be ball .0 la the or•ler of theirm3turlty bac, 7. That all tonne of this Commonwealth not yet due, !ball be exempt from btu:, mutt cirolur local talll.lon, after the tuterebt due February . 12,t, one tho.and 00a hundred and ven, ehalllarc Ottn vela 'lilt all rsistlng Isirs, or portions thereof, locourlttent here.lth, are.hereby re =2 Vpenkur of the 11. , of Itcpr,rutstlves ApprtTed the se . sornt - day.of February, one thousand tight tiun.lcd and sl .s.ty-%evcr: /a accordance With the provision of the above act crlAl.sambly,atialeti proposal. will ba receir ed at the Once of the litat4 Treasurer, In the city of llarrlitiurie. o'clock, 0., of 11.6.1 ct flay of April, A. D., 1.547, to be erolbtsed as lonow s "Proposals for Penn ylvnula State I.can, Treatltty Del:antraSt. Harrl,burK, l'eun'a, U. S. A 131.1113111b° receded for $5,000,000, rem bersalile Patter years and payable In Ten years pi,ooll,ooo'ccimburcableln Tcn years •nd pny I,lc 1n Yirtroo year.; and .10.000,009 relm bartablp In Ft( teen Cars and payable In 'reran t;-Fite pears. Tue nle of intert to be either of a per coot, per a,nuta, 1,131 , .11 mu•t be ei n.ltttly statt,i In the blo. and the bids most at vs:dap:ells La . the El.te ~ .111 he Iteol pt.,. No bid for' 1.4 tbsn par will be conaldtall. 114 e I.onds Isstittl In ',urns of 15D, &act Such hleher BUMS as desired by the lo•ucrs, to 1, tree from Nixtc. local and muulclPal t.irs The cover due bond.; of the Commonwewth l'enneylculla. will Inc recclved at par In payment of this luau, bUt b:dders must state vrlActllcr thui Intcl,l ro pny r .. .,11 or la tte,..2ver due lot. 11/I=2 ,;) Ing In •eels nr ores:•nne 101.5 01-N. w,usver rottaleang lii., a." e IMII=1:11=1 1 7 hc . .itt5bittglt6a , :_itit WEDNESDA.Y, FEB. 20, 1,17 ',CITY AM) NEIGIIIIOIIIMD, "Alleclseni Toe comae of prodigality in nbi itelpnl bfaltes, which Is ritually harrying Y. • k nod rialto...lphi. to bankruptcy, si etris lie to fusing it, Firm amongst rho minor and corporate authorit tea of interior cities anti bortingth , of the count! •.' just regard to economy or utility. 11111, oleo, at least WWI within a few years, A.l , gkieny me, been spared by the wisdom and c arum. apection of her Connciltheri front wanton and uncalled for expenulture of bur fiscal rmourecs—sine of the great motive lowers of her extraordinary increase Of pepula tlon. business and dwellings for tech a, Mare selected her tor their permanent üb.le. But, alas! these favorable mid flat tering induemnenta seem to be in part dla appearing and giving a ay to a reek teas out lay of the taxation Imposed on the Property and rent estate within the city limits. Our attention but been called to this setiject by the recent report elf a COmMit tett t•t Couto ella -appropriating -the °Miro toininor. • around the in-lots Nit put..., Purls-, and nn' pointing a Committee to notify all tt/ii•Lotn holders to the their Manus for damages within a given period. A sweeping power, indeed, undertan t either In, riu ea- her of our citizen ki gs and o o bo n lding I, right of Common (though non residents) by natents trout the Commonwealth. Have the gentlemen sasmning thia extra ordinary power ever examintsl the 'nature 221 121 extent of their right cif Common, or do they ignorantly tonight. It la apprirt. trans only to the •tiole." of Alto Urrgilial Town of Allegheny. If so, we undertake to correct.thern: The Patents fur every out lot, or also In lot !tithe Reserve tract oppeo j site Pittsburgh, embracing Allegheny, Man cheater, Duquesne, specially roc a guar - , arisen to said in and out lot ho l lers °the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ire e use, liberty alibi privilege of said Cum- an ground,strects, lanes rind alleys of said Town of Allegheny torever." Yet this Coo. Inittee In their wisdom make baste to divest BOOTS AND SHOES mealese lot ld,. of rlifer ht Of Com not only in tile city, hilt fortbeyond will!. those very out atal to lot hold- AY PHI , ES TO MIT TII F. TINES 'FOR 30 e ßvutt s , rs are 141.30 Eux , l for the lit iv nog , of ser. DAYS. Ma. tioots 1.1.6'111AS ItirtST cosi. rendering their fee In the el/111010U ground. men, calf uoute, asp sole. acilltig 4850, redinied This looks Ilk) heating tb.t poker; not only trine 57,, • they have to give up the right of CO Sten, gram t, walk proof, s ;Mug htt, so . 1 11011. bllt to into for the lirtvilinte of nlnk" 012, the grant; whilst a 111110 birther oil in their report- they propose nit exlmmilthre boots f-Linesit, of two hundrt•il I Imit-and dollar for the Ilien . s opera Pad, silifug work of embellishment. A work which In se,,, a few))o le -11 11 1 1 / 1 .1 executed with all need- Mews bahriorals, top ssl. , , b ed tanbellishment, with°ut u dollar of tuna tion, as already by the enterprise and litter lltv of ',ripe rty owners on the South 1.4. Las - t Common, nave been atletinately tinelo- •• • • •• seal anti ornamented with trees. But 21 114 .• notand to ounpreteding beginnin is !satisfactoy mur Committee. g r A debt of 4•20),(0 1 .1 Is as nothing to their Cx- Panded no 001. of embelllshumnt alter o fashion wherewith New York ProliertY holder Anti their tenantry are plundered for the benefit of lobbyists antt greedy con traCtOra for city Jobs. POlloeae gentlemen not know that such Vast accutintilation of city debt and, rains. fluently, • mcreased taxation is calculated to impede population and diminish the nmnber of 1 iniitlings which 4 - 011 11011 1.1210. Proceed under circumstances of econom ical City Government. Not on'.y Fp but such extravaganee falls, In the way ofrents, upon the tenantry 01 this or any other city. Nor can there, In view of heavy taxa (lon, be any Imputation upon property holders. Rents will fellow taxatton, anti, with great respect for the committee and Councils, in our opinion it would be well to revrse this whole proceeding or given Ml ferent title to the hill proposed tor enact ment by the Legislature , tool call it °an act for the embellishment - of the 110111111011, at the expel.) of the tenantry,of Alleghe ny Cite,' upon Mll.ll these 102'104-01 Wo . ultimately fall. Slay not such P prefect as is contemplated ps' the Committee. with the vast outlaY in volved In its conipletl e on. somwh a at larm, if not deter, our frugal and Intelligs. elghlor, Stainehester and Duquesne n Borough front uniting Tibor ducal ilestintes with Allegheny, winch amens to be their present scutlntent. In past times It was the practice of committees not only to count, the 0041 Or au improvement but to loot,' carefully for sou.: compensating . re turn of revenue. here reemumen dation fur an expentionrc of I inortiris! 11100.1 1 1101 1000 10 gratify the craving ap. petite for mere amusement and barren pleasures of a promenade for the idle are! • tushionable. It would lie well if they only would in erttothegronnels•, W 111 it riot also attract rms., and vagabonds, and consequently demand it ruinous expense !mil etlint on the part ot Ihe politic to prott et ti. e in from pillage, us doulatless mast) . si. will reinain over night llllhin the torpor:. Lion. Would the prudent anti rest - ie.:table gen tleuren ho compose the cortmuttee, thee embark a largo portion of their private cap ital in such or atty enterprise, without the prospect of adequate. pro., ILII I i it not, in all conscience, a like cant lon and cistern, speetion demanded Itt their hall in the ipplication of money required cf their C.. AltUent., through-the tan gatherer 1 "Mout Aso,' I=l in Sow York at Wallack'a eA Dangerous Gad." is enjoy inn a long run; liarnnin con tinues with hi, wild I,caytl, tho saernica of "The Christnin Mart yra;" Edwin Booth in his fourth went of nhylark: the "Dha . k Crook," had been playt4 1;;;: night. inst. night, to half a million of Peolde. The new Academy of liusle will ow, March lah, with Italian Opera, Madame 1 . :mi11i...1a - Mg - the main attraction. - ltlstori clo.ml her engagement at 'Mem plita February 11, making 0111, am: seventeen performltncel in this country, Incluti Inc several matinees. ,he Is now - at Now Orleans. Tier original engagement with Mr. Gran - NFLLS for one hmolieti and twenty ye t ei mlin a tri to Havana. Havana /s tlo Ib g mY. Th p .". Is tall: of slitr.p Canada. Mrs. it. I B M owers, r. and Mrs. Barney Williatn+„ nil Mr. 0. 1.. Foe all luollemeilI• at different , theatros In Philadelphia last Frbi ay night. The Williams are succeeded by Helen Western. Tile .IHchlngs F.ilglish I r Ohcra are at the New.lenly. • - Teel , are going to nave a new opera boost on Canal etreet,la New Urleal,i eral,trao no already len nb,erlbed. A theatie about to be w: erected In Natches. nieellol ha, ln:en held and taut 01 the money r2:111 boil. . 'Laura Keene tins had a benellt at the Mo bile Theatre. one has been b11CC..,11,1 by Jos. Jefferson. Chi; has written a letter to the • Mobile Tribme, In 'which she denies that rho was a personal enemy of .1. Wllltes Booth, for the reason that she never met I him, or saw hint In her life. Edwin Forrhot sneemalrol Mrs. Lander, on Mondayat the National Thestro, Washington.lle appeared an Itichlleu. Matilda Herron closed an engagement Saturday night at the Academy of Multle, Albany. Dan Bryant opens at MeVieher's, Chicago, I. ebruat y 2hth. Jean Ilostner to et . the Metropolltan Theatre, Buffalo. Kate Itolgnolds is at the Vicksburg Theatre. Mr. John Brougham began at the Allatuy..lead• enly last night. Mr. and Mrs. E. 1.. Davenport are ,till sit the Howard Atlmuteurn, Boston, and Mlle. Annetta tialetti and. Mons. Jr,opn Cordelll are rutinntg the "Black Crook ' at the Con; biennial Theatre, in the fame plot. city. • Thu New ,Tork /fume Journal gives the following items of fashumulile Intelligence: At a recent !all given ut Peinionico's it yonng and Iteuntifei married lady uppenr cd in one of the new fashionable teal dress- co welch are now worn snot t, like the drosses. Thu dress consisted et a pink otl.t I , underskirt, which Just touched the ton of the shoes, which were of pink kid, lintion• ell up over tilelankln With Whitt , tuitions. Over the pink silk Was 11. shorter 0(2211 of White 111110, trimmed with - pink satin pip. trigs. The 'Mir was drei,seil very high, and ornamented with a a teeth Or will roses, the center of each rose containing a ills mond of great brilliancy. Thu 'dress wits made by a Parisian dressmaker, . in needless to any attracted a great lea! ofiat tention. Several young men have appeared at fash ionable receptions In this city recentiV something like cent - tart:sot—maroon velvet coat and breeches, with MliCatOCkthg. I= OE= ,speaker of the beaate I= • The Amrrican Mining Journul remarks that our Iron mind are comparatlvelX neg lected, while wo Import a great, part Of 1110 troll we use:from — Europe, 10 fact of the filet that we latvelron ro.oureeasuilielent 1.001.11 W the whole world for centuries. TAICO Os an example the Wycaning distriCt, winchco 01 mpr cid elmuda not one-half of , Peansy 1011111 m •. 21114 iron depo,dts abound. but are scarcely touched. Eleven thouaund 10111101/ (01.1-1 Of Cola are estimated tone burled there, drildets of whirls are sent off to the teodcoll cities to work iron Imported from Europe, while the Wyouillur eoo.l.mlners themselves recut,/ scent wages On Sunday evening last, a fire broke lea in Titusville, on :lining street, In the rear of the •ngine house, and soon-communica ted to the surrounding buildings. It total 1p destroyed several small tenement i101.1:31 and other buildings, Including the line large entitle house of No./ Fire Com pany„tim loss , di which is from four to live thousand dollars. Rut for the efforts of the firemen and citizens, and the Ilne , working condition (a tin, engines, tile kl, 1 structlou must liner been fearful. "For lient."—ChZigo at present run. tolnS hundred of houses Worked "For Rent," and the newspapers of Ilea site say that rents there are neellulng. In .101phle there Mu now mere I/L.1.11.1gs peb liely altered ter rent than has Leen the ea,e rer. some time letsl, and the . general Impression In, that rents N itre seen their highest point. - to lets" ore getting much mere nemernus Plttabargh now, thou few weeks age. I tit V. Cralver.—Slnett the aertulttal of 110,1. U. V. Culver at Franklin, all pi onectitions against Man have beLn diwontinuatti and he is left free to devote his time and energies to W d e work of renering wesetn Mesa fur its - petwittle to meet Els lialttlitten. out for conduct:of two or three of Illy jet, vernitors we have little doubt that 1110 cr1.411- tory ,e,111.1 Cr,, lids have [ldict...l a Ito tte on their elalum. - Junx W. I.lE.Alir KIIIIMT=II: IMMEI:iSEEi =I 121=9 luaradtst ed.-1101,0.0 wiL-1 Inn nlntl d I>' , the meont freAhet, and tit,, ~,,„ w „,,, nt th t , tv, t rron d Irapkllzt ItAtlrmtd. nrnr Vo no.t., W rnrlle.) Pm. MEI . . . A Word to tta.. Public. SPEC - LAI, NOTICES.' A .I;flrt 010•1,h gevore pep or sickness .. -- _ _______. ______ luts 'delayed my public announcement of ...r7A CAIID TO INVALIDS. the. , j rand cnncert of sacred and regular a. Clergyacta, while rvtal LA to South A latrlc• matte a•lver tined in another column. .a.,. m „, 3 ~„,„. ditcuver , 4 . eats an,, _ten:, infottlt Or ta'..hetta, 011 Or. I was In kiLitre , , remedy for Oa' Core of Nrryoto Wt..V.that. Early On aocOnnt of the many cases of absolute ; 1),..y, Macao_ a of the Urinary ana hernial( buttering I was daily compelled to refute' ()NM., and 11, whole train of also:den, brought relief to, or to relieve too sparingly, be- - en by l'ant.htl awl Olden, habit,. I, rear non, Cattlu I had Ito means at my command, Mr. here bale been giregdl cores lo ttls noble rift„.. Matson kindly tendered me a concert; I roll• prompt" by ..-' ,41, to l'f heat the attliet. after consultation wan the proper Part.'' e '''`'''' eere f heh '''' . I will . 1 1 1,1 the teens for lii tile church to which I belong, accented ereparlng•nd aglng ails 11.....11c1n,. to a :ea:,..the generous otter. The Committee on ,aretiotw, to soy one who vita. I t , 1,,,,,,.„ Markets, through the Intl 0011C0 of Robertchain:K. Po's , . theleee a poet-pgid covey. lope U .l ' ,), 1,, t.; foOttl the the free use Of the shirgsse.lte your. If. . City Halt, It was engaged until the hull ! "',''',;',T e :' _,_., ~J1?..j. 1 /Pll T. INMAN, Intt., so I C 110212. that Illght, but on the very , ..- '', e 1 . " . ". ' • "'"'' P_''' ll ". >•,, y, , 1. : ,.. day that 1 flail prepared to announce the tact in the papers, I_ learned that toe con- - Celt ot the "Choral Union," for the sante object was announced for the even mg. I elliipressed my -announcement. and tincllng the hall ittlettgatte.l for rho chin. arranged tvlth the suneriatend en t, Major Kilgore sir the last coaled 4,01111114. I corm,' ly appeal to Lim charitable among mil stasis of the -community to hell , the eh terprhe by purchasing tickets, and by gel. Inn: to their kindred and frien.la Tho lib. crol re-Innis , : to Illshop lierfoot's appeal Ino supplied us w ith present means, 'hat the poor ye have. 111u . :1) , with you," Is as true today ea when uttered by our saviour, And 11111eii di:art:SS Wiii ,lit • call for help, Iwhen the winter shall have petaled. I will not attempt to single our inillvidu. , l eages, butsnall cheerfully ileac:fit. 00.00 to oily that with, and may unit on me, or will take such as destre, to see tome of my poor. I relieve the worthy, without reference to their religion.' Respectfully, etc., 'MIN 11. NIOILItIS, - fay M'soonary t tfllce: lt‘. 'tin .t . ‘ll. I I :Alta 1.. Lamp Exploolon.—.l porton In Clove and, et ho has When the trouble to Rather e tatted!, on the ~object, nays that duruto the la4t too yeat, the number of people burned to death from keromme lamp esplle ohms tuts been neat ly '2OO, and there thmstel I have deot roped property V/111.1C , i at 46,00t1,1110 from Latll,. goat 1.:0. , ...1 , 1zic I,4llre' go, Lai, up, a MC= ENTIRE STOCK AT GREAT REDUCTIONS 26 and 2S Fifth St., Pittsburgh; W. B. CLAPP & co. LADIES' BD GENT'S ."-EcrOrlSim, SUMMER PRICES HILLEIUVIAWS HATS ez - , CAPS PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, No. S 2 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa FIRST CLASS LOOKINGI AND PICTURE FRAME MANUF, ONS, So. 110 Wood St., !Plttl The latest Teets,,,,, . Our Iron neSollflell Fisr , e nt Titumville ,clllizg redure4 r , uclftO:fll.s. /roru EC= Fren,u Om. 1111, r, I -41 ...Z. ((01111.!., reduced !ma ..d'r No. 75 Wood Street I=l lEEE Lair.ST STIPLES OFFICEW3.—AIS,iI:;r 11A ItTJ F. Pr , nMud :7 , 0. 74. LIVINt , ruN. Trun SAMUEL 1:11)1)L•E. rt. rutarY Dlnr,rm,—Aueust Hart, John Atuull I. Ila-ror.sn. John U. I.lv 1ug.... John M. tun. 11. MerrlA. CANII Paid for Paper Stock. 1 41,4048 CTORY. .burgh, al T. lb 1 , I , an Sllltlic H g”eps On 213111 and mar.e.factur , FIN 1?..T Srl qq- WAL NUT, a:VAI. 11i10 ItAIT and PICTEO.F.. .11A ”ru!et, Itandr and Ilutt , sn, eva and Itra..l, t I ablv, caquiattc. mo t. ANI , ItEGILDINLI tic h:oh• at st}l.• url.l:t art. 51W1EISATF.. .n H. J. LANCE, ;ILK. AND WOOLEN DYER AND SCOU Chintz Window Curtains and C Cleaned A: Itt.glated Ivithout u Nos. 135 and - 137 Third IM==l mr.1 , 07 PIT -root ruk,“ll. p A . BUSINES MAYS COMMERCIAL COLLECE, Nos, 6 and .8 St. flair Street. Has • Vesor 000 r.tiartek llook-Kreping, l'enmaueltip and Ar thmelle, time ttulimitr.loooo Arithmetic. And PermutrithlP peel. , t tor 1 or three tilotithr 40 00 Pc:am:m.lAP, per month /or C:roular. , or :±l , ..clnttc,c, sillrve . . . nOCMW? N. nllAltrEtt. J. V. ItcCI.A.I PlTT•ltt:c:n. January ',A. 1,. 'NOTICE TO ritorcjyric OWr- ElC.—rhr attt tt that thn ...•.. orrn• m 1 H 0 . ," of Pluttl.urgta le tolle d to the fol. Italon of lit. rlre.q. 1,r110111. , , r.I.Plt V. thr tart ntrrtlng. Jan. 13 , 7. 11,.1,1, That the Cltl,..lis l'rupe!ty l'lttrhurgh, .h.sl•nn , Thf It.o.lnn the ~,reet. In (tour theft .p,(1••• Croper , Y lu- Vrxiled. p‘Ve.l allgl set will , stoma re 111.,1 nrh.t.nt turtrprlttlonittotrourt.. l . l, f ,r, th, ,I'll April, 1,7. .1 all petition. pr..- tl Mita r 11. 111 neCc...artly inl , l ?v., WI tut followlntr Cltrk. ufthr 5.....1 t:onttnlttre._ I,lll♦ 1 . 1111.11 . L SINGEItLYet% CI.EIM, iNn,essors to (leo. I , .tr:onlbman .t C 0..) PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The ONLY STEAM E.STAI I)SIIMENT %VEST 01 , TUE MOUNTAINS. Vastness Cards. Lott, heads, BUM!, Latrcts, Circulars, • show Cards, Dtplothas, l'ortralla. V 'awe. Cetattleatea of Depowlts. Invitation Cards, t.e. Nos. 14 and 11 T 1.11,1 It., Plus hare, fra IOUIS BERGE di CO,lnanufac i tuft,. ol GRAND A NIP .4vlr ARE &lit& IVarertmos,O7 ISLEEELt enuct:T. Inecond Block West n from Broiolw K ay. 71)11K. The lintel manufaetured by this nrut are on lorsed by all the kaoline srilsts of the country for melt powerful, clear, tOlillant and sympa thetic tone; also for their durability and excel lent woremanahlti. St en thltter 11.11.111rond 11-I)h's, 1)h's, w our liratol Ifren eh Repeating Action, caret legs, scroll fil,k 2.d Yrth and wriiton guarantee for years, for eikal and Vin, JARED M. lIRUSIE lunryee . runr.li Ur Steam Sh Boilers Iron Oil Still ks,& s, Tanks Sheet Wore, bTItEET;,II4TSIII:IItiII, PA. FITZPATRICK & BROTHER. ii`HIST PREMIUM GOLD PEN MANI/PAO 1ntr.14 . 1; 43 MARKET sT.. [Lent . Third tare., Pittehurgh. PENS AND CASES. Wholemae PENN it.F.PAIRAD. Persona tbut of the ng Pens to repair can sond lilt. by mall s a d promptly returned. nul4,7:tttir RoquEl . s, ! C lIMMELIA S, We hare the arrest and best stock of WIN TER FLOW hitt NO PLANTS shunt the city, so d arc Id-coated to fu rola It wedding and hr " e l ' o f In i ll ' o s rT ' 1„4 1 1:11: l c u a L r! ' s . ' f ' u r' g attli ;Inr t at Wreaths, Crosses, 0.- All orders occuptly alteroled to. Cars run to thu 00000• lionatte entry feer rnlnnlts. d.re Jr/II re • It. A A Mliftl/PCH. NECE,SSARIES FOR THE IVIN TY:IL—For a gtusl COOKING 6 my& and Ititchen Utcrialls, go to No. 140 Grant Mt: Inaltl and Fancy COAL riltUrfKl.6, 111 M 01101 11.0, Plain oth e rs(cy: Utensils for Cook inn 00.,tet and otr ancy illstrea,• Fenders, 010,0 Ws ter Conductors, and all other articles, cal , at P. C. DUFF Y,. No. 140 Cram. street. All cheap: eheanl oc ricCANILDESS ties , rn WIL.CON. Cann a. C 0..) lIOLEFIALat DIECALEItUiI Ii FDREIOM AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS 1` , 7 4 c. £3ll 17{7 cr c. cf. Bt ., Thlrd house 500,0 Ill.:ow:L.1 7.7 llo7.) 6.11.44611/0.1. . I s ) I . :11(1VA L. 1'11E: Eli 1.114 VII ItAve rrmovcrl the °Otte or Lh MI. W(111.1,1 rtom ' l or In on ater ntr el r cl el " u E Il.i]bht:aEutE.S looming Ccrra, Nigltg •liloomittg (error.~ Fib Blooßniug Cercm..! light LC looming frnro• MEM Night lllooming Cereu+ =EI A mn..t eigulkite..l..ll-ate. and Fragrant *tnt . ftln from the rant and In.nutiful it:ch It taker PA name. Ilunufaclurtd only AY PIIALON ,Se. NON, N.' 'York =3l3== FOR PO AI,ON`F—T ASE No -0T111:11. BARNHILL S CO., BOILER ,MAKERS SHEET • IRON WORKERS, Non, 20, 22, 21 and 26 Penn St. II ring arcure.l • lame yard and furnished It th the most approved nturlanrry. x, Srr. red to manufacture or cry 'tleu..rintion of !1011. In the hit,wenn..., and wurratti. , l 4..00 to Y mad, in thu country. Chltnnuys. W. hire 10.1.. Uttuvn Pipes. I....colnutlytt Con.lol,er, .tttit. Pant, Tanks. 01 Stlll., tritutors, tte Wing Pans. Holler. Iron. ',biers, 11,1 r. " "" Itettal rine dont on the it:or - lust notie... loUtett 10: - "' LAKESIUrERIOR COPPER, MILL a. SMELTING WORKS, PITTSISURGII. PARK, McCURDY & CO., Manufacturers of She:o.lllyr, Itrauleri , and 801 l ,ouur, Pressed Copper Bottoms, flatted ttlll llottorta. CtOdter tioNlor. Also lultwrtere and Dealers In Metals, 'FIn 011 vet Iron, Wire, &r. I:a..tautly on Laud Ttunet,• Machines atol Toole. It araiouee. No. 140 YIN :SI REE.I' .0 1:10 SV.I.N. , N smeET, 19.t.tibur,rh. tpeclal 'ordure of Copper cut to any .1 ,, 1rC.1 pat turn. myll,c,4:dwT ROBINSON, REA 6r. CO., titinCee or. to Rows:los% 3tCr", .t. WASHINGTON WORES, rounders and 31 nch lollt x, rift nburzh, Manufacturers of Boat And litarlonary Strain Engint,,,llitt Machinery, ucar (oK, Shafting, lisetliaga of all ileac tlytionst 011 Tanks and c ulls, Aolle r and SIIO3I Iron Work. .tar - Agiiute for- tilFrAlill'd PATENT IY .11:C'IOlt for retain.< toti.ra. ,a7?"REMEDIAL INSTITUTE ron SPECIAL CASES, No. 14 Bond Street, tick York. Pull I n formation, w Ith the Ato ttntowo, h; fa. al o, n I{..jk B,,,ges /ha , A. , .. , In sent, free. 44 I tr., y., ? , al: for, at, n.ls'artlalth, pl., blclana Are ',mt.:llly Iralh•ata. , It hoot rcno,. 110 atranger Arnold lie trhated. Enclot, • nIV/111.. fir hooa.fe, end C Irert, tn LAW- I/ENCE, No. II bond street, Nery York. L RrTIIE GRAVEST MALADIES or YOU': II AN) EA Itt.l MA .•a- HoOD.—tIOWAIII , ASSOCIATION I.ISaAI S. on the of the Paulo.; .111 the Errol, Allurv. and Alosses peculiar to the drat nee Of Man, w Itepnrts on new methods of ire atnh.n with In Ulla Inetttutlon. Sent utter envelop. , free ot cuafge. Ad trein I hr. J. aIsII.I.INITIoN. Howard A osoclatton. l'a, OIL WORKS& COMPANIES cw.r.x.ta: c:rxLaa: SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFIN Kl 1811 & CO !lAN TUC CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICA — OR Petroleum Lubricating UM Sperm, Lard and 11Iiii Oils, EEID.LIGEIT,IMS OIL & ULU GI:EBE. SMARR WHITE BURNING OIL, No. 33 Market Street PITTSBURGH, PA. SEND FOR A eIECVLAR. deT., WARING & KING, (OMISSION IND Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DUQUES.►E Men PITICSAICIII: 11. PA ruit.ium.rme ADIJIIC.t3: • • WARINC. KING- Cs CO.. mTI s 6 1 7 Wetlnntltt.. rail• ER, HENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR. Ir Coven ac king. =I = WRITE, BROS. K CO., N. York. E. J.ROBERTS, Agent, No. ISt. Clair Strert, Plitaborgth Pa Keep onnotintli on band Cotton Factory 011, MAKIIInvry Dark Engine Ob. Light (:01 , 1 Engine Oil I 'lark 9,1 ni, tin. I, Light Cold 6crew-Cut- I,nrk Car Vii. :Not. 011, n W OOLDIRIDGE 063. Ir.:EFL:VE . IG CKYDZL.P...eIIST - Sr. OF PITTSBURGH. PE?fIJA. JOHN WATT, l'ornient. II K N RY LAJNII. nee'y and T rrrrr r. WORKS IN Tl:nrs H.A.NcEviLLE Otrico, No, 2 Daquesue Way, (N ,, ar Satren.lon endgt.) ALANUTACTIItirIiII Ur NAM W /I= BUBURNING Brand—"Luoifer." - )7.l2:fnr EUREKA OIL 'WORKS, IST= =fIirMINZMM The Celebrated EUGEKA .SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, Awl Wholesale Dualeri to Crude, Refined and Lubricating 011 s; LARD, bl'Ellll. WHALE AND FISII tIILS. No. 31 Market, St., Pittokburgb. O. O. 1.70.1E1X-.117, Call and exanalue samples and read certlCcatv.. no15:014 BUY THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, lEl=l at...factored only and for salc,by T. 11. .4 Ers., 8 co., PIONEER PAINT WORKS N.W.Cor.3d and Market Ste., PITTIIIItIIIOII, VA BREWEIt, BUlllfit /v. CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUNT YOU TOE Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil Works. Ample gtorage fur Crude and neg. - n.lOll. Lib nol'itnelllncr4 t ' r " ule a t " nll o . o Iti, " r o .llW.T ' VOr . ag and shlpment of Crude 011 at Lawrenceville. When and A' arelion en. cornerof Duquesne Way and Hancock street, Pittsburgh. My 1 111 . ,4 WM. WIGIITX/11, 11.19•11., EAGLE OIL T-M 0/.17172 , 031.0 0171210. WICHTMAN & ANDER'SON, Refiners and Dealers' in PETROLEUM ISTUILY CORNEtt. HAN "TIez. 81c" COCA ST. AND DININICSNE PAINTERS JOHN T. GR.A.ar, 110thiG ANL) IRON PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. "Linoain and Ornaln.tal nverY d ,, erlp• tone tO ord., All wort dona.Prorar-lY I•e:eri u. 1,1 . rote.. 105:eg7 WILLIAM. lIMOWN, =1 I= = IN SIIRAN OE THE NORTH =CA LIFE Ball iNt E COMPANY, Of New York, is THE Only Company lutthe World ,cority guarantee , ' y'', Alr,t super slal..a awl only Its ' , warts "40, 'Altera' or In 16111 ,, to tt ,entrity her,- atten , :uu to Ow foil•twtht Ito 3 fr , ...nt a, of the L.001 , 1a , a , of the "-tate 01 N.•to Y.,rk the Company is aut,orlzvet to wake 1 ,, 7.,.:t. "vial Ch. Stl,,lntenehrnt ~lcptrunt,t. al.lrreelve r... 1 hra•lng the nt al of the Ilrpirwu 4,11.1 4,,rt1:1e ate tn, te e , I I CY ',cure' of ruhtic 111der a ,pe. . tI l t V-1 1 111A„T I:o f.te Nl 1 . . k :, ,c1u , 1, 1 I'. I,ta 1 , 01 , y as biter Na• t 0,41 Bank Nate. or al n hostel Ilona. N., hank Isnot Realilenre 'lrdlnarr ETTlvynlt•nt a In au 'art Of the I unll,l,,tal , or Luz upe, at any tcs"ou of tht: TIIIIITY VANS (MACE on all ,nexal pay u, La.. A1.1.1 . 01.1 , 21E.S arc non-forfeltlng and 'nse -411a,17' I ocoma of I%firn OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Al; InouLts al, toexautlur and run:t on, their pJl'exe with of Om .North Au. !Ica, 7.lUl[f:lS, Pre•ltlent .7. W. 141,1:11.11.1.. U. General Agents 1.1r1S1111[1:11 utc.ANt• li. NO. G 7 Fourth street. A I", ...UV,omaeutn4l.ll 1,11.0 A.1111,1t r A '6l-•';', Invar.,l ef 11,1 A g NV 11. Evereuu, Itobtrt 11. 114,1,. a,t,e11 1, 2, GI, 1,. 5121irew. J. , La Irwin, Jr., Joh:, 11. net,: T. J nos,lur,,U charlk, pENNS3'I.V.97i2A ViSERANCE MeANY. OF PITTSEURGH, PA 11:Ilee, :1 Firth Stroet, 11100 E, VA , I. a (tome Coun.AnT, amt lasurre Apanst 10:e LEO. flU!) WALTER, C. C. IWILY. Vlce 1201 , 171.1' .11 . .E.L111".NY. rocrutary. DatECTone.: tl! ° (!' ' .. " arle": "'. 4L ! ' c ' . !.V . - . "E, .l l l 'ne. l'alrick, J. C. Lap,. JAcotr I J. C. Fl..lnCr, Jolla)! II lah ing.ir.a, .1 .12 A. Vl. ot•prnJr k. . K Ito;•R licury.bproul. 11.119 lAr ESTEICY INSEELANCE • CO., At.Y.XAtil , Elt NINIII'K, Prendent. " 7. \ 1 010110. Inn n,aang . Co.i ge NN ;re Inn , - nrslal:n. Wl:Unsure ag,nnn. LII Ow, et Viz:nand Marine w ho Writ l6tutlcrntn.ng.: lolnclora 're known to tlle coumunity. In.c. n•. 2 don nolo, d promptrn 51 and IltArallty, mxIntAILL - the cliarnt, anlnt: no- hat.. $5 the I..A.:Prot.ntWn to %1.. 13,1: e I. L,A.1.•:.,03A. • Alt t. • Ile, .1, Tbomag, 10. Minn', Jr, I .O Ctn, J. Cl.trse, ca M:Anr. Jond Wel:111. Aletaudnr dan.ts Andruny C. Kirkpatrick. Vavl.l Ala ne. I.llllllp.Ruyluer. lIIInn L, . !.Haar.vans. S tiLln; A UT. Sr.:celery. rEOPLE'S INSII:ANCE CO r, 2.:".71) ➢i V 71.1 :J7.1 A 110:111E COMPANY, TA KL.Nti IMF. AILI !AAIUN E. 11.1.1K5. tn.r.14:1 . 0) 0, so. John WM", .11. h Jol , n E. l'ark,, area krbuale, F .r ac. IPian k:;. ' 11.11 ne 11. . an hlri.• "'"U. JOHN NV ,Tl'. Vlct rrtzl.l.4a • • cs pt. JAS. 0111 , DON', AC, COAL, COKE, &c WM. M. CLUE➢', & CO Gas Coal Works, 11.. X 7.....7,19115Luvgb. au. , LUCK .17 I 111. FA:A l'ltotbutt.rl. tt, Inc r Liberty a.tr......1.11.1 Vlrg.ln Si, I. 1 . 1t,..13.1t.tt.. ItItANCtI IN., 7. 1.1 n.• rlb It. It.. NI. Unt“..,11,1,1 ,11 •1wr0t ..... I'. F. IV. C. I: It. All. ghtur. I. re 1., at • Itt..r tut . p1.5....n...111 1;0 PITT COAL CO TIPANY r 3 Famll am And neral t,oncl Et..ry 1%1T...0 ~11, 1 [3.01 Rank BOW irr ,ornt, etr. at Virgin xlley Itr•ut et,ner Try and Thirds tr•ett. I'll:4l.raL. or.le ft. at...lth, of tLt abov. rt,a lye prvittpl attc r ullou. Pohtoflice Addreftm.llox pltintegb 1,11,..rr1i1t , .t, .S. 1,1.1.[...r1e. .it, L. £.IIaE.T. , C F .M. , 1t1. K ,I.r. MM. MN 61,111. ~.N..1. e.i. r. it LCAIN..IAS. Y..7.11.0M.L1Vf. MALI t 1;1.1 tST. ./ 01, ii./.1... 1.14.,..1,...' D. J • J. ul 4.j.•,TA.',.-•-j,,r.,,•,.i i.s. II ;, !:: : ,.1.1.11SII. See' W. 4. CLAIN prrrnut uGH NATIONAL COU AM) CI11?, COMPANY 511 n. val tit xli.re, whulesee and retlll. lu BEST FAMILY COAL. Nut (Jowl wud x_ll a 1 1)11 , 11'1: AN Iv YARD, c,rucr Yourth intiTt tltt• tr. l'l", , iinat. 1 . .. Ail or , ers 1., delivery In.lie 11 , T. nr • t‘.. A. rt'llum.aln:v !7t " "'U HN! • COAL.:!' COAL::: DICKSON, STEWAOT CO., I= No. 467 LIBERTY STREET (LatelY City li , Jur Ht,ll) ,F.CUNI) Fl.oolt, Ate pre pari.dt ,, furctlil,oo , l Y,, ,, gl.lofgheny NICT COAL Int .kt the I , 3west mxrkel. price. i-A..11 , 1 , 1 , in tart at th..lt ofll , e. sdares to sed S Iticm thr.mgh tim nr.ntl, v. ill it st,n , le.l to CHALILLES II; AIEnSTILONG, YOLIOIIIOOIIF , NT & CONNELLSVILLE COAL Aud .ofActurel,of !!Mlit=lo=l= 1./NV . IOE AM) I" Allll, Corn, or Ilut , cr no.lNtorton; Vast 'Anton Lib ,qtv an.l ntreutn. N:Dth wwrkl. and 011 t.' , 1100.1 A.Ar hoc No 1, Vataburvli. ra. r•mtifr , and )11Attfacture.s ev PVtird w ILA Or be, ankle of Coal or CO, at ltie lov.est bath " ,1 4. 1,(1. at any of thvir °Mc. , will pr ' :.rl; , t allentlon. TILE COURT OF QUARTER HK:iSfONS ALLYti !MN ‘,Ol.ltiTY, nt,y,sat•. -- 1 1 2 the.m.tvr of tie WIDENINO SrII.EKT IletwernllWt 'lO Tonna strtete No. 15, I.le;.tember &extort , The ull.terplign,..l, 00m131.slotler appolnlf..lby "Id Count to 120 w 11.1.1 oltern.l hl the part , Ittl.rete. l to inert,gre I,,Atter ar..l pol ln Uul l the sow , . to Mu till 111 , 00 to tem of hi. •,.t.,,int.ent at till 021. e, No. 71 ott eel. I'll l'lml{tb, rs., ell TI ,II SUAY, T. , . MI, 1517, le 2 o',loct, I, H., sua where allputles'elo att,t.llf they Ile , . proper. ALF 131211./ 1:111111, Cumr.lestoner. MEI N TIIE COURT OF QUARTE' SEYSIONS OV M.Litt .- EN COUNTY ransylvaum. — la tits matter ot . taTc ti IDENIM: OF 1311160 F 3TILEE,F; Between Eng, land ntecon atrects, In th E'cllth Ward of the City • N 0.14 tir ptember [cations, 1.4 The undersigned, t;.tninianton.r appoit 44.1 by aid Coon, to take the testimony onered by the tartlet. Inter...led In Doi abaire matter and ra an tire snit to the Court. 0111 attend to the hales of Ida ay itoio lintel iq Ills No. 71 itant Street. I it,hurcii, 1 , 011 NV LONEY -14 al% Vetirintry . 17111, is:, at: 5. 5..11 abbe., tin t , and place all pereoua interented can tared if the y "'Proper. ALFRED KERR, Commissioner. MEM TN THE COURT OF COMMON ELEAS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY, No. .t 2, March Term, of 1,A7. Notice le hereby given of the •ppllcialon of The Building and Loan Associa lion,l o, 3, of Pittsburgh. fora limner of incorporation, gird e O el the yrnthonotary, at the number an in the d ter above elated. ul5l , L will be granted at the or Term of the Court of Coon. 5n ibex, e ,pllons the ry to In• Slir,l la proper time. J Aeon it. WALTER. ProlttOnotaTT. I.,`X EC UTOWS NOTICE.--Letters tr,llmetttry Ito of Erellal tate of /So a rottalt of Tart:DWl, Alitlao:OT Coo Ity. l'•.. Jeceasrtt. having been ocrattt..d to ,t, tt o.ktalt,.. ,l . all prrsons ludrlrt•it to ealtt re tat, ate reque , tl,l to tat•ite Summonslr payment, mut 4a , 1 1 . c. alma, to nrvarat 1110 u prop rrlJ 311{111.11,10%.1. for 11.LISVISIVIII, Its Jg N. I Eaec'e. Or, ELIZALLIOWE., 11111 wife.) T r SOAP MAKERS 150 BUS, STRAINED ROSIN, =I I=2l FOR SALE. ~,,, con SAILE.—.4. Farm of about ri In Linton Township, Allegheny coun ty, ra.. ser situate about four tulles froM the clsy ort tie Was:lli:4ton Pike, The Improvements ire a rare, wo story krick Dwelling Howe latch L a 1 1%, \"...'; .. - .ftr,fmtr, l° Z.l , l7:` .4 .i . i r,V: twith stabling 'sumclent for 50 bead of cattle. There Is a an, Young Orchard. Corn- Prlstue a 2 sort, stocked with the bat co rietiss of 'too . Zr,,.. It Is Underlaid with e - • 1. Ih. land Is In a bleb state of etrltlvotiOn , w•d. peaces good, nodwould MIL a 4: tuirablyot:, or tmwl.ulak onrPosek. Al,o. 17S f o n ds adjoinimk - the above, with • lieu:o :l„t'Ver'. ci ard In eke hearing conition. This We ' re IS also nll or derloid with 001. Alto, lk acres kllolning the ohOce• Unirnoroc ed, f oraWw. This piece le also all underlaid wlth cosh The ono, three pieces of proocrt• between the Litt:, Paw Mill I:uu and P.t..uben•llle Ilall roadr, and the coal can o n reached easily from either road. The coal oione Is worth oil that Is asLed for the entire prown. , . Also Far. of 17:1 acre., situate in si. Clair towoeltio. Westmonband eminty. Po , utcly on the Ilue of the Penna. lialirood. The im provemeitts are a twawstory Fr., House tntn• kve roome and good cellar. a Frame Bank Born, 401C4 fet, and 'r un.,unt-b.,dl There Is on the r ic e r a good P Apple Orchard: 120 acre. cleared, balance in good timber: ly good. well watend: underlaid wit!, coal oind limestone: convenlen't to churches. mills, schools and blactemlon shops. tiikether with the personal property Each AO StOrk. 101.11.3e11., 2 . 1,121 in Ilse ground, be. L . ,.....ssltinglyert imme 4tatelr. hires Farm of 11 acres. slonstea In loon tewp:bli.; Weilmendand comae, ' ail Viol :I I:le up: elite .`Astion. Petin'a. 'Rroad. ou 1.1 , 11 Ile re good Two `slot., Li e. House. whit `Ms Room-, a Itarr. Comlsge Lieu e. ond her 1501i1111 so I.lrel“rd dllf,reat fruit trete , : It IS und,rluled with c. d. There Is Othlra ',lt W..11./1 It In ssuo.l order. producing ow day . Tn.., property IS teCted v cry cheap and Also, a I arm of 131 a,ref. . situated In Cont rasla to a osittp. Indiana rounty, Fa., about nr. . ollta fr..n, the aYe.d. Inatn , Railroad, at IA ve r.. n ...n ore `tatto. Ina Inq,roteuts ry are a Taro to Fral,.. Hou .... w lb Four Booms. a double l'ol - el, and 01,1 Log It tin, Sprina 'lons, AI, nt nn ner. a I,.ar, d. tit.. rcsidue In tlzOber, such al bite 03/ , ..10. , t , and eln,l, Itt. This rant, will b: sold as ry Ir w, the owunr wiAbing to Fo west. r0,..10n In.inEntlatel , . . Also.* Farm. , f 02 I acres. sltostel In Centre tow - coat, :ri linos rouely. I', about V, ilit'e • fro. ll..raer nLatiott. ou thi. Indians Braoch Brad. Th.. Improvement.. err a good Two ntory Ilrtek. liwe•no.t. with nla it nnas. a Cellar, No. I Frame Bank Barn, 0. • y id, a a cne Apple ' ~,,,,,,t ..,,i, a v A rarty of dilfert.ut flea trees, a trov.l Cider Pre..s, fencing geneeall No , d: weh watered AI,. I 4) acre s eltart.d. 'lnn r....1.1ue In good timber land, and a good *lx foot s. In of Coal 1 nder tite w hole farm. A Porthrt Of the archaic onn.ey .ey.lll 1, , taken for ~ II I.wated , lu Nehra-La. 'flits property, If sold ba l.,: 113-I , nh .f alarch, 0111 he mold at the low prier or Z 5 per sore. l'osso.',lot.on the lo w day of April. A. Ir. NIS. Alen. An earvileut Farm of VA acres, of a 11101, ni acres re under eultleation , sltuste In Chris tian coanty. Illinois. Improvements — a erar Ira., ,1,,,..rir, cnnt..tinlug :. rooms: about 4(0 It rholre troll trees, good lenetng• ac• ii lies wlthln _tulles of the II inota Cent I 1. ft.: will 1... ~.,.1 on rem,onabie term, ( T. property tatru In part ex,hange if .haired. ° _,...4,1 Also, to Lola Innouthern lauhurM hicaito. par, Lot 3.1 by I.U. in KOlrier . ,.A II [vision ul lots. Th.e lot. 11, 'mt. mile North of the June lion of-1. Louis and Alton and Michigan noull, en 11.•1ta., and are on the lineof the rittaborgh. t ort? Wayne suit Chleago It. A.. Just .S Mlle , south of the Court LlOOnft. near the new Cattle li round, awl will b, surd for POO cach• Yor further part:con., enoulre ot GI. 11. TOWER. Real EftatO Agent. It* fourth aLreet. feln . t't FOR NAVE, 37 ACRES OF LAND fT T . OWNI , I - 11r, on the old Wtslalngtn. 4.:, Sit Mllee 001 from the CRY of I .ll,, burgh• :prnvemen , s. a LA1,01: E !old I it e,t Or der) containlng OEVKN th Willi eery or fort deer, w,th slow.. A CIVE rn buntef Ica id Cement. fah.Wit, Sl hornet.: good Well as door. ,tabllng nod Barn pretty good. .00 arle I:errant large number of AP le. 1,110.1. ar and Plum Tree.. all In the rime it orating. 1 01,•rtng I, rape Vines: one re er ehele. :draw berries In gnwl condition. .1113 reel, deer and fn T .. !rem one. here 13 ere s ea:n°.llll[lo , , all the und at er trneh clear and the entire Tract ender gwod Fenee. short, this place is In the le at eel order f•.r . lingmoney. It Is under-laid with coat, Icicle will ere long be valuable. 00tIt fl I,t/tlO cath, balance In In Ix annual p4yrnent , wth InteLe3t, ~ e ,tzred and and Store gaKe. &L O, A FARM IS 1-11 0 iCOLN CO.. MO of ,n,err s. Wlll hell or Exchange lel4 It 9 fourth St.. Pittsburgh EXECUTORS ' SALE OF ARABLE MAL ESTATE Ninth Ward, Pitt,burglt • The unde,ntaned. rn•ors nt the WI:1 of 'ogEhT Ala, LA ,1,1% late .I,ctaled, rrtll offer ,i, On On Tuesday, February 19, 1567, r. m., the following Itch' EEtatc : All that co tab] or par el cf groom( alto , : .d on Ow corner or tmalluuot ud Italdo - I3 r.rte. In tho N:nth Wa•cl. in the cm. of rats an.i tocbes • n e!tuA , l. an troot. and extotollng A, along lialdwltt tr,cl., tr, • TWO-101aRMCKADWELIANOt WUSZ lug 11111 ..n.l Slx nom, Ills! House 14 ~rraugud, welt 0,11,11,1autl Iv good sn 1,11 , 1: ',Tirane, In thece px.=,ent,. ..eured letinl awl In. interest I,lyalo, "en.ll-ra.untaalle• j(1,E1 . 11 S. li EL% 1. , ViGINIA M 1 LAILIJI.. FOIL SALE; A COUNTRY RESIDENCE, n the I'ENiNSYLVAtheNIA atilvites tde from city. Tlte brute hi an. rely at. w, Ault,.thttallv couteoltut In • artangeutcote. aud t..trfully otualventert In• nud out. It 1a... hot awl cold •rxter.Lttcl tra• atorr, througluout. It dccuple• rotutesndlng ter ott a 11l of Ave netts. part or whleu Is the rlttlosl (great. the reulaluder being well adapt f.t. (Cults Awl vet, tablet. There lea tlatftY rct.ad of dwarf treet..' 111e r ;orruultdlrtit. , are all ate rat CV*. conalttlog f ply.te re•hltoco . . Itke chtuatter. • if or 101 l gqtrtleulnrs• apply to CHE!►P 110t1ES WO HOUSES. FIVE ROOMS EACH Located in Birmingham, For salt xt. ale followlug*ruits ONE Two-sTuny FllAlf C.. 7. U.vX TWO TOIIV 1{11.11..11 AVIA] BTSNL R WILSON. mosslS AVO BAAL. E.67wrs AORN2S. fr ire 0. 1311 bmlthfleld Str&l IMPROVED PROPERTY ~mate In Lawrenceville, and 1r:130110011. ad ng. ronoing In price. from 11.000 to MMSII n. Xml.race thla onportnnitY For fur tiler Information, apply et the Re ei;ra tale and Inanrance Mice of G. 5. BATES. ,11 Butler street, awrencev , VOR SALE. — A FARM AT WALL !STATION, on the Centragnjil k r , za n d iu vri j l , nl, oTATiOb. 11 Cont. FARM otthe eteubtovllle Railroad, eight tulles inin the City. reopen) , on Venn•a, aro use and Center aver., Improved and unimprov ed, and In all parts or the titles and suburbs FAUMS AND t/US IN TO LET. Inquire oli f W ILIA A WARD, opposite tho Cathedral, Jattuss: No. ItOClrant street. TT MELLING HOUSE AND LOT, 1.-• No. I: COLWELL eTIIEF.T. FUR t)ALE. — Three stories high; pre, sed brick front. and ar raged with hall, double Wier., dining and alaing toot, slid kitchen; Ova sleePing aPart• neut. and bath room: antand "Merin the holm.; iron vetandah In Dont; lot 13‘.; teat by 7t, fret. it,,,, t Anon April Ist. APPI7,1 0 it eLAIN GO., IR ND It Fourth street. LEGAL 1 . (Al u NTH if RESIDENCE FOR RENT. at Deer Creek, on the West. Ea. R. It., II miles from the cit y —a DW ELL contag rooms and hap, with about tt acts. of ground, a stable and carriage bons, fruit truer, grapes and shrubbery, • and 7ater at the door. Apply to ALDERMAN DERR. ' Cot. Federal and Lacuck !tweets, fels:tn, . Alleghtny. j OILII D. BAILEY, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER Hawing tAken OutcomMts.lonas Auctioneer, and effeettil an eugakement with the Pittsburgh leant of Prude, steering them., of their rooms. otiose the Third National Bank, lam now pre . Oa red to sell at Publle Auction, blocks. Bono*, ntles libel Estate. Sc., tither at the aboke rooms or on the premises. the partieular &Matteis paid. as hurt tofu • sale of Real Estate at orleatt sato. " ed . [flee of Heal Estate In the couutrg at , °fact I Fourth street. FOR SALE, A FIRST-CLASS DWELLLIG ROUSE, Ilatleg all modern Improvereents,..l.ouc a:e 0 1 in ALIA. ORSINI ow at Lie p .. ,t r s o i n "". L''' h'llll4'abou: SANeet Ov " t"" " tgnted it. rub dt. p, aro, 111lirldir terU '‘"l "."" "'"'sfse built of theta of t fleet air """ P,lTO.b"tl'lnt'ilkXlteOuts. Bath Room, a .Irotut ‘ :, , :ner r • flooring from e Oty• Terms furni . ture Ow tie told ye Ith the house Tri;str. Pu•stselou Aprll let. JOIIN L.. BAILEY. fets ao,lolFecrth street. ALEXANDER RIND IM==lii PROFESSIONAL joIIN lIIDDELi OEFICE: 13.5FUCI¢TII evrictrr, 12311101 11 . c. 3iACILRELL, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, LITZA.bI.S 13 F. BIWIFN, Mace, No. 67 Fourth Se., second floor, PINSION?. BOINIII9, AND )DitiALS OF PIT No charge made until claim. are el tiled, and EITEE=M 8100. ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND CLALM AGENTS. SOLDIERS , Extra Bounties, Back Pay, Sc„ ALDERMAN.—JAS. L. SUM- EitLAND, I . olth OF 1/1...110ND :STREET AND ALIANJ—LIee.IS, Molds. Mortgge , . Le,es, drawn nratly, accurately and in Itlal form. t will Sc 1,0,1,1 17 GEO. W &Toth`, Jr.. fog.. fur Incur ye ., aro the principal conseyancer in the late law firm. SCALER E STANTON. who w.II also Mar tbi to the examination tallith , . Depo.l- I.lcna tales rE -ICtlly, accurately and Rustic. Llubliamo prompt.. ly attended to. E=ll El= MEM T D 'SIDE, I= Broker In Boots. and Real Errata Fourth st.,(ll,3rke's litaltdl.lt m.cat JOHN D. BAILEY, oak and Real Estate Broke? AND AUCTIONEEB. ATTPRNEY Al LAW, PITTSBURGH, PA Lat. Locsl Claim Agt 'a3. Com. PITTSIMUG u,PA Promptly collected COMM iou Bouvrr ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. Soldier , who have iteir di,ltrtrz• c. b.e end wlv, arvo,h,wbe rtaltlt, tv the addi vnal 1100 bounty, , tt, ti a.r th. •nd,,d ctllliug on or .liirk.l.4 J. & UAL PATTER ON, =3 BOIINTIES, PENSIONS, Collected to the Shortest poselblr Moe, by A. M. 111nONN, JOHN S. LA.SIIiIM.. Attorney, at. Low. 11.4 Fltth n0t:6.141T JOHN A. STRAIN. .41-T-ar)TRFATITZLIC. F,z-Ollicio, Justice of tile Peace. AND BULIOE MALIISTRATE, Office, 112 Fifth St. opposite Cnated-nni, rITTtIBUxU Ft, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Autnowletigments, Dew:Mons sad all Legal Business exec ute.% Alto promptness auddleputch. 111,1..1 WILLIAM JANCEY, NOTARY 1•UBLIC, JUsTICE GFlllE. PEACE. AND REM. ESTATE. AGENT. 011Ice.eurner of Butler tad Craver streets, Lawrenceville. Opecial atfaattoo Elven tattle purrusee and sale of Beal Eatate. the Coltection of t and the or L egi t aw Vt l ackuouluaffmuut all kinds JAYCEE, JUIStiCi of the Peace mad Notary Pohlle. mylNifteei STACE &MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, '72 Pennsylvania Avenue, 11,11. or at the door. D4lO rt retcrvt.l bents. .1 AXE,: It. .!O . IT, OLIVER _ .1 As. B. 310 R(...!..:., Jr., I Wm:ilLkatEirr.` HE 'F. O. P. .130.klYE, m ILLEIL I LLomnaltiec. fcl9:t: I • foot of the Eitenitea tzi opposite Chithutt Etreet .4.I"CITY HALL, CEIAL TH.4311% EWEVS, _ Attorney at Law, Po. (f 9 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa NZ - Commissioner for Ohio, Kentuerp. woe. vteglula. Mleoinorl sTol 0t1a2T,t011. ,1 . JOHN C. MCCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. Wi.eolloll3, Bollll,lell. xt.l Arrears of ray pt c.utptly BREWERS, MALSTEB.S,&c prrTsurmin unEriLla. CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., .REIYEES, ?LUSTERS AND nor DEALERS, 13=1 JONIfIA RHODES at CO., Platablarg WEL W. ANDERSON, eueeuPo Yeatention of the ewitornerauf the two Inetn ctiluly invited to our • ALES AND - PORTER, co r e Wich, tbrongt Meurer:ll selection of That from xtrusive malting facIlltle•• and floor from the yard. Laat and K est. we can guarantee to be pure and anti &factory to the tx ad, r IN I/LAALE has been highly reeonanntn led by physicians for faintly are. a!11 r. AN custonirre will Hoare be particular io leave their 0011 at his omee ad joining ills old Brewery, or at our oLzeti. Career at Dvilesne Naj ind Barker's Alter, 1109,13t0 /AWLS .111.11. is. A. ionm. THU.. 1300111 StIOMAS 1111010 t. ALLEGHENY BREWERY purchased the old • stabllshed Brewery known sa the ALLEWIENY ItHEWEIVI. fu ll - ry ' f trYm ta l e of SPRING WATER AT,FS, blade from Pere Spring Water. and front onr facilities and long exporlenne In the nuaturaa, we feel latinikd that we will be enabled to glee entire satlafactlon to those who rasa favor us with Hiatt . patonage. • Ea TILL 2"1" . ..73L e b CND , . . 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGII ENT CITY. .fir All ordart left at BROWN it GRAHAM'S. 203 Cinema street, Vlttabargh. will he Wora tiePtlY ...dud to. otal PIIOENIX .STEAII BREWERY. 08.br '' ENCE LUTES IND HEMS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURG% PA, ROIIERT WATSON. XL laxt ago . . 1.111:t165 BOOTS AND SHOES G _EAT • IN PRICES BOOTS, SIIOES AM GAITERS, THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street, Between Third and Fourth Street. WORKING7IIEN. ATTENTION " Ou account of the scarcity of work, we hale reduced the prices of our 3tEN•S dt i golj ' o ' n lL WOMEN . S, A .II I V I7:g c%iii.DuEs . . , JTS BA"'"'ioListi D"T:na. LX at cost call sad you will otv , ii your moncy. at J. 11. t. i t C, BORLAND, No Ofi Mlatt. IlreCt, 74 door from Full, Ot. JOLOC rAragsa.ruzo. 7. ANSIIIT,R , S. rAILLSILB ANSUUTZ 6.: CO., SUCCISSOU TO i. A. ROBINSON 6 CO.. ez, DIALIG6 is BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS , .To. 61 .Xfarket Street, Near Fourth. rxrrsitrautt, rM a 0:4.0tC C00P1R............. - 0 FIELDLNG DUO, Idancfactureril Peale. In Chsaptcocks SitCsscla• BOOTS, SEI.OBS & GAITERS, O. 1.10 ObJo AJlegbeity. executed on the shortest . ' W.= notice, D.T.IISEMENTS. vz - nv firu.n.A 110U%E. +i • 1,1 111111%,..r., ,IKNIST.II.4I): ~ 11A !MY UN'F.III,4I,T,S. rri.A.NCoN . ANDMA riN Et. (..r 11, bine. Ot 1. , 1qta..1. Our 'ADNI..I" AI)N 11161. RI. IIL 11 N DE.I,ON the e.= n., "11 1.1 311LIIMAID. :rIP4S ii.tI3II.OITETIIO.ItISON, Thote.pPon. in..ea-- - 11, Drunkard.— T.' il ETIES THEATRE +-.. sr. ME= wyDNE., - .D EVENING. Febrnary Er,t ar3l.^. :h an I orn.. e cui.l.l Eh. and hi.. Bore.. DAN %.2.1 EDDIE. 'Lae eritlr, •uperb Vult . , or A t.,.--Ite•rrred :S•sts. 75C: nr „ . „ rtlvate Bute.. W `'NEVF OPERA. HOUSE. Le ,,, aud WM. tiLl, OLSSON the ben tiramt Matinee WEI/N1.313AT. Fe . b.:oth. rot t th, HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, ON SECOND STREET llic imumte (Ipura Company bajtna klud:y vol .:coed. appe. tto t rairal .d interesting &Imo of MON F.ti AND MISERT Alec. the bettutttal petite Cpmed(rtt• of 5111.1,T. THE MILKMAID. Hilly. with song • Attie Henderson It. ino her :lest and onis'open , ane rf e. Peorm &nee to ee at:r • sl. Admission. toe,. p er• (`,l'l\' E R94LI3T FAIR IND FESTIVAL Will be Continiied FOUR DAYS NEXT WEEK, Ending Thursday. Feb. 21st, The the Am:ay.:real - 7 oL Waattlngtoa, OF ARTICLES Al'iM PROM =EU lirma.l Final,. or. T1.re.14, eventvg. AdmlS ''''.IIERC,LNTILE LIBRARY .r_elEcr - r - crl33rJim3. HENRY VINCENT, THE I;ENOVNID ESGLISB ()PATO& AND LlBlittL, LECTELIA, AT TILE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Thurtday Evening, Feb. 21, 1861. Subject-- Oliver Cron welt Veleta 50 ,uts. To be bed at the Laren' Lc clan, at o'clock Wednesday, February 271 h. c;rri..46. - wx) cscosvcaciam, Sacred and Secular Music, MCI= lq:NE1 . 11 OF THE WORTHY POOR • .1M 311.1 SLUM *aster of Trio n) prnwr mlr trebsd ttle t h " d ' lt ' AV W :! m cf ngzt I tk CRT , kel cents. To be land at the prin. It. at Moil,. SOS book Store. la c eonsideration the otiect, there te.ll be no WI. I , s3x_T i ll E NATION'S OPPOUTtir distinguished Colored. du reg. . Mrs. F. E. W. HARPER, ME= CITY HALL, PITTSBURGH, Nest Thursday Evening,Feb. 26. NATIuN•S GREAT OPPOR, T let eh. of ado:ll23ton. 25 <cote etch. d tett. es c h. part of the proceeds 1.111 he olveo to two eherttable aaeoclatloe, /ose is,lon II to help the Door, vie.: The Lo diet• Benevolent ,oelety of rnuourgb, and the Allt , ,throy E. It. Leag ue. there open et o' lock; the Lecture will be.. On ot o'clock. The public le earnettiv Invited to Attend. Ile, Jell!: l'Ed.ii.,lo,.. n ,, n nt". felthtt , A. NEALE. ta - FAIR AND FESTIVAL Will be held at the SUNDAY 13CHOOL ROW( OF rIIINITY P. Y.. CHO UCH, Moth street. on FEISREAUT 2IsL. LI/NC LI from 1/ to: e'elock. WEST/VAL and gAI IL from 1 to 10 o'clock. r. Tickets can be ❑ad at It/chard/on A Co•s.. corner Malted and FOth streets. and J. U. Weldln i CO, 101 Woo. ,Ircet and at lb. door. fe111371 FAIR AT BRAD. LOCN.B FIELD.—The ladle. of St. Thermo' Catholic Church (Aer. W. A. Nolan trOl t old a Grand Fair. at ODD FELLOWS . IiAI.L, Ilr•ddect'e PIO& commencing WED. EIVAT E VEND , O. February nlb, WT. Good music Inattendance. All act InTited. ° - rnor. COU PEWS DANC.' I\U ACADEMY AT WILKINS HALL, FOURTH STREET, NEAR SMITHFIELD. Sew clas,s now foreruns , On Thursday's and satur.lsy•s Masters and Mines' Class al P. M. lie utleincu's &l]+. $t 7 , a. crania., NOTILY.—Orand Soiree on Friday craning. Febru.ey Ist. Overture by orchestra. no Hi ocleck. Irlincln, to comtnentie at o'clock pre. eleity. Tickets eon be Sod of the pupils of Prof. Cowper ono, 1e4:176 pgaik e :mom e ADDY, WILLIADIS & BARTLEY, 3.-.1.117120.33 301 ‘ 13 . GAS AND STEAM. FILTERS, Cor. Sixth and Smithfield tits., PITISEIVAIGII. PA. Cor. Beater and Chestnut Ste., 31EANCLIESTF.B. , All tints of Water, tins aml Steam Ftatnrea constantly on hand. 1.5.0Z1 ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY. Seer on band a superior article of WOOD PIT - MPS; All kinds of iron Maps, HYdranta. n.art Load, Sheet Zinc, Lead Ply., Hash Tut. tanks. Water Closets, Wsan Basins, Wean 1., at the Waterman. Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, under:f Repairing dotal PtOMPti• All t* tausedistely attend... La. JOIISSON. 113111.111 T. AL ILEULEFIT - JOHNSON, PI.L.H.CrICIALTs Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, rani IMRE= F-XTENSION osi:•ta_rfrai. ]Pia. All orders by mill executed sallafactorily and -- promptly alto ided to. A full llnetof .Rath Tubs. ramp., pasinas Water Cloeets, biota, Chandeliers. renduaL and Gas Shades for auto the most reasonable P rices. Orders from country patrons by mall prompt ly attended to. Gum Ll.e. Of cV*ry description. ie=d3, BAILIFF, BROWN & CO., No. 4301 Vooclorze3. At aLLEGnk.ry cirr. PLUMBERS, GAGA ND STEAM SIVE CITTEUS, keep woke on hand lance ageousent. or et IJRANTFL SHEET LEAP. L.E.kurirE, InATHIVBS. WASH HA- S, ARV IlliAnd CULILS. and all =atm up yublie or private building. with lie-.WATERor erEAR. pLimanva , GAS IND STRIII FITTING, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, 5116E7 LHAD - uIIL'..I'ZI2IOLSdb Fipze, avocet, BAUM Water Closets and Wash Stands. TOM T. EllirENß. Mal (lucteesor to Eweas • C 0..) 165 Wood St„Plttsburgbali. mP:•B mm:3_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers