The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 11, 1867, Image 1

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ropiasuED By
843 3Pirtix 131treet.
r. R. PENNIMAN. Editor.
.7081Ait RIM; nmd....imazroa's
Nr./2110,1 P. REED.
BL4 '. Copies ....t • 3 cent.
13.41, ....d IT enielet, (per ireck1....... lIS cents
Hail 3ubscelbcre. (Per Yo.r, 18.00.
I.4btraf rodoctioo. to I: ewstosi ..1 1 As.."'
e Coter, per year. br lulti , •••• • ......
Floe. do. do. • tub ......
Ten or more cord., to one &dares., Ind
one free to club. RICO
d• Cornwell , * Cod !Aver 011.
The Purest and Sweetest Ccid Liver Oil m
the world, manufactured from fresh,
healthy livers, upon the sea-shore. It I.
Perfectly pure end *weer- Ask for "Iles•
and d C11411 , 13W5 Coa memuf,u,
tUred. hry
CASWaLL, MACY a Co. Now York.
Sold by all druggidts. • ru?
If You Want
To bny Ilostettoes Bittern, Drake's Bitten,-
'Whack.% Bitter., or any, Other kind of Bit
tore. RO 'to Fleming , . Drug Store, No. 64
Market. street, whore you 'will get the gen
uine fresh article, for Ices money than at
any other place In thi, city. Remember this,
and the Once to got them—fA.ilniket street..
Who Hold.. IL?
No. 2.41,T1C is the New York Fror and Con
cert drawlogs, drew a $3,01l house and lot
io BroOklyn. Plttock sold the ticket. .
TIM medical onleo of E. Warner, old In
dltin rbrstetem, Son, removed to No. 21 . 1
' , can enact'.
ailone, Clay, WO.ll Lid Gum ripen •
With cano , aterns, ft J. U. Thoulpean, 2.10
ticirubblser lingnltes
Whito:maall Brushes, Duster Ifiusbes, at
Tliouimtak , a, NO Liberty street.
Masai:Vs Blacking
'And Iron City Matobes, wholentao at J. It
l'borupson's, 210 'Abort) . street.
• Rat and noting Traps,
- With
. ClllO thousand other traps, la Thinop
son'ts 240 Liberty HU:mt.
Yor tying lupin, Sold itt Thotupeou`e, 210
Thompson 'Lees. Ma :flambee
in the iron 1/ofise, at 2101.1tr0l tY
• • • - • All In Want
Of canned fruits and vegetables are invl•
ted to lnepeettbe absortment kept by Goo.
Itesven, at 117 Federal street, Allegheny
Myna% ■ud Medicine%
Doctors' priascrlptione carefully prepared
at:balf tho - uaual price, at !unwed Drug
Store, oppordteyoatottlee.
Iron Vim Bay
gorolga Llquois of all kinds at Josepti S.
Yirkah'iLlnatlllory, No, 151, 111, 151 and 151
nret street, Pittsburgh:
' You alma Hay
lkipor cent. Alcohol at Sosoph S. rlocla'a.
. You Om Buy
Now Hops at Joseph S. Metes.
W.IIIMOTON, February P, .la6G.
Yaw 0121....X8 war rasemaa. •
. . •...
bfr. 31t.T.E.5 presented the petition of the
NOM:men! men klited in the New Orleans
riot, for a pension, and be expressed the
hope that every sufferer by that horrible
snansacrewould be eared for by the Govern
ment of the 'United S' ales. The petition
wasrefert , ed to the Committee on
..trithr. 181218 THOPOSED
. • •
- Xi: DIXON asked to enfreet an error In
Iraartattfm; Ills proposed' Canstltuthmal
amendment to the press. The second sen-
Lance of the first section was ort, ate& The
acct too rends as follows: ' , The Union under
the Constltctlon shall ho perpetead, and no
:Rata shall peas an, law or ordinance to se.
vale or withdraw from the Union, and ant.
much Law or onUnauce shall be null and
pastern:Ter mLx. rdeece.
The bill to supply the qeflefenees lb the
contlegtett"CSMALSC9 Or the House, was
P. 3561.1.
Ur. SUEII.IIIAN offered a resolution of In.
qulry as to the expediency of transferring
the publication of the debates of Congress
to the Government Printing Unice, or let
tingthecootructoatteocllide, Lo t nite l l
r b . id o d i e u r.
tiengeea over.
Mr. TRUMBULL offered a resolution call
ing on the Secretary of Wu: for u copy of
lieneral Setudielclis report on the improve
r/lent of Bock Island Rapids. Adopted.
• Mr. CHANDLER offered a resolution that
the Committee On Judiciary inquire wheth
er "Andy , ! Johnson had any legal or consti.
tutional authority to appoint Provinional
Tern Ors in the rebellious Kates.
. .
Mr. JOHNSON objected ►nil it goes over.
wznitix Pr6LIC LAN..
The bill passed authorizing the sale In
towns and cities of the public lands in Cali
fornia andlievada not. subject to entry at
tato time of settlement, to enter their sites
at the minimum price of ono dollar and a
gunner, was adopted—excepting the mill.
Lary reservation.
'rho League 'shwa Naval Depot bill wets
postponed till ToesattS•Wl'soh guy.
notice that he would, on MOnday, attic the
conslderstson of tho bill front thu Military
On motion of Air. WILSON, a vote woo
' taken an the motion to rev:mender the vote
rejecting Um bankrupt bill. IC ca.s. '..1'1; nor , .
14. , The (nether conolderatloa of the nub.
ject woo then posteonekl.
Thi , Distriet of colt= bia bill was conold
owed and scrotal azuendsnenta were pmeerl.
rualoesetlox Or INDIA, ...mush,
• Mr. WILSON intralecett a bill to reatore
theittriedletlou of Indian, torairn to the War
.Department on tho Int of July. iteferred to
itho Military Committee.
The tau to Increase the pay -of 'army
°Moors , 1.3 recommitted to the Military
The Senate went late ezrecutleo seaman
but no doors weru soon opened foe legialn
10:Oman:tees. ' ;
Mr. LtAMSEY called up the bill to amend
the postal laws; which wee pas.sed and goes
to the Howie. It muddies the existing
-.Schedule Of charges lor postal money or•
dem; authorizes the redseue of lost ones;
punishes counterfeiting thereof; author
izes the appointment oh superintendents of
foreign malls and dead letters,
The Clerk of the House announced the
proceedings of teat body relauve to the
death - of Mr. Grldef. Mr. Darlo of Dela
ware. delivered the, eulogy. leesolutione
of respect were passed, and the nenate ad
journed. • • •
119,U SE.
Mr. Stevens's reconstruction bill was con
colored. ;
Jar. BANKS poko Oppnelt lon.
Mr. ASHLEY called ..tip the VOL., of the
Nebrasioa Bill, which was read. Tim hilt
Was passed over the re o by a vote of hie
to 44, and was proclaimed a law by the
- Speaker. '
The Mouse resumed the consideration of
the reconstruction bill.
hir..llA YMOND nauseated reference to a
special committee. This canoed quite a
spirited discussion, but the proposition was
not made formally slid CAME, to nothing.
K Ppoko against the U.
Mr. DISE, .of hentuchy, announced the
.death of Mr. tickler, which ooeurred tinting
.the recess.
The House, In respect, adjourned. .
Loots, Yob. Id.—The largo pork house
'of 1), ringer k CO. ' to St..lo.4eph, with Oil
tta ax
contents, w. destroyed by tiro yester- '
,da,,,,,ornLag, The :meat destroyed was
valued at .15000; et vexed by insurance.
.Then balding WOO ',OW and is
partially insurc4l. Tim fallowing companies
aro the principal lo nn: Perrot:, of Hart
ford, *10,00; Putnam, of Hartford, OA*,
MlOSlenttlin, 113,04 Xii London .ad I.lverpool,
1110,0 , 30; Milford, of Hartford. 40,110; Loth.
laf ski,loo; ..Etna. of Ils.rtford, $4.00; Metro.
• politan, 1 , 6,040; arctic, Iv
rrala, or
New.Tork, .9,31X1 other Companies to steal
lor amounts. T ile aggregate of insurance
.awards to all,ooo, Tne 00010 5 0110001 w
be the work. Of an incendiary.
IC Plate a.
Tortga,lis., Feb. 9.—Tile Sonata Passed a
bill to organize rir regiments of State 31111-
tin, four of cavalry, two of infantry and
Woof light artillery.. The House Joint re
solution to Steen it 1 he Con..titut lon to strike
out the word white, waft amended NO Ss to
allow electors to vote, favOr strtklng Out
he word male, also to make infeUlttrnee a
sets of 'suffrage after 1e.72. The House pre.
"ably Will not concur.
c:==b ' c=e::=r:,
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,I ! • 1 1 :' ,
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t:i 1
.&, - '•-%,„,
. 1 25
Garibaldi and the Cretans
- •
(Byrne ark.]
amiltiena Or. TILL ITALIAN CROWN rain.,
Immenca, Fob. 9.—llumbart. the Crown
Prince or Italy. will Noon marry an Arch.
d[10.112.8 Ig Austria.
51 . 8.1\1181.1,r ACIIIVxD.
(turaxerowx, Fob. o.—Tho st.msltlp Amu
from rantoth arrived t0.443'.
Loemos, Feb. 6 , --Voroa.—A letter from Ga.
ribaldi L 4 pel:lialted in Venice to-day, ex
press:tag sympathy 'nth the eretlans.
TUB Forge
Fob. to 3Cated that the rope
will o.oon mato o e appeal to tho Catholic
rowors to AUSLIthI
An understanding has Loch come at by
which OA Turkish forces are to evacuate
LIT CIIPOOL. Feb. ii—Everting.—The cotton
market elosestrmer; the eats reached 111,-
000, middling uplands Rusted at 44%; !tread
stnirs ',toady andwithout change. Mixed
Western Corn, 40. Lanz declined'. per 100;
sales at ss. Demand for beef brisk; of
prime India mess at 135 uer tierce.
Ar. Forearmled Ituroor—Snuilarrn Re-
Ilef—liajekrd Taylor fur r.oropr—Fe
rilrane r.. feulao•—An .Exrlglne. Ober
-4:Meng° nun llobbed—fistsrroft Ap
pointed Collector—Urea: Thunder
hlorne—Mearderer Balled, &c.
. New Tone,
rtoscr.,4 llNltffw
The rumor that the Robertt reolans are
selling arms Is tinfOunded.
Borman" uLLier conatsstorr.
The Southern Ballot ,ComMitelon has col-
Icettl $31,000, and orders have !nth Elven
for the purchase of 24,003 Wallah , of corn,
PAM) of which a Oeff to Alabama,S.une
and ;cos each to North Carolina. It ,a
to be shipped from the Western market, Ca
rrot that to North Carolina—transportation
A 6 . 661/11 , 1 SUIT.
Patrick O'Rourke, formerly Treasurer of
the Roberts rettiroms, Is. !umlauted legal
proceedings against the Directors of the.
Stephens branch for the recovery of cash
checks, made and liable to his order, which
it 16 alleged. wore 1,0116 by parties who
thought O'Rourke was Treasurer of the
o , 3lahony branch, a position which tie re
signed at the time of Roberts' defalcation.
The last case before Justzbe Connell* , In
which two policemen were charged ith
esaault and battery, while urresting a liquor
dealer, Is creating considerable excitement.
Tine Pri9ollo1 - 13, declining to give bail, were
committed yesterday. Subsequently they
were released on their own recognizance.
Superintendent ...Kennedy 'lam - ordered
thatZei penionVander 'arrest be taken be
fore Justice Connelly- in future.
A gentleman from Chicago, named 31. 31.
Leaung, wan robbed Of eight thousand dol
lars, on one of the Broadway care, near
Twenty Second street, on ThurAday night.
The thief wm captured, Set only a sin
portion of the money found on Ma ',Tryon.
GE.N. tinel2ll./q,
Gen. Sherman dines T. 1114 evening with the
Linton Club, and leaves on liOnday.
Bayard Taylor soiled toklay for Europe
The rumor that Edward Ketchum, the
forger was killed by an exploilon at. Sing
Sing to-day; is unauthentleated.
In .lereey City, today, three men were Fe
yerely burned, by the explosion of it eau of
kerosene 011. •
George Bancroft tny been appointed Col
lector of Moron of I.lodion.
A thunderbolt of blinding vividness burst
from the clouds last night while the rain
was pounng down In torrents, and the
darkness was so great as to }make isle:pus
,sible to sou across the street., The church
spires and buildings were. for an instant
rendered plainly visible ,In lbs glare.
It Was followed by :theory shock of thunder,
which seemingly made tile earth rock as art
eartivjuarke. A similar pile:amen. Moil,
roil on Saturday night weak.
The steamship Ocean Queen, with San
Frauciseo antes of the ISth, has arrived.
Henry Vert Da!sem, Clerk of Ladies' Ciptr.
ltahle Fair, was arrested on a charge 01 roio.
Intim of the law against lotteries.
flat ataast val.conern
The original contractors for the introduc
tion of the fire alarm telegraph have quar
relled as to the proceeds of the invention,
and an injunction upon Its use Is to be sued
ant by one of the parties. Miegett cOrpera-
CHM corruption is among the develop,
mourn promised.
A acre at No. 2 Llberty.treet, I.t.
destroyed ptooerty valued at Pl,tXXi.
Ilernstoin a Bon, musical Instrument dew.
c,rs, lost ,1110,0ta and Ilaggerty Bros., dealers
In drugs, 61.5,0(0.
. . . . _ .
A German 11410 killed his brother the
other day Ina Quarrel has been adhotted to
ban In the sem of $5,e00,
A descent
made upon the faro banks
last night and eleven gambol were ar
rested. The Implements were seized.
It Is thought the stocks and money of
which Mr. Lamely was robbed ou a street
car will be recovered.
Zeno Bornhani, who was convicted of
swindling, and sent to State Prison and par
doned in a manner that rained much indig
nation', Las Leen arrested again on a charge
of swindling. '
• .71 - ntes special says that prominent
foal Senators express tub opinion that the
veto of the Colorado admission bill all: no
. .
The ship Dashing Wave, of Boston, Cap
tain Carlton, from haze Francisco, Novem
ber let, struck on the shoals near Berne,
gate, on the night of the eighth, but cams
Off SOOTS after leaking badly, 'anti was conse
quently towed to South West Spit, where
.the lank gaining rapidly, she sunk at coven
this morning. In eve fathoms. The pincers
and crew have arrived in this city.
Belated Maim at Sospexislon Bridge,
Devito r, February 10.—The statement re.
cently telegraphed from New York,•inti
matingthat passenger trains behind time
are not permitted by the Custom Wheels to
cross at Suspension brides, in officially con
tradicted. There is no interruption what
ever to the passage of trains over the
bridge. and no examination of the baggage
of through passengers since the completion
of the third rail on the Great Western,
making the gunge the same MI on the con
, fleeting roads. Sleeping care are rim from
bore direct to Rochester. The through
freight blue line over the route I. proving
a valuable auxiliary to the various roads
concerned in tile rapid transmission of
freight. The cars aro trim:merles'across
the river at this point an,/ forwardml with
out delay by means of the Immense iron
steamer Great Western, constructed
chilly for the conveyance of the blue Ithe
cars: The boat carries eighteen looted cars,
and forces her way through the heavy Ice
with which the river is sometimes filled.
Snow at Iffetaphis—Relegation to the
Mt. Louts Convention, Mullen!
Mxerute, February o.—Bustne.s Is!alninst
suspended by heavy snow. Mercury fell
last night from PI to 34. The hi innieula
detained and will not got Mr until. Monday.
The Committee appointed by the Chamber
of Commerce to attend the Convention at
St.•Louls in reference to the Improvement
Of the rdisslssipol river leave tomorrow by
rail. The Radicals held n Meeting g ht in
appoint, delegates to a State Leaves Lion to
ha held at Nashville.
Halls. Destroyed.
IU ?Dirt Ma
thurt!, tO, tfrAVll O( I:lt
ekiE Vrt.4 d.-
troied by gra thin morni N
ng. Loy, pop l!
A number of :mollies are rendered hoe,
TA . r.rr nrrlrt 1 . ..1.r.r117.1.1511r0.
The Patent AMnee Is the only melt...stain
ing brunch of tI a Government. Tho tend
now On hand for paying the entire capons o
THE INTERNAL REVENUE TAX. lof the oill ./.1 ue #294,uttO, nil paid b Inv entor,
01110110:t Or y
Gen, Batiks' Beconstruction Bill.
Repoit of the Committee on
Ways and Moans.
The Admission of Nebraska
Agricultural Report for' January
The following net the provisions of ire
Recioudructlon bill proposed by lieu. has Iss.
The preatable ratites fltat
NV it hittraS,.l. form of gorern mint has !Well
organized In lamisluois: one or the Stab,
lately in rebellion, which hits nett,- t,, „o
reetigulted by Congress, and having failed
to recur° the r ights ot loyal eltlauns or
probe.: them nganist itralnyal person?, mot
. ..anoint... be ecogitlidul Without porit to
tu I:titre:it; and whereat, the conditlon
eI the country, Itoperativety deinaltilti the
ill+t.adtninistrdtbut in this and ' Other testi,
gen t mates: a n d u - herour, there Is 1,11011 :0
bellete that With tech protection :13 the
Octerat Geyer:mom C. mar riglittully extend
to the people of Lunbilatut, they Sall be
able to eetab/i , bntill Inatattlln lor them
selves the equal rights It:belated by tile Ito.
:duration at ILtltl guaranteed
by the Con.tlletliet to. the people of tilt
United slates let - etor.
The first noel hue prat flee, !trot, for the
creation et ..htee Cioniiits•lliners„ on, to lie
tlnbiglittled by the senate., 0110 by the (louse,
nod one tithe, of the artny to lie deist:too
ted by the plead of tlio Department et 11 ar
to proceed I munatiatCry to loulsian teed
Disc-doom:or the Civil tieverhunint hi n Doe
liabll.rt forts, 011 the basis liereln :pee:that
The second provides tor the rugisier
of all loyal unile 011110101 twenty-ono years
Of age and Up wants, without distinction 01
race. color unit termer condition of slavery,
slz months resident in the atate,, nem
tutorsexert:Did the rtglit of suffrage or
Sredln the artily or rravy of the United
tates, or possess real Or rersonal ciliate to
Oho value atone: hundred dollars, and alto
are able to contribute by litsailon to the
support of the lievernrarnt • orean read or
write. Citizens so registered have
the right to vote Delegates Et the Can•
stitutlunal Convention.
The th 1,1 escliclee (rein stilTrtorc all who
have Laken oath oemumbera et Coat:re:me,
officio - , of I lie Cntle-Itneinbori of
the elate d re, an iv, or .1
iliclal ofllcet. In ugly afitte, to rapport Ow
Colleitittltlo7l Of the Dillies 4.o),qm:fitly
engaged In rebellion.nd elven aid foal
cola fort thereto. or a for 'lily act of ee.
ccavlon; bat In t.oriitre, , ,by II tote .of two..
1111009, CAtell /101140 may remove iltalt....llaar
rourikr, -I>ininivvinnery empowered and
directed to call an cleetlon of regteteica
voter , , qualified under this act, not Ica.
thatirChirty days notice tiring given tooter
011011 regulation. a. they shall olveul Le,-
n3l y or expealent for the chomp of de e
b ,
Vale , tan Convention, for the adription of
conatitutlonal Con vcn: Mu, which :thatl
cer,i,t of 111,1.010 Irani evr ot Inclaber , i ae
tile Mee. tttt mrruue branch Of I. 4 l4.ilAtllre,
are, foot to the rebellion. Tho Con re nt
shall to , ot at the Inn.) tlioditrinttal by the
Fifth—lteclstere.l voters null ell eieveni
to otlice under tilts act are ro antral to take
the test mith. It tee Co:ince:goners or ot
geers of registration be sett.. Mint any
person hue or Datelining! v taken the
teat oath, Ills name •Intli be front
the registry.
The Convention), when duly organized.
submit to lis mom/tars: First—This net
an n b. 13 for the restoration of tlic civil
tavern Meal of 1,111.4 1 .11.:,3..
cation of the Constitutional attio,tlll:neut nn
jiropes , a
ed to the 'vegetl 11i several
states by the Thlrtyminth Con cresn, mid
If the rime I,3skeeept , :,l I‘llll rat Mud,
the Convention shall 111,CePil to lona a
staid Courttln[iuu; end the Constitu
tion to he submitted to the re,,,t , :rt,31
voters under this eel, if retitledtoy a ma
jOritv of legal Tote.t., to he hubtitltto. , l to
Congress, and if approval, to be dcetared
the Constitution of the stele of .1,1A+11111,.
The .111111ary t;01,11,331,t1,,r of tile Depart
ment !stogie - orig. to declare martial Intl
In certain contingencies. and use oullitiory
force to ~,,et,t1, 1 1.11, . netlol2 of the Col/11111,
stoners, maintain public ponce; 'l.lll nit pee
n,: uthrere or persons in authority, by
appointed, lire rat Oren to
render to tile to half/mire or Makers ap
pointed by them, or in pursuance to their
orolers. such nig as tufty be neeeseary to
secure objects conitempleted. Military of
ficers ere meth. laeol and rearmed, topmn
complaint of Commissioners or officers nip
appolut to urrest and punish by fine
or ,Ittprtsoltme,,t,,,,, person who shell lon
guilty , of any oftenee against pub/lo tenon
or persons in authority, under thin net.
Expenses to be aid by the Coital States
and reimbursed p by tile Stunt, !,colon . 111.1
appropriates the amount required to curry
tills nut illtOctreet.
TheConanittec on Ways eon Means Full
probably tomorrow report an amenilatory
itmertial tax blll beeell 011 11tll theory of get
ting rid of the general tax on loan ufactur
-1110 at the earliest possible moment, but the
wants of the Government tins year a 111 not
permit It to tenant at ouce,benee the prin
ciple is to bn gral nal In Its ollerallOn.
The Committee proposes to exempt from
tax all artailes who li enter largely pito the
cost of living, for instance salt. Leather,
tie, earthen,, pottery and hellea , warn ere
all exempted, a, ore also hoe:, rn kre, Orates,
all steam and horse engine-, ail drain, gas
or water plpes of Iron, wool or other ma
terial. MI elOtllleig made froso /Medi, mob.
fee:. to tax—((rowers, bland and Other such
articles woven unit hmt are not, however,
exempt from the tax In mom, 'whore no tax
lies not been paid on tile raw material. Ad
vertisements nre to be relieved front MI.
Many IrlalinfaCtlired Which lire now laXe,l
2 percent. are to be freed from Mi. Among
these are, all -Our and Vartllch, and till wag .
ens, drays:POl tracks; costing less limn two
dollars, and ibied for freigh I 10,4 WM/oov,
'Mater and eheeall are 10 he lieu Troia tax.
A btetioll tO the doplicallon
of tux vo that where there Is a tat on tile
raw materiel there nhull not lie another en
the ninnufautureil article lit Ito various
forme. The leA le to be either on the tnan•
ufactureil or raw article. A large /mother
of articles ere to lie exempt fro. , 'tax las
eaure the expense of colleetina Ie 1101.1 , 1,10 V.
cleat to the receipts therefrom. Thu hill
also PrOllo±oo4, In Una soil Other ways, to
reduce the labor of the Aoseosors i 0,1 , 1 the
Out leo of the Internal revenue are to be re
moved from match boteo, but the stain 10
to he attached for matcher. floxeo or other
packages or Lott les ere also exeutut Where
then . contents are nixed.
- The Committee propme, lu addition to
dry Conks iid barrels, to ',sculpt all other
cuss klbarrele,or other emeperacc, including
ell, liduhr, Meat 'vet fish barrels 1111 l teeth:,
The tax on raw tiotion remain. as now,
provided Lllo tux 011 e./1111 sugar 14 placml
uniform rate of One cent per pound.
Tile tux remains the same on lionorm Or
instilled spirit//, ml. the linen.° fur distil•
ling luereameil from floe to
Tim provrilons relating 10 the illatillation
trout grape, apple 141111 peach, remain un
changed. hot Inninily made Hum grapes la
to be 50 ee ut s a gallon.
tar 14 to be on amount Ili VC
trot over 31,1/00 anti at the uniform rate of n
per emit. Thu rent, Lance, iustatinee nod
tpalVn of all are Cello token out of
e Inconte,o xtl rarer the income le in b e
exempt to an average amount of (1)5111.
In matiltion there 110 W provision for
tile coil: of tat 00 spirits or nn Iron
eiatl Chilrlierer. Where the pro./tent s
n line or imprisonment the Dili visite itoth 01l
the convicted oirentlerA, and where 11. eOO ll
the lexpritionntent shell not, exceed two or
three year, the lull pro, hies that the 110-
tprotontnent Orin tett be less than two or
three yoirA nor more than four.
Utheir sect ' ionn have 111•011 101111,1 W prevent
(mutt, eueli as the followitnit W here nit liw
hide It olTerctl ittr sale nt, lest. then the
amount or tax. thin fad It to be reartrital
an prima Jae. 1,1110111, that. It 11 t.t 11101 !.1.1
lrtx end ts the:entre nl/101 te L....
Tho “port. lir Ogs lc:ult.!, lor Jttoltitty
Cnntr.lns elethoratu UnmVl lltt 1011 111 tho
tglaLles of wttip.;, W Iktrul LOW' thieutthrlut
.-,-,,,,,,, ~.........,,
the country, based on °Henn' return?.
The nverago rate of wages for white labor
without board is 428 per month, and $15,50
with hoard. The average retool freedmen's
labor Is Uti without hookd, end With board
furnished r,73. 'rho highest rates for States
are in California, witch are about 64.5.
Massachusetts pays the next highest, $3B.
The average rate for the Eastern State/. Is
F.T.I.:Mt the Middle Stutee, $40,07t In the
Western late; 4 , 2, , ,90; In the Southern
States, freedmen, $l6. The inert use ln the
price of labor tattoo .1,60 is about arta per
Tho rebolpt4 of internal Revenue pester
day were 4172,1N1.
It has been ascertained that Nebraska, has
about one hundred thousand Inhabitants.
and this number is intreaslngraplaik. Ceti.
Thayer, one or the Senators elect, was on
the floor when the.Bome paNseni tine bill (or
the etlinisslon of the new State over the
Veto and received tue congratulations of Ids
vannl;N r1.1:1.011:74'S •rrsim.
The tenon to • the Vreenimen's Bureau
Iron tine des tslunit Superintendent of Fair
fax county, dated Vltmlut, Va., ed..
thst Imr contracts for the twining
Yrntr have In city' auncrunly baron effected.
Thole is bony Von y little Surplus labor in
the eon:lily. A growing also...di-10n to cul
tivate lands upon sin area 1.3
Vebrl,llltry 0 , 1,477
Tho Seroofe confirmed LlOnlel 1.. Lollfer,
Of rbiladielplaa, and 'home A. Von , lrma, of
IlafTdo, to 001m11110 11110 the chinos of 31111-
molmoctts her wormy er.poh.led during 1110
war fur 001111 detente.
Presulent Johnson tallest upon 600. rn,
hotly laslay, ws a prkvatu ciLlecn, and In
convvrsatlon paid Ulu WAIT a high complb
1110111 for his manintent gift lathe talon,
tlonal Inlcreets or stun Eolith. Mr. Peabody,
.In an allu,lon to Enzhind, saki- there was
now a more 11 iendly Cling tenants the
roiled :Itates by the Frolic and govern
H -
tarns of that country slaw ever two.,
.11.01,1, ITHITE flre.E.
Eiecutlve mpansion ha- been thnr.
°uglily renovatv.l, at a cl,t of 41.4051. Thu
new rArpt 11 and out grins Oslompeclally
port.' Irma Englan.l. •
The vote In [Le HOU,. 141 , 1 night on refus
ing to 4vvond the previous question on the
tittary Govern:limit 11111, fx/I5 by letter, the
lie theerath votlug xoll.lly agaluet it, with
to Metent support Itom ihe Itrpueltran
ranks to trI,V.O the negative vote a., tigailiat
an artirmative vote of et.
A efortmlnucatton from the treerelary of
War gives tletai6 Of the enortnutet expense
of suppllee delivered in the Ittadsy Mout,
lain region flay. 401 I . l tt CP , l'ur tuht“trnf
cents lii r round, .I.e.
Another communtetatlun /dates, on the
authority of licuct.l.l gruel, and en such
cdoler let reported Issued by Gent:rat -11'e., for the lototeetton n 1 ore:land ft-alas,
has lam received at headquarters, A copy
of the nenate Issolutlen relative therein
has been referred to General ale ctutup,jora
Tort, ov ANI , DI.I.•rt+LNIXNT.
Tract maul l:u Curreheytell tel by the
Tr.:apt:l - er of the I. etteO re
durtel; the
o telc V7 4 ,lee Shiptheot hick
10,1,0 1. ere :on t to the tlrtt Truce tnnr ot
Non York the hahtere to the -Notionro
nna other. le , hureements of the
etch wore t3,004,0.J. Navy 1tu71.!. Intel - tor
310,67 r.
li•tal at Panama 1/ea4—lfitr
ter 11111 faulty Itiaaetthj—tlirera—
ltrvolat illit In Nlcaragaalatappretaled
111%apprartakt..te. •
Nix - Volta, Foliruary 10.—The Ocuats
ftz.,ll lirOt. lit .1.:,- 4 pa la tr,mure.
iS. Linth, stales Consul at
l', Is dt n.. 1.
Advineo hoot Bogota state that the .‘tn
ertvart Mini", (Burton) motto no nettle
•nl of ins — clifliculty with the _}:attentive,
11111 WOO about to leave till] CZ161141 (or the
tanott to wait instructions from his cavern.
went. Ile coat plait, of luck of courtesy to
himself anti other foreign loinliters to
ISltssaloose, mot evidently appears to have
tillt nest of Lite 11101111te.
The agents of the Cole:T/tun greenjts
leant at Panama .141 .111,Ln.w ail lire ader ,
tO take exact data's I ~I lom'er
weight. or Malin trtt1141101,4,1 rtheflih
the 11111ither 01 passunger , • the quell
th., of 'hooey, rohl tuateire, 11.11 ' d the total
welyrtit of cargo, a, Ine,t. earn;' , of
'teat e ll
good,' It is pLusumcd it
he. ell we m lklesl Over.
. -
A bank 19 LO• to establ Isla. in (A uututnekla
with u vaall al of 45.f",tryl.
Tlio coffee crop there in about the name its
lase year; that of cochineal Is greater. The
cotton crop at San Salvador was destroyed
lip worms and rains. Thu , y kid will not ha
over 1,..t00 bairn. Five vessels are sigpected
at'Acajulta to load with Coffee, cig Iris and
President Duena's mesworo represents all '
peaceful and prospetons. The balance of
r at s', Ott hand is Vonee, and there lea fair
prospect of the public debt being paid oil.
The revolution In Nicaragua in nappies..
The epidemics on tine Transit route are
elitsn ppeuring. though it is reported that
one hundred Pelted States troops died of a
disease which made Its appearance in
Granada, Itivrot and Managua. All vessels
Inc Kona/lied from touching at !Gettig°
or elm be subjected to gin:lmitate° at Banta
Arenas anti oilier ports.
The Costa Ft i can Government concluded a
Contract with John C. Fremont, James W.
?:}c anal otlacta for than conctructlou of a
retire:ad from Simon Raw, on the Atlantic,
to Catmint. on the Facade.
Geroral 0. W. Lawrence him been orrll
enloccl l'elte.l States -11101 , ...ter to Uosta
A body of prlemts or the Order of Sem
irancleo, who emigrated to Loitu Rico In
November, mono been expelle.l front thu
country by the °modulo.uu voice of the pun.
ole Who rnist.4l .."00 to pay their export/me
not of the country.
Thu entire crop of Costa Rico It very large.
IL Is volcoluled
10111.11 American ad vieos are nn important.
A itritiull inanue arrived At VahitarabM WWI
bcitron largo =mann for Chill. A veLuel
ud arrived at Callan Unix ArllptllOO with
yellow fever on board.
Untaletpo Warr
E lecti Plot—
nattileavy Doznnwproo
e4l- Nutl—
connulluntluilvt, Raticond
Or. /Awn.. Feb. to.—Thu Reptibii:on'.l Saint
speeled says: Isa. lionenthiti, who
was in tried tor attempting to 1 / 1 06'
ff l :l4 b r i g gi ' n ' r ene l :i p. h , at. i
' m i l a y ; :a t. " . 76 ;I ' l I P :m w o d n " f r l
11 owner of the building, for kiti,isti dy, o .
ogralleging that tioneund arranged Ito
whoa, plot to compal tan, iltosonthal) to
leavo tho promises.
General Bradshaw candidato for
County Collector for ' llnchanan county. h.
brought snit against W. 11. Sharman, Cooll.
ty Clerk, tor violation of thu law Ino,
ing out legal votes anongh to elect Ills own
party candidate. Gan. Bradshaw claims
1,20,000 tinning..
Resolutions were introducenl into tha
State senato yesterday declaring all rail
road ronsolldations In thin State which
have, not been approved by this General As.
sombly, Wall void, and culling for the
inewadu of a law to regulate freight. and
passenger rates, 61111 for the protection of
the rights of tho peopia. A bill 551101 n
lacedtnto the I 101150 to prohibit driving
Texas cattle .through this State 011 the
ground that they bring contagious Iltinmses
with thew.
laandtion at 11
N onw Costx.,.Vebrunry 10.—The heavy
i•ntox of Sato day caused the !Mt - docket and
Thaaties at this plane to Overflow. The lower
part of the city in inundated. The conned.
ton track ile(tVeoCl the New London anti
Northern and Worcester Itallmade is Bill,.
'Merged, Mill trains have been compelled to
1111141 IMPFlellgere nL d.llyn a Point. tubers
they take the strainer. Many dams and
1,1 , 41,8 in this vicinity are carried away.
The ttntun¢e .111110 to Mini to tills vicinity
summits to at least $1:4.000.
Treanor. at I.rovldenee.
Pam:manor. Feb.' 10.—A hoary rain on
',Auld/1y night CRllSedi a great freghot la
all thn mill atrearna;nurpaaning anything of
the kind ninon INT. There have been dams
Knit brldgen carried away In various parrs
or the State, and Rhno many mlll.. Thu loon
to thr. vlelolly puny reindi • two hundred
.11111 a r,
• Norilb Enrollon Relief 8111.
Ita Leuin, February 9.—The Luelahaldire to.
day pas4ed the Relief hill. It OAT, tal.Y ,
Levet of 11. ttl,ll,t for twelle
t•—!‘ , ---,....
- '7 . _. .._,
—,-, _ ~,,,-.12-:!..,,,,_.-c--,=.---,*; D--.7. - - 1--; e
FllO3l KpiTUCKT.
Steamer Argentin' Italsed—lnantmra-
Hon or Vast of ' Lincoln—Railroad
A"id,.t.-.,,V0b Outrage.. on No
green. - L
Lovzsviu.c. Feb. t 3 . -,The steamer Argo
naut, rewent/)' wrooku3L. hat teem raised
amteold ut stectlon fur Yl,OOO.
lionry , ,, marble bout et Lincoln will he
torkitguretted Al tf eon, on Alm ties ut the
AbUderhy of glehle. M - . Ilramlette isl.3A
hooted to preiMle. The eulogy wilt be 31.3-
twerrd by et-attorney liellerur speed.
Letters have juin twee received Loin Pre,.
1 ,
Mont Johnso denllmng to attend In 1:011-
ek,iluuhtt of e pressure or public butt
bets, hitt alp sot th e warmest sympntlw
with those wt render this Joel tribute to
the memory 3a, groat and good =um
Thu psengar train lensing NnAtyllie at
110011 for m Loulsillle neeldentully run elf the
trnylr near F 11 ' n, Kentucky, unit one
Passenger n od, sggage Ott wore thrown
Porn lin Oust MOW, Illild 1,30ke1l topic-no,
There were 1' rY few passenger', mune
hurt; none no r! ly. The enne33elor , bag
gage muster d brakeman were badly
._ ..
tlxeasono, Sy, Feb. D.—A. mob Iningud
Good, who was charged with stealing
horses in Lawrghcelihrir.
A gang of delphritdets lire thooling and
killing ncgros.-:
n •
.1 egro identified u 1.1 r• Bond nn the tnun
who took Ins stelth, whereupon Bond tltot
mud kilhul Lin . ... : '
Wheat from • 3kininr—bl•llllery nod
leuorniento Liiiirneil—nifinelo for New
Work. dei. 3
SAN Fn•nniilroiren.9,—The 'tenni, Mo
ho, olio litinilrei owl ,rlereo from
Both, nrriteil 111,11s4:111..
The following with .
nulled yeeteriliiyi izenta,
flodu Ityllrl an; Westetn Empire no.! tnv 1.1,
.1 the leAt night ile.trnY . tetn,liftllkry ;pet
three or feer teeraeent hut., On the tOr
nor of Tow oßenil 1.1 Mrs NtrelAN.
Thu Gulden As , for l'unettet, .11,1 t.t.
iley. She carries tSle.eoll, C119..e1 , 01 which
to for Novr Yoth; /flee flee tlettorted three
hentlrtel berrett• 0(.11 Jor.
The Crowa roint .511rmaz y have
declared rl dirldhad of $l6O perea. Thr
Imperlai Company have declared a 1.1h,-
tlontl of 412 Al ellaror
Os , rnauclAco, rabruart lo.—Steuriddit
Partin:, f rom Portland, r Ovum, st Ill( Sul ,0,0
Treasure, Lan arrlvltd,. KUM. Plalinry,Con,
gressrnrot 'cleat from orturon IN a pult,ng
er 03 net co ruon . to,.lV.lshlogron,
S. Launs,l'l.:L..).—Thit.lllvoir I. still bill.
log, with plowty of-n0...0r to Cairo. luio
..Allier Lan utinlonttoil .anowliat, bat •till
quite until, Sill Ilto rribniivot fora tpnoils
irenttuilition ornawlottott lit ttio 111 toot. :Ind
MOttiti.aiPlil. Writ ..itiforrnil. .171 r
naturilay—lloile,, Aboopliiiii Common
wealth, New thlestn.s; Ruth, Now OrbtOnni
'ohm, Jacobi., 1110nplitlAi Jorotio l ent Now
Orloann. 11.ip trlol on r ay—liner
Lotigib 31eiriplit,; Attila White, NwaLYlllUi
ltoo atoll itat gen:Now tYrltiawa;
Ilivay. 1/clouted 011 titualay.—W. J. Lowin,
Oricitnnt Welcome, VlrLauurg. Mary C.
Foraytlati, N. Orleatinj Lextrigtou Vick-•
Nrt. Ortuttns'. job. 3.—Wer.i.l her cleat
with ncol.l unlit. Ilexcury 43 ,14,4 . . Itunl
lanithiftwctivo,ns is on Ss'
.I.'lly, !tom ht
Gout, liiitihrthrei.—W. It. Arum', for St
!.cull; ‘lrgiolta, (or hitut.v 111,. 'tilt iewntit - er
.or t.ntro, Ilagento, for b Irk:it-no; .
Brewery Burned Isißltlirwlelphin.
Prrotorhruha, rehruary 10.—The I.n •,r_
err of C. l'lttenger, corner of 440v0 It: with
tool flutulirou ,trcoLey . lorritha • thz,
morning. .1 1.4 e quantity or beer arid
malt 44 it, ,le•:roi cu. tit
yY , ,oter rnsurrtl'hir 1",C404
Trio le , • in i.he Dolueuro hrokoth tip
and I , loWn to the Jose: elm or . slit y .444.
hohliort.l.ll Nett Barri h up to
.Elrc rstArgilliniore— mint lto+nit
The chinutr,l worket cat 1 , ,Lv1 , :1•4./
h Co. m ere , 11.zt cop,: 1,3: 11r. tIIL , morn Me.
;! 1114untnev, i/k
A heavy nni - thwnst stinint iint to oh
Any; dunag n Loin sins tiiii•lzi•l in
tit, hurtnit and sit pnrroiiii
lhartnitilarii et the .1:-Asti, Ala iinnirs 61
Vint thin not yet Meet-Millen.
rho Fenian 'retale. •
Tone:et - 0, U. W., Eel, ~—To-O•st- 7 , 1 r.
lie meth 'applor•n to the 4, out
q nzte.
ueen',!tench torn new trial oi the e•t•ce
of henueoo tint ato.;”,th, two t'en:a7:4 eue
clute,l.nt the last DA. er.. TheJ:z.l.e., lint,
the applleettori rioter con,,eleretton
will glee Judgment ly next week.
. •
Haltems.. Aeettle..l.
N. 1., ret., le.—The Hudson 1t.,-
Itsgirodelt rate dee hens mho.. t on,
this morning, Wes bellied time tever..!ll.lily
becanse or can re nein.; 02 th. tre.• ,ii
COt/stuillenen Ulu sllprt. "f
the red, The eats run off et ry
pOint..., hut liolgAly v.+ Injurt..l.
' Fires ter lantlauttl,
Itcrtkan, VT. Feb. o—The Ateam St,
Min unlianjunz building:A cunneeted
with the runtrinte works 01 AheNon An.,Agn,
lu Wrat Rutland, were doatroy , I ty
RIB morning. Lo=t Rom ittt,outo to •kty , t,.
Lysol - la! for 615;m0,
The gooorks ot the Ina's.' LL Ls
Company were cleat royr :t tit rt.
'lug. loss, Alm. Insured.
Departure of dltulatur Campbell.
Nsw WILKA Yu, Feb lit,-1.. It.
Minister to Mexico, left this erelong fur it
short visit to tile family In Ohio, -Lone of
Whom are Mei - . This CITY being nis tempo
rary residence he experts t return L. /I
few tines, and.nweit Imitrilettons front Um
State Department relating to Mettlme
Mont..., February IV —A destructive tire
occurred tc-nlght on corner Com were. and
St. Louis streets, horninir tine store% nee..
pled by .7. Jonas a. Coe liquor deltleist
19, • Inag d CO., grOCM; .Nletee :C. Co.;
John C, Curran a Co., and I, Ityrott
A. Co , cotton factors, 1,...,. v0,,0t0
RAIZ ni31%1:40, FOrtlary lienry lute
vut,llllS ivarrnot for tho uleclatOtt nt .11.. s
It. 13. Wiley, or Lurorhe comity, rhlw,
the IZaI. of March. Wiley em4let , l
the muriliir o(Allrn Melt:live/ tort
Reading Election
Fet.ruary 11. Demand,
Democratic candidate for Mayor, was elect
ed yesterday by 32 , i mitforlty. Vote tittli
OrMLA 11111,1 E.—On Saturday evening the
brief NCY6OII of Italian Opera, with w Melt
the (thioni and husiril troupe had lavore,lo
us, terminated with °Norma." Tile audi
nightwas good; the music was not. To
the fill goers will he pleafted wilh
return to the legitimate drama and the ex
cellent acting of Manager ilendur-ion's
truly gem! atech company. This evening
Is set aidde for Um benefit of Mr..), F. Ha
gan, who =Mee his flret appeal ton Pittw
burgh audience In the beautiful diner:PM
tirama of t i e "Lent May" and “1.111,e, the
Laborer," gl elreeltatinn of lover'. pa-
Mottie 110(311 01 ''511031111,4 O'Brien" In•Let•ell
the pine.. Since Mr. lingan , udvent
among 111 f, 'be has toilet infintorlotoly to
purge his acting of 'tinny Inuits, at 0110
so glaringly vim btu. Ile 8110111 d 1116•1] n lona
tY ref:option tomtght.
Tillf,rlie CO. tot, —Tile en:leant, of thin
place I. pining. the entertainment. now
afro:11.1 aro ttfuen superior to Miele given
IMMO Milt non. This evening the oriental
spectacle of "Cherry anti Flair mho.," will be
brought nut under Min mtpery Wort of 11. W.
William., with entire now the:tory, no,-
tome., meehanteal egeets, original Toledo,
und three new ballets, arranged en p resci
for tots piece by Prof. IT W. Smith. felt
to the to.traelivenees of the perforonmen,
tim management halm sneurol Signorittif
Antonin°, teem the Opera ilmor, Now
Turk; Mlle. tfle do Vera mud II les Lett. env
ender, w Ito will well appear (or the hest
limn this evening in favorite eliftraetern.
litancian• 11•1.1..—TI evening at Mannalo
11 Profein , or binealli4ter, rho frontal
magician, will noon a 9(.4011 (ll' /flag Iv. 11011
1,1 3 ,1ary. The rrottewor each 1 , 1,1111:1g give: ,
an entire clu ngn Or proarantme, wants
of the rnarveletim. unit ridicule. p ,
bu Larmoult.od and Wended Inano gullet
w bolo tu to mato liib 10 1110(1 11011 u lar with
every onx, ago and condition.
lug n number of hatnhean,, 110
given away, burnt, of them very coraiy ion!
I=, Fob. t'.-11 , eforo .111 , 1 go blnwe
The petition or Margarm. aleCiorg for a
divorce from her husband A lenoh.r Mo.
vrirnicl morn, with on„..y, Was
Preeenterl by . e. behoyer, Jr., Ex.l., anti a
bpn"na awarded.
In the case of Mary Ann l'arramme, peti
tioning for it divoreo from John Perron, err,
L. A. Johnston, Esq., was appointed Com
missioner to take testimony,
United Sistow osnartat conrl.—t'ch. a.
—Before J edge AUCantilese.
Ilobeas Carpus. United Alnico ex.roPitione
Borgratins both:nun vs. ST. J. War
eon of County Prison and Major White,
Diekey; U.
S. A. Application. hy writ of 4111,1.1 corpu.,
forthe discharger of it
of the relator,
claimed tone a minor, awl to butte en hilted
without lite conoent of hie putvnts. Thu
Court refused 10 tlineharge the prisoner,
and i.e wilt remain 1n Cll,lOdY SO IV ...Mit to
his Culiattlattd.
s~f ~'~
IMO Medallion tare—Fortner Devel
Saturthl day gave a partial report of
the else of a Soong girl orha 110:
duced anti betrayed under promise of mar
riage by a married man residing In Tem-
Peruitecville, We suppressed the name lit
the c.i,e; rib atreet had liven made. On
Saturday, however, the IIeCtEC•I W. arrest
ed icy °Ulcer barber and taken before Aide:.
111.1 Donaldson (or a hearing. The young
lady's name I!...42belitt' Planer, anti
natw of her alleged betrayer Is doorgo
gestottll. The latter is an Englishman and
14 I.lllplopl at soma veal works near Saw
31111 Run, whore lie is exileritnentlng with a
anew patent Slack !turner. Ito IS 2t mtterled
man; having a trite and four cuildren, who
1. -
ace but recently arrayed la this vicinity.
At the Ilotalug On yatutdny ho denmi the
refine utterly, and he and hie :Meads pro.
boo to be abutuldntly able to prove that (.t
the time when he Is accused of commuting,
the monstrous erlunt, seven months ago, he
Wed not In this vicinity at all. The plain
tiff, however, Iv etratiboit In liar
nnwto antler (all. NOM/111.11 is under
IdArie ball rat n ltirtnor hearing this week.
31104 Stoner lON° funhen Information be
lore t h e name ., cliarglfin . I.r. A.
14011, orst. Clair ntrent, with attemptlnz to
1 1 e. , ure 00 Madlion upon her by the ll>if Or
ril • iirMnenrii. !MO state] tllnt the lady with
ninon rho boarded In Allegheny dlnCerratted
her condlitum and urged her to go to / S r.
Pratt'a tolllce to dlneovervrhether elle really
ere or were tlOl coei,de. Shu eonnentelr,
0.1.1 on ThurAny, January 11I!:,went to Ids
011101 and mole anown her errand. to her
...dement die :own that the Doctor retuned
to 11110'e tiling to 110 With Luc cart nnlenv
rhe ruould pay bon 4.1 1 / w ll . l . the
prom.° of *l5 InorO. :Lhe pant the is Clot
th,on, then, ,11•• operated upon by
tro , tor olth oh' tile re ,
cult 0
opurnlP.o no, the premature.
blf tit of het n 111141410 Tile -till , : loot. Tau de
tenLiont wn.; arri-ted by nrlleur Lura. Ile
.tunten Any attempt on 111. port to procure
an :11,1117111 i 111111.-1111 linlnerely I ',mined
the girl to illoto,ac 10. 00, 11.111 on. •11no..•
it he attended the on y o u., 111,1 y.
honever.durlng her ottl.nen-, eaprto-o their
Utlebled l , pinloa that 111111 bren
0,1,1 in the L . ,711 to lir.iciirt• birth. Tilit at,
cuiot.77l wan held to 1.11 ill the t'atr. of
(or it heartug today.
Ilonslll to /iron It—A 'lliree - lt fie liner'
Jimmy 11=111, In mint - or to Walter
I;ina rO s .1;01.•• wlltes as Wildwrs concern
rs the theta:lune race talked of:
i•Novr I want wfr. Prown to ill:min:Cly on.
at - retail , that lie Is mistaken In hie asser
tion that I fi ire retaied to row Milt it three
tulle rave, a• it wone of lay first offers to
- row him flirt eista as
nim. All I contended for
,i s that tliat distance rtits not the one
lineally time.: for the eliamplon•hip. I
~, to •
row him 1,0111 ills:au..w so as to
i• ut - IlLs favorite distance.
AIM to show that I utter go hark on any I ssy in regard to !gutting. 1 send you
by Atoms' Eipress too hundredand tiny
aku deposit, row Walter Brown a
three ni Ile rare fee o •i• Ihnthimul dollars a
stile, over the Source to our flye mile
mulch, Mr. grown to have the privilege or
tosvgig either rate first, en the day berme s
ILO 1,1/1/ eity, Of the day alter that Selected
ter tin- nest race. •
. .
•• 1 tnlnt: thin otter 10 perfectly fate, Mr.
llrov. - n wlll 3111`.0 put op the like Iltpoilt,
Oriel on artielee, awl have both race, flied:
!tit. mid the race+ venue off at l'ittniturgh. 1
OM guar:tuft, a numet roorne nud fair
play. Mut im Mr. !Pow n tape hottt 11,1,' and
0 1 11[211 to puy Ulm own hill, I will give him
eipportuulty 01 ,10111 g no, by aertietim to
row both race, at Ptillattelpteu,V.ll.ll matt to
pay hit ow u itxpeonten. It if he preterit
of ipe I will have to take
trial trou tile oof bet anti Pe metro
itenttroutt, 0 In Or 10 e, than Ile wne tlitegarol
lu teat flare printing hilt."
t'l am 'ore) . that !le dot, not visit 1 n11115,'
'ace Gal' /-41 tOll Wale. and realty there'
r4oot =tiny of theta well worth a rime,wo:l:h no, la fate, that the mmulmrn Of
Pei, ',arci. of otti In,t-latate are on
vt-It ate t of examiaLag oar
0101.1' tat beta,[
Ovrn will keep 103
Itultn•r 01,11.c:114 In
111....H1 making [Nth Hi:O,I.AI, nod Lilac
1.111,1.:4 uHty win, I ri
••.I A U:1 , LIAMiLL,I.II[I.-I:urgn..•
legaed Thief rre•defl.
On the llalt of January a colored man,
a fined jobn .I.lley. resl.ling at Caroline
hoarding house, on Union al.
ley, in the Sixth itol, cline before 31 ayor
•treartlty and wade. ltdorwat lon against
lainni, another colored boarder
IL: re, encrging him wlth larceny. Len
x, it attpenr, left Mrs.r.trleklatni'm oath::
tilt. of .latto fry. Adley Itunte.itately 01,
elot that los entire nattlrobu, effnsists
tog of one black frock coal, Otte brown
coal, one pate of brown pantaloon-,
one too, a Nest. Otte glair of black panto
4. 14.15 . loaek cloth :eel, 01el pair of gray
satabarts-tan, white tddrts, One ( . .then
,t, 1110 pm, of diaa cot, three common
Ni.db, tido, white itnett handkerchiefs,
rho, pair of woolen soci.s, anti one black
the whole tidal; valued at abont one
lotrolost tholars, Nap tie tint. made
thu Intoriant:on as stated, auti a warrant
was Issued. Ti,,' WI. not
ecl until , atarilay 1111001111, , whet oiliver6
510,11. and Wrigley found elle On eopthd the
steam, FranlNlto, ot the Itiownsvllle !tanks
ot :On, 110 e eteleeer , / to the hic k -op.
1.: board:on loot•e,on Webster
dr , or. between t w:
tafont anti reltOtt, rat
be. thd. Wirt there was foonti a pocket book
and a peolo.t 11x00 kerehhf n nth ddley's
lethle en one en, eer. The ILeeleied, also Iled
-woo of ,idle, Is clo th es In eel fin
a Lett arrestol. Ti,,, prisoner 1115:1 a bearing.
e committed to jail for trial.
Sloninsaniaeln Planing 31111 and Imm
We refer to the, ntivertlsement of this
( lureo ontabllnh(nottl, In ttetlayle ti,,TTC—
for the Intritoae of eitylilg. to thoetc of our
reunions who nifty be Interlisted In know tog
It. that It is one of the 10041 extottelve, beet
furnt-Ile.l, and thoroughly complete, to be
1 Motel. auy whet - , Ilowtre.. Mlllultrnr A. 111(1,-
i N di Mt, unturpriilng iiii , pri,ataro,hro voter.
11m ill their Imsono, , e. Tinny haVo (term..." .
mei ~. ill/ ull (Ise varlet., tit ectmone.:,ll:nt
!.'Vl h (..!(.! "- tilt! '. . ' i t it i l n e mi t. I the
y all . n t ' l " : '- le t l int r i; !' 1 .4 el. tt :
Meg ,Mor,toll,pan tsell tog, nionithngs, ete.,
mot aro re ly to reel:lvo tool yam:tau orders
1 Inn teirt of it m o no—u w hole hotote, or any
', roon her of i1.1..1+1... a Church, C , llllt. 110119 e.
Hotel or Itailro(ol slopot, promptly gotten
t. up naol hot up to. (my town, city, or creme
.rotttlx, In any county of the nits, or In tiny
' State Milne Union. The (nets (tromnstowwe
..ant II them. With the( firm IL 1., habint to
,iii orders, however large or (Halt:ult. ta
Another Child :Murder.
on Oaturday morning, nt about seven
1, Glum, a woman engagml lu scrubbing thu
pavement, Oil Fourth atrect, bolow the
lluyor's "thee, had occualon to pia, through
nurrom alley, known na cltzer's alley,
leading Ott Y ourth etteet. :Mort di:—
Lance Iron, the street she iliscovcred 1110
Maly of :I. 110 W horn natio i thud. lying in
the alley. 0110 ,enl wont to the alayor's
Lull, and the. body Inn removed to tho
.ell-house,. Im. a u non, of Fourth otreet.
made a pint mortem cautnittallon, and Is of
1110 00,11011 that Me child mot born alive.
Corunor blowout. will hold all Inquest tts
,1110. NO tram, of tho inr.itrtrru Inn
bet . . ootalued. IL is 11 .41 1111111 11 year 011ICO
mother murdered child o tonna In the
0,1110, 1,11,0. We hope the efforts to dit
tover 111111 apprehend Um per, of
this et nne wlll lor or promptly and limn.
oughlv !Met . ..N.11111 Wi in llic Inno of the
011:111 tonna 10 [lto cemetery. •
Dena Nn::-1 feel lam only doing u duty
In publicly Mating my gratitude for Om
benefit I lustre received from the nun ofyour
Ilerft Medicines, which has given me ense
.1111 emu fort utter lung rearm of millering.
Me abusers: IVAN un billows: Liver Coin-
Mut., lurepepsin, pule In the hack, Mau
nfanta eft Ills, lipiners and Bladder, Swell
-in g tuf the Abdomen .. !rut Debli ty Ae.,
But now, thanks to line! I,llli your med.
eine, I enjoy refreshing sleep In my bed,
and win now quite u new lusters
Il e of iho sleamismi. Ilete. Resit
d CHM!, I,nwrimetsville. •
The Doutor'd omen in Lil Liberty street.
A Trent 10 Store.—.l. 11. Clerk. D. U.
and Inienteil divine,
not to.. patrician Mill gallant moldier,
in 1,0°1,4 fur n lecture to he 4lellvered on
Tiamoiny evoillioLut half 1011 mot i on ielock,
In the Nevrelli l'. C100..11, Illot. Reeds./
Subject tlinel Wages, !Iliad
critic limits.' The character or the lec
trer, emelt 1101 (110 engeorelitg haunts( or
het thrill, thou hl attract n large ninilt nen.
See ail verlisement. •
- Fatal Aceldent.—On Saturday afternoon
a brakeman on the Pennsylvania' Railroad,
darned-Jolla Workman, as caught he
t two cars at the Point Freight Depot.
and crushed en badly 11:104t death endued.
MI was removed to Ida boarding house, in
the Ninth ward, where on examination It
Wan ascertained thnt hie collar-houe, back•
bone Wei several ribs were i.,,,k,,,,, fin tiled
yesterday morning of injuries received.
Water nettle Amtesnetl—The aggregat
be..0.411114nit of Water Realm In each ward for
sw: was an follow, Strut ward, 611,1401;
seenn.l.lllo,9ta 'Y hint, as,uue oi; Fourth, Pt,
fed :Li; Firth, SISI7I /02, - ,a iet; Soy.
enth,55,n3.1114 Eight h,V.kt:l, hi ; Ninth, $l2;
Ik, 70; Tenth, $9,Y11 Total ,tiatiomi CJ.
hut an increase of 41415 ovel the assess.
intuit 01 ‘567.
1I- r . ••g .
k 4 ' , \I -7 ,
! :'
,-,:1 ' • '
, _ 1
.... 4.. , 1 , C
Court or Quarter Sem,lon,.
Itefore Ju,lge, Sterrett nod Sfellon:
tin Omar , lity, the case of the Pittsburgh
and Manelte,ter Passenger hallway Coml..
ny vs. fiat Sti,piislon Bridge Cowpony, In
winea Ilepertunt q uesitons arc Involved,
ed. The Controiersy - Is In regard
to the rate of competisatton for the postage
over the tologn or the horses and cars of
the railwaycompany. In liso a contract
was entered Into itetween tho won - males, by
whtch the rate nr toll was xed_ftyr the pe
dal of Lee leans at twenty-five dollar&
Per month Inc each tar drawn by one.hurSe.
and thirty-five dollars for each car drawn
by two !mt . ., TIIII vont...a bloc expired
by Its terms, since n htelt no definite or
rangeutent SCI been made; although the
some rides of toll 'nit lone to beexacted.
pmseuger railway entnpany having
antler - 1d ly taereaseil Inn "manor of their
ears, propottlonste to the Increase of trav
el, deem these rates exorbitant, and re
futio to renew their contrtiwtt, while the
brldge company decline .to accede to any
other terms. 1101110 the President of the
railway company. Mr. W. .1. Koontz. peat
Lions the Court to settle the tinestton, the
ninth , retlon of their Winner providing
that before using anti occupying any plank
road or bridge a rate of comp...sullen shall
be agreed upon, gni! thrtiln ease of (allure
to agree.. either party may paitltlno the
Court of Quarter.- Sessions ter fix and
establish the toll. the judgment hf
the (boat .fn ho final and ooncluslve.
As to the facto of the case there la no ills- 1
puts, the retdminlents In thew anew& ad-
m filing the failure to ngroc; but they may
that Iy the petlttoners' own sheeting . the
Quarter Sees ions Court has no legal "ethane-
Um: of the petition. as of the prayer there
oft the; having "before using end °Mors
big sold bridge" of the respondents, agreed
with them "upon terms far the emu there
of." '1 hey also say that ender the egrets.
!neat the railway company Irma tiled the
iletirrension bridge slnee its opening MI /9t110)
and crottsett the SUMO With their horses and
care; that the brbige company from time tO
Inn, 11000gll 11s. 101 l eomnalttco, made.
aliatement• on the rates of toll as asked for'
by the ratiway company, .00 tbaf ter
a portion of the time they received on y fif
teen antlers an•l twenty .dollarm per car
per month rexpettively, but for the greater
'cortion of tile time fonder the fire years'
ontract) twenty'. dollars It - meant-1 revel,
Lively—tar cars era smaller size tainting On
Oho! 15 known as 1110 "Itebecea street
route," twent dollars, and for the other
rare twcnty•iiVn dollars—although they
rero . 0 / drawn by two beret, The latter
ate., were paid during the year AEA: and
the Motu,' company answers that. they
Imre ever been a filing awl still are walling
that elicit shall be the rates ofeompensatlon
which, considering that each of tau cars of
the railway compi.y Crosses the bridge
from eighteen lo forty times put day, nod
that they carry In all (.1 the railway wsm
pan:, :id,O six thousand persons daily, Ot t er
one hundred moil eighty thouodul
per month, are deemoil very low. The
brltlgn nompan:, 110 not prdpOse to be bound
perpetually by these 110,, nor do they may
'alley !Roy - not be willing, from time to tithe,
alkow eltangus therein or abatement.
,thert frOnt, and pretest that to the [WOOL Of •
cont.:it with the radvar company they WI/1
claimant to be treenail tteit to any rates here
Intern agreed on or to rates orered. While
making the concessions unit offore referred
' to, ties bridge company deny wholly the
Cotistantionsil power of the State. of Penns
sylvan iu, by Its Legislature t or through the
agencyof any court, to take from them their
right under theirch trier to compel thaltall
way cowpony to pay for cacti erosillug of
the to - dire with their borsos and CAN, eons
pcnputloa not excceitin^ ' the rules fixed by
contract with the State by the act of faro,
rnrot inn nail scippleinent thereto.
by an act et February lit, .
ting ••Ttre President, Managers and Compa
ny ter erecting a bridge over the .Vilegno
ny river at Pittsburgn." dc., the rates of
toil are !United us follows, For every ears
tinge of Whatsoever Ic 11;4, used for the pur
pose of trade or agriculture, haring four
w heels. and drawn by two.
SOlrilft 81:111.64,2.1C sen t; de: "drawn by ono
horse, thirty-one and-a.htilf cents:for every
yardage, of what sever wind, tor accommo
dation or pleasure, drawn by two comes,
sixty-two and-a-half :bents; do• one borne,
thirty-scrim wen-a-half cents. April 7th,
1,7,n supplement was passed, under which
the Pre,ent laid age was constricted, but the
rats,. of toll wore not disturbed, except as
to bet passengers, which was reduced frum
two to one cent, end letnale passengers al
lowed to go tree.
The petitioners being represented by
Messrs. Shin', Bell and Keenan, on.? the
respondents lip Veeeh. The Court
will decide the stn: er in a few days.
leery prudent buslner.a man has already
placed an 11.Ni:ranee upon his lite. If he
has not done it Is not for a proper want
of appreciation of the system but. from
other ree,on, The North American Life
Neiman.: Company, of which
Cook. Ar Co., No. i Fourth silent, are the
gentlemanly General Agents for this city,
has gained much fat - or with Gm shrewd.
silscrinilnating waffle, am t d deservedly, for
no Company of the character its the world
presents more - favornble Inducements to
thnee who would assure tapir lives. It Is
the only Company In the world offering se
curity guaranteed by the difeet Papery lsion
and control of Its funds of the General or
blase Government. By a recent act Of the
Legislature of the Stain of New herb, the
Company Is authorized to make sneelal
deposit• with the superintendent of tne
Itmoranet. Department, and reeelvo there
for Itetristered follows, bearing the seal of
the Department and a em Gill:ate that the
policy is by pledge of public
sleeks under a special trust created by the
act of the Legmhouru in favor of the N orth
Amorlean Insurance Company exclusively.
This makes every Registered Policy as se
cure to the holder as a National flint Note
or s Chi ted States bond.
- - - -
No reatrietton in travel, residence or the
onimary employments In any part of the
Frilled:dates or Lurope. at any season of
the year in made when thirty tint's lance en
all renewal payments Is allowed. All poll.
Cirri Ore non-forfeiting and Immediately in
There ere other inducements offered by
thin relfithle and wealthy corporation, and
these Mr safe Insurance should
eull Wei hart. etmenitation with Messrs.
Cook - Company, at their office. No. 67
Fourth Street. A few active and efficient
I.oolooy obtain agencies by application at.
tee °lnce. no cheerfully commend the
commend the Company to the attention
and patronage of our readers.
The lovers of pure and excellent dramatic
entertainments to Pittsburgh will always
have a wand place in their hearts for C. D.
Mess, Esq., whose brief stay among us while
acting as the manager of the New Opera
House, resulted in such unqualified satis
faction to our peeple, and in raising the
drama in [Meetly ton pitch of excellent. it
had never before attained. lir. Hess' do
parting: from Pittsburgh wan the occasion
of unmixedregret, end the only fact that
w ill lessen that regret le the fact that the
gentleman's goml fortune since leaving us
jilts liceu greeter than before. Ile is at pres
ent engaged in trio management of the
Olympie Theater, in Now York, to company
with , his, Mc. Leonard Gro
ver, and is meeting with most unitualitied
success., Ile recently engaged the Melange
.÷:nglish Opera Troupe, who, for a two
WockS , season, met withit meet unparat.
050v009 OL the olymple, their receipts
averaging 41,600 per night. This !Moro.
supposed ItOpObelble, and has -estab
lished tile impularitY and permanence of
that troop anti has also matte apparent the
fact that 'En e,
glish opera can suoceed at least
e,li as the Italian among Americana,
whil w e it ha, demonstrated the tact of Mr.
lie.' surprising shrewdness es a caterer to
the public taste. At present the German
Opel ais engagett at the Olympic. In March
the 111011 , 0 gel Troupe commence a tslx weeks'
engagement at the same bull.. •
Ninth Wor,l Monument Committee
We give below the names of the ladles
composing the committee to reflect money
and artteles for 'the Ninth ward tuble, at
the npprosching Soldier's Monument Fair.
A meeting of the ladies Is to be held In
T.lnity M. E. Church this afternoon at one
o'clock, to umlre up articles for the Fair,
and a general Invitation is extended to all
interested is the cause, The ra,gunization
TOns lnts of the following tinkers and collet . -
torn, all of whom have been autively en
gaged in the work for several weeks:
Mrs. J. Paisley, President; Miss Eliza D.
Armstrong, secretary; Miss LavinitsMereer,
Treasurer, Collectors, Mrs. WaMaker, Mrs'
Harris, Men. Johnson, Mrs. Dunmire, Miss
I . oor, Miss Greer, Miss Forsyth, Miss IP Ar
tint, Miss Manna, Miss Curry, Miss Fisher,
Miss Evans. bliss Borger, Miss Armstrong,
!MSS i.ittell. Miss Heck, 31Iss Elebactls,
Miss brewerton, Silos Shannon; MISS Mc-
Cutcheon, Miss .foods, Mien rhenly.
Robbed.—On Saturdays Young man an
'rived In thls ally on u train on the Pitts
burgh, Port Wayne and Chicago. Railroad,
and elated that whileat breakfast that
morning at Alltaneo,. Ohio, ho bad boon
robbed of sn, all the money he hail. lie
did not discover his luau until be bad got
upon the train, and then It wa..4 too late to
take any sr eps for the recoveryof t he stolen
floury. Ile was a member Of the Order of
good Tt.pi“r, u.t the members of that
soelety W made his lOU Partially FOCKI,
givipg LOW rnOncy OnOtlgilLo [TIMIS Infl nOtne
in ph Hobos been for sometime
enroloyo , l south Charleston, Ohl°.
Depots alas or.—liiiring tho absence of
Mayor McCarthy, who has gone to Louis,
alderman Morrow will att. as Deputy
The'lletld Ylorderer.
I Rachel Small, the child murderer, Is still
in the lockd:IO , Iclvaltlnx a hearing, which
will be granted after the Coroner's Inquest,
to be held this afternoon at three o'clock.
She was hopeful at drat of toeing released
without a hearing, and when
that there was no hope of that, expressed
the most determined purpose to commit
nuielile. She oluicarared on Satuntar to
prsuade the turnkey to bring her an mince
St limn:mum, that she might dreg herself
to death, and on ohs refusal, expressed her
determination to starve herself to death.
She wan more resigned yesterday.
!ippon Mier.
On Saturday night a man named John
Dougherty went •to Cour:do's tavern, on
Wood street, near Water, and applied for a
bed. As ho was undressing a silver table
siloon dropped out of one of his pocket..
The proprietor of the. home Immediately
went to the Ilayor's ninon and report.' the
•susillelous circurnatances. Chief Hague
went to the house and arrested the 11.11Vit1-
49.1 and on searching him another sption
like the firer was found. Ile could give no
account of them and was locked up for a
hearing. The spoonsare of solid silver
and are [narked with the initials J . it."
They have been much bent and twisted,
The Alleged Highway Robber. Dia
ebarged.—tinr readers will remember
that one day last week, John Reagen made
(1310111:18110t1 befOkb Alderman Donaldson,
charging Patrick Reagcn and John Wooly,
with highway robbery'. neogoo won releas
ed on bail, and -Wooley was committed f..r
a hearing. • On FriddY, Patrick Reason bad
a hearing, and there being no evidence suf
ficient to warrant his being held. be WRY
discharged, On Saturday, Wooley was
brought before the Alderman for a ht,ring,
but the prosecutor called to appear and
"Wooley Was size atsch&rged.
Grocery Bobbed.—On Saturday morn
ing, at about seven o'clock, tile grocery
*ton e of Sirs. ideGricly, on Irwin street, `was
robbed of about seventeen dollars while
airs. lictirady was at breakfast. A toy of
about sixteen years was in the stare when
elle went out and was gone when she
came back, and she supposes he took
tine money, The money was in a tin box
together with a water rent receipt, which
was also taken. eke does not know the
MM. of tins boy.
A New Flew.—We take great pleasure
In Introducing tootle renders as anew arm,
two gentlemen who need no intraluction
ns intlimduals,—Mlicere born Wilmot and
James Brown. These well-known and effi
cient officers have established 'themselves
as Independent detective police, at the of
fice of Alderman Mamie, where they will at
tend to all business in their line. Business
Intrusted to them will be In good hands.
Illeterely laJored.;--On Satnrelay morn
ing Mr. iticherd Forrest, an elderly gentle
man, employed at the marine works of .Mr.
Wallace, while transacting some bminess
at the levee, alleged on the lee and fell
toothy, mist:fining a severe fracture of the
left arm, near the shoulder, and dislocating
the left hip Joint. Ile was retrieves' to hie
malefic° on Imeock street, Allegheny, and
Dr. Walter called to attend him.
.sedideat to the *Web Ward.--On Sat
urday morn nag a lad =moil Arthur McKee,
dbile playing on the steps or his mother's
welling, In the Fifth ward, fell over the
relliug to the pavement beneath, %distance
of ten feet, said tractural his right arm be
tween the wrist anti elbow. Ilu also sus
tained Minn. about the head that noty
prove total, bat IL is thought Ills life will be
Arrested on Proceits.—On Saturday, a
man named William' Devine was arrested by
officer Slc:loathe, on a process ' issued by
the Coral., for non-payment of costa. The
prisoner subsequently ,paid the Costa and
.was released.
- - T.Cward T. Innicsn:arrented on ter
the costs of a suit, also paid the required
costs on saturday and was released.
Public Railroad alerting . cued.—.
Mayor kleCurthy has Issued a call for a pub
lic meetinc, to he held at the Board of
Trude Boom s,
on Wednesday evening of
this week, at half.past seven o'clock, to clue
public expresalon to the sentiments of the
people of the city In regard to re,torlng the
chartered rlgnla of the Conuellaville
coal. ..largo mectlnz will undoubtedly ISO
A Sunday Ftgtts.—Yentertlay afternoon
two men. named Michael Dean and John
McLean, gat Into a fight on Wylie street,
and went getting into an earnest inter
change of di.seourteales, when ofbeerOwena
interfered, and succeeded In arresting
McLean. Dean „skipped. McLean is in the
lock up. Meth the belligerents were par
tially intoxicated.
IN stozbwtaee et theLlow Hotel.
—Vectorial afternoon two men named
Christopher Carroll and T. It. Haines, an
Ohio ‘man, while stopping at the Red Lion
Hotel, inaugurated a drunken fuss, and
were serrated by °Meer McMullen, of the
special force, and officer Brown, of the night
police, and conveyed to the lock-up, whore
they now are.
Skating at Eaton Para.—The cold
snap - yesterday was productive of good re
sults. It produced moat excellent skating
at the Union' Park. The park tc-day to in
admirable trim, and open for skaters and
slratresseS. Atter Belong a resting spell us
the lovers of the sport have ban, they will
enjoy the new lease of sbatun; Willi in
creased zest.
The good degree of success
crowned Hie effects of the Managers of the
Unlyereallst Fair, at City Hall, last week,
and we are exceedingly glad to learn that
it Is to he continued during the Present ,
week. Tule, we are led to believe, will be
literally a gala week. 2,11 the ardcles will
bus illstrlbuted.t ISO one, go all.
General Agent.—lu our report of the
election of the °Ulcers of the Pittsburgh In.
surunce Compuny we inatlyertantly omitted
wwto mention the name
en of Capt. JIIS. Cr•On10[1
Co ,
ho was elected Geral Agent'of the m
fumy. Capt. Gordon is n man thoroughly
°tench:int for the posltlOn and the appoint
ment in well made.
Paine it Co's Argentine—For instantly
plating all articles of copper, brags or Ger
man sliver, with pure silver, where wont
off, and for clew:v.log and poliching sliver
or cllver-plated warn. Warranted to con
tain no nu icloillror or acid, or any li:der - Jou.
article. For Cale by J. Sample, Allegheny,
and all druggists. del&tf
Struck a Roman.—On Saturday, Mrs.
Elizabeth Timmons, came before _titter:nen
Humbert, and made information against
her brother-in-law, Stephen Timmons, for
assault and battery, alleging that he slap
ped her In the lace. The case was held for
a hearing to-morrow.
Thigh Fraesured.—Dr. A. G. Walter. of
this city, was called upon, Friday evening,
to adjust 11.80TOre fracture of the rlchtthlgh
bone, sustatned by Mrs. Mary O'Donnell.
who fell upon an icy pavement on Logan
street, in the Sloth ward.
Will be Sworn In.—Tno new Assistant
P!strict Attorney will be sworn into omen
tale morning at ten O'clock, by Ws Honor
Judge Stow.
Not to Setelon.—Tho District Court was
not In session on Saturday morning. hav
ing adjourned on Si hay until to-tiny ut ten
In JalL—There were ono hundred and
twenty prtsoners In the county )all on Sat
urday evening.
vommon Councilmen order your shirts
mado at Murdock & Putnam's, 7: Filth
Tbaretlay even-
Febraary :th, at the re.tde •ea of Joseph
/nastier, Kitt., be the Nev. S. U. testi.,
CII/ULU:3 W. 31 . 11ENRY, Itytt , and Mist
NARY D. 31•FADLN both al this Oily.
No Card,
,br FTILTON—ton Sawed a• •rtarnoon at :o'clock,
y „, pth. I.IOR, Tueloreat dang bier of
Andrew and the late sae Fulton.
Funeral u 111 take place from the residence of
the father. corner of Shady Lane and Fourth
Street Road, on Tr suukt . February 12th,
o'clock. CaarLiget will leave Itody rittterson•.
at 1 0.00...
pituri ijzapio k)l,;yigl
171 4 TM 3213ELTAL.13311 EL
No. 101Tourtla street, Pittsburgh. Pa. COFFINS
of all kinds: CILAPESS. UL./\' esnrl de
dription of Funeral Fornisbloa Woods furnish
. itoolllSapencli day and night. Hearst and
Carr , ages furnished.
ittarszNoza—nea. err, DAL, It,.
M. W. Juobos. 1./.1). T h om .. Ewing . , Esq., Ja
e .11 IL &Inter. Kso.
Manchester, Woent's lion and vicinity.
corner BheNald and Chattier, st.tets
arsine and Carling. furnished.
1,11.1.1(0 .4 in.l . e-sere, , the large, cutout
han 1.1. n of stpulchre, exempt one. In thin coun
ty. sltnatt.l on New Itrielton road. Inuinedlalv-
IT north at Allenheny. Fur Mina] lots, remits
or Iltlat,call at C !,tote Itrn, ,oro typi
CLANEY, Alleghtny city,
No. 58 Fifth Street,
„. . , I f , A:y r rk s t . e . kl . [trr Es ooto . l , r i x c r i lVyelf for Ober,.
r u e . v.: d d jamprt ‘ 2l r ' iv wl f th joVk
••.”, " ' n .k . " .01 . If Doi
r •torelrithe city. Wawk,...
~ , , ,,„ „ taw b ,l lo ,r , r lo
e prompt attanilon
6 Wylie &4, 3d door from sib.
jormsros - i7seiii;r; •
Fine Watches, (locks, 'Jewelry,
Pit tsistsursla., W.° xue:uk.
Aar rarranular attrotton circa $0 Rarddriai
WAtraas, ,Clocka and JawoLrf. All work Warr
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A lazge astorttnent of
Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe,
Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c.,
161 Wood . Street, near Blithe
,89 SO S 9
$9 S 9 S9'B9 89
," 69 MARKET STREET. is°
i 59 : R CiO iis3 7 E4 1 9 9
1 89 , 89 .71arket Sired, 89
89 1)1101'S SOBS :&C "
tr 9 4189
s „,
. x. EAPEEIT AND x ij i rT s 9
S9 l B9 89
111 S. ROBB, 89 Market Si.
iS9 89 89 89.89 89 89 89
Move More Improvements,
"=',72l=7,EaL e :il tlfarrilo°
27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh.
GUEL - 33.A.M= 0 q X 11.2"
Xo.OZ Federal Street,
C1L5....116 —MM. TU.
ducce.ors so WAXELIZiIf. BARB.
Nu. 12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh
Viamos, Organs,
And 31¢.lea! ti.ds generally
47 - 2ole Agents for the Celebrated IIitADSC
ICY, Neer York, and BCIIOIII.I,CULCH t CO.
Philadelphia, PLANOS.
Alw. k:ST6I" A CO.'S .. COTTA.GI.." and O.
D. & 11. W. SMITH'S • . A.116.11.1CAN" OR.
VANS. 1ut.12L1..T01:15 DATENT.IIUI?..LB.
Tta, best Italian road German and tint
tar lit/gnus alwrara Oa bail, • alr:rrii
Iron. J3roker,
124 First Street,
Agent (Or the sale arCornsrall. Donschmore,
Josennlns. Dunesanon. IStanhornh
Glendon. and other brands orAnstarnelte. Yonsgb-
It iv Coke sad Olnalant's (.7. B. Pturcoal PIO
Consl:4nments and orders rezpectfully
J. PAINTER & 80N8.
Iron, Bubket, Tub and. Trunk
piEnor HOUSE,
The übnitbers lessed this favorite
Row. hu been REFITTE ^Nils sun
Ii AN Et.EDAtiT ISANNZIt. and is sole
repared ...he the Wea . t erfept appolutment
,`4,,f,T2.`11:,',,°, 1 Ntif?:. =Alt rd'lTfAl.l7.
la the put
FtJtb Street,b dween Timm/
and CA athans Streets,
Gustaflll and Dealer In Hardware.
Tint am. ,coods of all destrlptiondalwnre . oll
baud ar.dnn soldal the
lot prise. 11•
rltr •
Practical Para!tura Alanufactuntre
hanLatest awl" 71731A1117/LL constantly on
will publish a wort
H. liT
C H AN2S orebry
aFlan. A t L Ie A d T ” A A N
It6SULTS...• Mr. Stephens' n 4llllolNQ,ame Is CAUSES a
guarantee that Ulla swirl betas Woodard Maori,
of the Into war. and all who dealle the moat
reliable and compiess wore snould await Ita lI
No. fic7 Minor *trust. Pktiadeptda, Pa.
Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh,
MAnnf•cturera of
T. m.
"Cririk 41.1.1erp,
Tittle doors •born Smithfield Street,'
Every lin.' of Wort done on the shortest unties
and most reasonable terms. Earticular anon Von
paid la aolblanir. )MC/-64
825,000 TO LOAN
113 Stll9l of 4.500 sad a pwards
Ecol Estate bOodlst mad sold
e 9 tssal ',late Arent. No. 12 St Class 8
TOOTH 114 y ItAX.EB. "Plant& Bird" end
.'lleadove Lark" are mannfaetared only an the
WOlllll3. near the renitentl ary,
Alle ebeny Cie}.
Hay loots, eeeng and realm Wwcon; Wheel-
De :Yon. and Thlck. of <TM etYht needs of
the -beat mAtarthl , at abort nation. an warrant.
< j'
. •
,nts r 411.11,11,1 1101.7.111 AR.
L- 7 Lru vw .
g awnd na it
t. . to 110WOJUPO
It for • • ood own. . •
pint sirees, tar lionookOttolo
Portico's, atteralou raid to bOTO.S."
fi urors.
NI rt. E r I ri Arrs--o„ver.fgett
th- f t w o a Nay.
r'::, -*"