THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PICBLISHED BY PENNIMAN , REED & AT GAZETTE BUILDING, sa . c..'set Firth El tr go ot. - Y . It . PENNIMAN, T. Editoic P. IIOUNTON. . trYpi lA u l t 1 11 .. I KE NL ID , I Business ManAA'S. =1 ELIO, Cubic& i 1/elirered by carrier, (per erect1.......15 coats, Han bubectibers. (oar ic. l Liberal redaction. to Newsboy. and Airtah • =I wiCe.p,o, to, year. by mall Vl , e do. do, do. each Tenlte 01.1te c0p..., to one address. wad oh, Tn.° loci HI.. cacti - CITY ITEMS Benutiral P4pecam'olot of Art The clear etmodpitere which we brie WO iturlng the past f - e - w days, ban aided' lir. it =1 out a number of elegant and first-class Olio• tographs, which are now temporarily on ex hibition at his tomes and In his beautiful windows., This Ls the proper season to ot., tatn clear and dtstlnet pictures, and al/ who have delayed should at ono go to this known Gallery to have a negative taken. sir Wu can safely say that no where else In the country can photographs, plain or colored, large Or small, ho obtained In a better style art than Dabbs% Ilona himself thoroughly acquainted with ell the depart ments of the art, and mnploying none but the most talented and skilful artists an as. sistants.his popularity has been legitimate ly earned, and it is no wonder that all Pitts. burghers take — such-local pride in cower- Mg pictures taken at this establishment with those produced at the famous galleries in the Metropolitan cities. All the latest styles of pictures are taken at the most L reasonable rat., and a e ins - lte our reader, to call in and look through the specimens of photogmphicatt found at Mr. Dobbs' roams and galleries. Notice Extroordionry From limo to time see have pcibllthed ex• traordinary cores effected by that rentarka able medicine, known as lilt. Kb'YSER'S BLOOD EEARCIIEII. Moat of those nre made hero In the vicinity. of Pittsburgh, and arc entitled to the serious eonshiora• • lion of all those who are ailing - land do not know get cured. There is really no humbug about this remedy. It has eared come of thu • moat malignant , dlecaies known to tlip medical profession, and Its fame ought to be as wide anread as its de. Those n'lni regaril Dr. Keyserle illocal •Soatphor as one r!,l - the empirical nostrums nr the boor, if they will investigate the •natttte aria find out their mistake, anti .trill find ta•,tead a Hale. harmless and enicleat. Cure, adapted to most non-febriale diacaire, We call to mind the case of a sickly 'young lady. In her case the fatty tissues of the body had melted away, the muscles had become relaxed and powerless, the nerves infused no energy, there was ennui and ex.- hanstion of all the renewing powers of life, end a enivorcal pallor overspread the once bloomi, g:cheeks . and usurped the - whole carfare of the body. DE: IiEY.SEIVS BLOOD , CAliCliElit was oven, and almost at once the enfeebled stomach resumed it.g wonted 011 k,,, the languid heart tent out with its tiAtuil furce the vital current for the repair of the wasted tissues. and little by little each dormant function was called into eicattlitut activity until health and beauty resumed their away and maintained their aecuitmilett Many of the-cures made by Dr. Keyser'a .blood Searcher would never have been Oft:e.t.d. if the persona attlieted bad not be. ,eme acquainted with ill "writs 'thiough new epaper art vertialng-:therefore the doc tor has deemed it priver to apread Ito fame herever there to a blett . man or Woman to tic CUretl. 21.5 k for Dr. 1. - el/per'. Blood , Krorrher, fool 14°4. no other. bold at the doctors great medicine StOre, No, 1 4 0 W‘ o . l t.reet. Consultation ollide 131 rentt street °Oleo bour,! from 5.. t. r. , to -I r. a. 'How to Gala In Weight A gentlemen, rather remarkable for 117 s sons asked where he obtained his meals, as the 1,111 of fare must be exceed ingly good, since be appeared to be grow= log larger and. larger every day. Tne prompt, reply was, "At the Continental Sa loon, next door to the I'o9lot:flee, on Fifth street, w bleb Is kept by that prince of ept cures—llolzhelnicr." The answer was pert and to the point, for a the Continental the taint meals to be obtained In the city . are daily served up at the mort reasonable. of prices. Game—the rarest, steaks, 11th, and everything to tempt the palate, are served up in a better style than could Professor Blot Indicate, and lfyou eat one meal gotten up by floltsheltocr ut a few minutes notice. Yon will forever bentow your putrouge on this place alone. • The Indian Herb Doctor, No. 191 =am= Dean Str.:-1. feel lam only doing a .111ty in publicly stating my gratitude foe the lament 1 hare received from the uá of Your Herb 3lediebses, u bleb Las given toe ease and comfort after loon years of 'angering. My dlsetu,e. was as lellows: Lteer COl3l - pain in the back, land motion of the Kidneys and Bladder, awed], Ing of the Abdomen, General. Debility de. But now, thanks to God and your men- clue, 1 enjoy refreshing sleep In 'my bed, and am II CINV . (/ U 11. 0 a new being. C..trreue SCOTT, Owner or the stenrehont Hero. Rest dence, Law eneerllle. The Doctor's °Mee to DI !Abort y stroet One Dny Lent Week. • Htmet "sprung a leak," as did other greats. The common/tee was many of our fair friends wore unable to to about. Yesterday', however:they upon/trod in full' c ,turao on Fifth street, and the milli to Pittoek's Won groat.. linen it at Pittoele4—Smith Lank, and other book, - ' Una ti cm ut low prices—,wallets—at P/t Pittsburgh and Mammoth' Cavo Views— new lot just gallica to the collection at rit- Do you scant "ern"—.valentlnes—l'lttock's Tnaties tor 1E47, at; PittoclOn • Mae, at tan roltortice, oppollte w kti sell youidlthe stamps you want. The neat ;Known Mack ..t.Vo.'s Combination of Iron phosphorus anti Call/lays, known al Ferro ho4phoratett of Cal Ways,. The Iron restores color to the blood; the Phosphorus renews waste of the nerve tissue, and the Culls:Lye gives a natural, healthful tone to the digestive organs. (Inti Mot £OOlOlO2 toe virtue of tale Ounce Calltaya and one tenapoonful a grain of. iron and Tboaphoeus. ilanufactnred by , e• C•ewnia, alma Co.; Now York. • For sale by all drUggina. 'To the Afflicted. ILeold established medical palm:. of Ur. E. Warner. (known for torty years as the original ladtan pliyilesan or 'herb doctor,) and conducted-fora number of yearn Past by the son Dr. E. S. Warner, hai boon cc ranfed tram se. Clair to No.lll.l'ella street• Or. Warner still continues to treat Success. diseases of nearly all daserlptions. especially URN() of a chronic nature. Re member btu 'new location la-No. 11l Penn street, second door above Ben. Trimble's. - I=l2l 01 canned trolte end vegetahles urn Inel- WI to Inspect the eesortment kept by Lien. heaven, at 117 Federal etrecl, Allegheny City. . . Go to Fleming - Os Drug !Kan . !, 54ttkot street, for titc boat Old Pyo lu Lim t;icy,'At 91u, lowe4t prt,e3. Drugs cord Medicines Dootorn• pre3crlptlona carefully prepared at half the Muni price, at Fu!tote. Drug Lore. oppoultu Yost°lnce. 00 to Ettroing.:s Drug Rtore, No. Si iturkot street,:for the belt Itell‘n,l the le the City. Ton 'Con llny Forelgn Llquorn.uf all kinds - at 3 , WPa 3. Dt.tilicrY, so,- 1[0, • 1'4, 17.11 and 175 yint!4lll,el,PlttAtburgb, • Ito to nett:Wm-is fling Store, For Spongeo. No. St Market tweet. • You CAn Boy per vmt. Alealial nt .inuoph ton Can Buy --=•.41 ,, .111 :3 - .) ---: ,A.• - _ , - 1 Ai . ,.`-e .;„•"i...i: IS4V, i . - , I • 1 ....r!7'.' 1 7.......' . ...:J....:4, ...T.i. 4 . N .' 1 .. i rk . , . • '-. 1 - I ' ' ,Z.i.j.......p.:-. L-4.,,,,--,.......1erWKV, .--a• - `7" ,s , 71 . ... ,. .2- . T, : ., ,,. , 1 , 7,,,, ,, ... , L-. . 7.;. , ... 4-s:*: , . i-, 1 „.- „,e -, 1.- : 4 4,:-. ...,-, ; , : , I i , i . 1 i 1 1 , r„, _ .,. ;,....44., ; ,.... .. 4r --7 ,......_ -7 2 ,-,. -.;;.: , - a -- -- ~.V.,ith i i,v, . - ••-i.,..4. - . ' .."..- ,:. -. ' - ', - 7,' .;,; . i.N. ..;' ' - • '',..-e' . :4 1 ..? .' " _, _ . . • .4 • • t ' . : 1, i r;. , 1 / - -...--mir......11. 10 .7110 , '' - bH ir l ( tts 1-. ..,T, - • .....,,,...._ .....„...., . . ..._ DT= $ 1 50 125 VOLUME LXXXII.- FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. EARLY TELEGRAMS. FROM EUROP F. Prince Napoleon to be Director of the Paris Exposition. CO)FIDIRATE CONDEIOLDEni ENCO.AND TO Bla IP European College to be Eylub- limbed at Pekin THE LABOR BISTUEBANUES IN BELGIUM mattroe or rut rnets txre , cries, ['wale, February 7—Eeemieg.—Prince Na poleort w 11l be Director of the Perin Expo,l 12=11 The Emperor, in Lis address On the as sembling of the Corps Legl,lata, milt an• ntrunco the float dlsposltiOn and close of the Eastern and 2nexielln questions. • COICIrMINILASC DONOIIOLDER.,; 1.01 , V0N. February B—Noort.—The Cooled. elute bonnholdera in this country . have united in a petition to the Britt, Govern ment to back their claim. . GOVERNOR ZVI= IAY JAY Ale A. The trial of E5..4; overnor Eyre, of Ja. make, has commenced. a :torso CONTRACTOR. DEAD. Dorgan, the Irish railway contractor, who failed a short time ago with'llubilitfas vary heavy, is dead, CANADIAN FIIDNDATION. Earl carnal - von alt., next week, Intro clime In Parliament n bill for the union et the Cariadiart provinces. mmonses rn untiis. -Disnatehes (tom China ntate that arrange meats Lutve been Mode. (or the establish merit of an European College in Pekin, with the consent of the Chinese tiovern went. E=l3 • 'Notwithstanding positive adrlces to the contrary this morning, reports hare been retired to.night that the troubles in lower Belgium are increasing. THE GIIRRILS ritur.i.rtlNG son WAR The Greek Government, In a note to Um foreign powers, declares that the mist, of war to near at hand, and though their de• sire is fur peace, they deem it proper to propose an Inerenae of the Greek army and Davy. Intelligence from tie rT la represents affairs so threatening that families of Turks - are fleeing from the country. Beam', Fah; w. --" The negottatma between the North German States and .I"rud.,la aaa concluded to-day. 'lt I's said - :hat Illarnarat vein propo,e it: the rarllarnent of the North liereuan nutted, a tax on tobacco. ' DISTVILOANVen IN lICLOICY NNOLI, lIIIIISSEL9. I / 1 11117 .I lslnl bances among the laborinzpopuintion In the South ern Provinces of Llelgdutu, has subsided, and trnegullity restored. Tnl SIISTIIINN V1.74/1, Feb. s.—Baron Von Hock ie. been appointed -II inleterof Finance In ttio 1m pe• rid Cabinet. .161,01C.5X 6W1 . 111." - _TO ArS4IA ST. rirrenstirein, Feb. s.—A .T.psne4e Ein toss* . Luis arrived in this country. =I 31.4.0caes ran, Feb. S—Tbo maraet Aur goods and yarns has been nut, but closed steadier. Lostman. Feb. 0--El iny.—Consols ott, tor money; Flve-twenties, 74; .; Itlltuds t:entral, Erin, 40. Dents, Feb. S—Erening.—Uhlted SLatey bonds Cloned at NS}',. FRANKFORT. Feb. - S — Eveni ng.—United States bends, 75%. Llyartroca s February s.—Cotton morn or. tine this afternoon, and prises allowed un upward tendency; tales to-alay Kern twelve thousand bales of Middling Upland. Mal bet closed at I.4N{yligd. Flour end Wheat steady. ..forn Os. PIOVIRIOOK—Boof, natru prime cores lulyanelng. Pork uml bacon arm. Lard dull at oils. Tallow ea'eler ut 4.30 edelas. Petroleum relined, to aAd. . FROM NEW YORK Bulletin . of Fires—An Embezzler in the 'sane of Ilan,. million Arrest. . Enterprises itelarned en Public Nolssinees. A HAT, sriu.tox osratitrr.e. New. 'foam, Februry S.—George Carrolton, - United fitateTreasury agent at Memphis, from ISS3 to DAD, haa been arrested on a charge preferred by Treasury agent Titus, of embezzling public money and property to the amount of cs'n,trkk). //u was held for trirdln default of ball.Tni • • i101.1..LT111 or Plit. • Thomas it. Chambers' Plano Forte mon factory. East State Street, was destroyed by Sire last night. Lola, Se,flKi. Insured, 44re broke out in building No. 151 Fulton street, last night. David Close, clothier; Joseph Marsh. artinclalllmb man urnetursr; J.ll. Tinge, bookseller, and Su noel Mack, lagerbeer seller, suffered losses amounting to about $10,000.. • 01), EXTERPELSZA ISmCTEO AS PUBL.: The Grand Jury of the Court of Over and Tennlner have indicted all alleged gift en terprises as public nuisances, detrimental to the morals of the community, 'which should be at once abated. Unless such Is taken, they (the Jury) say they 14111 proceed more specifically. tantateurve. Aplll has.been introduced in - the New York Senate, allowing underground rail ways in New York city. Both branches of the New York Legisla ture have Instructed Congressmen to advo cate aid to the Northern Pada. Railroad. rusty TILIEVE.S; Nl:retract, petty thieves were sent to the Penitentiary for st.r months today. stir CoURTZR/EVI . S. Gounterfultn of the novinvo cent coin arc circulation. Thu metal la very bad. FROM. KANSAS, • The Vol.. Poeltle Railroad and the liannas Legislature—The Late Re ported Indian Ylisamarre Probably Untrue. • • Torres., Kansas, Yeb.«.—iton. J. I'. Utak. ar, Into Saari...lament the Interior, and Alien.. soy of Union Partite Railway Company, has addressed', letter to the Legtateture, pro ft:sting against the existing State lawn tax, lug thaVenrl, and Ordering tin" the rem. inlay sr resist said taxation berme the courtsperaLstel in. lie also protest, against any attempt to regulate the 100111 tm-frolght or passengersas nerd- Fiat,, pnlicy at the present, end delete the !Auto Las no control of the zubjeo, to far us the Tinton Pacific BOLO is COTlcernt4. The Senate, In I.:oremitteeof ill. Whole, has rejected a resolution asking to to the W transfe ar lnd Departmeniian .I.llars trout the Interior Tee arrival of cont;hes fgr: . Port te train Wide Ilr eSt 'by the h Indian to be semi) where the recent massacreis hl to ham t cl leading to the better °centre sloes reports were incorrect. FROM MEMPRIS. A Bold 11W nrc ino) . Itobber ensuy-:-Vhlorn. farm Thloo on At boots—Res ton. . • Mt:sows, February . Y. Pr. J. G. WOOlfolk, b[-Versailles, Kentneky, who left here day efore yesterday, on the Loeb/vino roml, was fount some Similes Out, with both legs broken, and robbed. Ile Ives known to have had about COM when he left. Ito is now in Oh., city hospital. Two bold robberies were /unpainted On the steamer Clifton, at 01,0 wharf. nil. morning, by the robbers entering rite state rooms pod using chloroform. Tile thieves rtleved George IV. Brown, of 'Metropolis, Illinois, of near #lOl, slot Br. idiattitek, 01 Lath, Bock, of near aati. Miami Mono,' a 3/141AL brilliant climige inent to-night. Tim . !argot/nom House war w - m craid boa. night to aline, reno I• thin of Illizwbetli, and to-night a. 1.,w1g Macbeth. The twre mu extravagant. her praise. She leaven for tau NO. 3-1 lIRTY-11TH GONG SSS. IsEcOND EDITION O:ECON SEMS/0.N.) , W , sll . l , 4o . reri, Febrll.l ; FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M "SENA'I'II. 110 , 11:Iir•At Mr. PATTERSON' Miro:Moe:l o ../int liglon for LILO payment 0 , th" 1100110 1.; uarild, organized by (ten oral Burn:dile, Itetcrred. somor.loo r v. . Mr. IVII,ON report.' the Howe till to inxret.o the pay 01 Quarternindler 1 4,, r• whin'. of The Engin°, Ihdthlion to thirty- ; I $lO dollar', per month. Mr. Tit ' , MM.: 1.1. hunted to know If In. Wile ono of the bill•lor leeel lug up salarle , . Everyday othwnstich aught tfef, bronool, t up. Ili ueeted to the macitee Mr. 1V11,..310N rahl Mr. tromn.lllwd•ln the • " 2 ". Oter e $.00,000 to the Education Of worthy' of tho Sentl,to. Slr. ThUMIll'I. 1. rephed, hne.•tion inn Mr• the Peer of the South-Soot, • 0.0. tight, to,-.‘y 1, bat Iva. worthy o thy of Oho henate, :01,1 zudderting hid , might to make doll) coninient d as he had 11Th I on tint bill. The hot p a,a e 1 Go. (at INT, 11(11111NR, Tr, ~% L.A131-. -Sr. 11.110 - 1:1S Introduced a blldextending ; AND OiIIiI,II,LSTI.ES OF El ND. tine three ye;ird, olovistens of an net Tor the (Intl A.:TlialeKtioll of p“vato lint I.lltlrlJ,ililt anti )liddonrl.. ' C TM; rr rAI. onsiderltion of tbeStevens . w Mr. 111 \t/\ int:in:tined A I/111 ammolatory f truction Bill , in the House. or It, 0111., lithe , romo., to letter, held :oral ,:end lig-tets. Referred. • on 1 , 10, or TUX nl.Ol , I/II THE li11,1; Slr. ROI, offered . a remlntion that after • the votidaruernient of the net. Cougress, IN '1111:: , ENA1E. th o pubile ttion of thu debate, in, Com; n be transferred from the I.Mbc. •to tlie I 'II r.:l ic!..," blr. bIeUOUG.I.I, oblueted its intro:11o, IT ARM:II,Oi trot the reselittiOit lie. otertlloll to- ; st a. lit:An/lot i Ls,g• 11E ~,, anosery. Al f I:orals - nos George. l'etibtiily has hAtkil,liCti n letter to Tit Legislative, %be/Nan, tent duilleadc. pj,jj. apprivriation bill was taken. a„.. ; . I , The amend/num or tl , O stifles of the • M_ttlineetil Icrdot and others, holeqcstuntsb - , retells.. to the saint let tetolertng as a gilt the sum of on. stri,ies of Piltrlet dodges, was itireed to, and that lor ...not sits, tr. tot in trust, and the .latent In thereof spoiled for the prom /thin of . MrSIVADE moved to stalk/. out tam name . Intel:v.ldd% moral or Initiottlal ed./eau / 0i or the:Datil' liPliroPriattint 'among the young of the more destitue pot , . Mr repotting amt prhaing the „5,5„„ withoWi Ot ensure... —A debate followed, and it appearing that j ethet: d.: Unction than their neettA unit with the porter/01es of it-el l /Ow:Se. •!lte gives tatted by either pate,: tli I without. two y„ . v permission to use from the prts,,•ll",l with tardlon or tie. bilits 1:1 LI, the vote was Ii the nest two year, not ettreedinni Sett• reculetdered tilt the muetolment ; re•ni.. Ito 10+0 girt, Pill 101,.• i4lOk• ; or of Mesdisipol, amounts and passed. It now Sties to House • Mg, a It?. irtterv-t. t.. #l,Ply)(t ., nn wlttch no concurrence. j Pinned has haenittoi piald slave Isio, lust tht,,:i.lity of a hich x a, never questlonel. blr. I l eal.lnurthertoore gtves power, In ,'aye 1.1VC4111r11. , Of t:112 1r11.15 , ea Shall at any tllll, aft/ r . the of thlrt years, deem expell.da to close thls trent, and if the ' tirefi shall be In their Initals, dlstrltinto than two-thirds :111,11r: 0 , /IAI.II. t partici:is as they May determine In the states tor alio, bent lit Site income Is now 1111pOitIlea to Ll' 11,1. The. reniainder map iletrildited by trustees for either, uonal Itterary purpote, lieneyer tit, may deter it expedient. rport the reeelpt el the letter by Sir. Win- Sheep, I. of gen Lumen wtlS called to consoler the matter., hereupon,'oOtittln U! tete irrt-I,lleti by litsliop Mello and - ditned ;lie, truster. 01 , :0•10../I 111 Wasilitagt., enpreoniug to thu donee their . graiet,it eitoreci.ition or his enlarged mot unprecedented generrooty, soil trod ht., Atticif life may irlig spared to witness Me sncress of he dome vole. t ewitribe no, to . the happinesq of he fel- lowselticsni In all parts of his antler 1.L11 , 1. Au Org./111L 1 . 0011 rewl y been efreetet. •71,2,10 N ::lien. Mr. SicAieds f". • ..onsfruetlon (nil, Priol/1. leg niilitary got eminent for tin: late In. ; SlrreCtitlilitr} Mates, x. a -ideted In the Mite, mulay, and Iltllll.,:iftert D sot:cell/is nocie ley: embers noon 0 .1, , the emocrats, et coarse. state of the less Radical Ile. Woldican, uniwsing the hout•oremaittly on the grour that it intrla,o ligon the ./n.g.ltattot prerogattge : of the Nest:lent I donmaidler-In-C hief of the arintis. Iloulo Daft:l,lW Ortit, the pre; 1004 , 111 e, tlOll 011 OW 01L-,:qtr !AN. Uy VOW of iii flyo,l s.• Mr. W. 1111: caTle.l tip ti,e Nehraaka and, wlLLdut. dtthate,iL Ina.etl over the l'resi!lt:nr, vett, I'va. al. hay. a. The tidy, tv,tre itunanltth - , 0)0,1a. Itentlt Ylttrgan, Lon, ratturaon and nactlsLatry. • Ant. c.l.llthl up the lull foi. iren eltul ut t Lettgitu 1,41..1. \ration, tie. lion, 11*' ,tutte went into I:,eeettr o 0 00. iron mutt eabseunently tut)curnell. • Iflit •I jr•lni re,lntfon imnso.l wit:to:At:VW the Seurmlitry of W , ir to ft rnbt. copit.... of the 11, :tn.l mostur out run oI :orfy voltlnt•—r OrLtAniztit Lon, to the .1 , 1- jutant ticor.,:tl of no;y t)is motiOn of Mr. IV F. rtV ORM. the ,‘ .1" cried to eoutotoCtrAtt• tne AtnoUnt or to Ito: cool,a Cout:osmy. elnd the l'ltton thetina tut. 1:11141..vr o f t .11;• , , of row,' entnplotr.l. txruar.rt YOM:11, 1111 . 1?“1,. ,atnetaLed a Wit to pre , 131hIt the tear , pereat:oa - ut , rhottaill'irout toreign ewluteleJ to Ulu and Pre , celblnt; lethirhalent titer:lna. In, furred. on motion of )tr. Sr.% t*LIJING, the Secre t:at' ol mho t Itllllro.ul l:. nnp:l•,l,-.ilt tho rclmltion4 otato, phteim— , l roihog u:of her mm.- crty of ilm l'hlt Pit 7, 101,0 51100511 M ~ t. h ,smont thereof, h Um amount Inetn- Inlr 1111//151 of 00012/151• therc,r, Mr. Inlrinlnrr.l r,ll 1.1:- .1.1 1.11% vr, at Denver, Cols th Win.; uk,orgia; :tinlrtit tjon, 1,11 {1"1, nanding Ckarlottv anti loallionviz; the th—:!oni,••:. • Im.I.•; g,lt•Cal vont rol of I.l.m.ltrnetor LW, tun, aL Painninlphla. On !notion Of irir. 1.1..1111 . 1, of thr Uomultttoo on Agriculture, ie.. inrOraerte-el to Inquire. into If, vxpveloonT coin. Ini,riun to ivac.tigutu 0011 , eure.neeer re bun:, of llier 1 . 41111 U ki (St :L.,. nrnerc ON eree TIM' rNs • rt:ti., The et: 11., SteVens . BM N:01 n. Mr. SILSSibI.IN oppestal the bill a+ - mart. dangerous to eti i, 1 - 1,1.14 than any measure ever rir.ctiteil. It aim an cram:mum vat , rage mi t umnibi. 31r. /if t r o t supported thr bill. 'When enforced It troni•L Iv term,. of reconstruction 0111011 womb! retingithie the perfect. eual r • rhfhtn of all tail relin, Ana ~ curd nnitorin liberty, happinese i 6111.1 rue:omit throlighout COLIOLIT. approved the nentimenta of the 1/ , refire/meted. einastitueney winch wcte at any cost, to ore, sect eltiziain of the Irtiitc.l states against Male/env, Anil crime, whit-ti was the main obJew.b of the 31r. SIifII.I.AIMILGEIt ex:Mimed his rea sons fur VC/Una for Ilitl Lill, don 3 ing It woo Ln Improper re tiaol interfinco, with the:wilt/sof the litvo Mb; inraaere, however, atnetling alone, erielii nut rot:etre lila •support If it -were nut tole: followe.l by bne.Urel to civil queen:Lineal:, niseff On loyal ninfrotre. tin smithl not vote for in I ;hairy "teatimes of Oils 11111 , 1. Sir. lIIITCIIKISs iiriviaratril placing the Southern slut, wer omittul. but thotmlit Zile m e law sunk-fetal y rani:red ' that - matter. 1! the Presideut had 1101 tiy fun con,troetlon of the 111,frat1.11 IL. Altisifr...l/111511 11 1.11 and ft.SYSltisf 11 uncle strode soe c cllep ligalmit 1110 ',III. Sir. to fill.Fllll.ll summate( it,- Tn.! by 010 of 41 it.,lont RP, re limed rooolol Iho detnand Yor t pro 51055$ quenthol. [The telegrAphiclinvd, 9d:ea very lad)). last night, notl.thts morning we ire comill../- led to go Je pet, ivimunut thv c:01 , .: of the 1444. roport.j FROM SF. LOUIS, The l'lnty Start' by Int, Gr. Comprsliy— nobts.rrier—Problib e I mpeneboarnt ..1. Judge for ill.oregarding OW/Cent Oath. • gr. February n.—Tho St. bouts can Company luta brought. suit ugalnxt the elty . for 071,41,(1 - rur the gsd tried slung Ortolutr 1%4. The cityy claret, tun gun 101t5 niunh Ws low the quality mgt.:ghat 11l tho COIII.I . IICL and refused to nay the Itlll 1 of the Cons. 'ma. It y bert Kerr. 13..011.1/ of Wayne roomy, 01110, on Ida .ay 10 inuttnino land In •0- H• 111 1 -1, tram robbed of 1 1 110 to—lay . two cost- Inca. Col. Knapp, senior proprietor of the Min sour!bean, left for Cohn a taw days Nines., for tho benefit of his .1. Is. Traey s an old, and United 11134rerOUL" of fuloseco for 11/1.1 city, died today. Loots. February A.—A few days into Judge Morely, of the St. Loots Cirenst delivered an opinion that the:ith preserlibal by liso ntoo. I,onsittulinn 113 11 guslitlwntion for Juror., wan void; and espe cially co /lore the OefirOoil Of the Cenral .. .gattes Supremo Comt to the ClMOolligo ',4. nn re.iniro Ire ego. summoned in Ills iloort au Juno, to lake Is. leeterdey 31r. Jewett, aria her of the Jodi/nary Cronsoittee of the Vinson'! I louse of ilepr,sen tali meJ,lotrod need us res.. olutlens en Inn nor ifecbdors or Judge M 00.13.. and itraklnK V;,; •1i.11,1153 l 0 ~ .ro if Pohl decision we.. mered to Court usol whether he .iseiges allowed Jo- ros r . serve lc/show t tot, lax she oath, arid if no, whether noels wason would )11m1111 . IOO• ~1 1111.7. /or whirs—. or topeoc Is oleo II so. tilt, Cousruillee istatrocted to report alsariva 111/11 V0t011t,..1101. is LIM • - DESTRUCTIVE FIRE, 1 • Brent IA.• linltirhore lerday—Thrre hotrlioe.o. ItoIIIAMIs 11e. 11royed-1.0., hover Too Ilihkdred W tttttt nod IhDllntrll. BALTIMIIV, Ft.bruaiy ne."-One of the Ino-.1 Ilt••1 fort IJItIV brn not 11 1 / 5 evezaiiiK at. 11, leilbllto, No. ,o k (''•,,u- Intr6l,o r..l (;, 11. Imt Jul, liqu I t or eitallll ,, worrit. s•qtl , h wIL, rtolrely - sr. Prol.rr.r nt ItlrA ,onn. The Ibi,oe, the bto, 111/1. 1-I.l;it/. a 1:o •I.,tlerg, nlttl DaN 11. 'l'll.. Iran. or lost $59.1 , 00. A In. were Inmarcd willn Baltimore 43111 I=ll [By lhr lb,hunts .1 , 01.1 , it 7, 10,:yrp1 „ . 1 . I ehruArv ., ..—Nl 1,11,er and 11. hii,-.•..ti.1.1,0ving rlv',•r not uffecl..l,tity—Alll tnarkvl 011111, to 4:, t it?) . PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, 1 LBIIHAR n, 1867 VERI L !TEST TELEGRAS. FROM WASHINGTON. MR, PEABODY'S LAST AND GREATEST GIFT.._ Tint l'atiollinte Depart...a. yedn.l..y at itr . nollll di-italcht•tt 311 the itut: nattier wlilnh lum accountiflott In Wutinington City Itir the , teitit, ity tam et e. O n tag., match .tceeedid in foreing Itoli way through the le, Ut ulexiindrm, 'tern they tenant Willi trtmge; and Alexandi b. Itailrouil. lu. Vert aption to mall trantoparLtilion I , at an coil O. tin anat.:tr. The Tnlmmtottlitq' Conventlon appointed a Committee to watt on the Commltt•to Of Wtiytt and 31,tott to pr,...nt suloptud for the promotion of their unttttrtal inturtnt. The Premblent haeppprorml the hill }worldh bo; that alcohol made or men nholure.l from Otbtllltot eplrtts, upon which the tea Im• pm , ea by law has 1 , 1,1:11pel,l, cot turning flub' made or Manufactured from itleOnol ur spirits ol logo:a - Aloe or entopheott, upon. which t Ito tar. ltapostal tty law has boon Pahl, allot! to: exempt from tux. 1116116BILASKA The blll for the utruld3lon et NebriLakA. was culled up lu the Senate to-lay, and patsed over the 7're:Mimi:3 veto by more than a two-thirds vote. =9 The Loan Certificate Bill a 11l be rubmit to,l to the Senate Finance Committee, by the Sub Committee, and there le the beet authentleAy for saying the bill trill tee rt., port ed none inahnily. Gen. Steadman has declined the appoint. tool, to investigate the Port liearitek illaosaere. A lobby In In Washington for the miners., of obtaining the guarantee of the United litotes government to some arty million dollars of the Mexican bonds to be Issued by tint Jaen. government. It Is Anted on high authority that Baker, toe detmtivc, In his textlinony before the .I.l , llelary Corn rrti tree. ill tile hilpenchulent matter, sold he had once In lily puesesslon n letter written by Andrew Johnson, When. Military florernor of . TenneSsee, strhlrenned to Jelf. l tavin, offering to Identity himself unit Yeomans, with the nonthern ()opted, racy on certain terms; that being doubtful of the grtluitionf.s Dr the Signature to the letter, he (linker) showed the sign store to the Pre.lcient's rate min Secretory, who nee :Avg:ly identified the handwriting.' CO N 1117 N SED '/ILL Eli R CLUJ llen.Crorac Is eh:tete:lnn the Idaho In dleun with enact. On the t 5.1 Of FC !miry, lo running :fight with lion,, ho killed forty end captured twenty-vet:en. capture or 1:1.11::. Is Very unpopular on the Wahl, Advice.. frout :it. Thomas, West ladie s , t o t h e of J,...mry, strata that the cholOrn lUUlUomplefoly,atalttal. °rut. iou per6o.s, mostly negroes, had illetl of thr. ephisuiLe. Janina Ilurhos, ddank to the oflice of 11. it. Smtth Co., coal Cinclu natl, was tdert.,l on Thursday night, on the Lurk log tltrnplke, about a wire beyond the I:rlghtou Muse. by three unknown Inca. The object or tho Inltrilitrern appears to )11“ . 0 Beer. pluntlCT. 'They or,c,{poul capturo, tVhsfeAhlee, whu plurJered the ' Claelnnattan Smith, on the. Jeffersonville forryan,atiurt imeember, haws heel, convict ed, at 1. ,u I,llle, of manrlaughter, am! nen. tenue.l to the Penitentmry fur Viglit years. hohth. 11 trill be remethhertal, aim fon rherly a clerk Par-burgh. The 11111"11.11.111 Irnu Company bade, llarrightirg) 1103 bruken open on Thamlay night, and robbed OY ti3,OW 111 gri . 1:11 1 / 4 ..103 1111t1 In rummy' yonla 1n,,. per cont. bomb.. NO ci no to the robbery. Thu nttoon plow lull. to Holiday it Co., at Ki/1111,1, K. 1., WWI !wrong! yenterdny. Thu Wellarst Canal x gnissitsl punter (Illy, hp a hssVy land nifite. si.'at St. Catli AL the S t.' , W "‘' . lnitrnen'n Corllyontlon,n3 Mintny, Now 1 ork, yestertlny, resolutions . .V1 . 1•11 10100011 111 favor of ILL 11111411. 1.0101. y payment Of wages, Ion! nlno to yo u lks.tne LegtSlutu re for 1/. law giving was ge the profereneo over nil other elithos In rases"( insolveneyt also, In favor of on Its• .1011turo system ns regards etoprentices, and for the nted Mon of Inn tnx on 1111 1T1C0110,4 I'oll All.l 10 ,111111, ,all 1/1011k11,,,,, "ignl/14,1111011:1 10., 11.1 010.0 LIIOI2 • 10 11/0 1112.1.1. 1.:l1p01•C(01.0,10. • ME CITY AND SEBURBAN, OUR GUIZTS. Plenoesttt Exettrniati--Ilettv.ellne t uP the Ilitteke,tof 'Aetna. Dllti pISIIIO/1t 21.0110 A ..yleint—Npeee 01111 All• drihotes—lfituttitelett:'hk the Illy to , thew. 'tor ilistinghlklttal ciattOri, the nnanherk of the "inlet Atotontlilir kf Penn•ylvattla, , qicrilay entered upon their duties ue 111. aptetor,, by invitation, 01 the letb lie tulle. of Alleglietty Count,. ht o'clock' in the inOrniktr, accompanied by the .11.1 gat of fur Court n, city ollloW. , Inrtalter, of the prekk, rlbillnanialted eitikenk aka belle,, they march e d froth tho.Morionaattela Holt, to the Allegheny Depot, tt hr r, •,, train tta,l been tire party in the linthe.of living, :11Iq 1.,• mnot Jiospithi. It a tow minute r before etoi - en o'clock the Ittiltehietrleg the large .lelegation or k li.peetors 4 (t o Ott, attil anon arrive,' at the Itothlp 9f liern;:e. = At thu Atallon ecru a itoutber el, clean and neat look Ina' tette, ara , ..n u p to !lathery other, to ref:wive I.ltelr .ruelts tart pat ton,. They were burbled by a brat, level numbering roote ri 3 t cen !toy pot former, Whleh illscourgett tat intuit 111 rt. In a II/ 4210 tr that. would haie relit cl.tal !trod :1 1111,1 teore fa Mou.r pert. secret thatz IL,, I of Refuge thmatti, to whirl, hyp..xd .1,0 Atlt r (I, party 1,11 gotten 0' of Ow ho v . r,,,,i V0i11101114.11 , 1 prceede.l-It, Iln hounr, to the Chapel of the I:ehld.e. the tudi wen. ,11,111,,e.1. and U.• grnth, m.toly Soverlutendent, Prof. IL N. AA cry, ^_ .:tit tr . t 7. :entity the Mr. Avers' that he rat- re•mmetn: thnual of Mattagem to ex prea, on their behalf :Mt „„,, gratllleaLlon llrO vl It /rum hit of the St ate • atfordml them, and to to ell n Claill/11 Leah/ "C , eeree. intaranrart tateir taro attotiararrra tint irriarrar the llOi e,,•rlair'nr,•,ln:lire..,ll;.'lll,!l, I ! at vita;, ell. el/pro:m/14A, mml ,he,“ ,a, t4ot. tart oimortnntte Iran no, affotda O. to .itee" UP. patron.. ele ft lemle talc'Att".lt,',l Welt the Retiree 13 ttelleepli-1111/4. li:,. atollet ifet had kept Itnee of the ho ater ho motes, and In the majorlty of ca-o, they the molteat I,ltetom achoent, of their conduct, they mem; unn oty tiers Of .sn,let3 now, where It,,'" e btell Ot/ler itt,a II or II: 1- home heal been withhela 110,1_ theei. 'Flair Metout Loy or giri t•lteet make vr •re had er le Mt'. er tett" leMel 601••• Tale 14 Ie.!!! Steel M(1!11 suet outollag4 It Lich full to t maln thatr luta. Jo a flan! t-,a.00• thoolfht, :oat 1110.1 tra-ttett that the Indt,C4:oll 11.• 011, dibl,Ver to 01 , 231 MC • nevolence which or.11;111ete.1 for t!,• , leelvt ton of th e Vt" eruireuli•i cotligil (lie 111:(11. , of Nktlk`.l.! . •: . 1- 11rt,Ue . t 1 charity mei heutu lt. • hut : ,, e:tt uttalNe4l in the rein:mutton of the -Ch , !.,r , ure not onl3 or neitt to the ne..l, lett to thu ~111110(1113. ,• ,U 10:• Ur, Itu:ut•l ILU n, 11111., = MIE MWMMMEI A‘r hy ..t . ..1t.n..•111.- the lostluttion And If Vl,.tor, , PIIII1 , 1,11k!. , ::/o ,•• rurpondell 1,01/1, Ile 4 lntolt,tini upon, ton ee 11 it te, tiler', dulyeney, h,.,11 , 11. 1 .11 , 11 lie 1.14,1.1.. ed Inn .f II:if .. , 1.• (Alin Cut paid his ci4lctiviti, of ana the Invlo ne writ. ..11,4n. of i tee, 4.10 ,iION a In the in-tit, te•n. it n. ary nett Ohio Carly tor I.V.lght ' It .1.1,4 aright, Ine Ity n hien • 01/1 I ! , .0 1 1,./.:•1 Ll\ I.P:eta to the IP , veil tcAloqnd 1•1 1,11 Ito,llll r.,.nho it, Lite e; :tett, nutitocn. ' eat 11. t. w. r. l'ettl.l , •l:, of Cll.tirr.. 1.., Nit•wi.,m,,,it 0t • • .. • hro:tly. He ••,.,1 , ill not to tulk. T1,3,11•,.. 1 , 111.,"1,1 , 01 t , 110 l!,.Inko1 . Me In.:All/UO-1 for 13.11. COr • . tcntlrd, Mein that Irg• deeply inier,ettorin the Can, til n Of the youth OI the IVlllin et tune ve,, t, the Inon.Se, felt thitt :1,1- Lint: woq!.l 11. r,•taat hull of 11.1, porton:l.4r en 1.,• 1,11 ~,11, 1 1tol 111,1 111 . . .Akuapp[..1:1.%11.,, , to, , L,- tale tt. Tlary fuel tontidtto. thal ;t 081141 In, Crrefiolot In 111,. ,lo Itp; ruk.u. , ...d 01 L!:.• llluUtrc wt a tilt. 1, gu nli.Ln= t!, 1 1,. Wlls •III;' t r,:1111..1,1y IR! , Ptt 1,111,/ It IlP'y 111,00 ....101 1 1 . prlat ton. Jaut. one of the tß,..tntrr ,, ,, tee truututlou, here wt-ely Um: speech.uutk tug be .11.1,,rtr.: until •1- , 114,14 httv, h4.11.5.m.1..t1 s: o•i , I...,teltutio, tn. - t lie;tro.:l4 -;•,.th: t ::u r e thgly 111 the merlie uf cl Tbe pro ty ptrasleil then or moan_t ion of the harlot depart un r , l-. Terri were riet•eurenured lir su pet eitireilerd and Hoard et litatragem. all a Mmt t 11 "k great palm , to ,• spider the work mg, er the various deistruu cuts. li . r• started out ask • Mg copious notes of nor teidetyrithinc lir the tour intough tile chap. lc, • a hip eller, !thine •110,•, MI., 1,110 res.-. Alining bag, ive. ,tr., thdt our space wouhl not permit us to glee the locte omens slab rattler , hi•re ilecett deter it until another mere favorable upper treilty. %will a n to can however, that riven thing asto In the toe, pi rfeis order .In faultless, a Idle he am, Cl !lit. celethe wari heat real tut,. dricli hewnap pe happy rind content t am! visit semulucl p re s e n t them tidal, pleasure, There ere at present i,ll 1,11101 nil and ninety:clout . boy 3 .ail bilty•slx. gad; in the Renege. The girl. ..everal :cry pretty hymns 111Iu the pine, et., 'in their school tom., and in this enteliiteil rare raining and ptisticion. After the trolls departments were gOne throtet mere cempany aesembled in the court earl where lies boys were drilllng p lane', -ti le. The Inds merited hearty applance, as their evolntlons unind have heels ereilltahle the Chicago ;termites. They were filial ly to Into the 111100 room, where their frugal meal asm w•tflog for then, fuel lilt lnds were also Invited Its dinner, but it W i l t 10 111011: tempttng one than that spretul before the Inmate.. We 1111, hardly observe that the good thing. rapidly disappeared before the hungry senators, Representatives and ether vhsltered the Legislators r a t ion a ct eri very freely In admiration of the Ilea of Refuge I Its turinagetnont i and took plciw• are complonenting the anperintenilent upon - the geueral geed order, cornier!. rind econeiny obsomthie about the prem. At one &deck tier en tire party, headed be the Refuge limas Band, took the train tor Diamont., where they arrived s !thin rt b:o minutes. nem they farmed in procreedom and with stirring music toiled up the en- MlLlltie 11th upon sr Melt the very exeel lent home for the Insane to Meated• They were cnrifielly welcomed Icy Or. Heed, tile gentle manly and nlilulent Superintendent, and worn coullortoshil. disposed of In the hulls and.traveler; retool for 11. brief CAMSOII of rent. Thu legislators were tunopletelytaken aback arthe character and appearance of thin beautiful hospital, an they had MEI trez. peeled to find a StinCture me .11ulttoing and beautiful Marion away among. the bin. of dwestern county. billets!, they I worn IlaMl6l.thill. Dia.loolll 1111111/11/0 hrs not half appreciated tether at loom) or altrOtttl. tiers the poot t httlrocing mortal, wltOmt reto unite have been thrill roiled, ale! who :o'll Oh )1,1.14 Of mytoit lathy mad of tlltilral of all that hmal rt spark rmanit y in their hearts; are afforded Si Cruet home, n linen of rest which the world denies tree. It In L11111Itgel" 'LI 1111 leinorablo wanner, cotelne• Merl upOri 1111 ecmtotalcal and yet nut nil:- gently basin, OM! Made COM fortabli, for Olt 'MIMICS. Who, In other WOM.I 'IC W 11 rCh2hCd• It cclllll, , h. 11.11 110 COSI Wi41.01 all 1.3111,1116.. 0,11, deli of labor my be extended, es kis 1 tar from the largid ir atere—L. Ina iird. A Ilk.W wing to 'WI IMildlOgr fort ho 00011114Illiela at Um criminal 111S1111., IhOwo •Wholll, 011 h, 10 bit mrely Irthitcl in separate and der met do. 19 now UlldelgOhlg of completion, it is built ill Ilse same style of architect ore which r . hai trelerlaes the other portions of Thu main - Hirtlettitt', 11.11 d 110111,11 ) , vat4 to Iginitliy . th,„ {{,Amory design, Inn Ito 01, 11011 W. .1.• rerruti toe want ut funds , 1.111 li v _ Ina n,,,,,11 r y . demanded C 0101.1.01011. Wiloll reedy for o,llllllllnn ,1 Is m oof ,;( lilo 011101 WM4h. hOTIMCCII is now 1 101.1.0,110 toot e of y„,rti.y Will net lot without !is gtottl teak° root. fur 11101 C C l llllal4 Cole, CON 11WItaillg admittance. The of the largldators to the I 0,0. till 11. All were sont•ild) urovml with the ,s It appeal Of the helph insane mill not a person lett the day but had ,forterl within his heart nes wpurform t tot work 0111fOr 15151 by Divine Providence, to help 1111.1 sore ter (:odb MI11134:11 children. ..010NO 1111: INnn NC. Tile Inuie tiortlott of the (putt' ttut, eon ducted through the 'endow. Wank ao , Telot eogno little nine urnoug the ioee h tne. ha, .11.00,11,13 :o narrate uor r wlll , ll 111 , 1 y, 1,1 dui. ,I 1: ., 00l o.l' • ‘ t. ' wog I,lly 1111111 pay 11., 'Mott a. hrl%lll , Tl:te lei •", 1:1:ill i 073.10" l'tt'r• 111- lot In ufe lIIIw h(11.11 he it le ' ariten ' 4 ' rit br ' 4• l' 2hu x i i l; i itlat e 7 t were clean mot ' Coln f..rtn. , ear and. uttcu '1111e.114a11,11.1.k" f rail " marl'el nn,lp w,11.1.:e(g. Yeti :rat marvel- Oleo 14,11gi , 001'11.0" '4":', !event. witr,l3. . 1.1.4,11:• (Aer.rl lmutltn were heaped epee 11,. Retel toil Llv MS:Olit41.11t11 nil till, 1.1,1/Lllll,, Iti tier ..o l lee the ~...11,e+ totle.: - tee ho fl etol. Nc.thoo.; Tea, le 14p1aelel. All 10110 preelslne, roll pl.l pl - 05,V121 a Domelike appearance. mlOll l hero went lon that the hitll-.., 1 00111, ana peelerse e Landeoenele lre. l ol e , L 1 wah evee..“ eeee el , ned Beni toe, hear lee oleo oprlate of regard and iv 4:lto!ne to the AL live o'clock too till inn pat I y Jo/when:l;f ,•Ine 0111 , looolre.l nu, lift)" ,Lttc.l al a 1.131 e In the cornmodlons .loong hall, for dinner. Thu very cxeulLent eitt ,vv e' rlo,tl.enly.t.los sio, IL.ol 1 / 1 .0:3 lot ol:1,1 l,p ltee. Mr. 1:61,i. :old the bill, 111011141.1 ivol/1.111 having i.con follytoo little ailiOuroo4l . to lino Coupe: whore u Tim orllcet of Ike cu ==E=IIIZIEMIO . nt,—;loo. W. It. :II;;Canclle-s Ibblildsltolias; '.l tht; P. tan-s, Itnn. Holier 11. I,norlr . Allrt:l,lls' ll,:n.i•cur ; .:, A. tlllighi. Plillitth.lpfillt; Hon 11.1; lion. Fr.tak arch / tohg; llon. C. hurt - lett, rot: ,Lowil, Pitt 'burgh; Gen. A.llerrr A,'; ern: its—Hon. 1 .1,1.11 i-el. York; non. Allot Craw. Co rbo:1; Col. Joint P. Lbston, cum Cr!.;,l. Hon. C. P. Itousb; Jou. !tell lluvuu 11. /rwin, Esq.; ThOs. • eX,CI,I, wrre 0p0u4414.14y 4.444414i4(14:K of t 4.4. ,1r44 44 4144.,: by (410 ',the,: pmrly led ov 4,41. ,- .1.40.1, :4414, which 444.441:41.44r T. 4.1414Z -1.1:41.1,,....444.4 a m4;14.1001 OLLIUg 44.1,144,i of 114 5k.141,14 140 WO , / It it 1 1 ,710, I IT. t“.• , 4 )11,4 3t414 r ”rlll., 01, • It.. p:1.1,011. , tt 44.1,14,.... 4.1 Juba 1fmrver 4 114..,., or O 00. R; 114'..1 .44444.,c444,... - Itidb w 44.4 44, 4:011,,v-• ueNll,.l,7l:—The eXr•Mot.c 103,1 pit tar flooo, 001 m,, wIle1111111 . !mir.4 110.1):tal ~,, t , tiooNt the liots:allly of . •• `t3t.c. and 1,11,-111 .1 ti v . lll tm. Ituilthed vitt, toocrotwiz. , l.tti• I Loh pron.: to cay tols urtitt. epaquieril. I ttit ge.vrot, 10 11, pot, our ll,t, al If t 4 the ev .I.. Le. UI i - 017) .. 3 Jythpathy . tot 11114 hotlettel Otto! herettv.m,Ctzette. tho 11:11Lie, ~.!1+ 41:5.1 2..1,1e,. , :c.1 pl;elclttu, and itt• Lel/U.10t,, 11. t. 14.1.1 In: 1 , 1 1 :11,1 or, t:11.1 will illl/111- , 01 ,1 ,ft,••••••,,t. •tifittut thelr rage ai lssl .0! 011,1 I.11:”,e -t 15. • 1..4t1's tpi 00i..• legl.s:a -:.:, • ot 1;.,,f3C ••• bolls N% Lt. • .•( Us.. I :11.. 11 ,1 . ,111 , ,.V1L111LL11 10., .: [, 171:t I.:1111,111tr I'l'. Ltbtr -111•11•,.-•10,11,...• I tit t.,,ptei ;4 5 , a:111“: 3111410 ell, (.0 our ••I ttn.l Lt. I.:lfert7ttrzt•ll4 , l in the 1,, -ill or i . , 111.) 11.1/ri "oat, tht 1., Lair! ) nlli t vt.r . anti 0 horn,. 111,4.1% ttt,t,on On I tlat ponsk, of • p.ttt. , • ,, t,1nt.,1 :el,, to, to the tr ,, ,n11,1,1. 1: ry r-1 1, , I c.:,•.1 1 ., 11tr-1v..1,1. A . . 111,,a0., ”ota, 06,1.,. It /111,1%,111A Jr. IL -.LT,. LL.,:ty. •••:I•roly p 1.1,r ulrily, wl I. I , pvaliy 1.4 u rl fltmtt• -4111;r:wt. fertilo, tool e 1.011,11 t 42 warmllo 515, and :1,11 •I“vig /0 0r.... 1: 111 ,111., •. :,rr Of ol . J.;•1'.1•1,1l.;!;1 , •• 1.'.411"1 110. . . tln: nio-t or w”.lt•rn 0.‘tv.0 . 0..,,,:: , •1..:Lh I o.vtil To.. or. ,4. I joO.lo .1t 1:l r.olt ;I, hole ;,i 1000.1 of Oolopro.1,:ke I;at 1.4 '41.4• 4.% ...1 ••% t !..ttl . cui...s4tvanlii3 V‘rtue c. , ur.tge, :gt'i- to.tnlv loPtan,le, I:iititta .11 liklng to 1110:11011V. Per(l.l . Z.ioll nit LW. earth:3 yovIA ; ~tu•t out ototult chisel not —tor O of.t. C"J I—n of Go.I re•t•vl o. the Lt,tatlux'.. , 'mo. A, net or ,jnot ':lien, Lott even •1. twol 4,Ettu's honor, trtuo is the vOtoter.llllloo Of pri,to .: t..•oho.lonea of the4o hlt‘t,tri :lo,l It 4 ponplo hooorthith To roe. the t ntuttl tlic vittue,thiM. reflect tatttc unanlanunn t mu,t ntotnottnl. Ittotudo •nt Lldt..e ate founding and in-dittamt, tndortu Iltu nny nat..l WiU:if, to !occur land prov lole for iiiet milli. mud toeh, the greiriver i• 1 in,anity.. If her v., the hi tn. iihallenge.l by it een.orhei rirhi, er eao peueilly point in her reform met by lier benevolence, 31, rot Inw of kindnii,si mut tll lii of the nution, when to•ilitive h rJewrlr, coy: are children. evil,. of tip eree it, the 11, honor Mr. IW, heihitorn Iti(2Anilies, and ylci J wipe McCiinilit,e noil toliez ileheerei: which wu 11111 IV,. p. l llllll unp extols -0,1 !kr 1 r+t of 511,4 Dia flit•. " , tor Spart IfintioC "Ilail I,oluurUia'• list. icy thu 3.l.l:encu, and teu meettng gal Jour.,l. to rn,l, or 1111. pot of IprOvretling, in. ~1 1.ttor I.+q., and ull:Or p,tl , lL.en tt 110 e. tlcri•le.l '111.• vl-It, 11,. l'entterttlit ry tin , l rvLit mull a to Parr:, bu,.; 01.5.111uz, The amt 101,1111 Vll Lounells, itsper adjournment. Prikeseatled, at the Appointed flw, to too tvor's °thee and thence de a body 1.. the Nloimionthelo /lease There thri tool mut nem todetslar...l informally . t euhsts. Alter 1 diet tone spent ishid sat ton, the...llre party. 111101,1 rNitIg of the iv Lem:SlM:o;e efaitorsi the members of Counens, tind a rt., Invited guests, proceods ed to the mitAnnteent, Maim; room and A ere called In ..y.ler lit l'olonel lobe P. 1 hoes, speaker 01 oho noose 01 o Itepresentat:ve-, and tok -orits at Um magliltleohtly spread tables. Some wan spent in I'll ing vl7,ninty. jrAttee to Ibe Various and Zuni viands spread 6,40,0 tat , It lost., gild ant,' the ( the ntueLtilig wax nmallt anallett order . 113 . lAA Honor, Mayor NteCarthy, who nailed up tln Pit:indent NleAully,of the 'select Comien, o weloonie the guests on Imhoff of the Se lout told Into num tditinells. Preslileilt 310' .fatly o usponded briefly, °Miring, on behalf of the COUllellA and the peorde of the city Ihe 110ist cordial welcome to the eltyls guests. Ale pr0m...M..1 briefly to sketch the great. In,tittitluris td Visit Wl4Oll the Legislators lied visited us. Ile spoke forets lily 10 I.IVOr 01 a tree ratlrond far, And not dochledly on LIAO suNrot of onnAolltln t lon. Ile urged, 11l conclwittit, liberal up prpriations lit aupport of our 1110410 In stitut loos. Tito speaker was frco neatly 111 terrupted by loud allphlOse- Colonol John I% Glass, -Speaker of the I Julio, of Keine:tentative:4, was called mum to respond on eshalt of the guests. Ile epoke, briefly eSetitiillß himself, and dele gating, to respond for him, Mr. It i toldel, of Lin - tter, Chwtruete of the House Commit tee 11l 15%ky0 4‘.1 Nouns. Mr. Waddell cu -11110,1, thanking those who bad 00 cord Italy welcomed the legislative party. lion. John M. Kirkpatrick Was louillS 0:111011 111,011, hut Insisted InClitilug provethitl by :=sulfur Blount. That gentleinan spoke l , r haty 011 , 1 011 11•11111).: 11, neat. hat Mr. Kirk patriot:. speak. Mr. I. Itikpatrlck, lonia loud' cheers, 1100.1 “011 spoke al 00111,. length, Ire'-,to ihtorruotod by applense, totting Idlers Itiontaterlallons for the sopport of our 1n.A.L'.11t1. , 11`.. L4ll flabelligll 0( IL Into II at 1000 , 1 Law and sho eonsol Walton of l i lt tsburalt, Allegheny tont Ili, out lytng ihstrlels. Thu open hut ,718 repinh.Lll3 ovorwlichllo.l with 11l11111E114, nu 10:15 10;In101111 un.F4ho t;xr haw;u of hrutnnolit.... "'Moon:Qt..) it Into hour. ho UtW I'4•1101‘ l'hatll* 4h - li 1.0 1111 .3'. A , a speeial loc.,(lng of 11. brand !telt, at Pottosylelltlllt, I. 0. 11, P. r held lit l'hila• ilelhtila, tor Monday bosh, o, etiturnittee w ileht ,gin. re rd I , ll , clanittlit of the Itll: ht WOlthy tarn 1.,l Ire Ct th, tirrynd hedl:c of the t'l.!tail States, reported Pre amble unit ret01111.1,,, which . 10 1Aud, a ettiog , aside the of AP , 1- .7. It day of thatili, , alettig and Prat , ri tor 1 / 1 1 / antoterful oreservattou of I:el Ill° "'au'. Our , htt the civil Woe will; II xlO In•nyle. It dts.M.',4l hoot. and divided the •cf enure , W revout mended that tho Ili., a lay should he or a ditto 1t llln SVII,.•'I I / 1 1S1'11/I.lltettr. Tll/31/111,q, " r end si ere directed lo ple :;,'.',u'drealar to In , r,l to the earl sett mg forth the hamper 1111.1 If 111 Wllll . ll tilts 1.4..11 ,1 14U hat duclaeog )11.) Alny 1111011 he observed. I . nittc, Ar.esstline—Vorl•tsottly pl,,t1111: 411 ttrti , e,kt ropper,l,te,“ 11111,11.`1,1•1, .1111 0 , 11. , et •• i$ .14 1,1,4 p,l-1,14, TheGraveyord lasfrmtleldc—Arrt.l of flan Child Mt... Jere, Co7...inehlay afternoon, ,11,1 we have W - I read de y reTert,l, a tallydeveloped node to I lan:, nest iy horn, was fi.otol strangled on 'a grate o, tlo, Pros tdder:un lottryleg ground, on II Aloroltig-slde road.) n.d. buyontl . thn .eatery. The, wore sNong I evldeneoh of having been ',Mt where it I was Idtdol,. 11l at Ur,t no cit... whleh the pet - ye' re:tor of the revolting infrgitlehle , could he traee,s, ft:Test-ed. There Were hul -1 ole.i of course. , Orae porson in the vl - dna) . thoegitt he :11,1 a nd if enrrlege drive hp hear U., rhose whore the child , was tod stop 1,1 haoh. Aliont un hold! afterwards the sante party thought he the catriage drive op hgath r o . , turn. Ilia: story Iv, noollto I, Were ot.ler •itelt•o!. - The cahe was 001 the hands (It o wn,. Mahn,i Al.:Muller nod hrosater to"work Ill,: •• ho .1... oded„, the notion, that ~teidity /loaning the ged. mother W leutul, arrrliutl • end look,' up. Thulirnt.etup wu, to 111,11,1. iliorougly the an: Where 't crirhe I,as eohithlt A ',NA:OII,mM near the grave. on wid,d l the .11.11.1 gsd . h lb, eVident nivane of Ito I gres,., lea , ong :root the spot lo the 1, her ..ide of the grolml i7e+o I The, were ,rased to tholligh, elore 1,,, h d ghhu von fool high, W loch. hound. ed that :dd., of the Melo...ire. Close lustier lion here the marl:, of the feel of hdine perso, who hod rldnhed Oyer the fence lii thls pourt, nd ou the 101. Of the fence waster 1110,.1. fieyenti ill!, Id. traces exlsted, and the gio.lve which I , apel. ihd then - WM., In Knell n desperhte Woer tnking us :he oldnlnnif of that high fence, at such h. !hoe, rat her 11,111 go Out as she 001110 in, I- a oil stet{-. • , 400.4 e in the neighborhood tree and the tivrnian w 1J4.11 'living there, 'gave Mel/ all,V1:1, in put to her. as 161 in the belle! that a wiii;:nn living in the nolshbornrasi anti passing under the various 11,1 A, cif ':ante! small, Ann nnia ll I lin cell :iii i , Ann Minoan . ..ll, day nr twis"liCCOUlb smother, and was rum altng the fart,: Another wninan, also, . . rt . .thlhn; otnir tlritx ll. , ,Intetlrthat hile 1.4 on . .3 . 1.11nn y morning,Ty(MlMl , ir,•,..1 In I,lnck 1.,/, and :Om.) end wear- Inv a , hILI,I - I,4innhi u It.h • ',luck cupn, ;ph h 0 11 . 01/1 ht.,tr . the grave yard In the ,11,er,1,,h1 ,er , I , ,h1 14 . lIIIIIIIV Well", hon.,, where llncll'el lin , l livt,l of int, The tm, 4,1 illmue , rea, Itachegs father, ,I , llext vi.ute:l 04, Thornauy onermffin, 0 , 1 I :,rset- - =,,111 ate! Iffillory made, 1011.11, ehei teffi, not the,. The Tememnor of 1103 'elegy was ;toll a+ to 00014 m the suld, entertained. "Joe ffiffighter or the 1 I , rrte.t wiggare , -U girl of effitlettowl,o 2. he , belt the mother of n 01,11,1 two ytffi O immediately, ohm:T great [revolution immediately, Lod anti;: log eoacet mug the Chill muolc, 1..1 been 0001, r'velare , l [hut her ffiother bed nothing Whatever to do with the 11,1111 g 01 the etrlet watffiy. wt. lap: the prem,, •11 night 2,1 un calker 00 ,lutlo,l cm 104 , outlide, hot Du riga ea the proneoec'ef Iffichel war , 11-voverffil, reentl , oo nnot her officer had made 110 Tart, 02 tor hour, of 31r. It alklnelmw, %he k ro, had borne - ,, ,rlollo.ol,lffiehel 1001 ore,l ,0,1401 , r g. 0•1 0,1 left her Cloth tug she Welit home. TI:Cf, it wt. vattleo 110, 00 Wedoe , :ffity eve rong auchol t 01.1.1 got her carpet bag, 1;114: [Alt, going out to nee- uote t,, C 001,0,0,0 u black. do vh An", 1 am! ulniker 1,041001 trio, e , l ,tl, 0 1,0 'lathe! Immerly lived at icliley 0,01 t thought tint? she uuii ro there,SO fficer ,11,,putch e,110 16.1 1i0..,:gi,2,2t. returned UZIIII.IeCCA,. fill. Further itoodr:en had been made at Hunuewell'r, and it W 11.114( Intel itecertaoriffil :UM w, svoinlallo4: I. ft hou,e Thur.eoty 000001 g to 1.0 , to wolk 114 01,10,1.; !it ~,,,,,, o meeffiero ~, the. rercon,l uuld of o.or t1 , 01 , 01,01,.0y. Diltgeut I Ca, uffidc cm t I,lt , (ago.'lllfi/111/.1.G0n I rffi , rol/0.: Tr. officer on the 1, 000?. zoo 0 00,0,tu 00,0. uritt4 qat:bcl . , :la cA.t.ctly, , 11/(1 out 01 ;Ile . • LIM An Ilacryletv wllh 110,01,111,01 the• t, that t aa, The 11110 ot whoa: he nat.. in t!tarch, and nn ahtl l!rought la.: to I ht Inek-ap, Wllnte , m ow awalllhn Lt, >; tualay. lahl entssen t!.1! lalnny, a- at ~.tyntlt,on Thuratlaylll,lll - ttt~tafnrlnnie than tv.ttitty-tour hour. after tha child wan burn! At 11nt. slot doilltel an knowledge of tits caw 1.11.1101er. Eventn.tly, houever, she eeltio,eltltte.l 11101 stle lot .1 given birth to a Oht ttt.t the birth eas plenniAtlte. 1., ott sl ecloo , - , e , ltte.l that. the chill tO. Isonetery raid Hu, at lour o'Hoet:u iSt-Oose ilav' noonio,t, n: to reaeli the Traeei -1111. I , .ne t.r oone ot Ler hott,e, tokt„ co nito oht ot. torther zt...vtu. forth. ' , 11. , ~00tned thort• ,01110 tint, after Viet:lllM N 4 {t4 1.,:1,:tot1 then the lent,. SI, says. the ellll.l etto.tlead When but I , r. Nit:Cook yet , tenlay 1,0110 a port etatultottlon of the rent:tint., and deerares that It Lad lived utter 1.41111. The wrideldel Mother I- about thirtydler years of a“, and a very large. powertul Ifer .propen name Is itachil nod 1, and sho 1. , widow. Ohl, rote- that tar father of the child Is u stearaboatfman who d/d rUsido sr , She says her an, t her knew of her coaddlne, and it mar the far of her violence which made her go away wnea the child tra, to he 1/ern. Cue declared lost na;ht that she insult commit suicide If she hot I theased, and had to appear hew:, the Mayor. = A special mei:lingo( the City Coum•tlo was walled fur hist evening to make arrange mr nts for pa ii in, their formal respects to ylsitin it members of the Legislature. In tine Select Co twit the members present belt an Informal meeting and Joined the L . 0111111,11 Connell In mount Ff,tliOn. • Member+ pr, -ent, 3leoses. Hornbill, Boggs, Coorgni, Hl.lllphlll, Jour,, bltioi ney, Nletinewun, liebtinsn, Hob erts, 'roinliiihnu, Verner, Weldon, Weloh, Steel, Pliniblent. lao 0! (tie previOn., theelltig wore read and aprtove.l. Mr. 3101;t10, on moved that the action 01 enunell Oil the Va att., of Spruce alley, In the Stnth want. he reems,l4lcrud. . . . . . Mr. rm.. vevotettal the toollon. Mr. Cout,in moved to lay the motion to reeemittor unt the table, upon which the yeam and nays N 1,0 called. The following t.,the meth of the ballot: . . . .tvt..—lt.rniklll, CoUrhtn, UM, Itt.l,lllan, 31toberts, 51e. , ./uvvvan, Meclet. ,elbert, Toinllntoo, Verntr, WeLlon, Pro•Atglcut Steele.- tn. . . Ihe ot lon to lay on the table was di:Oar ed lost. The question on the motion to reconsider was put and carried. Thereupon the rest. halos adopted at last meeting retonshler log the legtolation toanopt an act vacating Spruce alley was recon3ldered and labl'over until 11' t Thu mei 1 , net, tot the Nei...l Council were to coots lu Clinutber. The 111,1111/0n of the Select Council har ing accepted seats In the Common Council chamber, Pr. llatialier moved that Diet:min i:ll adjourn to tarot Ina body at the Mayor's otllce and proceed together le 1110 dionou- Kabob.. House, there to pat their respects to Its,, legislative visitors. Carried. On 1110:1011 adjounied. sere of the Allegheny Depot Tenable. Ito mentioned a day or two ago t int.. two or three drlt•ers of express wagons at the Allegheny depot hail been arrested and lin ed for disorderly conduct. The matter did not end there. — It seems that there is no lit tle rivals y between the hack drivers and the hxprirss 111.1 at the depot. A book dri ver named sainuel McMisi, as Is alleged, continually taunted 'rhos. Patterson, ono of the arrested ux pressmeu with haying been before the Jlayor. Patterson resented Ibis, and Melt lel then redntned with language PO WA:sh . ° and violent that Patterson came be fore Jlnyor Morrison and made information ler disorderly cr.:nine: against Melded. The latter wits arrested anti held to ball for a hearing. Tbo Ticket Robbery. We yesterday stated that three boys, named John Kelly, Norris Steller and Wm. had been arrested by Fred. /times for the lareend of tirketa from his ticket lion, at the Penn 41 root Varieties. Toe tick ets were found In their possession, but they tlatnied they had obtained ahem from an other hot mimed Michael Dunn, who bad stolen rhea. Dunn was arrested yesterday morning, and tile partien had a bearing yesterday afternoon. The Iwo nut; reel, Red in the committal, In default of three hun dred dollars hail viten. of Duna and belly , fur trial. 'Phu 1/I here were dtschargoll• .loin v.,F0r i..,1 rm., to the tenet! of Attlertroot,3,..tlt ter, tot Me cortott Lit l.Lttt unn er tb etrrte, tont matte Information John .71trlt,on with and L t). I he Vert it tt rrttide thtitientl,ittnntl_liners,..., torn heretofore warm frientli... dice they met inn( son held Ids helot out 'hot look It. let ;etc ' " e. Tile '""‘' : kiallt . l: blot vtottott _na OM lei , Met. the vete. of . Lind the alllttr wan ton.cut . led, o f boh,t raised unmet: to. 1001 t 001 Ittentle - n rannee• for __._ AI n Stlrl 101 l rot atochholtlera nt ar„ Com patty, toga Oct Tuesday, the Itb toll.. the following dlree. tors a ere el,tr.l to .re° for the eneulng yeor,_6t.orget tiler's. C. W. Batchelor. eel aka:lurks.. Jame, Marshall, Chutles 'Arbuthnot, I:. It Bartley, Andrew Mtner, Ifahnt. A. Bradley : in" Collor.l, M. I:. Morchead. WO ham Cerr. B. Galway. • . Ilse". C. age, rhe flea lecoalno, .-terilay ~,,,r ei ne /obi re-el-et... 1 tolloe Int: on" ' • PIKE THREE CENTSI Enten%lwel, Vlet!pited,—t ••EorelL-n. r • Artotker cane of victintiaatimi w hermit Mayor Iletartity, yesterday afternoon_ The victitinsed li n German mimed Wilhelm Melching, lia big iit Fort Wayne, Indiana, told the owner of matt,. hundred acres of t Itttltl Rierealtom s . Thu victimizers are Jat. cult Wagner and Josephine his wife. Mel- Ching frequently has restiston to visit thin City, and when here usually stops at Relit ard Vs, tavern near Canal street,. Pt.u. AbUtit xis weeks :Mice lie mine to the city 00 ItosinonS, but during lilt stay mita.e.l It a foreign bustnems, unit being addicted to i an excessive [1.11.1 of lager, lie nuns not always c I sit inelent Mind to properly care for Idea -1 self. It Is illegal that he slatted a house of ill reptile nu Liberty street,. Fifth ward, res Imain.. tlitr. , nit night. In the morning, he 1011101 taut he wan alibi, tin' mini of Ilitsa 1 Ills sushi ulnas MI to the arrest of the Ind) with 011010 he had lodged that evening, writ ilO ,i 1 ponce here Iletty manly Ilettjt Knapitintfil and Betty iientittrtiOn. At i the tearing t. flint, Alderman Taylor. It up hewed that he liad buten in ruch a condition 114 to unable to account fur himself. unit there being no evidence to fasten the null ! on lice, she was accordingly disCliiliged. I arrivett In thn eltynxidn,fouricen flays ago and a, usual could not withstand Ills fondness tor liquor. rutting up us asn al :it Reinhardt's, be came In contact with the - boarder of that hotel. the man named Jacob Wagner. The wife of Wagner Men t stopped at this pls.. Knowing that Mel itching was a wan Of means in. bad consid erlatte money &tont him, a trap was arrang ed by the parties referred to. While under tile int:nem,: of liquor, on Thursday night, .11016,10 g connented to take Mr. and Mrs. •Wggntir, and Jew who acts as clerk at Helnhanirs, tie the Theatre: The parties all entered into the arrangement hearttily and vbilted the theatre, and . with' the ex ception of the Jew, remained Until the close of tne performance. • Coming out, Wagner said that their lease would be shut up, and Conducted Mulching to the Mansion Muse. They engaged a room with two beds, Melching sharing his ' couch with Mrs. tiViigner.` trin retiring to bed ho bed In Ms possession salt. At four o'clock he awoke and found himself shine, Din a ompanfons and his money having de- Prirtod. Ile Immediately repaired to the rnion Depotand Informed (dicerßell of the robbery. Wattner, ft appears, had been at the depot:A three o'clock inquiring when the nest train afield leave for the East. About ma o 'c lock Wagner Add wife came to .tae Depot. and were arrested by silicers Bell anti Mavis. An examination of Mrs. Wagner found the BUM of eighty dollars nougly stowed !Mat: in her right stocking. They were then both conveyed to, the lock up, where n more rigid examination was had, resulting in finning the sum of ono hundred and twelve dollarti Lt the left stocking.' The description given' tor the Menus' loot by Metalling, corresponds with that loonti upon' the person of ' Wi.ner , s wife, and It iv firtheginated that previously the prisoners menu never known to bare anything like that amount. Wagner was seen to giro mime money to his wife et the time of their ncrest It Ilgrler at the bears i ng :lento! the robbery and said he was only taking care, of Mr. Alelchlng's money for him. The Pillaring, remitted in the accused being committed In default of ball fee a further hearing towlity. A 'tellable end SkMtn' Denti.t. Yew of on r readers are unacquainted with the first class dental establlidmient of Pr. Quincy A. beoft, o. 111 Penn street. It has long enjoyed , an enviable reputation, and I flatly fresh testimonials at the durable style of work perforated, arc being reeelVs ed. 'l'u-day Dr. ',nit /elver:lees f,ll not. - or eomplete artlifelst teeth at the low price of eight dollar., which will give Satlefaes Doi. as well as m mill more expensive art:- cle.:U sold al other estalthshmente. Posses. Meg thorongh knowledae of the science of dentistry, aided by a prolonged experience In the huSineas. Pr. beott can :safely be commended to all whodes any svoi k In his line. The departments in ire Ins establla ment are all under the direction of skillful and Unlashed artists, who are particularly careful that cueli set if:urtillolsl ed out from their hands beard the 'denies: , 01. superiority toad sustain the' high reputation of the metatiliehment. Teeth that. ore decaying, and which may be raved from utter destruction by timely tilling or plugging, are carefully attended to, and we Willee all pere,ons 'alto titans! in need of any dental service in this line to (ATM Pr. ecott with a vial!. The other, and to most foli. disagreeable part of the profession, the rat. rnetton of teeth, is accomplished without any pain, and no person should sutfer single hour from touLlisache, en no this dental establiohluent Is so edsl ly necessille. We cheerfully 11)3,i earnestly eCollllllenti eicolt to our renders t1.,041V of this hrst dendata Of Amen.. and our in whose workmanship ail will to fully sans. hot. A Iliannred Dollar Greenback Ins =XIII signor Antonio Fataski, an Italian apple and Ilerl-llnt merchant or this city, who re- Juices In the poSsession of a flourishing bus iness stand, attached to the alley side of the Bank Block, Fifth street. was made the victim yesteeilaSi of a shrewd confidence operation. Signor Antoine was approach elby a gentlemen of Iho usual "prepos seising appermanee," who, after some trif ling-purchases. desired LO obtain green backs el a large tlegOtalllatloll, for Cale if - Ore,' dollars in twenty-tire cent postal cur . - retry, exhibitlag, at the same time four nest packages , . apparently composed of "tinarters," new issue, each of which, as stated, contained t w;enty-ti tic dollars. The liallan"ldinded over a dreil dollar "Spinner," and received there. for the packages,whlch, his now friend told Illm, would lie re, vonverilent In ati:Mg elilings, A commercial traeelletlell In the pen nut Ilne, a lew minutes later, Which tinsltnted the making of change, reveal ed Ills fart to Ant0:110, that he had secured Just four quarters. and three hundred and ninety-six pieces of blank bank note pwer for the hundred dollar blll. Information of the swindle was at once given to the police. but all efforts at tllseovermg the author of the pleasant little mlstake were unavailing. Another tind fate Another case of clime and sorrow, one of the experimmes which have_ become so frightfully common of late, came to our knowledge yesterday. A }Dung -rods of about twcxy years of age, 11P orphan and somewhat of an heiress, canto to this city 801120 Lineage from the couary,tlh3trict in which she was born, and where she had re sided until she came here. Mere the made the acquaintance of a man With VllOOl she soon became intimate. liar new 10101 Id war an •Englothm., residing on the south side of the Monongahela. lie was comparative ly yOung, and protes.ed to Ito unmarried. Ills devotion to the young lady became marked and earnest, anti in due time Ito be- Calne her betrothed husband. Under promise of marriage, ho took advantage of her love for him, and effected her ruin. When it was too late, and the fatal cense qaences of her indiscretion wore inevita hie, the unfortmaate girl diecovered that her betrayer was a married man having a wife and three children residing some where in the vicinity or the city. about a week ago the victim of perfidy gave birth to a child, at a friend's house la Allegheny, and yesterday she made Information twfore an Alderman. charging her betrayer with seduction, fornication and bastardy. For the present we suppress names. mean v.. Dleleb—Settled and Ensei Andrew Blotch, whole arrest for assault and battery, on oath Of his wife Eltzati.fh Meld:, we noticed yesterday. 'wet. ntlnie Alderman Morrow ymiterday fora bearing,. The matter was settled by mutual consent; and the costa paid by the defendant. The parties went boom to Pitt township, but eerY soon Mrs. Mulch returned and renew. ed her suit, she alleging that on then . . re turn home her husband hail forgotten 113 vows of good behavior, and haul pitched' in . anew, assaulting her, and breaking up the furniture. Another warrant, w. Issued, but Mrs. Welch after a new conference with her inednind at Immo, crincluticul that the mu ttx was not worth pushing, and agate the suit magistrate's oftlec and witteir the suit. So at present, etunds the esse ` or Mcieb VS. !glitch. Ammo! Election of the ,Bonn! of The annual election of the officers of the Board of Health tookplace on Thursday, at the health Office. The result of tho then ivas mlOllOO5l • Pre.lent—David khtsaltnntons rice Jame. Chambers, Seeretars—John Wtham. Health °Meer—George Fortune. Asdst not Health Oflleer—J. D. Williams. l'hyslelso. Dr. A. G. Met:atolls/la. Thu [Mara us nt present eonatltntel is composed of the following mcmberm Ilneltl Fitzsimmons. James Lhambers, David 'Hutchinson. James McCune. Pr. James Mug, Henry Hoye., nollIn: acne, and J. Id. W llson, Joseph linS:n ant ilcKao, newly elected. A Rained WArarobe. Slaty Arun Moore, who Peale time ago worked for kfra, S. Uhler and bee ewee Mary, l . the Eighth 1, yrxtertlay mo rning matte information before Alderman Lynch, charging tier for. mer employees with mallelo , l9 mischief. She alleaex that some time ago the rho tame.' to be aboent, and on going away left h er c l o thing at the place. here she bad work ell.'"W hen chi. return...l hilt: (01111(1 that her elothink bad been damaged and some of t t ent i r ely dextroyed, as rile allegro, by wholesale and Retinal:Myer. of D r y 1:4,11411 Rre re9pect fully Invited to xaudne lHe of new aprmg gooth, o. £t.lll McConnell & Co.'s, Allegheny: The plonk wf it 10 found very full and oompleto in prParticular, and at remarkably low ices. Erwin McConnell & C0.,178 Folees2 refit, Allegheny. Tn. i""ix at City Hall contlnues to at ,. talL attendance nightly. There is 3 gh'wme Interest In the ariinsaments n i and tire ni , ...ant manner in whfcly all is contllete.!. To -Want that fine silver tea Com talon Pleout.—lletnrn Jndg. Ste ' tt. In the ease of John .11. F u lton llt'rt I . 'n-ter. the luny. ' , turned n reidtel in •tr pinintlif tar toe sum Of 5.D. , . The auto:lnt elaltund W.. 67.. • Commltte.l.—A Nieman -James -0..1.1,11v c„,u.tued to fall for trial at Court, P.m./ Albright, charge.t on oath of Ttobert C. Don• ahlson with surety or the Arre%tect on Proceso—Eklweol . Was yesterday arrested on a process te ! sued by the Court for notittery meat of LlNtrict Covart,-Thin Court wits not in utkislon yesterday, having - adjourned over ntil Monday. • ' Common Councilmen order yooishicts mule at Murdock d Putnam's, 7 . 1. Filth street. Fourth Pare.—Anditional City Rol So I , ur , )on Intelligence, Imoneliit and' Coin merelal, River, NE I W .ADVERTISETEENTS Ar.ux. AIKEN. • I : 7I \TTIMR.T.A.32CEI Et, 1 , 4 reurth !tr. et. Pittsburgh, ra. COFFIN S of all :lode: CK APE,. OLuVE.v. and every de scr INlun of runessl Yuen/shins. Vietets lerul3/1. .11nonsa opened day and night. Hearse an.. c11:14.1g, furnished. Star aftexcas—lier. Uavtd Karr, D. D.. Hee. IT. W. Jacobus. D.D., Thomas Esdrig, Eea.. J a lt. T. WHITE & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND E3IISAL3IERS :Janet:elder, Wood's Ron and ytelnity. 'COFFIN ROCMS AT MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE, Corner Slaerlicld and Gtawrltera •ta ret• neat se and Csrrliiires furnished. 14ILLOALLI CEMETER V.-1 lie trsullfol tbe has pltee of er - volehre, encept tale. If. this rOtirl ieahor ty. at Meted Mt I:rightun ran. Inmedlate• IV north of Allegheny. Pot burin, lote,perlell. or title, call at Central 1.411 K blare of COOL .t CLANZY. AlLegbsay City. DUIVSEATEI ts. REP4IIM.Ya =EI T.AL-131.:X/3.13 citunxe No. 56 FifihStrOet, OPPOSITE MASONIC MALL. !laving fitted uproot:nil exelnuirely for the re valrlne of WA'l (.OES and cht.urz, with good to-do and a large. and competent fares of work .n. ban` tmable.i as ell. if not bet ter :ban any other store In tn.: city. Waireites I.ft for repairs will receive prompt attention Ltd be regulated by our "STANDARD ;TIME" O...CPXVO3I2,2EPTENI.. WATCHES, CHAINS AND UMVE73IIII4I I .iy. AT A VERY rr4crrr, AT WILL T. WIILEY'S, 6 Wylie tit., 3d do6i. from Rh, J. W. Joingsros... ..... JOHNSTON& SCOTT , DIEM Fine• Watches, flocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., = Pittailzmixsix, X 4 .0321:1.6. IT Particular attecitlop cite, to Berairlair Viatuires, Clocks and Jewelry. All wort wsz. ranted !MI 3Plai_a_. EMT ARTIFICIAL TEETH. ith Beautiful Gums, for*„, $B, s'B, $B, $B, QIINCY SCOTT'S Steam Dental Establishment, Nit. 27S PEIN STREET, THIRD DOOR ABOVE HARD. Teeth Eliracted Without Fain, WO EXTI4 CHARGE FOR MUM; Cl!. ai - Clll soil exanaloe Ibeelurene before ordey- Ingelsewhere. bettelzeflonguersoleedloevery WELpON &_KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Stearn Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, ♦ larte •.•Ottmeat Of chandeliers, BraCkets, Lead Pipe, nunps, Sheet Lead. &e., 1LTF4173 ON .1:142173. ffif Wood street, near Slitth ont:b.7 WHEELER WILSON'S SEWING MACHTICES llnve More Improvements, ...MIKES LESS ..VoISE, And inirla MORE brISEDY and ninpLE. op aaaatann than any Minim. In Um market. WM. SUMMER & CO, 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. PLACE TO DIM GOOD BOOTS & SHOES - blzczus-w , ) 119 8T AOCLINTOOS. ' S, 92 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY (TYE MUM. CLOSE & CO., Practical Parniture'illanufacturers CDR. PENN AND WAYNE ITS Lamest stiles of YURI:IVMM mos:watt/ oa L•nd. CZLEIGDEVG—,II GOOD TEARL— I r Ton wurt • koad flue,go to HOWARD'S sT A SLR SS" good Lean, HOWARD'S LIVERY do SALE STABLE,