The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 19, 1867, Image 1

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No. 66 - F.titla latx-cot.
P. R. PENNIMAN, Ed i tor ..
T. P. nousToN, $ •
PI ogle Copies ....... .... .3 Ceatt:
I,ellvere 1.7 carrier, (per ...15 cent,.
f 1 all ;..utrmitt,, (per Teen ........ •••• 10, •° °.
Ltberal ra.lectipaa to:;!:ciesPey. and Agents,
TEIISIS 108 iy.tat 1
Ttr•e ycar; by .......
Five do. du. do.• each
Teoof lit aro C 00 1 ,.. 0./ 0. address, .1
At 3111,on!c. to-nt Ott.
The Indian Herb Doctor.
Thit , 14 tocerlify that my daughter, who
100 torn dek for a long thug and was ul-
tho Herb .I)3hior, of II:I Liberty
btrent. She 'was given up by twelve doe•
tors, hlio hoe gained live ',ponds of nosh,
.stall is purfently eared.
ewittu LO and befOre me
Ir•th tlety or li.l.rnary,
lionO D0C706.-1 have yollr
nerlir nr, for tlysocp , Ot and geacral alobtlr
ty with ,nopleto mucce , o, fool tabu iulo, +-
OroillarJrlfuCm9 testomottlal to a rotoody
of 012212 cleellunt pro,poottles.
Lo4gers , shop, Tem pot nneevale
91nenItut . ter
3.lsi,onie 11311 to-night.
u Let me hat 0 men atiout me that are fit,
vlevk headed men—Yln Caviar liar a liar
"and hungry 10011: suel men are dangerous,"
said Stniksp.ire. Now Cashill,. like
s tn anyaitotliir simple man, Was slim beeitaSe
he know not how toe:Tr.:int.: good living,
i i lie were living to-4ay lie WOUld 001 be re
pen achml beetinse kin, tor at Ilidtzheimet's
Continental iialoon,'lti would reyalr liiiit all
sou,d;do men .lodind iiirtittie of the spiel-WW
II' gotten tip meal, 1 , 1 lie it,, sleek and tat
int his tormentor.- iihtion, would uuur.,d.
'ate ifoitzheunerlii bill of tare unit would he
One Of the Illitt11:10t1A 1.1.1 . 011 S Wilt', 1311 . 014;
(1113 popular rt54.1111r11.112 day ILTIILIIIEtht: Ai
Ca,,lua is dead, u it call 011Ip utIV. , 101111 111011
like Min to putriiiii.te no other restartraut
than the Continental, next door lo the rest
irflicu Fifth sAreet, uttle.ei they wane to keep
.lean und • epare-boned.
Why oloiLl you /Aunts along." When this
vonanon exprebsiun wwi made use 01, the
:barties oVldeutly line the Opera House Slice
Store and the great Ittykwilon it is now of
f erug oil their nand, and were leaking fur
rihatarent havaar ay fied, •po,sihle, the
!um, evidently fearing lie would be too late
IlttrOlll49 , ] MO of the really great bar.
;hand now offered during the .eloang but
eels, is hutch Ls tu Agra
Ist, 1 , 417. No..;11 Filth itt eel.
• Blnentllr.tcr
At 31..iiionic /tall to..:114111..
'Co II ouftekerporw.
Good Tomato., at ;lu cent, our call
lllackberrli, at la .P:ot;.
Coaches at al/ .
iitaitit Marmalade It di ,
'lttatttit at di tit tit,
per •
it... 1 Pr (3119 Ia i)er pound.
;Currant: at plirpolllldl.
.1.1. 119 Ileirl/.1) (Aty.
Ihin't tiny that YOU Critit
,el 11111 bcnt otptlity,of Engli-LL and Seotel:
alw, Porter, or Erown clout—tor Iw . miring
.tt - Fi , o”u:Ei Drug Depot, t on will Osnl Mt:
00,1. rtoel: of the Ilue,t Oratalr—
.Lzot get :It the very Jowert price. lie•
Imola er the Place, IlenontEn wl,lg un
L Medicine Depot, No. Cl Ifni/Jet Sher.
To Conntry Merchant
W 0 :WO offering roil linen of noyiffe and
I ';uley I)ry t;ood., ern price,
.3. wluxnE Yr: 6 Co., Rl Marizot et re 1:6.
I 4 - h:to,' prc2crlig.:ous prepax
half no' ;1 , 1.1 price, CL- F Ping
vppuAte roStOalet,
ila.,0111f; to-night.
You Con Mos
Yoreign Liquors a nil .lo.t.pli S.
flaeliN Distillery, No, DO, lie, I'JJ twit
iitt ilreol, Pittsburgh.
You Can Buy
cunt. Alcohol at .lo,uph
You Can Eny
!.:ca' /fops of J,' , seph S. /Inch's. •
. .
The Golden City, sailed from ban It au
el-co, for Panama, yesterday, With 4,1,7,
in treasure on bouia, and over ten shoes
n• barrels of dour for New York. 'the re
pth of wheat at fan Francisco are sect
largo, and the bulk of the amounbi urn IT
medlately placisi an outward-bound - chips.
Foy the nal , !ateanier bah thousand barrels
of Burr are already engs.oad. Good A 1,1.-
1,166 wbco.t is t - t10it24.1 util,a;extra dour at
la, find auperdne at C0.`.15, •
.Ir:cording to a. letter from . Matanzas,
Cuba the mission of Mr. - F. W. Seward,
..I.sdalast Secretary of • to at. Do- .
mlngo, seas to secure aorno part of that
Bay of. Snmana, poddhly; for a
I , oo‘ietfo during the presence of Mr. Sew
- ant there, the.paople holeg opposed to the
._r-,too 01 soy part of the island, by their
governments to tile United States. The =-
in isit ion of a naval cud lon in the litre of
f-Cisnana Las long been a favorite idea with
cut natal uutheritds. '
Mexican advice... received tit New York,
Amu that aittindloal . n Government was to
to removed to Puebla, Thu tem ;Mar , ' of the
French army was to nave deintrlefi frOfFf the
Ctootal on the lit h. had Command of
wen ty thousand .Liberal I r00f.,, fifty-four
m it e ,, frond the Capital. Miramon It in
ported to on treating with the_ Liberal, for
'submission to 1.411 t party. Thu ex
cl.:pm of prisoners between tile Luferal;
cots and the llapt•ralists 11 going on mule,
bly. When tint French first invaded Ileal•
CO they would not reoocotru -Liao Litreru!Ll
po,nc,ior, bellrgerent rlr,trtg, and pro-,
po-cd to sliora all pro , onor, 1,4 Loirllttl.
liTveral Phil .Sbert Ono arrivctd nt Cohan-
te t ,..01110, yet,tortlay, IteColllll6Llied by 11
s loth{ Coutmitteu or tile Ohio Genertl AF.
nthly, by whose Invitation lie vtnie. lie
was reveled try the Set Va t ,: at two o'cloct
r. N., and hy tile llouac Immediately after .
The Governor gave a reception la , t, night
at Ga. Exectitivoll.nue, at, tint Capitol, In
1,,v0r (Pt 600,10 Sheridan.
A en. occurred Ott Snotlay, at the South
ast corner of Davie WA W.mitillgtl/1; t.trytlLS
Fraileiseo, which . licatroyed itdariti
foe loss, rll,tt J..
hone shooks of Lilliu.ko wort capon
cod at San California, tot the lit
Tito Main., 1 ~,,,,,,,,,,,, i.i cnnsiolerlng
Lon , of sylupat by In: tlact:r..lan,
tt :inwarTc, aloirglaigart hlrokan.Tto
hompoin., ni,oar N.:hot:lla
Aaron Ward, n° owl while collotng 1,1 . 11011h0 on New Year's nl,-lit.
yuv , entnactat to thirty:La/all Ito Kiwonicnt
Foal° 1 ,1 . 40, t• •
Tlo. ,inching itotNe of Sa ;Th.; ton,
fu 1 . , 041.1A), wa..ltvtul 5tzn,1i;;3.1.4;1it b) tvro
Applel4o4 14:41 , ,
et:homily. 'II.IO thl,l, ! 1,0 4 ,
itutoluit ot
renvoiltre cattned their ottly
1110 110..1.1 01 1140 12,urty,....,
~t Nu,r lurk tense uJ,r,l I,v 04101 lintii
I'' .4-" , p..r v, 11
Irotk , hultei, a, he'
Tile Ti•nut.,,,,,01..14:ra
1,11 1 c,,llfrrrl.4lg
MAI jar
lat-,al a
..,,,"--r-,'-'‘--:. F:: --- z--.
, -..1...,,,, - 15. - - " -- '1 . ,,r.,:i ii .7, - ,H .,, ~ -' 9 o :› , :., • - -.- \--',..., .
_ .
1 I t t ti ,
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.....__.... :„....z.,.,.
_,_,___..,,....„...... ii .... ~...._ ._
.....te,l , 1
I,_, . , i ! 1!II' ' -- - • -..:; . 6 :: : ,.- -4 zo - -; .11 , .. , 2.E=-1,-.. - -
• I , , 1 I ',
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__ -,--. -- ,_/- ,• ---- __• , . .. - 41xot-rs-1.--„-,.. _ -- i :-..-- - :7 ----
, SA
1 I 50
. t 25
Further British Details cf the Out
break in Ireland.
One Man Wounded,
,a Horse, and
Two Swords Captured:
Their Intention to Match on Cork.
LON:PON, E.1,1/1-1/11.IT rel And is
portuctly tran.ftol. A t•tuall nottihor of
robot.: arts Oont7tottod In the intotla,
,rte:; t 1..1,11 , 0 TO tilt trowit, hot the troops.
at, dispolo,l :to t traArato them. •
Troop:: hare been - ,out to Mataithlo to
arro,A tOvithen, suppolcat to ho In that vl'
xaxtc:sx orrlclAmt tR V1t40,,...
pAms, February I—.ll. It. Ilanave,
Ito 01 du,,t occ et SloAltulllon', Government
In Nies.leo, tins arrived here, nehOmpantre,
by other high ollicials of the 14exteAn Em
1.10hnr0,,, Tebruary U-'—Noon.—Cotton
openi quiet; spendy ut fourteen pence.
1 , 0.7 C, February I..—rile cease of the
Fenian outbreak in thu south of irolantl, Is
yrt lamed in olositlelty, though the tele
rirstpli lines through, the disaffected ilistrlet
are again working. Stuns say It Wt. 2:104 .
the arrest of tot American °Meer'
Cainain .I.l.orlarpy i While Milers say Ws
prompt arrest preven tcil u general rising or
The lin:hilt Los eruntent . na.l news of the
affair early on the Lt- t. An upper "re.,
rant la the hottailiolil of the ET,/ keninor
had revolved two anonyrnoUs hotel, Casting
that the rising w , planned la Itillurn)-,
and leader would teach Milarny from
CAlititrieticen that night. t. , centa.blea were
linntnillateYS• sent to thtercept Olin. They
unit on which they found Mortar!.
wheel tliey took Into custody. snit upon
reerehing 1.4 t person, found letters contlrn,
irer the aFeeitilon• 111 the anonyrnou,
A courieriamed Duggan, was sent to leas
Inerieoecit eo warn the pol lye. A party of
rube:, caught liim while on Lie way and de
manded his dispatches, which he Caused to
glee up, and ut tempted to escape; they haul
upon him taint lie wns badly wounded. Ac
far a, In known ut present, he to the only
person hurt. •
The police of l'etmrleoeen got news Of
the trouble by ether messengers, and
trom several spivs among the t unians.
They were strmigttiened by a detachment
tpim tile nimoot-war tilitiltator, which won
lying 010 Valentin, and saved - their station
One band of Yeatrt., ulnety In number,
took h home at Ku for their leader,
O'Connor. anti another band stopped the
u ill on the road from lidlarney to Colioirl.
••ocen; lout did no violence to any one. In
f.,ct nu where has /IN been taboo or • prop
erty destroyed.
Tim runlet; plau was to attack Itillarney,
capture the place alai then march to Cork;
bal. the inland/ate aitialteli tot trout. from
Cork to Killarney, toy General Bates, and
the celerity of Colonel Hoteartt's more.
UMW, defeated the whole plot and caueett
the inmit tent Lamle to titQperse. The horse
or a Fulton courier wtns caught by the
troop'', and a couple or !Mania were pick.
up, but no men were captured. _
U•Connor and lux staff 1113 213.1 d to have
ruche , ! a Fen inn vessel Wl' Dingle Bay.
'hirty•four suspected pOrsons wets) ar
ist . idisi In Dublin yesterday, and after cr.utn
mationoverc retained in custody. -
Head Centr73lurphy nail Colonel& Lawler,
Ilindy, and Jobannn have been arrested at
Limerick, and Important papers were
found upon their poreomi And in their /odr
The alarm caused by these ° about
nver, and the exeiteinent to rapidly soli
1.cu1.0 February lg.—The famous et
uteamer_ Uututer has Leon leen 11‘ Ulo
Surth Ueu.
Despatches from Madrid buite that the
Etna-Consort has been exiled from Spain
an chargo of plotting obtain the regeo.
cy ur the Kingdom.
utirions T. ."5:341,5 W. - narovi., February 28.—Thu American
Lhamber of Commerce, of this city, t u tu
voted to pi c•eint, a gold medal Lu (Pints IV.
B sncts, February I..—The King of Prue
about to visit DreAdell.
1:1,q=13111 - Ck will soon go to Stutgara,for the
purpose of forming/ now Zollverein.
nitxxit or AN AILIII , AN OFFICEIt.
LOADUN. littirunry I.—A dlepatch from
Toulon unnotincce the <lentil, by apoplexy,
of lieutenant Cornwall, of the American
ou-clad Allantououndi.
I.lyrinroor., February la—Crening.—Cnt
tell mat ket continued steady and closed
quiet and unchanged. bides amOunted to
10,000 bales. 140.131.0 gs gale% mixed corn
lire , :!skins unchanged. American
Tallow 43, lan! Ilriu at Les 3.1 per rat.
Refined retroleidn Ic El per gallon. Coil
vll, Newfoundland, -cab per .lita gallons.
poi', Fe.broury
!'l for money. live-twenties Illinois,
extra .1 iviticil. 7.ti; Erie 37%. --
Fans siren:, February It —Etaniup.-1. 7 . S.
1:011114 77.
l'auis, February I::—Everling.—American
The French Army nutter :Marshal Itn•
rine Ernennted the Capital on the
eth Remains—The
It•eenl Haeeer♦ nt Zara.
eetas—An:lmllinn Preparing to
Eight for the Possession of the City
of Rex if.O.
Saw u t owa as, February la.—The Meal
' mut corruspondence bays, that the French
twiny with Narshal Mistne, evacuated tile
City of Mexico, on the 0:11 lost.
Alimin'titian remained with Maniocs in
military montoa tte. •
sThu captore of Zacatecas and Atata Catl-
Miramon, la• confirmed. Juarez
narrowly escaped capture.
New 411:1,,,e , , rebrtillry
vetted trout Ormitnt. Ilestco, of the Ilth Ins
,tant, l e.latt , that the 0 Wei complete
evacuation of 100 Ctuntal, by the French
orces, Wok Mann - On - the lab - instant, and
tile y, eXileditlonary corps is en theroad
to Vera Cross •
lleneral Marques,ht the limo] of 10,0 W of
tocim LIMO'S Mexican linens, him been en
trusted with idle defense ot. lite City of
'Elio Imperialists chimed that they had
an army el ,UI,V9 111011, well armed.
Tim ltepertal UOteruntent had levied a
ta Wit, per rent. on the espltal.
Max:mu wear. tt llel(ernl anti
thedreops In the streets of the city.
The 440'1 tiblat.lll of the inirabitauls for the
lanporer in renewed.
January 10.—The 111 , 1lettn
,hats td . 11.10 1:1111. Maier
le l
caul inrw Wallace arrived here Seater.
‘1•01,lilt nit for Litielenutl.
Vic- Liberals are reported everywhere
1-:-...fibe , lowet Trevino bud
0,04111 two haat, with 31Iramen, Vale, In
Zhu hot fluht, wa, hot tin [nigh both legs,
tool w hone I.lllly wu+ntn . riy.route°. /Ara
i ilea.. has been I COectlioluct by 7.lbOrtil, The
lire,: letween .1 norm. hot the City of
rebrtl,l!: I^, L•+ , 7.
fl V21'1(1:171,
31%.1:4814. Poland, 3 , lorgitti and
Were appointed a Committee of lo.i I.
on the bankrupt hill.
A 1.71 .>_s Of 0,Ia • ItilN"
Joint riutolutionn to fuel/than the .iott lv
'inent. of Oho fp:counts of dinnurzinp, .ohitters
The Coutruttten on Finance reported On , -
eiNtragingly on the further consider - lit bolt or
tile sultioet of Otto estabilithinent Of an As
ray oaten In Utah and Arizona.
nlrti or enttott IN to, an,: oot . trr.
Thu bill In eulotlon to appeals and
of error In the ,uprentO Court tray dire tnaltetl
untl podzetl.
st.ncranl r unue nn.
The Llll for tit° election of Inibbe prlnter,
na amended by the Senate, Wan rantnnl, mitt
noel. 1) the 110110 1,,: eon cutrenee. .'
1 , ‘ . 1“,:t in, WILL,
The 3111 nary ACatiOnlY oppropriatlon bill
sear ased, alter some amendments. '
The Diplomatic and (7.lnnUlar out
couseletud. The Comm 'lieu on Potence
reremmereled the re,to`rat ten or the Port u.
cal rutsston, 3ttni after St , lntt debate, tinting
which 31r. lifll i.a1.1 6c bellered
Ilst coy haul been paid out of the contingent
fund of the State nepart meat, it n tn.
agreed to.
An Smendinent was gdople.l approptia
for cuhle timpatehns.
offenst an amendment con
solidating toe :tit:1111011 anti Portuguese inis
sloes. ected. 13tH pt-fled. 11000,0
Mr. PONIF.Itt , I . Intrott,rud it joint retolto
lion, 4141:C1.11W 010 r ecrotary of the Interior
to pRy totettrt, horototore titatio not: reported
to Lim, It) . tho .ootnitalstdonors atTolotoil
motor the 4..11 tAtettou of the treat,. , t 1111 1110
tdloctlt. nod lutlittne, July tou t ,
Ivy'.. utl'.
Everting rlts.doo —Mr. GRIM , : moi - rot to
rttionsider the voteotissitr; the diplomatic
appropriot lee Pill, for thetiorpo, of redo
cloY•, conilligent Mod of the Chute
;tallow. trim, sixty mlllleo to thirty tulle
ill. 111...,
Mt. SUMNER opposed tl amendment.
Mr. DAV elms oppoaod It, ,atitl avoko
entlogletlr ally of the ":ere tars
Mr. SAULsItU tt y smote of Mr.:sower.' an
Cho :1101,111,101.1tinie. 13( rho
lie and 5114111.011 were linl.gging the Pro/0-
11,1 a to:t 01111 101134 e, With C 011 0 .,,
that ho hoped the Um:el:lent would :taro°
to no ,lich
Vat - loon propolitlonq were 1.900 to rou•
Matte the ticlotte, tool :loony It Ca...a:moat
Upon by' the unaol.rott , colft-aat tho
debut, he vont...mat to-12 tght, all that tha
Inlet to,norrow, at t.l.:voa
o'clock, when Ito Vote will he [then.
Mr. rime,' ,notion cartel to—I; tlyri
again:a I "19.. e, tool the but pasatal.
31r. WILLIAMS froth the Cobtmt not
COultottiou VII tat, hill to zuguloto llto tun.
ere of erne, mn,le 0. report. TheColl.llllt.
to rutaln the amendment of 1110
tlOll,, I,llloi .10.4116 e 0111 the USt.,%.
ltons or MMlnet ollieero from Illom who
enntot Pe etuoved Ithont ronoent of this
neunte, tool 041oett to 1116001 ‘lto f Lad
prov .I . oetdert, Thmt the nouretoll)- 14
:state, Trratu y, War, Nnry ond Interior,
Po6tmater tionerot toil itt , )rueY
11.11111,1,1 their ofticoe reepotilvoly, during
thy term oft he l're,plent 1.,- whom they mte
appointed, nll,lOOO moo ill Moron:tor, 610.-
Joel to remoyol Ulla s% alb the tidy ten mrpl
consent of the ,ent,to.
[tor, tie report
The 1.111 to eAti11111,,11,4. , ,r, - ISt l'olt•
hold, Oregon; 11.1, ,oto 11,1, -
Mt. 11001.11.114; I , l l l't.l l n.L+ ll .:
there:or, u.
Mr. ,UMNI.I: 1110,41. L. lUAi L 1 11u Lott
islntut 11111.
.Ir. W i L,t):ii spot,: m Livur, MA!. wsl2l
OM .11011. •
During the re:. pity of the „Mm thil the
Memborts Pere Pn;saft,l mmune, colmet•
:tuition I,{l I.ll“try Mil IMF! the 4,11.1%,
to 6e purs,md, on It. ,
. .
As ttoott tht. reaoltxt :Ls ecrucluth ti, the
tiecretrtt'T of the S!•nale anltusueed the
ps-ssite ths htli fur the ILIOI . O
erntn., t of the. rehet Ststc, watt stoes , l-
The SPEAK - Et proceeklerl to the regrOar
bud:to,. 1n uoleroool the atole, neje Called
far 11/1, Unit resolution, The tone, tog
were latrteluera:
Prolatatoo; tlte ,loo,Oon five flew outy
of lorelgu iron.
To abolish Ilse taxon et e, -11qar, tel
lassos and tow C.Atlltl.
- • .
For the survey. of the 31 at lies.
inolnes Rapids.
PrOposi us: mu inineutitneet to.i lie CIII1s1.01•
lion. prnteldinir for theeinovul of .1 edges
of the supreme and Inierior
President, open the :shirt,. of VA 04111ra,
of emelt 1.1110011 of bongs wr, on luty rea-ou
able caute which is tiot suite:lent ground
fur Inapeneb fount.
For tile relief of fier.oolo imprisoned for
• . ,
Iteselutiond of the .311chtgan Lecedature
asking . gm approprtallon to aid in the con•
struct lon of the harbor of Sew
Michigan. Tabled.
Like re,olutloue, ie,htng. appropriattotot
for the Improtentent 01 - Portage lake and
river. and aching grunt. Of 10011 to aid In
the con•dructlon of the Mineral Lange Rail
road. Tolled.
01 the Illinois LettiSlature in 1 - ere, etteo to
vy yard at Illoa int City. Referred.
11 na
the Minneaotal , egleinture on tile tinan
clill condition of the Ementrv. Referred.
(if the 3linnt,ota.Legi-latere relative to
the pretecUtat of an erntgrantroutt tlitoUgh
Minnt,otu tO the gold 111.1110 of Montana;
ahm, Joint rt.-solution 011. thebubject of a It--
publican government lor the etated of•the
Unton. littorre.t.
Met orml Of the Utah Legmlature pray
ing for the repeal of tut/ act to pnnixh 10,13 -
gamy. Referred.
Fora reef,. of the flow. dopy, lxrept
on baton:ay, from Ititlf.pant tour till half
part revue o'clock. Adopted.
b.:Marl:lg that the Cont.tllittion author.
tree the illef loe to extend the lgtr.
tj t iolEtit Power to pQr.v.pi oho hare been
tried by proper tribunals and convletml of
crime, and loom °them and conretinulttlY
all pao loam ..trun:.l tr. neve•rhu.v.,
(,11,10,1 or 111,1 are non and Void.
Iffleeting the Committee on !tank log tel
Currency to-turf ulte foto the expefltency
of tile ultletrawul of the lt:tenet huff I. our
au eof an eau he, u oho.. f
ice to the Sul f offal flank, 26.1 , fpolyfue
the place of emelt Cllll uney ILla 1 '1111a:ft
:flutes trettauty note., Tuhled tf.., Le 5
Mr. ME 'S re,otuttr.n Int rnd ttee.l
rat weeks since, In reterunco
frage, scam tublc.t.
The Committee oil the District. of Colmo
bin was inntfacted to report a bill to per
1,11.11 the vale of intoxicating . liquor .
beverage in the itiatriet.
• ::111.X.1.N6.T ,,
Mr. MUllliAltn, of Kest Virginia, asked
leave to Offer uresolution lin - CO.log the
Committee on Banking to enquire DUO the
expediency lit requiring national banking
associations to retain, 11.1 part of their re.
Ilonptlon reserve, a certain per inintage of
the gold Interest petit by •the Government
en lainds deposited as 3.llritYllin their cir
culation, the wane to be retained limn
for the resl3llllll.loll of spode pityineat.
DI r . 'FIELD eldtetcd, mid the resolu
tion teaS not rCceiced.
• Tee amtee'rtec7.oe
The ammulment Of the Senate to the
Mute bill to provide for a inere etheieet,
tenterenlent Or the Ineserleetiollney etatee,
was taken no.
Mr. STEVENS moved to non-v.0,1r in the.
Senate amendments, and asked a commit
tee of conference.
Mr. If LIMN.. moved it concurrence.
Mmoirm.AVM ELI. ' , TOE Ei null STE
VENS, etylokti ionen•linont,ollll
filh;ars. 11 !NG I AM, rnI:NSW4)I[III 0101
Of:HENCE in favor 01 It.
Mourn. /I LA I N E, WILSON, THAT Eli 011 1 1
0440.11.L.D. taldll triioku In favor of the
[Melia Went. •
On motion of Mr. BLAINE, the yrovioim .
nnat way Orlirreli, by 7311y0.1 LOGI !my,
Tim Loam onestion WWI then Ord.” , i by
101 to 9i.
Mr. 'RANDALL movvrt to tnbio the hill;
3091 by 111 p ,ty VOlO.
Mr. STLYENS eloee,l the debate,
amv. 001101nt,ly to filvmsra.
who gtiVO their tinmons for opimmini; Lhe
Situate nwnuamntt. Iterivm.
... A 1.1.1, -. 1.01/ I'OLVE: A 31V•
MVO! Telegram',
A petition Prom the Legislate re or Utah,
presented to Congress foal ay, asset is that I / 2' M " srh " . ` ! "' -.1 ' .11 " ..1 7 'fri , '"Oilr UnolcorY.l
PolYganiv Len 01 1 great - m.lOll innueuen in el :I, r .
,i,i,11.11.,,,,F,...0br,1irt.ary I , •—T he , w tort nor is
saviiitt the larople 01 that territory. 10020 Tile river is falling. Ice run very heavy
prustltntion and other kindred evils. for about an hoer tuts mooring, but there
is very tittle running no,
hA111 , 00.11 0/I,,IIVANI2E. •
Tire ell market Is grin and active.
• General I.ritllo, commanding in Tex,.
Sr. Loom, February lam.—River rising bet
has enjoined Lllll observance of the Sabbath not CO rapidly, and at present there Is very
upon 11Th troops little danger of an overflow. The. Illo,ouri
, AV.11.0 0 0 1:001.N.I 4 Ain. Illinois :au both subsiding, and, a tole
A 1 h o rn la ',inlay of water in eery direction,
Tlie Slllirethe Court has .11:1,111L1l /310 case there are tew indications OIL irevner. A
of Thompson vs. 110010, au action oir cer meeting of insurance (nun 0005 lead in tills
tall. prOhli4yOry not, or. lion, Ti F. c1 ., 1 , ) , "i i i. ,,,, f , ' , 1 , r,;: 1 . 1 . ,•'' ,, Z`:;,,..",.',`. 1 1 . r,:',:,',"X t ,', t h :...; . ', 1 , 1. .
Bowie. oil .31arylan.l. The - delouse was that "
' ,r i tlio owners or the steamers NVlrne c lend
the 110101 were given for a gaming ConaitT and Matta Valky urn n"t. , hull ,, for the
1031 11103t11111111-1 by, those Louts 1•111/11111.;. 011
7/111. 011.11,11 Y RILL. 01111011, Among other evidence. tow des
tiro ground Of carelessness on the rot of
Tim lion, their reserved the consider, (mutant berng unable directly to proVe 111 , 1 i 1 • t ing the boats ou 00011 well
tin lit o s in run 1
Iron of the milltary bill, allegation, the court !whirr permitted' known obstructions as the wreelro of the
Mestrrs. 1.1/ 111,1 ;ND antattl)lllMil.•,o,,ko 1i , j ,,,,:a, mp 1a., ‘ ,1 th. gunboat Jeff. Thourp
agairrat we bill. ' • Proof that 011 till, dot., of tow notti•
, son.
'Messrs. PELANo, wol2ll ll lllllli I:, LOAN . . 1 11 , 0 defendant waa very drunk, an d , Ca, 0 'February le.-IVenther cloudy unit
iIANIC - , 111 , 0 DEI:SON, airs 4:1,1,, %VII, 1,,1n0 .4 or k was addicted to giuniag, and , ratalli . g . ll tat le. Therinenieter at to. Over
1.1,151 g and GIIIINN 1.1. i, spoke artaimd I 11.1 /;'"' ' r "'' r , , r sixteen 111011'a during the pant 1 went v•
Senate amendment, anti st..,rs. ti 1(. 1. .1 . I "1" ' ""' 123"' 0.
Iran the
'keeper ''. ruse
/lour., awl Is now 011.11111 ,Ix and a hall
ii,‘WCS. hirILUElt, N111,1,1,1t. 1,1111.1N1i t or 11 gambling !rouge In Waihington, whorefeet Of high water mark, and rising at the
1- ‘ 11"5" ' 01 I "i''' ' 0'.."1 ''l.ll'll2ll,''l.ll'll2ll, '" 1 the nines o.loe made, io. 111.11 time. The , ,
'1 1110 111 half an Weil per hour. I:usurer-.
te - TUC TA
HOOPER, from the
Committee et Way+ and
Li ,3ltmia reported
batik the Stoette alartianients the tar.]
Llll,wltlllntente, which were contiht
ereil Alloi ordered 111 Ito printed, and 'nude
the special order tor Tlioriolar.
It is Opposed by Stevens, Boutwell,
and Other
A rrivar .of John H. Surratt at
the Na'?:3 Yard.
Utah ILegislatore on the Moral
lolloenee of l'oluzazny
. . . - .
Iwmudhlally oofm 11100116 ,,
of tho 7 . l. , • , n , :tr t r „ ll , l: t h t r y , , lL . ho ,, toltl!liot that there Wits
iloolo oi itolotowntatlvt,, at nooll, the Oro.' tlio ' l ‘ 'ointottter . ,
oftholll tc.l the aue .lol'ok r ,.. lie tioritnott to It. bot
. ..ohe.o.fuet:y Oftl:r.l •L n • , .011 r••;
thv clf !`ni fOr the )norect.l• , o , nr,„„„ 1,
edit gov,runieut ,21 too totkol -tato, 10114 vtolotOot roo, -. rolos of .ttot • Lonirocitoo
o.t:ournont,. After the u , :.1.0 cal!
„r fir co.. '" L"'''
•rotor portion., of Um to,ttooaiy.
envied, oat taken up. 3(r.
1t•,1 to zmn,onvtir tri tho
,tozak: aul..iktlineut,lkolu,.l. tor t
te 0 1 the !Tile Excitement at the l:e.s 101 l
unn. ,l l. concur 1 for Volunteer., to Irrlnno—Arrnogn•-
:. tLc 1 1,111M:4 the Seinattl. N. 4 , 41,11 1 11, 44 , 7:1 1 : 4,
M° "—lloorrte 01110 111 hr (3rgnn'••
'f:ff 'f ,O kr' ', .10, fur Another Raid on Conadn.
iouk, , I l'elfreary r.,4 111. n
' rli ' v ""' a g ainst ""'"rr°""' 01,110 j cit.nient In chi. anti ow
equr, f o il ore.l 11. %Me, Woe th.
WlNots. Thayer: ./nrnt.l.l an.l other rteonts, • ter. Ti,. n.ors from
• 1.
th,. effect of Tem, ine r.
I, lheeter , t'ln•lt rum eats Itt ir,Loaan from the t'strt
n'tlt. the umezelon,L. The Inapt fon-.1100 urthe a t o „, t t h e „„, 1
ordered, on ourevln;:, tho `mate l th o font Innarter, of tLe Femilm I:rottler
Inemth'ef't, rot e A . " 4 I hood, In street.
"" 1" "" I .TOO nuoouncch,outhl,.;,, open all
zn,lsn icl.l :I• dennneortalm..., Leann:) . ronventlon,
inmy v..te. Ilse 01,11,f nfler a I palrltrhell lodk , ette ne ear 0-
" " titottOs; of fecllog and a t
rlulna:to,i to
the A.'Len tu . to ern. 1 re ' e,nottuonry partrirr ItLinnn oft ruto
the pir:
In r, tile I.ettlng of the Home... eleven lof I.r:she:mt.
I It is 4143p ,, t 4, 11:1 4 ,11. 1 4, 1111.1141114. 111 . 4 ,1111.
, 1 put tof Loglionl, about to In....eut
Peon 'end ze Inen.l•er. 1.: eperat fee tent enrol try on I, yri;,'
oft" tLe ne!lettl :41 11,411.
anour t!:: , nato ntnianltnent, list , ; on.trtaia a :It he 1... ht harn ...;,1; tit 1,1
ot tyln ;ittal ;d; tt.;: 1;.1;. or
nan, la . t t . t.ti its, ',nate and aul a I, et ,111,Li y I
Hoene, no thus ohnn the 1,11 n rvack toy ! to v , rY larg ,
'""3. p"e. !!' ;
I t.. • It la• 4110.1:4 cnno,e, tn 4 ;t. ; aa.; ; ; ;; ; ;; l,a,,ney, - •
Ill:it:mot . I.: tilt , rule on la, pzoto., to kollet o
Litt 141 the nous... i t, that tarty-five rriol7ll. that fightlntr t. gunny on ta
u.n. rity zo , ten , t nz , ! to ti.' Izt. I.
All, , at .duet it. soz•I tot , . otgl.tV-t`t lztto tt. Dor. zongtzt .1:.: I.• •II 1:1':• • ,.
repot , liczana Are , In, to 01 It. In Itort.t . ,ty. ! :warty re-lout:0. tpttto attl'o, of t
tt,, Hat.. ,11.•:,1,1, tn. , ton- ! yang Izz , "
nultses, zs.rol oxpriza•ett
. tortty o ,ty trzlz vory i:{11.:111 , . lIVI•l• our too, , tr. •luiln
I.nely net to t , 1, o.
Liam-aro .00l t- , e, tot,
et' t h of the circlet art , co
and tot •VerV
jot, ot to ozolo'
It tool. Inttoo.l tlt t‘or
1,1,“ tlvzr
onstranann Vo , lttelol:ty '
mil, protnim,t. :II 1.. , 1 , :.
I.olout, Ina: If ay
I przotticul movement ot., , Il• ter I. ozontnont, ,, l zoo,
tho 01 I. !Ito
wilt lortazitt 1101 unl
rorotertit ,tottoo,fot. In Ito , . 1: •antltno taz
motor tho , toittrtattltnit Colo:tot.
o prt.1•11110;.: for matter otatottzmnizzl,, , t
Wet prma,e. , to he ot
lute duo - actor. ' ! •
Itiu cowuuct.k ni R 1 01. 1 , -
1110,2 rape, .r. , , i,rge ntunl•nr n! auten,l
[nun, 1 , , thn Tar
iff' n»Lortng, LAJ n great ca.tent, the
Th.: Ou gait
Ir ton .21 and in to I , : alit . .(5 cant, per ne.lll,
rel ~pit ale ,ty 0111 . 1,1 A
•,LL.Oscar ill, ,00te re.tes, cor
n -rotoliet; e. , Lrenere on et t. , Arl -
Wool awl wtallona urn a•lvuttetal to nor
re.hund to the 11 , 111.1 t 13111.
The iKubitnlion ut the lutportation contra
crackers ni ntrtcken hl,ll tho section
lalaling to drawback nu dhlti - ;
agricultural tut.l other hopleinr-uts. Thu
clacoll With regard 11. dattaugtal goods and
under Val nation, (sal., stricken out- :
NOcrthern falter 1141..1,1D4Illuit—Iles . •
,434• 4 11eru1.m444 414-4.0 u 1'1414•-4 ono.
terrellers tirre4.l“l—Explo•loo—to ,
{:hirer 14.111vd.
Loris, February IS.—This Committee
appointed by rho isoutheris trite I .Issiii ;a
, two, to distributo the lends rail, .1 by t:oe
lute fair, and by .voluntitry contg ihutlons.
have ruitollEastatenteilL tif thcle Kok, init.,
Frottl this thitfootto oppe.tri tho
nen pot lulu the otoito,on, Of a Ltouttott•
, the lom total of 5iZ4.71. 1 ,J5. ; ramie has begin
disbursed by toe committee. incluilltignoll
the ttpproprmtintol made a; sank of thole
niecungs, an aggregate ' , noon , IA f
the liith of iibruar V. 1,7. Thl4
it II:,'
of Irifl,ll4, 410,:52; Illsitssipot: 1 5 .11
North ,ttrolosit,lh,lo:..; boil 11 C4r011t0t,i7,6.0,
111, , 0kr1. 1.7,775; fS,flii;
*ALI.% Tennessee. r ken-u , , f
kherokee, kuuctaw,goil
TllO MiAliter t. , trotttrattrrlved oil' the navy I C ' h ln k r C tEllt7.7.o(X l" ;; " l l LlL"..N3‘ 27, ll;lt ',' tt . Vtl " c u lt d ),VC. '4;
yard this evening with Shrratt anon, 1. A The general dist, [button by the ladies'
entice eiinitnlttoti amounted to, VI ii-I.
gu"ra h'" bean
""1"n" at th" Wharf, to f r ' ll ' o itmo„nt, two.
In - event ,communleatlon with loos., on aunty, pro,l“iot.
riceptiDg by high ontelitl. pcumb. leg as it 1,011111 be hest done In the Jiiilionotit
of tho rommittoe.
1 Cutler, the llamas City Itlerultant, ohiO
IND, Ate .11ATTI:11, , ,
arrested sometime ago for m.o. and
Crunniissloner Bogy hiss accorded In hays ' brought hero a few days ago on a vv: It of
sag transferred to Lhe ebargo of Llso Indian i An l. ni i.r .b ... . w " i " k " a" P' r"Judge
• on Saturday. and utter a lull extunloattua tit
liopartniont, oktost 7,irou Navajo Indians. the papers In the ease. a 11.1 roma:oleo luck
NillY to this custody of Sherlll of Jackson
govern . comity, and by hint taken back to Kansas
went last year, for loud anal trioni&lle- lint night.
norfatlon, oast quilts a imam , r nl
0. 0.1 n. hall million dollars; whereas, by I fatted States detectives have been ttsiblu
I ho t rooster, t cootp 10 . Oil our sts roh., moil llncurOtoorrtl had
to bettor them ,, couabbt , t l e i r t s ' llut h o r too " co ' tVn ' t ' r n ;
onc•balf with Weins fractional currency. to St. Louts
01 a 3 , I .
rran r t
I t , i. i ie r g‘,
, o r
a l l :
a s ,
a, a na
Tit O. 1.110 e 100 n con:
Armed by Li Senate: . iit tile (Mrds. groitu Viipturing .htool , 111 1 1,
'file lIIIIth tretiOli, told tag frolultt and
folllMitlniollll to Invoice valuca, Is repented.
11, duty let advanct.. 4 l Ull eat ,ula cuanAtu
and. canton oL coda.
TUe on epeuer /old silk goods are
greatly beyond the Senate mire.
The Senate propo4ed tn levy 0, duty of
II and 12.uunts on crap Iron; the bounnlitee
recommend:. told In sent,
Cotton lOU, are -ornewbitt advnucc.l over
boors 011110 Sentato.
IsuryJs strlektra out of the free }let, anti
the privilege that the Pactlle IVAltroatl Cum
pally may U.; forelan Iran 111,ittflti or AMC] ,
ItetS, es 11014 . prashltal, is denlea.
ntc.riml 01114 of ill; letrilt 4 . tua securing hire,
snou t Eighth Distriet Ohio; Davit/ Ter„er,
thy: I:luI nu.l uUP tutee scud 11: [I
Ninth liintrlet ntlietet; Norinitit Ehly. al:// et:e
lector Ninth District intliateti Jess.: 1. Al- : itected with the gatig, wait eePtiiredr Th.,
exit:rider, Collector t•evunth District. : 'l:.`: l iit• " " " 51 " :" " 1
• , that uot only 'Nero the men vaptere.l,l:itt
111.11,their pre....—e11.1 tr , be the only tree In the
. „„,. 1. .• - •. . .
151:8Y.RTEILY Ylt.lll roc Anlil Y. weVit--111411 . Inge, potter, gllialuayt sand CO" r
order has been Issued lu the Depart - "Or innller, toneliu'r with corn ney 1u all
moot of the :south, Arms,! Charleston, nal • 31 1:1": tell Lists
tber, all ooltsted noir undergoing cons cap lIIKYIL for also lOW er
by sentence, or court martini for her Cylindur send Carole
ctese rtion, lot telonseil when they Levu boon
confined sax mouths. nand), Tho bout retitruoil to this port.
__i--` i
obtatuin the non's, nod such evidence was
utimis o at t le yn, that View of the OIL ill. I
Erma Dispateht a to the Evenly, cladni . ..tle •
The President avert - ell Etat night that be
was In receipt of rinignatloys in hia kind.
net. 'mantle the flanora in that regard I
atn positively ,signed, however, that Isle;
ministry Is to he changed In at least two de.
Martinmas. one of them !evolving the,..]
tirentent of SeerclarY Seward. Tee nee,. i,
Lions that have of late Mewl prOgre•sing Ms
Lween the Adintegstrallon and !tepid/Dea i
Gan gressmen ! relative to a settlentenf of i
differences entertained by the LICCIILINe
and legislative branch., of the nevem- '
4: I, has included soul., alight meant/a of 1
Cabinet changes, In tit., course 01 whlf'll the t
Congressional delegation' w. asked If it •
would heatinfactury to have a portfolio
tendered D w onau firefly. The response was
eery' gettefally 011[u:tatty, If the pliticeic
plat Is in , celled, It will most likely bll i
II) 14141 'head Of the. Postotlice Depart went, I
Gov. Randall beingady to aecept a tar-f
taint mission to lieu of re the Postmaster L.ivn• '
aralslup. ...;
r s '‘)L!!'lP:efint Indications there 5,111 Ill: : - .e..
rictus reeistance el the House to-flay, to the I
passage of the military rev'enstrtiction 101 l i
tta antemied by the .Crams. Theimullinf
alifemilnenta ate: Pirat —Giving to the I
President the assignment Of the Southern '
:il Hilary Districts, Instead Of-giving it to '
the General-In-Chief of the army. fleet/IW—
stria Mg mit till' suet tee ilicii pathildta
the Uniteal Otates Loarts it,,,,, iostinig writa
hl lialasoi corpus on the 1 enltion of any to, 0_
anted to the rebel stet eN ; 111111 Third, f
fling the Mameinstead meat, which v. na
originally offered in the Dense fuel flf -
rented. To the flt - I ta c CaIat , ILMI,II. It t s
Prof' nflu the Diet, ways,..seta, 1.01
It in gonad 'tiny assei fed Mei fn.eveas awl
15011liielt will carry enough Pe tet tat,
united wit 1 the 14'11104,1141i, to ...feat the
Mania afro initamit. and In fats eve Il
nt e:
• whole mile 01'0 IS protein!' 111 protn he lut, and it
Ii believed the Selllloo 0 111 1100 11:1., a 01,:.
ont that fa lentinacitt.
' frier 1 he World Perreoysetlete! .
1 . The riff are I ft:sign:ascot of Peatomater
i liandtd! is was lie.
if the La lif bill limit mo.. by WislingelflY
1 (10 " 1111 r 17::all t i n t l:t ‘ 1:11 ' , 1" ,' 4 rt , l ' g ' , 1 4
. 1 0 e r i t c.,:f . :0: , r . :: '
i t I:::t..:111 1 t::: , 1 ' Z '... ..
1 1110 ... 110 - nay (amend 1,110 prepareda c,-
' port in an wer to n resoltalen ol Pengres,
I staling Dna In no lindituee It. Ille Pres,
dent tailed le execute the Lail 11101110 I Dv
1 in accordat Ce with its I firms,
Cvillector t ainythe Disinfest bongo lb, Cu , .
1t , ,. Douse , . Investigation Committee, re-
I warding the evidence which fell 111 10 Ile
I 11501,15, saying till wan .o' l ` l lC ,l,o `). '. .
R1,11 ,, ft• new Ifellnifed to la a 'isle!' o. :tic
- RY 19, 1807
PAGI..—Thr ami mos( .1
p.., ( gitrn by WI, r In NO, ?, it.
Ttio Unv Esploston—liitsuest Itesniord
—fgall iiiii trs" of Go. :itesi—l'ortlrer
Adpolite tilt at.
The coroner', incebligatioti lute theca:o
, rot the I it: gas oxploblon In Allentiony.
ls rnstimtol at the ailirt ut kr.ntley 'a
toi-. Igot evening, a - lien the foiluu Mg :"01.1!.
ntlmony 1 1 110 !ward.
J. J . , s.cith", sworn —Ain a plumber :lot
gon Mhos Jamcn ;into ins nailed to .ono not
hinoit putting lu plot:sit:A[l,l tot atteathin
to the strong smell of g, in t h e collar; told
hint he olignt to entity tho gas company;
thought it was roan; Mitt MT the gas
h. in borrao lisfoio the attachment
molt ; tho gab couiliany gale pc,
110,1011 lo make It g
Ilia attachment: hl not
'lt the rots 110.1i1; it al. done I.y the gan
a lien tticy pat in the motor; saw
the wain Inge allot; the exult.-1..11; it Wan
litokru RZ.V tile, !wry 700 pipe slime it
WILY 110 g up; saw a small leak in It; it Wilt
/rot +:l , l!clkult to can,' the explogon; think
eAplotlim gab nitticil to - Ilia gas from
the 01111,1 140 penetrating tile t arth into
the Cellar, anil lip to I tor lire In the bitting
fe 1114,11, rnorn-1 not'. for 31,,,,,r4.
rn untl 1[1..1 ,ftter.,;
"' LW . ..lth th., On hnturday
I,Plorn espl , ,ton; went to pth I 0011111
a,lll nut the o,unl of SlnOti guson th.,
In the 01111. 11 eOuld
reel Ito .nrll ..f ht , ,ln • n ,
ein tau rnt plpt, .Aunt Into the
t n.. , t l l . -tnit and rnuluti...,l of
t , ..• tth..t tot on t, i nnt 111... e lut t ,
t.r. • ht in. the ,• t
..trontt linwn, lut•till
ht , ltnnant Ur.t. d t 1 1 I'n
1 ? 1 hn •- ernino t 11 , nn.
111//t• A. tun El!'tsl ih,. nnind pnt
thn ..1 .L., 1 . ,L11-Ii 111, • It r-t
.1111•11. 1 •.I. 1 11 01.. r 1 1 . 1111,‘ 't il DI I_{ . lllllt,
hun 1
111111111111112 1 1 111. ,11,11 001,
I,l l y . 1 1 11111,•1 111 tli , 111 1:I• 1,11, not
inwo hrnw!nt, p!pn. '1 In. .11,-
t.trieu frt. ttut tifr,ne 01.,0 of the, /on,
to tin, 1 11 111, 1,1,1.'11 01,
ripe ". 1 1S thty. , ,llll
1.1,.11 1111 1.1111 Mum 1,1 1/11 1.11 1..;11,11 I I
11,11111 In the
Mho found itl way.. through dm grouu.
Inln . diatt , !y the 101111, and could hot
hnl.ttvaunt , : the n.spl,ntch, leak 0.10
nearer the 01111 that. tin: 1,11110 . . tit my
r,.iittint Inv •tnitt-ton 1,1 0,11011 by 111.1
~ , , enott of nal trnnt thh tnnin pipe.
.1 e , f ttt —Ant rorethan
I Ile ninpiny 01 In Gas
Co o m 'cplottnyt on
~llnrny w n,at I n
: .t,the
1.1 1111 1 4:wth;:,t iatta, to !hninny and ....h
11:11.1. 11. 1 v.:lnt , .
lo couu• up ~tot •we the runt, of n 11.111,1 110
~1,1 Intd I..tent 1111 napltt-ion 111 1,1, 1111
11.11 11. 1, 1 al: 7,11, 1111 111 31
and 10.1111 It In I 'J., hon.:It:CI: It In now ill ' ;
11 , 0 411 I lion ot the oxpio.lon.
,- ted ,!1nt:11,4 f , tr 1,1111 1 , hetnrn I !Int , '
ttnfint It 1110 , 111 OW 111111 they put it 11:11th.1
in th. , 0,01 11 10 , 1 tlienan.hnitot 31r.
non{., nnpertitteannnt t
nrdert . ll lOU .Itrinz my then andst t ert
thu 1,11, Intlught 1,1111 men untl•Warted
11:01, 1 ,, 001 •11 , 11 , 1' four t.', Inch on 1.:11,
t1,11( 1, 111 14. Ire,
•11 1.. a1.7 tr: the yard
uht 11 nl, 0.111, 1,, tho l e t, Inn plpn, 110,1 1 I.e
t then lan! Lny : L ad f... 1.1.1 1..a1t,
th,to 1.1,10.1 ~11 1 11 /II 111011. 1 1. 1,111,
, 111 1 1,1
. 111.41, ill' 1111 i, WWI tnrit long by
1 Xlll, nllll 11111, la It, 1,1 , 11,
1 1, II .:1111 11.1 1 1 .1 11 10 1./11: 1001111.
I 1. 11 1.1 11l a 11.114L11.1C in Ilie 1110111 allolll 111,111 , 1
, i:, I'l tlll . tIIII,II 1/11, 11, 1:111.11 .
lld I.‘ll 111.1 ihtell ,
teet front I 1.00,w Cl' 111,11,0 t. cur
-1 nnr 01 Mr. ItrnOlny Intu,nt Zhu 1111 11
In', , lirnhen ntl; 1,111 , 1 the tweak
wlth wnter nn the lower
hut nt.l 0,4:114 111 :IV 111111.' troll and new on top, I 1111 11011 lilt' 41AS On tOe ,urylco
p,pn ntliw 11:0 un.trt. put In the .h.ttaet,
t nald 111./1 w butlint t lltele was any, littler
Inatrt,thltnut thi n twt :cat piny than 11 ,, En
u.. 1 1 11, 1 1 l ut ~/ tn., hint, 1111111
ot tlnt itr.otiny's till .t t 1.••,,.
-1.111 . 11 ;4 A- in 1111. 111 !..1, 1..• .ahl 1 1.1 . 1 e 11,1,1
tt : It.. 1111,1,
11:1 1. IC 11111 tI I I 10/ etn.
11. 1 t 141.1 , 0.1 naktnn 111,1..11 it °inn 1.1 11,1.
1 , :l It 11 1, In, 1 . 1,111, 1 1 111 . 1
illl/1 I. 1 ....0 111... 1.1 1. 1 .1,11 1 1/ 0 1 1 :1, ant
he .11'1 1 n1,1 1 1,1 ,1,, :1: 1 do nnt e.
I ,1 I O tLt: vn• Illl l lltoki 011. It I. tot
h• -• t., Aptl y 10,11 xh., they ..te
, t • 1111.1]. •,!
hp. , 1. , t1,-r
T 1..,
.1 y!, 1,1
L:t tn t : httv.ek .11ca
inr.l..• 11,7.1.1,11 A Son's Lard 1111.
Cusuroiall and
:1, 01 -.11 )1:1: Ih /tn (.1.1/
4 . ltt• Ilatlevd, Vox
1 / triat
-.1p1•1,-, t.. 11/ /1 il/ pi., n/n.
mni A. all In , nu11...Z.013,
tailk i'a r.ra
-11. 3 c•lcLt
ias intnt a vl , rt cr.. - •
tvnr. 1,
~ I,oo.l,!rnrnt, :2 \Vat, r
.lame, 1,1,11'S eon, 'Them 13111
01!!. . 1,41,1 v 11...1., lailel.llrllA , m 4 WIF
..H.Nry 1% bile lard vv., bo.ul.l;nl ..t.LI Olt
t0..1. , nt.111 ..11r. renl.:,
Ita. f... ore,. It,. pro. t.o
Ncr, c. 0 .; lot an upon /1 1 1:14 1 11.111.C.‘10..
.• 11, 1. 1 11 1 1.1 /.1 1111 ' 1 1s rut
ttn• I awl 211 lc. tut lo tlll.l.-
It rte.t then .. 1.1:1101), 1.1 1.1.1 1.1 141 1 auto: y.
It It taken out unit ' tot led in lamll
,nto..• in Ili - to'aal,
ntlot oltoicil between
ii r I.oaril.t,loicr till 11, ..pacrt.
tL , ;/ MI.-
pi:t towset:v.:tat 1110101 Ile, a tlvnte.-
don^ lay., rre,atr. , la 111 . 01111111 to lino . 11 1 1 , 1/
1.111/11/. • Tile nil trickles at nr-W Wan.:
1..11.11y. but cra.lnatty .1. 101,1 'Ol 1 1
11 I'l, t..ntone.t.t 1111... at t ha
01 011 In the lard 110.,
11, run alt
r„ V 1 awl lop. , In c,tcru, from
. Illlw it is potowil l:1a 0 lank, root from
thence fluted Into batrete, an.!
when 111-
,la...tea , iot crumcnt altWia:s au.l brawl•
I, rell , l, for IL.. Hatchet. Tllia it all We
}nucl'.:ll, umcluncry ot .
,utt , s coLahli,lino.ut perlect. 111111
cinuolote, tool lilt! Lard nuoil of tooth Rood
on:tilt, 17h11 nniar'el not :kat t nior br.tott
ol till 1. 00 lavorably klwa'u bore awl else
tiloire. It 18 run, foe merchant.. awl man
ufacturc r. to otiluclrtint tne \Vrel. N /112 11 11
I.ot. ter art.fcle at as low a pct.,: hb.
eat. a o
talacit 111.1 AY , :t luliricalinif oil their
brawl ...Inlet surpayseit;
while tit, kcep constantly on hand
tloi Dock Cruk.k. tool etanilaril
11x111110 of oitrtnin 1011. IVone.tly coin
:moot 11114 11111110 I lir pitilonago 01 too na—
no,. 1101 1/11 111 1100, 1111,1 21,1 that 11ut0t.
ina) 1m rapidly tot 11l
N an no 11111,011 why 1111. bran.•ll ot
.111 111 not -eon, the I,onot
all fil.: to g rant 1 . 111-I.urgh a mm:fo In,
Ity to 11.. t. tnaculnctures. Their np.
pears In :mother cainwin.
IV rOIIO,IO, that. the co, 00 Mimed tll.
' , Joined; hiachitusrds are It 11111,/%1300 Nt II
1.% Inte,ted, und
II 0: e ,.. ., ITT 110 101 I,ly vennal.
This. %dos. of %. erns lu utt.t: I v Oealt lI till ac"
cordbm to the cir,utastatha.. when they :
m!, then . nopaar.tuce, the same us In 010
Olsen 01 rats and sto.ll kg. Pitt shurgh prObablv
lia% Inv moue of the fellow, than other elites
but IL has its-lotre. Beta . ..rani/Int Mal nine
Tielm.l% last evening. It party Of tour rough+
got upon a C Pas,enger hallway Car,
golog . to Eas rem., ille, and initionitately
exiolooni their right In the lithe or 103 11,1 S.
I loafer 1111114.1 . 11.11 V tiOO,LIO
Olt!(Olt it loafer ,Ire-nett in Inv Inds
form of the Union entity, Is worNe than aetts..,
table, he i., Mouth:tune. T‘,,, out of the
four Ti thentiou wore the 0111,11 Mum they
%Ter.. 01 e
ink, and their conduct grew Irma
disgraceful to mitrageou+, until they very
1 , e . 1111t mil!, the annoy.
111101.1 but the terror of he LIAO,
In dtio ear. The conductor or the
ca who 10 a Ilittrough gentleman, Intving
th t, Intorests of Intpassengers al licart.,and
having also tilt will and Oho ability In en
force the rules of 11.,011ey Otl ear, re
monstrated I wino with Thu raglans, and .tt
length seeing that they 0,000 beeluntng
twat% anti more onct al
olurtll., Stflrilett 1110
car awl vlccled the 11111 r, to the grateful re.
Ind oh Ih,: %lecent people nu the car. Thn
road., al !Ind inudu some resistance when
the pronosii lon to get out n ti made, but at
hint, ocring that pencebly or violently th e y
OPO+l go marl tided to. go penombly. We
belle,' that Lao, If not mor e , of the part%
I%elong ill. the Arsenal, nn,l we rOIIIIIIOIIII
118.01 tU the uttentlou of theiecommainllng
A Directory.
Nrw M 0 ..% Iloco:.—Dk, toile
still 1111111 Lally
to wriicriul nod Chub
troops: ul thelitto l'Utiturgh l'huattv, uut:
flu other 11 ice IllArac Live blll.
Munntiu /I Al.l - ..—Proto, , or %111+11.r, the
World monnwimd w 173rd, wit!; many
~ ,I tol
(1! =7
. _
. ,
Iteuntaki ,e CO. flro Mar. Tele
raph., told a Ctl-hrtto ,Viarm
gr.‘l , ll fur tin, city of Allezheny c btc:l
,utninitt.t to the ,elect conuulttv, al,polnt
e.l i y the Cot , tic{ii of tilltt. city, /1,1,1 re
fvri •AI tor 6oul tlucillork to the Corronater
T the agent. fir
Iscrin,r , l .0 to. Itits two pro.
va.' !sin , ' a the comet itece. Ile roprree,
nr.., to cruet a 0•00plete tire alarte and v.,
lice telegraph, sinolar In unto:110e and
mg to llist ' employed In l'ltisigirgh and
et!!, eitics. comprising dotilile inctalic Clr
mil I, twegly•lise a large gong for
each of the lour cottine ass o , the lire,
4,41.:10y 1 . 101.,, 111:r0.rattli, Ore the
m of {.,.'.+1.a1511.11.1 o
propreiet try
systion with single roctalle eltingt,
',mond connect: , . - ^, for it rot prot
ro , ll4oll.llla3LpiAteld a crilian precl-ely
sluillar to ,Itat al present 1111 In
darer:4 1101 R that
of ihttsliurgli In dispensing entirely
with 0 central °thee met the gim
e:al ithirat F.sch lion
telegram] ofllce, and the Mar . Is eonvaycd
directly to Um ntatine hues I. The bit:tor
tes urn placed In one of the Ling inn 1100401,
:111,1-':o Operatoonit ,ti t s v pt 1010 rm ”,
to Olt Lim biattli,ollCU week. Tble one
operator costs the city Mobile seven:3 . -
I,e dollar, per anuatiz No OnuSme watch
need he krit at the el ghte houses, R 9 the
gongs sound londl7 emit:th tO awaken the
sleeping members. Its opening the Inner
deco of uny Lot, the perstiu holding the
hey, eon, by the use el 0 code or :Spuds,
COLI , ey any pollee Or cliental in telllgencii,
(or a ilchlar ;horse telegrupti hey Is placed
Insult , each nog. We ay state ln tint con
nection, that dlr. l'aisit m ey, Superintendent
or iier Alarm Tclegrapll, is rerfiTtlng a
or clgrints to ho used for pollCo tele
raphing lu this city. The advantages of
IMI. Improvement fie highly appro."
uuslita an ; Fet his part proposei to
ete, titi• I:,,i11114111 Aiar, tilt.! Pollee. Tols
toi-ph, SiTIII:ra to that used. In Cleveluild,
h• ht.• sante en, a- are Alnico el by
Maio: hlttott-6, , ,Pit, prollOsitlon Mht
ether, to enty tulles of vs int. eight familleir
pole-, thirty toMral, gii
go • I, thirty in
ye. rut:wets. main leittery, furtiltilre for hat -
try snout, 11W the mices,ary insulator.,
he l!Ottes lire to Ist of inetal moil not of
1:13 in ton furnished by Mr. I
:eye at their' east prise, 43.411. Ile alt , t,
the cwt./hitt:et the privilege or solo
hotiotit poles, wire, dc., of saber par- ,
Lien, et :Lice I,,c:lrte et, they 'nay be stars to '
oistat a. In 111, v. ay .. advantage In th •
Un i te
tit tow
titter may he valholl. The elv- . 1
hafe in the, syelitte are Dot regelattel try.
Ttrapelucl 0, bat are Matt It gruel lean
atttK key a curtain nurther of times t
i L e'
that secer.o, dotta riot depend upon In,
c l oc k upon the 1:Q0111Crg•
unit Ithou ledge of 'tie ofterotor. The prie
t:hi:hii ley:thou to Thus system seem, to be
the Lahti it; nti,tekits. A elan rilett•
tog hurl - halo to a sititial box lacy strike
kreilter or i le_n II utiii,tir of taps
on ttot key than he lutetals. putt
may, In :tie erlelteMellt, forget the re
quited n ether stroke• to express his
tecattieg. u
The itiecifleillrections lobe giv
en an tonne the are to lie it relayed by D. gtn.
oral alarm the purpose of wlitch is
to ittottienre the general fact of u lire. no
It %Pl• be teat that at tenet chinslileruble
t hoe Is eipen.lesl, Lind If a mistake hart to
he ear:ate:el, •till more time elapses, while,
If a tot,teke le intuit anti 'tart correetkst the
ti•Phitypit is than eselese. It Is
.•latttost that thei 1 tate] hy to mistake, I+of
10 WI DOrp.L.. tho wereaugof
the .5 sten, helleve this , Ysteiti also
Otstette- with a ectitr3l Oleo", hut if We
ere 00,,01.10 I,l!r•rele.l 0 , 11,c1 - el/it: the sys•
to in other eltli,. 17.,:ilthift ittl, to i.e
constautly MI 1111,d . at tare entitles. house
to otattive the la.arr, KiVea.. ,hall
ileavor at ,itele fatere time to glee a fuller
eluteuient of :tat wort:T.lgs of this sTitetia.
likkotir at art hl U llous—ltargalia
at 'lnman. lily ar Code, awl NO
Market stract.
El.en 11,ry ne I,llPlislt the arrival of choice
zering at .Ihu whol,llle unit fe
%all Innualew 4‘11.1 11,11j011 eetabl,,eantnt 61
31wcruan 61p1e. X Ca., Nu,. Tv an it SO
Marht... , treet. 'lan - tog a.leannme of the
01 ti:u r..n..te:.n markets; IT.,
nrm cal pni f.!eesu of theft
,61610 eto,•lf. loot now otter to denier, wr..l
retail patrons 11,11, icily as gool l'srgitifel
~.. t an I.c ps ;aimed Al tad, tate, et the illoct
ads,' agerea, mica, a loch 1 tfle the nagort- '
Itir bon,- of lid-ton, It ea tort. and Ibille
del Md.,. Ile. lumen . , new stock of goods
has been tartlalty selected a lth a slow 01
.1/Iiii:•11ilY 10 tILI,IG.LO't t, by Mr. Hagan, of
the lirtn, a In, pas loam absent a long time
in mating the purchases. I.vcrytitthe mu'
end lach101a..11:1, % 111 be bound 111 the stock.
WO c.LI ;I, etturneruto tt, luaus of this nu- '
tficmC - wl varnal stock. such on corsets, ,
boolesktr a ts, votterlalls, kid gloves, i real
Alexidoireo hand herellief., 01 lore and
1.... m rail, ponit Lire, :wil m
l e, , :.mein,
lialit ,
se. Ilitcati and guipure istaot, t o lgtxhri
and lasertings, tall linen of euthrolderi&h
V. Lite gliOil, 0: Lill tiiitti .11.4 varnity,a l l.l de.
4:ver y article collect, abld lo the make
o p et oar dearmtvcs ' and daughters ' clOth- ,
mit. '1 he fl, tnoi of ribbons, sashes, trim
tan.,.., and riv,_k•ribi..l,ll, 1 , very large, and
embraces new and nov,l styles. never be
fore Parra:l4,4. liViltiellitql iir al al/o !Mid
At lliternm, tis s ue .V. Co.'s, a very full line
of f arm:fling gem.le, collars, culls, bltirts,, ties, mttpenders, half hole.
0.., Oc., widen are market dean at prices
feggroximaltag those which rang - cal atite
run toll, Aar. Few are unneqUainted ',WI,
the Pact that this houtfc does a large share
sit the trade at the city, anti more than inn.
l',`Ll/111 . 1, 1 111cute , 11 - 15:1 1:11.,C1 . 11 houses In
retaining aim. cestom. lts lots:fleas ls con
. .oe:eft upon a perfect system . , u tangy force
of gentlemanly salesmen and lady clerks
are eon-zanily in waiting In the various
a iml.•sale and retail departments, while
the it: le, I:13011,110:a the 1.011., are mil.•
feral 111 011 articles and le all customers.
tle. feel ft useless to cumusend a house so
well and favorably known to oar lady rea
ders and with dvalers who sm.!y then' own
lii ere,' generally. We TlVl'il not urge lb.
I t ey can fowl:flower lien, than lii the East,
I lid a brief esatutuatlon lido the poxes 111
SIR: goodly i1i.1.,1 ed by Macroin, tily,to ,t. Co.,
,alll folly 4:151f, then, upou that point. this
rob, ourrmoicrs to then - card ill another
IV!!Ilam 11. wart and J.. Smith reside
at flit: sall,l trsirillng 11.0iire, No. 72 Water
rect. timbal hits been heeblng company
with ' ll girl tar Collie Olive years, and re-
eently Stewart, to!Stroth gaya, endeavored
to "cut Mtn out” el tier ttlleetlone, and so
far meeeetrell a., to make Smith supremely
11 happy'. The latter in hm deaperation,
told the young lady aeveral times that if lie
ever r.mobt her on the stre•T with Stewart
n tomi kilt the hater. Thu damsel drab
In hove carond her new lover of this
!local, and he eatno I,foro Mayor Sicear-
Ito. e. 5 1 ,1 IngOle Information, charging smith
n'Slh buret} et the pee,. on Sunday even
ing, in, youth was aittom by the lite, Cou
ple of shiners appeared, Stewart poluted
rialto out, that tildiVt.lual was gobbled and
conveyed to the loeloup. lie had a hearing
yeaterday, and war held to bull for bta ap
pearance at lour t.
The DP.ihngul•shed Mee. Harper.
We are pleased In announce the arrival
or the falllo. colored- Mill. .Alts
France, e.. W. Darr, r, who is now the guest
or hey. Jobe Peck - , al Ida residence In this
city: Mt, Harper Me' been thrilling audi
ences :east and north, with her beautiful
and trnthhil leccuret.,and A (10110.1nOre brli.
ti1:111 - tilAt ItwKructl Anna Dickinson
has preceded her here. $llO is truly a won
der'. wooll\ll—liitl Fred. Dough. ot • her
bon—n.nd in the pusaessor of a high order of
talent ion generally en:mated to male or
1.11100 of her color. She has consented to
Dinure la DID ray, as per advertisement
elseultere, and we bespeak for here crowd
ed house.
At about four o'clock yesterday utter
0000, 11.11 occident occurred on Liberty
street, near the liminesce depot, by which
a little boy 1111.1.001 i James Ward, AIM,
yours of age, was instantly kllled. Ho was
returning to his home from the First ward
school, aid Jumped upon the sten of a car
alibM Was being drawn past by horses, and
shortly afterwards fell oft, striking the
mica a, that the wheels of the cur passed
on, his body, crushing ma, in the most
horrible manner, end killing ram I,,,tant..
ly. Ile was conveyed to the residence of
his tather,oe Point street out the Coroner
mottikd. .10 10 , 1etHL 111 be Mad tills
I.ectuire,hy Rev. W. H. WA'Altus. A. M.
at Weditty Chapel M.
lleGulre . e) It,. W. 11. Watkins wit! deliver
111 , popular lecture. 4 . lltitlCll 11 r11.: 11.1 1
WM' .1.1 1 1 4.11(11, of lingll+ll Worde...
1 . 1., lecturer Lt. tattde fangoa ge a sper.l
.rttnit for here, and hue 1110,4. bt . :111tIrlillY
1,1,11 1:1'd 111 e thoughts, and ;peal. them In
nnett graceful and manner.
Wherever Me. WatLinv hue ltddresvett an
anthem, on. lily subject he In delighted
the people and exelted n 1.11:01/ Interest In
the Ittetly or word,
Tor,. ... To Tr Darolron,
ro,ortlav lowly lolorttottion ber,,,ro Alder
natOlod. .501 tier, ('Ti
ndirtolo. 'l'h , •Oeporomt
l 101 l th.• d. fondant oil Thu Mix lout, and
oviol on tOre down 10 fa,
1 Oepollunt hat' upon I,l'
bon,. on rtta lord ,d 1 err. :11:11 Ward. A
v. aria.
tat ~
C t
liuots 11r11,111,nt is 117
Dr. of 114 rot•:, ‘4llll
beCTI Very s 17, umwveMer:nr
the .Ltn.
1!:e •rn,-ttiva lo - 1:11.101.5 nth I, .11-
rant, trrntal:nn ‘1•• ith tint
thtt infctnntil: It tt , I,ttt, on
high authntnty, 11 , r. L.Ne,h,::.
that four-tlttl, n( tltc
117,d for a } in t!,
hetry:no. ttfreelvt ,:thtil-0,,..• 1:110,111
der the ttartv• 01 it , . I. •etor
W:thoitt. tlnultt, 000,001,0. ht, c7II•
mate tno propOrttOttt, .tzttazl., 01 ye,
onsirat It 1, t/
!het there 1. curb ,t and d ott,
burnt very
li ttractievlo kttlttualt n
Thu disease begiuS with severe Iteoinit
Otthy itruel :Lint un.l carious portions
of the brvi - c, -vitinnit any eruption, wlncii
lielnee, the itnilvutont to rah:sod scratch
•ppea,. the ±eneu.-
1,01, •1:1w ea .r. how
ever. is s ern,: ton. t. e. rely s e eonds
eruptloll ..111,01 pimple: or points at to
rt 1.41t10n, or nearly 1:10 sistne to. 11 , the
skin, and es they 'dry el ;also:11c of aow ,
n color. , One crop of these i.fien di-mg
peers n, anotheri.. evolved, the latiiir ie -
cooling •ealcutar alter the lap, of
two. These Vcstcles become pointed, not
are filled with an acrid humor of a pale yel
low color, which sometimes frets and in
flames the outer parts of the body where It
touched. There issuallY-no Inflammation
or reilmba aroundd theses fc,tulee until
after a great deal of Err/itching, I.l.lich
beeind to occiwfou the 111$1,11 tuation which
subreefuently • icecurd. .1r• the vetsicular
ercuptlChls be punctured with the print of it
pin or nee.lie, they InitllnltlLLl without
any trace of their presence; toil if their
point. be turn oft atti later lies
rim! a water: did mixed with blood,
eludes, and hawk or broullish crusts are
termed, which vanish in course. of time,
but leave at all y permanent cicatrices
Med them. The disease will often befriend
around the ends of the fin gem, occusloinng
oftentimes Me loss of the nails. It Is Is
doubted point whether M. 11/SOO4O, lattlois
licit, limy be cla.stiel among the thin
or not. The skin unitontecilly is the
part affected by It, but whether it has its
crigm Inn depraved elate of the bloat and
Meows of tile holy, or cmirists of an tines
imarchliS , fo the skill, 1 Bre many Other cot:m
amas ileseaser., to a 41 lleStllll3 1111600,1 by
medical limn. The riest generally reCel , wl
opinion is that it is annatalulie, tall is not
eOlitngiOUA. The itching is Intolerable, and
is meteaded by heat, and the hands are
Oftentimes iiireilest to such an extent as to
- force the Individual to abstain from nil
kinds of mutual lat., lu children the
of the foot are particularly affected.
TM , disease, when neglected; ol ten last
as long a period ao four or live years.
Gilmore end•bler Trunk Manufne
El-eviltem will to, found the eilverliet,
meta of the well known Inanutiteturn, and
ii,itier t i In trunks, traveling valises, mud eat
eliela, tenni. o Unwire A /debtor, Non. tel I
and Itei Wo o l street. They. manufacture
negety aldt'ew Stock to the beet and most
.. e
durableedinen'tf WOrkinitniditir, making each
article of nitell a. rim:eider as will etottalli I
the high reputation they hare attaltoni in
the esentlettee of their good,. We • piste,
any looked through the largo and 'superior
_stook to 17, fun.l tot hear unnamed to an ware
Invents, dad were natintigt that Pittidaireili;
cannot the turpeeeeit In trunk anal rail,
making. All t.tyles are kept th ere from the
pond titan, and maguilleeut Saratoga family
t raveling trauk down to the tiny hand eat
chel for holm: , unit gentlemen. Each art!.
eh: Is mode from Mu very - Dent quality of
prepared leather and 1411°1011ml in the vent
and most eery wettble manner. The KL•ritle
man comnrlsing the firm ore lair dealing
honorable Minnie., men :mil, we coal:mend
them to all who desirttany thing In their
line. Remember the pinett,Nos. lel unit ID:
Wood street, the great trunk wI.Por".
Where prices are most manna:Ma: unit
Chief Long, of the All-gin/ay potice t un
hi:, determination of. proniptly
information.agr,: the rtsid t a
loafer, N ini eutiitregate nitwit L!:.:cornet in
it e t: unit (min street!, and the einnet of
llntittionn :tn.! rederal :boil:
gPritr'y tillde a new tail: raid change
tiled . former habits of life. Thu tinwaneo
of loan, In 1.11100. lieeoute
nneniliti able, and Mayor Mort 111
hero determined to nit.ite it by the
moat istituttent ineasaire, Tlioue Immedi
ately intere-tell still etinenit their weliarit
try taking timely warning.
.1 wan Cit.:lW iLiChlOll, in an u'
mender In the Fifth ward, and If report
*peaks truly, he •utters froM the general
cOmfuelon of ideas, [esp.!: Unit the filet of
property in umbrela, Atr:Andrew Shan
non, one of liteliton l 'e. patron,. :Inuit: into:-
Menem before Alderman Taylor, ye,terday, ,
charging the umbrella mall with lar
ceny u. butler, :alleging that he It:Wider:d
ant have an nbrella to mend. and the
latter, lAstead u: of returning it iincitly,
he should have done, hu sold it and con
verted the prm,tdi to Dll O'er, Cm,
warrant rest Issued.
A llMlrond Quarrel.—NV Mrobat,
an ass.stant overseer at the yard of the
Cennsvivania naltroad Coin patty, Wade Ir.•
formation. on the eth of nthruary, before
Mayor McCarthy, charging Henry Hughes,
a brakeman on a fretght train on the road,
.with aggravated Assault and battery. A
warrant Was Issued, and yesterday carer
Guppies arrested the ashamed at Ms board
ing bother, in the Ninth ward, tear - the
Drovers' flomn. Ile enntesaes to the deed
but says that Brebbt gpt him distcharged
from his saltation, and ne took Ms
to get even with tam. The pri , oner was
lucked up for u hearing.
Canigh Laat.—On the ZAI of October
last Mrs. Catharine rinjding near
Sharpshurg. Tootle Intormation before Al-
Ilerutnu Ifonahl.on, charging John Len
kard with coma... Wag a rape on her little
daughter Emma, a child of • ,even year,
The accused kept out out of thu way until
yeaterday afternoon, whoa he was 41' I t.t.l•
In a state of Intoxication, on the corner of
Hand and Liberty streets, 1,7 ollicer Lute.
The prisoner 3rtfao committed for a herring
en Saturday afternoon at two o'clock.
larceny rts ltallec.— , r3l7.ll, Freeman, a
dealer doing business on Venn street In Iho
Fifth wahl, made Information beteretalder
man Taylor yesterday. charging Henry
Bradley with the larceny of a bullock's hide
worth *22 tit , , belonging to oetament, and en
trusted to defendant. It Is alleged 1 . 1 . t the
the was placed to the wagon of the act:l:s
-ea to be taken to the deponent's store,
Bradley, as is alleged, got drunk, sold the
hide unit spent the money for more drink.
A warrant was Issued.
Trover.-111, Lizzie Force made infor
mation before Aldermen Taylor, yesterday,
charg,ing, eves. ti. harry, of the Ninth ward,
with keeping and converting to his own
use, ft lot of bedding, clothing, kitchen elem.
*lts, Aft, all valued at 435., belonging to de
ponent. Silo bearded wi th the accused, anti
when she wished to leave his abode for an
other, he knot the goods !tool chattels en
utterly relating to give them up,
A warrant was issued.
• Runaway arid Una Over.-On eater
day at about two o'clock, the horse attach
ed to s. butchers wagon, on Liberty street,
took fright when near Mines hotel, and
Tan away.' lie ran hero's the railroad track
as a train wet backbrg past, and was not
quick enough to cannily asset(' a collision,
for the backing train came in contact with
tile rear of the wagon, upeetting and break
ing it. Fortunately neither the horse nor
the driver were injured.
Funeral Runaway —At a funeral which
toolgplaco yesterday en tellers street, In
the Fifth ward, a horse attmL ed to a buggy
took fright and daubed up the street to
Perm. It turned the corner and ran down
us tar as Alderman Taylor's ollico,w hen the
buggy came in contact with a poaCatad the
animal stopped, the vehicle bang some
what damaged.
ritt.barKi. cborsi tnion•—The cm
tett which ism to have been given this eve
ning, (February . 19,) for the benent of the
LOH°, Relief Society. Ity tire Pittsburgh
Choral Union. hits, owing to the 're ere
[less of sot cost Of the principal ringers.
poltponed. There will be till', notice
'given of the time of holding the concert.
Iler.—Mary Ailen realding near Lad.
Liberty, made Information before 111,1er
muli Strain yesterday. endreeir Charles
Black, with assault and battery, Chtl alleges
that Charles attacked her, striking her
with a steno Itna otherwlre abusing her. A
warrant was I,mied.
The Doc Coot. Aga Lynch
yesterday gave a hearing iu the raeu ,la
eoh Myers, charged on oath of Samuel
of Duquesne borough. with the
Ltroonv et a ball dog, as reported atanotitne
ago. The la,trlng resultet In the /wear , '
being hold to bell to toiler at court.
Got - 11x11.—On the Iltl of Durrirybor,lsSS,
Justicu Arent, 01 I:aservt , towusiiip, con,
yritttrd to Jill, In tle.r.utit o. l Isyd.Clisrles
ylloorber.rnitrged, on oath or Sarah Doyle,
ills tuba: pretences. Yesterday thu prli.
.olr surcre,cd fn ,•1:C..111...1.1.4:,.,.!!!!:,y!xe1,try
anq 71,11;:not,„
Fir, on !!Good lUreet—ll.lP• Trunk
raCtOl7 DC•troT"E
about two o'clock thls morning an
alarm sounded from box No. 11, Duquesne
Engine llousc. The occasion of the alarm
was the discovery of. flames In the lower
part of John Bell's trunk manufactory, No.
Id., second street. 'The tire bad been burn
ing ',line tie beforebeing discovered, and
hod rrads 111011 progress before the alarm
was sounded. that the engines had hard.
to ,r, ;he !lames in check. The er,
sag-4 two story brick—was des ,
trove.!., together with nearly the entire
Of manufactured
insp . ., Alta law materials. Mr. Bell
toldro , s MA:. he had about 411. 000 .
of steel: in the building, wrilett
aas opittreti tor the SLIM of I,a,utat In the
I:rna. Not th Muerte:to i l:lrani and l'utnam
t:ouwatues. The building belonged to Sir
-6,,0rg0 11-Anderson. leather dealer, and
a; could not ascertain whether It was In-
Tured or 1101. Mr. A. sea. intending to
-Innic the building in the spring, and re
place it with a new one.
.11arkies paper matioractori, below the
burnt building. ices slightly damaged, but
though remit:l,ly threattatal, escaped with
.1 waolesalo grocery store, a ,
j e u x r t ,l abo b r u,
the frank factory. was a .; ,
rcry lahtly.
foie at City tfall.—The roar and lost!.
1,1 n: CUT !Intl was greatly enlivened WI
tho appear:loco of Mr. John Eng
thn crlenlattnl skater, what hats kindly each night of the fair
in I. of hts' wonderful perform.
Itl•r1lnr~ril -S: in. Craupbe.ll, fah,. la..
4 :. itil the larceny of n box of
r •Cs nltler , front the ehearner lute
'• ;' rina ye.,torOxy before the
, N
Glttion Manninettarer, 611,3 Blower.,
order your 'hit ina.h. at :•11:rloiik. A Put-
Imm'e,7l Fifth etreet.
LINHAItT I`.tr t .i-tvt cntrt...
111111:1,, t11ei:ev.3,1i13(11.113.
31, 1,3 WV 41:11• tf
31.1 t t Birmingham. Igo
tar :t
i=r2sTx.. - ... - mi=l..r..taamazi
N. I,Fonrak w-et, rzb, Vs. COFFINS
of .11 WAIVE, Mol
..riproAt or Foo,toti Earn,Olog
i1L. , 0rr0,,,r,.1.:.5y aoJ no;ol: llrarso snd
'11131.1,1,,1.- - It.s. Day. ti-tr.-1 , .
M. W. dltroltus.
.1. 11. MIA,.
R. T. WHITE tsi. CO.,
UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS,, wood , . Run :Lad cielnlty.
Corner Slicilield end Chi:triter, et rrrrr
nests., and Carrtsges tarnished.
"pI7.ILOALE CEMETERY.—The,' the largert tub.-
ban pl to ttr settlchr, except one. to this coun
ty. ettuated no Nen Itrlglitem roatL Itutrudiate-
Iv north of Allihen. For burial lota. pewits
or titles. call a: -g Cent y ral Drug tora of Ll).t
CLAN EY, Allegheny (City..
frrl.Tafi REP.eIIBLVG
• No. 56 Fifth Street,
•,•• - • •
Arlon ntted roomf. excludvely for toe re
noirloe of WAIVH.Iih and CLOWN,. with good
tools lorgoand competent force of work
men. we are enatiled to do work its well. If not
Inner:ll.ov, , other btorelnyte city. Watches
le ft for repairs will receive prompt attention
std De regoloted by totr • _
6 Itry lieSt„ 3d door from sth.
ouNsT w.
Mc' Watches, (locks, Jowl!lrY,
3P'i2 tIMSI=O.US&"}i.,
g,,l'xrdeu!, Mu-adorn sclvca so licualsimf
•a JeweLry. Wort sum-
(C. .1 2 1.1_01:3 3M42,
Flue Watches . , Jewelry, Diamonds,
French Clocks; &e.
Sof , lal at t t. , 0 Port given to the REPAIRING OT
YI\E WA:411E45.
..113 7 . 22 11111" Street:
CU5L.1E1. 7 156 ,
37 Ohio Street, Allegheny, '
Watch. ao.I Clutl.. Ito p/Orlng promptly st
tend.. to. flels,ry
S 9 S 9 .89 S 9 S 9 89 S 9 S 9 S 9,
, OFf.
ss „ S 9 Illarkst Sired, ! 89
S 9, 1 ,49
3 61C • S9i
" ' YTS 'a-3mm (3x. - r-s- Ism
`9 ,J S. ROBB, S 9 Market St. S 9
• •
89 89 89 $9 89 S 9 S 9 S 9
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A largo sagiortzaent of
thaudellers, Brackets, Lead Pipe,
Pumps, Sheet Lead. &c.,
1,1 Wood Street, near Sixth,
000 D
7:ro. 92 :Federal Sired,
ticdian s
I , lx machine.. c:...1 but a 01,11.1U:tie, for"lest
rethacoVrrtccs. WN. tI".I(NEZI s 00.
rp 1 E CHEAPEST. 7
The hlmpleet. Ma Beet II
%V IhtaSit.r. Tuba IC Iill:S. SALZ,ReO I
.V.: rirrn STREET,
Practical garniture Maunfaeturers
Lau.,t sty'les of FURNITURE. cossluitly oa
of thr