I!E=Mill r OITY AND 5TM1313.130. imrsiz rtRET AtTVTIIIED PAGES ~ ' • •-• • •—• •• ' ' '.-' •• • Amosenienta. -.' gairtaCentedra—Letat nib every inch tit 'linable emetic at the Theatre Combine Is ocennled I 7 a large and fashionable and mice to attn.:tag the that prodnetlon or. the tMantlful oriented fairy eoeetacle of Che, ryandliafridar. intiedneed at a coat 1 'ai adingthrad., thousand dollars , with en tire new' drosses, seenari s a , n e d , stage l i i io m p. crt ts, I the . 1114. Y ImS PI . an le 'grand and pare, emcees , Candi y„ it is the most .gur wets, beautiful ant grand. neenic pro. duaton ever placed o a.Western stage. VanYneevel and in tries tie hanleal a 11. nneest - tihati been in oed, which work „adaurabl_s,and call ro the audience the hlghtestoncombites • f i, ralao. „The bloom. t t 4sta . .. Aine.tree alone is,' doubly warth the "vette of admission, leg marvelously tecill ereentad, while the ttanut of the fairies,. "rocky...horn of th island,. "vine, and grinds of the lima Obad,..pler 11134 port of tirpresa,” "the it rulng 'forest," aro all itawauti.ourprlo artistic scenes whtch eamtrit Otato Win n nitration. The crown- . leg wonder, howeve . of tats oriental ogee t.Me to the_great .transformation scene, Whet< iltlgesol:llltitiliq Or ant'. .ae nt o c ß e a a r . e Instantly converted Into a nd dmu . IS " which bewilders the r e uaes a '.;lSlL..t_the eye. , This is regarded by critic., Bab ca- -,iothlti of expreeilmejudgment. upon the jcet as the most per - lect tramlormatlon scene •ever prodnetiti in America. ,he Theater .- Conllloo bay Lean the purged of Its so raver faults, and •is now,riettto as appro. priate a 131.0 . Of amusement no any In the mtv. • Tao grand spectacle will again be pnidneeti to-night, and we bespeak a largo •• . attendance. • Orsaa flor9M--Quito a arge audience goterml lir. 1. F. Hagan upen - the' aedastou of his hereon. last ( night. its nliftenft d P. splendid advantage ai Petri In Heywood lit •tflenotlay," alai .10 .. Luke 1 ire I. therm . ," in ,•Ttlsh`pliry of that nume. Bela n eleYer seen, nod rum won haste of friends and admirers in tab smoky city. In the latter ince. btinnie • CoOhe charmed the audience with her atacefulatal natural acting in. too Part .1 .Clara.. She ions selected at a Into hour to perform the part• and necessarily was at .disativantage, but she displayed genuine merit and abillty;and acquitted herself at - • tntrably.' Wo cannot sae Why RO Clover a mums should be kept on the bnekgrote as'she seldom is mourned • parts In whip anoetatt do horself full justice. -,• • • ..;• . .., .. . . ' "Stitinitie ILL.t.t..A.t ailment° EMI' trim croft - mg "the•yrOrld 'renowned =and warp. prouchahle MacialhgertiointnettOcts a scanty of his Inimitable exhibitions of t•ldagicilped Mystery.. This wirard In too well known to '-eqp=auy laudation at our hands. Ilia wondere havobeentbutherne'llf couverstw tom among rittsburghers many times, and forrrfienplet wllluote hill ye flock .eagoely to • ?lidt) a Atmenvol or his pleasant exhibitions. vellometobar,atZlitaimle. Hall this craning. Ton Cperaat Pena.—The a eating at Cen- Jjral Teltityeuterdaytnis:verY .littei.andAtin attendance large. The inagnitleent sks. lag champintevlntha_TiSgler,, Jr., wan present.. and delighted the erowdi With 1.1113.101 1 ilibl• ing evoiutton.s. Tills afternoon. th e chat. lence'Contest between Siessra. !largess and , • Critchlow tor the chaufplonship qf the county, will take place. . . Untow rears.—Admirable skating and a large crowatWurellm order of the day at this ',civic '.yestorday , end . lust. eventng. - Thp kni,.-Itts and ladles of the steel, after ":lllltn r long MP itc. - enjoyed the smut with renewed vigor. Tlns evening a grand fancy dress carnival will take place. An immense attentlaneetlllibo preachy and 'every fes ture wittily :an attraction: A Go'CelOhleet--Beoetil of 1110 Pony petldc llospitnl. t., T4O following correspondence better -•Mrs. Ettin Heraler.n and the members - the Opera HOueo company, needs no expla , nation. It isequalLY creditable to the es • ti lady whom Intrude. th e project etrt'el 11110.0 who- respond so prom ptly. and he artily to her - prorirosttion. tVe treatthe public-lac the time stated, will respond no less promptly: ' To the ladles and gentlemen of the Opera • house Company the following is most rospectleilly submitted: • ••• The llommeatille hospital on Second stsemt, being. in need of fends to complete 'the fornisitung - _ of the establishment, it is the desire of Mrs. EOM Ilenderson to aid them in - raising the necessary arnotint. TO • -this end am desires io solicit the serViCeS of the Opera House Company to gore a mat . Mee benefit, to tat., place on Wednesday, '22broarVtitb._ • • ' Thom ;Tilling to. ne9Lst a good canto,' willit• . dreato; oblige the underincocil by suntn :heir names: El - rta liennnilnost. - "rim hotels, Fehrilary 8. - I - Sautes .11. Coon, Harry A. Ilotto,• U. Over- Cliot 9n o . n - 4: llngan. Lonna SylVenter. Wit, liarns,-Annis Waite, Nellie Moreland, 1,110- . pie Cooli, Annie ..hdton, Mts. IL F. Emma Fin erriti, J. E. liortel, Amain llsXtal, anti the orchestra. • • • • . it Grout Street Fight.—Thls moining phoureirle o'clock n party of teen got into general mune on_l;'raol. street, near the Thin.rner of First. One - of them particabirly. Ciollagner by name. was drunk and ,Ilsorderly, bud was tagen In charge by offl. Cre Ileasloy; Immediately three others. • ' horned Thomas Delany, Wm. A. Kelley and . S. Downing, interferred to rescue We pri , ohor from 1119 custody. A. brisk' etrug. alernsued during which officers Dhsba and “eletrrison took port trim the arrestingft o'- cat, mid , soon the whole party of roughs .ware lodged nalely In the. locloup. , One of the party halt been roughly used up in the badly cut and • reeelving juries which caused'. him. to thrOW up-considerable blood. • , l'itnperrtneer Revnal.-=A: grog TOrra irtleKoleAli nl.l.'tfo'aegoiwngo'o4l,,i.°ll°. ri.dg.vm, be .truetas steel" to their row. rcrer.:—The typbold ferer.sl.lll prevalln In an Wall:ging ezecnt In Homo Sec tions of Um city. SeOr York Ylrior,riol MottOrl. . February 11.—honeseasy, et ZeSG on call. Sterling drill, nt 0,16” , ,1. Gold lower; opening at 1:3112.1,. tlectintni ldUn nnti cleslng at 1:t85.' tovorninein. stocka are quiet and' without decided. change. I remote to Liverpool are quiet .and un changed.' ivcrittv BATE STATEICLIM.! , Lome OW PBXS; decrease Vighdio. Specie e 173.727. L Circulation IlneccgaV::l2fl/1",11'.1. ga - 241,tC.5; decrease Gold an d .at 134ifalMit Oorrimments C o up and steady; °epees Coupons do. IOd.XIM,i; do, 107 , 41u75t; ilo. new,los%iliilM'ii; Ten . ..t"Mlies. WWII lei; ticven-Thiri 46 105,1,1,.L.fit001ie opened ettiady and unproved sligutly early in tne day,but subsequently declined slightly, cloeing• binsteadY _ r. thn folloadng price,: Ohio Gelid. -entes..e.Nettd. Wf.stern Unto!! Te!egn!ph, 11T'645• ling I;entrul tgF.- toziaA southe6, min.% cog: :colon; nuxer.ti; Pittsburgh, hhciiiPlost It: L., t 054.0-9.44; Nortitwestern, Preferred, cdiAiSiid; Yon Warne, . 'i on if or say% No pressure of sales SCA the extreme taste of money. to .favorahle to blgterdprices., ...itmerlean. Rumens, al; On!. lAA-States ratAd llid:4; Atlantic 'slol,lo3;3ll.dsotiri Slxes. , ol. Xi ning shares f aro ' active and excited on Which 'rose to, Ann dollars. bregory,l2,so; Smith. & Perrolte, 215. The • r a k yrje a tfeT uCTgit'Ce_ _l4;tiP°.l'l2, t 4.;" lfais ' coen, 1. Iluron, 36; Royst, tbaistiatestrthi, : .ilatralo.eattle litarke!. • ln ' a're.to,' ie.bruarYll.-4..Tlakeithttlertnatk_ et rnled acuye to,day, and h price . Yr ho sa h 7 at former quotations: , T era er rlyala by the Lake Shore to-day, tlren y by , ea, a, expected to strive. aCeeight Grand Trunk Railway of Canada,' an t!,, ull,ll,llnObs ~eattl,. There was a Baper O lg ~11l0C3e - eZtrik ateeni loth market, and 'mretUltina to Ill,llye, Many large It changed hands. an _the yard wprth.chipping will ,an lapronaoh, L leadlin.thealorniuq.Tera et n r ht a the yuris. the mar k et r at es hEtx4lrma..qhu7a,wlitas..soll,:ag i fax beery Oxen and 411G1 , 4; fat: C c e h tt h.. l4, and .11tire, fair, t9,4 0 0/ 1 . elf era, • X 4 ,2 d- . Rece i pts—lty_ fhe Lake *born lialitoad, yeeterdaY, Lethi b ead: by the Grand Tx u ItallrOad.. lad ay, — bead. Shipped-11y the New Yore Ceatatia Italliaail lei heady by the Erie. 1,4%?1:1,1: aheep very COW and-at taCaneldera _e. ellen; sere to46o with about doubt ameamba thepen, The cuirent isles were:heavy bale WnOled Reralieley extra, ed, 50 4 1 ^ - Indian,. leek wooltal.-0, 50 ,,d/ 5 ,A9? • • fair i s yeuelea'Weeleeet, $006 , ..... • "••"‘•— eel pts, 1,100 n ear: shipped, .1 00 bead. /IMP h , ik ./erlces VOL equal to the de taanel seda ammet :cleaned ,iat by the Decay *Tape:mats. • Prime hear) , liege quoted al. lal.realeyeL 7 0 00. kihapeueatepren.mt boot brick, at, sa,' sat.:..), &vent g. IZO ntea,e2. M==E! Nee . Yeas., Intl. 11.-Tie receipts at cattle Market for the past week arer,l be 4eeres, =OW abeep and iambs. smile r ta eine. the beet market was [lull through. _, w et lfairly ..flYirlhiat'u',lr‘!,?lrt'C'e .marbhuelnetJ ut alter the lirst, selections hen (t i n marked oil tbe market became dullish lie , and holders erre willing to sell at nu Itn. provement or I Ao. n0 . ..1.0 week. Prima (rem, 110.1,0 1, for COZOMOIk to . - prime, aritil f rAncy• - •01.0005 reported high am lg, but Ulan ajOrtty of salsa *ere at f 3 lett°. Sheep Adel lambs at the early part er the week Were very drill in market. and, pricer lower, 7fee being the highest price - peed though '14.0-cholce iota Might have - ' • brou . ght. 73:1e, bur eIIIOO the change In the ' 'weather ,ate hare'improved some What. I clOsine dolt. We quote common to fair , ' . sheto at Whitent,r; good to prime pt. nftalc; 4 ; . ....71 extra at7127i60..1.4t .` New York Dry Goods ftLartet.. New lons, Fab. IL...abere to Lea 10 004 btOII . : nen.% dosing In Cotton goods on orders, but With a moderate demand -not to Active to - oarthe cloee of last pe occh. -T week pena da lowur, With wore ondelOghe nllfew li'll:4lllr7lancdttvg Ye ad t7r . peony ISroan Maud mitten 0 .rold Pacific A 21.,4, Stark A 1.1 OVA* and Atlantic It. Sheeting. at - admire to 'Mit& bleached '31‘,4; James 4,teaut ls etli; Waltham IC Great Falls CliPper-2e mints are le : ...lord et 1 1.4,t). • .4 7iiiteattkee. rtarlret. Hunter ken, February 11.-4.1011 r tem It b o a n teady nl 42,11 tar No. I, and V 1 m% for No. v. Oats tiru, at tee for No. 1. £Olll • Ililat6oclXvlstarstull but limn; tic : S)e.or,a li nen s teady VA Pl-I. . • Banker a nd Broker, lib Woo tit., near•corner of Fifth. AG deem intim. of Government bomb coned an 4 sinned liberal term. London and Continental. Exchange sole at Now York roam. Gold. bilVer and Coupons bought ai.M.ob eat rate% and Gold Drafts Lamed on bow York. i FINANCE AND TRADE, Wigton Mavis PMTS.:MAU 0.1..V.V., I 1.31,...T. Feb. it, The NeOi York stock quotatleoo cal ms, , as reported by BOblllsoll. •Sic Clean Co, ware as follows: Gold, lordoNali illghty.one bends. 100%; VW.) Twentie F l o e lo*.iglfosr,i; Five Tw•e.ttes; 1074, e Twenties, new, 105%; Seven Thirties, 105 , 4; 10404, lelfilOrri; Cleveland k Pittsburgh , ,c 4; pica Wayne d eaciiicd. "3%1 Erle, Michigan Southern; 75; Chicago and Nor 59 th Western, :9; Mileage and 'North Western preferred, 69%; Chicago and flock island. 96%; Western Union Telegraph Co., 44%; . New York Central, 101%. --Opinloricipon the questions effecting the , vatic, of ghia and securities II enormity un 'usually unsettled and Machette. it is felt that the iivroyea osad in thi anor mar bet,, and the temporary suiperiston of cur rency contraction ;have demoted some of the obilaclea to a More settled and assuring coticiltieii of - affairs.. DUE Washington . re =dna the schlite of a thotelana fears and misgivings. -among the maniereue vitt-I lucations mooted' during the session of Congress, bearing mere or less directly npeb.tinarielta and . commercial interests, therein scarcely 'one upon which it is pent . , Me to forma Satisfactory - Mimi:on as ita ISISIIO. The anxiety engendered by this : MI. certainty is amounting to something like a fever, and leaves the street nuesually• sub ject to excitement arising from floating ru. —Cm; of -the Mein TaliterM ot the iabru. ary debt eV:dement is that for the dent time In several months •tbvi-greenback clreuta- Con has increased- • The enlargement Is Ln contilderable and .rstoutita only atieut 91,003,000, which Is °Mott by a decrease in the compounds:amounting to about 41,000,- col Thu gehaterttfleates have increased three millions and a half, auathe coin bal in 'JAM Treatury has • detained half a million. The currency balance lens semi , mulatecttirellis milLiond dyeing Theouth. arta now amounts to • 15,C01,157.t0tal I amount of debt, exclusive of cash in the Treasury, shows an 111,e11.50pr neat Mee millions of dollars., The satement exhl hits a very slow progress In funding. Ito more than ten &dittoes of Five Twenty tonds have hens sold. and some fifteen mil -11ons Seven*Thlrtica and - compoionds have been taken in and cancelled. , Theanionnt of compound notes outstand ing was oillelaliy reported - 4o Congresses few moots ago. The, letter slimed by Mr- McCulloch Is dated "77th ally. and toeing or dered lobe _printed, appears • 112 N 0.117 of the inimellanmons docoments of the Senate. in this paberwe dud the several issues of outstanding compound notes tiro reported as follows irrnenmannual aggregates' lion June 15, UM • 41007,000 Due December 15, MC , 6750e,teu Due .1 anela,lB6.a. , .. ... . ..... 67,Oetws cine-Decemner 15, UM' • 10,1912,151 G Lying a total of 11t7,011,14: These °Mule! figures show that the com pound Dome maturing from this time ti 15th December next were e-Woo,ooit more have since been issued. In the pros t state of the market, when Government bonds ale eargerly sought by the public, what - possible rtlffloally can aria., or Whet embarrassment wilt it cause - in the Tress. cry obtain ;Jai mesas fogey thr.ant,i.Ph4a . . . —Tile hew York Imirpericient ruination Tim present managentental the Pittsburgh Fort Wayne d Chicago Railroad Is far from Doing entltfactory. It is said they new want to borrow V 00,003, with 'which they propose to snake connects= in Chicago with tile Northwestern. We presume-fa:Lys the Chicago gi-thuriel. our cotemporary alludes to the propOsition made some time ago, relative to the build ing of a Union depot by the roads named. Latterly we have heard .nothing of the schema The New York Rdratd obenerient The t.oan Certificates Mil isslowly.a Mb , ontanizedlor the lament of the National ltanks..by giving them four per. cent inter [AL OD their reserve, instead of :compelling them to hoop the latter in greenbacku. Par Mks four per cent the then Government-wontd 'receive equivalent whatever, and mOreover, it would embarrass itself by hating to re deem the certigcatesert prenuotatton. The proper course for or to patinae with regard to lite outstanding compound inter est nottsis to providefortheir conversion at maturity into plain legal tenders. -,Tha. Sew Teen - limes says the bank movement is becoming not only easier than to January; but ebesiier for borrowers. Ex- change on Now 'York having appreciated ut the cotton ports, there is no longer a Prue . sing demand for greenback• and national notee tortranmission to that quarter,while from wear exchangea with this city are la favor of our market, and are causetng both. clitsses Of mirreney to flow Mtn way: - - ' TUE PETROLEU7I TRADE. Enrroas (isxgrrst-;There is pert:mho n bum... In Inttaburgh, at the pterent time, more completely depressed and, neglected than the oil trade. Various reasons ate given for this state of things, tame of theta temporary in their nature, such as for in stance, cold weather ford the coned quent. closin the g of the rivers; the stoppage of the weils,ane the difference in the views of the buyers and sellers. etc., etc. • TheSeipre • more L annert:alai reasons, and do not bdgie lobe sufficient to prove why I such an immense business should ho trated and at a complete stand IL r A few (0013 may give us somb light on til his suect. A careful survey of the entire red bj ucing field s has p iec ed the prs.nt (width produc tion b Ttri"i= barrels; mg the • year; add to . this aeonnortathag stock, the present quantity on hand in this Country, trim Eighthundred thousand her rids and we base Dm number of barrels_ produced during the year - 1067--say' nine thousand barrels for - three' hundred days, viz:—two million, •01701,1 hundredthottsand. Number •or barrels on hand At this time, eight hundred thousand three three mil lion live hundred thousand barrels. Now, where it our =rad for, tide inuidnise pro. ductlori of 0111 -• • • • • Last year the Shlpmentd - to • Europe were about one million nix hundred and seventy five thousand. 'barrels fro Fatless each.) This was mere than one brith.red per cent. of an Increase over the ship mentof the Year previous ;and Earalgan utnorize the belief thir ords p° llltt t i f • the whole amount receivedGallon:the markets un-, consumed andd in excess' of - the quantity needed fora sortarimptioni therefore' wt• Total export la lird—bbis • Amount - on bend ian..lst - Amonnt count:mod In • Lineresue 1er,500 Or • less than twenty per cent In one year. Now allow . tlle Lame increase for taw year 1e67, and .we have thesows total ,araoard .needed for tarope au.rpg pa year dud , . be- 41Z1 t,ar, 000 cousa'mption by WI other markets including Ike United_ butes Cargo astimote.l;.. - . ... .... .2,c05,000 ec37,Fai - • . Total consumption for Ite7 Less en:count , on baud In Europe / . i 1.147,nn T gird mductlon [or 150,...- . r finuo,eco E..vossi orprodnction . over cow/atop. 2,500 tton .e.Uovranoo for d --iirni o between gnn — Crude and refined 777,500 I:Sergi - of refined .1.155.004 Arbil:ditty, .UWO, here , to o t trouble to tbeedtinterest: Titers much oil pro du ctal for the 'preemiwens, end better days cannot be expected. until the present •tow prioetopurmap fOrint nue ontritets, in creasing Abu consuroutton•ool cause more healthy condition bet w ee n-demand and supply.' Of 'eourse,:oecasional•sp urts, M.S. and doubtless .iii occur. as •the Ms: tory of . the trade d ot ellos the •.• pest year EL L XPkgrggl ' i e l: P gi fl7::rt mendWM° closer together. Gold is no lon or the great lever by -which Pricer are raised Meteowed; speatOrs have fought out to cost that Ott wiltornetimes, In spite of n et "bulls" or "bears...b their A gars" and the business Leis et last co ce m e nearer:seat to Cahed•!•legttimateP thatt• it eve! was before. As is load writer Would say eitliestr are the Indlostionsp the More alone oan prove weettler*lrldleatlOneestrainopr,es relied on. Let us hope **Mich-tor ins g' ca. and more tight, TOM'S 01-MAGIN a. r 117103171,00. rebMll7ll,l§l.7, . . . PITTSBCIO,OIIPICIAILO L L ... L. - • ' •• • - • •• ' 'iii.thrkasurr. 07/101 or rat ffirtarttrellg ffkoll-r_ll., ~ . 4f.0 . 0 . 4:0 ,, fawner:s , , Al. 1 ..* -1 . I .eW,l6E—The notrket for ffidde continues dull and _ neglected i and while. Lbe -mandd both for Presentand felartid ....— ellY° 1 1. • native; holders as yeti dillic.""'"''ig:4e4l. to 'Puke , INAla sa l ca , l a ,adea . Eli CCOOL ALI.. '.. Ilipal,. F err y.. is sel/ing 0 0 thospet. 111. 7 to 7,A.,...... 00 ro ugrp.i. arid 12 to 12% ee bieluded, riliparding to gravity. I . 7erlaoll is stiff held at glfahut , we do not:he/trot any buy,. g aam 0, and but few et. slut. ..Veuango ,off is offering pretty freed!? et an: to he delivered on the, on the opening of narlsetion...aorne few buyers at il, but generally speaking re doers seem taposed not to otaurtet sliced, at the r esen t p mrear fe k rring rather to take Pleaet et. ItEFINED—The market for boated ml continues dull and • weaki•prol. compared with last week, price. 'ore low er a, o 0 ., report p sale of lateen hundred lent.. . standard woge-111)0 . for /day. at TO, sop f or June, at SS' and 5110 'for July,at of. 1.,,,,,, t „ roo k; itm,o figure. were obtained f0r.... light Orme to white: The, forelgn ehes to again bad, Antwerp being down to tarty lb ree francs, the lowest 3401148 has toothed aon, ere° oil Is dull and unchmerpt, s tan d a rd tana brands may be quoted at 12 to 42%, to twenty-Ore and nay barrel lots. and 43 to 44, td a jabbing war. AilltlVALS—The tollowlng arrivals of 011 were reverted • to-day; • D. lily . ... . . ..... 53 C. Chase 51 Waring ,t Iling.. SO 1J aa. Gedlagher.r: - ... 71 , Total • ao e `O4 ENNl..mm ==: .Miliiaii ram Pril,sginoti Wantril% Writes co Mosnar, rebrusiT It. VV. 1 The prodace 'markst% aaocrallY speak' Ing e cow Moe dull, and with the el - Caption of such articles as are influenced by the fluctuations in gold, there ato no CbanVs la values worthy of special notice,. L tAiN—Wheat is very dull, bat places are nominally unchr.mreel—r-,35 to 1p.,G0 for No. t Spring, anti 42,130 to 42,50 for Primo lied Winter; sale of a =mandate, on private terms. Barley is lo Of N fair denial:ld, and a shade sales o. 1 Spring at 93 to 3.3. Oats onlet mitlanchanged—small sale s fnstore, at 50 to 52. Sale of 3 cars Corn at .4—small sales at 78 to to. ltye May be quo ted at 41.20 to 41.00. • • FLOllll—Contlnues dull and unchanged. Small sales in store, at 612 for stan dard Spring Wheat brands; o *13,50 to $14,0n for Winter, Wheat, and • 410,14' to 417, 00 for fancy St. Yeats brands. • Ityo Flour Is quoted at $7,50 to 47.75 por bbl, nal Dual:- Wheat at 43. 5 0 to 43,73 per aWt. • • PHOVISHINS—the demand far Macon la light, and prices are =Changed at 10% to for Shoulders, and 13 to 15% for Sugar n Cored Hams. Lard Is quoted at 1`2% to and Mess Pork at 421,50 to4V. MILL FEELI--Ls oniet and unchanged , S 4 m for all sales at cola to $1,23 for Brant 41,90 to and 42,13 to 0,20 for Oil lIAX—Is quiet but steady, at previous gootntlons-:-$23 to S P, for prime .baled, on track: sale of t roe at 123. ' 111 I)ES—Sale of 150 Green Salted at 1231. SEEDS—Flaxseed la In - steads demand at 42,65, and but little In market outeldo of. that bold by cruabers. Clover and Tinto- I thy quiet and uneranwed. POLlTOES—Continues :lull, and If any thing, prices ire a atlartoloWart wo can re port small sales of Primo !bath Plows at .- . . . • APPLES—Quiet with i sepply Dilly equal to• the demand. We can report regular salmi nt ISM to $1 per MA, as to quality. • BUTTER—Is I t he demand,. but with liberal arrivals the sdpply le well kept up. and prices are enchanigd. Good to prime n a i llaotgu n e rare.e.kod-Iresh Packed suit munmand M. y , DRIED FRUlT— while steady and moderato. I active, nd hile the market is a ehe firmer. Pr i ce. remain uncnanged—l7 to ad 31 for PeaeheCand 0 to 10 for Apples. 1 prme 3 m —S ll white w at i 1 V,75 per b a u r s hMil. es of GlL—Lard Oil is reported eteptly, with regular sales at bk to W for Ito. and 11,10 to *Lit Ow No. L , Elneimmti Merida hold a fraction tooter. . c HAN BiaturEs—edles at all to 31, 00 Per ---- - . Petroleum Circular. • Loa non, January fair demand for Refined fm the bora° trade ba caused a tolerable ro number of transact n i on. Good American all continues to toil at Is. .5,L down to M. 4.54 1 . Per gallon (lust year SALIM. Gerald). Vebruary delivery worth Is. Id, and February to .I.prll bits been done at Is. Cl., and thereat there are still some buy ers. April. tO Jude, nothing done. Last three 11101A1111 are quoted Is. fist Crude un altered (All swains& AU loot sear). Spirit offers at 6a., but finds few buyers except for better. enalitles. (Is. C. 1.61.5. ed. lust year). nest "Refined Coal' is Vortli ed. on spot, down to Is. for middling qualities. but businesabas been limited. Today the mar bet closes quiet, us above. Stock this day,lB/7, 16,418 bile refined, and anti bids, 11113 ands and 118 butts cream:Mt. LIMO, 1836, 7635 bids and 431 cases Reflood. and 161 bble crude. • , • Ali Turn A. Cp. !MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH New York Irradiate iiiirket. New Tork, February IL-I.lotton opened a shade limner Under the decline in gold. and closed delimit! unchanged; sales Ms 3 hales at Stallc.oholeo33e, %dosing at that figure. Flour dull and 541100 lower; sales 3,N0 Mils.; supertnelliate and Western. •Aloc, to,lo; ex tra Western round hoop Ohic shipping brands, $110:10011,0e; trade brands, $ll,OOBl/ 13,20" extra Southern, - $13.10010,5e, ctosiug dull: imelpts. G,140. Olds. Whiskey steady; sales 500 bis. In betel; State, V.,3015d er , 31 ; W as tern, at,at. Wheat doll; favors buy s; sales 1.28 bus. No. itililwauttoti attal3;lio. 2 do, 14Miabite California, 43,1561, • 1 Itye dull; , sales %NO bus. inferior Western 01.'1. 19 . Bsriey quiet; sides 3,530 bus. Canada West., 'free, at $l.lSq. Corn dull and declining; sales 3,701 trile, mixed Western in store at $1,13: efloat,$1,141,111;; handsome white western, S1,111).1 "delivmml; ; receipts 1,a)0 bus. Oats heavy; ules IM,OOO bus. Western at loplic; State, teleklic. liceenste—Mock whet., 1,04,171 bus.; Cern, 2.4snal bus; oats. 3 - 192 . 169 bes.; rye, ii.e.tlB bus.; barley, li,- V 2 bus.; malt, 27,eil but.; rent, M,144 bus. 1 tiroCorles , drat; qiet. Cana Sugar, Sallisie. Petroleum dell and jpeavyt Crude 1143 1.9 e; Relined, In bond, Mein.. Hops quint awl nrus. Pork is quiet and steady; sale* of 1,750 bbis at efi1,•...1 , X1, 11 1 fOr new Mew.; clo sing at t 4X,7s fur Western: $19,75019.87 for old Sims; closing at $15,07 fin Regular; 811,- o'2_for Prime; Swam for prime bless; also, 9,100 bids new' Men, •at tio,:iiilio; tuner,' soceptance March and April. Beef steady; sales of - 400 bbls. Beef Hams scarce mid limn; sales of 28 0010 at 133.11,30. need Beef steady; sal. of 250 tierces. at 31,001 i 3225 for prone Mess, and aII,OUW2i,OO fur India Meta. Bacon quiet; sales of 10 beaut liBec for Cumberland, and Ill , lc for short ribbed. , -Cat ...Meats 41010 salesuf . tiO Mint at 814409140 for She elders; 1,11.•0113c fur Hams. Dressed fl ogs. lm for city. Lard dull and heavy; sales of 630 tierces at 1114,GIVem old , 12144412 N; gnaw let of floe, estrum.; bulk, lat 15d,M0. 0010 Chee.su steady at liQfik i ' • Cincinnati 'Locket., -. CISMICiaTS, Fob. IL—Flour unchanged. Wheat dull with light demand. Sales at g 2 40407 10 for No.l spnegana winter. Cora dull .aud prima , In lower. Salm of Nos. 1 and 21n elevator at e 54250 - Oats dull. Bye doll at 111 22 for prime. Kerley dull at $1 dud 1 lay for prime to choice. • WhisleY declleed I toZo in band, with fair deumnd at the do- Mine. - Cotten Me ruiddito elt lo mit . boys!. atMids over t Mo. for Provisions w Mail; Mess Pork is nerdsd and prices nomtr.al st SteCP:l SO.' ll and prices nominal at .1201314 e. Bulk Stoats offered! more freely at 71-pt for country cured shoulders, and 1 , c for city. with calm of CO gilds Oily at tic; backed - aide* coo be bought at Mtn loose. Ilacoadullr shoulders OXO, and clear sides tralgyie, closing with no buyers at over 100 naafi from New Orlean6 hal do tpressed the Market. Groceries unchanged and steady. Clever Smell to fair demand at , $O. Timothy, $3 40. Butter and Cheese arm' ,at last: qqatations. - Gold,' 151. I.:change sierlingat par buying. The money market ' is quiet but firm. - • Chicago Racket. i• Cameo°, February 11.—Flour quiet, and without decided change. 'Wheat in limited demand at 151.15 for Nu. 1 and sl,Ksfil,. for No. 2. Cora quite and stitady. at SifilS-!•1 0 . Gate dull. 'The provision market orint.nu. quiet, within , ementlal change. Alms P was offered $19,73, with buyers at $18,50; 0 0 . ISA Mena Bold tO a limited extent at diked rump pork at Sib. Sweet pickled • hides quiet, Mit , steady. English meets firmly held, but quiet, with vales of Comberlaml nominal, ; at ark packed. Lard quiet nd nominal, at 11!448111,?;;Is. The market for dresses! Rogs,ls , Ernier, but. the Improve- Meet le on light lots•, sines range from $7.411 li firefifi. deal= at {7. 4097,70; dividing on WO pound!. - The live hog market is fairly active, at 4G,/06.6,15 for light, anti 1111,X44,15 for fair 10 Choice. • . • . ...Jai. Louis liarliet. ~ . , . L'ST-. Dana Yebroary-11.—T01ae00.0000 ob fered. Cotton diilltc for middling. Hemp - qnlet.lfefor new. undressed. bead advanc ed; Were. Flour quiet, 0,17.0010,25 for nn- ' perllne; $12,230120 for double extra. Wheat drifts .gt,t3 for Moo la elevators; 43,53 for Chedee fall. Coro run matoriany changed, mixed ilict yellow 79993 e; Mango.ite, .043 SM. "Barley, better, POLON fair to good; prime 81,15. Ilya 0,28 to $1,300 for chotoe to fancy. Whiskr,dull,s.2,M l . 'llmothy bran, $1,40 per Mk - Provisions inactive. Pork uchanged. Bacon—Shoillders 10.461 0 tiet rltssidesll34. clear slava bl!'eni Mid non mile of tholatitir: - Slarei delivery, at Itc. Lard 12X; choice city kettle Liege firm, at I.',L;. . ; .._ .1,C75 030 073,50 u ME 11mrvato, Feb. 11.—Flour quiet and canter, atate Wheat bUytill 11,M1 sot,. apart; white Canada oered $2,00 , ,50; Ildwaukra offered at 12 if ,48.• corn in fairtle• mend; mace of :V carloads of now Toledo, at 8 . 20 to arrive. Oats dull sad unelnumed. Barley gulet,at 61,02 Can. WII dull for state. rrovisions eteady.' /Sigh wines 120133111201..Drebi¢4 bog,, nati at ve, and better tales at $5 ; avera g I WS. 11. 1 , 62 34 New Oilcans Markel. ' . New Ontraas, February 11—Cotton so- Alva lad stiller males, 7,000 buler.low mid ' tiling, ISOlWfilel'ullildl Lug, allid.a.ku receipts, 0,010 Wiles; export., 3.000 bale.. • aqua higher; fair, la .c. Molasses firm; tale, .40; VV. `B,,T,V,Tme. , glAtg, Y lnl: 4 = l :;i l • Exult/Ingo li discount.. Louisville llarinet. LoUnotril.k. February 11...-00 hinls tobacerl field nt fa,a0403,15: the market is active. Superfine flour ale. Prime wheat 's.L.,SS. Corn, shelled bulk, bagGle: ear Cae. Mei. pork.S.fit. Eacore—aboutileris,/0Q 1,P,1.a.,. Lard in' tiercea. lekehl%e, Now (Moan. Sugar, (prime). 14,,j0. Cotton 7-.811D:. Whisky-11, •D. Phlledelphlw Market. .:,- ',PutwiDzirrna, lbw 11.....iflatit gecliairia; aciperilne, 40,71. Wheat dul.ipitate rail. $X all ?fliel'lVlVt gl[yerliltir.4 ef;.:lty4tat„l'fff apt) bush. ut 370. lieW mesa • norm ' fi11,25. Lard 13;40. Whlaky dull. Niensplalo DlArket. - Va3nrulni.'eb.ll.—CoLton dull at Do for middling. Flour ar mat 10 lOW° I° Mr so- Porilua. Earn atomiy at altic. Oats, 856 , 9i/C. rrOxisiocai steady and uncbaegmil POrle OM= Other:en nrWa noel:tanned. BalllmOie lineket. .11a.vrioss, Feb. IL—Cot:rue firm; Rio. 'Prime at Ifilaol23,lc, gold In bond. Flour steady; . Western Fall extras Illa,Mfille ,so . Wheat nominal. Earn ate/idyl/MX.I Eolith., tau /Ettkiii/OUI g ood CO prima Sli‘r2@l,ol; Uc sale at I.lals. s --- sarcEL Iron )13roicer, 121 First Street. ihe sale II,IConr;n11, Domr.m6ra. :ill g 'Z g i f .4 l o7ltiait t;nirifue.stt.-1-?!ct r t: ti tilend7 i ft. ko ollphoint••• C. 11.1..bucual 11 1111261. slid criers rceptatful,lziitV ter . . . . . 111L-IBLACIi, . • - - , , cla.ra.tizrzwrzipa.._ _-... ' - - -ir1 13 .. 8 31 ° 9, Theis doors a b a se ... .--.Wield Serails . ' • ra cil,' PA 1 , . 117 811 •L`V.N.,,°:' Of Work d°n6°°.tetteldsratteutio. ' bo shortest notle - le Weise 11 , ~ wcrio 1.../ to Jabot nlf • oTABy visa.. ---Coach Ina SlEj{ kern Howl Vises. Just receive. a Nil es sortoseut Nos. t. I and a. Tile boll Vise In lb musket for Conch linkers. for sale 1 , 9 I.' Jilin AiJWI4, Lao wood stint. PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. nuthau,a, yr Cros a BOLLMAN, Only Nona acumen In the Wee tof iREAVY CORDAGE, eoltable for ttottn tad Coal Soots. HAWSER LAW OIL lIIELIALOPE ,, Tarred Ropes for foal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING , C&ULILINCI.COTTON, •at a. warebouse. 114 anti 11l Water Street, Near Monongahela klohaa delh.Ms RIVER NEWS rtl. river Case a few inches at this paint yesterday, but last evening, It was it a stand, with nine and tibia( feet In the chat , • nel by the Allegheny marks. The' weather was extremely cold during Ear:KUP night and Monday morning, but as the day sid yenned, the sun increased in strength, and iwherever experied to his influence, the snow And lee thawed . considerakly. There Is some floating lee in the Allegheny, but It is thinseattered, and doigi not' litteretO with flavtgation. There has been an strriVelsiside horn the daily packets, and the Basurd, for Parkers burg, was the only departure. The ArgosY, trout Cincinnati, was due last night, anu will doubtlms he lotmll in port this mom leg. The Beliovernon and It. G. (key ought to reach hero today or to.alglit.: The Pittsburgh and Brownsville Packets, Of the "Union Line" wilt commence running on time this morning. The now boat " Bennett." comes down from vino in about ten days, and will go into ear. vice Immediately, with Captain M. A. Cox to command her. Tile "Gallatin!' will be. officered by Captut.Carlislo,Captains Don• aldson snit Cormack the"rayetto." • Te morning boat eight o'c o lock for Brwnsville will leave the city at , and the evenin tor Genova at ate o'clock. The S i lver i Lake. Capt. Todd. Is nOw la tern for St. Louis, and the Columbia, Capt. U. W. item!, Is ailing up steadily_ for Nash. vale. Thu first named leaves on Wednesday evening. The Argosy Capt. Vandergrlft, is the reg. ular. Wednesday packet tor Cincinnati, and passengers and shippers should bear this Diet in mind. She will leave promptly no above announced. Thu Chiefutu of the "People's Line" got in from Brownsville yesterday,being her lira appearance at this port for 00010'time. The " re 01,11.06" as well as the "Union" lines am sgain in binet,und lively times may again be expected between Mew riVal commodes. Tile indications at present for a break rip. in the Allegheny are about as remote as ever. It was thought on Friday, andeven on Saturday morning, that It would!cor- Lately come out, but the sudden change in the together has deferred that sweatier some time in the I attire. In the meantime, - the Allegheny river packet. are lying Very quietly at the landing waiting for the good time coming. The Petrone has much painted,und, outwardly, preaanta a better appearance. .The' hull for Capt. TOM. Fawcett's new towboat has arrived. This boat, when com pleted, will be ono of the hums, most aub ittantial, and powerful tow boats on the Wcatern waters. Captain atockdale , s new boat for the Up per Missend and Mountain trade, will soon be atilehed and ready to commence bud noes. She Is somewhat similar to the Luella In size, but will be furniahed and Mashed In much better style, and in oven , way better adapted for that trade. The ...Dubuque, us stemllly approaching comnlothm, and will be ready ta ample time to ent the -Northern Line Packet Company,. f ar a the spring and summer campai. The ri m listhublie wIU be ready to lease here ea the spring !reshot. strucklitatn Gleaner. boned /or Memphis a snag twelve miles below Pine Ulu/Lou Wednesday, and aunk to her main deck. She was a good boat and valued at 13,o" and owned by Pau Able & Co. _ _ • . IMPORTS ISE MaKEMEI.3I3I. Frrrestiston.lokr WasksiCintawo IL IL February 11-2 cars corn; 11 li Courthey; 3 cans staves. Maya a. Robertson; 42 baggera c yerseed, 11 do tlitiotny, Kirkpatrick. . ronl3odot brOoms. Watt a Wilson• 5 bbls apples, Warr & Woods; I cur metal,..l 2door bred. lost hay, W Itlngbam; 2do do. 5 bbl butter, L II Vourt a coke dos tubs. E 1 1 MP; erg a n); 56 dos paillt, Lamp. Mope & co; -... s hay,Steel & Dm; II tibia applcs,F 50111111; .wars lumber, L Liogimm; 170 aka oata, eahlielback. a Schott; 4 cars metal. ISlinlck • a co; 1 car barley, Spencer & McKay; 1 bid butter, Pettit, a Nowlint 6 cars metal, Jae Wood a bon; I do dn, Bryan & Caughtn; pleas apple butter, I keg eggs. • bbla neaps, 3 do dried corn, lien a Itltchart; • bids but ter, 14 Rea Jr; 50 dos pelts. Si Heerlen; 22 .10 do, 11 Paddle; K 0 0514 flour, JD Doe; 11 rigs, 2 Ws butter; .1 Floyd a co; 16 sacks rye - 13101 r & Woods. . CLAN-ELAND AND PITTA.CIie. RAILROAD.— Feb. 11—... bele ❑,owflour cer; 2 oars lumber. Ludwig a co; 11 cars Iron ore,shoenberger borders Blair; 1 pkg tobacco. T W llekuri 3do do, Si , Met; raw; 1 cur wheat, Kennelly a. Itro; 1. oar' butter la tads Boor, W D Futter:am; 1 bbl butter. It Peet; 0 kegs do, owm.rj 6 eke rugs, Godfrey a Clark; lu kelp, apple butter, IV .1 • steel fkliro; 10 bas. Mimeo, J o liistruiyor a co; li/ do do, Knox a Orr; 11l bids apples, Gruff a. Uelter; 10 do do Pettit. a Newlin; 53 1,510 oil, I/Illy:M.10 ilu,'ll C Chase; 50 do do. wartog a King: 51 do do, Jaw Gallagher; 77 bus feed, .0 Taylor; 10 Pales tow, Demmer & Intuter ; 100 ()Ws flour, Shomaker a Llcapf; SJO 1r0.66 starch, .trbuckles & co; Si pima pro. duce, M Feel:tido do, Steel & 16 ro; S Übls whisky. hock. Parrsacaon.Coccsters & Cracikst Art S.S.. February 11-2 les beef, J I' Hanna; WO bbls dour, 2 hade rural, Shotuaker a Lang; 151 Its lard, W It Maya; In bids oil, Haworth. McDonald a. co; 10 do do, .1 Lippincott; 10 do do, Shriror, Spencer a co; 30 bse soap and w and ; 50sc JS a m d oo r Da lcoal.& t c o o b ; a P) o b G fLodr Graham & Thomas; !Cars .5003,5 lbw baugb a to; 36 lulls broorris,Shriter,S pourer & co;! curs b.,,rley, Carson. Darlington; PO bids flour,/ Gardlner,• hal do 1.10, Culp & Shepard; 5 cks were, J 17ties• JALLTIONNNY STATION, PoSYCIATI 11—/ SW tobacco, J a II Elton; 3 ' bbla pearl bar. loy, Samuel Dyer; 3do do, Beck Iltdd 14 2415. 50000,200 bbl. flour. Coy, Noble' a 00;100 do do, It Knox a Son; 10 bids oil. Eggers a Mani; % kn ock 6NC6 it /16.611/0.; / car linY.Le & McElwain; ik do do, kt C clay , 11 1 00 Ligs tour, Jos Craig; ma lire clay, Dlasel a co; 17 bunnies laoopr, J II Taylor. . Ata.monalir VALLEY RAIL.° .—Fab. 9.- 1 car rye‘liturgeon a 110011 bbl utter. VIIII• reorders a Shelia:7l: 4 Meek, Wm Cooper; 31 elts rye, W.l ; =do do, 15 dowels, W Bingham; 1 bbl 1050100. 51cCul. lough Smith & 00;2 care Iron ore, S hoenber gor & lilair. . ___ • 1867. 1867. PITTSBVIWU AND ST. LOUIS I. o .sicaz..ot competed of the following 'plena.] uteAnteret NIKSSENUY 11. LORENA. . aZIDL ruinzkar, . &NOD. wAu...NITA. NEW_ VOIDS, - Altat AN LA. COLUMBIA.. • 111 ` 44 1 7.5t; , i0v liA YoRKTOMIN. eiLVEIt One of the Aimee boat , unit leave for Al. Lout , sud Intermediate porta I a eult•WioNEli DAY toad eATUItiIA T. oleiotut Freight and pawn g ere eeellited tbleash to all Vrarnirrly"er s.UCPothenrC.::ri. 8":olfacnICe"1 Illtnotsall Tie Fseketi C o .a rn ma Kimmel Liver boom. • Apply to FLACK. COLLINOWOOD. BANNES COLLINS. Att no. or • C.I.VNo a .IO W AN r trperoDepn doenr ) ' • VOR CAIRO AND la.saiSsb lureVE" "V4. l3osl¢st at I P. M. al atm., on M Y.UNESDAt . on 44" th ritlgi h rrit ' Lt. P kn Z foil MAMA LIS A C(M.I.INS. VOR DIEMPIIIS AND ''',.. - NEW (111LEANtl — Tbe splendtp ''— ALTALILNIA • Capt. A. 0. IdeCAr.i.o./ Willie.° for the epee., and- all 'Warmed'it part_ son FATUILLtAI, Nub. lilt. r:z...var,e.maryNotro..-.o.rArt.. 191tEGIIL411 WEEKLY s i gEt CINCINNATI rAUKET, LS ASIMI EVKILY WID2III3M) OrAT M M. —The Copland tommotiluaa l;ap“ Law. Va.. , 'DiOolrT. - ypy tt.ttyyt yt passayo apply on bOax4.ol . to j"" Age 101 l C 11.6.4. DAMN El, - 11 4 , 08 GALENA AND UD ClQtr E DIRECT. — TheligidWit Q t e paaleagee ataaluer SILVA-NIS/Lit Capt. A. tdc(3 , : i. ,,, N. Whlleave for the shove sad all Intermediate pore on the lOW of , 3l•reti., J. it. q.oLLINUWOOD, I , • "MN FLACK, ' . agents.. fell It. I.IaAY. Volt NT. PAUL, Dl. 6id ear m t ,Etxr.—The utlr, .lde-wbetl acamer Capt. J.W.Mitx... r,,l: t ahl?.lindaterne /late ~ w arjll.. b orulg Jolla ft ALUKU WUVI ). ( Agent.. hlt 11.0. FOIL.NASHVILL E . - The bleamer COl.ll lij CAA, lizo. RIZ% Or TtllllW LI kY. the litia Inst., alio'clock r. x ttrti%NoorfrooD. Agent.. ...Es K. DAlif • . 331.2CCMIXAMIG)14. - DEMBUS AND LIVERY STABLE. .Iro. 410 Penn sired. DAM N. PITCAIRN, Proprietors. alr Oraillbtlata and earrtyreuf faralgilatill for al traku. foi FunenCs. Weddlrup sad Parke., at short :Mace and ramnable rata. rrrrsnumeu. PA. Stable Open Day and Nicht, GEORGE . BEM EN, • Candy Manufacturer • lAA dealer la 'yoRY.IUN AND AMERICAN ritmixs, NUTt, AC., AC.. No. 112 Federal titret, eccuad 4V°O L . b .trigirigr J110:0. GOVERNMENT BALE. , • I ,- The "...Peet, lumina im the aliovern• wenvianuary & steam now EMU^ - with lierventyanve dares at Land, • inear nem Antonio, Texas, MAL . L!) PROPOSALS, to depilate, elli he received op to the Filth, DAT tor Ma" , " l . '°.. for the purchase et la acres of Lend. lar. of lasi together eta th e Betiding. el." .."" on, and the appeatenanees aptartnates. that . is to say. ' ' OSIS TILBNERY, cents:riles • 11 Moon Lime Vats, Firty-two Wooden Vats, (Oven dlona Fools: andespable of tautlog 15,MODidesper ann., UNE tiIEA3I BAW MILL. earable of sawlow ",toofeet or lembir daily. ONE d'IAL.... IiTONE BUILDING. - The above orroperty LB pinion.' abonS lets wino.. above tau Atom+ to. prt 'the San Antonioßiver. and the water Is connueted to the establishment by 0 race of hewn stone laid In cement. _ - ment. The land was purehmed and Improve blade by the late so-called Confederate Govern .o, nt, and are e ttlmstott to have coat 111141. 0 . 0 12 g Te e property bat been ender lease for thin EX. 1691, at a monthly rent of Ip.oo. by the A sewed title In fee steeple lent be pinto by the United elate, porerntnent• ribbons's twilit. wand •PoWels for tioar. erns:neat Tannery and taw Mill." H use addressed J. Il• ICIL/4/00. ult F. A. L., to h01e2W..%°"-Mctu°-•h..,1,. TOW. cur & WhiIEHOINE. RICHARD E. BREED, I xmarm...l4..rzirt, No. 100 Wood Street BRITTANY , . La ANN SILVER PLATED TA BLE NV A NE. TEA Titlagn and TAULE CUT- E "Y rhti . lll.l " l/fIT : p et N EN BETS. TOILET PETS, CHIN VAMG. ,CHIN evirrboxs, 8011 EM lAN WARN °fever y d rent Won • LAVA OAR° BASK LTS. LAVA VANES. LAVA NVITTOONN. so tiTOE WANE or all varletles,to milt wholesale sod retail tra The largest midmost complete stock of every thing In tills line In the tag. grlces and terms Um same as In the easter 19 n eltles. . . ) P',TZTAlVe l ZtFUtfl i tn': , PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, (kilearanals,Tpremod,Tß: OFFICE AND W/1111E1101:rat , No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh; Pa. SAMUEL LUDlb.r,ce!reterr. DiaeriOse—iiecaa lirtle. John Atwell, IL Mum.. John U. Livingston. John M. r Wee. C. ki. Merrick. giblPald for Paper Stock nobaose FLINT CLASS LOOKING GLASS , AND PICTURE FRAME DIANUFACTOIr I J. LYONS, No. 110 Wood St., rlttsburgb, fff.T.v.bivilire,rMA f .". 7l9, v o giN te i 11;d - "AdrturnW iFit aLrat Caroler., Bands sod Insetsns, evoside, ( s rived snd linieket,irables of exquisite design anti weirlessansetil. 11.Ln:40.0M exectitsd tee hi rer L4l.l6ilten"SVlD'illsTE SuZETATOA I tiTe - ritßar . " - LEATHER BELTING AND HO BE, 1585utictured Lt.lBB. 58 S.IITLITIELD ST.. by H.ARTLET. PHELPS & CO. Alec, Agents for New Sari Rubber Co . yr ork Imods's ruperlorluallty Al" ( Ell uU 111 Dtf.A.N r HOSE. (An I L. rar g AT UIVETtI and BURLS BELT HOWirhore. -Ta.l4olnW 3l l WANTRD—TO CONTRACT for the delivery a tram 75 TO 100,000 BUSHELS cniecoiL, 11="1:t b a raiVirn MOORHEAD & CO.. 99 Wester Street. CAUSTIC SODA, ' litoth American and Ell limb, VIA E wurrvems.sos. For Oil Wining Purposes, c o,...tir no band bad for *ale so quivallios to .011 purchasers, by INES HERVEY DOBBS, 2.36 Pearl Street, N. V BROADWAY EICIFIANOE RESTA:MANI' , 101 COMB TIM 1.11 SEIM) SD. 101 Ladies' Dining Rooms 2d Story rnatlN CAE vDiTEILI3 /LED 9•1/11 - ot tree. ue bane. yiERRELLEZ. irroprietori;. dellare viunizi4.zu. MONUMENTS, (MATE STONES Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, Vase*, DESIGNS OF ,EVERY DESCR AMBOATFL ISE LIGHTNING LAMP • JOX cRAW . FRO VoSEL 'Ag L I JONEs, THE MOST POWERFUL AND TRULY BRILLIANT, COAL OIL OAS LIOUT RYER PRODU•ED• Adopted by U. S. Government. ' Non Implosive. Cheap and Reantlfut. (Rem • three•fold Irrtitter tuna may OM< Lamp. This patent Ii adapted wall ISIO Porto. - ea. and aa the in Is merely •condoctor, never Frailyrettrlonrifil'ortmuys. intrt:rit"si.'n'eTTlVelin; Atloo, oppoalte Post ONMe, above .111.trml2 News Depot. second door. • - no:4_ TO BUILDERS.— PROPOSALS ilt be Modred abbe Shat Store or JAMES BV 88. No. ha Idarket street, for the emerton of • DANK BUILDING for the KM/ EITt/NE BAV. INUS BANK, until TUEdDAY, Yeldhary 11th. Plana and apcelficetlona now reedy roe erAm• Inallon atilt. Oleo Of BARR S. NOSEIt.: Arch!- . Mc% No. 211 L Olatratreet. Bide are "netted for each of the branebes of work separately, and for the whole complete In ono contract. SAMUEL 1111tICLET. JAMES , U iI.I.ERPI E. Ootumlttee. JAlllte It Wild, • PICOIIII. ERSOILL. • I JAIRreS NEW PAPER ILILNGILNGS. • , YOB rAILLOWL74renctr I.lth fluid a ltltt LdnltAltl23—r.apelan ratter. on QICIIIIITAUficariek rm.:m.loa Bed Clq gIMPCIIAXIIF.6S7inica and Knalln Pattern *Md. , / F . "" iinfinHALln Yor ta -. le .4 . IC Wood street. HAS SOW A ILAUGE STOCK OF ' , Wm FINE CONY ECTION ARUN. CAN.ILS,,TOYS.d other goods In his Hun YOKTUJI tIOLIDAYS, end ha anll..penist at t6110.012 bls.aniontlot 11113.31.10411:1 1 J1. at 89 and 91 reder94l 4n17:010., Ite-CORDIXO PZOITLATOII'e . Ureter. 11 ' Ax.taansir cm. reb m.Th 3 SPECI4L'NOTICE.—PIaus. TI.MAT.I run Lists of Attenntent on the Property. cabmen itir the conNtrFetion at we "%est Coromou' , and ••Behnont , Sewers, 'rut lm enon et thl, Onlee, Cur • 1. , * 1 . 4 frretggirts ails dye.' - • P Y "df!,•°!° • seg:, Weed, Lotk Stitch lewing Machine. BEST IN IJSE PIUS IS WIIAT $6O WILL DO. taosehlae twill Cord ; ell and Mod; " [ll6e B r B gP( iltt .Stater ................ M;Ike1:: gillt e fhts t • Mud Shoes; , Will do every desk:l . lolos Ha t o • br.ana,O MV2IIVATigo.n both ;Wes. $OO lesealse Is she cheapest htssttlneloy =rtit:e, "oB4y"it"._etin"olallolrstTerbr re rel. It La hare uts money. Waersated Noe Tonen. AIKEN KNITTING MACKINF,.. IVIII-°,ll2lV,:farikell:v. tale nod Alsrigator cottlog..ladt:s sod gildren , d 7l7Ti ;AV Ity.ttll lauds of Wok' ra d sniost. 110 Grant st,reet,o9D o sit s ( Int , ddrn 0. t. stol7;e..r.s ryt-rsoo Git --- ovEn & BAKEivs , ELASTIC STITCH ANO LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Ara TICK BEhT tor themd Dian. • • pea pose.s. f.;211 and nen t .7ro. 18 Firth Sired. DON'T 'BE DECEIVED BY 71.31nbiligitILE:e3rikitdu.viereelf oifpre TWO, =CI Zy 1111 Mar . " BY.SNE.t IN U No, 113 3P11.132. ®t=oot. %MUM. $25. BARTLETT 815. SEWING MACHINE, D.., then, Licensed )(saline in the dilated times. Agentsiosnted creeTutiere. INT !,40 to 42u° prArgNaarg.trntil.;:.%7' $l4 Chestnut street. Ltill , dollibls, and 2511 tiontentt Street. Toledo . Woo. de3int GET NONE BETA GROVZ/3. & BAKER Poe • Tiolidsy dift. It Is rellsble. perfect and tic re fore the best. Don•t hal toull and see DM - - - - R,IIOE. ILIBNES &S CALELTUAGE MAYSIttI should*. the new GRIM A BUIE O. 1 6111% luau Before toryth ' e el StWhere. It Is the hest toe thole n u ollett Or . " NO. IS !ITV{ STEN T THE GUOVELI ILLIEW.II - • SEWING MACHINE A LLEGIIENT CNSERANCE CO. Al LW 1 71)3111711(11L °glee, No.. 17 /Ma Al.taaorw m... Bank litack. asalass all Idea. al 7Lro sad llariae I= T, BROO = !Ir=_l =ll NEW p.sarrx . . . . rP43(Tucrs AND WOOD DISTATIONS. No. 101 MANKETBVINIGT. NAAR MTN. 'JOS. IL 111:7011Eff. 13110. ROOFING MATERIALS. Eletarnt, Pitch, reit Farearme rartitsb Mid T/Laclg Paint, f 0 t . 14,2=4 .0 told 40 / 1 ..A11621 co o . ther _ BAHR & NOSIER . z v iti m i T urge: ,: i t n i tei T n b r i 'HAVANA 01/I.ANGE. 8 ., r Vived sad bbll H "" *0-{0 11 , Sliflt fljalc, by 120 batlY2AWo94 Otlctit ons. JONES & LUBIN% NO. 18 lIITH STREET tri ti U BAN GE xmN fUHN ha.I I :IAZ: cland.t V:4cAyierliaift, U. A,. DISM,TOse John born. Jr., I Capt. Wm. Desh, John P. moi.orn. H. L. rohhootooh. U. O. Homey, W. H. Argroon. Ha. - 1 . IdaCll-.114/1.11. VY 1103. KT sad BXXVISTS. lISCALLO3 ataesoled prom pt ly_ m , As heretofore, the Wit will always baased at. this leotroUry. Having d9no. sed of Our old pattern. • we are prtpared. wlill i•raw awn ratruoTlpo here.. constructed under the enperetelott Of 0010 TUT. to foral.lt NA.1.1..W..aCti11.1.0 at ab • . . • . • . RO . SERkLE .STOVE' WORKS. PETERSON,. Jr., & CO., ifsantutarers =A Dealers la all ands of Cooking and Reuling Stoves, _ HOLLOW WARE, "fil'atoff . :lai r ro n oll;'Wt s r T e r er PITTSBOSA I I I 4 PA. WORKS, I,III.I4iALEIREIL. sat:l6s QS. 11111.1_.._ -.JOBS AL/XS...JAM L. IL 'W. yALLEit STOVE IPFOIIIO3I. ALLEN. WPKEE cmaes W and oretw 3011wirts It to • • tile Sta as• tthitslS l4 . • URGEL • Yeaufacturen ►vest riflery of 4:00/i. PAS LA/ IS EATIN STUVICd, amen which are the celebrated he /ifordtot Coal Cocain g bums:alto. the Autocrat and Nentinel for coat OT ROCd. and triC tOlivalled M. of the grlat ' r ' tCnn i tegge glltdllllst4OP, Rao_ adOr -._ .... trru.rry notaus:' ; . . ' MOLE" 84 SLATOB, No. 83 Liberty fit., opposite-Fourtbi 1 • • arAmrracronans or ! . CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. They miss sreclaßy of Iron Bedstead and Pivot Outors: 1 greets., Bedstead and . riTA, Castors: ik dsttal Fasteat. gal Mr , for Enten fob Tables,. dc. The y also manufsetnrs And hare eaustantlyou bane•Tbumb Latelle.6 HP.ing latches WLean .. . IgLodow 13a.ah . thiPIPTI.r . sruan,..scee.ut, nue ttatcon. OMB, nue. tor Iro n s. Ban Eirtreo. tlitndostane . 1i.Ri....• bad tiaah Welxhts, So.. to.. ' jyt.eto L. Mt I/. Br/AWAY ATIVA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & . CO. Mannenrtufa erne variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stores, Among radon meth., eels brated.ammu, THUM, and TALISMAN (Coal Sterna; (Wood Cook VirTMIULN and INONSIDB23 (Wood Cook stores.) A. 1.6 manufacture , • pRATES, {'.RATS FRONTS, die. thnee and "NesrOnome, corner of Seeoad and IV. a nrmu, raton.ren• Enunnoo See^ed IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BITROEFIELD Itellued.tbaireoalaunlida(k P.?llal,ed _ 15=r, sat-cant. T ow. Carnes ANDWanzlicmil., NO. 111 /LABE E oeI:LMS EVERSON, PEESTON St CO,. _Prxdrsrir.r.l 6,74 MOTV w trit PO - INT POTIOE.B. PITTSISURO Pa.i facture all asst. of Perla.lW . paw, en., • Piston. nods, Levers, so" sod Wrists; slim 11401E044 Astest Lemma. Pre Minos. and nil Otsnotirolls.Rlntnndennify . tuning Anon for WWI . • ors itrsitst'sd•Sn • • • • • • • RlESlAClgnrtalres. tortrA - ItIOICIVO Patent ltalactoe Valium. tor tttelWaft.u.. gloms, a ".11- kinds a Use...o ALactithrT: Sisarclog. Mogen, Folio., Of all atol4. with Or vetthout . Yai•a .t Hollers. rite- PC0113.1, Waiting Lieu (.11tectioav, nblerel.' Pump., t e.. COEHILS UAW/WON •/11) PIKli SMELTS. PlLUbutill, BepttslOO god puttin up tandaner , TA"ap t lY attendso. to. sollato ;.1 tzteiN ftIVIA. aNIOIIIII •1 • I Oder at Wholesale and Beta, CARPETS. elf aiocit or choice patios. wince carnet be eicelled In client sod variety. Window Shades, . . . , , in Omen. Teo clor,Bull. Lavender. Drab. sad tangy cedars, With plata, neat and rich hilt and Velvet borders, over:co different styles. . . FLOOR OIL. CLOTHS, Mt the b.t patterns in mukei la alteett 3, 6 V 2. 18 sad 94 feet wide.; SCOTCH WINIIIIWIELIANDS, BIM', Greets. Blue and White. In all widths. English Woolen Druggets; In 13rliclit Colors. IS. and 3 'Suds .ride. WOOLEN AND LINEN CRUMB CLUTHA, ISGLISI 111105 .15D 11.1111 BEGS, Swiss Lace & Application fin Mir, in Dmacr.. mai axe not to be amul NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, English and French ELE.arr ClElll%llOll' GOOD 5, New Pattern Cornicis,j Ces,ripot A7ILI Cturta.l. l % tiPHOLSTERIG Ell Orders promptly mud tactfully executed. Will 1.1 careful and experteucra urhoh•tare.ru 17' part of the cuotkrcr to IP Carrets P up curtains. sba6cl44c; COLLINS, nand 73 Tint) &OA Teat ~ nnUJw ! ~ to. Ud~ed BuUa4 : oato~~ eu ~ tnd Yyy~mpr. trcou3 yppr: ~.,-.: . (1 HEAT HATCH SALE ON TOE N.A impolite one price plan. alvlnit. forllpa yroll a handsome mal .rice of Ten Uollaoo. i b t watew o i lie paid far unless per Kllr .a.f— ad nOt torcio‘Nolld Gold IN Ladle • tiluttsig:tuktltgri7l......7=lM 7.namelied.... 100 tO 110 • Uold 1100110% Cheerer )lia t ebes.. 00 = t t.t h A 0 3.0 • nX , hold 1100110' Enatiattfee rt .110 to zt, - 33' Sur °old P3Ple3- W"'"3 . . 100 Geld Iluntlf American ben Silver w online LcTen YO Silver g 7.5 fai Gold Ladies. W_alones. ............ to ... to ;F. ...an Unman% miver Wateli surer ce..• • to Maxi Assorted %listen a, all kinda..... 10 t o WrEeeey patron obtainstos i n t , m 0 ,7 * t r . rasireas.,,ca• . ..% .11 ”Aillay e sslil be shown.. WS Lirtlser" wish to tarrnedtacE.lY ajspo. of o f above segglaticent 41a =.l3rAt " o '' pes th , fultr isiged-..ei We'`ticlea named Oa r.imtettnimarem.en.upoteiv.r. _ Ten Dollar., w oral .60 011111ron.less: The fetlll4 l Lf i alry of our tertlheates entltles•Trtritct4 FnEle !' nß:jai tl E rli g l4PEtTi Utast ttils.ts o Lottery. but a straight forntard l'iefiliMllll4lTransactlan, ninth MAY . fie participated In even - nY the most Fastidious 2 A single eettinealortil/trzt,stegigtoiisatt.l.trttt. vt,..uximcgreolnd „ war v agrarit . 1 ...'n'orslystaptro Wean for t pt..To Cos 'l,irpg;ll,l=lll:4 Try. no Address. J. BICILLING it Co.. k. us .122ese— M NoTicE •TO 0 Vißr,its.og DRAYS,I,4I.ACKS,AC:' woie Lice fa hereby Alf e . c, to of Wok aos. rarer fenree'r arl% Vet nttgUrce ,t;treltMV,f.tellfalr:rn.cretlll= Ln areordanec, with an act of ea aet , , ,, bp'a tr; rir,:ctr:ll - 11tra 0....trg1w...d Apra All Lleeeteanot pad on or before May% NM will plaeod Iwthe hands bf Irne [fie-of Po lficr_e.prl'ergrli!VorilL*Wt it;dhtf7,:rioltrgr'i :ce,ect oe-refuse tOtalte. vet Lleettaea„ralbe Mayor. to %penalty. be ree.n , Lred ber re be Mayor. double the amount of the License. 'foe old metal plates of_prelims Tears must be returned at the time the LleetLica axe WWI out. or pay LI ce nu the refer. • RATES evE LICENSE. - fra - I flrt 35 c 0 gfLlLlP:ruortiloorice Vehicle .......... •15 03 Camp/nee , add Timber drawn by two horse.. e c !freu dollars •e . 17 . 0 t . b LLCnal u tr d .d. ' t°L.ll 7 i) R. dity Troa es nra. o Pittsburgh. February L. Wet ,• le4 073 PITTSBUacx, PA WWI. /11.11.01 8 ..lIXIL. TU. 12.2r.L.. 11 % GElTtrnalt BARR. -INANE • umli.Ell, Mlicesiois to WAIIELINK. t BAYs-14 MI. 12 St. - Clair St., -Pitti!!,intgh Pianos, organs, And3losiesl Goole geherally. Agents for the Celetimeed BEAD SU. BY, Nevi York. era SCHOMACILER a co.. rhuaaapai., mist*. • • • 2.ESTE'S C0..4 “COTTAGS,“ end 6. D.. 2 _U. yr....41.11T1L'5. •!ASIZBIO/..11 ,, OZ. GiNS.'ainuaratiro, F.ercatT The beet ltalJaa and Berman YIoUn sod 1101- ter Steins. elwaTaan Ono. rU ale EIEVOLIUTION EV THE nrIIgiTILVDE Orl . lll. UNITED tST A.TES. —PONS ellaPOirtiLL -MtAMPAGJEIZ , rondo sod prepared as if. done in Trance, from pure caLlruta wine; end tektite the plane or Impor ted (Msrupsens. The undersigned would tell the attention or Wine Dealers and Hotel Keepers to the follow ing letter. millets may be • Carnet Una of the qnsilry of their Win. , • • Torirteentel7S Oa. :WNW, I • ”NeseaS.l3o. l . l en 8 Co.i-Oestiemen:gee lee everro.Cattlera.C.moeee.stberoneh • test, we take pleasure In saying east we think It iOw ben Await. ise we. bs. ewer used. We ehett et ems seen on ear.ll. , fate. L. , Yours • E. KINGeLtY it , (72.04 err ear Calltentle.Cbaanwe. -nolenrs- nouatisu tx3.;..221 Do, Y. PITT SKR@ IRON-WORK J. PAINTER & SONS. I Iron, 'dub'act; Tub and 'Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, reicem, PrPTIBURSIEL Oa- L e a iinum novsE, - Philadelphia. The rabic:Men hmi•e leased We termite Beam It haabeenTLEVITTE, sonoefil• ED 1.11.A.21 1./MIANT -MAMMA. sod lie nem prered "cite the most perfect appointment tor thereaeption oi eticett. AM ;mentos enmeg •Itre.-elses klatele tminaltitalsed in the Imam es In Um put Tarts a:rim:cr. F. NII13" •i Fifih Stredib dims Vienne: and Ch &ham Shwas, . _ . Gtmszaith and beideryin thirdware. lllrsidars roods at dmalpflalletzsgon hand sad waist the lowest Drl... don •_•-nemahron•hook...4... • ."-Nizlnfuroallt.tiviri lw:6 --R- I:llTr `nr. :l 3- 7 " . ,,7...l"tr iagW inhsrs .ll TAl S7T acaftl .*:7 ; 2 : : t HISULT2'L.V bto.dard Hawn .adv a who dirolloi the mon us Um ( ales D irort loolthS'avran NAL PUBLlatiltitt CU.. phla. ,HOLBLES, BELL e f • . • , inctiortottok rams; fulsbiirgb, • /taanfactureas of .1121C1110110.) RHIEZTINGSt_.- , JaCnOBABLIWZINFOGIg , Alsvnos (c) enzymes. UN 3tORTOAGES. HUl4te bought sad sold cizulOt x.:rrr, et; • • seal 6tase *sent. No. 12 M. Mar itELEIBBAVEtti TOIYT4 H ity HAIM. ••Pritl i ts "Xsz n itef Dlr CAM - Xl7 Ark.. irtLf W ar ri a L :,osoo of basest and rooks of Army stf _ the sossasssarist. at Mutts soMos so CELT BUSTI C reCeilr• rat tornde JAILOR IC /L. KELLY i.CO. 20liPLII. HIPE2IIe recopTil. dal WO= V I ZZLA lAA rig{ NMI In==El In ivad POC9u4,llßruas MCTlntunri niu.EVAM