the wittsbitroltrttt SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9. l"" STREET ETIQUETTE- /t would be lamentable Indeed if the_ adage, "what people are In their houses therare on the streets," were strictly . _true, as street manners, in large cities particularly, are far below the level of what is current in well-bred society. Unfortunately out-door contact has a de leterious effect upon people generally, un less they are well enveloped iq a coat-of mall to resist the bad influences which dii our streets. Society requires a strict adherence to certain forms, by which the courtesies of life to each other are strictly observed,., and any lack of those element , of . character, becomes a bar to its enjoy relent In well regulated circles. It well that society has objections to enforce and places restrictions upon those who disregard them. It is by such laws ac cepted everywhere, that the equilibrium Of society is maintained and people are elevated to the higher walks of personal culture. Singular to state that withal the Fluidity of the laws of society in ' doers, people' generally in ming ling with the common herd, almost im perceptibly lose that '"jealous care" for What they do and say. The. better na ' tare of man seems to relax,. and unless they are wellupon their guard, will find themselves imperceptibly yielding to the pressure around them. The eye as well as the tongue is apt to be unrestrained, and free range is too frequently allowed to both. Sensitive natures are exposed to rudeness, which tarry in time be blun ted and destroyed entirely. Example is so powerful that street etiquette is de moralizing. Men see and hear things oa piiblic thoroughfares which rarely enter the threshold of their homes. Evil persons roam. up and down. our side walks with impunity, who, by their rids conduct, arc ruled outside of the pale of good society. Much of the youthful de , pravity Which everywhere is manifested, • is, we fear, the result of street educa tion. The first steps to sin and wrong doing may be traced to the unbridled ll _ cease of street-lore. A portion of every community neces sarily are on tlie streets, and those who ere engaged in some avocation, are less liable to its pernicious influences.- .. This is well, but there is a large class of per sons whose views are, that they are en titled to a living, even if acquired through the labors of others. Work is not in their vocabulary; but rather they hang as •an Incubus on others. These idle persons are In many instances the fruitage of the rum and gambling sa loons and places of amusement of low grade. The ragged ends of the woof of society who lay aiound loose at our street corners, loiter about public build ings, liquor saloon doors, theatres, wharves, depots, etc., are the street idlers. These-folk are the product - of licensed iniquities. It is this class of persons who poltutethe atmosphere with their presence, vile slang and wicked actions. This fact is an irresistible ar gument against the, licensing of places where pestilential people are manufac tured. This army of useless members of cool munity tend v. - 60y to abridge the good name of our city. And yet it should not be so. The virtuous and the good should counteract the pernicious influences of . these fellows of the baser sort. It is a painful fact that, however numerous the means may be employed by the parent Cr ward in regulating the morals of those under themwhllein-doors,whenever they cross the tbreshhold and mingle in the activities of life, the barriers are in danger of being either lifted gradually or, in too many instances, removed entirely. The pure and virtuous of the "gentler sexr are often forced to blush: as they thread their way through the streets. Either vulgar remarks salute their ears, or open insult:is offered, and they arc seared at with criminal impunity. t It is surprising how little attention is given to proper street manners, even by those who are educated to observe the rules of good breeding. lien jostle each other, without the slightest compunction of feeling. Even ladies are not award ed what is reasonably duo to them on the sidewalk. Were there more attention paid to the rules of right upon the side walk and street crossings, there "would be fewer instances of colliding. Every one ought to know that each pedestrian should keep to the right in crossing a street or passing along a-sidewalk. In New York, the crowds which throng Broadway, and other streets of a similar character, arc compelled to observe this rule. Here, now and then, you will find a person studiously keeping in his place. The neglect ct ;this precaution makes It especially unpleasant to ladles who are rudely jostled aside and their crinoline sadly battered by the boorish fellows who go swinging along without reason or sense on our sidewalks. Let the well-bred, cultivated persons of this community resolve to carry out this rule, and those 'with weak and unenlti vated.minds will be forced into its obser -vance by stern public opinion. People laugh at the Puritan notions of New England,,especially in reference to the blue laws ones In vogue "down east," which prohibited persons frdm smoking cigars on thostrcete, and laws of IL simi lar character. It would Lowell there were some kind of laws, to prevent the liberty et many take of puffing and spitting the vile stuff in use now-a-days. The vil lainous compound of which cigars are somponed of these days are so -- offensive that those whouse the article actually pollute the already impure atmosphere. There aresome persona; however, who use the weed, who are so careful to ob servethe rules .of - good breeding, that instead of annoying their' neighbors on th e sidewalk, 'gratify their unnatural craylegaby seeking 'the quiet of retire ' Mint. People may have the right to in dulge In such bad habits, but they have no right to puff in other people's 'faces and outrage the privileges of others. The evil elements of society, though Alley may not be permitted to infringe -. upon municipal ordinances strictly speak lag, should he controlled . and their strict conduct regulated by a public opinion, which z:isee.even higher than civil laws. Evil disposed persons do not refrain from criminal acts because mrtiald laws regu late such things, but, in a great measure at least, public Opinion and the moral status of a community keep such persons under 'surveillance. Let a: community be Indifferent to pure mores arid prover breeding, t and show, quickly will law and order be trampled under - foot by the law - leis ones of a comniurilty. While It is in direct 'conflict with the laws of the Commonwealth to curse and swear On the streets, who takes the trouble to have such persons arrested and lined? . The obscenity we hear from these street' hlackluards, to their , observations to each other, and within the sound of ladies who are passing them—the wives, sisters or daughters of the virtuous--go 1 uorebuked, and what is said of them and 1 in their hearing may chance to be di rected to your_wife or sister. It is, time the license taken on the streets, under the impression that the people of this country are at liberty to do as they please without let or hi n dratitc, should be put under ban of pub lic opinion, and then let the well-bred and cultivated lead the way to a proper reform - of the evils which now curse our large cities. It is not necessary to go beyond our city, es there is abundant room for improvement here. Let us, in seeking-to purify the body politic, re member that we and those who surround our hearthstones shall richly profit in the improvement Proposed. fHE DRAYTONS AND TILE DAVE. OM! Doon, of New York, the publisher of the excellent works of Mrs. CUARLEi, the author of "Chronicleg of the Schon berg Cotta Family," Diary of Bitty Trevylyan," etc., bas just issued avol tne. entitled "The Draytons and the Davenants," by this gifted lady, who has won an enviala reputation for the sterling qualities of her writings, and for promoting, through this medium, the interests of the evangelical religion. The scene ()flier narrative is the history — of the terrible conflict between Charles the First and the Parliament in 1G37-16, which led:to the execution of the King, and the Protectorate of Cromwell. The Draytons are a family of the middle class of the Puritan stock. The Davenants- are royalists of the strictest , sort. The story .of -this terrible struggle-- la represunted-Qo the journal's of tho daughters of the res pective houses, Wide afirt as their in terests were in the strife, the two girls, representatives of the respective- houses. were boend together in the dearest tic of friendship. Quaint as' the expres sions are of the character of the Puritan stock, there is o beauty of words and religious feivor expressed, which gives great zest to the story. While it is evi dent the symPathies of the fair authoress are with the party whose battle-cry was "God with us," yet such are her powers of impersonation that She divests herself in a great measure of partiality. We would like to:give a passage, frol the death bed scene Of Lady DIIVCIIaDt, de picting her last momentk, full of tender ness and beauty. Tile work-is well got ten up, and makes the fifth voluina'of the-series. ITEINEMII Our distinguished guests,. the mem bers of the State Legislature; accom panied by many of our prominent citizens, yesterday visited the — House of Refuge and Dixmont Hospital. The Legislators were unanimous in their praise and admiration of those excellent philanthropic institutions, and freely pledged their friendship and support to wards both in the 'future. To-day the party will visit.the Penitentiary, several of the Homes and Hospitals in this neigh borhood and probably the more proud nent Orphan Asylums. In the everting the majority of our visitors will return to Harrisburg, their mission having been accomplished; - and will doubtless bear with them. improved opinions of the western section of the State, the chsVac; ter of -its public . institutions and the hospitality of our citizens. MEETING OF BUSINIESS MEN • His Honor, W. C. Dice/arms', Mayor of the city, publishes in another column a call for a public meeting of citizens, be haliVat the Board of Trade Rooms on Wednesday, evening next. The object of the meeting, the consideration of the proposed action of the Legislature in referefie to the •Pittsburgh and. Con. nellsville Railroad, is one of vital hupoi lance to all interested in the welfare of the city. and the call should be respond ed to-by full attendance. —The people of Chicago want to vote en the Sunday law. • —Stupid people may eat, lout shouldn't Their mouths may do very well as'banks of deposit, but not of Sze/Lange. —A. London letter says : "Strange things do get into men's brains some times, but the strangest of all were taken from the brain of is tnan who died sod denly this week, The doctor's official report, after a poll mortem examination, states that, to hie astonishment, he found two pieces of ice inside the skull, upon the substance of the brain. The faculty are discussing and theorizing upon the Marvellous fact." —Those who watch Napoleon most nar rowly, pretend to see signs of another grand stroke on his part to recover his prestige, lost by his failure in Mexico and his supineness in the recent German war. In this view the • following from the Augsburg Gazette, becomes hignift ezat: "It is a matter of public notor iety that the territorial compensations claimed by France have not been with drawn, and that the day when li•anee will aeon, proper to pyre them is perhape not far distant." —A meerschaum pipe, manufactured In America, and to be sent to the Patio Exhibition; is on exhibition in a neigh boring city. It is eleven inches in length, and the amber mouthpiece eight. inches tong and two inches thick. The carving on the trunk represents the meet lag of Macbeth and Banquo with the witches, on their way from the battle field. The figures and horses are four inches in height. Surmounting the bowl .Shakspeare is seated in a chair, looking down upon the scene. • —Some of our religions papers exhibit a shocking familiarity with Him before whom all the earth is commanded to "keep silence." Here is a specimen: "A beloved pastor in Indiana writes that he is determined to put the Jour na/ and Messenger in the hand of every new convert that the Lord may give to his ministry. He lays if the Lord will give the converts, and we will send the paper, the two shall be brought togeth er. Tho Lord never fails, and we will try to do our part." This is eminently "business-like." —Greece has a free government, a free press, vote by ballot and universal, or, rather, manhood suffrage. In every vil lage there is ft . free school; in many towns there are free colleges, and they are open on equal terms to all the chi ' Ze n 3. The system of education is cue lof the most perfect In Europe. An Ee -1 ash writer, In a review of the progress of Greece, sarcastically refers to the neg ative virtue. or Grecian rule: "In Greece there lino privileged or titled nristocra ! .. There arc no game laws. no rich livings, no over-paid parsons and story ing curates, no pocket parliamentary boroughs." —The eying of women by, women, says the Galaxy, is one of the mos?. offen. .sive manifestations of neperelliousness now to be met with in society, pew observant persons ran have failed to notice the manner in which one woman, who is not perfectly well bred Or per. feetly kind 7 hcarted, will eye over an other woman,- who, she thinks, is not iu such good society, and, above oil, not, at the time being, in so costly a dress as she herself is In. it is done every Where—at parties, at church, in the street. It is done by vulgar women in all conditions, of life. The very ser vant girls learn it of their mistresses. Has Anybody Heard a Glacier Exp 1 0 ,,,.• at Magari • - The London En ; ;lssze, in the conr se of a discussion of the fervent heat with which the elements composing the into. rior of the globe are supposed to, _ he kept in a continual state of fusion, ir droduces the following story, which 1 ,, been go ing the rounds of the Free -el papers all I of which seemed to absoLls it with edify ing credulity as worth tte crireful atten tion of scientific men: "Not far from this Falls of, :Niagara woos glacier, bele,-ging ton ,company who realized emyrtnou• • . profits by the sale of the ice to the `Western cities dur ing the EUMerker tee,eths. A few days later than the Afirdinwall explosion an aurora borealis r, f magnificent propor tions was observed wheeling its shafts several nights in succession in the north ern sky, causing two lightning conduc tors on the top,of the glacier 1) to emit lung electrical dames of it blueish col, tr. In the meantime a boiling noise wits beard inside the glacier, accompanied with a disengagement of • gas and occasional loud declamations. A Captain of mili tia ventured to enter an opening in the ice with a light, when the glacier bars. with an explosion that shook the whole country. Happily no one was killed ex cept the unfortunate Captain of whom not a trace could be found. The glacier contained IG,OOO tons of 'ice, and alter the explosion there was a tall of luke warm water over a space of GOO yards tvi diameter. The theory Mlle cause of the explosion is that the two lightning con ductors of the glacier acted under the in fluence of the electricity as the two pules of a voltaic battery, and decomposed the ice into a mixture of ohygen and hydro gen gases, which of course exploded with resistless power on the introduction of a light.'' _ • —The Posto(lice Department has made arrangements by which mails will lie forwarded from this country to Europe, and from Europe to the United States, on ene additional day of each week, on and atter Thursday, the :Ist of March next, when a vessel of the Brenton. line will leave New York with the extra mail, and on and after the •gil or April ITues• day), when do new arrangement goes into effect from Southampton, England. After the dates above mentioned, Thurs day will be the regular sailing day of the Bremen steamship line from New York, and on Tuesdays the vessels will tout h at Southampton on their return. This change will increase the number or Euro pean mails to three every week. IN Syria a Moslem husband and father was greatly grieved that his wile had four successiveyears presented him with four daughters, and foully told her that he - should regard the birth of another daughter a sullicient ground for divorce. The next month (November) the poor woman gave birth to four daughters at once. The husband was paralyzed with amazement, and regarding this event as a signal judgment of God upon him for his pretious harshness to his wife, told her that he would forgive her, and not carry oat his threat of divorce. • —The "Frankhn" lines of telegraph, extending to Portland, Maine, and the "Bankers' and Brokers' lines south, -con necting with PBtsburgh and Cincinnati, have again reduced - their rates of toll between all intermediate points-. Mr. GEORGE munt. of Arm •tronq's Cord Work.. Penn town.h l l , Aflo at/coy county. •praki/ as follows of the HE{'. E. A. WIE-SON'S Great Remedy for Consumption: ../ Win tellare4l laTl elle with co.umptlon that I w. nnaldo to ItnYe nay he... and my nh)..rlans Informed me that they cotod do nut long more for mo. latrine hying utterly hopeless, that I Lad not rertalnly of er a mouth [DUNe. At tr., +tag.. I was Induced to try Nay. t: A. W 'S /YENI EI,Y. arta to-day I any az a at as nny Inan In tin: world. If shore arc nny who dot ...u -nto:at, they can call and *re tno, ,as per abort, a .Ireyed and. I .iii give }hem all the Partleninrs of Inv extraordinary reel,. ery. The solo meency for the bale of WILSON'S CON= SI.73II•TIVE 11.1.111•:1 , 1' In rltt,burgh Is .71=0.1E1. M . M.MIVEMIST , Gr. DRUGGIST. No. Market Street. REV EDNIF• RD A. t{'lL-1)\'. 1•,5 and stre.t. tl'l'llo.l..Ere. N. Y. f. What S ayne's Ointment Witt 1-1 t will cure Itch la from rt to as hottrs. :—Lt will cure the moot utoitluato ca.," of Tet P-It cure Chronic Etyalpolan of the face 4—lt +III cure ,•111L,etla.. Ilc•.I. wl.l cure Ilrhltisr 101 F,ruolluns• a-11 will rust/Jr.-17 vure all Sinn Ins...Lae, 7—Use hwaltNlC., 017, and scratch no •I I'(:11•• Dr. titatyas•s Otnthunt, •`TETTEIt— `I2CII., In. Sunivnes llintsught, ••TE - 1 . 1'olt" "Trl-14:11" REIMENI IT(11 ITC It OEM • • Vivrotred nnlv by Or. S.WA rbtl golvlphla Sold by B'CLAI:KAN A St•lttN- S AN. F., A. :17 Wuo.l st., A. rroItItENCF.. 0rr..h.z..1 Market str,,s, l'ate. burgh: N A • E.& SP/tEAD E Seine utedle al Int, th l,t that It la en.llg it I had to ad tertive a Mum ly. how,ct slug!,;,' It may he. Q 113.3, rra•witn43l3l3. la I , as saying that • artltle whit, tie world tt-ed•alionl4 he bid 111 corner—that nenellts and bletaltirt mat be too • diffosod—lbat Ihe Means of protecting and reat,lim health sl,nnl to, a close inonopory, awl not arcra , liph: la all. Inv argument le idol. It is wore than that: it it i,t0m0,.. tmproi, tlymelltT :i't V 51,011 at.2o lute speeltm for ilysnep,ls. hi:roamer,. and ner ve. di relit,—had net er I.een fnown beyond the ref l -r(•.lt , of the f.mtoty. w hatwuld Mare be en the rout. or e s ring and' Invigrating million, Om good all eta of the preparation • wou d have rma counned to a .....t.IVe ft w. re la the rognem authority for for sat tug trim. light stteuldllol. lM bpi under a t0t,11../; Itsal 'abate, r 03 evlb,nt should m. lam as. a vitt' on • WI% where all inert can tale magi...nee cf It. It I. upon Lte tinnviple that the rr.l" listvbeeit advertised and continue to'h salerMo lo every newarap, of an ',online:ere In the lodot•imere, am, that the to mtatieuna teat.. - ula.x In Its favor hat , been Irtnelated Vllu all written languages. TlionsandA enjoy perfect health to-.lay who would be lananiabing on beds of sle”eacif the nmwseapert had not tpr,itt truth wills 0,0,10.1 fhb , tio,gtfob , t,negy , ,,lnl heror, in% far and widr mappose pewit hot he Mi leaped Crete thls pri re Irl ty. - tither any ar• gement •galnst It? It the toddle health ken proleett II lives have here saved: irtli, fore!!, • • been strengthened ito.l tier hick restored, orrumplinl.”l, and who so 3130411 as to grutigal to clog lions thee directed their fair rewarti?_ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WM. BINGHAM, Jr., Adams Ezpress (./ . 4 flee, 54 FMasHircet, Is an authorised Agenl 1 rereesseretduerltsementa for the (LIZETTE:, and all • at Law, DS Grant etreel. TO LET, FIL ICICIPTIGEEI. Two or thrt e Young Men ran obtain Large and Ctanfortonle Shooing Aportgantg. - -wlthln two tutuu Let walk of the roatofOre. by Tddress tog Immediately, • llozaTTE ta,11214 )00.4.1 l'lttubu rob, Va. F OR SALE.—A desirable prop . erty AVeglieny, located on hsradusty street and Strawberry alley: the lot is 3) feet o Sandusky street and tit feet on Strawberry al ley to Harr.. alley, and only one square Dom the Diamond. The improyoueuts are • brick house, MittlleVeU rooms, and • frame shoo on the tact end of the. lot. Fur (briber information inquiry 4.7. OFFICE , r ion the oremises. )ssirS2 172 SANDUSKY biTILEET. TO LET, Oa GSM, Coss of No. GO and 70 Water street MEI OE= To LET, . ' The Warehouse, 27 Wood St.. Now occupied by T. A. EVAllb A CO. PO further lutormation, apply to IbAAC PEN YUCK. • - Or 'WILLIAM INUSSLEtt, talStritt No. 117 Metal street, op stairs- -- SEWING MACHINES. 860 Weed, Lock Stitch Sewing Machine BEST IN USE. THIS IS WHAT $6O WILL DO. ISO Mechlne will Irma. Fell and Bind: 11,10, Tuck and Cord; timber and geld. mats a Brayer Cloth (Prereoat; Make a Frock Com, !lake a eatin Bete Cloth Falai.: Bind Shoes: WIII do totes description of Cress Making. 460 Machine will do ali kinds urFaually Morton. tlachine will run user *cams without ' Ideating needles or sYlpping stitches. 000 -Machine stitches alike on bulb sides. $OO Machine Is [ceche:went Illehine a by Viper cont. In use, sod will sew tutor. Meet au pen or and Machine in the market. ho ma return it and bare his snotty. Warranted four years. AIKEN KNITTING MACHINE. Will knit II pairs of Socks in a day. Sta Braid mping and rrultruidert• let.mulit for sCe• and done. Also • thodel ter cutting Indies and children's AIIKITS WAN rED drtesm. Any person . can leant .from it. kinds of ramiiy sewing done. It. it. LUNG, Agent. • Grant street, opposite Catuedrel. &HOVER & HAILER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are THI BEST for Family sad Yauufaeturiolf purposes. OM sad see them at Jiro. IS Fifth Street. DON'T DE DECEIVED BY inoiffiselniihsdt column, gdeertiremeotg of lofc glop SlaeOlues, bat get s li&I)V&St & HA XXX. It hat boat, 11 trete& fur ell, ta., yell., %Oil Is by ell eotain, teal Judaea. pr.- . tha • • 81-9 T No. IEI Slt'th stroot. 11093165 825. BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE. But dbhhi , Lteeeseel Xlehloe fn the railed blate.S. AgCntalß.tediVrely•Mbere. r• *BO to 1700 per month. Xoelose .tamp and "dr.. rAtif. lichens. AgeOl• ' §l4 Chestnut street. I hiladelphia, and 221 datmrolt street. Toledo, 01a30. del:pl GET NONE BUT A GROVER & BAKER For a Holiday 0111. It fs reliable. perfect and herefore the beet. DOW i fall to mil and see It at NO. IN FINTII STRICP:T. QIIRE. HARNESS 2c CARRIAGE .- 7 11fANKIIS should tee the sew Mint BAKER H. 1 516136 itataL Before beyter sate el at sewhere. 1t the best for heir use. to NO. IP TIVTII hTILE T THE GROVER & BAKER . SEWINC MACHINE Is the Ulitrus Thule of Mechalshiaas Pleaac call and c xasolac Is at NO 18 TITTH 317/ILET. WANTS. WANTED-CA',VAL BOATS IWELVZ SE3VICII3BLE 'WATS. la ranalag orarr. Attire.., an par ticulara aa.t luwest each price. Hilt ,516. I=ll W AN TED — BY a to I ddle ' aged tnarrteel ot babiss. •s3d }l•Vit, to Tears axpert,, the mrresottle buslares. Incityaedmuntry SIo , •S either • TrATIt refill store. No onleettoa to any business tt,at Is hon orable. 11ood recommendation. stuttoii salary. to.. lon Box No. 114, Lanrast,r, - VATANTED -- INFOICIIATION— T JOHN c v t.l JOSEPH JAhlit.ts. bro th e, ko r i m 'n. i"„ r ° „ " ,i,jl , l ' the.aricrit,r, JOS . . liACONll k Sist.', .h° "d"""l"4l', ME • WANTED.-500 clerks, and ur and others SOW out of •mt , orment set Pittsburgh, tu knew that ANL/emir,. tit, GENERATOR Continue: toad het, r then ev•r. Fortune. are made by telllugrlohts aml the ben • erotor. it a lt the only thing ulthr ttuu that hat real merit. once. le the atandard. Come and see What ay.4 are ma,klng. AS:No. J. C. TILTON, No. 10 , , St. Clair Street. WANTED, An Active Partnership, • Wok to CO CO3 to In:l . est to the Mannlte tors or Iron, tp• one who WO Ltd some Ten Yeast toper 111 the busts:lead. Attelress feta,r73 P. V. tiro ICIIII,NIVIt'sTbuIgEttN.TI".. ! F s e. o . t ro Llii: penneuentiy In buslacee sateernan ehlp and be•ltle64 verrespende,,,e. Apply with reference. to R. 11. N. lib Greta •fitreet. oipeAle Court now, de21:031 Wl N " T wit sont7f l r l ew o l/ 1 1. l'eArm"sir:N Ts.- tO clear $2.. deity in throe bouts. liusluess retterly pew, light and desirable. Can be dons at borne or traveling . , by both minis and female. No gift enWrprise or humbug. Address. with, red stamp, W. L. CHIDESTAIt. Jan sISdWT 2116 tiroa dway, New York. WANTED-50 Stove and 11101- .. LOW WERE MOULDERS, to trhoio good emcee end needy employment will he gleen. No one belonging to the Moulders` Union Also• elation need apply. DIUDGEJOILD „t Louisville, Ky I=l WAISTED—AGENTS—BY THE Iv RuKEKAnEvrim;msciusEcomi•ANy to sell their NEW $l2O al ACHIN E. Will sew from ti.ette paper lo hell, Honour for ur leather without change of feed, needle or ten sion. neef.adloatlng pressure foot and newly designed four-motioned UNl.lltrit. Address, enclosing stamp, .1. If. HALL CO., lid Fifth street, (necond Floor.) dell Pittsburgh, In. WASTED—AGENTS—TO SELL We CHILDREN'S ALBUM. or PICTURE.% AND NYOKIII.e, written and complied by Nev. AMA lIULLARD.' irhe Boob cows; us a bleu Portal; of the sullioronore than one hundred pictures, and hi-nicelypictures, printed and bound, .d must please all the children, Address. W. J. HOLLAND & Co., No. 71 Tilled street. Pittsburgh, to. 1212613 WANTED. - AGENTS. - MALE and YEMALE—In wry part of W.leru renogylraula. for the iluelrew Ateel Ertgravluia, •PICAYEII. A r VALLEY YORLIE,•• • THE 314.11/EN'S I . IIAY AIL •, "LINCOLN'S HOME AT bPallifi FIELD," Either by the month or by eummlolon. libbers' rates allowed. For roll partlenlere•p ply In person. or addrem, no 2 s Fifth etreet Pittsbergh. FOR SALE VORSALE.--A COMFORTABLE DIVELLINU WANE.. on Centre avenue, within two minutes walk flout Vic litnersville rassengee Hallway Station. The Let I. IV. feet deep by tit feet 10 front• liouto con tain, seven large, light. and airy room,. ~.134 la Very catauttablo. roc flatter ,partieulars ad. dress sF —. S. 4 l t ifo..itt " r'eet. • fat FOR SALE.—We offer for ante that ♦a:nable MANUFACTURING SITE, LlecupfeJ by us as s. Barrel Tactory, situate at the foot of Taylor street, Tilt township, and op Balt° the Copper Mill of Park,McCurdy .1 Co. Thts property Imes front of Belytect on the Alle gheny river; containing near TWO ACLIB.B. •nd privilege of filling up to mate as mutt• more. For Iron, &eel or other large Manufacturing purposes, has no supezior. Terms made to snit ptirchaser. taThsael (I OTIIBIL Z BILL. _ FOR BALE.—One Three Story Dwelling house, containing eleven room. ORE TWO n2osl: DWELLING HOUSE containing eight rooms and nniehed attic. ONE SHALL YEA.IdE HOUSE containinkrire two. and pantry. inquire or W3I. H. c.curitELL, No. 2.12 Second Street. FOlt BALE OR BENT. 11= A COFFEE STAND, Itt the Market Howe Diamond, No. ID. For further particulars enquire .t the Stand, No. IN, tie Harker Louse Diamond, Wittaburgb, P Jaitorti VOR SALE—One Lot fronting A.: le f Inches, on Went ISIOIC off Candudir street, rungng Idea PI feet 6 turtle. to Whig al ley, on which there Is erected 1 two story bring bona., 20n nandu say:Arcot, ith 6 room. ear h. and 2 on Whig slier, with 1 rooms each, oppo site the lrourth Ward &boo' Rouse: will be sold at a bargain, by It.I.IISEY A HALL. /teal V Aents, • No. no Bel Ter etre.,acate Alle g gheny. ' = L OU SALE—The Church Build -. leg occupied be the YIPTH U. Y. CONtiltlC: ATION, corner of First and gust streets, AI le- Itneurelty Is offered for axle. Propuottlons for purceuse will be received, and full Information given ny either-of the undersigned, it Feb.. try Ist, L• 67. T. 1t....111t0WN, 10 0. 118 1.1010 street. ALEMAIWIttt MAK FIN , No. I'2 Diamond. MEM SALE.—ONE TWO.STOIZY -A- IRONCLAD BUILDING, with Food-store room, (and four (I) year lease of ground from Ist next A yell;) situate In good location. being No = Penn streeLeorner of Harrison stmt. vs out! be ait owl (oration for a Pell store. or Plumbing IFd Gas Fitting Shop. Enquire of Z. It ADCL- F. No. 706 Penn street:or BAILIFF. BROWN 81.11.1., Plumbers, :Steam and area Pipe Fitter, No. PI Federal street. Alltabeny City. durum FOR SALE—Second Rand STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER. E=MI W. 9. LYTLE, No. 911 Tina etrort FOR SALE, THE HOVRE AND LOT NO. 40 Crag street. First Ward. AllezhenTs The house Is s substantial two-story Item, In tosld . reps!, The lot Is S 3 Istt trout on Usallo streetsodllO root de ep . ustennlog to l'otmi •sols Canal. Inquire at 119 DIAMON e 1 ... Plltsburgb, J.17:09we FOR SALE, A LARGE BRIE% DWELLING :NOUSE. • With all modern ltunrovententa. In eomplete or der. and situate on the Penna. Han., Inquire at No. 111.• PTNEIGT. nulP:o3l'vrre • rillaburxh. - - -• BANKS AND BANKERS HART, CAUGHEY & CO, Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND mon STREETS, PITTSBUR(2 11, PA., (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART A. C 0.,) MIMED Eubange, - Coin, Conpons, And partienlar attenti al on paid to the pur cha.e and se of GOVEONmEIIiT Hwy DS J 7-910 HT MC & YTS ON LONDON. Jeli :CC N. 10IXES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street, Deposits received In Par Funds and Currency. co.leetims•made on all the principal solos. 01 lie balled States and Canada.. $25. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COM lIBBION. Particular &Uvular...Tata to the purchase au4 ale of U. S: Securities. .Indlnk U. S. SIXES OT 1581 do. do. 3..30i; U. 1. Y1Vt1i10..40.: U. 3. CEUTWICATES Ur 124 I , 3IITPUN EYY Orders aLd Vostrherataaght or collerted. NECESSARIES FOR TILE WIN.. TEkL—For • good COOKINIS rOVZ and, Kitchen Utensils. go to NO 1 40 Omni 01. Plain and Vane, UtrAL, SCUTT ELS. PULE tIllti• ELS, Plain lane7i Utensils Cri Clout ing Uystetand other fancy—dishes: /renders. More Pipe. Water liondartors. nod }II other artleiea, ear in F. U. // 1 / 1 , Y1 , 6. Ito. 146 unatstrecL All cheap! übe.D: shear,' oe RELTLNGSBELTLITG!—Leather Gum Belting Dem quat. 1.0, Gum ?acting. Host. (lute.. ae. Lac liy e Leath m and Rivet* Limp, Oil band and fop salt , at tag loweat prices by J. a H. I'HILIAM. ar 21 lad Pt. Glair Mama. •