it= =I 1 PJT.:R. IRi4l.i t TZ, Banker :tad Broker, 118 Wood St.. near corner of Fifth, • All do.rlptionm of Government Bonds bought and .1 , 1 oa liberal corms. Landon and Contanental Exchange sold at 3 nu= York rate.. r n Coupon s bought at bigh ort o ny ld ' 51,10 and a (fold Drafts issued on. Now York. . FINANCE AND TRADE, O►noa Or TUN PITTN6C6OII AZETT., Tur.o,r, lob. 7, 1e67. The NevklYoritstoc k quotations to-day, as report ,t by Robinson, McClean A - CO., • Were' as' follows: Gold, 13S ; Eighty-mod:owls, IfE;;;,,t Fier Twenties, oht led!;; Flystrdnlies, '0:•,107!-1; Five Twen ties, new, 100; Seven Thirties, 103?(:. Cleveland Pittchurgh, ii; Pittsburgh, Fort Way , ,t Chicago, os.; ; ;;; Erie, : - IC;;; If !chicon Snuff:ern, TI ; ; ; ;; Ch icago and North Western, ,;•; Chicago cod North Western Preferred, 0s f,, tillcnco and Rock Island, 11.1; Western Union• Telegraph Co., 44%; Now York Central, 11067 —The action of the House 01 Representa tives In passing a resointlon instructing too euttintlltO on ways and means to re port shill to prevent a reduction 06 000 cur re.6*. Createa geocrai surprise. Tire Incas :lre, it seems, was - carried by VI, estern it:- Cornea, the lowa members being portico. tarty anxious to have :101111! I lecid,,l expres sion teem tile [loose nealtist cola...A:On. They succeeded, after two tailor,'., In finally passing the resolution 1,3 - a vete .11 Si to lii. Mr. ?lorrillts oreptum t o ley on the table having been 11,i: voted down—yens IU, nays 01-. Tius bill. wide!: the committee _is Instructed to report, 'will, it enacted, Postpone Indefinitely the - policy 0111011 alone can give hick solvency. It will tend to fasten upon .101 Irredeemable loupe:- currency, despite the warding:, of the 10:s -est financiers, and In violuttort of their 000ndeot counsel, . L%T.lte Senate finance committee on Tu Si. any adopted the bill prupoeed bythe 1..1- 'lll4 hankers of the country, with the in dorsement of the Secretary of the Treasdry, for fundlug the Compound Interest notes; and providing for the 1661.1 of, 51L4),,X)00,0 Of 4 per cent loan certificates. .—ltirdEries are constantly being made of us iegarding the precise character of the contraction law passe'l 1:1St April. We re ply to a ft, TV(ll , l,+. Thhi laW empowere,l the Secretary of the Treasury to Fell Five- Twentle,, and with the promo la to retire Compound interest notes, greehheelz.S, and other inileluoilness of the Governim 01; but it forbade hint retiring more than lour mil lions of greenbacks a month, or snore than. forty-eight millions a yea , The , :c to Telfrielion no to the tauuuut of compounds which he might withdraw adoring uop month. This law leaves large discretionary powers with the Secretary. Six heroic,' and fifty millions of Seven Thirties fall doe before July 15, rola'. Should FM-- Twenty bonds fall below par, tile eOnvcr Pion of Seven ThirtieF into the e:uss of gold hearings, would et onee e. A All agent market would 1004 at mice to the la m st niontobtr.esult. —The proptnied hill to substitute for the present legal tender compound interest notes loan certificates bearing four per cent per annum Interest, anti convertible] in to greenbacks ut ten days he mad by the banks to the extent of sloo,isithow— one ballot the bankiSilegal tender reserve . — has been Interpreted by Mock operators as further inflation, although It is merely the substltutlint Of oneiol,ol of legal tender purer money for another, and in the long run, a COatraCtlilll of from forty to eighty • I 11= GEEICE OP TEE PITTSEEROH GAZETTE, Turr.sns.r. JRuuary• 7. 1%7. The pecninew markets present no new cliaractenstlcyworthv of notice, and with tile exception of those oracles which sym pathize with the fluctuations In gold, there ore no material changes In values. 610.4lEltlEn—The market In general Is limner, and refined nugars are a traction WWI,. We now 4; nom at II to 12 1M Cotta Sugar; M. to 12 - Mr port, ' m e r e 4 , 4 toll for prime New Orlean, ert.hed, to IS'.; "A" (Suave, 151;; eo Colfee,ls; el," Extra, at 11 , ;,. Itlo Coln, Quote.! arm .0124 to for :Atmetly to choice Itin, and for priu o New fir_ leant Molas +es. Parin llicn , 50. Booth nyrup, .nn; Leveriag's, 41,10, Tea, gnu lam unchanged - . -•-• . . . . _ (WAlN—Wheat . yrry dull, but Inlets stranonally uocioinged-4 , 2,45 to 42,1 a for No. I Spring, and 42..5 to 42,..41 for prlnie aril - Motor. 'Burley Is 10 lair donzand. and a shad., tlt tner; sales of No. I Spring at. NI to uti.Loa. quiet and unrh ued--Inal I E,lOO, at 47 to 4.4, on aura, nod to:4. In ,ALOru. Ns. 111 Corn: nmall sal, at 7) to to. aye may be quoted at 0;20 to 41,25. FLAIL; t lanes dial On changed. Small 101.0 In ntore,at 411.50 to 412,27, for cominon to welbantorn ' Mandan! Spring Wheat brands; 413,5) to - 414.10 for Winter Wheat, a n d 41.44 to 417,10 for fancy St. 1.011), brands. Ityo Flour Is ut; ",•.'7f, to friao onto Ida, and Buck alto. at 421.014 to 41,75 per (7,V1.. . . PROVISII/NS—lbwon , lo cclll ng In a Jots bin,: way . at II to IP for Shoulders . , and 15 to It forgar t. ureaH I Hauls. Primo kettle n.a,f e re4 L Su a rd , olotekl at PP; to Pl 3. Ne InOVPllien4 In Mess Pork or Bulk Meat. SEEDS—SaIo of 211 bolhelii Timothy Seed at 63.111. Flaxseed is m steady demand at. mayCloverseed, In the absence of sales. be gillottll at 1-1 to 55,30. • - BUTTER—There is a lair. demand for prime 11011 Mawr, and prices hare still far ther advanced. lye eon report re ular sales at 33 toy—would doubtless bring g 4u, In small packages. - EGGS—Fresh packed continue boorco and may he quoted at ro to 5.1 11,1Y=Its quiet arid unchanged; • prime track. baled may be of noted at 4,40,00 t-.25,0e,,,, . DRIED FRUlT—Apples Imo selling In small kits at V to 10e, as to quality. I•eaches firmer, owing to an important advance In the cast, though, 11,3 yet, there Is no quota. aulvaneu to MIA wet - get. We Hear of 0 ileitler paying 01 , tor prime halves, to ship to that market: ' On.—.l.ard VII Is reported steatlY, with regular aaleB at Si to Utt for No. 2, awl 11,1: to f 1.15 for No. • . . • BE.l.l7.4—Steady sales of prime mull xbite reponv.l f 2.75 p2r bushel. . PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM SLAIRRET • °sauna ore. TAN PITT. onsoA Irrets, Tier nsusv, February 7, 15.67. CEA:DC—The market for Crude continue, quiet anti lion but unchanged. We can re port email Hales of ylinittle , 4 Ferry," on the spot, uL 7 to packages returnee], nod Li to 12!.;, packages Included, according to gravity - . Penang° oil Is reported dull and unsettled; we hear of oilers to buy at te%c• possibly, but there ore no sellers, so far as we learn, below nine cents, for Spring deliver3t. For lianawlea oll,there are buy era at nine cents, to arrive, but no sellers be low nine and a half. Thus, the market brunets at present, with buyers and sellers .apart in their views and feelings, and con sequently, stn have but very lest trans.- 'Clans to report. The Prospects at present, are not very Iluttorlug for lin early re nth-notion of navigation between here and 011 City. REF/NED—The market for bonded oil co n/10M In much she sumo condition It has been Inrfor some time past, dull and en changed. .Wee bear of all occisional otter to . ditY; Mainly for f try fully yer scarceel lers at present prices, buyers, and consequently. there are lint few operuilons to record. It le an old pro verb, that `it Is always darkest Just before day-break," and our rellners Isle holdi ng bank, la hopes au much better market .and 'higher prices. For free ell, there is but lit ". Inquiry, and we enlltlnue to quote elan. third brands ut 4.1 to is, In a Jobbing wisp. ' the above woo put in type, we 712010 1110 we woo put repotl: IM] bbls foe March delivers- in Philadelphia p ier's option, at Apr, ssmc option, and level bbis for AILII./VALS—Tito. arrtio is of nil tr y,, e r r ry o rel]orlnd ttedup—ult:fitin- Jas. .1. N. banterer JO' Dobruian... 92 C. IL Penta.lit...•.... National lief Co.. 49 Total CENTUAL LIVE-STOCK 111AILMET. OrrICM or TEM Prrrammon tiarirrra,l TIMUSUAIc, rebruacy 7, 107. CASTLE. The receipts of cattle have been unusually light thus rttr this week, and with a halt saintly and an average „attendance of buy. er , ,all the offerings found a toady ',ale at nn advance of from to !i" aeent per pound, compared WWI Innt work. The transaction. In the aggregate, were light, which was owing to the very limited offerings, and while buyers s pltehed In" with Inure fined dote, they paid the advance very grading but thry had only Iwg allernittivt,, to go honau nullity of pay what holders de. mantled. Primo -hipping cattle, Bliltable for retailing to them,en markei,, sold from 7 , ,4. tor, gro, , e, and s "Tomer Land, sold one - drore of Clint fat. Ohio oxen at f: bukthls was an extraordinary hunch of eat. tle,and the prico obtained cannot fairly Zabel a, a criterion of the market. Medium cattle, of which there ulna fair a Umber on axle, soldat train 6'4 to In, and common to fair ut 5 ton. .It It thought that the advance mi•prieen will lance nn tendency to Inert:um, the tirrbruni next week, owl, .m 3 ninny!. Is UM euau, en. over supply b • " t • I 11111X/Let, ter ) . • 'Xnero haa I.ofn o ',toady shipping dt,...'t for llogi ,liro.othoot. to., 4. oc lg , and own lured Wil.lllWo.k, or too.. . L .l O 4ncoll from 10 00/2 woe noavy overages rold from V,' w to 1110 'week snwo greoht of Hog, brought trout 7!4 to m, Ana ono or two • &nineties of extra bold 0..4.11/El.l. 8,!.;,. Lafferty sold 6.50 head at 7,10 to . and bought bowl at 7to 7,:a. Croon., t".ttier tck. A, Co. report having ehlpped eland. IMO head to Philadelphia, PA of whlch thee bought here at 7,37 to e—teda,a, were bought In Chleatto. Maee A Tr sold:tall at Stager Imhoff' I.tatltt shipped to Philadelphia told Baltimore 1500 head, which cost froth 7.60 to C. litlehrehd Iteyenthater of lnyed MO heed to Philip. lelnht,aand ate to Ittlttoinre, pavlng n t to itverege latter. 7,011 for the former, and 7,02,t; for the The arrivals of Sheep were considerably larger than hust week, and w Ith oulY a mini entte demand, the market ruin! a little dull, tied if unvilOng, price,. an. a Made lower. taking the qteditY Into consideration. AV will be wee" tip reler enen to the CM°, ranged all the way from 44.i10 .0,, and these may be regarded as the extremes nf the tuarket—to-oay there arm but floe It any buyers at anything peerl. it racer reports having shipped eters Icon Co, :0114i. 10 Plolatlelphia, which cost from 4 to , ;la; Erlsman reports s bunches at 4% to Rawl nought IX!. averaging at 1t,,. at ti l sleClave sob! Loyd no, aeeni g i ag lbs, 53. i. Paneunst bought ISS ut 5. Mare ft Orr sold P4:l bead enemata, at 4 , %. There Were some other transactlten., but e were unable to get particulars, am!, be. tshles, wn have given to indicate the general tone tit the market. In:con - rt. littLES OP CATTLE TIIE WEEK • ENDIOO rt..,7, 1,67: Mace .2 Orr non! 17 head mono= steer, overturn= 1111011 t 12.10, at 7,10 or •'l , per heat!. Smith rt. Talmage 50 mednonvteert.. averse to g 1100, at e,ne. - .5f llta to Jones IS rook.; te head. wen:long 22,101, nt Iluttt,, 51..114,3" 12 head, weigh:lst: 12,35 , 0, 57,. Italy to It, Smith 314 hetet, oit ttignur 42,72.1, at ii Word to Bleintrvev 31 heal, ent nine 12,- 530, at 7,15. litekenc . o tt to Mooney! 4eli:111alr at W 4. 11 tilt to notrey 5. 1.4 hold, weighing Is.3ne, 51 ,- - I - Lter4on to Powers 21 !lend, .rrl'tth In e4L b). Lomb to At:tyr-a IC nat], Weighing 21,925, at SA,. Mayne; to Illentett 2 1111.1 Of extra cattle, tvel2lllng 4,175, at-ln!r, Run to Selzer 17 head. weighing 21,150), at 7,10. Watt to Miwilea'S Co. 1 , 1 head, weigh. log 10,70, :at G. aloes to wood. Morrell a Co. 17 head, welt...l:log hi,400. at oz.;. Clifford to 110;Vanal:1r 31.111 35 11.11. Weighing at 7.. Montague to Hertel, k 15 111,1.11. Ire:galng 1,:d2.5. at fluff to liedgea Co. it head, weighing '37;75, at .t%. Whittaker to itairoy Ot Co. 10 head, weigh ing II Sat, at a: llusrtnan - to Mooney 173 head, weigitiag 127504 at 5; atone to 10 head, we ighing,lll,rso, at 5:-;. Muff to Toed IS he.,,, weighing 15:1.75, at .5; chryst to Daly:run Is head, weighini;ls.agl, at 5. Van wagn er to Moaes weighing 21,raton It t. Brown to Mooney W. Co. 31. weighing 41,553, at 72 4 ". l'atrotgo io"slcArtllt: 57 110,41, Weighing 36.525, at 5. Alt ET'S lIY TE1.115: IC A ==3EMI!!! • Now Yong, Foto T.—Money is rattler more naive, at .i 1. sterling doll and heavy, at WiSi a . _Gold; a 911.10 firmer.; opcnigg at declining to 137:1i, eat - and:lr and closing at 13134. Government stocks n shads firmer. Freights to Liverpool me a shailoriruter, , with engagements fur bIISIICIS of corn at per sail.' • Gold closed weak A 137 , , , 11,13:?.1. moot securities strong: Coupon, >,, Ire of 101',.; ; do. 'll2, do. 5.5, 011, Teo Forties. 10 , 13141h1; seven-Thin iyit,sl.“ Missouri 011,, A. stlnlng shores Oerlined. closing tiro]; Gregory, 4.1 . 2: CMY d00.40,50; Gold 11 ,1 1, 8475; SnOlb I lee, Ip,ss, Cluarz 11111, j 1,25. Thu Sorrd>urs Clocks ure unselOrd and ' Irregular, hot genteelly tend upwards. tn.' another,' WAY t "trim:two' the ,losing m mus quu tions at I'. Isere: 0110) 25uns.;; Western Colon Teregrrph. 44% S IL"; 101,7.141.111.% 55 Joh Hod-on, needing, 1044 1011‘i 311e11- Igen Control, 7514 r; 75111 cenvui, Pattsbut en, Mt; Toledo, 12 , , Cu,,! Island, 99d9.9'', North IV rotor,,, 351..:65,!.,;„; preferred, 6.±l,:cStn; Fort Wayne, 961,, New York Produce Market New 'Your. February '—Cotton, shad.; firmer; sales sI.S) bales middling uplauds at :tic; closing with ouyers refusuiu to tweept under:W.4e. Flour, active and unchanged; qeveipts, 54512 bbis; sales, S,asi bills; closing uiet. Whisky, quiet and unelian .001. Wheat, steadier; 80100 2.701 buslielstnierior Chlcago spring at $2; good No. 2 Milwaukee, 12,35; White Michigan, 12.•20. Ilye, quiet., Barley, unchanged; sales 0,0e1.11,1is Conuda West free, at $1.12. Ilsrley malt, dull; sales 15,1 sit hue. at 41,30. Corn, le-s firm; sales bust. Mixed Western ut $1,12M2t1,13,in store; receipts, 5,400 bush, Oats, dull; sales 17,000 bushs W.W.I_ at; receipts, 7,200 bushy. Groceries, unchanged. Sugar, steady; sates 1,0a11.11.10 Cuba at and 150 bat H 1,111114 al o'-41'1110. flop, firm. Petroleurth steady; Crude, 1:C1111.'41, In bond, 2;t5',7.0. Fork ODelled ,telltlV, but ClO,-.1 111111 and drooping; WAR, 7,921 bl;iit at ial.U'rej; S2I,M for new mss, elosibg at eat lor West ern; $19,8 7420,14 for old ;nets; closing at 1.1.12, rash; 117,75 for pit rue, and 410441, for prime mess; also, 175 hbls new nies- , alt. 210 ' sellers and buyers option for F.•bru try and March. Beef; 0001.10 • sal., otos. Iteet llama firmer; ,wire 1:35 ' lads :It 44'1,21.0 40150. Cut Mraes firmer; sales . .;•o phgo at ..Al9;,:e for shoulders: 110,Obli. for Dres,ett Mug , 0 phasic raster; 9'•-u western, and lie for city. TleiCe 11111, to, live; sales 1,175 bbls. 11.0 On, steady; sales bes at for Cumberlaml; pit 11%, for abort ribbed, anti 12r. for sb.•rt clear. Lard quiet and steady; sales 7., bt.)_, fit 11, it12);0 fur old; for new. (311,1.1,V, firm. I= CI:WINN ATI, Feb. 7—Floor In rood but prices are one: , ; ~, ged; Ito ocrit ue, 49,75a1u,15; trade brands Ell,Wrifil,4l; hrande 414(015. Wheat firmer. a Ith a wart dr matol at lull rater; No. 1 12,4041.,.. for Spring anti Fall. Corn active for shlpoient root prices higher; notes of No. I, ill Vlllll,, at 71d1,1e; in the Elevator It is dm at l;2;Q fi;;;; for shelled, nod Yr/161c to the ear. t late rmer; Sc. 151(1c. Rye dem at WM - by in fair demand at :15, in bead. Cotton unchanged;- hohlers are Grin at tlr ; CM; for middling; receipts for the last four thtyr. c,trra;baleg. nearly nil low grades. The Fre t-Irma market hi le, arm and e tiler, wit it bat lift to tlentand; 31e, 'Purl: 1:0,50; stiler of 40.110 c Ms bulk weals, ant`. fully' cured, at :MOM. for :Moulders nailldialet. flacon Ilan; Shoulders Cl-e; Cldes and Clear Sides 11 c. turd Butter Cr. at rt` for Central (lute,col Ittkltttle for W._.,- ern. Reserve Cheer° 151;t(Itic:` , 1 Flax Sll Octal zu7 , ,i. Money market tielet twat easy at 0(14 per cent. Exchaege firm at par, buying, nod prom tom - I=l • Citiesno, Feb. 7.—Flour doll and nominal ly lower. Wlieut—No. opened aril VI!, W 10) EFOCY la 41 9 ,, e1 bl, closing dud sit tl --rt; \n. 1 quiet. 'Corn doll ut Outs Provisions—Sore doine, out Meat Pork - still Inactive; take at itIS 7.5010; Englutu meals to demand, wills sales of Cumberland at be; skeet pickled Ilams.are . steady at 116111,,e; bulk m a eats re quiet nut 1Irm; sales of clear Sides ut for loose. Lard neglected and nominal at Itlit,yl2c. Green thrum from slaughtered hogs In fair demand at 10e, from the block; Its lingo in ant ton request by trackers and shippers; the market Is 11nre ht. $o 10;14 70 for ordinary to choice tote; ilreesed Ilogs,1077;150 nigher, at 473 0 70 he critique Llgure tor a Lame lot of Suffolk. breed; at the vloco the: market was steady at par for common to Ineinuni lots, and 173507 78 for good tote, dividing on Ulm/ the, nail at 47 .' , 0448 for choice lots averaging:lira the aml upward.. =I Sr, ',eels, February 7.—Tobareo unchang ed. Cotton x.1111[111.1 at. Ilthydtdc for middling. Floor; Ideunesw small but prwes tit al.- tattled. Wheat Inactive and yr.,. aro un changed. Curn leDeli ' Scar) . /Mr/ Cidl,ll if“c lower, ut 7.5 e fur mixed and yellow, and Si/Ole for. White. • Las heavy an d drooping at aiesCe. Prot:tabula are in large demand, and packers kayo scarcely thiougn Bacon out of ornate to supply or tero. 31tet Pork, (tII),6LQ-20,:o, prime Ins, 117. Bulk Meats; Clear Chico, I NCO I e tic; lapse, eat bitten, mote, 12(x1. Sugar Cured Ilaute..l3ei ' Catteasseti do, lc. Card sinter at for prime kettle; and 13t4totl‘e tor ehtnen keg, llogw—stnall ewes at eg,tuall,ctl. Whisky 1,01,1 at NOW Orleans Market. Nate 01t1.11.1.,9, Feornary 7.—Cotion firm, sales 6,01 X) Pales low middling at 11,41,31;11,1ii fliing Sle; receipts, 4,050 bales; exports, 533 bales. Sugar active; Tule, 15e. hlolifs,Lts u. active delnanili fall - r ile; pilule 100501 e, 75 070. Flour; suintranel extra, 15,00. Corn quiet. and Anichangefl ut el,lifts 1,15. Gate lower at n7O. ' flay cliff at s fl,i eis :GAL l'ork bower, at illl Ai. Bacon wain nal ; shoultless,; Laid ins IPt at 15011,f4. 4.2,4 J. Gall, 137 x. Sterhog gxelniuge, New York - Exchange :,tll.lconnt. Men. 1111 l Market. AI r.N I' NIP. February i.—Cotton dm, at yeaterday'e prices; recelpta. (60 hairs; CI. ports, 1" bales. Corn lower at teult3c. Oati steady at i3075C: flay dull at t.trkeie Pork lower ut Bulk meats In de mand at9Ql33..'c. Dreeteet /fogs, VW, Ba con steady and unchanged. Floor steady and unchanged; bualuces generally is tooth more active, though there i 9 a large failing otT of receipts. Lonlosillle_Mar.ket. LOITINVILLC, Fel/.7.—Tobuci:o .nles of 01 Idols low common fit $2.t.11; me dium leaf 612,00. Saporito° Flour $lO,lO. Wheat—prlmertel 82,K.; white 42,01. shelled Dc, Chr 6.5 c. Vats 020 for sacked. Sloss Pork VI, Bulk tiuouldersS4e; peeked bulk clear Sides 1166 C. Bacon . 110111.1er I.oji.ei Clear Sides MO; plain flaws .15e. lord; tierces, 12%c; heel ucky kY0,25. F lour g 1 doell ro '''l" l '2' r ""- U ' , ' e a V '' .4 l,are . ,6: D PRye van red at tr„e, r .. b ite, 11.150310. gl,:1301 Nun. olAteot One. Pro vh.knal/rmer. Now Oboe Turk. nt l . o c; hacked hump I.ard; keg, It' dull. ' Petiolcula firm; ;el, ode, relined. t a t/Itlla.e In bond; 461; No tree. Itulltala•-woMoerkel. Iturramh Feb. 7 .rin good tic/nand.. 111,w for etatt. Wheat, note., at 1. 2 ,7 1 . 1 / 5 i for Canada Ichlto. Corn actlvo at for new Toledo On truck. Oata; woitrro bagged 52l C. are negleeted. Harley unchanged. Vilitakcy nt reauh. Pork; how oa ," 11,-ot VI, L. tl •L/teaceo lingo 4.3.25 a York cattle Market. New yeue, February 7—llenvon—aorue. what light rue_ at Beacon 11/11 and Alhann, has hardened the 'market.. and prlthw day aro about N cent better than on lion. Inv last. 'Cheep urn it shade, firmer but a orris remipta autl abetter dot/mutt for mutton. . • Baltimore Market. Mod:vadat:, Feb. 7.—Loffee—red .wfings, cargo of choice red sold at for goi,t ht bond. Floor buoyant. %Vhtut dull. corn at 104.4101 for yellow Soot ern. UM s Rate whinky - Z0 flu bond. Marl:cut heavy. Ifaeou netiVO cad tdearY, Meot lung Lard 12!-.e. _ Mlltraakee Mark•t, .SllEweyt - Nt.:c, February 7.-1-Inur dull but er,. Wl.Trd dull and lower I,llfor I and 01,S fur No. -2. Oats 11l au at so Thy fur No. T. Corn hibller ut 7I for Nu. 2. rm.. 1y lbi(1119 Tory - tlrm; Sfin.l Cork nrereed Hoge 75r,“G. ITA liElf PITTSBURGH - _ROPE WORKS. MARSHALL, FULTON & BOLLMAN, 0017 Manufacturers 10 the West of HEAVY CORDAGE, euitable for Stil!Lm and Coal Ikea. HAWSER LAID OIL WELL ROPE. Tarred Ropes for Coal Raiirdad ‘ d,. HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, CAULKING COTTON, de., Warehoame,llll , and 115 Water Street, Nsar Itobougahrla House. RIVER NEWS The titer continues to recede rapidly at this point, with Julie over feet eight in the channel by tin 31onung,, pier marks last evening . . The weather yeeterdaY clear and pleaeunt, and all that eOutil you allay be Centred for the Indtsdetion 01 out door bu,tneem. There rota been no arrival: aloes o ur last report, and the Mut:oG tinys,tor Cmeinnuti, with all excellent trill, wit:4 I,llip de. inhere. There tire ,0111.• Imatsallle. among others,: he lilnsgow 111111 Capt. C. I. Ilren nun lets pureintsed the pa,01 , 41.14 in 1e.,. l the Park unsburg ehet Grey Eagle, lit rule of f 1,1.1 for file entire boat. Tl/10 ntlett 111nn It necessary for Ca.t. Ilrennan to re_ 01 1 1;11 his p..ton as 5 1 11 1 1 . 1111..h . 1a 01 tile "Pittsburgh h ,51.1.0t1. l'arket Company" 01110 Intett• Is.lhing etunumed of the Cagle 11siselt,:ma her ill the Pare. loiru It mid Parker:A.l.g o.le. t'n.ler the 00..11 a. man, the Eagle I, dentinea to th . corllo Vvry IH/1 - 111111r With the putt roils of this tre.le.. Tile gentlemen appoint u3lt,t the l'orsltlent of the Board ot Trsde to attend Lilt' :sr. I.tans Convention on the 13th inst., fuel at the hoard or Trade rooms oft Wednesday after noon. Twenty of the nuutbet appointed 111 nttenti the Convention to lOok atter the !Melt Ste oft)). neer trade. The; mooting adjourned l ft to apt again on er1;103; lnrenoon tt eleven o'clock, when the route to Po altett; elo,, will be delrl mined upon. Mr. 1). U. Davis, lute Allegheny wharf aster, has lawny tut lashed 110 wall pe. ort Cl Ills operation, during the year elid• ing January 31, let?. 110 reports having tr. ba red 21 , 0,41 1 3 barrel. or et 000 oil, 01l 0 filen e Kull , eted wharfage to On outmost of 101,36 S ()gloats°, collooted or oil thus 4.1);06 SI: of tight pa,seitger ,leatlll 0n1,i1,...77 sr; tow Watt null, hula xlllllll ills jterolie• Lion .31,1 k; 37; tulecollanoote. flats. 31,1 011 77; lumber and shingle, µ;,u 7o; 111 E 510111. 12,111,• t runelent stos.olooo 001(1001(101 a and keel boats...en 05; pent fur gathering 3103. Tow easu 00001 pts tor wharfage, ls):amount of et !outage uncolleez, 371,01. Mr. Datts tondo n ery tad lout ullarltna,tLr, and was well Mostall won were thrown In eontact x'llll 111111. Low elberlln re..l,aled poslt ion ale eLoward 01 the MR,gie nays jetteatay In 111, ropt 0 similar po-li tun Mt tile Pat kershurg parkot ()key 1.11410. We cotunto rut the g,);,1 jtelettnent ell Capt. Brennan 11; sec:unto:Cos of Lew, 0. he In the right (11,111 lu The Sew York, Capt. Collin, I. II!in; o :totally tor Louis. rand will on ensturdn n y nit bout tout, runt pashengers and 'nippers lac: in runol. . . - . . . The Grey . Eagle, Capt., Brennan, Is the reufarlrdav packet for Pa the g Bayate. u oft3tun day, and the rkera Lill bure— trefal, on Teefehly. Th.; fur, none of the tow heal+ that left here a Ith coal hate met with any erbtater, mains the river is In line navigable tm diner, we have no deabt bet hat hive will get through with but very little /14:fl eetly. Cliptnin Mock Met:mean, trlio ilia been on tile nick Loa for i•onieduyki Pwt , le gettior Letter. MARIETTA, (trite , February 0. , 1;15 P. M.— Fifteen coal Norge, aet e ewept out of the mouth Of the :tidal:lnt.:urn Ether., ,atorday night.,l,ll.l htdrted do.. 31 the 0:11 , . boats altaatfe. Whet:n*l,ot Era re loth at Cantina. Ice mann% liver al feet and falling slowly, horn.vrtta, Feb. - nary lyx 11,,,- 31.6,4T—ExTuNT or Dam any...—ln the (I , ,,,rger we have derailed he movement-10f the Ire trout day to day alto, the b:entoote, anti alll now told a general an tnutary of the are eolenta nod casual..., The lira! start of they orge WOO on ,tonlay morning . riteent C • cleyl:. 'I hie wa.: the ha. 1010, I' the city, darnaglr; to Ito noun,. It 1.1.11 Ca 111 COIL', the property or the Iron Clty Coal Company. al, a heat ol nut coal at the rout landing ab.Jve Jelferrowellle, heron goo; to IV. ItontOns. by tine extraordinary !lons of the crow,, and the :t,sh.tatl,e of the towboat Fred. Wllvel, the, taut,. w ere ,aved. Vn the lientuck V :dime an empty ha• of 12. Still, a. o brolly datuaged too rae l IttlWl/o[y 1.111 100,4, it the 1311, omit 1/.111,1 at • the port. land n hart. Au ompt!.. barir I. ..l e o:ling 10 Farrow A. Gettil.ert, ,V 2,4 It Croton.... landlog . ,and t r lm.teunt . whoa her M !I flatboat sank, tool the Iron hay tont Company had then,es throw n and eeveral hroken tooe. hot all landed rate at Portland. Aboot teeloyl; p. cot-gf. Ottooytcndln, rootthe ;ow ncaa to ttte wuter wor On, a of ton y one hondrucl 111001, met .•real. ay,wlt.4- tog lounra the -ft !Kn.,: the coal fleet oplo...tte 001 l Unite boal hon., making a eotoplete wtrel tot I.oat or coal. LIP. property or Joint. Penhey, domg 1111 other aamage 11111011 g the' voal 11. ct hot breaking itx...te 1110 r, ympt, lytng I.t+t of-too Incltelinglnto of thy Wal , anx Coat com,oany, n COI. pi, (1. orock,ooo of t Coin pany.olol ono or C0.....upp0.0.a to live bet.n hooted bylow the fall, 'rho Whorl hoot at JulTermot, %La.. lons, atol proving a. total JODI, A Co . , roil/ riven ou ...lime awl w oct Itwl. !Loa the two .14 ITert.or, ale terry hoa, cartie.l over tie - walmot sn,alnlng any to,- tertaldatnuge. . . . .1.1 tire o'eleek Sundae eeenind the !Mr!, of ice ..iternling front to the head of the cool lleet, Legal! 14, mor, iv title the Lug itva WllLon %varying to break it. It wan estltuitt vat to corer an extent. of (any twrnt y net,lt-I,liel Intl MO.: damage le yonli Inuringla eta Lay !target Ion!, tr o ll their trlng, The:, were eapturott by the lint , PuntaE and Fret. Wilton, and landed below lint artl't tlrip yard. Daring saturday :data the gorge of lee at the mouth of the canal u as broken loose and floating t,ll its a !watt, Jainrued the foals at rertland winore,and sunk la,' coal boats at West LolitsVllle, trim belonging to W. CI if ten, len. nut tha other Ilia property of Day lt Jenkins. • The IaIOVO 4.11/ thu 111i.1"t114 nl thtm pert thud I ft by the brettkitt; up of the .12...4.,0 0 /1 The It. C. Gray am! It.•lleveramt arh Mg at thmeinnati tar Pitarbargh: •Wa .111. thn followtmr Ileum from the lanclanatt Contour rrir,l, of W0..1m...1ays , - Tine veteran tamale David Miner, U.S. j N., to in the city on n 1161 , to his family and !cleft., Ile is still tegulatlfll: the iron vial fleet at Mound Cite. Mr. ft, Wash. Itercow, clerk of the C. T. linnuont..."Ul.f.l,lll , ll in 1.111C1J1111; trio Illtle, craft at Madison, no Friday. Wash, is delighted with Ids auceess,this being trio first venture. Lap. W. 11, ...Itelerson arrived front Pitts burgh yesterday. 110 ohl load tlre it. C. linty fur Pittsburgh forthwith. 4111011 g the passengers by the Robert Earn., for VI, In pins, last night, ovw, the veteran Citptalti Horatio C. Church, who gem, , that city to locate permanently with Ids brother, Copt, Charley Church. Capt. If. L. Church is .110 of the oldest ellf1111111(111171 X 011 the Western awl !Southern orators. The arrival 01 Um Sliver Moon front Memphis, last evetsmg, Mire; considerable stir along the levees. rt MDr.....ented a uoignllleent appearance. with her eargo fifteen Minaret! bales of n ton. It helng soured no her forry-.sate no high as her burrleaum roof. The. St. James M 4 ,4110.1 up In the Ing Kanawha river, at last account, waiting for the We to teen not. `Ore will Muddle,. armee lone todlay. Toe tow boat Champion caught a roll Mil, Ing 1,, the lee ye.tto - 411ty, root maned It at the loot of Vial, street. The St. (Markus, now lon ring for New ./rulteuns has been tliorougnly overhauled, and olinteat and re furnished by Capt. Hugh Campbell. (Atpl. lien, Earl, nu old fao mite In the trade, sane trots affairs in Um Oiling of the M. Charles. Six empty coal barges, belonging to the towboat Fearless, were broken loose by the lee at Peyton's 141/11111, and were still adrift at stet Iteeoollt, the, 121 . 1L10, advertises the steamer Alien V. for sale or charter. 121VOWIN BY R RAIL ROAD. / .. irritiomon. Four Wayne/ ft Cmcaon It. R., February 7-5 bids clay. C COoper: 7 , CA rs 101'110, J Woo,! A Coo; I car lumber,. ft 1 W It //lartln; I curnicial, Ilryau .t Caughey; ado do, NIIIIICSC ..t. 1:01 I fair 01,1:0!, .1 S' /Ag ar:oX co; a 5 Few log 1113C111110n, 'W nutriner; I oar 011 WPM, Jl/ ULVIIIIISOII 011 Co; 4 ./.1 rmp., Godfrey A Clark; '2 cars barley, Caron, liar. lloglon A co; I car I.lllfeed, I car oat .. 100 1 / 1 /1. (lour, Colo A Shepard; I 111 , 11 110 or. Ilead .t :Sfelzaar; 1 , 21.1,/ do, lied .t Itit,hart; 20 l/ga 0.10.6 pkg....dn.., .1 KlOlOOOl lek .0 Pro/ P 7/ 11 1 / 1 /, boulloy. Pr Flogrill., .5 do meal.l.ll Fowl ft en; lOU Inn; barloy,.perwor A bloliay; 7711.1 E 11/01c, .1 E. Nyortnyyr 6 co; 5 don broom., J A Dickson. CLEVELAND ...110 PITTgIIIIIOIII nI.IL/10/10. Y5.1.0r nary 7--. a, 1.111 rake+, Whitmore, Wolfe It Cu; I ba poultry, PrtilL .t fiewll.; 11 kg. apple bolter. tiarll 0.1101; 5 pkg. tobacco, Pretzllehlyt co; 53 1/1/1. 011. Jan Gallagher/ 11,3110 ilo, .1 K II alwmr; 52 do .10, AII Dot,- unos; 61 110 110. C// DOll/111111.1” .10 do. Nat. Kul 0,17 lads dry apple.' )1 WYeelev• a ear. barley, bpeuccr d !McKay; 7 bbm buttnr. W11,..n d Underwood:lS bbls 01 , 1 , 11,, 1. 11 Votgt, 000; 7 do do, r' & Armstrong; . 20 do do, .1 I. Mc NOW, 11,61,b1/tier, Vaitgorder 1 m/lePard; It. /Lk , / out , , 5 kco lard, 11 IMIN Pa appllntee., Blaiorm Itl7l W mks ood.r, I cur Iron ore; J r .t n poll/toes, If 11 Volgt A en; 1 car do, owner; l:51/1/1. potatorm, P 61111.5. Ftrrencrtag, Court/Imm S (21wrinx,ri 11., February 7-2,1 441.1 onru, Sturgoon S 1110;1 bbl 014141404. 314004 r, Harper 110 , I; t4llO 410, roatl t A New lin ; l bo 2 11 0 0 4 ware. W IlloCulloy; 29 boll, pap., Pit c,4 4 44 . 120,4, Wu, zautner S co; whom, Liggett & 044,210 sit 4 corn, A Gt 414100414041040- lear staved, Wu; 114,t1104,4 I 410 :roll ore, 11 II Shoenborgor,•2 ours wi4,4ot, llorbaugh 00;121mb:8 Clqi.ll, A II e 0; le bll+ OIL Evan/ 4 , Luloull & co; 15 1401. 1 , (iotterulurf. ALLICOMINT aTATION. Felirtlarl' 7-1 fat hay, Vtatailt.l) . .o Hoop; 21 1100 111110 0112 110110, 14, r Lietty; 1110 do, 11 Compbellt /2110110, 11 S A Carsott;239 1,4110 paper, I . ltHborgit Pa. Co; 2 rho bacon, 11 bilbt apples. 2101su Her bert; 342 tlor. brootot, John llu toll 411101; lot 400‘44 Iron, F A Hyorto 21 11141044, btuckrattb A Hurt, ALLEGHENY VALLEY 11411.n0.40,—Feb: 7.- 1 ear emit, W 1' Beck A co; 4 into metal, Illeliolght, Porter A go; I do do, 2'lloenber.• ger A. Bode; UM sk4 rye, Wm Bloglinin; 1 loboeco, 41111 Miller; 2 encl. dI I I do beans, 1.11 , 1 e, 11141411 A l'utton . Bricker A Co. . -• lifiNOS: PIANOS !!—Ao . epliro tw? tor I: !.; S. from . l loo rts!., Persons In t fire class ylanO 10011.. 2.1 natal In .I,tfor, CHARLOTTE MAME., 4 " 4 . 43 fifth street - STEAMBOATS 1867. 1867. PITTSBURGH ASO ST. LOUIS con3titedO7 the following pplendlahteaser3., - MESSENUER, LottEN A. KERA PUNTER. MAGGIE HATE. WAEA NITA. NEW YORK. ArN tr EVI A .AK . I3 N „ I. KATY. MITA Alf, KATY. 11114INSON. YURKToWN, t.11. 3 1Y.E CLOUD No. ene of the abore boat. Will le•ve for ht. Louis anA all Interruedlate purls n each IAY,NES DAY and Cr il HUAI', at 3 0•0.00. Y. Id. FIT/Cht And pi,s.ogererte•celpled through to all CO.,lllinois Mose Tacket Ao. cud e !A33..0rl Elver boots. Apply to Y LACK. COI.LINUWOOD, BAhNES Ag. Ills. or C. lietENNAN:Eoperintendent. No. Water 3treel. tUp I\TEW YORK, Captain Coffin, !caves :1•1031,C, LAT u/c- DAT, at sr. N. VOIR MEMPHIS AND ! ,,.., rct!.4.44 .i NEW UltLEAN—Tbeeplentllde KATY: lIOIIINSON Clpt. It, Nitwit WlMeat, fur the ahoy.. and all luturtuedlalu porta ou WrA,N C.1 , 1 , AY at I I. r. • • Far frylubt or pa, s•gr st)r.Y and or to 11.004 . • • . FOIL CINCINNATI and imul3vtl.l.E.-1:110 tine pa, r otewr: wm, Al Hu:ironic 1,,N, Will I. aye , aloo,e an A' Inlerltto , ll.e . Pont: .n Tills DAV. Fen.:, at 1 v. For :any . ; " bn".? or l 0 ft, 1,11.i.1N tool, A COLLIN, Agents. INSITRANCE A LLEGIIENY INSIIRANCE az. or No. 11 rum Elrce , , Rank Block. la.acca acalass all heal ar rtre acid llartpo JOHN IRWIN. Ja., rresidtni. JOHN O. alcColll/, Vlec PreO.l..t. C. G. 1/oNI(f.LI.. be.retarv. I)2L&N, General Aion . John Irvrln. Jr.. Capt. Win. John I rahnret.c4 - C. G. W. H. F.,roon, Hrtrvvy Nobcrt IL 11.1, T. J VinanclsMl.ra, Charbra II hyo, 13.-3. D. Atclire, IINN S V LVANIA LICSIMANCE Y c!,111•ANI. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. Oltiar,2l l'lttb Nveel, Rank Block, Thi• I. a HOPI., COMINIaIT, an,t lnzurta SKS./ :ISt lo.s I , lr, LEW:AHD WALTEII. President. C. C. EHYLIC. Vier Prvs! PATItiCK. reasurt r. AVYLIIEN Y. Pe:rotary. °lnn - rune: Leousorci Walter, lieorge C. C. Boyie, tia-o. W. Eva°, • 11..t.ert Paffick, J. C. Lapp, Jacob Paint. r, 1 J. C. Flelher, Jpelith Rine, I . Job,. Votatlcy. e, H opUtts, A. AuL.lott. Henry hprout. 'WESTERN INSUItALNICE CO., OF' Pri"IIIIItTIEULL ALYX API OR It NLICIJK, Prest..lent. W 51. I'.'H E ,cretary. NtELD, tieneral Agent.' ogre, '1 Water atrret. eying n Co.'s Ware H er " m.. p u stairs. ts ur Pitbgh. ind...r ere and Marlon lll,ka. W„„ are ...nowu to the c..Tranunlty. and ho see tletyrrutur.l pp.taptn• sa and liberality, 11,11.3.11. • the eiltractur Which they have as. rlua the fort prole to those redo dual, b, b.• lasurg,t. Mcrict, 1tt,41 J, Tb..trims, 11.. Millr. Jr. Chr.s. .1. Clan", Jam.,.. McAuley. It. litl'une, AI 1s I Jam., I, Anclr..w Ipvl,l Jto. W5l. V. K.Lem[l.l - 1. pEorLE , s IIiB4ILANCE CO. urrica. N. E. CUR. WOOD ARD Yll7ll A itonE Et/YIPAIVT. TAKINIi rum AND ItAILLNIC ANKS i ' ktrif,rol,." - Wm, l'hllltps, 'Capt. Jtatin U. Iltatradk 11, tat Watt., . Funnel /'.Fhrtvrr. Jultn K. nal,. I l Lula, A rtturAlr,!tittles' I Jrttn F. Kirkpatrick, Wtt.. Van kirk, . , Frank F. rill/re/I. Ja1...., 11. Verner, • C. Ilarrnts Lure, WM. l'isll.l'll . 3. I : tteidertl. Jl~lii WATT. Vic, API LEGAL lIIPIIA NS' COUIRT S 41. E.— ily irt. ~f order of .1,, „r Ti!,ai un r • In,lol.trit. thc ,rILI , L, la ill, l!nr,u,li of SATCI:I4I, qtr,, 27:, INC. AT IV O'CLOCK .1. Y. All tttat t . nrtntn ft,tnntn• and tot 01 grolied nn tontut t.t . .nt .nrt en t vintnettnlng ttn . .n2llnct. nt 11,11,V.,V1•111 ca.,•ntly ttnitnitnn • rt. t •• s•nly-iint 1. ft nt nitt , etre', on, linu •I Hitt mitt,. ton , rtn' , t. Itten , ...•••tw•nity Anna' sAltt •Irt•t, • att t nlut. 111 , 1,5: an , t Ito- • tt t•nttli n tr.n• and naranet It•• In , a [runt ttt nutf tntn'n tt luttin •nu tnn• tt rt.•l, Inn • 1,11111. nt. Itundron •21 Ittlrty 1,11 tn 1/11 .1. V. on 1: Is • rt• t-1 a tn. -tokrytnt , ,lnt.ttlng Inn), tn't . ttl•n•l to /awn-, -sr.,. stou of llke. , f Aort! 1,i., "I he pur cl..,e.r r.ts ref f..n...,1r)( 11. 11. A.lndol , trstor. A I.LE:taiI:NY COUNTY. ks.—ln Court of l'ofounni ft. Pro:to/bur Turn, I yof. In kis.- r of thel npole.l lon of thr'lvatot.ll 1,111.1 n, and Lox Abor , ialllllnl lur Charn.r o , I o , nri , or.tlon, AIM no, /0 dlrtct 'ant writ' tnt to nt :IN t. of t - . rothont.tarr of Conn of C.onnton I, a, 11.1 and for ./1.1 unty, 4114 1,0, therreuf to he ponll.ll. In ont. lk•Ik. r In 11.. 011 7 Intt.; argh, qlpiLlltlr slur. -sot. for at le et thret...rt..Am. ,ottln, forth 111. 11/ appil eLtlon six• node to the Court for thr. pnn now of,rrzn Itng %hen •ua lit. ..ling and Loan A oN,n-tatn.ll anda wreorLyillr, • I f lu rninnorntlnn. that for .ante %LI! yrant. 41 at the tte.xt tv - n. of Ilan Court •af l.tuntron nun., exc. ono." wlll lu proper lII' Inf. tqf an. nix r. nun. J,10;11 11. WALI Elf, l'rotti'). All p ,,, onitl• I.ol' A , tale 11 0 lice of th,Co3rt. . . . . 4,1•., Art y r..ra Appllumlon: N .Tllll COI'RT OF commoni I ./.I.I.E.iIILN I. ,, USTY. No. J7Z, \larch To rm. or :Nut!cc Is hertby glyeu the app:lc.lon The, Hui!din; and Luau Assnci.k lion, No. 3, of Plitsburgh. tor , Ikarter of Incorporation. IW.i mute °Mr.. .1 the Prothonotary, at the warn her .1..1 term shova- •tated, .ILI,II .111 It. granted se the hest taxes of 'ours Of COIIIIIII. Pleas. tett/res Cepteults M, sto he 111,1 In proper Mlle. re 1,62 JAI:011 it. W ALTEIC, Protlonotnry. I,A , ECUTOIrSNOTICE.-I.ettern ec,llr.entary 011'1 ht , of Vtaklal Howe. tale of the Lioroush or lee,olom. Alle,heor COlt.kt, I's., .Iff:re...A. 10 all prenan• Isdebt..l Weald n— ext.. sr.: re gre , ted t, Instr. 11ta... , 115t. rs,lnent, 50.1 111 , ”, Irac l,r.R rt . •illl., to vresriet the prop , Or: 1,14%1k 110 rills .Ire.) I EteC"e. BUOADR - AY EXCIIANGE RESTAURANT, 101 COMB fill AND SILTIIFI/1D Sit 104 Ladies' Dining Rooms 2d Story. YHANII CAN OYSTKICI AND UA3IE. oz aL Wad, ou fiend. }l•roPrlrwre, bIOIVILIMENTS, GRAVE STOIVEN Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, Vases, DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, No. CO Penn Huy.. BUSINESS MAN'S COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos, 6 and 8 sl.Clair Street. = - . Lunt-liceplng, I l emuansillp and Arihmetic, time unlimited 890 00 Arithmrtic and Penmanship at; quarter of three months :AO 00 rannuauship, per mouth tl 00 Fur Circulars or Ittrechnune, address 1111.1.11W.1t. ur n 0.1,01, J. F. 11e11..1.1 I oulS BERGE & CO.. Mann fac turyra uf °HAND hit Syeund Lloch. %. from I , ru.s.l.lay. NEW roux iu! - Innulofarttired I.r toll Um are ely .I.rreyd all. t 4•• leaning army, of the country fur tuverful. clear. brlglant aryl sympa lie tun, alit, fur Iltylr ileral.lllty 41.41 caccl leul woramanahlo. .2 4 rut/elate Itoeywood I l ay., I.lll.our.firand Trench Itepeettug arye.l legs, scroll Jest and lyre. maul • Written guaraviee fur Ave Ica a, fur #.loe and talo, taultyamr 131.EILIFt. HAM NOW A LARGE STOCK OF PURE FIN IC Co NY ECTI4.N ('ARKS, TOTS andall other goods la his line FOIL Yita ItoLIDAI is, 0041 he calls special at tralloo to hls aumflor111X6:ll /'ANDY, at hi/ alma D 1 Federal St., Allegbesny, TIIE ~ CELERIIATED - STEEL Touni ii 6 - RAKES. "resists. Hth.P. and "Mord... Lark" are tnanufartured only at the WpltAd, Dear the Penitent' ary, Alls rheny City. lily Forte, ~ring and Plats Wagons, Wbeol hal CON. and True. .02 every et, Id. made of the best mthordal. at short notice, and Warrant. ed. s•stf.Tittotts coLymAig. )(;ASKS ;MADDED, Dutch,ree, ." ,, a did fur salt by ORO. A. KELLYco. IV imlesale Druggl , l2, W , .;1 plttet MANUFACTURERS. MANI:I-FACT-Ij' illffitlClN IitOIN WORKS. JONES & LAUGHLIN i=x.r.risi23Tffi:a.c:fr•XJ4 - q IILNUFACTUOIOB Or • AMERICAN AND CLAIR . Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Raill,l6 A. 20 lbs. to the yard; Trans Ilnlls,punched and coun ter sunk Iloiler,Etridge Tankßivets Cut Nalls and Spikes; • . • Ship ajad Boat Spikes; , Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car is iteehrand Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rotted Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAitElfutltsK AND 01,FICr., 120 Water and 15.3 Front 818. IIIiANCLi ROUSE. Nos. 22,24 and 26 Mier St., - CUICAGO. UNION IRON Q MILLS, NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. A CONSOLIDATION DV TII Y, "II:0,1 CITY PORDE' , AND •CYCLoI`N lUUN CO." IRON AND .FORGINGS, 4.141 attention given to the timpuftettirt: of Hammered and Rolled Locomo tive and Car Axles, 3131=CALIVM. MAHAR/J.01:11A 1121,, di`LitiE IRON HOLM, At.; LINKS AND DOLT.. 3. *MD it ticrAuoisAL notcuw WitoUGUT INUN LUSTS; T AND ANKLE MON, do. WAILICHOUS.EI 9. Water and 196 First Streetz AT OFFICE:4 TII \VORA% MNr}l EYETIIIIOLI. r IS I:^ ATLAS WOltliti, . 1 10.12T0.1* STIIE'E Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President • ThVI, Wort,. Sr.• nmnn, tila• Inrv,.t Sri mo,, compl.•.• r,tabilb ,, m..nt la the Vitlt. 551 tru now pry- area to furnlth Enginebol E‘try llollerp, Oil Tankm, Sheet Iron Work, Railroad Co hi ID,V .11411111. g Mill Cabling, Cabtlngw Machine Castings General Castlngm. ORDERS SOLICITED, plTTsnuiwn STEEL ,`.IVO---11-Ii ANDERSON, COOK Jr. cis MUCCE.I.IOEIiTUJONES.. 12V..1 aftuf.tarcrr. or it, b.. ft rcnnr 'I Cart Ntell, zflearf.. rat .4 Octspon, of r.:! ha. Pint,.. Yrrl z.tdCOLlt ttl for Reaping and Mowing Machines. ISZZET PLOW WIWI:N. NPILI24OB, AZ .LEN CIRCULAR!), ate. Cart 4. Common Pluegh Spryig Steel . • 0 - Mue—C4rtar or Fllbt and Roe, two •••• • Cane the Monaural:. In Manua. arValy. KRYSTONR IRON 401110. HUTCHISON, GLASS & CO., Mounfoctortos of ,Le !t of Bound, Square, Flat and Horse-Moe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and . . • Salt-Pan Iron, Sheol Iron, ki.c,,•+Lc Work., ITIT TOWNSHIP, oh Vonooß•hr/* Mc, Orrice •1141 Warcboooe:k l • No. 146 Wrqer St. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. MILLER, BARB & PARKIN, MATITTACTURE. or BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL. Warranted Equal to any In the Mar •lther Imported or of Do- Inestle Manufacture. lirxeua. ATTKNT,N PAO) TO rESE.CAbT AZ OIS Office, 38 Wood Street, IN tIT. CHAILLYN 110THL 11N114111N(1. Y11 4 1 4 1.111/1011, Julio 11th. INIL 14 1,4112 DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS iIAILMAN, RA ITTd & CO., lar-TO)/•OrCrtr119 Or • Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles PLOUGH. SPRING LSD L H. STEEL, &0., ITIEMEM Zara. 77 VlTer.toi- riltproo • ' PITTSBULtGIi .n7.1:11 I _7E. B. WOLF. JR., &CO., DLL.. IN Hardware& C utlery. 'Are ' tow rowlvlug Isrse Iddltlone to our stock • •thleb I. otlcrt.d to Dralerr. int.da..wrini=etv x=sßi.xcmone Corner Liberty and St. Clair Ste., 171tioemburgai n , 10. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, -Ninth Ward, UPIIMITE UNION IRON 11.11.1. H, 1 . 1 • 1" . "2113317.111.43i-LiC. Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings lICIIINEST AND CASTINGS GINCILALLY, Order. promptly and clrrfully tyczoted. CHAEGEti H.EAPONAIMA. EBBEIRT a. iriAciiLLVD. .miza MORROW & BARNHILL, YANIIII.ACTITIMUI Or !Steam Hollers, oh Stills, Agitators, Tanks. Salt Pans, Gasometer', Wrought Iron Bridge", Sheet Iron Wort, k,., Ac., COB. LIBERTY AND SECOND STS>, PlTTßlttJlttill, p. 9. - /1F.. , , 41i1N0 DON P. LIPPINCOTT &BiIiEWELL, No. 118 Water Street, • auyrxrrAcrtralMe Or PATENT ,USUIZIN D, PATENT IFIeIP6RICU. - FATENT IV V7ll ED CLUCIILAU, mni.Ai,emiss_cor .191. wlele:d. BLACK DIAMOND 11111%.2113KT,1217COXLIZEIM, 1.1711311U/iMi. ra. !AIM, BROTHER a Co., kanufactafors Of • BEST QUALITY HEM= CAST STEEL/, tNnaro, sod octagon. of All elec.. HU soL, d cosi Ho any 1m pursed or msoulSotored in tole eroutry. 9fllce nod , Voattiouee. No. 140 and 111111 6 r s t ;Id _ besoctl stre.oh putAblaitu PORT PITT BOILER, STILL BB RH WCTO•II,s. - 41,1FROEL & SNYDER, 1-1: • mat.dir,c•ronprts DOUBLE-FLUED, TURDIAIt• ETRE° CYLLNDER STEAM BOILERS,' OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASII PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON - DEN SEILs, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, ANDIRON BRIDGES, -- ,"7 • .PRISDNDODHeLAT4O4.D.EHUTEE., 01:12e•iiiii1.1€01/tattar ' G . O4l4l ikliaTeueir4Arawo -• . . PittBbirgh;:T4olo.ll,6 ardirderr rent to th e abortA promptly attended. in. SHEFITIEZiII SMEL. SINGER, MICH & CO BEST REFINED CAST STEEL SQUARE, FLAT AND OCTAGON, Of ALL AIM Alir.c, MM.,. CIRCULAR, GINO AND CROSS CUT - • SAW PLATES. xLLun IC AND 13E311-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Steel, Cast' and German -L-Plow Steel, WINC3 AND MOWER DAILY, SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, EICKL,K, SERWKL, ROE. RAKE, YORK, TOE CA,T ETELL. &c., &c., /Lc. Warehouse, S 3 Water St., Pittsr'gh, 0t.1,k4 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, AsurAcry au,. or Best Common, Refined Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. IEHCII ANT IlAlt, ROUND L SquAlac IRON liOOI%, BAND. T sn.l ANI.I.IE IRON. I . I.ATV, Intl InREET LIWN. 310 VI Fit and REAPER HAILS CYLINDER and GUARD VIC FINGKIL lIION It , 41 and le, 1t,.. to tn.: Yard WIR.tAiliT CHAIRS 00.1hP16ES fur ea., FLAT RAIL:3. l''snaxed and Countersunk. }IN IRON. NAII, and !Irifint. Waret‘oll,e, Water mad No. 0 Markt, etc Work, ,L4.0n , 1 F.IgL3I, Ward. ad - jolulor ICILY Gas Work, Illtabltr.rh. - T* 7- UV lU:ti IRON 1M) lIORKS. !AWLS, BAILEY, BALZELL & to., I=l BAR, BOILER, SHEET 13,-1.77:3 71 2 11.10T3EZ. lIRL.CDDQ NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehpuse, 73 Water Z.llO Frunt st. PITI'SBURG;II,' PA FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. .4L.M.JEICII, Copying 1 2 resses, Wareliow.e Trucks, 113:iggage Barrowm !Sugar Mills, Barrow,, FORSYTH, TAYLOR bc CO, , :JO MA ILK ROBERT LEA, 11A;:11 , A111 I:EB LIF STEAM' ENGINES AND BOILERS Freight Holsters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. Airca !th, of Ocampt!on. made to order. Corner of First and Ferry PA. FORT PITT_ FOUNDRY. CHARLES ANP NEPHEWS =I El EA V Y ORDNANCE, • N D ALL KINDS OF HEAVY CASTINDS. Specialattention pald to ROLLINti MILL MA:RINI:IW and ILUTDRIS. REPAIRS attended to proint , SY. Az reteroo, the lust I:tato - Ws Wilt always tw loot at Oils Foundry. list log alJportol of our old patterns, We are popared. NAW AND 1111 . 1104,D patterns, constructed tooter the auperetalou of Mr, En. lurnlst. NAIL 31ACUIN ES at short no- Dee. 3206:11 ROSEDALE STOVE WORKS. L, PETERSON, Jr., & CO., =I Cooking and heating Stoves, HOLLOW WARE, &c., re.ry LATFSTPATTJrIiN and STYLE% arebouse, 197 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGII, PA. WoRKS. SIANCIIIEnTELL. .01.11,3 1.1•1[.........101111 ALLt1.1.....7.104 4. M • 441 VAI.LEV STOVE WORKS. ALLEN. M'KEE & C 0.., Od1c• and Warshaw• 301L1bart7 St 'appo•lt• tindtnfl•ld, Manufactures a 'areal variety of COOfi. PAR LOR aa.dllE STOVES. mon, which are the celebrated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooling Stoves: alpo , the Autocrat and Sentinel for coal or wood, alio the unrivalled Star of the Nuolre. for woo 4; alto. Arqbra, ilrates. ten ders, t 4 gle.rlCettleo. Ito,: Iron iaild Hollow Ware rove rally. UTILITY WORKS. • McLEAN & BLATOR, No, S 3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, MAMPrACTVILIRB or CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE.' They make •sp,lalty of Iron lledstra.l and Illy. Castors: Porcelain. llellstead asst 1•1‘ot Castors. lit .11 Fasng; tO.ope. or Xlen ` lou t Tables, etc. 4 Theyteni also s manoractu f ra x and het, constant') on hands Thu ml Latches, hiring , Latch' M'Leau's Window Sash Sul.oorler. 111•I.,an'a Kreenlrlo flash Hullo, letand Butt Bino Orlod•stone Huns. hanl.l We g l/t , hts, VANAINE J. a. rolaocir AETNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacture every ♦artct7 of Pooh, Parlor and Heating Stoves, /Mal; which , the nein brated IVISEHA, Tltol•iu and TAI.IBIIA.N (Coal tenon;) I,J -IdANA VETILILAN and I.IIONSIDEs SWenxf Cook atovna.l Alto manufacture GRATE- . 4. GRATE FRONTR, &C. 111:1re And iVarenoune, corner of Socond and cl outs, rlttoburoti. 1.111-inneo on tformnit Jar., Cu IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & EURCHFIELD, laf.ufactarcra of ' Re& nava. a Ilareual,Jtaniste & Po llrbcd i6..ElMrr 3::EL.CPIST. Orryz AND WAIO , IIOVEC. NO. ;as bleXh.Er Cr EVERSON, PRESTON & CO,. P E./:1;*;S17., 111,40-101:2CEES Wat enoa*, N.. a and 167 First Atrzt. riUQUESNE AND WEST POINT HO IS: lt dtti ES. PITTRIittIIGH, Pa., man ufacture all classes of Yorgings. :steamboat Tilt Malts. Crank, Piston Rods. Leven. Pitman J aws and Wrists: also, italtrosa A ales, I,conto- I Ire Smut°, and all shape work. The underals t e.l having been for 19111 gears engaged lu the busloet• ars preareto furnish all d ispatc h_ trustod to them with al prpness and h. lit 1:1 , 4 JO) . HARSH At tn.t. 1 1, 1ESICK /v.liro. Engine Build, ERR A N MAI:11 I NI , SI , . manufacturers of Itlcairk•s Patent Ratan., Valves, tor ets'im Cu stom •n.t all kinds of Brewer, Machinery. t.trafting. Range, PONTA. VII Carlow of in situ', with or w it bout Balance Valt, es, Roller., Eire iron:, Wstking 1 1, n1n !shies,. Pumps Re.. CORNER kIARLtIMA *ND Pi n 1 It ' RETts. Pittsburgh, Pa, - - Repalr:us and putting op tnkthlhad7 Prot:aptly attended to. eat :Tres pii gi•J 31 17:11X•Iftl P URE CALIFOIENIA 11 - INES, GURNER & CO., No. 80 Cedar St.,-New York, I 1 ~fr„,-....1.- tree ‘.1n. , 1, Win.. . ' 4l. 1. '" galnlnit 1.1,11, , a‘ or wlth ,tonl.l.lna mphllty, and jrlo time and unri...tld pol.u. • 12,1 )Is n (thou: .r It 'I Ler bate onlY to ' , !... ralrly ,1 to gil.. o tcr the i„.f, r..ore thrr ,CO Nils IND TIIE 'JAGS , . ~„,,,,,,,..,,,.e ... ,,,,,,:ri11e r or o!o.o. th. y exc., Al Im, r '' Dies " r „' ;:r,; " l ' . ' , ' .. ' nt ' nT'r . , '- .1 r r .I'. :l ' Il:e " ;! I t:. 1 i entho ot physlchn. ruf .... g,.nttrolco In ; , eve?, ~,11 toll In 11r we t roof ef,t..lyt• that f .. t. St 1n...., L-eful In all C 3 et.. for wl.lch they 1 , 1 ore recoonend,ll. I 'n. followlea brand aro r. 4 ., otPred by us. 1 Thry comprise all the varieties nu. growm In the , ' ttah... tablo for nal., , II lIITE, or MAI& WINE -, , r. D•hs straw 1 t.),,ert.,..1, jery A trcate and der assoredt - - - ...X•Mri- ., o d ip r e i rzl . tforybionat. , 'the changeo of ell ale 111C1do•til to the t.fa,oll inac . l2.l.lentr,i by i n a,„ , ,,,r, ~i h .11. year arc rlfe olth .110.2.5 e of Ihe throat and i ,i-7-,r:att r yv,...llo,'..rhayafta4 , } ,,,,," V , 49112(11, whlch,v.l II nod an unfailing rt medy In =MD. pure e ' .. ..." es. ....' ll2 • 4o ' i '• `,.. 4 ,..1‘..tin 'Di , HEYSEIPS INVALUABLE ••I . I:CTORAL 4 . e artrd lne: en.i'll'"AlliriS• iniloresf.b ,.',- .-.••---' -1 ;4 171 , I :W..' reline 75 fitful a bottle. ,Wi t ;r4 ) "p.lft l r f Oilhiblilebra . '•"'"' "rii. ' ' 'ht. Dr. li i!ier, Pectoral "SI rep oil! cure - ...&.4.p ,, ?.1:2V',P41::ffta . >•: 111 °°"'"' . Da APE, ~.., di =Li' - r '.. 'Ed. Dr. K. ysern Pectoral Syrup will tin, "4. lane. • .".. - - 1, -.- '° :1110.,i; L 'Z. , ..,,,, , 'l Vga T i P o r tb .,•• -• t ', ... 4 , 6 m a .. 7reasle took - ill ' 51. Dr. ' K " :7:e . r . • Peet •rel Syrup will cur This lance of the a b et taniabinarcubinationx IYl'..o.ii Cough. 0,f,, be ze,l; o l t r r d .gi ti t ti , ,,it i Lres. ,mm ahl k. s .. bol tii •F . V:t boa Ph. Dr. he3ser•el Pectoral Syrup will cure Iles were told throonlosi, tne lcortailurin; b it , C V. ' 1 1 , ' , "' .. "1. • • last four genre.-and • hertret.listrsdneesl it has I .....•”.• ..ey l, r .l rc , tora l , B ,yrnt , will cure a Pr0 7 ". 1 . ' , 0en...W0... tlieltivalld table. cat Co h 1 I the family clin and the baelicliirisaidobotard. - 'i • " "" r. " d"- 1.911119 who have Ph. 7 aticopth and sppetitn. nth. Dr. fic,sLr's...cetoral byrop will rear., nod !offer 1 1 9 11 / l a. - rouilittig and eeene e • Cough. of Ling a oration • • irsiotleilieh who • don . tlcelTerf e oew.l,,,, r,,: . . • .th. Ur. Keyser . . Pectoral !Syrup will cure fore treufast opineer, whose storrosehe anemic ranf order. and s. steal. anpnern,nour ‘,.. Lar,oglils. •pd; mothers Wean.ineeldislranonitsuirezine /.1.11 r. Keyser's Pectoral STrhP will cure ft . o ., , L ,,. n „.l dewily; chlhlren ofloiCkir nature ...inst. if fair. nln Deo. anti eour, ,i o n to conatltniton•Ptraneierlwbo C on - - . ' ---'.- --- have eceasion to ebanee their 1989(.1 . 1 1111111111 w h 9 ~ b. Dr. hey ser's Pectoral limp will ell e his t=l ‘." n ' ilit=e " onnVlT,;i riiii• t... 7 . yaluahlo laviweratora that can be taler, . I ' 2, Dr. KnYnnr i clrceinral liyrul? will" enre It was need very ex t toistvoty In Ibil. with luch Cat a• rh. general eati•factiou I hat In olerlnx it to the pule 11, ,, , Or. c3ser a P ectoral tinny will cure tie now we J. exalt rusneceieary to publish any of ~ ' the many certificates that we harm received, tie- Dr 1-I.'it,clienl• ying in the • cry strongest term* in fi x favor. kith. 11r. lieyier's forlorn! Synip Is sold •t All that we can 01 1 1' 1,15 7 ..alit!'e ill.'" will most Dr u g sit {define nnrselven to lurni:ll an ar1.1310 1111111.8.91, - --ore.. anal at the Prornletor • a. 140 1,9111•1,911.11,991. • W00t1:911,9t. Consulting:and Examining Ofllce, It ha• been given to little children sefferine 1:10 Penn sDret. . from weak...laud weal. lours with most ham, . eiii•ct• One little girl. in particular. with p On• In lor hex& lois of app,tite nd 41111, 11.9.111 L, N.....„ I 110111u11101011. on,ou al! me a l cal skill hs• hero "anat.:ed. has been entirely reatored. Pio. lie- L girt • ith hot a teaspoonful it day. Ile r appetite . Kul strength rigidly luctraand and she I•11OW - • 1 well. --- • List cyt ,—"x-1.3.2.Jai: Par borne.. Per 11 , ten flock . 6' VI WI., Itlttcre I. on u:Arrt 1 7., ; $ . fort ‘.1 . .. lo Angel:ta .... ......... .. 11 1 I. 4.0 MI: .4 ,t,l 1 i 1 - .. ~, 1:r.i.•11 - 2 i.x. X 1.0 ~,,,,n6,4. U EAT WATCII SALE ON TUE ppolar one price plan, ON lug rye ry pa. tr,i, , a Pm..., and Itellatpe Watelt for the I ow .irnOtt 1 1 0 Solid Mat tog Watch,. 5... } - 2. 1.0 4750 0, 11%710 ed "old ...... 0 o to ,LO.O 100 1.a.II0a• IVanclw4. Enalhelltd.... DO to 31.1 ,o 1 4,1 111,1111.10 1 ,0 •1 1 'r 01 .0 du , . _.l1.1411.1[ln: roio na1.•01...,0 atche.. 1 ,0, to 0, wit+, e•11111i0Z r, 5 0 hther Iluntlno 1.0 1.10 x•. W1.1,00t 1.140 tol.l Iluntlng b7 to 71 t...+ Watzln to loi liuntiag hike? lVatch• . 0. to ho o As•orteit 10atch all h 10 Ch . F. , ery patron 01.1,, IVatch , wl,ll, It war be ,a-tlailly I,, ltown.'lllll 11ica.0.ert1w.r....1..11 (0 lIMO./101 0 of the I\loo, thatelixent I:ertlucatea, oatul, the arth.l.... are T,lared la w:a.l, .1 envel- Op awl ntll 01, re are entlth-of to WSTZ.,I thelr vertlflra.te, upon 111+111 o. Tr• Dollars, whhtber b.• • watch u..rth 1,1 or utu. worth 1.•u3. rtAuru Of at, of our et ntltla: you to . the article n.lut upuu puytiscol. Irrospretiv.. of Its VVOI a:1.1 a. too va1uc.11...3a Ifian $lO • leoltery, bet a •tr.lrht forward legisbnateTrensarlloo,alilela may lie participated In even by t roowt F11411dlotte• I A certillcate . t];mtl. glen "f rt ut.. •n: for ft. eleven for an:la elegant Itrtn , l 7, m for mur, tishiv pro.m.urn (•r 11111 C liun.:rckl arid must atch Aw. , ut.s or I , !ling .mnluynn.nt thls Is a rra....pp,rtaully. It Is., I,llltua,ly conduct- , . . . . ..1.2t0.• sa.lnli n.ltb.,rl/...1 I. the liuvrrtaneut sod uprn 1•, tnu tu , . , :t cs.n.ful scrutl.3. 'I ry us : /1.1.1 rt,, J. RICK - LING et CO.. Ja24,11 It , liar...tar. Ne. lurk GOVERNMENT SALE. The Property {MON n en, the 'diovern InentTannery A: Steam raw 31114" with nerentytlseArrew or land, near San Auloato, Text.. SEA Lin) 1.1t1 , 1, oS k In doptleatt., •1111• e r..v. d 0,1 , 11,1 . 1/AY OF' tor the pllreit3LV ul 7e. 'wren of Land. (more or 1.....+.1t..gett...r .Ith t 1.,. Lint: dings ee evne.l Orr..- ~ and Appllnt in., apoertalulng, that conta:nln 12 Stone Lime Vats', Fitty-tno g ,tone . . aL.fcapsble of tannic,: 1, , ..0 , 1e per , N}: " ;at.:AM, SAWMII.L, carabie - uf 61wlug • I • K .. . . 1 by i,.tu5t..1.•1..0rt tyro mll, s Attto t s;,.. znn Ittvcr. Awl El, in it• uy l'Ar•• -trot, 1.0.111 t . hr I•sla yr:" purr,,ct nod Ixopn.rem,ats I.y 11.0.• ailed Uta:f..1,4.• I.overrt ENESMEM=MI • A ....t . l/11.1 titic ill 11, ntrop,u Itl too giv. ates Got•tit. . . bc• mar,0..1 • • •ll'qa'anl% for Gov , an'..l•l•,ry 3111:.•',sae,l It J. UM, t 31a1 lit n. I: F. A A. L., WANTED—TO CONTRACT for I T tai nom 75 TO 100,000 BUSHELS CHARCOAL, Uuflns OW 0101 , 1111 g *0,,, n• **di v er* . * 0 *.***** 110:11Cr IE4IO ',Z.:14 A prll urst. Apply toorlialqrcr MOORHEAD & CO.. 99. Water St reet. SUPERIOR OAK TANINED,PAT • E.NT,TILNICILE:II AID itiVILTEu LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, Manufactured at No. 5b C1IITItYlE1.1)1IT.. bf HARTLEY. PHELPS &. CO. Also, Agents for Near York Rubber Os. Gum I.3eltin • i.V.7,5^,,,n„b.,',T1,•3',‘ LAVE I'M: and itELT • (7.„ICEIT lIEVOLETION IN THE TIZA tPI , THE UNITED ,TA.TES. CALtIOI:NIA. made null prepar, 41 an if Ilone In Fran,. from pure Cad Corn. Inc, awl taking tho place or Impor• The onovr•lgnutt would rail the 'attenth.n of Wlnt and Ito,' li aepara to thr fonow low ,ett. r, ablcn may I, a correct I,lta off r. U. quality ot thotr Wine, •• , .. - rlsocnt“.lltrrlL. Oct.,:ath. ".114,115. 8.11,11C.11 Hat.- tue .;11. your Callfrrnt•Comtnn....rue.• thorough laSe I.len>ure :tuft, toes vre thank It the Iu l Amen nu a f t used. We a: race Place It on bill fire. Yours trills A. 1,1 tn. our r:lll:;:,,..;':_••';',,=Ly6ol.! Cu." s al It t ' 7,111 m 0..y n et . ... N. Y. HOLIDAY GOODS. - - - ALL RINDS OF lIRONZE,GILT, CUT /OD til.AtS • carbon Oil Lamps and Chandeliers, Lamp Trinuningv, &C. Also \'AItI[ANTNIIstiN•FSPLO,IrCCAH BIIN OIL, 'holt:6loc sod retail. JOHN ROSS & CO., 1%.7,=.. 64 IllEaslcot Ott - root; 41(...1:17,14wT I•lTT,ltlllttili. PA. THE LIGHTNING L.AJITP. 11. C. JUNKS...D. cuAwrora, J.lO. VOO.. JONES, CRAWFORD & VOGEL, Agts. THE Most , rowEneta. A-ND TRULY IMILLIA (VAL. OIL 01.13 LIWITEVEUPIIODULEII. Adopted by.e. S. Government. Non explualve. Cheap and Beautiful. Give* br111141.1l •Ileht.three•foal groAter than any ntner This grat.-ut ads,ded wall lamu hut-P.a ., and an the wick la men ly &conductor, never require.. aa, trlmmtna. Buraer• on I ni• wined !!'!nitrArld 1 . 1 " 1 , 71t rATA 0111;e. tv,:pt;Llte Punt M . .ICC, ' ;bolie rlttoek's Newr I Itpot..trontl floor. non 377Y-CJET-RI3XCI.I=L OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE. Arb. 410 rents street. PITCAIRN, Proprietors. 14 . 01unlbuscs and carrlues f ninletsed for all tralne, Also, carriaas s lot Funera:s. ‘Vrddlnaa and tattles, at Abort .00det and reawnable • Stable Open Day and Night PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS J. PAINTER & SONS., LLSX➢)ACTCRtUB or Iron, Bubkel, Tab and Trunk •__ _ _ _ HOOPS AND SHEETS, teinfin PITTNIMIIGII. Pa LA PIERRE HOUSE, Philadelphia TDasalmarlbers hart. teased U. favorite House ha. beop ILE V ITT ••• •P El) IN AN EtattlANT MA S.NCI'. ^Of , wepalvd will: the tno.l. perfect It, receptlott of Kut t fila drttp" 6, - -• I.nsMotets .111 Lt main:an:ma tot.ltlells as In lae put 5ur3511.1 liklan t V.!i_ MACY • W n e w SHADES—A new log , 31artntotrort. JVS. lt. LUVII Fll S USU. MEDICAL CONSUMPTION. CONSUMPTION Oar eon. JAY. r. 1 . 1, ./1....0 three flirt 01 3, wa.allllc,.l wltt. etommuollon of the lungs for winch be was .s:barged from the arm , . tic was egg:albeit by four army ph b yglolaus. wo all agreed that Le malt dla wltla the disease. We brought Lim to Kt-VIM-If, 101 Wood strert, now int Penn stroet4 who. after n ending LI. lung, ced to treat hlm. and caren Lim stoma and well. Ito Is now Well and has b-en so fur tie three years. Other, agnate...l In like manner can likewise be curt. J• 1110 PAINTIER. MART A NN rAtNrsu Ttmperance% Ille, tept 5t4. h 64. rte .- rain - tom, Deermber trsri. A IiIeF.AT CURL BY PEI. KrYak:WS rEt:To. v. I live In reablrs towntittp, Alla glzeby. rouuty. I had a cough and spieling. which conarnructol about the -ith Fet•ruary la t. and continued eight,en moinths.- cmployed• the best pbsalcianaln the y, and nly cough That unabated Until early In ticeolo.r. At that elute I was advised to try Tuur rchtllZAl Cough Syrup, which I did. and after I had taken one collie, was entirely free 'rum the rongliing and Spilling. I had desnalred of ever geteeng well, and I think that It should be known that this valuable remedy will do for bluets what it bat dove in nay case. JOHN C. urn F., Vileness—lL Peebles township. A r uur of Ilyr 'rare funding cured by Dr. KEY dElt'S rEcIUItAL syltue. Purr2nunml...laullary 11. Ist,. eVSS.I.—Hy wife has hero alltit.e:l with a cough and dlihmilly of breathing ft, nee or six years. which. :or several yeas bark, had grad ually Increased In violence. Toe complaint hat been hereditary. and She had born treated by several physlclans without any relief. to this stale of her rase I procured some or your 1..Y.C• TOILAL COUGH I bought the nest Uwe a Orly cent bottle, wnlcb rely red her Tel y uch; 1 then called and got a dollar Wally. m which cured her entirely, and she has now no trace of the fsrmer disease. except weaancls. I would alto Hate that I used the medtcloc myself to a cold and e .47,i1. The medicine cured me by taking one tbott. I express my entire satisfac l ion with tn• medicine. and you are at liberty to pubiLsh this 11 you desire to do 50 .. W Alderman. fifth Ward. ViIiIOPE‘COUGH._ Below will be found a certificate from Doctor 31. De run. one of our most respectable dentists, lu regard to lie. Keyser. Pectoral Byrn.. The Pectoral:7rue is also an Infallible cure for eve ry form of cough and cold to which we me liable. rid - I,IW null, June re, 1,2. On. K Erielti—Dear sir: thane fora long time twee opposto to advet lived or patent medicines, and It IS with roluctauce that 1 recommemi y of them. Tile conelderailon. however. that an I aro doing the community a serrlce. Inducer rim or..rcouie my objections, and to pulincly re. um. }our Pectoral B 9 up. We have kept It in our &mile fur the last nee or sing ear. un i t hare gtven It for coughs. eon as are produced by colds, „to., with the errett or alleviating or (dame!, arresting them. Poring last winter our children were exposes , to the !election of win:mo tile cough, mot each one ot one three Ibe x .b was attaeged with what we believed to that !naiad, We administered Your Byron liberally. and he result was, that the whooping cough lasted with neither of them more than ten or trimdays. I hope others will at least make a trial of your medicines to such cares, as we base found it beuencial Yours, st. Durex. No. hi Wylie street. DERMA OR RUTIN. It i)111 Le observed that We have published for sometime past an advertisement of Dr. George li, Keyser, of Ito Wood street. Pittsburgh, Ps. in reference to Trusses and other mechanical appliances for the cure and relict of heenla, rupture, beside. cations brokeoldown conditions