The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 08, 1867, Image 1

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136 firth Eitrocrt.
P. B. PENNIMAN. Ediumg.
T. P. noUNTON. S
j ar r og I gE SU ED, Buil Dena /Maxie&
El nee aunt..
"I'"ed br earlier, (per treek1.......1.3 nen..
Malt Sabartlbere,ttperyen. ....... .—..13,00.
Liberal reductio. to "...Fatal".
C Copt., per year. by watt
Vlett do. do. do. each
Tee or more topte'• to one attire., and
one tree tarlub,' earn
urx x ITEMS
• Bed Tempei—Xind Diseetlen.
Few parsons are plobehly aware how In
tlmatcly connected le the °audition of th
digestion organs with the temper and char
actor of the .mled; • -
`. 'The ono never works: well without a
eonnd sista of ' the other, and Mindredsef
Persona linger out years Of idaltlY canto nee
with au uncontrollable :Irascible - temper;
who, If thegeneral health ofPte body and
digriatiOri organs Were Prperlyrared for,
would be as ttonlal. and; geixt tempered as
hose by -whom they aroFho 'unreasonably
censured. The clainis - tier • DIL , KEYSEItta
BLOOD sKaILOLIEII. upon the ' readers at
tention In every elate or the health requir
ing tonic and altarattia , treatment,ls such
as to warrant us In saying that 13 Meatless,
as far aa we knoir; not only as a tonic and
dentinalve to the
and straining or
gans, but It at the Wan has a gently
allmithitlng operation which does not, like
ninny other stimulants, leave a weakened
condition after its use; hot a strengthened
and Invigorated ono. The nettle of nature
havenever yieldeit tO research and science a
nobler and more wonderful remedy than
Simple and brimless and can be giv en with
safety In every chronic disease of 'debility,
or where there in want of appetite or a gen
eral feebleness of the powers of lire. If we
could properly present the exiniordlnary
cures . made-by' Dr. K eyser's remedy, his
present means of supply would soon have
to be enlarged to moot the demand. Bead
or, we speak the truth, and from evidence
before us; that Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher
has performed cures of greater wonder
than any- We have ever seen recorded.
: Whether it is the skill of the Doctor of the
potency Of his remedy, wo allow our read
er', to judge for themaelves.
De nuclei to get Dr. Keyser's, and take
no other. and If It don't help you go and
,ee the Doctor and he will tell you whet to
do. Ilia Store Is lip Wood street; Consulta•
Lion oflace, Ito Penn street. (Hike hours
from 9 a. N. to 4 r. Y.
The loOlon llorb• Doctor, No. lOt
"Liberty atrecg.
DEAR feel I am only doing a duty
in publicly stating my gratitude for the
benefit I have received from the rise ofYour
' blurb 'Medicines, which has given me case
and comfort after long years of suffering.
Sly disease was •as tollowe: Liver .Corn
plaint, Dyspepsia, pain in the back, Inde
ntation of the kidneys and 'Bladder, Swell-
I ago( the Abdomen, General Debility de.,
An. But floW, thanks to God and your med.
I enjoy refreshing sleep in my bed,
until= now quite a now being:
.Cnrraut Scorr,
uwner ot. the steamboat Hero. Rea
Hence, Lawrenceville.
The Doctor's °Mee 13194 Liberty street.
Cloy, WOO4l end Gnm Pipes
With cane atoms, ut J.D. Thoropeon, 210
laberty . etrect. ,
Of cannel fruits anti vegetables are Invl
--ted to inspect the assortment kept by (leo.
lleaven, at 117 'Federal street, Allegheny
Serubbl sac Brushes,
Whita•.wnsh Brlithos, Duster Brushes, nt
I'hon,psuu•e, 210 Liberty street.
Denis and Medicine.
Doctors' prescriptions carefully prepared
at half the usual price, at F4ltous !Mug
Store, opposlttrrnatolllcet
mason'.. Blackly=
And lion City liatcbesorboleenlo ea J. D
Thompeon's, 210 Liberty etreet.
Foreign Liquors of all kinds dt J ogooli S.
Pinch% Distillery, No. lto, 191, 193 and 129
Pirst street, Pittsburgh.
Rat and Itlonae Trapa,
With oao tbousaml other traps, at Thomp
aon's,2lo Liberty Street.
"llMmedlcal office of E. Warner, old In
dtaul'hrertelan,...t Son, removed to No. Yl
Penn intact. - yet
&mar Rakers! Balm
Vor lying neg.. Sold ut Thompson's, NO
per cont. Alcohol at Joseph S. r*Oh'S
Thompson lieeps Masetles
In the Iron House, et 240 Ltborty street :4'
TOT. iNto Bay
New Hops at Joseph S. Mates:
The Indiana aro still committing depre
datlons in British Ilond UMW although there
aro three or four hundred ItOtish troops la
the barrack's. Sir. Peter Grant has Itrrived
'with reinforcer:l:rents.
The Neilals. Legislature passed a memo
rial to Congeal, on-Wednesday., aaktn•
Congress to grout that State Jurisdiction
urer.tbe Terntory of Utah. A. copy of the
memorial was ordered to be telegraphed to
— thrvernor-Orr. has returned Irma Wash
ington to Charleston, elated with the idea
that a speedy restoration of the Southern
States will ensue ori the basis of impartial
suffrage. It is understoal. that he-will not
convene the Legislature of Smith Carolina
until such time as the North Carolina Leg
islature shall take action on the new propo
In Ina lasi message. Governor Curtin re
commended the contlntomee of the Depart.
moot of Telegraphing and Transportalon,
and we are pleased to learn that Governor
Geary• has re-appointed Col. 11. Gregg,
Chief. Colonel Gregg has been at the head
of the Telegraphing and , Transp‘vrtation
Department for the Paa t two years .
Conoco( the perpetrate?. of the horrible
murder of (sl} old woman woman in Althorn
has boon llacoyarel.l In the person of
a rietrro, emplos;el In shas ractery In
West Auburn. The bas coefeased, and Ws
'white accomplice has been arrested.
- Gold has boon discovered: so it is report
ea, in the townships of Longhorough
and VictOrta, a Short distance froth Kings.
too, Canada. The Canadian gold mines
aro attractuig a groat deal of attention.
The State of Louisiana has commenced
snit against-tho Louisiana Mato hank for
the recovery of nearly a million of dollars
remaining to the credit of the State, on the ,
hond'orthe Bank, which SVI“ tho fiscal
agent of the State. During too Confoticra- -
UV. the State alleges that by permission of
Generals Butler unit Shepley, eleven thous,,
and boles of cotton were purchased unit
brought to the city and sold for tile benefit
of tho bank and State.
In Terns,General Orinln has Issued or
dere by Which the Frecdmeas' •Buruan is
virtually withdrawn from all control over
freentace , s interests. Runty retains an ad.
vlsory and reporting power, with the sii•
pervasion of schools. Of course lie abdlca•
teal power may ho resumed at pleasure.
The Tennessee Mouse of ItepresentativeS
/111.21 concurred in the Senate resolution re:
questing Senator Patterson to resign, and
adopted a resolution to adjourn nine We on
-the 4th of March.
"Fred Irouglass lectured In Saint Louie last
Late advices from ,Montano mention
the discovery of sliver Muds which -will
yield Low 63,000 to .10,000 por
lots. -
The Omaha fL!eputficen says that Captain
North, of that place, has been authorized to
raise a buttallion of Pawnee Indians for
cervice on the plains, and that be has com
menced the work with tine prospects of suc
J. Proctor Knot hog been nominated for
t'ongr . e. , by the Democrat, M the Fourth
Kentucky diet -net.
A bill h. been Introduced Ia the Virginia
Legislature,' tot call a State Convention tb
amend the Conztltutton of tao State.
8111-7) •
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641n , z
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• •
••••.• 4(4
.1005 1 ;
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i .
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•-• • __
•-• _ -
I -1.
• (•
American Quota= Parliament.
The Eastern Question lie
suming a NejOl:Cipe---'
L 070074, February a—Emaing.—A greet;
stern has 'slotted the seethe= and western
Panie, February• 6.—Franco bus minis b.
entumerolal treaty with Peru, Particularly
providing for the export of guano and borax.
Hog . ; February ti.—The in consider:
lug a proposition for the canonization of
listlor Or SOO ALABAX.A. cLtalts.
Luanme, rob. rarllament, bast night,
Lord Derby, in reply to no inquiry made by
Earl ;Lassen, Bald Lord Stanley had asked
Mr. Seward to state plainly the points or
the claims on which an adjustment by arid
tratkin was desired by the Government of
the United States.
Anew Atlantic telegraph cO,noanr is now
forming, with the intention of laying a soh
marine cable, by.way of the Azores, to Hal
ifax. The proprietors announce that the
tons will be four pounda sterling on twen
ty-four words.
jumaA.,Feb.6.—Ed. Kollersfrey Les
arliM,lnVed by the Emperor to suicek,i
Inrillm filo .MMlstry.
Sr. Parananono, February o.—The Res
elan forces have gabied a victory over the
troops of the Shwa of ➢okokara, near Sum•
Ltveuronu, February 11.—Soon.Lentien
market quiet; sales probably f . " bales;
prima Unchanged; middling 1.vpi.,11, 104.
LONDON, February C.— _Nam.— Canso'.
quoted at 9D 11-1 G; Five-Twenties, 7 - .!:%; 1111-
nola Central, Dl; Eric, TYR.
• Livar.Poor, February a.—Tbe steamslOp
Foruvian, from Portland, arrived at Lon
derry yesterday. •
Lemma, February 7.—Nam—The ,Bank of
Englund has reduced [bo rate or digcount to
three per cent. Console, 90 11-P; for money.
live:Twenties, 110; Illinois Central, t:O!,,
Erie, 39%. •
Livouroor, , February 7.—Noon.—Cotion
dull and declining, sales are milniated at
6,000 bales InhlOhng uplands at 104:411%.
'ills steam Phi p Bavaria from Southampton
for New York.was man Sunday returning
with rudderbrokon.
- - .
LIVLA.TOOI. Feb. 6.—Etentr.g.—Cotton: the
market was irregular during the afternoon.
Middling Uplands, 1ei(1,14 , 2 ; rates reached
8,000 bales. Breadstuff. dull. Cora Vs.
Lard easier; sales Me. Petroleum—ll,flued
Is-quoted at is hi.
Lostoox, February C—Everitng.—(;9.^'^
closed nt F.l 5015, ullauls Central,
Eric, 33N.
IS - Am. ..Toy, February 7, M 7.
Mr. TitUrtIBULL, from the Judiciary CUM-
Mitre°, reported without amendment, the
'louse bill suspending the operation or the
net of 1864, authorizing the appointment of
a commission to award the VW comiumen
tins to loyal slave owners, for BILLYGS taken
In the volunteer centre, and also to dis
charge the commissioners appointed under
said art. •
1,061 . 0U6A-T. PITAIWILLAT AT Tll%
Mr. TRUMIIIILL also reported from the
same Committee, the House Joint Resolu
tion to prevent corporeal punish men t in the
lute rebel States, with amendments, making
it read that "it shall bathe duty of the mil
cern of the army and-navy and bf the yrecd
men's Bureau to prohibit 'End prevent the
whipping or maiming of the per: on as a
punishment of env crime, - misdemeanor, or
any orlenee, by tne rorstended civil authori
ty in any State intolY.m ret!el lion, until the
civil government of,sucti - State shall have
been restored and recognized byCongress.,
DIR., I meoirranox.
—Ur-BROWN Introduced a bill for the en;
couragbthent—of commerce and Interne'
trade by facilitating direct rcoporte'
trdrr.7 - -itaferzed to the committee on corn'
- . THE Ili - c!lifTr.p. To FT or:scoots.
(In motion of Mr. MUM!: kat,• the Prost.
dent was requested to communicate any
recent correspondence between the De
partment Of state and our Minister at
StOckhOlm. In relation to his transfer from
Stockholm to Begets.
CnnAnnii PAT To occurs.
- -Mr. WILLIAMS called up tho tenni otton
giving twenty per cent inereainni cum pen.
Helicon to clerks and other civil eniplOyern
-01 the Government at Washingt an, fur ono
year, ending June let, 16:7, which was dls
cmsed till ono o'clock.
4.1. that boar Mr. FESSENDEN cailed up
the Legbdulice,-Executlve and Judicial ap..
propriation bill, on Web a, debate oc
curred. ,
lie. • SUMNER charged the Secretary
of . the Treasury with controlling his
clerks on political consideration..
Mr. FESSENDEN disagreed with the Sen
ator, and others Joined In the d iscussion;
finally the question was taken on the amend.
meet, appropriating fifty thousand dollars
for temporary clerks In the Treasury DO,
nano:tent, and authorizing. the Secretary
to classify clerks according to character of
service. It was adopted.
An amendment was adopted, appropria
ting Moen thousand dollars for Janitors of
the Treasury lloPart.ant.•
Recess until seven o'clock.
Evening Actrion.—The Legislative Appro.
printion bill was resumed. An amendment
wad adopted appropriating .10,000 fortacill
tating telegraphic communication with the
• •
Tint appropriation for extra compensation
to officers of the (louse was struck out.
0n . . - iiiiotirm Of Mr. FENSENDEN, the ap
ntment of eighty adonal clerks for,
the pension office was Ordered.
On motiOn - of Mr. POLAND, tho annual
pay of District Judga_nf;alifontla woei
ereal to 000, and of
11 nu New
York, Pennsylvania., 311,30ur1, Northern
Illinois, Louisiana, Oregon and Nevada to
WPM. and of all other District Judges to
al MO
Mr. SUERMAN moved to t erica° the
Southern District of Ohio. is the Kfi) sal
aries. Rejected.
Mr. Polnudis amendment leas ruloptud.
IMPIEO72.Inr.• 07 COO7AOX. -
On motion of Mr. KASSAN, the Commit
tee on Coinage, Wel alas and. Measures was
instructed to attend the annual unsay at the
United States Mint on Monday, and exam
,. t h o management and economy thereof,
nod runOrt what measures, if any, 10101101
tend to -greeter economy and cinclency In
the systeM of United Matee tulnottte, or
improrament or
Mr. STEVENS, from tho Committee on
Approriations, reported n hill apprnpri.
Ming sums for deficlencies in -the
of themdmgent fund of the tim es 6111 fol
lows: Miscel neousa items, file,ouu; ti
documents, g 25,610; W 0,2406 Otu,STOll; to.
tel. 5t1,503. Bill passed.
Mr. FAIRE, from the Committee on
tia, reported a bill for organising, arming
61111 1111.111/111111g the' militia. Itecommittml
and Ordered to be printed.
Mr. DA VD; presented a .resolution from
the New York Legislature in favor of ex
tending for two years longer the use of goy
ernment vessels for Quarimitne purposes ut
the port of New look, and introduced -
Joint resolution for that purpose, which
was passed. ,
VAN 01011 T,lll3)s6AlirD•
Mr. SCIIEN titi,froin thwilohit.Setect.Eom.; .
mines on JtetteneLmenti, Made a report Olt
tho charger-istodust'llr. inn Dyke, SAM
ant Treastirer ter New York, as to ono • •••
of gold, declaring
-these was nolcrumlatilMi ' ,
for the staterneut,,allegattortaz ( pes
implied by the Ifott i SOL asiLieltrtiklietttf ry
15th. Retort anti y . :to en
The ileum, took up the bill reportogl yest
tertley (rein the IteconstrucUou Committee
to pro , . lele for the More eflielent '• s
inept of the itmorre Mionary
After some discussion as to how 11Ing tug. s
donate Should last,without action, Atte
ASH Lt.le , of (AM ruing to a personal duel+7 --
tlon, sent tO the Clerk , ' desk and had read
the corrieripOntleuto from the Cincinnat_l
eolttniCeelnl, peOfeSSlllip to give the circum
stances connected v. ith thm offering of Sir.
AchivY l a"lmpurchmult meulallptl . 1I
musing vElly LITE sp TELEGR lit
. 1113.
Icy said, of all the fulyoboods et mutton,
end and sent from this city by tee ht...., idle.
phi mallgner., this story ems tle most An+ •
Ile had never hail. up lotto. therm oar ring
the resolution, any corresimmle ewe or
any conveneetion Whittat Butler,
on the beide., no loot lia lama 11 what Ill+
vl(Ws, except flout nolo 9otpt•r reports.
He had his own views since its 11011 inn. I-
I low Wit!, tilt esnkra—corlettlog Lam
be:lf—the amine; British/Mit, niter the aribaeit•
nation of Mr. Lincoln. The ari.t gentle man
to le hum he had rend It new Mr. SA ablebutni ,
of Illinois, and no one notelet accuse, hint e•
Want of Wont:slim for (too rn I 1.• runt Ile
11/ 3 - . ..15n etiOn n II to 'tle. m. 0., oh and two or
limey other aunt lumen. Certainly, nothing
was further from Ills t h oughts, Or the
thoughts of those be heel commit. el, than
the idea of btabbmg General ttrant In the
drug.. It was Avellidioan that no otlie er of
the array could thilillnoacinalt there fore the
StOryt•Ola that Point Was so et 05111 us to no
only, worthy of contempt As to the I in
guago alleged to havo boen used tO him by
hit etilleageOtr. Bingham, no suet., Imo
gouge WHlCret used. din would not ha,.
tbeillt 10 a paraCinal eXplanation on hts own
laccOtint. -Kohut yleddod to the inelgunint
Ur, nTENRNS resuming the floor on Aim
Lilt to provide -governments for the Mem
rectionary States, prefaced Ills rem dies by
Stating that the reference made to him In
the corretipon (once Just read was holly
false,. Ito supported t h e bill, and told [lett
ho gook! move Hoe IMO 1004 question at
oue o'clock te , morrosi
Mr. I. 1; BLOND raid rho adoption of this
law would toy the death kimll en 01,11 Wier
t} on the, continent and the 0.1.WD-tuned
of a military eteimotlion over this, nhotry
Ho 01,0,41 the MR 1.1 iiir.tionrt it ution
Mr, BARN-it% yaitt if o,xll liberty
meant the t :gilt to 51athelltrr and de buoy eit
pleasure, tLete he trustedthis wax its de tat.
Knell. 'I he MD inns friend,' for the nurture
of mote Ming all people in • lie Inmerre t on
ary State., unit teo .I•at !or It CAI!
found In the fact that there AR, at pre -
Scat no OttCtlon in those 2L•a •llaorganll
!Anti, afforded lo c arts lull Civil trtlie.
nal,. fie believed the bill wO,O. in accordance
with the View, ot L•etle. al ...tont
In 1, ply In que-itlen, Mr. F 11IN ' , WORTH
~ h 1 Ito dal hum 0 ye r-ottal lenim le itge
to that • fie et
Mr. lilts t, I 1 Ail, fow moments Ic
fore Thu hour for r,“ 1 111. unn
n, le lel to the primoot tOil of Er.
Steven • that oe rno of to rritiely a 1 11 111
tile !tae's of on e hundred state uI o
110,,rsa territory l t -cures from ler no m n
ender, .•111.10 rtzht A goy erallo..ot 11111
opt oolloaer tort It ry thnt 011t•II It 1131.01
atop olfctc , l .01 attit.notor to earn" ,
out. the presto, It mu I .ns,l lu 111 1101 it t he
folio,, in,
"tI k. It i. Ilt a•aly tint p ce In I
good miler IC.r w • cr,l
States lately In I.lnit, until the ete
spe• ne . l •e-a /1 to th,lr • • o
-.motioned re , .- on to loi lio• k 1 nut,ut or
let •''sited S. Vt.., Ito r •ore .lc-kloi. to
strike oat the re 1t is boloro
The debate •otai contlfine.l by 3le,rs.
LIILINDEtfE, PIKE Itufl F.l.lifi,‘Vffl: 111
support. anti FINCIi op.
• Ifece,, antil fail:-paat
/:,rftinq Scxrion —Atter •411 M, euimpor•
toot bu••11.e.,; the SPEAIiEIf. ,uhuffttett
Executive c•fiftrturf,,,tif,, , , tr,l,llnif the
report. Nom the ~cretary 01 the Treasury
relifus, to the ruvolue tr....1e between the
11.112 lira
tlll3 affrogell Wu of tie liyelprot•tty
tr.,ty. •
The debate on tin. nterch'g titl itial
t`lthlelt, of 1..00, ill the
Chair, ILI ,peaker, pro fem.
Mr. epoke In fagor of Inc
aupgipllnent of z !Oh. The general pu
l / nit, in the toll ttiet hie heat ty tiutireenr
but Ito Licht! ed the I...tin:a:l of Cite.
grgrew nhunit eoniorin to the Coue on
Mr. LAW litiNCE, of Ohio, tent to the
Clerk's to be 11,4:, 111111.10i1111,11t 0,3
PMPO. , :d ,polte again., the
till . tin utitiOuat tut 100/41. and
Ituntwell 'ghetto., Virginia, In a
liatn, bat! been liebentea tot high tleig,en,
ha, etaa. , l to in. a 'tale. If •ii, •Loopi
longer be held loan: We: lot It
trne..g ,, 01 the 'onetltutien , till(
petn.ou lot , ' an.sner onl y In the
'tuts atel Opt: int et the Z. ICh
(.0111111ttcli Cr/1111,
Mr. liiXTVVEI.I. did not ruble.
In reply to ante...tin:l of Mn. 11r.
the 'tale,. lint .00 rittetitt
the rebellion and Initiken 01l their con
stitutional ;elation a lin the too:el:it
nruinen 1, the unloottet pun er for c.olnh/On
610 . .211+0 throll.,l..Jilt the In- argent titate.
wart eteretaable b, lohgref 1, ant It:wattle.]
Mr: MAY I kat a :La t !Teat the 101 l
tvmad none on Ilia, eatglitig governs...hi of
the South.
Mr. It rept that the gne
Wolliti lITIfiCe their Inn. con, tin
der tall by 4mb:rail..., of the Ration,
snit only to the eat.
that Cp., eon,
nygnding rigieer.telght leo - tett. Ile .1.1.1 not
..uppo.,.. an, ilkl1,1•14,1 to .O.tiv
thin bill, to to me on:ant:x*l gorerninent,
the right to go On 011.1 ailfol en-ample tori
tracts Ilt'll:C1,11 WWI :411 , 1 man. Ile .C.l ot.t.
t‘lPrloli , It Was inten.l...l enlince eon
tract. or the lan' of mutt:ago, ant
through court znartlai_or tuCltary coutinte•
Mr. MA INAILD Inquired further whether
the Inevehfo fbi- hid ht Con
eV/Dunot It co far 1.. the recognition of t
State erg:did:nth - in, u. to em 'wain it Leo,
after It thonzht I , l,per to ceL them
Mr. I:INGHAM did not utippose it a 1/11 hi,
beennue Congrec, might ',Noire those:
astute Government, logo eilll further.
Mr. /11,1; 1111•11, a el/21,1./011.101111/ argolnent
osainct il l . .
Air. 1 NGEILOOLI, InaintnigeLl that Meer
e two colt, of otateu, geographical
an wer d political. The I,te imsorreetlonsry
Statedwere go:ographlcal ohites , but
were not- mister thu Cons:Man.
pollUcal slams 11. the Union.
No one roccl fear to Vole for this Sill, lest
it might mai, matters coerce in the South,
for Ganz, there lv,,re t.l as leel conia Se:
Ile had no fear of Tv - acting the poWur in tills
tail to the lievernment, and sr, eon:oleo t
they would be teeelved Wicely and
Mr. ItANDAI.I. nuked why the Preanl
authority, winch had been originally 1, . the
1,111, hint been StrOck red.
Mr. 1N1:L1._01.1..14 It was becaume the
purplecottl.ll:ot Ito I !dm.
1111. uskett .11ot her, If tt. Yresldent
cocifil trt VY WOonler Itnued by GO
rimrtt, then, m Ohio
Mr. INGLICsOLL 4f1.1 not 11,1011 the
rcusltlcnt would 1.6v0 p leek to ne It; and If
he refund to execute the law.. Of Congriniu
it would 101 lenoul ground fur .e.pencliun. of.
oTILOUoI.—Too only ground you over.
will have.
Mr. TRIM - 111.H fooollfol wbello, Con
gr.. had 1100 a bill overillingthe
conhtitutional powers of the President.
Mr.INGEILNOI.I. declined to intent that
thin bill did no. It ulmplvfe tee
llnintrunelleg General of 110 writ* . Ur Inn
chargo certain dutlam, lle then discusand
the general bearing of the hill'
.Mr.SIIANKLIN olrtnh,ed thu'lloor.
Mr. 'ILIUM IIP LL gave notice of an 11111,11,i.
merit he proposeil to offer, that no llcr son
nbouldhehl for 010100 Or ntlierw In
f... crime, exeunt by pro,annoont. of
Ufa grand Jury, ,te.
xaw 130,; TO vu
On 'notion of Mr. CONNENS, the tweret itry
of War was directed to nave ,helve story
between the Mock!: Mimutulne and Sterra
Nova lam .eirveyeil for new route to the
Puellie. 00 11100nn 43,1X.i0.wer0 lippre
',ratted for the collo.ction of titaLlaties 00
thin subject of mines and mining.
Qn motion of Dir. WILLIAMS, salary
of the Chief Clerk of the Senate 'Wt. raised
to 1/,aKPO, and of the Sergeant at-.brad to
$.1,1100 -
A Botch or Romoro—nobblor.
Plllogino nod Con.criptioli
by Roth l'ortie.—Ortrios to be Cried
by Coorbilorlini—Meocltnlllon
termlned. to Order on Election.
UAL criertisr, February 7.—lilexlcan dates
to the 'AI, stain that Canal.. in reported
shot; ant credited. Cantinas was robbing,
pillaging and cot scriptiu g. -'
axlrllllll4ll aas reported to be under the
thumb of Ilk confessor.
. .
11 w raiim test that Lbe tabnCh. would
embark w,
sooner 51100 exPeCled.
The imperiatiala were eonnerlptlMS Men
.nkl horn. for tho olefentnr of Ulu oily of
..StaxCantnlnaa and Tao Urendt
.511nIstor hatl a!utormy
Thu 1.11 , ,a1a Luvn eu Gctlarfolanacgo and
xrb allntirAinating tit,, mou and ravanlila,
the lemma,
_ .
The French hold all the Coeds In the Coo"
tom house at Vera llres since the 15th ult.
Ortega In vibe t nett by court. mart
Miramon and elope, Imperialists, were
matching. en San lads with euren thommad
men. 711.1 Emperor had ordered them to
attack rho Liberals, mad, 11 vletorloue,, It
was his intentleitses , order an election,
and if the peopliseleetarettrfor the Empire,
10_ ul.Atrror Jester. to leave the
• laarrie/y4.lobrinery I.—Great prepare
."... =Wrng at Taaatoceta Sot the re
h,Dr president Juarez, who was es.
lath lust..
? , ..;i•trala Of Specie arrived hares tow days
ago, A proof that the roads are tree.
est iMprOveMents are beteg, combo In
atantoraa. Under the administration or
Earriosahal, tnerelildits have couUdenre
that order will he maintained.%
All Is onlettri the.lntartor. •
A courier hos arrival with news or a Lib
eral victory at Coition, arid the
_place we n
omnpled by the Liberals under (fem. Unita
The Question of Inland Commerce
'Seinen the East and West.
The New Tax Bill to be Reported
to the House.
The Differences Beta ern Gen. Grant
and the Indian Bureau,
‘l' lehruary 7,1,47
The report of General I. 'T. flutela,.of Sow
tar. ,eat to fib., House by the Secretary of
the I reaauf y, on our Inland 'commies ge,
tahar griffin.' against tbo idea th at the en
largement fit the Cameboa canals would
lament our 1 . 011.11111,1,.. It claims tA/ have
demonstrated that the Eris Canal la the
natural — and cheapest ehannel for Weattru
cmmerce; that It has earned heretofore.
as o a
It will crry hereafter, the bulk or the
Western commerce; that the geographlral
and commercial causes a - 11M2t( have pre.
vented any serum. dimslons of I.l;We:fa
from the Er:et:dna! by LIM Canadian canula
will operate worn powerfully in the future
than In the peer Instead of the free e,
chan,re fit products bud the free translt of
them through each country, It 1/rnes the
co-operallen of the West 1-.11 the utate of
Nca Vol . :. to -eve, Nedunial all :a favor ,
or Ita tonne: propf,ltlon.
The ,eretary, to his letter transmitting
• report to Mongress, -:t3" t ha t the Lona
tbratiou has evidently been, made tip Air.
Ilateh 101111 fairness and fidelity, and the
eonallilsimia which naturally arise (menthe
consnlerailons presenbs: I.y 10
the improvehomt oral enlargement of 0111 .
of trun,portat ion through our tern
taro for our vast we-tern comma,. In pref
erence to tho-e 1 , 1 the Canak:.s. till
-The arguments In favor of the latter op.
pear to be mono nj , re:o than sound, and I
therelore take pleasure:ln approl log the
emu-lush - ma arrived at In Air. Batch . , no
The l'ortwconni.(' ( 01,,:ntioureits(kno
pk../ 1.«-(Itty n o Lon the Committre on 01zant
mast.. the WI/on - mg vino t, which
(co= ogre.. d to:
Pre,nlont —F. A. r.prattur, /1:10. iCt,
Ilre , olonl.—J. C. Etna, , coA York, W.
I:lnchon , or FrlonNyl cunt(, tr. W. Cull, of
Maryland; M. May, or rirgu , :,, Jod,o
Buelnwr, of Indlann; Lowentlo.l. of llll'.
n o ), Itogley, of Mr( ; J. I:.1::•.y,
or unt (moo, 00., and
W nniook, of Itrooklyn. rotaro
A. Mr lorn(11(1, 0 . 1 Lvov A., and W. 11.
11. of 1 . nd:Idel(00, T.Olll
,r ,—;..
M;l:rr, of
llmcotrwi vitio
h.roaf fLoorf.:og nircur•
tl:tucv With 1:it• ticOots of 100 lint cittlou,
mot too': sofas 11L 211.14 Lori.
Tto• followlug re-Oil - I:1,, et.• .10;10,1
by t 1 i: Cob vc:it
F7r2t--1 tntl3, ,, (n,hl thut pr.-
.oti ‘4l.ltv te1,31 u Wien
...Komi', ft .01) tax lIIj ..
pr,l :1• umnta -
third troth L
utztuntliitunt lb!'ltt.l anow too ' , yr cl•ut., for eutpora.
Third —A letlnctton wl tax w hvte tnbacrw
.lnunte,cd by Pre, erg ef wltb the dub,-
Akl.c,th—Timt rill be
eol.l •••cb.p - ct to tn.:. 0301 be 'lc!, toVed
bids In open rucrtret nwt cover tbe 111.1.
ryth—Tll4; uppoultment or Conon:ll,c
10 etortfer with proper pwrtie, orOer
bcvnec /E•gittlop II bleb w rellvvc
umnufacturcre of tobacco.
• •••••••1 o_4 1.1“, opl n 11n 11
lIWAS VO,VEd. u_4 the owlet on or tee
owtorolotton t Intl the, oteenteturest
~ oCether lontnifi.ctu on tell Of leaf steno tor nelt.itooon, Into plugs. rue. enrol:leg, tor
- mai LI 11, entoulel ant torte, noel vault Of teem
beating the sottne tax.
Delegates from fourteen tribes el Indium,
from Kansas, now here, have agircii with
Commissioner Bogy noon the.prolitninarles
of trestles which will ho lute cd this week.
These Indians have agreed to remove to
what is known es the lite:Li hind. In the
Indian cerintr , formerly occupied by the
Creeks and Scodnel en. The lauds in ha,.
belonging to Dorm are valued at from one to
tour dollar, per acre, and uredo he mold and
the proccedii Divested for their lenient.
750.1literentes which existed between too
Indian Korean unit the
of the army, reintico to the nppoletutiint
the part of OM eirmitillnlon to
Investigate toe cane of till last initensere
ut Fort Phil. Kerney, ea,' been linrinOrd
"nide adjusted, and tire. Sully and Colonel
51101, bl,ll,l4:Sigillitell no pie inillton
ry °Clive!, it tin w ill liennslgniel le that duty.
It It believed that the result of thin inissiun
will lie to counteract the hail feeling which
ha, shown itself among the Indium., lied
naiin tither troubles with diilt,icat tribe , which are threatening.
o. )'t or :tor
Tho following Ir tho ..luterneitt of the
publir.llo4 of the L Ailed etiite, 011 the 101
of Folituery,
I,ct, ...,1”,:o , IPIN INTEitnaT. ,
l'lve it., ri , ..1{..F, t. 19+.011, , 0 It)
nix pc r vent. it..onds of 1 , , mad 1,.., 15,77,,111 .;
Slt 1..., rent. 11 , ,,1, I, ',1,74L,',,, l ,
.NeVy percent. -..,. t...... 4....— ..... ... ..10,,,,,..-
r•tallou fund 11, 7.1.1 , 1,111 II
llYliT n r
lix prr , tnt r.A •
12.,...,tr0 on
Thn, yrar ,0nap . .1,1,,ter.,t N.... 1430,1,14
Thrce .4/ Notce
Matured MIA not prutented for
paptnent $ N
pnwr DEA:II3O NO
I;. 5. Note. $
Fnellonel.l'urrenry T. 14,7.::
0 nl4l Certltlc.les of . 11.poolLu. .....
$ f 6ni
. 11.003.161 V
d'oa. In tb,
Thu Wilyslli lamina I:Monate° bare
agreed. to report an Internal tax Intl making
a general rmluetlon of abbot 4.1,000,000. Thu
tax on tuanufacturce will remain at tiro per
cent. No reduction Is nimbi in the tax on
whisky, or any other prominent article.
Thu I,lll.concontc of amendments to the
prment law relating to artleleu not guile.
rally Important. Thu Committeu will Mho
up the tariff bill to-morrow, but will prob
ably not report It to the house until tiro
Mom ofoext week,
General Terry. Manisa,.ailing Department
of I/Warta, ban orders, dittuil al, his
headquarters, tort hurtling, Minnesota,
Permitting Indictor flagons In the Dimon.
eat to tor rite their otorer on Military Meter
General Terry ban also Issued all or t .
tier Instruct lons from Gm War Department
and General Sharman, setting forth that
',smarter itollan traders located at Mill
tary posts' In the department of Dakota.
will tat peluilLtml to uellttuatounltlon to
dlkusl and under the onion and taper
013100 of the post comma:l,lo, respeetivelY.
and the post commanders will be held re-
Sponslble that only such rlsiantlt, of pow
der and loud are sold at way amble the In•
hoot to ohtoin their subklmtanco. • They
will not permit them to be sold hi such
quantities a$ will ennLlo citnnl bandk or in•
dlvldualt to 11C0111311111lte any stock tkyom.l
ann.t they require for itntrlealkte est!:
AI'POINTIM 01 - 111.:4, neTile ARMY.
. .
A communication trom till secretary of
War, tcsday, was t ratunnil List to tint .sennle,
enclosing 0 lint Of . Zi:;eillMern who
Joineit tbuir stations With the readmit. why
they hot not repeat:it nn orilereil:' A few
have been grantml leave of übsencei but a
large proportion have not nigiittlei their
acceptance of their appointment.
. .
Col.lllllyer bun been nbthluated by the
Progblent naval °nicer of New York.
The thole() Cot:unit tee ml if Intnnt propazu
to give nu lut•teatatt or contrail Oar to non
eta! coot ructorA, pra:,..not fortrellot, In ue
conlauce with toe taunt of each cl tiro,
but Cloy ton)' I' ef e•-o to gt , e any toilet In
some ease,.
lienhrul Sheridan him !well SIMUZeIIed he.
fore the Southern ltailtoad
Cntnhll it ~ nnit Ind nerisie nor other.
, The Retrenchment Committee old or
port, It is unilerstomh that t 'lnvest
Lieu not only exenciates Ito. It. tun
but vindicates In c mannimt tin, 4:11,-
treasury In Nen lel I h minie
charges sere
found to be rood on tOO
tolat amount of lkiveritinvnt
Lein Only rL
mtil ling of ilOllOl . l,
livniiral J. J. itartleitt beiin nominal,
for .Nttni-tiiii Itiihiilont. at
It 3. .30.1 tho I:etre:lo.7PM. C3M:111111,
will report lu furor oboO-o , ntr Ito e.,ul
oftlees ut New York, Philw.lelolda.Pe‘lon
nod Ituitluoite, I3ll'e the (loth, pel•
O/rlllett L 3 nu All ltlor. t31,10u thott-wuil
tll/1\1 • 7, Wll6/1:31
The Senate will eentlrtn tho nomination
of Genera! halo An
te. ,311111.ter to Frani,.
F. IV. nr.l, no h. , f
MD , :al
0000'01 1111s,1011, 14 4:11,14:1' , 1 011 1114 repot t. If
at ..loee•nr.t. !inst.:putt 1111.1
I,lnntl 'oll+l. 'l'llotiOta betote the Ilret
nary 'lota, a n nutter of verprl.te.
'l'lle..l..ezlnet on, Vltttlttin, (Prete, tot7o
t;oyernor I.eteher Isar tact 100.141` p•,
The Way. and :flenn.. Choutn.tto havo
u1.p.e.1 to an trnportnnt atnentllneut or Ito.
TAX 11111, tegaro 11. whacky, prat - W.l,g
11101. all a Ittlity 01111.-.1 ("1 . oal.. ot
price t' nn thr too of t w , r donor, r
le to be .141 ..0nn. , ,, 41.,()t!..:1 •ti 1:1•
went C.,12i1.1011,4 Ilt.! pr., holi, it a
though ff
t, 11l eectual,: prevent it,
frauds whiell letve been perpetrut,l.
Thu ui that,
ate t:Avu duuhlrti 10 7,,,!00a n”. loan
Ount I , tuluft 00 OW 040 . •
troll, that Trealcur'y Dulutrtmunt.
The friend,. uttta.. buokruirt 1 , 11: are 1401, ,
ot The rcturn
wtl! lug nwaa.urt
will U., rolled lor allot her 50 . .0 t ,utitte.
Ibeito, ?It Cu:rt I.orn wmly:seu II:, 7
Impeactitmlnittue ,1..4 11,
77. '
%Vednu,tl r,), un.l r.•11LN.771 in [hi: 1 . 7 t
7 1.T7
exezel.,,, I,nloning honer.
Ifetniln of I/I * time Sotith—'lrst
Thooaantl forth ur fort,
to he Sent to Algebnotot—llteoge to
the terry ft, eleao—llertey ttotatery 1
—The Itomortl of Troths trot vet.
Agnidel the Tnettr.Ar..
A :etti r in tl,o ...ontherrx i
-lon. front Niongnuntny , ~.
[rim, Dint,
°o.rots' in 0111th ee :Ilega
V.• ate n..t !hAil fnriy no - •
tt ni the `late ill liAvn
1.10.11 c nharity until 11. Giep :let, ere.%
r.latge Illint;per 0
!, A•l. r t
1. - OJAl:ink .4 ter •nit .
in- 1.•:•1,x, n I
i In' :fe•
rut eKlat.l
- Legi.latiVe 1:0[111111Itee I.l.lteglel :In
the terry •
tlrNt incnitnn• I: the I ;i
.iister.lny. %Jinn ,n,nral ',nonn their 4..1,[11 , 1.a11a1,4,4,:11,
ter r]'
Edward U,t 1. nhy hal tt..•
t:10 t
Th., entl,t,
th. I 11214 , 1Stlltt
N41'5. 1, 1','1141111,. Nitval 2111.01 , •
V0rT1,11,111 . , Of tnu , ,",.k
,ipt+ +to., for
The linnrit of Trade 111t3 Shod].
rinl itkitih,lll. • 1.111 bill, It think
ft`V.",.. itt.,131
bontlv.l war‘thOunc. of ,intre•
t, robl...dr)“
Ii4:11T. fr , ,"•'' a o,th
A panic orvrrn..l ll,rnun. lunt,
11. L. evening, in conlnninern n LIII In 3
lonkty Wick , or •o-1 LCFiud Inv ,en.n.n . V.
Tllo audit:nen lied Irnin Ulu HAIL "I
Tho 'Linking on!. of 1,000
100, ru10.0. , 1 (tm air,. faint
by'llo Infernal Ituvenue oflloor., the ohm: Lto
of off iniyou.ol of fast, provf g kbe.
Err hr,s c.
3holln Allen tool John 01,4 y, the_h-o
unp,lta..Expro,, roOl:tos, n't,ro r...t
-e,) In fltl. city toolay, tool Ulu:: will Iru kola
to Cohnvethoh, who, the)' convlctol,
to receive their nunience.
flanPUlllllll.4 . Ai!until. ham ?wen fot.trld.d •:1,n , )
du ou roludr,
St, smuts! this u3nrult.! with twn onnn•rs
nlonnrd, but run urrround nit smwtY llnnk.
tg,./111` ell! ill I.l.curt. whir,,
Flan get, ,it.
tno Itollettna—Tite Noll Well at I-nas
cence n Great Noccessf-S Core of
Lynch Lim—Bribery I t the Senn
_ serial Klee Woo. .
Februit 7. Potts'.
Muniy yesterday voted In favor of
rcrl Ling three hundred thnuittud
in county bonds, in rho, capital steel, of the.
Idinvenwortli, Lawrence and If alv.ton
Railroad. Thin Insure:lll., Immediate emu
rantunincn of work at ltils point.
Th.. soh Wall, recently noticed, la yield
: lag one hundred bushels of call daily, with
only a small elmtorn pump. .•
Teresa, Kansas, CehrltarY
stDoke,,taco,a notortous deniteholo nano,'
'hulk Slc/tos ell, hared 11. unit at born, nt
COttltoll t.rovtl, In uo to Junction City. Not
I returning, lho natters or te loupes !rioted
hltu tonal's, tool hrougu h l bark. ti
citiday last end Ito . very defiant:
thresanned to loon the town Mid 11111 ,I‘.
leell at Its e. hi,hl.l Sharked.
lie further statist that Ito Wad rebel nud
tv In 14L11\11tel.M . % SSW. Ti,., elti7ell4 11101.
hl,n 11,311 the - 01,MMI Stuniny olflit, and
lams hint.
1 Ihe Medea toslllY 11. (Nun mil Leo,
to net with ilia Senate e0111101t1,,.
of bribery lu tin lulu
Senatorliti eleetloll.
Fire. Teddardny nt Colondont.,
and OndenaborK, Non York.
CoLVOIta,4 0. , Foartlarli Tllu building
Owned by LW. A. Neil, Tara floor north of ti!
Neil ibb, wan buntline ilestrwred by ilre
LAIN' Mantilla; fully neutred. . The portion
occopted by L,
F. it liker no a plaaograil
gallery, was gntlrely !destroyed wit n t he
entire contents; small the
till, tl Htory, Tull I t!'!i111111ant rent!! ta
Altierably itamacptl by wither; fully Itieurint.
In tall lower floor, Bain n, h•oi's dry
goods store wan Tata.ll 041114:ad by
folly insured. The Miley or um
Union Telegraph! Company was daalaaaki
sliglitly by water.'
o,,oessnrito, N. V.. rob. 7.—A lire , eur ,„,
horn to-day NV !Itch entirely consumed she Tll
man formerly Norton liouso, and
tolioloing :garble Mos. The ilro Moho out
the second Woo and cansutuld tilt!, addi
tional !metro. of the how, bor.! Istimato.l
at 42.,,,!."'
River Telegrome,
21ercharits . :IFlc7roj,l4 c inrspnny.
. .. •
OIL nil'. Feb. 7.-8 .. x.
Thu weather has been pleasant. ail .ley
and thawed coelderablo.
Myer andru t eek atilt closed. •
• • • . .
UU market declined allghtly. • - K.
MaPrrnal. February -7. The Gleaner,
boned for htetnpina, //truck a 41101.; twelve
mllea below Flue Bluff on Wethkerasy, ant!
sualc to her main fleck. spp
KKK , „due,' at $24,0®, 01111 CLAIIOiI by 1100.
Able Company.
AlAruttott. 110, 1 0, 7 .—Th. , greet low.
tttressure,_stranter ItLehtnond ea, beeves:—
fully Ittlatchottttoom the nettle,: 11111w:tr.
Duro thlnattslioou.
• Our I:uesta.
Yemterdity, at noon, the members of tho
Pennsylvania Legislator° arrived In tilts
city, and were received try the various
tnlttees alnaanted . to eatenil to them the
la:spit:ollie:3 of_ the idly, by tile hoard of
Trade and the C.,ty ( Conceits. They wierli
orted to the Monongahela Bause In ear
where they are now stopping.
croor ary, 'owing to the illness of his esti
dnal:hi wif , was unello to ticeendmny - the
elegation. Tbe following le a. Hot of the
distinguished TISHOSS, SO far no we cold."
ascertain :
senator C. !turtle., stottroo; .101 n 11.11...
Itet.tsvart, SOO; Craig. Carbon;Senutor
McColl:why, nettjenthrirt ROontt. tou
t. Hoyt, Fayette; Jot.% Phelan,
brunt.; Pltlttp Long, Cumberland:T. /but
;ter, Itunkto J. Mnrheron, Sterner; Lindley'
Mt%lntts, Ph tholltlnhlnt lAttnar Suborn, Phila.-
delphlnt .Italtn - P ftniton, Cumbria; n 1 U.
hop!, • York; John Ewing, 1 , :.1111.1.00,
TIIOTIIII4 Clunte, , IVltrrun t • %V. it. Waddell,
%Vest Lltettturt Crorze Wilson, Pittsburgh;
:senator Inghton. InttAtUrght Spettker John
P t ttl.tes ; Pittlnirgit; lVilbunt Peters.
Pit tsburnh ; Chadwick, Pittsburgh ;
i - trottt 110011111(, I.envitlthrt. Minn Brecht
`-ettnylkill; Entine:ly Itobinson, neltuylktli;
P. I'. Scht011.11; netottor Slel;tool
los t. Plulnuelplttn; rt nil I 'owlet, !del:nun;
I t. It, ; Fume., Intyletown; C. 1).
11011.1, Union: I:. n. Rout It, !1 unbar; ll.
t. I,ILTICAUta2r; 00/W O l. l OllO IV/{ll3,
ten I-Ltntritt Cutout:l Hood, Deletware; (;00,
PnLer, ,euntor nenright,
to, et, t ntotty; A. Armstrong, I.uneaster,
.1. W. Ind:non; .1. McPherson,
NI tune: George S. gehrlity, Instlntletphirt;
Joao(,(; It. I o wig, 1.11100: Joan %Vetter, :stun.
0; sot • S teletnot 1111,;e, S,tta for John
t'. 'noun, %ler, er.
the al[l.l nowt nur ,I,lor+
,Lp.l.<l mo n” - "inm, raf
r,•ll., • ,:L I :If . 4,.g, 1 , (11•.1.1.11L I•
tat lon, 11, liv . go maj.qy of them 'pnld
vl , ll. [1]..!,,v 01:4,41. l g oti.,l when: ••L'Af
xll,..ttne" IN as 111,Rineet: , trttkO,Tll
To-I:ty th 6 tn.tuber. nlll vl,lt the lloa,r.
the Penitratlitry Kilt! Pl,nlont
1,-Itourrow the ,oi.lterN• Herne,
tal- 0, 11 , 1a1n 'r; later, l'a.a.arant'a Ilea
latat, Meiny %.1,,t .ttret places 01
rh." . lty 1,11141111(A • •••::b a vital.
(inn... hides, 1'1%101% and hardware.
The Mt:1,1110n of our readvi, I. Olreettm
to the t . nr.( of alr. Alf , lfew lleeats, .lealer In
It, es, 11,101,, Hardware. Cutlery
,eneyal t a: icty No. 3
pcnommos ICI tto, favorably
know. r—tal.ll.lll..nt I t occntly Illtple
largo 11.11111111011 It/ 1110 ...toot: of Mac goods
lle•Ilne.n1 now uc-nmmo
tr induce'
1111 10 for the patronage of the public aa any
nt,cr Wostorn house. , portsman al
rt ,
gaol ho.; lo‘re, n hien are :n.lll at re
ark.anly low pr .1 utnnan
eitlon tor all -nrt., of - -leconm ,tlclia
lahltna• Pistol martti.larea talo, kept nn_
I: ml, n• I ocr-on.. 11:11 mat oocaalon ;tor-
C. 1,0 Cl,'l arlte:‘, amll do well to favor [llls
tom with a call: :Mr nom:. :a tin ell
pact -e m.,:lecctpolle nttmcla oarernlla to
anecp.: ing of gkin, :opt p:-,014, the
1:1'1 , 141, tin,‘ of rntorl sod
I:n 111.1 of pen a loto
ipt pf mp
Iln are. tooia, fa ,
fancy art
• , 1,1:1 1.1.1, It: 11,11 , / at tills
llon.o. tie cheerfully onttneml 31e liegg,
I. In. co. conounnity know his
to Ile 1 .1' am! mmot :One In nil hi. ,
1,,:.:11,- an.l tllat very article
01.1 pto, 0 all 1111 n arrant
, 1 at Inc ! onc -310. Itononn , cr the place,
, s. door front the
h . is And If
11 .1. , partwulArly.
t. much is ex
..l the police. We
liti , eclon to the vury.
.11. ;•rt, In A11c,1;,,, clty the luitt-
L AI, ,10 ILL .L m Th , l foreo iL
r, r ,114,1,• • • 1.101
nt:rrly Oiluoi,rt:onol to
Ft 111,1. /101
j.'..1. , 111 11 11 13.1 1 .2 1111) 1
1 4,dar. ;0.1 immt.l. IL. (111.3 . Pi.a
. .
mln , .. tc , -.• T. t....,, laight watch
tn,n ..,.t. I.nt tAn,lnlit.ts a 'l'.
I ill'q. ..I 1,:,.. Ida hungit..l doll Ar.
~,,,,,t0., . .a ~,,. ~•3 rrnttr, ti ,, 11 luore
!.:.,:: (11.. n 1:::: ~, In,t•n. T. ~ ....“n of
t. :11,111. , ....1, , i ne.•:"... tun .n1..11.1 null
httt:.•ti.t• t_ertt.t , fa. It tt , true that
tht , the Allt,llettv Volicat have
le, to to o taatt Hatettmen of New lotk
Ta-n 1`t:I-hat . ..7,h. hat xt t. an evident fact
that t; c ay tire st st, to
tithelently pattt, topl
C 4 /1111 , 1: , . 111 turthvr the Ili
tc..—ts el the Cllr' 1., gtetaj early attention
to Ilia eubject.
I.ood 111434
1 , 111. Of f:: , • In zuriei , nt Ilfg, nr rather one
of the coil ,itilorof life 111 ti:l3 :Pet age, hi
po,v--lon of ineons for aiwortaining
it free h i ely the correct .1 nncu hov
ing a atoh, no wittier bow
1/1:, if he hove no mondani lo . Ji.tige
ohetier or not It II keeping perivol time,
••11,41. to a ect With n thousana vemu
tb”, lie til.ely to get to
ju, to tone to twit the irate na:v.
; 11.• likely to io,e money by not
nt the mid to forfeit
trout lu d. ggat engsg,
riwnt, it Dtiose:+th .t CO.. No. 56 Filth may he ealb,l n perfect
time Olt,v. II 1.3 a NlArme I,:bronometer.
Inanntactmed expre , ,ly ter them by Juum
1111 3 ..0 co-40 New for Angust
to February ith, Ill" , clock fort
thorh,rheVent°, the II! , SU,
ll•rn 1:,AI nth,time.pleee Anywhere Imo
Me lo better Man that. A man ha, mg tine
or their ttnchl .atehmk reiothtt , el by thin
phree,l,,are ter Min:alters of Una,
Toe tiegua.—Tietilglit the end
thi 011110 opera of Lucretia Borgia will be
Product d t.t the X. sr Orson. 'louse by the
great "...rat:it-ell troupe. ssatts rusty' se•
cured at C.('. Mellor A. Co.', well 'known
' , I Wood street. 're-morrow
afternoon the Barber of Seville will be 1 1 055
11 , 11VVII, rand la the es - cutup,' the i'eason will
close with beautlfulopera or "Nortne.”
1t00.1.51' Ito pt.—Thu, Cattle of Vishnu
11,111 1101110 torch to large audiences at Ito.
route Hall. 're-morrow M 112 1 .11,111 It girt
matinee w I,l' held, and the eveulug Aril)
close the season. Ity all means 00'110.1 see
the great NV 10ard.
errs Ilarz..—The l'ulrereallst l'alr
contliturs to draw a largo and fashionable
attendance. It Is 'ailfulrultly voltam:led,
foul la In every respect worthy of 1.4 elsaL
Coe so.—l'he wonderful and accomploth
g -
eit maga:lan, rofearior .I.l`Callixter 10 com
ing twilitx city to giro a eerie, of perform
earring,. •es fn Trouble.
On Weauc,,lny even's] g Thov. Donohue
rl mg° driver, oa., arrested on a charge
of disorderly cominpt and taken before
-Mayor 'thcCartlly. It appears that liourtituo
litelais carriage Waiting for tile Opera to
close—tile horses ',funding on the crossing .
A gentleman ordered him to remove his
liorois from the crossing, Which at that ho
refused to do. tin afterwards turned thin
hon-es 11111 tinily around. but soon resumed
his former position. Officers thichanan and
Met:roily, of the apeclal poker, Interfered
tool link-red Donahue to (Otani e his horses
from the crossing. htlll he refusal, a-here
upon the °lncurs caught the horses by the
load and commenced backing them. Dona
hue interfered and attempted to 1101,1:Whip
the officers. It, was released on hail for a
bearing yesterday. but 111., heating was
further postponed until to-.11,y.
Daniel ll'intyro, of Allegheny, was tak
ing the world too easily 'yesterday after
noon. lin Lwl been drinking to considorat
hlr purpose,ooll got very drunk in the legit
o drunk indeed that locomotion became
an Impossibility, and Ito not down on !el
le". door ut the corner of the Market iloisoe.
Ile sot thorn but n short time, for he - very
speedily hill ovur lute a •Iticultilsmt posi
t ion, .111 full fast asleep. t 'Moors linos Mid
gory noun ationsuil him and lugged
him into a cell in the lock-up, where ho n as
at loot accounts still sleeping off thu
whisky that wit, 111 him.
Dremod Goodm.—Tho IT:Ounce of our tall
and a Inter Mock to clotant out, utxreatly re
duced price, .1. IT. Barker t Co.. JJ Market,
A New Slate Lono.—Siam Treasurer
dietuble advertetes ['eau) . tor it new State
loan A.Ltaea,ah. to be devoted_ to the CO.
duellon of over due gold Interest bearing
State securitie. The new hem will, of
Conroe, be protnotly Luken, as It affords u
0010 Invest went. raw toIveILiACILICML In an.
other column.
Further Deferred.—The oritionein it:-
letting to the eligibility of shcror
which no,. ogionoted to he beard 111 liet
Court ut Common Plea, Many, jute Loch
WWI. by CUMAMMI. air counsul.
Allegheny llionnnon TOO
tir11111.01.1.41., were ',Morn Moyer Ai erriseit
yinorrility morning nu.i paid the nlitql lei
ifitel glitch the,leogrbe.l.
One, Ilundre.<ll.-3 . 1 00 1 Wool Long ,11011.4
0.00 c 0.03, J. W. C C 0.,: 39 3101000
. . , .." f
',I --7 •
.-.7 ,
t,, I /: ,
: r
I _
'I - e4ter - 11ov morning Chief Hague received
u dmitatch from Chief IL Campbell, of the
Barra-burg pollee, requmillng him to arrest
it man
and Porter Buchanan, who non
coming here on the mull or fast line. Chief
/Mgr. Proceeded to the depot, and on the
arrival. of the Baltimore express, ut half
ast one o'clock, found Ills tnan and arlest-
I 10111, Litre to the leek Up. Ile tel•
'molted at once to Cider elatnptiell of the
rest, anti received an answer requesting
lot to hold toll prisoner, I. the officer
null be on this morning after Litre. ,The
!saner 1,4 !lee trot six or seven Inches
• . . . . .
high, has dark hair and eyes, Muck ult.-
/ache, and wears black rent, ilght pants
nod vest. lie is arrested on ehargo Of larce
ny. Too tlilyntell state , ' that Buchanan had
with 1111110 tall, rouglelooking man, wear
ing a nrceni bran Wed 8101101 hut, but he
was not with the prisoner at the time of the
c,teililay morning at about half pant nine
alarm Ailunite , l from box No. 41, and sub-
quently, by way of correcting tike unit
rm. from box No. i 3 corner 01 Pride street
via Pen rt irania avenue. The Mann was
ocCavloncd by the burning of a small frame
i 111,21,!, belonging to Jacob Katzman, batch.
cr. So. 31; Pennsylvania avenue. They
were smoking !MI. meat at the time, and*
It mlolpposed teat the games accidentally
eanght the wood work. Tho building was
a steal: eight by ten structure and although
vulltted for nye, ',l . ' remon of the tire, tne
- 10 Ts is very trilling, fifty dollars covering
thu entire amount meat and all. Tile names
Seee roots extinguished. The firemen were
misled by the first alarm and with the ex
ception of the Relief I..ontpany, did not reach
the scene of the fire.
The Fuel tic and Atlantic Telegraph Com
pany of the ['rated Stateg, have opened
their office ut No. le Fifth street, opposite
the old Theatre. The litl.inenn of the Com
pany Is
_,Tiperintvnileil by our energetic
tenon . citizen, Colonel .1. Allen, ender
vt tnanagetnent tee have nn donut the
Chars of the company Will prove snot:eye
ful. The lieu hoe been extended to all the
Lectern elties up the valley of the 11Innon-
gsvhelft to if, beiclynterm, and through it,
connection, with lb• bierehant'A National
the fill ltegions. A line is being
niphily put nif inward., fit. Louis, and in a
•Itort tt ate 11111, Wlll Oe extended to the
principal eine, of-the Union.
t 1 Wtslne,litty night another haul ant
tole hy the horse thieves. t.nt that night
ulna:tie horse belonging• to Dr. Lintn-
eitiik, li.oehester, wan stolen from lain
• talae, together with a saddle sCancWhat
- urn. awl laming wooden, stirrups. The
nuse q about fourteen hands high, of
lArt, M wa own ingot', a n d a long tail.
m the n 3.110 night two horses, one cream
:h urea moll the oilier Iron gray, wore Viol
'n from the stable 010 at Ba
lm, four or are miles from Roche-tar. The
,oltnsls were traced to this direction. The
0 lior-e, lust mentioned were recovered
11.•1Z o clue to the thieves, c.. -
Tin Wedillinr.—linr well known and TO
celelinln.uow citizen, Wm. s. o,alen, Esq.,
brated the tenth anniversary or his mar
riage to Irla cstrinstge lady, last night by ft
thorough, trot clans till wedding. A large
rut guests wore in attendance - and
each be upon the happy couple the
etistomai'y tin tribitte or regent and (della
ship. Indeed, the presents wore no large
tool 111114.2.101. as Almost to 'burden that
nun-V: 101 d will the mechanical products of
Mi. linker. We trust our mend and lilt
gaol who may /lee to enjoy their golden
wedding, and may it bu s an pleusallt at was
time 1111 Onelast
We itO att 011 t lon to thovertioc-,
10 el/ 01 Loughry }Lew In tubs day's pai3er.
looi(hro Harness and Trunk
3,3o.llstment at No. to: Wood woo, hoe
Istiot n totherto as ono of the bust In
the city. Ito are Waal to $4O that the Ot((ti
character of Mr..llexatlor Prow' as a man
and a , a shll(l3lloreman of the tuannfaOtar.
inc ihnisrtutunt Itn. ronulte.l in his tieing
al:vain:lA n lull share of the buninvms,
n Lich oilier tlnnjoint hinnagniu,nt nuch
lk,nellu, filth -k.:11, we ..21•QCI. tonna gron
o.n the:rt.:n.l, until they cry out,
kohl enough"
Forcible Eotry.—A man named Ireders
irk Iloilo yecterolsy blade informution be
fore J teal, Ammon, of East Ihrtnlngtutoi,
elturiptid lirorgo llcltzeil, with forcible. en
try slid debduer. Henn I, n tenant In a
Iloll±o owned Ileltzed, In Temperance.
elite, where he keep, a harbor shop. - Henn.
It appears, owed Melted some rent, nod
not paying it when due, Relict:lh he colleges,
took forcible possession of the house, shut
op the shop and locked the doors. The tie
eused tens urrtaited and boll to ball fur trial.
Great Iteduction.—ln cusbnueret+,
terns and tOttiri lengths ut 35 per 'cent.
reduction. .1, W. Barker .1 Co., 5.3 Market
A Wife Hester litionirtat to Grief.—
ro. Elisabeth iifelch, of Pitt township, yes
terday made information before Alderman
Marron, charging Ler husband. Andrew
Alelch, inch amt.ault and battery. She
gel that he had struck her three Or four
times on the bead, and knocked her down.
A tv Arrant fertile arrest of the wife beater
Fei Issued, and yesterday afternoon On was
nabbed while getting' Into u wagon near the
Alderman's Wilco, and was hel l ' to ball for
3 heating.
Fire lo Itirminglinot.—On Wednesday
evening, nL about eleven O'CLOCK, n Ore
broke out In the Brewery of Ilenry Lilln•
zing. sitKated near the corner of Joseph
and Page streets, Fast Birmingham. Before
the Ore ilMd made much headway B. was
discovered Lind extinguished with consid
erable tillileudy before tiny taaterlat dam
age was done. A. had 111.11,
ftalmoral rikirtr.—At ernativ reduced
priers, tit 1,50 tool upward, at .1. IV. Barker
a Co So. 5100001 street.
Ticket Tbleve..—Lunt evening between
six and toren o'clock, Mr. Fredarlek dmui t
id cite Peun etreet Varieties, Caught throe
boys named John Kelly. Norris mutter and
thllespie, stealing tickets from his
ticket box. They were arrested and Con
veyed to the lock-up, where they stall re
main. large amount of tickets bad been
stolen. thougn tun exact amount stolen has
net been ascertained.
A. 11.—flans Michel, of Allegheny city,
was before Alderman Taylor yesterday,
charged on oath of T.. 1. Galt. with assault
and battery. ffhoilePoneut alleges that the
defendant struck him, hearken him down,
and afterwards kicked aim. The accused
was arrested and hell to ball la the cunt of
three hundred Ilona!, fora bearing on Sat
Sent Over.—To=epn Weaver, convicted
last week in the UnMed States Circuit Court
of passing, counterfeit tutted MAWS cur
rency, and sentenced to live years' ituprts
oninctit In the Western renitentlary, was
yesteninv tak.kin to His n Leone by Depu
ty United StatenMarshal ew
Christian Feld,
'Another Cane.-01
color. .l prints at 12i J. W. Barker
31arktt street.
p st ine R cons Argent ino—For instantly
plating all articles of copper, brass or Ger
man silver, with pure silver , where worn
off, and for cleansing and polishing sliver
or wilver-plated ware. Warranted to con
tain nOnnicksilver or acid, or any int ItriOn•
article. For sale by J. Sample, Allegheny,
and all druggists. dolB3l
liol Raines yesterday made
Intormation before Alderman Taylor charg
ing George 31cClelland and Louis D. Speice
With assault and battery, alleging that the
aroused struck and maltreated him. The
defendants aro employed at the rerinsylya
nla Railroad Round Rouse.
The Fair la Lilo City flail la in the, full
career of rumens. Pleasant overanga, good
music. the closing grand promeuadu, and
°llan attraction, urn nightly filling Lilo null
with n delighted company.
/My♦ In lllnc or any other wan, order
your shirta made at ill undoelt Putnam's,
72 Fifth btroet.
New f inteaar, Feb. 7.—The sli ,
mmer Star
Light. hence for Shruveport, In going over
th lallA - Altitundsia, struck on th. riwki.
and sunk, hut was coon alter gotteu afloat.
The steamer L i Dillard sand to her main
took In Suter Luke, s Ith iM3 bales on board.
The cargo d woul he sed In a damaged
Thu steamerav Navigation-1,
20) bales of cat snuggt. , l and sunk to her
holler I tock. 41Irty miles below Shreveport.
No lives were loot by either at the above
Mr. Lorro, yen. 7.—lliver falling. Freights
plenty. Ituonage scarce. llittather dry and
wurin; the leo to the Upper Ilisslssippi,
Missouri and Illinois rivers is 'melting rap.
floats arrived—Welcome, Mary Atr
ium:slt and W. L. Lewis from New mime,.
„ a d Deer Lodge, from Mcniphis. Departed.
Belo. st. Louts for Memphis, Atlantic for
New, and Waverly for Vicksburg.
Cline, Fah. 'T.—River rose two feeL Some
ice in boil, rivers 111 Is morning. None this
afternoon. Weather clear and delightful.
mereury 40 deg. /lesion. good. Arrived—
Lawrence, ilneinnall and Arkansas River,
Laurel HIII, Now ()deans and Lou
isville, e.
David %Viol., 1.01 d: ovine and
New Orleana, 4 r. n.; raullno Carroll, Cairo
anti New Orleans. 7r. 11.; Arabian,
burgh anti St. Loots, r.
CAIRO. Feb. 7.—The Mlnolu, from Clncln
nail for Memphis. at? p. Hamm, No.
Cincinnati to New Orleans. IP p. ill.; Marcel
rt.l.ouls to New Orleans, 19 p. m.; Petrw
Ma., St. Louts to New Orleans. 9 a. m.; Nor
man, Cincinnati to Memphis, 10 a. tn.; and
the Laura Fenton, Memphis to Evansville,
II a. nt.
Ntiw OPAX/01S, Feb. S.—Weather clear and
warm. on the landing moderately
active. Arrivals—T. 1.. Aletiiil and Cornelia
from St. houlg,tlen. Footman front Ticks
burg. Iteparture3—Lally Gay fur St. Louis;
Gen. Footman for Vicksburg.
Lornivad.x, February 7.—No arrivals or
departme, rifer L 9 full of binary run-
Ring lee, from bank to bank. and riving
slowly, with 11 feet S Inches in the canal.
The Weather IS clear. Mercury 37. River
men think the lee will be out of the river by
Minipill+, February 7,—Weather tine: bus lair. The river rose two feet to-day.
For New Orleans—Alice Dean, Emerald. Sil
ver spray, 11. TUrner. In Fort—City of
.t Icon. Jahn McClure, Natoina, Celeate, Clif
ton, fie Vernon.
NAFILIViILii, Feb, 7.—ltiver falling, feet;
water on the viad+. Weather pleasant.
Arrival.—Nashville, left for Cairo ; Louie u,
New Tone, Feb. 7.—Thu Dry Goods mar
ket exhibits a more cheerful aspect. Trude
not yet lively . ' but ranch better, and prices
of ail staples have apparently touched the
bottom. Tao passage of a moderate tariff
bill by Congress Is regarded as aura, and
this 'will have a tendency to raise the prices
or all woolens, particularly the low grades
of hoary goods. Standard Brown Shoot
ings firm at 111 , ,,qt12—stock of these light.
Augusta and ItuxUltry Standards in re
quest at M. Fine Shootings like Atlantan
and Pacific more saleable at IS. Standard
heavy Uhlrtlngs IS, and line, 29. inch; 12 , 4'
Bleached 51u,lins steady, and nest h, thin
fair domain' at 57 , 5 for Now York 011115,
3.115 for Warnsutts, al for Tuscarora, - 2.5 for
Lonesdale, and 24 for Indla Mills. Printed
Calicos In coed request at full prices. Vie
tory has advanced to 15, but other makes
unchanged. Delaince steady Willie limited
demand at 25 for medium styles• Fancy
Woolens moving more noels, but prices
low. /Foreign Goods of most kinds Inactive
and irregular prices.
The Workingmen's Convention in session
at ..fittany, has adopted the platform at the
!la:Elmore labor Convention, anti also
resolution deprecating the employment of
children olextreme youth in factories, and
urging the - passage of a law tabolishing this
practi6e, and making ten hours a legalsiays
work for factory operatives unit car driv
No. 1.3 Fourth street. Pittsburgh. COFFIN
of all hinds; CU A L . F.O. Ii LON - En. and every
rllrtlon of Funeral Furnishing Good, furnish
ed. Rooma opened day and night. Ilearbe and
C•rrllt,s furnished. - .
c.b.11. g"
'` • T. WHITE &. CO.,
-Manchester, Wood . , Hunt and vicinity.
corner Sheffield and Chat . ..terms jitrevta
Ilvatsc and Carriages furnished.
....abeautlful lotl•s-aere.' the large at subur;
ban place of sepulchre. except one. In this coun
ty. a.tusted on Nen Itrlghton road. Immediate
-1 north of Allegheny. For burial lots. permitstitles. call at l'cutral Itrug Store Of el/01,.4C f I.AYEb.
CLANEY. Allegheny City.
55 WO,ll Etruct. Apply
Gis and Steam Fitters,
♦ large sarong:Lent or
liandellers, Brackets, Lead Pipe,
Pumps. Sheet Lead. &c.,
161 Wood Street, near Stub.
Hare More Improvements,
Ana much MOUS bri:F.DY and SIMPLE I. op
eraation than any 51sealne In the market.
WM. StiMNEEL & CO., •
21 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh.
;.Yo. 92 :Federal Street,
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
Latest WI.. of FURNITURE constantly on
• 3 17SVIvi'7Ft.
Three door. above Smithfield Street,
rlrrsnCßGn, I'A.
Every kind of Work done on theetiorteet notice
and host reseonable term.' Particular allention
paid to JobbinE
JUS. R.111;611E8 A: BRO.
Cement, Pilch, Fclt Paraffine
rarnish and Black Paint,
ia,1,1 a...c.a. , any *abet .
ra . a n a ' a r rara ' Vaa ' arto., bp 1 . ...,A(Le,. , 1.11 ,.. 5...t m C ... 0 0 . 40 . „.
jrzs:raa 1111 24.0111..
13:..416.2%&c,111105E3tiLxm.11, 3a1cx.13,
FRUIT At affloN No.. 7 and
glreo lo the deslenlea and
bni.flug of Court Ilousea and public building.
i'117,11.1G11, January 30. LIA 7.
'QEA ,,, LED PROPOSALB,addrektt-
Wiumliki!lt r A;:;VilV n ie' , C;'.llWN:g
not JlLl ': liD 71t e h nTATIUNEILY
" "' WIN n ;l o c n CelG
fa:11.1.54 Clip Controller.
110LELE9, BELL & co.,
Anchor, Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh,
Ilanufsetarers at -
ANIL)11011 (C)
825,000 TO "lAN
la sums of $5OO .51301.4,1 s
Beal Estate bought aild sold
j 8.1 Estate Aeent. No. la fit. Char
If von want a good rlAe, ae lit.WAßal'a
ISTA 11LE for good team.
Firm atreet, near Monongahela Home.
['articular attention paid to buying and telling
No. 56 Fifth Street,
:erg.. en .3 rocepeleol we of wort
are, eat... 2 c.l do work se well. If ot.
•...eao t.
au, ethyl . ..tort le:te clip. NV etches
prompt Attentbn.
JaZ CO /31.1.4=11STeZialeCIEITEIEIL
6 Wylie St., 3d door from 5111.
des .
J. W. SOO"
Fine Watches, (locks,, Jewelry,
No. 974 LIHNI/7`7 STENIT
Pittsburgh,' Persaisal..
l'artleolar atLentlon [l,ll to Itortattln
Watenet, Clocks od JotraLry. All work w
89:89 89
k 9 GO TO
!i9 ICP 13 3E3
s , •S 9 Market Street,
S9l IN TS37 Q=TY
19 , , NO AUCTION 600115 KEPT.
Sgt JAS, ROBB, S 9 Market 81.
S 9 S 9 89 S 9 89 S 9 99 S 9
BABE, KNAIIE & Blieraßß,
Bucceenors to WA.IIELENIK s HARK.
to. 12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh.
Pianos, Org-a,nel
dad M.. 1.1 o.d. 'merely
KirSole Agents for the Celebrated BRADBU
RY, New York, and SCIMMACRER I CO..
171111adelphla, riA.Nos.
AIso..ESTEY S CO.'S - •T0TTJ.07..." ind S.
The best Italian and Oernam Violin and tint
tar Strlem shms, an hem. al7:rAll
No. 100 Wood Street.
- -
ru.E.ivx - ice. TEA TRAYS and TABLE CRT.
LEILY: alt.. on band.
cHiNe VASE". -
• .
• Will EttlA N WARE °revery deoarlptlon
sun wholesale and retalltrade.
• • • • .
The largest and must complete et ocl of erells
thing tanl tine In the My.
Prices arid terms the same., to the eastern
- • lath
CO Sri' 1 3 Ii. C ES,
AT illE
McC ORD d:Sb CO.
Moth American and English,
For Oil Refining Purposes,
constantly on band and for sale In qeislattlei
to mit purchasers, by °
2.l6iPearl Street, N. Y.
prrrsnuir t an PAPER MAIM
,F_ACT Um I..culf rez. 1. Matmluturera of
No. S 2 Third Street, Pittsburgh, 0. 7
6ANIUEL RlDDLEilloretary.
Dotc.c . ro¢&—AoNO. Hartle. .I.ohn Loran.
H. Rom., Joht It. LlOnota,.., AL.1 4 „,.
klo. C. H. ..11ortck.
Cash Paid for Paper Stock. • •
Iron 137roLrerr,
124 First Street,
Agent for the isle of Cornwall. Donzetunore.
Josephine. Isabella, Donednnon. StanhoPes
li tendon, and other brands ofddthiaelte. Token..
loch e ny Coke andlp hen t's C. B. CramOdl
Conslstranents and orders respectfully echo.
l'lTTA.rtcu. January =,
ERS.—The ettention of the property men
ers and citizens of Pittsburgh Is celled to the Pale
lusting tee lotion of the mires% Committee,
adopted at the iratmeeting, Jan. 041.
R.,olsrd, That the Cltireus 1 t Property
Owners ot Pittsburgh, desirous of having the
streets In front of their respective property
grade, pared and set sills curb stone are In
rated t d o present their petitions to Councils kfrkrog
Mr let day of April, 1047. as all petitions
seated after that date Will necessarily he lalet
'Tilt the
14111 k 1 o 1.1 ft 1REIS Coa E it t ptMtsS Cler he street n n
Fifth Stirtet,b etween -Tunnel.
and Ch Whams Street.,
Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardware.
Plat elm. g00d• Of all descriptions alwayi On
bind and soldst the lowest prkes. Napalrinic
d oe aratellv nr.....rt none..
near Third etreet i Pittsburgh.
holesale min Satan.
Persona out of the city hoeing Pena tonpair
can aced them by mall.: promptly returned.
suotrrecronzo Or
Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks,
Sheet Iron Works; fie.
FOIL PA.ll.l.ollB—ironon Doslgns, with (told
YOU .I.II3ICAILIE.S—PomyeIan 'Patter/II on
Ornngr eren nS
I.ll.Ll.n—.Non , Greek Patterns culled C 47
R round.
Foil. Clik.ll.llEßl—
over dark Yrouba. Lane and Muslin Pattern
For gale by W. P. XAIL9bIA.I.L.
97 Wood street.
31 .tufeeturers of
No. 110tuo street, Allegheny City.
A6O fullessortruent of Belting et 0. U. AN
.10N13. No. 199 Liberty St., Pllesbargh,
J. re. tiEO. U. CLAIOI, Supt. of Gong.
Candy Manufacturer
SAO dealer la 1 . 0861t1N AND .11.MEHICAN
71LUITh, FICJCLffif , NUTS, CC. , 41C..
No. 112 Federal Street,
Second door from the First !tattoos. hook.
i515:12. ALLK(.IIENT CITY. FL.
Gam hell!. of the best quality. Alba,
Onto Pasting. Rose. Caskets. le. Lae. Leath.
and Rivets kisser, on hood and for sole at the
low•st price by J. a H. I . I2II.LLIPC,
4.12 I. • •