PITTSBERGII GAZETTE. El E= NNIMIN, REED CO.. AT GAZETTE BUILDING, c.. 86 'Firth Eltroot. • . PENNI , I , 7 Edllors• IitttISTON. Bulginess St...W. • ON . P. FIXED, ES= In Copies 3 cents ecrisiby carrier. (per west 15 Ckal/. Cnnlcrlbe (perycla) ............ 8 ,00 . •ral react:llo. to NeWstoyi•and AXCLItt. TFA:ms EVE 'KEEI:LA: RE 3,.r, bT ma 1 1..:.. do. ormorn to not 3,ltrt.td. to -, to cf., ......... CITY ITEMS Nernillytter kia+Onic 11,01[0-night. 10 Good Second-fiord Plono.:. tale or rent at lOW prices at Chat tette tee, Itti,tc Store, la Filth ',treat. 1.1111 link.peare nua Cmrinr lad Inca about ma 11,11 are !at, sit Leaded Inert—Von Cassias ha, 0 lvaa I Ilan:cry look : ,ash roes are ,Inagerouc. , NoakapN l re. Now Cassias, 1 . 1 he ey mealier ,111111 man, was alto liceau,o brick not hew tu:topreelate gaol hymn. LC mitre living to-day he 0 ouldttot be re ostelitahigrac , e lean, tarot Iloltabelmer's ,otinental ftleloon, he would repair like all met do,nad partake 0111,0 splenti Id gattanul'menleoatLon, sleek told fat tormentor. Cat.sies would alppreei e eacinan . 0 bill of (arc and would lie at the nunterons putrooB MAIO tuning Ispepalar restaurant day and tti eht . A, t~nlua ii dentl.looeun only advine lean won iiiut to 'rearm:lac no other 'lest:tar/Int ;.n the Coatiatental, 110111 floor to Ow llo,t lee. Fifth cdreet, allies, they want to 11001, tfl aad 61,am-boned. line/1111 , 4er .51.,..0.11c hull 10-104111. , •„„:, To ilooseherper., Tomato,. at 3U cuat, oar can Crawberra, nt lo • laclzberrlos at 10 colts. teaches nt r, mint, ta:tell .Martnalitilu at :N cente. ndt Jam at :,r ntl Itaimns at .ii tim pruned at pelt , put tonsil !. Currant., at umite per pound. At 11 . ! literal iitriiM i Alltighmiy City.. .31,onic I= •Ittire luantdiat, zbr,Eltion, Trouble oftun.eitu,e- pridonged / ow n' , ..VLO-tlaato,, Co:oat,'" :tre a sanal,. noal , and 11.111 ta.O.: oy v. °ruts without in ry a Ow child. •..I.,.,,raLi.frv: l'atsl,,,,a), • 1 0- , l'h Fkm ~•, Dtui.ma.t, No. ,I 1,1.1-tiet. ~dent. 11,4onicII :tom night. . . To Comory Mere:mut.. ' ‘1:o are efferine full lin, 01 Staple ate! .tney t 0T .3 oole, ut Ea,tat tl -t`riccs. .1, Wjtaanea a, Co., 09 Market sleet!. • Drrno and Itedirtnr, - Doctors' pr,erddloaq tar•dully preprmd MD. Unr I,u:a prke. itniol . . i Drug Lnr,,oryiut_te Posttql Mtnenll.l4ter t Stn..t.ontn itgll to-night. =9 1112i4r/..1.10101S of oil hil - SIJ lit 3 . O,OOIS. 1"1: told 1;115 I,',etreot, Pat,lot:rgh. =9 ,r . cun . t...llcollol at .15,..ph5.1,,c1.1'.. Yen Cm:a Buy i.w II elps JoSt'Ph S. finch ?Jaen!lisier !LW tu-.i!ght. FROM 4NEW lit, Fenian, `Very Sa rkinra canniblit Line—Race% I am:trance. lE= 'lll, oftlll., COY art, still A14111;111111 1 1111)1,1111111a . Inovenao•nt In nil. Tin. 411.courn4lng [lna %hock to thvir artlsol .I , nring flit lily Ins.ro,s v.n -it,l3: at 1111, Fl.,:un Innolnt:lnt,rn: stolunttn., 11111/ rr Lll.ll . 44/flii (.14, A 1 1 11 . 1 411.11,111, sk ,Icliverc.lln tile 01,411144 "1 II 11 . 11. 14 tit. 12.ado:uutter. fi,ll...l.Te{ltgral. arrival of ba7lll/ LoU.L I iI I ,!L all at Yokaholna, of ..,31,311.1 to Hung oug,uu the 3.1t11 of January. 1111,11 , Thii Ann went:try of. Wii,lilitglon": birt h i5.,111 it holt. iby litre.l•ll.- inil to i lire UML.III. pri% ale 1 , r,, ...II hi: stiiirittuiteu. Tho 1... t runt No einn f niti,,,, of do, tuts on- LI lionni or litolurniritoriL L if. ILLY. Prronir.! trance, favor of :nu litut cone ILL in orance, n li. bu :odic illo.l ton con •ntion of filo tiliu con. to ow 'Tar n. r. curt,,. it, li, Cuf it hail tr!on In iiion,o , l, and it it ix l ltiii 0011 -nil for lingo.Lvra. =II Charlotte tonnteoto who h.tletiorvettly tt, great favor. I=i=l it.: with th a theatre goer, wat grotelet lull evening by a large unit taiihiuouble uu dienee. bier rendition a! In the Lady of 1.y./11 , 1 WIL4 einvile tool elegant, showing iliatti study and - lowa tilteroreta. thin el the - c h aracter. ...Sire , :lily up ported by the very excellent. wit :awl; earn. loony Of. The Opera Mr. Leaktil, Clatele Melnotie :red Mr. Ward's Col. llo- loam were ,peelittly worthy of 110/11 . C. • 'l' o.• „ - 311,5. Th0:111,011 or the tate of Coquette." and will itonbtlehe be greeted by it large 11.11 , lienee. ' IliovettuwberT Fain.—The fair and foil!. val tatutinnee In the nth lit, ',of iunieth.e. Trenight th at superb plane v.III ilithoeeil 01. together with a line ril e, tea rot!, and man y other articles of lietoity nn.! - ntility. Sir. Engler. the re. nownial iikatlAleldie milli nightly delothte the patromi of the fair with btu marvellonu pia-tonna:oat, arid ie thrt,ent till./ even - int; without To-morrow ILVIAling will ..it :the (Aft', .11 it social re-union of the friellkl of the lair will lot hold. On tout evMing it will be neeebeury to hell earn./ el 1111001011 11.111. Lll.. :,1111114Ler, The iirweatfliihnbeion with tbpier, %Tillie two . . MA, ONIC it A1.1...—n16 }MI:C.II2e /101.13eS WllOl the great iv', ar , lamttnagiciatt, Prot, MatattliAtat , draws aimilo evittame of it., ability to p lease : oi me fascinate the Poo ; plc with his onder ul weal In It ger tie mom. Thera are 11 1110 better traveling than 3lacallister, and all should relotee in the plintrure of teeing him perform lets great teals of 10 au! IC., (Me hunt/1.44 pros eats are given away e oh night. • 'flip+ ev'erong wi th.l meut,tL~i~U4 uhf tit ell 1.5 iand .11....rance beton! It T TII en, popular pito, un champion and ver ti ill lit ninke their fl EIM=ZIMI LEIWZOZIa= L M==2l El==a I=9 ME= Mimetic+ A *edit! ruccti Councils wits 110.1 o or tho 311igelle,ter unday ',NI:1110g. tie /11/111.3ed E•lat ton 11.3 /LP/ i =I 111=1=1 hection 2. ',Taut all ru .1 ntoi nursonto pro p url) . of every rnktUre: I:11e1 mil tato; am: duo, ttrgether with all nlOlO,, 4, or o, 1040.1110, of her u .00 tool po—, or.l by .411 leorOUgh, or held 10 1:r not. or by rs :ulorye+utri.et..orinn line. 1 , 1 u., pettalri logtoaro:,hr•lol:Ohtg to talit borough lire :o.rely' trion,rtrtvl gran,! ohol uo.lu the city 01 .11:,,theny:.:Oo1 1111 ihr 11:01111,e , lu ootgo.lnel, ut Oat.: borou.fo hcrohy pn e 1 upon and .10..1 kollty totid city tyAlloghehy, anti in. 1171 1 ., eitlltt^6 11111 •. 01:1111.•. 4111111 IK, void. .11,, ChurVottl utitl perlorzzicol witoo111 , 1Onlont:On Or nhatetnent tr.) the -1111111, Ur. 1:94s tn n •lu toe fultit,ittg , t::tt•mnnt or the Itottto4ll,ll:tattett,t 11.rm•15 0 . 11 0 1,1 " •• Jlllya lit. 31, -;••• •• " ••,7,:•0 .1 1 , 71 •• •• )••,•in) Vi .01 , 11...1,1,1,'11 .31 are pull IJA!arc, tvimn Amount tax unuAluet.l I:nWaco ' • ..... -•• • A. citzen!' meeting U, organized fkijUllinilltliL of Connell, InttrPstinz l'oblirntion.—Thi• 71, JON lontaltl4 .114.0 01 Ti, u, It erbfilmr 'rev, II 1, 111,11 11, •,,.. Jtal(l ittlltteigt, "'"'""'"".11 t""' itttilkt it , IltteniV tut; . mr.,the 1 lumi oi the th, idled frrenc,on ti btli. to r , 10 ,1 .!! ,uy you , I It, thu 01 .1,4 - qAB L 1 SJieb - ---_ • ry 1 - • ,m''"" gA 4 487' 4'll ill-1 : • • - - - ----- `-,-, VOLUME -13 i i n : 0 i 1 ,‘ , , t , , , z , r,1:r •, , , ,. .1 .. „ ::4, , , ,, it z. , 4 4 ,,, , , L r :, , , , u .. 1 , t ,,, , ,, ! : 0„,• , 0 , ,.. •I i I 7 lo ~ ,-' . ,__ EDIT I ..`"...e''.'',2. l '.'„ . '".' L"',' H l'i"r„T`"l,';''T'„'' , :„`',',` fii, I r. . th. th e unien.liniit did 'not gn lia antra , 1 in sategulinis. lie iirentrrell the litilitni, ; bill I. it came (rim tlio Meucc i will Anis Inc - Tiling to take the rnsponnilialLy of Insist , ONE O ' CLOCK. A. M. • l w ug on the senate iturnilmen I. as it Might ilelent the bill. , - . . Mr. IloWARI) rrgrettrd tlint Mr. l'•• - Inn hail not mated lils objection to th.• EARLY TELEGRAMS on willing to trust Illy Important. eubjecttai 101111Ilittee el Con leenee. Soffit 'nem ore ought to be hyttly•l by the two - - FROM EUROPE. , °putt ye,slon. There eoeuld lie 110 corn , proulleingolo .1..11 as the best I hien are ianuetlineti liable to engage, In, lit Committee Cl Coutereuee. , Mr. N DEN :hod as 10 tile Withhold* I fog 111, o b j ect lon to the Blaine amendment, The Eevolt in Ireland at an LW. it UtDier,titnillu t i. that there • • 1,1, no •leliiith Oil tlllt • Mehl. True. he hail expiei.seil I the -finale MID SEIEIII TOIYAIM rnisonEs. 2,e,tTi" l "^'"'"" t" 1 ,„,,, i.,„ cal, and 00111.1 11111 , 1 : 0Vell .1,11 111 i...01/1/11it• tee of Conlyronee. 'Fhb ,nil cal . tans a iliarighn„tt. with John .Bright on the Minister ial aato,S Michigan illoa ere bitterly Plan tetorm. the Plaine ainytelnient when ilr,t -- ' tlneed. M r. ill.M Altl/ ~,ht-It 1t.:14 not Into he • the Illattle a n tentlinent,.na I:\ I'hESS FIMI LoNIIoN TO PEKIN. 1 ‘ll' . X.l:.' l ' l l'O'•O'''''' ~.are o rnte•l In the nliertnau lo:. . Ile vot,e4l lot. IL's% hlte Mr, Fe,enelen nu, 7 -- • , q uholi'_n•leep In hlg t lotl it ltt g e, l e.Liretl off, TOO tee The IN IIZE“.• DES °so:silted that he 11,1 armed s% hell the V. 1161 wita taken; that he Pentane in Kerry comity. Mat's disappeared. i t t it None have been captnred. Thu peasantry dre Within , to glee Intelligence, but object utast not leetute Win for being net .01 the „ at-re:ding way, 1.1.1 elorif v nitioodr ror staying here. t Mr. HOWARD • replied that he had not There tire three ships of war in been ea Amor the Senator's river. Earl Derby ollicially annonnee, that remained In his beat latrine, he was well i ale u,,,,„u It „„d peasants and venal . tar the shessin 0. 'rids wit, the den 'Una Government will tee” pets- "‘ ;t e r ' . l VX this fie , graV„ a und one, instil'• dint, nean' , afY• "tnyefell'• ter to leave the-. ftage Cl the ,r5,,10n tO L „ r 4, s,,retary tor Ireland, says nn f Coin:nine, id Conference. Ile dal not like node teeing; Is apprehended. There were pre..l`. while that 'debate went on, only 01.2 1 ,, 1ndr , . 1 amt Meal; nitgaged to and nett there • ere principles it obje _ the late t. volt. . ; llonaltie to him. yet he wootn not es press ' las oppteation to tt. Ile (Feasentletit ought The coteetaiment to still sentllng troops to to have ~,,,t , , , his 0 ,, 1e ,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, pr ,,,,,,,, Ireland. . j it:remedy. Ile Ohl t not like tn. stay of do. ;;ette u1,44::17 on rite ULM, VLAN or or- , illo lotstnet. in the :senate. l i e did not like ; to see nien toll to tualot then - oppostlent to • ' , I '",''''''' r.b , u , rY V " .—E '''' .i ” , ' — ' °"n, [ n bill apparent. .Mr. FE,riEN lir 7; .r.,,,pe lieil to Mr. ;Vial, liTi.l.ll. tiIUOMICei, In atrong terms, the [ Mr.IIIIOWN opin,ted a CiiMernee , Com' i[lan i. rei'rm proposoil by the Derby Doe- [ mate, The soy , . tiiii. a a, to. , grave in haym erninent. and erg, the continnini .ache.: t' 3l.l ' ..i% ' % l ll ' n ' .l ' iliii l s a a t iii ' . i 2 . 2 .i t i, wattial month rir. Dee el th , ilieisibie by the iee ,,, ii• , ter'monill, Div, more experienceiillegeiia -1JN1,.E..- TO TERI,. , tern nimbi bring terwaril Setiletiiiihi on • 011Airtiettorl biti. omm,lisaliliebiiee. ii , .‘ •DaihlY iieles:relie e n , , exDre" Ime on.b. ' el L i e t. re. !mei L t r y h . 1.111. 111, il I,lg n 0 Ai 111 , 4 to ...Iva, 1A I.ow open to TebDin, the pert el.: Jul . ..dim:mi protection. tilti provide li t „inn. in, China. ,The 11010 o,llPled 111 the [ rcenasireertiin allerwaril.. ..,...- - . • . _ • 'lt It.; en, i,..101, ca a mesnagn frotii . Conlon to i 'tr. ‘ri i•L"M` ""h'' '''"" " 1 ' "‘"" ''" , appoint n. COT 114•11.11121, l'olllllllß,l` - -• s ,'" . 0 ' • ",' C , .. 4 t to t5. , 1N ,,, .Y , I 31:.,11E1:.:11.‘ N 'novo', that ih.t . Settat , .. in ..T..1,14, 01.T.CrIOS. • ! ,iii til e ! , 1:, ant,,,dtutmt. . . I.lvintroel., February Mr. AIIIF hot ree,tr,ltho IL !tout rho Mout. , of the ..,trioe..4 the pas , sengett, of the steamer Bornisla, lib 'l'h,• I, h ' gether itl, the mails soil parcels', bate ulo , •nit ,toryof net estyoltsbteß !we, ...warded turn F.lltuoutit to South- j to e . ", umpton, where they will be put on brunt j b t u, the teutuer' Toutonbt, which leaye.i to. Ito Protetn Fate , betek Lob! ' , bee ot Intrrow for New Fork. • j erery rent, en., guthe en.," th f . en, Ot, Irderty. If wn ita.l not :e tlont , already. Ir I:I.ECTION,. was to repe,tl alte.olt; on the l'ronero - 0, Tohrnary ID.—Vlgoretis pro. Itt,tut,•book.llot semethlaj else bo. parato , a, are being SIIII4IO Lly tin parties tor j j t j j '' j j 1 ,!: j '"; • j j ' j ' t j tlte approaching' election for tt new Parll,. „ j „,.„. 1 „„.„, hetet, as. , Inuch excitement Is ,Illown lit t hot., as , it. 12.011,1,1tlenee throutthout the king,lotn. Ittwett t o , a Lonfe: Contoottoe. allude.! to I.!, I,,,rena WAIL IN s>01:1 . 1.1 I 1 . 111/11-::1 it w As true tb It tieutttol Mott :rd i.l , 1:0N, February In.—lty the arrlval of the tees st It. bea.l. the lb c.alent se ut t hl, nit ll steutner groin Ito hews has 1 or , ters Ite , ltto j t!tlY, when tte . reetered !ha the Brariltan acct had • l. j • ?„.!';', : j j j , " „ h j <r, nit "rjit„t'': bombarded Curnitatlt. The result Is not , ett the t.l a „,l ale.., The whole fleet subsequentlysnlle , l LT: j i j dr , t t , i l „ t- n t , ;il , o j , jr,, root'-. 1tt ,1 - tee rts'oe , • j rtrIIN Lit s..tr4t ' l wbat Mr.. ....... ...... Ft.bruary 11..—The M.Camer Trumbull sabl about the bt..etltivt... Too clty or Paris, from N to Tnlo, arrtre.l t lust wiemu.s, TLc stelm.l.l. Ili), 101 l esnlitlos.l ittl Mat - aria. from ilitlnburtt for New York, subs tlutt Mr. s soot . Psslay at namourh, Passellgers but that it .31.1 m.t .lls- Irauclalso the tr 151.1,. Tm. of I; cotostar. rEDEUNT,o, Hut sot demana 'Such illsframhismg....l., . TM sr...abl sets, to tt. ; rebr"arY hlll "0 Thls lt•Jt not ton of 11,.. 11,41,1, North South, hll under . thr C.mstitullnsl Amcrica bus been reset twit..., ParlM- IMMO, and v. b.. imt Um: erougld 11.. e , P.n.s lum:11 its u gentrsus th. I 0,111 .lemot.l Im .1.0111,11:1 1-11•11.1.. I rtnht to 41,1,010, 11/... • . WIIO 1111,111.1 tO /1.• , •:11. .1111.11 111/111. !s.ll 111.1111, FC I I/1.11 - ,. - SP. III / .,1 g.'• ja.tillett in t hare. tet Izlntx the epposttlott .trotnent :den, to innugurate --te'rles of utt.lite 1014 .11/./ unnatural. Melt to refortna In the atlntlnistratltm of the islaud er ita c t.„ urizneu 1,11(.11011F0 Ito the suls. m i. r X ‘ hTp i - - erx:.; Lu' tSt r er 'l - Irt . ettes . 1. ; ~.1"N thg in ,tltution of an mcomo tax of eight. per I held den, and toe people ad the e Nottli diet etei!.. to replave the ex:sting On Ivy taa. Vn not dentand their ,L1N1T1L1“..1.1....1111,1.. they rejected t no. rotations: 10 Fes co:Lin:el Industry. : bill, Con n tre, vothe u.r11,11. 1",111: g 1,1,11- 100112- with nent o votes Monet Out st 1.1 Fi,bl"llllty /1 1 —i:1,0111/g.—001. P F .ce" ""'""g"''• in ' ‘ r . e ' rafe7l " t "' . - L lt 'r teLltly, he 1.1-ILI,I would 11111110, old.linn uplands; It for mbldllnts New - toe 111:11flie Ii111,10(31. [ll/010 . 1. 1_1r1(1.11, oaloo 1,111.01,m10+. The Manchester t ,„ th „ leitnnrl: et g"""."'"' Turns ;Toil ' 4"11 take a etste „to! Acct le the :Me of the nlll. Inetelstufts nrtn. Corti et :us .or e ottle nu- ha , to 010 /Ina, 111, d VlO,lllll. 00,, 1 .1.1111.1.1.0 011.1 A111.21.1. ti L tie ‘0,11.11.........1ti 111. r 1, 1 10 . 1,1 i, eteteurt - ed in . bet orally Ilrin. Arnertetudlatrd unchattanx..l, at Mr. ~,wAN 01l :; per ILI Its. Itrotlitett—S tents of 'Furs " j thnt th,,,c/11t11..1/ . 11 0 1.141 4. 0 1,501. te s ed I-slat -x 1 3w Is quoted 01 t;:s It Ott In' , trot " t. " I r: n ce Ile , lehte•i P. ' tell tent the. President hail tatted to y the trot .1.-lit hf the reed - awn', tell fur - Lesonn. FtetruttrY 19—Eerning.—COnards I their pe„„.0.5,50 elostul tit le; X - a. - _ - tre, 74, Illinois Centrld,7s, 11 , 1„ 01 1 11 . 5 t,,,t Erie. :: 41 1. FelTruary I..—F:xent.txx.-1:. S. 111." 111 " Ilortel, Mt. Earning ash •li t.—The 0 11.111: -0,2t:it1 , •.1 Futalutry 19—E,:itny.—Axnerlentx the ree'panro• oI the l'xesb ,- nt to Lite teholto non of enquiry 0 nether ellnlinti, ut t the Ci vil Illnitts hill are klll2O 1,, still If • 01.1,111 /1110 /0011 (101, 10 /11,11 g 0111'01/ 1, 0 10 TIIIRTY-NINTII CONGRESS. v" 1 " frees on the renewal el the 1.1 - elptoe- ISEC ( OIn SESSION.) j Ity Treaty. llot h were ordered to be t tee. lOLA, I,Bsllo. The bill to 10,11 . .1. 1 11 and forever Pro.' tilt! I prothige .Stw Ifuxwo p 0,3011. I A hill pao - 0 ., 1 that ro4llh , , thlY rrlcE. 1,1 . 450/111 hapr ley tiot hightutit rank The CLEIIIi of the ilo O uie wonnunceil tho hob' lit the volt/flitter heryilT , mfTeethent of the to the report Of the i .1 bill wit+ pita... , giving' fini to conference Committee en the bill to re-o- who too” '' i Pot and wort! unto 1.10 . 00/ .vo. tote the tenure of ollitte. it now ttool i to tite The bill or Inerrom . /1 pop, for two Prorlibmt. from .110 v t, Arno,' 1: TO POUTVGAI... 1 /A" 1110 rituk of lifujor General; and 110, Coning lit (1,1 1:0 three Veal, Iron' 01111101 :qr. ',CMS Ell. offered n. reaolution toe „ i i nu till, ProlotO CO inform the Senate if ii., tbo uruip, [he i f hut !wen 'lily eorresponoirtieebutween he ifehitrtuihnt oltite and thu Momiter t whip ( or 1,3 Oullom of por+orot 1 111 . 1 ^ 1, If e.Odrilt. ot l'ortng4lewith reference to his (or clooptoollOrs; Ltko, l ed olliorto the Seitute if opotPor for 1 of Ministur receiv any compentuitioll ~J 1 „ffl,p, for hi, ~,wink the i on; 11. onto.lCr p 1,„1 tpb. COrlipenlali null If so, pron.,' Of pity 011,1Ootofrool.luly, out of 11 Pot. 111.1. Agrelol 1.11. 1 , 4, 1 tr,Pool 01 /...treTT or ctru Ott sTO.ANf VZ91,11.9. I 711 The for ;Nu .1111nooln0utit of the Tile Mil wmontintorY to the net toitroVidtttott. for Lim miifoty ot the 110e4 of p it.rentforil .o.lol prtvnlr i„ - I steani voiisebt, stnil to regulate . 1.110 ! ' .o.10:1 0 ,. or otrulabOilt. inHputiturii, 1.10.1 'fur . other purposii4, war rooted. . WrtSICIN,FON, lon - nary 19, SENATE. neeTOlico TO MITT. The bill to rastore Llesitonnat Cornronntl er 1.. Breese, of the navy, to the nett,: list i Haa,a mat at 11 o,ooaa. wad Tun neeiMATIrreTION BILL. VOon eon Seel M . The Clerk of the boo se nilllollllClid the net 111 r. BANNS tusked letive to Introduce n !ton Of the !louse 011 the bill to Provide for Joint resolatiou s coiling the assisprintera the more e Meant. government at the loser- „ a „ ire , is,tionary stistai. and clothing to Charleston, Stivannull and • Br. 0Y•11.7.1 !enrol thut the Senate Ins until mist on lis 1101011 , 1menns to the' Iteconetruct I 01 the •, • "g"""t i"" C"r"!--"c" • co rn . I Mr. Ist...ALI/INS: l oldected lit present, us It ttee called for be the !louse. , night occasion sitb.ste. 'tope ts lengthy debate ensued. 31r. CON- - lIL3o Itiought. this it too lutportrint 11111 to I • 0110 1501•00,Tum'ines lush. .1 t Led to-n. Conference Committee. The dlf- I The IlnuSe then proceeded he consider the feri'nee between the two. 110 uses its it riot for the,more a lllcleut stovers... ll, of the tundull,lll3l one. lie should object to any rebel States, and by is vote 111 73 isgmast Itt COIN prom . .., I refused to concur lathe Sew sate I),n th e 31r. iVILLIA3IB favored Conference j - -the De ho 1110,1 tic soling In the neg. Conanith,e. If the reoort Was not sotitsfacs alive. The vote %MA no follows, to: y • It istahl le, voted Moen. sUMNEIr. wivocul,si cornmitus: us I de'rn'o"ll—, litNnet'vYn''lmA.itlin"kle;‘,Tl'lll:ll;lll-, the tmly nu; of 1/o . ollll,lilmig the desired I inirger,itidwell. Bingham, result. llnnlne, View, nueklmsol, Bundy, Chtrk, Mr. I'o3lElts sY did not think 11 piss li,letu 1 Cooke, crime, I i.trllng, - Des: sto oceeptabh, bill 111 Llilg stage of the itein„o, pentiog . 1,x40e 113,1 e e'sslon, with or witholit is Conference Cou, I ton, inritsworth. rerrytttrtswohl,ll,irt, Bill, mlttee. I Hooper, illibbo 41, (treat Va.,l 11111,1,0,1 10,J Mr. n111:1:31 3IN orneld, molerOrtillittry Ililinurt. I:aes , ill, Ketchum, ldifilm I,i,v -nimionee,, toll tor It 0111111111,[1,1; 11l Con- I r t .oee, (Mi t , Ignw reheat...) ho n g> . 1"......1.0t it WOO kunwl, tint tin . 1 1 1 1 .1- Aloviiiird, 31e111,100, Medico Meitner, 1100 10 ilea ,01..11, nann,10,,,,,t, in till, csr Miller, 3loorhael, Nlorrls, "rtn, Patterion, was not loin reconelled without surrender- fleets, Potooroy, Prom, Itmouloodt Weis 111$ the prmetples upon which the bill was ittem (51:tined Itulllll r,Rosso., frothed. llopo-ILIOn to the bill tuned, from I.ehs:oek, 11.111,02.. 11110011, ('felt.,) Ow,, entreats vlewm in the lloose; one us- Tnoyer, Froacis 'thorn , .. T llOl - suiting the read Madan Nero now entitled' ; p „,„ tn. ~ ii,,, N. l'..)llMOMltree, to reple.entid 1011,1111)1 the ether betlevingnicer,(lowa) 11 trodl, the terlim Of the hill too flellb; hot see how is Conference Costitalttee could Arnett. Ashley, ol -/,.ttle llliv differ...s, tool thought It best uhio, Punks, taster, liadomn, li..rgon. Pout for the:Semite to Insist still further 011 1115 well, 11110, 11,a1ii1T,111 . I,ln/1 IVIII tll.lll 11- • 1 minima, owl give the 11 , 10,1 onoth.sr Cobb, 01T ,, t 10 ittit ve with - the 501111.1.0. Yon, Pentilsoit Donnelly, I Ironm, 1,111,011 d, 310. 11 1.13, PI:IL lin wished to say filet n„n, .11•1 the i're.l , ll.l to. take miv too ; ff,„.f,„,.101 11,,, of the lay, 0.114,w1 , 11, tti 111:1001. thdi ; f 11 lgby 1.111. Ile OM nut 11,i1,11 ere Wes 'My rem,- , is . ).. 011 11l the President wall. 1 lillll/1 1111 1 1 1 01' 1 , 1 11111 if 1111 101 , 1 allowed him to Ito ee. h.,. lly lie di•Ored tide to ffo 10 the 001111- La 0.... In I IT .1/I , i 1.111. f fun ly end eotrarely met, Ile I Mond. 13.n.witei.. I . ~,, 31mr.11,1.1 1 • ,thiedil 11,0 t, ligroo C011111111.(1,0 of Celan , 10011 yors, " A mos, id the Committee, 011 111 1 1 siblack, tehol.me, of the nem , . 01 h"" I. I 1 1 110111 s., Pike, itaillorlllhoollill, Pm.) 111111.1 , the hope tad. unytaing like the Sienutels Ross, smw. t et, satioine • oroim, , ltan would ls: the !exult 01 tii. C ‘ m ' I shelialtargmr, mtgremves, :Pom, ti , sto I vet.. Stokes, Tishor, Taylor, 'I Y., Thorn 31r. Pt 11,3 I:1111Y repeated Ills belief thatthe Trimble, Trowbridge, ult nernma mftsr 0.11,1 not lierome thls sonslon, I lion, 31a, Worst, (Yard, IN. Y either through it CO:defence Committee Or wo,reeT, 1 Veil worth, tY Mum., 1V,11:1111] ether 111 VI ., j r P.,) .11(1115111111 “0 , 1 r -"G. I 0 1,1111.1.4 ~,, mamenho 10111 t, 111 , .111 W 141,0 01 111 011 , 1, 111 1 1.1,11011 1,11 oolum sues, m s to,. • - est, n. 0101211ESIBROM MEM E=E PITTSBURGH. AVENDESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1567 nu In thu ,Cll3te ycmtcrilay. It wa , 3 agreot by.l 13 af.talu,t 10-1 elriel party vote. ~•I. I tOI. I EIATION The Indian tipproprint ton bill wltm crud and purred. The SP E Ali EI: preqentea message from the l'reAdent, transmitting . the report trom the Secretory et ,ts to the :Ames r. 1111 1 ,1 tile I;onAtantlo' nl I :r , • 1 eport furral4ll,ll, 111,111,.. a.,11111 VIZ: 111.1L1,11,, / "ti Ia w Vorr.. ti ! etegraphiii dispatch from tkumtor am. h. 1 antiountianiztho cleat It Id S3llllll'l Downing . , the 17,i Nurrlvlng . ittithlter of tho revolt:tit miiryar, red ert Mt', tit EtliiiburPt Sarato,iii county.announcement was catered on t he jourimi of + t ho • TIM MILITIA, 1111.1., T. Ilou. co.t.lt!rett the bill to provide for ma:no:Alen bro., and equipping the odlitio, welch Mr. HAI:DING explained. Mr. Hos, expro,ed the hope that It would go Met' tO lii iT.l.lOrl. Mr. I . 1, who had the bill lo charge, deemoed to adnot the solitte,d too, Mr. ELI/MIDGE tneved.to table it —nega uv,al is eaelost ILL The 101 l went over till to-morn/W. cexatts,oosiar. r1:13,11:. The ~ . enatittlllloll, l l.llltn tlt Llei Bowe! bill for lie vil,Cl.loll. Of Cougret.sloteil printer, leuebling leer his ebictlim be byllle See ate, iii,..einieurre,i stv nennonnt,n, Tta• po A .t. n route !Olt ,nsya ank/ tLa ItOnee went. IMO eon - m.llllr, of 1110 Whole , et tile :truly approVrUll lon MIL antountlna to 42.1,1:r.),rvir, 2-vetion of nlltelt prOvittn. 1 II:rt. the Gencral in Liner have las hr.t. , lnthtrter UL-Itlngton and net Int lo .ittry el-ee hero, it Ithout Ole tip prova! or the ,oente; neat only, glOOO to the ['Mil t 6 con , ,i,leredm trlir.lenl4 , lll. ta . !II 0111! . .., 101.1 ally Oltievr Who nll3ll trot,- nail or one. -. L .!, Itable to Impri-- o,nnent for w- th,ol wo nor 11/.1, than )ear, 'l"ht4 procose , l oppe , ltion Dom . th.. Deno,: Without, any cOncle• rtnn on It, the 1100.-etc,n, an,'ii , iitiretary of the oat,' ,lolivertal j a inet•sagi , ntrittng that the 1,11:110 in-14;.•,1 on Itr atuaillineat; to tilt , Military Go, era 010111 1,111 • Inof lot; or Mr. 0•N LI L, thr l'o,ttOrt,trr o:wr '0 al 04 dlrt•rta.i to report trlrrt rt... 1- ..tu.onont compromttiort for wall nervlro Et If Allrotol. 13 itert, , ory to equollau woof Eoriy compeo,ttion. 4 1.11,• Mr. DENIINI., I :tave o.o. to rtpOrt from the 3101 . .. try 1:0"11111,,, autliorlre Ihe con4t,tivtlor. ol t 1.1141, nv , er the 3110,0nrl Int cr, 1,1 Fort 1.-avenwortt, Tit rl'7.. Is IA itt.'.la report from ".1•Cle , ;(1 . N . It: ti p .' til . 11:1, Ltko • r C.A.; Or :!.• It lth hroneto . , !,..0f,11 , 1 to th ,, 1.t.n1- 111.1l•e 011 'Way, :Mkt 311,11 A. .Ir. 1.1.1. N. f root t lot 4,tonalttt:tt rut.. . .. o tt..l .1 I.lit outontlttlory ol I to, c.t. to in, Ful 11.01 , 1 10 11./Itio• :0 Ala I.oulll.taa, rk..”Li.- to ItnLl 1..,t101 r 1 ..1 M. IP)11 . 1.:1:, :,,.• 11111 to 2, the pAy...... enat ' , sat t.ocEi 1.1" M it the ron.nee Zo yr a t,•I ~ twn I t •••••„vr 101 , 1 .1 tu!crrtl , l :111 oluulittce Air 1.1 IL It, 1.1141:1 i %Fsll:.e..lU , I OH 11,14,1,1 ii.1.1:14; and ltarravy woul , l nu Mt 3 . . _ Mr. I.N NUII "no country will 11.17 M. • t\ I . Itr.-1 of .11r. 11. rfp.r 11. t untn...t to, 41, Mr.., 1,1111 , 1 Y ti, t ' tt t.: th.• 1101,, II It•rorting 1.10. tvtit, tne Tn.,•,t -7.1. la the cur ta, ewtu 1.11 , 11 tbu eimnitt.r., !lAA twrn khr,.xazitr. 2.“41, s ..wevnitel artlmr oltiertlon 'WWI uloole awl VIS! 11.1.“ 14a , ,1161,/,`,1011 NiIIIIPLII nI Orti. A •.s1 rcco,P., I:At tts . Mr. 11.1 N Is , 1ntr.:.1 , 1. - 4 , 1 uiy r,olation !Mt. io.""r r.:, ill . . wool . ( ommlt It, of t.ttt Mirnlrrl.ol,t . r Wta t, ratt6tr,tl t.t tun. i.t.,1:1-I.it . f L.( Om TIo• fort,, ‘l,il - 1.:7,:ze I It IWO al!. .” . 11 , ,t, 1.1, 4 pa I,i ll.t. . . io• ti.rtnv r‘prta.littav of to.it . the ioroiffittee r nil 1.1,1, N 4, ir,s , age from tht• t 11.1 It. 111 r•lro./ lb., at...haunt to the tullitury )11. 1:1..\1N no.,1•1 thn tec,ac ... .. Mr, 5%11. , 05,1,r loon, :1101,1 1.0 1 . 0,11,1( 515' W/11l Ili! 10111, , plorL-n, • . • .. • ided, i tnoporso, :rout ,2101, /0lir:: t,:•.1 ut th.: I:,101turlon I 1..0:0 0;01 1.14:01:: 1.0 Mtn, ac• 11.1,110,r 0: lie 111 1,0131:U0111 lor .oty 1‘..1,111/1.0,01: for Duaul,r6 m-11 ' . • 1:11._11:01 tioo•mt the previomi 1111. Mr.1.1.1 , 1(11 , 1.1. moved to LIM° the 1411 ejo..l,4•l—.,,,.'o,noyeluo—,:ertme no) , Irvginntrig of tho large nu ,abet of klllittr,ry motions were /Alio awl sever.rl nr.itf3i tate!, .1111:10 that t hi ~,)faro, 11, the ttuaer.tnn.ling tlia tulcen i.r-ulorrow aft,r Oro ri,.lln, f Ih., j.ttrnal. mr, )111o1:11E. rtNeete.l. Air. ed ton. I/0110U t-irrl4,l. FROM SAN FRANCISCO. A liar of Gold nlned at tV2oo,ooo—Tlin Clliill%ll LOOM— A A.l America. Admiral 114. c m -tiled by rin Order of Nobility. 11.111 /11.1, 1,11 ebrtury 1,-leglaaal:4) . o Acannel tatrraal a lair ol Roll Aal urd at ay., /a , . that./07011 et-tlar.t. A alparal,ow . c.otill l ; etata 11011 a lio,rn. meat. loan of tot. Tallitona and a - Atuart, of dat lull 101 l recoil fly Mau mad° Iu linglftml 0011. I:•air Admiral Tha , oller, Cutlet Il!atua NaA y, 1.11 1 111/1 Lill 1:1/111, (1i 1111 1103 . 11.1 0011 y, hat duce , at.al :AL • w Crass of !hanlvr astaa linaa ll •hatuha for ena11. , 91,4 a t.l 101/111. aboard their coo.. 1/...11111 L. 11113.1. IJXIII *SI ~ISM MKflltrW flateloy Cro offering :i bribe to ::. Too:!oo. tlo: New .ler,t4y ,Legtmlat.Utc, of ,:olteuce:l to 1 , 3 Y o gnu of mot go:lts. They hove 6:ry otnittdor loco, In St, .Icirey. Thu rt•Iliall 1 1 ,4 11. 0. 1.1.•111.at uw Ewa. nue, Tin ivadets ti Incl. lii faith 114 .1 v.,r..11...111. 1 5.cr.r r, I k.tr....t.,1t0-iton. containing lot IS ‘lollatii worth of ticstroyc. l iky )ccict . .lay . toot !ling, Part of tl , : cotton,o.vcd to good condition. A t00...0w, on the ' , auto t t 31t3314.3 hat, who reached .1.110.100 City, haroom., Wo,I notway ult:ht lor,t, Mates (lust, u. ho 331 . 131133 L 1,0113411 fort /30313.:33, 1 / 1 13 3 . olll3lllMllnit 0111- 31•3 . tot Whit him oh, ot Mon.' ww -, t;rn.t daoitor from liollans. 110 hays they were to badly nearod at Fort. Ihhltco that tkoo - o digging 41:1.chom, throw mg op e.urthworism, • 11.1/0//bllO./ ittt usury on end utter the Ilt,t of July, 1,.7. Tlon sayio a woo vow pu,d of 111 , tenuity, of tlwoutrell l s geld , rotiao, brook, 011110 r. Coorrle , , lawny. tot l'arlisylile. of l 51,1,1,1 awl hong Corrlo. The unitou tittotes Circuit Count La Lynn ville, (1115 twoloollted In. C. SW. Farrel, In olleloal for the Inn/ der of !furrow awl Raker, The ficruid's kletrotnoron . topeclal sayo: A wovool light gm:coo - iiot Yu Ihu ZAII or .1 imunrY. oil tho: bar of San Wroweloco, between tint idlood al ll.l / 11111111111.1 Nf l llllll roux. The fowler Win! ,le feat.% awl loot ell their ves oelo, ousol Ulu commander and tweets:nix 111011 wooro: to prodmorm. The imperial lA. tool ocown vtioacia, eleven guna, 0111111111 LOW:late load four ver,ools, goon not /dated. (aim froloolocu down ill thy Atop nee gull port, north-wool ol TatutolooLl The apieleoltlon for to now trial In the/tau of isentoudy, the youvicLuoi Fenian, lowbrow r , ,1.0,,,1 toy the Cionloollom Courts. It web oad, Int the, grow.) of 01 101: 011 !orotundity " I "'llioll‘lloolell rho tarot.. • Al, Court, in Now '1 nrk city, Inrl cl.l• •I that it Inn. th.. 1.1,01., 4,11.91,1 mon Irmo ho army (111 1 . 11, 1,1 1110/1•114 C 0,1114 ;1111i1,, 'ilea or • j T HMO 01110\. FOUR O'CLOCK, _ A. M. rERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHINGTON. THE MILITARY RECIONSTRUC - TION BILL, The Differences Between•the Senate and House 17nseffled. THE PASSAGE OF THE SENATE BILL DOUBTFUL. The Disposition of Surratt HE IS HANDED OVER TO THE CIVIL AUTHORITIES FOR TP.RL. 'tenor: On Violation, of lin Grit nights taw. THE 31ISSIoN = Mote ;net 1.1113 inorning at elovvti olock. Tlte. rote on .otroott, 1.1, ote an0.n.1. - nt to Lit.' -tover, il:t:try re,olte.l 1,. fel :1•`lr in copcui. nr .toy's';. memo, or , t.o t.:,- t.ut,l.- ea. Itil the De:my:l - Al,', 4,r r,.. vote, my.l thu north, ,tat !nth .71, hhor• rm•ervittly.. ;.21.1t• 1111.3 iloll,e theta. Itgr,ll Willa, ut 1:0711tal.1111,q," 14111.% aker rnl LIA.Ch couttrAttc.4, ,tuveu, ,belinhur,r.or and IttnlTY.• ••;;;on alter thr ut , etlPg' h 3 th• , h'' r.:(thLl of the II;m:9 to e0:1,11 . 1!.., 14 , ;:L9;eo‘luthItt , , hthlthe appoluttnun , Cuhanit tee of f; OrtigOileo, auttoonr , ;: whu — kai ut 114,1,1 . ilk.,Cottlllln hart tee oil the arria' was OMPUNI t•l' ,liurhuto, Von , r• , y, ; a II v.v• = t. , :11111 it tf. t I, I • al ',Hart ll, on..ibamatter,h 1 , ,,,at , :eu ! : Cobanltto., a- be t,liuTed It ,mahl i• a: In further natien,hatuts iat,ndlhg proteetlin, at the 14.41 the ,vnatt• ennurc4l. Mr. aumuta hi.. favored a I,oututittee, but the :-.4aaatt , 1b...1 to appoint onu, tral malt ‘,l to It: va ft+ aumullmellt:r i aka the yr.:ming seNS •hr the th , , , ,111t lilaltto more! that the lit r,ta.•l , . tow rett,cl to:; the t,trt , , tt at n.l collv.tr Ntutt , ltnent, to ten. Mr. NV •'5 11.4 C0111,,111,,, !,, actloa (.1.1:4 a r. 1.111, trlut •Ilug oMeo t.,y the lr..uil 5)..; tp.l Amen‘lmerat to I •11 a. member ta ttkr co:lrv/awl, c:orti cvownlutlon for any of r,. , , 1 r riAbt rizAtc , r:Yoet., T1It! LPtotiocrAt+ tool. aIAMI t1.1,..0, tol IliVea,ter, to ,tavo :o Ito•uc i.lcvurt o'cloci.. o: I.os a. • ntro , d to it.liOttrn, 4toi j4,,:v0 to t,..• !101,0,0a ol t. T. 114 :it. II", = rut In ft ,;ft, Th. Prt,P,,,i of an:. I.3:1 tn—.ltrilt In (It., 10 pri, - .na it, it (Vn:11'1 51r. WrorlJ3o , l vUt , LI cor.our. 'n• to Mnen•llatna, und W1:1:31:. :1,1111 The 1t1e,..4ge Of the the-sliod, in al, o the senate ro/odut no of liv,ulry, ra , .... LLI.10:14 fa the Civil algid, Lie , I stet, 11.. the resinutiou Of ludilif t' w ii , frfi , - , - 1 heals of depart/nod-. and ascertained iii e Illtee eet... ot . In the iq1.e1e , ..,..t .PI I non \ Navy, Interior, lost /till e, Tiiaury Slate I //par/me/it, The . indetat yof War say, say, no in./11,0 boa been eportail of 1 1 0, lent or re flooil of military - ployes to enforce lie art. folios Mg eases of /alleged act. Void. The case of lir. iiiithiler of a negto in tit/ o iritliiia, ii - lin, after 111.. civil tribunal, was put ,II Milliary Coin Misr bin, which Ipella in..Selettil elltlte. grooad of want of Jurisdiction uthlet tloadialsion of the sispretite a our/; Peteeteh the .14.40 of William VI/leiter, a liv , Siii iil color, seolenced to the chain: gaol In i o . "/"- gni, as avagabond, which e iii a reterthd to'. the Att tAelley titnet:lt and , now /miler Ills charge, lanr.l, 1110 ellret of tier:ale., ill ; Totten, whore protection el colereil 0.011 from alleged illegal acts, unilerialler of Ili , etril authen 'ties, was affintliol by the as., si.tant Commissionora of tile F I 1,ek1111.14' A lb/roan, mini Lis -action approved by the Wur Department- The secretor!. cone) l a ir, Ills statement by military emninantler , re ports of crimes and °lichees einillnittl , l against freedmen:and others, In thelr res pective commends, %bleb have been unailn to the Department, and referred to till, At torney General for Ills opinion Oa ilia MI . propthatit remedy. The secretary say... "Whether they are, Or:any-of :hem, entoni• tutu violations Of the idyll rights bill, I am unable to say." ttptr t I L 1,11 cif t.. it.. 11. I t 1110 el 11111 I. 3 cargo I, Li xlll 1s Gin• The report of E. 11. Derby On 1110 practlca.. blittv of catablishlng reelproolty 'relation, with the British Province . , unit on the Ih.b- UTICS. W/12. vent to Congress lmnighl. Ile ettiteS that the ClllllOllOl4 pay 0 UAW., bounty of four ,toilers per Loh at tho Very tooniont we .110Ciintliolo our lautztty. 31r_ • rerby believes that the tostv teens are nobly to negotiate a new treaty on equitable torsos. lie Proposes ae tht, lIInIV for an arrangement, vehedules covering the elite( productions or c.lO country, vie: Provincial tree I ell e i t states Ins . I lA, and a dutiable list, t . overing farm annuals, burley, peat, beans, rye, Intel:wheat, pota toes, fish, mineral, lumber, ...Iles, Mich-, glove ,h,saware, leather, Machinery and aura, The iswatara Is :4111 ell the Navy llirii, with Sorrell. 00 board. 5u 5ii, a ,,,,, a ,,. a .,.„, with the shorn Is allow .12, excepting I. parties Inielng authority [OM the Navy lie t partnient. The Cabinet onshiered to-lay tile toe:Alen as Lo the pr per plan for the anfo-lieeplng of the pr saner, 01,,1 other subJecla in that eennect on. A cull ei 14- reardy prepared In the It II for i•umitt's r reptlon, to which Inc pro ,:Illy win ,01/11 he trlLlNfrrred under the en tody of the Uniied States Idarshst. A bunch warrant WI. =9 • .I uduo rkbor, of the C:1.1111111 Court, one • I Initialing thu U rated Ntat Mu: bltal to brim: John 11. Sanaa. bolero Id Court Indeed atoll. Thin afternoon, sill,, inter 1101.1 k by 111 , 1 NaVy liopitrtnlent , of Ito readliteAu to , tes liter Surratt to Slat elvl natio/rifler., ALL, nllat tioodlng prOCtUded 0 tilt Navy 111(11, Nihon., the warrant WIM Alabltta lo wt foul Sofia returned. waft the. ililsnner, whom lII,' parallel porrart to aliggia.Ve; WlllOllO, 101011. 110 were when car emted, lit Egypt, and handcuffed. flaying wets placed In a hack with an armed {taut , .111 allyell j to the jail nod id d oen in the al1.011)" 0f artlen, ho bo- lately Idled nir three In en ehel relh, one on ea ell 1100r r uldell a, u 54,4 I." C0,,11,11/e,llt 1111,11011,4 and U,.. pra, eldlreeters. Ito wit pp,e,i i n one o f elth., Irma •••• Idol: there po- , dhl, phance.of No one alloo ed ,en hdn oNverllng bra • ,, 11/1-.ltl 1111.1 Olitee, 1 the priion. The iirieonor 1 , 0,...,1 rely dollh , John 11. ,1,0111. .1 . ! 1 ,. th, Th.. League. 1,1..1 I),pot Lll i. Tli.: 1,111 forth., 1.3vt0. - 111 Pri, Inuut•y co:1 ,, of Farragto , , 211,1 Itay. T:o. 1,1.11:,101.1 rlt•Vc:11. SI1111gi:11:1 ttpl.lllt'idtioll hi:). A 1111 . 1.1 , 1 ern rrzon:.r. tttVltl.l lull 11.!tiri .. . ,, 1 to till, tttilliHerod Ihe l'ulted Statue ot OF- Itunbt:l at prot,t agutr.6t the :lucre.: 01 the Prue:flu:lt of COlOlOl :la, to re lat act to tho trot of that /40Vel El -1110•IL 0.00: prizre captured alut ta :tuck m ill Itspot tsbyrru . .-.0 , :f th.:4111L01 republic , . ol :0 tt,with spa:11; duel:thing 10• ri - eu 10 contraccution of the law 01 nut plvitur 110LiCit thltt, tub 1.1 101it:01 Stab:- be rapt:thud, to u pro vett:loN- it will 10:10:1:1. null utt.lvitbl a;tolurt lit Unit,: Stiao:.. Co1011,•1 •pt Ar , lttaiit L.I the I . tut,uict , . I:art ILIn for Fierlita, re t-.,1111 ar riv:ng l'i•I'll.ilill111111 4 ;tor gilt, /411 , 111. 0 it.. VII: , 11F, ,11/1. 111.,.r.,,ury it tirothtreolllutlll , l:l.:iVi , 14 1.1, nth nt to.l ortlermg I.lio to 1,. drupt it lit 1 4 1.. k. tl:Ly of tlio c. 1., 1:0 rho Mort 11 itAnk, m,, In, l:,en A - A.111...1 in tl. ;...11y Sidi rrtt tt.olkoago re:t,,0.1 on 1,11 I y N I,ttl ILt...1 - 11.; of :1,1 :oti it ,ry:ce. WI I ;1,0 I , i !Ili ,111 (_arty t.,11,4.11 =I EME 111Z(1.10 11 01 it nt !...1:,.1.t 1!, 4-- I 1•1:1, 11,1 4:C1113110s MEE r.ty o! A :avg.: uEntlu.l . ! 11 11=11 . 0: 00 ::.(..411:1 boat),) ME •I\ll ;41;titiCIN 111 I'.L.' ./ 'l'r+tint Ilto 1 . 4.11 re Trlegrttpil ,1:‘,11,•1• .1: rpt-c otlitztitttt U:c t t. 1•31-.1, rall.L.*ll) 111,1011 e... .Llty u 1 , 1 :lt hit :., t-urt Chit 1.1- .• ti.t.y PPP , P l . P.P1:11 1 PPP OP 11.114 ' , rl , lt• f.tri:••,l by 1:.• •• o.f 4.1.1111. 11111, r 1,011.1 th‘t t om 111 .I%ve.rt 1.'1113%11V SilTt./1,. Atilolll4 :r , rz.•, , , y, C.P.PIII !Pt' , . for box 11 , . a remni , r.Lr: I,‘ tht , v. 1 ::1 . . t ct, ~,rat, 1 , ,,t a.4 Sells ~, .Inuch ob-ervettl"rp.. rn• !i, , r1,11:1* MCL110,11 0, ,1,1,1 ttl , l r\'l,"•4ln 111.1Af = lo,t , rtlar nulg ~Myer 1,1,:t It h.. ..m.i•• Ulla caly . 1%,! c•%., t 011,1 are elturgva t.eeteett a di., rderly hhtv.e. le,fore e,:tt or Mel 11-het, :hot whowl, he lehl lea-On e, v.ere wl , ottr.l time •1 tem tett Intl Avettolur,;ly Veit officer ve•tte.l the 1,1,t1 11..1, int: :It the .)Itteong theltt tt wht, newt peolt, here.llll dt.tehvere•l the pante+ h tient he somtl.l. - tempting h• art., thten, Nwhollt , ravel, ler, the Ilrettem Inlet ret flouri,hilig a kolfe,•todllthetteolny:the o ttlere 0 it h 4eath tulle., he lett t heal, Ottleer Itol•ler repairett le the elllce et Alder matt Ittnethtio where he nettle tnfortiet - 1 lon athilw-, tile llrt man etferletr NMlrgp tt,t rut tuhrh puttee teller lit the .il,le or duty. cc 1 Itnt2 .11,1 e t wr tt.eltzelorm etthl wolne, The Ilrentan v.,. captured. but the h hewn heel left the boat. atel eine, ito , ter terthnt wlt flout then, StrueLier htt% eothuhttett to 3.t1l 10 anti e 1 . 1" It: I o,lt. I=l Our v., told, John 11ougla, 11 • IP of 11 ,0 INr-t I:efor000l I Urlll.fl Cllll,ll, thIS Cal . , reCilltlY Made. rt Cr thy ~.11•4ouviry annual .10. tlOll of tit „ bundled u fcw 11w:obi - is I.L. congregation. 1na,..1011 , 11 1, sevurend i,nllytn.Lree 114 1011.1-11111V1:. a.vtl at blur 1“,:lt11.1...; ol t y lit,t 11111.11 i rui a.n.l ,111 01111, par: o: ...ongri.gulitot ay. .m 4 romplltn..ntary. Ni, 11,1,11 I.d.orwitore. ....1.110n..1y for Ili° spir ituel welimr.• nu: 11111.1., 11.1 th 11. , 1.1 of ,ervy..4 is trot. only gratify loq tool 1”.4.11 1 , !Int t u t u Int, c:rcle of lr Wlli at,itt•titit,tck, unt-1,1.• of ht., cougrt.gu tlun. alig lttl Ity O I.lo);.—Nirm , 111.11 - 1:1 rIMIIOI . II y/41,114) . 111.11, Inftornutt ion I.eter, ' l ” , r': l 11 g T114 , 111:1S 0h,,, 1101/IMT 1,101, IL 1111 y 11: In;; 111 11:0• 1110g10•03 . . 1 , 1111 ,Lting a Icrocloa , .10g 01.00 10. r 111110 laa, ,10, (Ina liar ooy wn+ ILI, ,sny home 1 ront.ellorch on ,tnolay Inrnitiv, 11,1 young ,pronlo •'lll,,etr . I. , :vetnn,l, belonging, to AtIAOI 1.140er . ..111110 1 , 1,•011 , 1,i .1 , 1. Itnil 1110 anlElllllll 1,1.1) . ,:i11.111,, 11,4 111 Olt: 101,111:114,1t11.1 then I,ireralll-: 11111.'nz gat t rely. ,pronic II Its arrunted nun held for a In amt.,. Ila toltnam the "Ili,- , :it Ittly W,21 1.111,11V1110 1111110 ,, 111 11e 1111iT, Wilt 11101 lie .1,1 nn know Ow .log wits ,0 terovloti, Ilroalt at 1 he. Depot.—.lll iii 1111111 1%111111 . 011‘110, It. Short. ruled e,- tvr.loy iitieininint for drini.:llll,4 Snit conitivit. Ile ttu. IOCWI , I 1111 IM . Ull,lllll, It ti 110 IL ,11111 . 111aiiiT In I 4,011•111 . . 'hat 110 o:1.4 yen, T i . It: the anti;, and !mi.( a mon in ennn.nii. te/tehillg In Me \‘'..+l.. Ito Ini feel at tin . 16lCh 1101.0 011 MOllllll.l' 114e:11,1111d that Who nl.o joist thine t h at night, :lane anal sixty cent, tioni Trtopernrse, Delegnle.—Thw. Steele, t:` , l • the well know LI ILII , I zealous tetniker 11.11Ce atlVaaaito laaa, lipittaat• ell 1, I . ll.l,Thurell lIIu e0,,L1 No. 41, of tho Tomp,:wee, wi delegate 1,e.13 te. the ',llia Tealacralika• (1.1..,11..! t. , to lat.l at itattlYtallg next Comfort and lamory reeetred pro cono; a halt thet.en of the le,fect ehi r rt. envie to otter at Murdock VW- Elfth 3treet. • 1 ( il 1 ,_1 Mroting or 11.. .tilegh...ty 4'olllE3ly Trull.' ranee League. • The Ten] peranof League Met I:t., to, per to!) onlnnennt , in Mozart ilnit. jr. .'.. G. Mot:at:ol,, in the elfir. , rby yx”l bt,enyo by prnyer, by If ev. 11r. Seot•ol. The !nooltel of the predotts [netting were [(hot ntol 11pproved. • :Ir. .1. Irrhn the committee oa resuiron•lrtohseo, reportest Idso:rres•s , Thehots :steely, N-9., Irma the committee , to rote ler h the judge, reported that nethieg teet t.ett Aura.' Mr. s:eche :it,' reportet I that tot etelditloto sit :test, to feevorable to the Of to pe•retues heel hes, h tel rode 1 veto the I. , :ess i e dett hre. A te,hty of the h:JI sv:tst read It the reserentry• '-• • • • Mr. s•metc, requested that the Secretary rem!. I•Ory of till, call oeoosi ilarrisbeg, for i fl ares to a State Temperance Coe venlion. The lollop Mg delegate , were lip. l'OilaCti to nttcnrl the conc.:loom, Dr. A. McCandless, i.e. S . F. Sem vI. Col. Thom. , M. Bayne; the. Committee were authorized to add totisnumber. nod mn of Mr. italleV the following rl . ion wa, nannh,h 12c,di •d. Tons nl! the Church... , and the lunc; lien's Collation Association, he re quested to send delegates to the State Tont. venous: Convention to no livid at Barn— ourg oil Tuesday, lehrcory, Mr. Ihnicy unnoanc , nl tha IhttAburgli 41. vi,lon, No. he, Of the Sons or T et openga, would, next weeg, commence a series of meetings, to he corgi:lm ri every evening of the week except. Thureday evetong. Greet speahers had keen secured,' and a largo at tendance was hoped for. Thu following speakers were announced: Monday even ing—Rev. Alexander Clark, C. W. McHenry, evcontg—ltcy. E. 11. , ny.lcr, h. It. Ittehardron. Eel. Wednesday even. Little Eta., D. O. N. Johnson, Fridayeventng—ltev. s. scovel, vol. M Hayti,. • Saturday evening —lien. Herrick Johnson, John 11. Ebben, tootion a bill fur espens,,prenent g• 1 I,' 1!... cretury, pall 1.)' volutitary It U% Z.h nanonneed that. the anniversary meecum ei the A !,g,Vai) City Teperance N, art appOilaCii fo r twit vend Lad been p e at until 11 . M , . 0 . 1. ilofll eveniug. 11101 iOll A vme of Shunta waq tendered to t he reporter, ut the pre..., fur the full re atrorttatt the I,l+l meeting. inotlon ell Sir. Allinder the act, Nu. Ili. r te.tng t t attng bontea the amino ater., a IL. Nought , a•torn the meeting fur de.c ex t,,:on, and sl'a• .i1.4,11...1,1/ to tootle Slits I.eagn,.. pal., tei:,,arile.l to meet with thu l'eniperatir.,League tato nem l'ae,dav et. ening. I= = • • .1. Larol , eta. r....over dalnagt , for -t-tlution pl( portion of grt.ll l ! over 4,1i10il :be kat:, va-elllvOl. tl , lllOl , VI•1 tel :II fa - . or of plain tin for dollar , tool fifty 0411110. 11. for 1.1..1nt Mr: Tn.... , M. Mar:ball loot ,Vll.l, A John 31, l'crkins t Co. A..towl to v•rovor 400:..14, with Infer,: from Aprli Inc nrnfomt, of prlefl pal ow: I , f otc, ,L note. Ver.:lrt in favor 01 plaintiff, f,,,r7.,1.5;. Vi..l. lf. Sneallorn Co, A. 1,1 rouser for a 101011113 . of pr.- tau.... vro.l 41111 Ifti.oac-no 111 , 10.1. Teo tars lounA s 0r.11..t . f0r 411,1 ult amount .•`...1111..,, lor 11101131 f stvrot% —is t.arr.... 4 of potatoer.. A. 11.]1:!: ar 1;;.....:.:111:,.Joi. 1 1 Al. lurkpatriel: ;Mel 1:0/1.01 VA. the (-let .01'1 Pitt"ellegelltteel Cleepety. l oycr for 11,0 1, I:, a Inlnor 430,111.,0t ~t 00 01 "Melte' IteW.lll e On tit. ea, ed 11011.•1hilt too cay lit th e efieelleelAt tOl :rata und ,1,1101 Loa a un 1110 rittbburgtt, fort Valne aria CIA!,,go II.•alt. Ie ,Ith prlit le on.! ntstll till ltafn otr to cute the track at the r , if. ol, t In, ear of lit., ....oat- As the troll, moved ~1 1 ,LI- the It urt,,, anti 011110. nt 11:c •rO., fill-oargh 101,0.0 ,I,o not 111111 orth: aloug, allcged at n nd ,truck Irttll. re.01t a ..,1 10 death 01,001 t :,, .h L .101,0 Tur.o , r woa rot,tue• t0,,1 UlO , -10 , 101 ~ c l,ooot, the I ;••,, I 111,, Or, 1010..0 , 0 , 1 , Ties ca, o , on trtat it,,,00.1 to,l 1, M. for I , l,,iutt:::o ft , : .ii-1,,0101t, • N nn e- !-butzlr, lo .1 t I I n‘l I. and A. l'Atlur , on an.l w)fe. 351 11,10 11. :lit:l.:tin& Co. Mil:, A. Co. vi.. , ilauthwl 11. 1.91111,111 y. CO. Ve. W. It. I,wkil,ey.. . Cony,' of Conninn !:,Auto lion. Th,...H.4.11e110u., to the car.° of Duffy vs. Nary Ann Q I/1111 nut!. Taut, quinn, uctioa In eject. r,Mlorttni, the }ury found a • - N.. 1. high, A. !ti f f/O°AM. Motion Jef. ei am-el ior new trial. -en./ hererei errefi in rein. to alliruetenrit !Liimltttt,l Jfeinl• ,licomi—Cinirt erred in I:mi ni:Mlß point- of plaint:ll. Thir.l—lourt erred ill rilect log eMilence offered tit le. tit— , erillet is inefamintent o Lit :toy Jiint heOry of 1t,,, favia--hither the hlhilititi War entitietl to recover hei u hole or he 000 not entitleil to recov er ati y part herl'ot. } ' filth—ifse iertilet hhhin, the unchntrhtlictea erldelice in tile iihr: the ”, herr, in Olhilititr_ boht tethithl both their Impel-10:03n to pro d.,. the hrerieht. he, ran and 0110 Ca, EheneZer liateh. Mitch an.l 0 ire, llenry tf rithii N. It. Ilateli mid other, phi who are ; t..tl 01 dwelllnc home., 0 all ora•haril anti gatiten, In tim bor an:li of Lawrenceville. a • to that their pr,niiie , ere rolulereil and un p ..Live re, ,on of VIO , C proximitY of .ii•fon.lunt , ' liriv It hit., Damage , . O. lin trial Ott lalJOurninent. Thos. 1100 al.! niul J. .1. toe pittintlltz; J. 'I. NI:If for :PIM. • '1111.11.. 1.1, 1,111 1:11111,..V11.1V. tiod trey tn. Arthur Balton, Henry EV1:11 vs. Ph. E. Men.. Wm...klolereon vs. John MI: Peter Poet:mu ve. Ilassinger. 115. liavid .!sues et ux vs. 3119. king et no. C. 11. Itolanson vs..l on. Lehperger .0 Co. 4. 1i111..0000.0 111.10011 vs. June) et al. 5. W. C. !leiter vs. Thos. Costamagnit. liamlnrY In tit! Third Wstrd. A bold burglary occurred on Monday night, at the butcher shop of Thomas Wea ver, be. lb 111111 street extension, In the Third ward. On the night mentioned Mr. Weaver retired to rest, leaving the exter n:ll iron cellar door unlocked. During the night, Antuo person entered the cellar throunli tide door, and then access to the .111/11W11.1 Front the shop the intru der. went to the sleeping room of 31. r. toil 1100. tt., 11l the second :11011V, a here they cantered 14 tin box containing $O5O in bills 1101 script which stood upon a Tula, 151.sterday morning tile box was found down emirs in the 011011 etamling nn the counter with eau cent in It. A large botcher knile IVII4 100.1 beside the hox, winch the it had - probably cot nest with them Ilp htllir4i. They had runarnagml th e !:lichen. which le on 0 level 101 th the cllar; and had lighted tile gas, which they ielt horning, His. Wmiv - e - r sUstes lit at she 11..art1 ill the Lmm! shortly , before the alarm 11l ilre, ami awakened her hurl 1:111,1, but the matter n - hs thoughEnnhnpor LULL. sh, got tip ut tile time of the lire aarm, but did not not tee the. absence of th .10. 'The loss wae not discovered until morning. No truce of tile robbers exists. Mason non Antl-Mvooo. The old tight retween intmOn nun] anti. 111,011 wt l reViVl l li last evening In Olio bar ber !few, at tilt' U 0011 depot hotel. A col ored burber from l la MODOUglaleie 1101010 10111 to the barber shop. and noticed on ti n+ layono of oily of the depot laborers, a 1101.10 le 1 / 1 1,11 , pia. ilee wa to red at the u and it, wearer tool sant the denut men s no Th. mason immediately armed Memel! with a razor. :ha anti-immon sole a cologne bottle and throw It at his all- Yersary. said adversary threw another eau back. Tile 101t1-11111,011 thee raised a chair Which he WIIS 110011 t 1.0 tile depot man, when the elite? of the chOP in terfered. Th. 110,011 took' advautage 'of Inls diversion to attael: Ills traducer with the razor. lie del such e xecntion that his that hi , opponent`n clothieg mood here and [hero with severe wound, Put the op. mtn,it 1101 Injured. At tills point 110;11 parties were seized, neck rop, end thrown bodily out of doors, where ilex (Hulett their adray with long wlniltal word, Common Cane. In Allonheny.-0. Monday night einem, Campbell boil Me- Allegheny' night watch, fir rested titan hen man 11111111!li Joseph Mur ray, w t act liar inn very tlbiorderly mile tier, nen . the I•eilltentlary. Ile was locked op mita morning. Campitell, well known about the A ii,. g miny up, was arrested for drunk - - mineie• ut misfit the Clime title, on regent! reot;by Wittier titirske, of the night watch. 11e Wll9 11.1S0 lock i lied s! up, yesteriluy met , tang Mali prlconera were lined ttvtl Wel eye!, Ott s PRICE THREE LTNTS limhi‘ny 161.ber Arre.ted ln the nlghlof.l,naary 1,, Matt Cralg, r,, , ting :a ,011 nty, wus , He fen in w - ith an .1 11.'In , nY named , aranet \ Lerw 1 hno.vn . fuelthr" 11 .hau:. At n nth" t•a the n 1141,1 11, 11(1 , 11,1, M (2(801 11.1. an , (-L eddown In the 01 , 01.01. en thirty-nye .0...,01,41 t":, I.i' companion IVllltan.thab 01, 1,1111 thn. bed 11 11(1.aral the lact tbat two wrth tra.jetlier at a late 11.1 or .0 ',hal 1171 m the Allegheny thaniend, (Ill , e t taunt robable. Intarmythel InLnee 1111 or Morrin p on w o , le 1(y.12 1111:1llti (10,0.1(.11: (I(o.oight 081011, eharg.q: 1111(1 h!gha , warrant al, ter the arrwst. of the (10008411, len he all , t nut of the way In ,p 11: tne tent etrortts to (Intl lthu .llonday (11,1. t. Captain IWO,IOO arrthtt.,l 111111 111 11 1 , 1110t111-,, nary: near tile apot where t ethuntht.,!. 0110;;,,11robla, 10,1; 1.,14,1 up t 0.04 a 11011,,, Z. 11, Crib 11:14 I/1,1111 110 an. 04 n oun he arrive, the I,arna4 wni he Net 01Pot0luts 11/1,r0e;.% Itero*vretl 0,, Friday night a -1:i Ilt ittl• 11111=111= eon! yard, at Manehester. The pollee In re liOntletLand °Meer 11 cl.tSLoollue.vt,l ,c,l Clt for tin: ,open property. lie m-enal the gene market on Irwin ' , direct. in th, anti there, tfier 111 11011 ineolfry, non‘rotnard that a bet of harn,s tool' cram the lion of that Aolen hail Veen 00111 durtng the day to a gentleman at illoameeld. The eer filefllne4 a dt,eriptinn of the perboll a ho .sold the harneaa to the auctioneer, and it WILSWIIIk4 to tally exactly iv Ith 11111111011 of the nian 9011011, nllo robbed .Mr. boardtria lam,e, in .1 lieg•lamy.edCat orday evening, and Mere 1, 110 1 1 , 1100 he to the await man. lie mtve naare to e ILUCtiOneer It. l'etevvon. On Monday Mthß ., Le,y 01+11011 I:Mount:ld Wnl lA, r. ,l the Cal'oe,,, ant rt,tored linen to the own er. 'rim man l'eten.on Met, Smith ha, not tto en apprehended. and Lai proiKkblv gontv aowli tOo river. He Is ILO accurn 11i,1104 thief, and mazy of 1 1111 licr.redul .011 s ruvell t. Iv committed may be traced to r on. • =1 CMS The twenty-eeconn , 0:1, went of viguritus and -ab.tan , ertott be found In another eet .. :tam,. that the total rec....111..4 for ; o million of et.tA of the company, after ;Ix !-charge nI :kWh, lo,c, and Itabilith,, aro now 01 which no hei , um than Pat Loren roliWil to tith. grr, total from the traw,nettons 01 It Is throogliout noir, -wthiiltietorw told the eielir 11l the year the tiPzip e4t. ethiltt on it- tru-iiiieet , wet Dulcet, !or ;toy iier cent., and the comp thy Into pithl proviilerit loth early attention or every lowil Of it rurally IS an pinperittlii ant:. while they ere 1 , 1,...,1 with glad health, CUM. %%hen reteriveil death. which Frail, 111,10,01 ntre nil chlliiren Illuy not lotte to 111 to poignant iithw the es !is of everL I.ltitn iir tio7l. .larniii. IV. ArrO,r, No. Fifth :Ore,. IS ii).• general agent, who writ, ,1101 ell in?, run ttnrrloL:oo 01111e41 on. The Ds ttttt c‘ise Drpot.terislesst. Coroner Glant,on • esterlav hell an - queit on the :email), of darnei 'Ward, the ItttLebily WI, W. , k:ll,a On Monday utter noon, on Idherty hear hit It: Depot. NOu dgvi.d.oacd. the I,llmony. and the fillet , le,lng verdict was sacred : hat the decease , l, James IV Came his death 011 1:011thly. Eebrll.lry tug run over Loy a car en the lb:ar's:lv:at, Itallrreul, draw n by lone, riear the llti quesne Impel. •.The Jury would earnestly I.:commend that the company rhea employ, at the bulb t at which the casualty occurred, wateh man or watchmen, whole “clusive ,luty tt shall be to keep the car, clear Of berttet , hut authorize:a to he on theie, and ako olve warning of the startbvt7 of trure , , whether drawn by engines or Dort,. The Jury rllrther I:cve nc,d In Ihr ea,t , bet on: tleun ebbtro.; the trahl, vhd earlbtfcLe,t,utu:g.'" Am.her Child 'larder lie-ter:Lay mofiniim, at about o'clocl6., :6 man in pa , ,ing through iierrn's oil briLl: ard, In the nevcnth ward, on Rentiniir• nb ley. butt: een Web , terand Ilintfor:l Has idtracted by n . onn: fragment:: of cloth ing lying In huln 1.0.1 yart rot crol with dirt. On making - n clomer :11,1,1”:1 WWI iti to rut:to:i . e.:me 11,1•,11,:ttol to hus ttStonit,hstient. ,t,itovute.l :1 ma• tared mulatto rllil.l, w Inch 11,1 6ipimrtinly b, , but IL:tinnily InirM.l. The Coroner Nvro. tie unallately notuled. an:11:y lib: diruction , rtqllitillS were romov:-.1 t:: Noinini, :: rant -to,- The coroner Watt.. tllll,trtut InqUlrtto t th, vt vinity, bit! twat , tar ha, benn unable to :•in min any:Tim which would len , l tio: 611,66 novvry 1.4 ran nu:IMT. About - a yuar c ,lnon colored :Mild was !Omni in !he lume allty. An itolunat will be . An Allegheny-Sneak Thief. 'time time In January la, Mr. IlarhoUgh from the country, lentils wagon hll.clonl is the 51.11011.1 ill.egheny, 11114 :11 the wagon were left collie tolanl,ts wet shawl , A fellow called eizothe l e -- linllntlherjetupcd Into Into thew ag.on, as alleged. and ,ole the blanket:A and shen - 10, tuaklng off V till them. Informotlon wiei made! ..mine( t !•.• alleged Pilot ut the thee, and wArrant mooed for hint. he Net, out of the w:tv nu tAl Monday night, when It vta. -a-cerhoned that wen le the eity, In the _alt y• ot the drove yard.. t /171,ern Scott at e ! Cattle bell glade 111111:e4thae pnr,ll: ,LllO, aft, a long ...arch, ,neccedett In lltolleg the ol legit of tneirhursuit to a here at the Yard,. Ile wan locked up and wttl have a heating todl.y. • The Old el ltelosrull foundry - • lAsea here appears the atherttlement of the old rlttstairgh Foundry, A. 1. irrlson A I,cl-111ritor-q (sticinis-ors hell Garrison .t Co.) Thin popular founilry long tuonopoliceil it share of the putiiic pat ronage, anti hears a very envi.thle reputa tion not only here but throughout tic country. They manufacture ealileil rollers) of nll slues, for iron, steel hay-, loch cop ' ' l ‘ l ' i 1 . 1 ir"u'Urt;J'att; kst raw 1n g 0(011 inscriptions, :out iserpi constant iy on hand hark mills' patent double grin tier, with a variety of other pat . -Las. The Mice and irate where st•i•••iniens tan he found and Ortlero left, is at So 119 Stilly lt• held street. Wo eon/mend the firm to the patronage of the public. New Torts Life Insurance Company. uttentton Of our readers Is directed to lho exhibition of the ailairs or thm eterl , ing Ilfc insuranoe company L, hieli up. peari in another column. It bi very a ; ILI*, anti will prove of interest to all hu.se site inen who contemplate immrinL; in a saleflanil reliable company. Mr. Jame , W. Arrtat Is the popular and" geutienniniy asset of the company,timl ill, elite I. in.,- tett 'at No.l .l 7 Firth nil ;511 IPoelz." where further 111:55 c....- tninual the aitverti±inueill :nay . e. Lathed iiprin application. I= Charles Stoehr andlaelm llehenberg her were arrested yesterday morning by Market .Constables Thomas and Mes s ner and broilght before the Mayor on, a charge of forestalling the market. The defehilanl are doing buillnese is Pitt township. an.: It 1s alleged by the oflleers who arrested them, that on Saturday last they ',night , - ed a nianber of driniseil toga for the pur pose of selling thhm :Again. They were tined and illacharged. , The pttentints of the public. partienlar- I ly of the Ithneepallite portion,is respeel, fully cattail to tine Alatineo to bo given this afternoon at the Opera House, On Filth street, by Elite livinlnrson aunt the toil strength of the opera 'louse Company. fur the lamelit of the Iloneepatltlc. Hospital. very popular piece, which was plasm ht Lolltloll, at ono theatre, every night for one year, the moral drama of " Money :mil Misery," is to be played. it Is to be tiopeit th at the public will nisi Mrs. Ilenclerflou art t h e Company in their oortby unilertak it: Of assisting IL elearlta biel institution sthlell protollies to Inc Of great uso to this community. Fight isolrd Fitreet.—Last even log, at about half-punt ton o'clock. Iwo Styli 'lathed John Fryer and Ileuiy Helfer had a quarrel with rtillip Oley, on Third street, near ItcaldFi liatter,ou's livery stable. They both mtaelted timey and were beating Mut unruercileirily, wlqin ogle, McMullen, aid ed by a civil tau, interfered. The tan rough., fought desperately itgainbt arre.t, but were' eventually arre,ted and earr ted to the Wei: up whore they are awaiting a hearing. American Watcher.—ln our fulvertl, lag columns will he . found Int vertiuenten ft the Anferlean Watch Company, of Will- Sham, :in... The time Over, made ivy thh, Company are vastly ru Der lor of an ever im ported .frora Europe, and the day Is not fur vllAtunt when every poreon In the ntry will prefer, IS. they notr-sh , ,cld, home man ufactured watctic, to all ollo , rar. Itead tho lidVerilocaleatt, Nee Adverthienacut of lintrat'n Life Pille find l'lnenix bittern In .nother .ctil nmn. These medicine , . are far nimee tits ordinary patent a.ttlelon inlvertined: ••011ver eremitell" I Mr. Henry Vincent, an eminent English reformer rind orator, 'will lecture tc.mor- I row evening, before the Ycnni;Men's Libra t ry, en •• Oliver Cromwell. , At horde, Mr. Vincent is an associate and co-labdrer with Bright. and Mill. and Gladstone, in the wore of reforming British institutions In accord ance with the spirit of the axe and the pro gre4s of other nations.. To hear an Eng , I,h libel al of to-ilay,' discourse of Crom • a ti. in the light of the developments of V • • • n 11, possible political contingen. 4 , e- the near fa tore in his own country, a rare intellectual enjOyment Mr. g.,.. ltd vi hemost accomplished • 'noel, of the elec .iJ thrilling eloquence of Gough. e Ncirsver he has lectured, Ins ...5 reel: very great, and invariably . urgent request.. to repeat his .1,4,11 - ••••=. Vir. Vincent. wing to n.l•tt of , ret.iin in l'ittaburirti tint no 10 r :hi:intl.! ;hat ilrnh to the \ evil eat y,.r le anus or ion - mg. audlenee. t. e petal t ourseiTha doubt. . The Shoirel Factory Kapp,. of llw carpenter tools stolen last cot front Lippincott's sh ovel Factory,. In tio• Sovenf h mrcl. have been reeoverett M0n.1 , 13 • mornlmf. while men were oein, s.ene LOortl4 ?rote pile In the lot o or ,-, t ff, he to llfe carpenter shop, they discos. u;lchest l'elonn'lng to And stamp. -fnl A. •rme of ale carpenters ens if ...tn.: at the In ill. Thu ;chest contrlneft clo p s• L n irps and Infs. and the thlef, per -11 fs, do.coverlog the name stamped 1. la con._ pl.tec.l the chest where It wad TILL' tliltlve , ore 'still nudists:meted. Ciro TniN nereinp.—The rtlarteof era Ir.ra l'ox ti,obt liftven (.0..1/wit three ! m0rn111,..7, was oectvllom.lJ by the I ...nee., .II retne nt.tterlel 111 the cellar of ttt it_ Itteee et George A. hell). C.....” . ,tro•ht. Tito sttionors were the itrouncl am( ,itingttishCd. hr•• 14,hre lohch ORS lien, WO :h1 h•hrn the attiottht of the O.s3'eltlO 1.t1ht.,1. ,I• , inle Wes tall, the ma, hthlllh...t.to the. It,ement, whore it Ongth:thra. ItinitiatOsnm liarglary.—The 1. , .4 11.1-1. or NIL WILL Intel,. on Liberty reet, In rot Ingham, was entered, eater dnyll:gt;:. .y bur;:litrs, ho stole VA . in l'l,c• nnewv was between the teeth wl itran 154 u which tart Deets: and wne 'vete s!eeplng. It Is supposed that tee - burgh,- gave their vtelltes eelorstorut totd 1. ere thei vonbled to pursue their op erafien, e ha.l t he plcaeure of a mil !reel Dr. J. G. Huhlev, repreeeut.- ~.g atlverlletng Lweney el 0.. New York, The Doctor Is in :t,. amiable tl over. la America staade. ::Igher i t th, ro:al,l,‘Qe (St the talmon.ss 1:1,11.,f Itty country then tbc two tw repro- Go.ernitterat Flortneca..L.lfr. Ewa, merly or Oat- jity, the vtattmilefun of th 4 United rtates Troteory,tro;fr' , tflUtu our na:lsehtl anant, :mu the future Moo:matt nn pee or our country, at the Amuleafy or Music, in a short 111,10. ..1 Sertsalions.—rithole LLL 11. xen.tidott t. t of an viol...neut. .9lrs Smith dolortad her lan tut husband and four • an ran away with BenJamin lioioro, an indivnlind with whom also hits bar.. too intimate for tome time. Accept the Ina Ilatitm.—lt Is hoped that. .11 , 1 \ o.lj, 3iell'S thOla further notice. . ,1000 the eStende,l try them 3 by -I.t eventrkg,ll,9ro The rair.—The managers of the Frio tam aty x;rrlealtural rlaezet,y, have decide/1 lea to bola uuy fall' Wie vetm. The not pa) expellee, the u, To i - E. I.."—Forty- , ii more answers to the ath,rtincinclit m Gard, last week, - of •',. , 111, it 1 , 1 oar counting • Valuable Vine lemon on Vomiter Bay er Are god ered for riald. 111 our advertie lug c,itonnl, New Atlvertirtoneutx.—lto not - fall to oh-or, Ou, lien tAlvt.autuneut.i lu to-duy's The Adreru.rmrof of Jay - 'CoOrio b ( :0., 1;0011:e.r.,, appeara In anoWer column. noreldera Wanted.—Set , atlvertUoment cr.lntnn lit to-tlny's p.1,n1 NY. his reeltott In .11'K ersport., an lchrusr; 1 , 14, At 7 We 1..., in U. , ) rAr Lae Th.• fttherai i,l t3Le Lin a frog, ht. later roil ,. to \ Vt. the . ..Trth ; Ver., 1.• The friends of the r....pecrt .11,y Incited to I . - _n r... notice In evening Gapers • - • •cvol.lni I ',Gl,.—on Monday mornl,ng, - ' '••• All,,,!way city. rsAKD. 1' I Vs,: I. and J 1.1.1131. Wooldtlllge. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ALLA. ALiiitA. -o -- iv - 3D - m=1..r..a...mr-ms EL, ...rth Al E O . I,,,,harah, Vs. COFFIIV3 -, vil.uc En. and evary Ot t;• . .1 oot Fuh. r.. 1 Yarn...1,1 , 1g Ovwds furnish ,— ho,orni opo, lay. and: night. ficarae and If avldD.. En . N. Vo If.D., ILowl. Lit.• T. WHITE di. CO, 1. - ..III:I;IAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Ulm sntl CDF 1I EN:,*.S AT I'Mk.,IIESTER LIVERY STABLE. Corn er Shellield stud Chertlers tvato. mud earna,ts furnished. I I ILLOALE CEIIETEIRT.—The largent imam, Nan ~I .et pulebr, cserpt one. in timtruYn his 1 .- I . ; r uti ' ' 'o b n l L' inV o u t r .. c r ezn. • A & u'.ITCII It E Pant ICYG ~,c. m~y=3LZf9S. n~r~~ T No. 56 Fifth Street, orrosteE 31ASONIC HALL. a :Itted hrooms axelutlealy for the re. t.11Y5 au.l el..t . Kh. with good !,r, Ana aarapatent (~• of work- U.ra..aa uret uabled do work as ertll. If not tk.ttar:fite one ather ntureln.tue city • Whtehet , ,„; arm rueettu prolupt attentlon ut.l rt hul..te , l by our "c:TANDARD TIME" 0 MT-R. CZ) IV - C*II4E3ST ER. - WATCH CIIALNS AND 5M1:1c7..X..M1. - '2", AT A VERY SMALL PII.OFIL AT W ILL T. 'WILEY'S, G ;I'3 He St., 3d door from sth. OFINSTON 2i. SCOTT , Fine -Watches, _(locks, Jewelry, Sii.VER•PIATED WARE, ETC., I= tnkaurzka, roaasa.es. 43 - l'r.rticubtr Lanitt:ti talo srlyea to Bepalelol Jewelry. Inurt wax- 1l .s.DON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, ANS BRASS FOUNDERS, A taxi,: assortmant of Ckaudeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., E==! I t -Wood street, near Sixth, lEEE: PLACE: TO LIEV CLOD .= • BOOTS & SHOES . McOLINTOCJEC' S. 7..10. 92 ;Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. BARGAINS IN SEWING MACHINES. but a short time. for.ale at ; 11117 susnillil 27 Fifth strret. r c 11E:A PEST. TLe Bvt ! I SEWING NIAOHINE, le WHEELER A: WILSON WA twit:. SALI.ItOOM; 27 FIFTH STREET, tell "LOUSES, CARRIAGES AND =I Howard's Livery Stable, Tire. street. near' Sionongnbela Howe, lir.nt attrittion wild to buying and selling kept •1 Lt lig MIMI MC= =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers