II VIEIL. IA ia3.71% , Banker ant, IScolzer, US Wood St., near corner et Fifth. All deacrlptio. of tOr AMent 110alw l'u""TZct!U"U"lHnght and old on ss7:loate Ta Doußht rtlgt: (BU"i cold tau 'INANCE AND TRADE. _ .. . rt . e . 'CL;or or TUE Pit-Tennant! GrrrI Mil r, i ' .. . s,reanax. Feb... 9, . ' . Ste NOW 'York tock unotationa to-day, al retnirted by. Robinson. McClean .t Co.. were as follows : Gold, 13114417 137 %; Eighty-one bonds,-141,1/; Five Tyrenties, old lOS.Ji; FiveTwentles,!6s, ItffN; Five 'Twen ties, nevi,'- 10.514; Seven Thlrtice, 105;4; ...Cleveland : & Pittsburgh, El3‘; Pittsburgh , Fort 'Wayne . 3 Chicago , heYn; Erie, ON: Idteliigati,Sonthern,TS`,;.;Chleego end Nort h Western, 373; Chicago and North lyestern preferred, 69; Chicago and Leek Island.. 3E)(; Western Colon Telegraph Co., 4 1 %.; New York - Central, 1013;.!, —The total paymentil of aemi..,,,,,,,,,a duty by the National banks. prior to July •1 MS, were cp.:5,5A,, end their total nay • ." xnents of Internet 'cerim taxes in • the ~,,,,,..„ time were V1,111,E , 1, making_., total l'aiinduni of, tales from such assocLations , 41.1,65.1,664. ' The• indirect rovenue derived 7 by the United Statei from the use of inter. "•xial revenue. stamps In ,the daily basilica. • , transactiona of the National Dunking 0350 'slat hens is Papl by the piddle; and not by thobanks.. These thirteen and shelf millions of 'taxes Paid by the National •L , banks may he Considered . in abatement to that extent or the eighteen millions re . ; o:wised in Interest on bonds pledged for el, • ' ceilationireduelnr„ the difference In favor of the beaks , to a Mlle over four millions. .. . —li seems highly probable that the no motions of 4 per cent Treasury Certin. cateStrill'he authorized to take the place of ,the compound legal-t• otters, a corree .. Ponding amount of which, it Is allotted, fel due•this year. It Is thought that -the rat, - of hatercet to be allowed on the eurtllicaie ~.... L. may be modified. The New York Times, 0 'Wednesday . , says: "The withdrawal of th ild.,00.).000 per month control of the Secretary of timTicasury over the greenback eircula :.'i itonalierigh priiirstfupon. by the House of ' .....noprestnitatlttes, will scarcely be agreed to • by Ate Senate, or favored by ' the finance , committee of either brudel. of Com/m.4, - Every confidence to now felt that this di,. crettou will be wisely exercised toy Mr. Ile. . . culloelL and the chances are that he will ' • make no further contraction, 'for some • -: Months to come. der this authority. The ••• other measures, ho un wever, bus Ink the coon. tenunco .if the Senate committee, the favm of We Secretorl, undo( the whole westerr . - and part of the Northern 1,11100.000 in tho Home, will fare, no. believe, quite . differ • . —The Western money markets continue . .. - stringent, told an Unsettled feeling prevails - . among tile banking and business' comuin oily in that section. Bence the banks show • great caution 10 discounting, and, al I lmue h • .'. • Arline payer is token at 10 per emit 01 Chi ' melee, call 100010 axe made at the same rate. • ' and rho street rates vary trout 111 to ii , .. per ' . .. cant per monte. The money market at ..I.losten It . rdir varies from our own. Loans • , , • to good parties on eholce collateral. , are : inucleatqOper cent, and drst-class cola. mereial paper la taken at I'AS. -The rates of lire htsuruneu to Cbieogo . • . Lave been , again advanced. The`, Tribune, • ' of that city says: "A. feo . monthal ago the -•. , - rates were increaied fully ' ilitY Per cent, .... . -.• and on the lot instant the different 'compel , - ' -.L. ies raised their rates any .to - seri:My-dye ..': per. Matt; over. that' 'm creased tariff. TIM ...,.: reasonaseiguell is that It Is impo'sible to . • . do snafu ; bustuess at the rates h reitdore ••• • ... . ruling. The past yeaehisabeen a pt.. ulierlly _ thr.introl.lol.l to Ilre inearauce companies, an 3 f assuming that experience...luingots for i calculation of the Illture• the c amanita It le probable, however, that last year wail.. whose rmordwill not ,u 0 I Do par.. 1 • rrriS•uulf.tin . I Orrick 01 , TM: P1TT . ..11111011 U, t , 67. The general markets Wive Item ostre use. ly dull throughout ill,' past weet,hut a. ;air rlyers—wit Li the exception ol the AI legion. - --areugalif la flue navigable it ion,' an improvement In all departments of trade is oxPeciful and hoped for very soon. Gli..ll2:—The Grain market continue ,, very dull, indeed, there is scarcely enough doing to estabibli quotutions quoted uoiniuulty, In the. absence of tali., 43,15 to Ilea for No. 1 Spring. and 52,53 'tyi, s3,'Fi for orinie lied Winter. Barley laetu , tdy. - with sales of So. 1 Spring alOl to 05. 04.55., 4 0101; hod unchanged; Islay be quoted at. 47 to IS, on truck, slid 51/ I', 51, ill 51000. CO 11 .I.lllull,stuall",a,at 7, to r 9. 11yo may. ,quovial at 41331 to 41,13,. rLoclt—rlie demand continues light d white t h e 11111.nkut. Is dud and weal:, prl are contitine to quote t o 411,50 to 41,33 tor fair to good shoo. si bprlng wheat Mande; 417,:i0 tor W ter {Vilest. and fin to •I% for fancy' CLs Ulf is brands. Rye Flour n. selling in aretuli w y at 47,75 to VS, and Buck a heat , at 43,39 to per cwt. 4'llQVlslo7.l3—sllticon dull but ranch a ged; small jobbing ,ales at to 11 for • ldors, and 1314 to Pi for Ungar bared (tome. Bless Fork may be .1110ted in a job bing way ad. 4:22. Dried Beet, 31 to • Lard Is Una at let: to 13. BUI."PEIL-1,, Mil L; in tory f reely. td 'with on incteased supply primefl, if 3 thing, are shade lower, but vary few ea os atm ime being 1r.11011111.1 Ye 35. There II no searcity of Obi aril de either here or In the conntry, and it see s„ to las, that extreme prims are out of t question. EGGS—Fresh packed still command 1 but the demand ly to supplying esstair wants of coat tioners and Dotal keepers. APPLES—DuII with increased' arrira s, and holders are mere noxious to trail On truck, we hear or sale , . at Vito 53,25 f r ' fair to goad, and prime might bring F. 1,37 0 Small eldest. store at 43,:0 to quality. SEEDS—Flaxseed Is in steady demand t 12,01. - Small rules Of Timothy Seed at $3 0 03,251 and Clover at OS to 45,1., ea to qua It BILLED rltGlT—l.lncimuged; Apples .12 be. quoted at 0 to 10, In small lots, a • Leaches at 1: to r.•—que.rters and halviis. II 110101 Mid 11111.11/lOged; D l 11l haled may ho quoted ut 41.5,00 to ,uu 1 • Wit—arrivals continue Buhl. • POTATOEs*-4:olititille very drat; PIT sales of Peach Blown lu Story, at itt to 1 hashel. - Prrirsnuuun PETROLEUM-11AB' • • icisPION 01, Till PertEniffnaltl967., tiourearhia, February _ 9, `GI:UDE—There was not aaingle oriel tit 'intrude to-day that we could hear o . an while the market continues dull and neglected, • prices are nominally un . Changed. `,Bizuth's Ferry," tie Beth •g o• the apot, at 7 to '714, pack nt.fee returnei , , • si • • 12to12!; packages Inolnded, accord „ng gravity. Venaligo oil is Offering ret freely at 9. coat., to ho .101y/crud It eraing ,Or Oil the opening of uavigat n,bu : • there are no buyers above gg, an fee . el bnYthlaff over 8!i. Kanawha oil is held at O,A. ton trivo—a few dept. ego there buyers at 9, and the last sale reported wit at 934. City. according to our latest. - vices, .I.:ruile - wee dull and lower, being is led at 1111,e/ • EF.lliED—Tliere was not a eollta ravioli .I.a. bonde to-day. and ants t - market is onie d t an d s ha) ra sel lers tire apart in their vines and fe It leeks at If ile fo Stole present to come light as On , the si pOt..eoty ttons the sales 2pot, not,- ttons would be given In the ithaence al ouleo, to 2":, On ears here, and to J , de • ' • 6 , 1 la Philialelohla—whilii tor • lure. • - "delivery; prices =Main michunged. Free. oil la unit end unchanged; small s usof Standar:l brand.. qt to At. AltllVAL , —tae tollowmg arriimla fOil were r..portuAl today:C. lf. Dc eight :r.l S. K. llarbOUT... • Total •••••• Total Receipt. for Ow week. Total Ilecelpta 1a5t...wk....- Total /Let:Opts slum: Jaz. I: Chicago Market. .. (.1111cplio Febraary o.—Prnvt,lof, m ritot contlnum..ollll, 11.11.1 prscott somewhat tim er. Mess ro k , tlit,to. ,oveCt 1'11.110.11 mos 100. Lard, Llve llors arty and in lair reque , t, at .1.0,1 , 0pt,t t am:110111; er Ll4l 41,401,e7,1 , 0, el Nln at. 117,35(e7,75, dividing VIA. pound, 'lot and moiler; oalcli miringextra. ttl. isle.://, and superfine, f I , active. Without 1111111,1111 change; No. at atl,l4;.2,ttii.i, and No. 1, ttl,elti,6,iote winter awl 10CSIli r a e t ce i i l pt l + o a l t elqeo ro w ket rather Pone, T f receipts No. 1. Corn 111:1011‘. itrta a o•s;tr demand, advanced 30, clotting for No. 110 store: sales at for and :Oa for 1N0..e. Worst `l a y4.20 1 1; Vottte4c for No.:. lieceit-7,0t0 Lour, Phiieft w heat: it 2,000 lius, but , . oats; lib Logs.„ rhipmento — C ,Or 110uri . .1,00.? bus. w heat ; . .2,000 bus. corn • Paek et. Ca ins t.°, Fehrtiary cattle 10-311} at the dralott stnek. la; thhh heath. lialthrodS. bead at 4,50 [or COIDCPurt e 0"" W I be steer to 5.02h4 for giant pact:hag. steers, bile na to 0;4,5 tot good smooth shippolg Thera has Oven vonte an sztenslvo 00 dons. In }:out to choice steers und packing eattin. Shippers; plan rlttsla • lie.. York. gluchisatt: and DeLcoht arn purcloodnalresty several goal di aro'botngE,trou lice, Prieei urea shwa, loser given - yuntsrttuy. hoveral tr.,iths nil Ittorthwestern , thou hold' St, LOalet aaek .111 and Ra ho wl. cr. behind thous their arrival Will, to all anpuarauce , hi 4 depremius eirtna...-.lotirnaL MARK ETK B 7 TELsAmtrii --.- - New 'Verb Finsacial Pia • NgairTono, February 9.-Gold closed dull. 1373 1 137!4. Governments firia. Coupons of 41, lOos/APINN; do of SA:, 10,91:Q10'3; do 0( 1 61. 1013 191%; do of 5.:5,1071.:3MA do new 10Y.: ft 105!1• • 10-1114 • and 110O:401793, 1a.5661...i.. silock;closed firm, Ohio certificates at . 252,0 Erie.. 5`2 LOW; Hudson. 130116131; Central 1011., Mailing 11113 401!3; 11110010 Central. 114164 1:7; .I . ittsburgh, siM3SS; Toledo, 'JIVE:Mit I:tick Islund, 09.401..; Northwestern 47,1:6) 3,; preferred, titp s ; Old Soothe.. .7041 same at unction today of Oh lo :Mesa . ..1 at 1.12 tat 110 I ' , 'Bl at bi r g. Illlnela On luau !o"'t hen. Ineky no 1001.6. Minim! shares quiet cool 21 oeflY: cornlon Metier. Gregory 13..0441 , 55. i hold 1,111 11. 470. Quarto 345 i Goll CPO id. New Nook Produce Itlrsrliet. 12. Now Yotoo, Yob. 9.-Cotton asbade firmer: e l m, 1,4111 Poles; upland, Mc. Flour doll. mid favor9.bnyenimales,l,lolliarrolst wipers fine, state, and SS est.., $N,15400,10; extra 0 ,,,,,, rn, 4,7,6,,,,,,, choice. , 0 1 , ,,,,,,, , ..., The weather has ugton It. li. 'E. slopptng brawls, 411.10012,90; extra, 1 10 cold, aud last eyeuing 412,65313,Pb elosed gni.; rebuilds, 1 . 117 I trablo'now made ileratin horrid,. Whisky quiet. and unchanged. .. , Wii.ll. Mirage or 7,f,ca 1,.h0s of • a.tay'd'u". TLC stags No.ll (Mirage at. Ild,bl, and 0,000 bushels of by the Allegheny marks winter red Jersey. at, 42,00. Rye dull; Balm at a stand. 7dlo buslolle; Western. 41. A Minoan, 41,35. • Itariest unchanged; sales, 17,910 bushelo; The arrivals during S Canada; V. 91 In howl, and 41,20 free. Corn un- YesterdaY were Mu Dal , Changed; sales, linshclst mixt ul, 91,13; !rota parkesrglinV i l sad in store .41,14 t afloat, now mimed in bag.. i n 11,11. drocerieminiet i isttgar steady, 106,11... r_tn•Marletts. , . Petrolutirn dull. Hops firm. Coal utichings . ' -'ll ' l '" "ffidl' 1".'" ' , k rlday, with Mx Miner tut Leather steady; Gornto.. soil3z:e. il • ~., i(I lowS 1 Wool quiet and limn; sales, VoLige gm; ,f f s. 1, thou•-a i i li 6 . ,,,,, m.tic tiecce, 47462 1 43 pulled, Mg sfic. Fork verb „ " r lil l „. "' e ' " ! 1 apnoea dull mot lower, but closed Mere . 1 - 110 -- ;0 . ,,5e and . it firmly; Pales, 10,400 barrele; now Mei.. 4.fif,t - t9B l N,li 1 i C101111i: tit 511,25 for West om; old me., passed Potnerey on Vrlu,... 419,753.19,N7 , closing at the hitter; prin.. port. 410,6211I7,00; Willie Mess, $llO - 0V; a lso 1 The Mirlettd Rbfis fee Says that the tow tifirre 601 new mess, at 62001,111,t0, im oel' bout Little 1.% it tat 1111 , 1 about a dozen Of let 'S stitlOrr of February and March. Beef stool bargee in charge,_und lost all hut one steadv; sales, 400 burnds. Reef hams lino; 01. luau Or I , .'h . P'i t l ' ,lo°. , soles, - 11,5 butrels, at 4.5.V.591. Cut Meats IR.; Tho Mahlon, lamed from I Ittabstrgh to solos of 41,40 _poeksges; s h o ulders, scrftsc!,...; St. Louis, 01ta Id. Cairo as Friday. The hums, 1fa,,6613e. Dressed ling,. ea sier, we s t_ slesoengor waS announced to leave New crn,w93o. Tierce Beef steady.; sales of °Hee. for this port on Thursday last. NM tierce, at 130031 Mr prime mess, and ' 1 : , .. GINPgow. /do Tibbs and Gulden l'. l-0 630335 for 1011010 mm. Lard dell; sales of arrived during Friday night and Satunlay. 450 tiarrals, 11 1 /0312.c for old, nod 12X313.16.1 These emits hove all been ice Wend be tor new. Bacon quiet; sales. 275 barrels: tween here and Marlette, and there were Manborlaind, le!..ioley.ic: Soft ribbed, lii.ie. rutuors to the e ff ect thalthe Golden Lis. had llottorlltut. Cheese quiet, lit 153.11.1.N.1e. been sunk. The New York left for SC. Lonis, with a Chaeleamst4 Slacker. 1 et 11 Feb. IC-Flour , unehangell but t i mil i. , , rt r e a keg:: 1 ,, 1 ,. ., i t rio t s iv i At p li i s ,e tit , ti i . , l , li d g l ,.. i k e less Urn!: soPlitio 69,7516 - 10,1 i, for winter, coasideranly, in consequence of the ad and 69,iff,f0.75 toe Sprino; trade brood 411,- vanes in freights from Lis enty:llvetothirtYs 35413,00, and fancy 6141015. Wheat quiet lint. five cents. prim:snitch:nig.; No. lls held at $1,40 for Xs is ill be sten C op t . d the 9tailneli and Spring, und 4450 for Winter,• at the close reliable Columbia, tico. W. Reed, is 2030 below these rates would nave to be um , tip for Nashville, and ail intermediate col red in Order to elfeet sales. Corn dull polute, and we have no doubt 111 gets tool szonithalU te. lower; receipts. 25,1,0 bush- blg trip. Messrs. Rosso tol Splane arc el, ear, 35393 c; shlld, Sto in the I I nu e., t eseiated together to e Mile°. net. 770 in sacks. pate quiet but II nu ut 51e Tim Silver Lake .NO. 4. Cupt. Tood, 6 .0. for No.l, call NM In nicks. Itye . ....0 lower; lei num for Sand LOUls, and Will leave Oil 10.1 41X. Barley dull. Cotton held more WednesdaF. firmly at the close; tnl.l.lllng could not , The Argosy, Car t. Vandergrlft, la the reg have been .Imught to tiny extent ut 3 , k:; Ulu ular, Wednesday packet nor Cincinnati, and receipts for the Week were O,OIS bales, and passengers and *Wooers 0110001 bgar rims from Mu first of September. 7S,VIS. against loot in nattol. Mr. W. 11. molt. .11.111 Yeah]. 115,012 bales the correspondoig time last gnat ge of the ottlee. season. Whisky firm with small wales ot Thu Bayard, Capt. Geo. I% NlOOll lAdt.,,lte 200. Provisions generally unchanged with regultr pnetet Mr Parkersburg to. y, a moderate order demand for bulk Shaul- leavoig promptly at inooll. dery at tic; SltleS al. We, arid /lailis .11 0 So; Efforts able 10040 on Sistords,3l, 0 raise all packed ha.. at tine for Shoders, 1 the sunken 1 tilt boat TnaVeh r, b . 1 t o itliont lee for Si des. 121.1 c for Clear till', and sdreeSs. 11 river eliouldimplicif o r aise l 123.1" for Clear Sides nil packed. u few feet her tipper works will . , tai i n Ibe Mess Pork dull nt 685,50, one Lard at 11. 1 . - mitt Imleft. 111 ...dieing the Mat, .1 . it_ our these rates mfked. Green Cliceo 0 firm at tot Issee, wif 0101112,11 11 . 2 11 ‘ 1 9 1 •! 1 1. ' 1 . 11. , 2 2 • seutsim, Dotter SCarco at 2.. 1 103 , kt for Cen- W. Collins. .afehtnan, we belts,[ ou nu 1 eel 01110, and 37035 c for Western 11000.0. steatner Croy Ele, at the risk. of his 1110, Eggs hearse und coal Ito bought I.elos. Me. made Ills 0,10 to o th. sunken boat, I tan ex. Seed unchanged. Linseed Oil 41,X1ei1.31, tinge:shed too burning lamps, a .1 ens and the supply i l r ight. Groceries nil in. S - IpreVented ac logic .onflagration °lf `i - c. Gold IX7 buying We clip the Mhos cins from he CM git,r, 1266 . 14 e. Co m - . 45. ~ • , ~. il . ~a r i a ,• at 1 13,34 selling, Exchange firm at Idr coma, em pgruat ,o _a • . buying and 1.10 prefab. eelling. 31.11 1 cY Thu Imoni.lus run through very II nvy ice market. nnebidigmf , mot himintw , has bee w all the way here (belowitsio gh. Slie mot greatly interfered with by a driving snow Me Ifelluvernon Maysville, owl thu - storm which prevailed Shies lust night with , Il i t; Gray luid Up “0000 C.411(01 ut a Islgli 11,1 . 1 . At Gm rieso it a .l elbsrlifg nl John s. 5110.011. U. 1.1. A., W 11.4 01 tong tho up and becoming quito c01.1.-bureineter et I 1,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,, p..L.,,,,,,,,,. ti e i s 1 1 01 1 ,i• f or .21/::16 and rliting; thermometer le and lolling Tema,. The Navigator, recently unk hi hell river,was insured in C incinno i n fo[ 41 . 2,. '"'"1".2.6.050 Orleans Docket. , •Asl, as folhoi , limilmeu's, Magn. do, C - Now Ontesse, February 9.-Cottonitigher I gierelal, Buckeye. Central and co reka, 42, with null. of ..,,7tiO bales low middling at ikst each. We uuderstand, lios,ev..r, th. , 9.1i4e; ml.llltig t12!..1e; Receipts, 1.153; Ex- trivilege Of no , Ig o ling Rf . i 1.12 '', 1 2 ° ' 11.1 pot ts, 12,500. Sugar in act lee demon , i ; fair neeritst ir. lter polices. TllO .10 11 le., 13e. 1101....sesilrui; fair 74c; prime to e1i0n...1 Item the lianaw um ~111 quo . earrels 47 :50700. Floui; for Superfine #11,75; extra Salt on the intporier, lor I.vai hollle. 31,- 02 00315,91. Corn easier :it 91,0,41,15. WAS terday. The Laune Imingla Me barrels of atand in goml demand at So . . Ilay di in 1.11 ultogether. The Late 1101.1 a son. l Apt. at 433M1.5. 91051 Pork quiet ot #21,91. Bacon IL Robinson. w ill arrive here th's morning nominal; Shoulders Ile; Sides 11145150. Lard from Pittsburgh, 01111 Imtv 0 t New fir dull at 139ilenc. Whisky and Tobacco 11r- leans this evening...MY sin Ping long chauged. Gold 134. a. imight. ,tml 0.0. enough to receive her steles 11411 taife any change unchanged. freight offering. Capt. W. A. 1 .... e, h.q., of St. Loum, passed through tlit city yes. - liallralo Markel. LIIIrrALo, ~,,,,. 11.-nour mr,,,,,r.,..,", I I terday, enroute Mr Pitt st.unth , Says rho St. Louis Denmend i ii have a t've. bIS4 gels' ''gke".d; ''''''''' 3.-A1 bb- i nismective vertalely of 0 steady Immense State at 411 50. Wheat, fair Inquiry for car 1 : 1 1 , 111 z . .„ , ~ ..„, , " of , :n „, , n ., gO , - ,,, i .,,,1 Wl'," *.2 "42 4' for No. I 3"l'''''''l 01111' 1. tliMo ' l Pigbargh. Prof. ISettl„„ise in 1237 for Canada Spring. Corn st mei y, at Me lor new Toledo on State Linn traek. fiat .. / 11, 1111 .. i. if ' , dun , st l .l , of the ro.Coo, 1,1 tuns er co . d. t eel. miles from Chester, point 111 i dull and unchanged. Rye 41 23 for W. atern. , ~„.‘, ,‘„„.,,,,,, ni , nn , ~,x , . nn i n. 1 ,,,,„, 5 ,.. Barley 41.05 fur Minoan:burley malt 61 31 for •,,,,,, „ . ... n . m . ,, e „ .. „„ nn In ~,,,,,. ~, lac ~I ;,, 31: Me. illgtmlnea, 43 30 at retail. Proms- Gist of Pittsborgh. It gem, tes sloe' ions quiet. Mess Pork, sa) 50. Lanl quiet C reme, :,,,,, , ~,,,. ~.„„„,,,„,„„, . ~„ ~„ at 13c. Dressed Hogs dull at (Pi niiti 50. lower /111,dndopi l'ill,lltirKh 1.1..41 is DLO St. Imola Market. Mooting Soper tons 111 mob. coal[ i 1 be l ST. Loom, r e p r o.. u- rhea., t a s m., i .. hied tor olle,:1111.1 of the id ice.' .1 . , glen; out for inttnfeelhrille; sales ito Euth The M. V. V. Mi.. cut- ,h.c.dmi h - r , tucky leaf mail s , at 67,0010 13,..e.. Flour Vcrs their capital stoek o._ c,.....er „ :0 1,, 01 1 ::. quiet tool' netmged. Wheat. liohls stiff, the ol•I steekholderf ta k e 4 , hut Meyers shoal oat Spring . ranged at SLP. 1 110 sale Of that remaining a:Ili:1e ~,...:, et.t,lit strictly prime full. $2,771t, Coro doll , ther rapteity for Meng ton ne.s. 1 anti lower, ut 7,1652. Oam heavy and loom, 1 bun rs 1.1 fn.' Cl • dein ot b54.071f,. Whisky 101101 at 42,55. 1.1.0- 1 eller a ietriten a f lite now stea a a sl. lons quiet. and unchanged. Hells firm a t I the tearket.. . . I. The I:. C. G ray left ltnelnnall .ir • 6 :-itt . ;;:- Philadelphia Markel. ' 1 Porch on Thor.slay, and the hunt.. I w ret . , i Verlit , e4l le folltm ,m 5 I ploy. Tl e sq , Pa tt somonts . February fl.-Fh , or dull: 1 left 2.11.1. deport for I.lllntlill gli t. a Tlll Superfine unchanged. ibilladeiphishrunds . ~,,,. ''''''' Ri'.sl) ' W 110" b''''.l'rUne It ' ll ' V ''''' 1 Th . scduis that the reports In ',qui .1 to 411.53; Itml Southern .13,.2e, nal . hens 43.4 v• t ~.„, Brow „ ~,,,,,,,,,,...,,„„, „,„,„,„ ~ ~., tt),, ~..1,,,,,g.d. Corn oull; tales ot :Oh , „.;.,,,,, TI n ‘ ,.. 11 ,,, ni. , inn . n , ~,,„,. bp",,,*bs`,'l),TLl's",.,.l..na„l„W'„,* 0,t'„,",.'n',1,1,r,,,1",...,,'',1'. i Frolayr-says . 0 rue tea is.at, San . Bre g-icii.-7-37- -------- -1-1-1-- "' - ' 1 " whivit hod latim reported til literal v ton . I, Pieces, came up yeiterdnl mein ets.• 1.0100110 Darker. I bsslts as If slal nad been very set et Loommtca Fen. In-sates lo Idomi Toone- . handled. lier chimneys had been knot. il - 2 of ~Aig.1,75. cups Mine Flour 41... Prima 1 oil% liar Pilot-hue,, dailiolll.l rd. . I se II Wheat 4:1.03. Coro:sheik , in B e lk I. I part Id ale burneam . i oot ttoro way, cur 65e. Oats in bulk Sic. Bless Pork i1:1. i limey 000.. r ..tnni.li, on.. lire Lee et .' Bourn; M,oolder, lettoinii:e; clear sides I st e .,.. crone X Davison. the I, 0 Imo 13 1 ...iti; Mons 130111 c. Lunt 10 nerves 120.1 tors for the mot of Lutz I.vllle. t. man. Whisko 42.25. Primo Sugar 111 4:111,C... Col- mod th est (huh . removal. Then e so li , te . ntiat ton .-2M1,29.i. of eir superceduro was Sao Francisco Market- secretory McCulltadt Ims uotliled theft Sax FauleiSCO. Feb.P.-Flour unehotured; I vacate by the 1:1111 11131. Wheat 91,70 per cwt., for chome shipping; We eve It !stated that in A late Cl, 0/ BIM Pm all o ws -Savage, 419,10; mown polo% I TOUdlthOula oj month pt..' Capt. Put le, 01 4M.GX Yellow. Jacket. ti.s.lo; Cleiller, si,T2, 1 i.tirill.l . l Ruth, took a decided .tai .1. It 0111110, 01,45 k lnwerlul, 41;5; Euipti o .511 W P. Sr. that %Jule rose sting on lo vo). 91,75. United._ 0,1001 Seven -Thlrties, 7SI, a'. , and when near ieksbOrM 0 1 1 . 111.11 01 Legal Twitters, 7314. I crew. shipped a t dictoptds, eon. htino Bltensphia Market. 1 seventeen negro nom, became ion and left the tacit, no arrriVlLig fit but go,„ BUMPH'S, Felt. a.-Cotton dot at 2: 1 1 - e! . ...M , re:thief! to pmform duty. lie inif ...Motel) for middling; receipts teslay. LIP; belle's;'', prcas•nled to Cm led malts C e om: ilsslonr exports, 2-; hole, week's rem MG, 13,205 .1,131110, 6101 ilalifed.n c•anplatut again. holes; _exports. f.,:;10 boles. Other Markets , I thane. when they were l arm tell and uneliabged , anti 110110 1 0 doing in rm. ,- f ohm. ut in 4411, to be tronsfurriul to Israeli, oueoce of the isclemeney of the weather.. were del he tri•til ma the charge U. nottley, New York Hey Goods .natters. I before the Coded States Court. lie stiln• m ner hich C:tnt. liuttie Ispostal NSW Toad. Feb. 0.-Dry Goods In four do- 1 1110fy1i,...,-,..,1,1n,in wa ll ho ~,,,. n „. n ,, „, i. ,,,,,, Mond Mr ,tlllllO cottons and light fancy i ruing ,,, n l i 0 1 :, ~,4 0, ‘ r .„ - ,,,„ 111 , 11 w i n woolens at steady price", but 110 general t° any 1 ' I • •. . trade or animation. More activity Is e a_ i hereafter tofu. to fully perform melt son. peeled soon. No change lu printing cloths; trout ii hen shipping MI II eteauilp•at to isay at Providence 014 ogrotre /Mic. 1 other croft. Says Gm Cincliinatl Commentief,hl Friday: Dlllwaakee Market. The remains of the lam Captain George W. littwsrers, Feb. 0.-Flour dull. Wheat Graham passed through this city yesterday arm at SINS for No, 2. Corn, Noe for old No. I 'Bernina. by th,...idatli , ES Itra4 , ., 41.0.1 1,111.0 I. O&M firm at ISc for No. 1; 45e. for Nu. lt. I fro at. Lonts for Zannecharm sville f , Ohio, for 0' Provisions dull. ter m ment. They are i! o 61r. COWL .. I(initialer.1 (initialer. A conmultteu of steurnMed coin. menders ware appointed to encert two re m arch* through the city '1 lie Whale lowed the Fleetwood down to 111., level yesterday. site leaves for Pomeroy to-morrow. The liellevernOn, whtelt left lure on Thrirstiny, Dial up 1110 panlelllollo at California for syn. Slat started out again 5 esterday morning Capt. .1. C. IlartOtt bran among the POW thlte'd lulsoaugan , for Pattlarey last 'tight. lle is looking after 11141 coal interns. In that quarlere. Tim 50 halo on Wednesday caught a coal barge, n 0 ,tlllO In the ice past this cit)'. It belongs P. 51r. Risher, of Hits. burgh. Acoul ha go marked ..2.11 belong ing to tile towboat Sam 11.0bartg, !leafed ps...L the city ymderdsy in the Ice. The I..tairty NO. La 11cli was carrle.l sa l somo three week Ity the lee, with sevei al of her Osage:se:lWe 111 11\01 went Irmo below, wOM One rit liar Nissen 111 Low. ( 111 e St. I.ollla tiviii iirri a /.0.) , : Calitaln Ilea Johnston tams by ihly. nisei,. 11l forcolitunchis entire steamboat stoek for solo, or portions of the propetty. The steamers two all good carolers and, staunch and we have no doubt whatever t hit Glom woe purchase wifl get letro•130, We aro sorry amt. the Captain. w b co m p el led uad. mired . tor Ills enterprise. la to take this:deg by anduipaired condition of licult 11. 14PODlr I Y ILAILBOAD PlTTlinekoll. FORT WAYNE 24 C 11141160 llt. It., February 8.-2 cons tobacco, Smith. JO5OOlOll Lt. co: 100 Indus, t; N llorrotot; 5 e b, tc l , o 3l r oVr ", k 1 1;s V ersrIt ‘! T -1' ' l r ei 4 : P lO, k ra":l l :::. ',' 4 \ i - Keefer It co:3 bbls butter, limn' S Reiter; 14 Lkg6 do, t dressed hogs, rood t & co; I car stares, Adams & co; 2 curs metal. Dryou A Caughey; 4 euro Playea, Halya 1k noberteiOnl ,'-'„ 3do metal, .sus Wood & eon; 20; gs huller, - ado bonus. 13 sks clorerseed,lllsar a Woo , ls; \ I , 1 - 1 9 l'ebil'enrao;4ll.lloe's e U cTt g 4 ' , ' .l ' 1 t u trll!ls t ;t " co ' r v ,.. r lumb e r. L Longhorn; 10 kegs apple butter, owner; 1 car barley, Ualway It 2..01110.; II C: lohoeoo, 2 S Lulu ortt, a co: :pi barrel, i,T flour, J S Stewart; 1 car corm I) WOllOlOl 2 bbls batter. Kirkpatrlck & 11)0; 2 do cm, t Halm & Hadley; 2do do. 11 111,1,110; 2do do, i C C Balsley ;4 du do, Groll - & lteniir; 1 car 1" 11,CY10.9"10111'1",gll'arl ' :I l c.14 1 ;3 " ; '" / Vel ' :I '1 11 ‘1 4 "" Id Dilworth A co:16 . .1 , 10 110, °robot" ATtdimits; 1231 do do. Jay Cilialneri It* 210 do, Samuel Lindsay Jr; 10 kits butter, 4 :5 I,llw Or Ili rt co; 4- I car metal, Maack S co; 14 pkgs produce, J. T & 511 2dellallan. led PITTArIi EGA, COLITEnCeI 44 CINCINNATI Cd ; to 1/.. 11.-lebruory 9-130 Idds apples, owner; ~. bbls whisky. J 3 FloeS; 10 pkg, produce, ~ 'i n t ti bills dry apples, llead & 310tzgar: 0 bbls „, dry apples, Cook. Drop& co;L: do dx,, .1 0 '':: Buchanan; 7n•ks balmy, tial•lay A C 0111..; - 7 , 17 olds apples, Td Weill; 9do du, sturgeon S prOi 8 110 du. Valli/Order a Nllchitta;llickm barley, 3 3 210 oats, Ileuuor .1 Harper; 2.7. 1,.... starCh, J O'llanlun; 17 eke barley, I &dead.; 1 car csarn. W 1) Pattersoml cur Auer - and mlllfeed. Stewart &Coil do do, echo elbuck It Schott 3 cars wheat. lageett & co; 1 2 dodo, 8 Llarktugh It co:2 IMIn teldsky.. l Vienne. Teases tobacco, linos S. (UT; 11 du ..o, iihri er rd; ((pence:. Ctorssorto sun FrrreaCeon Itattooso.- - February 9.-4 ears metal, Nlrnlek & co; :5,0 bldg flour, RIMY 6 51eKom s earl Iron i Ire, ShOenberirer d 1110143 30 libb, otl, C 11 ne• nlgl3 1; 1G do do,Barbour; 10, 111111 1100 0, - A Little; I cask bocon . ..713 sks oat, vukit It en; 11l 1.1/10 orles.McLane; 91 ska outs, tilenn; 20 110 d 0 ,21 docorn, Fill zer ,I. Artn atrongproduce. tV J steel A 8ru;3211 aka dillnettl,Koll & Illteliart; S pkg 4 hen dries, Cook. 11136 Co; 100 1,1.1,1 doer, Lords LareLLer;loo,lo dO, Graham A, Thomas. - .3..A303117rT ISTAllok. February 9-3 cats statin3, J SI ilompt111; 10% dos brooms, It P Getty; 7 bills. 67 ska dour, St do rye, Cleu art It Lungenhotarrl car grain, It linos A Son, /0 01/18 apple., Julia Herbert; 9 de i 10,111,4404 produce, KS A Carson; 1/114 njoil, 4, 0 1 0. ens d Kennedy; 1 Car Corn,liolE l ear bay, Isaac filpaley; 1 Car Wheat. hlch c o c \A. oil; 1 Our barley, Geo Gond; 1 eur 0 0r,,, 0 2, stunt,Mw ere• 29141108 brooms. 11:31chey; I car ..11\ .lien'oedy &Bre; 1 bbl butter, 5111110. ug bon Mc cO. Jur ALLeturIST VALLEY HAIL3IOAO.-Feb. 9.- .I.fr/ 11 cka rye, W.l Meek; 9 15011 blltter, 3 CcilliB \ ,ric N. JOilll ilt001.;li, eke r)e . I. W. n''''''l"'"' odd 3 lOUs flazic,l, NeatiOnoir • um, .Y. Co; c eke for buckwheat Una, yoke. fu eO.O 11160 !collier. Win Vlore. 44. how II ia ' . tear , Win Me ,nccr I Ochry; 3/1 till tiO. 7. li . boa . . urt k ' dive , .tin Tye, II C Pay in " ''''' " er a."' '6 HOLIDAY GOODS. ALL xl~vx OF ITRONZE,OILT, CUT AIU)GILUY. Jarbon Oil Lamps and Chandeliers, bct To 11 ~,,, 106. agh Lamp Trituntitigs, & Also WALMANT6I , I , O2 I -F.XVLOttlYrollia, BUN UM. wholcoale 1.1 re.. 11. JOHN ROBS & CO, I%Tc., 1 13.4 Darcric.ot ¢7 troot, de.X:l7lntldewl . • VlTTbillt:lttibl. MA. • 10 II ILLS. LINSEED OIL received And (yr.... by oy.iltlilr A. KKI.I.Y 3 CO.. 1 1.11111 the suit n c h e 4.1 . - . . . Who.. lo Or ...trig.. X 7 W.. 1 ...vast. ' 20 BBILit• in rie.mit received •dd for ••le by OF.U. In . Is C.1..t.1 A CV. dea Y, bvlvailv Drgenst., 37 11 0,1 aUtet PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. MIRSIIALL, FUCiON theBOLLMAN, , Only ntnnufacterres In West of HEAVY CORDAGE, roltable for fteam end Coal Boats. 11A W SEE LAID OIL WELL ROPE. Tarred. Ropes for foal. Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, CAULKINIi corroN, ke., litiarehoune.lll sad 113 Water Street, ET= = EST Bri7 ER N turned exceeding therC wax Cntleld . g Ice In :the Alle water_leet night cue eine fetn,und 11. day night and d and F °rust City, the W. 1. OMB, aL Clnelonall on tons. Including, In , t.i • n ton WIL4 wl ur l'Utsburgh un w boat Icesolute y, vuroutu Sur alts 'STEAMBOATS 1867. uu 1867. PITTriIIUADII AND ST. LOUIS 7491.43150 t compote. l of tlic fallowing •luaa?era: MF:nsr.mi• I.OIIIOA. I 111 1. I'ifitTE.l.!, 1:0 11, II Al 8. W AI: • A„ Y..ltli, lu ll lIIA. 11 1...11 1 Elf. K I'UT,AII IS Al' I, IV! :101110, V;,II.IS:IIIOiN,I.VY:I:CLOUD No.:. ,f 1 ""'"f "".!'".L,nau:tela"l7)l 7 "' rnaadl 11"auN/wi - ' Fr , 14111. and to all to., 111 !frts Packet and MiseuUrl . boa,. A AYPIV ao LAC . K, cOI.LINOWOOD. 101.1 .INS, Ai, or C. "1.41:"..Z,11-7;:T0,,'(%1"2=1., FOR CAIIIO AND .T. •tranlrr,li. VEIL LARK., I. 1 odd. will leave a% abut, au NV FAIN C.SDAI. at I M. 2" '"IrIt.VitTr‘IITIM uu hear., " fell KWON _ PEUELA It WEEIKI.V. -+LL SCi AN AT I PAt.KP:I . , kNYItY VW. kAll 1: AT F.! M. —fIA: C A . V ... •. . . LAW], tNl.oltlrl. W. :I. 'co .. ... Yut Ir.:sett or ['A . 41 14 bu, looargl or t'u JAAIr.6 1.14 A!. DA11141 , ,.. t von GA LENA AN I) 111:1set/UK DIRECT. la barrla tine pas rag, steamer HAVAANAIi e. 1. Alctioss Win iCsin lor the al.art ., and all Intermediate Port" theJl"hr.ef•:';,V-Jiuwoov • Ark Agent.. c• ti HAY, VOIC NT.• PAUL, DI— KID:T.—Tao new rlderwheell steamer Aa ............ Copt. J. W. rAllti uc UIIQU Will mare car the Aber o' And Mt I:ll...weals In Inc. wt SATURDAY. ith ur .D. MANGY. DUD. .1011 Fi.ACIe, r' Agent, 1,11 it. C. (/I:.S.Y, _ ) . . NAMIVILLE. - • Tim bir4 Vlir,,111"" - I, or L i u J. It. MSC GViiiiiISIENT SALE, The Properly knovrnae the •'Govern. went Tannery st Meant roan With Ne•enty-tireaeree of Lana, near Kan Antonio. Teaw.• BY:ALTAI I'It(II4OStLV, In dopileate.".lll for op to the YIRST DAV t/ic 3( O , for the porthase of 73 scree of rand. eroer_ 1e.,/ together trith tbe e ef on, and the appurtenances aro:rectal. Ir. tam ON to tff. (*LE ."INNIIIRY, containing 11 S t on e Lime 7ats, riim , two wooden Vats. t c r o t..n.:74n e t; roolat and capable of tannin g 11, , 1 10 ONE S TEAM SAW MILL.. carabte of cawing otcrAT "I •4`:: r F d Ani.itlN G. cLeLo attbtv e alnott ffriVheVa="L'bboucted to th e etsabilsinment by race of hewn stone laid in cement. The and was porch:met and 1.17, Yntc made by tbc glonfederab. ,•0 .n. lit , and are e•titnated to have Cott In geld. propertT has been nude! lease for . :11e year In ~ In at a monthly rent of ltdnt, van'ee. A secured title In fee simple wilt ho given by the Melted Slates er=ra'wrniV.llt•• an •t rope d ddre.steVanuTenttdtJ.lLl,•l a A. 1.., Hal,eslon. Texas. liet. Mal Oen. Asst Lt. m. CLLL Vi WABEIIOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, X3SICX.CJI3LTI EIR., No. 106 Wood Street RILVER PLATED TA. Iti./: WAlt E. TEA TItAYt and TABLE CUT '. 1;11 ClItS A VAek... • --Cot A trirTooNt., BOHEMIA N W ARE orevery deeerlption LAVA CARD lIABKETS,, ‘t t LAVA t.rt•T'l NB,• ENGLISH BTUS E WANE of all varlelles. to tilt rrltoteeal cand retatt trade. - The largest end most complete stock of every se In the easie r ciao, • help . prrrsatuncati PAPFIIt YACT RHINO cuktreN Y. Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, OFFICE AND INAILEUOLSE, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa orrufrns—Al7l,ll,T ILAIII I F • " "L Wtllll 1. 11.11,3i . :Y., 1, : . :..re T t 71 :7 ` f c r 1 . 1 u i ll . l ' . ' ; L., r tz u r n: c 7 il ` . 1:1” " i:%1 ,j ). " . h ./% 1 + 41 : 3171;0.1 it'asub raid (or raper Mock. • FIRST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. 1.,Y ONS, No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, lierpe on 10.10 id 'and manuf!mtures to prd , ,, ttui MI IIIIY t. N get oti.r. WALNUT. O.OV St and eo)llAtt V. Llltl 0. 1.0.1001 . 10A1T and UK FRAME , . ruetaln Cnier. 11111•14 and Itotooolo. Trlrnal tool 100,01,0.. tables of 01.10010100 &Oen and "l'f,k1'.V1":0t150.!•1. F.011L1 0 1.:. 0 caemttrd lc-Ib< noi.nalialve • CEICIOR OAK TANNED,PAT Jr. 2• !VI:CUED NU 11' ET LEATUER BELTING AND ROSE, alanufastarsd at No. 5b aUlTit YIELD Wt., by ELLETLEY. PHELPS & CO. Also, Age.] for Nuvr Tort Itabbar Uo• Crum. .13eltiug. gri7ill` . .Tl3ll"eo V V F : I. EU VL 131:,..11 11 k.L MaJECETA. TED—TOE for ,;, r ^, 75 To too,ooo BUSHELS CHARCOAL . „ ,‘ fur- 8.10013.14EAD & CO.. thy 99 •IS'ater Street. l" ' CAUSTIC SODA; "EothA merle:in and English, r. witurr. ImAnols, , , w.• For Oil Refining Purposes, , 1.0 0., haul so-1 for q , snt. l ” L 9 .11. ‘111,11 3, t0 eked 1 7,t71 JAMES HERVEY DOBBS, 216 Pearl Street, N. V MEI tiOn. I ,ILOAD ENCHAN,GE 1.4 tt, RESTAURANT , ' 7l . 1101 CUIIIEC 1 1 11111 AND SIIIIIFIRD Si?, 101 ot of vort ", Ladies' Dining Rooms 2d Story. rio , ll CAS 01,311..11 , 4 ASO JAJIC ut all k. 11.4. Oil dt,,D , ;I: AIONEMENTS, GRAVE'STONES Vault. 4, Fountains, Stattin ry. Vases, DESIGNSOF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, ant. n OU Peron .riftet. THE LIGHTNING LAMP IL C. .ygo. JONES, TOGEL,•Agts. TIDE DIOST POIVEIIEEL AND II HILLIA . COAL 011. OAR 141114 T LVY.It IItODUR. CD. Adopted by D. S. Government. Non raploolve. k!brap and 1t...UN.. Illre• • thrta;4lll.lgrrattt luau auy lamp. Till. pat -ally •d•p1....1 to 5:1 lam purp.•- r+. and the IcL Is W0rr..17. ,, ...th ,,,, r• nraa I I..inlyt.• any trimming . . 11nrutre oa_th r ia_pyln!: plt appll,llltW t.Ol WII:, I. lit: of, l ire nnnorlll Po•t Unicr, above Mt... • w. Depot. s.wond Door. no:1 • TO BUILDEIOL— PROPOSALS twin rtcsttc4 at the Cher Store of JAMES NUB N. No. ha Market &trey, far the caution of a (BANK IMMO! NU for the K EINTUNK SAY. INOn DANN, ant. MNDAY. reliquary MI, flannod apeclncallon• now ready far exm ination at the ontre of BAUR & MOSER. Arcahi tects, No. 2 St. Crate . ..tree-I. Hideone nnliclted for rack of the Manche. of work be imrately..tl for the whale complete In one contract. VAMIILI. BARK I.F.Y. J es GILL V.51 . 1g, c omm „„, \%M. Plc K r.ituiLL, JASteb ROBIS,' Ja11:05 • NEw PAPER WANGENGS. YOU CARlAMS—french Lit Ages, with Cold Borders. VCR I.lllllAttlElS—Porepelan Patterns ea thanre around ' Vila I w Urea Patterns on Red Clay " lATt a. O /hiS—Laeu and Mnsiln l i attern ore, dark grounds For talc by PON 121r-a.a..T:EL LA lU N lt) O : W FI ALA C I o t N G E T T O C N K O E F V. CKYA4, and all Mi..' lii• YUlt THE HOLIDAY K. tad h.! to ',ed.]. at tcritlou to his .utrolor MIXED CAI, I/Y. at SI) !and romleral Mt., Allegheml• de17.10, /INCOMIII,IO 1 , 1“/ULAToll'K rpler. ALI. 1 I1•11 ,, CITY, Feb .1. IVq. S...ZPECI AL NOTICE.—PIuns. Ea- TIM F 1 ,W of Af,••,..m..01 on the 'repoly. • intir.••••,l In 11. .• nlrlrvrlloll ul the •Wrat Vornmon .• and ••11.0nt.ol'• o,2vrcri, will 1....1000 for I..ept.tloi , Lue, 011 Ice, tot a mr1....1 Of l'ogi C on; {bib IIY ord., of tlettoL and orontoo It Al. td•:IIEN !MY, 11c..or.ling 11. gulstor NEW PANEL PAPEItS, Mill == N 0.107 NARK ET STREET, SREARTI FTII JON. 14 111.14111E8 dfc JIRO ROOFING MATERIALS. Cement, Pitch, Felt Para/ lne rarnia& and Black Paint, •1.1 c• •.+U any *tau . L' t " "." " "4 , oh; wog. a cu., =MI BAUR & MOSER, FRUIT ASSOC! TION 11111I.!)1ti. N.! and A ST. CLAIR `3IREET. l'lTTSll t) l.lld o i laf.l PA. so, dal altrution given to the .letilwalnit and bolidosA of Court noose. and "..Ito nolldlnia. al,rl ---- ~JA ~'AtiA OKAWES.-10 bids .L Via". 11A1011(frsalges. inatreorylred and fur ale. RR') 31ER 6: 7 l and Weod --~:`` ENSITION CrE. ; 1 • MANUFACTURERS. A / U/r• E AU nil i r i - ga l c u jl c E . ' l}, k DIERIC IN IRON IVOIIIiS ' War', liwak Block . 1 . lamM Wawa all ktmta el Tiro sad Marine • /Wks. -- - BOILER, SI JOHN IRWIN, J.. Pre-ed.•.s. . JOHN U. =CORD, Vice I•rceldent. 1 ,. JONES St LAITELINS, ---. . c.o. wi t . ese.-ret... • Cap, DEAN, u➢aeral ♦gen . ' I . x , x , rwiEnErcrigt.c3rxx, c A KROLL DIVICTInS John Its/tn. Jr., Copt. flesh. John D. Ast,tisa, I h. Fiihnests.k. C. U. us.y. I W. 11. ECUS.. 14kirsck 1.14,111.1/.RO. T. J Hoskin., Cb34'./ihTs. 1300.1). HOU., PENNSYLNANLL 1 S IUILINCE . OF PITTSBURGH, PA. Ordee,3l Fling Ni'ret, Bank .111?4,11. Thin I. n Home Hoyannny, and Insures &rainy& 7.l.4Z6lfluNVlVir.u, b fit. C. C. BOYLE. \lee Pres! lent. HOBERT PATILICK, Treeeurer. HULHI elecretarY. DinY.CYnnn: Leensnl Walter, I Ocorge . V..nEo.. Oen. . 10,411, C. C. Boyle. vnuiet, J. H. J.cmb Painter, J. C. Vintner, I t Mug, Job Vorgtl , l, • Hop nine, A. Allll.loll. . Henry nproul, 1,4.0 WESTERN INSURANCE C 0.,. rirrsllunoll, AI.Y.XANDLIt 111311 CK, rreeldent. WM. P. HERBERT, riecretary. ('APT.PCDRUE Ileneral Agent. 00001. PI Water' street, WPane 6 Co.'s Ware np stairs. Plttabneeb. WM Insure seldl3,L A 1110045 of fire and Marine Itlatts. welle Institution mausged hy Directors who areknown to the cotatanitlty, }llll WhO Ire •determiner try proulptucen anti Illterlty, to I-cal...an the character which tinny have 55- 'ene. l . n efferlag the best protection to those Mho desire to Insured. PthacrAne. Alm Mulct, J. mom It. 11111er, Jr, Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, John It. Mei:uric, I Ale tender epcer, James l', Han.. Andrew Orkne y. Jcseptilrk valeta, Dseld 11. 140 e g. l'hlllip May men William b. Evan.. de! Wm. P. HILILMEIIT.ncena_ey. pEovLus INSURANCE CO. GOB. WOOD A-ND •IPTM a"1-3 - - --- A nunE COMPANY, TAKING YINK AND HAWN KLYN.% DtM1. 1.011 . 1 . Wm. MitMos,' . John G. Unloads John Watts, , I So. - antet P. r tnalvet, Jobs K. Cork, CaVt. Jan. MIH-01. til'orpt'tot Win. Von AUK , Fronk Y. C. Monson Loye, j"'"". 11111,LIPO, Crottlent. JOHN WATT, Vico Yreoldna W. Y. OAHLINE.IL. doenttnr9- 31111:1y Copt. JAS. toot , DON, Con•I A ht. LEGAL ()lIPLIANS, COURT NALF..-11) •-•virtue of an order of the M. 0. ., Court of ittkeeeerteooety, the outitraleued, tjugnlten of JUSEPIIIN - ESIIIEL;D S w" On Tuesday, February 12, 156.7 At I o'clock...l, ft., all that eertnln trael of land fu Eltrab“ll t at. talklp, AlloghenT euantY• P•s. .• .Ittrt the property ot said lo,plone ,Itlel Itot the same In t• part to her oo hur a ,, ars•of It,. It v•I Fatale °finer father,ald Ales. T. eltteld• In proceed.. In partition at li,, 11 , 1, 1,11,1 , T ..- ‘..„!;:,,..,‘; . ,?:.7" , `'.' , i 4* .;';: . ;; ," ' i, : °.,V;i:1;, ~.. w.,r.n.fZerah Hayden and 01 11 , re. The Janda 1 - , ail under Cuillyatlon eat , tax , tut twe.le Ivrea 0f Woodland. The wholc la underlald slob '';').'n'at't:n'tr..;/;,VIVt,-thlrd razh 1, dela' ry et detd„ an d ynmsesslon GO the trot dot' of AIWA nest. an the balance in tn. , tonal annna pay ments therealler. a Ith Intere•t tom Ape t, lit. I.c:. to he .enured earond andsorlCotte on the pr,:;tlw. The penman t ,' or eon , . et sae "I. or .fn?t'll',7.tos•tlett`are, 10,,,,t1r,. of I. c, II I IIIOIY, F., , , , Attorney fur ti0.....0. "No. 15 1 F"''' ""o", P" V.Z]lg IL I WTI , N. J•I 1,13,,, • 1,,,,.., tau A LLEtalEtilf - CO( STS. sc—ln ••••• Tilt COURT it COMMON l`i.F. Ali, So. .:‘ , O, 3larcbTertn, 1,. In the :natter of tt, at, pllcatlon of tho Western Pe , ut,, :Yalta Ite.ll , ltna and Loan A“oclatlon of Akltytteny t lty. tor a Chart , r of luporat,on. • nn•l ‘ , now Janttarr Vat. 1,, the Cone: dtrent said Written to ne i1...01 In tut office 01" the 1 . ,, , thou.*, of the Court Of trotatt.ol3 1 . 1..... 11l nog Sur alot Coooly, and null, there , . to• 1%, nu, 1.1001 In one newspaper. prtnted In tm , Cit., 0: rlttatnrith .04 C. 0.). A'lerbet , '• 1., at "e , threr wet., settlna f. ,, 11s tnat an application li••heco malt: to 1:1e Conn, ior the. pe,p,lo. 01 erantlnK the Western Pennsylvania Build- In e and Loan Association of All, gut ny Clt,. a I barter? f lye •rpnrallon, aoal that the elatne Atli by grnte , l at Ilo• t Let Tom of the Court ,CCOlLllitlft I'll IS, 111,1. I ~,,101 hereto ,i/ he Alen In gaol., (low. • I:1 ,tit,,,uicr, I II 11. ' ALT VII. Pro • All ~..f....nlnttr,f...lwlllptf.fi, 1., talc mal , a, Of c order of Court. A. WII..I. I IiNN. AN-wetallon. • A t LLEtarit:Nt• COUNTt, .s.—ln ol sn ,:nStnrct. —ln the Inn", , 1., Caton• l.lAH.Enr CT • t:lsart , And non to wtt, J ann.)* The bil•I 1.. the •.. 1 . /oth...n , ktar) • I It, t 011" 0:11:o. I,ent In And lot Latd Ihntrof •n. 01,11•!:t • rtLa• Ihn vf I.3tl•burgh 11,, f lot ti ant ittrfl..rtn t nal 11 Ot.'stain 11.. In, it Inn, 1.. Iti• t for 1.1, rnrro, grnnlineg the Unlou at I rs Al , l AntAwintlott anl, sad that gr at ~try.nt..l n r s, reran. f It., gatt of 11, , I Itvrct. 111 nit tl 10r.,,tr nom the Ilecotol, .).“ , t3 11. Pro All. .n terf ed e 1 ,, tete no. th ct l.e a l/o+a. urt. A. 'A f..e 111P11ANI .0 COURT rl,Aa NLE.-By • virtue of an le or 1,• . ..! A Ileyliene County ri , the r uni. FOR.. rt .4.10 m It. Cornwell, .I.ct , t... 1.1 1, tale n the to, tele , In the ..! tin t on • SATIRDAL fEC. i. ISI;;, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M Alt OM re ns.) and tut gronwl tht so, uf e 1 conitnnnelt , at • the alotaner of Idht,.•• xrn feet •••:1• 01 , •. artivre stre. t. r•Q,(P•s•I:11-three trwt ••.tithk.lll) and 1.1 111. I "1111 i.l.tlrtic , street ...Etc In.toire , l ang thlrl,•,lgh t t feet to nu thence nre.tw• r•Ily 31011/ .trt. t • e feet film. tEI beginning: and porall•I yeah thArtlt r• .tre, tl.e beginning; hatrln• • (root of neer .trth rot het nine Inelu. I.n nit.- n.s.t ettendlttg, h on a , lr. nue Lunar...lbl.. thlrt, feet to an •11.1 r. Is erect., tvriyalofy brl,ll,lnelllnKhou 3 e lately yernple.l hy the cltee,e 4 .l: 11/./Olt eon flrtnnt lon or .alr. l'one. e• •Irtti thti tel • I Apra xt. The rut . r t,trat Jena sn.l oteaup tru 11. 11.1 111.LIS,..s. 1,1 n 1 nlest n t . TIIF. COURT OF - COMMO N ri.zas or A I.LEIMEN t ”UN't 1 • .f,Z, March Term, 0( Notke !leech,' /It en ..f the nppllnntlost The nalidin; and Loan Associa tion, No. 3, of l'itbburgh. . tTartor or in ei , porati , m , 111...1 th, hth. the Prothonotary. at the noel., attn t. rlu ee ..tatt .1.. - 111.1. nlll granted at the next at of the Coh.tho.n uhlesx ei .tlona 0.01,101 w Meat lo V roper thee- JAC.III 11. W.111:11'Elt, I,.thqh..l7try. ADNIMISTRATOIR,S SALE.— The underslgur.l. Ai1tt11,110,7.1, or the a.- late otTIIIOIIII lI . V AY. lat• at North rat- Ant-taunt county. Es .., et used. cline at tuna le nate, on lbe pt. tuts., In sw, , i township. • On ThEtriday. 1 Ina February. 1 , 67, At 10 o'clooln A. Id thr followln 11. AI . I , k , t , a u tc , Urn Aid accro,. to Bou Irn th, by lands of forrence•is loin, on the , wyt , irmalbof btAll awl ottl.,r, t !os , l UTr i e, II!,"?. ."-.V , Lc thn ortro—cot,talnln[: acr es. tartly liirrnrl aid will. f aat. Term d . moe oL tole. ""'"lrem'r pmts bee. of N ri Klt Ur of ""Vg. • 1147 X. ECUTti t NOTll'F..—Lelters A-airentom Om . sate 01 it AVID TIIIIMAn. late or the City of A Itegheny. dye , a,- iid, hewing been gum tea to the moires& ancd, all tuirsoit• knotting thenceit lode: nod to raid 01- tate are rug...axed to make pilule. Ituardllntddr to either of the omit:reigned. cud bow lug elating gloot 1.111 . ..tato will plow.. ta...netti. , tli'm, d"'7 "th.. 4 .1 ,1 1 :1gi , Ex 're . F.DWAIII/ lIAItiIETT VXECIUTOWS NoTiCE.--Let tens A-a sedimentary on tito oststoof Pugin' Howe. Ile of the borough Of Tartuitutn. Allealieny Conoty„ Ps.. deceased. baring been grant...it to the undersigned, all persona tudelit. II WWII s• tato are requested to w•te Inookolialo linTrunt. and those haring &alms, to oreaent.thow suthentluted. for settlement, to JOHN WINN-MAN mr,ELI% fa HOWE, Mils wife I Eo " .° ' VNECUTOR'S NOTICE. — Not ice la hereby given Mat Lettero T. ot.olocol•rY hue bum grouted to the undersigned ois the ac ute of Alexander 1.16C.H• deceter d , o f oth Ynyette townthlo. IrwWw , Indebteol to 00111 re late will rail and comic tile smug. and all percons haring Oahu I. raid estato will present the tame for settionont. W. Pot' t, felliW South Nagaitr tow ri cid • - NV. P. INNIISLIALL. Pirreltrioot, Jut% NOTICE TO PROPERTIK OWN -EltS.—The of the property ven or. lowing of Pittsbur g h IC venal to Cele:: hoeing resalution of the utrets. ortloilt v "iti:rt$11111" wetting. J•o. 4 t y Owners of Pittsburgh. iiveliuus of br ag the atreets In front of their respective brobert) ;traded. raved e et with i'"‘!n n ;:r " r i ; vit.' to. beeeent tnelepettlionatt hit laf dog of 4P If, t°"• • ° artly be Laid sebteit after that date selli ne c e. over tilt tue CHA I r.: isKICIISPPiaItit. Clerk of tharbtrevt. IMEMEI Cl= poquEirs, c IMINIELIA S' &C.— A. , W• have lbw largeat and beat °lock of WIN TER IrLOWEllfriti rIIANTn al . , ons rlr city, 'i,'•;kl:l';rtrgatle'Vilniao7l'l:‘oli','Llt 11 ' .. l Viral nsinnar AC. A on *boss untlen. We can lsofur nish hloral - miscall., Crossra, A c• Al l omen rr....patly...v..tig,l4cEl it0.4.4a1a run lo Um li sae a • .44 7,,Th ii, t, A Al ILIS Iltsr I • , PEANOWFPLAnitisi t -- i t zt,rtill ire. ...i. Ile tartock of li ri A 11Ee.1i1u1;V,,1,.1,....;:,,,,,A.,;,,,0, tr,0,..T.Wd11,71?ta4gf111,,,,..5. 1,, ,, r r., too .I:wan: Pers.,ns to want. ol • Omni.. Plano are p ,nsfully welted so call and C3Lasilue I.l.°rn PUrl.P.lng elsewhere CitAIILOIME 111.1731 E. -.-- 219 v 93 rath Ono. I=l AnERICAN AND CLAIR Bar,lloop, Sheet and Platt Iron Bridge iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; I Itatie,l6 3., 20 lbs. to the yard; Train Ralls,punched and coun ter sunk Boiler, Bridge tild Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; . Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Witeek and dales; ,Street Car Wheels and Axles; ttoal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Roiled Shafting; Patent Cold Boiled Piston Rods; rower and Reaper Bars. wsacsousz 4.1:11 OFFICE.. 120 Wafer and 153 Front Ks ISIL6NCII 110Ubt, ~ Nos. 22,24 and 26Rver 81., Jel:cls CH i CAUO. ILL. ----___._-_ UNION IRON WILLS NINTH WARD, PITISBIIIIGH. A C.N.,1,11 , AT10N CC( TUN ••INON CITY VOCUE" AND -tata.ors INJN CJ.•• buoiur.oxrunkr.s or IRON AND FORGINGS, Bottled attention given to the manntacturo of Hammered and Rolled Locomo tive and Car axles, 337E5-A-Npr, KAILLINAIWi.I6,O;LnI.'LiIitt BAILS, liti.ll/6 LINKS AND BOLTh, I ItIAIIS. WILDER lihjig OCTAUON AL UOLLOW WHOOWIT IKON IN/STn: T AN 1) ANKLE IKON. AO. =II 95 Water and lati First Streets l/F•FUCICI ATTH F. WOHIM NINTH W AHD, ri-rrimu ATLAS WORKS, • 010 Brox STREET Ninth Hard, Pittsburgh. TIIIOIIIASN.I I ILLER,Pre si4eut Thum Works am 'anon,. tin. largest m cumplute t.tl bil, , nul , t. thu t, aril Cum pr..- to turnit.ll Engin ex of Every Description; Balers, ()U Tanks Slkert Sroll 0.11(; Railroad CaslingA lIoIIWg Mill la.Auge Engine Can-Ungs Machine caglugn, Ueueral Castlogn, ORDERS SOLICITED pITTSH!!iIIaI FTEEL WORK ANIIECSOT4,OK i Co (ZUCCfarq)LIV TO JONES. Will, a CO untarturvis of U. I. I.t fr 'lard Cut Melt. VI, and 0 •tagols. f LII •sus, ttfoor How. Y., t. awl (Lott Cut (Wel, Cut r.tcel frr • . Ilcaping and Mowing Machine STEM" rLO'W repiLEoliags. AZ CILICULAIM C.f. S. Cos:ninon Viough A: Spring 1., n.7.7:•tT IiEISTOE 'IRON WORKS HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO, 11.uracturn rs Ut the slitrrt las eats Round, Square, Flat and Ilorse-sh , to Car Iron, loop and Rand Iron, lotler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Fan Iron, Slie.t Iron, SC., &C., Viol,. VI r Ntill L. on 16t10n...1.1 Wllre sad Warctiou.. , No. 146 Watei• St 1= • CRESCENT STEIi WORKS. MLLLLR, BAHR & Pardi 1.1,071,r1r0C104 01 BEST:.QUALITI CAST STEEL Wnerantett Egos' to any ha the nor ' het. ...h le w e rtmop Imorteutectod or .re.of Do m••t erxcua. LT &ND IG NT 1/ iON I, IL. ILN CANT bTLEL. 0111 co, 38 Wood Street, IN HT. CIIAIILC 4 HOTEL LUILDINti. rtrssucemit. 4 Ewe ihps. L. I.:1,00 DUQUESNE IRON AND STEELWORKS HAILMAN, HARM . 6c CO., Iron; Nails, Springs, FLOUOII. EBBING AID L. B. STFEL, Agra. 77 VTiet.lter tfltroe ME 11.~.7L~.A,~V.~] t ~G. B. WOLF. Jll., &CO., DE..10 11 2t kiarclware& C utlory Are now reutdvils often,ng large' to additions linalers at to our stock 30.41-IEATEIR.MaPP-MCM ltii. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., I.'.l.t.tealtrur62x, MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, Or CONTE UNION IRON MILLS, mrorrwEi 3131 a II rXX. Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings lIAfWSEBT AND 1351156 S GriIEkLLY lety promptly ontrotrefully eXccutud. CU/LIMES REASONABLE. • EUBEIIT ts, ITIACKLIND totOßtll noulow BAUMLILL, merger...A=llw oe _ Steam Holltt., 011 Stills, Agltatont, Tm,K,.. Salt Pane, tlamanctera, 1V rouglit lcuti lirldgett, Sheet iron Work, COIL LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBUILERLS, Pa. REPAIRING DONE r num PTI.Y. LIPPINCOTT.&,BIKEIVELL , No. 118 Water Street, blAltrrAc-natzcs Or PATENT uttu r u A N T .D, .. rttatu, TEPATENT COVIIIED c uccuL.sli,armor , 'CULL A2VD (11116819-CUT Sew . BIM BLACK DIAMOND WiTZDELT-a PITTIOIUktOII. , PARK, 13110TISE9 dt Co., klanufretn.tra at !MST Q 0 MAT Y ttI:YINILD Ca:lT Iriat and Octagon, of all alarc. tr. 15 attud squat to sal I.:arum:4 ur tnanatactarcd tutu 0055517. I rtiocat i I cic i lonce t , it t , .= and . MI illst,;tatd TUILLTIAR, DOUC , FIRE-BOX a CYLI:t OIL STILLS AND CHIMNEYS, BEEK' SETTLING I'ANS, DENSEIIs, STEAM PIPES, 0.1 BILI1'GE:1, r 111.402: DUOUS A 2 .0121 c. and Works Short. Pittsburgh, Ca . Ordcrs sent 10 promptly Ytterolc.ll.• HEFFIEU SINGER,II CK &CO BEST REFINE; .kST STEEL sum, FLAT An 07-AIISUE Myr,: M4O ANDCI:O6S CV! SAW . P . ATES. ELAACTIC AND ni-LL.LICTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Crest Spring Steel, Cast and German Plow Steel, rtow WINCs AND ;WISER EARS. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL Tint., tl CALL KART tII~YKL.~ CI,AVAAVILs. -Al., . Warehouse, S 3 Water St., Pittsr'gh, KENSINGTON IRON.WORKS. BLAkCIi 7 111ANUY.7111tErt, 0/ Rest Common, Relined Charcoal Juniata , Bloom Iron: lUU IdEIICIIANT BAR, ROUND SQUAILZ BMW, RAND. T and ANOLV, 1110 IS. 11011,Elt PLATE and r NIOV:Int aldl REAPER , BUIS CYLINDER and to UAI:1) UIL FLNUILII ILION, CAI A LL T RAILS, 2') and 16 lb, Wine yard, WltI.•lOIIT CHAIRS and :1•IK Ed cdr Hanle. YLAT RAIL% and Countcr,unt.. EVAL .-11..714.V.EN MON. ti AIL] mud Warehouse, No. .. Wat.2.rancl No. lll•rket Fut. W.... 65, etrect, 1:1.0th Want. S.l- l'An‘”vlCll.y line Work, f..lttetAir.rlt. N - 3b:SIUV - LICJ , S' IRON LEWIS, BAR, BOILER, SHEET "1 - IELCDIV. gND NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water &,OU ['wet st, STANDARD SCALE'S, Pre%ses, 'Warehouse Trucks, Baggage Barrows, Sturar ei.c. FORSIiTH. TANLOit f.. CO, e :S•J 1 rirst All , l unn,,, TEEM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Freight Roisters AND .DOCTOR ENGINES. ail to order. Corner °M.A. not Ferry Ntr"',..l I BE FO 1T :PITT "FOUNDRY. cukrazi. nkr riErlizwB AN V ALL NlNlnt OF lir AVT CAnTINOn. ntwOnl ettentl n••. , to FOLLINO MILL , Ma and METWIT'n. UtrAll:3 totndo: to prolnptlv. As low t 00,... InaLczIAIS WILT Always V, F... 1 lad . 11av .10p0.,1 ..f onr vl.ll , Atterns, we are pr. p 11,4, m Ith I:nw Ann turn ` 0 patterns, constnoo o l uw,L.r Alr, itn- Posir, to I uraI.O.INA.II. LIAt'llINLn at alto o- no tics. noiLn ROSED ALE STOVE WORKS. L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., Manonctuivre and Dealer! In all alada of Cooking = and Heating Stoves, L LOW IN et E, Ace., ALI veryPATTIMNS and eTYLEI3, ttarehouse, 197 Liberty Street, PITTSISUIRGEI, PA. Wv10( e. )lANCH tcs rF R. w.. .... JOU,: ALLY, , VALLESi STO'CIC WOL'lrciS. mAxerAcrunana or I=l rITTsuE4GO. _ . ....-_,......,._:...-_-_,,,..........._.... .„,... M--lA---R----li COLLINS , : WESTERN PENNSYLV. ‘,'''''.. i.::___ lAN_ & _ i L.l.,.,„iwbvEtill,,,,,,Ald.aggisk‘r.„ . . 1 i1atTi'41,;„1,..,67. the remelt , . ett e ',Teeter.. Pennallianla Re , I . . . . I go t ed • 111 n4lve ' at and depart frum-the Feeler. Sl. 7 cci. Decent. Allegheny CDT. +X 7 E 51076. Offer at Wholesale and Retail, I ,„„,,.. ........ ~ , Sharpen . , /ed t.0.3.5.A.M. Sherpa/ 'et No 1 5:30A.. 5:30A.. • , i Fr., port No. I 5",•.34. Stall ..... .. _._. ... 51i_..5 . A. _ i Sharrmh`g So?. 3:o' A.), Sherpsobr,gr: i 6,..:ef,t,..; „. CARP ihi• i Frevrdr, Nu. 7 a 0/ r. et...parrsl•",t. /er . s 3:.!" . .N. - sharp,".•.• No 5 :6 , 1e. m. 6 el. , N 6, 7 '_'° 6- • W , d , le No r ~..Sr 61 Sherpa , ' gNo .:50r.ft . ''' ; ' l r l ' irA . lns run delle except surd.) , . _ .. . . I Commulm en 1 i.....---6 or a.edraflcx..L,7, A new Mod. of chdlce patted, which cannot he . Twenty. bete m n •Icelleny 6 . //2 -}. ' a d eacelled in extcut aud varl,ty. - . street. lit:''-. rennet., [nat. ciscra_._ . . , , V . ..L ato u ll _ 1 'ha*,'l';'...irCt.loat:!7C.- ',:l'inrua'7lCl'an.%.. rt r o.o l .leu 3 Tic tete 1..',15Ti1..-rr,:v.1.1,.11,erge141%7. Window' Shades, ! T:,,ilb"-.i'i:'''''F,:„l...ni'rg.""i\lo,ll;rol:rg‘g7:' ""- ' 1° Tl..l',..'n'n*.iylv'entlx ILI/freed wet. not ...urn , an rick foe Beggege, cSeept 1.. r WeArtna Ap- In (ince. Ten color. EWE Lavend. r, Drs... and Le!...4,...1.1r.11ix,7,1t.tr,i,r,,,,.:,-..'r;,11,1,V,7,1r,";..! fmcy color, with plain, nee: ntrl rich Calt and ..,,./..:, s ely emoust :el value. will 14/./.0„..... rf:A. V.: , et border, of erloo different •IYiee..l- 'of the owurt. un less mi.en SY 61.v,1.: _I. 5 p'e""'" thJITIVI.aI;FII,!. rildl. Fetid-al Street l•epot.. I faTt:•4l : --__ --- FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, i ENS YTLNII CENTRAL .. .r.lur • ' ‘9-1). eFilffi_gligE Dronsnneo son. ..” .6 - D ; , ~,._ Trains arrive and /cave the 11u..1 IT n 0... ne ret dug:on and Ltherty ".. •.. . ntes. oar, ''' m ,.„.. Beet , In Sic 111 rain.... lao • MI MI EICP it:3o IL in ra.t . idre itre ane !Well'. so. L. , a . Wall • N..... 1. .. .: ie . :2.1 • Melt Train.-- SI : .... /MintonTie Wall'S No. 7.... 1: 5 ,V, ,7 Well'. No. :... exPI• a,•Clnctrent Ex. M. a . Johnstown Ac. PRe3 a p., Will, N0...1...11.X • D. Ilaltimo•e Ex, leX p en. Braddock I`.t. 1. 2:in p in illitn. Fiore. IRALp ne., I'los lee Shah's N o. 3., 1:05 p tn: Wall . . No. .L.. 4:50 p vs Wail , No 4... 4:llopmfr ail . . No. A.. 6,06 p.m. Prodded. No.l. 5,50 p su:Wall'• No. 6...les:annen Wall's No. 5 ...7.00p m, Fast Line. Ac. 5 ... •1.1A305 , rI a 3 p m A 11.101 31, Accent 11nstown and Emigrant train .. ••• .. loess p mi • Deily. .An ........ Sunuaye •erepted• The Church Trains leave Wali'eStatinn_elerr Sunday atoll SL. m.. reachlne ri...' / //re_ ... 2‘ • a na. Returning leaves l'lttsburer at ..au p. ma... ard ernte et It ell's Station at 1:CO 6 , ee• The IMltirurre Exp. - age veld arnTe With the. Phllauelphls Ex at 1:60 p. m. on 85 ndeTee NO,Te.n care of toes , the Edens, leer a. R. Company will hold theallaclreazoPottibkv rot "`"°°' 0.,..•• only.. sad tor omunco.n• no 000 05,11ng 1150. DRO W. H. AEC/LW/TU. ASV. _ ___—_— . • 1867. Wrtlffigiggg 186'7. Tli 0 PITTS MIRO 11, FT. WAYNE A CIIICA Im. ft. R., ANL/ CLEVELAND It rrimillutun I Trains arrive end leave at t a e Mahn DePOt. •ief follows: 1.6A50- . • uniTA• • .... _ _ `,°F.° l'i ' hic:f Tiei: IT): r, f:`,1r.ta; ,, ,,.f..; z:% '; 10:0W p m t'l. AWL,. 11• I. e:l5 a na . yr hefltur Efel . A. 7 , 1;t IT. l' ,.. " \Z'li ' Ll ' . A E. o '2:15 en grit 1 v g.• 25 0, '°. 0 m Chicem , Lx•••• 2:45 1: . ChM. Ex ....... V:3. 1 m W he el s)-x.....: 15 . Ex.. 4:35 ren Ci.d. Whx. Ex V 1. 1 .6. Dem,. from Allegheny. • Arsine In Alivenene).- N. Ur'tx. Ac. 9:2 a In, t.eted.ie ./t. !zi , '''''''l‘a:::'.:::::::;‘:,':::'tt:sr.4:l:ii: ::P:: Rerbest es •• I, pm ' New CaMle •••, 9:45 am. W•le A 5 Caer 3,0 p Ea Leetedelo • 6 1116 am Limed 1:1,1sm •• • • 1 • • q. pm N. Ildtn •• 61 5 3 mN. Br•tort ••• 2.0 • . ff. Ilr Mt •• 6:15 p m,Leusteelale •• 4:108 m. Leetmlale •• 10:2 pen .• •• 7:00 •m - Nu t.ain. leave tau.' 127•10:75 a. a. Cataa— huk,"l:4';:.4l."lireur.:g4.2,faiVirrailel7.l. InTTSltUltGlil, ,Lsailim). • ... e.L.l.uitot , • I/IhL C 1.57.64 ATI 20,1 1 M rm' irdlt Ihtente7•—. rrefeTLllTviVellteParoliatn Tr 1.31. as followe: (.[Ara. 1.171,1:11:11C111 SIM, ielfret- Ircet Llne '• - 0 5 A. X. 10:10 A. 1,.. Mall 7:m A. Al. 4:10 7. Id . Illxed 7: - .31 A. as. 0: , 0 r. Y. Exp. , es .. 2:4)T. Smo teeny Mc Actnum 1:..t. X, 9 •:f. L. 9r. 510110001.1 do ....S:CS 0. 0. e•-. 5 A. II /....! Len:. .1b..1. .1: vprees . Leave Pitts/50..:0$ A. IC , ...? 0.•11.i i . . ~,/ r Mt Lrrl7° tg%'''.3li'?i'..3l',ll.‘: 1 .. .1 ' .ll -' ,: 6: M. ; 14 A. It • , Indt• "Re: b.', P.O. : 7:55 A. es.' 7:M.A.., ` T'o II ',ill :MI V. n• in: a, e. 5 .1.2,:d..... •• 5t.i.0....1 6eo A. xi— ~.1 r. a., ,01 T. Y... • L'lev•ic I 5...9A.1 It.; 31 P. st I , 3:9) 0. 1., alm . — It 1.. r.... 1 ,I A. a., 11.1L:t.1... Chicago 10:e0 r. a. ndo A. 111.1 .IDD • .•i • 7 . D. MOTICEILSr isUkia. gcut. 1/0100 Deno , . Pltteburgh. 0. r. sCULL. •01 Ticket Liv , s‘ Plt.•Su , lo o • • I'.I3RERS. YITT AND TANK 3-%S. SNYDEIt IMIEI TI STE.I.Nt 3A\ll ASIL PANS, PANS AND CON- TEMP AliD IEON =MEM rNeCoUn..Thlrd. ty Ntreeta. msylvar_ia. re addres..nl,lAle L WORKS IND NUL WORKS. 11111.11, DALZELL & CO., UFACTUILE 2 I OF rrerrssznacu, rA _: 10=1 ROBERT LEA, lIANI. VAC! Plrrsv rs,H. PA 11...T1,1. 4 1 , 1 71019 BE VY ORDNANCE, ALLEN. FrKEE & CO., Dales 31...1a1Arme.ttosuxur.I.Lbil,be71.7 St llanufsetoren • grOat variety of PAR a.,4I HEATING liTtiVLO.Arnoug which are the relebratod AtleghoAY an. "Monlior Cooking btort , t alao, the Autocrat andMentinel for conl or Wu.% (MA the noriralloit t , t ar of the g.moire. fcr wo,o1; atto, Arches. Orate, ten• tort. snvar Kottio, Dog 1r0n...tn.! Hollow Ware gum:rally. mita UTILITY McLEA.N & SLATOR, No . , S 3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. They taaln • alpecialty of Iron Bedstead and Pivot 12•3101,, 13rdeitotil and rivot thablorai U.,151. ail Faateolnit.; elope for IL xtvo Sion to. They also ritanofn,,,orn nod hoer conittantli on baniiiiTlinnili.Latchea, bp ring 3t•Lennia Window tine , iittPP'.rt' i ri hemni• liutton, Utility Sit. • ter Ina Butt Hinges, Utltiti•lll,Me UOTIIIitIf, bail Iron, t+4.11 tc.acnta,CO.. an. Iyitiiino VA:Mint— ..J. n. 1.1,...1DL•r "ETNA STOVE WORKS. • A. BRADLEY & CO. Ewe facture every variety Of fool, Parlor and Beating Stoves, 'Olen aretne brsLed .V.I.IKEKA, am% T1,1,1,11/0 Cord Mere.r.) YU %ANA. V b.TY.V.kIi I ( VO:NFU/VS (Wood Cook elover.l Mee relnnracture GRATE.M. ililtATE FRONTS, Age. Um a gold 'Warehouse, curncr of NLeuu.l and tt streets. riLtsburgh , ilutraneu ,enr.l aura. mord CITY livilL.Ls. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD 31.-azufsct u rots or Red ned. sins renal.] nista at Polished Tr..t S3ECOCDEV. ecricz Ann WAsiniour z. No. ;Pi Hits.li.GT GT. EVERSON, PRESTON & CO, PE.r.rsr7. IMIXLI • II1,0 • TN WCarEC.S. WILICIIOII.. Nut. 186 aILUE t:lnt tro..t, ?Ittp ...... ----- - JOG. I. Raton yILLLII. 111.1QUESNE AND WENT POLNT IRON 110110110. PITTPUURGII. Pa., tom, ufacture (less. a of iorgleg, vteameoat Phaftv, Cranky. Piston Rods. Levers. Pitman Jaws and W vials: Mow, Railroad A ilea, Locamo. II Pratt,rs and all aboPe work. The tawdervirl ell having even P/r niavy v Ears vugaged 'ln Om buslonva are prepared to . 111tniola all or en treat., to tbvnt with peenetevaa and llivrlc°• JtlP. HAlliki In , _ 111ESICli &Bro., Engine , Build • Ellrl AND MACHINISTS. elanufanurers or Illeslek•s Paleut Bal Balance. Vves. ler - P vio glee, awl all lands Of 10.•001., • Stactaurf all , Ana big liane , r, Vol Vegio, Ivv, with or without Ralaere Val %v., r'" 11 ru"'l 6 ". ' """ (4;MII. " IT/NtRIVILIti 11,F;'1.12n7A , 41. R,,,vlrlnv and putting OP wlad""Tl/ • liCadvd to. Vell.TTh g~ISCELLANEOUS. All Ow tu.t rostterta In inartvt In thect: 3. C 7', I , l'. IS and I i fret wide.. SCOTCH WINDOW:HEMLINES, (i rec., 11:tv. anA lr lilte. In all tyl.lchs. English Woolen Druggets, InucghtColotu. 2:z. 3. 3'. 3u. and' 3i Yards wide, WOOLEN AND LINEN CRUMB CLOTHS, ENGLISH 11ILION ViD IEII iT El GS, swiss Lace & Application Curtains In pattern, tnat are nn to be (ousel elsewhere. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, English and . French IlEel C It T.IIX GOO I! New Patterns Cornices, CL1.1.-IjOt nssd C:11.2-17te1d.13. UPLIOLSTER{V. prwooly >ntl cerefti r xerup..l. V.lll send carp fui anrl experlencul ophol,t,..rn to any par, of the coon , ry to lay cArpyts atpl put up cotalu, Mnth, St. iIrEIRLIND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Street. • Nv.cf,llll.ltug to United Rates Custom Holt ru.oCl.:e. •t cowl now. JCal IMRE CALIFORNIA WINES. GURNER & CO., • No. 80 Cedar St., New York, Oiler for sale Id Ise valualde Winer. which as gals:one nubile salt, with astonishing 0:11111111y, and whose not And unrivalled beim larlty Is not without merit. Thor hare only so I' falrly to et,ll to giro them the ,reference over all others. As a partner of 14 .. I they ere ,d all other Wlnes,andthe ausnernuseortleelles which hare voluntarily loon tendered from rile most endneut physlnldns. us wells gentlemen In erysltlon In life. we Proof enucl.tve that n i ti m lll,ll4llllo. ll cases for which the: are reeosarnetsd... l . The follusVing brands are now offered hy us. The Y eolunr.e all Ilse varleLles now grown In the Plate au table for sale: WIIITE. or 110(Itl. WINE—Of A light straw ,dored. logy dellsate and tine flavored. e LA tcrr—.S. superior wine for table use. ANL:EI-WA—ketch and naturally larreet wine, much admired by ladles, and Namable In the :let Is as It notes line "obeys And JAW., It Is a One Willise w Inc, and well adapted Vora+, ''.\'IIIII.I4IPPI.:"Z.II hie dere& t !ably matte Ine: - •ry-si—nllar'totl't. crlebrated Pekny. wl'sS2beoro'red color:110e Ivor. and la many respects similar to Ilse old wines ss, APE I:USN — . I he pure dlatillatiotti* , eurlecs WINK BITTFIIP'—). very agreeable tonic n snre m ac for the diarrhea. This &sone of the most valuable comblastlonS of • useful and an agrecabbi beverage that h. 0 1 1 o e s r1 TI:i. ' ;..71 00"1 o 10 ,„ „1.1 ru p t ul l 3.N43„1i1:1:1t"r51 .. ': ! "111.; Ines f w our years. 'h a r uu wl;rreter Introdue ' vo It h. prtsved A welromea.l.ll/Sell to the Ins side td bsard. the family we: rel., und the bachelors Ladles who hare lost strength awl spt,tl te. and nausea. vomiting •nd '1,11407. gentlenten who • dont feel seer wels•l lust be fore breath , ordlaner. whose stomachs are out 1.0 order. and whose avrtems arc generally de anged: mothers Rettnitte chlldress and sunorine Irons general deblllty, 0111hIren of slaty nature Lavesour, de spent le constitutions: travelers who have to ''east/re their water:._-nd all wbo lir.. 1.. ulalarlouslllll.olo. and are sliTlect to nits ssmate lnfluences. will Sind It one of the most Valuable lay:get - Mora lb. ran be taken. It was used eery cateaslsely In 1,41. with such geM rah ha:1...1ab. , hat lo els:ring It to shy ;lc now we d it anal weary to ',abash of the sr an 3 rtlacm..i.a. UNCE II the levy "rouges , terms Int. faro , l Ina Al; that we 0.11 kay Ist, guarantee that Trill Vlo.tot ourselves to laralsh an article 01;05 AND UNAI3/ 1,10/11M1 1 . It been Oven so little ettlldren anderlng from weakness And weak lungs with most happy 00,14. One little girl. Is watleutar. with'al. In her head. loon of apnetl. and daily sg conssmatlon. on w !tom all medical solllh.been c 51141 1 ,12 . 1. has barn entirely the be gan s tren g th h a teaspoonful a day. lier Stir, sad rapidly Increased and she 14 nOW iaist of .7 , i' ri.00151: ra Mgtlv. , rc• 1 , e2419. liocl: 4 C,.! • 9 c. Snot Dater, I . Z 9 VI . 00 t:,r-et R . orL n • 12 1.0 Angr11c5........ ...... • ~ 11M 31u.r.atel -- fi 11 iv ItrawlY 0c11,106. BEAT WATCH SALE ON THE ,„ t „,„ on , p rlcr plan. etslng ere, Po . t r••n a la andsomo and lteltab•e Watch forthe l, low pet, ••f Ten Dollars. without to card and nut to he paid for unleos per aatlsfos, torT• no.ld hold 1)00110g Watches..,CL, to 3750 IN Mario Oa•ed Gold \Catches -do to Leo DO Ladles' Watcheh. Xnarnelled.... 110 to as/ 30 Gold !turtling l'10,0•5 1 Va . elms. to to Ino OLIO Gold Hunting I N N. Lever.— WI to 0 .1 , Gold Duplex Watches .. . .... 150 to Ott 5m Gold Ilunt•g American Watch. 1.1 50) direr antlerw Levers le In r 0 5 0 :Meer Ilndrg Duplexes gold Ladles. Watch 70 to LL's. 5••• to TO Loo •••••1•1 Hunting Lepinea....••• on to 05 Loo 311,ellausons ntiver Watehos... 01 to IO• V..,:50 "looting 'Goer Watches... • .... '25 to 110 ~1111) .looting Watch, all it• to 1 - 1 psrLoerT l•atron °Oudot Watch ny this an. Le =XV' lO. Ta, Tho odverrtloers wish • to ImmedlattlY . OtaPose of the above magnificent...wk. Certlncates, tresl,7'ox:roetrCnt.'" to the arttc,es sad. Orli certificates up aminesy .".V"oho return ar anY er it hr. ice of our certtOes..• entitles you to the article Isthereon. upon. payment Irrespective of Its worth, and as no article volved teas tholl 3 10 Is named on any corllticate It st 111 at vacs , re seen that thin Is NO Lottery. Litt a straight forward leginateTrananetton, which may be participated In even by the MOPhi EnAtiliioo lll : A Single cent:kat...wilt be sent hy pat ron!. upon reoclpt of:s coots. e for al. eleven • for 4.. thlrty• ill re, hull au el premium for 3 1 . stow-Ala and more T• oretn mut f•tr one lottolred and most supers , V. Itch for 317 i. To Allt'fits or tho, ernnloyno.nt Wit LS rare orportoolts. IL Is troltlos ately conduct , d ILI do, as 'lnt, thorlsed toy the Government • and 0 . K2 r , ,, , , , t , ie In.. careful scrutiny. Try us • I. CO. 02,1.31 lf t Broadway. New York. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF " • .• DRAYS. HACKS, &C. Notice Is hereby glean to all owner-, or Wag ons, may, Carta. Carriages. Buggies. Sr.. whether reatdent or oun-real.l...nt In the City of i•itt...burgh. to nay their t.locnces at the Trent . i•' tutire e •Ity of Pitobarg h. forthwith. Is accordance with an act of 4,0- obit . op prorod 31ardr 100 mod an ordinauce of the Ct rolls of the city of Pittsburgh. paste ,1 April 16, l'ea. All I.lcenera not paid on or before 01071 A. .5111 placed in lite h , ls of the Chief of Po- llee, for collection. su bject to his fee or 50 cent. for the cull,' ton theraor. and all persons who neglect or refuss take out Licensee be au* rt to a pen .11 y. to be Seco, :red before the Mayor. doable the amount of the Tile old item OW, of prerl.nei years nanst returned Wye the License. , arc taboo uut, or pay ctn. therefor. - RATES OE LICENSE. Each One 110,.. Vrblele t 7 50 Each Two floret, ........ IL; 00 kach Four 11 or,e 15 CO Loll Two Horse Hack..:.. 15 {Ai Omulhosel au-1 Wbcol, drawn by two 000111. vlghtrun dollars cub. Foe Coat addl. tion3l flor,e u-,1 Inanr of th , ventele, our tlnhar. P. A1.1.1N13/ , 11. Tr.surer. ritistrnrgh, Fol , luary 1, I.lr • (11371 BINGHAM HOUSE, ELEVENTH AND BURKE STS., = = nil new and elegant Mutate nnw upon foe the c ilition of guests, with all the oppoluircients of =I OURLIS DAVIS, imorinron., e!f3M= (ZAREAT REVOLUTION IN TIIE W INF. TRADE OF THE UNITED RTAIrES. —URL CALIFORNIA HitaIPAUNE. Made app relate , ' so if dont In Trance, lom.pure Cattle.. w Ina. and Latina the plats if Impar ted Champagne. Inc undersigned would tall the•attentio, f \Vine Lode. and Iletel Iftepers to th e follow.. her letter. which may be a correct blea of the . t aalltynC Melt Vilna; • , 1111 `C A N L T LT IN l M t ye Oct U:WL. W- I "MsEILIIS. Rout:llan k CO.—Gentlemen: Bar ley given your CallforntaChamosetto thoroush te l t, ne take pleasure In saying . that we Ronk It the best Amen.. Witte we hove ever aced. We shall at one& place It on our WI of fare. 1. ours troll - J. E. KV:GOLLY_ & CO." Call and try onr Caltfornlo Champagne. naCtrOli 1101/CRISIS & Mt Do , et.. N. T. l)oT.tmi" h VISES.—Cbac ken tUri.l2 . 7 Vises. Justsucelved Conch full 24. sortment Nos. 1. 2104 L The boot Vise In the max let far Voneb hliskors.ftts s!te hi. ==2M=l RAIIJB.OADIL EMT • FITTS suntan . AND cpmiIVFLLEI VILL"" Raks. " V N A ls ' Spring A.rrangeme nt. On Owl artvr TIIUItODAY, 1.1 knell /STU. 1904 77hnot. nonir t 1 Ynw The trains will leave thh r ant Water otreets, /40. 1, 4 4 Mall wand from Unlontown. •t• COO 100 7, u. wn Aecommod'it.6ll r. 7:" A. 0 . ' M'ltYtoport Acruu.On .11:03 A. n. s: 4s7 : un x (hutch Train to and (rem Wc.t 1:0C r."O. 705 A.bl' For Tickets apply to T.' 1it.770, Agent. rtT-1 w n. STOUT. Mort. ALLEIIIIENY TALLY VAIL- Bum,. 002811g5 • aCHATiPP: OF 1)n and after 11/11.11.11X.1617.1.falo• Iv I I evre Awl arrive at I.lll:.bdrgh Depot, corner rut and Lc: , el 4treets, 60 follows: Ude.. Arrlesa First IClatlmMetta Accomo..edbo A.Y. I:3 ' r. V . to sod from Idabo`og..7.C)lll.l‘.. 0101, fll3l. Sods Worts d,c0m....9:11 A. Y. O.Vo v Id- Act,i ModAtlOn 6'30 A.X• 12:1.0 Y. F.ll:rcn s 10 mod from Italm•g./:1., r. M. 11:CO :317.X. A.ll. second Coda Worts Accom..faSor 2 , 15013.101 CL 0100 Train from and Coda Worts 10 no t - • orl3 BLActisIXINT. . _ BTEANS.tiIrb. • BAI.TIDDRE AND HA STEAMSHIP COMEAPEI • ALEX. HDUtPD A eON7. Hamer.. Ageti , r._ YUH FANA AND NEVE °ELEA S, BAIN., THE UNITED tHATEM MAIL. The Elral- Clare htliamships of tlala line +HD Hill air follows: - ii.LIBEHTT'-I,2hMorial. for New Orlear . • Mel West Hid Havana., Thor. A. Div. Commander. of THLM UI)AT. rah. Mh. • "II 31" t.IN tots. for Ne a 0 Havana, Command. oa ZAAT HDAI. Yebruary rapl. 1: 71.12• A t I o•clock P. Y.. Orectlely. on the - not:ead For m freicht or paarage, having un..ri...d nrit..",l'A-"``'2."4IPIMA A CV.. 10 SraHVB 'fun, N. o.—No of Lading brit tboaeof the Corn. pity will ta signed. Fermi. (or the freight Inen lig procured Hem OD Mike. No freight. rvealved 01.1111 of lading signed on 051 of Ina. nola STEAM TO AND FROM LIVER AND QUEENSTOWN IlusLAslO TWICE A. WEEK. The INDIAN LINE. tolling EVERY SATURDAY, • EVERY WEDNESELY CARRYING U. S. MAILS. Be l a l la nd . G o rma o an an dPrman H land. Engand ApplT .t thet/ompasy'sUalcoa. dOtIH U. DALE, Agent, - Br - maws,. Ny.. LOr. WM. BINGHAM, oclGasS Adams' B.l2raaa Maas. Blttaboaelt.' ..:.,, !:,... owz , * 4 , 0 -_-_„--- 741 c , r t :Ns! ' LAc I 41. • 0 ft PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'S PENNA. intitnikaursiat Pia. - PRIVATE DISEASES. DR. YOUNO, ire of PMladelPtdde) N 0.115 Third Mreet. r a *lt desertptlons of rwvath litthases with unparalleled mamas rartlenlar attention paid to Spetmatorrhoena n 1150000/ of th e Urinary 01,111.• HD treat went foe the re ne beteg the most theeeselol ewer emp eelor. me glees hopes of a speedy core to the &Dieted. Ladles will God bleOrornenagortie eaperlor to on. other orepithatlon for removing obatenctlone ler per , to the bretthr menatroalliood—tree trol bottle.. No. re 1151 dale foot degrees I StrAll,l,l, at 4 deeigned for VAUSIStre C.41.1 1 /iVO boiler, pi r eottle. Ithleelimarse a. o. to 6'r. to.. R 7,11.1002, W. Addren. wtth 'tamp. Dn. YOUNtI, No. • p whiedeteeet. to itioetheh • iIIVATEDISE&SE3. • E=l rot the mare e, all diseases of • new and Snare= two to fo cidam by ea arab ely new and Isle treatment. alto, Betelnal Weaknesa, earl ail °tan , diseases of she genital organs and that orwrentlen. Care wn-ranted on looter relended. • °C An w e hoo ee 4o Dr W.. 1:n04 2 Pena •o t w o . t , . x w.al ' OOD NEWS, FOR THE AF VIAMTD. PATENT MEDICINES AND IMMO!, at low HOSiIETTCICit TWTTRItS SI per bOttle. LS, 61 do. 11.01 , Lale urrrlncB. , ll-Iwrbottel. War.. DWPI) itliuilduiD, VP.' Iti• And oterything aloe In proportion, at • 11 13.1ttlicN . N EW OTOB. al St. Clair ..... t. 1?LOU112 }mount CORN MEAL! 7. 00 1B,•••throg Wt. Lord. Flout: Choke nrandsof Winter Wheat Floor; s.r.od (IC do d• Bakers` Flours, good to ehalce brawl*: 'Lye Floor; lineawntat Flour: White do Corn Ideal. him rk doled: bellow - do • Aldt/7 t the old a tan,1,1.-1. auatatuuta /04 174 Wood street. • 0. UWG CO