The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 15, 1867, Image 1
GAZETTE. etrausizza BY PENMEN, MEV& CO., - LT GAZETTE BUILDING, r‘ifo. aft XtEitx.c.ot. r. PENSIIMAS, T. IN BLOVSTON, ii - " 11 A D "TN" BOIIIIIOIIIInIBUINVO SCUMS PAUSED. =1:1 . -. .. Blitila 'Copia - • ' , II beats Veil Fared by carrier. (per w0ck1........ 1 ocnto Hall naboolbers, (per 7.+r) ' 118,00. • .41.1?trilsintag!AnsillD kicyrnboyi maxi Ateaur. EMIZEI TSZJI3,I OII SCuDtee piiihakby anal!. Pia*. to ;do.: do. do. each ICirof Ida* cogies,:ti oho hd , l,ress, and „ one, (man club , each ... ... ...... ' ITEMS. .Dr.lleysei 4 Bload Searcher... . "Astra two. loathsome , leder, btakid acid, • siodhitcor with rile 'MIA ioathaome crud: all my rmooth 41k.i10361:—Viiapoix:en • Lenilitidwitti tar cc. salt. rbstun lociabont thirty years The /eat test years , it-turned Loth.) mall*: ' lac. It was. ottti w orst kind.. : lay whole' ' body was covered with .11.. Thospots over my body were as larg o ' s.) "a uyppv,.. 'cent: Slylffieb thutoyea arbre covered eo with ti .-11p1103;111111 almost blind. I loot ray hearing - so that I could not hear 'without speaking ontey Haut* tm . .J.Ztfied all khidi oflloo. • . torso:if every acho3l of altulleine, for Idtare, • • without, any benefit, and. wen:item 5011201. very; great distance, who were -oeletyrated 'as 'physicians' I hadto h ISO MY Minas tied up, they wertv . ao - trontilesornearld covered with disease. ins now,and bavebeen Citteithy takinaleea than a rumen bottles of - • Your ulood Searcher at a cost of that mazy ..Allohara.... - Vdtaisrttliad ambit. huhdredi ;I.Yre• -, lon may habil& this If you whit, for the bananaothor sufferers. •. • 4. ; • -•, ' Etatanwrn . , Cheater, Mehra county. Otto. - ..';;; 1000 Aland eda of Cures that are = toads every *epic by this 'utast extraordi • „nary.modiarau.-irlioaa valnablo and life”ro ., ;towing virtnee hear inch an affinity to the Of man, that fhb most Ituithadmer and the iltlvon'out of Uni body .. 6 /iltaierisejr..nttNtsunn. - It In not nrondelfall ..tbatowneern, trant . ntos, old WeerB,./4tntoz, piles id0r,.p.:04.10: - R t. 0 1.3340 -.3lispOis..that . Tomo Vnlmed. th alr victims for years, arc `Ovoinfrby 1iE113.1311. , .3 BLOOD SkAII.CII - Olga, ICU data lOthqut ifOloariftte or ini.*:!g ate* t4give their noiiat sioaailona; on tbo contrary, sail -strength arc gradually as stomach , ansiblad to divot tad rood; taidAtcinictiy - ii Imparted to every .. °igen. Of the bodir. ; Ask for flu. BLOOD. c'- "EIC' Ala te,...kSo - iiektier Ono aoUni pea' bet, Uzi di:far Aye • dollars, If your dnezer; deal keiVit,,', write tolia.7l7Epplt,and . , . , . • , Haw to Gabe In Illedaltie. /Amity, wasp:lced wharp, obtained 411 e meals, as the. faro . must be exceed; FP, Idllpo he Appeared to xrow. Peg larger and. larger - every- , day. 'Tito prompt. reply Pres, th# ,Contrimputal Se next de' to the l'ostainoo, on Fifth ' IltKetli.wkdat lake*. ' byWat, Caree--klolitielxiler." The answer pelt ' andle the paint, for at the Caatlneetil the Y?..04 An daily nerved up at the meet. f roasottableof Prlcesr. , PS. ,o :aria+ et 0 304 ., 11. b, end everythink tlitezept . J.liejjelite; are served . . aptlt' abate?' style. !inn malld PrOfemior Mot trtOatd, gatlltyno eat ono meal gotten r ut/ by floltsbabici at a tow minutes notion, fon 4.lll,foraver boattorimar pationgosm . To Housekeepers. • - - Good Tot:maces at 30 cents per cam . .Stotteberrztet at 40 cents. ~ slackbocriee aL £0 cents.. • Roaches at 30 cents. . .Peach hlarnialtide at 50 cente. Peach Jam at 30 cents.- . • • - "• Good Raisin! at 30 calcite per heand. Good Preece at 25 cents per pond. • 'Geed Currants at 02 ratite per pound. At 1.12 Federal street, Allegheny City. DORell rail TO visit be Opera House 81100 Stoiro, now tnat yoU 50.00 such do oonorlanlty to buy 1139cOnsmktiltuns on clomp. : Tie 04osin6 ouL positively on!yuontinuo tuatillkprO OCEI Aboatliftiera alxteen year% 0/ age, caa ob a good altuallint by. applying at .the Oxietallattaa bhp!, Atora. None need 'apply but tboaeptriacla Allegheny city. ' '1 . 12 'lttnet;alad: )l . 4 thlue.• Doetare:hrescripthke venially prepared at half the areal-arta, at. l'uttoses Drug :etbru, onrckidto POStGlaoc. Buy locatgn ittition ofall kinds al Joseph 8. rins:lVS UyWlecs, No. 183; wt. 13.; And 195 suit 04 - lietal.ttabargu: -; . = • , • Floe Tolle* Reaps, ,In tirrot varjeti, sznl,St low prime, at Mem. mg'a Drug Moo, Ito. 84 Ilarket area. lite member The place-84 Market street. El= Coutbiuos for MO groat bargains,. at tim grand sixty days• closing out gals, now going an Lathe Opera Ttrinsa 81/00 More. sni per cant. Alcohol c Joseph B. Finch' . . . Ton Cyn n 417. New Hope at .Toeeph B. rincli,e. FROM THE WEST. The Suffrag ems;eettou In the Kansa* - Legistatiatreat Freshet. In the . Western Itlvere—,Rattrood Bridges Torsaa.E.Lo,,Yob. It.—Tho Scoot° voted ou the 11Ounajoint re:total= to amend the t Conotttutiort by, sulking out the words irttti ao aniontlment maklag intelligence the bawls of auffrage. 'The - Klein riveris higher than It haa been ..idnee-Diall soil Is still rising. Tae railroad - bridges at ...W,yandotte, . and the away, theat Mannuttan have been swept away, the bitter carrying with it amoral persons, wholrere on It at the time. A portion of the pontoon. Mudge at this .place has been swept away, and-there is riciermaing except in a adrift. _ rose:Lartaani, February 11-snow fell to the depth of Mile inches last night. and It atilt 'continues falling rapidly. The for . warding of stores to the forts at the North 'is much retarded. C Kaasas Clew, February .A. utler, . implicated In the iteottCutlerlL—G fire of No - 'timber, left. Independence' for St. Louis yesteaday, In Marge of the Sheriff, In re sponse to a writ habeas corpus issued by Judge lioluies,of the Supreme Court. --The Railroad bridge across tile Republi can Myer aelart litlay was 'carried away .bythelllgh water this merrairlg,taking trite IL Leaman who were eaddavoring to make • it sec are. A part of the bridge was secured Wautego; no limas lost. The bridge across . the Blue river at preh•wals le in ineta i .. sumt danger.. The lime and Kansas rivers are higher than ever' before mown. The flood Is a generalone. The railroad bridge across [bu d g e Rnnes at the State live mill the wagon at Wyrandette,are seriously • damaged,' and bears are entertained that both will he carried away. The Missouri at this point has risen three feet since morn log, and Is still rising: Sehreat7l4.—.ldvlces from Iowa) say the rain storm has been tundra west of , Dulyggittee flooding Thep rairi and break. mg rip the rivers. long bridge at Dy ersville has been bwept away; loss very A portion of the Illinois Central bridge at Galena has been swept away and two s team beats luirl barges carried. Off. The -break water waa also injured at Aurerra, The Island was overflowed, covering the Knit Door of the basilicas bottom , wed Wm' yell tug families to leave their dwellings. There was a very destructive are at ilsira go,-Illbsois, on - saterday night. Several boldness liousertwere destroyed. Lose not known. •' Threemen named tee, Cofer and Horne, were arrested yesterday and this 'morning charged- 0111 forgery of Buena Vile la, :lows; meaty. heeds to. the amount of forty thousand dollars. A preliminary ex amluatirm was had to and the prison ers be id fu IMJDO bonds. • The warm weather or the past few days, has produced a freshet Je tee eererfl greases in this atate,and con , lderrble dam age has already been done. propotty. Tb e Chicago and St. Louis ItaU road bridge,,,,s or the Kankakee river, wee swept aw l y ,norning, and It lc ins poselble at present to to make translate of passengers. ere hear or no damage to other -Made es yet, alth ough the tracks in a number 01 places ere under •- FROM! SAN FRANCISCO. to the i YeaterdtrY*seise tJ Delhalter—Tbe Blarkete. - RAN Paanclaco, Yeb.l4.—A'llre this Morn. tug On illealpit • etroet.between 2d and Id streete destroyedelght or ten wooden belle. • Robert Lanatnere. Treas.:leer of Batter .connte, absconded on the 10th Inat.,lwdeli e "defaulter of 512,000. elites of dour are confined to the local antra °at 16; enperepe Hood. shire , e plug wheel *), ner lee Ina Choice Choice East ernbutter 350. Inning htecke—eavago 17, ye; Crow. , foist eJI; Yellow Jacket 810. tioeld.t. Corry 51n; dollar 2:1J; Oplitr Legal Tenders Q •i- i , ) ' f - ---' le 1 1 11 1 •I 71 ~,,,\ e. . ,-_ ) NM VOLITME LXXXII.---NO. 39 FIRST EDrrION. .0,NE:;,6!q.L.4;i0c :A;:m. EMT .WARANS. FROM HAIOUSBURG. Beport,of Committee on Bribery. SENATORIAL ELECTION WITHODT A TAINT. Probable Defeat of the Con uelles-lne Railroad 001. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette IlArtatenueo, February IL ITT. =SI! lir. 'highs= reed lupine an act fore gen eral law to pare the streets in the bomuith of .hierzeosport; also. the ; petition of St. Orphati A/71am, relative to soldiers , orphans. • The Connelsville Railroad Dill being again before the senate, Mr. Scsraght made uzi arifitoMit in farm , at the restoration of the charter. Tile Clerk read the proceedings of a meet ' leg of ; Me citizeox of Pittsburgh rldativo to this bill.' ' • The discussion on the Cannellsville Rea -1 road .bill ocaupiod both sesalons of the' Samita.• ThO trim& of the "bill wished to adjourn 'lillhout Real action. -To Lim Senate would not agree. and Idr. Itighim le still speaking On - the bill.' Test votes hall ago that the bill xiil-40 pass. - EZEM The I'ollDi:in bills hero passed: • An set Insozporating the Allegheny and lifh".4 l V4PeY Ege r. Esilway. I= !ECM lag's and Ulla Amoclatlon. Anent relatMeto bierkirm and peddling; Westporpl....d. vriitY• • - The following petitions irere'preamited. By MT. Mcßee: =favor of the passage of • lawloeinspecilogrelined and carbon oil. By Mr. . Wilson; Of citizen* of McKemport , for a general paving law for sold borough; also. temonatranee against the removal of dead bedb• in the Bowickley burial ground. ByMi: ClusdcleM From .the School Dl • rectors Of IlarrLson tgiernship, for authority to boriow money for mhool.mtryoses: . Mr.. Ideihling In 'favor a the re. peeler - theLiechbui g license By Mr: Quay: The petition Gray, for divorce; rdso of, citizens' or Brighton , Boar= county, to4lrile said - borough into threeelectien districts. By Mr. hisCanaustroThe petition of elt loons of Blair county, to abolish the coun ty Superintendents of schools. • By Mr. Kimmel: Of citizen* or for an election as to whether /Pinar should bersold in that county or not, iiir. Colville offered I. resolution that there be a &mu:Mee of live appointed to inquire whether the Pennsylvania Railroad has discriminated to the carrying of freight against the eittsensofPittsburgh. Adopted. .. The following bills were repotted by Gam. mlttee : Au act =pasting the fees of the clerk of the Courts of Crawford county. • • A supplememi to the act incorporating the borough of Law renoevllle, allowing it to borrow money for building purposes. Mr. Stambaugh, from the Special Corn• mlLteo to examine the 'charges of corrnp. tlon in.the eloction of United ,States Sena tor, report:rat thllt they,had invited Damn v having any knowledge of ouch corruption, to appear and present what testimony they had, and that thcro were no grounds for such charges. Too following public bills wore pawed. An act relating to foreign /asumucocum • An act to provide for the wdeof unsettled lands for non paymOnt of taxes. .• • An act to extend the law giving railroad cotapahles otos rota for each share of stock held In bridge eorapanles. An act vvilatlng,.to the .24rInalLural Col. loge of Pennsylvania, appropriating the Interest of money from laodadonaloil by the United Stites: • The Committee appointed by the meeting In Pittsburgh . , for the Purpoie of advancing the interests of the - hill to restore the char. ter-of .the ConnelLsyllis Railroad, waited upon' the (Wismar: who asenred theta if the ball was passed ho would alga it. (Dispatch to the .eissocionsi Press.l liensumcno February It.-The ice in the eneduchanna le broken up end' has moved olr. All-apprehenaion of a Hood are dlepelled. rale =ruing. while the fast,train was 'Passing the neighborhood' of Watsontown. a broken rail threw a number of care down the e bank of the canal. !Several passengers wer Mimed. FROM EUROPF. The Union of the North Amer- ican Colonies VESSELS PASSING THROUGEI TEE SUEZ CANAL. • Landing of Fenian at Va lentia, Ireland. ouvinzos araa's TmAL, Lemma, February lf.—The Government will lissome the legal expenses of the de fense of Governor Eyre, of Jamaica, whose trial is now progressing. - CONVEDEULTION 01 711.0 COLONIES. The bill for the confederation of the British North dmerlean Colonas only em• braces the two Canwiria, Hoy ia Scotia and New Brunswick. IiZONLLIOINLN PAILAOLLILT. . The mall steamer from Rio Janerlo, brings intelligence that a rebellion has broken out in Paraguay, which seriously threatens the power and life of President LOPer. = Aissivosts, lelrrcucry 13.—A number of vessels hams psseed throvgtx. tho 8000 Caned, LATZST. LASIONO OF YOWL/5 Lemnos, February IL—The , (Jorernteent has been advised of the 'sliding of two ehip loads of lantana at Valentla. Sir llugh Eden, Commanding General in Ireland, and Lord Seas leave for Ireland at Once. There la s renewal of the rumor that the Yeomans will attempt to eat the cable. 11111101 AL AND comseneist. - Livanrow.. February It —The etenamship Denmark, from Now York, arrived at QuerenstOwn. - Li morrow, FebrearyCm.—Cotton market has a declining tendency, though middling uplands are still quoted at 14%; Wee, as yet, trifling. Los tars, Febreary • it — A . . o . — C_ aus/Is closed at 90y,0 for money. .. iVe-WW entlekl, 71 n; Illinois shares, 7834; Erie 4'i4. kasecroar, February 14—.EcentUfi.—wIc• ted mates bonds, 764. Pants, February 14.—Eventnp.—gentes are declining. Loupe., February, 14—Evening.Consols 78 closed at ale for % 'money. Five-Tecutles, IP% Illluols, ; A v ./I'mm, _February 14.—Cotton market closed Iltaktaliddittot.Upimodsatill,'at Breadstuff. drum Provisions, generally un emaged. . allows a light dentine, Meted at 435 old per cwt. Produce—Pot Ael, , Ms au. Solrlia of Tarpentine, 37s tal. Pe troleum, maned, steady at is ed. ===l4 By dferelkinte A - offend:a Telegreph • 0,, o,„.F.bropryll..—The Ice Irom chOre rencheil hero thin ofVentlng and. is going clown with terrible force, kith kinky bonus among It. The creek Is ttiso sendingont. heavy Weather wet. Oil market SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M VERY LATEST TELEGRIMS. FRO* WASHINGiON. PRUSBENT'S POLICY. AS TO AP . POINTIIIENTS LIEBEAFTEV. Interviews Between the President and Republican Members. DISLOYAL MEMBERS IN THE EU- PRErdE COURT. Possible understanding Between the President and Congress. IV/61610..40,, Febivary 14,11417. • TON rIrCPIDttt . STin.II.II..TECILTAIIIII O . ' TLO.NOW rprk..P.lN tretelliniiten apuclal says: The President suited yesterday teat his nominitloidein the /attire would be such as he esould expeortho !Innate to confirm. The lrays and Means ,COmmittee ,adhere tense Senate tarn/ bill as regards Iron and steel. The rates On outMry'lere those of the old nous° bill. , . Serend conservative republicans bad . an fntetclew with the l'tesident taut evening. The President /Amused anxious to moot Von. gres.s half way, but no phiu was suggested to irldch both parties could endorse. Ammrriro To re■ su'rnlds 00CeT .NooGovernor. Brown awl. Judge Davison A. Walker, of the Supreme Court of Georgia, wore 'adtrattett to the bar or the Sopron° OT 1011TITICATI11:41. Brevet Brigadier Genertiil 'ldabzeler and Brerrat.t:olonel Bader are detailed as mom , berg, of a board of officers, to : react! u ingtori, for tba purpose . of detorminiall calibres, number of each • calibre, land ihe yropmtiona, of thled gum required for the armament of fortifications. The receipts from customs from the Lotto the nth instant, was 0,0:NG:J1I, and the re ceipts ,from Internet Ilevenne ens only $2102e. • A. delegation from the Sioux Indiana or the Upper Missouri, convicting of several chiefs, is expected hero on Saturday, for tho purpose of settling the d 'Dictates existing between them and the Indian Direr., grow ing out, of the intention of tho GOvernment to remove them into the Indian country. Mr IN toe rotten.: • The ico In the Pete.= is reported well broken up and Rooting or. • UrCOMITIIrcTION. • The New York Cenoncrefor's Weehlugton special =ye that leading Republicans =unf ired n dlepooltion to apply the Prloc/Pic., of the Louislanablll tO ell the Southern States, and thus .supercede o general reconstruc tion bill. The geseral lmpmsalon la the donate will te-morrow adopt the Blaine amendment to the military government bill, which was yesterday defeated In the Monde by a ele.e vote. Ic was moved to-day as an amoa& meat by Mr. Williams. Tavilrac nurnbc, of the Ecr:ping Lea de radical ItepubliFan In i . tryearect t tItLY. Prom Evening (7bronlcle I,lspatcl:e. Mr. Sumner has decided to report meanlyt the confirmation of any ono to the Euilins say at Stockholm. lilittitsessious will he bold in boll Houses from this time until the fourth of March. Either to-morrow or naturday, the Re publican Sena'lite will hold a caucus for the nomination au finecougor tour. Foster as President of the &Mato. Senator Wade is the tires choice, and will undoubtedly be .. .. . . , elected to that position. The appointment of n negre to a twelve hundred dollar elerkehlp In the Treasury Department Is merely nominal In Its effect. The appointee haur held the pont of a tiles nenger lit that Department, and continues in that capacity._ the appolutmeut being tnerely designed to -effect an increase of compensation. The Navy Department lii 'beginning to he seriously concerned for the safety of the gunboat Swatara, which la over due at this port 1101110 two weeks, and has not been hailed at any point no the route. IL will be remembered Diet this to the craft: in which John IL Surratt was embarked for this country, and 40 Is admitted that atm Is one. of the oldest and craziest crafts in the ser vice. • It is underetood that the evidence thus far taken by the Judinlary Committee does not implicate - the President In any oMelal mistndnct whatever. Dinra.Tl.3lT.O TO Tile RYW YORE r.tric.• ['mt. the Ilcrald Correspendesee: j : It is believed that pilot's Louisiana Gov ernment bill will pass the Senate before the close of the week. The whole amount, principal and interest, of corn pound interest notes outstanding, Is 5170,g24,331; principal and interest falling One in/hh . I.S II9 .M , V= . The report that General Dix Is receiving toe salaries of naval office and Minister to France is denied on the best authority, r From the World Correspoudeute•j • The M Indianaan twee route Pionell tiou to guarantee, the safety or travel through their country, and also tho frontier settlements, provided the government will authorise the organization of not le. than two hundred and lift; men belonging to the!r bands, under an °Meer satisfactory to themselves, they to fix the compensation at sixty dollars per month, and rations for themselves [am il ten and heroes. Thee will furnish their Own at ma, ammunition, horses I. and transportation. The the Tribune Cnrreseoadencs. The fifty million Mexican loan proposi tion was up before the Committee en ror eign Affairs yesterday, but as there M.llO • prGapeCt of getting. security, owing to the, unsettled state of affairs in that country, the Committee unanimously decided that it man Inexpedient to extend Ito old .ked, . Governor Parsons, of Alabama, bas noth ing to do with the cotton claim for $1,440,00e, nor has a claim been granted as stated. FROM MEXICO. News From the Pacific ersast—Litternl Force• In the Vlclotty of the city oc Alealco,Mas [millets Moors to Embark for Europe—The I.ltternts to Occupy the Capital. Sax. Foanctsoo, YObrnary. 13.—licalcan news, per the steamship Golden City, via. Acapulco, to February itti, has - been re ceived. . General Alvarez' forces were in the Imme diate vicinity of the City of Mexico. The Imperial General Pauline Gomez. La. wide had been shot. - General Diaz had taken Tehuantepec and continued operations in the direction of Puebla. ile had exchanged French prison ers for Liberal. The Austrian priseners re mained lit his hands. Acapulco is still recopied by thelmperlal- 1 late. It is expected the French squadron will MatitiVely nail on the :nth Inst. • 11AVANA Feb. 8, via 11.‘1.1•Inone, Feb. 14— The Englishatearour Solent, from Vera Grua on the lid, arrived yesterday. Maximilian will icave the city of Mexico Immediately, ur he has already left, Mr a point from whence ho embarks for Europe. The French are continuing their prepara tions for their embarkment, end look for the arrival of a large fleet of trwmports. General Plaz is to occupy the city el Mexico after the evacuation by' ]iazadne. 1 and bets now UnprOach Mg Um Capital. Ac!realar lasuud by, MMabits announces that all Frenciniamt who Min thu Mexican army disfrancit.e the tneelves. Marquis., wanti money, and demands Vest) from tile Mexican merchants at Vera r,etn that the Amer ican, English Thu and a other Bnmfeu merchants should ho levied 111 MIL as well as thu Mexican mer chants. 1111mmou and Marquise will 1 , 0 obliged to hoar° the toiletry her choir own safety. e 'FIUUDI' CANADA. rortlfien E tiou or Mont rcnl —Picts . Fort ft to tbo rected—Nl Ittplrlf stl of Log nab Troop? , . MorrrneAL FehroatY lA. — Fort Itlmatbort Stir y 7.43 prderilmi ol ille city will wpon commoncml. II M1.'1 . .1.1110. 1 lc to br yen. Ilorna Imprequablo. aad fort , aro to Ns Or., 101 lit i,n Itrarle, Mon. ILIIIi ,ievernl other pm 11 oi 0 1111: Smith Aim, AdVit:ll2, l';110111111 11,01 four reg. loientn are to Ito witharawn from Cctintla on 1.44, ormlaK of naVlgatlon , • • ... , PITTSBURGH. - FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 1367 FROM THE SOUTH. Direct Trade Between Norfolk and Europe. SrEtCH OF On AT CHARLESTON His Views as to the Ditties of the Southern topic, ' ICAT PARTY FORMING IN SOUTH WESTERN InUILOT TRADG 14611FILIN .7 , 101iir01.4 AID FOIZTV.Voi Llormen, Febrtutry 11.—Tho steamer Peruvian will take from liorlolk to . Liverpool throe thousand bales of cotton, With naval /Moron, leaving In Norfolk n toll cargo for the oteamahlp Delaware, which In pectell to arrive abOut March Direct trudo:froul Zorfolk to Europe . has Luca talrli Inauggrated: ' OXON. ONO, ON AOIMI CAROLINA, ON TOE ,Ctiehtzsrox, February ll.—At the aunt- Vereary. banquet of the Chamber 'of Coin- Meroe, , . last night, Governor Orr image a speech, during which he alluded to bLa visit to Washington, and the formation of the echeme of reconetructlen, already printed, which it Was thought could Bemire the sup port of the Conservative Weathers or the Radical party. lie was received kindly and treated courteously, ant every inst.,lmo manifested to have is per- Asa. tang ,complate setUement,. hut some of those , .yery gentletnt.M, when next they went late the Halls of Congrers,lnaulged In speeches of the most violent character. 110 said; My own jutlgment Is, If the Leg/sta. tutu adopted the programme -with any de- greeOf unesUlniry in.arkanses, and if other imuthern States adopt It, or manifest o dls• position to adopt it, It will produce the best results upon a considerable portion of the -radical party, 'and 'rave the' - tooth from many of the proposed radical nitimenres... know a . groat many .of Our Ovate.- are In favor of folding their arms: They shy' we are to the power of them people; let thorn no they please. I do not believe In sot • our,b doctrine. tam am not onoof the "d/itottY" sort. I bane both:vett In one doing something for war m/vela I have believed to lodleatlngtothe people of the North that there le no sullen ness:at leant, on Um part of the people of the south, and that at were prepared to give . them-all honorable guarantees to secure our .rWits. In the Government; and when wedid so, we at least challenged, the re spect of the honest portion of that party. 1 have boon myself, for two long years, endeavoring to produce that result, Whether -It 0111 follow I do not know. In taking the position I now occupy, It was to servo the people of South Carolina, and I Intend to continue to serve them, and notwithstandlog the growls of grumblers, I shall not be swayed from the porformnooe of my duty In that line. If it ancompliblies the results hoped for, I shall be fully com- Pensated for any sant - Moe that may have een made. If ft fails, I shall feel that any responsibility for the further humlllatlOn 0.13t1 oppression of South Carolina, does not lav at my JOOl." (ApplaU , O.) fanlight Governor Orr. by invitation, will:address a public meeting of the Freed. ninsriortxa tisEr, SX rneosni, . WAseimrros, Febrnary /4.1a17. A dispatch received at Wailalngton, from Itichinond, Virginia, states that • very strong fooling of radical Itepublicanisai la developing Itself In the southwestern por tiere; Of particularly in the court ties bordering on North Carolina. la Car roll county the organtration known as••lted String' , retmently holda meeting at Shel byville. which way addressed try an es. rota-I cancer- Ile proclaimed their 5711110- Hen to the Radical party at the North, nounced the present Loglata.ture so disloyal. and advocated the adoption of the Constitu tional Amendment. Ile demaned that they should have reprezentatlon, and was par ici,4rly severe in his strictures upon the President, who he said should be impeach .l and removed before there could to any . . security for Union DM. , They then para ded tnrough the streets, numbering about rive bemired. and carrying a Urinal Mato, nag. acre very nxpteasivu in demonstra tions of loyalty to the present Congress. They adopted re-olutious calling for a Jorge meeting of the organization at a fu.. tore day, when they will take measures to make known their grievances to Congress, with a view to procure immediate action fur theft present relief. . IsTICAIGG DUAXNU OV/ TILL nociucn CiI...L.EsTON, S. C.. February 11.—Four Wen. lately belOuging to the crew of the . steamehip City of Bath, arrived here from Gaaargetown. They report that steamer horned on Tuesday morning off Cape Rat turas. 1)f twenty-eta pemone alumni, all are believed to bu loat.,earaypt thew Vier. Tao Clay of Bath was on her way from Bos ton to Savannah. FROM ST..LOVIS. The Wind-op of the ittser)nopreito-. intent liatbering—A. Eons el at She Idndell eeeee I—ipeeehes or the To rtoni Deletrnies, and •iientnnt Goon Time. ST. Lome, February 14.—The River Im provement Couvention adjourned yeller- . day afternoon, to reassemble atAhe Lindell Motel at S r.x., where a banquet had been provided by the Union Merchants Exchange sot the convivial Interchange of sentiments cordiallyof Real icllewshlp . n he Invitation and 'Miser. Bally accepted by the delegates. The guests were In the beat of humor, oOnSCaluent MMn the harmonious and stiocessfal completion of the work which bad brought them to ht. Louis. Charles L. Tucker, of the Merchants Union Exchange, presided over the ban quet. Among the regular.tosats were "The Pedant! Government,. responded to by E. 11. Richards, of Dubtufur• "Commerce,. re. mantled to by lion,Tihealore Cook, of Ohio; "Minnesota,. COT ,. lett Judge C. E. Flandm it sea needed in •rieb yobs of humor, clielthse frequent and hearty plaudits. lie insisted on tint remitidiug the delegates from . all along the Miaelssippl that their obligations to Minnesota were very great. If asked In what, be an•NOSell. thats where the Mis•dsalppi comes from. (Great laugh ter.] If it bad not been for Minnesota, they. would not have any river to 11111• prove upon. hoe "Wisconele. ledge T. P. Watbertry happ ily ily responded. "Illinois. waa responded to by Mon. Mr. Doherty. Among the volunteer toasts was "1.00151. nun,. to which Genteel Jen. Thompson res ponded, and was greeted with uproarious cheers. General Jeff. made every humor. 0114 xpeech, stattng that sa far to he wits concerned ho bad a very sad expe rience ou the river known an the, "misaissippl.. lie saw many focal 1 around use table which be bad seen' in battle, and preferred to eve them plwaYa around tho table. lie had fought up and down the Miseialippt from Cairo to New Or.' leans, oil. horseback; on foot •and On 111.11. and he was willing to own that he never got •wilat ho expected. He noutinned at acme length, watt was v ociferriusly cheered thronghout. • • The blur Spangled Banner wee ernig, all singing with spirit. after which the banquet adjourned With "three cheers for the per petuation Of the Union forever.. FRO NEW YORK. Movements of Cite Free Trotle Ineon —Firemen Injured—The Otenmer It It. Cityler. Nsw Yong., rebrpary 11, 1%7 VIMS TrIAMIS LEMIVE. • rho Executive Committea of the Ameri can Free Trade League held a meeting this afternoon for the . purpose of making ar ranuemen ' ts for a grand demonstmtion favor of free trade,Xtt tibia city, in a short time. sins is A retossrasr amass. lty a fire in a tenement house on Eleventh Area, this morning, Wm. Moulton, John I and Wm. O'Neill, firemen, were dan gcrously injured by fulling from a ladder. Tulin. a. crnisc. it appears that the owners Of the IL. It. Cuyier were not to receive pay for the ves sel until her arrival at Laguyars.. Mean time a conspiracy was formed aboard, un der the lead of an ex-rebel ofneer named Bead, to turn her into a Chides privateer hen at son. The owners urn now sathilled that they would have loot the vessel but tor the intervention of the authentic.. Collec tor Smyt thenus PeeeliVeli orders In conformi ty with Attorney General', decision, POLITICAL. lo len u —P io T ha r d moZiunt tCoem& the Fourth I.llotriet. Nonvrtuir, Conn., February 14.—lion. U. 11. Stfitrk weather has been nominated coy the g ß e r e e n p e u to ican D r f a o n r da ß g e epr, es h en taptr i e v s e nti nr eCpo"n, , tativa. - I I warroun, Conn.. February 11.—Tho 110- I puhi leans or the First District bare reborn 11,nry c. Doming for Eno Kress. I'. T. Barnum has Immo uOniaatta.l In the Foci r Llt I.lstriol. Thu Dena - ATMs of the StToan Dimtriet have nominated Julius 1101.01k1.. THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. (fircOND . eisi4los.) • W ASEL [MOTO... February lt, - SENATE, erne Tr. 1t1ti201.... Mr. WADE reported from the Committee on Territories. shill to regulate the selec tion Of grand and petit jurors In Utah, With an amendment In toe form of a sub. etitute, being substantially the amendment recently adopted to the 'ainewlatory to - the act providing it temporary govern. meatier utonians. 31.A1t.9 To ..(11,01.ULU. Congress introdneid'a the Poet, Master tieneral to Invlto propo . - Bats for. steamships:ln ttio mall sorTleo. - : for nientfilk tripe lietielm . San Iribeleco And lionolulu; no bide =coaling ono huritirtd thounrh.l .41,01hre 'lst pro:cppel.deorect. Re ferred. Mr. Moltltll.4 introduced a - bill ameudu• tory of the act Oflho that seitalenTOr repairs, Ito., to certain palate Ivorize, shloh. author izes the use by the Secretary of War, of appropriations there made for other pur poses than for,,extuninaLlous 11.1.1 d surreys, when required'by the public Interest. It passed to a second reading. onerous. Tho credentbdsof Mr. Row, Sumter from Kansan, for ldr, Laneinunexpired term, were prounted by Mr. I'OMEIWY. Mr. 'tug, who has OD U. thl. time held the office by appointment Of the Gorerneaemeyw„ra . Mr. HESS prrleeLed ereilentink of Mr. Pomeroy, tignotor elect front Karam. for six yearn. Ordered to be filed. = All prior orders wero postponed, and cm motion of Mr. GRIMES the Leaguo Navy Tarsi bill was considered. After debate, during which a motion by Mr. WADE to postpone tt andtako up tha Lout's!. nna bill, Wan rejected by 17 alO6lllll Mr. SUMNER'S amendment (or the ap pointment Of. a tginimLaslors . noloct idle, was lost by 15 area against '25 nays The bill then passed. • • TZTInt.IC or orrice • The Clerk of the (louse timid:lnnen lie re foAl to recede front Its amendment,, to the tenured' of OW. d Coutnilttne or Con rerun= war, arpotated. • 6[62IOT.CTION Mr. 511ERMAX male un ineffectual ef fort to gut up his Compound Intermit Lund• lug bill, Out. the Imutilaus billvraft taken up ut Ur. W'ade's motion and read Cie sec ond 11,00. . . Mr. TIII, several Amend went., neoessary to perfect the LOU. • taT 0 notice or nmend• meet consisting. Of. three additional• tines. The first raporlx ell rebel legrnettou, beginning with, the ordinance of 11,,C,11011, esnept such so ms.* - bo 'necessary to keep the government In motion, if Mere be ally such. The second annuls the niter...nate decrees of Courts, and ;del" curiae; powers to the same; and toe tt;lrd req cares an oath TO support a lttrenddlCrin form or govern- . . 31. r. W.11.E, by ye7,4.4i. connented to the potponement of the bill mall to-morrow, a s il that it be printed. • Trro bill of the Itoroustrucnon Committee as taken up, reads recorkt limo and or need to be printed, ITTriYJi IMINDINII BILL. The compound interest funding bill IV . ken op anti read, atr.bilEitalAN, by direction of till Ft napee Committee, offered an antondment Increasing the amount •01. tedloontry loan earthiest°. at any time unstandlng to Stou r 040,1.5.0. Arced to. Mr. SHERMAN bald that libel/cc/of this bill was to provide, - in pert, for the payment of compound Interest notes. tie had nu of ficial statement of the amount of them and tAten they Matured showing that during he present'yeer, litts,ofq would mature,. upon which the I 'rest war tbr,r..l4,PM; making $11e,t02,t90 to' be provided her be fore the first of Jandary next. rift). mil lions of dollars paying Internet matured on that de). and prior to ,Nownliber, Maly tight millions. The question was how this must he paid. Mr. Sherman stated the amount or currency mi hand, where It was, sad 11110 . 1.11, frost the ogiCiai statement ut I.:entre." Spinner, that it was not mart than sufficient furs ticoomary working tralanew. lie also read the °Metal statement of the amount of train on hand, showing r.,7,::-Tqpfsr or which twenty I:lithium. belong to individ uals upon gold certificates, and he ultima te.' the amount in gold necessary to be Wed by the Gorerti - mont before January IPA at eighty Millions of dollars. Ha con tended that the gold balance .tionl.l not to dlnitnialleil; but Ire kept as a steady re..erve to Maintain the pOOO4Ol Goveroment to prevent nuetentlonv, and prepare (or the contingency- of declining revenue and for specie payments. Therefore, the bal ance of money on Aland could not be relied upon to any considerable uncut to pay the accruing compound Interest note, Ile insisted that they could not be paid by selling a dditio nalda gold • bearing bonds. The whole of the present debt. be euhl, will soon be funded In gold bearini.T bonds, and will amount to 1ig,0t4,01/0,./.. This In no eta, ought to be luerettued. The emu and notch phoula ho met tubber by tun porttry loons or by current receipt.,or by tho I antler issue oflegal louder nut. The pulllic debt, if not tncaearied beyond its present limits, could rapidly be converted Into bend. bearing ;loner rate of Inter...L, and would not be a material Lurden upon the people. Mr. 811.}:ruAzi abated lila. objections to the further issue of legal tender not.. It was nut tho policy of Una Gorerntnent to In. crease the volume of legal tenders, unless to meet et temporary revulsion which could not he guarded against. The unmitnum of currency hod been reached and passed, and the lawprovides for its gradual reduction. Tubs policy must not be deported (rout un til specie pay meats are .resumed, This might be severe on theople, but it was on absolute necessity w r Ich no nation dee', )5 , In debt could nvonl. Thornily remaining resource was a temporary expedient pro- posed in the hill. Mr. TRUMBULL said he had not expect el MU MU World be called up to-day. Lie aripposedlt AILS =MOSS to offer any opm.,- million to it, or attempt to dismiss It. The hill was pnesd as amended, and Imes to the Yonne. cuoved to consider the Niagara Ship Cloud btili pending which the Senate took n recess. Evening &elution—The bill to ostabll.ll and protect National Gemetrins was pursed $750,C0D are appropriated. A number oh ,privata pensions weru A.blll to authorize a submerge,' tubular bridge acres. tau SlississlPPl ay. , at St. Louis, AdJoarned. • ROUSE. . - rOsTOrrICa arraOrallTlues. Mr. KASSON, from the Committee on proprtations, reported back the Senate amendment to there/doff:tee Appropriation bill, which was coonorred in.. ' Tarelie Or orrice. on motion of Mr. SCLIENCH, the Senate bill to' regulate the tepuro of certain civil °Moos was taken from the speaker's table. The Senate bad refused to concur In the Rouse amendment making the bill apply to cabinet °Mears, and the Rouse Instated on Its amendments, 11111 asked a committee of ConferenCe. rektor.: Or coarrui.cs. • On zuctUOn of Mr. LAWRENCE, the Sen. ate amendments to the Douse bill to donna and punish certain crimes therein named, were taken frOm the Speaker's table. eon . concurred in, end a Committee, Or colder once asked. = The Squaw Joint resolution In reference to ocean mall service between Ilan rrancleco and. Portland, Oreg.., was P.. 0.1. W•IL arrinseaB Or TKO STATES.. The House hook up tins bill nal - anted Jan nary It. from the select oommittooen the war debt °noel States, to reimburse States that furnished troops t e x pen s esio itrmy, (Of advances mado Emil ps in toeaising the same, the question being on the motion to reeemslder the vote by which the bill was recommitted. Mr.DELANO asked Mr. Blaine what was the aggregato sum Um bill would told to the indebtedness of the Uovernment. Mr. BLAINg sold Mu bill provided for the Woo Of 050 per cent. betide, not nego liable for twouty years. to the- f of One hundred and fifteen millions of dollars. Aft ,„ debate, Mr. WILSON moved to table tie but. 1. o f against The vote of recommitted was then recon endured, and the bill came beton, thellouse. Mr. BLAINE wltb,lrow 013 InOtluti to 011- COmMit. to l i t a r r triteliAbyktlEl I.7l:yetiot. W 0 Gommlltec of Way% a moved nd Moans. Agreed tO-44 to ti.• TEL' cants nett.. M r . parSE,, from the Committee nil 31111- tin, reported FL bill to provide for tho organ. Icing, &rattail and dinuiPlinmg of tits The bounty bill was postponed until to morrow. - r aorosen IN nlAa NZUOTIATIONS. Tba 61 'EA . KE11, provented a oothmenlea Lion from the heoretary of the Interior, re communding an appropriation of ono lion dreg andtifty thousand dollars. to tumi( the OCIAIrtMOUttO send commissioners tt all the Indhla trilme srest ni the hl hislss Ipm Inver. !inform!. =EMU The 1i0n, ,, . wont Into emmulttee Wholo, Mr. RoutArun in Um chair, mot I. 'N.lrtlell tltn ellllsldUrla 101 Or till, I.U:rm.! ltevenue 1,111. moved to uU IlcF out tit EMI WEN - --7 proviso a:emoting butter and cheese from trpecial tax. 'Rejected. air. WARD, of Kentucky. moved to strike out the clause raising distillers' license to gm. Without action the Committee roar. 'Maass. • Evening Salon—Tho tax bill was resum ed in Committee of the Whole. Mr. WARD'S amendment was adopted. The tax on distillers remains as now, ten dollars. tint mot ion of Mr. TIC BIPIIREYS. the per m:sup't llwlUog until the :Xith of April next the right or gas companies to add the tax to the prices of consumers, was struck out. Mr. SCOFIELD 131041111 to reduce the duty on refined rock oil from twenty to ten cents per gallon. Rejected. ()emotionof Mr. SC It was agreed to that any person who munnisatmed or sold nom). mixed with oil exploding et less temperature than 110 degrees, Fahres belt, eboutd be punished with tine and Im prisonment, Tile paragrapher the existing law Mmes. inga tax of Me per gallon on oil of moths., benzine, the prainet of crude porn-o h:um, was struhk out, in order that It might be put on the free list. The punt, rapt. relating to sugar were street: out and anew paragraph Inserted taxing all sugars produced from sugar.cano and not relined, one cent per pound, and in lined sugars two cents mivalorem. The present tax ou wood screws was re duced from lo to 5 per cent. od intorrni. The paragraphs relating to gun powder were antentled SO 114 to teaks the tax on canister powder one cent. per pound; snorts lug powder inkcgs, one cost. per potnii; blasting powder In kegs or caskaOnesbalf cent. per )101/Olt. The paragraph rotative to Cigarettes, cl• gars, gc., was discussed. Mr. MIEUS moved to amend by linty µa uniform species tax of per thetas . ,V nitwit action the House adjourn • • CITY AND SUBURBAN. Fl URIII PAGE.—ha hah , i a n d mb+ l liabb• Mqnry, Oil and Produce Markel He -1.-fa wren by any pope' in the city, will be „Mimi &n oar /bur!). Mae. ,1130, ackliaonal City and Suburban Major General Phil. Sheridan In Town. This distinguished Soldier In temporarily a guest Maur city, stopping [tithe Union Im pel. Hotel. Yesterday, with other citizen., we called to pay one respects to the gallant bero, and were delightedyri th the interview. The General Is a compact and stout speci men of a man, of medium height, and strikes 114 as a person of unlimited powers of endurance. A few sneer hairs ai d e discover. , the amongst dee thick black locks winch cover his heal, while his complexion is cog gashes of the prolonged Southern field service through which he line passed. Ordi narily the expression of his conntenan& is mild and gentle. but oceasionally the ener gy and %huh of his character 11 gashed upon on no he warms in the discussion of a sub- IMet which more than interests him. In conversation the General Is free, suave and intelligent. Singular no It may seem, he Is earnestly and bitterly oppated to war; thinks that civil rule should at all times be preferred to military rule Put not under afteiretleirlanees. From his conversation we Inferred that his diagnosis of the South ern patient Indicates the sword; that an ars crescent:o remains after the four years of treatment through which they have al readYgone, that can only be safely rimer. od by Inn knife. The great misfortune of the seurherner is that he believes a diapers Ity exists In favor of Southern Intelligence. Ile has been talight that "one rebel did nu! oared ten Yonkers in battle," bat his faith In the auperiotit of his intellect still re. males. Whilasic y knowledgirut Ma cause hopelessly defeated he mamtaine Its justice. Tins is the southerner's great anti mitt elder:toes error, and it tends more than all else to delay restoration. Witte spread yulverly i destltatlon and Ilia , Mellott pervades the South. Itlcturcs of the suffering iii. some sections which have reached us. are nocreatlons of imagination to stir the north to an exerclm of charity. They are true. Gaunt poverty, suffering, ant for the actual neceeelties of life, are with many of the Southern liteople. Sole ly all of the plantations la Louisiana are mortgagcsi to their fall value, and If thrown 1111011 t he market would TICS discharge the Incumbrances with which they aro burtien• ed. To rune, any money by increased liens is therefore im tastable. The Southern peck. pie bare not, as yet, been properly educate." in tile Northern and Western Idea of Mimi gration. They look upon the Immigrant. not in the proper light, regarding him only us a modsill or laborer; They most learn to , billxleelde their large plantations, so that one family may ltve comfortably unit grow rich on an hundred acre. or land, whereas in clays gone by, a single Intl IVldual or family, lord ed it over three, four, decor air tnousend acres, of which vast estate but a small pro portion • was under cultivation. All this must be changed. The South must have _real, school houses. churches and factories. She west get them as IIIInOIS, lowa and illnuesota have acquired them—by filling up her waste hands with an Intelligent and lmln•trious yeomanry, no matter of what nativity. With therm her capacities cannot bu esthanted. The oligarchs of the South t litiblbe inure of tile plillttiopliy. nod enterprise of Me people of the North, ere they can vie with the North in wealth and solid progress. The tieueml referred to other matters which have escaped our memory. We re• god that his stay in our city was so brief, as we learn that lie took Ws departure westward last evening. Our citizens wools • have. been glad of an opportunity of puthig their respects to the distinguished hero and defender of our country in its hoar of peril. = A very bold robbery, which, however, soonnrought the robber to grief, was per petrated yesterday . afternoon at the toll gala kept by Mn. Margaret If odleY, near the 11.111 ditto Cemetery . , Allegheny. Mrs. Medley was absent front the toll house for a short time, leaving n little girl In charge. During her absence .a man named Jam. Kerr entered the house, and in spite d 01 the chilit's opposition sours the puree conui.lo - the day.," receipts, and also a money bag lying near, both contalhlng about forty dol len s. aunt ran away with them. Mrs. M.. as soon as she wits apprised ot, the robbery, went to the oftico of Manor Morrison and maths Information against Kerr for larceny. Captain Bowden, of the night watch. andely started in pursuit 01 the robber, ant speedily traced him to lighteep's Hotel, at the drove yards, in the Second Ward. Ile tuunil the object of his persult in the bjoar rooi With a large crowd about en trig n the lavish hospitality ha was dispensing y . lie Lad the purse oat on the counter, sad was expenillug money with the meet reek- less extravag owe, treating friend and stranger with collet liberality. The 011icer reached through the crowd and .1.11 the purse, remarking that be would take charge of the money. and Its possessor. Karr aims very Indignaut..seeling vaelteroaslY that the me:ley was his, and that the oilleer woe utunlftsithig great impertinence in In. tertorteg. The latter was inexorable, and the prisoner eventually went sulimissively to the lock-up. where ha now remains awaiting n hearing. • , This man Kerr is a man well known to the co pollee, being, as is stated, a thoroughly acmplished thief, and havltigjumped Wo bounty some three times during the war. nowise Iterating Extraordinary. Last night atabout twalVe o'clock, oincer potters, of the night watch, observed a man knocking violently at the door Of a reel. deuce On faun Btreot, In the Fifth ward. The ollicer called him away and Bent him tennis home. A fow moments thereafter tha inahrutitrned and commenced rapping again. This thaw the calker took him M charge, and started with him for the watch house. , The man, who gave his nom° as William Witham-, took exceptions to this, iind offered to make It all right with the watehomin by going "right down here to the saloon and getting some pig's feet and °veteran The guardian could not see the inducement, however, and conducted him to the preecnee of Capt. Lewis. WilberrY ti,' explained his conduct by saY- Ink that ho was on Ills•way. borne to the Ninth ward,' when he happened to ro. member that his wife had. told him of a •houeu to let somewhere in the neighbor hood of the place whero ho wan arrested, and ho thought he might as well bunt it op. Ilu hail already been rappiog ut the doors of one or two houses, before ho wets arrested, and thought he would keep at It, until Do found tae right place. rho watChman told ' him to go Immo, but lie thought ho "must I end a house, for ho had to move to Ito oahl he had nothing about him but a counterfeit oill on a broken blink. lie wan locked up for a hearing. Coroner's Inquest In the-Lift:terve Of Tuesday, we gave an account of an accident at the Union Depot by which David Highborn., a tireknt..a on the Pittsburgh, Columbus ari4l Cincinnati Railroad, wits so severely Injured that ho died a taw boors afterwards at his beard- Ink house on Darragh street, Allegheny city. tin Tuesday. Coroner C lawson held an Inglievt on the body; the investigation N11,11 , 011i1111 , 10t/ hot, evening . . r nd n verdict returned In aeeurdanee with the Illato sta. tot In Da+ pa per. Ttlo Il 0 t Ito 11S 1.1 ii al token to 10.1 Innno.m y %Veen...,l 1 elamt atqtly InlerMent. n 0 Tn. 01 . 01 1'• lie wit 11MlInie 01 tilt, employ 01 the ilinelonatt Itellro.olCouipany as a brake. luau on a height train. c , , 1 1" \ , 1 i ‘ ALLEGII EM COUNCILP, gleetineof the. Allegheny Councils— lantiorustst all!SiDettla—Aossesntion— The Commons—Receipts and i:apen• tilturen-,The New Market House— The City I•oor Yarns—The !Mayoralty. Both branches of the Allegheny City Councils held a regular monthly meeting last evening, in their respectivo Chamber. 4 In the City Building. I= There wore present all of the members with the exception of Messrs. Dunham and Horn. i. The minutes of lite previous meeting wore reed and approved. Sir. McNeil° 'presented the report of lb, CoMmMee on the Poor Farm. It nets I zth that Imismuch as there will neon have I, NI rebuilt the Dui/dings of the City Poor Farm, and In clove of the unsuitable charm-tor of the ground, the Committee has been con sidering the propriety of purchasing a new site. It is thought that this can De done out of thu proceeds of the present ground. if sold, and moreover new buildings can be erected on the sieW farm, thereby avoid lug the direct expense which will have to be in curred If new buildings are to be erected on the-present site. As the present farm Cannot be sold until another is purchased, .and the necessary buildings erected there .on. bonds will have to he issued to pr elide for the immediate payment of the new farm. A bill was submitted with the report granting the city authority to sell the pres ent tuna and buy another, and also author- Icing the power to home bonds to the amount of fifty thousand dollars. The re port woe :41;10 accompanied with a resolu tion to have the propound 'act certified to the UM/Mater° by the Clerks of Council and its passage urged. The Committee recommend the adoption of the rules referred to them at a recent meeting. fur the government of the City The report was received and the made ilea. were adopted. lie. ileums presented the report of the committee on Markets with an ordinance providing for the erection of a weigh eta). for weighing coal, hayand. other article., at or near th e Junction of Charlton and Re becca street., and that all coal not else where weighed by noire weighu3aster, shall be weighed thereon—um wet...hamster to give the seller of the coal ft certificate which le to he delivered to the purchaser under a, penalty of not less than tire nor mote than ton tiolbtes for each violation of the ordi nance. The report was accompanied by a resoliOlon to authorize proposals for the erection of said scales. The report was se ''.4tr'.lsagoinbael o rdinan ce yr a d ' ll% report the d. lias Committee with a* resollitiOn tO pay the bill of Mr. l ad no 13. , . The report says: hil ts the city laml no gas Postsion hand, the Committee advertised for proposals for fur nishing folly posts. The bids were as fol. lows: James Marshall Lt. Co. Atlas Works R.ll. Smith. The following resolution w. offered: .liesoir,f, That the Gas Committee be au thorized to contract with It. it. Smith for fo r ty r posts, at a Cost of a 1 ,9 50. In regard to lamps not being lighted, the Committee reported that It was not the fault of the lamp lighter. Mr. McGill, brit in consequence of the frost. The Committee report in favor of procuring a steam ap paratus for thawing gas, and offer a resolu tion to that effect. Rids had hem, received for lighting lamps for the ensuing year. the bid of Mr. Klein being the lowest, yrs $950. A. resolution was offered authorising a contract to be made with the Lowest and hest bidder. Mr. Hanna offered an amendment to the effect that the awarding of the contract should be prastparled. to LOWS Suture time. The resolution, with .51.r.....lianna's. amend •• ent was adopted. s.legraw presented the report of the Wharf Committee, with a resolution to pay sundry bills. Tire report was accompanied with an or dinaries% daing the salary of the Whorl Master at twenty-Live per cent. Of the re ceipts of we wharfage, tit said receipts do not exceed al,tto. If over that amount, twenty per Cent. Also Axing the rat. of Etqt(lMMl!=l mince 'adopted. Mr. McDonald offered the following, ReJottcci, That the Mayor and Poll. Committee. aro hereby instructed to re quire the night policemen to light and en. tingulsh and cleanse, at least Once a week, the gm lamps on the respective beats of each policeman. And that the Gas Company be requested to attend to keeping the lamps constantly In order, and charge the espouse of so doing to the Cli,. Referred to Gas Committee. Mr. Smith read at ordinance to repeal the ordinance opening Green alley. The ordi nance was laid on the table by a vote of seven to six. A • tr.ll of albL; w. presented of •R. C. Oclunier, against the General Grant En g1e...0.0.y, for painting and glazing at their house. head and referred to the Com mittee. Engines. Mr. heed, of the Committee on Engines ' presented a report as to the propriety . of entering into acontract with Mr. S. D. Cushman for the erection of his system of Fire Alarm Telegraph in Allegheny City. The Committee reported favorably to the Cushman system on the ground of ita aim • plicity, Its economy and other general ad vantages. it can be used as a police tele graph if necessary. The reort contained u resolution which authorized p the Committee to enter into a contract with S.D. Cushman for the Introduction of his system at a cost not to exceed ss,see. "The report wasaecept ea, and the resolution referred back to tuo Committee with Instruction to re , pOrt the bids of the other companies or systems. Mr. McNeill offered a resolution for the Immediate paving of Avery street. Read and referred to tne Street Committee. ' Mr. McDonald read a petition for the pissing of two gas lamps on Palo Alto street, nead and referred to the Commit tee on Gas. air. Manna offered resolution for the per onaf a suitable desk. for the Committee City Property room. Adopted. Mr. ..McNeil altered a resolution vistruct leg the City Controller not to certify any warrant tor payment of any supplies where any member of Council is either directly or indirectly Interested. This wx.amemfell to as to Include only Indebtedness In the future, not forbidding the payment of bills ow due or already contracted. The Tees aler, Wax adopted. S. C, non-concurred. Mr. Ingham offered a resolution request! - ig that tile Legislature berequest. to mend the haer of the Gas Compore any, so to have c the rt gas pipes laid bel the treetis paved. Laid on tile table. On Motion adjourned. Present—Messrs. Dunn, Englisii, Irwin, Alyler, Patterson, S. B. Smith, C. U. Smith. Smith, Themes. and President Me- Brier. The minutes of the Drevions meeting were read and approved. • Mr. blyier presented a petition for paving Ilerron's alley. Referred to Street Com mittee. Mr. Lund presented a petition for water on Gas alley. Referred. The petition of David filackstock was re ferred to Street Committee. • A petition relating to the removal of dead animals wise referred to the Street Con, mitten. Mr. Drum porascated a remonatranee from General William Itobleson, against consol 'Matteis. The General says: 'Tan undersigned requests your speedy • Interposition, by. resolution or otherwise. irotesting against any and all legislative nterference with our chartered rights, us. til the same maybe asked for by petition of our fellow citizens- In relation to this question It Is sufficient to barely advert to the persistent efforts of a few gentlemen. under an organization called the Board of Trade, to induce the surrender of your In dependence into the hands of the different or new corporation, embracing this fair and eprosperous city within Its limits, and oblit eratulgher name from the register of cities forever." • Theiprotest was referred to the chairmen of Council., to take such measures as they may consider best to carry into effect the object of the communication. Mr. Rail, from the Finance committee, re ported as follows : "Tour Committee on Finance would re el.y report the accompanying ordi nance laying a tax and fixing the appropri ations for the year ler, and ask its adop ,tion. It was ire opinion of the Committee that twelve mills ou the dollar would be suf. ncient to arouse for a city tax, and accord ingly that rate is inserted lu the ordinance- The rate for business tax is fixed at one isiff, with thelunderstanding teat the City Assessor shall assess SUM rate 011 he rlernini amount of sales. We there fore offer tile fol• lowing resolution: Airso(red, Thal. the City Assessor be, anti be le hereby, instructed to take such mums , Urns as may be necessary to compel Mal" to furnish hini with the true amount of their sales, and to assess the of tax in all cases on the actual amount of sales. The first section of the ticcompanYing or. dinance levies a city - tax of twelve mills, • poor tax of three mills, and a business tat of One MIA; provlded that no assessment shall be fora lees amount than two dollars. Vie ascend section tines the rates for vehicle license, which are the stone as last year, vlsi Ono horse vehicles a% two horse tlO,;; four hors , ' 510; two horse hacks sl hiet two horse innuitil,l4l,llmil timber heels mien additional horse to any vehicle 51. ~.: i 4 , ,,,,,,,lr l r i l r oz le r t f l z ;n e .u 4 , l,Tro o p‘ r ltarm the re. molt Matron As „ A, required, ter the• irtVluerit or the illtvryst 011011 the b"".1. 1,111 . “ Lill.l /TIP - . pr weitolot of tin• snort, the tiploopri:Ltion to as titylea No. 1!,. oat too four itppropf the receipts tilt) *o.lli Pt /art imprvywaunt tronds Cite PRICE THREE CENTS. to the permanent improvement of the wharf. the appropriation to Ire styled No. Pl. Section five appropriates the rsicelfila (rein taxes lister rent+, to., Its 10110""ill NO. I, Salaries 1113,E tV " 44 Interest 12,313 0 1 2, Engineers tysio to 4, Priming • 1 foe 10 " 5, Street, nod bridges 13,0n0 00 6, IV haryes nnil Landings.,.. '1330 on Tares 1,003 00 c, Police 13001 I+l to, Contingent font 55,003 10 • to. Poor farm, 3 mills " 11, Water Works " 12, tiotstniailing warrants " 13, i.asi 11, Sinking fund Ois The estimated receipts for 1,7, are set fortis as follows: Lau tax, 1. mills Water rent.. tte==D=:=l MOM cafe, 6,030 oo heense 4,3 W W • s tax 3 OW 0.1 1/... It. Lotnpauy .1 ' ,300 00 •• • • elgh Vehicle Bush., V. t Si U=ll MEI= . . FlllOB and forieltures attar sonrces SI.N. Z. 5 0, Under the above nssesament the tax We, been reduced two mills, for city purposes and ono mill on business ;tax. The poor - - - tax remains the same. The report was accepted,. Mr. Thomas. mov ed to strike ont the words In the nrst section of the ordinance "provided that no assessment shall he fora less amount' than two dollars.. Not agreed to. Mr. Patterson moved to toexeept all from business tax whose sales were less than one thousand dollars. Adopted. . Mr. Hall, moved that the water tar for 1 , - 67 be red need thirty per cent. Adopted. The ordinance. es amended, was read three times and passel. Mr. Drum, Chairman of the Select Com. mittee to confer with a similar committee from Manchester, relative to the annexe. tion of said borough to Allegheny, reported that after a full interchange of opinion on the subject. the two committees agreed neon the terms of annexation, which were afterwards accepted by the Manchester Council. The Solicitors of Allegheny and -Manchester had prepared en act, under in atrUOLIOOS front the committee, a copy of which was submitted with the follow mg resolution. lit7olred, That tiw Clerk; of Councils be instructed to transmit the accompanying bill wherever the same shall have been ap pr oved by thechester Council to our members in the State Legislature. who are hereby requested to urge its passupe. The proposed act was then read. The pre emble sots forth a “community of interest" xisting between the two corporations, and an agreement to consolidate. Tile lint seetlon authorizes an erterision of the boundaries ot Allegheny, so ns to in, elude sold borough, extends all corporate powers of the city over said territory, to gether with all the ordinances in force in the city, excepting such as prohibit the erection of frame buildings. The second section transfers all real es• late of the borough of Manchester to the city of AlloghenY, and all the 'fatalities and indebtedness of said borough, (excepthlg that for bounty purposes,) are assumed by the city. The third section repents the act h acorpo. cc $1,450 .atlegsTnid bon;rlTih, ;nth - a promise that the corporation shall continue to exist for thirty days, to enable the Mears to close up the business and balsa° their accounts, Section four provides that all officers In the borough, corresponding to ward:of:h ears In the city, shall continue in said ca pacity as ward officers, until the next city election, and the Burgess and Council of the borough, shall represent in City Council the district now known as Manchester, un til the next city elation. The report was accepted, and the resole. than adopted. The report was accepted and resole Lion adopted. The report of the Committee on Common Grounds was presented by the President, being as follows:, and the acoompanyieg bill, see second page.) On motion the hill was read 'pp the Presi dent; section by section. Mr. English moved for the acceptance of the report and the adoption of the resolu tion. On motion of Mr. Hall, tile words "real. dents of Allegheny City" were added to the third section. tic motion of Mr. Drum, section eve was amended by adding the words "Subject. to the approval of Councils." The report, as amended, was adopted. The report of the Commissioners of-the Delmont street sewer was presented and counrmed. • The report of the Commissioners of the West Common Sewfr was presented and confirmed. The report of the Viewers on the opening of Buena Vista street was read and up proVed. • The report of the Street Committee, with walkce fixing the width of the side between Anderson street and the Rail road Bridge. on River AVM.. at twelve feet was se - Omitted. and the ordinance wan adopted. The ordinance Increasing the sahiryof the City Controller and the Superintendent of the Water works woe adopted. The moor% of the Committee on the Ne Market , liouse,,laid over at previous meet - in wan taken up. Th g. e report was adopted. and'', RIM agreed to knee bonds to the amount of $65,000 the purpose contemplated. as soon as the necessary - legislation Is obtained. Mr. Drum presented the report of the Po lice Committee. with a resolution instruct in c: the Boleitor to draw up an act to ertend the term of eface of the Mayor of she Ott; to two years otter the sent city election. Accepted and the resolution adopted. Air. C. C. Smith offered the following: Revered, That the Pollee Committee be Instred to have the night Folic. light and mt out t h e fr.. lamps as provided In the City Code, ahu that the Committee of whether any change in the manner of appointing and controlling amid force would add to this efficiency. Adopted. ln all of which not otherwise noted Cora. men Council concurred. Adjourned. • Important to SoidlOra. By the 'provisions of the bounty act of July Pith 1.3, soldiers who had lost their discharges could not collect the sloobounty. To remedy this a bill was intrsxlimeLl In the Rouse of ROpreSentatiVOS last wool , . Provi ding that in such cases on application to the Second Auditor's Bureau the bounty should be paid. This will no doubt become a law before the end of the session. We call attention to the card of Messrs. W.J. Rail Patterson, Attorneys red Solicitous fossil claims against the State and Govern ment. No. 71 Grant street. We can recom mend them, without reserve, as being wen* thy, capable and prompt, and will give en tire satisfaction to any and all whO may entrust business to their care. They have been !tithe claim business for some years and are thoroughly versed In all the routine end. minuthe of the different Departments. • The Indian 'Korb Doctor. No Liberty Street. Dean Sim-1 fool lam only doing a duty In publicly stating my gratitude for the benefit I have received from the use of your Ilerb Medicines, which has given me ease and comfort attar long years of suffering. My disease was as follows: Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia. pain In the back, Inds mauon of the Kidneys and Bladder, awell ing of the Abdomen, General Debility .tc., Sc. Bnt now, thanks to Gott and your med eine, I enjoy refreshing sleep in my bed, • and am now quite a new being. CATTaIW SCOTT, Owner of the steamboat Hero. Lest. dance, Lawrenceville. TheDoetor's omco Is lat Liberty street. /2:33:17121 . . Weed, also Finkle Lyon lock stitch sewing machines stitch alike on both aides. If the purchaser does hot regarq them superior to any other he can return It. Chepest by twen per tis 6. ranted four years best ofcent-in references where they are in use. E. 11. Long, Agent, No. 111 Want street. Also Choi:else, tionm Yokes, Wrappers and Robes stamped from the French ger forated Pattern. Also, amodel for cutting ladies' and children's dresse s. at the eelehreteliWeed Sewing llachine ofdce, InGrant street. Desert,'Committed.—Maier Dickey, of the Thirty-fleet Crated States Infantry, yvderday sent to the county 'Jail. for safe keeping, John C.•Chambera• deserter fret. the regular army. Chambers, who, It ap pears, is not yet twenty yeara old, resides to Allegheny City. lie enlisted about • year ago. hul before being assigned to a regiment, des MAI and lied tO wino point down the rim Nr. Nothing heard from hire until recen tly, when some ar his friends tukaig 81,k, a letter was !OEM to him, and /to arrived bore a tow days ago. :Meeting or tha Educational Aswel stles.—Thle evening, at seven rreloe_h6the. Educational Association of Western sylvaala will hold a meeting in et liothodlst Cbureh, rites. . lii to be hoped that a lary....Xli 1,7;7 Rill bo present. as the exorcise a meet interesting character. thl...rittle°bwuiredghgefnmr°A3l7oo_,..,oo han 21-. .ck.owl.dgq:°, 7o 7,o akating Park un%, " s';'. trf,rer,4by tender. the_ fling.. thh IninXers. fly ardor of the Bo yd. I.Kln re. on ""*l":l7lc7eu"rie'rtrheGliumnli nlug.w.ll give his secon..r...y of the University. Laat - puat iseVelt 0 I.u'n' The Gas torplealen. The death of Samuel a Barker, the child whose death resulted from the terride gas explosion In Allegheny, as Wednesday, Wt. very sudden and unexpected. tip to a short time before his death, he seemed ranch better and was considered out Of danger. Dr. Thorne was moth him only fit teen mtrintei before his death, and was con- . • tidunt that he would bo almost entirely re covered before morn in g. So poeitiVe were. all .lhe friends that tno Child Islam: Of. danger. that all swat one saw. lidera' had re tired to mat. The little au TerCr sugr. 1116 . I ''; ” 1 :" Mot etPtrea as tinted . The physic tam - tattlers that 4.1.11 must have resulted. from the 1,1,0,3 shock received, or ebbe trout Internal hemorrhage emend by some peter° tniury, u latch IMIL hot the slightest external mark. The mother of the dead child, whom we mentioned as lying in imminent danger of • death, was yesterday - cautiously informed of the terrible calamity which had befallen . her. The erect upon ner was less violent than Wad feared,, the tidings being received with calmness and resignation not to nave been expected. Coroner Clawson empanneled a jury in the ease of the child yesterday morning. and the Iwo.; will be held this evening at iho office of Bradley's Shoolon Mill. The ease is exciting the deepest interest In the online, awl the causes of the explosion 11l be thoroughly investigated by scien tific men. Professor Rath and. Dr-. It. Sutton are giving the matter their eaten lion. Toe Alleged llama Inca Mgr. • A hearing in the case of William Woods,. arrested in Allegheny, on Wean'tieday. charged with having in his PussOnann , the hones stolen from Mr. Irwin, in Deerfield. township, Warren county, in AtMust hat. aOl tot had at Mayor Morrison's ogle!, his morning. "Jack Sheppard,” who to now serving a term in the Western Peniten tiary. for stealing horses In Vonango coun ty. nmfesses to stealtagthe horses and isei ling them to Mr. St. Clair. In Youngstown. Mr. St. Clair Is now In Allegheny, with wit. nt,ves to prove his good character tor hon esty, and also to prove that he knew noth ing of the tact that the horses wore stOlen at the time they wore purchased.. • e , ,,57 15 e.OOO 011 'OOOO CO 4.14,( I 00 . I 1.10 czmni EEEMEI risings - dr Co's Argentincror linitantly plating all articles of copper, brass or Gor man silver, with pure silver; where worn off, and (or cleansing and polishing silver or silver-plated wars. Warranted to con tain no quicksilver or acid, or anY ininrionn article. For sale by.). Samylo, Alleithosji and all drugitats. delBMl raul OU t,174; 0,1 • Death a( a Pioneer.--Dantel Duren Esq., one of the first settlers. of Cambria. county, Pa., died a fete days sines, at his residence in Munster. He was an estima ble and worthy citizen and Christian gas tieman, and leases behind him many warm friends to mourn his departure. Glas• Manufacturer.. Glass Blower., order your shirts made at Murdock .11 Fat hom's,/ Fifth street. CAN' ITT -,COTT.—On Thursday. 7ebroarf ~- IttC. lu the 71st Psr,;Nlytr;tl eP. lf c c etkAtil.? b git l l24l. tc; ' hi.ii LE g. seorr. or Alleata.T. EOl2 tiAltliEtt—On Wednesdlyq. nr I :T A S1 ) 41111: Y : : .; 114 / 1 =i hatter. aged treat's. t month& and Ilday•• Funeral Rom the resider:Leger kis parentl..lllo F 5 Robinson street. Tills .errkuoool.4 at o'clock.' Friends of the (milt are respectfoßT Invited to attend. NEW .ADVEBMMYEENTS =Ell ALEX 113ZW - MISMIFE . MA. 33 . 332 Es No. Pa Fourth *met. Pittsburgh. Pc COFFINS of all Linda; CI:LAP tiL.OVY.ei, and evary de scription of Funerst Furnishing (taxis Mods ed. Rooms opened day and isligbts .Hcaviia earriaxes furnised. isitran.aNCiit—itev. David Kerr. D. 0.. Bev. M. W. Jacobus. P. 0.. Th 11.11312 Ewing, Esq.. Ja e q . Maier. Esq.. E. T. WHITE & CO, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Manchester, Wood's Run and 'eletnlet. COFFIN ROOMS AT MANCHESTER' LIVERY STABLE, Corner IS he Meld wad Chart Sara Rents.: and Cm - riages furntsheil. TII LLD AJ,E CEDIETERIC.—The lecantlf n 1 “Ilod's-scre,l the largest subur ban place of sepulchre, except one. le thu oolth ty. al !mated on New M 011... coed. Inmlndlan° It north of Allegheny. Fur MOM Its CLAYEtitles. at Central Drug Mare Y. Allegheny DIMEATIC& CO.'S IraTellf rusiataasunarszczazerarr No. 56 Fifth Street, OPPOSITE KABOXIC HALL. Flaring lilted up rooms exclusively for th goodnelrlon of WAll (MED nod tILUCK.n, with tools and a large and competent force of work men, ne arc enabled to do wort. as w r 11. tf not better:ban any other slnrclenthe elty. Witends tell Mr replantent reeeire IMOMDt utIOUSIIrrt and be regulated t.y Our "STANDARD TIME" ozrzEtozrco3u=.zusL. WATCHES, CHAINS AND AT A T=Y SEALL PROFIT. AT , WILL T. WILEY'S, 6 Wylie SG, 3d door from 6th. I.'A. J01111~T1d............». JOEi.46TOY Ec. BCOTT~ =I Fine Watches, (locks, Jewelry, EILYER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 274 Llnd-STIOTBSIT, 3P122/24,275-V202, 1.12Z222". giSrea. Ird° tr Repairing BAUGAEISLi • SEWINC MACHINES. Sla essebbass, used buts abort Urns, tosses Si stabs. prises. WM. 81.:31LNES 3 CO, fct: Yllth Street. SEWINC MACHINE, Is W HEEL= d WILSON'S. ,WAutt.Lx . riu Timm ImAns. EaLsasocs 27 FIF H STREET, eV/ WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, A large assortment of Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead. inc., azwarii ON 11A374 164 . Wood Street. near Saba - 9 - 891 - 0 89 89 89 89 89 1 ; 59 SS ISIRKET. STREET. s9l .173 — T0 • 1 , 39' ROBS,'I9, e 9 S 9 Market Street, AND WET TOUR "iBOOTS, SHOES, &C. S 9 ilia CLIEAPin AHD BENT s 9i i risr Tmezi crxmlr :s9l NU AUCTION GOODS GSM'. 89 JAS. ROBB, 89 Market St. 9 89 89 89 89 89 89 THE PLACE TO BIM COOP BOOTS &SHOES ;02scin xis -am ISfeCLINT O CM ' S. ta r o . 92 :Federal Sired, ALLEGIIZNY 0127. j!___ DIELER. CLOSE & CO., Pra,clical FlllllitUfelnfaCtUnill COR. PENN AND WAYNE Int Lust wiei of YIIIIMTTIRZ consuailll SLINGBING—A GOOD TEATS.— Oyes wen D.ll: tor a t P. goal ride, go to HOWARD'S I good team. HOWARD'S LIVERY ar. SALE STABLE, first Atm e t, age Mormathea Hass rerlicular attention paid to buying ad mania Hones. 1