tic*iitslntvalt(roctic , iriumuly LI, 107 . Tuu TmusT Bus. Is before the house for final consideration. Diffesences ex lit between the Senate and House as toe iiimber .of Its details. It hi 'of the ut most moment that. these differences be accommodated, and the bill passed, ' though some points lave to be rein iittlaked that It would be will in arty. Th' e productive industry of the country la i t gcly :paralyzed._ in many depart m is the suspension is nearly absolute. T Tiensary cannot fall to feel the loss o vuvenue, as well as the workmen of tet..: If the' best bill cannot be ob tained, let the country have the nearest 'approach o to It that p i n be certainly bad. . . THE: IFORTIET4 CONGRESN. Heretofore the laW has required tho assembling of the new Congress at the - beginning of December following the eipiration of the tam of service of the old One. _Some siceks ago this law was clumged, and the new Congress directed to mason - the.. fourth, the day succeed • 'lng the 'outgoing- or the old body. By this arritngement Congress becomes per rotoal, lurring the power to remain in - imstion:coastantly, or to adjourn from to time, as its 'amyenience may -7-, insipid of. the izigencleit of the public servlce-dFinand. "tinder this * new lacy the Fortieth Con girlieWill assemble on the drat of next zeontb. r How long it wilt remain in ses sloa Canner be easily for seen. A ma jority H of the members of the existing body are ebio members of the new one. 'hits arrierethns are likely to reinforce the nidithlelentent rather than diminish it, and there will be some, gain of ability as Weep as of dearly pronounced and ad . : • ..Itii'probisble that few, if any; changes be *lade In ,the officers of the two ' Bowen Indeed, the senate has always resisted ebringes, never changing its &intim , ' or-other Servants except by reason Of death, the infirmity of age, or other real ineapaelry. If the present Canines shall dispatch the Work properly develving on it, the -neW,:Congress Weed not - remain In sec tion long: 114 :lhe look now is that .41Wte a AUT4 II O, - ii! 'important hills will not he retched, or ntachediwill fail of pwing ..pia iiratraef the labors of thlijuiw Ckingress for someweeks. • ABOTILE,R ATIFEIIcPT. 77: 1 7Wir t h e ' loiairici 'Of all' sections, and shades of opinion, more fully partici „PatftAkeitt,ttt any oth er , *Pia. that Congress ought to talk less ane. do more. 1 Doubtless in 'deliberative assemblies a certain amount of speech-making Is ia- Oliapensable; but at Washington , that branch of bininess is carried to a most unreasonable _ e'xcess. If - the oratory yeas of a superior quality some convex. for ',delay and. dlyergence would =; :be fonzukixf,thof,gratification it would ne .,..-cessarily a ff or d to those whose tastes are - sufficiently cultivated to appreciate "the thunder ofiltatods,"-bitt, unfortunate -I}t;With now and then an exception, as ' . ',when Mx. Witaxems Mikes a great day, - ' the'discussleiturare tame mediocre, pow ' erless. The only spice in them, In the general, is personal abuse, as when one of the metnbora, - throtizh lsek of argn ,.., pent, atuleagernosa for_ distinction, no matter of what sort, allls another "a CUrgress has 'been in , :session nearly two months and a half, and has .but a ._• few days more to sit. before Its term will expire. In these ten weetts it ought to . have done much for the business and po litical welfare of the country. As yet_ halt dens comparatively nothing. The r ;'yuppie aro. assatialled, azur . with abund ----ant cause.:Congress is bound to act. Within Cert. ain'iiinits the assertion of in .opinions and ' preferences is :rightsoul iroper. • But when that asser lion is so pagniqed, , out of all just pro , - ... lportion. :stands in n : - the way of agreeMent upon - pracilcal and pressing quen.lons; kis censurable. There arc reports that the President is • ready - to recede from the dictatorial posi tion he hai hitherto occupied and to meet the zepresentatmes of the States imd the People in the Welt contemplated by the Coestitutlon. .We tract the fact may 'conform 'tote prophecy. If he shall really do so, the chief obstacle in thirway oralesithyand speedy recon stmetion of the Union will be taken out of ' the Way,..axid Congress be left with ' out oven an excuse for its procrastina tion. The . country needs repose. The North- 'needs •it• as well as the South. In - order is obtain genuine repose, such -as shall lay anew the foundations of con - cord and prosperity, it is needful the Union should bo reconstructed, and on a solid and. enduring baits; If the three co-ordlnatp - departments of the govern ment would see eye to eye in this mat , ter, there is . no reason why the work should not be "done at once. It belongs , - to the legislative department to take tho dead; to prescribe the methods. It ought not to basitatUe discharging that duty. !Pm, ria we sad the other day, rather thin make a mischievous or hollow set t fitment, 'lt 'better to remand the re iolted...Ststes to milltsry jurisdiction, until au otiportnne moment shall arrive But if, ainco_then, the President has fal , into Ai better trains of mind, and' is now disposed `to aet harmoniously with Congress, not arrogating any thing, but keeping clearly within his lawful pre . rogailtes, the case is changed. Nay; " if the President hue not In real. .ity *timed • his disposition, . and the'-avowals made in his name and on Ida behalf, were gratuitous and ' without authority, aril it is most ex .' yrsedisud tbat this shouid be made to ap pear; and this can best( be done by Congress acting as though the assur ' once was' al/theistic and . valid. - In that way lEwill Vend - Iwo Its readiness to do its duty, and leave the responsibility of .1 tartheipinethatination on the sheulders of .the President. DANIZL Wain Tan died October 14 :1852. One" week "thereafter, Sunday, October Slat, while the sombre funeral flags werewtill dieting in the streets of Boston, Dons Rams; standing at his desk 'tithe Melodeon, preached a Ammon orrthe death of.the great States - awry it rather a mile* of his life, imalysis of_hls power* anda criticism. uposthis influence, past; present and fu tura.. Opening - ha ailmontshed.his hearem that ~tus-shonld tax their time beyond his usual , wont, but, should take Mire ig,orderl his fixed' that they should slt',esey on their benches. lie did, indeed, ..tresOass far' overthe ordi nary limits Of pulpit discourses, for the Sermortillie onohundred 'and eight pa: It-was a wonderful prednction, with a tenderness . apprirsChing a woo- man's forthe nian, grid the highest ad miration for his marvellous ON. , and yet with passages of sharp and incisive criticism which revealed - a moral anato my most repelling. A few 'days - after this sermon - wits preached it was published in the :Sew York Tribune, and rumor currently af firmed that the publishing of it lost tlfat journal ten thousand subscribers. ' Mr. PARTON recently published in the Atlantic Monthly, a Boston magazine, a treatise on Mr. WEBSTER conveying the same general estimate of Mr. Weinman, his natural endowments, his acquire ments, his motives, aims and labors. as that given by Mr. PARBEB fourteen years befere. Way DOW COUld SUCB a paper have found a place !a a Massachusetts monthly circulating in the better classes of its society.. Does its , appearance at this time f doreshaow the judgment of osterity? If so, it will be difficult to estimate too highly that amazing self. poise, not to be disturbed or defected by A popular current running all the other way, which enabled Mr. PARKER to de tect all the halucinationS of his times, and paint the picture .of the great and debased man as it shall hang through the generations in the galleries of fame. A tunas club bas been prganizediii New York. similar to that in existence at Philadelphia. Horace Greeley has ibeen elected President, Junes Gordon Bennett, Vice President, and W. H. Hurl but Second Vice President. THE dock subscriptions to the Na tional Steamship Company of Boston al ready amount to a large slam. Boston may sometime be a great commercial centre. A BREATHING SPOT. We subjoin the report of the Alio ; gheny Council Committee, to which we referred several days ago in our article uponjo breathing spot for the population of - the two cities. As`the subject is one of interest to our.numerous readers, we publish entire the report and draft of the bill proposed for the action of the Leg islature. The report is as follows: 7b the Honorable, as Select and Cimmon Councils of Mealy of Allegheny. The Committee on Common Grounds re. speetfullY report In submitting a plan for the- Improve ment of the Common Grounds of the City. the Committee snake no doubt of the earn est concurrence of these bodies In the Pfcdec wht- • For at can appeal more strongly to our sympathies, than the providing of breath ingplaceal for an Over worked population; or to our public spirit, than the adorn ment ot so noble an expanse of ground 1 NO true citizen can contemplate without mortification,this shameful epectoole of op portunities unimproved; for to our banns lay these extensive grounds, In the very heart of the city, - accessible from every quarter -ours, without cost, save the tn. texpense of divesting a useless right of commonage. Every true baleen will hallwith - pleasure the conversion •of these barrens-these sink pools; receptacles et garbage-unsightly badges 'of municipal disgrace-Into beautiful Parks, Indicative of a - relined communl tt a r nd °t a r , intent tee Do- Iran% tgg e o r =o n t t tiletlber of eounelle win feel prgult.o - connect his offlein career with so noble an undertaking, supported, as he must by by the carnation thin be is thereby grntlff advancin the moral and material Inn:este of his c onstituency. With reference to our duties as Council men, the Committee feel that It to Incum bent on us to Increase the montelpal reve nues, Wall proper ways, and believe that this increase can be most speedily ranised, by sneh Imislatiou a. will make the city more ,d for private residences. Wl.atever Will cause the same property to yield a larger revenue on the name tailbone, isa proper object for municipal action to accompliab;for thereby the neoneity for so large a mlllage is proportionably dcercaspl. With reference to Orb proposition, we as sert, without fear of euccestful contrails.- thm, that the direct, bunisdiefe and lonian result of the proposed Improvement ot the Common Grounds will ho to Increase the valuation 0: property fronting on the Com mons, alone, for taxable porpoises, more than double the whole cost ot Improve ment. without incloolng the increase of valuation by new'eadlces, which would be the aura reault °fetich Improvement. As to the burden of the oast of the Im provement, there exists nin greatest mi.- • apprehension. We venture to say that the heaviest proporliou of the coat will be Ins yeauty, than one would cheerfully expend for nal( the- pleasure which these Parks will' affdrd him and his fainll3 , ifoo.i oo 1 . - lam:one:ft .fignro of expenditures, to be ratted in ten antimiTtlinsiwtents, assessed - aeon all the property within the City limits, in proportion to, the-benefits which each , particular piece of property receive from the Improvement-This will be in no manner stam It is theli an urchase money of the Parks, payable in n nual install • meant and when an e payments shall have been male, the assessments will cease 'by their own limitation. - ' suppose that - the propertyon the Common (hounds should alone be lOWA for the entire sum of49o,oo,payable one-tenth annually There an In round numbers 513,C00 feet of frontage; ten dollars afoot, or VW for each 93 feet lot, would raise the whole nom; and this divided by ten years would give the wonted payment of $lO only for each id fee; lot.. The property would increase In rental value five times that amount, uncut the ...- ninon of. such an Improvement. flow tri fling then will the intinadual asseasments be, when the whole frontage of the the el ty contributes Its proportion I If the Common lots were to pay but Al a year It would be difficult to condos the sum raised to the limit proposed, by an assessment of 59 nuns a year on remote iota. • Thus, for Instance them are in round numbers 00,000 feet of frontage in the en. tire oliy. Let of , seppoee Ave distinct elan es or proportion of benefits, viz: at. at; el, and 50 ante for each 90 feet lot. Ist:213,000 feet-arni iota at $1 for one year 'ln Una years. $50,000. 91:WACO feet-900 lots at 113 for one year AGM In ten years 910,0t0 • ads ranee feet 210 lots at $1 far one year 9101.a.f x len years 450300. th: feet-2503 iota, at al for one year 1000. ea affi,on l fata 130,030t e st-.90 lots at 500 for one year *LW.. In ten years MAPCO Total. COPP feet, 11.90 lota for ass year Man. In ten years 1100,000. Leaving 6OPO feet of frontage unasseased at all. A cost per lot al the greatest figure, that it the whole frontage should be of the first class, it:would he so utterly trifling, in view of theaccompllthment of so shea f an Ito. ornament, that no lot owners would heel. tat, to pay It. The figures snare, are glen only as an illustration. of • course, and are no indication o f the "Infra or the Commit • -a, as to the rates ofhenna. property As to pay this nst, In proper. on to the benefits received-a principle, now-firmly established, and governing the present practice of our own and nearly every other city in all cases where rates of pecuniary benefits can be dianngulahed. Ills the only fair way. For why should remota lot pay: as much tut a Common lot, salt would under a general text It le an argument to say •that common lota would pay a tamer tam by reason of thelmprove ment. They will not; for the general tax eon only need the dollar of wealth, and that equally, wherever situated; the rich man does not payone mill larger tax than the poor mamba anlppays a greater gram sum,because ha has a greater number of dollars, to he lased oa it makes no differ ence how he acquired that greater number of dollars, whether try gift, by hie private exertionaor bye common ground Improve ment; wad be may with as much fopoe: of argument; object tip' paying ter tiliatlat =round which he may buy, LOOM= he VIII to pay larger tarns than he did before, by reason of baring It, as to object for the same reasons, to paying his amass meat for the additional wealth which the Common Ground Improyement will give him. The Committee adopted the ten year plan of Maria the coat, for the reason that there may many people who could better af ford to pay interest for a !Mort time, than to - pay the nole amount off at once. They are opposed to a funded debt for any pen pose which will not produce a municipal revenue, such as water works, market houses, and object that auy other fund. ed debt. Is not In ease of the community, nor .Ifinfical upon posterity without a math neater cost to the generation which feudal it., than would a:office to pay It all oft. Pea terlty has greatly the advantage of us. It has at least thirty-three years of grace, during which Ps burdens aro borne by our selves. One half of that time-sixteen years-of interest, which , the present gene room pays, either In Es own ease, or to reach posterity raises anarnount equal to the whole principal. addle the whole amount of principal remains as large as at 'drat. Another sixteen years repeats the costly experiment, with like results. The city gets no intererti the taxpayers's yearly nine saved Is too small for mast, so that every installment of interns L Tbe work an addition to theprincipal. Is to be dime by a llonittilasion appointee tir Councils, breooso work of eectimegnitale will require thapenslaten ey m in apo. plan whkla an unchanged (Aion eau only ireffOrel [rot pent, Councils approve lato plan of Improvement, the Comm ion cannot commence - opera. Zona LTberother features of the bill require 'go special notice. it la desirable that the work shall we, o be mpleted an apewillyho have Dos .1111 sibthe/e. that co f this generation. w Ms to pay, May have so much o f m ov i e. .. ores and hemline of the Parks and our families ad Is pOssibie. - • we bare endeavored to make the machinery of the bill as utopia as to coned. eat .wigh elliciencV We Present the- man se • the best efforts of the Commetee to place the matter on the molt. prasuleable Muds. We believe that the Individual charge will be 00 Wining" -the advantage. noes,rivate ProPertY, lo anildelPal Imre. to pagan° spirit, health, enjoyment, and morala,sotranacendantlygreatand Im. portant, ecessary ay should be permitted.that no to lutezfe unn re arjth del aocoM. plistunout. They rweetrulty submit. the following resolutions • • liasolvid, That the Clerks of Cos:inlet's be, sad they are hereby directed to Servant the i"the euid ell y, owner of the soil, or to 4-I,%n,•rd ei right of com monage thereir N Luke r ll4 Sumo can be converted in- Perks in'the rveretalots. CrljOVMent as the advancement of the health and pror.perity of the el! hone of said city, withal , . an yury to t maid rights. ow, I tor those of securing the conversion . ri b d i s ic into Public ( Parks for the - .Trioo 1. Be it entitled, tt . c.: That the Common Grounds of the City of Allegheny W and they are hereby appropriated to the use of the priblic as public parka. 2. it shall be the duty of the Court of Quarter Sessions, In and for the County of Alieglierly, on the dm Saturday of the J une sessions of said Court next ensuing, to ap point three discreet and disinterested free. holders of said county, viewer*, who, hav ing first been duly sworn, shall immediatelY give public notice in the daily newspapers p hr b ee is h w e e d e-ks t he o c a y l Inlet s h b o u lde h rs da a y i f n o g r rights of common in the Common Grounds 1 -or said eity to file their claims, If any they have, for damages which they may seem likely to sustain ny the divesting of their said right of commonage by the appropria tion and prospective use of maid Common Ground. for Public Parks, as aforeluelti, within three weeks next ensuing the date of the last day of publication of said notice, with the Clerk of ;mid Court. tad the right of common of all persona whatever who shall not have filed their claims on store salt, within the times aforesaid, shall be held to be, and they are hereby, released and forever divested. ft shall be the fort her duty of said Viewer., after the expiration of the said time for Ming claims, to slew rind estimate the damages as aforesaid of all who may have 111,1 their dolma as aleareastd; and If they shall find chat the damages sustained or likely to be suetained by the said claimants, by the ap propriatlon and prospective use of , satil Common grounds, as and tor public Parks, shall exceed the benefits which It may seem likely to the Viewers aforesaid, theid claimants will derive therefrom, they shall ascertaisi the amount thereof, and shall award tho same to the said claimants. And . . . If they shall-And that the benefits, as afore said, are equal to, or sball exceed the amount of damages, as aforesaid, they nisil award nothing to the end ciAlusaute. And the said Viewers shall file a report of their action with jibs said Clerk — of Quarter ties none, which report shall state the award and finding of the viewers In the Case of each claimant, MA tie said report shall be final and conclusive, without exception or ap. peal. - And the said silty of Allegheny shall pay, or cause to be paid. all damages so an. sensed as well as all the Court costa and fees olsaid viewers. Sae. k It ellen' be the duty of the Select and Common Councils of mild city, luimsdi ately.after the passage of this act, to ute point three members of Councils and three others not members of Councibb.who, with the Mayor of said - city, shall constitute a commission, to be known as the Park Com mission. And In the case of the death, or resignation, or other inability to serve, of any member of said Commission, the said Corniest. shall fill the vacancy no occasion ed. And upon the expiration of the onleial term of the Councilmen on said commis ' nom they shall appoint other Councilmen to All their plans oa said Commission. And In tho event of any member of said Commis sloe who at the time of his appointment may ? have been a resident of said city, re moving his residence therefrom, loch en. movai may, at the option of the said Conn oils, Constitute a vacancy in said commis, !lon to he diled by amid Connell,. tile. 4. The said Park Commission shall organise by the election of one of their number President of the Communion, and the Clerk of Committees shall act as Steer.. tars.' and-for any services rendered by the said Commission under this act, they shall not receive any pay or emolument. The said Part Come:deal= shall Cantinas and possesathe powers hereinafter granted to them until the entire =Mdy tion of the proposed public, Parks, es here inafter mentioned, and shall have from the date of their appourtmeetexcluslve control IM and over all the Common Grounds. and over all the Improvements now, or here- after to be made thereon, and all InalerialS for the same, and all contracts and work men employed In and about the same. They shall have full authority to procure plans and specalcations for the conversion of the said grounds into Public, Parke, as albresaill; tOenter Into a contract or con tracts for the doing of the work thereof, or any portion thereof, or for furnishing of material therefor; to hire Inch employees as may be necessary in their estimation, to further the progress of the said Improve. melds; to draw requisitions on the Coo trailer of said city, es hereinafter provided, and they shall bays power In the corporate name of the city, to enforce by an action at law. or to equity, all contracts, and agreements made by them, under the provhdons of this lee. _And the said commission shall have the further poser to make regulations for the control of citi zens, contractor*. workmen and all others • In relation to the said proposed Improre. ments and the use of the said grounds tier. lag the progress of the work, and the same to enforce by penalties recoverable by sum. may conviction before the Mayor or any Alderman of 'said city. And they shall keep minutes of their proceedings, and shall report monthly to the said 0011.111111 and their accounts shall be audit." by the City Controller. Protidol--That after plans and specleastlons shall have been adopted by the mild Cosurelesion, they shall paseut the same to said Conned*, with esti mates of costa, for their approval. And until the maid s Coci. shall by resolution approve plans and speslecatlone for the making of said parks, the further powers of mid Commiss beyond the I nprocurin of other plan. end spec-Meat lone, shall he n abeyance. And provided further, that In no event Jihad the entire taws of said parks awed the aura of gloom. And pre via.' further, that all work slone or canoed to be done by said GOlarpiesion touter thte act, shall be by contract merle watt the lowest and hest bidder or taiders with, good and enfrolent security, due notice of pro mean for the same having oeen enviously advertLsed by sad Gemini -slum, her. shall be the duty of the said Councils from awe to time, upon the requi eition of 'mid Commission on the Controller of mild city, to issue municipal bonds, bear ing interest not exceeding eeven.per cent. pertanu . l% to i s d in to ttrint eai y in sums not exceeding tx,cro, ea . the longest of staid bond, thud' mature In ten years from Ike date of the adoption 'of plans by said Councils as aforesaid. They libel De consecutively numbered, end shall be doeignated 'NAP, Park Rends," and they shall be issued to the said Communion by the Controller upon tbeir retinisition. Pro vided—Teat requisitions for either money or bonds made by said Commission shell he accompanied withthe aßidavlL of the bee. rotary of raid COrrimlsSion that work tO the amount of said requisition has boon done, and that the amount of said requisition ie needed forpayment Of the same. sett I. It shall be the duty of the skid ColtOlOselol3, Or a majority of them, Oita Deana duly sworn, to assess en amount equal to the lutermt commissionring the tint fiscal year of the and eat aCO to addition, upon all the real °mate within the city limits, justly And equitsbly in the proportion In width said property will in their estimation be Donellttell by the Making of the Said Parks. Provided that nide asseesteenta Shall he expresser on the flint frontage on all common grounds. 'streets, lanes and alleys of said elty. And the said Commlaston thud' flea schedule of such assessment with the City Treasurer, and shall give nOtke by +Aver &tangent for one week that they will sit In i tiirilaT, Tu l irtria la ss== Ira as 41.fc. after such hearing, finally adopt said sched ule, with such suneedreente SO they may sae proper to make, and when veld ethedele shall have been so adopted, the some shall be final and conelusive, without exception or appeal, end laid assessments stall he Payale the tilty Treasurer ty , boo b it It o snail Do the du of the Record- Jog Regulator to furnish to the Commission as speedlly as parable, after their °result , Acton, plans on a large seals of the entire oily, With the lots and their sixes marked on them, with the names of their respec tive owners, AS far AS the same am be rawer. tained from the general assessment books of the said city or otherwise. And where tae names of owner. are unknown the lots shall be so marked on the plan. For Me services, On ter this !ration, the add Iterru. later shall be entitled to snub comp...- Lion as the said Commission may deem jest, to be paid as hereinafter provided. en, 0. It shall be the duty of the Treat. nrer of the said clty, each and every y e ar thereafter until the mild bonds and Interest shall have been folly pald, to make an as liessment on the basis of the mita schedule to an amount not exceeding mem, and the Interest for the year rut all of the said bonds outstanding, and the said asses. meets .ball be paid to the said Treasurer. Sec. 10. ' All monies received by rasa nrer from sold assessments shall be kept Separate and apart from all Other monies of the oily, and shall be applied to Um reiterate Lion of the said bonds maturing during the year the monies were received, if any, and to Ilia payment of interest on said bonds eutatandingi god if thorn be done of the said bond. maturing in any year or years When such monies shalt hare been received, Or if the sum of the gaol bonds no maturing In any yearor years shall be less than ein e CCO, then the whole of said sum of 4a0,030, r so much thereof es may remain after pay ing the said bonds maturing dialog tee year, shell be paid to the said Commlissirm on their rersulaition on the COntmller of nal City. am 11. All bondiand monierl received said Commission shall bo strictly and faith- fullY applied to the payment of contract en, material men, workmen and employes, ke.. In and about the making of the said Par's., and the no other way. Presided, That all incidental expo.ea of the Conl in/salon for draughteuicn, plane, Rego'. La's services, Ac., Ac., shall be-peal out of the Said aseessuteets for the first ye ar no aforesaid. And prortded farther, That the payments to be made by the 'aid Commie. sion in any manner, shall pot mature la greater =mints than twenty thous aridest. dollars In any ono year examine of ht- Wr -• • Su. 12: Tbo Behalf:tie and assetuments no made as aforesaid shall be and remain prior liens on the property on which the same may be assessed until fully paid and sattalled, and shall not be dlvseted by any judicial nal.. except for so much as the pro. micas of such wile shall satisfy awl pay. SW. M. When any assessment shall re. mon unpaid for thirty day. after Mihail by Na b l AtA h rtt: ItesgaVregiiribeui2 th„ Distriot Court or Court of Common mess, a statement of the said claims, against the property assessed, containing a description of the lot no assesses!, and the same shall be recoverable by girojeaciaa In the corporate rums of said city, as debts s ovet ecured abl e. by mortgage are now by law re c — g g c, ILWhere the pames of owners of lots SO assessed are unknown, the statement and elm tsetse shall ISSUOIMPIJUIL Unkaawn owner, and atulll be proeevr o 4 , t „, Dame meaner ae though the name of the real owner was set forth In the said writ. Awl ros irnt shall abate by reason of tho defendant being wrong ally named or tel. named, protided that the name Le the writ shall correspoildwith the name of the own. arOf Umiak! lot so assumed on the gener Allegheny al It e ofsssment honks the , It shall be the duty CU of , of the sheriff to t two copies of the MU of scum faclae on the property on or before th e re it= day of the writ, and two copies of any • . .. writ of lelari facia+. which may he Issued annexed hill to one Senators and Represen rtattres at flarristinrk,with the request that they will use their Influence to hare the same elute:ea into law. I • Respectfully submitted. A. H. Examsn, Wo. Sieri•st, • Jiso. KIeitrAMLICK. Josses[ 11. DiMNlttit, ALM. HANNA. Committee. An Act Authorizing not Providing Pnoer and Means/or the (bnrersion of the Comm • Grounds of the City of Allegheny into .kozgbli • Parks: tr ukases, The present condition of the extensive grounded the City of Allegheny, known as Common Ground., is unprodnet. on lodgment obtained, on any writ of scire fa. issued under this act, at 'least twenty dash before tne day of sale. And when any writ of sci-fa. shall be returned NW/ made eervice of the alias writ shall be by posting two copies of the writ on the lot described in the statement with the mono effect as though personal service thereof had been made. Sec. 15. Where the defendant In any such writ of eel-tn. may ho a public corporation, the writ or execution to ho Issued on any judgment obtained thereon shall be a writ of fins Ansa; by virtue of which, the She, marlevy upon any of the personal prop erty-, goods, chattels, monies or effects of the said corporation. Os, le. When thesedd Public Parks shall ho completed, In all parts, they shall pass immediately under and be subject to toe ex elusive control of said, Councils. And it shall be the duty of the said Councils to keep the came in good and thoroligh condi tion out of the general funds of said city. Anti as soon thereafter as the affairs of the said Commission can be wound np and closed, the powers of the said Commission shall expire. • • Soo. 17, .All nom and parts of Rota - lawn mtent herewith, are hereby repealed. • ----- --- CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED A role being cund avert day by pored" add, use the Rev. E. A. WILSON'S CiRELT itZSLEDY PUS CONSUMPTION. Those who have used It are calling constantly to testily to Its grey merit, and the vronderfal cur. It hu performed when their sue Wu considered hopeless I= LNG'S Drug and rateat Mediclac Depot, No =I! Ma!M!I!!!M!!!!!! Cell and procure • Demphlet, eying lull hl =I GRAY HAIR, ILLI.DNESEL DAIVD- ItU r, ANY 1116 BOALY.—ND DISCOVISRY CA N cisUPARZWITH 4 LtINININ HAM COLORILESTOLtEIt AND Datitihnit.." "London Our Best Halr Color Drawer" "London • Halr Chilor Iteatorer" "London 'Dhyalciang Hair Color Restorer" , "London limy Color Restorer. "London Use lad Halt Color b waterer" "London Hair Color Restorer" "London Recommend IL Hair Color Reatonirii /1 never fails to impart 11/e, growth, and 'icor to the wannest halt, Datong and iltopattsfraninn i and Is Imre to pro-dace a new growth of holy, causing tt to grow thick and strong. Only 75 cents a bottle: 1H the halldosen. ' sold by SeCLARRAN XeKINNAN, 53 Rarlietetrett, CID. A. RIELLY. 31 Wood at., and tUB. YLI111:01, $4 telarant street a Da. burgh. KANE di 1/11111TT, Alleihtny. anDilbhww. HABITUAL CONSTIPATION.- 110 W TO EFFECT A CERTAIN ANL, YER, lIIANANif JR.X.—Soato occupations of 111. predispose to Coetiveness,estma all y those which allow but little aerobia. Persons who moonset this unfortunate habit of body. under loch cle ausstanag, =ant possibly tic relieved by °banging their sedenttry employmento forothers of a more active Mud; nut this Is by no means rateertale.. littbitual constipation Is a very natl. e disorder. Alt the ordinal ao•talleg reme dies Invariably Ate aaaaa te Nothing can be move injurious than the continued use of *Jinni aperients. Tney. at grit Irritate, and gushy Mott pleat, le the toucla—ventlesing them so torpid' enormous dos. °cathartic medt elites have no effect upon them. • mild opals rat, combined nub a' gentle atimulent. Is the tree remedy:and a combination 1. t bap. prorortioa, of ibex ingredients, Is found Ilnn no3TEl'l'Eus ittrnstis This fastiona Sarnachle Inv looratos the erhoie Intesas nal canal whits. qui. sly removing from con volutions all impediments to tree peeve./ tutuueb them. TO mega purgative by tuts dou. !de operation. No ordinary stimulatolects la dented °pJett. Casa of Consumption •lion- Mined Gamin. by distingutehed medial men bat e been eared In • fe• 'geese by *be Ritter.. To thole who hale tried all the Medicine. of thy dlspenaary heir. we toy try this tiraittnile "Mei.. and •perlent. bens is no agleient reason why Conon/Anon should Ns em . e . ?;!' ‘ I7Y. . "I :4 ‘ ritia!il ' 4 ‘,,. lgc l ) i r ° :,TlLl T s E o l ttlil otherwise b b o y denve t o from exercise, WM, In ell ease. •Inkle the system au perform Its excretory 'tattoos rep:holy and bad t brolly. payivolD4944l:lB,4:4;iiii:l FM. BINGHAM, 7r « Adams /Zepreu 0/. Ace, of Afth Street. U as authorised egad to mesas Adeerttee.uw for IA• GAIETTAS, and ail other papers threughasig the Untied dialers and w Cbnadas. lay - THE EDUCATIONAL AS RAN el lON or WESIICILM YUAN bYLVA la. will m.ct THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, In the Lecture Hoorn of the First Melbodls ettetet , itft...tKt•4 (next door to Usaeue Uf dee) at t" o•ctooc. LEcrtß BY U. ALEX. CLARK ESSAY BY MISS FANNIE COOtIEISIL. Scbont I , lrootert and Monads of Education curd 'shy 111,1441 to attend. nISSOLVTION OF PARTNER• sllll..—Tha rartnetaldp harstorsra Istiod under the Mt le of BAST Ce♦ Cs.Lll3Ol, I. this day diem/teed by mutual r summit. /AIIE3 BAST CR, JAMES U. ELLUON. MIMI Iva MILE, A FARIS COMPRISIAIi 200 Aram etea,e 1: YHA 11000 t. d T WO Par.4l.lllC jlall\e, Orelar.l. well watered. Sc.. Ter r P.irornt. •DitlY to TrIIIII•o 1.(7Y1,001t. felS R•eerl T`Waehlt•Rt• _ h Co 0 to. JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEFICE: No. MI FOURS'S" STREET rimol =rM! NOTICE. -To holders of Boun ty Bonds of the Steobd Ward, • Ileghe•Y• from No. 1 up to 200 of the Int issue, dated he temper l.t. MI: Toe above numbered Bonds mill be paid et the olhee urshe AI,I.I43IHENT TMLUT CvntrANY, et. before the rigor DAY 4.r Th e MANIA. Inon the •h ..e hood. Will be mopped Wier that.late. or order or the Bond. . . WAIL= LEA. nwhietet. neon Ju. tleer rtary _ . . . 1415,141 CHEAP MUSES. IWO. HOUSES. EIVE ROOMS EACH Located in Birmingham, • For tile at the following ague.: 01(E TWO-8208Y fUAM 1111.110 CO UN Z TWO.bTONY 118/CIS SAO CO ADO/ to STEEL ti WILSON. 111.01EILS AND ELL iIITATI AFARII,II, fe 80. 65 Itstattitef6sinkot. FIZENCEI ENGLISH CHINTZ, PLAIN PERCM, Fart;flare elllnta, New Styles, JUST lIICKIVCD 111 C " WHITE, ORR & CO., len WS WifU !Street. $lOO. BOUNTY. _ slock. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST DISCHARGES. Soldiers who !me loot their discharge contd. rains and woh ant at hem!. OMWed to the addi tional $lOO bounty, can Imre their ewe at tended go by celllog on or add ..... eg W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AHD SLAM AGENTS, W 1 011 ANT STUMM CO-PARTNERSHIP. Fawns., 15,7. I DAVE THIE4 DAY •SSOCIA. TXD with me Is :be Duquesne Wass. Work.. aLlIfl! EL. FO/L/LLSTaIt and THUS. MAN. 'nautili' to rev friend. and • 'Onerous! nubile for their etre liberal patron/use In th. 0404 I d• fe.Peetfolly aolseli a sentimentea of their Savors. C. CoLleallste. Increased faci/Itiet for toanufactorior ell de scriptlon of nein end Spring Waxy., Carte, Drays;every style of Wneel Barrow. end TTJO ks. wowed Hobe and . rernedepokes, "lay Hake, Oar fora a. dc. COLXMAN, YtittillanTEß t CO.. Marlon Avenue, In front of Penitentiary. feltaat Foil BALE, A FIRST-CLASS DWELLING ROUSE, • Hanlon alldntn Insprovennala. loOaled, ln AbLZal EN Ene T CITY. t. in lee possession of tn.? gitllrirell,:id Lteretl l 43:.fr`krfeasi deep. And br/intlfyl y orusomted vita aurub bar, and gnaw The improvements coasts; of a otorn Double 111,a tiounz.nullkofps bold i.T : &lh a Cousin DI 14 114.01411 In n• Water Clank, go.. all in pr too order. also, i Thick btable and Carriage Hoops. The dwelling le heated by tioOldie Patent [team Veit-Regula ting Tunisia, liffersd for as a only on amintit at too owner , . remorlibli4olt d be i lly 4,o T h e o r , :: rr1e514 5 / 1 1 5 . ' i roi l atTelo w a April la t. 5 JOHN L. }UTLEY, Celli Yo. la/ Fourth street. „ a „ ira , 3 04 :4 VI IaIIZICV JARS T. BRADY it CO., flinceessors to O. Jones • 00.,) Corner Fourth & Wood Sta., BANKERS & BROKERS, DILASFIui IX 11. x. falirro Or Government securities, Foreign 'Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. an/xenon made Oa ',lel scoelsair rotht. lD Mr Vatted Owe. and Oastadu. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. SIGN — EMIR IN THE WINDOW. A SUCCESTION TO Purchasers of Groceries. You can save FllOll TEN TO TWENTY PER CENT. By Buying at the House of SHIELDS Sc BOUCHER, 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE• feLS BLEACHED RHUSLIADI AT • J. IL BURCHFIELD & CO'S, No. 817 DirtAxlxotlitroet, (we.t tide. Sere Mseket tfoe.e.l EILIACHILD 1d114LL99 12, teals up; 5.4 do do Z ~• 10.4 BLIESTING; 141-1, 11-4 LINICIC 5.4 PILLOW TABLE LINENS: • HUCK TOW ELS; .• By the yard; BLANKETS: PLANNELII, end _ A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, 2STEM.I7. tell M. SIMON, IRtaeces•or 'to A, a u tSE ik CO.) NO. 68 lIMIKET ' [CT. C=il CLOAKS AND SACQUES, Clrenlari and Mantles. OE TILE LATEST STYLES I=l AT A LOW FIGURE, =I FOR THE SPRING WEAR. = SHOULD CALL AT ONCE rattleoler Atlantiss joale to Deters left to Gereneale to he emote to the X...ELTZIAII7I" movir Tama. te13:140 ME] SKATES! SKATES! SKATE' I HAVE lIECEIFED MOST OF fro y ['TOM wad Geer ta We Trade a pearetdoe 5,000 Pairs of Various Makes. Before purchasing elsewhere, cal and examine my Block, as I can OFFER DELLERII EPEOILL INDINIEKERTB. JANES BOWN, ,159 :2 130 Wood Street. MILLINER .& BIDWELL, • 1110NO111GAIIELA PLANING MILL ANN LUMBER YARDS. Carson Street, Routh End Mo nongahela Bridge, . SOUTH PITIIIIIIVIRGII. Having abuse stock of • DRY LUMBER on hood, we aro prepared to famish all deeerlp. thane of 1/112.110151a LUILI4I/13 for tlalldlore, at lowest market ream • Hellions atortboostetesidlets to 001141. tele la the moil favorable lUDs for making their ar maments. 04,e, have Slats. stock of roi:t F st IRMED WORK ON .HAM). JAMES H. PARKEK, PORK PACKER, 309 Liberty It, Pittsburgh, Pa. EXTRA SUGAR CURED BABB: EXTRA O. C.IIIIBAKPAST BACON; EXTRA 8.0. DRIED BEEF; BACON - SMOULDERS; • BACON. PLAIN HAMS; BACON,_KIDDED AND CLEAR SIDES; PRIME LEAP LARD; CINCINNATI LARD OIL; MILL UNEASE. Conetanny on hand and for sale at the lowest mamas poen. CAUSTIC SODA, Both American and English, PINE WHITE =AND& For Oil &fining Purposes, anzntr r.r . ti r tg y and toi We In nnantll,lc. JAMES `HERVEY DOBBS, a4ro 216 Pearl Street, N. Y. FOR DALE. Butter-3,800 lbs. In Firkins. ALSO, A LOT UT CHOICE CANNED FRUIT, CICARS, ETC.; - And Lease of Warehouse, !, No. 201 LIBERTY STREET. Jona Tounrarcz =3 lao.Hoorn, - LI . I . I , &X=ZLILM==II now offered to those who with to acquire • perfect iutowledge of the art of l'f/ONOGIIA PUY, or MONT HAND WittTING. bolas. Is now WADS Domed by a practbuel Ileporter irons Loudon, Zeeland. Adana jaTs:tM. U. flAzawnt Ofrfot. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ExEcuions• SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE MEM Ninth Ward, Pitt4)argh The Iffiffe , theried. Esecuthrs of the Rld or ROBERT LA, DY. late deceased, Will offer at Public ralrion the Preffilthri On Tuesday, February 19, 1569, At fo'clock, r. IL, the followlng Heel to wit All that cotaln lot or par - el of grnoud eltua ted on the enrner of ternallnuelt and Baldwin streets, In the Ninth Weed. In the City of eltts bars frontlne: feet and Inches on nmall lean street. and extending 70 feet along Baldwin street, on which le erected a VIVO STORE BUICK DWELLISti 110171 NP., Cont.hang Mail and SI: ROOILIS. 7he House Is con•enieutly arranged. well Enl.bed and In good condition. Teitusi—Orie-thlrd In build: balance In three equal annual paltriest., secured by Isind mod Mortgage. Interest psyable semi-annually. JOSEPH S. MORRISON, dOrt et H. Mi . KELVY. Ezeauburs, Or. VIRGINIA —11,1. a libr, ) • felt:tit; DISSOLUTION. THE CO•PAIRTNERSIIIP here tofore existing between JOHN P. HUNT and W- K. THOM as. curler the name and style or JOEIN P. IHINT et CO., has beep dissolved by 'Mum conseet, to date •rom February MI. Hal. The seenents of the item w ill be settled DY JOHN P. MINT. • Thanking rig friends and the public for the liberal patronage co !erred agar, toe, I take pleuure In liT,?l'Ll`r(rfl M: `,lg Torsblaeouldentlon. JOllll P. 1:11.1nT. THE UNDERNIGNED HAVING ii l- t gv i h h t . lll::: . l , , ,atzg i t i of JOll, BOOK, HAMM' 111) NEU BUSIM, would" announce tbat they . titand.lll °online the bail ness the Old No, 59 Fin St., under Masonic Hall UNDZU THE FIRM NAME. OP -THOMAS, HOOLE & CHAMBERS, m rd ,.. l 2: 27,l ll .l::rr, leased :o ..e their Old W. K. THoSI/Ll, TBOO. C. 1104 LE. !MEW. , M. CHAMBERS, Jr. JUST PUBLISHED, TROUBIT & HILLY'S PRACTICE. KAY & COMPANY, tics ‘7l7cacsci.lltroot. THE NORTH AMERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York, IA THE Only Company In the World OEO , aecurltyguaranteed tithe direct tope t 'talon sad coes•nt ntra/ or I t. / and. of :de Dement o Sate tiovern In addition to the fee:lnft7 heretofore offered, we call p.tleular ...Viola to the following : By a tweet .1 of the Legislate. of then.. of New York. the ColaDsley le atittiodsed to snake Special Deposits wlth the Superintendent of lb. neurance Department. and realise there fisr Legistere4 Policies. nearing the be. of the Department a 17E7th/este thst th e relic? Is secured by incdge of I-nollc ft ender *Nye . roary. between Plet ' ar " " o" tr d larib ER. Secretary. rgr*AN ELECTION FOR PRESI DENT. MiLNAGEUS and 1./VFW% RS of the Catapary foe...mine alrr. over the - legheny' Illaar, Ono., Mantua!, in lb, eronnty of Allegheny, will be held at the TOLL HOUSE.at the comb end_ pf the Bride, on MONDAY, the eth day of Match next, at the hoar of :o'clock Y. at. Dielet MST. aVstoll .t. flos . roN NItNING Co.. t Pirrolv amt. Frbruar. The Directors of toe l'ITTattUltGH BOSTON MI .11'W CO. Dave declared a dlvlden.l of MILEY.. DOLLAXS 13) Pc , >hero.. es atoot stand at close of haslet., thlSpayable to Stockholders or. nod after Moods, lot. fens•, Tlioll./th M. HOWE. Treasurer. OIFFIt. OP UNION /1 . 1T r 1g1 , .; , , 1. , , , y , , , D F S t lni . N S , : c f . o. Mf - DIVIDEND.—The Board of dend of Directors bmo this Say declared a dirt- TWENTY-PIVE PER CENT. on the Paplta.lbtr.ck. payable forthwith at their oilier. No. Ib3 Liberbritreet. COMMEM=M 0f1 . 11,1 11•1[INL OIL COSITANT. PIST.IIIttat. Jan. a. 1.7. g2DIVIDEI O II3.—The Directors of THE MARLNE OIL CO. have this day declared a Dividend t f Five Per Cent. on the Capit.al Mott. oat of the earnings for the month of Jaw. Liadable r on , :ad after If . mt, street. A. na?bo ‘ olt closd. "". fetd:sfs E. E. RINEHART. Secy. I.TMON PACIFIC ItAlttrAT COUrAlril, E. D. 01110 e. NO. 424 Walnut Street. Pm LSDZLFB!A. Janalrialat.l467. jarTIIE EVTEREST 111e•GOLD MOD FIRST SIoETHAGE BONDS OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. EAETEIM DIVIEION. Due FEBELTAZY Is; will tie laid on imamate, tlon of-the Coupons at the Banking House of Messrs, JAY COOKE 1 CO., New Yolk. ou and alter that Mite. ualiudifirre WIS. J. PALMER, Treaer. 0710 E OP THE J11 . 1. 7 145 , 2tT . ANg7 , 70 ...:. 00, ItH" THE REGULAR ANNUAL isitettni of Um btockholderaortha Allegheny Valley Railroad Co. Will be held at the Otbee of the Company, ear ner of Pike and Canal sitcom. Pittsburgh, on Tuesday. Feb. 26th. 1867, at II o'clock, A serveor the eleetion of a Board of Managers to for the calming Yv.v. and to sen t t r eadn. sea otheWr ILL sn AM 1 als loal.r Plepre- =MEI 0171= or • I.l.loUraw Y VALI.= CO., PITTSBoher, Jennary ill, leel. f tar -Nance TO HOLDERS OF 1/1138T MORTGAGE BONDS GE THE AL LICGREN Y VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY. —TOO Allegheny Valley Railroad Company here by glee notice that they 0•111 redeem tlin The First Mortgage Bonds of the Co. Within two yeuAlirom this date, to accordance with the provialona of the mortgage Liven to w en. the P.J.ellt or said bond. Ity order at the Hoard of Managers. Janiral WILLIAM FIIILLIPH. Prealdent. FOR RENT. FOR RENT.—The • Warehouse, Nos. 926 and 228 Llbeity street. mud 193 Wood street, at present occupied by the sub scribers. Yossesslou given Ist April, or Sooner If de.lrctl feb9-an = FOIL RIENT, 4 LaRGE ROOM, la Eaek balldlag of GAZEITZ. For puller, Ingatre at ==!==! lIMM FOR SENT, STORE ROOM NO. BO MARKET STREET; ROOMS SUITABLE FOR SIN OLE RENTS: BALES. ROOM. SECOND FLOOR 01 RS MARKET STREET; OPY/CES UN 2/111tD AND MARKET BM. J. M. bAZZAM, Ja7:o2 Att7at Law. ZWI Ursa% euert. dX OFFICE, On ant boar of I , ta GO and 70 Water litsce t. = TO LET, . The Warehouse, 27 Wood St., Now occupied by T. A. SVANIS A - CO. 7Or nattier lnlormatiout i aPAOA . Or WILLIAM SIUSSLICH, laratrn No. SIT Wood street. up stags. BANKS AND BANKERS HART, CAUGHT & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PITTSBI7IIOIII, PA., (31700M0RS TO HANNA, HART & C 0.,) DIALERS IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And pa:11111= 0111 pall to the P - IV .o GOVERNMENT BONDS. BIOtIT DBLYTS ON LONDON. Jett:..2* N. -HOMES & SONS, 3311.1.7-32cmpasa, No. 57 Market Street, PITTSBURGH. U =l.:Bl7'li:Sed In rttrttreugincsrpliepounirat'aTl the United Stater and Canada,. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD OH COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the% pentium and Ink of • • U. S. Securities, lucladlng U. S. SIXES OF. 1881: do. do. 3....0a; • U. S. /EVILS 10-40sr U. S. CERTIVIOATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. Order. and Votichersboacht or collected. - Jaro:all pITTSBUIIGH BANK FOR SAVINGS, frormerly the DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION) 6 Fourth Street, Nearly Opposite Bank of Pittsburgh. CHARTERED EY 1862. OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock, and on Wir.DN %SLAY AND SATURD AY !EVENINGS from Hoy Mt to Normal/sr tst, 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November Ist to May Ist, to o'clock. Book. of Ily-Laws, Ae., furnished at the office Tills I ustitution especially offer to those whose earnings are limited, the opportunity to arcs. mutate, by eeposlts, easily toed, sum 'whims will Ise • resource when nsedee, and bear ing Interest Instead of remalniou unproductive. tarri. Of 334r471n,zerrio: , amen ur: (MOROI: A. BERRY. , TILL TIMSIDANTA: 19. IL HARTMAN. JAMES PARK. is. SettikranT AND IDIAACIDCA: D. E. aIcKINLLY. A. BRADLEY, WM. K. NIMICK, A. S. BELA.. F. ga B. DILWORTH JOillUa RHODES, O. FOLLANSWER,JOHN SEMI', JAS. L. (.114.4.11,11, I IL K. SCHMERTZ, eintm,orsime DOLICIIDDS-IJ. W... 9 A. 8. BULL. mirlb4Or J. F. STARK & Go., Corner of Wood and Third Streets, $3:1712 - 111.73Z0 OHO SUITS BONDS, COLD, HIM KO COUPONS, Ipfax !flute and BUM Bills of Axebooto oo %NOLAND. TAANCZ. OEILMANY, ITALT, det.S:polm7 fte, • PEARL ASH.--110 Able, for sale by J, B. OANYIEI.II d soN, WANTS. iNrANTED-113' a middle aged married man. of maw, steady befits, and net hi yearn experience In the mercantile bunions, ti•th Incite trdrountry,a SITUATION SALE.bII.I. b: in tither a wholesale or retail store. No obleetloa to any tottalnesS that Is boa orabla. Mood retrommendatten. Addresa, stating wary. xc.. A. W, -ester. ins. WANTEI . , JOHN i wbo left illtsb ll:formation Col erect% ed by the who can be ,Jr An Active Partnership, wialsls.ol:o to gth.COX to Incest In the Itatintse lure et Iron. ht one who lass ha. , souls Ten Tears experience In the business. •thiress IN V EST MEOT, P. U. Box Pittsburgh. Pa. OM WANTED.—Graduates of Lit crarg and Commercial College. to turn permanently In lingoes* requirtite !ship and an.thes. corremoitileoeei I:=M=el H. H. CHUHAS. 1111 Grunt sheet, oppOgite Court Ilduse do21:oul. WASTED-30 Stove and Hol- LOW WADE MOULDY-ILS. to *bow goal wages and steady employment ..01 be given. No one belonging to the'3loulderl• UnlOllA/140. * elation need apply. BBID6ZIVIID t Co.. Lotavrllle, HT 0331113 WANTED -20,000 AGENTS,— A rename sent free, with term. for any ono . to eiear *4a daily In three limas. Bn slums, vainly new . light mid desirable. liaa be Penal st house elina, hi both male bad tamale.' No Rill enterprise or ntimbhp. Address, wit h Pad stamp, H _ CHIDESTIB. jawaisdr T 888 Broadway.w New York. WANTED—AGENTS—The best elm.° T. A Wort of Illstortral Value and National Import.... The poly Work on o. Nayyen, In the held. PARRAOUT ANU OUR NA V AL CCUAIANDLI3. by Ron. T. HICADLNY, the dlatlngulahed Author and 111. tort.. In one handsome volume: illbstreted nand atone. for terms' and territory. Addriaa A. A. TA.LCOTTA jall:rM:ddmr7 68 en. etnt., Pittsburg:l,Pa' WANTED-AGENTS--ET THE Z DEENA REWIND MACHINE COMPANY to. sell their NEW RAS MAUD INN. Will sew from Untie paper to heavy Beater cloth or leather without shanty of feed, needle or tent lion. liotf-adjustlog pre s sure foot and newly deafened four-mouoned UNDLTLYZZO. " I " 6:l P klfU etieti. ' &lollllll C aZ dell Pltrabui io WANTED-AGENTS-To SELL s the CHILDREN'S ALBUM, Or EICTEIREA •ND STIDUEN written and compiled hi Her. ABA BULLARD. The Rook contains a thee Portalt or the author, more than one hundred pictures, and Is nicely printed and hound, and moat please sil the children. Address ' W. J. HOLLAND a co., N 0.73 Third Weer., PlUstutrett, Ea. MINCEI WANTED. -AGENTB.- MALE and FEMALE—It cam pin or Western Ye on aylwa ads, for abtne new steel Engravings, T 'ESTER AT VA LEY YOLtlilt.„ll ' THE DI SIDEE'II SLAT elt,•• ••LINCUL HOME AT SPRINGIFIELD Either by the month or by sonaaniss ips. Halle.' rates allowed. For toll pa/titulars /IP ply In person, or odder.; /Ewa LI &LW., "- nod CI Fifth street Ptttsborgb. • FOR 8A X. "IjORSALE.-A COMFORTABLE DWELLING 110IIIIE, on Centre avenue, wltldn two minutes walk from Um 311nersnrille rusenger hallway &Won. The Lot Is log feet deep b y 21fret 10 Wet" front , The House non tains seven large, Ilghl. and airy rooms. and la very comfortable. /for Millet particulars ad dress A.. 7. /a EATtbili, Eau 1U Third ntreet. FOR SALE.—We offer for sale that Tatuable MANUFACTURING SITE. • . Occurlea by us as a Barrel rectory. dilute at the foot of Taylor etreet, Pitt townahlp, Md op Ppaltr the Copper Mill or Park. McCurdy: Co. Thu property bar front of Zifffeet on the Alle gheny river: rontalrlng near TWO AORTA and privilege of tiling op to mate as much more For Iron, Steel or othM large Manufacturta Vurpos en, bag no superior. Terms made to cult purchaser. =,=M2! VOR SALE.—One Three Story Dwelling Home. containing eleven MO.. ONE TWO nTOBY WXL.LINO HOUSE containing eight roams and /MAW attic. -.ONE niALL NEAME ROUE containing live room/land pudgy, Docialetiot WII. CAYPUZI.L. lo.= Second Street. FOB SALE OR RENT. " = A COFFEE STAND, lo the market Mines Diamond, No. L.% /or (nrih r oe Partkoiare engnire at the Stand, No. =, In the Harket Honer Diamond. altpar . t. Pa. 'POE SALE—One Lot 'fronting ••••t6 feet. 2 Inches, on Went nide of Sandusky street. running backlit feet Inches to Whir of ley, on which there Is erected 4 two-story brick bowies, Son bands esystreet, with 4 roontsetteb.,. and - 2 - on Whig alley, With 4 roams each.Obtew site the Yourth Ward Reboot Ho ess• will be *old at a bargain, by ItAIIBEY a MMiG!I von SALE—The Church Build ... log occupied Dv the FIFTH U. P. CUNDRIC RATION, corner of Pint amities% streets, aile- Dicer City, is *tiered for sale. Pnivitiltlorin for purchase will be received. and ftdl Laformation Elven of either of Um undersigned, atoll FM. rusry ist, ' T. BROW stN. No. Ita Ohio reet. ALEXANDER MARTIN. No. ifililamoug. 1= VOR SALE.—A desirable prop s- erty In Allegheny, located on Sandusky bstreet and etrawbcrey alley; the lot I. 3) feet on anausky street and 114 feet ou Strawberry al ley to /lesson alley, sad only one Square nom th e Lltsmond. The Improsements are n Peek house, wlthserea rooms, ands (same shop 03 the bank end of the lot. for further hiformation Inquire on the premises. Jab,ss2 114 SANDUSKY STREIT% VOA 'BAI.E.-01NE TWO-STORY 11t.ON CLAD 13CILDIN 0, with good store room. (and four (0) year lease of ground from No nsat April ,) situate In iimsd location, being No. =Penn rtreet,earner of Harrison street. , *maid be a good Icreation fora Feed More, or Plumbing d Gas Fitting Chop. Enquire of t. RADCL IFF, tio. :Wrenn street:or BAILIFF, BROWN . Plumbers, Steam uld Um Pipe Fitters. tio. s.sgederal street. All,gbeny City. JaStrell FOR SALE--Secoad Rand STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER. f Ewan Ot W. S.' LYTLE, 110. 91 Tint street ideett.): 5,3 GROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are THE DEVI' for Ta=lly utd lisaufsetartng porpsses. sad see Lb.= .t .4 . 0. IS Ptah Street. • DON'T BE DECEIVED BY flourish I nir bait column advertisements of tote. rio l t at c a l gib b eetirilL S VOd i ttr teen Jean, and m al COM*. "n Add.. pro - tmonend toa BEST IN DIM No, 18 1...10a street, a09:1165 82.5. BARTLETT 82. SEWING MACHINE,. Best cheap Licensed Mactitne In the enßed Mates. Agentsterwated ererywhere. Fay ISO to Aloe per month. %net°.e stamp and addreu PAO BItterIICIIS. Unbent Agents, 114 Chestnut street. Fhlledelpha, and 991 nontrelt street, Toledo. Ohio. daltpl GET NONE BUT A GIiOVER & BAKER For Holb!lsy GILL It Ls sellable. perfect and berefore the best. Don•LI1J1 b 1011.0 see 1101 =lCll== : AIINESS & CAILRLIG YLIAERS should sea the new COUR t MIR SO. 1S1141; MAU Be ors /orsale buying elsmbezu It It the tmat tor Melt. use. at norkues NO. IE TIYTR ETRE T THE GLIOVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE Is the MO=. IA at Thule of Mech. Please call .4 exam' • NO is FIFTH arnar.r. ORANGES, LEMONS, - AND ALL lIINDR OF FOR r lON AND DONEWTIC PRITIT4 AND COUNTRY PRODUCV. In Dore anti arriving dal.v. Nor we cheap by W. J. STYLI. ArtlBo., fell No. ID Third hireat. T . !1. BLACK, aWrEELVT33.IEIL. .1.3.453 a - Titree doors above S mithfield Str 4l. eet, • rrrnsuunan, PA. ,Evere kind of Work done on the shortest notien nod most reasonable terms. Parileitiarittebtion geld to Jobbing. )*14:r64 MODEL BARGES FOR BALE. - TWO MODEL 114120E8 145 feet Lone. 99 feet Bee= an 44 feet bold. 7.z. We low. U applied for soon. CALDWELL 4 BRO.. 63 Water meet GEM pEACHES.—?..S barrels Prime Dried 11.1ves, Cur sale by 103 J. tt, CAN FIZLI) fr. SON.' ~ON- Of , brothers. titik rir ~'!. Etl.lol, 'l l Fl z.