.. 4 `1...e4. 4 ' t, int Vittrbitvghtiatitc. irll ieTO IMitITHEStri It was inevitable that the inhabitant: of landaileso-litol, :b ru y. o'ar ' a ss, :7 1 o po .. time of the sSeethe w a it. f sore snlossulla feel, the ssers ° the __ Toliot o f grain had .°4iter. of rae; u" it male appa roMt"MaY, °eas e w imm *at many thousands of theepopula. - „thin 'of the two Carolinas; o f Georgia and of Alabama, willies atonall as blacks. were in griatlY" Straightened circumstan ces, even inkastitution of the common ."' est necessities of life, The Freedmen's `frietu was devised, not wholly, lint in large part, to meet this lamentable eon ::: dition of effaini,. It was pos jastiflable sible by a ant& of war power Whereas - ter to the relief of the sufferers; whereas, it-wzr difficult to see hotc the rociiiiitejfundit (Mold be taken from the Treasury- .f .a ' loud clamor , was raised agar the_Nurean, on the 'pkteat eupieetixiglazy blacks in idleness, who had better he driven to work. ',lnvite was it, urged and dem onstrated ,that many more - Whites Mau blacks 'bad ••the' charity of the :'Govern. '. meat extended to thembitids form. The fact that bfacks were aggr faunrelleireder, their 'Zikelnels , clothed, er 'protected in their rights against e re ttiqii former znasters, Was nOt 40 befOrkii'Ven.7 clamor bicame 'toper. 1, sistM l l4,and-dealt tto „tapir in . defame thatibitiranting of supplies was pretty nitwit 'stopped. ,Bet the sufferinis .1.5 not at an end. There are the best reasons for believing that in thafrairltates= named 'above the twolf atandssttthe door of many houses occupied by white people, not a liWofwhom tothewar were Si? Pc.! 1 0 1 9 111 , '114! ccmfott,.if not of afflu ence. Appeals . ln behalf of these people hem` made, tkrtitliene of the North . States, Slid some moueis, considera- Ide4n thernimlyets, but quite inadequate to the object in view, have been , raised. It is earnestly to be hoped that more will .be forthcoming.:matter what course these 'famiehing men and : women took ' konehing the - rebellion; they are not only our fellow, erimtures, bat our fellow citi zens, _ Theitchildren. and our 'children • are deStiried by FrOildence to hold this - = great Country in daimon, and eventual. ,ly to: control - the 'march of civilization and-liallgion here: Antipathies enough are already, planted between them. It is the'pait of tiladoin to make it manifest that whatever political differences have existedexistedfor may exist there arioldigationa of humanity. , which are stronger still, 4/ and will not „b ._ e disregarded " It isnot alias st r ange, however, that :sonitSjournals ttIIVINVIO most swage in theireesaulta npett the! ,Bureau, and did most to binder its action in ameliorating - • Southern suffering, are most , indignant at the parsimony with which the North has responded to the appeals made to it in behalf of the South. ,It is offensively charged that the smallness of the tenni - 'butions is owing to the hatred of the- South inspired by the inculcations of the Radical. We dislike consider a Case of this sort under suchLan aspect; but since no alternative is lift we must do the beet we can. These democratic organs can • hardly mean to imply that their own followers have . been so embittered towards the . .. - :•:,SOuth by the discourses of _republican . journals that they have no bowels - of compassion left for their Southern breth ren? The New York World ought to re flect that its own city, with itavast dem ocratic majority, cannot well expect lto be excused - Mao Rita a plea, If the Re publicans are remiss in this matter there is so much the more occasion for the Democrats to come up ui the full mess tore of:theireinty.,!. Surely it will not do - to entertain the stiipicion that they hold back because they are imbued with ha .tred of, the South.- - Yet upon any other t ti d h - 0t 7PO s2sire d o ow =excuse Zan be made for them which will not cover the delinquincies of their neigh bors: If the Democrats would only set an example in this particular of the no . ble charity the? commenced, they would 1144 0Pl ish .. JS certain itWohni Pr- Positive good, and might do as mush more indi rectly by thus stirring up the Radicals " to imitate their libesallty. CAPITAL PUAISHMEFT• A few days ago we stated . the fact that had abolished the death penalty. This calla Die 'fief. that most of the European nations are leading the States of the American... Union in ameliorations "'of thedeath penalty. In France, Pros ' sin, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Swe den Holland, not more than .one ' third of tluiconvietiOns for =rider have, for quite a number of years pan, been fol lowed by executioni In Portugal litwitserlsoul no executions' have been allowed fora long period. Not that the offenders are absolutely pardoned, but. the commutations are referted to in the great majority of instances. Nor do we . heir of special impediments being known In the:3'o'9f sOce s 4 .to Wow. in whose Jiands - the mercy of, nations is • •• ledged•by Malaita. , •• - • • ' =7n Begleml, ..hetween_ 1&22, and 1822, ' there Were 1,280 people; 'Condemned to destit,,of, only "59 were executed. Between 1652 and 1862 the condemns , tiollll fell to 60, of whom only ._ 11 were „•;'" SO far there is almost' unbroken ant fortuity in the testimony of good effects ;wilting ere_ 01 lenity;_ s rind; it M fair to Preinirre - that the day is not &Ma when the diet4PfetAY wiU bel doused through out Europe, ifto! formally abrogiteg. , Ayntwmto Msco t emem..BLerams.. C',lllll4ltbrittitetiitid ottr,itiienteitOnd'htirs -47 an awkward , mechanical blinidEr viva roa3e isti making op n of quT!'ecPlA-J40,4 _'sport ofthx.conireon Chopini. Smproveaaeht C°ininlilku,Wai r ilisjointed sadilleit:cmt of Pia"— We did not discover the grave blunder till b.. , ,,, e5 t,e0 lite to have been:remedied.' - Ilbs ee .,•• = l. ersLboXerter,ruan. maks Aim dff Mew l . i port by separating it . : from the bill pro. posed for-the action of the Legislature. - !Inasmuch as this wan' of great interest, . " Vki - Mir Allegheny subscribers,„ and in . deed, to our relatifs chlesi we sincerely. regret Mitt through our Mult,, . thevery nbls'sinslble arlcomprehen sive 'report of the COininiltia Was made somewhete.: • • To atrITALIBTS.—Btate Treasurer 41/.33/01-15dITICICIUdrlic for proposals -SO'i a kiwi. iitiienty-lbiee millions of ,e4eniption of . overdue 'and.; t.be Ciontnoweattb, wears In another olama tills , a oPPor ., .tonity togoinvestmenti and part ol abould be aredtly taken by our 14,i:ital . TAB heaphallti washb Via have to the g i est throais. t, George Peabody'. =I THE "immortal J. K. Free" is no more. His mission on earth as a strange and peculiar monomaniac was brought to a close ere his great dream of recon struction was half realized. He will be missed in the editorial sanctums from Maine to Georgia, for be was at home in all during his perambulating tours for the adjustment of our national Meal ties. Tan Sorghum, Grovrers' Convention, which recital, iSstembled ill Baltimore, was largely attended by the agricidtur alists of 'Maryland. It is quite probable that a new impetus will be given to the raising or this cane during the present year In that State. A Fortrozanim lady, of New Tort recently presented her .linsharul. with, triplets. We hope this, fashion will not become general in consequence. _ . Dlo 'rush:EY has yet been conelaw beiween the Indian delegation from! 'Elm. Ens, now In Tireshingtou, tud the Com• nalssioner of Indian /Jars. put Typhoid Foyer rages to a extent in the Baltimore JaiL GENERA!, NEWS —A. man In St. Louis accidentally swallowed a gins eye. . —The total gold yield of Nevada last year was $15;821.839. —California has a "snow-shoe ex press" over - the mountains. --Sharon is to have 8 tin factory, al a coat of forty thousand ollars. —The Southern cities aro crying for I oysters, which they cannot get. —Wild AuCks swarm upon the Bus. quehanlut river, at Columbia; Pa. —Additional diacovories of gold and silver are reported in 2d3zultsout: —The Mississippi papers disapproye a' National Democratic Convention. —Gartman la just now the fashionable thing to speak mid to dance in Paris. An abandoned well, at Pithole, is breaking out again, and flawing copi ously. . *—The MIT. Mr. McFarland Is the title of a Scotch lady, who is preaching in London. - ' , ---liaPolooa his sent a copy of hitt. Life of Cresar to the Ambrosian Library, at Mlan. The United States has a greater length I' railways than all other countries to- - _ gether. - • —There are nearly raven thousand rive hundred lager beer breweries in Prussia. ;--General Lee is not writing a "His tory of the Northern Army of Virenra," as reported. —An exchamte suggests that while we take - care of the Indians, they take hair of the white people. —Karl iiimrock has made a German translation of Shakspeare's poems, which Is said to be masterly. Thu Uniourailway depot at Chicago is just completed, at a cost of two hen -tired and fifty thousand dollars —lt is estimated that about ono bun. , dred vallllon feet of logs will be cut on the Upper Mississippi thin winter. Duke has just published a his -tory of Morgans cavalry, and all rebel- dots Is reading it. At least that portion of rebeldom that can read. —The Queen sent $lOO to a man named Percy, 110 years of age, and the 'oldest man in 'Selland." That an , dent cove is evidently one of the Percy ~ Relics. --General Dix's private soirees are al— ready spoken of, in Paris, as witnessing "the most charming reunion of Ameri ca's finest representatives every Satur tivY evening.' —lt-appears that during January there were in the United States thirty large fires; at each of which the loss was over $20,000. The aggregate losses by these fires amounted to $4,048,000. —Yale College is now suffering from a violent attack of measles, and is trying to out.rival a Boston school, which 'has the mumps. Couldn't the University of Pennsylvania get up an opposition in the small pox line —The largest anchor in the world has been completed for the Great Eastern at Wolverhampton. Its weight is eight tons, exclusive of the stock; length of the shank, twenty feet six inches; length I of wood stock, nineteen fees six inches; tread of arms, seven feet four inches. —We observe front the Charleston pa. pers that.that city has got its new steam line to . Liverpool in successful operation, and that. the steamer Pioneer was to havesusiled on Satunlay last. Another steamship line is about to be established between New York andliavre. on which four firatclass steamenrwill tail. —The Neapolitan journals announce that the great "Cosenza case" will soon come before the courts. . This was a Tiourbonist. conspiracy - &lowered in 1883. Seven hundred persons wers ar rested, fifty-eaven -cases of whom are now about to be tried. They have al ' ready beta thzetf years in 1611011 . —Great destitution exists throughout Italy. In Venice thirty thousandper sons subsist on public charity. _ In • Sar dinia the people are compelled to live, like beasts, on roots and herbs. Even the government journals . ofTririn . and Florence say that "hunger is the order of the day," and colt upon the ministri to do . something that will prevent —The New Orleans Times says that raised la O st m : y w e r ar r a , ilko f th lbe bs e qpuaarlish A dozen of the commis have been sent to the Paris Exposition; also a. number of skeins of sewing ailk—some pure I white, others dyed a glossy black. The silk of which they are made was raised trout eggs yid& had been in the Doc tor's possession for forty years. • great many people are said to be planting the Chinese sugar cane in Texas this year. One gentleman living a. few miles from San Antonio planted half an acre with it last year, and made from its yield thirty gallons of molasses; which he sold at a dollar a gallon, and four. hundred gallons of vinegar, from which be realized fey cents a gallon.. lie also secured from this half acre in question over a tonof good fodder, and many bushels-of Tellable for feeding —A late Confederate officer writes to the Niehaus:A &zombie that a man re cently detailed to him a scheme on foot to get up a gift enterprise, ostensibly; for the Southern. Orphan Association, but in reality to benefit alone the specula tors. The man came: from rislttmore; and letters have been' written -there ex posing the scheme. It is said that "bo gus'? agents of "memorial associations," and exhibitors of shows for aid for ceme ' tery societies, &c., In the South , are Ao in about the count:T , . he. Donde sboold.be on their guaM naiad impos ters. —Thetvi are two young Japanese in .a school at Provincetown, 'New* Jersey, who came iron( the province of Digo, mem - Nagasaki The s who were stn- Slingat Munson, .2da ix suiehtteette, came .rom the province of &tuns, which b" heat the most adranced part , . of Ja - P m e" 1 " 'since Father Xavier. s day. fhere is one st Andover. Maseanhuaciigt from Iodic); ,ose en route to enter Yale fro m Tii. CSUrcin* and there : are I six in time York who were sent to study naval architemure and gun4ery in behalf , of a future Japanese ateam navy. _ . —De Tocqueville, in AIS work On America, gives this terdblisketch: ''A.• newspaper can drop 'slut mom thotight into a thottaand minds at the ma ne mo ment. A newspaper is an adviser who demi not requirito beamed, lint m e w s to you briefly every day of commonw e d, without distracting your private affairs, Newspapers, therefore, become m en , necessary in proportion sa men become I more equal and individuals more to be feared.. To suppose that they only serve to protect freedom would be to diminish their importance; they maintain civil'. cosortcr , to TELr.G ILAIi S. Adrulral"egothotr, of the Austrian navy, loft Waiii.aington yehterilay for Itiehroiond. The .remaining portion of the Table Roth at Niagara Fuill, fall on Tuesday. Fortunately, it being at Allis seaaOrt §f the year, no OEM wa3 on The remains of the late Philip Johnson, member of Congress tram' the Eleventh District of Pennsylvania, were removed yesterday, from the Taolt la the Cong - res. atonal Cemetery to his late home at Easton, ponarylvanta,Tor interment; The remains were necompaaled by Hon. Samuel of Montana, and Hon. Er. Holbrook, of Ida- I ho; Mr. Orday, the Sergeant-at:Arms of the Ilentse; a committee a citizens tram Easton, and other friends and relatives of ttie de ceased. Thomas A. Rowley has been ninth Davit United States Marshal for too Wekern District of Pennsylvania. The first registry token by the Judges ati- pointed by the Supremo Court of the Dis trict of Columbia,. of the legal voters of Georgetown, was completed on Thursday, and fools up to elevenhundred and seventy , whites and eight hundred and eighty col a aced. . • Miss Mary Harris, Who shot bar seducer, Burroughs, in, the treasury budding. at Washington, two yciars ago. has just been admitted to the Insane Asylum. M 3 CONBOBIPTION CAN BE CURED end ts being enrol emerl day by pet...ore wt. we Like Rev. E. A. W ILSON ,, S Olt EAT ILYNIEIIti rosp,msrpernoN. Tu.oe who hotel:wed it re felting eenstanUy to testify to Its greet elf, and the wonderful cures It haa performed hen their ease was considered boneless Sold oats to Pittsburgh •t JOSEPH ?LEM Drna and Patent Waldo Depot, SG kattetetnet. Seat by mall anywhen oa recolot of $.1.2.1. •nd procure . • losopblet. giving tall hU iori fit ty:a ex:to,o:rdlur7 rOII:TrS Est Elwayne l a Othetment Will D. 1-1 t wul 600101 from Hto 4I boon. 3-Ittrillaars the moat obstinate cams of Tot ter. lt .111 cure Cbronto Erfatfoelas of the fore. 4—lt will tore Solt Ramo. WOO Hood. cure Itchtne on Emotions. o—lt rosiclooly cure ail Min Diseue.. 7-11•6 !Mot-sirs Uttermost mod oaratch n• .• "ITCH" Dr. Sasaya4 . • 131.88.8 A ...TATTER.. ••ITCH" Dr. 38.818. es Utsbarst, ...TATTER" 11CID, ••TETTIER." •• ITCH.' 11211111 SNOW 3 .TETTEkv , •.1103. 4•TETTIStv. .11(311" 10 TAIL , ..3.3711511.•• ••11CJI____.." 1/.lllLii" 8 , 87 Dr . !MAYN'T. A liO`i Mal .BlB7Bnr ' al 88 317CLARILLN a WREN- . NAA, 83 X tat street, 4.160. A. MALLI. 31 ?rural:bit .t.f.`..V.lNlig.M'ljrl:l2:titis.. burgh: X.A.241 , & DZU VIT. AIX&I.xIr. saslol:Trit 11A111TIIAL CONSTIPATION.— HOW SO SnrICT A CERTAIN AND rte. MANANT CUltlt.--homo occupations of ilfa modispose to Castivene soespeclally those which allow b at little eserniss. Persons who soutrut . . inenfortunato % ha of body. under such stance might bit possibly ha , relieved ill changlas their sedentary etaployinelltaforOUStra of Amore settee kind; but this is tor no moans certain. Habitual constipation 1s a ver very : nista disorder. Ail She ordinary so-et reale dis navarlably urges. It le othing ean be ' nor. leirlaus than the oontlnued aro of strong inlinaral ' s t ar Zl: t tZgl l s r -f i rru l fie A n al, 4 1throe s It; torpid teat tillorintous iliaes ut cathartic ts. clues tiauo 60 street Upon Item. A mild aperi eat.. combined with a gentle stimulant, m the if.. tatill.dl and a eouiblostloo li t:e ha, firgllgiTiltgfiTar PllATVkiiVl'g flimilioa Saimaa:de Utrigoratus tis obo.a Intesti nal canal whi. cpal.tif reusing from Its coo volutions all Impediments tofrill 0.55000 tedouoh the. h o men purgat ive bus tele duo. hla operation. No oraluary stimalmite feria too desired ouJect. Cases of Cousurepttuu Abs.- domed as bee... by distingaiseed medical mut , have been catvd in • lean areas by 500 Hitters. To those who hare tried ail the medicines of the dispensary In velar we gay try medi c ines trrashoitrie stimulant and aperient. share Is no sueleleat reason why Constipation shoula l ee rho muss. INTTlll.l l r d aqq l 4 . . *X 4h rlythl g T,Rl otherwl.e y demst... from excreue w oui. lo o sit caws enable tha system to Derr...it...Mato. , functions regular IT and healthfully. ~~a : 4 = „ :~~14; war. BINGHAM, Adam Strproos Ape, h Wed, Is cot enttl Agent to IffIOADI Adefraani.ool for Ow (LANETT& and all *Ow. Aiwa throlgthota the &dud Matte and A. Mead.. IarILEV. &CRUEL LIMO, OF La...a.ster, P.., +:11pr.... 11 to the Ko- Erantelteal Luther. ta..2.reh, s noW, 17th wwlc. carenstenetne i s t r.% A. u. snd7l, r. N. IarFERAT BAPTIST CIIPIICII. —Until We completion of the near (Impel. services 'rill be bold .111Wle a aiN.4 . .. Preeening Forober, Eitnatil, every beat:MATH el lo‘o tt a. . .'lB4/1/111.Tt hClicitit at :o'clock. D. di• Adams cordially Welted to attend. • - IgrUELIRIOUS.— TUE FIRST CIIRtsTIAN f whichP.Ot;Ertl NINO to rut,. nu too row plrtlon of t , clr ste w haute or ofor.olp, wil eon' wave tomcat In E.SCELSIDIS-IIALI., rumor of Federal Lad Latcoot tweets. aorylres *vary taglAllirErtitZli Tag ". air UNIVERSALIST CUURCU, coitama VY tiItA.NT lt 7111111) 01%. —Pastor._ Key. A. 111.1.141pIltAti. Pre.lllll, EV ItY 817.11pAlf at 10), a. K.. and in c Banos) tionoot at A. V. All the people tia, Med to come and benas. SlSbitttier I.O4:IWrIVW aveoto7 - 1.4 70 sad Yeas IN Religious Mottoes. r°7-iMITT CHORAL • SER.. nex.-The nenet ATTILIth.oIN SLR VICE. will •0 SIMI TILINIY CHURC. Matti street, 70.11011110 1 a W. et T coeia k. The An them. ermposed by liicaesh 211111. C 461- •‘••• •. D. iSISI--.Lard. fer Tbr Tender hter des'. ealts.,• • garOFFICE OF TIIE NATION AL 13.111211N0 AND oTOHIN r(L— -AA adj.. and Mooting of MS 1710C2lligde rs of the DisUonstßellnlng sad Starte IG.. w U t.be ld at Ma BOARD UT TRADE ROOM. Its Wood VS... on 310 DAY. 10pra , 47 ot to olorA A. 4. (els C. BLILLS WEIL Scretors. OrI7IIIIFEBBALIST FAIR Alin FESTIVAL Will be Continued EOM DAYS NEXT WEEK, Ending Thursday. Feb. 21st, The eve of the Anniversary et Waablegtrila Birthday. • DIRTILIRETION 01/ ARTICLES AND PLUM ZSTADIE EVZILY 1110.11 IT: Unad SlutlF an Ttr.rutsy ,ttenlaK. A.4mts .Io $lOO. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOU DISCHARGES. Ae wbo hare lest Ines dlocharn• castle. caws and setto ere otherwise entitled to tbe addl• tlenal $lOO boonty, can base their case. at. tended to by canton on or ioldzeattdd W. J. & WALL PATTERSON,' BOUNTY. irroaNkys AT Lkw AND CLAIN ACIETITI3, 11 12111,ANT 3TIIIMT._ CO-PARTNERSHIP. ' . ' • ---- . . • • . Petrensey 15th Ik7. I HAVE THIS DAY AB9OCIAO TLD atth me to :he Duquesne Wasps Works, SAMUEL TORKIPSIZIC and kllgtl.l/• IXILIL •• Thankful tom , / Mende and a /onerous public fur Sloneker? Hansa patronage tu U. ut, /do most rut/tactfully masslt a con Dun.. of shell . Mors.O. GULISSIA.24. • • • Incr./led ftelou. a or mannfacturlot ail de- UAW= of Plats and Spring Wariont. Carta, Unry, e'er" Olin or Wneal /Jarrow. 16001 Teatekir. Mao, mort is e . .l How sn4 fumed lava., t. Marton Av dine, in (runt of Penitentiary. felt:tal CHEAP HOUSES. POO MOE& EIVE ROOMS EACH, Located to Birmingham, Tor ule as ire toliowing pores: 0111 X. TWO4TOILY SILILME: too Twimerotex SEWN t. to £ 426[111 21 AND SW. WATT AOZSTIS, 150; 06 Smithfield Street, cirr a...ff.:PM 7 •Ct 7,4 Welcher. T will In .old. cir ➢ co'od . floor or ommercial 13sissrooms. 106 Saltblield street! . .11 ohms Pistaburigh Osg CO.: •.. PensullomaillE•gal, naltros4; •'• rgisillvaulli Sumacs CO.; vo Sa • W. go.; , no • • bo nit esttlnf C0.:4 Eptr..nrgra...77.ttr , lttnz Math WAIN& Anet. toISSOLVTION OF-VAILTNER* otur.-12. co-vor w toonitaP konto•ex• 1olt" lba olio or DAITLK R Its4.IBON. ttth. day dissolved hl asattial coastal., , /AYES BAIT.tg,,, JAM= 0. Ja.tAdON. MEI YEZI JAMES T. BRADY & CO., - (B¢ocessors to H. Jo.. 3 C 0..) Corner Fourth &Mood Ste, BANKERS & BROKERS, aIALIOI3 za ALT, rows or I Government Securities, Foreign EsobeAge. GoldAilver and Con Pone. OOLLICTIONS made on 'all socassibl• in the United Btalte and Oanthas. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. FOUNIEL—In an Ohio and West ern AVenUe.treet car, A /VII 2117E7 Which the owner esti •eve by calling at eorne of watitietten end Vi ashington streets, Menehe ter. °roving property, And Ming t. 1) " .0c.. fetaitS7 I.A ST Or A.L.Lt OrrICI. Febritary 11th, lA% SEWELL ASSESSMENTS. - Notic e Is hereby Siren to the owners of PRUPCIZTY within the limits asaesaed for the construction of sewer on the West Common , and the hewer Belmont Street and all Parties Intereeled, {hat the assessmen ts made_ on said sewers. will now d ' be received at the TNlCA.6llltlLithi OFFICE ad not paid within Thirty days from this date they will be placed In the hatiOr - Or th eCa J r eitor for colletion, with etve'per-cent. adde,l thereon, at required by law. MAClFf s. tßit City:Yreasorer. EMIZI LCV. KAL,TIIANN n KAIJFFMANN & CO., UNION COAL YARD Best Family Coal, Nut Coal and Slack Always on lAstddttgrrra.mplly OFT Int COB.. HABILIBott KFD PENN BTB. VAUDllegheny Valley armrest', near C on Wee", Math Ward, rITTSIttrB6I3. PA UM WORKINGMEN. ATTENTION c' r • "N.B %/ F ag iIAtZ 11..0 orrent 4 r2duction on M''6E6"CLULDRIIII•BI3OOTS BALMOILALS. - 1.01.1911 130UT9, and 0U1129 it cost Call and you will ors yonr moots, at J. H. W. C, BORLAND, No. OSlset street, Al door Crean Mb St. fell BLACK SILKS. . A Large Assortment, INCLUDING NOME Very Rich Goods, WHITE, ORR & CO., 535 WlSt3ti 0311troot. REMOVAL NOTICE. APTJ IL IST. WE WILL nr. i*Diamond, Pittsburgh, • al * present by Wm. 11.1sne. X• 41.• ensre• • propose dOllll Alt At.Ql•nIV • W 15117 ntrelbEnn- All pe.soos UILTIP: !IX! resunte sfl th u• at Ore•ent hErehl. L , tr:t that Clef, .ecoeni • W ill be dos. mu. t• t. It being derrrter to h•. our 1b.. , elreal op !A fore rreitorel, we ertubt ...meetly .4 .a .4 tr.Pthst P "P 'Vs U .VV.IeI. L 80N. It Federal etre. Alto Peer. . N. ample. eel or grocery z Parrs. tountire, •helc rg. Sr., the rev. approved style, tor sale a..a. w • 7. • eUN • puELion OLD STAND STOCKING STORE N 0.21 Filth street. GOOD COTTON STOCKINGS st It esists. --OWUisUInTC ANUDItSViIistS at.%) ll loan• atlas ClommonwealLh • t yet due, shall •=•mpt Mu. State ty•se eel ' s. shall hive bee. paid VW, 8; That MI 0510.181 I. ow. or Dial... thereof, lamellae= herewith, are hereby re- I= = Ilpeaker of Um Hoax or tepresentati L. W. HALL. { , pflker of the SeD2t. •➢Proved the aaeond day of If throaty. of. tbwund dtbt buadml and JOUR W. orAsr neeordsnee with the provision of the abooo EOl,l MMt=iE • chi or tiarrl•bdrr. rinritylranla. until 12 cloek, It.. of lb* Ma day of April, A. 0., tbr. , to bp codor•ad an (allows •Troposala for rent. trivutlik BL•ta /..5... Treuury Department, yerrlebsrB. 14nues.1.T. B. A. t Inds 'KU b received fbr P,000.000, rein. Et1112!!!=M 1!!!!!!!=131;iR t. Yutc,o Twit ud $lO.OOO, IMl==ai tl•Ree years. sn. ote of Uttered to be onto 5 0 ,6 per cent, par cm.., whltte must Inc - - pllcltly stated In [be blO. asid the bide most W. vautr.geons to the State wlll he eaepted• bid tor less than pa .111 be eoneldercd• The bo•Ads .411 o. liaood to sums of $3O.- on 4 nob Mghtt SU= 14.1 deAlred by the loaners, to be f Irma State, WO and musletpal taxon The over dne bond• of the Calimon.tallitot raOmytranla 1.111 be remind at par is payment of Ltd. loin, bat bladenmutiYta vbetber the, eared to pay to easel Or lo the over due low lE= Ulan will be Mede between bldden paying in Cana or over.Aue louts =2 tiovornor of Penniyhaeds. JOHN T. H►3TH&NFT. MattOr °entre w. U. ILTAILIILE SW* Tni..,:'r ITN. a new.p,Per pnbllsklng the above sales. authorised. Will reed , r Dal• re. 33 NOTICES /DI ST MOltill LUZ BONDS OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. KASTIEHN Dtte IMBEVABY lar, will be i tld . toreseata , lion of the Coup..s at the Banking House of Meows. JAY COOKE .1 CO., New Volk, on .d alter that date. VII. J. PALM Ell, Treas'r 01715:1 Or TOO al.i..Louts 150,1.. 11. Fcir R. 1567. R. Co. PlTT6orob. 1. TIM EGULAR ANNUAL 5 ranting cc R thelbtfockhulders of the Allegheny Talley Railroad Co. Will be held at the ()thee of the Company ner of Pike and Cabal streets, Pittsburgh, Tuesday. Feb. 26th, 1661 St U It.. for the election of a Board yanoFers to Serve for the eotnlna year• and i4l h 4,73 President. (" 71 " . or Al=c7;,`, I EgErNOTICE TO HOLDERS OF FIRST MORTGAGE BONDBOP THE AL WOMEN Y VALLEY RAILWAY, COMPANY. —The Allegheny yalleg etlmn•- lt7 hers by glee notleA Chat Way tgill NM... the The First Mortgage Bonds of IlAo Co • Witbln two years from It& date. In accords , - otth the prortelorm of the mortgage glren to s • core the pa , meet °Ewald betel.. 7 order of the Board VI Itanasers. • ItltrlS WILL/A.M. rumurd. rrealdent. FOR RENT FOR ILFJIT.—The Warehouse, Nos. 220 Sad 2113 Liberti street. and 173 Wood street, present occupied by the anti scribers. yoisesslon siren Ist April. or derdrid. fell JOISN FLOYD s co VOR RENT.—One two-story Dwelling House. of eight room, ple.intir situated. with traaand water In the hoo.: go.I W.ted. a tenant that would pureema parlor ...pet; ball oil cloth and parlor blinds. all new. luntatid. 11 Mal.A.lll /LCD , . LT: Fourth Street. FOR BENT, STORE ROOM RU. GO MARKET STREET; ROOMS SUITABLE FOR SINGLE GENTS: SALES ROOM, SECOND TENOR 0/ 58 MARKET STREET: ONTICES ON 1111 RD AND MARKETZZAII, ST& J• bA Att , y at Law. 98 liraat ecreeL EEO To LET, RACNCOMISES. Tiro or thrre Young Men can obtain Large and Cokufortable thieping AparttOODU. ur ge WO minutes walk of the rostogleei by agates lag Immediately, E. L. G./..11 - rt rittsburtb, EEO p LET, 4X OFFICE, On first floar of No. 09 md 70 Water strett- 3•I67.IDALZELL a SON lITZEI To LET, The Warehouse, 27 WoOd tr, T . TITANS CO. 7. Nom loggratroo T .,oll7k7 c l zN ., OcK Or VALLI ard r .IU . 6.11113 . SI Wood Omer. t SEWING nIACaINES. SOC) Weed, Lock Stitch sewing Machine BEST L 9 ll ESE. mul Is WHAT $6O WILL DO. *6ol' Machine will Hem. Pell and Bind; Tuck and (hurd; (lather and Quilt • Mate a A...reit - loth (Weren't; !take a Frock Coat, • yaks • satin Vest: Make Cloth Pants; • Bind Anon; 181.11 do every describtlqn f Lres. Matins. SNewl6o Machine will do all kind. of ng. 60 Mwearne will rots over .eassis without hr iarrd=l:l Le k .l fit! $6O Mar Alisa Is tne cheapest llantitne by Alper cent. Inule. and will SOW faster, Ono% .upertor Wan, Machine in the marltat. can return and bare Ma money . . 'Warranted four years. AIKEN ICNITTING NEAGNESE. Will knit is min of Nock. In a day. Braid and gmbroidery Eta/tins for gale and Mammas done. • • Also model for cutting ladles and children's dres.es. Ant person Can learn from Lt. 101.11T6 WAN r ED. 1101.A11 kind. of fatally MCWII3O done. It. M. WAG, Agent. I 11% Grant street. Doh:late Cathedral.. a. bop GROVES & BAKEBI , B ELASTIC STITCH AHO LOCK STITCH Sewing :Machines Aro THZ HUT tor 71.07 awl Maantacturiolg parporza. Call sad ago Wean at AU. 18 Pint. street. DON'T BE DECEIVED B 1 rw"""h'u i"VTI 3 ah arti=m4ari.dfor.. U" "and 4140strtt 4 '7)241 gifts:tscoot. Drip, 1.0 come. SBARTLETT 82.5. EWING MACHINE, Best cheap Licensed ln .the United Butes. Agents wanted everrerbara. rat msor maw per month. Enclose stamp and mistress PAWS BROTtICNd. kleneeni Acesa.. 614 Cimino% sueet. misl 221 Inainuslt street. Toledo. Ohio. • deMpl . - - GET • NONE BIM' A • • GROVER & BASER For • Holiday 131111. It Is eellt•la. rotre•t cad lierstore WI best. Don.; tall to cell Led see It at NO. IS PIFTH DUET R,IIOE. 11A/INESB & CASIBLIGE ILAILIMS aboaLloite this new iSorrs 1 . 131111 NO. I Mg now% Bean traytorilaavllnre. It iUm blititiot Ibex .e. For wale nograsS . 114 ' , iris STEC T THE GUOVER Ss BASER SEWING MACHINE tbe INtimaltule of Med:au:dam. Please eel "a e"." It " NO 18 /11TH StIIZET. El,' 33: 1..,1C0N, Sealer or Weights and Measures. Onlee: No, so EAIIRET nraerr, IZEJ RENEW REA, Jr., 'war, Grain and Product, comanntox nr.acnsaT. SGO Malloarty. istroot. PITTSBURGH, PA. Nrare . chance Is now offered to tnoilistt9 wish to nevitie , pw r ee t Knowledge of the skit 0f , TH0210438.4. Fur, ue stIOUT HAND WIRECINO.. A elms now being [aimed try &practical Reporter Irwin London, I 'lean& Address • 121=I WANTN.D--15FORMITION— Of JOHN an 4 JOSEPHJAIIISON , hmthm• who left Pittsburgh ahowt tew Tears Lan. An' Information concerning them will be in.ltfo.ty recelied the subaerther, JON. N BLAU, INtl4l MONO add...kiln care of _ _ uazrrrE 103:1 4 4 Tittaharah. Pa. WANTED. -500 Clerk[, and and omen e t pltnnar[n know trot 0 77 torment al F.IIAI OE continue. to esti Ilene thaaever. Vertu net are wade be e ening Melts and the kies• ;e'err. .111 a Unk only Man et the Stan the/ has =Olt. eue, es Is the suadard. Come •nu tee whet scents WV C. nuros. No. 103 Clair Street. WANTED, An Active Partnership, lWuri e th I r II t 5,0:0 t o onow ho navAed ntwl, Meele* exo 00. perience In the bailee.. ittiavimst, t0te.:17% • P. 0. Box ft, Pittennewn. Ca. WANTED.--IGraduates of Lit t cur sad Coon:keret.' Colleges to aura" WT.neatly la taialttema regal.ut Atacsatart. Alp and tot Amass correspondestcs. Apply with reference. to C • ,* 110 Grant street. opposite Court Eionse ANTED--SO Stove and Itol. LOW WARE KOOLDIIIB, to whom good trues And •temly employment Mee... NO One beltinnlng to the Moulders , trolort A•Me• o.lollllCed nnnli• BBIDOE/VRT) • CO.. Louls•Me, Ky. Mg WANTED -20,000 AGENTS.- .. A. temple sent free, with terms for any one to Clear Mao daily in three hoar•. Business entirely new. light and desirable. tan be done at bozos or tra. eft %by both male and females 11,11" .ad,T 518etrood..T.DIP Tort. drr`,l':,:ffr r`off.i v ?,Z . eat • WAIMED—AGENTS—BY THE EUREKA BE W l it a PrkCITIN E CPU PANY to fromtheir PEW *SIP M i l e US Wil sw frost riIBUO paper to heart BLO. flOtO or IritherrlitilOOT change or feed s nnedle ore ten sion. iSeiPsdpasUng pressure root end nly &sinned funr-motioned UnDratiV, strew. "6!.'.thg """ ififtb. stret=sh:PVCl',.) WANTED,-AGEWES--TO SELL tn. CHILDRES ALBUM. or neru KIM AND blUILII:r. written and compiled by Bev. ' ABA BULLA.III3. TOO Boot coots , . • Mee Portatt of tbe *Tabor. snore than one hundred pictures. sod Is nlnely printed sod bound. sod - "oat plesee all tkv . eii . ild ti re o rt,t 4 ld u r tr co.. No. T 5 Third street. - Pittsburgh , Va. =1 WANT ED. AGENTS. 7/W•lg uol TENIALEga .., :g . gi st..l v.. rirg Pv!Pglltlit .arezav 7,...... 41VOUtelirgOli ATYBEPI;GYIEL-D.,.: lather by the month or by coonalslo. rob. lirbers . rates allowed. for fall pm - M. 11 ...P p lI' 7'00'4"1 : 1=11( aN •; % l 7lll at ~y.~:;:►:r~:~q FOR SAI.E.--A COMFORTABLE DWELLING GOOSE. on Denise &sent., within two Win. walk horn two Ittnersslila Pusenger liallwaT BlAttors. Tha Lot is lin fest deep by fl feet 10 inches front- The House con tains 05.00 large. light. and nIST rooms. and Is very comfortable. Yon Anther_ particulars art. dress • A. IL ICE/TING, W Third !Street. CVIIIIB.A.LE.—We offer for sale that valuable MANUFACTURING SITE. Occupked by na as a' Barrel Factory, alteate the foot of Taylor street, Pitt townahlp. and op emit° the Copies Y W of Park. McCurdy A Co. This property street of :40Meet on the Alle gheny river& contaising near TWO AMISS, end privilege of idling up to mane a much more Inc Iron. Steel or otter large Ifannfacturto parrot; to, has no superior. Terms mule to unit purchaser. orruins. von. SALE.—One Three Story Dwelling Rouse. containing eleven rams ONE TWO STORY DWELLING_HOUSE containing eight rooms nod finished Attie. ONE SMALL MAME HOUSE containing five ...send nants . y. "moire ot WM. H. CAMPBELL, No. =2 Second Street. FOU SALE OA BENT. . • ACOFFEE STAND, Ist the 31irket House Dlemosel. No. LM. For further particulars enquire at the Stand. No. la the Rasta gamic , Diamond, trlttabu .I.rg. jal93 Von SALL—One Lot fronting 19 feet. 9 Inches. on West side of li.dosky street. conning back 911ket 6 Inches to Whig al ley, on which there i• erected 4 two-story brick I.lnsess.ol.tterogsays:A‘ev, with 6 room. each. alte the YourtlfWgflictiooll 4.12.:•1:41kN5464.111. IA bargllri. hy RAMSEY tr. lieu.. }Leal Estate Agouti , . • tio. 90 BC. Ter Wee., Allegheny. 1 MMI g Et A u p s ' the ll ►lt I C, T h t 1!! i d E 7 LT/ON. corner Cl Vint and Zest streets. Alle gheny Qty. Is offered for use Proposing. for purtnese will be received. and fell Information given oy either of the undersigned. sent Yet. Te ary tst, LW. T. Is. BILOWA. No. 1/11 Ohio street. ALEXANDER MAIST lnemond.lN, No. lil ECM VOA SALE.—A desirable . prop.. 1: arty In Areette my, located on Sandusky strata and etranberry allay: the lot le al feet on eannnsky street wad 114 rant on Straarberrt al tiLognt.h:ll7igrd onlyone aqua/TAIT the with seven rooms. and a If=ot Cu the o :erl end of th e farthe r Infortnation Inquire en the orentleaa. 172 SANDOBICY STREET. FOR SALE,-ONE TWO-STORY L IKON CLAD BUILDING , Tr IlaCgood store room, (mid Mr t oots Wise of irroend from Lit next Aptll;laltln gaol location, Wing No. El Perm street, corner or Harrison street. et cold .be • Food location fora Teed More. or Flumblna lad tiati Tittltig Khoo. Enquire a IL L 11ADC. IFF, No. WS Venn Meet: or BAILIFF, BIWWX A. OM, timber. Meant and Vas Ma ritt... . • • • • •••• It be • . Isa:rm FOB liALE—BeCnnd Hand STEM ENDIVE AND BOILER, £9.1.11 , 0 of FOR SALE, TUE HOUSE AND jai . . N. 40 Craig stmt. That Ward. Allegheny. Tim house is &substantial two-story Yratne, Good repair. The loth , as test front ottairalt treetandl.otrarle.tettan9lng tannstl- 711trC9Nri 32; 1°111.110171) DT.. Plttaburgb. I va SALE, A LARGE BRICK DWELLIEG ROME, rWe Itti IN modern barrovesoenfoL. der, nod Monte on G rano.. 1: 1 . ""U y. '"U"'" No. 119 IfINStoTLIZIT; tonorna. WABEHOITSE. RICHARD E. BREED, I.ISLEENGIPWLTUECIEL; No. 100 WOO4l Street. BILITTANNI a AND SMYTH PLATED TA BLE. WALLS. TS*. TEATS end TABLE C UT LLItY47,4,I. hand. CHIN ALIA :MET% CHINA TOILETSZTS. CHI(A VASILS, ONINA SPITTOONS, ISOHTJA LAN WALIN prover) desorlptlen LLVA CARD BASSATS. • LAVA TAAL% • LANA. SPITTOONS. ENOLISLI nobs WARM of all Parletlee. eon wholesale' and retell trade. The Waves end moat complete et otk of every thing In Oda Santa the city. Prices and terms Um same as In the canteen