The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 07, 1867, Image 1

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XVO. Skrtia. 113troot.
T. P. HOUSTON, Ed . Dom
NELSON P. REED, s ^".."11"1211"'irg
DeliverEl by barrier, tberweekl..— toot.
bubsetlbort, tplryt , ./ 614.00.:
Liberal ztoloctlons to tiiwtboys sad ♦yenU.
'; YOB .
eCOD , e2, Der Tear, try mall.
Flee •'' do. do. do. rad!
Ton or more coplei, to one addrecs, and
nee free to club. each - '
Of canned. frn/ts and vegetables aro Invi
ted to Inspect the 'assortment kept by Geo.
Iteaien, at 117 Federal Street, Allegheny
' Brow( and . l imilelnen. •
_ .
Doctors' prolcriptloila carefully preaured
at buff tire rfsuarprlce.' at Fultou's Drug
Stare, ODposite l'ostoffice.
littonderint Inducement*
To buy boots and obbee for tbo'next sixty
clays, attire Opera House Shoe Store.
. _
;Ton Can Boy
- FOrUhin Liquors of all hinds at Joeepla S.
I • . Pinch's Distillery, No. I.D, 111, 193 and 193
Firlit street., Pittsburgh.
The Beet Inahro,
For the least money, ut Fleming's Bruit
since, No. 81 Market street.
• (lolling Out Bale.
Going Into the whole,ale trade April Lit.
Opera House Shoo Store.
• NMI Cataitilba Wine.
, ; A
rapleadld article —aold •ot
,low rates, at
/Leming's•Store, 5a..54 Market at .t.
Sellhair Boot■ sod Nhoe■
AL any pr,cc, for the boot sixty' days
Fifth street.
Two of Opera Glaftses
Fer knit, cheap.. Apply ut W Fifth .atre
You Coo Soy—
percent. Alenhul fit Jomuph S. Finclea
Now Hops at Joseph S. Pinch's.
The Kenton Woolen 3.1111 d In Covingto
Kentucky, owned by Glazier A. ItroA.,
elnelnnat.l..wure 'ilestroied by tiro tb
The .ow York Times' Montreal special
nays that London dispatches to the Montreal
papers announce the expectation that
the confederation bill will puss the Imperial
Parliament without opposition before
Close of February. Canada is the name re
commended for the nes...nation by the dele
gates, hut the ultimate choice rests with her
Au entire block of Landings, In
flcid,3ltssourl, leelndlng the L7nlon Hotel,
Union Press °Mee; several siores and reSl
dences, and ¢ large livery stable, wok,
burned on Sunday night. Loss from thirty
to forty thousand 'dollars. - Insurance un
The budding belonging t`theSeymeur
• Paper Companyot Windsor Locks, Conn.,
and filled with , three hundred barrels of
limnandrosin, was burned on last Sunday:
Jacob F.JTaddopp was executed yester
day about noon, at :Norristown, Pa., for the
murder oi Julius Wochele, a young Ger
man, In November; ISG.I. Ills °Wet was to
obtain money belonging' to Wochelo In (ler
=MY, !Ma ho was detected byn letter writ
ten to obtain it. If e died after delivering a
speech In German protesting his Innocence.
At Danville, Ky., on Tuesday night,
horse thief named Trowbridge was taken.
from theJall and hung by a mob. •
The funeral of Governor Jinnt took plaice
at Lockport, N. Y., yesterday.
The Maine /louse efltepresentatives has
refused to concur in the eaten of the Sen
ate, in'amending the laws so as to permit
'white persons to inter-marry with negro,
Indian or mulatto, by a vote of It yeas to
t oaks. '
The Government organs at Montreal, says
the cable dispatch announcing that Eng
land bad demanded Lamirande, are tncor•
rect. What she did demand was an ex
planation, which Franneimmetliately gave,
and which was eaUsfactory •
A torty-five ounce nugget, from the Gil
bert river Canada gold
,mines, was exhibit
ed in Montreal, yesterny.
Henry Lee, a prominent cit Len of Boston
died yesterday, aged 85 years,
The walla of a building on Holiday' street
In Iktitimore, felt yesterday. Two labor
ere were killed and six injured,
From Wa.bfogtoo
THE saw rotten or THE race tnegr.
EYrom In:Times Correspondence.) •
The Southerners who exttected that their
reconstruction plan would be acceptable to
Congress, are much mis taken, for there is
but an inconsiderable number who will ac
cept any modification or the Constitutional
Amenduient. It will be submitted to the
Reconstruction Committee to-day.
plan,r sent by Abe Governors with
the to the 'Southern Le.tlslatures,
while it recommends the adoption of the
Proposition,. to • decidedly 'pun-committal.
They say theacceptance would virtually et
rect a compromise between the President
and Congress. which they consider desir
this known the President has telegAaph
ea, as aprliate citizen, to the Souther ul Le
151... urging them to adopt this Promsg
eition. So turas beard from. the Southern
press are against the proposition.
(groin the Keening Chronicle Diapatthes.;
The letter which accompanies the newly
devised proposition for amending. the Con
atitution of the excluded States, ;seems to
have been written with the utmost
by Messrs. Sharkey, Orr, Parson and other
promincut Southerners who are identified
with the new oolley of the admlni.strntion.
The communication In questionwas tint
1 prepared by GOveznor Orr and. was deelchal
.1 to be [no conimltto I, and resulted in Shark
_ ers assuming Ato eathorahlp of the doer
mont, whiCh, 'whets • Completed, extended
over exactly nine lines ofeonimon letter pa
per. This latter essay was accepted, eh it
went no further than the intimation that
'the enclosed amendment proposed to the
Federal Constitutions and the State Count!.
tutioca In the South was likely to boa basis
of compromise between the President and
Congress, and therefore worthy of very
earnest consideration. Not a word was ad
ded as to the part taken by the stutters of
the lotterla framing the now , policy. nor
did those gentlemen dare to indulge in an
unequivocal recommendation for tho
One of the same.
Governor Parson has left for Alabama, It
is sold, to urgethe . matter upon his Mate
in person. Governor Sharkey goes this week.
lie is confident that Mississippi will accept
the terms proposed..
illoa or rat VOTLIT LETTS a.
Cetera the Tribune correspondence.;
Mr. McCracken, who wrotethe loiter con
)earning Mr. Mr. Motl ey, Is about twenty-Mar
Itt his letter he says be made It
his special business to see bow our govern
ment was ropte nen tett abroad, sad found it
greatly MlSreprelleaLetel; and he therefore
deomed It his study to inform the Secretary
of State of the fact. Speaking el Mr. Sloth! ,
be culls him a Sumner man, whesametaut
redd he OWncl his position to Sumner and not
toJolm.son, and. endorsed Mr' Sutnnerht
politics. Minister Hale, he says, tales every
oppOrtuurty to Say Congress Is rhast and the
President wrong. Mr. Murphy, Consul at
Frankfor4 he calls 6 blatant radical, and a
tool of Senator Chandler's. tlostutcs that
u Orlty or our foreign missions are held
by Mussachusetts print/ins, controlled 'by
butler and Chandler.
River Telegrams.
lly ..Iferchaiies! TclegrapleCompany.
OIL CITY. Feb..6.--S
Weather cleat and cold.
River about nim feet and falling. No pros
pect of a break up.
011 market q Oct arid unchanged.' '
Lounivitte, YAruary- G.—River rising
slowly with 13 feet 5 Inches In the Canal,
The Ice Is very heavy. 'ArriVais—Mississip
pi LOuirtville from New Orleans. The Itohert
Barna , from Cincinnati to Memphis passwi
down. Argosy left for Cincinnati. Martina
from Nashville to Cincinnati paused up.
M. S. Idepham, Lonicaus and Nick Long
worth; left for New Orleans. The St:
Charles leaves for New Orleans- Sunday I
Weather clear, mercury 10 degrees.
Clams:lsm, :1. y . 6.—Tb is
still full of floatingFehr fee a numbere river
of barges
'passed down in :the lea during' the lest
'twenty-four hours. limarts from above
• and below represett great destruction of
property by breaking up of the Ice.
ary, with t uwen for ou the snoals; weather
Astir. Arrivalow-Aleri, from Iturk.ville,
Nashville, from Curio' Louisa, frous.Evaus.
'elite, and Rowena from Cincinnati.- De
parted-AT, Graham, and A. Raker, for
no, Feb. G.—River rising about an Inch
per boar. The! ice been is running quite
hear; jo both rivers. Weather clear; mer
cury ft. • Pusiness
Xsw Oaccuts, Feb. O.—Weather cloudy;
mercury 55. .trrivali-l-Messenger, from.
Cinelanatit qtatinall, from Vicksburg. Lie-
Jearturee—P ,, ntlnexital, for St. Louis,
Meurniii, February C.—Arkaiums .river
falling, Tlti eeyen feet at Little Roth.
. 1• .
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U _ME LXXXIT_---Nn %I -
II 50
1 :15
Proceedings of the Pennsylvania
Visit to Pittsburgh To-day.
FOR AltE6l l / 1 1 corm
Special DiSpaieh to thU Pittsburgh daze
/IA 11 61S IMMO. February u,
XI, Lowry offered a resolution yoking t 1
SPeakor tO.PPoInt two additional member
favorable to a free It/inroad law: ea ti
committee cmieldering taut question.
Mr. Gruhutdmoved to amend by Instruct
ing the Railroad Committee to report a Ire
Railroad law on Wolnomiuy next, and bank
tog it the special order for taut day.
.The motion, as untended, was carried
=Ay., 9 nays.
The Senlito concurred in _the flouseld
providing for nn ASSl.l4llllt,,Distrlet Atto
nay for Allegheny cOunty,thY n ununimo
The act allowing colore,l. persons to ride
In public cOuveymuccs N . n9p1.40.1 by n
strict party vote—the Democrats voting In
the negative, and the Republicans in the
• The folloWing petitions were presented:
By kir. Wilson: Of the eitlzens of Pitt&
berg!, asking a reduction of fare on the
Oakland Passenger Railway.
By 31r..Peters: Of. the Judges and citi
zens of Allegheny county relative to the
fees of the Coroner.
Ey Mr. Chadwick: l/f thirteen hundred
cltlzerw of Allegheny county for the repeal
of the Tlogn county law.
By lir. Linton: 'Of the School Directors
of Stlllallle borough for authority to bnib.l
a school bootie in said borough.
By Mr. Stmmell: Ot two hundred women
of Saltsburg against the repeal of the li
cense law.
•By Dtr. Gallagher? O(\ur•bundred citi
zens of New Alexander, Westmoreland
county, for the passage of a prohibitors
liquor law•
The . following resolutions end bills 1..
place were read:
'A joint resolution Instruettnx our Sena
tors and Represontatives In Congress-t.
favor the passage of a law re-imbursing the
loyal States for motleys advanced for the
payments of bounties.
'or 1.1
lmpo 1r
To 1
the repeal of the law of Coneress
ng a tax on State Bank circulation..
ncorporate the Pittsburgh Tunnel
To incorate the Holidaysburg and Altoo
na Plank Road Cornmeal.
A aupplemont to the act Incorpeirating
the borough of Lawrenceville.
The Legislat tire will leave Ilarrininarg on
Thurfolay morning at two o'clock. In corn
finance with the invitation, et majoilty of
both brat:mhos of the Legislature will visit
poor city.
John W. Riddell, Esq., has been commis-
Monett, this evening, as Assistant District
Attorney for Allegheny county. Pitt's
burghers here are gratified by the appoint.
WASUINGTON, February c, lftl7.
'• - •
The CIIAI/1 submitted a. communicat on
from the President, transmitting the let or
or Mr. McCracken, which drew torch he
Motley correspondence. Deferred to the
Committee on Foreign Relations. Also, the
report of the survey for an interroceaffic
canal through the Isthmus of Darien. Ta
Petitions were and referrel,
Inc/luting one for theftearter of a Nationat
railroad between Wushlugton and Chic/a
Mr. WILSON, from the Military Comm!,
tee. reported a bill recently introduced by
him, providing for the temporary increase
of the pay of urmy officers, which was or
dered printed.
GRANTS Von ♦ suttee,. - "Uneven yErICO.I
On motion of Mr. MOSS. the President was
instructed to communicate. If not deemed
incompatible with the' public Mitre:it,
copies of all CarrespOutlence not heretofore
communicated, in reference to grunts
tole' American citizens for a railroad ana
graph across the Itepublle of Mexico.
Mr. POMEROY introduced a bill to amend
the act granting lands to Kansas to all in
the construction of, the Southern Pacific
Railroad unit telegraph from tort Miley to
Fort Smith, Deferred.
PAT 07 xitotoronler. J PIPITS.
• Mr. POLANI) Intro.; need a bill fixing the
salaries of J .1.4 of the Supreme Court in
Territories at .0 . 2000 Irma Aprd Ist,lfie7,
ferret( to the J to/Icluty Committee.
-• • •
Mr. SUMS/At, from the Committee on
Foreign It.ohttions, reported with amend
menttl, the bill for the appointment of ad.
d Menai Commissioners to the Paris Expo
sitter., providing regulations for the govern
ment of the Bonr,l of CommissiOnern. and
making an ad,iltionni appropriation
for expound. attending the proper repre
sentation of the United States.
Mr. WILSON Introduced a bill fixing the
time for choosing Electors of President and
V Ice Prenident, which was referred to the
Judiciary Committee.
281068 OW 017106.
- • •
Mr. EDMUNDS called up the bill to reg..
lute the tenure of office. Thu pending q erre-
Lion being on the house amendment to Pis
elude Cabinet Ministers among those
°Moors who may not he removed without
trie consent Of the Senate.
Mr. lil)spoke In lever of te amend
ment, contending that under the h Constitu
tion officers of the government ,could not
be removed, rireept on Impeachment. Thu
only questions that ought to hu put ton
candidate for Mince were touching- their
cnincity for the rtialtion.•
Sir. JWINbuN onolue In Opposition to the
nmeue.n t, advocating. too right of tau
Presid th ent to appoint and remove Cabinet
Sir. DOOLITTLE spoke In eau:oiler strain.
111:CK.11..EIV opposed the Home
31r.SliglillAX doubted tho propriety of
the amendment, its under It the President
would have to retain In office the Cabinet
of bin predecessor anti/ the Senate con
sented to their remove!, though they might
be pont:sally opposed to him.
After further debate the amendment was
rejected—lieu/inlet Its.
Howe, Sumner,
Err, Lanc,
ell, Morrill, Trumbull,
Pomeroy, Wil.n,
/itmalLY, Yates,
Anthony, Frellnuheyseithittersou
Bunkolow, Grimes, .Lind,
Vottell, Morris,
Pneas, fiendersOn, Saulsbury,
Cowan, Hendricks, Sherman,
Davis, Johnson, Stewart,
Shinn, Kirkwood
Doolittle, MeDonru
Fessenden, Nestol I, -
Foster,' Norton,
So tlao Senate refused to concur in the
Rouge gIIIOIII.IMCIII, )113(1 the SUbjeCt Intat g 0
ton CotutnitteCof Conference.
rho Senate wont into er.llentiTO session
ml boon &Mir adjourned.
Tile Didlnn appropriation. bill, reported
last evening, from the tlomutittee of the
Whole, Caine up an unfinished Waviness and
gave rive to lively discussion between
Messrs. KASS OX and WINDOM on the rela
tive expenses of managing the Indians nn•
der Lilo War Deparunent and the Interior
Department. Tiro debatewan also partici
pated In by .11.41::CaltD,SCISOI/ELD,UYIN.
DERSON, TIIAYEIt and . 111.10 M Nei I Fi
nally Mr. TII.A.,YEIt moved to r!e' . ;Al I
the vote by which the:. runin , que ' atiO n n Wa .
Ordered, SO as to leave ripen to a
motion to re -commit. ItecOnsnltZred, and
the Hondo refunl to order the MUM ques
tion. •
Mr. SUM/FIELD moved to recOmmlt the
Lill to the Committee on Anent:illation., I
with instructions to report It Intl4, exclud
leg alt appropriations itot necl!ssary to
carry out , treaty stipulations or maintain
the Indians. The motion was agrtiod to.
our ardrhSTIIAT if Aga reinstall rit'lf A 34 if fin
if Ear.
The SPEAK Ea presented a niestage from
the President, tru.mitting a report fro.,
the Secretary. of State us to the states now
represented in Congress, which laud ratified
the Constltntional Amendment proposed
by the Thirty-ninth Congress. The Se cre
tary reports authentic evidence of such rat-
Mention received. from Connecticut, -Ten
nessee New Jersey, 01110, Vernifint, West
Virginia, Kansas, and Missouri, and that
printed copy of a Joint resolution ratify ipg
It bad bee received from Sore Hampshire.
iliOistArros RELATIVE re rile near.
Mr. SCHENCK, from the Military C
Mince, reported hills, be., ,so follow,
In reference to the publication of in
Illestrutive Of the late war. Tabied.
The House bill to emend the act
2SM, MI, fixing tine military peace
11,1111000 i of tile United State. Also ts.a,.
The House MII declaring and axing th
rigida of volunteers us part of the army
This lint provides Diet In computing De
length of servicearmy °dirs, in aztle
to tioterolllo. what' allowance o f fuldithilin
par -Or lenitevlty rations he Is entitled to
ald 'fixing relatire ranks °Yonkers, thorn
studi be taken Into tic/et:mut the time suet
°Meer has ti,tilally served, continuousiv
otherwlye, columissioned 0111 e s, et then
In the reuular or volunteer service miner
April 19, ledl. Passed.
The house bill to extend to general oill.
cers and °Mee,. on the retired list, the inn.
tilt of the additional ration for every rite
years' Service. Passed.
The bill to animal the act establishin g
eatioual asylum for disabled volunteer so is l.
diets. it provides that the director., Allay
retain their positions alter being elected
members of Congress. Passed.
The House Joist resolution donating to
the State of Ohio, the buildings, shed, fur-
Camplumber, and other properey, et
ehmie, Ohio, to be Usfal In the eree..
Don of a State asylum for Idiots, was
The House joint resolutlOrt for the reduc
tion of the military reservation of Fort Itt
ley, and to graut lands for bridge pill - poiva
to the State of liatus was passed.
The House Joint r u e s solution to pay (dent.
John A. liatulin, First Lloatetiant 111 the
Michigan Cavalry, his pay as Second Lieu
tenant from July, IMJ, to March, lull, sta..
The Rouse Joint . resolution to extend
tho Jurisdiction of the Court of Claims
to cases of 'Clain. for Qmsrtermaster's
stores and Subsistence supplies aetually
furnished to troops under :Major Gen
eral Lewis %Valise°, In command dur
ing Morgan',, raid lit Ohio unit Indiana In
14d1, woo mussed.
The House Joint resolution for the.psy
inent of officers and enlisted men stiffened
to General %Filson's brigade, who were not
'actually mustered into service on accoun t
'of their capture or otherwise, wits. mussed.
Mr. SITED; RA V ES reported bill providing
forth° tannest for borne. lost by drowning,
de., In transportation. Passed.
'Mr. MARSTON reported ts bill rewotnizitig
the Oriruniration of Captain David D. I:cat
ty's Company of scouts, In "renthissce, ns 11
It had been regularly Mustered Into the see.
wee- Passed.
. The bill for the paytheut of bounties to
soldiers of the Eighteenth HCrinSylVanla.
Volenteers, way tabled. 1
The bill to repeal the 10th section of the
not of July 171.11, to dogma and pay the
emoluments of certain officer, of the army,
wus passed.
nity n
of the bounty actreported
of July bill ame lnee, yo dator
allow soldieni who had lost their discharges
to make an oath of service, Le., to the
Second AndltOr . , liurean. Passed.'. 111, a.
bill authorizing the purchase from the
'San Francisco Society, et the i s zounds ad
the Allegheny Arsenal at Pitts
burg, with the series; thereon, for 4.3,6011.
Mr. lI.OSSEAV reported a bill to pay to
Walter Whitaker pay and allowances as
Colonel of the sixth litaitileky Infantry.
trout September, 1,11„ to ! January, Did-
Mr. DONNF:T.E.Y introdneed a bill allow.
leg transportation and bounty to soldiers
dlseharged for the purpose of imeePtmg
civil service under the Government.
Mr. BLAINE gave notice that tle would
at theearliest opportuolty, u p liouso bill to pay loyal 616tyli for troop.
The :innate amendments to the 'louse hill.
declaring the sense of the act restrict lag
the jurisdiction of the Court of Inittniv, and
prorldnig for the payment of curtain de
ands for Quartermwiteed stores, welt con.
current In.
I,lllti or ctrax TIT 1112 110t,k..
The Senate amendment to the Mouse b
regulating the duties of the Clerk of t
douse, was concurred tn.
The Houma proceeded to the rozetid
tion of the bill reported t,v blr.Jenelr.,l
the Joint Select. Committer, on Relren
Went, to regulate tau civil eervlce of
Cultist state,
dir. McKEE intrved an amendment to the
tenth section, so as to render ini.lLgibie to
orrice those who volunhirity /aided or Cll-
couraged any Insurrection Or renellion
against, the Government of the United
' Un motion of Mr. STEVENS, the
moot wan tabled-72 agstust.66.
Mr.JESCES ringed his rote to aye, nal
moved a reconsideration of the rite, but
withdrew It to allow the transaction of
other business.
. . •
Mr. STEVENS, front .
,the Committee
Reconstruction, el/emitted a bill to prey!.
for Lye more efficient g4ernment'ot the
eurreettonstry litotes, w filch wns nuel twl
and ordered printed.
Commodore Vanderbilt and the (le
trill, Railroad—Death of Mrs. Gei
erni Pilettliiii—Tbe Alleged Cbl lla
Neu , one, Feu. 6.1.,e7
'otrimaloro VanderMitt,. bromine,' be
fore the New York road Calnlalt
I tee yesterday.' lie had .ora oil his Gen trot
'stock bebaum -he did not want tt
have anythlng to do with the new
men. Ile had no contldence in their
mons.gul than TheltudnOlt had never
elatnat pro' role, tint the
Central wanted to use the rood onlY
three or four mouths at those tales, Wylie
the lie loon wanted thesis to use it the Year
round. fie considered from three le four
hundred thousond dollars would hove Only
been o fair bonus for the way in widen they
wanted to use the Hudson read. 111:1'
hall mode the hundred thous:out dollar o ,
mew:meet...fits disapproved of It, but felt
boned to
by Ce ntr al lnding of the
agreement by the wanthe muffs el
the bteaking of the conection.' lie had
not made the break untiln everymeans of
cciliation were ezhauated, and he,c o d
appointed COMlllittetii tegOtiate. o
not attend the meetins Of tills Loin In Ittil , !
the evening. Ilia evenings were devoted
to whist, and not to business, and he till not
let business interfere with the gaine.
had now got what suited 111 m better than
the hundred it:Kinston' dollars• Ise declined !
to State how much stock he behl In the
fludson, and ho did not know an Mt 'had a
controlling interest..
The wife General Slek .
les, who became
noted some years ace, dled to-day.
• • lomat.
Charleo O'Conn or Junius that McCracken,
the author of the Motley letter, is either
relative or acquaintance of hie.
• •
The Columbian Ministernati•rin.
has made a for..
mai iliontent •for• the release of the It. It.
(Hint. 'Au oMeial investigation lute the
matter of her setzuro to progressing . .
FlOWl . l.o[lllt 2.1.1”. •
ThOSl.lbßerlpololl to the Southern relief
fund amounts tOilli ' MXi• •
The Ttlol of Ifon. C. V. Culver , ht
trooklln—.l Verdict of Not Guilty .
—The Pro...tor to raj- the Coats.
TitAITELIN, rc., Feb. 6.—Thil trial of C. V.
Culver and Jua. S. ustlawita cow:l..lo4th'
day. The Jury, after a short absence, re
turned a verdict of not purity, and that'll.
prosecutor, John Dallleld, pay the costa.
The verdict was received with demonstra-
Lions of applause by tee ainildencu In
Court, nail glace general satisfaction.
Annexation of Viol• 11.Ni4yeLtlif—A
road Trouble,
SAX Farotritco, February O.—A
mortal a 4 king Congress to extend the Md.,-
tilt:Lion 01 the State of Nevada over the
Territory of Utah tuts been Introduced in
the Nevada Legislature.
IL 14 lutlinated that Information at been
received from Senator Stewart and Repr,
sentative Ashley that Congress eurtet.
If requested by Nevada.
A dispatelt from Phicerville says that two
sets of officers; were elveted yesterday for
ta i l Placerville an 4 sacrament° I , alley •
Ralroad, one liy 1.04. kliuldern,
oLliei by •IVells, Fargo Co, to ho the
youd Was recently mortgaged.
The ,Reconstruction Measures Sub
mitted to Congress, •
A Change in the Time of Holding
the Presidential Election,
Appointments Con finned an ,
A MEARCTItt I . IIONI Tat: 111,01,11[1,1102:
In the Ilonso.this afternoon, 31r. Steven.
r:ported from the neentatrnet lon Commit,.
lee "a 1 , 111 to provide for the MO,
gi , Crameril of the insurrectionary fltat,.l.
It Was rentland ortleral to be print ed.
bill is ~,übettuntlally.the :•:1. 1 / 1 e as that prei
selde,t in the Senate on !touchy, by dent.
tar Williams. of Oregon,and referral to thti
teeoratructio Comma tee. It embattle,
the vies or maJority of that Conluda
too In so far as it abolltdtea the pre,t,t
government. at tho saint], and ,111,1hlladtll
military role therefor. Alr. , teven,' bill 1,,',
as 10HOWS:
AN Ayr to provide for the more elliclent
government of the insurrectionary Stares.
IS - hi:Rea,. The prcleml,l slate GO VON,
1110111/4 01 the 1,111, 40-1,11:041 Confederate
States of Virginia. North thirOlina, Sot,! n
Carolina, to.orir hi, It esissippl, Alshatna,
I.ouiNutua, Florida, not Arkansas,
were Net up it bent authority of Congress,
anti •
without the sanction of thu people;
WitEr.itd.S, The CU pretended governments
:grunted no ibled :Lotto oteettou for the ,
I roperty, :mil_ eneo,ante law lesnucni and
crime; mid,
Wltrat,S, it to neceentry that peace uml
calledrd shou enforce:4 thy so.
Confederate btalt, until loyal
State Governments can WI I:•gally entaiallsh
e.l; [bezel:ire,
Ile it nittrlrd, , That sesealleirstatee
shall be divided into hill Itary , list rine aml
Made subject to the authority of the ti altar
state, aS. hereinafter preeerthisl and for
that purimie % At - glumtoodittate the
nee,. dtettml, North Cardltha anti south
ter:dine the sreotal rll.ltrlct, Georgia, Ala
bama and Florida the thAril lid tier, 371.1.•
elppl anti .1 rkaums the fourth instrlet, anti
Loylstitna and Texas the fifth dlit net. •
Til“t it shall hi. the duty of the
Gene: al of the army to as-mn to the emu
nd of each of the Gild :lignite, an col Mer
01 the regolat army bin lmtow the rank 01
lirlicailler General; and to detiol sufficient
military fore:: to enable such talc, to per
form: hie dutlex anti eon:lee los authority.
its the dletrtet to a bleb lie to aesigned.
That It shall Iv, the duty of each
orlicor amlgned, as xforesahl, to protect nil
persons 111 their right:, Cl 1.1 . n.0tt and pror,-
tirtr; to Sup pr,..., In,urr, cuon and,
and to y.. 1.114 or cuu.,,, ti .Im. puniri,c,l all
ginturtere of tits peace and - crinth
and Lehi :s end mitt 11.11 , 1 w the civil
I tribunals to take itarne tet lon anti try
I offentler,; and when, his imignient, tt
may be oeceeeary fur the tt of etre:blurs,
be shall have the isrour to organixe
r 011.1111,4,100.5 or tribunals for that pur
tex,e,nnything In the tologlnittutis Mu,
Of so-called Stales to the contrary :oder:tin
ntionllng, and all Irg.r•ltittre and )12,1 trial
pro:medal:is Or plOre,e, tO prerrnt Or con
trol the ptheectlthg. of ' , aid to tritium
iA, and all Interfere:me I,y earl pude:idea
state governments it Ith the exeref-e of mill
tery, antlmrity under thin net, shall te vont,
tool of 110 crier t.
see. 4. That Court, and Jud (clef outer,, of
the United slat, shall not :0000 write of
ho)cescorptr In behalf of per In mllita•
ry 10.1t.tkly, unrat tonition,ouer or
officer on duty to Ulu ilLstrlct wherein the
Person to detaltiell, shall einierso upon
:laud petition a NtalrMent certifying, npon
honor, that hr 1104 knowledge or 10101
[ton 11, 1 , ) the Cell , e, Itnd eiremmtan: es of
the alleged detention, and that he hell,e4
the same to be te rongtut end, further, that
lie believe. the endorned pet mon In pretrr.
red In tow, l faith, irtifirthetatme of Join,
end not to lustier or delay tile punishment
Of Critni , irer..ons pill. Ittolvr tnllttitry
orient by • glue of thin act shall be trlv.l
Sultliont utincreanary llclay, and pi:cruel or
noun:oil punlrlanunt Le indicted.
So :.rtitrner of ally military Cam
ttslon or trantnal, hrrrby antliortged,
iirvethiii, the lifear illierty 4,1 any lan mon.
.1.111 lie executed moll al:moved by the en
.. for °Meer in command of the
1.1 loon and n . 141114110ns for the gorern
rut of the army shall not be 4.llrcte,l by
hit lilt, ext.rpt In SO far iii they couglet
ills Ito prom:lions.
While In the Geese to-day Mr. stevens
nulinaltted the plan of the iteeonst t
I Committee, (or the government of the In
surreftlOnary states, In the Senate Mr.
Dlson, of Conneette IP, presented Ina pro.-
uru ble unel resollstlon, tile result
therecent In torn leers between the Presi
dent Will We Southern Governors, as en,
bottled In -a neW coniffilltloslal amendment.
Mr. I bite,'., proposition is eubstantittlly nA
.!nooses, At the loot session of the Thlr.
.yyntrith emigres+, au uniond limn I to the
Constitution of the ['tilted Stilts wilt pro-
ili,cti to the Log islattires .of the otvoral
slatex, which salt hinelelfol:lll.lms zit"( yet i reacher kl - lov,
been nulled lip the states hi which the cc- The new fortification aperuprlatiou bill
a ill 1.1 , repotted, brut the chance•• of any se-
Amillots against the United States recently
I,f - event.ed; and
tiou epou It this 0 , ..wi1011 are don till ll.t
WM:agile. There Is reason to believe that I
the following ntio . ndluelit 10 tint lonotittn
t.lOO Of the United ~,,t es.vool.l. it Ve-eedt
South Csrelina, ar•
by COnltTesa, be ratified I,y the Leglshattres Governor Alklu, o
of said statesuancl rived fo-day • iii, mission 15 sail 10 1 - ,:lnto
W it z it es+, There Is ill+r, reu-on to 1 ,, ,11eV0 , to the new reetinst ruction plan.
Lathe Constitutions of said states will stoat
'COG nth :Orr, 10,10ititc.
he amended by ' the voluntary itct fir lin l
Legliantilre, nwl people thereot, I , Y the!! The recent robbery of the Trea•tury
adoption of tut article. follow+, "Article— antounta to el o l y thousand dollar,. The
Every malt. citizen who hits resoled In this „10 - ,„1,,,. i., „„; t o b e ~ cl, ;;; .1 ; ~,,,,,,,,, lee,
state fur one year, and In the county in
u Well Le otters to vote six months ituntetil- from Now York.
ately, preceding the any of election, and totocrvioss.
saa road the (Imola a eon of the United elder Justice Chase
General Grant
St aftrx ill the No gllsh lan gett-u, and
' n gave receptions to-night, wit ich were large.
write Ids Altaic. or., ho nine-bit then wner-.
oftwo.limatireti and lllty Jai hors of taxable I/y attended. . .
poverty, shall bit entitled to Colo at any,l. In:CVO-II •
election for Governor of the State, members
of the Legistuturc and all other °lnners I TOO receipts of Interxml RolTaut, toelay
tiftwted by the people! p ruvldtal , that no per. ; were 1 1 1, , 1+V . , 70 .
son by rotw,on of thil
has slut I 113(e11/-
:tlllt'l'l.eL'l'dt 1::11°'ii'lte:::‘:;''1.:1:1;iit'in".:l:1 t r : r l l / 1 1 ; t' l l t . . ' : I i S i f Llh t :‘: l l 'rn i l e 'l n oe l: I l l: I t: tu 'UX. o 'e' i L i tt- t . l i
urt&any IT ,
a lntl ‘ t . l c..,,,tutno
~, . ...o , t h e e ru , n , o ;;, ,r :.: l iLl r , l ., L n i: . :ll l l t t i ll . -
I, L‘,"%7:t.:l;:nt:L. ::s'rillilf:t(ll.:,LT.7ili(f:tlrli"
T. 1 1 ,0 1 4 1 .0
1 0 . 7..1 I 4
iiir1...1:,..,,,1.1iin cr,o,iii,tul,rl,,eltlitZlpoi; ;tr..
c._Th i
ite.../..,/, That the foliewhhi article be
thei S P tra't
o,°B:4a.:l,ll„:tllF;:u'i"ln„ll,cistgiLl:tree:Olt.',,nt.E't:l,:,,i'l;.l.f:ll•vrts i j'br:iii7,l i t :,::: ' :. ' :: i n t : n ' n " .715, 1 c ' el t :I
• !NO. , ‘ ) f Itcyrvs ,, utatives on,ll
•:tlll i - 0 shoo Con4t Ina 10 .
not by thretsfourths of said I.l,llllanires..l Lion. ' Th ' e g hula ow awaits the
~,,,I; he erdid es part of raid Gon,tittithei: the C • , rnor to beetUtte a law
1 • 1 A. 1 t i t ' zi n it U rt i' d l. Ur l l 'i lle t; 1 1: 4 o I n E s b' t i ' tl.7t. S l shallu 'l n '' I I St ' f r s t , ' r e, ',
" T .-I , ' , ' Z i t ' ,:lt " ,. ' , " ,?:,:f
n ut ballot ' w .
, United Staten •enuter to-day.
Sac, c. Thu public debt Of the Unit,d Stutog tlle's' in
Ph utotiot from 3'
authorized by law shall ever be 1101,1 Altered I ii„„.,,,, , state t
r ; ~,,,,,,I
and inviolate; but neither the United states ; p.r.l lng the eon Inc/tied 111111.1,1
nor any State shall assume or pay any debt I in
quo until I Ike Open I 0 g of
or obligation incurred 111 aid 01 1110 Went, , ~,,,,,,i,,je t c,, , ,,,
rectioll Or rebellion against the U . nited ; A terrible hurricane. On Feb
; over Orochita river and the tut
See. 3. 11l net - sons born In Or oat uratized lsbes lit the tlelgliloorlionit of
in the United Otates, and subject lo tile Ju. I causing great 0 lytenedoi, or ,
.010dletion thereof, are el:Jun.of the State 1 loss ttf life. The Inhaltituntd hi
ill a bleb they reside; 111111 1 liii citizens of 1 the open 1.10111, for safety.
each Stale shall be entitled to all tho prlos ,
lieges :tile lannunities Or citingef Of 1 110 ___
several States. 'No State shall dultrive any ;
perSott of life, liberty, or any property with- out due proves, of Ma, nor deny to any ' ..,,,.., ..._
person within Its Juristlictiou, tile cqual I; nc_...,o2;aot.vh.t.ojLs.e.rllll4l,al.4.,l::;roanc.t.l.
protection of the laws.
SlO.l. Representatives shall be apportletu I /ixzert'Ottf , , Feb. o . — The It•utee rat lc Stale
etl among the 0000001 States according to , Convention met tts.lay. lion. 1.. 1 1 . 1001,10
their respective tihni hers, counting the I presided. Hon, Janie, L. English was ntitlO
11111,10 nuesher of persons In each State, ex- hated for Governor by Reclamation. The
eluding Indians not taxed; but when any other. atdlllll.ld,tl ace: I.lea E. ! 0 001,110 f.
elate shall, on account or race, or color, or I
Ephraim IL Hyde; sieerntary of State, 1.10,
• preyious condition of servitude, deny the ertitt...E. P T
ease: reustiter, EdWard 1.. Alert:-
exercise of the elective franchise at any, Iy'; Comptroller, Jesse ( Utley, The ',oh,
election for the clanks of electors for Press. ; lions adopted state that there Is Stothltlg at
dent mid 'I Cli i l retilticilt Or the tlgitett : war wall the bitrugmlOild working of our
Int-41es, r
eprewelitotions lu Congress, Mem , I republican Instltulons, save 11 tit, ~,,...
bees of Legislature, d oth e r °facers elect -, tious csturee of the mutilated; Congress;
o'l by the people, to one lush, inhabitant of ; peace and concord cart only be established
suCh state, being tweet y-one yours iby the defeat of the rad lettls, b aOO 100 01
01 age 10011 a citizen of the United states, I all conservatives; they also rejoice It the
then the entire OW 0 011,31../ . 60aJ1 td, excluded ; recent decision of the Supreme Court and
from the exert:llmo: Ili u elective franchise tender thanks to President Johnson for his
Shall not be collatedle the ...Is of repro- manly course lit resisting uneuthurlzed
/mutation. N,, Slate 11 al 1 re.; ulre a proper- ; j
I egisist ieu and advocating the rights Or nil
ty ttualtlicationpor voters of ulOlll than oho j the States. The resolutions also favor the
value. ' 4.3 ' 111 1 11 Inhibit. Molter/3r, nor us an I 013,:nt hour system and laver the abolltlon
qualification more education I of the poll tax. • several speeches Won
than enough to road the Constitution of I ;undo, including one by Mr. i.atglab.
0r1 ': , =..- i --;:-r ; ;-r:_ 7 ,1v 4 , 4 )
W . 1 .8 LI S/fe b i ..
tho Unita SUJ.t. /41thelL
and writ: hln own man
li' the Senate, 10-day, Mr. Wilson
.incf„t a hill providing that hereafter Pres!-
! dentlal electors shall be chosen on the sec•
and Tuesday of Oetolittr; but each State may
by law provide for the tilling of any vaemn.
cy in Its electop. Provision Is made In the
bill that w benet l or the ofile.o 'at President
and Vice Pre'slitent shall bet.tnne vacant.,
fort he' election , of CgictotS on the Si cond
Tuesday of . f/c[Ober following,' provi.lett
that two calendar months shall Intervene
between the dates of the notification and
election; but If there be not the -pave of
two monthi, between the notificatlon of the
vacancy and the second Tuesday of October
following, then, If the tot-n][4lole Presslent
and Vice President does not expne on the'
.1.1 of March vuetteed log, such elvetloit shall
be held on the second Tuesday ~t ~,,,I,: r
in th.• year following. The hill way referred
to the Counulttee Oil Judiciary.
cONVeNTION OP tOluceintiszi.
Tan Cain - antiOn Or Tinnier.Oilliad
bled to-day uult temporarily organized hy
V.. A. Mayo, °filth:limo:hi, chair
man, nud Alex. McDonald. of Lynchburg.
Secretary. Some debate occurred ris to
I whether tobacco commuislon merchants
were entitled to:Seats In tile Convention,
which renilltell in their wandrawlng, hut
sidessiniently a Colonial... On Credentlak
reported in favor of their adinleminu. The
Convention linen adidurned until to-mor
row'. P i ro present from
Lyneaatirg, Baltimore Phial
delvitla; Sew I ork,llreeklyn Chicago, CM
mnuntl, and other pate..
A 1•10107,100, CIITTI1,11:0 O . ND 11,,TE,
rim, Senate to-dity COntirtuotcl [lll4 It1:10w
tog Collectors of Interim' IteVellll4.: 11001, 1
Littler, ElRlith LlNtrlct of 'ninon.; Damn
Abel, llrst Di,trlct of . 1 1nhiouri; Alormoi I.
Colima ut Ilrinolulu; If. A. Hurlbut,
Comptroller of l.Lrn•ney: °Ten.,
mirreyor of Cu.toim; Edward Wynkolln,
Agent of Vpper Arkansim•ltollunn Velem!
Innifluitin W. Ilion, PoyinaMer °remind
Coned :dates Army, with Conk of Brigadier
General; Alfred ft ilyince, United Mate,' At
torney for the Dli4rint of John F.
Iti ,. .eitt,Unltcilr , trittil District Attorney for
the District of Illinon+.
Itrigather General Edgar M. Gregory, for
0011.10 of Fivu F 1111,1; llrlgadlcr General
Thomas 1.. lions, for battle of Gettysburg;
Br:gamer General lt. A. Payne, for attack
at Dort Hudinn; brevet llftgaditr General
Daniel C. McCollum,
Itie Sena!, mlsocongraleil a large numlior
of oiler military appointment• for ..r1.!1
or Meritorious itrvicei.
Tb! ennate rejocted Gm following noml
nalloni. Naval oftlenr, J. 1.. ,Su ,
Surveyor or 1 ;116[010'n %Cu, Wan:, Balt,
more: l,axe W,rdt n, IttnriGer nt the
Land I /nice at Igut .111e1.1gan; 1/.1.
Mu! W. Conch, Collector of Boa
Returns by Mc (;on uzi,4itinc r
nu t vicncral Luna 01tic.. from oftlet, at M.
no4kti, iscon,in, show inur
folfy ;ter, of obi.iic
of dm - mit:January, a laript port Intl I
01110/ It locateLl vfltit :1101 tolliat
scrip. Tiau rentainitur Iva, taut, up antic
lb, ilnlnc4trail law, roll fvr Cash, anti I.
ciao.] mull. military warrant,. Ileturn
far Lill! SA/110 luopttz fro In thc
otlIcc; Matte seirelat eau,- 'um! er tl.
llovuei.trrittl law for artful ecttlemcnt an,
TIM 1,17.
rl..tor 12,11.,t0tt nntl o.2o . {VtllOn Of sou,
Ott] prritaln,tnt Phlludt.lphtting 2turt, r ,
nitercoursuwfl 1 Coot:re:Q.l.l.n In I•ohulf
.curing to Ltt.tguo ZOO lOcltllo7l of
towerntuent Nuvs.lololloo 110 Tr,: (.la.ltt.
lhey art. pretty gt.nttrall yu. .t 1.4 t
I.ollgne 1-lutot ho h:cvpied by
A :coinprofot, ef7e,le.ll,ettron
Ito clan. of Sea London and Inflnol, I
Ithlit,:tfron tng loot of:, r. , -011Ion
3 ,, trrtlny In thy provnfluir for the
removal of the NArul Annodelny (tom A nnap
offs. The A , oletny, It is Intended to give
to New London.
or THE 1,1,1, Dr',
tOto.l aluount of the public debt or,
1,1111,1., Wlti th:,;
117,,: , 11.W hears colu lutcruat, snot $.111,,7;740
beurs currency Intere,t.
, 71f6V 11S TIM 1 . .1 , 1ty .4
Wit), Men”s (7,111:1,11ttt..,
voted alrumit linannuon,ty nn . tint
dompllon in tins tax uu Whe,ky.
771:• Loth,ll, Peeu, .lauthay nth, un
nouni-ei that I.lth (1 that mouth on
In4uranco of 2,40,e(. was tifeetv.l In (In,
Ifolnhlirg Exchaugo upon thy po , r,onol
pr , operty °I M.11 , 1011:111 thippel' by this
Ilona to It.titn,a.
,r4' Aue,rogn,-
The l'resldetit and Ids Ir'houls have so
chanded the first seetton of the rceonstrut,
its plan egrced LlllOllll. fee. daye ego, that
It now nilllll/ dectareg the ordloonees of
seethed. lu the Nonthera slates null and
Vold.. Neu, 1., hourly expected of the wino.
tlon of I.la4plan by the Leglalutut e of North
The ?le n t. st: the Bank rupt hill wIII not
probably have It eithed up until t.ottator
.Nyu ruttt rn.t.
The People Salute the Queen with
Cries of "Reform,"
! .n
. • . .
LONDON, Fell. s.—Tta, Queen opened Pa
)foment Ilerooll.' The poop)
an noire: m. 41 DO eon] uelasnl; neither aver
there any cheerr, for the Pri nne o
Tt e Queen . 4 ..übseri two t rut urn to Bucking
ham Paine. was MA'AM 111 01 . C.AllA , imalthun he
re. 11.11 thoroughly
sciaku.l by the [dill. Cale. of "reform" greet
Cl‘ the Queen a+ tge pu,s;el. The pollee he
bar ed with moderation r r troubf
SOM.:SCAM. N . 0111.1 WAN, IMAMOO, 111 the
errov,l were We for tn
The general prtelictlon li Unit thli le LI
l'nrlnment Lho:Queen will open in pi
Great preparittlens are making for the re
form demonstration on the Itth. The pee.
pie say thee WIII 1111:11 show the Queen it
proensslon WOZI.111.0111g.• The bitterness of
lii• 'Annular feeling to undisguised.Tiacurnli
were sinew n en the streets haying, "Men
without votes are serfs." Even the personal
rentar.l tot the Queen is °clips.; by the re.
font. 'lntern..
Queen toappear lento In
and a serte- of royal reeuptions sire
nu:wheat iolo./101, arising In thu i.uoi, The
peoplit of Servlullti, log In urine ;tguntit
tho trltomtto rule. At rounlantlnt ple, the
peaty In favor of prat,, ioore.t.lng In 1111111"
burs 11.10 i In due., 31ortor,r, It is reported
the Viceroy of 1:,::, pt ha: rent agents to as,
crawl. Ntheth, lb lentlulg trowtra of Eu•
rope would furor lift cowl/lute ludepend•
Cairo 01 the Savoruiguty Of th , Porto
. TIII, RV FOR unroun.
LoiooN. 10b.. 1 —/reebino.-I,orinz tho
very of the queeut” epeech Eno pool,
1e 1 "Rolorto."
fl. Ccr., ,• AN A. 1111.•”.
rectlyt 1 contract fro
to 1,111,1 c.o . ', and lecoinottvt, fo
LI V I. It ent ttp .—Cotton
dorsal Irregular Inactive; •Nlvs of 6.1.440
bale:, Menet. fir ad t It, are unfavorable.
The market !Ira% land price: are loner.
8rc.4.14444411S getwrally or: Ics.4 firm, tending
don 14 a attl, Wheat I, r Ilnul t a 4 opence for
14,41 an.l ~ let,, Ilarket cloves briber.
114444: Ilvelined one ' , billing for Western
slate. 4 ;tin dec:1444•41 to 14444 C e 4 it for zan.4•4l
W4444tern. Lard tlulet. Cheese dull. Beef
advanced half crown. I'etro4cem
Denth of ft Mrrrfostzt—. • of Noted
~ Let ts, leiguary .t.—N. W. Ural:tan, for-
Omrl v nieteltaitt at Cairn anti euperintend•
of marine transportation on the Misers
sitipi river daring the war, died at the
:southern lintel at the city, treilny.
luteely, herb, :tutu art and Tout
Cannon, all prote...enia: thieves, were tars
esti•L tierebarge of belng - concerned.,
nt the recent nenk ronbrry In Now Orleans,
takea noull: In Irons toelwr.;
.11 , e1a.eppl work:. were burned
titre morning. L 0,,, sI tu. , no In.talra.u.
A filAte Immigration florenu—Sneress
of Female. Solfrug,
Ye!, Senate to
u the creation of MI Im
utlzrattun Itunutt, and upptOmoting 01.-
.4 to catty out the object.
The Item, coucurrent re,olotion to:Stumm
the Con , titution by striking out theuont
t“se•l the , 0t1.1., aunenßed ,u es .
t u out the Wont Intel
nce 1.11. ha,:, of tofft.tge utter It'4l.
Yiettrn Suffrag.t. Adopted by the Legt
tollatnre—ltextrietiotht on Itebeht
Ft`!ll,l3ry ~ .-111 010 liou•e,
tho 111,ro aolopted ve•terglay,
on Itm IltuLl
hlght to Vi *llll eta, cotvrs
Ittl,lnr the ..A.1,114; ,e,
It tt 111
jut, t h e
To Councilmen and !Member% or Ma
(Ward of Trnao.'
Member-, of tho City Coma.lll are re
oitakated In meet at the Common lonnell
(lintel..., this Morning at ten
moil, arratareuu tan for the proper weep
-1100 of the Governor foul the nanibern of
the Leginlature, who will arrive Ilere to-day
at noon.
The hoard of Trade will rinneinble for
lILn carper, at the name hour, at thalr
room,. to the Third National haul: Building.
Let there he/lull atteatatmo at Loth
Last night, nt alout twelve o'clock,
it watchman discorerca n rntuun
ting on some step, on Walnut street.
She tonsitlnutal, but woold glee no an
ew. r. took her to cLurgo and
conducted lem to the welch house. There
•he made aloe: retitle:ding a pencil nod
paper. They were furul.lted, and ,ito wrote
reque-d to be locked up 'lntl! mortung. In
reply to a written queellnn It, to l where elle
wm. tram, alit, wrote tis tonne.:
.1 got myself astray from hoe four days
11,0. Sly tenni> 1-1 in Clint Intiatl. m 1 aro
and to crazy spells often In while, and I
IA to ho sent to the County !louse to ' stay
until 1 ean send Odr! to toy' mother and
eleterg to amid So money to get back to lily
own city again. FATINV Slnop
,oho P1”.141 inn cell, as she requested,
amd lit-r mot. will receive further attention
• ' •
We made a note of the committal to prison
oil Monday, of one William Dryden for sin
gular conduct In tho Common Pleas Court
in, tiling to tho belief that ho was demented.
After his Committal hit ItetioollVoro-111/1.711
Is to leave nu doubt of %Ls Insanity, and it
became a matter of eonstileration what ft Is
po.ltion should bo made of blob the county
Jed being rightly Judged not to be a proper
lnico ter 1113 enurbietnent. Nothing woo
knew, concerning • hint. Into yesterday.
when his father find nubile appeared In the
Common Ileac, land through Jacob 11. Nth
ler, asked to
1114. discharge with a
clew of transferring him In /110 11.6110 .y
-lulu at Ifirmoist. Judge upon whose
order the finfortnuate Young .1. . wan CO..
in I[l.'ll, directed him fir be released and
Oren Into the custody of Ids relations. .
tionnt t on
111 Harr'.
I cull lan.t
u •
•Trrr.l In lin
1 I/ to 0
It Is report
The Arqualle Championship—Drown'.
Clusilunue• Acurepar.l.—lf LIMO Aside
83110 fur I.:nrcuse96.
IlaLronn lA.
1 ut ru.
f'11:. ` 'Z'',',7r,l7
Walter IlrowlVS loaf chillengo to Harp in,
to row 11111 , 0 mile rued for the chrunplOa
.ship lout 81.000 aside—give or tako $3OO for
expenses—has been accepted by Jltunty,
who the other day forwarded 33. to Frank
Queen, which covers the 1411101111 t deposited
lip Prow.. Tan race will tako place 'at
l'at4loargh, but thn time has not yet )e )
good. Nothing now reinalos tots. done ex
cept tin, , Igning of the artieles,:whieh will
soon take plane.
I t, pt
°Ming p tr.
'too muff
11 to n ,
ol orts Id
nun to
larceny In Seim, I;lltranrgh.
Jobe Cavaaugh, a lad of ten yours, with
the Irish bloom of three months ago on his
Taco, nought the remedy or the law from
Juutleo Barker of South l'lttahurall, 114,11118 t
John Mulrooney, Mur3 - holly, Fran) Mur
phy, and .111.11., MRIIIII, tar thel Inrueny of
613, alleged to have boon taken front his.
pocket at the hoarding 11013.1.• of Mary holly
Mnlrooney, hot to which then the ethers
are charged with belay uoeoeaorY. Mildroen
Kelly mat Alurnhy have boon arrested and
hold fur a bearing, but the others are yet at
. - -
flow 100.1 the Rcpt.—Frederick Bean,
a barber o r Toni Bernet.° v Me, not Pa) in g his
zent promptly, the hoollorti, Cieor,o Belt
zell, took forcible pot - easion or the orcinb,-
yr, titsmoseesalng the knight of the razor
and abeam Thercopoe, the latter Bruit,-
cotes beloro Justice A trittiOn, of Birming
ham, (or forcible entry and detainer, autt
gr. Iteltzell le held to tuttowur at Court.
Ihne%lle lurellelty—• liononny Wife
l'armietl trans Nen , York to Alleghe
ny City.
On Tuesday atternoon Detective &rouse,
Of Now Tot lz City, arrived in Allegheny
City, 111 company- with a Jewish gentleman
trout New York. Thn object of the vist
was to discover and, 1f possible, argil - chant
the wife and three children of the gentle
note who accompanied the ogicer, tosNthes
with the roan who 110.1 brought them Iron
the home of the hissliand and father.. 001.
cur strews and bin companion visited tht
hislyer.s colic° In Allegheny to secure the
services of the pellet., and there the hes
band detailed the circutuntances of the cite,
briefly as
Ho 13 a tbliaccOnist, doing a small bust
ness In New York, and up to the tone of ths
:elopement, wrtn pros a pering and living bap.
oily with his x' to nd family; Some
ouths he had ors:a:110n k, leave houte
01111 tro agoson, wee. Ott his return he
mind his Mono desolate nod his Catchy
, gone,
tints not where. It apar.,
daringabsence his wife had pe
" the entlre stuck 111 his store, sold the
furniture of the house, had even sold a por
tent of her husband's Wardrob, unit what
she had not sold had packed up and re.
moved. The money e had realized front
these sales, together sh with what her Ml—
lisnd had ill the house at the time of his
leaving, she had appropriated, and turned
to the wicked account of herself and her
husband's successful rival. I' itiArvid , also
a Ilebrew, want neighbor, and had been a
1 rlent of the man whom he into ruined.
With the money, her own wardrobe, the tau
! sold portion of her husband's clothing,
which she had given to her paramour, and
such other effects aY she could rake to.
Reuter, the guilty wife, taking with her her
three children—two lath: girls or lieu sum
eight years respectively, and a little boy of
sin—had eloped with her seducer, leaving
the cur, LL,was aacertained, fur the wen.
Subsequently they were traced) to .hide.
Chevy, and hither the husband, tweet.
panted by the detective, came, as we hat . °
The services of officer floss, of Mayor
Morr.on's pollee were secured, and alter
bjll.! difficulty the parties for wltOsti they
were ie acareh Were'diSCOVered On Middle
street, 111 100 Third ward, Allegheny.' The
gull ty, pale were living In apparent comfort
and temn to have flourished considerably
since their solvent in this vimnity. They
but u built a new house, and the inule mem
ber of the new heal has established a Small
. notlon't store in the front part Of the
where he drives gulte a brink ,
ilk , the Csttled
• -
The int:Mini:between the Minted husband
and t Mine Who hod so smelly wronged him,
It decorileid as exceedingly IMPrusaLYeu•mf
coinew hat startling.. "rho children were
wild with delight at teein g their falhar,and
their enweses were exceedingly affecting.
1 he elder recipients of the vials, us May 'l , O
Imagined, evinced emotions nothing akin
to delight. The wife at tired seemed over
come by her husband's reprOttelleS, hot
finally became hold and delimit, decturlng.
In annular to lilt that she bad lett
Inin delilmrately because the tlld net eltoo,e
to lire with him, and that she wee living
happily In her present home. She denied
all geld, uneerting that elm was living with
this man slniply 44 his heuselreeper and
not us his wife. She would net retUrn, end
urged her husband to lent:o'ller as his
prolonged slay would only Increase the nu
eappineco of both. The husband, In his ex
cltement, renewed lila reproatMess, when
both his wire and tier paramour, thrOwlng
Ott all dein utte, openly avowed their guilt,
declaring their determination to continuo
In it and defying the husband to do life
secret. The seducer aorta a ilau gold watch
and chain which the husband Lad houEht
Ott Ids attsiter to Me tlenland Of
the orhttnat owner to have the timepiece re
stored to Min, the pceesessor finpudently
told him that lie gait It from the woman
anal would restore It to Ler when ate] want
ed ft. •
The interview at last closed and the hus
h...Pl hat Ills wife to herguilt, She' patina
, kingly' giving hint SSo to bear his expenses
hack to .New York. ills parting . with hfe
children was very touching, the Little ones
clinging to him coil Legging to• Ia talien
with littli• ,leelares his Intmitton Of In
'scouting milt for divorce from his unwor
thy wife. •
• The Imre ls about thirty years of ao and.
Cyr; . li nts looking. liar husbandjis g
forty: The man with whom sno eloped Is
about: /a eaty•eight. Ile has Purchased a
team and peddlers wagon, and will etart
ea tour In the sprung. Whoa he eloped
he I'M a si lie an,; children in' New York,
who are now In a state of abject pororty;
being obliged to hog for support.
• •
1../3 Tue..lay eyentuit,m. scene of somewhat
noutual ohmmeter ocgurrial in the hi. ti,
.:,arch on the .corner 'of East anti First
e.t.iret4, 1,1 the Taint ward, Allegheny, An
evening ue , eting last to progrems there and
iitteltilanee wets two women occupying
the same pew. One of thew 1..1db - illy re
tail:lllZrl in the other a person with whets
she had. amcimed her hualianii of baring Ira.
proper lialinacy. She itetcrrnintal to babe
a ..hulink tunier.itantllng about the matter
them tell then, moil commenceit her 1.2,31-
.11o:is , against the oilier In an audible
whisper, the responmi were equally ye-
slot at last the eunet.rtion bcti
Caret, lvti,orou. as to disturb tile vervlee,
tied al .ruet 'atielitlol2 of all present
ly ell MUM 'IL: to ea lathe their vole.,
and thew urged` rdy wa urged` sere.
utrained. At lengthillielopponent4 took
position In'tne aisle, and commenced a rig.
Ores, heed to hand tiht, srtchig, p ulAl
ing hair and clantiemi g a wing m gener n ally. t
hid they were separated and put out of the
chureth Tile totqect of the irate at.
Incl. appeared •
before Stayer Slott - train awl
di...m.1 to make information agalti.,t the
other for disorderly conduct, blltdier appll•
Cation Wa., rette,e.l.
Counterfeiter Arret.ted—A large lint
of ('ono terfelt Notiouni Monk Not
anti l'o•tal Ctweney.
We have been informed cf the details o
the arrest by a special government deltic
;Ave of A 110ted alit! experienced dealer I
counterfeit money, and the capture of
large amount of admirably executed coca
terfeit postal currency and bills purport
ing to lie is•iteal lye Rochester, New Pork,
National 111.11.. The arrest was made la a
very ~Eilet Telenet, on a tram on tee into,
to , Fort Wayne Chicago Lain - owl.
near Crestiiii, last Monday. Tar custodian ot the Iniglis Money via, “plpeil'i MI board
the train at the Pitt...burgh elation. At Al.
Ilance a Welltrilfeatlleolt the 11010, evident
by previous appointment, and gave Iglu a
carpet bag. The arrest Ws, made when
near greet tine, Ale! the counterft•iter quiet
ly removed to a secure place. The earilet
bag 054 tolled to 111 well stocked wall the
spurious money. The notes ou the ltoche,
ter Bank were admirably executed, a n d eat.
ellh,ted todeemve experts. This cans has
nut liven fully developed, as yet, and we
therefore withhold the names of the coun
terfeiter and the detective maims the tars
Rich Int elleclonlitent
An unusual sclentlile and literary treat
will be catered next week to the !melte,
Gott community, at the hall of the Western
University. In the way of a series of bril
liant and illustrated lectures on Geology
by the weli•kmeArn scholar and geologist,
Professor Gunning. This gentlemen comes
to us highly reG?namended by the pr.n of
tine Pastertialties, and such mut it ern, scion
% ifie scholars us Professor Agtmslr, wino un
hesitatingly...tomes him as ° possessed of
accurate and exuso nowledge whi
fully qualities himte W
lie a puo k lic teacher." ch
the •leet urea special prominence will •he
given to y the living question. of the science,
tine prohecies of-nature, origin of sped.,
antiquity of into], distributfon of mineral
wealth throughout the glohe , mini other
equally important brunches of the subject
with which all should be thoroughly se
quatnted. The fi rst lecture will be girenou
Tumelay evening liest,and the course will
c JJJJJ prise aix. erelong, Tim cards of mi.
nil:Glen, or course tickets, May be obtained
an the hook stores and at the door. Atten
tion is directed to the-advertisement which
appears, else whole.
Allecheny Depot Dlsionlerllec
Yesterday afternoon olllcer Noble, of the
Allegheny Depot Pollee, observed two boys
unmmi Thom. Patterson and Robert Mat
thews, drivers of local express
there, acting in it very disorderly manner
on the pavement In front of the depot, end
persisting In violating.tho _rules and +vett
tenons e ettsf !baled by the Railroad Cornea-.
ny , for thetea of cool order there
' /Lia M
bunts. 'ltlt Mau aid of Clittef•Rottg the
iltsorderlies were arrested and taken before
M. or Morrinou. They were !'utter
on Ike,
blame ekpresaes a Ilrm determine,
lion to break up the practice which has be
come art prevalent, at ;Ile Allegheny depet,
of loafing tool disorderly behaviortnd Wpm'
In by boys and oven lath. There has been
entirely too tnueh misbehavior for the eou,
fort of those staying In tiro depot or pass
ing IL. The Mayor is about adopting strin
gent measure. for tine care of the evil. -
Nhoeirina. Allair.—YeNterdny afternoon
some members of the :Wally of the sex
ton In charge Of th, , Yresbyterlau burying
grouao, in I . l berly • towushiP, on thu germ.
log-side road, on the 11W beyond the !Alle
gheny Cemetery, found Just within the
gates of the yard, trio corpse of e. nearly
born huh, lying on a small grave, •The
child bud evidently hero born where it ri p
the traces of the birth being rnalstakoble.
Thu 111111111 ural mother, after the birth, bag
tied a siring übout the babe's neck so tight
], to strangle It to death. No truce of
tau murderess has been obtatn
Clawson wits summoned, eti. Coroner
- Last evening the elite and fashlonablos of
this nelghliorhood assembled ut the New
( )Peril Hose lu full strength to witness the
Production for the first time In this city Of
the great musical compo.citiOn . L'Afrs
Caine." It WWI fl, protect :success and all
who were present expressed their delight
•1 freq nen 2 anti enthusiastic applause. The
muck. was tine and spirited, and the vocal
izations as rendered by the talented artists Were brtilianit and coin-Inspiring. The
• ramie of the second act, wiot Particularly
worthy of henicial notice, equalling If not
hurpassing any of the happiest eassages In
• bettor known and more popular Operas.
The new scenery, embracing the decks of a
large ship, cabin entrance:, and finally the
fatal nmenntila or miss tree, Is very worthy
of entice, being grand mild. artistic, This
favorite Opera AIM be again prodineed to
night. Tomorrow eV° i 'Lueretia Bor
gia. null be present,.,,. nun Saturday after
noon (matinee) the ' , Barber of Seville,.
and In the evening will niece the 500900
with "Norma.". Seats may yet be secured
for any of these operas. at. C. C.-tienOr it
Co.'s well known Music store, 6l Wood st. •
Ctrs HALL—The Universalist Pair con-
Hanes to prove the great "eeriter of attrae.
Hon and the hall Is rdglitly crowded with
hundreds of visitors. All who have ned yet
paid the fair a OSI2 should Mahout oni.; for
nowhere else can un evening be so pleas.
natty put in, While the enjoyment to sweet
ened with the knowlialob of contributing to
in worthy entice,
Simms, Bart.—The wonders ?
of legend,
main, ns exhillited by the unapronnehable
Fakir of Vinton.. still draw thencends to
]bison[,.'. Hall. The Fakir In Immense, and
deservedly - Is celled the wizard of wizards.
Ile gives lon three more exhibitions in this
city. closing on Saturilay night, with a
matinee I,lld evening performance. .
TREAT. ContorinTliis' ,
place of muse
=cut se daily ben:outing more PePular, and
IA nightly drawing crowded houses. The
programme for - each' evening ; embiace r
many attractivelcateres in the 'dramatic
gymnastio and t , rpskthor kl ut lini,
Fight at the. Revere Ifehite.—Lust
night a party of Men, somewhat excited
with liquor, were eating In the Revere
Hoene, ut about twelve o'clock, and during
the meal two of the party ruined u row be
tween them , eiveo, and eventually got into
a lintleuff tight, and proceeded to maul each
other In the approved ntyle. They gradu
ally worked towards the door, and when
they got upon the pavement not , of thecOrn
natant., an noon a. he eouhl regain his,per
pendicular, departed from it again by ntnp
nag incontinent : and us ended he row
which bud create ly d Muchth c
noise and comm.
Burned.,l., toll Dense at the
Alleglo•ny' end of the nw•Denslon brefge
took tare at alumt five o'clock on T 11,011 3.
Ott vriltut, and tad a narrow v , •rape Iron]
being dentroyed.. • The fire caught in the
roof from a defeat In the chit° noy, ant had
guinea vonsitleretne headway berore being
discovered.- As 'soon /14 It onto ob , en - ed,
the toll-keeper. Dv 'tint or energetic men,-
urea, sueoev•bnl emelt:W.4ll.g the thittl,
twtert, routerall damage ww. done.
_Highly Complimentary.—The Cleve
-1,0.1 nod rlttrhurgh Railroad Company
have recently paid a ilghly descry
eront.ilinent to their Rabid' and ener
gene General , uperintendent, .1. 11.1lever
,0‘, Ity Planing:a new` locomotive on
the , nu l l,eallej “./. 11. Devidenx." 11r.
1/..verkitx nl a (Rot rate officer, awl rer
vice. have been very I.andvomely acknow
ledged in the bestowment of thin well
merited honor.
3lfayhem.—J netice Barker, of South Pitt.
huriri, yenterday hell to tall in 81,0 W. IVni.
11. krarner
of .111,, for - a farther hearing, oh
charge 3.11 m, preferriid lay Christian a
Iranian, Jo a renrontre with Hartman
on the 4th inSt . ., at Laiier's tavern, in Lower
St. Ulair Kramer, it ii nllrFe, 1,
bit a portion or one of his ears riff, thus via
Isting at the .0110 tame the rules governing
"rough and tumbles" and the lawn of the
• Paine de_ Con Argeotino—For instantly
plating all article, °roomier, bras, or (Jar
man silver, a ith pure silver, where worn
off, and for cleanfing and polishing silver
or sliver-plated ware. Warranted to con
fain no duloksilver or .0,1, or any injurious,
article. For sale by J. Sample, Alleuheny,
and all drtuortsta. _ defeat
Where She Coulson Comes Front.—
During the winter fully one thefts:lnds
deers have been killed by the. hunters, In
Warren, McKean, Elk and Forrest counties.
One hooter Charley, Jones, of Lean, 1.4',
brontilt down sixty Lead.
The Universallut Fole.-1( an agreea
le evening's entertainment Is desired, sail
City haltany evening thla week.
one btu large ...puny to he seen
tightly: .
_ .
To Con ntry Ilerehnotot.—Wo afro: a fall
stock of Doolustia atm Cana} - Go- , a.of east.
oft price., J. W. Ittat co 1 Ca,
tt , hiaract Weal.
florftlary.—The residence ofJohn Lind
sey, on Orebitiy street, Itlrmlngham, was en
tered n few night.] sines by burglar", and
twenty dollars in money 510150.
Will Arrivi—The Governor and the
Legislature of Pennsylvania will arrive to
lay at noun at the Union Depot. ,
Zlne.—Tnere are about three ntnnfar.
tones et sheet and bar zinc In tan United
Staten. One Is at Ilettilehetn,Da.
All.whenletnr, the plan to get your
shirts awl.: to order LI at MtaritOCk S Put.
aunt's, 7'2 Flfih street.
meu etas, February G.—lVeather clear and
pleasant. Itti.iness very active:up !alights
very good. The river rose fourteen inches
DePurted—Columblan, Paragon.
rlekSbllr Llttlrei Llbert. Cora,
fur Louisville; g; •
C ommonwealth, S.' v.
Ituth, (or St. Louis. lu Port-Celeste;-‘,11f-
ton, City of .llton.
. .
II EItItYIELL—LAMI, It tl t the re
11 6
L E 1, Ni
City. lowa, and ]'I.,A . (i
1., ELIZ.
WATtION—tIA W—Oti Tzle•laTi
e ..
at tiltantlaaue, the e
4 ttatt " 3.1 r. It.,II)IET
gf vibe; cIIT. an ant. ELLEN E.
nett' Trill, aged seven weeks :KO two data.
The funeral will Lots Uses from the residence
of his fmrents, easmn street, Ram. Itlrmlnnharn,
Tttf ttSllaf. at lo'clock lc The friends of
the o'o°o4 cry reapectfully 1001004 to attolool.
'Birmingham COI] nci I.
Tho Couto:11"MM Present—F. 1.. Ibrusen,
It. Welker, -11 2.Cunninghouh 5. Otcilwa4ae,
R, Wallace, Dr. Jun. Kerr, E. Ze!fell, and
. . ,
The minutes of the preceillng meeting
were read and approved. '
Messrs. lioeher, Ilirron and Miller, pro
prietors or livery stables the borough.
being present, were sworn by the Borge4s,
and mmle the following %tat anent of the
average number or, vellieles'in use during
the year: H. .13.31111er, stiven carriages and
three rive Lingo,
est in. Dam., one carriage and
and Mr. fl.M.Mer, four carriage, bore dtoggles.
31r. Ino-am, of the S"peclal COM rni ttee 1,11 , I
pointed a,t the last rogplar meeting tor the
Trnio. of reign - Dog a phut' for the new En
gam, Ilonbe, reported ghat, the COMM!, tett
had visited the din - crept - engine houses In
Pittsburgh, tut lout not.ral, yet, resolved on
any plan. Thu report Wu% recelvtal Cull
the Committee continued.
on motion of Mr. 1 touseri, the Street COm
mate° was autitorMid to - ctooloy some
suitable person to take charge of the fire
3tr. Woclker, or the Street Committ
ported that the orilitaniml In regard to the
misit-e of lire plugs had Been correctral as
ordered.' After being read, the ordinance
1.1,.pd . •
tootiOn "of. II i. "herr, fifty posters In
Gentian and English ot the above ordinance
ordered In tie plotted.
Mr. Intusen prefented - re petition of CCI.
pritylll.2„,ltum..Cuppell. would grant
sitehael I.lpp, , ilia, ot the Town
Ifull for tiler porplnieht mitt I.lfg hpeech In
relerenee to the eorruptlon. of Council-
Mr. Woelker moved that the petition be
rem:Wetland perm iss lombe:granteil to Mr,
Lipp for the use of the Dail for a
Ame dedllo3l6,•ll, , t hut -Me. lAtip
be gran n ted the u se of the Hall front the 111 e
sentil tote to the time of 110 s neat Imutdris
pal election. • The autepriment was unani
mously adopted..
Warrants were o rile re ,111 follows:'
Preihrit's Freund and C.' nrietr,adver.. .
3. 10 00
Tnomits tl e plugs • 660
Jacob Cinch, 'sundry J. it•leti * 467
! 31eyers, St:lower it •
out, 13 25
Jacob .Scherwann, rep yang street
/2. l VIVelt, for sem - Ices
31, D. 143 - 2. books
John Redman, mother._
Wolff dt•Dinr,' sundries,
E .:Rohrtasterturnirics. — ..
M. Pale, shovels' • •
' 11. Patl,stere 40 '-
Melnt Dish. /Dun plllll Co., tire plugs. 33/ 1.0
.Jos. I Lottwell h Co., hardware...,-,. r' 4 'OU
N. Patterson, SI. Leg. services V,
D. SDONA. a aullburyreet writi Co ng demnedsUsat, S:c 14 60
oner, fur
street purposes. 300 DO
P. Yogi°, servicelt C0n5tab1e........ , Ov
F. Pogle, ICU:dry lO lk
Roster, night tratch ' • 60 Do
Fled. Lunde], Inghtwatch 62 00 I
Total earn ordered to be paid .....
Council adjourned. •
- .Return' bf.the Favorite,
Tuesday,...Wednesday,, Thursday
Filday,and Saturday,
FEBHU-ifir:;; ‘ ,ls,. It 15 Ana 16
With • new and nc . trat sele , Olon of ezparltnents
lathe art of
100. One llundred 100.
be dl , ributed eadp vralaS
liberality acid 12.,plirtlility:ti:at Aare ehars,ter
-1,,,d ids mylotis eatertallablents.
,Adulsrlaa, 33 c,,ats: Reaerse4 Seats, 7.0
7 0,10,14 •uttn,,cte at S.
DUNSEAT - 11 - 6c C-0:4--
FiF•.zr . crt
32:113.1%A.M1LX113Ni =MIN •
No. 56 Fifth Street,
Ila. lug Cated up roomo exclualrHy for the re
nalrlos of WA CHES and (I,C KS. with sax!
I -le awl a lorge and conApeicut force of w..rk
tac arrenahle6 toll° wort. sa well. If not
better than auy.other store In:the city. Watches
loft for repairs will •TeCe ) ve procuPt sISSnUotI
st.,l Le resulated by our
• 6 W 3 lie SL, 3d door from sth.
j 0 In STOP *con
i• w• '
Fine Watches, (locks, Jewelry,
P-Ittaburigh,, Pcmtamet.
attention Oren to Repairing
Wetenet., (;beta and JerpEl7. 1B wort v•
t ' I
Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds,
Prenr,h Clocks &c.
Aro. 22 .2 - ViTh Street.
AL INT co -sr la- •=o co sa .
EA. 214 E: C 31 1 : 1.1:1_ 7 53,
37 Ohio Street, Allegheny,
Flne Watch and Clotk /141./rIngPrOMPUT
endo lat
Gas and Steam Fitters,
• I .l'. Osort=ent. of
fliandelters, Brackets, Lead Pipe, 'c
- Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c.,
161 Wood Street;near Sixth.
s 9,
S 9.
y at ra mt lau
SS, 99
89 89 It/ark/ft Street, is
,A 9
S9 l
D &C.'B9
. ramrsuc7x.x.-32-
9 89
IJAS, R088,.59 Market St. --
S 9 S 9 •S 9 - .59 89 89 S 9 S 9
t.'HAsEU THY CAD ECU formerly owned t Meagre. tNL L
.t . we re , peetrtilly tartan the pub:/c tn." wo
a euotloue maoutacture of
Sheeting's, Cotton Varne, Carpet
Chains, Candle Wick
and Ba.ttilig.
ord,,, may be left at the °Mee of the Worts,
ua AT THe.
Corner of Doqueene WaY anal Bart ere AlleY.
Arc -
Have More Improvements,
end much WINE SPEEDY and InIIIIPLE In op
atin than a n 3 4e4Ine In the market.
WM. sumrtrieir & co.,
27 El Ott Street, Pittsburgh.
; IJSI 411. T
7.110. 92 :Federal Street,
Practical Furniture Manufacturers
. Latest styles of 11111Pi1rilltd canstintli on
hum:- •
112-143333.rt.M . a3C11 R .
No. Ira Fourth street, Plttsburgh, •
Cif.APEN. G LOVE. 4, and every de
nerlption of Funeral Furnishing lloods furnish
e.i. if..ay an.l night. llearse and
Carriages furnished
Its Fauf..actc—iterr. Davtd Kerr, U. U.. Ilev.
Si. Jacobna Thomas Ewing. Esq.; Ja
r JAIL Miller, Esq.
-xancne.ter,Wood's Ron and vicinity.
COFFIN ROOMS AT MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE, ahelldeld and Charttcra atreeta:
you want a good ride, go to fiIiWAILIPIS
ISTABLE for a goodteam.
Pint street, tear iforiongabela ,
aPar:l.tular attention paid to bugling and selling
“G od's-a bxcr ere.' the largxi.rabue:
IT ' north of Alletbrq. Ler bytal late. perLattlt
ZrLThrEP. If41::;`c tan' of "X'
fi BEMS. LEISEED OIL received
and for trio by
Wb4losilvinoccist4 Wow mom.,