•S_ C'~ S, TR BATES IL BELL, !.: 21 . 11 iftStreet. /.1. ____ ! j . ------ ri - OFFER LL THEIR 1 ! IWINfER . GOODS',;; ALT i REDUCED PRICES. t Blankets, Dress Goods, 'I Shawls, Cloaks, Flannels. BATES & BELL, AT EATON'S, Txtratmws, NOTIONS, EMBROIDERIES, HOOP SKIRTS, BALMOBAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, and UNDF:B.WEAU, ALTON'S, 17 Fifth Street; fe7 ITALIAN OPERA. KID GLOVES--OPERA:coLoas. ~NEW LOT . Just oraszu. Fancy Fans, Opera . Moods, Real Lace Goode .131=1.49-Dis Era' UM Ne* Duplex Skirt For 1867 $1:14 , A PAIR AND WARRANTED. $1.25 For 1. S." Hid Gloves NACRU & CARLESLE- A 4N eathottr t t'ree ktetiotaetarer at the To Guarantee Every Pair. Should wr Hp or tear when 'Pftif'f P ' t ee. MACRUM & CARLISLE .19 Fifth Street. ITALLIN OPERA. WHITE RID GLOVES, $l.OO. Fine Fans, All Color& LATEST NOVELTIES IN HOOP SKIRTS. Invisible lady of the Lake, La rallteEmpress Troll, . Lap Boulevard. Point and Ariplle Pala col Jiro Feint d applique Lafus, Ui r slenela and Thread Luce. ,Embroideries of Every Description. HOSIEFtYAND CLOVES • At 'greatly reduced prices. • Felt line Gent's Furnishing Goods. • lOBEISON'S beTIC" SWATS, *AT REDUCED rItICES. BEECII•1421; PEDDLBRII. and am. who bur. 1•? . te11.V . ,11”, ddl _.ll/11Ind In our Wholesale Depart •INACRUNI, CLYDE & CO.. 78 and 80 Market Street. Btmtx.u.:l!..o64Ers IMES! Bow TT and 79 ?Market Street. Wdlmid, 808813. BMX B r M M ental %allon to oar stock of neatiAllssiwingrg, EBIBROIDESIEB, LA INPTB' MUM ann, COLLABB,..OI3ZEB AND BEM A.l.ldoltaL eE Mg, HOOP' BILULTS. ti sTzi,,ll9Tl5l/15MING6014P8-Vorea. ZWlt ' alg WIT rafrll;y7lintfiittirtarilt 441 AW Lg. BONTAOMI. 11000 n. NUBLAB,IIO4II/&-tnto ring nu low to etc. HOSIEBY-Yartno }Rabat on Wool )1114aed.' Balmoral, cot'. Yleeccd, Tartan and reokalr BLOW 61 , -pood Pirta Wld Glares 41,Z. 11l Dora. Whlke and Om. hades.• 101 l nook Cloth, Oat and tilt glatsr.d, for Ladles and &MU/30B= BALE 'We'ariatlll Oda dug oviritOdc bt Ittlahtly ed IlSadkerdatAr Pialn, klemattiched and broldercd. • • THS BrElf t i z ir jam goalßOT.Hame'. We would Invltelne atteu.tos ofal EIiCHARTII and t otUAN:a to our stock, which will be found ocontain all that •• Sesses2abl , s, and at, ydopto dean:tofu gold. . , JOS. HORNE & CO., 77 and 79 Dlarket Street. 111101ARSILE DRY .GOODS. Nem Goods Just Opelled.. Merebants. desiring to Sort Fp should call and examine oar stock and Prices. i FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS & NOTIONS. N 0.115 Wood R., Pittsburgh, ' ARBTITHNOT, SHANNON CO. suarrox.m.memumnr Ann, ItIcCAINLDESS & CO., IL•11WILI0X. OMNI • OW, EIOLMILALZ DY/LLSEIIIIIN FOREIGN AND OOMI ROOM, DRY ROO ro c ,. tipdi Nov - caoci. Third bout above Diumond Anari riu es:el/ rtr= ja, 45000 oVERCOATS VET REMAINING UNSOLD, whmu mu., be CLOSED OUT REGARDLESS - OF COST At the Immense CLOSING OCT SALE, IMEI J. D. RAMALEY'S 334 and 336 Liberty Street. Also, La.rgi imoitrocitt of FA LL AND 11'1M CLOTHING DRAWEBS, - DIirDERSHIRTS, WHITE SHIRTS, Cotton and Woolen Hosier Searni, Ties, Buspenden, gm•macv‘rmisi Of all Descriptions, _and a Large Assorinstni of GENT'S FURNISHING GOOD: All of which must be sold re gordleint °feint or invoice. Call and Be Convinced. J. D. RABILILLEY, 334 and 836 Liberty Street, Jaisrrrs Opposite Wayne. NEW pniLADELIpmA DRY GOODS STORE, J. M. BURCIIVIELD & CO., No. 87 Margot 31311zrockt, (Weil side. ites.r : Market House.) . • ENTIRE NEW STOCK * BLEACHED ItUSLIID3for UNBI,ACHED dO. do. IV, W A I L NT WILLEDs o. L ANN EL te i ' Medi LINENS--beet muster( TABLE A bozo Assortment of New Good* NICE AND - CLEAR, ZF . : g cs. 87 Tiffesz3x..4:4Blzroot. COAL; COBS, &c. N. LAN= IrallslllB K. N. Ittrirrairkx . . ... ..... L. .1111. Lia. WM. Me CLAAEY, & CO.. Gas Coal Works, Bbl sand deal to 131117.R10ft GAS AND FAMILY COAL. N UTCOALand SLACK. Poet. otnee address; BOX 587. Pfttsbnegn, nal LOCK 'll B2ll.l.A g t/WlM6oond story Bittsitemeh Sarin Bank Betiding. eorneiLlberty etneet and Virgin alley, l'lttabtoglif BRANCH OFFICER: Ha 5 Liberty street, under Pean'a H. 8.. any:- Viso ) ira l rr ' etlVlst r 9.T u L g . t ; All order, left at either ofthe -abotra receive protein attention. 14 1 0,1 FT PITT COAL CoapAap. nee second story Pittsburgh davinas smut Build ing, earner Li`rerty street and Virgin alley. Branch adlee, earner Tcp and Tbird streets. Pittsburgh. strate• • left sa either of the above places will receive prompt ettention. , Ppstellnee Address Hoz 687, Plitstolts. • Dragerand: Grt.Learce, IL L. Fgrrazsgoca, - a McCaII:MAIM • Wa. HlSsileurr, Gaol= c. Biaq I.As. Y Ostooxcor, WALTER BILTAXT • Jollr /I,‘"A, • Lcare 0000 , .D. J. J.euthEnr..Pres.t. A.ll. .00r010013, 00e.y. •e. lizracr.s, Treasurer. W. a, ci.sasr 'a co.; aranaism. J. 1.794 • • • pirresuusu NATIONAL • COAL AND CCKE COMPANY. Minors, shippers sod deem, _Wholemle and retail. In 4e BEST FAMILY COAL. ant Choza . vowel eizo.cas.. OITICE AND TA:IID, corner fourth sod Tr 7 lAreeto. Pltubstrgh. Ye.. • . • All orders for delivery Intim City, or Shipment West, will meet prompt and Manallate atter, Mon. B. A. /XI:IAA/JCL I:Superintendent. Cost! COAL!: COAL:U. DICKSON, STEWART & • , BivinK removed their 011ie to, -1561 , LIBERTY. -synr*T, (Lately Clty Moor NOD SECOND riooic. Are now prostedto farttleh coed Youghiogheny MRCP. NET COAL OR DIALOR, is the lowest market orb.. • ordere lett at their orere. or arlDeased to Walt through the man, atimmled promptly. myZ:l43 CHARLES IL AIIISTRONG, Y01(0E1001E07' &CO • • AntiMaistfactorersof Coat, Mick, and Dostapbririsall Coke ' ONFWE AND YARD. Corner of Butler stud Morton; ant yard on Llts arty and Omer streets, Ninth want and on &mud street, near Loek No L Bltislturtrk. Pa. /Manes and atarsollatured e any/plied arlth the lien article or Can Or %Mike at the lowan..lb ratss• Orders left at any of Weir onion neelre prompt attention. DRUGGISTS. ISIOPGII.IISB. 01101.0 i i..IILTSAT CEORCE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggists, 37 Wood Street, OPIUM, - lODIDE POTAESUM,_ Munk. lA,. CRLOILATE QUININE, BID/11-.POTEIQUIM, 101.11 NE ILENTI/I, * MELTE EIIIREE,, STANDARD CRERICALS, DRIi DR11G511122 - -.a JAMES T. SAMPLE HAATII(I 130II0HT THE WELL KNOWN MUM HOUSE UN CUE. YEDEUAL AnID sosisson -ALLE".I". WEL keep on handarallassartment of al! Undo hf =RIZ 11343 r Ahdlrideti irm_bersold•elttapet then any other hone In the two enter. ereonlptlons manfully prepared by a first. Wan din L ail PlatallEET and 7.113171"130AP8 J. NCHOONMASEIIs SON, plisburgb White Lead Works, PURE WHITE:LEAD, Kars Muliou ne ßktg= n uy 0 1 1 4 L% 71.12 Bra IST Pirannzer..t. u 9 Stain. TOBACCO. CIGABBAo. DOSE_ BUD ROUGH. AND Ezmor, RAU BUD Batman* nuND, BONE BUD ULLDEN D d b, . ~ A nd totheelloCad Sands Of I T I CO33AL CO, . . 7 Wightseenned 'hi 114 IV. SEMILINSOPC, FUll door from Ilaspettikat 7 Brldge, Allegheny. )9..N , .-:i..: , .r.01,-ggiqAw . ,- pliad Wltt.6gale sad SEUL immix . II all. Wadi er Tobacco Snuff and Cigars, .lEiLosixr Ervistiamor. Slltirr4 P...../111.WILT:ilegnitILTWIti ttELTIAGIBELTING:—Leather ••••,..1 Goat halibut ot the bees thastlte. Also, Om reeking, Slow. Buketa. go. Leak Leath er assa Block Wenn , . ots bawl skied frail, In the lowest psloce eT A H. P LLIPS, • n mann. LIT ann. Ise i z iin gh v~tz cttc, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1867. An gateresting Bit of Local history. We take the following very Interesting chapter of Pittsburgh history from the St. LordaDimutehe • • . • Tile first velliel ever built on the Witten of the west was the brld Doan, which de rived her name from her builder end origi nal proprietor.' She was launched at the present cite of Allegheny City. near Pitts. burgh, in ides. See afterwards mode a voy age from Pittsburgh to the Mediterranean. When making her entry at the Cuistorn House at Lognorn,'ln 1107. the cilium ob jected to her papers, declaring that seen a port no Pittsburgh did not exist In the United States! A map was produced, and the Captain guided_ the anger of the ofther along the courses of the Misstasippl and Ohio by Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, when the location of this new city In the wlirferiteSS was pointed out. _ After in the purchase of Loana from Nit. poleon Bed, some eastern eapitaliste Sent out me:names and built several ships on the Ohio. In 1801 Jonas Spatz. built the shin e Seotte on the lientneky river, some twen ty miles from Frankfort. This shin wee the Drat that ever made °S successful trip to the Falls of the Ohio. She remained there for several months before the occurrence of rise tho river euilleient to float her over. In the meantime two other vessels from Pittsburgh, built by James Berthone d CO.. heal arrived at the Falls,anet in the attempt to get over, the largest ono was stink and soon after torn to piece, by the Tiolence of • the current. This accident was so discs/13r. Noble Genie: aging that rio fucthecattetepteetehiphuht. A gentleman living in the Fourth ward, g ere made on the Ohio. Allegheny, 'heard a ni conga melee on his ISII Messrs. Fulton thelniston, hay- pe rch on Sunday night, and on going out to leg aunt:dished a ship yard at, Pittaburgh porch the matter, a tinge eagle rose for tne purpose of introducing steam navi gation on the Wentere waters, built an ex- from the floor of the perch, and Sailed off nerimentel bust for this scrolcet and this was the first steamboat that ever floated on tlemem pursued and at last captured the Into the yard,where he alighted. The gen. tile western rivere. It. wee furnished with resat out in his yard; The eagle is a very a propelling wilco behind, similar to the lark° one, end appears to be a Wild blrdi stern-wheelers of the present day, and, in tbccegt, tdi may have estaped from some, addition, had two masts; for Mr. I ellen ho- pl ate et confinement. At all events how Hayed at that time the occasional Ole of eetee e t th e geenetaatve house at that sidle would , be indtspenesble. This first time of night is a myetery'. Western steamboat was called the Orleans. - Her capacity was one hundred tone. in the' 'stater of to she made her Prat trip rom Pittabergh to New Orleatis In fourteen days. tweedntinued to make reenter trips the New Orleans and Natchez, until the /Rh of JolY, nth when she was 'wrecked near Baton flange on her upward 'bound passage by Striking a snag. The first appearance of this etoamer naturally well:teed considerable . ex citement and admiration. A steamboat at that day waste common observers almost 'as gr eats e wonder *S a flying angel would D present. The hanks of the river in some plitess were thronged with spectators gaming bet speechless askonislamout at the P.feett bed smoking Phenomenon. The average Speed of this boat was only about three miles per hour. Before her ability to 100 Th through the water without the asalee lance of Salle or oars had been fatly °gem pitted, comparatively few persons believed that she could possibly be made to answer any purpose of real utility. In fact eh° had made several trips before the general pre /Odle° began to subside, and for some months many of the river merchauts pre tarred theNeld mode of transportation, with all risks, delays and exuaespense, nth er than make use of each a contrivance an a steamboat, which to their apprehensions appeared too - marvellous and miraculous f or the business of every day life. Pennxyleanta Patents During the week ending Febrnati stb, the list of patents Issued bp the United States Patent Office to Pennsplyanians to 69 follows: • Edwin 1.. Bergatressor, of Ifublershurg, Pa., fer Improvement In harvester relies. • James Christy, of Philadelphia, "Pa., for improvement bolster for railroad ears. • Charles M. Crandallea! Montrose. Pa., for Improvement In children's building blocks. George Crowther, of Philadelphia. Pa , for Improvement in spinning mules. Flanders, of Philadelphia, Pa. for improvement In pistons for steam engines. Robert A. Harris. of Philadelphia, 1.4., na• Manor to self and B.S. Harris, of the same place, for Improved refrigerator. Andrew Ilartupee, of Pittsburgh, I'a., for Improvement In ateatu engine air pumps. Antolated Jan. 33, 1.*.37. George C. llowlud, of Philadelphia, Pa., for Improvement in dressing grindstones. J. J. Johnson, of Allegheny City, Pa fOr Improvement In the manufacture of iron. Antedated Jan. It', 1,367. henry and Albert. LOVIO, of Philadelphia, H fbr Improved curtain nature. enry M. Myer.. of Allegheny City, for Improved mode of constructing shovels. 8. E. Petted, of Itetluehem, for im. - • -• Henry Logip, of Columbus, 'Pa., for im -proved car coupling. M. V. B. Steinmetz, Of Antirille, Pa., for Imirement in claims. es Wilson and J. IL. Lie of Clin ton. , for Improvement In cur wheels. Eng. limner und G. lt. 1/opkins, of Lock Haven. Pa., for improvement in hinges.. A. T. Dunbar and A. ideNaught, of Alba, Va.,for Improvement in combuted grain sop. orator and straw carrier. William L. Haller,' of L'arllde., Pa., for Ln provetnent In fruit Jars. Philip .11111, of Plthadelplun. P., Longa° , to salt and W.ll. Carry, of mine place, fo damping apparatus. Antedated Jan, 2 , 111 1R.7. /Samuel 31cCambridge, or Plillade Pa., for Improved car oralaa. Samuel ItcClain, of Philadelphia, ra n for Irhisclo and bird call. Jacob itecse,of Pittsburgh, Ps., for lm. provemeut, frsteutog to Pole hoops. D.ll. Rogers, of Phitdelphiu, Pa., for ho proved rutlroad ear truck. _ -•— • . William Beaver, of Phoenixville, 1.e.:, fo improved bed bottoms. . . . - • • • • Alb min ; Willard, of Newton. Pa., for 1.. "'movement In cultlvators. The Penhatene Annexation Scheme. The ;Wellsburg (West Virginia) Herald says, in reference to the propnited annexa tion of the Panhandle section of West Vir ginia to Pen nsylvaniar—“Of late there has been very little said on this subject, though previous to the war and the formation of the State of West Virginia, It was fre quently before the public. At that date, such an arrangement was by many, proba bly by the majority of the people of this section, considered preferable to the one that was actually cermummatod; but the division of the btate and the removal of the slave institution, was acquiesced la as a general remedy for the grievances corn.' I attuned of, end very little more has been 1 said about it. Nor have we recently seen anything in regard to It Noritions are In circulation In this vicinity, o If they are, It is being done very slyly. Solar as the project 15 concerned, we have no. doubt but that sure a petition iould be largely Opted, provided It did not nvolve any expense .We have very. benefit to expect from our con nectlon with West Virgin-,the probability being, - that we will continue as we lure before, a sort of outlying province which it Is very con venient to have for porpoise of State tax- Mien. Our position would doubtless In this respect, be Improved by annexation to Pennsylvania, but whether the probable. advantage would compensate for the' cer tain trouble and cost, as things now, stand, to farther to be coneldered. • Two of a Trade. Yesterday =Drubs ga man named Siehara Shorter came before Deputy Mayor Morrow and made Mformation for assault and bat tery against Andrew Daily. It appears that the two men are employed as Journey man at the trunk factory of Mr. John Dell, on Second stroct.• A day or two ago a col lection was being taken up atoong the workmen for the burial of the child of a poor man, hod Shorter stopped forward to contribute. Daily, as is alleged, s hoved hlm beck and ordered him away. Yesterday . morning Snorter Informed the foreman of the shop of what bad occurred. Daily over heard the conversation and waylaid Short er, as he was going up stair s with his apron full of nails, and struck him a severe blow on one side of his face, following ft up by another blow on the other side of the face. Anothor blow or two followed, and then Shorter made his way to the Mayor's office and made the information as aforesaid. A. warrant was Issued. • EMI Med Cow An ungue.stionably mad cote', belonging to a German named itoddy, in Pitt town ship, created no small excitement on Sat , urday, by breaking all restraints and rush ing headlong hither and thither. She ton.. cd Mr. and Mrs. Gaddy over the tonne, in. Jannis both somewhat, and then mad, a rush for the door of a house on the alley, occupied by Mr. Bowers, &shoemaker. .The proprietor attempted to Dar the door against her, but she went through it with a crash, caught her born in Mr. 11. 's month, tore his face opts n from the mouth to the eye, and then rushed into the Street. At last eke was shot in a hollow near the coke ovens, on Centre avenue, and taken to Ur ban's slaughter home, where the carcass was dressed and cot up. It was then re moved by Roddy to his own house. There is it report that the owner is endeavoring to sell the diseased beef. The matter will be luveatigated. ThOar who wish to Hilton to an inter esting and instructive lecture, should not forget the coerce commenting Me eve in in the Weatern UniveriatYl by Prof. W. U. Gunnnin i g.. The Zooid= Journat, specking of one o his lecture, says: "It was Ono of tile 1 . 1103 t thrilling aria en tartainili g we have °V- erKe;iiil7o; ----------------------------- Rubbed clergymen speak or bls lecruree to terms of the highest prabse. 'Tills will bo a rare claince for !Dyers of science. More Forceloos Doge—Toatorday morning John Courtney cum° boforo Alder man All Masters, of the Third ward and made Information against Janice Borne, of the Sixth ward, charging him with keeping two ferocious dogs. Courtney alleges that au ho was putting Burn* , house, on , Crawford street, this morning, tno nogg vame out anti tore the pantaloons off, lacerating .hls leg coanderattly. A warrant was loaned. allowed counterfeiters Arrested.— Yesterday Thomas Strant, snouted On charge of baying In hie post:salon and at.- Vaunting to Dam conntox felt United . Btatee ont'reaoY,' bad a bearing before United Staten Comndasloner WCandleea. and In de fault or ball - was committed to jail for a dither hearing thin afternoon at. throo o'clock. Took Ike 'genetic —Ninety' days Ago, Boyd Miller, convicted of illegal lug, was sentenced won) a dna of $ 2 O and the CMG of Unison. Ile had notTThhu ;seta.- sary days In funUds coup A y S imprLsoned for ninety m Jail. Yesterday his rm ex,plred and he took tho lament of tho te M oment law and wea rnleaaoai A Projected asset° Two men, named Owen Donovan and James Campbell, were. brought into the Mayor's efface yesterday afternoon, by out cers Mooney and Smith, of the liPeolid police force, charged with disorderly con duct, we oath of H.L. Bingham, keeper of e tavern on Wood street, near Vidor. The two Inert :went - to the- tftvern and were ittoriding in.-the bar room, while ldr. Ding ham was 'busy.' paying little attention to them. Soddenly bis attention was attract , evident preparatlcms for a foss. Onlooking thookieng liD. be saw Campbell with bis coat off flourishing hls flits In .Donovan'a face, and o ur him a doll "fight ar bIl Itl to go to a private room and out like men, and d—n the Man for a coward that squealed fleet or opened the door." Dono. van Was a iittio indisposed to accept the business like challenge, Inasmuch as his VrePOSed W a hen Hmln ireland man, of s uch proportions, that It was evident any blow struck try blot would be fully as effective as one delivered by Morrissey .or Heenan, The ofecere were called In, and th e Vito belligerent. were Marched to the lock-up. Cauiptleilis War , like denionstrations were renewed in the office, and he was vociferous in his demands for a "clean space and a fair fight." ills request was not granted, and both parties were locked up for a bearing. Campbell said ho wouldn't have desired to light, only Donovan struck him in the ribs. Donovan Remitted the blow, but read Campbell had called him such bad nal: : that be could not stand It. Campbell dmitted this, but said Donovan struck even before that, dc. • I Oar renAlers will bear in mica that the !Lev. Colonel Clark lectures this evening at Tit' o'clock at the Seventh U. P. Church. Everybody and Ole wife should be there to hear the distinguished ht /lour gentleman on the suNect of ..igs, flood Wages, Moderate fleets... Geed Alen and Tene—and Weighty. —AL loading, last week, at. the oity elec. Lion, I/410 rrepUbilOarla Or the &Month ward, who happeteal to be et the polls together, Were weighed. The net weight of the nine Was one ton Iwo !tundra and twenty pounds. Monday Funeral..-4: antra in Leal. burg, In this tante, Ls preaching against Sunday 1 anent's, especially during church hours. Such action he deems discourteous to the living, and of no possible advantage to the dead. W. A, filldenfenny sends us Ballot's Monthly for March. True Is one of the vary beet of the iscontlilleck The present ntantber abounds with excellent reacting, end to lib erally Illustrated. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TERRIBLE CRASH. BOOTS AND SHOES AT PRICES TO SUIT TIM TIKES role 30 DATA. Many (loads LIPMITILAN YOUST COOT, tern'.. $7 ceir floats. tap sole, Bellies $3.04 reduced ,10. Idea's ends' hoots, water proof. millng WA re. 4.141 frrd 04 Men's gra o in Pools. sewed, selling from AMA. daAA reduced Mews lip boot. veiling 01.70. reduced from Ad= Menls opera allots selling AMP, reddeed Iran --*‘' pa Imes la s ole oellia 1 , ' • '. ::c ! e•l ° Flsdc :=.. • 7 • g • I.g -lion•s opera .Does 14,20. reduced fro. 3lrn•• opera shore selling 6450 . reduced from f 2 Lad . os , ld pens!" I.ned 6440, redo!Fd rr Kt4 . 7darz,s4 e° t l Ladle.` French (mot bat`. ..wed redietli Cram tr.n. t.. n.• gust bars seed 41 , ,73, reined from st.:s UMW.. 'Mae tin's, op. 4410. reduced hoed 6:.01 ENTIRE STOCK AT OREATREDUCTIONS 26 and 28 Fifth St., Pittsburg!. W. B. CLAPP & CO. 012 LADIES' AND GENT'S NwET/EiroM, • ALT SUMMER PRICES, lIILLERMAIIPS No. 75 Wood Street. Also. a Large A.sortene et of HATS & CAPS OP VIE Jele L4TEST STrLEIII. LEA' & PERIEINS, CMEW333PLZI.TZLIZI WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE 1 ..40t•5..4 IC . ..aL GI N V at MADRAD la /troth r a BOLDTZE, 11311 CONNOISSEURS TO 111 VIZ GUI GOOD MG t 1 LZA it A HI NB that tIADCF. 1 17 eneemed la 4 wl and ta,lay on, the moat tble aa • 11 as bat= that 1e.,. :ES= r/7.181113C. The mese. of lb.. and outran- , ed condltnent baring emoted many an princtpleil dealer. to apply_ the nano to attrition', Lon porona, the PUBLIC:Is anaSoccIToLLT and All. nsaTLY recreated to ace that the came of LEA & PERIII3IS are opoa :ha Waft PPI3I. LABEL, STOPF Inlt and • • • R.:Lae:are& br"1.11.4 & rEILIMNS, Woree. JOECir DINCAIIPS SONS. NEW TURK. AGENTS POLL TILE U.S. oulaarrtur /AIM .... C. /1. i1011.7.9.31L IRON fITYRIOB FIFTH STREET FMB ' SION, • .rear Pennsylvania sirens% PITTABLIIIGIA, PA PIDIENPIOES AND MUSTARD Warrented when oar aims la onklie Article. TRISH 08.01/Nll CORNUI,AI. and BYE WWII it constantly on baud. COFFEE, AND fithllU/11) NUTS BOASTED mmvur. We respectfully Worm the public that we will continue the manufacture of an the DIN , IitIIENT KIN Do Or MOILS. which we offer to Wholesale and Retell Dealersat tea lowest -market pace. AblliOK to deal fate, wo eollcit the patronage of the public. Ifi t ie j itlMPot . 'IT tog, ibOr C alk i nTal ail boors to attend to the wants of °Women. CliUreg-13 7EED eonopetly on band. APBBB. WHALE LED ?MI ODA No. 81 Market, St., Pittsburgh. O. O. 2,70.13..i51a, dist. Call and esrualne aaasAlea and rea4 earrineaka. STRICKLER dr 21011LEDOE. I nota.ot. end 73 - - I kirk. FIRM OF ItICILIIM DAYS Was dissolved by .matnal consent on, the tst Inst. The heal:tale of the late Drm•rlll be settled by LAUUtILIN a CO. • -, BlOklaklD !LAYS a CO. The dim of LA.UI.IILII7I t CO. was diesolved Oh the ist _lnst.. itICEIMID I.IAYB hls Interest to the ltlll•itlint partnere. • • The manufacture of Pill lIIMN will be eonttn• ed at the ELIZA YUILSACES, under the nate tele alarm. heretofore. - The business of the late dna will be settled by be new: LAIAIILLN & Co. 1.28:.32 === WETTACII & BIEASON v ucozaßuss TO CH "Jou A.br Lima. • ' Xienufsatirers of OAK LEATUEg WILIIITNG, • Ito. 110610 street, Allegheny My; Also full assortment Of Heltlng at 0. H. AN DEL...MI.IIPB. No. ISt, Ltnerty I ' l _lb. Ps. (EEO. 0. CLARY, Beta. of Works. del7 CIIEESE. ' Im boua (loamy Factory and Limburg for ale Oy • CUAELES C. neixacr, No. 711 Liberty street. .Irl 100 dozen !OT male try =1 No: V3l:.Llbortv stmts.' AHD OIL. bbib. Sztis getined sad warranted Wlntei trigned. for age b 1 OILIJUJI2I C. HAMLET, Ho. 797 Libertv street: n~ ~onusx. ICO Ibis. new prime White runt for ale by cnisamsa BALELNY, no No. On Liberty ntrnet. 'WINDOW SHADES—A new lot f new and beautiful desire. on Green, Tan and liniftiroands, Gold and related Bee. der; 1. . No. 107 M arta street. alai& • Dm. SPECIAL NOTICES tZrA CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergymen, while restd Ind In Booth America =1,,,,z,,,eery, discovered n .at and simple remedy for the Core °lli errous Weakness, 7.arlY Decay, Diseases •of the 'Urinary end flethinat Orgene, and the whole Debtor disorders brought on by baneful. and vicious bents. Great num hers haws been already cured by this noble adj . : Prompted by a desire to benefit the &Mice ed and unfortunate...l will sand the rai pa for preparing and using this medicine. In a sours Onvoopo, to any one who needs It. Nairn or Oland.. Meese enclose a post-paid eurevelope addressed to yourself. Address JgIIEPII T. INMAN. deMarlt atation D. tibia Rouse N. Y t,lty. NEW PEER= FOR TILE RINDIEEECIIIk- Afighl lll•enaisig Ccrests.3 PhulonY "Night nlooming Cereas:, phaupli "?fight Blooming Verona. rhaime. "Ni g ht Blooming Cereal.' rbalosioa "Night lllooming Cetrtyt,• A mod etautelle. delicate, and krarrdut Perfume riffled from the rare and beautlfht tlutrer ,bleb It takes ha name. Maaufactured wily by PIIALON dc NON, New York. BnivAnr, OP cotarrEitrr.hrs. ASK FOB ',HAWN'S—TAKE NO,OTHEO ggrICIL BARNHILL & co., BOILER. MAKERS !ND SHEET IRON WORKERS Nos, 20, 22, 21 end 26 Penn St. nayleg secured a la th e yard and fnentrhed It with the most approved athelltnery. we •ee Dre g:llg g e t.i b ttittrtor. oV.r7 raertgiOri orison. , say made to s the S' eSg2;;t PeT S Z!treel4. equal to Flee Bede, Steam Pipes. lexcenottee Bett er. Condenser Salt Past. That., (al Still., Agitators, nett li ng rans. , Better Iron Bride.. of 21•11.24 . S ITIt s fEI . VI.IV. .1 1 1101ra l ta 's ! S pateln•lte Otte on the •bonest settee. letlosi GrLAKE SIIPERIOII COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS PITTSIII7IIGrt PARK; BUCIIRDY dr CO., Manufat inferior Pheatbing. Bridle's' .4 Bolt Cress. Copper Bottoms, Raised bill' Bottoms, tipeiter Bolder. Also importers and Dealers in Metals, Tin Plate; Mimi Irma. Wire, de. Constantly on band Tinners , Machine. and soots. Waren... No. 1401 PiNST 3111E4P nd 1110 iId.MUND STILEZT, Pittsburgh. SPMI4I olden of Copper eat to any dotted pattern. • mrt4ieddclisT fr'nol3llC6ON, ELE& & CO Q (Sciemsoistxt Bottrxeox. limn Miu.sli WASHINGTON WORKS, Found...sand naeldulats,Plttelnangb, Manufacturer. of Boat and Motional" Steam Id[tnn•. Blast Mails* Mitt kfacktnorf, Oar- Ink. Shafting, Castings of all description.; VII Tank, and SUR.. Boller and Shoot Iron Work. aif'area4 fnr CltrAito•S• ramer IN JECTOR far feeding b 011... 7011 052 fErIEtERIEDI AL LNSTIT UTE FOR SPECLILL VASEN. , • No. 114 Rood Street, .New.Tovlt. /nil Information. with the Mewl tun mann too sleo.. • t eut on byestal De/snore In a .eorJ ew fret , lle sure 444 soullor 411 gaJ you eelll not regerd a: for. Pa adverllsln • • Damn D.r PaD•rn. and Dent In DR. LAS{' ItENCE, No. 14 bond Benet, Now tars. ErTIIE intAVEST MALADIES OF YOU'VE! AND, ZAIII.II/ST MAN. t10 0 1).-111/WAltl, ABMJCIAIIOII EFS Tn. on the l'Oyatology of the Pasttana, and the Errant. Abuse. add Dimasea peculiar to th e and age of man, tle Reports an new mettmalt of treatment emplorad In Ott Inatitailett. Sent In tealed letter elopes, 'Tee acultte. Adder., 0r..1. dItILLI env N HUllliklruti, ttoward association, PlOtadelphla, t'a. j .IW:rat:ler T. etyk "341 CilisAlt OIL®: corzesn SOHO OIL WORKS. BIRO! & CO I= CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRIC4-CR Petroleum Lubricating Oil Sperm, Lord and Whi.e Otte, TAME Olt L. um 6CEASE. STANDARD WHITE BURNING OIL Ico. 3.1 r Market Street, Prrialllloll, PA. AMID FOR A CLRCVLAR. .1,7“13 WARING & KING, MIMEOS MIMS all MEM IN Petrolenin and Its Products, 4 DUQUESXX prar, PIFICTSAPV.I3II. PA. f 21111.4.1)111LPIIIA ADDIIZEI3, WARING. KING & CO.. -2,07:6111 AST liValivat sl., PIMA MINORU'S LUBRICATOR. MbotrActszed by WRITE, IMO& & CO., R. York. a Z. ROBERTA Agent, No. 1 U. Clair Street, Pitt ebtuTb, Pa. Eon. cowl tautly on band 1 VlLilin r ilfAZ. ". b ) :::.1:g.!:MOH , 1.1,13 Co •d Engine MI, Dark Car tnl, No. 1. Mini 011CoVd atteroCtt• RaftnonhoC Car Oil. o I. ine . • - - . , WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFENINg CIiCIaREGULDT'Ir. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. • JOHII WATT, FruMeat. IiXEIHT Y. LODI% 6.'7 and Treser. WOWM IN TEIIIIIIRANCEIFILLE. OMee,No. 2 Duquesne Way, • I . IN•st Baspeaucallitdro WiIIPACTIBILE2I u 1 mks 19111 Th BURNING Brand—"Luoifer." 711:1012,7 VISE OIL worms, u2nmicrcrassa or rn EUGEKA !PERM LUBRICATING OILS, And Wholesale Dealers le Crude, Relined and Lubricating Oils, BUY TOE REST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, =MEM Itanutad u ared only and for sale by T. IL .► PIONEER .PAINT WORE% N. W. Cor. ed and Market Sta., ottfl PITPSDUMH, PA. BREWER, HUME & CO., COMIIIISSION MERCHANTS, AGENTS TOR TILE Pacific, Globe & LlbettY Oil Works. AMple Morava for Crude mid Iteg d OIL Lib eral cash advent. made on eensirnments of erode or fltdried Petroleum. Yards for storage and shipment of cMele at Lawrenceville. OMee ano Waretiousa. comer nr Ikuqueane Way anal Hancock street s Pittsburgh. Wat. vnairn[Alr. &lite. "Pule las , VITZO2aoOl7ll3l.O. WICNTIMIAN ac ANDERSON. 'llennerl and Deniers in P,ETR'OLEI7 07110 E. SECOND STORY, ODENSE HAN COCA 81 5 . AND DUQUESNE WAY. =Man W7114, ! :41 J01:IT T. GRAY, zwursa Auto ems . - . , PAINTM PRUNER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 'llartd St., Pittabluth, nen .d Oinamental Wins of rim d..eriD• ',Watkins to Oda. WI WWI oq2ll pt 019017 reasonabla ors. . • It IL BROWN, Wits oftbi arm el &now& & Mornow, zioIgUS:AND SIGIP PAINTFILA. 210,44...5id enlace nr Third Ind Harter intent, P rreistmen, FA. ..I;OR SALE. pia SALE.-1, Farm of about sores Ls WilanTownshlra the wan ly. ra..altaiste about boar miles Crum the city on Tallat h irr; Tit L h :egurigt r ie 4 gores, a t=toaatile j Ltouse, s : liar/laq itar e ntinloaltts stabiles sulllcrent for Ileheael or cattle. There la • nue Tonne Orchard, prising about IS acre., idoclted-with the beat Modes of trees . It all underlaid with ooal. The land ls le • high state of cultivation. well . watvred. MIMS rood, andwoule sat ad: =teddy for dairy or strict:dna purposes. Also, 17,51 aerel adjoi nine the above, with a f l ood /came House, firtlfie House. coal boring h ' sid " nt h :A:111 aitT,; 1 1,Zrf; also all underlald with coal. • .113.3, lilacs*. sdlointes tn. above UnirarnOT ed, for sale low. Thin piece is also all underla id with coal. • • The adore the . ..Meese of Property lie between the Little flaw =1 Ititu and atsobenville roads, and the coals a t oneeached easily from either road. Tbe coil la worth all th at le Aed forts with" propene.. lso. Farmed 11:1 Mies, shoots ilySt. TM, township, Westmoreland county. , imniedl • etch - on the line of the renal. naliroad. The lm= proiemenis IN twi.story Fransti House with nee rooms and good cellar, a Frame Slant Barn, 40200 feet, and other oet-ibel,dings, There Is oa the place 4 good Youns Apple Oicar3:lleseres cleared, balance In go timber: fenring general, I lEs= d' onr li o ' o=st "d t e o" , ..gitt 7 o ' h U es7lllW, schools and blacksmith shops, toeethee wi th the personal property met, as stock. limplententa, rrab is Mu ground s ec. rosesslonglven Mme. Forturther partlvalm, enquire of rot Hai! ihiata AKent.6inTro.vrtt.TFE4.t. LOU SALE—A Farm of 2.112, -it- acres, all Under gtiod fence. cleared , '; and id fine order, balance In good deedoool hi c k or y m über, wth molt of underbruso i cleave° out; well watered and partly underlaid, with a two foot vein of alai: Road Irarya•.ceau, two buns, wagon Ueda, corn Crltir. pl pegyrbig boom, and about fourtun ILCI If • of choloellmilt, different gull:lea. ln tuts there is no i awaste land—all •an be wonted with ease. MI uted In Beaver coentr Ps.. three mill. from ggeg_ ter nation, sod twenty -love, miles from Pitts= burgh. Price Fed per acre. Coalproductionworks. new In sueoessful operatl.; daily Product. 10,001truithele, situate 0. M 0 ... g , bele river, in .P. 114 0. a- Farm, 40 acres, well Improved, IS mules from LlVOnillne ritation. On V= Western Penn sylvaala Ilailrond, lit ladle.; county, and only la mile, from the clip, all for $l, CU). Torte MC. in Ilnquesaa Borough; no lab Pro • ements; suitable fur all lands of small trait growth.. One hundred ums good farm land, four aeres Cleared, good springs: and timber for fencing and building: iota miles from Altoona., In Stale coun ty. Pa.; good road to mum all for 111,60.. • • • . inoity•two acre. to Fayette . lawnelslp, BO • a Idea Is coal; 011 fenced; Imam, barn, Sol'ehard txrerll Mink and /frame Houten In Allegheny, tone YreepArt. 241 A hots, SS by 12' fret, In Wllklesharg. Priori tdr — s . l:o emit. belence on time to so I t PSI rehire r. This le • rare eh etre for persons of small means. as tWu nations re only stout two hundred yard. from the, they are ehezp. , Terres easy. and We Olin Gin/FT, null to sell them. .12-lt Keel rat Me Arent.. Itan /fourth Meet. poll BALE, . ••••••• • A' COUNTRY RESIDENCE, AT smanr SIDE, On the PICNNSTLVANI• RaILEOAD. Wlth:a =minor. ride from the city. The Donee le en. Orel) sobetauttally lIR convenient la videarranemen hot:red) orciameitted end... It b. d told Water, .6 gee Int.. throughout. It occoplee • co...drug alto ea a lot QC to aeree, rt of xhich is the original fore., tbaccomitolar halal Well avlePl . od for Ivens ead eceretabice. Theca Is e thrifty rchard ordirea ...• • . • ?de tamoudlaga *re all ail au e, eataatallag Ytl rata atalcleacea of Ilk. causal.... FM' (MI partlealaya. apply so IS. B. BBTAZ, .11toketla Stow wid Irma Lasts, DM=IE=EII ITALUALIBLE FAUN . AT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Tbm valuably Tana @linen le Lowe Leanne townehip. Weetmoreland county. Pa., wt.! ola• leg land of .ionatlean VI hints! I, Wm. Pleven,. Jobe Johneton and otters, late the property of Tboteas Johnston, Operand. tontaining Ono Iliacuilred sad Mint y-layorma Acres. Dw e ll ing p !lo v nsad • good .am.tHayk /M rM.O ALI anent Sheen and other necemary oat baud lees. The farm Is enderlald 1.110 Coal aad LLn c act e. tad Is convenient to Churches, Mills and Schools. ••41 le within one-end-a-balt mllea of Paltaburgh, and th e Bench Unlined troll the Western Pennaylvanla ltaltroad a. the Westmoreland and New Tort Un Cool Compa nies... 4 through the feral. the farm callureness, cod desiring to ere the farm willn the undersigned cot Um premiere. V./WWII T. JuitNnort, /LOW,. Jazdtatrf with tna will enamel!. 1:311111011"ED PIIOPERTIr W set.s.x.x7. I. Lawrenceville, and Prorlusted, ad. Juicing. nosing 19 ;Mews from si.coo I. iv, M7l b. sold on reasonable terms LC anpliodtrr. woo. Magma. Wiz opportenl,/, /or further Inivernallon. apply •1 tW Reda. Late and /neural:ice tlC.ce of G. 8. IiATI2I, Jalr Bailer West, Lawrenceville. , CHEAP 1191V8E. A NEAT ANL) COMIVIITAIILI TWO STORY FR&ME ROUSE, WI. CO CO SIMS, D Locate." a ORILIIT DISTANCE BEYOND 130110.• Peon•Tlvanta Avenue Extension. Can be bought oarcataaable Sarlllll. Lol ts 0" 10.. riZEZI ITEICL & WILSON. iLEOLI6I AZD ILM/J. rirralri AOSIFTS, No. GIS expilbtald Stave VOR BALE.—A F4JI AT WALL sTATIVb. on the Central Railroad. with /rood improrehotta. 110.0, TWO WARMS AT 17AIIPAN VIA r TATUM, well improved. A COAL YAILM. C it y. Ptenbenvllle CAUrosll. eight wiles ft.mthe. Yroperly on Penn'. ave nue and Coate , remote. Improved and untoorov el, and in all parts of the mile. and tab p ard, Ati 10 TO LIT - lohulre of lailLLI rC WARD, oppoilut NO lino No . Not Otrroot - - -• DOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, ..141,72.1111VI:11.31;11;.?==lgge: latrelllag ot /Looms and Oallar. with Lot of oboat (bat froot un track of Inreet Cm, by ablatt 141 feet back:or tha Nouse srlth half the lob out he sold separately. Apply to J. 0.11A1:, !Arr. Be. •3 federal street. Allegheny, ur at No. I Id nrch'street, Plttabargh. to de3l:qOartll N. NELJAILI, AU') atLaIP. SEWICKLEY PROPERTY FOR ssr SALL—That desirable property (mita the Railroad. containing abOut TWV ACILEa. Oa which l• • two story DWELLINU Or ELEVEN BOOMS, Ititb-room. NI/Merl:lnset and all the modern ins. provetnents; beat varieties or fruit. two reapers lea. good manic , carriage home, &a. Apply to tifiralstre JOHN THOlll.alths JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and. Beal Estate Broker. JOHN D. BAILEY, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ACCTIONFJED. Haring taken oat a commis.' en as Anctloneer. effri - ird aa engagement with tile Pittsburgh board of Trade, tomato, the use of their MOMS, above th• 7hlra rthltottal flank, lam now pre, g.. " 1111 ' s . .:11:119= ret i , a :itft A ' tg o aVol'e rooms or on the prentima. Perticular. attentloa paid. a. heretofore to the eale of Bell Lame.. the sale. rale. of Wel listate la the eoantrF attended. Ogle% RUM Fourth Street. noon AUCTION SALES HOUSES AND LOTS IN ALLE GHENT AT AUtTION.—WiII be offered on the yrradses, on THUICISDAY, February 14th. at 2 o'clock, the two betel hours of aloe rooms oab, NM. Al and 113 Braver street, between (Belo street end North Common, Lola bo by :S. Poesuslon Ayres Ist. Terms, belt cash, balance In two peso.. tetra ►. WV:MATE A CO VA LUA LE DANK, RAILROAD 1 X AND OTHER 3 COCIDS AND RONI3I6 B .SXURDAT EWENINU, Feb. Mb . at 1'.3 o'clock, will be cold on ticieofte moral' COM =owlet unwc licrorec, De thaltbeeld Week. . • • • . N Oar. Necond National Lank. 13 •• Venn rylvan la Elliman Company. U. 6 . l'ennsylvaula Insurance Company .33 • • 12.1.3 •• Colon rarktlkatlng Company. .11 •• •• hien Allegheny VO galleon!! 7.140 o thy A. Mel LW WAINIn. Auctionßeer.nn e C. C..49.X.NCir.133C0, DZA.LEIt Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, tozievriait - vcr-ehman, AND French (Mocks, &a. ,E 4l lr i zt ag iTen to the REYAMING Dr _ .ro. Fillh Street. W Ag i F y WES, (LOCKS, JEW SILVER PLATED WARE IP .A.. MtT C 7 -sr 1:3- CO CO 37:1 lEg • EL M. OF -RIMS, 37 Ohio Street, Allesitefly, Aravnym , Den-iwp,elllMll l ll H. J... LANCE, = DYER AND SCOURER, C 323 Cants Window Curtains and chair Curers Cleaned 1I s Reglase4 without unpacking. Nos. 135 and 187 Third Street, Betweco Wood .od ,tizaltbdeld PITTSBURGH, PA. I= V:111)4134fzi0).!CIAI ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO • Boldlers'of 1861 and 1869. All who served three rods are CU titled 10111110 bottrav those serving two years. 8.61): or who ^".elm =the/Wed la ressortor wounds; Or they h 2 hree Alforaha Extra Pay I. doe Volunteer °Moen In the aciTice March Isas.and discharged, mastered Out, or re.signed since A tau 9. I. l'e:linami.—rerenently disebled are anti gee to 915. 920 or $25, according to doggne of W. J. i BALL PATTZESON. Ana. II wawa Aft...L. Pia...arch. P B. F. BROWN, =I Local Claim Agent. Si 8411 rd C 0.31 4 ONlee, No. 67 Fourth Street, (SECOND 71,0011.) Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, 'tontines and Accents ' of Pay Promptly Collected. 2(0 charge made until claims are settled. and tlitiqmt a mode[ ate fee. mv=:Val soLDrpts , BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, Ste conemd in the Shortest possible time, by A. e r t. ll3 tirL. not:maw ., Omen, .g.7ll.:riegfulltftwai& A LIDEMPIAN. , —.II49. L. BUTEt.. sitR E A LA ZNI) Ottn Nl V/Liarr um .—LaW, bonds, Mundane, Lewd,. to.. drawn neatly rtirk ir wig ri. a .. / . 44 " f n e A prlnelW. conveyane s e lo toe Iste law Y eren 16 ram d itrertrOk. Who will also attend tO the Pexamlnatlon Of Tltlev. Derosl- lions taken la pldly. accurately and neatly. /WM.... DroktPt • r attended to. lalitcl4.lleT JOlOl A. STRAIN. AT4Ia3EMILIALELIDT, -0111c1o, Justice of the Peace. AND POLICE MAUTSTRATZ, Oace, 112 Plitti St. opposite Cathedral, 127128UY.011, PA. Nedo, Donee, Meng Dep.:winon, Awl All Lemke tlget ' Aeal ex 11tat_prproptalsa seldtLtapatell. tnylettl WILLIAM LANCET, NOTARY e I . IDILW, JUSTIC/t 07THE PEACE. AND ItY&L ESTATE MIENS% 041m...corner of Botha .ad them. streets, Laerreheirelille. JCL& = U tTit Vireer " rteltiVdte NeNatlzug Lr eekhottlAWent ot. all lauds Justice of the EZ. l :olAzroalgfau. mamas EUSTACE S. 81011110 W, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue, loot of the Maria sai oppoefa DaAa. Stresi m :we CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, No: GO Grant Street, pittatntriab, Pa. n a i r 11 C. ILILCKRELL, ATTORNEY& aonasEtunt AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBIMIGH, PA. Istr11:b1:1 JOHN C. 111101.1331.1311, ATTORNEY AND COMMOR - AT UW, No. 87 Fifth Street IMESS=MiMI 1:): orij fzia :4 :I:iff pirrrssunGu lIIIEWEII-1. CARSON, DARLINGTON 116 CO., .CIEs, ULM m HOP nuns, • ND. T. BTU, Wlll. J. STEEL & IMO., late r • Purarrno lim IMODUCZ eUlt• Min.llo2i MZECILAMTP, receive and sell run r, cans JAW, Mrs and Hann, Banos, Lard, nt. , . Dn... Zan& ork. Gremi and Dry malts, rmaaom, Llme. ga, Yarlica la.r attention_ paid to and Gram Peed, Feathers. OD Barrett, Hoop ldes, Um sala of to.elen and mutt redta, NO. 1311 Atrclt. Final:omb, Ps. re. situation ot &be custom= °fine two duets J . es NEIVIIntra particulaa if luvlted to cur 13= JOSIIVA ROOMS 411 CO, POtatoolt WM. W. AiIIDEINSON, ALES AND PORTER; Wltteh, throogb tae earethl selection of Malt Com our tentive enottlag fse ll ttloo sod IiONI from re tLe 7.1. Sleet end W..t. tre eta ours:Mee to In D and alueseeory tbe Undo. Oar LNIel/LIL . ttol boes , l4/017 recommended b74iinr i or rrgetsr.l bo parsleutor to leave nob ord ain b it Gap! ad. ,Lalog Ode old Brewery. or at 01100. Cirttr dhillene Isrud Whitney, 606:1320 /MIMS info. • S. S. TOM.. • 0110114.11 11.:10,15 '1"I LHaving ft...ensued the old estsbnahed Btrez? nsthe. ALL7.(III7SNI BRIMS= for. :itself owned by Camnnell A Steens:. Its eroald Inform ttm subtle SIMI VC Ontendeontintani - • • EEN WATE ALES 14.1 e treat num eyries Wa g . hut ne , ts oer tethitles sad long .petbsabe La the beetnese, b• feel eattelleti that era Ell be enabled $ efte ent4re setialbetlon w thaw Who =avatar . as with EIVICEMS 465 Rebecca street, ALLEGIEENT CITIL Pl.ll orders lers al BROWS t OILILHAY4I, 103 Liberty aim; Pittsburgh. NI Wpm:aptly sittaded to. cooldn W. D. caDL o n. a. Boon T. ILIAJWID POINT MALT 11011:1110L W. H. GAIIRAED & 00., IffalStars, Grail' and Bop Dealers, Ito. 17 Wallet Itr..l sad res. I salt I PIMA navel. PITTSBURGH, PA. MerrAnni =rpm cor HOEMI STEAK EESWERY RUMS 081 r "118 Ale, Portei and Brown 3tott.t, PITISBEIRGII, PA. 11.1181 MT WATSON, Usages,. kilkdli Lavita:JElviga . : , (!):4:l GREAT lIEDIICTIONS IN PRICES BOOTS, SHOES AND EWERS THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street, Be tw sea Third and /earth Streets. PrAIatItE.TILLO. taLEB, &Nem= & co., lIIICCXSBOES 1 a. A. aostrasont * DIAIJLIS cx BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, ./ro. 81 Market Street,. Blear Fourth, PrITSISIIRGU, 12:=:1 A WIDE 441111 CRESS ABM VAL UP BIIIIINEIR BOOTS, 8110 ES, Germs And Balmorals, :net received, wed will De ooWes the VINT LOWEST PRICES, either Wholeosle or Bata. C Vs • CALL /13,011 roscrilliirie ILES • riale & W. C. BORLAJND_ No. NI Market street, rd door hum et. a?C)Zia /11LLI4 Lrtemise & BRlrcx FIELD/Li . —•••• : • =I cluestores. 3tQe►de • Bons, SHOES & GAITERS, N 0.140 Ohlo St, Allegheny. .ttmer , las Prompey incoola io , tbe war CONCIELSS'N MERCHANTS WILLIAM SUCCESSOR SO MILLER & RICKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS =I Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets PITIISBIJBOU. PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. 8C ConeLantl7 on banEL COPARTNERSHIP. HAIDERSIGNEDMa r HAVE AS- Mt.! olth Mem In all mbo; of thei hoeMees. JAIL L. DUNBEATIL The name Arm will maleness he rebtbee. 111= F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, Lad Xlitethellarelll of - LI Jae I = l.. 120 OIL; New Bacon. Beef and Tongues. Kin be ready for deltrery oa llonday, 24th loot., Choice Bogor...Cored Ham; Do • do do Beef; Do do do Beef Tongues; Do do da Dreakfart Bacon; Plain Cured Bacon Shouldm; Do do do !Mel, At redeeed prices sod of excellent duallty. Prom this date we •11111 he resularly supplied with all ankles In the Pstosislon trade. Ja10:1311 CHICAGO FLOGS AND GILADI 8 4 0 0 17/031. lIIIACKENBOSS & C OFFICE: N 0.413 Liberty tHreet, Up Stairs, I.lttallzmaxvia, P a. • All trade. otIVINTIMANDBpra NO WHEAT fLo Lai kept constantly on nano and for sale to tee trade atnbe very lowest market_ t01e... Nnolesate Buyers supplied direct trona Went= WLs Iselow BILEWEB, BIOME & CO., COMINBSION MERCHANTS, AtaLWISS YOB 2 . 111 Pune, Globe* Liberty 011 Works, /Unit atones for Crude sad E.t.a OIL Lib. oral cub advaao. male gm acrtudirstataara of Cream or Raffnad Vatrohtla. Yards for same sad al/lomat of (bads 01.1 at latrnacottlia. OM. wad Warthog.. Corn. oiDgoataha Way and Hancock stmt. Intuborgb. layle.a24 Y. IVMMUS. bVI:XLL & MCGRAW, !We .lAm JOSEPH BOBS, Wholesale A. Betall Deniers le GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS. Re. 19 DIA =wads Pltealtnarets WeAstboals faralshed ee ehorlest sollee: A eaatlhoesea of the patrol/Age of the old stead speettally so/leltea. ' uTclusz 00 ON MIMS Fleur, Grail, Seeds, Mill Feed, die. matlmm I=l 7. .... OMB & KENNEDY . , PICODUCZ COMILIMUON ItIItcHAMTS nol Mmale Dmisr. PUAZIUN AND DON 26- rsurra. BALT.7 OUB. BErrrialglin IDIASOZA cqns. Kettaraily, N. T 6 NA VA Ma CIA DEIDA4 Depot„AlAzemANT b r . A .. . n a AAenta Ibt the Ws of P. T. Una's. Inman'. and J. Kum Ult. • ADl4:lyd 00.1121131381011 MEs RanB And dealers In Moor. Grath, /wed end Pt.lnee. Caen often.. nude on eonatiensnents. Warehouse. No. 396 PEYR biILEZT. opposete Union Depot, ritut.rsh, Pa. jrkfZ !OM 4.4.1114211/ IN= Pp KNOX is BON, Commission 1118011 ANTS sad lleslus is 1%01714 SEWN. MILL 713:D sa4l/30D11172 messi ly, Na. 19 iukoad..Ploodl. Oltlsall.llL ahaa7olty. 1.17:1117 DAY. CRAWFORD. COIIIMIS• OTL 7V N A t i t! WA Vag LT! C B MI I t sa4 LAY, Se. Warektoason and Mon. No.. WI sad MI MIX lITCIALT. Mono tandem& Co. • •• collohod. oci aux: • ..—. ..a. a. AMMO ArBANE & BION MCHANTS sad en la 11.01111 GUAM mt MUDD BOMA strut. bid - wean Woad sad Beolthlkald. Plttsigatts. UM at 707M...J01t1f LlClqt-4. A. 6832',AND & 11111EPARD P C MdaaMaguaaddealarsln /Fonda *ad Maw. Busse4 Chommk ffit ". =Az TZpri l , lquseurg '49°13. LITTLE. • ; PATTON, =ftlaliltamaa. Coamentaa 'Enemata lattb Ptolaaa ?lan. aen. Wa. Callan sad /.‘"Cell. Law H elan. Comas Ism sal all Puta • • • matt re* DEMI= & 112.08.Ccoessors AA to Ramer • emu' Dealer. la Poralra Volta, and Bp Rotte=l.l=ZeSAtir": JOHN im'ciairnar"Vosaistis " on NaL rock. ~ . lu ra / . .f'l2.ar k Aas . All sad IK4I Iff host Mast, 1751 O Lawny street, PitutrazgO. Whol•- n. , ll.firbast and *Wan V.... rut,Poor .2a '! * " ...11. • &e. But YIR r EDDLFfo. Libertyjilt ft u=bl;=l,. Fe 4l e. ris so/ Plitabiagb masmtactures. (Nab advan -.• OBT. DALL7:ICM. & ni. Gramm Ciamailstieu sag lortrartilag =twits .ad dealers Ia Praises and PlUsbargh abieturis, bit Liberty sired, Pitts burgh. • 34! . 1.,i: • !` unary_ and j Cm:canton Ilarcnante, mr i tti hi fir,gar= ,/n , , NG. U Kunst litruf, cornet oFFlra...Arnadit r r JAMES 'MIZELL It SONlltanu. barna. Winners oadird 011,,and Jonudadoakl for the paransa• and aof °rads and JOIE! I. HOVME4 snos4set czsaosa To Jams L. HOTTAth%. WING- Ws Wooers sat Oommluion litsrensaTk Tft osa ff. Itiolttdield sad Rasa KtaY. flUsbla. gionolusEnt& LANG,. Whole, •-• Dia Mated Malawi*. Apar. t Grath, F. Elm Preinalams. Ilf/4 cur% ali on. Elm and 17graeasulaat, osararomasnstraat, • I . ' . vi' • es. sala Groom Comarladet Merchants. natt dukes In Prodeoe.• • 10 Watar /Ansel sad IS SIBIIPTON 84 1 VALI ACE, Ili hole. •••• sale 010DOKBA ANDIMODIICY DZALISS. Ne. Stritt Wait. Mtn= tg. 1112:rhe JOHN FLOYD A CO.. Wholesale 14.08V4Ma1. • Ns. • Di Weed .4 We street, elttebarida. I•q.i.F L O: I ,II H - EN-RY - 43 4 . HALE TERQHANT TAILOR; Northwest Corner or Penn &St. clap St.. Madre. barb:lllo=U to his Stlead• sa4 tat ~ ,Ptiglir IT,T o l ,br r from sad res•••=1 1 ;7.1 4 1 •• pleated habavettubst= " a 12. Lugs and Carefully Selected Stock or Fine Woolen Good s • l'atilshastil adikned to • ityntl• 1111 111 .111i1t DEDIICED PIUCEfi; , , to caso KR Ell V3lll MI it BOY'S CLOTHING We an arena, Speetai Inausiumu. PRICES VICELLOW. anal , a Loess, No. .a NU Vlolr Street.. AMUSET!ENTS• arLECTUBE BY THE REV. COL, J. B, CLARK, D. M. . . On Tuesday Ereaing, Feb. 1216, 1867, Rt the United Presbyterian Church, (14u. W. J. eed . s, neves tit street.) Per the benatit of the hammed Fresbytertan Mission Sabbath School. Sutures: I•EltiliT 1101.18.15.” ; "GOOD WA tinS,” ••SODESIMIS adtalssioe '23ecne r T iDcko e or t o o p -bnet h l a ' t o Sc o k ck o M re e s t s er d 'lined ccmmence at VI pructral.T. • far TIIEATItr; CONIIQUE. fIEOAIS W. W MILL= ILLIAM! THEME!4DOUIS ISCCOPSI TUESDY £VENIISIO, TrlVaitT 11, /WM e c . Matt of the treat Ortelatat /airy apec. tacle, nu . .. act., .1411..1 ' CHEFS= /131 i PAIR XTAile wLich Ire fmleeed. ibr the feet Um* In 111 'ILM4I/I',l4° , 2;ll d a:t,elaitra:r ii .gi •u 6 Intrleate plea of seeehentsts. never When prodneed to Ws city, repreteallee • THE BLOOMING ALOZTBME.: E.wday Al t•TllNlit—Glltltd Otlt ltatiyee. tatratERGEMLIE LIBRAS! GEO. ALFRED TOWNSEND WILL LECITIBE AT ACADEMfr OF MUSIC. Thursday &ening', Feb. 1667. Subject.-‘Europe drusedP Ticket.. 30 cent.% No rise:Tell cesla. • Door. op= 47. Lectors at 7kl o'clock. iff.'ll. l loM. Jr.. I Vlrirlitifirsh. BEND. 7. JENNIJiOI3. 10. Y. .417.11/fE, 7. N. Actr.L7.lk. lecromlneo. fe11372 arlitLiliONlC MILL. Behan of the Favorite, PROF. J. iIiCILLISTER. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, IPESSITABYI.2,I2. U. 111 Mil 111, With a new and n0 . 0..1 .. 5e10s of eXpirtiasott Sn We t( PRESTIOITATORIALISH. 100. One Hundred 100. PRESENTS . will be dl.trlbnted each ernang with the aaaa Ilberality and impartialitythathan,eharacter lzed ta. previous eatertahmenta. • Ad.lsalon. 33 coats; Iteocevat !luta, '3O Cent.. Doors open at 7 o'clock: commence fens2l MrILLIUSTBATED LECTURES ON GEOLOGY. BT P&01. GVUISG, la the WESTERN llEllirit72llll . to conmence TILL/IDLY, let, 1211 t. pedal prominence trill be given to the Living guanines of the Science; the Prophecies aiteren throurb Nature; tins Origin ofapeeter, n_ i re or Man: Distribution of ths= 4 W t erlb. of the (Hobe, kn., A. • , I Psor. UniniAllecture Wt griming vac en* the Men g and entertaining we fume e'er beard on • scientific lehlßL—Berfen Journal. . • e has accusal. and' extensive knowledge, wdeceiv hich fully quaglite Us as • public teacher.—b. Avant. The lecture. trill beaia promptly.; They .111 be fully illustrated by a wits of Wry fossil., •bc•• ac• steams for the Coarse orals lactates, 111. YO: irr.llllf. a 5 teats. To be had at Reck Stoma. and at du door, and from mina of the Univerrity. fea;sal FAIR AT nitAnw DOCIV3 FIELD.—The ladles of ft. Thomas• Catholic Church (Bow. W. I. Bolan will laid a Grand lair, at ODD YLLLOW6• HALL, Braddocra held, tononentlag WM. I.ICdDLY EVT.NING. February atit. Del. M:121 MM=;=i= ay - Prior. CORPEWS DANC ING ACADEMY AT WILEDIE HALL. FOURTH STREET. NEAR Neer clams now tonoulE, On Tboraday's awl estord ere Morten and Wee.' aim ou r. on tlemen.s Class ar.l4, erealog. NOTicl—Onad Soiree on Friday', motor. February Int. Osman by =Mutant at 14 o'clock. Dancinl to commence at 110 , 01000 pre cisely. Tickets can be bad of the =pile of Prof. Cowper only. taian OVJ;_ds:)sdexer:Nzirg yytivaell ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY, moximsamon:flan. GAS AND STEAM FIITKIIS, Core Sixth and BREHM Sts., PTITSBITAGEI. PA. Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Sta. All Meese!' Water. des =4 Stearn Platens constantly on bead. ADDY, WILLIAMS 8 _BARTLEY. 13=19 WOOD ' eupiPUMPS, linds Inn ~Bydrasts, Meal Lob. Elms Elm of , Lod Pipe, Beth Tabs. Maks. WO, r Claes, Was& Hulas, Wass Blau% Be., at Corner Stub and Sadafield Biretta, • Anorluiartat doe. womptlis_ _ AU =lan by mall lzatoediate7 w. %UM fl. ...............:sJOIXSON HERLEEIT k JOHNSON, 1.14-ELCOPICLAX• Embers, Gas and Steam Fitters, rum STRUM EXTZNISION. .t. 3.111 015311.1.1r6,33.• Pn . . - AU orderiby exenate4 sattsfactorlly and 'promptly at. of to. A fall U of Bath Tabs, Ammo, 8.., Water Closets, Slats, CU:lad/ors: Paa4ants. .4 efJ Atomics tor' sale .t Um avast ressonabla pekes. Union from oonnUT patrons by rasp, prompt. ly am.. to. • nut M. of seer/ 4esotiptloa... BAILIFF, BROWN & CO„ SC! 3Pereleral t. Aizzarmrs• czrr. pIAIMBEIIfr GAS AND STEAM PIPL ItITTZ keep olwoya oa lama a salortaont' HIUULANTII. allgrr LILA.I). LEADPIZZ, NAVE TUBS, WJLEE Da. MB, MOW .520) MARS 015C2:11. sad .7/ soli* rife las Mai oil Wino ar prirsto baildlaaa vlth U/J5. arlTiltor MAIL, Worm purnutriv, . Gig IND ST 1.1 FITTEN,, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, SMUT MUD ; Water Closets and Wash Studs, TOX T. EWHNO, Cauxonor q awns a C 0..) lad Wood 84,PIttallranly IPa. wow DLIThIBING ar fl i tg ul AND STEAM. ocreisny mem. to b';and Pm. 14411 von:men. A A 5i1101011.41101 UAL NMI* SINKS BATH 111111 • - W." ' “":34M32II IIyyDZANT Constantly =hand and matte Act Mon. TALTZI itrinTrElian. No. 59 Yetteral ROW jam ÜbatS atms.- COMMON MACHINE HVirg7r imams. Earthmen Omer at Wei Onamos, AISZOISMIT. YAZD'S 4LIVATIN i VG; TUT* era lunct or prows ou abaft Avila, NZANTTI AND Irrywlnnii FLAGS MI ANI RAH !MINN% AZ ik eu . /Wert' en NemaNDT ezetztatl. riacraam N I ECES/M=l FOR TlMllra.v. TEIL—Yor • mod COMelre er01,2 •ot oLer ElichaartonalliAgo to Allie_ersat et. Plato Act& /Fancy COAL OCUTTELB, Beol ALA Mai a•O nom COMO On Cook- Lig Oyect and other.twiretttot lhotaara. tu t a a Vem,Water Coad toul el *taw . at •r. V. DIM Want 144 emit West ebespl•••aol Ormot or, PIANOS! t—Artentire ...stack oriIiABitOO.IIPLIEUI3, Melt are soy conaderedttak best suutc,also MO% CILLIIIIICATED MIMS: mos pool= upward. Palm's In want 01 ► Int alias Plano rtimcie t ations elmorttere fully lailled to M • t aid examine beim • • doll CHAILIMTLIrE BUMS. TN r--- •,,,, ~„.4 f .... ..,.. .;z: , aZt An 1 i t } o 1 BE OE ME