LE 12 7.3 El ME BATES & BELL 21. Fifth Street. OFFE'R ALL TRUE WINTER GOODS 11E1)1JOED PRICES. -Blankets, Dress Goods, Shawls, floats, Flaole i , ,11.. C., MEV & je'o ,•# soci \ainaRCOATE; aAINIve UNSOLD, VET rtce(i.xt t. CLOSED OUT .REGARDLESS OF eOST I -. ; - _ COST, At the limneme fLOSINO OUT SALE, ma J. D. RAMALEY'S 334 and 336 Liberty Street. Also. &Lams Assortment or /ALL in nun CLOTHING P.:IIRAWIA ITEDERSHIMTS, ;- . • WHITE SHIRTS, Cotton and Woolen Hosiery, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, du. Ca-x.c:-firmts Of all Descriptions and a - Large .issortna eist GENTS FERNISHING GOODS, '.Ail ' , 61"-catlCh annurbeAegil Farallon of cost or invoice. Calf and Be Convinced. zutnuiLEY, 334 and 336 Liberty Street, ' Opposite Wayne. Joesse ITAJOAN OPERA. :10 GLOWS-OPERA COLORS, = Fans, .Faiub,— Opera Hooda, Real Lace Goods .133FLE11314 Err 'ED New Duplex Skirt For 1867 111.23 A FAIR AND WARRANTED. lipilor B." 'Kid Gloves. & CARLISLE eft ItUthottild. in' the Manufacturer of th AID ti LOVE!), To entrantee Every Pair. Hamad aim ' k rip as tesr when' atria pok on, w will replace WearwlUt a null pair. MAUR & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street ITALLim amis. WHITE GLOVES, Strop. Fine Fans, All Colors. , 'LATEST NOVELTIES IN HOOP SKIRTS. LaAT or Malik', La rellte &apnea Trail, La Petite Bouleyard, Point and Applique li'dk•ile. Point sad Applique Collars, Paint and AppliqUe 'Pelmets sad Tbzead Late(. Embroideries of ErerySeseriplion. HOSIERYAND CLOVES A. 4 gmailTueAUeed prices. Full Hie Gent's Furnishing . Hoods,, NORODOM'S, QaTAR 0, SHIRTS, AT BEDUCkDPSICIA. la i Vr liA la r g i gl i Par 24 oYotle 4 *:abrv. entaA Geode al NEW TOME PRIME INACRUNI, CLYDE & CO., 70and 80 Market Street. HOLESILE DRY GOODS. New GoodsTfust Opened. Merehants desiring la Sort Up should call and examine our Stock and Prices. FULL LINE OF DRY 000118 & NOTIONS. 'Ni. lib Wood 81 4 Pittsburgh. ARMIIHNOT, NHANION a co. usirarurr•ws s. IsCutirowsso.rtuntxust _t, fIicCANILDEBB & CO., tLAraviumox. 0 C 0..) IN 110LXIALIC DE IS FOREIGN AND DOINEXTIC DRY GOO Di. manl Zl;r4... 04 1171:racha. Bt., Dl.mml "•-•• . .414116..w.p.. • : . • 113 I A C 01 ,11.61171 ECHOOL FOllOlll LADIES, a. 6% GRA.24T ' The Second Tana of Ws actionl taming on /el , roar/ Mt. FL.J. cust/g, liectop jobtllC T ~~~ DISSOLUTION. e Co-part., eirrgt h TTlNZVltiAllri; t g.".lg dittolred ht mutual ....arta. AIr , TI.IOIIAIS rorrrat and JOU. Aus Kr: having mid ta,, vinare Utterer to their utemors. VAN (WE IN:A tiaIiPAILEP, *rho mill actm• 1,,, y ,,b 2ua or the old Inn. TfIOKAA POrTElt, • ' ST ii E N H A N E . b EEaltt rirtsitAdir, udatv Eat; ier VAN CORDER & SHEPARD, Soctessn I) rOTTEB, /NEI & SWARD, Produce and Commission MERCHANTS, C1E5221/1 All Muds: of Produce. WAREkOUIE, aim LIBERTY STREET Pittsburgh, Pa. pa-mum:au roman. ht. !SIM 14.90 DISSOLVTION,OF P6IITNER- J 1' 2 3 .1 61 . n u feitaFiFo j 7 l 247 mottelit ink theist of xdbadry ,ao , INI7. 110 bus. 6rth. late 'Ono will be keltled J. ,J. ildnffilis , u%-We old • stadd..No. 341.LibcnT ; • • ...On reining from the Wholesale Drug Teed.. we deity. so tender - oar these* to our friend. sod customers for the patronage so liberally be stowed upon no, and would mom/1111y sollett s tontionance of the.linte -to our successors, Mews. ISELLIeIbI VAN OORDNII,wbom we cheerfully recommend to our _patrons and the trade generally.. J. EMBOLI:1 • 'CO, w. 12. almtnnot relax veN counro. (Latent N. .14.1ktkre &C.) SELLERS & VAN GORDEB • (Elueleesurrs tp J. J. Bender & to) WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 341, .` for. Liberty and Wayne Streets, The undersigned hart. r rcuasmd the Week. Warr. & c.. of J. J. header de Co.. would an nounce that they will continue the Wholesale Drug Dus/uess at the old woad. and respectfully soh. the oatronege of tie customers of the th~an4 the trade generally. fe7:1190 • HELLXII.S 'VAN 110/IDEIt. J • LOUGH:BEY, SADDLE. TEAR. • NESS AND TIIKS-11LANUTACITUED. ,Oa Wood Street, b oo tau, iota r.ne, e ,„ki p Rom the let of January. 1867, ALF,Y tr. YitZW, late foremen of the enabltrittnent. The beams OM be continue , ' at the Old stand under theme of LOUtinalty t .F.BZW. • • - ... LOUGRRE'f a FREW,- =I Saddles, Harness, Trunks, w 34 all.-salleke, la their nue usually kept ffrat-dau estatalsbzuente. N 0.102 Wood Street, (between Dlnsmond Alley and 711th Sc.) CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE 'UNDERSIGNED HAS AS 50CTILTED with kite In the Wall Paper heal neat, JOHN C. DODGE. taking effcet from the Ist alt. The .baslnese be coat/need ander the style and arm or . - TIIONEAS PAL 311311. & co. , . . . at tba • old establlsbed . stand. No. 91 Wood street, between - roarak and ?Mb, second door lxlo.D.a.mond (0133.2.1 rataiza. DISSOLUTION 'Or _PARTNERSIIIP. NOTICE Is GIVEN ~,7..Atutitniday.zaszgazwade.-brot..tra. edlstlng between WY. K. 110/T eTT sad GEO: H. COCHRAN, under Um name and style of KOl - d Coolld.A.N.trea thls day been dissolved try mutual mment. The buylness or the late Imo will be settled by enter of Bald partles, et Aber offices, do. W Grant street. where both parties COn be (nand. IIIorTETT. GIO. R. COCHRAN. Prernuact..Tabiets, loth. OCT. fan :t..b utE FIRM OFItICILSIID HAYS dissolved by mutual ammo on the Lt bat. The blotto.; of the late Arm lOU be settled by LiXtiLLGIN a CO. 1111011113 D HATI t CO. The IndorLd.l:ll.4lLlN & CO. was dissolved an the let Inst.. RICHARD Turn imlllna Ids Interest to the Telll6llthl6 partners. Tee atanafsetare of PIG IOOM .111 be contin ued at the ALIZA 71:111.11ACES, ander the male style of dres as heretolbre. Eal==l ItI=EMEI2 tio7:l II aft) :4 r. 1513 WE. K. CILX2I.. ....... WARDING CUMMING, R. 21U.IITaILLS a. L. MILL/CU. WM. N. CLANEY, & CO.. Gas Coal Works, 7,4"... sad Seaters In SUPERIOR GAS AND AXILT COLA, NUT COIL and SLACK. Post = rams, BOX SST. Nztabargh.. ..I LOCK El Ealt li aln e lllaT ' iteccool aim PI gh Monne, Mott Braiding. corner Liberty s tm t ' ad ;CM I4I 4 rI AII7.I.PWAVE. I .S I s r I TAMftgi TraleblTegt.TlMAf. - .4'," All order. telt at *lther of the above Place.• lß receive Peat attention. tat: .... . . WORT PITT COAL COOPARIG —Shippers and deMpra It Superior Yozolly tao Steam coal. Nat Coal and filsok, ofenaral o f second story Plttatrarg6 Sarin. Bank Mauld in's. conker Ltlorty attest sod Vireo allay. BmLoos ualoe, COCICT Try and Taira strettil, PlLtsbumb. Mrdo••• lat at antler of the above places willrovelvo prompt mt.:Mon. Postal:MX, Address Box 637,, Plttotexh. DISzcTOILS: J. J. Onaxorts, L. PANNsaroes, IS Mcc6l4MAlsr. War.ltutormsr, ' Grooms r. /t. , M , /As. bonstooKsty, WALIMS Box.ixr. y our lior., • • Lucius SOOTD. I , 4.. T. Ein.Lisonr, Meet. I A. U. Zoo:luso, Seer. o. Er.yoxa, Traallartr. W. X, CILAISEr.* CO., 2Lonagers. Jalmiti • rITTBIIIIIIGH NATIONAL COAL AND CCKB COMPANY. Jalzers, shippers and dealers, wholesale gad BEST FAMILY COAL. mitt facrea. Azad. /81.114:11z... 01720 N AND TARN, ecnnet/outth and Try streets, Pittsburgh. Ps. All orders tor delivery In the City, or Shipment West, will meet prompt and immediate atten tion. R. A. nCLIN ABEL, Superintendent. COAL! COAL= COALtII DICKSON, STEWART & .CO., liarlng removed their °Mee to No. 667 unman( STREET, adtelyClty 11ont XliO AIeCOND MOOR Ara now prepared to I uralth good Youghiogheny LIMP. NOT COAL OR BLACK, At tbe lowest market Defoe. /grid orders lett at their oMee, or s 4 Meted to them through the awl, 010 be Mt...ruled to promptly. my2s:lrM 01141.11 LES R. AIIRISTRONG, MI.U.St la TOIJOKIOGECERY & CIONNELUIVILLE COAL ===l Coal,fltmh, Rod Dol'ol/.l:flatlse4o9ke pruner AND YARD Come of Huila and M 005..; first yard on Lib ortir am( Clymer lam... Ninth ward, and on J3..cfon atreet. near Loot Not, pitteteieeh, Pa. /amines and Manotactoritia so polled with th e bess Saida of Coal, or yoke at uto Lowe" nal rata. Ordevo left at any of their aloes will receive prompt ,attantiou. TOBACCO, ClGAltli,iro. ROBE BUD R O UG U AND ittiLDY,AOSIt DUD BEIODTP Mint • • BUSE BUD tiGLDEN And 'other Noted Bum:Mot TC033.A.C1C70, Manufactured by Fifth door hew nuayaralon firidga, AllcAbenY dezubm JOHN MEGRAW, =MM=EME7= ==it= .• • • Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, .so =col.= el/AVER.EI EtT. • general usortm.ut Smoking TOILCCIL. ripe and 430111 . e . allm/v• Sand, ••••91•.," WALL PAPER-Ol all grades, klalla, Diving Romeo and rtaatv artatv. at No. 107 atkata • cr.zr an... a, Utitia.C9 0 Dltth - 1- , . 4C. heVitWiurgh6afttt THURSDAY, FEB. 14. 1867 CITY AND SUBURBAN. The Vacation of Spruce Alley—Meet. lug of *het:lit:ens of the British Ward —The Question itiacnased—lteaolo , then.. !speeches !be. Pursuant to the published call, a meeting of, the citizens of the Ninth ward, was held lait Tuesday evening in the Hail in the basement of the School Douse of tire ward, for thepnrpose of giving expression in re gard to the vacation of a portion of Spruce ailey. At least two hundred citizens, em bracing members' of Council from the Fifth and Ninth wards, were in attendance, and the preccedlngs were of en extremely bar- MonlOna character. The meeting was called to Orderby .Tames Esq., upon whose - motion John lie- Vargo. City Controller', was called upon to preside. Mr. J. McKelvey was chosenSemelary. ' The Chairman !dated the ObJect of the Meeting in a feu-Weil chosenreMarki,after which Mr. lames 8.111.11 'offered Um-follow tog preamble and resolutiche for the eon eidemmon of the meeting: Witaltaas;With ThecitizettaoVhe Ninth ward be,. beard Stirprlseatail indignation Of the- stiemptokstbe pert et o ma-reel dentArt these - WI. anaa non-resbleat- at the Mtrpteracfie find close up, for 'his own dvltlet Wheat, portion of Spruce alley, .betweers Carroll and Wattles crect; and Wearilas, They- have assembled la par mince of notice, to take action ln relation thereto; therefore, Resoinat, That. this meeting characterizes this attempt as a most unwarranted and high-handed one, and to direct conflict with I the wishes and Interests, as tilts meeting be hoves. of every citizen of the Ward. Resolver(, That this meeting take early and vigorous stems to prevent Min outrage by the appointment of proper committees to prepare remonstrances for Councils, the? Court or the Legislature, or wherever the attempt may ho made to secure the plumage , of this iniqultoos measure. d, That to tue delegati enter Legislat e our protest against any such action.by the Leg islature as the vacation or this alley, eras; portion of it, and earnestly request their individual and united e.sertiotas to carry out the wishes of this meeting. Remised, That a committee five up. Pointed by the chair, who. duty It shall be to employ counsel, or take any other stops necess ti ary to carry out the wishes of this meeng. ' Resolved, That when this meeting ad. Morns, it adjourns to moo tat the called the 'President. The resolutions wereadopted unanimous. Iy, without debate, and the following owned gentlemen were appointed as the committee provided for in the fourth reso lution •' Mess.. Jam. D. Mill, William Johnson William IL Ford, Joseph Spencer, and David McClelland. 011 11110.1013 of James 11. Mill, Elio., the members of Councils from the ward were instructed to vote against the vacation of any street or alley in the city. Dlr. Phillip Drum 111011111 teat the thanks of the meeting - be tendered those Connell; men of the ward who voted neatest the proposed vacation of - Spruce alley. • Car rico. =! A resolution, requesting those present to give an expression of their opinion In re gard to the vacation of Spruce alley was adopted, when Mr. .1; MoCandleas stated that although a large number of streets and alloys to the tward had beets vacated, not one emitted bt.Cll derived by the city from such ,Ivireation. In the present case, Mr. Smith was willing to pay liberally Per the privilege ho desired, and was also sattencd • IA vacate a portico oflila property In order keopthb alley•open for travel. . Mr. IDttfut states the question of money Was not being considered. atm alley was a general convenience to the citizens, and -should remain In its present condition. A public jitioroughtare wen required:at that polnt,lind Its vacation would prove detri- mental to the public. Mr. Ezekiel Doug). stated that be owned property on the alley in question, and If Mr- Smith had a right to Nee upy any portion of it, other property holders should hare the same privilege. If the matter waa carried out the alley would be built ti,) to the city ..thlerman Nornono said that he bad teen intormed that Mr. eolith bad offered meeee for the privilege of occupying the alleyop posite his works, and in Caw hill.suresedeu In purchasing the property Mar would save at. least VAX by beteg relieved from seal. tog and paving ft. • - Mr. William It. Ford, member of the Com mon COcracll.realarked that ho had Buyer heard of any specified &meant being named Mr. halite hml elated to the committee that no was willing to glee groun.lat the lower end of his lobs for Lao purpose of continuing the alley. or would pay any amount for it that Vourielltf might require. A proviso had been Inserted le the resolution adonted by Councils that the money accruing from the proposed vacation should oe expended In improving the balance of the alley. Mr.. Ford spoke strongly against the proposed vacation. • E=M3 Shaffer was opposed to vacat ing any more streets or alleys In the ward, particularly those running parallel with the river. Spruce alley would at no distant day be opened to the Arsenal gate, at Late , f=w/A94141 to a u n b e c r i Z on the alley. anti was se ding to pas Ills share for grading and paving lc. Kr. 11111 moved that a. copy of thoresolu tions adopted by the meeting be forwarded to our Representatives at ilarrisburg, which was adopted. Remotutrance• against the vacation Sr the alley were then prepared, and numer ously signed, after which the meeting ad journed. Illownlor Allen:Not of n Mother to Meow= Merrell and two Children. On antrirday last, a singular affair occur red at Millville, Cambria county, of which we have the followingnecoun I in the Johns. town Democrat: "Mr. James Bath, Mary hi. wife, and several small children, are living to MBlyflle borough. Mr. Bath Is a miner and works in the coal mines onl) Cambria Iron Company. On last haturday morning ills wife got up and prepared breakfast of which they partook. IL being early Mr. B. sat down by the stern. Mrs. It. got. Into an adjoining roost, the simmingapartment, and takes her two younger children out of bed, ono aged two years and the other about six months, she wrapped her dress around them and left the house carrying them along. Iler husband noon missed her sad starts out to and ger; Ito hears a gurgW.g. noise In the well, runs for his miner'. isnip, gives the alarm to the neighbors, and de scends Into the Wellthere he fleas his wife and. children In a drowning condition. Ile gets a foothold In the rough stone wall of the well, raises his wife's head Shore the writer and bolds It between his knees, takes a child In 1 each hand and again cells for help. Mr. Parlii, a neighbor, arrives and takes the children out of the well. .1 rope is (Wen.] around the waist of Mrs. Bath, and she Is raised, the three see taken Into the house In an In sensible condition. They were then divest .] of their wet clothing, wrapped In dry blankets, relied and manipulated until signs of animation returned. Mrs. Bath, and the older child are now fully restored, while the younger child in In in critiCal con dition, and In oil probability will not or. vine. The well Is twenty-sic and ono.nall feet deep, and there is ten feet of water In It.. The walls are rough and crOoked and the diameter small,• and had the children been thrown down, or the mother Jumped down thew must have In their descent re ceived severe contusions, bat none appear on their persons. Mrs. B. says she carried the children down In her apron, which ap• peace from the circumstances to be the case. ' CO.I k O ...n3 "There has been. no roman assigned why this woman should thus seek to , lestrOy her own and her children's lives. Mr. Bath is a sober, hard workingman, Mod his neighbors any Is kind' te his family. It ap• pears, however, that at the store Isle wife had drawn More than the 5050551 of wages coming to him, and further purchases. fur the time bring , had L.".eIoPP.I. The trouble of poverty may have laon an Incen tive cause, but more likely she In Insane." • liniltletettont Of she 111 Prom the thirty-fourth annual report of the Managers of the Pennsylvania Institu tion for the Instruction of the Blind, m Philadelphia, last leaned, wo learn the fol. lowing' Dicta in reference to the operations of the Institution during D 166:; The whole number of blind persons in the Institution December ant, lece, Including "Too Lome" and workshop, wits PSI; of mulch nundmr were received during tho year, 211 were dis charged, and 2 diedi of the whole number, 155 are from Pennsylvania, IS from Now Jersey, I from Delaware, mid 7 from other places ; • II of the whole number, Including Mut "The Dome," support themselves In part, as assistant teachers, or In the manu factory, 5 are paying pupils in full, IS in part, and 5 are day poplin. There were manufactured during the Tear by the male pupils and workmen, 14,117 scrubblng brushes, 1126 hale do., ..2184 shoe do., 1121 dust do., 761 wall do., 711 cloth do., 256 window do., 300 horse do. 613 clamps do., 652 miscellaneous do., valued at 115130,01. Also, 2;1.075 brooms, 75 whisks, 2119 mats, it 39 yards of carpet, valued at 113,- 11056. The female 'emotes and Homo In mates made 7114 article. of beadwork, knit ting, Le., valued at $212723. the following statistics of nil blind per sons admitted to the institution will be found Interesting: Born blind, 61; In the first year, 121: between ono and live yearn. 103; between five and ton years, ItS; between ten and fifteen pears, 59; between fifteen and %Wordy years, 41; over twenty years' 100; ages not given; 10; making a total of tOl, of which number &V were males and 212 females. The Managers In their re port say "that each successive year makes the neoessitylnere urgent for II tiding cm iloyment Ter the pupils when their term of nstruction bats expired, and they aro called upon to labor for their own euinsort. Not having the bame facilities for obtaining re muneratlngemployineut en the seein tr,they [.do le become paupers, a burthen to the community, and, too often, to he con signed to a lire of Inglorious Inactivity or degradation. Thu number of blind in In creasing annually with the mold Increase of the population; and the difliculty them of procuring a livelihood must be come greater axial greater, unless adequate means me devised to obviate It." The Cold P 4 nap.—Tho cold weather of last Saturday and auntlay extended ott far south as New Orleans. A snow storm Is To ported at Memphis, and a ••cola selnde at New Orleans. At St. luals the'thermome ter was below zero Monday morning. At St. Paul, Minn., Olio thermometer marked T; below on Satunlay. In Chicago It was IS below Sunday morring lit seven o'clock. Noel Libel.—tha editor of •tho Crawford Jownal, Mr.'Leonurd 111b4s, iota boon sued for libel. on complaint Of Clara U. UOttner, All the Way from Wheeling.. Yesterday afternoon, °filters Logan and White, of the special police, canio acme' a woman On Taatiel street, who, with a Win. die ha ono hand and a stick wildly flourish- Log Li the other, was heading a large crowd of child ten and loafers up the street. ti he was taken in custody and conveyed to the lockup, Where mile stated that her name was • Bridget Russel, though some of her Mare intimate friends called her ddy. For the present, she said, on account of her friends, she would give her name as Cather ine. She had Just arrived in the city from Wheeling. She was exceedingly drunk, thottgaebe Indignantly repelled the Mann. tatton, alleging that She ncrer was drunk—' no more drunk than at that •lilemsed etc." She was locked rip. more About the Doll Dom—We stated yesterday that Alderman Lynch had placed in the hands of °Meer Connor a search war rant, for-eoarehing the premises of Lewis Stylus, of Duquesne borough, and slicer. mining . whether a bull dog belonging to Samuel Wichline were there. Yesterday the collcor, in company with the plaintiff,. searched the Premises, and found the dog. They tied a white handkerchief around the animal's neck and were leading it away, when Myers, es is stated. attacked them with a large open knife, with which he on. ?entity out Wiehline's hand, severed the handkerchief, and regained the dog. Wick line neat made Information against him before the tame Alderman for felonious sa malt and battery, and officer Connor ar rested the defendant, who gave ball for • hearing. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TEM:WILE cnAsn. BOTS AND SHOES AT rEtIO TO SrlT Tllll TIIIT-13 FOIL :10 DATA. 31 ay Gases I.ICAS THAN FIRSTCOST. Ht . 4 . 47, 7 1 0,c t100t5, uy sole, seillog $1 SO, reduced Melt . ; stri4st boots, water proof, selling 01.3, re. doted from tt.t.M. bi 1 Ws resin boots, rowed, selltof $144, redoesd M f ore atots reduced hoot b 1.25. Hen's °peso boom selllog $1,7% redroes ovee, 4453 trout 41. ?.s.balmoralt, top tole, selltrg $1.50, rellorett Plog *tn. mioced from trt".,7l le balotor.ls. reduced from 1.,..75 Lames. Ltd polish soling II •. 03, re dm from f!;,1:• t s, 2.? Ladles' .Treacta Imes; bals - Selllag V-11, redace . ii ritOUl Ird ' gV t rslt 11;t 1 . S ailq a ;W " :4 . = from .400 ENTIRESTOCK AT CREATREDUCTIONS 26 and 28 Fifth St., Pittsburgh. W. B. CLAPP & CO. LOWItiftIENT'S PitTMLW., .A.T SUMMER PRICES, HILLERrdAWS HATS CA.PS MEIM IRON CITY SPICE JULIA, .rear Pennsylratsia fitirtnue, PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD Wvrautod •;Acrt our name is ou Lb. Article. 1A 6!H GROUND COR:4IIEAL and Bri 1!U 111 N eenstsotty en hand. CO//6L£ORMUND NUTS ROAPITZD prompe eep rtly. Weettally Inform the public that we will eontleueinamattafaelem of all th e 1./1/ , 'pmpr Malta Or tlelltlid. which w• offer to Wholesale and Retell Dealenat the lowest menet Wee. almlny to deal Ulf. we e•Ilelt , thlapatroollry] of tne J. .117 LICK. formerly of e th• Ce "" a t t Ueod to the wools or harts i Jima) constar.Uy on L "I. id. ckture arralciLLEn Q aOIILEIGE. deM:q7s HOLIDAY GOODS. A i ctiT l .l l M OF lOIIONZ E,G ILT, Carbon Oil Lampa and Chandeliers, Lamp TrimmLugx, &c. Also WAIMANTAL/ NON-lIPLOIIIVE OAR. DON 011, wholesale %lel retail. U JOHN ROSS & CO, o .Ell.t,7l2•Lrls. ITItiLtU t E! kt ftreert. YUti. A. pirrsnuliGH PAPER MILNE rieTLIIIINIJCOMPANT, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, OFFICE AND NTAREIIOIINN, No, 82 Third Street, Pittsbargh, Pa. urriont.ts-Avaurr i Nor h n eve . t: gtreuti. U t DlllLCTOne—Avirust. Hanle. Jobn /11 , 1maa, John /J. LlTlng.ton. Jobn M. re. . 11. liertlo. Cash Paid for raper stock. lloZtoBB WETTACH & AMASON, 0110U6ShOUS TO 011EISMAN A CLAES, blanufactarers of HAIL LEATHER BELTINO. So. II Ohio street, Allegheny elle. Also assortmentof Belting at U. U. AN. DEMON'S. No. IMO Liberty SI., Pittsburgh, UEO. O. CLAIM, Supt. of Works doll IGO boxes Coshes. iXeSs..7 and assobasil for Lie by C/L1111.63 BOOOMe. killb ou» 73 Ms. Extra Relined and warranted Winter btralned, for sato by . . Roam Y. 100 bbl.. new prtmn White Flint for We 1r; REMOVAL. THE UNDEII. PIO WD havemoved the other of the 111)PR WORK S rrom 33 Market .tort, Pittsburgh. to their Work. on (Jerson threat. Hentmistnwooshere they can hereafter b• found. !rem R 26 PlUssuratt. .1:7..111"" DU r 3.3 WiLLlum. EIM 'Adulteration and Primed. We have long been aware that many corn. Modltles sold daily In our stores were a ad , . arA CARD TO INVALADS. reiterated and imintre; With dings and spices ! • - ' A Merirrnien. while metallic IttlEenth America and mmly arairles of groceries , theoremic° as a minionary. discovered a safe and almola is preyalant. it Is almost Impossible to get remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weaknesa. Early pure brandy or whie. Oils of every kind are I Decay, Dlseases of the Urinary awl Seminal dilated with Inferior grades or foreign sub. i Organs. end the whole train of disorders brough t grades Perhaps the worst form in which lon by baneful and Vitt.. habits. (treat nuns theme frauds are exhibited is In themixleg L hers hare Amen already cured by this noble rem and regrlntlingofbailflour.An oldand high- . eds . . Prompted Or adellm to benefit the &Mkt ' . e 0 and Unfortunate. I will lend the recipe for Iy respectable hakerofthis clty informed n t • .., and Sling this that certain venders are in the habit of hay. , = 1, .:,,4 4 1 ~. any . i .., . ssims aatioi d ir.da ;...... 7 4 log the bran from which extra flour had (Manor. Pies. enclose •post.paidinverelope been taken reground with ' superior wheat i addressed to yourself. Or with sour or musty flour and pack it In I Address JO•Epll T. INMAN. new o f on Which they print the allaili. denedri Niti_on it, Bible Rouse. A. y...ity, tnde of souse Detwiler brand and dispose a - ate their muitomers, thus reallelng a iloi- ! 14 or two nitre profit at the coat of tbn deceived eonsumer. Nothing can be more reprehensible titan impositions of this sort in an article of daily use and utility r among all classes: penal laws against such frauds are on the statue book and we sup pose It In the duty of the Inspector of flour to find oat. Expose and punish all such rasenlity. We commend the eubJect to the attention of the now incumbent of the:office who by to e faithful discharge of hie duty in thin respect will prove himself a prop. benefactor. Had to Pay Yesterday morning a man named James Dobbs, was arrested by officer Barber, and taken before /admix= Donaldson, on a charge of false pretences, preferred by Mr. Statue' Fleming. It appears that. Dobbs, bit. means of fraudulent representations, procured a barrel of sweet potatoes on so. count Of. thn ilopotient. About eighteen Plontliallgo. Kr. Fleming. was keeping a grocery store in the Diamond. and the ...- cooed washricksterlng mtheliarket. Some sweet potatoes were being battled to Flew. grocery lit barrels, and Dobbs stopped the teamster. telling him mat ha nail made arrangements with -air. Fleming, to have one loft with him. Mir barrel was left, and ho never paid for 1L Subsequently Ike left the city for Deaver county, and retdrnii oil for the first time yesterday. At the bearing ho paid the prim of the potatoes, goo, and the costa of the suit, atter which ho was allowed to depart. IM No. 75 Wood Street. I=l MECO Z.f TEST STYLES. U. M0111.1.1,11Z. FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, I E;tIE=MMI ICO dozen for isle by =I =E=!! I=l No. 701 Liberty shoot 011AULLS O. BAiSlart EZ=IMMI 1:$:i ai_ Et feAelly (eJ aiq NEW PERFERE FOR TBE LIANDEERCITIES l'heieo'e •'X'itht 11!eominig Core phalon•t "Night Blooming erre PhaleaiN "N:glat 111 looming Core Phalan , . "Nlabs llloontiog Crre. Phul./Wm! ' , Night filsetiting C . A molt rxtpattlta, clellesto. had Fistrant Perkin 1101104 from the rare t'boorttlfd GOTEI fro which It Mk. Ita mum. • Matubothred only by - PIIALON eirl/01. Nem''Nark. BEWARE OF COtINTETWEI 4 WA Agg. FOR nRALONIP-4,ARSI NO OTITEII, garWRI. ItARYIIII4, te. BOILER MAKERS SKEET IRON :,*.ORFIERS Fes, 20, 22, 21 , well-20 Pena Bt. . • . Raving secured a lure yard and furnished it Daredhlett•Pproved nar binary, we are pre to manufacture ever description of Boll era In the best manna so 1•11.11111kti equal to any made to the count-Mc. l.Chtinuela. Breech lea. rite Bed. Meam Pim. Locomotive Boil ers. Condenser. halt B.A. Tanks. ll I Still. Agitators, Settling Pan. Balky Imm, Hybl Ara. Coate Pana, and sole rannabicturers of BABB 'LILL'S PATANT BoiLaire.. • • iteDalrior done on the shimtnilt ncitlee. lett ell IRTIAKE SUPWLOIS COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS parrszolutAti. • PARK, McCUR.DY & - CO., Manafactorera of Pheathlay, Drailere. anti Bolt V'. per Bressett Copper Bottoms. Raised Boll ßottoms, lipeltur' isomer. ,Also Irsportera Mot Dealers In Metals, Tin Plate, Beret Moo, tflre, Vuestaatly on hand Tioateri• To Warehome. No. likta - BLIN IT 8 littlir atiti 8Z00211.1 nlleT,Tiltabreb. eimMal Orden er Coppel en to nop assist,* pattern. : torlßesl.4..T • IigrIIOBLVION. ILE* & Micmac= to lIODISISOS. Dine • MILIA. WASEINGTO ,WOBllB, yoinder..d machl44ll,l4ttakur g h Manufactuiers of Bust inaponari 131.raso adalae•. Blna Enainea. TtarllactdalrA Clear. tai. Mulling, Castings .4.11 ollaserlptions;oll Tanks and lildlls, - Bollet iindlikot Iron 'Work. IQ. Agents 'for OMPAV.Ini PATKNT JECIVIt Sur feedlot belling a'REMEDIAL INSTITUTE 111111 SPECIAL GUMS,- No. 14 Bead street, dfew York, takantrattna tritttaka ityltrattruttyotlots: also. a Book on Eirstal Drysossz. to a senha la lope. seat Ma. ks /rays apart stud/.r tuys owl you INA Rot "swot a: for as *User Raley phasletaas ant generally Impusis.s. uttboot re a stranyer t bouttl Ise Vastest. /Inclose P.suina, 444 Int, Yor k. LAW RENCE: Mo. 311tood alseatai a sk. noLlust tark. tgrTEIEGIRAVESTHALADIES or YOUTH AND ICARLI/OT M AN HOOD. —HOWARD Abait/RIAIION Reba TO, oaf the Physiology of the Paislons, and the Error, Atm, and Maass. peculiar to the drat taco( man, with Reporta on new methoda of treatment employed In Hite Institution. bent In sealed tttereneetope., free ofenafie. Ad inn Ur J. t'hhLWelphts. I'a. ' irtaidi•T. OIL WORKS do omitquaEa CAMLNIFS: OSLO: irm•xx.oa: SOHO OIL WORKS, BUFFO I I [IV &CO =3 CELEBRATED SPE24I LUBRICA-OR ?Walton ***Uhl Oil 4 esenisy t 44141 on), Tim GEM =I STINDARD FRITH BURNING OIL, No. 33 Slorket Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. BEAD FOR A CIACULA It. g<7.06 WARING & KING, COIIISSI9N REIMS a10k1331% Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DUQuEs.re sra r, =! = WARINC. KING & CO.. C1731:0 I=! lIENDRICIVS LUBRICITOR. ==ZEI WHITE, BROS. Is. CO., N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, Bro. 1 at. Clair !Street. ritteiairgb. i Keep constantly P. t..; , 4 I maebtri-- oil, V01T 7 112 ' ,74 m4 1::;: EllgeVrA. Llpbt Cold Eosin, 011, IJark Var QII. 1 , ...1. Lletil CoP4 eerew-Cat- buk C. yil. I :1;c ii....,..fi uti.•________,_ _____ WOOLDRIDGE OIL REIFEIEV - G iorzierw..a.zrur„ OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOBJI 7t r WZI Ngg 'has ,WOlllO4 EV TEMPI lIANCEWIL LE. °Mee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (NW Boairmains 8r14.) 111LAN'IMACTITUIBS UP PUBZ WHITS. BURNING (all.. Brand—"Luoifer." Em i t Elks OIL WORKS, =113:1311IJ L'UIIEE4 C.IIIII03" OIL, I=l EUGEKA.SPERNI LUBRICATING OILS, And Whotestae Wale. Ita Crude, Relined and Lubricating Oils, LAUD. SPZUM, WHALE. AND TOM OILS, No. 31 Market. St., Pittsburgh. a. C. 3w08x..E, OW and canine sample, and rend p.m acme.. 0151014 BUT TUE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, VIM UM 11E1,1111011 Mnnufactured only and for male by T. .4 Erl." I CO, PIONEER PAINT WORKS, N.W. Coy. ad and Market Ms, EMMMMI BREWED, BUITJE & CO. OMISSION BIERCIANTS, AUENTH YOU THE Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil Works. Ample !Storage for Crade and lialluidoll. Lib ral crab advances wade ou consbrotoonts of erode or Itegued Petro:cow. Yards fur .•torago and shiot of Crude Ulla& Laarrenceri/le. Mace nod Warehouse. tonic:rot thooosna Way and Hancock street. Pittsburgh. loylihan War. 1110111,Usla. EAGLE OIL IVOllliff, .13.D11/602f SAIONWPW O3I3I .OOI7 - 111-10. WICHTNIAN &ANDERSON. Definers and Dealers in PETE OLEUM. 01110 L. OICUND STORY, CORNER HAN COON tIT. AND LUQUYAINE WAY. mTWial 0 ezjtv:lzi MEN JOHN T. GRA:3r, HUME MU) 11.1U21 PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. 1 . 1/d0 lindenlament/ 1 Mine of every deeerlp. tkm done to order. All work done promptly ee n rewsonable mks. wicirjul R. BROWN, (Late of tee fins) of Boowyf d If °snow, ) 1100 SE A211),.141Gy PAINTERI9, 240.4hisaii09rper of Third and Market Ntretto PITT/if:11,10f 11. PA. STATE LOAN. I FOR RA r.w PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN. PROPOSALS FOR A LOAN OF $23,000,000. AN ACT IMII SALE—A Farm of 250 -A. acre der, s, all under good fence, elotreil and In fine or hal.. Inood tired Willie oak and hickory timber, with must of u ndorbrush cleared out: well watered and .paotly underlaid 1.11.11 two foot Vein of coal: good frame .iouse, two barns, wagon sheds, corn cribs. pit pens, Spring house, nod about fourteen am ea of oho!. troll., different qualities. In this there Isno waste .an he worked with ease. nlitiated In Bearer conntv. Pm. three miles from Roches ter ntatlon, a d t wenly-seven tulles from rut. burgh. Price 360 per acre. Coal work', now teuccessfil opera tion: d. prottuctlon 10,a0 biti. n hela, situate on Alonong al's bola river, In pool No. 3. email Farm, 40 Motion,l Improve tern miles from I.lvormore , on toe WePenn sylvania Railroad, In lonian* county, and only as miles from the city, all for 02,000. Three acres In Img Orson Itoroush: Ira pro. ementsi suitable for all triads of email fruit gr Ce r lnt ' ndred a.es good farm land, four acres cleared, good sprints. and timber for: arming and building: toot allies from Altirbna, In Blair coon- IT. Cat: good road to same: all for Ninety dsri. acres in Payette township, :A of which Is coal; all fenced; house, barn, orchard, dG neverai BHA and Pram* ilouscaln Allegheny, • ono In Freertrt- Six Lots, XI by Ig - feet, In NV ilklnsburg. price $lAO ea Cub, balance on time to sultipurchaser Tills rare eh snot Or persons °fantail roes. as the lots are only .tout two bout:red yards fror trig station t they are obran• Terms easy. and Is want to sell them. . JUYIII CRtrYT, Jail Aga{ hat ate Agent.. WV Fourth street. IFOR SA L E, !Or ”x rif That the A: tU To Create 411_40.11,a FOR THE REDEMPTION The Over-Due Bonds of the Cominonwealth Wfizmus, The bond. of the Commonwealth ad certain certltlcales of Indebtedoe.s, amount I=l been over due and Unpaid fur some time past And WAercge, It Is desirable that the snne hould be paid. and withdrawn from the market MEM SEcrl",. 1. B . it the Smut ez rotl I I orr, Repry...Fen•fres 'pi, Corn rot s , I 111, of Prn I& y ulgfe, w Grntnii truff it Cr )I!r< Werrnor, •nolltor General and Mate Treasurer and .are hereby. authorized and empowered Morrow, on tfie faith of the Commonwealth nch amounts and WWI suelt notice, tootle.. harp forty days, at they ma) deem tilt. exp.,ll t fur the tetterStti or the Dien•, twenty-three 1111,ms Of dollar,. and lawn rrrll of luau Donna of the. Cotozonnwcalth Apr tat one boil /lig Interest at a tate mit et ytalng ann , uhal. payable mewl-annually, on he th - gt of rctortttry and nest ref August. In the city of Inal•delpbla, which ctrtlacatc- of loan bottlin seat not be tiobJect to inr talattott flutterer, for Slay., leuolclpal or local ptuw- •.1 .1.11 b. D.T.14.0 . follow., aunt IT: Five of dollar. parabbi et any tlm, after fire Ts.. and within ton year.: clght millions of Sr,. pliable at any time alletten year. cad thin Afteen Tele,, and ten million. of dollars t any atm:Ml.4e enc. years •od within twee pare year.: and sheil be signed pr the Übe or and 15tata Troastrer, and counterslanyd by the A it •Ittor tic:tent and reglii tereti b thi brat, , f the Auditor General, and to be transferable be books of toe Commonwealth, ep she rs. and sechanina• Natlona! Bank Of ralla delphls; the ptwecds of the whole or which Inr lading pretulams, et cetera. fccelred the state, ettell bo applied to the raymeot of the bonds man arstnutes uf Indebted...el of the Commorousan. ha, 2. The blds . for, the said loh shall be tir tie 1 11 the pretence Or t➢e tioreruor. Auditor Oeseral aad Elate Treasurer, and awarded to to ktille.l bidder: Prorol,f. Thai m corildento Weer authorize., to be Itto ed, .11.11 be negotl• to . ; Teri tba➢ ISt pat Rtv.. but. 3. The Le0:14..31'01e Bete and certificate , fln4ehtedoe", [low o‘rs , lue, .14•111.15 reeelya Ueda payment of the aol , l lota, ciuler mob fl one Au the hove:tor, rotor tietteral ill Tleasur, =sr prescribe; and every bklie fir the login, now an tborlxed to be boned. •hU In WO bid a bye., the alma la payable orb or Iv the bonds ar tertltleates ollo;lebtet1 I= I. l'at all tru m eee ixecLatat. attuttnii vator Isas. U.(4. (rrn....1,1, COMMA( or other peraana. bal4tag la a Adaclary ca bonds or certhicat. OR Indebtedness o the elate or acooryi, art hereby aottiorlard to ttld for the loan tOratry sathOrlrra to be Ise ea, .0 to gummier tbt..orliat or esrtldestes of lout Gel•; b, theca at the tlm• of matte, tech bid and to rebels • the bond. so Mork cl to be ill, ved OEM! Etc. h. •ol porroo or per.. stendloe in the lideclary capacity atate4 In the fourth acctio of tbl4 who may deslre to lowest money In their ham!, for the brocht of the troet, may -Incur an, onler of court, InTrst 1.1. same 10 She Ponds uolLoriteil to '"Aliteted Lr MI. Set, •t arm. of 'premium Pot exereillog twenty per ev n. That num and •Iltd• tle passage of wt. net, ❑t the bends of Ilk:, Connmebssesltb shall be vala vale tLe .rtder of their waterill 1=1".18:111:1!!!!II!!! not Ict 4 .•,.n.niror«>nnt from S3atr. want ctp•l or tvcal talatttt4. after the . _ =I E=l=! N. That all raisting laws, or portions thereof. 111,00•131Crit *re berebe re, = eheaker of the lieu..., of Itepre,retatleet 1112EME! =I Approeed the riecon,l day of Irebru.sre. one th.cand clitzt L.1..15Le.1 and +l‘ty-.evert =9 In accordauce with lilt protision of :lie abort. act of Assembly'. sealed proposals-11l IPC hoeh ed• at the once of the State i'resaurer, In the city of 11;11110.u. Penarylranla. until IL. 0 . Ci04. Y., or lbe In 4.7 of•pril. a. D., lan, to nn coilor.ed Ms lotions, "Proposals for Penn •ilvanlit Sate TrrmurY 13==12! Bids will be received tor $3.000,000. retro bneaable Io lire years and payable In Ten Sees 09.000,000 reirnbursaide to Tea year. and per able In Fifteen rem, and $10.000,000 relm I= t7-Flit yeses.' - The rote of totem', to be either 8 or 11 per cent: pOr•Jouro. which mn•t he ei =I • autegroun to tilt !tale Will be accrpte.l. No I=l =I higher . ..lM MI desirLd by the loaner., to be flee Dorm State:lorld . .11111211111Ciral taxes The over due bedide , of the Commouwealib of Pennsylvania will be rrrelre4 at par In payment I=l Intend to pay In cull or lo the over due loan lE= No illyllactlou will lie made between tildde HOUSES AND LOTS IN ALLE4 GHENT AT THUMB.—WiII be offered on th e premises, onAY. Febriaary lith; at :oclock, tne two brick Pollees of [doe room. enn, N or . and 0) Hearer treet, between Ohio street .01 North Common. Lots 23 by 2. Possession Aprll lot. Tonna, half cash. balance Abiltur. Ueneral. to • A. LISOGA.TT A Co— I —•— I=2 Uovornor of renasylV.la. I=l I= ll= .B•V. e : —No newopapor the•hove uNeee aulborlletl, nlll reCeilc pay. fets.tl, FCC tiALE.—.IL Farm of about is res In Union Township, Allreland. lout e the Pike. The large two story Brick Dwelling House with I. rooms, a tiecestory boring 10.0. • C•rn•ir• Hunt, • large Lumber llocm, a No, I name Bank Pars, with stabling Suidelent for 50 head of cattle. Ther antes • dne Young Ore,,hard, eon Prsing a i x , itt 12, stocked with Lite best Tn. rietles of fruit trees. lots all underlaid with coal. The land Is In ahigh state of cultivation. well watered. fences good, and would suit .1: rurally for dalrs or gardinine purriines. Also. 17S, acres adjoining the above, with • good Frame House, Carriage House, good:lining House nod other ort.buildlnes: with a gOol Dfi Chard In One bearing conilltlon. This piece also all underlaid with coal. Also. 11. acres adloluing the above, einimprtive ed. for alit low. This piece la also all underlaid with coal. The above three pieces of property Ile between the Little Saw Mill Itonand Steubenville roads, and the coal can be I reached tulle from either road. The coal alone is' worth all that Is asked for the entire propene. Also Pant of 173 acre., ettnat• In 3t. ( - Isle tosreship, Westmoreland county. Pa., ately on the line of the Penna. Italiroul, The Ins. preen:Lien:a are • two-story Frame House with dive rooms and good cellar, a Frame Hank Hare. 40060 feet, and oilier , iiii.balidlngs. There Is on the place a good Young Apple Orchard; rztlacres cleared, balance In good timber: fencing general watered: underlaid with coal and ' limeneoe: nvenient. to churches, i ll s,-} SChOOls and blacksmith chops. tonther with the personal diropertv such •s noel/. Implements, grain In the ground, Cc. l i osenlonglven !mire dtatelv. - _ - For further pgrt:colars, enquire of 0. 11. TOWS no? Heal Est. te Agent. Mg roar. street A COUNTRY RESIDENCE, ar SILAtOk SIDE, • lin the l'ff tiNnTLVA N/A RAILROAD. Within int:rats ride from the city. The house Is n• irely n• bubstantlally built. convenient In ts arrangements. and tastefullyornamented in• side and out. It has hot and cood water. and gas Ctures throughout. It meanie* a commandin alto on • tot of non &ens, part of widen Is th e original forest, the yr mainder belay well aslant ed fruits veg,tables. •There Is a thrifty orchard of d Warr tress. • The odings are all AO faille. consisting TIMM Exeter Ls Bloc. slid Real Estate 67 Fourth at.. (Burt,. Blindlat.) VALUABLE Ifr'AILIM AT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. That valuable Yana altuate In Loyalhanna J o k t g'"ig !itr 0.11 Johnston 6611 otters. late the property of ThOrnla Johnston, contatutng altal, Hundred saind Thirty-neves Acres.. The Improvements ars two.olory frame Ilwelltua Boole and goo 4 Frame blank Barn, elem. /louse and other necessary out build- Mg a. The farm la anderlald with Coal and Limestone, and ',convenient to Churches. Mills and Vellhole. and Is wlittln one-and-a-ban file. of naltsbergt, and the Branch lialtroad ro., Ma %totem Pennajtvallia itanroad to the Westmoreland and New York Ulna Coal Comps it tea rano through the farm. l arsons whaling to ptireaeSe, nod desiring tO !tee the farm 0111 call on the undersigned on the premises. j.. . r dIYSEL'II T. JOHNSTON, Aem , r, with thowlll annex., IMPROVED PROPERTY F`GR 1/9...9.1-.13. addle In Lawrence,lll, and tprlngteld, ad obaing. tauging la prie. from Will ba •old on ytvonable tem. V implied f• soon. Embrace tilli/ opportunity For further Information. apply at the Beal.Za tate and insers3ce OM= of U. 3. 11347f3t. Jal4 • HE R. liO.4FE• NEAT AND COMFORTALLE Butter ItemeX., pkwrenuTllle TWO STORY FRAME DOUSE, 6 MIL CI ~~ t7." :371 1 :0 . nr 0 tg bares. ea Or reloon or uooods, or thetr bars. 2 hrre Months Extra Pay la due Volunteer Officers to the serrloe Moen LI, effi, and disci:urged, mustered out, or mffiamed . Mee .!..prit rffiNSLONS.—rarinanently disebled deg r e e 'a! led to el3e .20 or 1123, edhording to of MOW. W. J..lt HALL YAVITiIt..SOII, Attorneys, Tr On.. tatr.s.L pn, B. F. BROWN, 11^M Local Claim Agent C. S. SAN. COM., Oaice, No. 67 Fourth Street, (secoND rumm.) Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensilons,Bountles and Arrears of Pay Promptly Collected. xo etif e ottAr:ra d ' i ' . "Vd:bVi d soumens , - BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &c Colleeted.ln the Shorten possible time. be EDOWN, .< .101114 S. LAMM'. OM.. No. 11{ h . r7et, sol:fallwr SITTSSURG H. ALPF —..craLL.N.—JB. 15T _,, aRLAND, CORNS A. it UV L. DI B A.MON III II STREET AND CHERRY ELLET.—Deeds, Bonds, Marina/res. , Leases, de.. drawn neatly.. accurately tad in legal form. IWM be assisted yy OEV. WATSON - . Jr.. Rag" for many years the pncipal conveyanetr will m la a t ten d Or= SIYANTOg, who also to tbe rnaminatlon of Titles. Repeal- lions tango ra- F;ll,lgfArt.dy sod neatly. 13"1111!=a _. j °Au A. sntAltit._ 9 X.3z/ECET, Ex-O ffi cio, Justice of the Peace. AND POLICE ISAGLSTRATIL, 'MCC, 112 11111 St. oppealte Cathedral, PITTSBURGH. PA. Meat, Bondi. Stortlags., Astsowletlinsints. Ihpooltlons sod Legal 812.114e111 eZeCtited Ito promptneessaddl.patAß. sallsoAL WIT JLLL4J JANCET, :VOTARY •• PUBLUI, JUSTICE DET HIS PEACE. AND EE aL EATATE•AIiENT. Office. corner of Cutler sad Cravar strecta. wrenceville. Special attention given tot e panties, and ale of /teal Estate. the Colleen° of Reamd the preparation and acAnowle eat ot all k an lads of Leg. , Conveyances. Ais JANCEY, nst Ice of the Pea. d Notary Patina. itigni:o33 • EUSTACE S. SICIR+W, . _ ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER; 72Peiensylvania Avenue. loot of the Louie" ud oppetite Ulm Nied m7=.1.6 . _ CHATHAM T. EWING, ittortey at Law, 1 No. SD Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa; Commlubner for Ohio, .11.2a9=7; VI, ghat.. Utunurl and Other btu.. • torn.a..4. C. MACJELHEIA, MORNET& COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. JOHN C. McCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. Sirreosloos. Scuttles, and Arrearsof Pay mon:pelt collected. no2Loa BREWERS, I, MAISTERSotc. pirrenuricin CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO, 16114 1 LURES AND HOP patas, 01212:11113 JOSIIPA RHODE& & CO, Pittsburg Wil. W. ANDERSON. sues-Ilea The aittntl on of the castotaerl of the two floats partlealatly baited to I.as . —ALES AND PORTER,__: MOM. thronghtnecerennwewswee......eaaelt bine our extensive malting technics and /Int./ran , the Tw i t Meat wad west, we ow guarantee La he pure and setlstactory to the trade. • Our INDLLA Lg. has been highly reel:m=ol.l..ll p a - Metomers will Dieu a 4e putleular la leave their orders at hit oftee ad joining ths old Brewery. or at our °dna, earner of Poquenne Tip and Barite' n0;00 VIVI. BROWS. iffirRENYBREWERY. Boring yaeloued the old Osiabllthed Brewer . " y tifel=2lh r iT . WW4ittle Inform the pubuc we Macho co ailooloß * che monatottura of SPRING WATER ALES, Made Mtn Pure Opring Water, and from one fsenitica and long experience in the bnstness, we reel sairistied that Tee will be enabled wire entire sattsAction to those who may favor no with their patOrtaga iESTINZETWE eb 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. --- Aa-An orders UN at BROWN it 91111.13•31 . 0. 903 Liberty street. Pitiabargh, will be promptly attended to. POINT HALT HOUSES. W. H. GARRARD & 00., Nalsters, Grain and Hop Dealers, I. I= - PITTSBURCH. PA. Arne e HYE. CORN =UM f-IW7. PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY. JOB. ..... Mn. SPENCER & RESTERS 111 BMUS Ale, Porter andiirown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. 11.01:1811.T WATBOX: Manager . . lclivl6B :• • z AND 8110E8. (l AI RE ATEDI6IIONiI-- IN PRICES BOOTS, SHOES OD GAITERS, THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street, Between 7hlrd and FOUral Street.. 3.3 JOWI rAudza.nEr.o. •...uuvsz.WM. pALMEII, ANSOUTZ & CO., cuct.uy attended to by MierlroOki .ad MG' taca wolittata. A One mono:mat of GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS • SHOWER BAT iv Etill ir. cwsrrsirrD Constantly on toad sad oudo to order.RANT Jtb. 61 Markel Street, ' I %%AMID db SIBMTCPTCLICsiI. I=l J. A. aoancsos a co, BOOTS, SHOES Sc GAITERS, Near Fourth. ... P1 2 15E178.6/1, PA. OE3 A LARGE AND FRESH ARM VAL WC SIIPLIMSR BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS And Balmorals, • Jut received. aad will be cold et the VERY IN PRICER, either Wholesabs or Retail. maxitime VIS • CALL. billYoas Ptracizasute J. 11. & W. C. BORLAND, N Market street, 2d deer from rafth FIELDING & 13110., ,MIE P1.D1114 Manufacturer. and Dealers In Chairecops - BOOTS;SHOES & GAITERS, N 0.140 Ohio St., Allegueny. Repairing promptly executed no the grart.l /10t1.. Pliislo=lo.' , o3on4zi ir'NEW OPERA HOUSE. Lets. HILICIALIPON Trexsurer ItAB.BY OVZILII4OI'OB. TiII'ILSDAY EVENING, Fenn:Mrs Itth, the - brautlfel and accomplished CHILD ACTRESS, IJITLE ENNIE BLANCHE, ber wooderfal Impersonation of EVA 111 the drama of Uncle tum's Cabin, buoporscit by a great cast of characters, the shanstic champion, Kr. JOLLY Stititsrats as ~?. . rilsy—Tiencit of Yr. ENGLER—SchooI for ? , -„,_tisi.: 7 .lP . t.atior Exercises, lad Matinee; Ontoroett. gar y ntATHE commor.: IC WILMA*/ ruttP. ................. 35ILLEA I:VF.NINO, win be presented the cue Pt , tacla. In. threesat' iii;l;===l • , W y. THE altE &T TH AYSFOUIIATIO ISCZNE tellottog the famous filsel en:4k. THE BLOOMINti ALOE TATA. Frlday-fltenedt of IL W. Wllliehee. 2. , a to rally A fte retme—eiraltd tan Matto** eN - .RERCANTILE ' LIBRARY I L7~7OTVR~~. 1 GEO. ALFRED TOWNSEND WILL LECTURE AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Thursday Evening, Feb. 11, 1867. Stsbject--"urope drtived." - Tlck ins, 50