IRE PITTSBURGH. GAZETTE. I=3 PENNIMIN, REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, No. Be F 1.11413. Mt - root. F. B. PENN/MAN*l.Edllory. T. P. 111011SITON, JOSIAH. ILISU f gulua liEs t p , Mani nomn.lialsay.,s ll= Maxie Ocrplei • 3 cent , Delivered by carrier, (per vrtek)..—... 13 cwelta. Neil , übitcyltary, (per year) ' Liberal reductions to Newsboys ant """' ll= • . C Coptc., per Scar. by ..... l'lve 40. Jn. Jo. rub Ten nr to one one tree tr. club. ............... CITY ITEIVLS. A ititleini n, remarkable for Mr 0 , ,t1y, wilie.l where he obtained his nieni4, u. ibis bill of fare must be exceed -1117,13i:0dd, slim, be appeared to be grow ing iiirger and larger every day. The rmlly sea, , , "At the Continental ha -laon, dext dear to the Postolllpe, on Fifth ntre..ii which Is kept up that prince of ern eurer-Hiolnhelmer." The aneiver was pert and Lei the 1,0100, for at the Continental the 10,010 to be obtained In ihti City are daily I:vrved up at the:, most reasonable , or prices. Game—the rarut, eVmhe, Sisb, amt 'averytniag to-tntopt thane at*. are .orvc!il up to a better style than • mild Professor Riot indicate, and If you eat .ne meal gotten up Ly 110Itztelmer at a few Motes notice, you will forever bestow ym patrongo on• this pinto stone." • Any of onr Renders lillioweinta due srlielo or , Table 'OR wilt Ilmt n 'superb article at Fleming's Drug 'Store,,lfo.l4 Market streM. l We ka . fe tried lhis'7 I, and speak knOarirgly, angrit can be kali at a reasonable price. Remember Ilerning's establishm e nt when you want anythlngin the Drug or Perfumery line. art IndueelOonts ForyOUto buy your Boots and Shoos, et the - 4.lfleZa Houk Shoe Store aro now hole; of :feted,ltti the next eLtty dnys. You actual- Gods at whatever you choose to give for.them--golng Into the Wholesale trade 'and must close out the present, tittickh,t , - Aprll Ist, sure, Sixty days wo are going to do wonders and can prove •It to you. Call at No. flo Filth street, thogrcat .opern llonSe Shoo Store, and we will show you we moan. what we All Ch Waas WI conned Irons and vegetables aro to insppet.l.llo .sortulent kept by Geo. !leaven, at 117 Federal street, Allegheny City. , Drugs nod Medicines. : Doctors' prescrlptious , carefully prepared at half the usual pricy, at Fultou'e Drug Store, °preen° Vostodice. • , •1 he BEMS Bargain you ever had In Boots arnt Shoes, can now he had at the celebrated Opera 11°4S:0Si - toe Store: = Ooielgn.Liquare of nil kbalfg at Joseph 8, Pinch's Dlstiller7, 183; 191, 193 and 135 httlit street, Pittsburgh. • • You Cua Buy :Id per cont. Alcohol at JosePil New Too Qua Boy New Bops at Joseph S. Finales. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS ; The Madera, small pox, and yellow rower am prevalent. at St... Thomas, West Indies. Quito au Interesting variety. Over ,7uo per have died or cholora In live weeks. . A tiro in San Francisco, TeStanley, au Yel uom street, acstroyea several houses., .Los Sar,crao. In Baltimore, on Sunday night, James Young, Jost:math:6vLs, Wm. Cadet), Joseph Clemens, Thus. Bath and John Megan are supposed to have been drowned by the cap sizing of a boat to the harbor. Col. Carrington, of the Eighteenth Infs., trY. - While on Ids way from‘Fort Phil. Kear ney to Fort McPherson...was necidentallY wohndal, by his revolver striking hls sad die and ailing off; logging a ball in his leg. The ball woe extracted, saving amputation. ' In }he Supremo Court, of Chicago yester day a new trial WWI granted in the Stewart - divorce ease, and • /cave granted Mrs. S. to amend her complaint. This declaims was sought by the lady. The treasury of Marion county, lowa, wee robbed on Sunday night of over forty thou sand dollars. No eine to the robbers. The larrest fire that ever occurred In lit tawn, Illinois, took place on Sunday night 4estroling clue houses, mostly storm Loss, ♦lO,OOO. A. stabbingadray occurred lu Chidago, on Walla street, near Adams, onStuiday night, in which a man named lirennock um se verity Injured; ho wUI probably die. Application so aisaut to bo made to the United States authorities for a force suffi cient to prevent depredations by robbers to Anderson county, Kentucky, the Governor being - unable to fin - Mah State troops for want of elnolent military law. • Governor Iliumtette, GI Kentucky, has received sms,oto from the United Staten to wardajliquidating the Kentucky war debt. A Colored high Ed:1001 opened •in Louis villa yesterday. • George 11.. Wiggle was robbed by high waymen at Chelsea, near. Keaton, on Suter day night; 0110,000. • Three incendiary fires. at Memphis on Sunday night. IthitorPs receipts for leer nights in Nora ran.up t0e7,000. - _lt a ttadleal meeting at Memphis * on Sat. =day night, a negro attempted to speak, but was ruled out of order. FROM HEW YORK. Destinations In Nora. enrollna—ilm Yellow rover in time .11WeIrt Indica— Paris Expoodelon—AL Defaulter', New Tone, February 11, 1567., nrariorriosi I 1 2tOlllTll O.A.GOLIXA. • The pecuniary stringerielcl are so great is Pitt county. 'North Carolina; that the people recently compelled the Sheriff to burn open his writs and executions return - ahle tit Court, refining' to ho ejected from "their hornet, being ridable to pay. " Itestltu .tiOrk 16 evident all the State. The :Alla/are has passed a rtllet bill Postponing Pasindcrt, of debts for twelve mouths. The negro., were greatly troubled by the exploits of &baud of regulators, who had madman oath todispossess every• negro In the B t.t.C ., hie property, and, with that end in view, were stealing their horses. • • onetime, 'evitx..ror ewe 11=LO% , raven. The steamer More Castle arrived from 11.[111a on the - Gth. The new. Is meagre. The cholera, eniall•pox and yellow lever still prevail at rt. Thema& Over seven hundred persona died of the formes In rive weeks. I= . A cable dispatch today announces tho info arrival at ilavre of the ail Ifarpswill and Mercury. containing articles contrib. Mad by tho [Talton +Mates to the Paris Es. • . ♦ D.ACII.VdeI3 PLEA • • At the examination. of George NA:uric, tan. to-day. on .0 charge of the embezzle , ment Of public money while special agent of the Treasury Department at Memphis. the prisoner claimed that the matter had been fully investigated by Ole. Risley, of the Treasury Department, and by a tot:o -rnate° of Congress, and that ho had been completely exnuerstted by both.. 1117itTNO Tub SHIP DAAIIINO,VAVIi. The ship Baehiog Wave„ from San Fran deco, struck on Barnegato Micah, yesterday and being got afloat trunk inside Sandy Hook. NO.infeS lost. YELLOW 'OVER, ON var into Ore. Panama advice 4 Rays that tire yellow fever iv raging on the rotted States chip Jameato•ro, the deaths averaging one or two daily. The Inver was epl , leinic oa tho LIOOTOX OIEETSII . 3 sot°. . Item. Dr. Chetver!,, chorrh was sold to Tltrany £ Co., *no 0111 ortot ttore on the 'Air.o.ol‘lll,ltY. The bonded arnrehotuit..-ot. 1111ter &Congo, Wuter street. was rolduul on Sunday nlunt or alike, owned by A. T. stewart, valued ut FROM 1110111,;,E, Drain:etlva Fire on lannclay I Lops nearly .% Yl.llllort Ilder.its,-Feb. IL—A. tiro at :goblin, Ala, on Sunday night, caused u Ines of putout. 1, gored for sneo,ooo. The prlompal sunerers ere: • I. Smith. Dinrshall A Co., Jackson, • Burns & Goode, Freeman A Fosdick, Id. For. ehelmer, grocers; - Idolitheley It noon, Hold. ots, Goode S Laborer, onion factory, IMCo,Denciall, Clark A Co„ Daboses A. Co., druggists. Fader A I.llsaver, wholesale hardwares W.+ ll:Crockeslon, Stetson A. Co., hcKttand shoes antlers, Co., A. New man, Clothing; Arnold, bat dealer, Benson, Sage...t Co.. saddlers; W. T. Trait:, mockery. Tile original me fire Is unknown.. 2.... 4_ •••• • s• "*. = • - , p u p .'t . - 111111 L Neti. •-• N I - ft a,, !1- z g•-•' 4 I 50 . 173 VOLUME LXXXIL---NO. FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK, A. M EARLY TELE'GRAES, FROM EUROPE. Reform Demonstration in London. REEK ,3111ISTER TO THE (REED SIMS. The Property of the Italian Church. PROPOSED TURKISH REFORMS, RATES Or CADLIS DirrAronrs. Lownon, February 5---Erening.—lt has bum officially ittrinOinned by the Cable Coot .pany that oa and after the anet day of March the rates by this cable sidll be reduc ed one-half. Braun, February :.-I...7reuirsg.—The King or Prussia has closed the Diet. Ho thanked that body for the Cordial a4sistance given tum, and hopcd.for Dorman unity, pointing out the necessity oT peace at .13onie and abroad. The King and speech were enthu siastically recelynd by the people. =I Ft.otracx, February 10.-baron 17.1coltsa utaiut to Introduce la the Italian Parliu• meat u hill lu regard to the property of the Church. 1=39 Losnos, February 141.—A dispatch !rem Constantinople announeeo that. the Sultan has resolved to emancipate his Christian subjects from political disabilities,. anal has Issued a call for the assemblu; of a Turk ish Parliainent. This Intellitrence caused a rise In Turkish funds. O6ELIC ENVOY TO ANIZZOI'.I. ATM aE, Eeb r a ary 10.—General btreek envoy to the United States, sailed on the tith ler !merle:, • • rumtcu 60.1E1[3 mg at - rt:n Fame. Feb. ll.—lt w pooiltlvely nunonn ecd that all the Freae4 aoldiers will. bare left Mexico by the 2.itla of February. itaroatt VSMOASTUATION. Lesbos, Feb. 11 —A great reform process elm will march in silence through the prim• clpal streets of the city, but will give three cheers es they pass the American Embassy. Advice., from Madrid report that threo editors have been condemned to tmprtson• meet and hard labor. nETrIIS rr.og ILEISCO As - mime, Teb.ll.--It is confidentially en .peeted that the Belgian legion, now serving under MIIFICCIIII/111, will soon return home. II Is stated teat Mr. irlansell will produce in Parliament %plan or reform to bo adop tedbyresoltition. The idea is favorably re ceived In political circles. I=l Lav cure., Feb. 11—Xeon.—Tbo Cotton market fa firm, at 11%.1. lavanpooL,Feb. 11—Evening.—Breadstuffs and. Corn dechning—selllng at :On ad. Pork easier. Lard heavy and doll. Tallow steady. Petroleum; relined Is, sdig IC6 ad. • Lon DON, Feb 11.—E.rening—Consols closed at al for money; Five-Taentles,7l. 1.1-10; Illi nois Central. Snit Erie, M . A.% FRANK/011T. f eb. 11.— Evening.— halted Statas bonds advanced one-eighth_ • Livtaroot., Feb: yl.—Evening.—Cotton un changed and steady. TRIRTI-NLNTR CONGRESS. (P4SCOND REVISION.) W.I.6IIIIVOTON, Feb., 11, EOM P.ATIIICATION or THE AMENDM ENT. The CHAIR presented a certificate of the Governor of VIII% atteating the retitleallOn of the Constitutibnal Amendment, by the Legislature of Ohio. Ordered, to be laid on tho lII.r.WILSON reyarted adversely on the bill to allow members of Congress to serve as Directors of the Asylum for Disabled Volunteers, where they have bees elected • directors before their election to Congrem. The bill was indefinitely peeiponed. or mon rs. Mr. SUAIN Eft offered a resolution instruct ing the Judledary Committee to inquire into toe etpetileneY of emendicir the Civil Rights bill to extend its that when the residents of any State, being citi zens of the United Slates, are debarred from ally privileges of citizens of such States, then all cases arising out of any of fence against any curb residents of the one part and any citizen of such State, not de barred from any of the privileges thereof, oaths other part, shall be heard and deter mined by the courts of, the United States, and not by the courts of the nixie. Sir. Sumner naked for the immediate con sideration. . . t5.11.71...411L111" objected; und"tbe reso lution goes over. TSE ArlollllllB,lT OP P&OVIBION.kl. GOVCII air. CHANDLER moved the Senate take up the resolution offered by him on Satur day last, Instructing the Judiciary Commit tee to Inquire whether Andrew Johnson, Vice President and acting President Of the United Suites, had any authority to ep. point Provisional Governors for the States recently In rebellion. Mr. CHASIDLER said: I think this reso lotion very Important at this time. If. the President had no authority of law under the Constitution to appoint Provisional Governors for the States lately In rebellion,' then the action of those Governors falls. There have been no governments octal-' liehed over these States if the Inception itself was illegal. Now, sir, I desire that the Committee on Judiciary should make early report upon this subject. it In duo to the Fri:midi:at, and to the country-, that these points shall be settled, anal settled at un early day. I am not a lawyer. and am hardly competent to decide for myself still less for the Senate, whether there was any such authority. We know, Sir. Pr.'. dent, that when Andrew Johnson. through the bullet o J. Wilkes , became dent-of the f United States, booth the rebels Pres'. had laid down their arms, and all of these rebel States were bold by the military power. Andrew Johnson had a right to appoint Military Governors, not only - for every one I Of the States lately in rebellion, but for every city, bait he seen tit so to is. The ' laws of war -axe as well understood as the Constitution and laws of peace. They reg ulate and control all civilized nations. When President Lincoln desired is govern -meet in Tennessee, ho appointed Andrew Johnson Brigadier General In thearmy, and as a Brigadier General in the U.S. army he appointed him Military Governor of Ten nessee. -This he had a right to do as Com manclerdn-Chief ; but, Sir, it was another •and different thing to appoint a Provision al Governor. I believe, Sir, It is an °Mee .Unknown to the Conetilution and laws of our government, and an ollice which In nay Judgment be had no authority to create. These Govoroosa were nottient to the Senate for confirmation, nor would It hare made them any more Govern°s if wo had eon ' firmed them, because the Senate and An drew Johnson toglithereould met have cre ated the office 11 there was not the author ity of law- ' then it required the Bonsai of ' lieprosentatives and the Senate and An drew Johnson, having Unit enacted Is 111 W creating the Milo, before an entree CO - 111:1 Inn appointed. Under the laws of war, as I have said, we heal a right to hold these States by military power and forces. These laws of war have been changed from ago 10 ego. They - are arbitrary. They are simply the will of the conqueror. Calder the laws Of war In ancient thnes„ ini 'loners were re morselessly put to death. These laws. from age to age, botanic modified; but as Into :::1 J WY. lirie, the laws of war empowered the conqueror to levy all expenses of war upon the conquered. I if Andrew Johnson, In vio lation of the laws of war, in violation 01 the Constitution, and without authority under I the laws of war, tirmassnmed and exercised LTl w on r g t e ' r,to di t l llo n nTir b oV u l§t t : b l. Tl'o b n ' tt. ". l l :e le s 11 tate to say - -and say it with deliberation— that for this one act, and for it alone. An drew Johnson should be Impenellod. I may It, sir, as one of Ids judges. I say It under— standing the force of what I any. hire r Lll A/Ulla:It continued: Mather.: arc Othe allegations niade against. Sir. John lon. It IS alleged, I care not wbetli or true or 'false. that Andrew Jettison ileilvered over property seised from robvls, In hail 'toad helium 'nook, throughout dlo South, Without authority of law, to rel:el llnllrOnd agents tool Slott the rolling stock sent lona the North to the:Moth, of many mill ions of dollars, ono willootl.thi: I I MO' • 1., f oratorn to violation °flaw, by s'l,, .1,'„;.,: 01 A ndrow Johnson, sold on ' o;h:fit lo ' !WY:a rend follmols, It, ILO% ollsnnuon nos true, I euy Auttre, JOaLLSOIL tLoulabe im PMellel unit tunlOVett. It Is alleged again, I know not whether true or false, that Andrew Johnson, without 'authority of law and in violation of law, ordered the eolleetion of , the direct tax levied on these rebel States to he stooped; and if it he true, AndrewJolloson should be lolneaelled and removed. It is alleged, I know not whether true or false, that Andrew Johnson shade nppoint mesas during the recess of the Senate by removing incumbents, and during the I:de long session of Congress did not send their nausea to the Senate at all, but osiadjonrn men t, without coniulting the Senate, and In direct violation of the Constitution and ills oath of 011100, lie re-appnluted these men, never having sent theta to the Senate at all. If It be true, Andrea' Johnson shObldhe im peached. . 31r. ell, n MILER. denied that the Pres!. dent had any right to have a plan of teeen struellott after It had boost bY con gress. Let him obey the laws or disobey them at his peril. 'ph ere is a dread, ho amid, that We Inca:settling our constitutional pens Ora will bring some then:lit:l es:la/tilts , on I hin nutlet, Thmisation site woe vudori -0119 011 t of the 11105 t terrible rebellion the world has ever ae. The removal of the man who hos viol ated n the ronstitution of the United 01.2150 would prod too anent the same amount of ereltement In the country that the remount of a et:stout house °Meer In a city a mild prisluer; and mere, tide pen - isle have declared, and that decree ISIS boon registered on high, that station shall stand, and no nom or Eel, of men, and no ombinatlost el' men, whether headed by Jed. Danis 511. by .lo/411/3011, or any other living toast. east overthrow it. It will stand any and evety as.talt that cast Ire made upon it. The resolution was taken up. Me.,r, DIXON, FE:36EN DEN and 1.031 . F .- ePreeted the resellulou for the reuson that as the See ste :night he ealled upon to talflll the functions of a Melt (inert or im ite theye Cuido. not to artier an Ins 're:ligation enyting. which inlght tend to make thhatuts other than itripartdat Judgeh. On mutton of Mr. GUI M ES, the resolution was tabled without dirl.oll. =LE • Thu Senate requested the return irom the House of the hlll to amend the Postal 1,111,1, 1k bleb pa•wi on Saturday, when It appears there here only eight or ten Senators pre , sant. INT rtoOrkED Mr. WiLSttl , . from the Military Commit tee, rettorteti favombly ii bill for the mar bl.. of Dam Idh , Island, In Long Island Sound, for fus,:Le. Sir. 1:11:1i1V °UP, front the Committee on Public Leeds, reported With on wheedle ent the joint remlution extending the time for the improvement of the rtri and Wtheorefin rt. cr Mr. GI:IMES bdrridneed a hill to author tile Ittle.U.Se of th e I.lloteamer Minder berg to W. IL Webb, nobe the nnyment, Within ninety of th e tmauttut advent, ed pOll Ler. /It Wired. 9ILL9 rAser.e. The invalid iltmmon hill and the l'Ostollite Lilt were pwinii. A brit/ woo tuweeel nuthorluing the neere tary of tile Treasury to delegate Cie en An elet Unt. Serretary the power to Olga war ante toff lie peemeut of moopy tutu the Treiuury, and ali-hurnonient of money net tined by proper accounting ollicere.. Mr. W..IIDIe tirairtl up nis Joint :errant!mt to anima the Constitutunt by making tile rnsident ineligible for rL , eivetion. Thu Judiciary Committee Motto,e to amend It to read as follows: -No person elected President or 1 ice Pres!dent, who has once served or President, shall after wards ho tillclble to either °lnca.. Mr. DIXON tram willing to tote for this, Provided It be so worded oar not to reflect upon the present exectitive Ito hoped it would he co ;intended VA to rend that hen, after no person elected, SC.. . •Mr. WADE! bad no objektion to . mnitlog it prospective In 114 Mr. POLAND would agree to the propos.- Mon provided it was no ume.uded un to make the Presulentlal term six Instead of four years. Mr. FiC3INEIt favored the proposal., but Ito thought a still mote hope:Milt arnend.nent in the Presidential terllll.lolll be to provlcie for tho election rI President by popular votes instead of is; the electoral college. renill'hu• the crinsiderstinn of the - idiova subject, the Clerk of toe House returned the bill relattng. o 110,151 lutes. The sot: palming the bill was reconsidered, sonic IIII• port alit amend:cent, litre inlopicii, and the Lilt piteseil. liecess until 7 o'clock. C(..Ii.,TITUT lON'A T. .0.11,03.11,,C. Ertni 'l!, Asivn.—Mr. DI NOY gave notice that 1/0 44000141101 ro4loce lii, oropo , ed Coil. .44tItuttnno: 004041004nt, alrolol)' telogroph-• vtl, 41,110 mOO4OllOO ul to Mc. W:014;44 it [opt. A joint rest:lotto:l giving ye per ( . 011t. 11:1:11- tional enmpunsatton to certain employees of the et, tl service 1:: lyeshtngton, wa taken up nail tunetelstl In suet:rut respect,. s proviso tbst the lot r:•:t...e shall not ripply to mil:tries increased stove .101 y Phti, eras struck out, and Ulu bill passed. Adjourn:a. • I= A large number of bills and rettolutlona were Introduced, Including the forlowlnat Ily DV:LA:Ott To declare the rattflea• lion of the 11111 article of the Conbtitntion of the Untletl proposed by the 111,t seuston of the Thirty-ninth Congre,s. Re ferred to the ,Indtclary Comm Mee. • By ~..F : Lia A N:Bewitltugagovernment for Utah ' orror . :eferrod to Com inlttea on Torritormo. By Mr. rations to .le gal representatives M. nitm eoldlers who died In pricon. Referred la :glittery Com mittee, with leave to report at anytime. fly Mr. PAINE: Iteiritottons of the Wls consln Legislature in favor or an increased nuty Ott wool. Deterred to Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. HIGBEE: Instructing the Com mittee on Claims tormeerturn whether there e Claim Comm kston of the War Leper t meat now In sessloe.maklng allowances for Aar Maims without the authority - of low. dopted• By Mr. MriILEER, Declaring that the Government of the totted Melee should be actuated In the ortratmution of Itedtl slurs egarnst Great Britain for the depredations of the Alabama 111111 other Angto-itebel cretriers, try the 001110 pateh and eluting. Ms which characterized Dm Government of Great Britain ill its Ott 11l the captor. Of Clarion end Slidell from the Brith.ll steamer Trent. Adopted. By Mr. t 1 ESDERSON: Declaring that the people of the States which rankled the au thority of the ConstltnJun and the Laws, end made roaragainst the govern ment, have th ereby forfeited :01 their rights and privilege, under the Constitutionand ta Laws. Itelerrl to the Committee on lte. construction. The r 01011.1.100 rgfcral by Mr. Nollth /sat Monday for Lou csicii-lon of Min right of sulthngn to women came Mr. ELLiliflifi 11, In Icc alr.vorn of Mr. Moen, sent to OW Clerk's nod loot [Ulla a llllslllorllll of the American Egnal,ltlghts .I:o , .lation, protesting against legalor political distliictioli on account of color or sex. 1 nVi O r . n N u ° ,l l 4l A t ' h ' e P e ' x k l " . I r in t , i4o " PO ' 7l - h o u n •• 6= Mr. 11101:RILL, from the Committee on Ways and Mean+, reported a bill to ainewl the law relating revne. (erre dexisting to the Committee of to the W h ole, lied made the special order for Wedemidny evening. = Mr. ELIOT, from the Select Committee on the • New Orleans Illot, 'made report, with the evidence taken in the matter. Mr. BOYER presented a minority report. The reports were both ordered printed. Mr. ELIOT, In connection therewith. re ported a bill for the establishment of civil government In 140111411111 a. mtor an unsuccessful effort to make a satisfactory arrangement for the amshlera lion of Mr. lioVs bill. the ywevious dila toryoat ll out atter a series of dila tory. motions, the main question Wall or dered leithont'tlebate, by ti 3,19 10 59 nays. Mr. FINCH moved to table the bill. Mr. ELIOT moved an adjournment that the members might have a chance to read the bill. Ili 0011E11 Pending action, the SPE %KEIL prugented itOttlinUlll.ll oll from the President of the rotted Stales, trsinstnittlng an ofticial col respondence with reference to the VIAL of Prof. AiiitZll. (ruin Postmaster General with the report of ail the lines a deductions made from pay of con traetnrs, to.; from the secretary 01 War, with the Ante:tient of 1110 tputrtermmter tieneral of totritraets matte doting tialluarY. Isi7; trot,, the Secretory or tie Trettettary, metal Ice to the onto:int of bonds tented to the (*tett ral Itatirmiti tool Colon Pa tine itailrmid Contpanies. iteferrod. lt aroma petitions and memorials were pre-ent.i. Sir. 53' ItENCE, of lOW., complained that the repert4 int western pa pers. of Lim lionau proceedings of February, rityrtimit 11hn by -peak Mil twainst the reconstructom Mit, giving military protec tion to the loyal peonle of the rebel State, lie was In favor of . the otil. Ile said lot would have tirelorrris.l to Int . :v(101A iio9e.ed MU for the reortotolzation of civil smtu tioverameute, and 111 cu t.t tilt uolitary power to aid the civil out hot !Unto r. pia Ini , ill - .11.,,a 11l Sow Iv 2, The Itouot adv.:, "ed. On..c. NJ, Si lunacy IL—Weather eluUnly. A.t:cytil of hum St. Louis. Silver Sp ray !ruin Inneincuttl, awl It. E. Lou frcull Vlrksburg. Input lust, linvu Nrsuch and N nr1.41; litc. PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1567 SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M VERY !ATM TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHINGTON. The Two Reports on the New Orleans Riots OPPOSITE OPINIONS AS TO WHO IS RESPONSIBLE. The Tax Bill---Articles on the Ex- euipt List. IRK PENDING RECONSTRUCTION PROPOSiTIONS• Conviction of Sanford Conover riAsIIINGTON, rebrunry 11, • Tho report of this majority Of the item Or leans RIM etnionittee to published. It says: 'ln vied - of tile facts proved we aro con- Strained to say that the time bus tally ar rived when Congress should interfere, and should So legislate as to occurs: to the rico. pin of Louisiana a Republican form of gov ernment. The condition of things there cannot continuo consistently *llll the safety, shcarity of peace or loyal men. ;sine,: the surrender of tile rebel armies, re beillOn fiat assumed another farm, unit now controls Alto Government through the same as:m.ll , st that led their armies In time of war.- That Congressional action should be had Is soLtiedby Ina, trot °Pinion, When IP en arr ttriVlM Mina Heir homes and their lives On:elem.! and their prbricrty destroyed; when in business they are prOmabeili !Oleo recent relicts hohl all places of trecti and, having power; us.. it to oppliim and punish bead incirl,ecmse they are anti hare been loyal; when the whole body of colored tenn i Olin have never Pinched from duty as radi cal loyalists when the day; wets tpraintliil, tic) nosper greatest in the time of war ion bersecuted by aystelo, hunted Mame lid beasts and slaughtered without mercy, and 1 with entire thommity from putitshment, thorn is no room len. fat dOubt that same legislative huunly should be , 'Those are matters or fact and otof °pin to°. 011,1 in our judgment but one courso is open ami should be pursued without ' , motes non or delay. Actionling to the judgment of RP whe ha, tail then resenco of the re's el rile, and have atm.! firmly and fearless ly hie the Union, when treason was nearest to .ecese, whose Joilgnient. given, upon oath, is based upon facts v. Niels personal experienee; !rho give opines. reeling en nowirdge. and Sneak or what the! have scan anti knots', the prOSetit cleft tiOrerns• men!, of Louisiana, elinting witliont tile sanction Of the National law, rhottld bei,US penilml by act of Can cress, 10011 n Pres-tali:lo ut Government established tintt maintained by military power naill the time has come when Louisiana is controlled by loyal turn, and may be restored to Its former praCtical relations tutor 15nto0 without cnilangerlng its sera; ri tv and pearls." The report Is accompanied as a bill pro• 'iding for the appointment of °Moors for the new organization by the Vres Meat, and prot - ldes that rebel, shall he enfranehlged Icy gothic through a naturalization process, talring out paper, from tae United States Courts, The minority tepnrt of 31 r. hover on the Now Orleans, riots, argues the dlegality of the Convention. and Staten, In reviewing the origin oat., riot , , that It wa-i the de liberate In tenet.n of the Con vet tlenlits to produce excitement, and thus brought on the commotion. Ile dissents front the :en id the majority that the riot was tit. nherately planned by Al avor Monroe, anti refers 'to evidence to - that the Peet shots Were trot by a negro at a policeman,. and' gives credit to Lieutenant Governor oorbees (or having originated timely ort, cauttonarymeasures, w hich, if eat - lied out, would have prevented riot and high failed from no fault or lilt. Ito says the rre.ident's arts exhibit him as a chief magistrate, actuated by a sincere item re to preserve the public menace and uphold the - la no degree, whatever, urn the riots attributable to the Government of Louisi ana. if there ho any members in that go, eminent in whose nets the remotest cause for riot Ls lobe traced, they are liow• ell. who !muted the conspiracy to overthrew the State Constitution, and Governor Wells, 0110 ment. his °Mein! ',Belton to the conspir &tore; but on tho day of dungen deserted hit post without an effort to restore public peace: and if there he any mcnibers of the Federal Government who arc Indirectly r • spontlible for the bloody result, they net those members of the pi. esytt Congress, rellarrer they may he, who enbouraged these tarn by their counsels and promised to them their individual and °illegal support. Among the additional provision, of thu tax bill reported to-day, are the following: Butchers, Apothecaries, Confectioners, Member, and Gas Fitters, whose annual sales exceed SAW), Slim!! pay In eddition to the special tax now required by law. 91 for every 111,00/ In excuse Or 675,11(MJ. ill all sugars produced from sugar cane, and not, from sorghum or iruphee, other than thoee produced by the refiner, a tax 01.1 per cent. per it. on [Tuned sugars, and in the products of sugar refiners, not ins eluding syrup or molasses, a tax of two per cent. ad valorem. • Gunpowder, 6 cents per lb. for sporting In kegs, anal I cent for blasting in kegs. Copper aml brass tubes. lastest! of 5 per cent. advaloreln, are to pay per Cent, por . pound. tsa cigarettes, cigars mid cheroots of all description, made of tobacco or any substitute therefor, of all desoriptions, tho at bet value of which, Including tax, Isnot over eight dollars per thousand,u tax of two dollars per thousand; when exceeding night dollars per thousand market value, includ ing tax, a tax of live dollars u thousand Boots and shoes, made wholly or in . pa rt. of India rubber, per Cent. advalorena. flats, nape anal Onnnota of all descriptions, per vent. advutorem. . . The following arc among the articles ex empt from internal taxation% Alcohols, etherial atolivegmahlo extracts; wholly for mmiteltml purposes; baledrope, twine, and Ilues of all kinds; maned and preserved ideate, not tneholin g shell - Psi); carpet bags, de.; frames, casks, barrels, tanks and kits made of wood, including amperage of all kinds, anti packlng boxes and market berm, whether misdo of Wootl Or other material; rusting of copper, lion or brass, whom th• duty has been paid tia raw. material; cast. iron hollow . .ware. tinned, eng,,,oh Iml, Japanned or galvanized; clock trimming, vorgos, pendulums, rolls, Sc,; clothing . made from material which has beau assessed and paid a tux, not including articles woven or knitted;col, . per bottoms for domestic and culinary Our poses; draining and water pipes; glee; g Men of all descriptions la solid, cake; horse rakes. saddles, horse block, on which the tax 110.1 S 1,0011 0111 . 0 assessed and paid and framed or made up and fitted for • use; leather of all Ileseriptious, and goat, calf, sheep,hore.o and dog skim, tanned or par. • tially tanned, curried or In the rough; 111/111lIfitettlrerS of Jute molasses, con• militated molasses or 'naiad° tend syrup of molasses; sugar cane; Indies oil, naptha, ben/Ina or gasoline, marking morn than 59 degrees, Itaurn's hydrometer; the pro duct of - the tilstillatiou, rmlistilltdion, or relined or crude petrOleurn, or Pimple oil produced by a single 411Nt1111114011 of coal, shale, peat, pottery ware asphaltum r o e of oter bituminous substancesail duscriptions; snit; rock and root diggers, ot excavators; scales, Pittnps, slides, wheel-barrows, hand earls; soles and heel tops made of India rubber or other put teriala; steel of all description.; idettut locomotives and marine engin., In. eluding hollers; straw, Re., binders' bouois ald binders , cloth; tags, Marks and other tacks tif cloth; paper or me th whether Wank or printed; tin - wore for domeatic Or ordinary purposes; ultra marl o, blue var nish, dc; wagons, carts and Iraya to lie mod for forwarding, freigiding or lumber ing purposes, andvalued at 11.09 than two two 'hundred dollars, and washing, wangling and clothes wringing machines. =I The bouthernerh who have been at work reeonßt ruction Ore si 111. at work, It ap- Peers they are ready to umlye all conemb 010119 asked by a 01001Ity of Congress ex cept. adapting theMyelvel to the disability clause of the amendment. It is understood - - _ they will gtvo the negroes sun'rago accent ing to the dlotates of n majority of con gress, and they will ho content with -any legal enactment by COngress which shall dniquality the leaders In the rebellion from holding Federal olllces. It is gold the Pres . .' Ithint will approve ouch legislation,. I= The Tarif bill will not bo reported till Friday or .`nttonlay. Tito Wiwi molt 3lccuci Committee have restore.l the clue.: ree ir. lug the Paeltic - Inulrend Company, and all others, to uaoAmericon iron, which wits stricken out by the Senate. cotortnn nix AProinlen TO errit e. solonnin Johnbou, n colored man, forme ly President Lincoln's barber, Its, beta sp. Painted a Ilret class clerk la the Treasury Department la it'asltingten, with • dcSk la the Secretaryla oNa•. TUX nECOMITnErettoN gre.9,oN. it 0 thought a rompromke bill, embody. t . Ing the chief fiuthrei of Stevens' and Banks' MCMIITO will be agreed on In the Ilent.e on; Wednesday. Etr; Elliott'a bill wilt proba . 1 bly be the basis, as It combines both civil and military rule. A epecial to the Sow York Eritong Post soy, Mr. Bingham wlll submit it reconstruction • prorintltleit pros - Monhim the State,: ottely in rebellion Nimll w ConAtitii• ' Mona! Amendment aml agree to equal hull rage. they shall ho represented In Coll pill,. Until they de Otis they are to ho under martial law. To gut In this proper!, tune thu IfotenYmnat vote down the motion to recommit. Mr. Bingham think. , that If it ,Ilunru vein is'ehtalnad II will pail. live thousand 1150 huoUred dollars on. wanl le, olierud by the Treasury Depart ment for this arrest os R9lltam heo,alla, George Parker, an alleged,defau her. CONVICTION OW cO3OTLII. Sanford Conti - rec, the letectivc, who fahe tented testimony complicating Jett'. Itneid - lth the Lincoln asaasslriallon, hal been 001111 guilty of ce.r.lttry. FROM MEXICO. .The,Trialof Orte=a—Liberal Reverses . —lteported Capture of Jonrea Minion of Dollstra—Conilletiog„ it... pers... to? the Capture 4.f -Juarez' nod Liberal Victories. „, LiALV Cain", Feb. 11.—Dane from the ado Prantle to the ?Lb. add tie City of 3leilco to the 'id have been Just received. General Ortega and Marton' InlVO been sent to Monterey where a court martial will U e convened for %bet rdr W Wl° rejolethiis inlidh J er of essie. were going on In Zacatemis, Mitamen suddenly appeared with', :,QM trOUPS4 - whgroara. .1 unroll evacuatd the et ty, Iflrainon taking possession and xtsrting oat in pi milt Piero seems inn' valllnt ion among the I Liberal !ceders. , The 1 nave to named the oireesive, ... t It. In considered certain that Sent:Luis Potosi will again fall into their liands.i Some reports slate they have captured .Ittarer. and. Ile train, with three quarters of n mlilipn dollars to silver. The Insperinlistitere eonscripting men and airing horses ecry, iiiire. • The French frigate arrived at Brares watt a newts, of Liberlal prisoners to be ex ' cheeped for'French and Ai:Mt/lan prisoners at Mutation:is., NEW Vona, February IL—The ii - ,41i41 1 .4 Durango, lyrics, corrempololenee, of the 10 ult,maYsi Large numbers of trench and deseriefil Wnknatat!nZ in the lie eutillean ranks, end that many Mexican haneriagstmatharg , rere iIPPIYthiV cm . ployment in the bathe place, Inn Ice.° not received. '3l Ars 011 A., . Febroary 7..—The French frigate Ptiletaitoni treat Vera.: , u arrived at brag.. on GM Lit with Ilfty Mexican prisoners. to be exchanged for Fieneh prisoners at'Monterey. A gentleman from Monterey on the all State. that Intelligent:a had nee.. cocolve , l there that the foras concentrated by the Liberals near San Luis, and xhieli Were to W1.01,11110n uar , CailtaLL ag , aanuag fourbien thousand men, were &dented hy to the Imperialists, nine thousaed strong. New late cob, Feb. 11.—Fears are enter tained teat .1 mist:Elias ban Mice trisener by the Imperialists Uritler Furunge 11an1010 ore cnrrent here lima COtt:11:t it. Ott route for the neat of the Republican goy errinaellt to turn Over his rommand to the Minister of War unit Mamie. Seine is said to have abandoned the cause of Maximilinu, It Is thought a largo Imperial force will tone be sent to the State of Tamonlikas. A aecial trOin Matamoras to the New Or leans Tones says that a gentleman n /10 left Monterey Olt the 15th .ststes that bells are ritignig in that cite and general .leininntr, Hoes of Joy prevail, by 01 . 1 great victory gained by the Liberals mider Tie vial, over the Imperialists ender 21 trarnon, near Attna lantentea. The same news has teen. an nOutieo4l uL IleaaLlUttrtern In Matamoras. FROM ST. LOUIS. The River Improvement enoventloo— Lnirge Attendance of Delegate. Ex pected., Sr. Loris, February ll.—The Convention for the considerution of the subJeet of Im proving the Cjipor Mississippi River, will moot In the Mercantile Library Hall, tie morrow. It Is expected that several hum tired delegate. will lie In attendance. malt° n number of delegate. have tilt amity arriv ed. T States or.lllLeols, lowa. Silnuosont, Wlsconsirs, Argdnsas, Dtlesileippl, launki• tins, Tennessee, liallana, Kentucky. Ohio, Pennsylvania end 311ssourl, will be rep resented and probablysevral others. The. Governors and some oft the cline °Mears of several of the Western , tates will also be present. It 10 not expected that the discussion will be confined to the removal or surmounting of natural °tal - nett°or to the nay.„-ation of the river, but the question of artificial obstructions In the shape of railroad brltlyr. ribleftdy constructed, and Le eilreitellel eil. will be thoroughly examined. state ments of the facts noon this millet , have been carefully prerattot, and. axtl be pro tinted by persons fully competent to lieu tilt; the que,nleu. - - FROM BOSTON, • Brea, Moral and Flood —Denson Blown Down nod Mtrooto and Build- Innis Flooded, BOdTON, Feb.ll.—The lower portnlns of the city wore flooded by a great tall of rum on Saturday. On Church, I ityotte and other streets on the back of tire bay, [no houses were doodad to the depth of two or three feet, causing considerable damage. In Rox bury the damage done by the storm was large. The rubber factory and soap factory of K. 11. Bigelow, the foundry of Anthony Garrott unit a large number al dwelling houses worn Bonded and badly damaged. Buildings in Last Boston and Cambridge were blown down and unroofed. FROM KINSAS,! The Rolrreoe rtae.ation-7 lie Word • “White' Io Inc Countllut/on.. Sr. Lorm, February 11.—The DemoorelVs Topeka apeclal, says: The Rouse toolny 0 concur In the Senate atilellitralelltto the Joint resolution to change the Coastlto- Ina no QS to allow negro., to vote.. The Senate wanted torvrtbo out the word wale no Well as white, and to makean educational test. The resolution goes back to the son. ate and they will probably recede. Both (louses pustind resolutiOne asking for the removal of Col. Leavenworth, agent of the Western Indians, on account of in competency. Oliver Tel Sr. L 011.7111, Feb. ll.—The River In still fall. vnth good deal et heavy Ice coming down from above. Weather mild arid mane rain fell this afternoon, and the prospects are for more. Thu II anus river him Opened and the ice in the Sliseourl, below han a. city moved down to-day, on a rise of 7 feet. Ar riveti—Azablan b; City of Alton Memphis; Big llorn, Johnsoarllle,• Jno. Sli go., New Orleans. Departed—Bell Mem. phis, Momplils; Zephlr,• Arkansas River, Clara Baleen, Now Orleans. Stairrnis, February 11.—The strainer. Die Vernon, trom Napoleon for this port, struck: a snag at Australia yesterday mamba:, null sunk out-right. The cabin parted mid Boat ed off. She Mot on board twenty-five bales of cotton. Boat and cargo a total loss. IL was owned by Captain Frank filch, M. A. plentYl Walt S. McCune. Ana wt. valued at slu r Ow. Insures' in Climinuat and St. Louts for tlet.oO), rebrilltry /I.—Wellillereloar and pleasant. The thermometer U,-nlnat le 49 degrees. 13.Lnc:is very - uctivei freights tonnage equal to demand. Depart ures yesterday-1.. Hodge, Luminary, At lantic and Edward WILIBI.I, for New Orleans; Julia for St. Louts today. rhit Short:lan, nuancesbug Liszto for New . Orleans; a and Bertha for Cincinnati; Indiana for Louitiville;,Uctavia Sir St. Louis; Marcella, Champlin:, Anna, Robert Burns, Wanrilta,COmMorclal, lienry amen and St. Patrick. • . - 3eor Bishop.-Rev. Dr. James O'Connor, formerly of this diocese, and one of thorny.. gttted and talented Catholic inieste AMOrietl, bee been appointed Dishott of the Diocese of Erie, to supply the vuesney oc casioned by the death of Bishop Young. 'rho appointment piens great sattsiaction to his numerous friends in this neighbor hood. Dr. O'Connor is a brother of the tor. mor Bishop of Plttsbui . ThlnJce—L running out ot Vle Alleghe ny aver. CITY AND SUBURBAN. r o p r th City nni !Jurbun' Intelligence, l'lnanc.:al LOUI Coin Mere Remarkable Series of Accidents— Strettere Family natality. Sol2loWbat remarkable I.erles 01 °eel; dents, one of 'whicb, at lead, will almost cert Moly rove nval, occurred Illst evening at toe tuba Depot. A freight train On the l'iltaltnrgh,•Colum bus and CleA - eland Itailroad had Catered the depot and.was bucking down past the 111111.391 ten passing under the pro.. pining roof of the riled; One of the brakes men, David Y. Illghberger, while applying lilt, brag e, slipped nil a 101 l between kilt, cars. brakesumn, standingabove him on I . :1f deck of the ear. saw the -W.W.I t, but before be could each gown to reseno Ids .ronunde from. falling to the grothrd, ho alitnself was treek by tile roar of. the she.l and knocked to his knees on the Car.. Illglifferenr then 'dropped to. the ground ,b Goa Jlio cars and the wheels of nee traaar Lys"( ore, both legs below the kneel,Tt ufihirfgrtaii in the most shock ing.manear,....lle_wigs.spectil/Y reamed and nooveyed to one of the °lncas, when Dr. It. a: 5 nitalcand f.1.'1 , ..31cC00k were coifed to attend hill," They . . firesAerl Ws' :Nark..., so far as possible there, and had him con veyett fin a streither to the honsoof a rel. live Intl lot Sixth ward. Sitlitmffh Ills In) uric. are confined to those. Illeral0I101:, !V IN 111014:ht that the terrible severity of the check, togrther with the_ excessive harem-. rhage frog , the woun:ls, wilreatise has death before morning. Ills mother TeSIIICEI. iC Allegheny, and „is very ill. it Is fear ed which La s naWn, of the accident which has befallen' her son. will Canso her death. 'A remarkable fatality seems 10 have atiOntled - the family to which. the unfortu nate moo 11010110. for meveral years some sit years ego his father, employtal on the rail road, WAS killed 00 the road 111 Del- Z.l'aeur years ego, a teethe; of on the railroad Derry Station and Intxobe. -Five years ago another brother fon' froin a train on the same road and Anal one leg !litho off. two years ago another brother tiled while In the arm:rated two remit!s since another brother was 'killed by gee:Milne In Arkansas. A more remarkable churiP3r offatmly history nam never remember 10 11000 heard. • - . . Scarcely had the physicians concluded , their attentions to the unfuttunitto victim ef the accident just mentioned, whGh the ca.oose of another freight train on the SUMO , rata catered the depot, bringing a brakes men mimed John Sienna,,, who had received Ivery severe and probably fatal injuries at I:roadbead station. At the Plane Pennons ed hilehan was engaged to hanging the red lights on the rear car of the train. and to in so wan climbing lip the side of the ear. it idle hanging beside the ear with his right leg I , ollloWilla thrown out. anotner train in pa-sing, caught his leg and lacerated the nosh of the thigh terribly, tearing the Peal niumst entirely off the bone from the hip to the knee. The! shock • threw - him. to the .tround, and tin, fall fractured his thigh betty severely. 1 :The same plush:lens 'at. tended him no attended Ilighborgur. They think lie may lire, but If he recovers it will hely en after a confinement of several onths. lie was conveyed to Pussavant's infirmary. •- ; Tgas stretcher conveying Sbellau to the hospital ho.l 'hardly • heft the building, and the doctors had not left; when a young man of Obollt svventren, also employed on Oils railroad, WOO brought Octane them for treuthaftit, iletad lame engaged cotipting CIII4 smile place near the, depot, When by thataccident hits band witsvaught between the hampers and very severely crashed. llm received Cooper attentions, and conveyed to Ms Moth en Manches ter. WO did not learn his name. EMSERIE L I , ,terd.iy afterhoon ut threi2 o' , lock, Cormier ClAnuon Lela ut luquest ut, the 7itayot , o 011 . 1 en, on the holy of the mule hotel in the g.taveSurd, to Liberty tun unlthp, on Wolne,.!ay efternmm The testimony Nee, a? tollinsta : lir. G. L .I(o,l.,.,worti:Waii called bylthe coroner to make the p.,it-liivrtcoi examina tion of the chalal - et this °thee, on Friday, Tebruer; salt; it was n altasal made Infant; inn ' the examaleutiona from the examine t inn have nO , lOlllll that the child bad heart inn n living; It woo a billy developed child; the another after the delivery might navel want:ie.] v way from tho ;dive immediately. ...1.,,,,h If. 1i'd. , ,,, wn ors—f.ata Wetthesi.l:ll. nit. moon went with the 0 oroner. at nal rens ~ nest, to flan old burying ground next to the Allegheny Centelet y, on Collins town slop, as 'a child hunt bees found there. round the corpsainf the child ender a nota ble tomb-stone. The umbilical cord was dranwn Meant its neck twice. There sews • Whoa all :about the spot - where the child a aas totted. About ten feet from this spot It • pool Lit dried bloodwas lying near - the fence. The child was placed in a box by the. Corohr 1,1.1 brought to loin. , j , ,,, r,,,,,,,,r, su urn—Was talking l on eatunley Meriting tO the 5 Onlan who 1 00.0 arrested under the name of Itaellei linnnewa•ll. She told me that she left her stee-father's house In tit Liberty on Wed-' ma.slay zooming at fonts 'clock; she got as 1 tar as the grove-yawl and 0001(1 go no fur ther; she went in t here end gate birth to a cull. She sand that if her mother and I Oa:lt:liter hug trohted herright, she would I not nave been here; she said that they told her she could nnt tinny ant borne and have the chill: she heal the child, the says, about a bait - Past tour o'clock. She Inft the grave , yrtl nit Mama live o'clock. .therwaratak rho ; states, ,ahe a cant to -Allegheny. ller totes- Lien whey the left the house was to go to Allegheny end have the chain!, but could get Inc fart her thgn the Intryleg ground. I!!hcer R.berl Gmhurn, sAvortl—The prison ,er, who first gave her name as Jane elnith, hes made a statement to me; she sainted that, the went on Tuesday evening to the grate ; yard, and the child was born there; she said it wins dead when bOrn; she prom ; !seal that if I would let her Out and I say nothing about the matter of her ara I rest, she would leave the ,city nail she I would pay tan well; 1 told her that (did not a belacve the child was bora deed; she am unarm', that it methane noise anyhow; asked a her why the went to no house to be condos oil; oho raid eke haul no place to go; her pees I pie treated lice badly. If we would let her , go, oho prOntlsetj In pay us very cell, aunt a when the -tiling bed blown over, she vroulal imama back; elle said et great that it was ten o'clock on Tuesday night when the child Was 130111. . . .. • Rachel Ilunnewell, alias Small,'ealled for a statement, but declined to make uuy attainment eoncerning the c.o. Tno following verdict was rendered : "That the unanown male child came to Its death In the Pre.byterian graveyard, In Liberty township, on the sth of February, and that the death was caused by wit fill neglect and expoiiiire on the part of Its mother, Rachel !Lenin:well, altos Rachel Smith, W.. Jan u Sing h." The Second Infenzielde—Coroneem In que.l—The Veralet. Coroner Clawson yesterday morning held an Inquest on the body of a newly born male infant, which was found on Saturday morning In Sweltzera alley, off Fourth street. But four witnesses were examined. Robert Hague, let of Felice, was the first witness uzumined. 110 testified that he was called early on Saturday morning by a woman, who. while scrubbing the pave- of on Fourth street,near Gen. Sweitser's Wilco, had discovered the dead body of an lnfan; lying in the alley known us Sweit xer's alley. Ile went to the spot and foiled the corpse of a newly born male infant, ap parently fUlly developed. Ile removed Gin body todhe 3layors office and summoned Coroner' Clawson. Further than this he know nothing. General .1. 11. •Sweitzer was called, but could testify to no new facts hi the case. 1 It. G. C. Sproul, Esq., Wits called, and stated that he knew nothing of the matter further than that the child was found iv ing 10 the alley which rune between his prom Lies and those of General Sweitser. The principal witness examined was lir. It. Stansbury Sutton, No. 1d; Fourth street, who was called to make the peg mar tem .00- timinatlon of the child. • ' Dr. Sottou, I:stifled in substance us follows: Was called on the morning of Febru ary '1.1,67 [usual., a post mottoes usamin anon,. the body of a male Infant which was 0 • 8.1 to be have been found at an early hour Of that teorninie, laying •on the ground In Sweitsers alley off Fourth street. I exam ined the body and found it. to he that of a fully developed male infant. Made a care ful and thorough examination of the vital parts, particularly of ti and heart, anti hail ho doubt that the child was born alive. I also believe that the child came to his sleuth Uy valence. 1 base my opinion on the follow kin; Medical legal points; viol I. Divided lungs which have undergone . perfect respiratton cannot. be compelled to sink In wider by pressure of the venous parts. • - 2. Lungs wLieli sink In water after - cam.' ' pruasion, have lawn either artificially nat.!, or only Imperfect rtatilrat e.xlsted In them. 3. It lungs be fully and perfectly distend oil with air by the net or resptration, title affords a strung pre/num:aloe that the child • lion been born Mier, since 'wain:lion /luring birth is eidyporttut and imperfect. These lungs after many divisions, floated In wider anti compression could not c use ! them 10 sink; moreover, the valve between the auricles of the heart was closed. A mark was evident about the neck of the child. The Met, of the left foot wens contract.] and the Mub was drawn up as If the child had suffered pain. The child was unusually well developed and at fall I.'lo. The mark atoll the neck was not 50 strong and well delluod as to render Il cer tain that death was caused by strangula tion, It may have resulted trout sutf.),,. Linn. The jury, at the close of the teatlmony, re turned It verdict that tna unknown male infant Caine to 115 death at a tone and place Ann In a mannor unknown ttl thnjusy, .•. , • 11„_ 11367 • I 1-7 7 - IllE \EFI: IS. Ulf AVAILIERIST. The Rivalry Between tho Entine, And ttenOrt!nonce Harem., of the Army—The Old quer.lon of an fere, slvitble Force' Attninvt an Immor• able floe)—The tram-rot 3.011 Plate Target for Arilllery Practice Ever Pro(laird. An Interesting rivalry for exceileme and supremite, M their • respective spheres of actiler, is now in progress between the or onauce and k:ugineer Buret., of the War Department, not only in this country but to England and France. It ha. its origin in the mo.eaver of the scientific gee Ceram of they,. Dep. Intent to perfect a canteen and projectile capable of overturning and bat tering down every forth of fortlileallan ar defense suggesietl by the best engineering talent of the army, Gulden and profiting by the practical experience of tile lute war, the Ordnarce Marcus claim to have secured this result; the most Maneive masonry, and the heaviest iron elm' vessel:ld/V:ln service, elm no longer resist the terrible projectiles hurled from the -twelve-inch rifled, or fif teen-inch Rodman gun., Earthworks, by their very lack of willes:veness and consta Lenny, afford the best protection toptinat heave artillery; but the into war demon etratgil that even they can be made un tenable eideny by the fuelltty with which their gent mar he dismantled. The prob lem that the Engineer Bureau Of the artfq• is M 01911,010 to solve, therefore, by the pro gress V I tlm Ordinance depart:tent:ls the construe' ion of a SyStent of defence for for thicatlona and war steamers capable of re sisting the most effect've and powerful pro. Jmddgffee, s w . I Th h e a .P rt e iolplaop ' p ove the r c th o e u n ge tr n y er ous rivalry for professional Repetiorttyby the two greet nmentinc corps of the army, for it is to benefit the nuthan at large, and make It more powerful for both offense and defense, that Life beet. efforts of our Engineer and Online:nes vfficere are put. forth. The me chunleal skill of Pittsburgh has been largely drawn upon in the prof/Nal Of Mins Contest. We furnish the Ordinance officer the largest cannon constructed In the weed, and pro vide the Engineer with tree-clad defences morn form Maid° Limn any hitherto Planned. At Ltd extenstve .iron mill Of. Messrs. Moorhead a Company, on the Monongabe. In river, 'near Lite mouth of Soho run, g speciality has - been blade of the manufacture of = iron plating' for -war vessels. • The Matta "Cf -the , Mundomanal, the monitor which se mecesidnlly ,crossed the Atlantic, bearing to • the' Emperor of Russia tho kindly greeting of Congress. unit I. now cruising in the Mediterranean, were wrought out at this, mill. lier armor con mists of Lob layers of three Inch Iron plates, The armor Of other ',eels of her class was made here; as well as the plating for four powerini war steamers now butidiffs, at the navy yards of Philadelphia, BroOltlyn, Boston and Porten:omit. bitten the termi nation of, the war, the demand for Iron platiug has, of co urse, ceased; and the mill has only ticen run oh Government account, at Intervals, to alit the kingineet Bureau In its threat igationa, by turning mat target s on shish the. ordinance gentlemen 'tffiperi- Incur l'revious to Saturday hot; the 'hear lest barest ever roiled out In this court try, was a alx•inch olive, bet this was no ob mete to the projectile froth the' twelve,- inch Oiled or the fifteen-tech Rodman. The Engineet Helene thereupon deter mined to aubject the, artillery to a still greater test, and Ordered a plate for target purpose.; twelve Inches thicu. "or repanort er Melted the Mill on Saturday. hot, d w i tnessed the smeeasfut roiling out mode ponderous mass of iron; Thu Iron for the plata is composed of the bent if malty of lake Superior charcoal iron. Six mutes, Ahem, and a heir inches thick. seven and a ban (eat long, and four and half feet wide, were placed In the Intltlea. sad the ores lighted at four o'clock cn Sat urday nownlng,, They were subjected to the most Intense neut until three r. when, the trop Ming heated IC the rooms lie melleatehty, preparations were made for putting -, through .time _rolls. The ,etongs , with which the plate was pulled from the furnace, weighed Mihaly-eight Itundind pounds.- The heavy chain tackle seas to the. , monster nipper., ' and the glowing lama slowly emerging from its- truly infernal - Icet-Ing bed, ' • passed through the rods,. fat . the . first time, being , reouced thereby trom twenty one Inches to eighteen. friction M thickness: After betng subjected to a 115 e pressure for half a dozen times, the I mass wan reduced to the requisite thick" nes and transferred by the usual tackle, from s, tile rolls to the conling place. The sliceess of the whole operation Wes com• pieta. . A word aS 14 the Importance and magni tude 01 the achievement. The heaviest plate hitherto rolled out id this coun try was eta Inches thick, Om work wing dolts by Messrs. Moorhead,Co, In Eng land. It In believed, that plates for sim ilar experiments, by the Ordnance Bureau of the Euglish army, hese been imeured nine WOWS thick, but none so largo - as the one w o have described. After It had passed throwth the rolls, it measured twelve feet le length, lour and a ball feet In •breadth, and Wan twelve niches thick. When trim med down to the mirth . ..l6mo its tam.- Mons wit' Ire d. 9 Mines: Length; eleven Met; breadth, four feet; thieknes, twelve Incites; weight glattst pounds. Tao great I difficulty- brning out each masalVo plates of wrought iron is in securing the application of the proper dear. of heat to all *ills of the iron. and thereby thoroughly welding the sever , al pieces In one solid body. But the success in the present Instance was com plete In every respect, and we are assured that with the experience gained In roiling data Lattatth, plate, even. morn formidable undertakings can be actompilahed with greater facility and certainty, :duel, of the success In rolling thin im mense mess' of Iron Is dee to the applica tion of a new invention by GeorgeMc- Clean, Esq., (of the firm of Idcmrheati a Co.) by which a reverse motion of the rolls as secured, when the Won has pemsed undei them, avoiding the plan generally in use In rolling mill., and with which our readers are familiar, of passing the Iron or, the rolls on Its backward :notion. Of course, It would be impossible to do this, with inch a mass of iron, end enact - Mr. MeChaus's valu able Invention the plate simply pusses back wards and forwards under the rolls,until its desired form is secured. This massive plate of Iron to to be taken to Fortress Monroe, and when buttressed by heavy walls of masonry, will become the target against which the Ordnance Bureau will be called upon to exerelse all its skill and powers of destruction. Of course it is not anticipated that any mess Of iron will over be framed capable of resisting the continual pounding of projectiles from fif teen and twenty melt guns; hot actual war fare is so different from target prac tice that it to believed some ouch system of heavy Iron plating may be applied to sea Oast fortifications, so its to render them impregnable to successful assault from the heaviest known artillery. It Is a signiecant tact, illustrative of the skill of the workers in Iron, of our emoke-ne grimed city, that, while at the • Fort rm. Works, on the Allegheny river, the largest cannon male lu any part of the NVOrILL are regularly term:clout, lintslied and complete for the artillerist, that, at another establish ment, scarce a mile distant, workmenjmit 1/3 kiliful are planning dcfentcs designed lobe impregnable to the assaults of the Fort Fitt cannon. The rivalry of thti scientific gen tlemen, to their °tikes at the War Depart ment at Washington, is thus communica ted to Our mochanles, and becomes an in centive to honorable competition on their part. Manettester Railway Company and the Snapensdon Bridge. A correspondent urges that we did Mins tice In a few partionlars to the hinerliester Passenger Railway Company in our report of the 'case now in the Court of Quarter Sessions, relative to the toils to be prla by said company to the Suspension Bridge. Ile endorses tills statement: In IM) u enutmet uces entered into be tween Lae companies by which the rates of toll were tiled at voo_ per annum for the small cars, sad 4M) per annum for the large ones. These rates were, however, found to be so exorbitant and so touch beyond the ability of the Railway I'c:tu4,my to pay, that they were at once reduced to 6189 and VAC respectively, and the original rates of contract were never exacted for one single mouth. Since tend time the rates bare been advanced to e 2.10 and 6.110 respectively; and these rates are now being paid. The contract expired over a year ago, and since that time the Railway Company has made application repeatedly to the Bridge Company to reduce the rates! tolls and give them a contract fora term of ..,ars. They were wilting to pay a fair fixed rate for crashing the bridge, bet they were not wil ling to lot the Brlil go Comptny absorb the bulk of these proflts now or leave the mat ter so unsottled that at any time .11m - crater they could take what little remained. Tim Bridge Company declined making a contract for any time whatever, and relic:- red to 1t...1f the right to alter and change the rates of their own pleasure. na t Ids decision entirely ignored the exist mace of the Railway Company, pineing them entirely In the rawer of the Bridge Company they appealed to the Court to tie a rate which shall he deal. rM!==l The Indian Herb Liberty btreet. Ursa Sin:-1 feel lum only deialr a dtltY In publicly stating my gratitude for the benefit 1 have received from the use Of your Herb Medicines, which has given me ease and comfort an, lona years of suffering. My disease was as miles.: Liver Com plaint, Hysperda, pain In the back, Intim. matton of the Kidneys and Madder, Swell log of the Abdomen, General Doblilty !Lc. nut note , thenka to Gal and your med eine, I enjoy refreshing sleep In my bed, and am now quite a now being. • earl-its beer; Owner 'of the steamboat Hero. Resi dence, Lawrenceville. TGe Dgctoii 91:11vo 1;i 191 Llborty atre et PRICE THREE 'CENTS. The I.lbrary end Music Hill Project The second annual meetine of the stock holders of the Library Hall Company, tor the erection of a Public Library and Music under the anwiees of the Young Men•a Mercantile Library Association, was held yesterday afternoon, at three o'clock, at the B oard of Trade Rooms, on Wood street. On motten,'lsatte Jones, Esq. , , was called *One Chair, and Thos. N. Miller* Esq., appointed secretary. F. It..lirtuMt proceeded to read the annu al report of the manager, , ,• from which we learn that the Committee selected and pur• chased a lot en Penn eta eat for sXl,oou, on whiell they-have pall 1001Xl. The lot, the rite of the old Concerthall;ou Penn street. between St. Clair street and Barker's alley, Id feet front by a depth of Do fret. . The report goes on to my: . . The estimated cost of the' proposed rice t 10h aceortt log Lothe plans submitted, anti at present, prices of labor and materials, in• eluding the groom!, will spore:ln:late to car. • . In the address of the Committee 'appoint ed by the eitigen rotating In Bo to present thin subject to the people, It was assumed That "to make the tmliding'worthy of Its objects, end of this onihrtitened and wealthy community. the cum of ipse,Mo ought to be subscribed," and it was their duty, under their Instructions, to get the /nude. Through the active canvassing t , ummltteea then appointed, SAWA was subscribed; and that sum was deemed sunicient to warrant Om organisation of the company and tile I eletiorf of officers. Since then no effort has Inyan made tOlmcrenee the subscription partly, because it seemed best to procure the sae, Prelpero the places, nail be able to Present the subject in a more definite shape These prellininerics- have' been arranged and wo confidently hope that a renewal of the canvass will sufficiently Increase the subscriptions to warrant an early mom a monccnient of the betiding, • .. An examination of the list of stockhold- I ors shOws that 9,510 abates have been Buh -1 scribed. -Of this number Ste shares must im I doltioted in conSequenee of the Inability of the subseribers to meet their engagements,' leaving %V+ shares of available subscrlp , Lion, amounting 'to s92,Xlo..This sum has Men subscribed by .140 firms and.individ mils, It Isnot to be e at that` the population Of this great city there are hot 101 l %rho are tamable of apnreolating: an In etitution such as It Is your object to create. • In conch: mien, your itrd recommend an Immediate ellen - to Increase the subscrip-' Ulm, and inlets° the commencement of the building as won as a sufficient sum shell be rained to }utility It. • ' On metion of J: B. Moabite, Esq.; the re port " was accepted and unanimously adopted. • • • • James McAUley. Egg., offered the follow ing rebolutlon. which was adopted : • •iterolerd., That the incoming Directors be, inetSuCted :to 'use their 'efforts to increase the subserMtions of the company to two hundred thousand 'dollars; and that they are further Instructed to inquire into, the propriety of orrecting store rooms on Fenn street lota, and buildings. over the front of such store rooms—such as may be Mutable for library and reading rooms; and report to the stockholders as speedily as pot- On motion of Alexander woe resolved that the incoming Board of 31nniSserir be Instreeted to cell in the sub scriptions In such sums and at snch times as they may deem proper. The atockholders then proceeded to the election for-officers of ttie Company, to nerve for the Mining year, widen resulted in The chided Of thefollOwing gentlemen: . . . rxesident—Fellx Smoot:. t leo Pt csident—John R. McCune TWasla;tLaarnals . lll.tirrigin. ceretery—Thomas N. Biller. Iloat , l of DtreCtore—Joseph Itilworth, J.. Bark, Jr.. John W. Chalfant. Wm. ttheW• Chas W. Batchelor. - . un mottorisMournect itleelithr -of • t of thehe riroillen'. A 111,0 1 .11- tlon—urport Chief Engineer. A regular quarterly meeting of the Fire= mesh diitaciation, was held at their rooms _ the city Building, lust' evening. The meeting, in the • absence - . of the President and t lea rresident, , ! wde orianlzed, citilidg:Mr.c.J.,,Killain to the chats Mr., W. D. weeper was, 'elected OSecrOtdr_Y, pre r tem.; - ,Tpti..roll was called and a quorum pas Mend to bd pre.= cot. On motion, toe' reading of.the•enin. , 'ales of the /arm meeting were dispensed with. and the reading of the (thief Engi neers Report wan called for. John H. Hare, Uhler Engmecr reported that the total num ber of alarms for the tour months past were nsfollows . - November ....II 1 Deeembnr M. January 10. I Vobraary I Total II 1 report was accepted and filed. - 'Joseph A. ClatieriEsq.from the Committee of Inquiryconcerning the eel , Ar of hose by different companies, reporir .'-that two sec tions of the hose supposed. [./]s ate belonged to the Yigilant Company, Lau been focind in the possession of the National Relining and Storing Company, of Hatfield. The name of the company to whom the hose had tie. longed was tiled off the coupling, bel an ens. ployee of the company stated that they had belonged to the Vigilant. The report was a.epted and died nod the committee continued. On molten Of Mr. Semler, the. committee was instrneted to Inquire concerning some hose said to have been scold to Bunton, Mil ler ft Co:, 'Allen McQnew., rnion Skating Park, Batley, McKean .t Co., A. lloeyeler Co., Wormser, Myers a Co., Standard Itedn tog Co. On motion of Jos. A. Butler, two were added to the committee of inquiry, The chair appointed Messrs. Reese and Cupp'. as tho additional members. The following bill was presented and or. dered to be paid. Firemen's Association To Jas. Met:actin, Ur. To ono quarter's salary SZ 00 To one trip serving notice I so • Total le; 50 On motion, atljonrned to meet at the call of the Committe of Inquiry. C01121:11011 Pleas Court, Before Judgm Sterrett and Stowe INDCCS.C. ,nu orricr • Before calling a jury the cmatalesion of John W. Riddell Esq., no Assistant District Attorney, to which office he was appointed by the Governor under an act of assembly approvedlaat week, ' was read by Deputy Prothonotary/fel:mod y, after which the oath of once - wna duly administered by Judge Stowe. •CTION ron DAYAGZS Nichelan J. Bigler ye. Daviddamag A. McDon- ald. Action to recover es tor the sinking of two boats latimied with coal, valued at nine thousand dollars. Plaintiff avers in his Itllltlayst of claim that on the 15th of March, len% he was the owner and In possessiou of two coal boats d cargo of the value stated, then moored to the Ohio river, at or near the "Pork House." and that defendant W. owner of the steam tog or tow boat "Hercules." That at the secial instance nd of the defen dant p , the boats so la a den r weqereuest du livered to him, to be by him eafely towed by mean. of the “liertirdea" from the Plane of moorage to Louisville, there to no deliver ed to plaintiff for a certain reward to be paid therefor. That the defendmt, not re garding hla duties in theist - ensue e, did not use dne and proper care that the coal boats and thetr cargo shonld besafely and secure ly towed on the voyage, but navigated and smkailnlagehdis r t a u s g a o nd t c arele s s igmentn anned, un by unnecessarily starting from the Pork Mouse at an unsafe and improper time, als:dit nightfall on tbe data Stated, whereby the polite of the voyage were unnecessarily in . creased,and in consequence of widelt the coal Loofa were wrecked and sunk, and to tally Plaintiff also averred that the lllercults" was not properly "coaled," or leaded down. as as to keep her steady and Manageable. The defendant pot In the general plea of "not guilty," and the ease proceected. It will occupy the Court for ehreral days.. ht. W. Acheson and Colonel Kerr for plaintiff; The.. M. Marshall and Alex. W. Watson for defendant. Nemethles Wrong, With the use. Oar etOrekeepers complain Justly of the very inferior quality of gnu afforded now by the Pittsburgh Gl!is Works, and it Is abOut time that light matters were reme died. The ga.4 is so very poor that ordinary tallow dips would serve' better than the feeble burning gas Jets. it may be that the quality is all right, and the quantity sop plied denetent, but If this in the ease, It Is singular that the gas bills are not mote moderate than Usual at the close of the quarter. We trust that thin matter will he attended to at once, and that our city will no longer be enveloped In darkness, or what Is worse, a faint imitation 01 light. Eloped a Second Time Our readers will remember the case of the New York man-who eloped with an other man ' s wife and three children to Allegheny City, as we reported 1//St week. The eloping man aieertatned toward the close of the week that his own wife and children, whom ha had left in abject powers ty In New York, were on their way from that city to find' the guilty husband and father. Thereupon be broke up his *stab listimest, and with his paramour and her chllaren, started off for pert. unknown, one night and has not educe been beard of. • Risutm—Are coming down and the person who payw fabulous sums for the coining year will not Increase the rapidity of the downfall'. The landloralawho have houses to lease now are pretty well down to the wall far want of tenants. City HAlL—This weak bids fair to be the successful week cattle Fair. The doe Slicer Tea hot was secured by Andrew I.slzell last evening. tip itu Wien/ea. - - ion si-6- news RterrantZ. , Li 16,1, 17 -• 01 .'" sectatiou LectstiZks• On _Thursday _overdo' G,,,sre Alfrpet: Townsend, well and . favorably know tes all the lecture going ccsa =softy as a plea!-` leg and moot futerestlngjeetnver, will eon- Unue the course before the Young 11, 5 ,0,. Mercantllo . Library. Association, by tore et the Academy of Music. Alts !soars wlli•be • they hew •on o , entitled • Europe. Armed "the- materials for Which he gath eredacting newer correspondent or o rlece 'ink journakdarlug ; the recent Xu- ToPeon war. All should hear hLs Cron. nanstleld;•Tal..i-Thire• are few mare, and,charming villages or towns in this litoaCl Commonwealth, than lifsaalliald, n few miles (rem our city.l 0 recentiVillig great in)cistive, however SO • It; m ntatigii that it Waa Tient/11y Inundated. dortag Ake% ru—ent freshet on Chirtlefii Creek. — The tact • Is the town could not beidellagestWith ter from that generally, 'pentad' Xre o k, .'" ew • If troulrrnao ten' feet - higher th an It hasi over been , and trap the recent orgssioct. no ' damage whatever WassnatainedllT the I M, nt' l from tne water. v.l few putdmildswg , - on the hank of tbeereek did sollier.lioni they cannot be stildto have been in the town. Open *Lear earrerpoademe' eaus upon w to.aopen the epee of the Paw. pia to the base Imposition or all eft totter.' 'carted dletributlorm.”. WhDayorroquant. ty mill that all such things nth erran d b ug. , a nd swindles. and taem that el:Teresa, ere would feel Insulted were we Lo attempt • "sermonizing' , them uport the subject. Paine it 4NVlSAriresatiner , for instantly . plating all articles of copper; brass or Ger man silver, with pare' sager, where worts • off. and for cleaasing and .pollsalng silver or onvenplatect ware.. Warranted -t0 kola. - tam PO quicksilver or acid, or Balt lelattle7 • - nrticlo. For nab) by J. Sample; Allege= and all druggists. Stenolar.—Sinet the disappearance of the Italian Opera .Troupe, the number of pea nut stands and organ grinders of the city has not Increased—an evidanee 502$ none of the talented members were left be hind. - -Platelet Court. —Thts Court met at teu o'clock on Monday, Judce 15.1111almon the bench, , ead the clue of Glllamin t Mitchell. taken op last week; wad Tema. ed.• On trial at adJoarnment. . , • Th• abolishment of the tax en atlyer tit lug to confidently - /oaken fOrbY the Pron. of the country., The dye dally•papers here paid, last year, eight thousand dolUss taxes on adrenising. • • . . 4 . llonae.—Mr. HAMM had.a . large house last evening upon the occasion of his boncilt at the New Opera Rouse. •• • • ' Pillppery.—The sidewalks are very slip pery, and prudent 'housekeepers should spread ashes upon the sidewalk. /Metlogo—The perks were thronged last evenlag.• The ice wetsto cplendld condi tion. , ['amnion Councilmen ardor your attic ta made at Murdock. /t Putnam's. 7.1• Yltth street. . Valentiond are dinplayed in all the shop windoyn of oar reVLII book-8011n s. Just Po6llatied.-Bee Kay d Comyany's advertisement in ahother column. - , Dog. have more liberty in this city tram. elsewhere in the ; Union. -. . Beviviing.—Business with onr retail met. chants is reviving. I: BM FULTON—On Salon:ay afternoon ct tcbrocry 9th. 1%7. LIVE, youngest dant bier of Andrew and Ule. laic Jai. Fulton. . ; Funeral will : ttke place from the reitdence or the rather,' corner of ilhady Line and TOtilt6 Street Road. on F - tiNDAT. Febrility itth, at: o'clock. haulage's will leave Body Patterson'. at Yelkw.k. • • t . • • I NEW .ADVE7iFiNZITS E=2llMl 171\17:131EFUL" . .91C11 Ea, 10. USG Fourth 'trees, ritt.bvkt COFFINS II of air kinds; CHAFES. LO lad guar, dew cri aptlon of Funeral Tarnishing oods farad , - .116011701 penad day au.l Hearse dad Carriages furnished. • - NSFE.ILYNCIA••-ittl , mavid•merr. M..W. Jacobus. 1.41), Thomas Ewing. MK., Ja• Nag. • • lt TOWIIITE It COy- ‘ • -• UNDERTAKERS AND, EMBAI,3IERS, Ilanchester, Wo 9 d.s tun and eletislty. COFFIN ROOMS AT MANCHESTEFCLIVEAT Corner Sheffield and Chartlers e 1 , 5,4 0" • Heat" and Carriages furnished. , • TTILLDALE CEDIETERIGEbe ••God's-sere. , the largestaolanr- Dan pl ace of septtlehre, except one. lartllls mem. tr. anuaucl on New Itelghton road: Immediate ly north of Allesheng. For burial lot , _Pertntla or titles. eall at Central Drag Blom of COOL /X. CLASEN. Allegheny CltY. 1)1:INSEA:Jp!I do CO?,( IraTelt REPOJER LTG zsmixtes. ,- zzfX . P. No. 58 Fifth Street OPPOSITE MASONIC UALI.., Having fitted op r DOMS exclusively for toe re-, retying of WAX CHY.S and CLUC Ka, with good tools and torso and competent force of work, e are enabled to do work ea welL If not' bettor t ItMt - any other store laltne city. Watches le it ror repairs will receive prompt atMullou and hr regulated by oar "STANDARD TIME" szLzat.ciaa-o•wmmunzi. WATCHES, CHAINS AND AT A VERY SfIALL PROFIT. AT WILL T. WILEY'S, 6 Wylie St., 3d door from sili. BAUGALITS Eli . SEWING MACHINES. 1,.....inti - ...; ...0 'but a short time. for sale at resteeed price/. . WY. SWAIN= a Co., fell ^2., Vitt street. • _ i; THE CHEAPEST. The Simplest. The Bert . 1 SEWING MACHINE, I. WEIZST.EIt WILSON'S. • ish..,TZSTlssicaTi.stm. 23 PEWIT 'STREET. 11.13 NEIt OPERA 110118 E. • Lessee and liaria.r.`alt. IitSDESSON Treasurer 11111.13 X OVEILINGTON. TUESDAY EVEdithei, FebrinrY 12th, fart production of the ever acceptable gengational Yams, by Din lionrcicault, entitled.. TS El OCTOROON , Or, LI/E IN LOUIPLAINII, • With a great cactof characters. nccond appearance of the Staiorlal Xing. YE. JOHN INGLFB. Wednesday—Be:tent of FIA_HICY ItOTTU. A a It=2l!Agr.4lll= JOHNSTON & DrALEI33III Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, EILYER•PUTED WARE, ETC.; SIT 4 LIBEWIT BIBXIT. .V.13t11100.1.1..rif,334 7ENOX:LIIANI. Air Particular attentloa aivest to Roygrtot Wasetles, Clocks sad Jewell}. All wort war t mated WELDON &• KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND. BRASS FOUNDERS, A. lute mortment, of Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., ALWAIS ON ELAND. 164 Wood Street, near Sixth. m, b, Tim PLACE TO BUT COOD BOOTS & SHOES = McCLINTOCMC S, I-ro. 92 :Federal Sired, mixenizzir CITY DA HER. CLOSE & CO.. Practical Furniture Manufacturers COR. PENN AND WAYNE ST! Latest style. of rua:4=RE.onsatly ham% _ SLEIGHING-A GOOD TEI.DI -. .- b..1.61:1.'70”:::.',11.`.11.`• go to nowARD% HOWARD'S LIVERY & SALE STABLE, ruut otztett, neat Meononzahela Home . , Partlcultr sttentlOO T. 414 to hu7106 and Sel/1./g