Zitt Tata P.,',l6l%rttr. nONDAT, Fll 411:ACY 11. 1,46.7 SL iT OF • BUS' vsolturi r AL-; In Boston anent', is attracted to the tact that as soon as en become quail lled to transact hnsins s, in almost any departruenthey go elsewhere to en gage for themselves. The Board of Trade, at their late annual meeting, deomml the matter of. eo much import ance„as to bring It up for discussion, ac knowledging the necessity of doing something to prevent the exodus of youthful vigor, enterprise and comer tency. It was generally admitted that the difficulty had its source in the un Willingness of men of middle lite, and oven in advanced years, Ito relinquish business that had been totbem the means of wealth, and thus make room for their juniors. To provide, in some measure, at least, a remedy, It was determined to • seek - an 'alteration of the - law regulating partnerehips, so as to citable old merit° Make room for young ones with out entirely withdrawing. In no otbernountry in the . world are business men so completely absorbed in: their occupations as in this. They give 'themselves no rest or relaxation. If recreations are allowed, it is only at long - intervals, and they are almost invariably pursued with such vehemence as to make them nearly as prejudicial as unromitted toil; ' In the economy of every day life there is small provision for any other en- • .joyment than that which arises trona ' . ,inaltitig money, or endeavoring to make it. Home becomes mainly a plice to cat and sleep, and be nursed in sickness; not a circle for coat: mat and ineffable happi- ness. • Some years ago, an acquintancer of ours; not more addicted than the mass of .Americans to inordinate chase after business, had the misfortune to break his leg, and, as he hail reached middle life, there was a certainty that some weeks -Would be consumed in healing. A lady archly exclaimed, havinvin eye as Well:on her own husband's delinquen cies in that, regard, "What a capital limo he will liave to stay at home, and get acquainted with his wife and child ren." The wit - was attic; but its excel lence was in its truth. There are tens of thousands of business men in the United • States whose domestic relations would beheightened and purified, if they should each happen to break a leg. • Stepping into a • railroad coach early one. morning, we encountered an ac quaintaucee on whose head lay the snows of seventy 'winters. Ile had been riding bolt upright all night. Taking a scat beside hint, we playfully remarked, /Mowing that such expeditions were common with him, "Probably you find such fatigues necessary to the comforta ble maintenance of your family." He .srailed grimly, while lie answered, eons "I have already enough 1.0 spoil my and daughters." Pressing a point,we in guyed, "Why, then, not stop and enjoy I the abundant fortune you have made' His answer went to the marrow ef his own case, and to multitudes of cases be: sides. Said he, "When I started in li.e I resolved to acquire a liberal compe tence. I have obtained it. But, in get ting It Ihave so trained myself that there is no enjoyment for me except in heap log up more. With no resources of pleasure, or enjoyment in literature, art, science, travel, or social life, liorticul -,„ tare or horticulture, there is nothing I am good for but to keep on and see how large a fortune I can make." These muckrakes, common enough the world - over, superabound in this republicorhere the possession of wealth is the only test of rank and the chief instrument of power. Some months ago, in the drawing room of a mutual friend, we met a , gentleman of superior intellect, of thorough train . _ log, of accomplished manners, and inher ited wealth.. The customary salutations were hardly over, before he arose and * L ' 'bade us, "Good by, forever." Asking an explanation, we got it.. Said he, "All the people I know, or care to know, in this my native lied, are so completely immersed in business that they find no time, and have no inclination if they had time, to enjoy theMselves rationally with their families and friends." Said we, "True, indeed, there are comparatiiely few if our countrymen who lave the means or capabilities of elegant leisure; but, a man like you, Might find much -worthily to engage his thoughts, end = nevertheless eulisthis efforts, in proinot ,:, Jag educational, artistic, literary and charitable enterprises." He added, "That does admirably, to a certain de gree; but over and beyond all that, I want somebody to help me do nothing grac.:fially, and I cannot find him in America, and am going abroad, where such men are plenty, and intend there to remain." In this man the absorbing liammon worship about him, bad in. dnced a reaction equally censurable with the frame of mind he despised. A more industrious people than the Germans probably do not exist on the face of the earth. In the matter of-so -cial enjoyment the Americans can take - some lessons from them with great ad vantage. They multiply holidays and innocent amusements; and the women , and children are invariably sharers in their mirth. This association chastens - and refines. Where men take their sis - 'terti,a‘ieet-hearts, wives and daughters, - they are not likely to let grossness and indecency follow. Social Intercourse be comes measurably a- broadening of the family circle, or rather the blending of many family groups into one, of large ' dimensions. IVer.terer differences there may be in regard to amusements, there can be none se to the fact that the inordinato pursuit of money is one of ilia . gr e ,,t e ,t, blemish es upon Stemma character. It has its uses in the development of the country, but it imparts to social life a harsh and repulsive aspect, and prevents the mad. ration of those amcniticticsscatinl to cv. inemcnt,- and which arc the bout the highest and purest enjoyment. VIE C031111.031113E concocted between the President and the Southern Govern ors finds little favor in either section of the country. It goeS too far in acknow ledgment of the right of Congress to en force conditions of restoration to please the South. It does . not go far enough in stripping the rebel leaders of political power to •suit the temper of the North. The North is ready to yield much in.. order to secure a speedy and perminent pacification of the country, but it is not wilhng to allow the men who - got up. the rebellion, 'and prosecuted it so long as means lasted, to come , back to pests of infinence and power under the General 'Government. That seems to be the chief point the President now has In . view, and in he hai net the slightest prospect of success. ............. CONKTITUTIONAL CONVENTIO. . n ..- - - .1 • I . FPE are Qini.ter rumors afloat to NEW ADVERTISEMEN . Mr. JETFETLECCi is credited with the the Effect that certain members of the 1 dicta that everynation needs a Revolu- Joint Committee appointed to investir , 17 .1191 ES T. BRADT & CO., . tion once in thirty years.. By this he gate charges of bribery and corruption', 1 ' to &Jons 2 C 0..) e 1 Corner Fourth 81. Wood tits, Idid not mean to imply - it was either ne- is connection With the Senatorial ele& ; cessarY or beneficial for a nation to be lion, attempted or actually succeeded in involved in military strife with itself'., turning their position therecin to pecu- i - i BANKERS & BROKERS, D 1121.12115 IX ALl.l.xllgo s that often; bat that a revision of polith Mary account. Considering the cull- . 1 cal institutions P. 11.4 eisential once due- ;neat character and transparent unsel- ' Goverrunent, Securities, i lag each age to meet inevitable changes : fishness of all the gentlemen serving on , I Foreign Exchange , and adopt the civil machinery to. the , that Committee, we attach no impor- ' Gold, Silver and Coupons. of 1 iIIIICO . to these reports. But, would it tr, me. . 0r , i ,„ 6 1.... ~ ~..d . .. COLLECTIONS w a leon all secesiinie poWts 1 change ' of ideas and to the creation new necessities. . 1 tacit be singular if these inculpations I • Interest allowed on Time Damns, This work is now being done upon shimid assume such consistency as to _____'_=.-------•----' the national Constitution, and whatever I render it necessary or malicilient to in- 11 77EaNtrillrTrFiliGi niie,'ilaEitt the worshipers of antiquity may say to l vesligate tile Investigating Committee l' . 7. ART HALL, ottTlll:ltel.,2 YiILrE•N I NU; at ----------.41...---- -- - I ' ' t I.:e' Mends of are nteeraneetbs,NNe.sot= NTIMATIONS are givesEthat a bill will .1,.,,,,,,T1L1a,1frtriv;T;,7,!,?, eglelature. be brought before th e Legislature tit Jet I r,,Wr .c. MILLER, becretalT• 'peal the law authorizing ' the election of, District Attorneys by the people, and I restoring the anointment of those offices to the Attorney General. Theldesign is to legislate out of office certain men who arc too strong with their constituencies to be defeated. Better change l the Con stitution and make till AtlorneY General elective. ' - 1 contrary, we doubt not the ahem thma already made and those impend ing will give abundant contentment to the millions upon millions of the .hest generation. • It i+ this aspect of the case that causes us to view with favor the proposition to call a Convention to revise the Constitu tion of Pennsylvania. Independently of all current accusations of bribery, there are manifold reasons for subjecting that instrument to careful and full re view. This cannot be done anything like as well by proposing specific amendments to merit a particular case ns by summoning a Convention with gen eral powers—their work, of course, lobe subject to ratification by the people, not as a whole, but in detail. Members of the Legislature! before you adjourn acquit yourselves properly in this matter; and as your time is now getting short, take action in the prem. Lies without delay. Timm is no telling what may be done for man or woman after death has re moved them from the scene. A. good many 'mutations have happened of late years, in the popular estimate •of dead people, which servo to - show that their reputations are [ liable 'to as great caprices of opinion as those ,of the livaig.. LAILEUTINE [ displayed his genius by transform ing ROBBSPISAILE from a demon in hu man shape into a rigid and devout Puri tan, honest and truthful and unpretend ing beyond the ordinary run of men who I pretend to circumspection of life. Can- L`ZLE changed the estimate in which Cnostwais; was held by the whole read ing world, relieving him fronathe odium of being a vulgar usurper and ignorant fanatic, and raising him to the rank of , the greatest and best ruler that ever sat on the English throne. A.-New Eng land book-worts has recently taken the romance out of the biography of Pecs- 1 UOSITAS, painting her in totally different 1 colors from those in which she demurely looks upon all observers from a panel of the rotunda of the national capitol at Washington. Instead of the renowned heroine that so magnanimously - Oared Capt. Surra's life, at • the peril of her, own, this iconoclast makes out that SUIT!! was hardly worth saving, if It had been possible without cost, and that POCAIIONTAIS was an ordinary savage girl who gloried in her aboriginal nudi ty, and preferred coarse g ymnastics with the boys to burning incense or chanting -worship at the altar. In addition to all this, and much more to this same import there is a story by Atlantic cable, that the Pope is about trying his hand on Cotunncs, with a view to makieg a Saint, duly canonized, out of the bluff and 'adventurous sailor. 'Though we are far 'enough from wishing that the discoverer of America may lose any possible advantages, we hope a "so her second thought" may come over the Pope, and ,induce him to let the great. navigator alone. If some limit is not put - to taking liberties with the dead, people in middlelife will be put to the trouble of forgetting all their learning in youth about historic folks, and assume 'the task of. doing all their biographical reading over again. WE are informed that a very full and enthusiastic meeting of the Trustees of the Western 'University 'was held on the 9th inst. Tile condition and prospects of the institution were melt as to afford the • greatest encouragement for . the fa ' ture. Measures were adopted which cannot fail greatly to promote its inter ests. Two new chairs in Science were created, which will, it is' expected, soon be filled. The Board endorsed the invi tation to Prof. GOslGwo, of Boston, to deliver a course of lectures on Geology in the University, to commence next Tuesday evening. From the high stand ing of Prof. GcnotiNo, and his great popularity as a scientific lecturer, a very instructive and interesting course of lec tures is expected from him. The Uni versity was never so prosperous as now. Soon may it become all our cities de mand. IT is worthy of consideration, that while the more rational of the Southern leaders, and President JOtINSON with them, are now broadly admitting the right of Congress to impose terMe on the revolted States, the Northern. Democ racy, and especially the New England section,' are more infatuated than ever with i the notion that the rebellion left everybody's rights unimpaired. A. few days ago the Democrats of Connecticut met lin State Convention at Hartford, and renewed their tender of sympathy withtbe rebellion, of devotion to State High s, and all the other abominations by v+ich they have become odious to the public. If people will not be taught wisd.m by.bitter experience, there is no help or them. Asi important decision has been made in Chicago, by, the . United States Su prel Court, sustaining the validity of, bond and coupons issued by cities and counties in aid of.railtoads. The city of Qnincy, 111., bad subscribed liberally to theapital stock of a relined; issuing for t same municipal bonds with intpr- I eat - upons attached. The city refused to pa the interest, hence the suit and decisi n. - This adds anothei to the many simila decisions rendered on the same subjec by the Supreme Courts. Go • xnaon. CURTIN Will Sail for Eu. rope t e last of the present month. No mem r of hisfamily will accompany ihim, He expects to be gone abut three month. end to extend his trip into Daly. Upon hts return he will re-locate at Bellefonte. Raving sold the house he formerl y "cuPted he will be constrained to build.. sources of TnE. landlords of Chicago hate almost unanimously agreed to reduce the rents of their tenants during the coming year, from 15 to 25 .per centum. Thia is in striking contrast with the course taken by the fibylocks of this community in advancing, In many cases, GO per cent. upon last years' rates. Trrzr have a quick way of dissolving the'rnatrimonial bond in Chicago. 0" day' last week a dissatisfied wife applied for divorce, the papers were made out, the alimony determined, the request granted, and the lawyerti paid—all inside of four 4sitite. • GENERA!. NEWTS. it —The friends of the Bankruist bill are confident of its bt.coming a law.l —lt is reported that the President has issued a pardon to the pestiferous rebel Governor Letcher, of Virginia. • . —The largest contribution ever given by an individual, while living, to the American Baptist Home Mission Society, has just been paid by a member in Ver mont. The sum was four hundred tliou- I sand dollars. —A petition is being cireplated in the county of Alexandria, Vu., for stgua tures, praying Confiress to retrocede the city and county of Alexandria to the District of Columbia. We trust that the 1 prayer of the petitioners will be granted. —Several of the Mexicans Ilishaps are taking measures to leave the country. It is reported that a majority will go to ' Rome, in accordance with the invitation of the Pope, to be present at the canon ization of the Japan martyrs on the 90th of June next. —H.F. Janes, who founded the city of , I Janesville, in Wisconsin, in lelid; soon afterward emigrated to the Pacific coast, and now writes to the Janesville Garetle, saying that,- although. he is sixty-three years of age, he has never yet seen a railroad or a telegraph. —Judge Merrick . , of Massachusetts, bcqueated to his native town, Brookfield, its Worcester county, SIO,OIIO for a free public library, and added to it his own valuable miscellaneous library. To the Children's Friend Society of Worcester, known as the Orphans' Home, he also Made a bequest of *10,000., ' —Cyrus W. Field made a proposition by telegraph to the Directors and share holders of the Atlantic cable, at London, to increase the stock to six millions, for the purpose of laying a cable between Heart's Content and BOSIOII, and thus avoid the interruptions so constant in Newfoundland. Mr. Field proposes to -sail again for England on Wednesday. —When General Dix was sent to France, the Johnson press gave it out that Napolcoa would be frightened out of his sense?, and do everything that the United States required. [Yell, the Gen eral has arrived, and the object so for of lds labors is an attempt to get Americans more easily into France, instead ef to get Frenchmen more quickly out of Mexico. • . • 'llse-Mormon Gh-lv, Richard Williams, who delivered a lecture at Buffalo, recently on the Mar mons, alluded as follows to one of the disturbing elements anions the saints. a "There is one element anions them selves that is troublesome, The general testimony or the Gentiles who have lived 1. in intimate social relations with them, is that the young girls (to their honor be it . said) are mostly disaffected. Growing • up with it, they have seen the institu• , tions with ell its abominations, and op posed as it is, to all their holier feelings and better instincts, no amount of spir itual thunder can control them. Here, as everwhere, the are a privilegeo class, a n d cannot ver y y well be whipped or imprisoned. Like most of the descen dants of Ev,e, they - will talk, and arc ever ready to elope with a Gentile who has the courage and can get away with them. They cannot marry a Gentile and remain peacefully at home. Very naturally, they prefer u whole• Gentile to one-tenth of a Mormon. The most effectual...way of breaking up the whole system would he to send an army of ten 1 thousand unmarried men there, and pro tect every man who marriedand brought a Mormon wotuan to comp. We might, in this way, get rid of the nuisance with out bloodshed, or incurring the odium of religious persecution" CONSUMPTION.—This PCOUrge Atha snits . , bone tacit - II tartan. Alta n.SPdtic sway ha,. Insinuated "wild:too all cdissaes,gralsa and eorpll 1 , ,n0 I.e. Nell, es see, sex or rank x. molt from Its ray•at, It. fey hand (Ills Alike upon youtnful tun. , ace and hoar, ]laved Ytlome mule hrtmihedt syrnpioma try ogh Papectorsnt, Pro.rtne•s of itresth. Irrilatt , •nodt the Loops and I hest. Martine eosins la the Illito and lla k. Knote,stioe mot ageuersi neestide ll* o ofthe hole settrux. It Iseutheaticagy elated that ote-Aflii of the lahltht•lts hf this coon ry sad Pang , die of Chasinnotion. olselse.a , b. en mare thoroughly's...mile& and Its hatuee lees I mit rstood; rd. re Is no .11.01s0 upon which exists A greater diversity of oath... d nn disease which has mores om pi.tely all. edical skill and reaiedla agenVes. Per- I suns suffering from this dread disease or Any I of Its coaConitants. sh•di lose no o r la 1 possessteg then:mho s of the poorer Remedy, in order lost Iney may stay Its rasages, and be restored to health. The 13,0 r, I.IV AHD A. M . 11.91N - M PRE. PA'S t PIiEPAitATIIIN for the cure of Pion . InlnTrta`kVi.".: — AT , l l "i° 7l . , `" ,, use over 10 years AI Is ton most , marital farness. he reined, prepared had, Mr. W 11100•• r• II superVislou. also a pamphlet, eft:11100"g with Imp and explici l directions for p alp reparation and use, toActher 0 t,i3O wltlt 101. 00,1 t, n' It•nsdsitere nn reeelPl of 7.1. Pamphlet ensiled fret of charge. GB Alt 11A111, BALDNEI4S, DASD 1f.1.111,. ANY ••leAn.d. , um . TIM SCALt . .—Nt IdIIuVKILX VAN ..141.AltE NV ITU •LuN DUN 11 aIK CULUIt REATUItEIt AND •"Loudon Out Belt lialr Coloe Ithatoter" "London Italy C..10r It. edorrr" "London rhyaiclana Hair Color K. stoner" "London 'Hair Color liebtorer" ••hoof on Use and italr ..es. 0r.," "London glair Color lUatorer• , ••Loodon Ltreowtnend It. Hair Color Ilettorer" It never falls to hnOart life. grOwth, and hien to the weaneat farten• and Stan, Itgfs Iln , awl 10 sure to grodure new growth of hair. causlog it to grow thlek and strong. Only 75 told 4 d ';''''.sl..h.CV. et t lTlL h al d n n il Market etre. t. irEtt. A. A ELIA and JVS. FLEMINO, N 4 51arkt burgh. KA N Intl.l ITT, A ., au27:M/walt 14PlIEAD TILE ' I ItETII. home medical inert Insist that It Is undignified to viten!se a retnelf. however valuable It may be. Queer reasoning Oils. It Is OS saying that an article which thii world needs aliould lie hld In •thrner—that benefits and hlcesloga mat be too widely diffused—that the meths of protecting nod restoring health Omani be n claim monopoly. -son not accessible to all. Tlir alignment 1. r ad. It la worse than that; It 1. inhuman. nuptiote HOoT.ET I Eis'a WrUMACII TaHn-•an atith tr u „l " tiVl7flA e lia d rlT ,P . , t t ' ln "" a n gi. a` aA o n r, i the reperfoit e Of the (acuity, what would hart born the cony guru. I? 'mitred uf cu• ring and Invigorating million, 'u s good ell , els of the preparation woo d have seen theto • cuipath.lre frw. lisre the h•ghest shthor o lly for "Sing that light c should not be hid uofier • hush..i; tout whets , . r !tut should to liars das r I. O ill' on •hill• where all men can take toga is. nee stilt •It la upon Vie pr.uhl pie that the UlTTniti navel...en •dvertlaril au4CUntinin th lie adverll ied In every nrwar•per of the prominence In the wrotern liernispuer, sun the sponttheolis testlm Is nth • In Its favor hav Thousands t nel Ilted Into all • rltten languages. ening ;Vt.' , health te...isy who would he ll... Walling "n .01.101 lies. If the ne.iret.ap.Ts not rprehd the truth toz/h rthord to this unevini..l thrifin ~,,,,, and curs-ethic far awl wale. ouppos.. brunt has ski,. from th, pith lcity.soy ta r s guansut sgali.st it? I he{t ill.; lit Ault has been protect.; I lives have tern eavcd: la the feeble hay. ,erts .trourth.” , ) at..l sic lestred. gsral ponif Sag 010.1.accsmplithoilli o in WCI as to gruliga tgrottou• tbusdirected weir fair rowthd? 4 -NEW ADVERTISELIEETS. Fitd. BLEGlieLlf, Jr., Adam. Express 01. floe, 54 AO &reel, 0 an authorised Agent to resew Adberdsernents for the GAZETTE, awl U pit otherpopers thrOug . hout int , United Statci Ind Ow Cantatas. ORANGES, LEMONS, AND JILL KINDS' OF ITFtiOR AND , :ous.rint I'ItODUc, In store and Arriving ". Y"BRO.! laa Tblrd D i rect. ON AND Vt. , . —NEW A II RIVA LS NEW VIM LT.—NO boar. prime Alcll7 Oran ats and Lc..., lust n, , , , ,NA( s ir E stlihn ) ; Ro.f., , 'sit Ito s. 12 , 1 and 12:Wood assess. 11E4 NUTS.-50 markt to arrive fain nmer • !nig ; trinri:jizy ell , eat. tiCU. re braatry_ Ft • j . OTLt H .— LIQRAI HALL com r y. —The ennu'l`ntpl,t'nT^ 11l litackholr ern 01:1.11f e = l , an.] Vlreln alle nuns y, for cr i c t.a r : . M"'"*""tantt To"r, or der " h e ' t..intly are Invited to allt a • gur o tel. um It. Slit SOr. T1101".5_?!. LECTURE QY THE REV, COL, J. B. CLARK, D. D., On Tuesday Evening, Feb. I.2th, V 667 t the anted Presbyterian Church, Ilt,v. W. J. heed,, neverak atreet.),.Y.i.f the , , , ,enent . a 'A t e 1":[:',"-r." rltTlVP"flitUlt'Or'l7j.)lll) ''A. .lik.e.•• •,3101)}:ItAT le ItKNTS. • ' •.1m:enlo. 1., coute. 'Marta to ta. had at It ,1 stores ato at I ol• door. Pool, open Si ,‘!., o'clock. Lectu to commence at 7'4 t rtelsely. fe21:1.....a PUOLIC • In pursuance of the MU , . ef the buslne , men ..f . hereby Call public mee ot the CIMVII> at the 110111 D OF TRADE ROOMS, Wednesday. EA ening. Feb. 13th, 714 O'CLOCK To take Into. conilloreiklo,n,,lth,etF,linteprttluej.trll I ;Z:rir 4 o:o Cum p tny non the ev rat I oteroste frl e 9:tal -.7IERC.i.NTILE LIBRARY LFIdT7TR~ 7I9 . GEO. ALFRED TOWNSEND 'WILL LECTEIA: AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Mut . Any Evening, Feb. 11, 1"67 SabJceS:—EUROPE • Vete". 50 cont.. No re,erut.t tests. Door* op:rt at.. Lecture at cy,tufk. JAILES 0. Prurrr, "LIVED. LEISMON, 0. 511 , 505 0. Jr.. P. 11501158 T r. ..IM.FOZthli.a. O. P. W.:to:Mit., & BIDWELL, 310 NONGAIIELA PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARDS Carson Street, south End :do nongattelnpridge, NOCTII PITTPIIII,7IIOII i.,th• •,.,•••.(,,c• DRY LITNEBER tnarirt nits •, I,lllLers ar,ltho, totcpdlug t • 1.11.1, th!* IC the In- , at I.4%vritt,lt time tw . n t their sr rangetn.nt, as n• Inc• larg, stoc FINISHED NVOIIK ON HAND. jet .11t JAMES H. PARKER', PORK PACKER, 309 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, EAT ILA SU(i A IS C1'41..:1) IL A US. C. IttlEXTak 11.11C:`. EXTRA C. DISIED BEEF; IS Al.tl\ ,110CIPEILS; PLNIN 11.10,5, 1:1IllIED AND CI.EATI !!IPES, Pitt MI: LEAF &ILI); CINCISNATI LARD 011..; -MILL GIM-I , E. (Umatanuy [mad awl sale at the I le nwe.st. mmket prlcts. SIGN -- E El NE IN THE WINDOW. This Day Received, 150 ]Bags CoHee, I=l linOd 111, at. Prime niu. ..... Vrry Nf try VII, R 10... 01,1 W 111, .•. ( 1./V llll . l.', V j i 1/0.1 ot, n. l4n- F ne Ylfr 01,11 Idd iiosernn , ut J•ra 411, Ylne. Uhl ViantatlF•n.... 511 c. old Mocha (Turbit•hl A- rArrr kind nr roaetPd daily and ground in the preaenct cuitomnrs. when de- SHIELDS & BOUCIIF,R, 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Co KATES! SKATES! SKATE f RAVE RECEIVED MOST MY [MICK, and oger to the Trade ueteettua 5,000 Pairs of Various Makes iCISENNAN. Pb .Y 37 Wood at., ce.t. excet, / it//- iegb. ny. Be and fore purchasing elsewhere, call examine my Mock, as can OFFER DEALERS ESPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES BOWN, N 10 . 3130 Wood Street nots;o NOTICE. COleTnnt,xxe's fly ricr.. Cm or Yet,. Gtr, MI. CaiiP XS will lie rrfrlviod altilt ofllce until 1 11 r.nDAY. 1 , 0 Inst., at Sualock F. for foraliblng CAST MI Y. CULVER:re, to o etc lat nee Jrut Ward House. cld.l t• will !tat: the price t on pound. b, I'USTS, to be dela.... ed at likt• Also, at . t 6 name time. 1.11 . D1 1•111 . 1ie l e ' is 7LT It 'l', l ctAP.% A •Vt't next, the 1-oblie Lamps of the ty now Of C. aa well as what new one MS, be erecteil during the year. litters are ea p«te.l to turnisp , at their Di? expense matchel arrwragT , ”06,19 City Controller. BARGEES FOR BALE. - T ,!MODEL B.4R.GES 113 feet. [.on/. 22 feet Leon and 4 feet hold. For aide Rw, if applied for pion. OA.I.DWRI.T. t BRO., 131 Water Oro t. CUM BOOIOP BOWMAN LNSTITUTE, A COLLEGIATE WOOL iO6 lOUNG LADIP, No. 112 (311. ANT BTltt ET. Tao Pecoad.Tertn of Ms Sarni belt Los au Ireb roary lat. IL J. COSTR. liector. NOTICE.—A: rare chance Is now offered to those who wish to acquire a perfect Knowledge of the art of PELONOtilliss Y, or SHORT kULND WUITINe. St class is now being farmed b 7 a practical reporter Irma London. Ingland, Address NEW A.DVEHVISF . BARGALNS SEWING MACHINES. nix machines, used but a-t bort time, [ore ale at reduced prices. WM. ht.:nth:ES S Co, Fab etreet, ',!THE CHEAPEST. , • The Simplest. The Best ' 1 ! SEWING MACHINE, le VikIEKLEIII WILISON`S. WAItitAIMIED Tunis Yesate. SAL.I:OOL,.! 23 FIFTILI STBEEL. WORK FOR ALL—PLEASAN T ILA BULL AND GO W sous. mate or femal, who n C3ll , aaa fur .1u atandard g • . •'Vletor's Illsttry of the ltettellttet.,.• t Vol 111. now ready •Victur Mato ry of km cric. "Victor's Incidents •n 4 of tee Should senator Circular, Terms, Wc. TWENTY Ihs LE, ARS ISAT C•11 , 1,01n0t . d 5 0 ,, n l " e ' rEs t _ ' e l f; "ll. r{Sa o VL miSC7dls.",rsl"3Socs L. , s.: yy 'rsab'sLer, IS Spruce et r..es, h. E. Adat'".W3l.ll. sIIFFINU (10l Aeons foil:101 13 peace:l,foot.l No w ps.is. DISSOLUTION OF PIIITNERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the L PAIITS NALs III) . heretofore exlstlng between Whl• 31. MONNE CT and GEO. R. INICIIILAN. under the name and style of H V Y rErr A CUCII itAN Om, thls day been dlssoi vett Sr mutual consent. The butine.is of the tutu firm wilt he settled by either of raidPare•t their Wares. No. 01 Grant street. whore NAIL Psrtle , can be found. W. 31..3100 ry, (ILO. ft. 00001 NAN. riTYPOstinon..Februar. Oth. 11i17. fell it , TO COMPANIES OPERATING IS LANDS, 3113100. NAL:EN. to. A MINING AND CIVIL ENGINEER, WWI I. ho • liltAi i TleAl. GEM iiiiisT, pri.pazeil &zenlit an ,ingagunient. ,101, e perlcorrd from having . built par,. of proininant Railroad, rap dt iortil '• X.III.ILNZIIIIIND tI'rEII.INTENDENT, Luca. ltox .10. IClchte, tot. Vs., Or .11 oo JAMESIi AILL/N LB. E&., .51 ae , ontli Fy.t Dheal±l,Es. n. 1112 A LOILIGHILEIY.SAIDDI.E, lIA It • 111/55 ANL/ I t of the mortgage given to s cam the hatment of sm.d bonds. Br ortltr the HO•Tfl of WILLIAM Pit ILLII'2. lirrthic of R RENT FOR REST. TUE DIALDLNI.I OCCUP181)11Y KAY &CO 55 Wo.it street. APrtY to SellOYE t t k CU I=MII= FOR WENT.—Tho Warehouse Nos. 226 rind 229 Liberty Went., mud 17 3 Woof etrect, •t Present occupied by the sub- critwr, rollect. , pa given Ist Aprll, or Lot, MIZE Mtn=ll MED FOCI BENT. TWO TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLIRG• Sitttste ann.: , lll,ln stret.t.pearOnalsltlt stns AlieltheCT. e.cts contalni us, 511 .• go.` , C :sr. C. Ittqlstre /1. A. ViCOll% rests. No. 114 Tortrlb street. ittAltr.h Veit ttrziT.--fine two-story allca W ted, M aawl , L r ion • .arn d o a e w t l y *, n a t r. l an p lea+aorta wnna lat. Want... a tenukt that monld periur- pr t; bat, auto and pn:lorlril all 3I