~M' 1131 II !MM= _ ear-I-4,14 • 1,,,x4*74- AND SITBI3RB9N. 100 AL /181A8 ON FIRST AND 1111.11.1) PAO ffi 'I I 1 .i.b, The Spruce alley, Vacation. The-report fare iched by: no Ye.LooinY Of the meeting Meniscus- of the" Ninth ward, gave Mithoo aide of Mini - atter In dirpute, mad we desire to take no pact' 1. the • di o gaeten,,irt 4vothe following statement faintandil. us by: it:ger:amnia who lithor• !! r,Oegh39 coniersant in the Matter: ' • - Mr. Wm. Smith having-concluded . to ex - tend his busluesa.purciessed considers= hie ,egyerose, the., right to manufacture henvymetal water pipes. This branch of the foundry bissineas had never been Intro. ducal Into this city; in 73ct, thousands •of poncula oh-these. . pipes panca through the oftYmotablyfrontb.satern to Western cities. After, snaking arrangements for the erection of buildings to carry On this new department - of hie business. lir: Smith ills. Clint Ma property was BO situated that he could hot operate advantageously , . • it being - divided by an alloy, otach •-• merely a pond. After discussing the sub- I • ject with a number of the principal citizen. , of the nelghlierbmsl, lir. Smith petitioned the Legislature to vacate that Porn...film • alley lying between ids Pii , j,r_Llt,7: i. ., o L i a c . • • gfpllrolV:P7,,T.lr: • OzeUld-be mic 0001, brought bet t-spinning olCOunells the - matter . • Wr ,oeumUstn Wel afte p. ..-'-'poina oqu ted lnire Into the facts, and r , investigation they, reported t'yunanimously; in favor of the propoged.vaca. tlon, being satisfied that the citizens would not boinjaredburrather•btaelltted by the change. The represcuttione of the Commit .-- ,tinclusd the t hro ughlaMiarig- pumsage of I a reeolutiong both branches, mom „....oterahnibe Leslature to ass Dir.S ”" 'LILL Thus the. m gi atter, stool when cur eutiPs tain • persons, for reasons best known to them= ceirlserfOck*tt-thentattegopon. the otticena • eataegyaettbicreatatanitstrust to the minds of some that them rights were about wa . When the resolutions were read to the mooting, hot • - oneynaninthe affacirdny 11151 sword to say, • In'favothrietcationould tboy were adopted . without discussion. Nyhat effect ..tht.7..1 11 'tiavo - pon=cho - publie wldd remains to be The business into! which' ' Sir. Smith cim tonspleter,eutbatkulg a. important -. end cannot but prove adyautugeons to the • trade of the ty.' 110 1158 already scented •- 'orders - for pipe from Izmir, dihwittikee, arid other pUOMpitiftlisegoT. amount, and 11 is unmated that the Nolo*, Wails Menu s; Atotartse win, aggregate trt temorthreo mar , * • Nterter of gollarh - per ammaarlferploymeut will begiVeu tolhieri‘ hundred additional • workmen! -mul:Vortt ave. thousand to tar thousand dollars weeks will be expend • , 'ed.ZLlO•waret." Incase • the'Cloce pante* of ,- ; , . •- • - the alley la eqgrauted. will'tO ao• ' "CertatT fee/dr. - 5mM. to remora !bla cantle " 11:Mteent front" thuotty,...whicit ngt result •c.OUsaatxousig , to the community— and be a to , the City' Treasury of thousands of hes beensiated that lir. Smith desires !,to,jplminis himself the alley without ipv 'Mg a sufficient remnueration. Such la not ..,.thecaso, mmatabal repeated/It -tall ho • ,As.wlaltilflc... a nd appraisemenc made by Councils and pay - any .reasonable sum r , .7l.,lr , rtirsliociimmodation no requires. The 'l4ll.xtfrinted.- particularly in the neighbor hoarof foundry.. .Is destb:Ted nt dlutant day to be occupied by macurno .A.l.t.rintrlMil4rAlk.bmentalutuk thono - .who op- VACIIfo - breanitt mUnguro - inny - overreien - stlotoselve§.; 'and , drive,' from our tnidat a bu6toitik which - would add tuntcriatixto the • r Trosperay *me dry.! .Thu uluswr,.l.l nor ;3 1$;ii10.11;11&-..lif:it1TET41;Ci170 t'euowthir into • .2-vahlitaitioat - • .21e.nd;CXMAJESVV.Vaart.t..F.Cain.113. by non. alas Jerroblovl Lb. flue corals ill nstraCons by Cbaalea...tieeno. •Near York, .Burl .t r at Pa: ricnaatiball,:ptitalabera;ylW4tbi e.vle I.,lbtaeba , vt.:-Plttock. .2.4l.,l33oiliaitaia-tialaiesary.:ra..c•idle, • ever be popular . bere and Cianlante, and In '(e gttrnelrve efe - sei ialarge term aJaaylaltkaa tetbe family Iprary. 4- Ilitioaaslegisave . iorFT , try‘3: C: tie} , illakULLUTlMllelllattabOeW York: Pub by...Day. Clarke t t t" 1.1rt.414.y,n PIAs.A9O. much pOeuc I talentarardttehaglatOvatrdenseiymtererds scriptural , . narraUltehttiatarrutlon °ld olan the Rao a ".44,AVi11.-let"orni.hirtliday was kept the daughter of Itorollaa .), danced , before. them end plerwttallercsl., Thereupon he prowls. ,larertwithan AMU:MO.Oyd ter whatederer.she staked. And she, being before instructed or • her mottrerotald,,, , glve'ma h ere ,' John the Baptiste' head in a charger. And the King wwas smyyr - M , lnWlicipuTfor thetas:Vs sake ~ , Aurtttlesa - that ask, witlahlus td-thest.'he coin- minded It to be, gisenter."This work wilt iltgulAsol shouiri bo received Into I..llY .Foins. By Ainauli. T..7oziert.rNew York: 4111,41'.". fors'i C0.!" . "7 pisLlSaeolteetion patriorle and other noem•S,'itad - frewmetitary sketches of poesy.' - - . ' ./Lia-burtndln Linn! • ilaughtmes heauti •,, Sul • style •of art, and as In 'keeping with tircirpthertputdinsitions.. Foe Even gVEC, a Drama of Life. By Itidreisat:c3litiiirat.'" - .Lorleg; publisher, 51001.011. For sale by !teary Ulmer, Pitts - • This Is drurrel Which alit become•quite popular,' Ess:lo la..ntritten. In the .fret and graceful style which characterises the rtcW_tker trf - ttrcr authors 111. not forzalty' with Loring 's Rat l way Library, and r.r.s ds printed is largericalble type. • ; - . 1 ,; " , - • i I • .1, - _ Commove Voss COprt. Bet Ore Judges Sterrett and Stowe. COSO of lagley ‘ va.ll.d,onaldeoutin. uedon trlalTesteiduy before Judge Step _ - . El rott. It will ilknly 113 - 11 n haled today. tin ItsfcaSS 'FreSericial Pitlabargb. r, ' 7 l:3olsiAttlns'in - d asflaced, tried before J edge Stowe,the lury retineed e Ter .did.lcietiefendant ; - COnnnOnwealtit en ref. Zenth flityclen na napion.i .o.thelgthlili:the re lator petitioned the court representing that brotttr,t Xathan ict 13nytien, fifty-seven youra ofaWg e, onor npgerinEulr a th e r t t t y i years • a .- . ho oar 'dePrived Of his reteum and under -. • standing ea to' render him elteeether nu et andnitable to govern himself or his estate, :out dating Of the nutlivided one-tenth inter . eat in a tract of-bud, valued at abet four - • hundred dollars, of which his father dusd Fti. subject to.the widow's interest =.. The relator prayed the court to Maxim inquest to ha impaneled from the ~.jurorrin- a ttetalance, to beheld by.tie 01 ~t he Judges at a convenient time; in accord-• ance with act of Assembly. The Ilth inst., (Yetsid.rder.bovitig Lavin natal as the time, alary Was avrtirn`and went' of the mutters • net forth in the petition having been ad duced, the Jury found aevordingly , • The Jaren: ht tittentlanee, - except these impanneled in' the ease on trial, tretedla ._ Charged...knew panel has been summoned and will be prepent on Monday. ■ EM EEO - 4 +. = Chritidti ItshrilL Athwart. the Fennuylva alu State Military Agent at Washington, • dealies hifOrmatten of John ovroole and JohnJamewon.- -ln 'Captain,. Stewart's office at Washington In a certificate of back pay • amounting to Slllakf, In favor of John . son the Same name wets a trivate in Company O. Fourteenth Pennsyl vanht J o hn ; Cav On Slay. int. lesh It IN WO - • o , Toole, Pittsburgh, and . war returned through the dead tether office. On June nth, 100, a check for Sni 00, and thedisetilirgout JohnJarn eson,ot Company rdi First- Regiment Pennsylvania Cavidri , , was ; mailed. to John. Jameson, fierriotts villed AlleihtifY county, Pa., and mist: re.- turned through the dead letter pfliCe. • _ . AVlallitioa . Cciimattte at Crestfine. W6tindpsta3l.lthat 4,t laat §atartlay, no dais were rxiitiinio all over Crestllnc, an tbl9Yos and 'Moun t:lit!, Irtio wore Intosting that point, mould > e q. t a f j! .. • Wave Immediately.. they 'Would be called 00,Dy 3 a ,•,:fituilanen •Judge Committee . of entrees : s tattdpanLiffodbfrynch::: While we i deprecate this Lynch law L UN much us any • MlS:lurti:rigillium:tukbi eltlzrna of tog to r themselves • of what bee become .an Intolerable rinitance to them and roe -, tiered - thelr,town notoriona off over the , eetintryv an a nest of notorion4 blacklegs. .thieves and counterfeiters. Tao rascals are I'l.We:dna from there some went. to Brio, d // =shad and others arc on their TitY foil:list:l4. Look oat for them. L._ • - >~4trict Co Before Judgelvuu.. Vlshor V. liill e . puktkilltetnal. Vol - diet In u m or of ranintlr for lianam, • Andrew 11,.. 11u1et am, ..teambonG Leclal2e, ... 4 Milan r 4 rtr . en datunge. for 710/01n.Z4.Cca.4tw4:1944.• • Meet too of 01111eora ror v r "' . titanium. Par sc.—Tlio stockholder., o the • • Union beating ParkCm:timing, or ay; held their blenaLat meeting at :t0..., yesterday morning, when thetellowingi;t corn and dtrestorawere elected to iCsvn Ins ',,,eoming two years: - President, J. T. block dale; Secretary uml Treasurer, ti. Metriptry General Superintendent,James Patton, Jr. Directors. J. T. titockdole. Win. J. itountk '•Jogioaltrovra,:Jans ea L. Graham. P. A. DU worth, Jamas Patton, Jr., Prederieklisher lyzo, tL Ulapop. : . • Surety of the Peaco.—Justice Arent, of. /lasers° township, yosterda, Cornnotted tolall James Campbell, charged, on oath of srohlbald Taylor, with wisely of the Pecos, ' in default of* PS ball: Freclerati llonkel made an information • -befored/derman dinalastors, of the Third j ward, charging Wary nobler with sorely of I the peace. Ott was one of the usual nehlh ,borbooil quarrels.: Warrants issued. I= t '"s .1 • •••- arioredibly informed that a leading of Now Virg has. sent to Pittsburgh •• 10r. tWentY4nell you to net as a reportar for tho °Mee. novo one prime (Leal incatiop of a :New • York reporter—it •is groat bolo; ' ism/Harr-ha ItAtinoA.D.— February 11-4 cure plg trou, Ntra I c , oltacco. a E.ort, h co; It bus tettle.9. Falrbange, Morse &co; 4 pci marble; Andes. ' aou, noyo & co. 2.131,14 a autddllog.. 20 bbLe ggIT, LT S 1;5 1 % CZNIbT; ,•• • do, • SchOloaker Ling; A:. do do. Nut Eta CO; 53 do do, Llttlea 7:deciding;do do ' S DiOldolion S.co,• 10 doz brornm, Volgt. it co; 22 bble dry apples, I . ollt. a Nowlin; 12 ladle chairs, liarpmer Thiokol SI bble molasses, Fetter S Armstrong; 3 oars stavesKzumil & Schapt. • • • II RE .2,IIEARPZ, itnnker and Broker, HS Wood sf., near corner of Fifth. .asecitaicia Goverroaeat Bonds ought axed sold °a liberal tenni, I.oadon. and. Couttniattal .lixeltaalla otact at ew York rates. Gold, Sliver sad Coupons bought at ab eat TaleA,11121:1 Gold Drafts lasaoo.ant bl New York- • FINANCE AND TRADE 0-9,7cw...„mr=;-'tinvhi The following ere tiro New York stock quotatioui for today: (iold, Y o l k L o c k bonds, 10934; Five Twenties, old, .10.4‘; Fire Tweati., do now,loS7{lSeren Thirties, MN. Michigan, Southern 'Rail road, MS; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, trlyii Pittsburgh, Fort Wiyne S ChlcagO r eße; Erie, 573;;;Werstarn 'Union Telegraph Coin pony, U 4: Chleago and Book Island, WM; Chicago and Northwestern, 31 , 4; do prefer red; 65; New Fork Central,dtl. —The alio ant Of the compound interest notes which are now outstanding is In volved in swim doubt- Mr. Hooper says the greater pert of the notes fall duo this year. His statement has been copied by tho news: papers, ands New. York morning journal the other day estimated the aggregate, as high .100 millions. The only 'reattiro Information which b. been Made public as to the aggregate was td Con gress In a letter dated Mei' is, llgned by' Mr. fleCulloch. In tilts official paper the several Lssum of outstanding ' compound iiotni aro reported as /OUP" 1 . semi annual aggregates Dee Jae° 15,1sVf - Dad December 16,1847, .Due Jima 15. i Ws. - Duo Dec. 1i, 1565, Giving a total 0f.107,e11,' lei „ These :Uncial figures show that the hem: pound notes maturing from last May to 155.0 perienthei.neut . were no new notes issued after the thee when Ude report wee given to the t heitato, 'anti altholigh twenty-four millions have been withdrawn. and cancelled, still it Is said by some persons who claim to knew. that soles, than o no hundred migions . ot ooMpOnad notes now outstanding fall duo dud year: If this be so lir. luctnillocil should state the fact officially, and it is due t.r, the Senate and to the public that an es. ' planation should - be given as Whoa so be. rions a mistake was made by an ofhoisl doc ument. exptessly prepared forthe informa tion of congress with a view to —Some Oiscouragement: nYll - tho rbila dolphia - Ledger) Ls 'expressed by finaneial ,writers sod by CICaILOVIIIt the slaw reduce thin made of the-unfunded obligations of the Government. The aggregate is now same twelve hundred millions, and the re. deafen lest month 'was less than Melia. V 1 are approaching the third yearorpeace, and nevertheless, clot of our gt,tge,oo.ol/S of Litchi, no more than 111,4Aate,0 00 , er Tun' tit tle over one half Is tended Into long bonds. WhCIL It is remombertn how rapidly money was borrowed by the ` ready sale of •Ilive. nary howls -In Mae ofwarithe elivarpro growl' of • payment in UMW liana) is well, talculated to excite attention. • • • , —The day the last steamer teethe United Stalks left Liverpool It was contemplated to appoint a committee to which to refer The entire position of the tireat Western gallway Company for further examination. a furtherrecent heoNijala the - titOck soak. one it apparent that nothing but a full in. vedigation,cootirtned by merchant. o.'eutk , italists in New Volk - In whom the Eninpean public can place reliance. will now nave In/ etrect tomtablishins the property In the pmition it has always tonni described as en titled to claim: • - ' —Ark action against *Arm of broker. for selling out stoct, for failure of inar,cin, was decided, a few days since at New York, In favor of the defendants, with an allowance of fire por cent on their reclawatlon upon upon plaintilt , • = • • Nsw wary. February 14.—Iloney steady, at WI for call loans., Fiterhitg immoderate request, at aLygeg. Gold. without Oechled entinge,opening at IST%' arid cloning; lit r/on:n :. Goeem stocks, without material. change. Yrelghta co Liverpool rather more salve, with engagements of W. COO tonahoM of corn, at OGGi4d par sail.. Thornßowing are the prices of Mocks at the New York Stock Excnange at 4:33 New York Central, NU; Erie, 57,4;liudeon, 1e3%; Reading. Michigan Central, lee: Michigan Southern,72;4: Illinois Central, 114%' Pittsburgh. 8174; Nerthwtertertf , 0.710 Northwestern preferred, ' ..t.N3i:"relledrk ill, Rock 1.1and,k7.14; Fort it sync, n 7; Ohio and illtelaidprn Certificates, =4. Slovernment stocks are strong. Comma. of 'al, IGOlf; do, 'Ol, new, Teo-For Limt, 101%• Seven-Thirties, 105 , 4 Mice.- Miriam following waiver Ult. warning. and the following are the quotation.: . American Flag rose to weak Deemoines ""11 - -ni; Uregor7 was at It Quartz UM was the moat active and sold down to .l:3. At the afternoon 8e1.410/1 Quartz Rill tallied to 1C56470, and was quite active; American Flag advanced to -ItoMlak eymond , . Forks eteady at 170; Gregory ix 6mitn and I'arm -1e0,7; and Columbia, NS: Prices Of Mining...tucks bid in Ruston to. day: Canada, 60;Copper Fells, Uti; Frankltn, 114; Hancoek, 114; Herm, 314; Islo 11; knunesota. 111. L.; Quincy, sn. = • • OTTICTZ OF TIM PITIIIII7HO , aZrrr., TatrazDsr, Fel, 11, 117. The arrivals of cattle were again light this week, m 1 with a demand.wamesillayn "." 8 e of the supply. the market was 'arm; ml.l if Sasything, compared with last week, prices are shade higher. The ntlentlance of buyers was not as large as usual, but the deficiency in the supply morn limn made up jor this, and all the tattle offered were picked up; and that, too, at the. tutvance abore noted—prime fat steers nod boilers bringing i!.,1 to 715, gross, and extra 7t..4 to et —the latter quotation Wog nu outside price, and could only be realised "for very tine cattle. Had the receipts being up to the usual Islander& the market wouldineed undoubtedly [MVO been it hardene,aa there were but few buyers on hand; and the east ern markets are so panicky and unsettled, that shippers are compelled to eke:cite a iord deal of caution. The demand for common and inferior grades of cattle con tinues light, and for this class of stock the market Is dull and prices are barely male tamed. • The transactions In Bogs have been lib eral, the sales daring the week reaching, in the aggregate, between 1111070 n. anti eluht them:mad head,whlto, compared with last week, prices have undergone little OW no change, ranging from VA to 8 eta, for fair to prime heavy avenges. Singer A 'reboil' report having bought 1670 head for Plalkv dauphin market, nt Inices ranging from' 0 4 toe; and Tailor Baltimore alas average of 7,w. Lafferty & Holmes aold, in different lots, five car loads at 73: to Ty,. Crisman a. Co. bought lat bead at 7%. Gliehrelst ileyenthaler bought ZOO head (or Itultbnora marketat an average of 7,exo, and WOO for Phlladvlphla, at an average of 'ASV- Nat: Johnston, of Coehocton, 01,10, tins hrought to about Yynhead within the oust ton days, and being extra fat Hence, he got a big price —eight cents. !REEK?. The arrivals of thin class of clock have been larger than usual, and with • modes ate demand, the market hal ruled dull and neglected throughout the pant week,tg h price., competed with bud week, hare un dergone little or PO change. lll.llol2ff from 1.4 to t;1.; per pound,. green, and theme may be regarded as the extremes of the market. Orr .t Mace report the following lit beau, averaging 74 lbs. at y4;.9 bead, averse ging 77 3 at 4X;165, averaging, lia , h,.at a flea. tier d Co. report having bought four car loads at from 1.% to Cti. renewed bought 163 head, averaging ping, at 6; 111,avoraging 87; ht 5" hi; averaging 03, at s.3o..liristn .0 Co. report having bought 173, averaging 303, at c%;111, averagleg 0, 6 3; 10 4 average ing 93, at 0,75. There were other trans.,. tlOllll, but we have enough to eatablmh the general tone of the market. . . Clark to Mooney 6 Co., hi bead. weighing 19,3t0, at tip; gerrtek & Doud to el bet go e, 32, weighing 3.4,8.50, at 0.87; Mune to Mooney; le, weighing 1703 g, at 5,16; 'Buff to Niemen d Co. 8, weighing 10076,, at ti; einne to aline, 9 weighing 11.409, at 7N; Huff to Montague 6 Co. 30, weighing 41,0:5, at. 6,80; Dotal to Dillegasi. Cl, weighing 36,375, at 7; Duff to Noble, SR, weighing , 11.900, at 6,14; Hedges to }amens. 9, weighing 9125, at i 4; Huff to Hedges 7, weighing 10,100, at 72; Plant to fledges, 63, weighing OVA at iik; fluff to Mote,, 20, weighing 10,109; at SN; Pideook to Todd, 19, weighing pi,E,O, at 5;1 t 1101nien 6 Lafferty to MOTILILICDO & CO, 0), weighing 2.0M.3, at 7%0 Anil 6 Co. to gooney d Co. 13, weighing 19,050, at 7; N. W ornssold. to Sheinberg, one pair of extra bolter., Legigto4CW, at e k T en. by tOli m ei LtY, d ll% at #713 per hoed. New York Dry Goods Market. Maw Your, February 14.—The dry grails 15;6Mk b a=7:=Or i i:=2 ' rl la styled of cotton and woolen fob .; less there la nothing apPrOftablng ail *c ar t a l ,; . ":4 , ,, lively demand - . great caution o w ) , rtaxa n,„the purchasing of goods, and rr e ee, ere .'4.ln, best arandlog can obtain te e mee a aa , anaa, thort date!. valleries are with upw. r a t ,,rll and 0060 are grey clo th es prices range trout toTr e Y e Br ew •I, t uner and baeotlage n r d but little clang° inp,7 1, ""Cff... 4 Oslo geed. er areaare Lees; Standard Oslo and Lawrence 4•ll.brib4L:t'irce°l3l‘l'.. e v il - Ikedaa of hest makes s . teed u e — e - r - L ac i, styles aro, offered at mi sts. cna anothe r lAngaon 44 sell at 22e, do. leen do., 1410; 40 inch do., at t ,i 05 Waltham 43 inch at 22,4 c. Fer e ,Ar 4. 01 goads are erning ruttier low I .biriii,:fs IT1 ) 1; auctions. New York Cottld !Market. Sick Tons. Yobroary 11.—lloaves Ms, „„., coons •active at 16016% tor, western o s r„„ . : and 1:411.% tor good arrivals at BeriC,"... LIIII. thus tat VW bead; ail of which af t , bettor,,Net market dull. Cheep a shim; 'olds sales at aillizo lox primo. 8 aabetter, and quoted at ttUSglor prima corn rod. Philadelphia Seed Market. PIIII.ADIRraIa, -February 12.—1 n clover- Seed there to rather more doing; WI bindle aold se(jB,2s, the latter rate for prime. Timm lir la neared; "A/0 Duane sold at $J,7514. Fla:see - 11 le to fair demand; 901 buena aNd i".. 3 6 3 5 05 per bloli—in advsnuo. rarrsisuusi nazi ILICTis OritOM, van Ptsranunorl Gazsyrn, f . Tnonsnav,.fanultry 11, 1547. ; Thu producik markets are quiet and dull, thOugh there is a fair .businels doing in Jobbing way. In values, there ammo engsges worthy of special notice.. • • , GRAlN—Wheat continues very dull but nominally unchanged; we continue to quote at 41,55 to VA for No. 1 Spring, and Iht,tis to $2,1/0 fOr prima lied Winter. Oats more ac tive but unchanged; sale of StO bushels, on track, at 4.3, and 350 Luella at 50, delivered. Corn is selling in store, at 75 to NO. Barley 18 In demand, with vales of No. I Spring at ai to al. 1170, In the absence of sales, may be quoted at • • . FLOUR—Continues dull and In gond sup ply. and 01.110. priers are n 1111 l many un changed, the tendency IS downs:lu d. We continue to quota at 11l to $11,15 for prime to choke Spring NV heat brands; $13,50 to $ll for Winter Wheat, and 410,06 to $17,1V tar fancy St. Louis brand, Rye Flour it quoted at $7,50 to $7.75 per bbl, awl Buck- wheat at 11,50 to a 1,75 per eat. PIWVIS/ONS--i'lae demand for Bacon is light, and prices are unehaneed at 10 to lei: for:Shoulders, and 15 to 15q for Sugar C ure d Iwo., Lard is quoted at 114 to 12,11, for prime leaf. Idea. Pork at f 51,51) to 42 . 2. • IsTAllCH—Masers. Snomaker & Lang: agents for the Madison factory, quofeat 6-)1* to the trade; and 111, for small Mts. MILL WEED—SaIe of I car Shorts at 11,10. Middlings maybe quotou at $1.90 to 42, as to quality. Oil Maul. 113,15 to al,tm. MAY—Is dull and with a surply consider. ably In ereeva of the demand. Wo van'e , can repot a sale of 5 tuns strictly prima Timothy AL 415-common Is altering treaty atß=l to $.13. BUTTER-13 dull, with tho market tniotty Well glutted, and prices. it anything, are a &had.. Inwer—prime 11011 cannot be / fairly quoted above 05. EUGS—In light supply, but the demand Li llml.ed;freBll packed 01111 command M. OlLLard 1./11111 demand, but prises are IL abode lower—NO. 1..51,115 to 41,10 and So.:' , at S 7 to 00. DitIBD FRUIT—SoIe pf 10 lib's prime Ad plc. at 9i.t. Peaches-11 for quarters, and .29 for itatvi,ii. , APPLES=quiet.iind unchanged. We can ' report regular 'tildes at 33,50 to lit per bbl, as to q_uallty, and Mee of Lame. ~, P IiT.I.TOES--Continuo very dull—wo are cognizant. of a lot of maxi Peach Blows having been sold • yesterday at 3 2 ,‘Z Imr barrel. • • 0,000,000 47000.000 ci7,uoo,ioo ual•;tll PITTNSUEttiIIY.EIIIOLEU3IIIIAIIitEr. .1./rchnt rue .71.13. FITTPS MOM Gaserra, ff TaLUISDION FULOOLLTY 14, 1867. Clil`DE—the market for Crude to Ile more active, butt, if ativiltingiprleas are a shade lower. We can re port a salt. of 'a l.:a hundred barrels Venango Crude, for ApriWp}tL•.grp, at 04—SaJo 01 touktlatalean.l barrels yesterday, for saute month. at si showing a decltne of yc per gallon: we csat WAIL report a sale of tour thousand laurels of Kanawha ell, to arrive, at as —Just dale 4' was at 9 , . Smith's Ferry tilt Id. ull but un changed; may Ito V UOLitd on the spot, at 7 to 7!; packages retnnted. and 12 t 0 pock. egos,. Int:laded, according to quality.. it may -be regarded as a fact that navigation 'anti. resumed bal. - tell hero and MI Way Within every few' days , and thee look vat jar nitre rrivols.' REFINED—Not' a alagle tranaactlon 'ported today t and while tho market la dull aud:aegletoed, prates art, floe:dually Un eLnuged quote, la the *lnoue* of sales ate for April, al for May; for June, mid .33 for July—delivered In Palladelphta—add one - essur to thin above Ilgures, and you have the quotations for atandard white. free oll'aolet and unchanged. .011.111.V.11.5-72ne tollowlng arrivals of cull wen• reported today: C. IL Denighta—.....7s INat. Ref. C 0.... Nt Little x fieehltotr. '&3l N.. Mg . • . HAIIRETIII BY TELEGRAPH New York /grottoes Markel. ....lisse - torta,•Fettruary 11....-COLtOIII Pith, heavy but without d.ldert arrange; sal., 1,300 bales, at 330 tor uplands. Floor, receipts 6,140 bills- market doll, at IN :rib lower; sales 3,11/ bra.% - at fe1,30/2110 lOr Superfine State and . westoror 110,05P1,L5 for colon western; gilkni3l2,l3/ for chorea -do; pop*: 11.11 for shipping brands - extra h. ILO, and stlieNl3 lor crud, brands, sol e sarket clop. lag stall. Whisky . steady; or to) blew In bond, at g 2,31; no recespts. Wheat; mar get A•vrry dolt, at 31350 lower; sales 7.002 hush goad 2:u.,2 Milwaukee, about 42.2.31,50 s whits, Canada. at. s3,k). Eye tower; saloss,ton has, western. at 111,1241,1 e; 1,1501 State, at 11+ , 4 1,32.. avt Acoo CIMIAIn In Wads 0 0 g OZ. liar ' toy dull; stales 9,01+0 bash Canada Was; In hank istPle..,eliarlser3dAlt titalet; sales 3 ',is% , at 41;30. l'eai; 54.4 Canasta, free, abOut si,Ll. Can, receipts 3,700 bosh at 75020 lower w let model ate busyness; sal es 51.040 bush, at It Mali CM; for mixed Western in stows Ilea'.,ti 1,10 for do alt.', and Stoe for inferior do In Moro. Oats; rehotpts 3,0 e blurbs dull and lc lower; eale• :SOY) bug.. at 32Lfalle for le est 'p•• s. bugar fairly aril.; sales. Der hh,ls Co. in, at *11.01; 1,000 boa. of Ilittalla at I 1110,75.' 'aiollszse, are dearly at 13c for s:utsa. Patrols's:du la dull at s h'er - 151, , ,,a fur Crude. and 47(313e for helloed, In bond. Itops are sly let awl firm at a14470C fur now crop. Pork dull and a shade lower.. with oal. of 1,4,1 Cm r. rels ay SardgaLltri for new mow, cicadas at gyve: regular, for Weds.; 111 1 ,02 tot old cocas, closing at st9,r2 regularsllla.G2kll for , prime, and sdis/10,73 fur prime mess; also, 1 230 barrels now mews at 620,341131, seiler's and buyer's option, for Starch and April. Beef brut, with ...lased 76) barrels at SIA;;;-r for new plain Mtet. and $120.211 for newes, tra mess. Tierce bee it less active with .1. I of 401 tierces. at 131i.412,2C (Or prime m 5..., anA 433455,30 tor ladis mess. Inset ham• ttrut with sales of 001 at 4:L 1 ,7 3 4 33 , 30 . Cut meals steady with sales 01 ea packages, at , er illloo for smoulders. and 10;4tyllie Mr hams. Bacon 1. Alutet With sales and :lad boxes, at 10%t21e5%0 for Cumberland cut. like for short ribbed, and 19c foe abort clear. Itress 'red flocs are quiet and heavy at 52,10'd3 9,321.3 for Western. Lard Ls heavy a Ith 00100 ot 730 barrels at 11/412', , ,c for old, and 1913 12 1.0 fur new. hatter ',quint at 1511330 fur A thou. Cheese La quiet at lactrle. Chicago Market. I= Tebrtiary 11.—Flour lull, hold en of tir4 Slam bran.la urn arm In their vlesre. -. l6best dull;wlmost nealeeted; asks at 61,634.41,611 i for No. 2, closing doll at M OM rate. Corn opened aotlye, but subse quently declined closing dull at tic. Oats quiet. Prortstous inactive and almost nominal, with email sales of Ekes Pori( at 11.9;ak rumps, .111,00; sweet pickled tams at 1W .',(611e, and dry salted aboUl.lero at 7NeL Packed. Primo - Lard generally held at it dilYe, but buyers tally otlersqlllolldie. Dressed lb/gala llglasupply v seasoa ;agog nearly over; startet rather unsettled; saint rang« Iron 61,25 to 67" print:4,4lly at 67,10 to $7,03. Live Hogs I.lrin and Wu higher, -tinder aCtIVe packing mud sblpylugdatiunl; sales from 46.u1 to 67,00 tor ordinary vs no. tra choice lots. bhls. dour, 7,tno bun. wheat; 19,0/6 bias. corn; run bus. oats; 41110 bogs. ell iprueul6—d,3oo bbis. dour; 0,060 boss wheat. CINCINNATI, Febrnary Ill.—Flour doll but prices are not lower.: Trade and Fancy Brands 4.3.71tre 10.15. w Ith liartily any demand fur tho Latter. Wheat In light supply and the market le armor; No. 1 Norton 1t1,1154,11., No. I Winter sy..tu. Corn dull at We fur No. I in Y.lceatorand 73e in sacks. Oats dull and No. 1 *nu offered at 150ciclosIng dull and unsettled. ityo un changed; No. I SI, 1. Marley unchanged and.doll. at SI,On for prime roll. Cotton doll at T1142.10C; [MI C 9 . ..TO I,IICA Cl. Whl'OcT.LondY 01 4240 to tenni. l'ioTlAloun —Prices and bidders arm will, but little or no demand. flutter and Cheese stently at the last quotations. DArailinlin.rebruary I ll.—Ce free lirsu,l•nt, Innerire, nr13 , ..2i for gel,' In bond. riugor /....01.1Ve, but elosuly. Flour dull I‘ll.l to to. nor of (10,,,1111. tY 111.11.1.-I'llll,l van la red, 42,derti, , re choice Itnryinn,l, tdrj3a..l„ (rem —.piny Improving. and lower) Bide. wlllor, Ver43l; yellow, Yoe. Onto, Zr;dilu. Me.n lordir ehoulderr, Lard, netVi% Whinny—on mile,. Lonleville I.oMintte, Februarry lt —Tobace6 sotive for higher grade.; 104411de Gr.i.062. hupur dbe Ploorslo. Primo Hod W heat 32.95. Luria efirree; Ear.6se. (lute, We. Hulk Diem Pork. 411. Prim LAW'. Bulk Ohooldalo 10000. e iliseou—Clear Bides Ile; boon hams no, hacked. flaw Whl4ky Cottou . .nc. NOW 0:10001 Bogor— Prime 1414 e.. Philadelphia Market. Pititariztruia, Yeb.l4.—Floor dullvweet en, 111.2.50. Wheat dull; tales lOW prime red at. V.,SuZ3; white $3,0., Bye $1,37i4. Corn active{ ealeauf LLAMA" bu.'.lelluvr, at 111. Oat , / ideady. tirocerlea uuebanged.. Ileas pork 0473. Lord /31;°. Whia icy ; $1,76 for COgGrapalld. relXoll.ll.llll /111.11woolteo 'Market. Itiowitairer., rob. 11.—Flour -dull. Wheat very du11a.142.03 for (do 1. emil 111.141!.4til for No 1. Da oftiles at, 1.50. Corn firmer at Bla for No I. Provisio lly wool pok of fered at k1e1,50. No I Lo rd lOno. Urea;ed nogg quiet sail AVM Yt CY/lit% • ,', 'LItIPOICIIII /BY 24&11.2110&12. PITTREIVIIOII, FOIL, WALT&II & CIIICACIO It. IL., Febrciry 11.-1 car fiallifeod, W 1" I'at tersmi:3 do pig metal, Nimlok & c 0; 8 bin muctitner7, McNlsh & Dation': bbls wheat. W C Derag; la bbl,, scrap Iron. D Crawford; I /ibis ePlrlts, 8 Li Watson; 20 able whisky, LFUrecll 100;2 bble butter, VOlitt , & ern 93. rolls paper, Pittehurall Paper Mani Co,• 1 car brick, U Ileckmaider; 0 amid y al° bids; Z Wain wrigla; irl do do. Carmen. ("Arlington a co; 41 bas coffee. J 8 Dilworth & co; 7 00.10 apples. Blair & Woods; ISt sacks oats, W 11 rattenon; 107 bags , 1 bola bags. W W Moor; " 00 bye !Jacky, rye Larson. Darlington A col 1 car bay, W J Steel & Bro; 00 °addles tobacco, Newcomer, Goo & cm 10 butts du. Bbriyer, Spencer &co; 1 Mr bardwarc,llub /cY. Adam. & co; II • deers, Potter,Alken & 811epard; 1 car plow beams, .1 4.: Bidwell; 3 buls Iron, 1 kir do, Alcamo, Hay. & co; 1 bog hardware, Day, 75cAboy & &Mang; 1 bbl but t&r, .1 8 Stewart; 53011 bids, 13 A Fahnestock nuts,on ; 25 doz palls, Arbuckle .2. co; Ai dozen WJ 8 Dilworth & co; 9 do do, 2 do tuba. W W Bradshaw; 3,10 do, it lloaslotoni 3do do. J J Drayer 2 dodo, Watt & Wilson; I btrrel molasses, ' W St Gormley; Ice bids flue Dllworth & eo; 1 boa Water, 12 krit's lard, Blair & W 01.1114; 10 bble dry apples ' 17 amity 1)25.10 kgs bolter, 1 empty ale bbl,llaworth, 11401/Onald & 00;49 bids apples, 1 bbl flour, I. 40bairs D Wog& 1 Go: 40 !Ails apples, (Arad& Boit eri rags, (Mtlfrey & Clark; 3 bids wine, 1 kg do, Traurntan & Applebaum; ll kgs bet r, yolgt AM 2 .. 19110 lioops, 11 . F_Adams & 0012 do de, A IllcLiintook; 100 hem ,Bour,elio , Maker & Willi / car ho.'loy..r. Wainwright; 2 curs blooms, Farb Bros; 1 oar ltronstone, shoenberger & lilair; 1 car Iron tallo, Wll Brown ; 5 curs plg metal, Jas Wood, tioas & 1 co; / do do, .1 Moorhead; 1 car !staves, Italy& & llobinson. ' ALmionsirir BrATiost, February 11—I car bay 15 Well; 2 do do, .f Dead; 1110 do, Stew art & c0;25 bgsMimeo!, Kell & Itltchart; .53 1.011. apples' p F tirubbs; U ears wheat, Coy, Nemo It at; I do do. hennealy & Bre; 1 car , Matigw, McCurdy a ldelllnnis; 2 cars hay, 1 car corb, Nennedy i,othrop. , Aitamtver VAL.IIII . Itaitnoau.— Full. 11, , ear ism, w p Bock & co; 1 do drop and "mile. Martin, lirlokell & co; 14 tikes pro duce, J it Uraliarn; 23 bush potatoes, W /Sayer, . - PIITSBIJRGH • ROPE WORKS, MARSHALL, FULTON. & ULLMAN, 0 1 21 7 W.tntititoucrs,lrt the Weet Or HEAVY CORDAGE, Bultabla for Steam and Coll Dort.. ILAWSEJI LAID OIL WELL ROPE. Tarred Ropes for• Coal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, CMlLtillitt CUTIWS, ite., Waiehoafte, H 4 mud 113 Water Street, Nom. blumorticallels House. Tim river rose considertiblY Y ,, sterdaY, and was still rising rapidly last evening, with every prospect Of is flood: The weather yesterday wan wet and sultry, and last night there was a dense fog. Admits front Kittanning and Oil City report the ice in the Allegheny as having broken, and we may expect to fled that stream fall of heavy denting lee this morning. As there are a gaud-many oil flats and barges frozen at different points between here and Oil COY, we should not • be surprised to heir of a goods proportion of them having been car• sled oil. Thu it C. Gray got 10 from Cincinnati yea tardily with a gnarl I rlp. COUNBling of metal, and thu Bellevernon, which boat, arrived on Wednesday evening, also hod a gond Cargo. •• That Ilayard arrival 'from Parkersburg, but did not venture out again, Wing Apure. Lenitive that. Liao AlleglionY ice taught err -vent her from getting back. She,will loon ono trip mid lay over until !Sunday. 'The Argosy cleared for Cincinnati yester. day, ltltn fair trip including a immune! of Iyagorio, .wkleh.aha " reablp for :Sew LI ItMantl. The Heiden Era was making preparations to leave when 'We left - the whi.rf, and no doubt, she, got otf for New Orleans., She .did not have much of a trip from this point. Mr. A. ti. Atetlailum. Jr, clerk of the steamer'Armenle, was married la-t night to Miss Sarah. daughter of J. J. Gillespie, Ifs.i." Alter thy ceremony; whiai Wok place at the resideneo of the bride's parents. wail over, sod the Matta oongratulatimui ex tended, the happy wind° left on a short eastern tour. .•. . • The &Ivor Luko 10. 4, Capt. Totld, to fill ing up eteadily fur SI. Louid, and will to morrow without fall: 'rho l'olumbla, Capt. heed, Is announced for Nashville, and Wile toi•niediate points forthwith. The clerks of the Columbia are dlesaraißusselk and 81l er. .i. , 5 tarp . McDonald left iOr . Caro yesterday to SOUR! up the business of the into Orin eli Alt:Donald I'rleal, coal deal era. Prltalt, as will be tunicod below, Bled on Ttreaday: CapL 'McDonald, In order to make the trio more itr.:mild% took his { butter half With him—sensible Idea- huystLo 06 Louie Democrat; Thu Arabisn has the appear - Ammo/ sward, light-draft etentner. e,would Sat . beetles prligal Ur learn Of her biloatuing a Et LOUIS and elver 'Tentless& rtVerPucket. Capt. ill. A. Lox, "Mu brought her here, returns to a few days to Pittsburgh, to assume com mand of another new, ehortg out,' perked.. The Caldr4lll 10 popular here, and we hope Ulnae/el= Won on a ht, Louie packet. Wu noticed. Met - Wier day that the paper shoosquoted reported the new stuarecr I Eibllla Bennett tut loading at Pittsburg for tit. Louts. This lan mistake The Ile greet has not earl %.1 lietc )1,1. [Sint Brownsville, sell bcaldes site in Intended for the packet line beta veribtil , aunt Brow Der /1.10. The towboat Bee, trona ht. Louis for New Orleans. grounded her four loaded barges Oft, miles below bt. Louis. rank 31eCteds, master of the boat, alleges the cause of the mishap la a 411014 N DI WU owners of the channel. - The Renton, Antergni and LeOnere No. 1 hero luedlug at Lluelunall fur Pittsburgh on Tuesday mid were advertised to leave on Wednesday. One of the barges of the Tigress canto In with the steamer AbsoimOn ;MD.- day teareiqt a Nlie .' r fcrer g git i way ard (Pot i te . : .". 14 to her derrick, and with her spar crushing in the holier leek and railing. ller nun d oat seriously damaged. elm ergot ed a protot att•lsneilos,tusde flight repairs, and proceeded on her way. Asmall floe Apt or her freight sra. Probe /AT knocked et erboard lap( Dryden teli , graphs from Louisville under dull, et TISCAdily, I . OIIOR. 1 . 110 following tow brags hal e arrived from be- EAKIN Marne% Wild Lk; and E. IN Horner. The following MAYO arrived Into I ate..., with coal :gar, Baltic, Bengal It ifer, eating., Werner, uray, Howard, exiles, and N. 1. 131,cler len barges loaded with op, the lads to elai I log ono hundred thousand bushels that hat. so passed. The steamer starlight has been chartered by Messrs. Lon A liumphr , ) 5.0 t Evansville W 1,14 . • from that port to Johnson, elle, up tn. cone‘stv. A mutt na.nn C. DarsoPort. alto re sides at 11 Int Lester, by , ae frightfully maaried try tire streams L.Millatia aty be fore seaterds). NI sr Ne.uor, Ind. Ile had e * i.le " tri t e ft e T toc of k m r o a l ltrert ' o Ar e a t.t s c o r a t7te e to " , o a u nt the boat backbit: out rte ....caught be. Osten die oue and the beat and Lorribly trashed. Ills inlurtes proved Lod Cant. Win 1.. Priced. a sell-known coal mert,hant at Carte. died Si that place Ott abra l 61 st. L sot Poe.. cm menced steatubscatina se a Meta ott the Lou:soil. and et I.M. ratekets and lima hem, coinstiandcr of the Atlantic and Ar. thur defer* he wan in the wlaurf-boat hub. tows at Monello. rho Die ergion, recently snick in the Loner Mississippi wu 12101., or ten yearn and lusurot in int intuit IMilers tor for 015,0 . 0. es follows Enterpose, essei, and Boatmen MaVlolia,l.Jutmerclal and fleet. vie. for *Aro each . W e Min the following items from the (..k. - ! Monett Orstater.of, of Wednesday , Tor taw.. and Emperor came down to I luAdttlit relterelty. Thu Nora. }. ' apt. AtulY Vomit r, has girt.up her top 10 the lc Ar .inss. ricer. Capt. //oraiat was In the cite yesterday. Ile .111 shortly take charge of the Mitre of one of our "outhent iccArtel. The Maggio nays reahiPluel a large number of plows ou the es allow, for New orkana. Capt. Jolla O. Berson was among the ktraders passengers fur New 11,. Trans last Meg. /le will probably relieve Captain etcln in the esimuntint tat rues line packet. W.I. trip. Lautalu J. A. }'reach, an old steamboat commander. 10 now engaged In cutton planting at Australia Landing, twitter county, Albeit... Pi. oltieedla lr leaves is lilt lits fatulO for the platitarims, on the Uotien tin. Captain trench tutmerly revilditd In lingua sun, . in. Capt. John 14010 ic Is, of Pottottottth, Is to the city. el/nelt, John" 110) Captain .care's new mountain steamer,bUlldltlif at l'ortsmoutli, will be cumpietss, mud lemon (need:MHO an rue 11th, and st. tools on the 2:Ali of Plura l, , ur the bead waters of the Slistrouri. mho ta W halm tutpaelty for Oen; itAl tone. =3 Ballimora narket RIVER NEWS. STEAMBOATS. a • a 1867. PITTSIDUIDIII AND ST. LOUIS 3Pshollsot L iao. eompoied of the rull(prlim splendid ettamt. btl , !...ENti MR, LO/LICNA, hp,66I".IIATV, IV A A NITA. NEW A It'd ZNI A. SI !AC I. K Z No. I. 11114 (. 11111.t .. Arr. KATE ?OWN'. TOltliT.l‘T ho 11, VIA/1.11/ N A. line of the s h o re ho At. wII I lekre Tor all Int.:mediate forts c tACIA WED:4ES - and hAtOll.l/AT. at A o'o,oll C. M. Freight Anti I.Ata.hiters rreelple.llhroc.it h all Vc i estc; . .. " r ' y be . ! " trllle " ;:o l l;_ . ,Lnk 8 1 1 - 1 , „A,"1 111,nt i tit et nlver l'ulet. vv. Not e ldlosourt c Pet, twmte.. Apply L..ILACE. CULLINti WOOD. lIAILNEO AL 1,1.1.1:4., ag. am or Capt. maim. butlnAN, eswrint ..i.t. • tro. Olator Weal. (up "aim, Ult CAIIDI AND NT. ••• tr.Lcum—Tbt aoemneroLL. VEIL L an $ A Cato. TWA, will leave a 3 abota ILVVoILDAI 1.11. Israt., at Ir. M. • yo, fro .et or apply ou oo•oI or to FLACK & COMA IVrOOD. Oil OAR *gaols. 14011 MEMPHIS AND -- r ari W CaLLICANC , --Tba•PlClldia 4.1.111 el = =2! Wlllleove for Om &butt, otot slI Intortordlate porta or .KATU r IL pp. LIAT. Yob. 18th. board Vr to r.:12 •:llal:l.Y.d REGULAR WEEKLY ciwol ATI A'ACKET,giaMit - 1, - E AVM/ AVERY WELthl3l3 t.Y AT 1: —Thn 11.4 and coin:ll6lW. . . . Cape. I.ksr, VANDIUCLIPT, evotti Clerk. lpi board or to ' """ - Lend' , CS, Biel" TiVIR GALENA AND p.!, yalkil32U/S DIUECT.— One putenger steamer II kVANNiII . ' Capt. A. Mr(luw.tx. NVIII 'rave for the shore and all Intermediate , port. on the 10th of March. CoI.t.INUWOOD. JUllhi FLACK. Agent. (CM It. U. ti navy. Volt Pit. Plitt, 11 . I.ata is t Jn. tnECT.—The .new eldr.whetl steamer I , lllln,pllC 'Capt. J. W. reuntitz Will Imo, for the oboen anti all lot...meanie polts on IIAnTIIDAY.RIth of Mont: • J. IL I.7I.LLINU WOULP. Jon I FLACK, Agents. foil. ' It. V. ORAL Fait NASUVILLE.-.--- • The bleamer 0J1.P1.111 A Uto RZWP, U Tit ky, the Liot loot.. at 4 'clod; P. X. JNO. FL•Atfi, J. D. CULLING WOOD. }*[cute. fell - - SANUEL M. WICKERSIL4II, Iron ..l&roker, 124 First Street, Actal. for the aaln of Cornwall. Donaghnlori, . Isabella, linueannon. ktanbet., allendennd other hr and+ of.anthrvaelte, ICuu,h; barbel:qt ,a .:aka and 01.1phsat, C. D. Charcoal I'll.l /MI NN. Conalattamptlta and orders respectfully 1011 a. ted. Jali:raa ItOLIILL'ES, BELL, & CO„ • Anchor cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, til•nufseturers or ANCHOR (A) PiIIii:ETINGN. AAC/1011. (1))1411/KETINGN. ANCHOR (C) eiIIEETIN4:II. And UATTU)U. saylletiA) IM/ t LE r 9 THE COURT OF QU ARTER •encastoss .r Aj,ctotaLta COUNTY. remosylecola.-111 the matter of t...e WIDENIIIO OF WiMITEIX HTBYET Between !lief: and Tunnel wee. us, Eentember Session. 1515. The nnderalenef, Oommteelonee ti2Poinfed 1014 Cadet to take .ha teethe me.altered by tee Ibterested In the Me ore . matter sett the tome to the Court. w 111, attend to the dram, of In lootronteeent at his Ofe , e. No. tt (trete street. rltteeueleb. fa . on TIO2SAT. 741 . 16 . h. 1 , 47. at 2 O. lock, r. wh-n end [hers ell pullet can atteu llf 'hey eeo prover. ALFRED JUKE, Commissioner. MEI 1-1 TRE COURT OF QUARTER A 103.90 a t ALLIte• IttsY CUUNTY. Penesylvatos,—ln tit, matte: ol the VIM:NINO Or fillitbOt . ' STREET, Between Na t ive land Steven•on ntreats, In the Niabth Heron( the lity or Clttihurith• • No, deptenmer cessions. len. The undersigned, lit [OMB/dent r appeir ted by told Court, to take the testifimay onered by the parties interetted In Cou r te matter and te non the .1128 to the will attend to the lull's of his appointment at hie *Mee. No. Ti Brant street, J . it,bur• 11, l's , OS W EDNEY , . IS s Schrum". TM, p e rsonslsM n Ore. r. at .11111 e •• nd all p interetted c an Mond If they see peeper. - *Lila!) EEN, Comm Klectoer. IMEI OA PIIANS 9 COOILT SALE.-41y . V Aikglgiggir . '..."tZtf‘‘a b .Liger....npaYt t t:f tgr of Jo in ...orntseth totltt sell tst nt . htlessle on , the yresolas. Um Borough of 31 ncltester. on • SAIRDAS, OEB, 271, ISG7, if 10 O'CLOCK A. L, UI thatcertain ult./tonal, and lot of ground on the north side of Sheffield street commencing at the 4liblanCe 01 chty-sc•en fret eatwardly from Coasting street. thence castaway along outfield street sevoutr-thrce feet nine Mead: thence nnthWardly paella with Charlie. /1%;! a thtrV-et e[ feet to an enty..hret tart nine Inches: and than! south wanly and pallel with chartiera street to the beginning; banana front of sanity-three feet aloe Inc hu n dr ed wated Orn. to extendlelt backnue ena thirty f ort to an alley... which Is erected a twos tory tact dwelling house lately ocenpleti by the &messed. Thata—atAtltt, conarmatton of sale. Posses sion on the ant day nailp next. Ille chaser to pay for dual snmp. ;selPsspus fel td. If. COLLIN:S. ndntlnlstrator. A LILEGIIENT --- coubrry. (:oath of Common MIL No. f 0 December Term. 1.6. In she Matter or ttle,l appllcatlon Or the Tratotas ISuilding anal Loa Associallina of Lawreueerlllo, far a Charter of Ineorpurstloe, • .End cow.-to will Now 2011 L OWL oart direct aald writing to he Bled la ilia ogle./ of Vie firothonotarr of- the Court of Common FICA. In and for said snooty, sad notice thereof to tie published to ohs newspaper ,prta Led In the Clip of Pittaborgl4 and .suntysforteald. for at Inlet three weeks. getting forth that an appil• called hat been mane to am COQ re for the par- Woe of granting the eulka liallding Ltd Load Aolloclatton of ih that hue lima ill be ;e tea errencevllle, a Cbarter of 15- at Coali of a. ante if exteptiOna he neat te•m of tet., will be filed le prober time. IST TUE Cl/11ItT. ISO) VII USCO JACUI3 U. WALTER, rretto.y. =-• . • All perrons latereeleal vlit plea. to takg no- Sloe of the shorn abler of th i ti . C4ott r , war ,. /Morley for the Agplientlon. .EXECIITOIrg NOTICE.--Letters testi/hen Len . on the estate of reellll How/. late of the Iforoaeh of Tarentom. Alletheer Onnet.y. drewaeeti. Lariat tree• WIWI/tee to tee owlerelgneit, all persoe• ladebt. toast.] es. tale ave req•ested melte Imuientele payment, sad theeehaeiew Vein.. to ' , reseal. thou Droll. authent JOHN felt WI N ed. for GLIn a lettleineut, , Or/ Elal• /WWI., tale wife 11 fellaae- SALE The Property kosarnas the ..tiovern meat Taskoory &SIC gi 011 saw nail;' into heventy.ttre &eras or Land. near Nan Antonio, Texas. • SCALE) PRAtiron•lAw. to MAPltrttes will f.e 1e...0 be to tee YIPS? DAY o Y M n ie.ltl. Ind. foe the peeenue ofl3 ...sof Laud, Wee .Ar less.) WA... with the e reek. there on, sod appertimucos apurtnintne, that Is to nay. UN TAN conta.loy If Stone I.lsne Vsltn. Ylfty-two Wmolea V.s. eleven Moon Poole; ...Zupan... unntel ISA. Mlles Per VNC •nentn ITEAM 'JAW MILL. mumble et sawing Staten. et lumbar daily. 016 1MAL.:15T1).3.6 The SbOris Dopes) t• situated about two miles above tan Antonio, on tbn ban Antonio rater. and she wain la contuted to thAs entabilstoteni try s twee. of hewn slue laid in cement. Ile tanAl was porchn.d and improvement* madelZA6 Into so-am id Confederate tiovern w. Wt and are e.t.:plead to hate coat ` l lie property Oita bee■ mailer lanes for It. year lent at a monthly tof VA. tss - ammo/ A .enesst no In fro Om/. w W trilitt‘en by the United A. nits lica•rneneu , Vropaaala Will tee marked —Vnryiusaie far- rrume u S.nsey sod saw 31114 . • and addressed J. ii. bet 31.0 Asst Cam. Bent e li. Y. A A- 1.., tist A eu, Tr ann. NOTICE TO °RISERS OF DRAYS. HACKS, &C. Nott•er 1. hereby Olga to all closer..of Urea out. Drays, 41:aet., carriages. tle,et,a, t oote.o2,2thot the CRY of Ettlabotah. to pay thoL, blcmoes at the Treat r'. Waco f tte .ill Of rill. Ittar,b. 1 further/1 P h. la dircurol•lir, 0114 54 .. nroved March rt. IMO aad ordlnao., cr the uher• of the rift al pa...e1l etprll Luanne. not paid an or helbre Ilse la oill plaord le the hand, of the Alder of nue.coirectllho. labp7Cl kr hie re, ,rf tbr the eolloollto theriorl aod oil per... ho neglect or hero.. to tate oat 14-austo old he Salhact tea peselly. ttl fool, ual lecfore Ift,t r. to the •010050 tho Toe old metal plater of previous tears amyl r. at the hetao the LIVID., ate tetra out, or ray7..s coot, herafor. . IaTE, OE LICE? : TAW. the 110 to ..... E.O T•o , !for. Vetorl 11 , ...hr0ur Iluoe - . • . Esc r, T., Hon, ..... ..... oa oatiAtitue. and Timber la 1krc1...1 cave 14 to.. Low/4 rialateest dultara each. Vor each ad.ll - IfenNe a , e,l fel tor of In. al. I. vr.lelt. OM.daliar. n ALLAN Dl{ et. Clt3 Traaatard r. FeWutet I. IlEde (04-1:.1 SZIMERIOR OAK TAIENED,PAT ANS IrtaLTVIIILL /LAD RIVETED LEATH= BELTIIIG MD 1108 E, Issetstftctuttd id No. 68 avrinITELD err., by HARTL.EY. PHELPS & CO. Ax.nts tbr New York ILobtmr Co• (.41 - un. 13elt,ing. Almais en Panda.l parlor .{..Ill) of LACE LL ATUall and UILU 11.1" DYLAN )'CII LU Y VIIS nua L Ulla. 11ELT :! . 1 . 11 . 141:1,i'TR ACT for 75 TO 100,000 BUSHELS CHARCOAL, Derby the coming M 1... Delivery to et/te mente In to letti April next. Apply tour adore. MOORHEAD & CO.. 99. Wafer Sired. derpoidwr BROADWAY EICILLINGE RESTAURANT, 101 COPSES 11171 191111111111 TM 104 Ladies' Dining Booms 2d Story. vitriol CAM (11iliTEILY AbD CAMS ut all kinds uu hand. 1567. MONUMENTS, GIIAVE STONES . Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, Vases, • ♦NL DESIONSOF EVERT DESCRIPTION, T. BROQME, =212M2 THE LIGHTNING LAMP . n. C. ,cruvrono ?MIL: JONES, CRAWFORD & VOGEL, Agts, THE MOST `POWERFUL AND TRULY RRILLIINT CO.ll. OIL OM Adopted by U. S. Government.' Li,p i ngo rtrit Cheap and .0...tin0. nr...l,lTiMftWifurit.t.l.7= es, and as She wick Is merely &conductor, never trgnlrcs a^ Dimming. Burners on tale &noel &lunyil d Kieigrrilertri. STATE AND Ofrico• oPPosite Post Omen, atorn News Depot. second Door. nto2l NEW PAPER IiANGINGS !:2,R P . AItLOU7I.-itcnch Uttlßei. nltik Uuld uii immuuris u " -romm. r.""" ini t rgra-240w arra rattorni o lictl Clay round. tiiii:NiAlliltlOJl—Lana and bins/la gattam ....leg '4d.. W. P . !VA R Wand HAS ROW A LAIWE STOCK OF eAsa r H ugurNe Clobir r EOTIONVIIES. you Tali HOLMAN, VT Ilne Wain w hi. .up VABur, at 111 Mad el Federal I/t.. Allegheny. den,rdo ..ltr.connxtro lanutAluir'fi Virtc.r . •LLaugrrisr Cirr. 4. ice. 1. SPECIAL NOTICE.—PIane. -Es*4 TIM Lists or A”elltmapt en the V.lrerlX. hmm ae d od i te e t co w" o rbtoiwe u.l whle Den [or luapeetlon at l• triller, for • period if order or Blerg and Common Councils... = INDOW SILIDES — A new lot et new d law:ln na on Tan. and Ituß an tironnd ~ WO tiolditrid and rninta.l nor dna., AL No. IVlMarkai Wart. • Jim, ki. AUttalti IHRICIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAIIOIIIEBI wa•rwisia:crxtco-wr, 111A2177AGTUBIIIS or AMERICAN AND CLAIR Baur; Hoop, Sheet and Plats Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T BaiL4l6 & `2O Ths. to the yard; Tram Balls,punched and conn- ter sunk Boiler, Bridge aild Tank Rivet. Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and'Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; itailroadCar h ueels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Roiled shafting: Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WASZIIOUSE AND OFFICE. 120 water:and 168 Front Bte. NUMMI HOUSE. Nos. 22,24 ind 26 River St., ~Len CIIIICAGO, UNION IRON MILLS, BIRTH WARD, FITTSBID3,GH. A CONSOLIDATION OF THE CITY IOBOE•' AND 'CYCLOPS DION CU." OXNZCAL NARCFACTUOIIIS OF IRON AND FORGINS,. npeelal attention glean to : the manufacture of Hammered and Rolled Lotomo- the and Car .iales, .13.2+0315eX."117 333FILASTro. BALta M tOL UC U IN B HAllt. tIt'LLUE BAAS, MUMS LTN dc.; LINKS AND HOLM. 1 SIAM, UIKUER iIk OCTLUOH•L JIOLLUW. WROUGHT 12011 AY3II/: T .L.ND ANKLE IRON. MI. =I 9S Water and 126 First Streetei OFF/U LT THE WOIDY4,I LNTII WARD. PITM WU II °en-Li ATLAS WORKS, oftro,r STREET. Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. llllLLER,President Throe Wortr'are among the larreat anti most Cosopleto ertaltlttt•mrut tlta Watt, and 1.1.1 now pre- trod to rurtiloh Eccry Deaggil4.loll, Bollers,f,tml Tante, Sheet trou Wort, . Railroad Caistiugs, Rolling Mill CasUna, Eugine CasW%a. Haihine Catalzwi, General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED. pITTIMUIUM STEEL WORK •KOCRYON, COOK t CU., I=l IlannewWu* of Lte butaannod Cut MeII. rut nn o,l.stuct, of LII saten, tlaua. Roe. )CO L and Bbut Cut Zuct, (hull *Seel for Waning and Mnwhig Machines. ISLYST PLOW WIN $, Opsozong. Az LIM CLOCVLAJID, Ike. Cat x Clizaziou inutnigtiA: Vpring nteet Mee—Corer, or 7 . lrvt •n.l ItomrrtZeela. t1'o• .• above t:140 MooongaimiS CS= KEY.STONH IRON WORKS. ECITTCHISON7e - WS a, co., "soulacteal:l, of tac =vent .trn of Bound, Square, flat and • Horse-Shoo Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, 3:w IA Ol Reel Iron, &c,, &c., &e. Work. I . lDr TOWNIStiI P. on Nouvusattels liver. gllce mud seren•,u.e: - - No. 146 Water St. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS MILLER, 808 3 PEKE A, It&KUIPACTIIIILAS Of BEST QUALITY EAST STEEL Warranted Maya' to aaky la Mt Mar• het. either Imported - or of Do- Ineetle Manufacture. USUAL ATTEN T IN TOZINIL OAST IBIL ITTEILL. Mice, 38 Wood Street, IN T. CHARLIE 1102314 BUILDING. rm.:Britoil!, Jot. 14th. BAS. 1e1Y:.14/ DUQUESNE IRON AND STEELWORKS. HAILDIAN, RAHN & CO., or Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. 'mama AND A. B. EISEL, COMMIII2I Dan,. 7'7 Wester AM tree. rITTSBURGIEL lE. B. WOLF. JR., &CO. l Hardware& 0 utlery". Atop now receiving largo additions to oat stock IMILIch is oared to Dealers at ELANITELIFLIN7 ..vustacurue. Omer Liberty and St. flair Sts., wuttaitom-633,, MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, OPPOSITE UNION IRON MILIA, .1."1"Z"1.033117.171.131r.13. Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings. LICMfIB! HD CASTINGS GINBAUT. Orden promptly and carettlll7 es.cut.d. 0LLA.8.3113 itILOONABLZ. IIiEIIT & DLiCELISID. oe13:121 • 111. 1101120111%....-. ...... a.lkl.nUal ()WAIL& BOILEII WORKS. MORROW & BARNHILL, narturseroassa or stem . Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators? Taints. Balt Pans, Gasometers, Wrought Iron Bridges, Sheet Iron Work, ase., COIL LIBERTY AND SECOND STB., • PITTED UR GU, REPAIIIINO' DONS PROMPTLY. noll LIPPINCOTT& KIROWELL,' No. 118 Water Street, MAYbIrACII7I=II or PATENT GROUND. - PATENT TEM EKED, . I PATENT lean= crseotan, .iattrAT, alma, C11064-OUT Atti. liTiT . lelkdas BLACK DIABIOND rr IairCifFIIME4 P 171911.011.013, !ARK, BROTHER A Co., ilanutleinfore of QUALITY BNYITIED CANT ETNZLe and obebson, of all ales. Wir- V ot , d 00 , lob portud or manututured 1p 11. rouble . ). IJEMbe ased arareboase, No. 1U aud.llll /NM. an , Orrang M 13,14 MANUFACTURERS. FORT 'PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK . CARROLL A; SNYDER ILLISSIYACTIISCES or TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLUED, TUBULAR YINE-BOX & CYLINDEICSTRAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CEIDINEYS,BREECIIING AND A.SII PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DEN SER.b. STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND LILON BRIDGES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES. Ornee and Works corner Second, Third, Short end Liberty Streetn Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 10 - Oreers cent to tea above addrum be promptly atlentl 01 le. ve11:16. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIIIICE Sc CO miliurrntrz.s OP BEST REFINED CAST STEEL WAIL 1117 BD 01711,03,1/ ALL SIM MILL. MOLLY. CIRCOI,II. tiANGI ANDCaou Co.. SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND SEMI-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Steel, Cast and German Plow Steel, • rung WINO) AND MIAMI DARE SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, MCKLe.,.SHOYEL, HOE. BAHL: TORE. TOE C4LE. ANDFEY CAST 87E11% CHOW-13A.M. to.. Au, Az. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsegh, _ • • KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK', 1.11.01AC1V151F.43 or Best Common, Refined Charcoal ►tom Juniata Bloom Iron. kIEILOLIANT BAR, IBJUNU A AQUAIIE LOON, nom., BAND. T and ANGLE LOON. ROMEO PLATE and aIIENT LOON. kIOWEIL and REAPER OARS CYLINDZIL and ILI:LARD UR POWELL LOOP. BYALL T /LAMB. 'A'S and lens. to the Yard. WICOu GUT COMBS .41:WINES for same. rt..A.T RAILS. Bunched And Conatcaskak. COAL , tiCRAZN IRON. NAILS sad BITKES. Warehouse', No. BA Water sad No. d Mutat its. Works. Stcand stmt. cost, Ward., Al larnlngrelty O. Works. POLsbuttb. 11111O:1,1 N - JOSIETVIETS I IRON IND NM WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, DILZELL & CO., I BAR, BOILER, SHEET .A.D77a irJrALwia;..T.3sLe:Di. NAILS AND NAIL RODS Warehouse, 73 Water &V) input at, pirrsevuGn, re. seCkia FORSYTH'S. STANDARD SCALES. Bx,ta4er, Copying Presses, Warehouse Truck's, Baggage Barron:4, Sugar nubs aor, FORSYTH, TAYLOR & CO h oeM , ISIS 31, YAIINST ISTRKET. ROBERT LEA, I=l STEAM ENSUES AM BOILERS. • Freight Hoisters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. air Cant no or all deocript!orir wade to order. I=l I= I LIE . _ FORT PITT FOIINDRY. CRABLE4 LNAP NEPHEWS =ll 111.121 NY ORDNISAVE, • tall ALL KIN Dal or mr•vr dpeclalattrptlou bald to 11OLLLISU ablahT ILACIIINEUY and /1•70/ITS. IMPAIRS atleuded Plum berrtoforr. the best blur au will alWara be card at Ws roundry. • Hating /larboard or our old pattern.. we are prepaand, with haw lhaniolriD tutterna, covetructe/ under Lhr outwlTialob of. wb. Es - bur, to InroLLIL NAIL kIAVII.LNK• at short so tier. • 1104:0 ROSEII&I,E STOVE WORKS. L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., _ ifanslactorers and Dealers t. .11 SElds of Cooking anti Heating Stoves, HOLLOW WAUE, All yeti LATEST PATTERNS and STYLES, Warehouse, 197 Liberty Street, prrTsmunint, PA. WORKS. MANCHISTAIL. rozI:ISS VALLEY STOVE WOMS.S. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., Om. WSJ Warehon. VII Liberty at apporttt ssaittatold. Ilannfseinrca e great variety of COON, PAS LUA and HSATINU STOVES, truoag which are the celebrated Allegheny and hiunltar Coal Cooking Stores: also, the Autocrat and Sentinel Corneal or wood, and the narlealled Mar of the 1 liorrflro: for Rood; al., A.raber. Giotto. 'co ders, Horror Kettles, Dos Irons au 0 Ilullow Ha gorreratly. sob&m UTILITX WORKS. MOLMIN do SUITOR, No, 83 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, lialttiraerennns Or CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. They make • speetalty of Iron Bedstead and Pleat Bottom Porcelain,. Bedstead and Pivot .astors: IP &Mad ramtaalugs; Stops for Beton ion Tables, te. They. - also manufacture and have eanstantlionbandsThumbLatebes, Spring Latches, M./Am.'s Window Sash supporter, li•Lean's Eauentelo Sash Button, UWlty rant• Sa n d irons.t Iltnoes, Urlndatone Benettn., sash Welabtt, ae.. to. JiI:PSO AT NA STOVE WV.IIIIIIILO..RK-..1. S. EIRAD/SY A.. BRADLEY & CO. Manntactare ovary ' , Wert Of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, /Mang RUICII are 1.15 A Ode braced lOHEA I, Tiiorit, and TA.I.IIIIIAN (Ceti stc-rea:) M IKAN/1. vir.THICAN and Ildrlol.llCd {Wood Coon etover.l Al. inenaracture GRATLIS, GRATE FRONTS, ilte. Warn nod Warehouse, corneror Peoond and d rcron•te, rittabargla. Entr a nce on nomad stmt. PITT SMIRCH IRON WORKS J. PAINTER & SONS. ILIWIMACTUIO.IIS Or Iron, Hubket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, =MI CM= IRON-CITY . MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD hasofteturcra of Helloed, it Polished OEM 1 7L" ma:taw. OeYtes AND Wsnzuotiss, No. ON HAY < 114. oehlis EVEILSON, PRESTON sk CO, . PE.Y.Y7l3l"IhrwilXl4" MON Worst t.q.92l',t.2.s:lVat'UF..rilt , .!tr^:' 701. i. llllntt Imo lattidalt. nUI/ITESNE AND WEST POINT. IRON FORGES, PITTS111:1110If. Fs., man facture all classes of Foralgtemet i cat rim 13hafts, Cranks, Pliton nod.. Lerers. Pitman -lane and Wrists: alio.A vies. I.ueomn- Itve frames, and UI shape work. The undernt Outdoes. Pavans been for many ream cumiged In the Outdes. are. prepared to Insulin paall orders•o trusted to themnith promt... and distch. 1[11:[5( JO. Y. 11Alint VV. CONSUMPTION. OUGHS AND THE LUNGS. Tbo chaugcaof climate Incident to the son Dm year are rife with &row of Ihe throat aso and langs. which Will find an unfailing remodel* Dr. KEYBEIVIA INVALUABLE ••BECTOBAL lIITUUP,w caning 15 'cants a bottle. lit. Dr. Heyaer's Bettorsl byre* will cure Bronchitis. ••• • . lid. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral syrup wlll eve Bleeding Long , 3.1. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral *Yrs. ,rl/1 cur e Whooping Cough. sob. Ur. Boyne, Pectoral Syrup will ow. Cold lu the Head. Ste.t_Dr. Hews'. Pectoral liTrup .111 cure a meant Cough In ha f •day. . . 601_ Dr. Herber's DrelOral tryruP will mite's Coughs of Irng duratlart.. 7th. Dr. Keyser!, Teeforal Byrn , will .ro Laryotslilt. - Bth Dr. K 's Teetotal Brrop will core. Coosumvtlots. If take. to time. 9:b. Pr. lizywer'z rectoral syrup will cure In fluenza. la h. Ur. Ji•yscr's rcctoral Syrup 'all cure Cat mrtL.. 11tb. 1)r. reetoral Elroy will cpta Ilossxne.s. DM. Cu. Keyser'. Pectoral hyrep t. mad at most Drag eteres. Cod at the ProDeletore. 110 WaxMtreet. Cemented +ld Edarant.g Umee. 120 ream atm.. CONSUMPTION. Oar son. JoWX6 ratlrrin.'Ssotne three Tenn o ms was aMleted with eonsomp tloo or the l o urs fur Irbico he goo d trsharsoll from the arm.. tie was erandoed try physicians. , who all agreed that nem:lust di. with the amass. We brought blot to Car. KINSEtt, IV Wood Street, (nowt-hi Penn street,) who. alter 4.7no‘igtp his lunar. commenced to treat him. Sod co a him 601111 d and whit. Ile lament well sod ha. trim so for the p at three yearn. Other, Omitted In line monger can likewise be cured. J AVMS Polwran. Mat Loa Prutida. .Temperanctillles Prot. bits,lsCd. • - • Pirreitecon, Dec. beg li. t 636. • A GREAT CORN BP DA. liErbEWS PLUTO. HhALa , A county. II bada I n tough l nd t e o p w lo s tn i g . wAbeh coonnenced about the 411, of relmnary /a•ti sod continued elatt.ett mow.. I employed the hest phyalelana In the collat.'. and my conga contlnued unabated until tarty. October. At that ttme I was adslaed to try your Pectoral Cough ST ray. which 1 Md. and otter I hod taken one nettle. I was entLrely fret From the coughing awl soloing. , I Lad dasoalred of over keit,. well, and I chink that tt be. known that his valuable remedy will do for others what It hat done lo e.e. '301111C• LITTLE. Wltnesa — B. b. Eau. Peebles ouroshlp. • case of Ivo years' standins cored by In , NETISEIVS PECTORALSTRU r. rtrceacn .e. elanuary.ll. 1.551. Ln Re'rtims:-31y mite Das both aillie.ed with ..eh and illfilenlty of breathing fur Ore or sin years, which. for several Tars hack, had grad ually/nereYedlnriolence. The complaint bas been hereditary. and she had bee. treated be several physicians bout any relief. In this state other case I procured some or your f%C• TVRAL COISAIH PYItUP. I bought the lest time a hitv cent bottle. waeb nil. yell her Tet i tench: 1 then ailed and got a dollar , buttle, ' , alien cored her entirely. and she has pole no trace of the garner dives.. except vreaktieas. I uld also state that I used the inell.eine myself to to a cold and eungli. The sneakier eared me by taking one sio•e. I. express my entireaatistse lion ma medicine. and You We at Ilhatty to publish this if you desire to co so. ' WM. WIT.Ss"Pi, Alderman, fifth Ward. WHOOPING COUGH. Belo.. wlll be fond a certlecata from Doctor P. Pt rbr. onc o( oar mon mcPcclahlcliChtichl , In regard to Dr. Keyser. Pectoral byrup._ The Pectoral heron IS also as Idfalltble core for eve ry form otcoash and cold to we atollatde. • rang itundu, June ='1662. • Du. X cYcera—Dear bin I have for • long time b een I topsw ed to l ra uc v t e an c l y atht a or pate c n o t med c ic ne.. on -She con.laerralon. howe me r c tha n am doing the community a service. Inducer me overcome objection., and to publicly re- COMM,. your Pectoral byrap. We hare hart it lu our f.milv for the last a or gin years and opve gtven War coughs. ouch as are produrad colds, &c.. with the effect of alleviraing or eutire/y arresting them. During last winter our oblige,. were taboret: top the lrfeetfon of whOolo log cough. and each rat , al our three boy. was ettraged with what we bettered to be :that malady. We admlnlstv rell (our byrun and the result wag. that the whooping cough lamed with neither ot them more than ten or twelve days. 1 hope others will at least make a trial of your medicine. la such meek as we bare found It beneficial Voura. .. DIJrUI, .No.ll WyDe Stack • HERNIA OR RUPTURE. It will be observed that we have published for eomstime past an advertisement of Dr. tleorge ll.lieyser. of LIMMoSid street. iltesbargh, In reference to Tr../ and other mechanical appliances for the cure And relict of .hennla, rupture. besides wariontbrokeoldown conditions of the tktattan body which are nattily beyond the reach of medlystion. Dt. Keyser Itu liven this branch of the trustee.. greet +pea tlonfot sever al pay• past, mid we think we are 3.1111 Cd In serlag that be sun prebends It thorosehlY. Ton can gat at his store,. Shooldsr Braces for weak marts, pestle /floatage for varicose veins, rile Prop, for the care of Plies, and. In Met, army variety of mechanical appliance. Dr. Keyser Is the Inventor visitant for the radical. can of Decal toritaplntes DO perfect Di Its parts am: so comfoi table to the wearer, as to outs the admiration of all who may need atoll ass appii• ARM He has recently Caen In communication wl th moms of Um ablest and slut caps, leneed tree, aorgeons In the Unitedlidades, and feels satialle d that all those who hare been plagued of annoyed with and tincornihrtablo trusses. can he accommodated by calling at big eohsialtmas coeds, No, 1110 Donn steent, or at pis Medicine and Truss Depot, 140 Wood atrect. Oaks horn from tint to (Urea A. M...ofi one to four r. offlulatc•killilits:44sll:. M.ny persons have rested content In the be lief that able and ear diseases, however tr..... Wme. wilt wear oat of theinstive. or that o remedy will avail la effecting a cum: In this. Y Potal Persons have sal:reeled through bait ado en •esrs, who might cash/ have been relieved at the onset In as many week.. So s'ao with re= gird to the ear. •pretedlec ati Obtained that the °aria ton delleate on organ to be treated, or es If o f te „, e „p„,..,o,lrAmrsup WITII; bract aun• deeds have tbo remained dear for the greater part of who might hare been ;vent], eth,,eed, and In many Instances, completely re stored to their hewing, had proper sast.a.„ e been timely applied /be, aa easy readily be emit by • per.al of the following eerthieste. also eke ,wenslen to rernuk that the testlntoid altos.. from • soorce close at halal, an AIM' where. upon Inquiry, sayer., later toted cm. satisfy themselves of Its truth: Elgrantratar, July 114 tote. Uexa Eta:-1 taltoplessure In adding My tes timony to that or others In favor of lir. Keymes mesh:neater' deafness. My son b. been afflict ed for eve years with deafness produced from scarlet fever. At times be mild not hear at all ind could only onclarstand as we would motto, terMltn. 111.*Peen, had also become alt. third. Having tried Other re°dies Without reeelyine any lomtlit, I applied to lie. heyarr, ap4 under treatment Lc has entirely ethol l ered, .d can own hear as well as tree iterlld. h 1.1. tin } No. In BeavJerul st fret, Alle ME gh n a y, To Dr. ittlyfer. IA 0 :Cita Street. intlhtl PENNSYLVANIA ,ntrß , -, EL , lt i ti.) . o, d -WINIIPAIN o.4Tt Pennaylvltata invert Depot. AlNghenNtirvi; al nar, t Part t\o. I 411. hit %nub 'y Not 5:20 let( Sharoalia No 2 to...te- xall 6:u5 Alai Experts 10 , 1ta.m:lp hbarps'a Nharptb . ir No 4 2:.22 r, y, y^artit~ uR Eap„.! . " Ott rJi yeaeport lay. 2 6611 r. X. jahavidali ilhor.x ellarpab'eS.oa r, x. !Free port ho 2 .- .541P . Ellarpslie No tl 9 05P.M Mhorrotb•2 No 6 LA'cl="l39rTM:trutl' TlelfloWotPottu't2dTac,:a.pes.7 Twenty, twittery' •Ileyheny It). Clerstael Menet. Barra. Bennett; pin, Creek. Etna and Menet/nes, and coal only on lb.. Palon so op nay be purebaand at Walter's PLC.. .new wo. Int. Lisle newel, Pt or POSpet4MOO 1 1 61 a l ls:72tlllg e tr h a:l7:VO rut tuna Any task for Beae, except far earily, par.d, and Molt Wide retnoutthlllty to trh• DUN ratan Dott-tutl In value. All har Wait ea reeding t tic amount In pane. will Pe at toe rapt of the Owner. Unless fates or sped.' contract. For further IP brIM•1100 Spy!).) at Depot, to JAMES LEFFERTS. •gerd, Federal Street be 1113113 PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ann-RoAD. DecTmb er Wilt Treble arrive ana leave last/Wes laep2l% enr. r Waahlegura and Liken) eta, u eu..lllV. _ Mall rale .... I,M) • veWay. Es_pres4 raat • lel Wall l allo. 1.. W all !a .11/. 11:21 • m ?telt:reale • .. Minton No. N. .itO ato Wall, No. t... 9:815 m Wall , . No. 2... Icin • m •Ctricin , u to. IoISC • in Johnstown Ac. 9,505 0 Wall.• No. i... 1 1 .109 Baltimo e trail pea Braddock Not. sten p 3rt Express Bs 4110 all's No. p m, Wall .• No. C.. tno p re. Wall , . NO. 4... Cee p m I Wall's No. 6... 646 p Braddock No.l. lktOp niWall , Na. a...t0d0 p Wall's No. .. p 0 Past Unit 1046 p Alto-ems Ancona Johnstown Ad. Ijo p 0 and Eitagtailt. '.. 10:3 p Daily, all amen 0294571 excepted. IlheChnren Trains tear W alrs MUCK arlt iltinday as);lsa. reachlor Plttaliargh at le-Of a nu BotnrninkleavesPittabursih at min p. m.. .d omega; WalPalltallon The Baltimore Express will antra with the Philadelphia X 170090 IL% 1:6 0 9.m. on EYndgs: 2401 . 10 L—10 cog of loss, the renusylvitnla 0. 1. real will hold themselves tesportstble tot "...nal ta y nnage only. and fin . amannt not ramadling al= tall W. H. HatIttWITH.-/Ltent. • THE PITTP RO H, FT. WAYNE & 04. IL, AND CLEVELAND RITTPHUStiII R. It Tralna Intro and tease at this Union Hefei. es fblbwa:' LzsVit.. ashy.. Erma Trn. soal • Q-ohleaso BETo.II/= P 1.11 4 4KE 1 1 . 101 it ' A. h' 6 4 4lis. ; Claus° mm m Hut.. /tau p fibleago Ex.... 3:40 p 111 CI.S Wh i t Ea 1.4 ay. gg4 . 2. -p, P t h iTi; Cl. Ptiti P Pm Depart f rom Allextleay. /alive In Alleghe•ey. N. Erie Ac. 9W am Leetsdale Ae_ Tf23 am Leetadels lOttle a SIN. Nein :am am • • `• ./ Hee aus ...life am Rochester " tral m Wale Cutts " lit 47 •at p milectsdalo 11:16 am Leetetale A.e . • p m •• •o •. Onitt P N. Brut imp m,N. Reset .• LSO • m Br tn " .1.•13 p miLsetsdale. ••• SDP am Leetsdale ./ 10:30 •• 7XE. am No wan. teary PFS - 10..Z.L.Psr burgh Eteday. Kr. rrISIMIT. -deoll /A-MTERD: Ora eral , I.ltßcet Ai 1.. PITTSBURGH, COLUSIBUS CIN DINH AT/ /LA ILE4M.D. , —Pax-Eloxatir - Route.- 102 and after MONDAY, January_ ate. LW,. trains wlll avlre and depart from Union Depot. as follows: • 11M51 Pm] cut P. 11e5.111,11r.' 0::01. EtNi 19 . . . Aprres . _ _ . ,21 r. at. 9:4 r. IL IlL.AlUtilt Me •ceomato' 2n SO) r. N. 9 LO • Y. 91-9D99914 • • Oa - .. 6:95 1...99. aieA. N. Lenie ritt6h4i ' llg Z! ` , lfl ig'l.&' .1 r. N. Arrive Colub's .19:50 A. K.: 6:Y3 C. 9.,1.:30 9. N. CD:y.9'lli 9Alli 9.111. i 0.1 p) A. N. COD A. %. Ind!' oils ~6:1X1 C. N. 7:45A. N. 7:ASA. A.Y. De H•trI11:00 T. Y. It:. A. u. 22= A.M. St.Leuy. I R.EZ A. 3. 020 C. N. 8900 9.3. 1...J.r•1t 694y.. m. ASO P. N.l 3:00 P. M. Cato 0.. 1.4 r. . 1:00 A. N. 1:1 . . A. Y. (.919.9.99 10:009.3.. 8:000... Y. 6:99A. AL 11. D:ximnsaciO p it9il99B. :MY, Union Depot, t A yyst. 8.. f. SCUL-4... Agent, PitUbergO. Ml=l pITTSBIEFIIGH AND towirjr.u.s vu.L.r. B. B. • MOWN' SpithigAlrangmentl On and after 211Ult8DAY. MASCO 808. IBM Vac trains KM learn On Otnot.forrnas Of HEM ant Water stresta. V follenrst • •.. ZaersxA.ooo. PLustrarrit Pitto . p• Mall to and Erma Union tenrn. 7:01g.1:1:a r.K Kama's, t• O.K. ran A. MI We st Nasston Accoxmanatll4 CAA. M. rtrat aPH.neatrortnacoints. A. M. IA a. K. ttscutal •• *t —.MKS P. K. • Brad dosk.4 .1 :14 r. x.: r.K turas,' ananh Train to and _ - from West Zienton...—. IS/Or:K../Aral a. K. /or Tickets apply-to -,►/apt. T.B. NUM, cart • I w OTOAdttsmt. A LLEGHEISIT TALUCT MUM . CHII EIT • -7131 LL On an 4 after FILIDA.T. Feb. let. 31/i7,lralnn ile.t.inndaraggrAtrtnrgtripot.cocarr • /Int Hlatlmir.ells Ammo° • I:3S . r. Its kWh to sad trots 10P. X. tiretHoos Worts Acc0m.....1:33 A. it. MA. X. II II Ascommodstfort CADA.X.' ism lts iapressto and from Malos'gaari st. HASA. K. &rood Bodo, Work, Accom..s:lol.ls. snar.s. under March Trait from sod to Sods Works.— 10Ic i':101411 A. It H. BLAAMMHZ;ISapt. ~:~M:►_~ , ~~::t:~q jiALTIIMORE AND HAVANA CORIPANT. , ALIGX. BROWN- it EVEN kienstax - Ageists. FOR AVA.NA AND NEW °ELLA nl3, _ • Hy Lt. THE UN ITED IiTATTIS MAIL. salt Ttre'7lrst-Cau Etealaablps .this so follows: =Mi=l=rl ...B T l itZtAtarleb. 7th. • . (NroA• • 4,At, Woe. for New Orleato. and kkko. Command. oo SATURDAY. Y ~ Lr /111111VWS WHAM., DILL'S POIN - Ir. At 2 o'clock 2'. precteely, an the days an 0000ted • - . For freight or panage, haying imuorpaued formulations. •ordy DEN= L. iiralt_FlZLO &CO.; Agtote. 18 er....vet N.B.—No /UM of gadlog bet Mote of tbe Von. prey tali be signed. Pensdu for the freight moat tr proeorro from this office. No freight refaced= 1.111a.0f lotting slated.. day of sail tole STEAM TO AND FROU - LIVER PtMI, AND QUEENdTOWN ( inu.awD) . TWICE A.WZLIC. Tnc LNAIA.N.LINZ, galling. EVERY SATURDAY,.. • • EVERY WEBNESEAY 1 CARRYLNEI U. S. MAIM , Tlokets sold to and from 'reload, England - goo land. Germany and gran.. Apply at tbeiJouipann ()Mann jU1i5 1 14 .1 . 11:41.1%"7.. • • • - 00. ww..N.LiAm, oe.l:tof Adam.' Azpreaatidlce. rit4burgb, F'ittabui PENNA. IMITATE DISEASES. DR POUND. (late of PlitiadelDhle.) N 0.175 Third strew. Dews all deamtptions of re• rate Macaws with unsiaralleled success. Particular attention paid to hoer matorrhoena an: diseases ease Urinary organs. Ma Arc.- theist to , the beteg tho moat anecessfild ever mployer. he give. hopes of *speedy care to the Whirled. - . Ladles trill and hisOrtunenarrogna superior to ani other preparation for rialortlatt obstruellona to LW healthy metustrual Anal. No. I. One Dol lar per bottle. No. I. whteh is Nor dorm.. summer. ar d designed for ~taut/ eases, Pi,„ notes. r Pottle. (Mies hoursap....n. to gr. n., IP. U. tear. r. Addren, with atatop. ria T .. ULIN U. No.l• Tlttett =total PllLik.rrh. pIIIVATEDIIKAMES. 01710 Z =AM 27.210 rITILCZT, liens Hasa . . , Poe the can •„"sof all disease* of •ortrabe am. "ltrom Moto blar dap. by an entlt ely new and, eah treatment. Alan, &Weal: Weetness, Clothe , dleeasea of the genital organs and t beb nrevention. Core - warnanted et money refanded. Oaten boars-7 tot° .a. lto a. as" eon AY. g ' Intter , , Dr. W.. Vitt Penn erne'. 11.00 D NEWS Fon THE AE YLICTED: - • - PATENT MEDICINES AND DRUGS, at low Pr IVATETTER;A !LITTERA ' St per MIAS WA PLANTATION Nl7 TEES. $1 do. HOOPLAND'S BVITERIVID ptr Tomei. PUW`D HISLIDARD. c, H per lb. Anal erel7tLt~yr CA , Txuargittiti ne t;irour. . Na. N at. Clair StlNNet, L'LoUIH FLOUR!. CORN INEAI.I Irackey Brands of OL Louts Yloce; latolee eirs.ods or Winter Whey.; letruszt do do do do Paters , Flours; gond io etiolest tzriralF; itTe Flour: heat nowt White Cote Heal, klln'driccf ; Vellow •On Wood street. At uld.ttrutdsr: 1ied6.44,1,,ra Li I Ma b.]) a Q2l ims