..urly, ,A1S111,81:11111B,B .. , IP'iLi- la. Pnlatt f r,Z, 1 Loothstaa oarrasx era TtaRD PME 8 Banker and Broker, . , . . . . . COliilir REPORTS, . 118 Wood St., near corner or Fiftn, An..distrivemia of.; fgaterament 'Bowls tough% and +odd on liberal tercua Louden and Costmental Nzehrolile sold at a ear York rates. -= • Gold. Silver and Coupons bought at kian• - eat rates,and Gold Drafts issued on new II 8 I BMWS Judges Ilsrogdos and WiMaros. This Court Lits in session On Saturday for the transact on of misiStela enemas loudness: In the eases of Cracey Biggerstaff vs. Ullman 'Howe, before repOrted,the Jury set.dema ti`cverdiet in favor of Plaintiffs' -..fer the sum of a5,C02,04. Proclarnatkel Wring been made, deeds of Sheriff Clultry.tor preserty taken in execu tion and sold by him - 11T - Wre acknowledged as follows: To John Urtorri for interest of John Sit it' in the ace:aborty half of lot .go.Z, in lower Lluden,on Boundary street, Pitt township. Coneideration SIOD. . - To William Badneumn for Interest of Jas. C. Fiat:Melo two. iota in the village of Fay etteville. Consideration 05. To-Robert C. Mackey for interest of Wil. liaini liagaley in Int au Congress street, Sixth Ward, Pittsburgh. Consideration linitt4fOr interest of Wolf Levi in lot on Meadow street in Wilkins toweahlp. Consideration. MOO.. .-, To Joseph Bonen for interest of James C. Tian= Ina lot In Totopontooovllle, on Wei. k' T ' O li k ee L t ..P. C or id n e f r o a r t ro7ot:i. Of William Bngalap 1n 11;t:Cii Wood street, cormee. of Prom, on abicti are erected two three story bit* warehouses. Consideration To John Brown for interest of William IL Phipps in lot to Union township. Consid eration 4110. To IL It.. Galway for Interest of`lt. T. L. ocli in lot on Penn street,' twenty . ..five feet - east of Ilay, on which is a three story brick dw.llicg. Consideration $lO,OOO. To Martla Connolly fin a pioco of ground on Irwin street, Pittsburgh. Consideration TicIAL'OBT 101 t MOISDAT • 101. J. G. Davis vs. B. Ff. Landsrehr. • 105. It, Age, Angell a.. Co., vs. O. B. Jones, 'lO4. Wilder & CO. vs. J. M. Perkins .t Co. . 111. L. U. Volght & Co. vs. J. B. &leather, 122.T.Irred,'Setifla va.4: Selffort. ' 132 L 'Jobri.Ketthedy T. B. Updike. WllllOl2, Itroat for uso vs. Job,, 'Me. Cisme. " 121. WllUturC Brown for use TO. John Ale- Chiron. • common Pleas and Quarter Seatlon Before Judges Sterrett, St.. we and Mellen. The foliokr business was transacted on 'Saturday: ' In the cut of Nicholas J. Little? vs. David A-114Donsid, befare reporteti the Jury, having beer, out alt of Prided night, re inroads verdict in favor of plaintill for the sum of ne. 305 . 68 . The peiltion of Dorothy ilerberlce, her next friend. Cims. Hecker, fora divorce teem . her. husband, BeynolM Berberick, was presented.' She Prays the dissolution of the bends of matrimony with her hus band, to 'whom she was wedded in Deceni her, 18“, on the ground of desertion. The petition w as Sled, and a subvert& awerded. The Court grunted a decree divorcing Elizabeth Ilalnesworth, of Allegheny city. from her husband.' iVtillem Ilamesworth• Tireillvoree is o vincula madrlnto_ni, and the I ground upon which It wen asked Ildul• tn James liceasii, of McClure townstilp, brought in on a process for selling liquor • "- ',Vont license, put in a plea 044millE w sentenced to pay a gone of thirty dollars sasce. Bilateral Collier presented the petition of Anti Mc praying for proceedings um:firths Ot-Assemuly to have sent to tha - Dlrniont Asylum Dan iel s lbrght, who 11 Insane, hen - no estate, and i unsafe to be attarge. BlBregiment and. legal nettle- Inent is to to county. It appears tart et was emi t, to [beanie= some seven years tin, atid - aer remaining there for some .niwas discharged itet cured. Lately, how. ever,. his Insanity: returned, and having etrayed trent his homeile was picked op by the police of AUegteny city, Mayor M ern son ofteinlttilig himio .all for threatening ." a bmich" of the -peace. - The Court ilzeu Wednesday nun ea the time for the bear- . _ . ` in tsepettiticin of •John•DGAittlo and Daniel • Sha,whanontiabitants of Scott and Maniere ( naspreeented,representing that • a pnblio road had been laid out from the • Cemetery Crosaing, on the Pittsburgh and - Steubenville Railroad, at a white oak, in Chardon) , townehip, to a atone at the Tem peraiseeirille and Nobleatown plank roitd.lo _Reptttownstlip, near thebridgeover Masi. . Runiwltich road, if confirmed, would be in. Jariona. to - petitioners, whopprefed for the appointment of - Viewers, to maks report as cording to law. The Court appointed as • ' Viewers - Messrs: JOserdi llvErtigist, J. 11. Robb and Robert illogbiust. • .A petition having been prevented privtag for the construction ors bridge across More. tones Ran, in Upper St. Clair toenail); J. R. Stillman (artist.) Henry. Bockstore and James Espy were appointed viewers. , The •report of tne audit of the bounty - fond of Ohio township, was presented and ordered td be flied, having been confirmed • • TRIAL ran YOZDAIN • 33. M. Bargeman vs. /. fichhitsner. ' • IL Francis McGovern vs, C. Clapp; . 43. @.ll. Metzger... Geo. Reiter, et al. ea. John Duffy vs. Si try ,Ann Quinn. • -IL Ceti). Roach vs Elisabeth Bowl. G). Cunningham vs. Western Tranaporta . Mon Company.' el, an ry Beldinger vs. Jefemlith Knox. • 1W... - 1111llinger .a Bidwell vv. Wm. Adams, V t • Now Opens flouss.7lflaa Charlotte Thomic son ea Jolla. in the llcnchback. SithorrntiTitztang-The Magnificent lot troupe, lam of the Theatre Comigne. • 21•1101(16 - the stoat. • _eat. of .trivirde. Neer trick.. A sewing, .if te utchlpelll'be givelvatray to-night: Ile contlnees every night Om week with the [exception of to-morroarevaning, the hall , Mang preciously engaged. . • ••• , . Ismail Di InJois . .—On Saturday Miriam] DriScan, having made himself drunk:went into the hcnieo •of Joseph Delkelmelr. on Market 'street, and acted in the worst 001:I. cetrable manner. Mr. D.ariempted to put him - out and threatened ioblow OD brains out unless he Immediately let go of him. Drikelmcir let go of him, and Alderman flumbertis , cMcce took bold of him on a charge Of trespaaasss and surety of the peace. Dr default of Dia required bail Driscoll was committed to - Jell to answer a hearing be. fOSe Alderman Humbert. . • • i Thaw said wretch has furnished the following entapartson of then and 'mow: Farmers in ina—wan at plow wife at 'now, girl anyarti,bay at barn, eine an aura-, tied. . • . . Farmers In 1,967.—1dan at show, girl 6t pt. Rao, rite In satin, boy at baba, and all dues unpaid. THE FULTON YJ9TABLBBII£.II/3 1882. • 41). 91First 110410 : Second Stteets, PITTSBURGH. PA. , :,31.&xtriecTulisns or MIMES OF-BELLS .„—FxOllOO tejoo,ooo Pounds aon, nos, -t'Bn An SAVUI TeLTEE. ,ot4nstsex. - Stop_Co.ckm of Brass or Iron.. ".-.Or ♦LL 131ZYS. DVAGE . '"AND CYLINDER COCKS Atiiia bran the different PUMPS vole Akentifor . the . 'Cerebrated - Steam Syphon. D.44-44,:viring."87tAir ma' cus rri- PLUMBIRS , WOBU T , MAt , - Aw i t ," Meat, atteullod paid Y. TAA 80 mall It. brawn. A yErv ,,,,,, 711101. reeriaidis 43YL18, , tryItiraW AL VELZBEAVED ellyqll7.l - 8". '4"l-7 b"— 'NGSassElt to • 4t4" HILL dletotch. ..4arealriuten.. ? , l Irld so Conanll, 0f.06111 ."4 "...... We also Sado cstantly 012 I n wkortitkart, Vonore sod Ofolo t Bole Of . MI ninowEi 800 & CO. 4C:I C:°• 4 ‘X.. W te. AR ,VI " I T /I "er of I °l5 !9,00/00 aturlsk, 'WON:ftEqz Deneertte hum*lst Width tpril nett. Appty ee ' MOORHEAD& CO.. 99 P rater Sired. itemeemiii - . .4: R. ou tealliFirblttl.ead. alnehnter )1: too 011 Refiner.; :. Nod Lead avd 4111. ii.balff" . T. EVIN It 00.'8, teit R. W: denier , bird and neenettles. IATETTAcn& 31EAKON. • !Ibt/Cozd•oserocate.sinag acLARK. , . iiwneocusrery or iNux tzaTnEs nielamwe, , - 410: 11 Otrio meet. Allegbeny elty. Llb.S.b.bottironit, or Beni., N. Atm. Liberty St., Plktabargb, Supt. at Warty. I EALCHES.--2a be els Prime Dr i e d mgr.., for sale hi • .fru Jr b• wanit.Da FINANCE AND TRADE Osman or rsa Priventraoa tittiwrra, SATratver. February It. 1867. SS The following are the New York stock quotations for to-day: Gold, 136%0851 bonds, MT%; Five Twenties, old, 1053,,t Five Twentlesi, '65, 107%; do new,l62y; Seven: Thirties, I. Michigan Southern road; 72%; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, :14; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, ; 'Erie, Pilf; Western Union Telegraph:, Com pan", 132,1; Chicago and Rock Island, 07; Ch sago and, Nortliwesterni 55%; do prbfer pest C 3%; New York - Cential, 100%. - -The following is an °facial statement of,[ the whole amount of compound lateres notes yet outstanding, and alsolef this , amount yet outstanding which Gas duel in IM7: Whole amount. Fnllth Sao 1507 Principal 113.43.001A10 GSZSMO 27,76t,tel 1.9,310.1:2 'Total ...... ...$170,03,431 1119,1.0,1: 1 2 This amount of notes can readily DO taken care ed by the Treasury, If authority lb given to lathe 1vi11,000,000 of temporary loan at tat per cent. Toe Secretary !will have no occasion to move in the matter called to meet maturing compounil4.4s they fall duo banks•will be ready to accept scrip bearing interest, and counting as re serve in cached:me. Any ono convereant with bank movements does not need to be told that, for clearing-house purpomis. et leastilfty•ndilions will be. used until specie payrdents are restored, and the whole. WO,' law= will probably become a permanent Mattes long as gOBI is. at a Premium. if the rote of this lean is fined at 1 per cent It will have another important effect upon the money market by causing country bunks to' bold balances in this scrip rather than' leave them with New York banks. at tue same interest. if this. should be done call, loans andellscounta woult advance in the , leading cities, and COMM ities be forced to market ELIIOCOIOOIIBIOUO 121003prornptly,' leitead of bettor held on speculation by; large combinations, aided by en abundance of cheap money. The proitipects for a steady 800 sure return to epecte paymenut were never 80 good as lattreo4oB. Au obstacle to resumption is found byimmo people In the fear that the taxes 11 be reduced tote point. alien the minuetlnterest and the or du:Lary expenses will not be met. • But this fear Ia without • substatitial flmdation, as the future will show.: The labor of the no. than set free frein our taxes will hie more productive than at , present, and • from an enlarged business upon low prices the Treasury will be lathe receipt of income sufficient not only to pay interest and ordi nary expenses, but, have a surplus equal bp the reduction of theinincipal of the debt ,' and so melntahi and , advance Its prices.— N. Y. Tribune. , prirssusail AAIZILEMI. 0/,ICE 07 THE PITI 000 lIOE GATETTI., t • . SATURDAY. January lit, 1567. 5 The produce msrketa hare not been chai acterlaed by any naw features during the post week worthy of special notice. Some few branches of trade have been Improved a little by the resumption ore avigatlon,bot but generally, dullness continue tareign, and °Ur business men and m.ufeeturere • are complaining bitterly of hard times. Gl7,4lh.. , Wheat .continues*.very 11111 bit nominally'unetianged; we walk:mete quote 5110,55 to 54,00 for No. 1 Spring, and $2.83 to WO for prime Red Pilate,. -Barley Is wand, and prime lie. I Spring soils readily at Sii to ill. Oats quiet; may ,be booted at 4S, on track, - and 63 to Sti, In ELOZO. Bye la in light supply; prime Ohio and Permit, would' bring - 814.5. G ory dull; small sales of Yellow FLOUR—Continues dull and weak' but nominally unehanged. We continue' to - • quote at 411475 to 512,23 for. prime to choice Spring e r heat brands; $L1,50 to $l4 for Winter Witt t. and $16,00 to $17,00 for fanc,' St. Louts 'brands. Rye k lour is quoted at $7,511 to $7.75 per bbl, and Buck wheat at $3,50 to $3,75 per cwt. PROVISIONS—Bacon la selling in a job blog way Bile to 1055' for Should erg, and 15 to L.V-L, for Sugar Cored Llama. Lard is quo ted at 1254 to 12%, for prime leaf, and Mais Pork at VIA) to CT. SEEDS—SaIe to the trade of %bush *speed at 0. Flaxseed is in steady demand V.,65. .Tlmothy beed—amailsales at $3:23. SALT—Is , quiet but ateady„with soles at 11.00 to 1P,65,0n track; 'and .$170..t0 •V,75, In • BUTTERUnucif dull with a supply considerably in .r excess of the demand. Prime Roll cannot fairly he .'tented above 03 to 33. ' • ..slGGS—fluil and unsettle,' ,with c. droop ing tendency; fresh packed may • • TS , quoted at 3510 40,141 though we heard or small slier at-45. •• • APPLES—ill:net and unchanged. We ran report reguLtr sales at f 3,50 to $4 per bbl; ta W quality. POTATOES—Coatinne very. dull—small sates of Peach Blows at 75 to NO per basheL lIAT—Ls dun and wltha au ply consider ably In arrests of the demand; prime baled maybe quoted at g2,3totts—it would be dlfticult to sell untenabove the Inside quo tation—common and Inferior can hardly be sold at sop price. LARD OIL-1s reported steady with reg ular sales at 83 to irtfor No. 2„ and ai 05 to, 51,10 for No. 1. These are .theroanufact. r o era rates. DRIED FBAFITIs steady +with a fat V• - • mand—sales at nto 10 for, Apples and •,` to P.) for Peach.. , • PISTSIBIORGILIPETEOLEUAISLAILICZT Orono, mi. vox Itrrrammun easorto. • • S,IITSHAT. !ohm:airy IG, itb7. CRUDE—Toe market cuntlnuee dull and neglected, and composed with the early part of the week, prices are a abaft lower. We have but switatlo sale to roort, twO thousand barrels, to arrive, at eight cent and there were mom_scllars than btiyers at this price. folders, generally speaking; are anxious to cell, and to accomplish this point are willing. to 'make' allghteonem. slow, trot buyers AO 'not seem iiielmed to operate, preferring rather to hold Off, in an• tiolpation of a mill flutter declinein Crude, or an advance in keened. Quotations at present amp be tairlv given at tte, to arrive, and O to 84 for April delivery. Smith's Ferry dull but unchanged; sales at 7 to 7%, packages Trrturnoril, and 15 to LlK..ptickagus included, according to gravity. Ati actions in listamba oil—essteim arivices continue mustilikble. • EfigiNTili-LTriere la no Immtrite:tent to rota In the demiusil for bon ded oil, and with a continued dull market, both In the east and Enron*, prices' are still tending downward. To-day the beet offer. for stan- dard white, delivered in Phillplitt,were as follows: Kay, Sli Jai., 32; J Iv NI i and ZS for September, October Nevem r and Do. ceniber-;-Showing another de al nh, accord ing to these figures, °flatly . .o et seat par gallon. as always Is the case, nr refiners refuse to contract ahead to an extant on a declining market, and as a i ncral cones. quence, we have ne triMilaet to report, nor fa i t likely that we will Heave any for F. odave to come, as th ere are no tellers = quotations. at gig."'" and AR •• The - tollownig arriva l s °f ell ere • ported -to-dayi Jas. Gallagher 65IShomaker 6, CO. en AD . Bly `Nat. Bet: Co. 55 4.K. Sarbonr— . 55 Total 'CZ Total Receipts fatale week. - • • .liSS Total Receipts' last - week • Ue7 Total Receipts since Jan. 1 • ' 'MOD New York Produce Market. NNW Yoax,February BL-Cotton less ace= and unchanged; salett_of 10,000 bales Mid. dlifig Uplands, at.S3a../fLour dell at 100150 lowertiectipts 7000; sales of SNO bnahels of =tern= 'state and wreaternisl3,7o@9,l4. for =oleo, 'fill,ffiell,lo ,round hoop Ohio. Shipping brands, .10,73.01040; Trace brands $14,6501.1.90; "Seuthein, GS. Market closed =U. Nasky quiet and steady..`Wheat nominal, at Sfili. lower; sales kuttovening of rate bushels of very Choke - NW Milwaukee, at /Lye quiet and drooping. dd. - in betel sales of bushels of Cadatia West, In bond, at oti.f.. Corm a shade tower; receipts 15M.' stales of 64030 buabelsof =zed western in store, at 51,u91ie10,00; afloat $10,%011,34, the latter =extreme. Oats, WA , laWcr; eatipts 47153... Entte# Of g=fileashels of west ern, at SNIPS; choice new Ohio, delivered, Sic. State tefiNSo. Groceries dull but steady; Cuba sugar; 10.1/11; New Orleans mots...tea, efletd. Petroleum dull and unchanged. 110p•011et and steady. Wool more active and arini.sales or MAO pounds at 47®00%; dm:nestle Olean. latter cholee;:f flew .p lok lock, and WON; for pulled. Leather and coal quiet,. and unchanged, Pork dull and heavy. sales of 1800 barrels of new mess, at kNifififfil.7o, closing western, 101,63; old, 519, te 15..5; regular primp, Ith170; prime mess 5t9,000M,75; oleo ettealif l,6lll or noir mess. Beef unchanged; sales of SfiS tierces, at WSW lor - India mess, and 310. V. for prime meet.. BIM" quiet arid h06771.11MM10L 370 fisolp to% for Comberialtd cut, and Illeirf a for ahort.ribbed. Cutmeats unchang • - 4 4.vviotra package; Or shoUlderS, 11 % Weat..-1.'"..10%.013; Dressed hogs - heavy; of n, • Ne 934.• Lard =changed; sales ]Sauer dell, Ohio, 1E037. =mt.. —414 . 4 41 11 - The ams Tilt Vaoperes to user. g tt 7;boen much depressed totaW: ne=lti evuog article E r r. r DO,twor b.int r 42 .4.l%,l 4-4 t . j orab tmrsi lti sows i Do o m r the stringen...4 l. .ainv,4 l Z ilbfireselen. col Min Sand under aid mend re the .ut r.' 4444444 " the demand ' has _ttn. s . for local and coast :wise trade .:, WeeStr to market has be= very a tam b mTlha .6. 55 prime nominal' the close, of hi: 4 ' 4 .. l a, Mee been confined to acid. anda..... .474, cautiously; the sleek 1. 1 ,145. 4 b .esta owing to liberal orrivab, Corn flnatuateel and - d prlces were fdise lower.--Pork lowerwv very dull, .Braul collar dm; at sdvarumboalnelle 'le& Wavy.. T.. - market tuakkl; the receipts b... 545 , 5 .1 A rut the Southern ports. have peen light; boat. Man was only moderate. Oaring the week closing quiet. Crude,petroleum WWII caused an Improvl r deman4. Wm.!. ki more **lye end t ale for State 11:11ARKETPi BY TELGRAJPII. • : Sew York Fluod.rint Magi era. Saw Tons., February 16.-!3lotiey steady at 54t; on call; Sterling firm at E,,At3S:4; Gold a shade firmer, opened at :03,f„, advanced to Si, closing at 36%; Exports today $33,C00. Governments firm: Freights firm and quiet: The following were the closing stook quo tations: New York Central, 90}4; Erie, 5574- Rend lag, 1O: Slichigsu Central, 105; ktichlgen Southern, 71Y.; Illinois Central, 115%; . PItts- P burgh, SOYA:North Western,. 5; do preferred, I 64%; luck Island, 9C•14; Fort Wayne, 0f; West ern Union Telegraph, 43yy• Governments firm; coupons of 81, 0 0 9710701 07(; d0 , ' 61 .1 0 70 107%; do '63, 1071,13ilOIN; 10.40,, 101 ®101!4; Tressuty. 1031,010e34. 'The Mining market 13 generally heavy and lower; the principal feature was Quartz Hill, which tell to 370, in consequence of the fact that 00,000 new shares were created sometlme since, and distributed among - the patina dining the put week at 550, and under the American flag at 120; Columbia,hB.l; Gregory, I.lls;Sy inondha,l7o; Smith b Sarmlee, 675; Ilentorb ; 103; Des Moines, 215 New York Dry Goods Market. New Your:, February la.—Dry goods mar ket quiet, but steady, thougt, weak. Stand• and brown beatings command 21%;(4,2c; Arigusts add Roxbury ale; Indian Orchard, hew Yo 'c down; BB 10;4c; W 15;4; L14!,4, and C 25; York mtila—musllns, blenebed bring. 3714 c; Wamsutta, Masonville, 21; An droscoggin, 25c; Bartlett, 2.3 , 4; Langdon,2l3. 4 ; Greene, 16%,• /led bank, 17';'; do. 15 Printing Cloths firm, at. 11%iilil ' 34; for SI square. Prints steady and firm,at. De for Cocheco, anti Ific tor Merrimack D; Pleino .• and Sprague, fancies, at, 163,4Q17c; for stump noun anti London, mournimpi; 15 for Free map and Victory; and Ilc for Iloreya. Lan caster Ginghams court mad nod Arduro Detainee, 1.7 c. ;Cincinnati Market. • • . . . Mama kart,. February la—Flour Is un changed; demand light and local; superfine it 49,23.1.10,25 for Spring tend Winter; 4,11.50 - 0513,31 for Trado Brands, and Chain for Fancy. Wheat ki firm and smarce•at 42,45' for No. I . .6,ring, and +2,90 for No.l Winter: Corn dull at gee for No. I shelled, in elev. ;tor, and Tao in sacks. Oats dull at 50c for • 1. - Rye !sacra at $14.3331,53. Barley un changed and dull with sates of choice Fall at MM. /Cotton is held more firmly, and Middling cannot be bought below roe. but the demand has not increased, and advice , . from Ne'w York are quite favorable. lie celpts for the past week were s.Sal *nu from the first of September, bales, against 116,119 bales for the corresponding period last season. Whisky steady at 52. M. Provisions are Intuitive and there Is hardly any demand. There were small sales of • Pork mode at W3?. - 1.2 3 . /bilk U. , " are nominally unchanged at for Shoul ders; 9! , .;c for Sides, and 10140 for Clear Sides. Bacon steady at for Shoulders; tele for sides, 120 for Clear Ribbed Sides, and - I`2%e for Clear •Nides. Lard Is inactive at 12e. tlroceries are unchanged. Sugar, 11!131li0; 93;{547',550.c0ffe93;{547',550. Eggs . a steady at 1.13 400. Ilutter;VNi for prime to choice Con. teal Ohio Roll, and 3349.7.0 for Western serve. deeds are firm; Clover, 48,906',D; • $3.30; and Flax, ,45®1,31. 001.1, )3,314. Exchange steady. The money market is qtar - St. Lorati Market. Sit Loris, Feb. le—Flour very dull, and prices on all grades below choice 2:43.50n easier forbuyers—sales mostly of a retail character at irregular - prices. Wheat con tinues firm; sales No 4 spring at 52,15, nod ran at 52.10. Corn 'dell and lower-, mixed No; mixed and yellow 715770; cholce yellow Tic; prime and choice white 1V45930. Oats tinier; good to choice.664WBc. nye and Barley unchanged. Provisions dull and drooping; mess pork $19500 91 ,00. Bacon; shoulders 9146 - 93:e; clear aides 11(111Vie; rib il%c; Mime Lard quiet at 131011Nc for kettle. Walsky dull at {C,:4. Chleauro iiiirlici Csnoano, February 14.—Floor inactive and 'nominally unchanged. Wheat more active and . !,f,c higher, closing strong, at 4140 for g 2,53 forYio. 1, fresh receipts, and ut x 1,83 @l,BB for No. R. Corn buoyant and Se higher,owing to "corner. , on No. 1 in store. ales at ertiaBso for No. I, closing at Oats neglected. at 59‘.4.r..1.1) , ., for No. lln store, Ilighwines dull; sales of solidi lots In bond, at SI,W. Frorbon o market very quiet. Hess Porn held at $16,13. Lard aria, atl2o. Dry saletd shoulder., at 7!...a® 7i4c,loose; short rib middles, at 9i,t . r, louse. Dressed Clogs arm and leg 13c limner, et *72 'f;k7g. I.ivc Hogs active, at 153= higher, at *JUIN. Baltimore Market. :Bikrzatolie. YebrUary la.—ltto coffee firm, vents for prime, In lannd. gar dm. at.lo',;(tto% Conte for fair to goad. Flour dull. Woont--Tennaylvanta red, $1,70 a 2.1)); prime Maryland, 153,1083,15. ,;orn— auoply good. but market lo wer; white, 97d 9 0 ; Ye110w.91096; mixed western, We. 04,5, 98 Bc, Rye, k1,..5a1.30. Whisky, 10001190. • ' Ilernplata ilayket. Diagram. February 10.-. Cotton Market Is dull. The receipts for tno week ending nn .the lath were 5,84.9 bales. Exports. 101 l .bales Thu reee.luta for to-day vete bg; 'bales. Export., 1, 2 1 0 bales. 21111wsuifee MarUet. litta , krtak.February IC.— Flour unchang ed and quiet. Wheat dull at *2,e^. , for No. 1, and VA; for No. 2. Corn steady at 72 cont., for new shelled. Oats nominal. l•mrblone gull and inactive. !lees pork $lB4l. INP4MITH BE ISAIILBtkaD. PITTANCIAIS Fear WAYNE a Cascsao, Febreery le-1 care beat,J Si Liggett d eni 12 sks rags, 31arklo a co; I ear rectal, Joho Iloorlicao;29 sks scraps, Hoorah, S ~.o; I,his impled, Blair d Woods:lW oo do, I bta butter, Volgt & co; abdls paper,McCullongri Smitht a ern la bids laiglorince, Shipton Wallace; 360 ph:sat:ad, J B Loon S no; do do, Bryce, Walker S no; 50 do do, McKee dBro; B picas apple butter.Kell Illtehart; 28 do do, Blair a Woods; 4 bile butter, 4 kg.. lard, Keil S Bitchart, eke MO, 31alala NO cioverseptl, Kirkpatrick d Her ron. is.' erranuann.Eotrancs&CtemstrATl KR. F 7 runty 16-170 Obis floor, e E Bart .t co; "" do do, Knox & McKee; ID, hhltrs. at D. ~, I nee; I! hints meet, Jos Ltp incott;.E bah, Wool, Wm Barker ,Jr; o I, ,la tobacco, E Gleason & co; -6 bbts dry apples, tired & Better; 3 sacks collars, Ma r & Dailsou; 21 bales cotton, Park, Painter .t en; 1 tar corn, Stewart /t Langeohelm, 2 cars bulk meat and lard,W.B /Lase & to; .2 cars stares, Wm Ilasting.l; 1 car wheat, Barbanel. & co; 1 car barley, Calaway .t Colltts• ' 4 cars Iron ore, Snoenberger & Blair; at oh s floor, .0 bbls dollahn &Hadley; tear corn,llerron &Card; ISO Ibis apples, E C Bostwick; Lcar ruillfeed. Selinelbach & Schott; 3m bbls ado- Plus, W Jewel & Bro; odo do, sturgeon .t Bret - 21;61s tallow,' E M Johnston; , 71 bbls apples. Meanor, /Earner & heal; 2 Shin MD. 1.... r, VMDT. & cot S Ills Norglinm, Pettit A. .Newlln; 1 bble oil, a Metilams. CLEVELAND aim PitviNvaon ILAILROAD.-• February la-7 baled wool, Seal a Grundy; IS aka rags, 9 McFarland; I !Ail butter, At well, Leo & cot 0 bra potash, Shrlyer, Spencer & co; 7 rams dry apples, 2 bblayno- Lumen, W J Steel & Bro; 23 Jugs do owner; esks aood, 31 W Feely; 148 mks meal, A Toy. lot; 1 est stares. EmßSchalk;s paws butte, Fetzer & Armstrong; 7 bbla dry apples, Bead & Metzger; 3 pkgs butter. I Mgt & to; 1 car corn, Gilmore, Simpson .2 co; 100 belt; door, Shomaker & Lan; 74 sks wool, Wm Barker Jrt 4 cars metal, Dhoenbergor & Blair, 41 bbhcllme, Pittsburgh Glass Co; .71 Die cheese, 8 Ewart & oo; %cars barley, W LI Garrard & co; 5.3 bbls oil, J K Bart/Our & do; 64 dodo, 1/ Bly; 48 do do, hat Ltef Coillo WAN apples, &Little. • . ALLYOFIVIT arartow. Febrnars' 16-2 kua batter, 15 Aga dour, & A Carson; 2.1 Barks elorerimed r li Ew ' lng; I ear oato,l ear mill- feed. 16 Steel P. Bon:2 Pan. baiter, F Beek drt; 19 sts flaxseed, Al II Suydam; 1.0 I,blo our, Stewart 4.• Langenhelm• rail. Rattier. Lappo Wedeln I- car I my, Green wald It Kahn; 6 bales twine, II (Aerate' I ear hay, W I Koontz; Ido do, Kennedy A La throp. ~ Autitailasr VaLLST Itaittoan.—Feb. lA -5 ate bueltarheat dour, T A Kest'. 4 pleas butter.l do eggs.' .7 31eLorklei 'M alto buck wheat Pour, U. gee Jr; 6 pkga butter. 16 II Klrkpatrletc A ea; 1 car prim, A Laughlin' 9 000 nro, John Hanley; Obis butter, John StoOps. sgttillz; c. IL SiOntststau. IRON CITY . SPICE lIIILLS / - FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, Near Pennsylvania 'dressier, • • PITTBIIII7II.G.II. PA. • . PURE DPI= AND XIISTAND Warrahted when our name loon the Article. • tniteLl 0/10ti2:0 CORtiIIEAL and UTZ FLOtr le constantly on hand. COFYES kIitOLIND Nun BOASTED 7, renC f. eptetre'lv inform the public Oat we will eoutino• lb. mann hen, ro nr all the Mr ratixt.T ICI , Us Or SPIli Ed, wlden we °ger to Who/rule - am! Retell Pester , at ;Ito (welt Socket voter. • ang to deal fait, erssultelt the patronage of the public, -L .[f M.. to:merle ef the Conitrean Spine MM. will tie nd at the above telll al all hours to attend to t h e n wants of muleteer.. ettneLant/7oa head: 871110111.1.88 6IIODLEDGE. deatqts - . • TILE LIGHTNING • LAMP. a. C. soarsa....n. cnAwrocn axo. JONES, CRAWFORD & VOGEL, Agts. TffE IR POWEF UL AND TRULY ABILLIA wr COAL UIL OAS LIGHTEVER riti/DUOCD. - Adopted by 11. S. Government. Non OrptodY.' Cheap and Beautiful. Glees brilliant debt dues-fele greater teen eny 01000 leap.. TM* pairma is Adapted to MI lent. po epos ter end rest., wick Is merely s conduel or, never requires aro trimming. durum on tla,szprinel t4vsgrinvengra tit A" moe. pporlt Post rtges, armee rltteek l e Nem depot. second floor. onll SuPiTEllfitgetoit;rel,g4ltrA T. LEATHER BELTING AND DOSE; Yrourretarod:ato. 68 SMITHFIELD :5T., by EIARTLEY. RUBLES & CO. %Writs for New York Bobber Co. Gum Belting. , • FfeAWA,ViaVIIMITIVN4IIBf , ` L oti . ! CUP, BELT 1100/41..0t0. ORANGES, LEMONS, ALIn ALL lIINTN OF FOR.. INN I I4.,°„N AND DONEWTIC YllUrrd ANTI • i rj r a c ILUM pp L, IA *tore AAA graving PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKi MARSHALL, FULTON EL BoLLNAN, Only ManoActaren is the Wen of HEAVY CORDAGE, Eultable for Maim and Coal Hosts. _ WAIFS= LAID OIL WELL ROPE. Tarred Ropes for Coal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, CAULIS.INti COTTON, Ac.., - NVarebotten, 114 and 116 Water Street, Near Monongahela House. RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede slowly at Allis point, with a eighteen and u half feet in the channel by the Allegheny marks last . even lug. The weather was clear and Vitas yesterday, and the prominent streets were crowded with people. The Lail Leen; from Parkersburg. Is / the only arrival we have to report, while the Silver Lake No. 1, for St.. Leas Is the Only departure. The Macy, le Mays and America were an nounced to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Saturday. and the Importer and the tdw boats Leopard and Mary Anu were ut Louis •vitie on Friday. Tue mall boat Gen. Lytle made the run from Cincinnati to Louisville on Prissy last, in slit hours and cony minutes. This 14 141. t lip with the Telegraph No. Vs run yet. Her' time was MX hours anti Ilfteen minuted. Including one lauding. The Lytle it:A not tand from port to port. Toe Witeneasou,i or none ov OUR OLD STILiMSIO4I,I4N.-1L may not be WAD[DMA tug to some us the stotimboatmen of tlits lower utile and Illedssippt rivers, to lvarn of the whereabouts of tome of their old "chums'. who, fortnerly, and for many years. commanded steamers that hailed from thedrou City; but, who now have retired from the beefing buslness. Seine have "struck Ile," anti others have olubtirkell In pursuits which have drawn them entirely away trout their old ii..seela twos, and their names appear Do MOM ID the IDA of "river items." Among them lot us mention 1, few of the most prominent: • • . - Capt. Wm. J. Koontz, long known d tho commander of thu famous Crystal Palace, and StMsetinently, the no LOSS Minoan Chly of .Ifrniphoi. is new tho President of trio Pittsburgh s .11aucticater Passenger Rail way Cow in!. and is still the mum eller gemand tfatiguble worker. notwitii staltdinirfl4.l.; sy hairs admonish Win that the toughness and t lastleity of youth have departer. flu Is also connected with the wanagement of coo of our mast flourish. log bunks. . CoL John T. Stootolale, formerly of the Fromm: and iterrizon, is •mp to the eyes In Be," hut although retired trout active con. nectar,. o Ito tic slyer business. still builds and sends u boat occasionally to tho gold acidic! the blocky Mountains. and If re port speak truly, ..puts money In his pates" by so doing. Capt. C. W. Batchelor, who was one of the shining lights 1114110 days of the Pittsburgh A I:theta:salt l'aeket Company, having consmauded• the .illbernla. and other line steamers, has been actively and pretty sue, cessintly enganmi in polltiosi matters for a number of years past, and until recently, held the 011100 of Surveyor 01 Customs of otVllrs, o rt f energy l:hos lny 1e in the lier lmu been successtel,both . a steamboatidaptain and pOlitielan. - Captains I:. D. Cochran and his brother George, of the Alvan, etc., are in the oil buir Ines, as are also, Captains .1, 11. Porter, /I. Ilelielys, A. D. Miller. “big Andy" Miller, . Jas. A. iIEILCIAGISO,I (Witt. Is 0180 President 'rot the Monongahela Insurance Company.) IL NI. Long, woo la Secretary and Treasurer. of the Woolrulge Redoing ,Co':s end lase but lie least, Captain James W ilnuts. uho rogulseelna thorn...TT among the at men, and one of the very best brokers that over revolved a cwistgatriesst of petroleum. Capt.'.lssis is almost always claiming that oil is too Ovate—like he Used. to say about freights:and for ibis daily' sisservatated tie no has obtalurd the opproprtate title of the "Conosfortmod 'flair,. among silo oil 'men. 'Captains 10. 51'. Martin ma a• L. ltriekoll are irolooiate.l togetffer ii,tbu Iron hnsine, and cow run tne •"Kittaqing rolling mUi." .4,l,tantalum D. S. It. Gilmore and W. S. Evans have purchased tub Interest of the lale - Capt. Marsh II Won In the bout ntore bunt. eat. odd Can itow be baled at the old stand n formerly, and for a long period of yearn, on. emitted by ths well remeighered firm of Long a. ling. Ca; t. Duff, of the latter firm, ban, retired L. his country text In Liberty town-' shlp, a few holes from tilts city, and Davy Lonii , h. gotta lute the glass . business. AL wom 1441 other time may eatella WI. list, d anmot our %11/ wit river, friends pealed. as ' lO leetittons of tne alt.:mot butt not ban glhnat. Capt. Stocktiala has named lit, new boat for, tun Upper Minoan river and Mountaln trk le, I,ls atOckdale, after ma interenting lit the 44t:titer. 1 tie Ida Is almost nulotloit, I laud - Capt. v exp,eis to make a Ilia! trip t. 1.110 Week. ahtt w 44 built expretirly for the ; lratle abn V.l 4,1,1,1, null that she will be a ' • eurcesnekrmtly tut intts of doubt. Captain 51,0". ale It tut old socatutottwahn, ansl Is :no novice In the art of superintending the construct Mutt( nee. beM.,irtietlitit of property by the last break up Inca fully es dlnantrous ti/l.tliat of tile Ord.. klessrn. John lit polo, N. J. 111 g. Yaweett, and J. W. Clarke had cacti nee barge of crud k.' Mr. Bigley. , s barge Misted to Elelitms Mucks and there snug.' Mr. IL ha 01141 other hocks, broke Prime, but is was reenotred. The faulting tow boar. A.J.ltaker left Cools- Wlile On aatan l 4Y for New Orleans, with a big tow of coal. The Silver Lake No. 3 left for St. Louis on Satbrday evening, wll.ll only a mode: ate Init, not withntaittling she had betas In turn ell arch. - She has engagements below, among Others some fifty tells at Wheeling. and will dottlitlens haven frill trip by the tone she leaves C.:lett:matt. . Capt. , t in buying the Yorktown trio/et . ..n.1 into a mountain boat—the lexge being taken MI entirely, :Intl the pilot home lowered Sloven to that extent. The YOrklown And Altedia roe will ho /eare here within the next fete weeks lot Saint lonic, where they will logil (or the moon• tale, and With Of them. we understand, have cargoes engeged already. Capt. duke Pee a ill meanie Command of Abe Amelia 1 . 04!. while Capt. TOM It IS nuta, will take einninwid tho Deer L.lgn. addition to the above, the Carrie will go to themennimins, w, will alai/ the Luella N 0.2, when and It In rumored that the old Ida Lidice will he bent In that direc tion. )ram the above, It will he eO4lll that l'itisburgh 1.111 be (Welty welt repreeented le the Inugutain flout during the coming calimmien. Tan Columbia, Copt. Gan. W. need, will noon ha ready to tuke her departure (or Austorilio, unit no Armenia. (ULM. A. C. Mr. Cal Iron, Sr.. lo now in turn for.tiew Orleami —both mind bnata. ' This .4/./11Porter, Cunt. J. 11. Porter, Is the regular line boat for ht. I.oubi, leaving on Wednerdey, and the It. C. Gray, Cept. W. 11. dnilerdon, is announced for Clncinnetl and Loidarltle. The Savanna, Cant. McGowan, and the Dulenque, Cap t. Parker, are announced for the Upper Mlinceippl—leaving early next month. The Bellevernon, Capt. Darragh, Jr; la lop tor St. Louis and al/ Intermediate points, and will leave ut an 'early day. She has superior accommodations for passeiv. gore and plenty of iooin for freight. Capt. J. It. Johnston has taken command of ithe Arabian at St. Si. Lotita, and la load ing her for Tennessee River. This being the;case, we may expect Capt. Car home very noon to take command of the new Broornaville packet, Ells!. Bennett. The Lorena In loading at St. Louis . for . Flu.- burgh. The Cincinnati G.rette 14 severe on the Importer,us will he seen by the following: ...The Importer, a misnamed steamer, de parted for Memphis last night with a met. gre load. The meichanta evidently are not Infavor of importing or exporting on her.° . . The snit Of the owner of the steamer 3Lagnolla. burned by incendiaries, to re cover tile In.ratteu of eighteen different companies. mainly in Cincinnati and Pitt*. burgh, has been postponed on amount of thefib,encu of witnesses. The defense stated that they expected to prove that the owner sot fire to the Lost to defraud the tn. entrance coin bailie, • The Loulsvillo Cburier Is wonder( nlly cranial about Capt. Ironaldson , s mammoth now steamer. (irent Republic now in pro. onto of construction at the point. Keep cool, neighbor. Iteserve your criticisms until a( ter tilts boat to fintaibeil and has mo de n trip—Unto enough - then to say what, you think about her. Capt. it. Clay Richmond, late of tho Argo• naut No. :, baa purcbtoted thrco fourth. of thu_stoamor Now York—LLD Interest of Barker. Hart a Cook, of Cincinnati. and capt. John L. Rhoades, of Pittoburgb—at the rate of fa/ n eUe tor the entire boat. Capt. Itichceontl will tuba command at Lout.- The Catnella, Cent. J. L. Lytle, has been chartered' to carry SOVOR thousand sucks of corn up the Tennessee rlyer. She was to have left Cincinnati 01/ Erlday. • Capt. J. LL Parker sold the Emperor et Cincinnati on Thursday to Captains w .J. Hush and A. Byers, late of the St. Cloud, for $114400. The Emperor is an old. Pittsburgh' boat, baying. been built here some years ago, and wan brought by Capt. C. A. riravo. The l.oulnvlllo Democrat,. of Thursday, says : &Mr harbor was made lively yester day with the stir among the towboats. Tile Hercules and star left fur below, and the A. J. Laker leaves to-day. The Alps, Ajax, Grand Lakeland Panther were due flow be low. Thu Simpson Horner and Eagle came up with tows of empty barges. A St. Louis telegram to the Cincinnati Comateretei, undo. date of Thursday bays : The White Cloud Kn.:, sunk a re w miles be low this city last night. S was owned by. W..M. McPherson, of St. L ot t, and valued at '05,01)0, and insursed f r slope. Iler ,ergo worth gr,o,las.), and inshred i r nearly that amount le fit. LOUIS TOPS.' NO NVOS were lost. Tho Ohlo delegat on to he Nicer Convention 101 l for home today. to . . 111 6.E ORriE HEAVEN -- ‘ - 7 ------ . . Candy Man atnrer Lad dealer In FOILEILIN ,6113 , AIEFAUCIAN /BUM!, ritaibrs- ' T- '2 '?W AC. ac. ' ' No. 112 I ederal,Street, Ylrat HiUnnr~ pant. B rai ' eqie o- .0m t h. CITY. PA. _ 1 • • . IIM.LACIi • • ' CI.ELIV.X 2 IDDVDX I EIL. -7 1;71arsiza. 416-1103", Three doortabore Street. P.,16 Every kind of Work done on the gloried notice and most run tunable term,. l'areqular atten tine paid to Jobbing._ j 1114:r14 MODEL D4OGEB ra 1 m BAL E.- • . • TIPO -Tropr.r..l2.4llGES 145 feet Lane. 211 feet Item and 4 feet hold. l'r"le low, U PPU Z l .jal7 l [ ' i.T. d BRO. 1 6.1 Water stre4 MEI `I3OATS 1867. 614, - - ,2 0 • 1867. PITTSBURGH AND ST. LOUIS • 3E . doiolc..ot composed of the fbllowlogrolendld Marcell: MItt4SEN.I7R, LORENA, P.TRA POItTER, SlAbeilEati..N, WAUS NITA, NEW TORE. ARMENIA, - • COLUMBIA. s I'.V lilt LAKE No. 4. IMPottl ER. EA.' le PUTNAM, KATE RONINnON ToRKTOWN, bILVER CLoci. One of the above boats will leave for Et. Loots and all Intermediate pons .n each WA LANES-. DAY and dATtIIWAY. &IS trc.oes p. Freight...lad passengers r ecelph d through wall VI sa te un e . t E P eei.' l , l 4r s lll.° ° • "1 it rivers inois•alrit• ' Paeans ' Co e . rn aud Stlssoun liver boat, . ,t A c tituo N k' Llte K. COLLINMWOUII..IIA ',NES Capt. SA.,In. t• II V WEAN. perintentle nt. .NO. Wate,treet, top etalre• von CINCEVIVATI and.z s Ap'‘.7'- LoUISVII.I.E.—The due pa, • senger otemer • It. C. GRAY.. Capt. Wit. It. ANninr. , R. WIII leave for t. e above and Int.:needlate portl nn W EtDAY. PON 10. /MACK A Arents. von CAIRO AND ST.. LOUIS.-I'b. One steamier BELLE VEILNON....Capt. J. J. Dannanll. JR. Will lea, for too above and all Intermediate partami TUaISDAY. Ink. YOT sreight or pas ..age apply on P.Ard, at loot of Wupdstratt. fell lOIL z!AsiiTILLE.-- r. 41.1.4! MO= • CAST. Gin. W. REID On Ti Xiil)/41". tine 1..0n, lnst., st.l o'clock n. N 0;11 . 1 ( .114(i; ' ,1/01,,, Agent,. CHAS. On, Fon nivormo NEW ORLEANS—ThenplentildP stentuer ALIVANIA CaptYA. C. IIeCALUP.I. • will leave for the Micro .4 all lotormolleto port. on SATUIWAY. Yoh. lath For frelent or ps.gage apply on board or to • YLoIA .t.tlt/L1.12:114 WI/. or fell CHAH.LE6 BARNES, Agentg. RI?;, !j It i N t A I I : I 6 M. I I/ 1 /I " ..rd: LEAVIEII EVERY Wk./ /NESD&Y AT 12 —1 he deal and cummouleue A Itail/nY Cap, Lin,: V annanulrT, W. 11. neon. Cletk. Yor &richt or o j araolt .. 0p . 1 . y .. ?? . !•0ard or to ' fellClln, B ‘ AV.". FOR GALENA AND LI'IsIVIE DIRECT.—The title par.ger steamer - markt...Vaal rapt. /L. SleGoweiv. Will:leave Jar the above and all Intermediate portion the lath of March. J. 0. etiLLINGWOOV. I ttlY 11, CIL. Agents. fell It C. tidAY. . FOR ST. PAVE, DI-ir ifis t wlCT.—Ttta new elderbeel • attune, DU litQll6 Capt. J. W. Penh an Win into for the strove and all !raceme tit to POtte on BATUMI/Al • 'At, of Mardi. J. It. Cl LEI till WOult. JOll v ri.AelZ, Agent,. Ice it. e. URAL INSLITIAN TIE NORTH 'AMERICA LIFE INSERECE COMPANY, Of New York, VC THE .' Only Company In-the World: O Arrorlty guarantre4 ..P.' - •Itret lo.l.o ag nd c 01... of RS r[l.ld• of the Gt....10v' Stato tiorcrusaent •'ln adotlllok to tee is!itilty heretofore offered. we call posettcular atten•ion to the Piller:lnn t Ili • recent nkt of the Legislature of the 'HRH of New York the Cb:ebthy lb sulbanbr. , th make r peels! tee looms with the envertntendoont of the esorance Pepirtonrut. and recet.e !hers fur !Holstered rollelca. beartuß the real of tie Lecpwtonent and a Certlllette that the.eolley Is recured by ede of public cluot •or r • rope. clot frone.r V eate g d by the Act of LA otslature favor ofthe NUNTH ABLY nffiA IN dioltANCt 11111IPANt elclvalrelt. This inakes every 14:fp , Levered Pulley t s,:an, to the holder as a Na. Lomat Bank Note. or a United Stales Bond. .1 N. itesT.wrios +ln travel, Residence el we Ordneare Employments to any kovrt of tilt? welted otaies or hurupe, at any *mewl of the yio TH r. IRTY UAW ORACIff on all renewal Palk men.. .. . A lA. POLICIV4 aro noo-forfelt log and Itomej, dlately Indlopato , le. , baton. of 1,4011, • OVUM ODE naLLION DOLLAR*. 111Insurentar-11,1,4 toexasilne and cord- Ym, tit yal:c.lea with C.orn ut the, ' , North erlca... N• D. 11101tG . * 24, Preoldeut J. W. 1M.1111.11.L. Heeree•rl. . E. MOUE S CO.. General Agents. , prim RCM/ If 1111.k.S CII, tio.U7 Fourth Agree. A A- vr more actlvc, =en ran Irate Agenelull. ..14111:r3C:11.1w LLEGRENti INSURANCE CO. A. OF PITNIMittIII.- L. , 7 Fink asr. , .. Hank Bleck. 'FAIN ittIVIR. Jii., reccident. 11ve011.1% Vice Vrebidecit ImiNNlLLl.,_beereurv. Cpt. WM. LEAN, laticteral Ass. lE= .... . _ , Inls Irwin, Jr., C•rt." l . , Dv". JE.,, , . asi.,,r,t, N. I. Pal,. storm C. U. 11c,5..y, • W. 11. Everson, hlarery Childs,' Robert H. Davis, T.. 1 Bestir...tn. 1 Yrratets etPess, Chart,. Hays. U... It. Alcelnevt. pEtiNgIiLVANIA INSUIIAACE .1%.,..11Vd24 Y. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. L!l± Tbl• Is a Hams Ca3211,.7. lad 1.011,111.•11.1 tot) It Plre exclusively. I.P.ONALID ViaLIEB. Presidia,. C. C. BtIVLP. Vice Creel lon. . II 1411:t CY:MICK. Treasures. *CHUM'S), beet< DIRZCSOaei Leoizard Walter, I li iirerge {Thum. C. C. Belle I t Ay L . ... • Rebell Catrick e J. Cs JAPPc. Jacob r•luter. i J. C. !Hewes. Justsh Mug. Jobe Vola /LT, J•s. H. Hoptllid, I Ancaces. Henry tproule ' WESTER?: INSURANCE CO" .1 OW FITTNIMILOII. . . • . . ffreallent. VIM. I'. /11411.116.61 . netrilary. Ceti. tiZuleciS AXICLU. Otaertl Ltant Undo, VI tt suer meet. Speog A Co.'s IL ore tidos• nna stein. ritiLbrirrh. Will Inver, winos Lll undo of lirsand Marine M. It n. •• borne lottlto tido 11/ togged by I/lrt,orr who are well kaown to tits youarnanl,y. Lad who try detorralne4 by prompt... t h e y horsily L, Llottln the ebtraoter which bore Le otard, La offering the bort Protwettoff Ur.* who Ogden On by !neared. panaCTOUL. Alai. Moira. • Leek ). Thoniss. • L. littler, Jr, (Ass. J. Ultras, Junes UnAnlnl, I JOba 7L Ilttlaaft, Alexander ni.cer, James I'. Hanna. Andrew sot,cy, Jlsepn Kirkpatrick. 1/0,14 IL iu I•Llillp Repot, IV lam 6. Evan. deb w. 12. I'. HYKNKLT. &Cretan'. -• LNISUBANCE CO. 0/710E, D. E. COIL WOOD ADD 111T11 arJ A HONE COMPANY, TAILLYtt VIDA Atilt ItAtt tottanCTOltn. damsel John L. ithinlth P.M.wiser, Charles AfLAIGkle, Frank e John F. .lafraps l. trlok, C. Hanson Love, President. k ATT. Vice Fraeldso . scrota,. kilns HUN. Con . ' Ant. Sr= atts,llps. John W John L. Parke, Capt. Jas. Stiller, Van Kirk, Janice L. Vern.r. . 3rt JofitiW W. r. / HUNK tls NOTICE TO OTV:VEIIS OE DRAYS', HACKS, &C . Nollee /*hereby Oren to a/fowl/ere Or Wen. on*. lima. tarts. Carrlane*. /tonics le., whether realdo et r ston-rewltltnt in the of rlllsborith, Ilinay Mel, t.leenees at the Trees neer.* Wilco of the Ilty of estlitnattlt, forthwith. In ttreortlaneo with en art 0! Ammo My. a Priktr.d North 3/, tin) awl an Oral/111DV rof tin Criur,el • of the city la rlitsburVl. pass.l April iG+ Mum ik II Licenses not paid on Or before Illy 13, trg II he Rimed In th e hand* or the Thlof ti f Oilitellol3. in Wel. to Ws fee of a cumin far the conceit. Marta, and all henna. nti nrlrlecl L ' i r a r tra " :7l . t7 o . t O ino t o :o u e t ir L e i r7rtl:fu a r i e " tlil May,. 11011 p ie the amount of t I.lrerae. The oh/ metal cities of previous years *last be returned at tee time the Licenses are taken Ont. or pay 7-5 ex an therefor. .. • BAT LIS OE LICENSE. ..... Each Ono Horse Vehicle. .EachTvra Horse Vehicle art, Four nurse Vr.bloc. ............. ....... i 5 le 1:5,11 Two !forsc 115r1r. ' 15 0 , 0 ant base. and TI ober N. heels drawn Itr.,twu horse,. clatitrua dui' ars earn. For each nil 0- 00051 Iturot used In any of 14.50 '503 10 :010Iu. 0111. dollar. 11 A 1.1.10 1 , 1515. Treafturer. I . lsluburgb, Pe. 1000 I. 13660 • 11.4,71 (itOVEILNIVIENT SAI.E. • The Property known its the "Govern. utentieunery dP Steam wow min. , . With eevelety.llee Acres of Lied, • • near-Men Antonio. Texax. BEALE 11 PEOP.th l e o, le doplieme, • ill, Le resets...l up to tbe I, IIIBTDAY..FII-.E•til. 01 4. for thepundmeeel 74 arr. of 1..1 , 1, (we. or jess,) together with liclldlogserectot th ere. on, and the appurtenAnces appertaining, that le to ear. UNA TANNERY, contatnlnt 12 Rona Lime .IEIIIIU UNE WI KAM ISAW capable et' mawing a,oo.lem of lumber .1.11 1/N IC te)IA le ATONE 11(11 . 1.11INU. The shove property ta alluals 4 at... 8 two tulles /above eat nonio. Cu Pm Pan Antnein er tand the rLs enrollment! I. the Waliii/LlDent by• of balm IMOIIII Laid In centeut. lisulaud waa purchased and Improvements made by tee late co.ratled Ennf. dream. nt, And me estimated {Phase cost IENLOW In geld. The prOperty ha. been nude.. leap for the vote sauce. at tcoatbly Li l l e of OM payable In ad. sauce. A secured Mlle In fee simple will be by the Vetted States tiovernment. Propos •P la will be marked •ropeatts for n o ernmeut Tannery .4 Paw MIN* , ane Addremed Oct J. L. EltiLEll.l. t Mal Uen. Asa% Cum. Dense R. V. at . A. 1.. Jel4traS Oats eaten. Teem. • I J OVIS BERGE& CO.. Blonoloc. loran of OMNI/ AND SQUARE P/ANlin. Warerseroa, of !ALSER MILLET. Second Block ts eat from Ilrosarmoy. NEW WEE. The Pianos rusnufacthred by idles firm are en. dwarf! by sit the Wanton brilliantum waster for Weir pooerfol. eleay, and syrups. twin, tone; also fur lOW durability wid excel lent woranianasin. &rep Octave Ibiaewond snot, with our timid bench 'formation Action, carved logs, scroll desk and ly i re arid written guarantee for See Mtn, tof aad 1 , 354. no19:11W1 LEGAL filtPlll.l7S* COURT SALE.—=:S Virtue Of an order of the erphan".• Court of Allegheny eJenty, I 'VIII epos. to Roblin sale. PL the Conn the CPY of Pittsburgh. •.. on d STVILDAI.. Match 9tb, 1•107. a: 10 laletoric a. 11'.. All the rig., title, Interior and • !atm of Wm. : 1 1.•wart, Lizele otewart. Robert J. rtewart, and Pamnel Mcert, tnlsor rhlldren Of Rob ert :I:caut.4lece•aat , l. of. to Sod to 111 the him. mlnons or stone coal underlytng the folloalng two pieces cals.. :ituste In Pa dale township. In Me remit? of Allegheny •r•rescd: 4ald two piece embracing about tartly ace. s, icuther, the rut or toil fires. botmlel andoto serl t ed r hdlowy, to wit. Ilreinning it • ',Mint on the :toad, corner •of lona of al auln thnueealung said road north 17 tjerrtrWret VerCh. tO nn laud of James "et...mot time. .outh • mu,. nod 3 1 inloutt• east nl7sprrtAlea 10 "oat: south 24 ill grecs welt 57.04 to:relies to a post on a itocef 'and utile... Day. therm:amen Medd. Inone la dernen 07, tol eel ea west pert., to post: thence south 52 degreei SI minutes west 17 2440 punch lo post on llne of land of Atar tin Itrigss: aria then, :doer the 110.0 north 7n degret• welt 14.111 perches to the Itrown,lll4 Road. the place uf healnnlog. The seroml of Of el of ground, t eabound d•scelbed as follows. to wit: Beginning t.a point Door immune,. at lEll44i:rend& cerebra a, 4 4t. of the line of land of Herm Davis: then, north 79', degrees we.4.51.t0 perches to a Post: teen, north:S.l4l,m, Si minutes westS perches more or lets , to toe line of me urst *trove d serleeti true, ur piece of cell; the nee south .74 .1/gruel I.oot it, to the Ilse of 1•Al ouw, or late. of Reece Itarls: them, tonne the mune sunlit SS degrees 44 perches. mote Wess, to a pent: truce mute 1"91., degrees qtat i peer.. to a point beyond the sugar tee aforessol..lls.ant a1.J.6 perch.. fromthe mid Reese Du once la Ilse: and tuee •norib 27. degrees west ?V feet in the piece of Inginning. Th. coal ...lying tel. irst dercrlbed strip of land Is Ad for the puree,. of affording oh •tstry or ..- .age way to 114,10 t above de.ribed tract of tom, aud II aO.ll the coerces t 0... •n.l eoriditlons ha: pie real therein Mall all be pot Vann Oct Leh. taking of the coal out of the Put n.ention. 11 tract, and also neon the further condition teat If the ptseenaner 'ball 1.01 WI. bin twe years. unon ram tnirvor pit mood. from Um place of beal e eg, at cr .•r the western boun dary 11110 perches tittu Davis property, thence fifty Pk perches laud. along the same, teen tit- warns of raid vendor or his assigns reserve the Mull' of. .carotin Y. ditaitin and Mlnier 11 . 0 coal out of salt entry for the distance of :My lbli p e r c h .. p 0 aforesaid, and Inc right of wuy hogls, along and upon id vetmg.e) ween made toilcon•tructed, tout:tic r its with to make thd open room • and ...au ways Into Lad from e ..me. Red the right lo emninon with the per ehaser of 04100 eald entry for th e p tit a lug their coal out of th e balance o urpose.' re.- f their l o ad. ted or laying "owe and constethetlng rail. wy tracks along laid entry. 1011:100.11 T. le. 11A31ILTON. lluardlen. ALLEGTIENY COUNTY, A 9 —ln THE CoUtif or' COIISION PLEAS, No. M., Waren Term, to::. In the matter of the ape tration of 11l Western ite.myteania Betiding ant Loan As...elation Of Allegmtny. Cfle, for a Charter of 'newt...ration, And. now January . j.th. ;or:. the Conn direr? teald 'Milne to re filed In toe pence of the ttlionotart of the Con. of Commod Plea% In and 'for mod County, and notice thercey to be pub !lobed In one neimpaper, prloted liie the City of l'ltheburch and Cottuty oh Attegiten), fur at there weeks. Setting. fu. au application ..ha . been made to thin Court, Cur the Pot P.m! of 'gran tin the Western Pennsylvania. Build ing and, Loan Association( of Alit:men y City, a Charter of lee .rpnratiott, Ted that the kale!. will, be granted at the next rm of the Court of flu:anion Vitas, noires ex - :Viler: hereto will be died In wooer trete. lit atlr. COURT, EZI:ECEILIM YAl'Oll II: WA LTIP rro All peril. Intereinial will picas° to take notice 1 Cite above order of Court. - A. WIEDNIANN. Atry: forth. Assoclatimu =ES (4)UPIIANS• COURT BALE.—IIy or.lor of he Orphan.' Court of Allexhrer CoeuLy. a laint,tts r o John M. Corilwct% w1.1.e1l at ettir f eel° on Ihe premises tu the Borough of aucliesttr, ATIIIDA', I LB. 23, IIG7, Ai IQ O'CLiCK A. N. All that eertaln t . ..num and lot of ground on the north sole of She ill ,Id stn., commencing at the distance of t !Aar-seven 1 , -ct ea.tastrolly Irma et artlers Street, the., en,r.vrardly along e r,et tat-three fret fiat inehre; thence soothwaralv ann pa•allel Ith hartle, itrvel our maor.a sad thirty-. lallt fret to an aliey; throve wr•ter . r•Ily alone •Jiti "{Vet sty ent,-, hr. !col aloe Ineheet Ittol the et south warily anti paralial with Charlie, street to tt,i. ta.glntana; natio, a front of sevez.ty•tht, fort . .. . . blue niche. op ph. ehl say..l, nod ententilliX hack une hundred a nu M lltlrtyTert to an alley, on ....t.lt.h Is rrect.d a two. turf bin, alwenlug house lately ocruplot by the rire,AVII. 111.1f—k...111. confirmation of •alr.. Porsei. !stunu 01. the first dar . f April rent. The put ;chaser to pay It. r deal and stamp. • ntritelril el. 11. COCCI Nit. athelnPtrattir. .--.........-- A LLEMIIFIN V COIIiNTY, FR.—lll .e. the loon t h emmon Plea.. Nu. VII March term.—lnmatter , ar appllean.ou of the llnion Journeymen Cot,era Aid ...,,l• Cha rte tlon ofr A or d o ne . Cou nt y. eny Cou ilratton.nty. renusylvarna, fur cor Awl now to war J &hoary %tit. 1... T. The Crt direct...od writing to be fi led la the oillee Phe Protbnoutar, t f the Codrt of Common lea., In and for ~..1, 1 County , and tOlirft thereof to he publish° t In oWI newspaper printed to the pity of rill...burgh and Comity . f Allegheny, for •t Icsat thre. weeks. ceiling . col that au pole b.s loren made to th.. C I. fur the purpose of erablio.r the I , nlon ..IUIITtIt,LIICP I:0,p ta MO hflociatloa of AlleForny County itennityttaula, andtha“h• sstp... 1,,,..„,...) at the nest Ivan of tlir Court f Corotrou pleas t et le s exceptlor..a hereto will r o taro In poi el. Li e. try THE COMM. iv= the 11,1,1. 1 J.tettli U. WALTEIL. ree. , All persons In er. sit d will V.:lse th tate no- I. a of the ahoy...tier of Court. A. WITIMANN. ' Att'y fur thr AIPP; 1 ••flon• ti THE COURT OF QUARTER • HT:1 , 810,0i ALLY:GUTSY LOUNTY. In the mat., I= Itetwect lIIRL :a 17..1E1 .4, r:r No. 11. :htslon, •010. The underbid , : (3ornau:•olloer mu:lt:V . :l by laka:hu tustlub mow ntf.re4 by t.e C.tt ••• Intrre., : It e vs mutt., Sr.) re kott the •litue to !but curt. 111 man Ito tut. nut e • • P ”t.:qtrreut at hl. No. :1 ,rat•trirt. nt.bu.d. ra., Ca TUT, /AY. r.. 17, a 2n• lons, x . , n there al: if On, Neu prunnr. - . ALEICICU linlin . . , feli: . t4a , . 1 . 4412.15550 w . ... 1% THE tu onT OF QUART :R . .E-NIUM Or ALL t(1 L.NY COUN V. r . .na.)lra4.a. In tEI mall. td tte at IDES OF tiIESUF -1171tEET. I,hare , el3 .ag.• e •an.l 1 4 teVen.vo .tr. elf. !II the 3. t,th W•••• of the t Ity if Pl:t.r oral+. No. 1f 6.eptt.9.vr The t nder.katte.t. mord•al,a, r•opo'l tol by seta C.l.rt, to t•le lie t..rt , 0ft , .4 h• the paraee Intete•te , L, II" ad.....0.e matter 10.1 rt.- po.r..the •otne to the Cour att , nd to the 01.141. of las at 1,1. intent it hie on,r No. :I I.r ant. tre. I. tr•hur• , .. I'a os LDN 1) o,brutry Ivi7, at, o.e oeit. P. ao.•t "' whit: time rol 1,11,e 11/ ref.. laterr.ted fan "unf th" fa' 4:10 . rola mt•lotomat. D'ilftiliiTßATOlVS SALE.- 1 Ti,etlytitlerh`ane , l. Asin lol.babee of the e•- • •f Thili..Tlll Nl' Vol.' tat. or North W•r• oette An. Ebt 15 county. stn. 11[ will ea,: at Enbilt Vale. on the premises. In Oa Thursday, 11th I • ebraar7,lS47, At le o'elt.el..t. I,howing Fen! Estate of sahteNrease .1, to wit: Bonnard on the tooth by tangle sir rorrenet•• heirs. on tha west by osn.l•of.fus. Zito" and other, on ti north by hauls or it in Guy, and on the east be the Stone .on• Cleiren hoe, wu.l Ly . I and• Torrence• belr•-..rot.talning tete - . tarts: .11(1,1.1 with T. re, inaele kaow.. at bait. 10p...in...1r the".. of .. as. KTuNbirlirf: (Yr oti rutV .1 J 0 , 11„rZ11. At orneys. go:. I UM Attest, I'lttebori:ll. I,X EC UTOWS NOTlCE.—Letters Atisentary Iho cal ate or raellal Howe. late *Lb., Vorueeh of Tarenton, Atleehtuy Is.. doctaarol. haVIIII toes ;taut:4lu the nail rOgortl. all roraona InAeht ilto r %la ge lato elf . eyar•trd t lusnoAlato payment , and ba•log aln, orusent tbeat prup erlt Iton , leatt.4.. for .ett , ettuelit, to t .1011 M 14 . 1 , 1,1111 N t:L• HOME., (hie r ' "* ' feG:ea#* W * vx: tClAvitS , NOTlCE.—Letters Teitarnentary on the Motto of DAVID THOMAS. late of the City of Allegheny. alceess. yd, beep, been granted to the molt Feigned., all to ettbir of the undersigned. an thooe hating nualoott octal. ill s' w please present 11015. r "1" ; Pl O .\1 0 .ZV:1 0 ll YAM AHD 114111t1{ . 14 . - (4.11.e.✓AT IiVATCLISALE ON TIFIE `-^ t °Pular ohjo prier plan, peeing emery pa tr..n • hantlmmy and Itrau Watch for the low prier t.ll Ten to tre ll.r. without n hard to value. and hot; to be Pahl for unaeos perfectly aatlofse ' tore. . Uol2 Hooting {Vetches... $OO l l. $750 10.. t 31agle Ca ed 001 , 1 Watetie• -n to .mo 1.0 L.llve Watt., Enamelled.... lot la a 0 00041•( Hawley l'br..n•r tPa rhea. To to .3.1 toold liontine Engludt Levers... to titpd I motet %Valente I:0 to do at 01.11.1 Morn Amerman 11 , etches 110 to 'Xs tmy ' , undue Loren to to MO uO tittAer llontleit•llupleaes CAti 00.1 1.• Watehro 73 tot 7..itt intot t . :O 11,mo Id Hu 01log Leyinco ...... . to ' 1.1:011 eullgtheon• :Inver Watctirs... TO to sett li otlitgirliver Watt' bra . Li to 11l 5,011 A ysortetf Welch all lu to 73 07 Motion obtain% • \Vlach uy thla sr rename.% cutting tot tit. wino It um, I.us wurtit 'NO It/vitality alit be shorn. - iit' Thege/rertlatra wish to Imiumllattly (lap of the tabot• maahlftrent atock. Certlika •o. hamtnp the tritely., n. Oa: e.l rollc 00 01- WC. rid well tome. Holt:ors aro t!. to arVMea named notht 1r certificate. opou tarn: es" Ton Voltam, whether It he • w AI Ofurth6:3o.,tglo worth Ivo. 'the return of Ur oari et rtitcateo eolith s to the •ri elv ...mat...roue. upon patmeot Ur...portly of 11. with. 'and &Anti article noised Mao than WO Is n• anpeirtlrleale It will at onto ha it tnal Na ho i tem). bat a •tyltight Tara rd 1 t Immo TraaMfilaa. a bleb ma p.rll.lplllted to evra by are most taatidimm A 0 0 1,„ . .12 " ;74 1 =7 ,1 Pe1:7 , n , V. " 5 7 ., "' .11%.g '4; one Mimic., end moot rop %aged fur $l5. To ',cut. or 1110. fsNog etn er. oloymet.t tilLe • are•typortanity. IC to • Isettinattly rood et ot," dull authorised hy the Ilovvrnil moat c•refut *mutiny. Try o J. SUCKLING & CU.. .145.,31 Itto.liray. New Yam. BUSINESS iIIANN COMMERCIALCOLLECE, N 0.4, 6 and SM. Clair Street. j -- 11a. • rvinntaal Charter. Booh - Reciang. renitaanship and Arithmetic, Slum unlimited j 810 00 Arithmetic od Peninanshlp per quarter - • of throe months ............. 10 U 0 Penmanship, per mOntiz V 0 for Clrcatiws or Specimens, &dams. • j or intileWT J J. P. MetILAINOINDS. 825,000 T? j • oar, 3410IITIMOES, . 1 - lats of Ciou at.l upward, Neal Male bouglit &ad .014 6[0111.1E 3!. PETIT. jai Rea! NeatirAgent, No. UM. Clair COI ATTSS'E MERCHANTS. WILLIAM MILLER, I:= 7111tER & RICKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS I=l Brandies, Wines and Cigars, NOs. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty'and Irwin Streets, PMlilltliCin, PA IRAN; BAILS, COTTON YARNS. AC., I==!Q!E CO - PARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE AS .oeisteti with. them Inall branches a( their business. JAY. 1.. The oasts arm will centione as heretofore. Y. SELLZUS & CO. szbusrts. ..... 0. owns., I . n. nettstaTlT. F. SELLERS & CO ., PORK PACKERS, And Msolitteturers or 1., 3EI. 3:3) ' C.lO ; New Bacon. Beef and Tongues Will be ready for delivery on Itooday,.Tltla last., Choice Sugar-Cured llama; Uo du do .13ccit 1.10 do do •Bcc 1 Tongues; Hu do do lireakfaat Bacon; Plain Cured Bacon Shoulders: Hu du do Sides. At ;educed priers and of excellent quality. From this ogle - , • shall be regularly supplied With all article/to toe Yrostsluo trades jarairas CIEHCAGO FLOURAND GRAIN HO CrleM. QUACKENBOSS & CO.. OFFICE• N 0.413 Liberty Street, lip Stairs, • Pittimlaux7;l3., All grades of WINTER AN 119111ING WHEAT r Lou It kert ennttintly on Gan . And for Salo to ti trmle at the eery lowest market Werst pices. kV holt, ill' e t . supplied Itom ern BRE W 1113., 81133.1CE - BCCO., C0MA119 . 810N111121(11&NT8; AEPENTS Poet Pacific, Globe A; Liberty 011 Works, ramidelitorayo for Cande and Itellned Ito- mid cashldflrlfell made on consimmaanU of Ursa. or Punned Petroleum. Yards rot along, and alilpment or Crude Ott at Lawrenceville. Omen and Warehouw. Corner of uuqueana Way and limmock lama. pittalinvela., myl6-al6 I\l - UNIIALL & McGR&W, Sue /xi. cessors taJthiErli I[l. Wholesale and !fetall Utah,. la GROCERLES, WINES MO LIQUORS. No. 12 Diamond. Pt ttabrargh. Steamboats furnished en shortest reolee. cantle/11,mo of the patronage of the old stand respectfully tolletten. : JAS. r. armuirt. KEIL & COM - MISSION MERCHANTS, •110 DX.Sild Flour, Grath, Seedi, kill Feed, Le. MMIMMM2! (11VE.N8 & - , NNEDT, ‘ , PRODUCY CUR SiDRION SIZISCIIANTS .nd liiliolesale Deals. In FUSIZION AND DOMES. 'I CrPRI:ITO, iALT, PLOD R. NUTTER- ELliae. VOTATIAS, &e.. and in Provisions and Produce eenerally. Co. 711 VEDILHAL. &TULIP?. oppo site an. Railroad Depots Ads.leikiStiT, Pa. Agents for Ina Sale of P. T. litits'a i Donnell& rats= is a 1.14. liarn . • salt. wlt. Z. 6011!. • T. !S . M.. 31 !Silt Ph ERCIi ANTS. receive and sell Flodr corn int G. oats and Corn. titans. L.d: 11u1 ,r. Egg.. Fort, Greenand Fruits. OA...toes. I.lcii, nal/. le.. de. Castle°. tar aGeallun Fold to and Grass Kcal. Feathers. Oil Barreis. Hoop I tiles. toe saleof Fortis - a and Domestic. No. 1311 Third street, Mut:lamb. rs." 'elf st2l j S. NEWIIIIVE i & CO., • GOMMIESION titbit/AU, Aid deal.,. In Flour. 43 Ins lead rrOduCe. Cub lulvalaelm Gavle oh conga unients. W•relniese. No. 31./0 PEN N nTliKAT.opfroalta t/ nn Le Wt . Pittsburg s. ra. isSilla S i lm Knot.— ......... •.... ..... Al.lbBl - 11 LNCIL IZ.ILNOX & SON, Commission A.• 211:11Cli A-NTnalid Dealers In FIA/USA GRAM', LULL TEED and ravvocz IT, No. 7i) Glaniond, opposlta City Halls Alla lan:re? I 19. V. CRAWFO2III. Commixo m-erilliN tl e. ImPlli METAL StlAkald Wile, dtiViilST blivar MOO. TIME ISLUCK mid ( - LAY. as. Warehouse and liZem. hoe. 366 and 36h VENN oTiIm.ZT. Worms. famildied. Cemelkomapts smashed. M'ILEVE & ANJER, 411;0111311S ..... nlt/N IIEACIILNTJ and dealers In FLIATIS URAL!, and YBOLI EWE. brand street, nemesis Wool •nel anglasneld. Pliasbstrab. apllny 11. WM. rorrrst•...Toxyr 61117V•24) 11.)OTTELL. 41.11i_EN & SHEPAIID A. CommLselon Illerctunts .4.l,slcra la Foreign *l:milk:moult, Prune, Flout. Sutter, Cheesc, II 1.• 0, ^ I,aleoli ger.trilly. No. no LIUSUCTI STILEGT, :ppos!ta rmenzer D.pot, muster—.n. & PATTON, nolesala Grocers, Umninl36l.3l 11.1303.11.3 r mut deal.n to Prodc,s. Flour. Bacon. a.m. non. Carbon and Ltd Oil. Lion, liana, Colcon Yarns mid .11 Plusburen atantlOLCUlrts fftzur..lls IS LW/ Sseanl street.. Plcul3nrell. r. S. R11TYNT.....11 - 111. D. 1.1,101. p EY m BROS.,_o3uccessora to (try., Anderson,)Wholesaln Dealers Is Yortlra Fruits, Nuts and InewiS, entifurtlon- Mlrg=if:Zrrikithatehtlt.l. f:ll4' I OLIN B. csavircw, commis riots and Yortrudtas direrstunt and inbule sate Ural. in Western Bemis Cbettr. tut. Lund, Furl. lissom e _ 71000,_ Pl., Pot and Pcsrl Ash., and Vila, I.ted Fruit. nnd P.- senerslly. Nan. 154000 14Slront strut[. Pittsburs b. Y. r. .... arrrtnitELL. AV:ti. P. BECK is CO., N0.,11 , 111 Liberty strest, Plitabnign, re-, lb bola. Corninisele Morebanie and dealers 11:X0:Lulu Produsek Provisions. Llarb.: Loins listirr. /Legs, la:eye; n.b, Pycsineeerloor Ural a. deeds. drew and Dried Pratt; li and Lima 1111 DLE,No. 183 Liberty. St., Pars burib. Pa.,Crom soh/sloe Merchant, and Wholesale Dosser le Country Produce, al metrics ..T1 rlite..l(ll 1:1131.9111/[1111.. 0.411 adralltild all Oa CLIZA44II.I2U. and pad for Yspdurs gener e rM P. Dlizitio ..... . • ... _ u P OUT. DALZELL CO.,Whole. tale limners, Conimlnslon nnd ronrardlan rehanto and drnlerl I . rodnee and rltintnuith afantniss. In. 251 Liberty street. rut. - - L'ETZER & ALIFLISISTRONG, For. warol7 . t 4 C a . mol 12 I o Ye a rflutt for . Produce Konet.ll7. NO. le idatt eLreqt, coroor of rim, rlttatouill. foZ!ly j . AMES DAILZ ELL b. 80N, Mann factureN ofLard and laaxmlaaLon Mer- Rhant.. tor the ',arena. and .ale of emde and efloat Votroltnn, and N Waxer Anzacs, Plva nu tan Javan.a made on ConstaNnn.d. DOILY I. 110114 SE & npos., Sac cr4smots So .10101 itomma A CO., Wiwi. tale I.4.beers , nod I.7.63autisalon Merchants, cor. at 16=111111.143 tad Waser Meets, rlttaburgb. nate SCIIOIIIAIIi.F.R A. ILALlftl,Whole sale ilealerileOrneer , ea: Moen. anal. ere: deer. Prorlalob pleb. Cheese, !Ult.:Carbon on, s, Nos. 111 and 1O woodlitnret. war Latwalmy.treat, rlvrburgh. nortnaln ISdiALI hleliEV &CO., Whole s. sale llnteirs, Comunaalon lintel:mita.and dealers Iv rraluce. No. 80 Water street and 0 venea llttaburgh. Jou!. AIII.IOA. A WALLACI. tu PTV VIAL, ACE, E, hole. S ale UNOCENO AND PDOLWDE DAALENS. No. 06,114.1M0', l'lttaborgb. i JA:DrIA SOUNSLOTO.I ' IVY. 'LOU... JOHN ii-LoyD tr. CO., ,Wholesn le tiItOCERS,No. In WoodLod .11N Liberty stnot. Pitubu vh. Ps. &VANN, d LIEBMAN T TAILORS. HENRY. r HALE BLERCHA N T TAILOR, Northwest ca l mer of eau 6:St. Clair Sts. Dasher to tattoo thenke to hie, ftlezde sod the put lie for MC trtut e ring favors, mid tcoe