THE PITTBI3IIII6II qAZETTF, PINILISIIED By PENMEN, REM) & AT GAZETTE BUILDING, _. =eh, act 38 8 1.0.2 s etre et. T. , I. P. 110 13 ON. IL EM BT M ICAN,/ - .10111 AR JUNO ammois P . BurxD. wanaer TiBNB: Ilaiibr bites , 3 onta. Drilbrered by earriar, (per 1reak).—....15 *eats. bibireyEbere, (I:exica) . .. . Woo.' • Li bstaleadnetlonstoneerobars sad 310130* tali WHXKLY: , coydes.. peryear, by 1 50 'Plea-' 40. 00. • do. each 153 Ten or mole topics, to doe Wear. .03 1 15' 1 • one free to club, each CITY NEWS . ast Clifeadis-Xerebant Ilifolut of • tudems of Der F -a Cfnuitu. PM*- • "The crowning exeidienCe of Your eye. jam , of - Book-keeping IA the Judicious abridgement of all unneeetaaesi details and, repetitions, Maiming the time of study to abouthiit that required . n , other Commer dal Colleges. And my eMploYer says he ha. swum seen a person .direst from Col= Mi.) that went aheAl with all their books eo pitiniptlY and accuoi yas I have. !LOON 8. 8008 e., Book.keeper for lipia a, Hereof, Ifer chants, Chiliad - cr. • /11114bikgpedre d Oman,: r. "Idereeliate Men ebb t me that: are fat; - Sleek handed then—Too us has a lean - and hungry 100 k; nal mortars dangerous." en Mid dhakspeare. Now Cassias olike many another limplo van, warsinn because . he knewnot how toappreelate good living. /f W frXO hviniLtley he .would not be re picas:god because lean, for iiiHoltzbelmees . coat/Semi naloonibe would repair like all • sonetklamendo.indpartakeof thesplendld • -'* 11 . gotten np meals arul be as sleek and fat . -• • an fa tormentor. Catalue naiad spared. ate flattuheimees DILI of fare and would be - 'ono of the numerous patrons who.throng ..slits popt4r.intavrain day and alarm. As • , Casslusts doad.ise cunt only advise faint men, hire him to pstronlse na other restaurant than the Continental. next doer to the Past office Fifth streetondess they want to keep spare-boned. ..11eautP1s buts vain 'and 'doirbtfid Ash-Ming gloss that fadethauddenly, A flower that dieswhen first It 'pins to bud. , A brittle:giant that :1.8 tijoken Presen.l7. dontarui good, a gibes. & glass. n 1 10.0 r, Lost, faded,'broker4ileid hour: , - go lunch, truthfully ease the..fmret. We -- sheuld not wallferlhe Morrine,liut while health and beauty rest with ns, should have doe of those excellent; time bating sea alutdowir which nouo'bdtDabba , P.; Ed. Clair takes so admirably. We owe it as a ' duty_ to our Mends, it not to =metres, that our ortraits. be taken ere time or disease defaces whit beauty may have been given tis; Dr. Debbi takes ail styles of pictures. . from the tiny miniature_ or watch-dial Dor ; Dalt to - fill life sire cabinet photograph. 1115 works of art will compare favorably with any exhibited In the Photograph line :in America. i Pictures are taken equally as in Mitres/her. Cold • ... •. A thaw having set in, and the isoluence - being that people are disposed to . feel very Warm; and' are. careless in their habits, a little advice, as to the easiest manner of gratitying Each tl maybe anxious to give the Clairton something to do, may not be • ont Of . place. iAt tide seams , persons who are partial pi rheumatism. should wear thin boot! and be careful to keep them ' well soaked in snow water.. d onick fever can be bemired 'by leaving off overcoats. Neuralgic complaints are open to all who walk till they beeoMe heated, and then stop at the corner of Unmet and cool off by a gentalchativithesitai gOod Dikiw. Coughs • are free Wall sr . lio will Midst upon throwing tiotar`conie in order to catch the gen tle South briere whieh prevails. The la dles arsinich thorough experti In this art that ' tined not oiler them any mines ' tions,tint by abandoning their cloaks and • rubbers; and M.:sorting td their boots and they reach a. gruel diet by a shortcut.-. I . ! I The Plinadeljibli Lcifger is respotwible far the above. Dr. ifisysaa !Lays that nineteen !out of alloy twenty [dile eases, brought on by the' causes shove 'referred to, can be re , hewed sad cured In less than Torty.eight houreby a few Ldosesl of his PECTORAL STRl7P,which to one sif the best and most effectual . deobstroants ever compounded. Hundreds of colds could be cut short, loath. some catarrhs remedied, and consumptions ' arrested by the MO of Dr. Keyser% Dwain able PEcTOILAL STROP and at the saving - •• of iiiiriany dollars as it man Ovate. Pro. • Pared at ilo Wood street. Dr. Heysees con foliation rooms for examunations DV Penn -. street,. from a Lai. until 4r. . • . . , Tue Best Known Tonle. 0187'111, Idpek a op ? , s . Combinatlon of Iron ,Phosphorns and CaltsaYa, known as Ferro - Pbbsphorated of CaUsaYeL The iron restores calor to the blood; the Phosphorus . - renews yenta, of .the nerve tissue,' and the - Celsaya alies - i natural, healthful tone to the difeetttebrinne. One Dint cioat*na taevirtue or one ounce of Callsaya and one teaspoonful a grain of iron.and Phosphorus:: Eibinfaettered by , Campus, Moan Co., New' York. Pi:7We by all araitiriffic - • To Ilousetooperi. Good Tninatoes at 03 cents Der can. StraWbe.rines at 40 cents. Blackberries at 40 cents:: . . Peaches attic cents. - • lliaimaledear ne befits. • .Pesicli Tam at SO cents. ' • Gond Italsins at Wpm ts par notnd. Good France atcents per tkonnd, Good Currants all.M cants per pound. At 112 Federal street, Allegheny City. • Giro. Banyan EZ= AbOut illaen en sixteen years of emcee ob taina,goed'enuaLlern by *pi:dying at the Opera noose gboe Stcire." Rom) need apply. :but Ilene llning in Allegheny city. =1 We are offiifiiir toll lines of !Rapid and 74 1. 0 4 1 , P*7 000,1 %..a5Z0ter1i PrlrrW: °"" —7: W. ilanirairg Co., la street. 21=:=103 'roar Spoons, Porto, and Castors rotated ;'Y rtthallver .as `g dae stimoialiogieo, st.Clalr street. :WalYlYjtdOa Co , to BarlanAlOs Shoo -Btoro'2ol. 9S Market street, and :fret lour -.outing tioota and nhone cheaper %nail insehouneAn tDO pity, lfraireatisat'leralletzten. Doetnrid proatelptpanatnerotally imam/ at half tho usual taloa, .rtatoseai Drug . . Befssorsind naserrs ground and steeled; also Penkrule bleules Inserted, at Bose's, X0..3 , Tim pen Hal otaiit' kinds at Jogen S. Pl=les Distillery, No. /22, 191, 199 and 135 ithrtatiremtint.tabant,':,:. 1112=21 . . Got* Boridnira' Mum 'Stare. /50;93 Market [ atrean,"and.aronynat flue drain Boon Shoes and daltana... • • Bo liking Afore, For IlOrok - WsSouldard Propirotfono of all kind "! che f t Pr thPn OlLeFi to tho c,..! 'ztto ttrtiorlandl Shoe Eters(' eret• SS Stttrket street, and get your Gaiters, Belmorals and J . nitsb poets. . . 'You itur Se per cent, Alcohol, es Joseph S. Pine We. , anCsak Buy - a Norm at aosna, saftzieb.+l. FROM MEXICO. A A 'wisest rfaxfaltitimii Ito Cam ,People Anal.. to be dl et lIIm~ New Onizaaa, February 15.-:-Vezlean ;news has been received:via Mao w hich etaterk.that General Erpeego. 'with six hero ttr.dlmpertallets, holds Campaachy. Thera haaaaeneenalderable akLrathihteghOtWeetr the lmparlaUstsana Liberal . The people are Grad of „alszteetilmi, and are banding- Mather to strike a Anal blow. Several leafier. are orsmnizlna troops. W aitiviiir,Feb. , ls.- 7 .lltrerrtalng, twelve feet on the Choate. Weather warm. A. rftte4...POZattlna, froth Lonlaell/csarel Alert Yr= Departed—Anna Winto for at. Lows. Leave to-morrow—stemma far auxolanatt Palestie' 11.0tA0elaralfh and la In ILL fork; Louis . • <:== 14: -__. o 7 fi r.. ... ___l . _ 7:.5:.......i, _ ..___ ci.„..... _ „ -ill, , I Oil I S I II 1 1 1 i ) I 1 - . . \ F 7 - -- - ..M1 --- 0 ' - .-46)21121W1rrib.-ta -•°"-'-: '6) - '. - 24 ' i 1 - , - ) T - -----±l- --f. ----- ....-.,:. - - _ 4 - - " , "„,- 4 - - -,- ---';' - - y CI, r it. A 3 t -_- ‘. . VOLUME LXXXII.---NO. 40 FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. A, M. EARLY TELEGRAMS FROM HARRISBURG. legion on the Connellsville Railroad Bill in the Senate. THE BILL DEPEATED,-11ECONSIDERED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONED. The Vote 13 for the 11111 and 17 Against It. Spethal. Dispatei to the Pittsburgh Gazette. • iliatatantran,'Pebruary 15. ISt:. • • • . • - SENATE. • Tho Senate, this Mosnies, sesumal the .ostisideration of the bill, to rachestes the gonneCaville Railway Company. Tha veto cm the , passage of the bill. was taken at eleven A. 3t., and stood thirteen ayes to se, A motion to reconsider the vote was made and carried,' ver& . the bill was then postponed Indefinitely, which kills this bill effectually, in the Senate for the present session. The following hills were passed: An act relating to restaurants In Wash ngton county. An act to Tecate the burial ground In Sewickley, and remove the trend • bottles therefrom. An act relatlvo to livery stablo keeper In Mercer Clonnty. • An act to incorporate the Sandusky and Irwin street bridge. -- = The Committee on Federal Relations re ported the joint resolution requesting Con gress to rein:iuse the loyal States for bounties paid to volunteers; . also, - the resolution protesting against the confirnsa- Mon of Edgar Cowan as Minister to Austria; also the resolution asking the repeal of the tax on State banks; also the rosolutiOn in favor . of the repeal of the neutrality laws. The following bills in place were rend . : By Mr. McKee: d supplement to the iiht; Incorporating the borough of Lawrence. By M. act to pave and grade the streets in ItcSeesportt also an act in cooperating the Eagle Cotton Moindaetnr lag Company. By Idr. Chcdw•lck: A supplement to the act ineorponithur the Pennsylvania Agrical tural Society. By KC, COville: An act relating to pawn' brokers In Allegheny county. - By Mr: Mechlin: An act to incorporate Qs Asa:Wrong County Bank. By Mr. Quay: An runt° divide New Bright on into three wards; also, an act to divorce W. C. Gray and Lucinda GraY; also, an act to repdal the ehartar of the Anthracite Rail road Company. By Mr. Waddell: A.ll act directing and 01 lowing liens for monies duo tho Common wealth for lands held by virtue of location, andlegulatiug the fees of the Surveyor Gen eral. Mr. Pennypacker: To compel the Ilccor. der of Deeds La all counties In the Common wealth to record the names of honorably discharged soldiers. The act to allow tho Pennsylvania Rail road Company to increase ice capital stock, and granting the Company ottierprlvileges; being on its third reading, was strenuously opposed by !deems: Meyers, Boyle and Jenks. Postponedatiereonsiderable debate. Adjourned. THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. "(lECOND SZXISION.) . . „ WMuctip , rox. Fobrcaiy LS, 1547. SENATE. :min or ornc.nmi, Maser. Williams Sherman and lin ckalepr were appointed a Conference Committee on the bill to regulate the tenure of certain ecivil'ang • ers. -• • .INOITLAI SIXXOII3IIII.II.WCE. Mr. SUliNEft, presente.l a remonstrance from the French P•a5 ,,, ..• residents of United States, against the anexation of Confederation of gnash Provinces. Re ferred to the Committee of Foreign Rela tions. rulxtnro oaoznsa. Mr. ANTHONT, from the Committee on Printing - , report ed a resolution to prim Ore Wampum/ copies of the report of General Waryse, at the survey of the l7pperldiselis i:PkrnaMtreported a . resOlittlon to appropriate the neocesary funds to print the raster of the Union troopstutnlshed by Arkansas. He said it would cost about 1501. TO IMNIMIST SMUGGLING. Mr. iiind..l.9DLEll:tiona the Committee on Commerce; repotted 1 bill tolunend the not to prevent smuggling. Puna. XOflXflTI TO 11=11,1.701A. , • rdr.roLesb offered a res.:dull= iniamm ing the to cause mono menu LO be erected In the Congressional Cemetery to the memory of Benton who have died =tee July 4th, ItUL • Mr. GIIIKES objected to the resolution, and It goes over. • APPEALS TO THE allPltinfn ootnpr. Yr. HARM reported from the Commit. tee on Judiciary, a blll relating to anneaLs and writs of error la the Supreme Court, with an amendment, la the form of a sub. etltute,providlog 11414 to =sea of appeals or writs-of error' brought to the Supreme Court Of the Called !Rotel, front any anal jrulgment of sn Inferior Court, for any Jo la which, . subsequently to the rendition of inich.judirment, regular sessions of each Court bare =en suspended by the rrebellit= ens= appeal or writ of error shall be valid, notwithatanding the timolumiced by UV for bringlag the same may pave expired; and In cases where no appeal bombe= brought,: ins= .appeal may be - brought withla ono year from the pm- sage Of Una Oct. . E?EaiZMMI - • itILITA/IT 'CLAIMS: Mr. WILSON reported Mem tbe Military Consmittesionsis aniendments. the bill 'pro , Tiding for Min appointment of elecirn mission .of *dicers for salami .States named. to bussed decide upon the validity of alums for quartermasters • stores, Se., furnished by loyal parsons - to the the United . States spay daring this rebellion.. The amend- MOWS Inelllll6 Obits and Indiana, with guile as districted by the bill. - Mr. LiAMl4%ported th e ilonsoSornt Jolson, to. the Court of Ailalnis Juriedict n in eases of claims for ones. .ternutlitersi auras, furnished forces of General Law Wallace dating Morgan , * raid' throughladians awl Ohio. p , • TEM XZeowaTaraiime iris. The Itseoustrastasa,L9ll was talc= upend JOIDISTON, submitted as an amend. niens,the lain. nalonnmemt. dataated la . . argued in favor Of &ho . Mr. WILSON moved to aniend the Blaine lantendlnent bY edding wbat the South ere' States moot do before being entitled to :representation. the following: "and h a ying provided by their constitution all and laws, that all citizens Of the tinned Mates shall equally possess the right to Lawful avocations and business, and resolve the ual equalr ights . boaellta of pubt., have eq o f citizens of the ! e Gaited States lu sald State." tie should vote for this bill: with , or '• without. &mond e:mut. - .11r. HOWARD ,Objeeted to the Mid, ameadment,•beCiuso It recognised the.v. Ildlty ot tho Mato Governments of the rebel States Mr. WILLI:101LS expressed - mit hope that no amendments would bo adoptod. Ile would prefer such a proposition Pi that of the Maine amendment De P •Indepon- STLIVAIIT agaiddepreeated Mltlt ar Goveremente at the South, without snob 1 1 1 17111IliAL amendment so the bill now before. tho ~ ..TUD Honor went mto Co • 4, Ifholo On the letereat •u"nitt° fhp .. , Mr. )1011.11.1LL advocated the hilLwith '7`. r Mr. KYKILS. amen douTrlf, ' O ' rO l bou ll. Mg to ;With tbe am ridment. . make rho tax on cigarettes e GEND ON advocated universe!. .01 mastg: suffrage. - , of to. • bacco or any oubstitute, 52 per Msoyd 'r. TATES poke In favor of the WI. ....debated, but on ooming to M r. r debate, Mr. WILLIANS.Iit auornm woe found to be,.. 4 Itelf.put, Io4r moved 4 Teepee, Wing AO" CoMinintoe rose nod the House adjourned: tire that ho would expect the Benoto to set until it pos.' the hill. Ree.esa was taken. Evening &Mon.—Mr. WILSON Introduced -the followiug. which was Ordered 10 he p 'rinted: . lA ditons upon which the !Ratesnmproposi lately nu in co re n bel i hon may resume their Minima relations to the Bovernment of-the United States." The reconstruction tall was taken up. WILSON'S. amendment woa grood to. Mt. RIR naiort mined - to amend. by In serting the word ' , lmpartial , ' before the word suffrage, in the amendment of 'After ebatehis; by request, withdrew amendment wo ul drt the word impartial. and sold heoffer It at some other Rine— . Mr.l ll .oW.ali.troptxised ARO ausiandment as a complete, departure, from the Inten tion of the , Committee - ort Reconstruction. So far as the right or sulrrego is concerned, the regulations of it was a sacred right or the State.. Lie had no fears of. military despotism, Mr. FRELL'iItiIIUTSEN moved to amend the Blame amendment by providing that voters than have their residence' in the State one year. Mr. JULINSON accepted the amend. meat. • Mr. WILLIAMS ipposued to the Senate io vote on the Blaine amendment without fur ther debate. Mr. ENDERSON c oo he could nos voe for the H bill, mile. it ntained 'same provi sions for the establishment of civil govern ment In the Southern States. Mr. BROWN gave notiao of en amend, meet to the bill, providing that military commanders of districts shall require unt. versa' suffrage in all districts held under their control. , . Mr. lIENDUICES spoke against the bill as militazyonurpaticm and an in/idiot. sod cowardly attack upon liberty. At midnight, Sir. Wilson- suggested that an arrangement be made to take the vote to-morrow- night. A disimnsieri occurred. Mr. LIENDItiCILS, for the minority, die. claimed any - intention to make factloun At or delay the vote on the bill. • At 12:3D it wan moved the Senate adjourn; ne lit ti lit a lditi INT-4 moved an araer;amant Lo the Elaine amendment, Which was atiop ted, as follows: liTo strike out the words all male citizens ot the United States twenty-one yearn of age and upward, and without regard to race Color or previous condition of servitude, ex cept soch es may' bis dinfratictilseu for participation in the late rebellion, felo. ay at common laws,w and insert 'lnnen the following: "All male cairnns of, the United States, of whatever color, race Or condition, I twenty-one years old and, upwards, who may have previous s thee State for twelvemonthsto lection, ex: cept such as may be disqualified forparttni; pluton la the rebeillrm,delony at common law. idiocy, or insanity." Mr. ERLLltitillOYSta moved to amend by Inserting a proviso that the Constitution of the States shall be framed - by a Conven tion of delegates elected by persons who 'may vote upon the abrogation or rejection of the Constitution •as hereafter provided.' Adopted. Nr.8173[14E11 Moved to amend by provid ing that the Constitutional Amendment shall be valid when rat Ail ed by threo•fourtbn of the Legislatures of the States now repro-, seated In Congress. , At 1:30 the Senate -again refused to ad journ.. HOUSE Or REPRESE.NTATITIis M===!l= Oo motion of Air. WILSON.of Ohio, the sec. team of - State was directed to inform the Lloase what State-., now represent.' In the noose. hare ratified the Constitutional An:Wm:mesa, to add Woe to those cormnani: coned to the report of February sth. 1.11.141T1 SILLS. • • Severid plicate bills were pained. In. eluding credits of WOO to J. Almonson Enloe, Receiver of Public kloneys at Ste. refl.' POint, WhiCo[lBlls: of 410,d30 tc.. Thos. J. Pry 2.epetisnon'ti ul.l of l j n ' olf= " n i t e o r n 7 01 taken from kis Macs; 41.1003 Collector of the Sixth District of Kentucky, for public money /oat by him In PaterSourg, Kentucky, August lath , hod. The eese bill construing an d giing cf. feet to R the resolution of July 1 v SUi, for the relief of Mates, was considered and re. fin Ted to the Committee of the Whole on tho Private Calendar. ZOGIITV 00 SOLINEI44. '• The tionsf M th ou b e o uprye b ede . d to the Conde/ora- Mr. SCHENCK. ex. plained It. provision. It was the Same, he stdd, as passed the House last 11011.9111¢, but was not acted 00 by the 001:1410, WILL two differences—one providing for the cases of the last discharges, and one Made boccie eery allowances of additional bounty made by the act of July Hee This Mil pro; posed. to a certain extent, to equalize bounties, we aa a d di tio ne act of Jel.TlEtb, th o d, only gave l bounties to eh sol diers. It was impracticable, in the preseot condition of the treasury, to bring the bounties of all soldiers op to the standard of the highest bounties paid; sumo soldier. having received as high as, $1.3X1 and 111,300. The standard adopted by toe committee, and which met the approval of the House last session, was to sec are to each soldmr as 01110 h as one hundred dollars a year bounty. Tho bill was. not to I:110 bounty to thlabh who tutu received much but to. these who received little Or nothing-. The Committee had adopted the simple principle that to 0,023 . man who had the government I faithfully. and had been honorably dis charged, lie mattes bow he entered the ter.' vice, shall be given a bounty proportionate to the length' of time - of eervkia, if be served one month he will receive 11E4=!.5; if tares manta., $251 If one year,l,loo; If two yearn, vie; and soon. Several members desired to offer amend menus, hut Mr. SCHENCK deeiltied to allow them. In the course of the debatehalitas ted that the estimate of the ,Cotornittee of the amount of money manned under the million between soventy.ave and eighty dollars; the War Department est Vyti e lik:l7. '" ' w" foarh The Moose seconded, the previous 'eticie tion oar the bill, 78 to E., but relected‘thel call for the EOll.lll quest i on, 70 eihtlellt &Om the Dlll la left over for amendment, Mr. BENJAMIN moved an amendment to include some of Missourl and Maryland vol. unteers and slaves, Mr. ROLLLYS moved an ainest by striking ou t thy second section of ulm the en elan*, Malting deductbias for local bounties. Mr. STEVENS moved an amendment by striking 001- the section repealing Um achlb , canal bounty act of July 2 0th, 10. E. .TAI:LOP., of Tennessee, moved to strike Out. the exception of prisoner. Of war who enlisted in the genie. of the - United' States. • - Mr. ROLLINS then' moved the evlOpe question, which ,was seconded and.. question ordered. • • Mr. SCHENCK yielded the Boer to 11r. K AhSON, who opposed Mr: Rollin , . am end meet, contending that the, effect would be • tr. tar the Western States for additional homilies to soldiers of Eastern Slates, who had already received large bounties: The amendment was destructive of the ;rands pie of Umandwould event uaLW• de- ' feat It • - Mr. asked Mr: ICI6 whether the e ffec t s of the ,t woatuectmrth! be tO I paw the soldiers who had received' high bounties. much as those who had received. street ' Mr. HASSON replied that was the Mit. • • Mr. ROLLINS asked r. Ean wh it would deprive the W e stern w States ofether the right , to pay soldiers as much bounty as the Eastern Slates paid their's. Mr. RANSON thonglitthe queation like a rich men baking a poor man whethet the poor marl had not.the same right to , build a palace as the rich man had. The soldiers from the-Western Striorbed gone Into the army enheintOd Dv patriotism which knew nom:unpin:id harl.'woutted , tio bounty. It was that chum of ewe that the bill pro pdlo take career. 4 • • ' Sir. SCIIENCK repeated hie atgtittient.ln • support ofthe Mlles reported, and against. the smendment. '44 M es srs. 1.11 BLOND, • GRINNELL and BROOMALL spoke In racer of the hill rm . runended." , • ShoStaltatoelosedAtml the lietwo Drones& ml tO vote on the amendments. . • d ~_a lon. tv ll4; /Mattawan's .Inm • adopted vdthcint A itotlias , was reMoted; agstnat the Western meumers Voting solidly •Th i t c tg . .. l l , 4 and tha Easters members mines : • ir,STEVEN9 withdrew his amendmette. rt .12 4 14 ,, PSIWitat moved an mend. men Mug carne to the last lunation relaUTo to SPD/ 1 9 1 .tidn1;or tOgnilt. Adopt. Who tali pined, 0 5 sucainsta. . •r, Tee p&p:more •-• The Senate's mend nitin bill' tOeetabbehottollono system otbanicrept cy throughout the United States Cowing op, Ur. ItTEV.ENS moved to MT the amend- Monts on the tetde; rejected U 3 to 61 • maian svarnmea. ' Nerrion,,The firE4lCEft present. ed eommuoleation from the /Secretary of theintarge. WILL the preliminary report of J. W. Taylor, Special Commissioner for tlio apace*. :o f statistlea on gold and'aliver mines end muting east of the Rooky Moon tams. Reform] and ordered to be printe4. MOOT TIAIIIIt4 C 5.41.11. twos Mr. WHALLEY' rea WesnMd Joini reset u• of the Imalsiat p ure o f t Virginia ask log additional pensions for surviving fad. radiem of the war of 12141 and asking addl. o b r ie.l h e i tint r ttin of band to al,4 d le ee. esklog 621 appropriation tePa ' l4 'certain rOSAII and bridges destroyed during ' Um var. , PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1867 ICOM EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M VEY LITEST FROM WASIIING'FON. TheMllltaryGovernmentßil AN ALL NIGHT SESSION OF THE SENATE, A New Bill on Iteconstrueilon,from donator Wilson. • POI THAT TIMIS 801.111ERI PILL BE ADVItTO, The Coriatittitional Amendment De clared Adopted. A NOVEL NODE FOR ELECTING PRESIDENT The Admission of Colorado 'WHITE AND 'tiERRD VOTERS . IN THE DISTRICT. W.islurrnsw, February 15, 18,17 ALL NIUE!, 51.11110 M . OF Tilt AZNATIL Ihcro ovh . &. prospect of an all night thittslcm of tho Senate; in tho censideration of the House Military Government bill for the Southern States. The majority appear determined to got the hill in such shape that it may be paned nnnuy to-morrow. The Blatrie atiteadinent offered lathe Rouse in pending. At half-past ace o'clock-this (Satnitlay) mom log there appear, to ha no D Minket Of a aPeody . adJetirriment. CE. wltsote, etas or accomaraverloa. In the Senate, at the evening session. Sir. .Wilson, of Ilitu;sellusetts, , submitted. a bill defining the terms upon which the Southern Stites may be admitted to ropreeen tatiOn. The plan assumes that the Constitutional Amendment proposed at the laaf session of Congress, hoe already...beat ratified by • sufficient number of. States to ensure Its entire legality as a part of the organic law . The following In Mr. Wlimits bill, which WAY merely read Oils evening, and ordered to he printed. ' Ile it eneWed, 4c.; That the lith ,havi n g the amendment to the Constitution been duly retitled by the Legislator. of the requisite number of States, the same In hereby declared duly ratified. and part of the COnaltutions of the United States, and valid to ail Intents anti siurpceos m.u part of the Constitution of the United States; end when any of the Stet. lately In hour stolen shall have retitled the Ramo and shall have modified their ()Destitution.. and in conformit therewttla: d &baillaws have secured equal a nd and Imp an artial suf. (rage to all-male citizen of the 'United Stet. Who have attained the age of twenty -one years. and rosnlol Unbeaten* eneyear, and town, perish; oily, district. or county three moral..neat preceding the tiny of election, without regard to race, color, or previous condition of sere I. except' each as may tatseanchised for participation in the rebellton, to the election for Presidential Electors, licoreseetatives in (Magness,' and in any' and all elections for Governor end for all State, counts-, district, parish, city or tows officers, and LIU provided by Its Constitu tion and laws that all citizens of the Crated States shall equally ptemeasthit right to pur sue all lawful 'avocation, and buslnere, to receive the equal benefit of the public schools, and' have the equal protection of all citmetui of whenatte States In'Anild . State: and . said Coe atlintion ' -be ••• submitted to the voters of said States, us thus defined, for ratldnation orJejeCtion, and when the Constitution. if retitled. by the people of said State, shall be aubraltted to Congrest, tor examination and approval—said state thall,.ll its Co.stilattlati, be appeared by tiongrese; ho . declareal entitled to represen tation in lameness. and Senators arid nee reisontaHvee shall be admitted therefrom on taking the oath prescribed by law.' xtrirtz. , WITIKOSS L OW CLIICTINY - THE real. .be . • rations antendmentit have en *tweeted to Mr. Wade's Constitutional amendment, rendering the President or t'lco President ItselitrittlA tor remeteeoces. Ist the Senate. to' qlstktr. Garrett Darter, of Kentucky. tiro• nosed a anheticutes for U. shards propoet- Mil °Viet:titer' wade; In etreetias 'follow.: It prorbles that staeit fatela shall, on the, drat Moridnyeif January . , preceding the esplra. tton,ttt theentrrent,Preedintiol tort, nous mate to Ctingress one of Iti Onset. for the •.tiflices of president - one [wallow. ot Con it•renr; shall toorlic . Noveader, and proceed oloctoe, prooydent from the candidate Also niinede'drOprilicei this lowest candidate on OMj latititt; and: the diereote elected shall eleirttetif'rl:4lcetton. -- ordered ;APWIMtiO.V ceneseepo, • Mr. chilcot, member of.Coneress ,elect Inuit theSCate oL Colorado:hitt arrived di rect from threner,lle says the feeling there Inyavee octhe tatheaso of the WC for the ad.. mission of the State, over the veto is stronw, and that there line ttoebtof the Ilt/HICAUCDI of the fundamental oondltlon of admlaslon by the Leadelatunitaml there will bee ready compllalthe eflth' Its re/tenements by the people: that eadarstunt to the Totirlut TY is YeTY bate; and there can bei no renium ebledoubt that before the and of they year tho popnliCon of 'Colonel° trill beaver ono Initiated thousand. lye further says that the rapid approach of two branches of the Pune° Italtrtubit bad infesed new life Into almost every branched branched , trade. • • , , . DIPLOMATIC COIIIIMPPONDKPCB: . . - An 'npnendiz to the Diplocriatio cecina_ pawn:men bag beim presented containing' seven lintire4 octavo pages of =Mar; JO 'riltarenee Wino asslasination of President I.lneiMrkaFi4 Cho InJurieli to Mr. Venom'. ,OFTILOOPX. A 'Aetiapaltsul. of. ono hundred 4na ten Mctt 4 YOoenii , n l ;9l4 from tbo General Re '6tat,thittPl6llsl'Prt.,-Mineenwortn, tor as, sigiani4ortalaw .7 5 OTOntecrnthIntonttpi ao agb'ei,'nf titiO'hnidend and twenty-01W. 434, 4 ',1:0, ',Vet Snelllnx; toe neolgotoent to 7590'4,1)ad 0 4 - 1 3 rff .A 9/: 1 1 OP $‘41. 1 .t. b' s 4tOttet that ttlit PrOsident hitt prom hood to . 000ettt. .tho-ml.l4tary,,blll, with Mr: llfalntOinintinditiate` It L. regm?ried that Home. tiritototi boa oireitte the PoMt:Mato rOottoiabiltip. ;A4: 5 44 0 144 Vist,Al74Pts• Aran Plumed We Senate, will speedily be reported to the OD* by the Wiiwied , Yehee Committee. The Committee will also be COSlldmiled. by Mein:actions of the Mime, to report en anti. aositratitiotipill s bit wCtt probnpfy meow' Mead Iterelehtion," • BATT Vrl7ll IRnllae.• COmmiSsioner piegy Major, concluded • tramp with the Stockbridge Indians, by whichtbetp yelinguisti Ito hula now omit tend, by them to Wisconsin. at portion of trre-tilbe became citizens, and the remain, der continuo their organitatton. 4 treaty will be oompletod. wer frith thileas 111.11 d PO.lOll to-day. ItZoISTIIY 01 VOTER/. The Ant registry of waters at Pleig.t.W. fonts - up - 4113111W and roe colored. Thornan F. Bower,' ox•Congressmetu from 31 4rYiand, has ?lead In Wert that the threo notes of 41,000 each, on which he was sued, wens fror gahtbllng debti, and ban gained We John 0. CalnOunni geld bernoolead In 000111 BEE IS' ~~ Carolina, le to be cold 'S/Cal:talon on We Ith of Marcia. l' from the Tribune Correspondence.: Thad. Stevens was 'unable to leave this house to-day en tweet/at-of sickness brought on by fatigue resulting from his speech in the Siouan yesterday. He fainted in his li brary tole morning, andwaa carried to hie bed, and has been unable to see vialtons since. lie is somewhat better this evening. Several leading Republican members of Congress and others, I among whom were Raymond. Bingham, -Hubbell,' Buckland, and Delano, held a protracted- caucus last night in this city, fortlie Purpose of uncer- Lain Mg whether a Pen/promise might not be effected between the President and Con- gress. Thereacems to - be little doubt 'that too President Is will to agree , upon a plan tor the purpose of anwmmodating the lo views of a majority of ' ogrees, provided they would meet him . f way, but It ap. pears there fen s bod t st can speak b inning , majority. Henc the cony in, ringing about the proposed gate ant. Mr. Meant,- Chair of the Waj - e and Means Committee, boost celled harm, by the serious illness ofpother, his absence will aerionsly interfe with the progress of the tariff bill in the onimittee, os nearly all the members ha left that Important measure to his guidatice. They will go on with It, however, with the view of getting it before the /louse as speedily as pow:dela The vote to the-Senate to-day showed that there la strong - pl.- enough to pass the 'Niagara Ship Canal Mil. and ft will be put Th es e bpiltlm ag ehesw s e t elt. • the farther confirm- Bon of. greenbacks does not stand any charms of passing this session. S. large quantity of Hee most Important 'testimony In the alleged frauds in the New York Custom House, implicating high Offi cials, is missing. ' [From the Harald Correrpondenee..l The decision of the Court of ,Cluims, at Washington. In the ease of•• anowence for servants to othoers Of the army-from the first of May, to the ad of March, !Sal, entitles cook officer who served daring e to forty dollars extra.. for each ser va nt em ployed, being the difference per month ho. mem: - eleven dollars and sixteen dollars the amount whit% should have been paid. , [From the Than Corresnondenced Mr. NIMITICT will offer one Or more amend. meets to the . Loeb:Lana bill, which :nay give rise to. dedate: Mr. Feasenden will, insist on incorporating the Blaine amend. meet Into the House bill establishing mili tary governments 111 the South, and there Is a fair prospect Of Its adoption by the senate. The Northern Pacitie 'Railroad scheme has failed for the present. The Committee to whom It was referred.' declined to 'net thin smslon. It is probable thatthe President, In cam, the Senate rejects the nomination of Mr. fogy. will send In the name of tiatieral WII. 11am Webb, of Wisconsin. as Commissioner of Indian Affairs. ' Beverige, who bralally =melted tb correspondent of the Philadelphia. homirr In U3O Caintol loot winter, has been *tuten e 1 by Judge Fisher to pay a One of on hundred and fifty dollar.. Beveridge plead edguilty. unit !piked the Court to be lemon In the Infliction of the penalty. FROM EUROPF. The Irish Telegraph Lines Down NO EXIIIIMUNICATION WITH THE MUSA LINE?. Outbreak Probably in Pro gress in Ireland. =I !MGM.. February 15.-4 P. v.— The telegraph wire ceased working between Vi lentla and Killarny at half-past seven o'clock last night. and am still down. TwO long dispatches, which werdsentthrough • the cabin to..lay, were received by.malL from Killarny. ATLAITIC Tecerfharn tlrrirn, ./Ickres Convrwv, February r. o.—ho further partuniurs of the troahlo la -Ireland have been received from Valenti. FROM sr. LOUIS. Arthia of theßerehantts oa tl.eScalka4l ot 110diglort th e 1111 l 4.1 as AC Locum: . Sr. Loris, Feb. 11.—The foticrelng resole- Clone Wert+ ordered on 'Change today, which wirce ref erred to a meeting to In, held le raoll.o.. bithato ; which important matters will be brought affecting directly the inter cats of this oily and elu d e: Wrienc.. The Colon National has learned that a charter, authorizing the building of a bridge frOm.Esst tit. Louis to St. Louts Is now pending before the Legis lature of the State •of Illinois, which char ter proposes to grant an exclusive priviledo Or monopoly to tho corporation named therein, for • long series of yeses; and trusties., It Is currently stated on the streets that those corPoratnra who are not earri.tly working to obtain said exclusive charter Intend net to build a bridge, but to sell out their charter to the highest bidder; therefore ' I Re sot rot, That we carnostly anti respect fully grotest against the gtvlux of a char ter for an exclusive privilege of builtling bridge from East tit. Louis to ht. Louis, to any man or Set Of mon, as we believe It will be injurious to the interests, istth of our own city' toot of EAtit it. Louis. . • Rewired further. That we think lt right and proper thatyourhonorable hodystemid glee lift many cherters as may be desired by respectable citizens for bridge, bundling from East St. Louis to this city, punier in all soon charters that the bridge thereby chartered aria') be actually commenced In goal faith within nor year from the pas- Nage or suet act, and shall be completed Wlitan five years thereafter.) FROM FEW FOBS. Itaparted !medlar or pealatia at Yaleatta—The Fact at Their Maligns team New York Attaatecl—Ats fleas lataagaler 11, icetcd—Actleo of the Ititathant Mellor Camattaatan. N.e loss, February 15, 1e477. The Fenian (immoralleoson says: The vessels reported arrived in Ireland were dispatched from Now York. Also, that Ito. hhens Is In Ireland at the head of three undred officers all known to have left here. DETIII.IOI OA Tile Zell; Iclan. • The mall train over the Firloltallroad, due at noon to-day, arrived late this - evening, having trees detained by a (redact On Ch. mung Flats. The wall of n new bnlitlloir on Second street, felklu to-Klan and novena/ workmen . were Antlly -.- . • - A boy In O emp m loy of Sherman h Edge, robbed - Cm cuitorn nous, to-day, Of Ilya hundred dollar,. = A totter which canto through by matt tram tturona., to an Innkellto of this elty, Imo been ociztot by the Surveyor of the tort, and found to contain a package of cork, ernitattanvtyreq theashiel dollars worth of ttlatuoullo. . , - • DIPITITUTHVI AT THR 1.1,11. • iteriorts to tho Southern Italie( Commis. Mon say the destitution in, south Carol inn Is . appailing. Two thousand bushels or Corti Ms* hetet Seat to district. I=== 1/7yAferehcmts:Notional Tritgrapla Clompany.l Om erre, February Li.-Weather cloudy and warm, Ittver nbont Ilan' feet - and fall ing elowlv. Thera fill a 111110 Ice run ning, bee no morn heavy leo Ix expeete.i !rum above. TalelAtunarket If Pruner to.fay. , CHICAGO, Yobi'miry o.—Tho Chicago and St. Louis bridge over the Kankakee at WII. mln gton, which was washed away yesterday morning, was one thousand tont 'noggin.' the longest betweerthere and St. Lents. Temp hundred label - um are ut worls, Is el peeled that thu daltlnge will Sams he repine. bd. Th o rain eontln beg, hot apt° tilts even ing we hear of no damage to reads beyond that reported last night. The telegraph Ilnes.west ward and southward are work log aamy In cpll.ollllellCO Or tho storm. M unting', Feb. 15.5-Tho weather is cloudy - . It bon boon mining forlwil days., The rivet ipso two feet ildrsog the put twontysfoqr boult. • Departuress-Itob lloy. .4sonicias, Allssissilmi and Henry Ames for Now or. loam.' Mary Amen bed 8,700 balm of cotton. The Leonidas and Alississlpol nad a big. trip. 'Arrived—Tim Vitamin. from Louisville; Columbia and Doer Labm, troll; at. 4,01u.,._ PI Wouipnis. Anna Warmness., sunr3 . 48 . 10 1 /Mao slambleton, NOOMII led bun J. Ital. tverayfra.s, February /s.—The glum road te . yvtilli n ltah o tt n a d o i lit. h y.. ai l t oLr t hours i and At Portland it. rose twelve. feet di r iTi r inf ° ih r t; t wenty-fonr °um endln g 7 thi,,,,,, h , g; tieing flat agoaraaork sive 'laths. per Awe r. Artivals—Anglo Saxon, from Cincinnati: from, rittabUrichi Cora, from Mem obis. Donarred,fiasouel. 11111, - tor... New Os- Anglo Saxon, for Arianism. Fiver; .N. 1." for 51. Louis; Liberty No. for 31eAlPliwi clneloPiit!. • I 7 Now tlateobs, Yob. 14.—Weather cloudy. Therreoraater 72. Business retarded..,, th o landing on account of rand along the stroete leading through. .Arrlirile—Paulltie. Car , rol, from St. Louis; Westmoreland, from Chneinnattfi Panora' Quitman, tram Vick. Vick burg. Departures-4011M - Able, fur Saint Louts; tientwal White and Norman for Low. Oelleral Qaltman, for Vickeliurg. ' CITY AND SUBURBAN FOGECTII PAGE.—The Nita and , Moot „ liaide Money, Oil and Produce Ara rket Re Porte given by any payer fn the city, wilt Jaund on our .Iburth Page. Also, additional City and Suburban. The Gac Exploslon—Coroner's ones'. Coroner Clawson last evening commenced the Kinyeatigation into the: causes of the death of Samuel B. Barker, the child who was killed by the exploljon of gas, at the houseof its father, William Barker, Jr., no Wednesday !afternoon last. The particu lare of the explosion we have already pals. linked. The Jeri empannelled were as follows : John then B .7 ..E . d m itar ia , h ea c m a n e el ... D A y . e C r.. Al r lx t : r. nd o e n r . Michael F. Ward. ' The examtastion of witnesses commenc ed at seven o'clock. • Dr. II; B. Thorne, sworn—Was called at two o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, boat load the little boy whom I found suffering him concussion; Dr.l7.ankM came ln and assisted tne; we succeeded In restoring the child in a measure, and he appeared to rally until near eigbt o'clock, when I saw. him last alive; came beak afterwards and found him dead; think he died very sodden ly, from the snockto hie nervous system; It Is very ,dcult to Cottle, - without a post mortal, whether he !Jed of concussion or internal hemorrhage think It was the I former:B,M perfectly subtitled that be glad from the etfects of the explosion. - Or. D. N. Rankin. seworn.—ln returning from dinner on ,Wedneaday, saw crowd about the factory; heard that the child had ' been !tort and needed medical attendance; Dr. Thorne Was here • when I exelvaelt the child wan apparently dead; we used all the means usual in cases of asialyzia, and succeeded In restoring the. child .partlally. so that In about an hour we considered him out of dangericonsilicreel the case one of concussion of the brain, which .10 often pro duced by severe shocks; the same effect, and even fatal effects, are frequently me:anion ed by cannon bails passing near a peraoni abort nine sir. Bradley came after MO, telling me that the eh ild was dying; came down an rapidly av peasibly and nand the child dead; the death was occasioned by a shook, and suppose the shock was that or the explosion at the house; that amerce talnly_severe enough to pr.luct; the effects. j Johg ilea:Bee nalurn.—_Was working at the stone yard next to tab house, on It ednes. day al ternoon; heard the explosion and ran Ind; heard.. lady in the Injured home ex. claim, "oh God take the child!" two mon ror Ith[ned but wel d c o .? ' Itt: e v t a h r e d ;Tt li ttet moment there was another expiration ht. , ter than - the first; the child was brought by some person into the! office, and I! ran back for tholatly, Out she had got not; the Man were standing by the window when I Wok the child; It seemed to have blood In Its mouth when I took It; this was about two o'clock; I thought the child was 04.4 when I took it, hut it cornmeecod to breathe shortly; saw no brulses smut the chile; I think the explosion was caused by gas, for 1 smelled the gals strong. . James Leann, Ow Ora—Was across the street from the factory when the explosloooecur red, and nearly opposite the hon.. Heard, the retort and thought It woe a boiler; saw the frame of the /louse shaking and the d est courung out of the windows. Ban over, he saying that Sir. Bradley's homes had either m blown up or fallen in. Saw Lb° child lying in the entry; Miss Bradley took It up and passed It out of the window to some I person. / then went no stairs to nee If was say dm bet :mina aural afterwards I commenced clearing away the rubbish. haven* doubt that the gat caused the ex- plosion; have several times 'smelled gag noosing apparently out of the yard. .Vler Lila Bradley. sworn.—My nephew 0011 were In the sitting-room before' the explosion; I sat him down In the arm chair, and tees leaving the room when the explo. slot; occurred. From the position the child was lowlien 1100 k him up,/ think he must hare been blown over the arm of the chair. I Mutual hire upend passed him out of the WihtloWi remember nothing more. The elmir was not broken, anal the child lay to side It. The hearth was perfectly clean lie. fore the explosion, and no coals weld have fallen threugh to the ground under It; have heard the family frequently speak of smell !Vie about The Bnt explosion stunned . iritikon Pra.itry, sworn—l was to the third story of the mill at the time of the =plc. nton; beard the explosion, nod thought at drat it was the steam; new It was the homes, Bud ran to the place; POW my Mater inside; 'assisted .lier through the dining room to the Yard, thinking She was in her full senses; want up st..lrs and saw soy little nephew lying in the yarn, apparently dead; ran on and brought him in to thane:lee; when drat wont into the house the floor w an not very much torn up, heard that the gas was on in the online; found the mater all gate; turned the gas off the meter; had smeiled the gas a dray or two before the oceurreunm did not hear the ancond explosion, but when I went in again the doors were all ripped up; ha d . notified the ties Company of the leak in the gms pipes some time previously; the clerk of the this Company sold, on. Wed desdaS, in ter presence, that the man who put In the meter Mated that there was a leak somewhere about it. damn ffrodfelc, sworn.—The drat 1 knew of thralYloslon waitron:a a dray man, who told me that the nail boilers' had burst; ran down, met a lady who told me that the gas In the house bad expire:lea and that my nephew Sammy Barker was badly Injured; found the Comm totally wrecked; went In through the kitchen; two or three explosloneoccurred while I was. In there, but they were not severe. The explosions created to be Droccaled by a slight thud, fore the gas attachment was made to the house, my attention was caned by kr. Se ville to the-strong amen of ipte in the cellar; applied to have the Attachment made, and the company requested that Tate Seville be roquested to make the attachment. kr. Seville remarked that he did nut think It Judicious to make the titachment until the gas company was no. tled; did not notify • theM; Ur. Saville 'made the attambruent; before the. attach. .went was made the Company's foram,an called my attention to the strong smell of one In the oullari the Perrin" pipe In the Street which formerly suppliedce the churc h the chttrelt has never been turned off sln I burned down, some seven or eight yea w rs ! ego. The ettecontent In the house as dhole In January. We moved Into the lacume February :th. J. V, Iluteroort sworn .-:Came to the bonen forty minute s alter the explosion; saw the blame pretty thoroughly demolieMedi a few ottuotee afterwards soother endosion oc curred; while I cloyed there theerldoslees occurred at intervals of ten or Ifftecn min. . . • . Ines, tbe expleeteue took plare insist. the foundation Well; they seemed ..tithed tun epee° of some ten feet; the spites began to beet up vary sensibly and steam boollO to rise; we threw water to and the explosions stopped; wo excavated end found the atones 1:013 , rater dleNing it little tfhlie the $5OOll Of sal became very strong. William Dien( orf, sworn—Am employed at ittudly's milli at the time of the explosion wax withtiredly. immo distance away. The teamster came up mid tow rie that the boilers' halt exploded the mill. Canto down and foond the house wrecked' 8610.11• ell the /Ms Very OLTOSIg In 6 crosier, near the front' foundation wall.. Several other ex:* plosions .•Curral. They bare been exca vating for the leak; .they found a email leak today-in flat service pipe. 'Yesterday they foiled a leak in tile main pipe to the middle of the Street, and when a lighted pecaur was applied. quite it Oe.OVy ehOek.relltilteo. Bad ',maw lhe gas frequently before the ex plosion. Jac Logan, recalled. — Rave smelled the gas fosquently, apparently between the Ate. tory and Lb° house; have spoko about It TO persons who were with nto. .nt this 1.101 the luquest'anJoureed to bo resented on Alontlay craning. . Alleged Illighway Motibery. . . 'Yesterday OfilrereBltrtier mid Una arre*L. cal harpy ['Donald, for lareeriy.on a wei. rant issued by Aldermen Doneddson, About theist. of February, On the first .Mr. 9, M. hicelerreniniule Information Charging the primmer with the larceny of edl. It appeas that ono evening Mr. Ilcclarran was stand t tng In front of Ins °nice, on Water street. .whim a party of half. 4 reeks. rowdlcp elms a at. latter s long, tWOonnellAggerem &meta/ the gambol. The tigun the , utor, running u han d d in i to Ids poc of at the same time. Mr. Mel, did not 'discover-Ills loss until after Le had gone Into the office, and It was then too Into to follow him up. Ito made the necessary hirer...Mb bow Orel' nod the Unicorn auteeedril la tpakmg tun arrest. yestanlay. The prtsoner , had A partial hearing yesterday and wasirld to Lail for a fortherhearlng on Tuesda nest. dew: Mingo, ; ma itjgaall ' • write you this note to !therm you that wo aro pleased with the hllenolt rhino we purchased from you. In richnous, plllneee and sweetness of tone this Instrument le pat ozoolled by. any. other. Whoa my ad. Flea &abed J. *my go to Kr. tfleborl and purchase a Allmon Plano. YOnre I T. i" M. Wimow. Itoy. hr. „Wllmrs, of .I:benehurg, to gentleman of Ono musical oar, and hie preference jar the Pianos atter a thorough trial of them, speak. Wages In .• their favor. At .tlire's, o. its I Wood tamed, a Mao stool of the little os or y hrM ns l hU ia ro cota n nd t lymu tie l un fod, Isfloo a Or t • A filmed Cue.—Mary Kohler, charged on oath of Diary Henan, with nurety of the peace, had bearing before Alderman Btraln yesterday, end was held to bail for Court. A. hire. a. was leaving the onion With her husband, they were both arrested or !Vim issued by the Court, on /I Charge or ideptler preferred by, the mac tat. Both defendants vtre , hold folrtal. . - Pittabnmh and Connedlnstil., nail road—bLactlng nt Councillor'lle. Tlie citizens of Councils...llle met Theis daY evening, (rebrnary Intl.) et the Tough House. for the purpose of expreanng thetr eontiments In regard to the restoration of the charter of the l'lttsburgia and Councils- villa Railroad. The meeting was organized by the elec tion of the following °dicers l'reridenl—lion. P. UCCOnalc.k. Tire Presidentx—lieneral James C. Cam- Nickel,Sal _Freeman, J. Bishopg B. A. 31ellralne, Arcon and Henry Walter. • Itgereaines—J. T. McCormick and General a t On motion f' j authorized to r. th L t i . n d e l o y m , m t the to tl e h %e n tr e e: . The following _gentlemen wore named: Dr. L. L!ndly,Joseph Johnston, John Green land, George Orik.-IL D. Overholt, JilaJor , ll. Pritchard, Josiah Rums, 11. 11. Stouffer and 1/evfd Connell The Committee reported the following relit:duties, which were ordered to be sent the Pittsburgh paper. for pubtication, and a copy forwarded 10 the Speaker of the House of Representatives : NV usessa, Thu Act of the Legislature an hi-111(11g the Charter of the Pittsburgh and Conne/Isvillo Rail Road Company has been decided by the highest Courts of the State to be unconstitnuonel and void, and the act itself a gross violation of the rights of the people and a monstrous fraud upon the vested rtghtn of the Company, and I. it in universally believed that • the passage of said act was procured by unjust and corrupt means•, therefore Resolved, That wefts &people whose rights have been violated. and whose Interests have been deePlY eed unjustly ' injured by .the passage, of geld act, do appeal to the present Legllature and demand a renters tion of our rights by the prompt repeal of the unjust and fraudulent act. Resolved, That full Justice would reghlre not only the repeal of the Act, but would also reqpire that ample reparation should he made by the State for the great damage which the interests of the Company . have 'untamed by reason of the fraud upon its vested rights whieri they State, through Its Legislature, has committed. • . , Resolved, Teat we do not esk andas a favor, but we demand it Us perfect hi:ideals- Me right that the Act' be repealed, and-we will hold thosa.members of the Legislature who refuse to vote for its repeal, to .strict uccountability both. In pablln geld le Lprt vete, holding diem up to the scorn and de rision of all honest men, without regard to party. . . Rssolced, That we are in favor of the pas sage of the General Hat/road Law lately reed in place by Senator higham, and oak Its He passage as read. se/red, That rt coy of the proceedings and resolutions of this p meeting be forwards od to the Speaker of the House of Repberesen tatives, with a request tht it be read fore the Muse ea an:a:premi a en of the universal entiment. e. nd feeling of the people of Western Pennsylvania, and the opinion of honest and impartial men cents:where. F. m0r:0...ex,, Precedent. J. T. I.lcCossitcr, H. T. GALLOWAY. fl'e."t4ri°L hailo:u.l Foundry and, ripe Work*. • The manufacture of even, smooth and serviceable metal pipes for gas, water end other purposes lam long been successfully Moncisoliked*,,by• Eastern. foundries, and even_ here in this` the rightly called "Iron City" we have had to impart foreign . made pipes. But a new era hasdawned. We may be claw In fallowing the example and enter prise of the East, but when we arrive at the point of compeon we go sussvalry with double assunmee of and a certainty of outstripping competitors- to the Math ward there has sprung up an im mense foundry which is destined ere long to relieve the East entirely of its tragic In metal pipes, and to prove the great immune from whence the greatNorttiwast and South swill obtain in the future all their supplies of articles In this particular line. We refer to the National Foundry and Pipe Works of Wm. Smith, corner of Cierroll and Small man streets. 'rho casting of these pipes is an operathin intensely Interesting to the curious,. and with the exceptlon of cannon making Is the most enticing sight to be found amongst our iron mills and foundries. The moulds, each twelve feet long, are platied.hufs verti cal position, and sunk in pits, perhaps twenty , or thirty occupying a single pit, and the rod hot. glaring metal Is poured in from small openings at the top of the moulds and level with the platforms .The Sand used In the mould Is baked bard to the required size, and when the casting is cow -Ited, Is withdrawn easily, and ]eaves the interior of the pipe us smooth as polished marble, with no Paw or Irregular surface, while the outer portion is equally perfect. Orders for the pipes manufactured by Mr. Smith have bocu received alreoy from MU. waukee, dL Louis and Cleveland, and so soon as their durability and superiority fa properly understood Mkt appreciated, no °thin- pipes will be as generally used throughout the...pantry. - If the foundry could be extended Several hundred more mechanics would be employ ed, but as the ruling In the Spr,nce klhsy vacation cheeks any extensional the present foundry, Mr. Smith will either be cote. polled to abandon that ward, or content Unfelt with limited. taininlea for the pro. secution of Ste rapidly Increasing business. We Invite the attention of water compark les, gas companies and neighboring city authorities to the aeportority of the Woos Marini : actin - ea in Ilia ily by Mr. Smith, Toe National foandry i s an institution In which we Plusburghers should feel equally as much pride in the “plping dayant peace, , as we do in the Fort Fitt cannon foundry in the nays et war. EMEM Thong., of miracles would seem rebuts. too to the wonderful doings of the Indian herb , Doctor, of N 0.194 Liberty street, whose recent T/811 to this city ie attended by no many and such increduloui cures Of bed ridden and crippled patients. It is well known to hundred. In th is community that in a abort time be has totally removed the Sear _tattle. of mouths antlyeanS. Ws have nown of his causing the limping cripple In lay down his crul ehes, without whiett lo comotion was impossible. and give Muth:di Powere Of mn.Y inurement. , The dumb have been enabled to talk, and the belpleu lava. lid restored at once to health and beep,. 11•Iterc•t. Cosi, morms.-..1 hate been at dieted with costiveness and dyspepsia for a long time, I could and no doctor that un dondood my complaint or could core roe, until I applied to the Indian herb Doctor.. ,Usono• Brag, • hoot and shoemaker, In the employ of . Wm. Perry, Wood street. te ScaOrlM the afflicd who are seek. Ing relief A.—To from scrofula, try the Indian Herb Doctor, at Ito Liberty street; who has cored too. D. I. Mete of the Steamboat Roberta (110(1Mai. 141111.1 TV AND DIM/Lill 'OP Tee littmo Censo,-1 am now enjoying perfect. beafth. After uoleg the Indian Herb Doc tor's medicine, I gained eleven potted. In three weeks. - Dawson llotstaft( 0.1 Center avenue. The Doctor's office is 131 Liberty street, between 31arks1 and biath strata.. Another. nutree Atteioptro—Effael to Rob John lquigi or, Jr, • • • At anent tw o o'clock yasterlate roaming. ua Mr. John - Jingler, Jr., the renowned ohm ter, wan pooling along Liberty street on his way to his botch - he was,thst,btheip neat' the . two mon, who mopped hixti and requested him to give them some Mot ets for the benefit last night. lie replied that he had none with him, when the3t chided tourer to ben and commenced dein. onstrattms of anature miasmatic° of high; way .ro bury.: Mr. 'Engler walked away trot'', them, but they followed, still evident,' ly bent on mischief. They , Como bloee to him ageln, when ho drew Ma revolvdr and Mimed upon them. r r They th erenugn, chimera? trent and retreated . rapidly, lertv- Mg Mr. Engler still in poem:team of his magnificent Pittsburgh medal, which wan eviftritly the objector their efforts MSEM . . Dr. A. G. liellandlam.Varian .to the . Doard of Dealtb, mporta twaxitg-two tie Om tote number of deaths for tlq weekending February 10M. Of the :'dneeseed =teen wore males and Ma were females:ill were wbtto.• Tea (Heenan. imodueneg geggityneg as follow.: • at ht Accident. 1; n. Unknown, si ll oonirectine Brain, .1; aohnarstio ~ .lAing it rnegnionla, 2; Ind arastion of rain,st i r ITAd. 2 1 .1 .° Sp . ° L , Favor, 2; ateutb ' ranoto. Crony., tirmoda. f rom ni: there were: Under one Tsar. s; f one to two yearafirfrom scrota doe , Soar., 2; from thirty to forty peon , Xt from : forty to fitly years, Ji from fifty to at:v.l years, I; Irons sixty to seventy years. a cur. c rows. °Meer.. The Board of CI tiardiatia ;of the Poor Bold . a m.eating recently, when the rolinelni off} en:aro-were elected to servo for the ensuing year: Presideritc-William Douglas; Seen. Pity and Agent-George Fortune; Treat .E. Dart; Superintendent of Alms nous° and City Farm-. William s. Bullock; Superintendent of Luseno I>epart went or Alms linuso-Thomu Sloillrory Physician to Alms Dome-Ur. Isaiah Ward; Physician to Cltr rerm-Dr. A. C. liardoohi Chaplain of Alms Route-Eavi_Jolux Hawn; Matron-hire. Elise hicheivey. The other members of the Board are as fellers; David Fltaiiimmons, David iltiteltinac, James T. ii.inceid, James Little,pr. IV." Shaw, Samuel AtiiKee. David -P. wage. ; Jits, It" dohs t T.t.isl9r (teary C. ffW THREE CENTS. ==== Yesterday morning early, a man who re fused to give his name, but who stated that he was from Cresson, came to the Mayor's office and stated that he bed been swindled out of 0:10 by sharpen at the Irwin House, on Liberty street, near Grant. 'Ho stated that he wan sitting In the j - nion Depot. on Thursday night, waiting for the train to do part, when a `mice spoke'' man came up and got late conventation with him. In the course of the COLVVeraaLIOI3, the stranger as. certained what...train the other man was go. big to Mice, and laid that he had a ;mend at the Irwin Howie who was going to tray el by the same train, would be a splendid traveling companion, etc.. etc.' Come right overtothe Irwin House and he .would In troduce the two travelsm; they. would all take a drink and have a.gool time. The Creseonier went. They found the traveller busily engaged with another man throwing dice.. lie-would be at liberty en noon as he had tiniehod that game.. The Cresson man's first friend became deeply Interested and commenced betting on the dice. Would his tlepotfriend lend him Hay dollars—Just for a few moments? He would pay IL an soon as the game wan over and he had time to on Ilia money. The cash violent, anti se on tip to two hundred dollars, and au toss.. Then the borrower and the proposed travelling eompanioa recited to get :the money and refund to the victim. They did not return, and the victim wan not redm burned. lee could not give the names or his deceivers. notld he Identify any of the money •diorrow cou ed^ from him, no there seems, to he no help forhlm. /f there in no law by which the haunts of these thieves and blackleg, can - be broken up. without waiting fortile - unwinding of no ranch red tape as entangles the executors of the law, worse then -the tend:nein:the enactments should be speedily cnanged. There is need of some action which will, make U impossi ble for thieves and gamblers to publicly congregate and deify the (Miners. nalnalpnery Anniversary The fAberty street Methodist .Episcopa Church has Oct apart to-morrow .for sionary purposes. The . pastor, 'Rev. S. F. Jones; A. If., will 'deliver a sermon nt 'the morning hour,en the imih.lea of Misslunr. In the afternoon ( . 2!4 o'clock) the Sabbath School will held It/,anal .- From the character of the preparations for that occa sion we loon for a eleart(Hl of much Interest. Rev. S. F. Morel, pastor of the First Pres byterian Churc Trinity ' ev. W. B. Watkins, A. M. Duster of It E. Church, are expected to make addresses. At night suit. able services will be held, commencing at seven o'clock. This congregation' enjoys the reputation'ot giving. liberally towards the suPPort of the missionary cause. Per sons well do well who can make it MlMS sleet to attend one or all these services. Coal and Where to Parehaao • our city readers will be Planted to kw* . that Messy. Conks Kauffmann and It. A. deb menet have, under the Arm of kiaaffmonst & Co., taken possesalon of the popular Union Coal Tanis. In the Ninth ward.' The Coal transited Is of the very best quality tor fam ily purposes,nad Is delivered promptly by careful drivers at the shortest notice. Thu I Mike is at Wee corner of liarrison and Penn streets. and the 'yard In on the Rue of the Allegheny • Valley. naltrond, near. Carson the Moth Supertor nut coal and slackllalwaylon'handandprompt ly delivered. to order. • We Commend this Arm to the patronage of our readers. Organ 'Sixteen' Years In Use • 1 most willingly bear testimony to the ee.. eellenee of the CarhartA Needham metro. ments (the Parlor Organs and lifolodeonso ea I have had one In constant use for the past sixteen years; and 1n that time 1 hsvo not had a reed chang repaired, 811 d the tone Is as perfect, and I think, as pleasing as at first. Raman Diner. The Cullen. a Needham Parlor Organs can be found In splendid. variety . , at IL- Metier Broe., I^3 Wood street, who are the exclusive agents.' The liver agaln.—At about six o'clock on Thursday evening,- the Ice from the 011 Creek gorge began to make its appearance here In • Cho Ailegheny, and before nine o'clock vary heavy ice was running out and the river risizig very rapidly. It eon tinned to rise all day yesterday, with very thick, heavy ice running out; and there were etrong fears of a good- in Allegheny: At nine o'clock the pier marks showed twenty three feet.. and after that time commenced slowly falling. Several flats, rafts, Itc,, and portions of a wooden bridge floated down with the Ice, but we heard of no serious cr.., currencies. , At about midnight on Thursday night, the ice broken:l the Youghiogheny, and th 0 Mon. origahela Mee rapidly far a time. We learned of no nylons damage done. More Old ilatter.--k large batch of un marketable butter was oonnecated' yester day In the PUTAIMrah Market Roam. Peo ple will eventually Iled ont that It ts more prolltatde al well• as More decent oven their Dotter when It Is fit for .nso, though , share ma m y t e a If I r r=e t s 212 that IL cannot be sold except for cart grease, CommMed.—Jas. Rem the man who stole the money bag from the loft bou-se at 11111.1 ale Cemetery on Thursday, bad • hear wg before Mayor Morrison yesterday, and . committed to }MI for trtal. itu ac- knowledge. the tlieft,but soya be was drunk. Kerr la very respectably connected, but *comet° be a osnaMtutional thief. Ulversallet.Falr awl Festival—Will be continued four days next week, ending Tbursday, February 21st, the eve °tilts an. wive:nary of Washingiamts birthday. Dis tribution or articles and promenade every night Brand Finale on Thursday evening. .admission ID cent& OsalUseated.—Mr. Matas, 'clerk of the Alleghemp, Markets, yesterday conAseated a larke Quantity of butter exported for safe In the market by some of the dealer. 11 was sent to tbe Yoor Farm as beteg too OM to be army I.e. A p.m...a gem.-31lab.' Tranvia mW e Information Worn Alderman Taylor. charging Babert filmy and Peter 3leCardey with aaaaalt and battery. - .The parties are rid Ireed 1:111e11, and ilea/14W attack !occur red Olt the depot. • ' nearing Deferred.—Thle bearing In the ease of William Woods, which , yea to have Lair. Place yesterday, before Mayor Jilorri- WEI, ban been deferred until to-day. in or der than lbe witnesses for the proseenclon , Will tees . dro informed . that •el banks In the nits wilt close on the twenty second instant, in boner of Gbosen Washing - • Glasse Illasiatatturers. Glass-Bloirce. - order pont mbtrts male ILL Matlock' .1 Put tazah472.Flltti street. - • • IPatito & co . * Aranintine—yor instantly, Plating all articles of cOppnr. brass or Ger man outer, with puro Oliver. where ,Worn off. and for Disarming and pollebing slayer or nilyan•plated vrare...,Warranted to bon tato no nnieindlver or acid, or any lainr/oba &Ude: or bale Sample,'Allenhany, and all drogillna. , • . -• • • - eels.t CONDEMNED TELEGRAM& A tenon:tont bee tile emier of Con tie avenue and !Se nnett= Streets, Cincin nati, aaatatntnes daintier taresiesiiras strayed by Ore yesterday morning. ' One Iranian was belied td trenth. Via toes hoe non been ascertained. • ' " . Alai:Most Rum gard Der 'sras • hung at Mart. • atm, AMR.; ydsterday; 'lnv the intmder of . .lahn T. Aubanks. In Peptemberlast. -Alike taneral of Captain Tomlin Heoven, TwattLb Reglment:Pennsylvarda Heavy pr. HUMS - , yesterday Morning, at llois sedate,' Pe...a salute' being. fared, the cannon was 'ldetllattdelydniebarged, and two men were fatally and another slightly Injured. The steam:slap Restorlan. from XlverD o i4 tor Portland, put' to at Ltalltax, yeaterday. Shortly alter One dclOGY,yettortiv morn. at ltarttbrO, Conn,i4N.Ctligatt, while laboring wider a temporary ilt otOttlanity , threw Weisel; from the window of hht ,001. .dttece, outing fifteen or &Tardy feet, Crush. tog his viral and Calming death. The Steamer Moravian. tram Livermad oft the rtth ult., Pitt at. Jobe , arrived at Port. bawd. Me., yesterday =ottani. ' The te3Ohltiall* expressing attipmaa at the veto of the, ColonidOl4ll, and calling upon the lEletuttoto and'Representatives to NM the bait:nor the Prealderirs veto, pas*. eel both branches Of the. Mamma Ueda. tzwe, rteientar, under a anaPermiort or un .. . .. . dagrehensioas of .. Loud are e ntertained AS Loitirrllie. and, the pimple residing . ahang ihe wharf are moving. The town of Tayloreville. Baena= county, Sy., is live ;cWIL 12.1140t.xater. . . . , . Edmund F. ftoesese tiled yesterday, ht. /0 1 ; 1 M/1144 frOM the effects of e. eelfdrollet , 04 plated wale:1411ml while under mental aberration. • -_'{'he. Present strength of the vehmteer tome In Canada is &O( men, t winning twenty-two troops of earelry and eight bat tent. of artillery. The provincial R®• beau!, CO, to winter Touters, ate to be .placed La as immediate Mtn or eMeieneY for service on the lakes. . Ammo Fain, of Llmerlob. bear Portland Maine, was robbed• by bitt...ysben, on Thundaybairbt, of VW, and al. sentraly . beaten. • MARRIED. IicaLLLAII--GILLESPIZ--On Thursday erectus.. Febroary lith, at the residence of the brWe's parents. Z. a- Se can Oren. Dl the Rer ". Puller. Co t pt: 'A- 10• IfaCIALLIIf. Jo.. to Miss tiAMit Z. t.L.I2SPLX IV* ceutratulate our young friend. the Cap open his admit Into a oew sphere of Ilfe. and trust teat be and his happy Ortae WM' dos. 'c4 " ." '" "`eh itre'e carnet wllltoot enc.:meter. lug • reek of woo or rifle of Immo- We wish them men b0ng0..., Lb. 11 t1 . 386: 12 b r jrt! F. A. kilEltbeli n to it t.. ontbs. The Potent ottl ta atea n Tan and .1 ke Piece._ tot I k - tn. , . th e tall UM.. at 2 o'clock , totta'Ala labs tvald•Ootat O. Celt. Clair attest. Tba ttlatuts of lb. Loki ly and nimbus of natty,' t. Oust Battallloo Potottylionla Volatitter Arriltory filly Invited to attood. . NEW .ADR,SRTg . . . . XriV3IMEII4..X I ALICE Hy No. lar. Foruth street, Ylttsto COFFIN'S of all k lode; CHAFED. 01.0% an every dem. ed. of /funeral Yornlet4ag s tarnish ed. Booms opened day and Inaltt. Hearse and Carrlagee tarnished. . . . itavarts:icza—Day. David Nen. D. D.. Slav, W. Millar :Esq Javobas. LL . D.. Th omas /bring. Esq., da cab Ili R T. WEITE & CO.:, . . UNDERTAKERS AND IMILLIERS, lianatestsr, Wood'. Dan sad orletatty. COFFIN ROOMS AT MANCHESTER MAY STABLE. Coralr Shell/old and Charlie rs ..meta Hestia and Carnage. bandaged-. abut.nnx. Ifni thll W DALE CEREETICIi hs Y.--The . subur b. pls. of sehulebrA .get Ut one In thts coun ty, sun.. ongtor al(at,Wl o tagstedlig. ly north of Allegheny. TOY ItZtetstann," or tltles.gAtt at Central:true of L. CLANKS'. Allegheny LI.. DFIVISEATEI & pO-41 IIraTCH REP4IRIX6I zuevramyq*.tsmazaravr No. se Fifth' Strea, oriroisnz nsioinc Harlon Atte4 ultrooms •achwvnly for ins re ralrl kor WAI CHIA can CLoCILS. with good tools and • large and cam potent loniser work men. we wreenabled WCo work as well. If not better Shwa Mt *Um, etorelahlie city. Watches lett for repairs oral receive prompt attantlon and be regulated by Mar . - `STANDARD TIME" WATCDES, aWNS AND AT A VEST SMALL PROFIT. AT WILL T. WILEY'S ' , 6 Wylie Bt., 3d door from sth. 11. ..10117131 , 011f jouNsToN WO" 9OOTT, DIALZEIII IN Fine Witches, Uocks,Wcll7. SILYER•PLATED WARE, ETC., Mo. $74 eiltiZT. 3Pittailcrocrigla, • igr Particular attention ,tvs t BonaUlu, ranted IX work war. .VIDT-A.IL. g33lllPr • ARTIFICIAL TEEM With Beautiful Gums, for $B, $B9 $ B , $B, OIL QIJINCY SCOTT'S eam Dental EsMblishment, - No. 278 PEIN STREET, =tap DOOR ABOVE RAID. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. IS SITU CHAINS 001 !HMG GAS. .61 - 13111 and crane. rpeeleeena before order. Inge , . where. - Bailaraellongnarantesel In orrery WELDON dr. KELLY, .P.1,1321113.ER5, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BUSS FOUNDERS, (bandoliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead. kg., ALWAre OP HAND. 164 Wood Strict, near Stith. 107:1167 THE PEACE TO BIM :.',GOOD BO SHOES SHOES rei AT MOOLINTOC.T4r..''S. We). 91:1Nt f r f rai str ! et; Ausanzarr =rt. - . BARGAINS IN SEWINC MACHINES. 131 x. mukluk tied but i Wort time, for sal. al reduced prices, SUNNIS & fel2 Infth street. Tar. CrE/IT. T BleeS The Seat EIEWI C MACHINE, I. WBXII.iss wLusoSra. I WeseAvrzo,Tnexe TW.. IlelishoOm 21 FICIFTU ISTIMEAV, $ . DRUM..CLOSE; & Prattled Foraltalre Bhunthigunirs COL PENN AND WAYNE US har itrl .171.1 at 71:13111TITall eonsmatty en Si i . , EIGILING--s m ieoOD TEAS( § erriatriirr " u...,. °• " 14 ' Et .wAkira HOWARD'S LIVERY $ SALE STOLE,. • sm. salmi, at Meaciarawys Boum , jrazikntlar at =PIN to buijii LiAl sans.; norms. , . ai ' il I ,