DRYGCTODS, TRIMMINGS. BATES &BELL, 21 Fifth Street. OFFER ALL TEEFIR GOODS 8T REDUCED 'PRICES. I I Blankets, Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, Flannels. BATES & BELL, AT EATON'S, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, EMBROIDERIES, HOOP SHIRTS, _ BALMORAL SHIRTS, CORSETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, and UNDERWEAR, AT F. 1:I. 31 -4 71A_PCON'S, 17 Fifth Street, ITALIAN OPERA. KID GLOVES-OPERA COLORS. =EMI Fancy Fans, Opera Ifoodsi Real Lace GoodB 33.1.1..A..D1A Erlt +ls New Duplex Skirt For 1867. $1.26 A PAIR AND WARRANTED. $1.25 For 'S. S." hid Gloves. XACRITM. & CARLISLE Areh.S."ll authori /U tized, DrLOVE the Mamotacturer of th S, To Guarantee Every Pair, Should ailr rip or tesr ben , Ong pot or, we will replace teem with • Matt pal, DIACRUAL & CARLISLE, 19 fifth Street. ITALIAN OPERA. WRITE ED GLOVES, $l.OO. Fine Fans, All Colors. LATEST. NOVELTIES IN HOOP SKIRTS Invisible Lady or the Lake, La Petite Emprems Trail, ,•• • . /a Petite Boulevard, Point:and Applique Wilkl/. Point and Applique Collars. Point and Applique /ivies, • Valencia and Thread Lae Embroideries of Every Description HOSIERY AND CLOVES At greatly reduced prlcet. Full line Gent's Furnishing posds MORRISON'S Gt.TAII" SMUTS, AT REDUCED PTICEN. ItERCHANTS. PEDDLERS: and ALL who buy to aell again, win dad In our Wholealle Depart. meat, Goods at • NEW 'YORK PRICES. MACRUM, CLYDE & CO 78 and 80 Market Street, SPECIAL BARGAINS Nos. 71 and 79 Market Street. would eel special atttnUon to our stock of HANDIMBDIDEEPB, EMBROIDEBIEB, LADEB. INPAHTB , MEM ROBES, BILK BOABFB, - LINEN 0013.4 115 4, CutiS AND BETH. • Bak/OR/IL aKITER HOOP SEIRTS. WOOLEN GOOD.. GENT,/ EUHNISHINO 00D11-0* oves. 11/ s ternand Moek neutrally which we are NOW OIorEHINGAT tIttEA:rI:Y REDOCE PRICES WOuLtri .51/ AWLS. SONTAOe, HOOD), NUBLLN. OCAJLINI—Iint ring a.) low to close out. 1100IERE—Hcrino Ribbed. all Wool Ribbed. MaintoraL Cotton Fleeced, Earl. and scotch FILM. OLOVEr—Good Her!. Kid Gloves 1114 L In Part, While and Opera Bhades. A Coll stook Cloth. Calf and t ilk SlOVied, for Ladles and Gents. HANDKERCHIEF BALE CONZENIMD. Wo are still offering oar stock of Slightly Boil ed Handkrrehlkik In nabs, hemstitched And Embroidered. THE So HEW HOOP SITHT•T'oR 3887. niethits Entirely 'New. We wouldlnslte the aeteu , ton oral ELLCHA NTS and DEALEtts toa .lock. uhleti will be thand Co chute :. all th a t 's seasonable, and at pikes to suit the deenne In gold. JOS. HORNE & CO., 77 and 79 Market Street. Ilia WllOllOlll HY GOODS. liew•Goods Jus6pened. INerehants desiring to Sort Op should call and examine our Stock and Prices. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS & NOTIONS. No. 115 Wood St., Pittsburgh. LEBTAIIN SUMO &CO c. AItVICTUNCIT.W . . T. suax roma.a.trxmateox CAVA McCANLDESS & CO., (1.423 wiLumm. CA?.s C 0..) liIIIIOLESAIX FO ETON MID DOMESTIC DRY SIMMS DJ43. "1017 coc:1 Tblrd Loam above DiamoV i N a zini. E,A. DRY GOODS & CLOTHING.. G. SCHLUETER, =I G ABDNER & SCHLEITER, 92. Market Street, I=ll DRY GOODS, At Greatly Reduced Prices. Ibis stock contains Some or the most I /Ed! its. IILE 1ii)01,3 ever otToccd In ILI" marict. and still OS sold at UNEAT Ilsltl/11N0. Elegant High ,Colored Balmorals At $.:?..00, BLACK FRENCH MERINOS A 175 Cents per rard. I= Empress BaratheaS, SO Closiitas : 5 -4 BLEACHED PILLOW CASE MUSLIN At 24 Cent, per Yard REMEMBER THE PLACE. 02. =1 131220 DRY GOODS STORE, J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO„ MSc.. 67 MlLlrrarla.c•t eltx-oot, INVest otac. Rear Market Erase ) ENT E NEW STOCK. BLEA.ERED MI.I9LENSCdr TING ..• ACLIED ^o.. do. IV;c: CALICO do. do. rv.,e; GREY TWILLED rr.ANN E •-c litanH LlNENd—beid metre: TABLE LINENd. NAPKINS. TOWEL'S, CRAdli and ourE =99 Wavy - r..sz:Pc)c:lLs;, NICE .4ND CLEAN, Znc.. 437 31fievi - lrozot IStroot ftt, GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, MEINNISCori'S, Jr 0.21 FIFTH STREET. LACE AND EMBROIDERED HANDK , FS FANCY SCARPS. NORWEGIAN LEATHER SATCHELS, poRTMoNIAES, CIGAR. CASES, GLOVE BOXES, FANCY FANS, LADIES COMPANIONS, CARD CASES, LACE COLLARS, LACE SETTS, EMBROIDERED SETTS. LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, ' •lIEMSTITCHEII HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBRGIDEILED SLIPPER.', RID GI,OVEs, BUCK GLOVES. CLOT H - GLON ES, UN D ERGA IL ME N TS, HITE SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, NECK TIES. LINEN COLLARS, PA.P.ER. COLLARS, Ac„ ac. Selling Low for Cash. dell MT COAL, COKE, &c CCMUISG Y. 04::/..: • 1i4P.01,0 J. L. XiLLLIZ Wll. M. CLANEY, & Gas Coal Works, Shippers and dealers Irt di:MERU/ft 0 AS AND FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL and eLACK. Vest ed:lee. address. BOX 547, I'll/Mere, m•I Lot K BOX 07 Allegheny . Pity. OENERAL °MCI, secon L ib ertyteer Saving Bank Bundler, cornerteer: And Virgin Mire. rill-Mere, BRANCH 07Flettit No. 5 Liberty street, ender Venn's. It. lt.. egret dsite Merl:male atm et, ri.lmburgh. and comer An resen street one B. 1. W. v. It. it. All. gheny. All orders left at • !thee of the Mom ;ascot • 11l receive prompt attentioe. 1a1t453 FORT PITT COAL COMPANY —hhlers nd a dealers In BElperlar and :Beata pp Coal, Nut Coal and Slack, general 0 ace second etary Pltftburgh hardnas Bank Build Inge corner I.Ceerty Street nd Virgin alley Branch oglce e corner T :a n dn Third atree es Pfttaboro. Ordo left et of" th e oboe . places re receive Prompt . Postal:Dm ALKlres• Box 587, PI tt.tegb DIRLC7O2I 1 J. J. Gn.x.nrnr., 7--- B. L. FArmarroca S M,-1.111.14.K.1.11T. . WK. ItuAsuAß,. Oranar. r. LtzAri, - JAR. le ox.ostzu.r,. WALSIIK BOTANY. .7011 ti 11•Ys. . . Lc...05004:1J.. - . J. J., RlTY6u rrses. T W.. iasurer .CkaCta SIT, treC'T , re 11, CLARET drc CO., Manager.. J.IN.( FOTTSBUSGEI NATIONAL COAL AND COKE COMPANY, MinerS. 'tapper, and dealer, wholela , e und In trio BEST FAMILY COAL, Nut Coal ciastal OFFICE AND YARD, corner Fourth and Try • ts . streets, Yitteburge, re. •t 1 orders for dellrm Itt the CUT, or Ett pmcot West, mill meet prompt end Immediate emu. tlon. A. neII.NABEL, tioperlotetoteut. COAL: COALS! COAL!!! DICESON, STEWART it. CO., ElaTlng removed their Odlce to No. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Flour XIII) lIECOSO FLOOR, Are now prepoed to !credal good Youghiogheny Lunr, :CUT COAL Olt SLACK., Atthe lowest market Odde. AltirLi orders tell at their ohiee, or addreesed •to them through the mall, will be attended to promptly. trlyYldoM CHARLES EL ARMSTRONG, • DICALIII IN YOUGHIOCIZEir/&COHN ELLSVILLE COAL WWl= Conl,lslnek.,,ond Deealphorized Coke • ONP/CE AND YARD, Corner of Butler and Morton; first yard on Lib ttT ant Clymer streets, Ninth ward, and on Serond street. near Lock No I, Pittsburgh. Pa. Natant. and Manufacture a soriPlbol with (lie best article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash r ates. Ordein left at any of their alms will receive prompt attentlou. TOBACCO, - CIGARS, &c, - ROSE BCD -11011.1:11 AND HEADY, 'LOSE BUD linltillTP ouNIA HOAK 13111, 411.1.11 EN 13A,M, And other Noted Braude or Manufacture , ' by R. de %. JENHINSON, rtftb deny from bneyentlork Bridge, Allegheny de=:b3B_ OHN IVIEGRAW, IllulifaCtViaoeirtattmlume Ltztall Tobacco, Snuff and. Cigars; 4e mr...a6la einrma.io Err A encral 141aortment Smoking 'PAO., Pipe and.i.obsto, POornOll always On Coif]. mv./1011.0. - • NECESSAIIIES FOll 'TUE IiVEY TILL —Yor • good COWLING S l and " girr 'b r F ij ortlMUlL W Oalqtr. 2.B,";l.l{4: SIVA Plain orio Fancy: Uten.lto for Cook- L oToY T AVe. " ‘Teo re:7; trklte'stZt.'' 4 ':ll . .cll:;sdpFrlY". N° " ° unman! oheon IZELTINGIBELTUVW—Leather and Gum Ileltlux of the best qualttY. Gum Porting, Hose. Mute., Loco Leath or and ltivets always on baud and for sole al the lowest prices by J. * ttII I. and it 51. Clair shiest, • i,ltc'l''.itt. , ;,.bircit6.a.ctic% r}:Brzi - Atzi 7967 1 . 1 n.s. In Cron.dire Intl Dr. .thainel urn:.. author "Ten ThousaMayor e r a Li r, ; 7 1 7 ,4r t u n d . .r S o O t e , letter ht tot etc Delon: leaving roe Landon he de el to Inuke a practical smmeiition to tilt ',noses keepers of the town. Tim suggest: was , "To re0i110:11I.e the hurtling !coal, oonil for lot ironmonger or blacken: I, and rder Mai to take the •nicamra of u bot tom of your grate' and make ou a sheet iron plate of about omeslati of au Inch In thickness or earn lees. Sim y this, unit light your are at usual. smin burn up, but you must heel retty open the lowes•t liar, to ai to seem e light draught. When tile are hits begun burn poke it gently from beneath and [1- ileum will gradually get through the cal.., tames of coMe, the Iron plate beneath k i red hot, mod eo keeps tip a iconistant-.thus lion, at the same thee dispersing t . heat through the rootn, Instead of Its be . • sent no the chimney, thus entirely not: • aing the coal, ltisteml of tilling the ht. , wllll Mlles." • , Dr. arron detainees' "ha my own Incise I;trled the eni . intent for a week In the, breakfasidrotar .•.en in the dinitig.romu, then In the kite: , with Uniform and complete success; at. , :hen l hail the sheet-twin plate put intovery fire place--and there are ninny throne. , tit We equal succc.v. Sowith the fireplace In my °Meted reBtdeni• When the lire is once Made up,.say about A. for the day, nn riecuumnil poko ihil lily a single repliiniihment eufllCte for the day.. In iny Oen case, anti also at my lietoi here, Where throe Fealties were required, one now eenlees.l you taunt tint smile at the Simplicity of my seuthstion, bat attribute hay offering to a ilucure desire to contribute what little Is in tuy power to promote the Comfort Of, and lessen °keens. .v e ry householder In Ow good ohl town of Hill 1." A Citizen of Hull, who lois slime tried this plan, writes: "Tin result in my house, where Ihave hail quart..r-itich Iron plates titled at the bottom al twd ti n i si: rate+, at an espense Of two shillings each. it n sevlng in coal of about one-I Meth 1 t Itii a considerable in- Cretan, In heat. A. large clamber of persons hare already satisfactorily tried the rupee. linen% and the n.e of the plates in likely to become geneeal Ir.' s this lisialite." The cost of the experlinedt is a mere trine. ES The Allliture Yinrder We g.tve laq week au account of a mur der committed to Obto. Tito Int- Cowing from the Mil:ince .ifuniter, glvoe ful ler particiilariu Th e o party ordered liquor, drank, and will about to depart without pit 3 Mg their bill, wlienllcitugli, who was to the roar of tho roaring p4rty, woo relied by 3lethittli, the barkeeper, who demanded hi, pay. McCogli replied: "I nave nothing to do with it," and tits , ed mit. Ilellazan . 10Ilowed john, and as licltugh was unhitch ing his horse, 31cl:tug:in ..,truck him with his tint, cite rem:id:from McCugh you do that again pot a ball through you." No silent ton was pall to this threat. however, as lkleDugan Immediately Aetred the bridle, and ett tin streets at MeCugh, whereopon the latter fired two shots, the ,econal of which entered the abdomen of 31cDugan,lartaluoints, a mortal wound. Melte gau cried: "1 at u shot, take hitn!” Thieve' revisits" then attached IdeCugh. and Ills two friends, fillip convoleed that l•thoso who Ilifht and run a wit3l. snap 110010 fight another tilt," skedaddled with the sleigh, and left him at the merry of Ills throe op pouents, who tool: Ills revolver. and knee ked loin down with an ax handle —kept it is said. by IticUltgatt for that ex press purpose. Darin g . the skirmish, Me- Gugh touteeetled lit resaluing 1114 frrt and ran a...tett:a or 11Peen vards,elosely follow ed by Ilugh 31er/tit:an, 'Frank's bre , her, and was acute a noelted down, beat s. verely, and left for dead. Ile recovered his nr•11.11, short lint.: after, went to the residence el 31r. slttitteae gouged Wheal:Owe, &net lii , wounds tetndage.l. and , le parted yebterdaY morulng, no. stet lag w hither he n thent: • but It is A - 1.1p50,0,1 that he returned Leine. 31cDtatart.110.1 Pie,lne-day afiernore at about two 0.-heel.. Tye dre....1,..1 under hen. I of /..1.0 , 0 for L' o ‘ l term of the I'. o. Liman. at (..1,01.001, 011 a charge of countef felting. Copltal of IVe%t VinOoln In the We:4.V d gala 1.41:!-Litnre the mon- I born ftre cudgelling their heoiNnin to thtf lo cation of the StaPi Cato:al. NI heeling of coarse ISP.IIXIGOS to 'retain the honor. The lion, of Milegatco has indefinitely 00, Paned the imention, and this salts the 1104, pie or the Itrlinto City, as it ti.e.l to he eon ed; but. the Senate nu Thursday, In the twelfth ballot,voted that It should betoented at Fiat wouitn, Ilromlon rounty—of il.e future caoltal—if the Hon, etacurn with the oenate. The Ira:tiling 1.4141Pgii04400 olii4ererni " Flat wood 3" is nuderstoo 1 Ili be au owl.. Int ing plain, 1111,1,0 ••1:•1.1- -land iirv,s4•4l in living green," and nee wunned l,y "ravers 0: delight." it In situated— , t sto.pored—hard by tite "eternal centre . ' "11 ,1: :Out, unit wino i4elteted on tit it nceoulit." 00 far as known It Is tielieved to be in Iho woods inutility, :and finia eu to _even intlendroin --elttoir east, weo:, nortn . a,. south, no mutt.•r. Flat.' o:ellpletttl , 1111.11,r °Caere:, Iron one to—well any t -n thniponed it may lot found on the map. but 110 where el4oo-0 Ito enernies iv. It nut .4:or :Ando! 'A' hot 11, ..ny. , 13 : 1 :re+ Merit or not, though probably somit bourn and at:would. Theoroduetnitio are purely ....- mud, 110 i. ta,1,11.:, 1 . 11011,10 15 not known to be Cad. Outrage In Colnnibum We ink the Edina Ing front the -fie:snot A wartant was Issuisl last night for title arrest of William T. 1..• niteri out, o, the charge of violating the per.on of Sarah E. Vincent, a gill about twelve• : t ear. , of atop laughter of Mr_ John Vincent, lug On huh street In what 15 known an 1. Itrown , How," between Town street unit State. tn. derwood is a urivsOn and . plasterer, Lind was engaged at Mr. Vluceut's in repairing a Chimney. ll girl tarttsi ser.. to the school buildin tt g e near, s to ask :140111. e's the health nt tier teacher, who bud been I cote pelted to tilsut , t her class to for oe dity on account of llness. and ask n If these would lie school to-day or not. End(' rwonkl prepo•ed to aeconipany her, t talon), et forced her Into the Ittoonnent or r. 5.1 and there violated Ler person. The scream. , of the girl failed to. reach the ears of those above, and was not vie:void until the villian had acconinllslled him beilish pur pose. On releasing the gOE be tied nue way while bile. run hotne with the terrible story to her parents. Immediate Me/ !Men were taken for 1115 arrest, and he can hardly escapti. The Unlit:tuition of the psorle in the vicinity ism last night most intense. The GE °with of Phllodelpt•ln The populatlou of Palladelphot Is now greater than that , of any En ropean city, ex cept London, Pant.e, and probably Constan tinople. The oilier prominent and pope' ions European cities rank us follow, lier ( 1...1), 517,571; Pe, erxburg lln 1-rel), 120,1 E; Vienna I o r 1 ,7), 17.iY22,• Liverpool (in IS;:),' 4,1,1137; Naples (In ts X), 44,04. 4,1 z ognw an ItOa). Plinadelphia von tattled, In h51e,Z,6:1,;:1 1 , arid this Ilse sine, on doubt, been Increased toulocarda of 7, 0. , and may now re:p.(17:4,0 , Tue. population of London, aceorditig to tho • census taken last year. Was':ha, and of Part., areord• log to the Frenctt comes of Is•PI, 1,hi;271. The Press rays the growth of Philadelphia has heeler. steady and uniform, its pros Pe r itV rents no cools a solid ha+ I, and there are nn few ol.s.uelt to ltd indefinite extension. that it destined ut 110 dlstuat period to become one of the most populous cities 10 the world, to rival Purr , or Doelonras it has already oat it r ipped Vienna, Berlin, plus, anti fit. Peter,. ourg. 1= Says the Philadelphia iltiortsare now being muds In tills State-to increase the-legal limit for the rate et interest from six to wren per cent. Thu simitio•Legielas turn 1168 under consideration a proposition that the rate of interest In that State shall remain as heretofore at sex per cent., but parties to written contracts .it af.thorixed to fin and determine the rate of in LertFt ore the same, not, however, exceeding tight per cent. Such a bill In“ been animist to be engrossed in the senate, after a full dis cussion, during which an unsuccessful e ff ort wets made to substitute a seven anal three tenths place of eight per aunt. •It is lac , tiered that whim House takes action on the bill, it will not iirsivail in its present ferns: mid the correspondent of tile Bath r e thinks that seven and threc.tentits per cent. will bo the rate (Wally agrwt tipon• The RUM 'Way to Servo Them. Thu Lvagr, 1.0 the follow ing: On Saturday last, Ilya loon worn con victed and rienteneud to 000 years each in the Penitentiary, at Wilkes-11,re, Fenn. itylvania, ror tho robbery of an eXpreyiNt sixteen thousand dollars. Cane, we ore glad to situ that not only wan the nioneY all recovered, lett the rarcale wore bought. to the (could they deeerve. such a result could often, ho brought about, there would be fewer rulitteriee Ike that of Jerome, in New York, unit ut Air. Cochran, in Oils city. For the new,leirer.l 10011ro1 , 1- rloomavlCtlen and lono Heiden... In 0110 Ihmltuntlary are Whet, euch rogues most dread; lea vourroinedle hared upon the re turn of n part of tho stolen property, only encourage the repetition of such olleoceit. ':orris-ono.—The following is from Um Leeirealm let Monday morning 'silt, in consequence of a gorge of ire. near • Mahoning, which caino front the Ma:honing. town, Ne.haintioul: aria the !ilienango, from Now Castle alown,thoomnalsol :Ler, of laud over do wed. The Water was ulmnst nit • M ra to : el floor 01 the Mahon lug railroad bridge, and the greater portion of the rail road between t bridge and tho cent /di of tile road :tear the 'Zeigler farm sv/ti inun dated. Tim railroad company had a. num ber of hands ung.,,,1 to largo floating ekevia of 100 frog. tlae toad, so that travel Wan not. int.. Vuptavl. rue colleillidora and riromace praise fur the tare and sato 1.1101“teln011 Of Lim :sari over that perilous porous of tau ro a d. • Ar , goltlett.—Tho boy aditet, Indicted for thr, kqiing of another boy nano") elevens, fu-1101110wilturg, some time lei lt tiol,lll. lair, received his 1.1-11t1 lvt, the quarto,. see. sinus 11.05 'eel., anti was acquitucl. It will be rellisnibered that Jones, who fourteen yeitra of ag, struck tevens, who was sx teen, wltL a piece of trou;in tolfolstence. Mottoes , . of the Het:lateen °Mee. Thr , ufgh the Couto:my of .7, to•ph 11,,,_;ras Itettt.vor, , are ettab:, , ,l to publl,ll th 4 fol. low hot summary of the business transacted at the Itectstet•, wrote during the month of January, 1t,07: Decedent. AdnatnialraZo r. 1111 AaronCrli..:„Rachel layers ♦ 20 eu Samuel County—D. IT. Megrim rox) 00 Hugh Crea Mary Ann Crea... .2,00 Jane Anderson—John C. Anderdon, .10 ql Jae. McCuteheon W. MeCutcheon IL McCutcheon 5.. ..rerthinta Baxter. 200 IO _William Bleb. 11.B.tAllingharn S • Martb.lirtlehave John Ilraeshaw... 00 Cath. Mclillvey..L. 11. W. 6111 100 00 Jacob Lan Ell zabe th Lang... '4ln 0) John I'eter,ahn.. Mary E.Peterlahn 1,000 0) Sam. Ilenderson.Eben. Henderson. 12,00) (4 0010001 Hunter... Mary Hunter•• 00) linaham Scott J. C. Moll den Eliza Melgien.... ;WO In W.. Stewart Thos. Stewart. ,„ Y. Auderon 5 ... John Baxter Daniel Bich. , Solon A.LaughllnThornas Fawcett. 3,503 to Charles Ithode,....ltettecca Collins .. 100 to carah J. Counor..l. Ilurhammer.... 31x) Dettomh'llowc....Charles 11. Lowe. 40 to John Stein Mary 810111 2,0 o) Charles lloaler.--tieorge ff. 00 WILLS dI,IITTED TO PROIiATE.:, Decedent, Executors. • Value of ESIO.I.C. Daniel 3.ltomas...John Cron , ono nn Chnst. Milner " 1 ' 11'11,1d Ilarxec... ...Annie Harvey. 0,(0X) Catharine N 10 l..Thos. McQuade.— 3 000 ta) Peter Roth lobo J. Kaolin... 2,001)00 /111137: littilLOl/11...Ti101osa Hoffman. 2,00000 Thos. It odpallt... 1:),00o Cooper 1 David 1tttch1e.....51. W. Acheson.— 11,000 00 Alex. Dark Tackson Duncan.. 2,000 Oil 1\•m: FUz~!:notte.CalYln t 11,00000 Samuel - 110ELOW 1.0 Ilennuh inggitlf , ..loool Anderson. .2,0000 lillrubctlt Cox ' 2 . 000 00 1:1=13 Inuring the year Inn, closed the Board of Health, In the prosecution of Its duties, re. moved and abated s total of three thousand two hundred and twenty-three n ulaunces, Including nine haudred sod forty-three privies. In ad.lit ion to these there were seventeen privies totally removed from Sohn than, (which runs parallel with ronnsylvanta avenue through the Eighth ward,) some of which had stood upon sold run for the lent twelve years. The markets were visited three times. a week during the summer and closely ex amined. Talnted meats and lists In three Instances were ordered out of the market; also feverul baskets of cucumbers, as unlit for use. Wuter aunt musk motions, in vat!. Otte 6tngce Of ileCOMllotlitloll, were con demned in the market, at the rallroad mote - and tine Monongahela wharf, the•sale of which was poettively prohlbit,i, and or ders Issued for their removal to the point or Big rivers., to tee. amount of 116,01 l or e7,Cto. • Aceideut.--Cays the Jobnatow An accident or aeeriou• maitre happened to a tack t mkt On the Pen nuyl ran la Rail road, near this place, on Wednesday night. J uut treat or thwtron bridge an :tale broke. which matte a total wreck of Otel cur and caused most of the cattle it contained and rOWo in the other cars to ho more or less le jure.l. - Pitched Into.—Tim Sullivan Free Presi Mr. Witham Whitely, of Elkland,. killed a large 0 1111 cat~F4 It /5 Stan, recently, with a pitvil•lork, Onr Informant states that Mr. W hit y lus.l n pretty • Warm wlth the "vurmtnt'• before ho deseatehea him. I.llgoil higamist, named liezoklah Malone, wt. up before the Blair County Court, !art week, eharged with marrying two women within the .00rn. month, viz. on the 13th nntt 111 of Fortamber last. lilt nrep marriage, it appear, WILY compulsory. No. ti Ilond Pitreet; New York. Informstlon, with th. /110•4 get, Hoof on Sp,l , el r. In . sun!. fre.. item ',vv.,: 0. re aol,rtl-Ing i 4o...tans 611, petlo zany ,- ,reArer strana.r trilet,l. I nclne, • •0 , :mg Irvrl to MI. LAI% B. CLAPP s r . Co. I MINCE. No.ll hondvrcet, New Jett. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ItEA!iONS WHY: tIELL mor.E BOOTS & SHOES THAN ANT OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY. t. They actlll,- M 1,5 g•o.l+ male Is , :he world. They warrant el e- ) Y. Iley guarantee the, ~eud• te alo .14;4 • :11,y . patt••21111 , g 010'1,1). maklltg It war rmirWO, In.)ft autt g.tra,rl Ow 131.1re:ft •rta dutzLlr el.y • If a pair vrto new rglr. .0 cart .orcr tgaa Ig u•ly °Oleg glare. y grl g P Yl . l .. l:•mal el: , loal-inat r sn.l lc., t,a2 tru.de tt,ta,re. Thtt tarp, asenrtnt tto 8a1.,: from Intl, w ,14. tne,twt. ttlPqt..t. ttr tLt. Itt.t:sl:l at, .loo,ar: at W. B. CLAPP & CO'S, No, 26 and *ZS rum Street. LADIES' AU GENT'S E'rECTE7aO,,, ma SUMMER PRICES, ITLILLIERIVIAWS No. 75 Wood Street Large .I...rlocnt HATS CAPS MEE LJTEST STYLES IRON CITV SPICE 31111 S, FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, .Year Pen n sylra la la art nice, =I PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD Wirruntel wlouu our num. , lion the Article. TRF!! GROUND CORNMEAL and RYE Y"'"E"b"!l. 'i ROASTED COFFEE AND GROUND NI, D Pr = I TI1 7 1:(WW11 , 11' Inform the public , t , h v at win to tempt, fteokre of ~ 1, 1 wL FV.ISENT LI IPo., ' , V.I. wi/ ußurto NVholesale and Retail Deate . rc air, we .aucit '"" at " Pr 4t . otti n c. l ;: , :;l ll :. " " tio. oun g nA X . "" 1 . aboee rnlll at Mill will be found a rl t tr. P ' !' l l h e nur I.:attend to the want. of customers. 'cilur'er..l) PEED rouatar.Oy on Pupa. STRICKLER &1101XLEDUE drlN:qn FRANKLIMOTTON WORKS, E. BYDE'S • & SONS Azo now mann...lto mutufuturn COTTON YARN. CARPET (WAIN, COVERLET TARN, CANDLEWICK T G. 11A rTltilit3 COT ros WARPS. de.. 1. • WEST CANAL TREET. bee WM.= and Labbet, Allegheny Clty. twVaen . r. h.— All ordtra by mall attended to. nob TM 91 t tEFIRMOFRICHAIRDHAYS ,‘.. way diasblyed by nintual conacat ob the .1.r.. ll...tint:as of the late aria will la. settled by N A CO. 111CliAltli 11A1'S d CD. The non of LAW.IILIN & CO. was dlonhred on the lot Inst.. RICIIAIII , II Al reninii lA. Interest to the remaining partners. • TLr tuaunfoeture of CIO ICON will be contln• ten at the k:LIZA FUlt..+AClte, under the Caine style of Arm as heretofore. The business of the late non will be settled by the new. January nth, A WETTACH be MEASON, ry beeCE.,5 4, 11.6 TO ell E,Sit lsCLAllx Alanufaeto tors of OAR 'LEATHER BELTING, O. 110111 n etroct, Ail , gbat l 7 CUT. Also full aNtorintrot of 11..1110t at 0. It. AN. ItEltst./7.1 . 6. No. OW I.lla.rty St., I'lltaborgb, r., ULU. O. CLAIM, 0051. of %Vora*. .1,17 CILEESII,- too taxes uoshen. Factory and Hamburg fm sate by CHARLES C. BAL.SI.E.Y. nol . No. MI I.llerlT Bitooms. 100 dor.rn for Isalc by CIIAILI.E.3 C. LIALSLICY, • AItD OIL. bble. Ex tr.. flobtt xn4 wxrrantedlVlnte tualool, for Laic by CLIAILLES C. BAL4LES =OI=SM - • 1C01r:t ...... , 0rr prim. Whirr Flint for rola OY CtlAltl.69 0. BAULKY, nn a atra.t. HFILS. CHIP RUSTIC receiv aaa r° l.67.iclar, A. X CO. aril Wholcasle DrutAlsta. V Wood atTC.t. SPECIAL NOTICES INYALIpS A Clergyman, while resin!,; In r-o;:th A m..r!..a m1n..1...,,Arv. , lecurer.,l n F.IL .Ind rem. da f..r the Cur.. of Nen was • Decay. 111..t.a,.5 of the ur.,,a, an Organ, and the tralt.ordkor.l..., brought on OF baneful and Mclog. habit,. Great num ber, bane been already et red by thls noble rem edy. Prompted by .?„ desire t.,,,„,tt the et, and Unrortuno,. 1 will t,:nd the recipe for nre'parlng and utlng thha me.11..1.1... In ....awl envelope, to any one who It. FI:EZ eltAncia. Pleas enelose n Iv... Nada nverelope ad.lreeeed to youmele. Aoldre.s JO•IE:PII T.1\11.1.\. dc'9:./21_ Elation D. pit., flour, N. PEEICIIE TOR THE HANDEL:U(IIIr; Niglei Illoomin, Crrev• SMEEI Niuht Monnthzi Crrrm, IMEMI N:ghtlooming erre:. 6011=113 Nightloomin, CM= pholove .•rlfight lllooming Verve. A mud rxqui.lte, delicate. and from the mra uml brimitrul fr..l tAkeittoluitm, Idnuttructured only iy Prir.&l.Ont ik MON, New York = ASK yon MIA LON'S —TAKE NO ornitli, BAILSHILL & CO., - BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, No.. 20, 22, 24 and 26 Penn St Having areured • free ran: and turnkhed It n Ith the 110/e.approv,l wr an , pr e• pared to manufacturel , , pry -d , :tellotton are In the brat mann.. , and warrantnt 1.0111•110 Iny made In the tountry. 1111111110111. nc Fire reds. Pliant 1.01011011(1,11. 11101. t. tlondtusers. `alt Pan, Tank.. tt NMI*, Agitators, nettling Pane. Bolt, Iron. F•ugar Pan, and 11010 1111'.11111., Itit I•ATILNT BOILE .II IIIR.. leM==tl W'LARE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS, • PITTSBURGH. PAILS, McCUBDY & CO., Manufacturers of Sheathing. liraslcre• end MAI C poor, I'rosee , l Copp., Bottom.. Ilalec , 3 01111 linttotne, Sp.ltor Solder. Ale., Itn ,, rtere and Dealers :n Moist, Tot Plato, p , shoot Iron. W•ro. to. Cuntanity on le tot Ate.tilist. Sll4l Tools, S'arehose... No. 170 I'l nI UFA: I and 1140 SEct,Nle tlillY5•1 enters of Copp, Clut to asy doslrret peotorn. mole .o,l'eleeT r i - 3 ,4 ROBINSON, HE.( Sr. CO., 112= WASHINGTON WORSE, Itemolacturr re of Ilya and titationary gto 11 , ast Engine, Milt Machlnery, Gear ing. Caztings of all 11,cripti..n,011 Tank@ and Stills, Buller anti ,1.,11r..n Work. , I•l,grats fur 'JIFF/. MPS PATENT JECTI)II for feeding t0t.1.cr... 1111:1," INSTI7 uTE FOR SPECIAL CASES.. 4:IIAVEST MALADIES Of 1'14 . 111 AN t: ‘111.1,, o,ob. —IIoW ARO •,locIA I 1111 ou tb.• l'hy.l..laK7 clo. and Mao, Plies.ce pr.rullar tta... 4. letter it man. wh !trp,rle •.Unt ve ft In lett 4. ft - rt. ~rcufg.. A 1:.:r• - • • Or .1. llorrar.l A.1•••• • ,/1”11, I'Lfla , lr;V4l a, ra. r. OIL WORKS& COMPANIES c!i - x_a: O =ZaEi2 0.1.1-013: SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFII3I IiEIIET S. CO ILA FAt CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICVOT Petroleum Lubricatrug 014 ' Sperm, Lard and Wlia. Oils, LE o.llGliT,Tipt?.S . AIL L STANDARD WHITE BURNING OIL No. 33 Market Weet. PrITSBUBGEt, PA. FIEAD FOIL A LIM I. LAI, It 7 • • WARING & KING, COIIIIISSIOIEIICIIAITS AND DIALI2O IN ' Petroleum and Its Products, a buquis.r.Elvar, I= 11111 AWIII4III WARINC. KING & CO.. att17:44.5 IST Walnut St.. Plana lIENDRICICS LUBRICATOR. I=l WHITE, nnos. ro. CO., N. York E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, No. I St. Clair Street. Pittsburgh. ra = n (i',9,t;,?:nclira."ll , Light Cold Oil !:•r Light t a *crow-L..- L LW. DII. up, Oil. WOOLDUIDGE 0111. BEFINING 0 0 'MCP ALMS'S.' OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT', rreOdent. HZNItY Id. LUNG. iitc'r and Tr.s•r. WORK% EV ONIto, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Bridge.) WIJLNUFACTUHERS or PUHA WHITI. 13 . 0 ENG- 01.1, Brand—"Lnoifor." Cl= EUREKA OIL WORKS. = EUBEKeI c;anno.r OIL, =l3 UOEKA SPERM LUBRICATINO OILS, Ana 14 - 401t.1a U , •tera In Crude, Relined and Lubricating Oils, LARD. 151T.L(41. WRALE AND 1.11 No. 31 Market,. tit., Pittsburgh. O. C. 1VC7033L117.136t- Rall .4 examine .ample. and rt. certlncat.•e. .15:314 BUY TUE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, VIII OIL lIEFINEIIeI Ilannfnetn rod 0011 and for rale by T. IL EJ J.Y S CO., PIONEER PAINT WORKS, N. W. Cur. 3d and Market tits., M=IM BREWEIt, BURKE ts CO" COMMISSION MERCILINTS; AGENTS FOG THE Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil Works fuegrge for Crd and rteetLib r eral nid io bash ad a vances ma u de e on cr,s n larancnis o Ciude or Relined Petroleum. Yards forstorage a office shipment of Crude fill at Lawrenceville. and Warehouse. corner or Dud twine May and iiZIACOCI. street.. Pittsburgh. : my VIIIIII,IIAI I I.A. AVIM:hOO. EAGLE OIL won-tics, Xats,wrortacrcrilleo. WICHTMAN &ANDERSON. BetinerN and Denlen in PETROLEUM. 01110 K. ISZCONi) I3TORY, CORNED HAS COW% tYr. AND DUQUICSIZE WAY. .716:.3 PAINTKIIS. JOHN T. GRAY, =1 PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIEII, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. plain and Ornamental . I.lou done la order. All work * i0n ' 0 ' j.7.2,7,7 1P . reasormbla rate.. n. BROWN,' (CAW of tbe arm of linuws Alunnow.) DOUSE AND NUM PAINTFISS, .o. 4 C.ruer of MIA llnttet Atteele I=l FOR SA r.p • -•, i,'rn SALE.—AL Farm or about acres In Union Township, Alleghara et ts. alma:a &Dont four miler Rum theca ' '•• I th iYm.hiugton Pike. The improvemento $ „ r ue two sun) Mink Dwelling linear 11,nn'oarn, with stabling ea.:mi.:lt tor til 'ar•' of rattle. Thrre la a nne Young tirchnnl, horn petting a1...U....Yea, &tech.' with the brat ea- Means of MR trete. it is all underlaid with coal. I'l:eland is In a high .tats of cultivation well watered. fence. good, &misc.:ad so t, .4: rably for dairy or gaidenlng p0rn0.... • yfii acres &Nothing the above, with a goo.l inane House, Carriage Howe, fn./ noring Haute mid otner olt-Inalilinco: with a gruel Or chard in line bearing condition. This piece Is ulna all umhalaid with coal. (ornate La:area &Eliot:ling the a ls o ,p cl. with coal. The shove three pieces of property lie between the Latta haw MCI Ruh and ntsubentille nails towel., and the coal ran toe reached easily from either road. Tim coalition° is worth ail that Is acted fur the entire pro a'. . Ala , Vann of Mt acres, shoat. In Si. Clair tow ns hio, Westmoreland county, Pa • aWiy on the line of the Penna. [Winona. The Treat hants are a two-otury Frame Ilows,writ. bee rooms and good cellar, a Frame Mani: Itare, 10a03 ftwt, and other mastmlllego. -- There li on the ill* a b al a n ce ' Young Apple Orchard:l-Caere& cleared, l n le ooo timber: fearing ge n e ", ir seed. welt watered: underlaid with at end a roes tou e ;Ouvenient to churches, ulna, oclmole and blacken:lth obopo. together mull the personal og r e n Vor=. l 2l,°„ l ;o:,'• for fUrther particularr. Real En, te Agent. 164 FOUTIIIStr.I.t. von. !GALE—A Farm of 240 ~,,, , all under good tenet,. cleared and In ',dance in rood r lord bite nal, and hickory timber. 'Nun most of noderi.rush cleared well watered and partly underlaid whit a two foot lel , ' of eseal: gOr. •.. 1.. two barns. ',gun sbt.dm, corn crib', plc pl,ll, Spring and anout fourteen actss of choice iron., dillert.nt qualities. In lids there Is no ...amt.. , pa woraed with u•sc. Ititated el . county. Ps.. there Mlle's frnn ard wcnty.....ven ninon from rats b,l,ll. Price uer acre. works, now In mucceseful operation.• daily god 10,10.11 , umbels, situate AlunUnita. In-la river, In pool No. 3. ,n 1311 1 ,1 , 11. lu arr., well ln,proved. 1.. j tulles from I.lVermord Station. 011 int, Western enn ,ylvanla italtod, In In ennui,. and only front the city, ell tor FL. , aorrm In Innin....ne no Im pro.rineuts; suitable for all Linvli of small fruit ,rowin. /11. , Lu g ndrol acres goo. , fart' land, four arres elt.are.l, good ,princr, and 01111.,.r for (early', and 1.ulollug: 'our miles from 4110001. ITI Blair coon to. PI., g 1 1 ,1•1 rued In same: all for 41. e.. ter[, In AV Pdte 05,t.11. mar . , on t t0 . T . J . 11‘ , ..r.p t. a:.:: : ' 1""".'"'"4"' Lnn yArdi froto at tln• in" nre e. " I " u renne I,ay.IWYT. and we t Co ....I th.../o• 1.31 10,1 aetel n Arrnt.. 139 rondlt pireet. F°" 14 ALE, A COUNTRY RESIDENCE, SII.IDE SIDE, oA.thr. PEN 7,III.VANIA RAILROAD, Wlth.n ites r 1.1.1 Dam th. city. Th., n rly• vr, .1.1.11%0211T ronva.nlrot In arrtng..a.. 311,11,..t. lull) nriroventel In• 1111111 , 4 nipl and gas th V.1nr.7.1 roughout. It .rammandlng 40, 011 1 , 1.1 Irtat •• , ./ e. the rcuoundar t.eing an.l veg ,. ..‘bl.>. 'I hire Ida tbrllil rr lr h....rounding, are .01 ra• P. toneliting V't on.rl‘alt. re, kticei 111 111 , charnel,. Yo,latipartiotlars. :tp,4y to =SZE 111=1 tnmnuntLflflMUEltl'lETfll =MilMiii AT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Tl.xt vx1..*1.1. Farm .11,1(1. lu Loyalnanna I nllore,a,•l county. . ,joln• 11. k: of utte,...l. ra. 1 ,0 5 ,,, 7 r..nlnt , nP Z Int. Hundred nn.. Thirty-nevi. Acres. at• mit a a.alory frame 1,••••11ng awl a r..•. 41 Frame I,llla • Ira•a l a t I tau,. awl otho, .ria, lwr. l blot,' oat balid coal . 111.1 a. t far*, 10 .m sad . t.• r, au.l Is ,oaccalen t t•,l:l,arrt,•. Mills .1111, ~ 17, ,•:,•1 I- IT I oa,awl - a - aall l llt !,.•1 awl N,.a . ..:k ..a• , 1 :ugh shl larta. 115-F.L•II T.•7t , !IV+I ItiN l M • r. t'lr• 141:111eivd. INIPROVLD PRO:EUTY Z . Ca , R. /El MIMEO ra,l, r7I,A ft V. - 1,11, to:1 Vrct. for 111= Y., ft: r ;to., •VPIT t. or.c.!‘ , C U. :1.-11ATKtl, 1101'6E A SEAT A N D 1, OMI q.:TAHL •"...7t I=l Ad El i • • uwA31,A.1.A1,. t • El "Lot 1,1, 1, , l.(MI =II 1:1=1 I= • IAYTS IN TEM .!. rPnANet V11.1,1*. :Ai Tral,rll-e..f lierr, ',nail frau, 11,,e A 1,.. a 7,101:1 FRAIIC OH .I.INII F,ar 11;;- plank r,ad tull.arit, on 141;,11- , r•r t, lo lot 1...,71 , 1 It/ ,a ad, I tn.( tn rr., near Manxneld, P, . I for gare.n. and lotF Inqatre •Wllll L. 1.51 1 1 ..tate *vent, 31swiavld. Pa ..••,- to 1117 N A FII.tPLII. AtC)r. tltrerl. Pllts,urgla. Pa. . I'oll SALE. A FAIL," AT t•rro PIN, on thr ntral Irallroad. wIW ...,•t I.l.ro,n,nts. "1,11.• A'r CA111 . 71 , ;75 ,TATION. sell Improscd. A ;lat. FA HI,- naliro•d. 51001 Pro. rly I...tan'a. wit• stol andunlaaprol. ; •.; 1 all p.r rat, and aabart, Alt), A.. I.or tt • t •tIT, 1111 MAU W/171 1 , Pc11;1501. No. I.raat ... I 10E6.1F !I ND LOT FOIL SALE, Pagalo,'• lauu , 111.1. -, 11 W•r.l,All; al.ny Csty. A rondo/tab, Yran, 11...5n, a.l.lC,llar, 1.11.1., of stout 417 hrl r front on Ira, of alre,Ll'ara, LT about 147 het ba , l,or the 11011, with LAI( the +lll Fold ea }•0501511 APIIII to J. I.IV V, N 0.510 1.-Ira , .1,51. A1.1,11.11Y, or al o. II I lelf. atrret, Ilivaburata, . .1.31,q17:1,11 \l-LSO N. Att . ,. at LA.. ..413VICKLET PROPERTY FOIL 1-. 1 F1A1.7.-1 bat prooertf r.clpg Ins 110'I road, cm.1a1.1114 shout .7500 Acts.. on arbl, h ta , ••fitrr 1/ ri.Evr.N noimpt, fiat h-roon. atvrt , ret •11.1 all 11. 50 5" laat vartrtb , of fruit. two grapar .' la,z,Yra JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Beal Estate Broker. JOHN D. BAILEY, STOCK ANO REAL ESTATE BROKER AND Al;l:TIONEEllt. Marl ng taken out .6 conmls.tun u Auctioneer, Board eft. etiol •n engagement with tue I'lltsourgh Board of Trade. Becurl n tho so of thei rooms, Shone the Mira National Stank. I ant uuw p pre ared teali at rublic Auction. ,totti. ercurlllea. Real tattle, Ar., tither at the •lono rooms or no the premise.. l'artleolar attention paid. as heretofore to the tale of Heal it•tale at private Male! of Heel 11... et. In the l'utisil,T I to Fourth itrt.rt, AUCTION SALES. H OUSES AND LOTSIN ALLE liHENY AT A INITION.—W 111 be uttered on tho hr. mises. on Tilt ithISAY. FuhrusrY at 2 o'clock. the two brink houses of nine rooms Nos. n.and 91 1/1 seer street. I,lw.oti tngto street • not North C moo°, Lots 1 . ....e5510n Alt:111st. Torus, half Lash, lutlance In two years. A. L6lfO ATE. A CO. VALUABLE lIANK,BAILBOAD IN eaIIiANCY: NI) wrii B COCKS AN I) EVNA INti, Fe',. Mb, al 7'. o•clovi.. will lat sold "II SVCOR 4 i Floor of Cern me mixt inacn Houma In , oniltb field giro, aI ohm , / necoml Natio:. Ilank. " Peen•ylvania italtroad Company. •• rennaylvanls.l.nrato °Apart y. " !talon Park nkatlna Con2pan). '• feat rat •• •• pal Allegheny Valley Railroad 74 , 40 Bond, te, A. AMAIN., Anatol:Ker. BUSINESS MAN'S COMMERCIAL COLLECE, N05,.6 and S Sit:lair Street, Ms • rwspetual Chartrr Book-Keeping, I'tl3ll.llluslilp and A rlthinctlC. time unlimited 010 00 Arithmetic and lienmanship perquartnr of three months rchmaushlo. Per mo.th , 'For Orentars or Specimen. od , lrrer N. SHAFFER. or J. bt