The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 06, 1867, Image 1

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SES Wirt .IBtroot.
IP. R. PEN RAN, Dim".
eis inAn oile. ll" . REED,nulithein
e4Rleglepiell !!Met:.
DellYer6d "n , nr. (Per VI tutu
Mall Subscribers, (per year) ...... 1 6 . 00 .
Liberal redacilons tO 2(esuboYL MA WO"
e Corm', per yur. by
ltvs , do. . do. do. ugh!
Tan' r more ooplex, to one !Ladles:, and
one free to dill...ego!,
Another, liarglai7.
Ter weeks past the daily papers bairn
teemed with accuunte of burglarlea in sari.
ova localities, executed with so - much skill
that the unfortunate recipientsof these via.
its from llghtangered • gentry, know path.
Mg of their _loss until the morning atter.
A ;tropic and =failing method of receiving
notice of the intended entry has been pat
- •entedouid may lib nen at 103 Third street.
• Agents wanted.
Going Into the Wisetownie Trade,
And want tho present Mock closed out. and
In order to have Waco have adopted a grand
closing outset° at a gre9t sacrifice. For tiro
next ilitY ditks we will cell goods at any
price, as our present nook will not meet
the; requirements of a wholesale trade nor
be In season. Great bargains for all.
071.111. H 017131 83102 STOIII.
lisetarit'et Cant.lne 'Cott Liver OIL
The Parent and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in
the trend; Anannfattured from fresh,
beVthyllsers,'46n.tho sea•ahore. It 1s
perfectly pato and sweet. . Ask for "Har,
aid t. Chufwell , s Cod 14ver.011,” manatee
tared by
CAF WILL, MACY. a CO. New York.
eold by ell - drimitets. Yw
The Giendese. Cleating Oat Sale
Ever offered to the good people of Pitts.
"purgh. Itoots and Shoes selling at your own
prices for the next sixty dhis. The present
stock must he - cloadd out:by April Ist sure.
. .
All In Want
Of maned -fruits and Tegetablee are 'invi
ted to Inspect the assortment kept by Geo.
Maven; at 117 Federal Street, Allegheny
Go to ItemtreiCs Drug. Store,
2io.lktgarket , Street. for Brown's - Vermi
lege Coin(lie, the beet Worm Medicine In
=li ci sneaked odlee of E. Warner, old In
dlfea t don, removed to No. 11l
I'enniman:4 laws
• Go to Flemlizaki Draw More, •
For Itarriett's Staiulard Preparations of all
kiade..cheaper than any other place in the
Darns. and NedlClnes
Doctors' prescriptions carefally prepared
at bag Lie neir,;l price, at I , ultou'a Drug
Store, opposite Postoglco.
- Tint Can Buy
Liguora o all kinds et Josephs.
l. ) /oll/.3 03 7. 2.9 s 11.11 d 195
• , ...1011110gliaat,Plttabargh.
Gold Medal Simaidlnie Cots* ba Wine.
SottL nnthelowest Daps sr Fleming's Drug
Store, 80. Si Darket Street..
par Cent. tacielol at Jaaapli S. Yinc
TfestiCan Bay. :.
Hey Eiciia at Joseph S. Finchhi.
' The Michigan Ststa Agricultural Society
Mut united with did - Abdo 'Wool Growers'
Assontiethrs roiling llt, , lGesieral Convert'
Lion Of the wool growers and farmers at
Ann Arbor, on the Ilea, 11th and ltth inst.
A general- Invitation Is extended to the
wool growersand sheep breeders of other
Staten thattend. , .
The Michigan - sorghum growers bold:
their annual meeting at Tecumseh, Itieldl
gar, on the instant. The convention
will last three gays. It gives promise of
being it yerylinporatt one for that inter,
est. A number of premiums are
to be
awarded for tie beet specimens of products
of the aorghum plant.
„The works of the Corry Oil Company, in
Chelsea, near Roston, with the, adjacent
building and. a large stock of oil, were
burped yesterday evening. About six thou
sand gallons of naptha were destroyed.
L 053 00,000. .
The Baptist 'Church, Odd Fellows Hail,
and J. Harris , extensive shoo factory. in
Marblehead, Mass., were burned ou Monday
night-. Harris' lees is 0120,200; Insured for
The Fenian prisoners were set to work in
thelormilry department of the Canadian
Penltentlaryier Kingston,. yesterday.
The Canadian
..Porlimment meets on the
leer week m May.
The poublans House of Representatives
has pissed a bill calling a State Convention
to alter and amend the State Constitutican
It provides that an election shall be held
on the 2nd Monday of April, ana if the peo
ple decide is favor of a Convention, it shall
assemble on the Ist Monday of May. The.
bill passed the H 0930 by more than a four
fifth vote, but It is expected' the OoTeruor
SLR veto it Should hada so, the bill will
prise by more than twis.thirds. •
Asa P. Greyer has been nominated by the
Conservatives of this Fourth Kentucky Dia.
trle for Representative in Congress.
Ti e Tennessee Senate bait. adopted_ the
resolution requestin g Beciatin : Patterscm to
The Tennessee'lionse has adopted a new
bill fe.lieu . of Chapel:tiling negro suffrage bill
restrieting the white franchise still further ,
but giving to negro es the right of suffrage*
Toland, the absconding Jersey City clerk,
was arrested fn Richmond, yesterday,
with $16,0,'0 in his possession. '
Infciiniatson Rem Fort Mclntosh, Texas,
ceporta a party of twenty banditti roaming
the country between the Veneer river and
San AMOIIIO. They have killed eight per
sons. and pillaged Mimes. Major Hogan,
with P. amaU party Of troops, started In pur
ebb, and . Succeeded In killing three men
and. capturing twelve horses, with the loss
of boa man.
The Louisiana. Kate Senate, adopted *
revolutionyesterday, rejecting the Coma'.
tutional amendment.
The Senate, of Ithode Island yesterdiT
adopted the Cony:tuitional amendment
with two disseating.votes.. The Noose will
probably adopt IL this week. .
110n..D. - IY. Voorhees, by invitation, ad.
dressed the eitizeis of New Oricaal, is the
Nall of NePresolata4v os , Yesterday, upon
the - craiditiOn of the country, There was a
The ITogreog of the -Union Famine
nalleoad—lta Completion to Fos
Ellsworth by .the the of Aprll7The .
Caine Fiera° In listainse.
Sr. Loma, February S.--The dithatth from
Junction City; Ifansaa, dated. Tannery Slut,
saying that Place•wiitild bathe tannin= of
the Union Pacilito Hailthad, daring the coin
' leg rummer, seems to have Conveyed'
rolighripflathen. in regard to the actual
condition of that road. n
City w • The dispatch
-ply Meant that Junctioould be the
outer point on the road from whichikeight
the to Colorado and Mew Mexico would , be
done this session. The Union Paciflo FAG.
road Is already completed twenty one miles
beyond Junction City, arid train, ar e
ning to that point, arid the road will be An
istimS to Fort Ellsworth, 11 miles farther, by
this let of April. ; . •
By. Lou.., Feb. S.—The Denscanea Topeka
sheath' lays: Tee to-day passed bill
prohibiting any cattle from the country
south of the Kansas river being drlverianto
• or throuh that State from March lett° Deo
comber let, except the extreme Wanton
pert, alt. • . . - • •
The blit is designed to protect the MOM in
the State ageless. the contagions and
. fatal
disease called Spanish facer, c a veidth, It
theeaid,o ver rco,ooo worth ofdied In
last year. It is also raid that. cattle of
the cable of half is million dollars were sold
and"drlven oat of Heaths last year.
TortatitKAurtit, Fob. fi-•Tlie Senate has
passed a coecestnet rotten:UM by a =ant.
. r.fe i for th e appointment of a corn
=Melt to Invetttgato the charges of bribery
n ettnputti*L Of the xec:catt Senatinial Sire-
la the House a Committee woe appointed
to inquire into the recent Indian tnallaere
and what legislation If any lb ecoestaby to
prevent such atrocities.
,4 4t,
111 . _
• • •
• 1 GO
. 1115
Pennsylvania Legislature.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette
itshrussruo. February ti /Mt.
Mr. Bleu= presented a petition and re
monstnume In relation to the Assistant ills.
trot Attorney or Alielthen7 county.
The following bills In place were read:.
By air. Graham: A supplement to the act
re/ative to the idelteesport term
By Kr. Brown, ot Lawrence: An act: rola
lye to marriage&
By . Mr. lilgham: To increase the capital
stocks of plank road oompanlea in Alleghe
ny Countyialso,a resolution In favor of the
pending tariff bill; also, a resolution In
structing the Committee on Educationrola
tive to the distribution of agricultural
scrip. Adjourned. .
The following petitiona were presented:
By Mr. Mechlin: To repeal the licence
law orioechburg; also relative to entering
promisee en Armstrong county.
By Mr. Jenks: To repeal the lawallowing
the Treasurer to glut licenses.
By Mr. Kimmel!.• A remmutrance from
citleens of Blairsville against a repeal of
the licence law of Iridium and Weatmare.
land comities.
Mr. Boyle called up the rule In tarmac°
o the discharge of Oamnittteste, and It was
do the 'pedal order on Wednesday.
Ilattarsautte,Februaty 6, MT.
Petitions in favor of a law allowing col
Orod persona Waldo in railway care, were
presented by Means. Bighorn, Graham,
White and Lanidori.
Mr. Seariabt find itiplace a bill to indict
the death penalty on negroe-s guilty of out
raging white women.
The Governors Message, relates to the
report of the Superintendent of the Sol
diers, °rid:mm.lms presented. _
The special order, the till to allow colored
persona to ride on all railroads in the Com
monwealth. wee considered. Numerous
amendments were Toted down and 4111C13.8.13-
ad dung the morning and afternoon nos.
The Senate, by a party Vote,refrwed to
eue➢end the rule requiring a two-Minis
vote, zo the bill lays over.
Tho Senate concurred in the joint rytiolu
lion to adionra over to visit tho public La
stituttons in Allegheny county.
Mr. Wilson offered- • joint resolution to
adjourn on Wednesday, the 6th inst., to
allow the Legislature to visit the public in
stitutions in Allegheny county. Passed.•
She following reports of Committees
were presented:
By Mr. Wilson: Asthoriensg the payment
of the salary of the State agent at Wash.
By Mr. Waddell: Enlarging the powers of
the courts •in granting charters and con
arming powers granted heretofore. .
The following bills in place were read:
.By "Mr. Boyd: To declare the Intent and
meaning of the seta relating to husband,
wife, parents awl children.
By hir.ateEeei Repealing the act authoriz
ing the election in Bobinioniand North
Fayette townehipe; also changing tho =in
ner of collecting taxes in said townships,
so w to authorize the collection of taxes In
the borough of West Elizabeth.
By Mr. Wilson: Supplement to the am In
corporating the borough of Lawrenceville;
also to establish a ferry at Saxton station,
on the Youghiogheny river. • - •
By Mr. Collvlllei To lay out. a State road
from Allegheny to Haller counties.
By Mr. Peters: Incorporating the Alle
gheny and Eastrulll Bun Valley Passenger
Railway... •
By. Dr. Phelan: Act relating to the feat of
the District Attorney of Greene county.
By Ur. Mazur Incorporating the 011 City
held Factory.
By hir.Galllnghert TO authorize the Torn
Connell of the borough of Irvine. West
moreland county. to collect a comma tax
for borough pterposea.
By Mr. Med:ding: To authorise the Coun
cil of Itittanlnglo pave-and grade streets:
By 112 x. Quay: To prey:maths sale or Pitox
beating liquors at Economy and Indepen
dence, Beaver county.
The following bills oftale private cdien•
der were considered and passed..
impplemeot to the act to empower the
Commtseloners of Washington county to
compromise with the holders of bonds.
A: supplement to the act Incorporating
the borough of Wastington.
A supplement to the act inoorixtratlng
Birmingham, for the better prosecution of
dfliorderly iersone In the borotigh of Xon
oUgahela. . .
A supplement to the act incorporating Bt.
Clair cemetery, Greensburg.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
• lisnalearrno, Feb. n, IS 67.
The Renato Committee has agreed to re
port the bill repealing the act repealing
the Vonnalloville Railroad charter, to the
Rebate to-morrow, with a negative recom•
The House Committee iriU report favore
bly on the bill.
(SECOND swisioar.)
Yebniant 1867 .
Oa 'WOI.IOII of Mr. MORRILL, the Secre
tary of war was asked it General Sherman.
has Limed any orders for the protection of
trains crossing the PlaMs; if so, what was
their nature.' '
On motion 'of Mr. SUMNER, the Ziailtl
Committee was instructed to inquire into
tire management of the /UST Yard at
Charlestown; and especially whether any
ship has bee endangerin g a recently with rot
ten timbers the safety of the
• -
On motion of Kr. SEELICWOOD; the Mili
tary Com:tattoo was instructed to inquire
what legislation is necessary for the relief
ge soldiers who have lost their
papers, and report by bill or otherwise.
Mr. TRUMBULL called up the 6111 provid
ing that the act of Congress for the pay
ment of war , shall n construed
to provide forchums ot
the payment of such claims
in rebel States. An exception is made of
I V 4 2 T%e
. JOHNSON States
and districts *lllth, la D ecember
woreandercontrolof the United States mill.
tasy authorities and remacied 10 during
the war. Disagreed to, end the bill was
passed and goes to the goose for concur.
ream in the amcculmant. •
Mr. GRIMES, from the Committee on Ma
rat again, reported with? , amendment a
tall to define the rank of adirdral and other
staff omeera In the navy, and the eredltmg
volunteer oreeers of , the the naval and ma
rine service* who may be transferred to the
rernlar service, with era service perfermed
as volunteer alarm.
INTAL;I) ri:em: 3ll
PESSENDICH, from the Committee
on , Fmanee reported, with verbal amend
manta. the ' , lnvalid pension bill. It appro.
whites fait,Wo,oo3.
)6r. THIIII:IIIILL introduced a bill to ens ,
blo litetes to select swam➢ and overflowed '
lambi Wittart their ItadtS, omitted to be se
lected ender the set of September, MO. Ito•
Mr. WILSON introduced the following,
loch was agreed to:
Remised. That the Secretary of the Treas.
nry he olimokoot to relax% fOr the Infornow
;you of ConeCaa,whataxtiount, of Wenoy xim
been recelyed from sales of cotton or other
property turned oTer to the Treasury De-
Partheent tinder the ;fevered acts at Con
greas, and what diapoaltion has been mode
of the salne; whether nay of ;he money has
been paid to claimants, and If ~ the name,
of such claimants, the amounts paid,
unde r what authority of law, and upon whet ev•
ideate, •
. Alto Titan RAILROAD raOisc . r.
Mr. HENDERSON introdneed a bill to an-
Vsorire and provide for the construction of
a military and post road from Galveston to
Port Gibson Indian Tendon'. 3 vith
bralaCh to Little Remit, Ark. The bill
grants the right of way over the public
Tanga, and requires the [internment to le-
sue-toV:to companY IliO[yXo in United States
beetle fOreVery twenty miles of said road
is,in in double track, when in running or
der. Referred to the Committee On Pacific
Railroad. ••
Chandler, Howard,. P o meroy,
Ooziness, Howe, Ramsey,
Dixon, Johnson, Ross,
Doolittle, McDougall, Stewart,
Edmunds. Morgan, Sumner,
Fessenden, Norton, Van Winkle.
Poster, Poland, .
Brown, • Harris, aimlsbm7,
Buck - slew, II endsmon,
Cr erman,
is,in, Head k riekooa; Tratabeill,
D lar Wade,
Po Icier. Williams,.
Grimes, Patterson, Wilson,
. • ..
So no bill sine lost.
Mr. LIAItRIS originally voted' to the etlir.
=salvo, hut ehangud Lis vote for the purr
pose of onabilng tans to enter a Motion to
kr. WINDOM from the Committoo on In
dian Affairs made a report on the investi
gation Into the regent lettings of contracts
for Indian goods, which. with tho minority
report was ordered to:be printed. • •
Mr. WlF,Sbliff, of lowa, asked leave to of
fer a resolutlen instruoting the Committee
of Ways and Means to report the tariff bill
et amended by tho Senate, end to 'exhibit
the rates imposed on articles under theftar•
Iff in foree on the let of April, DEI, and on
the later January, 1865, with these proposed
by the House olli, as amended by the Sen
Mr. JENCKS obleetoi.
Mr. SCREECH interrupted . the proceed
ings by 'announcing the presence In the
noose of Putt. busumes, moving a recess
of five minutes that the General might be
presented to the House.
TOO motion was unanimously agreed to,
and the Speaker proceeded to the portion
et the hall where the General was stand
ing with General Grant, and escorted them
SO the Speaker's chair amidst the plaudits
of the members, and presented General
Sheridan personally to the House in Ahem
Gentlemen of the House of Representative.
niforcla me peculiar pleasure, by your
order, to Introduce to you General Phillip
Sheridan, of the array of the United States.
While . this country will remember in the
heart of hearts of all its loyal people, the
achievements in the Colds of danger and
death of its glorlous defenders, they never
can forget who was brave among the bray.
est, true among the trucet s 'And the recol
lection v.f whose deeds will - survive so
long as lustory exists. 'present to.yoh
General - Phillip Sheridan. (applause on
the floor and In the galleries.)
The SPEAKER then presented General
Sheridan to cane member personally.-
PENBION TO a savourrpszaar EOLDIII4.
Business was resumed soda joint reaolu•
floe passed giving to Samuel Downing, one
of the last survivors of the Revolution, an
additional - pension of five hundred. doillee
L e : manure, from the third of. September
Mr. STEVEN'S, from the Comirdttee oo
Approprtattous. reported the ArruY.4POru•
priation BM, which 'was made the spectal
order fog nert 'Saturday,— •
POSTAL xarrLns.
The SPEAKER appointed Mr. Campbell
to nil the vacancy in the Post Oil Joe Con,
lattice caused by the death of Mr. Johnson.
On motion of Mr. CAMPBELL, the Post
office Comte lite° was Instructed to Inquire
Into tLe expediency of reporting a bill for
the erection of buildings In Nashville for a
federal Custom House toad Poet Waco.
On motion o[ 11r . DA.121,114, the Comm
toe on the District of Columbia was in.
at-meted to confer with the Secretary of the
interior as to a plan fora now Jail for the
District, and to report by j,lll or otherwise.
The bankrupt bill was taken up, and Mr,
EIOWAREPS amendment to strike out the
thirty-seventh section was amended and
then rejected. , - • • •
On motion of Mr. - FOGG, the prevision
was struck out of the thirteenth section,
which tikes the number of votes of credit
ore necessary fora choice.
Several ameudmonta were offered and re
On motion of Mr. EDMUNDS, the proviso
was adopted that "all citizens of the United
States petliltioners. to be declared bank
rupt, Shall ilia an oath of allegiance with
the petition."
. On motion of Mr. UENDEBSON, the min
imum of indebtedness for which - voluntary
bankruptcy may be instituted was fined at
11,01 V, instead of WOO as in the House bill.
The bill was then taken out of the Com
mittee of the 'Whole and reported lb the
On motion of Hr. SUBlNEft,the provision •
that no discharge to adopter 'whose assets
do not pay fifty per cent within a year
from the paSsitge of act, shin bo
cd; unless the written consent of majority
of t h e creditors in number and votes, was
obtained. .
- The bill woe to provide for the is.
sue of certificates of service, to officers and
soldiers of votunteers,neatly onvrOssed on
parchment, and that the legal represent..
tlves shalt be entitled to the- certfficate in
csseof the death of the person entitled to
it; and also the bill donating a ponies of
the Fort Leavenworth military reservation
for Op finch:Owe one of Dui:dimmed; else,
bill to authorize the payment of prize
money to officers and enlisted men of the
Signal Corps of the army who served on
l'ariamiVe fleet at the alobile Bey•engage
• After the passageof some Meer a iitivato
character the House went into Committee of
the Whole on the President's mutual mew.
Mr.IIGIOPEIt spoke on the nnanalin clues.
lion. . .
. •
The Indian ApproPrlatiOn Bill wits 'then
taken up. I teovere &little over twenty-one
and a half milire.of dollars. The bill con
tains a provision that no monies or annin.
ties aliell ter paid to any tribe In hoetilty
against the Government or citizens of the
United States.
On motion of Mr. BRADFORD, of Colors
do, the proviso was added to the paragraph
maging the aporoptiation for the expenses
of the Indian Superintendent In Colorado.
that no part of It uhould be distributed by
Alex. Cummings, the present Superinteud
eat of Indian Affairs of that Territory.
On motion- Mlle. HOOPER, at Utah, the
appropriation for the incidental expenses
of the Indian service of that Territory was
increased from $15,000 to 025,000.
The Committee rose,.aril repelled tlie
wgzoirrrys ooeuxisrs.: - •
The SPEAKER presented • Executive doe
uments as follow.
From the Secretary of the Interior, in an.
swirr to the/tome resolution relative to tbo
Unounta of the State of Texas with Dm
United States. Laid Ou the table..
From the Secretary of the T.resuturv, rein.
tire to amount of taxes paid by national
banking associations to toe United States
annually and the several States.
PrOLO the .Secretary of the Interior, eon.
earning the ITULIUMOTO of United States
troops near Fort Mill Kelll3oy.
Tar, AD-referred. -
warianie rarvlrmOlt•
• Mr. FINCH, from tho Postodlee CoCmmit
tee, reported that there Was no legislation
necessary to allow the members of the pre.
sent Ccursireas to exercise the franking priv
ilege until the first Monday of December
d Adjourned.
Theltaltintore City =cellos—The Isle
of Colored Convicts Prohibited.
isizantrorth, Feb. 4.—Ttio 'noise of Ttelo'
gates of Storyland to-day passed the Senate
bill re pealing the Baltimore City Election
DUI. consequently there will be no election
on Wednesday.
..11oth !louses have pealed a bill prohibit
ing the sale. of colored oonvlcts, and it is
now • law.
The City COUIICiI has postponed, until the
.ffrst. Monday In , September the ordinance.
providing for the education of the children
of colored parents.
• •
River Telegrams
By Merchants' 'National Tblegropfs Ownyany.
Ola•Cirr, Feb..s.—Weather cloudy and
cold. Ice In the creek gorged Rivere roll.
road bridge. ••Water Of • feet. Is still
closed. The mark note
et Is uiet and un
changed; no Uansactlona to'
ST. Tants, Feb. S.—River fulling slowly;
with 'a mall quantity •• of fez planing.
Freight foram booth abundant but tonnage
It•temporartly scares.. Three boats have
arrived from retirement and will. funnedl
ately load for Sonthisla ports. Arrived—
Ned Tracy, New Orleans; SKIMS, White
Ricer. Departed—Alarcolla and Octavls,
Memphis; Edward Walsh, New Orleans; dt.
John's, TOOLICSSOO diver. Wea th er clear
Opening of the British Par
..'lament Yesterday.
An Amicable Adjustment with
the United States.
Great Feat in Ocean Telegraphing
LONDON, February s.—The following Indio
speech made by the Queen at the reopening
of the Imperial Parliament to-day:
. ••My Lora., end Gentlnnrn of the, lions tif
Cinemonv—ba again recurring to your ad
'Vic° and telstonce. I am happy to Inform
You thatmy relations with foreign powers
are on a friendly amt iatisfactory footing.
hope that the war in which Prussia,
Austria and Italy have been engaged may
lead to the establishment of iluroblo pease
in Europe.
••there suggested to the ticwiernmeut of
the United States a =late by which the
questions pending between the two coon
tries arising out of the civil war, may re
celve au amicable solution; and, which; If
met, as I trust it will be, in a correspond
ing spirit, will remove all, grounds of pos.
able misunderstanding, and promote rela
tions of cordial friendship. • ' - •
••The War botireen Spain and tiin Itcpub
hes of Chill and Peru still continues. The
goal, Wilms of my Government, in eonjunc
•tion with that of the Emperor of the French,
having foiled to elects reconciliation. If,
either by agreemerit with the parties them.
solves, or by the modlatiouof other friend
ly powers, peace should bo restored, the oh-
pints which t have had In view will 'be
equally attained.
•ITho discontent prevailing to Some of the
provinces of thisTurklell Empire has bro
ken out in actual insurrection in Crete. in
common with my allies, the Emperor of the
French sod the Emperor of iimsta, I have
abstained from say active interference in
tame Internal diaturbancembat joint efforts
have been directal to, bringing about !al
proved relatilms between the Porto and Its
Christtosi euttiects, not inconsistent with
the sovereigns rightsof tile Sultan.
"The prOtracted rusgotiallona which arose
out of the iscomptance by.Princo Charles of
liolienzolderit, of the Governorship of the
Danubian pruscipallties, have been happily
terminated by an arrangement which has
been sanctioned by the concurrence of all
the powers parties to.the treaty of laid
"Um-Motion. In (attar at a more intimate
union cit..the_provilOCOO—Of thiandlisAOT
Potts, — tu — Neur Brunswick. have .ee.
passed by their several Legitilaturest and,
delegates duly authorised. represent/no all
chooses of colonial party and opinion have
concurred In the, conditions upon which
Mich an onion may bo' best effected in
accordance with their wishes, and *bill will
he submitted to you which. by the oonwlb
dation of colonial interests and resources,
will give strength to the sovereign previa
ces as members of the moue empire, and
animated by feelings of loyalty to the same
1 have heard, with deep sorrow, that the
calamity of famine hasprcesed heavily rm
my subjects .1a .some parts -of
wets issued to my tiovernment
in that country to make the utmost arm ,
tions to mitigate the distresswhich pre
vailed during the autumn of laht year. The
blessings of an abundant harvest hem since
that time improved the condition of the
auffering dialrietst.
persevering efforts and unscrupu
lous assertions of treasonable conspirators
have, tarring the last P 111,1112111 excited the
hopes of some disaffected porno. th
lend, and the apprehension of the loyal
population; but the firm and temperate ex
ercise of the powers entreated to the Laos.
uttve, and the hostility shown against the
. -
conspiracy by men of allele.. end creeda,
have greatly tended to resume ptddlo
and have rendered hopeless any at
tempt to disturb the general tramptillty.
I trust that you will, consequently, be ena.
bled to dispense with Ike ;continuance Of
any exceptional legielatiort In that part of
my dominion,
with deep thauldultima
to/llmighty God AM, greet decrease which
has taken placo?in the cholera and In the
pest which has attacked our anti..., but the
continued prevalence of the latter in some
foreign countries, and its occasional reap.
peen:meth this, will randertioacssary some
measures of procautibit •'
and,' trust.,
the%dation of the former will lead to
increased atttantion to those sanitary
measures which experience has shown to
be the best preventative. Estimating as of
the highest importance, an !adequate
supply of once and wholesome water, I
have directed the issue of a commission to
. .
enquire Into the Inst means of ;permanent
ly securieg such a supply for the =axone-
Us, setwell as the principal to
densely peopled districts of the King d om.
• "GenUtmen of the Moose of (Ammons: I
have direeled
be[ re
ates far the ems.
lug year to be laid before you. They have
been prepared with a due regard to °cone
myce. sad the r
wUI, 2 uequimm iminents of
fed the ,
pgiveublic yo ser
vi ' You ur
ready assent to , a moderate expenditure
maculated to Imlirove the condition of my
soldiers, and to a
i y the foundation of an of
fielentarmyof interne.. . .
"My Lords ;and' Oratiersee; Your atten
tion wilt sante tie called to thostste of the
representation of the population In Perlin
reent, and I trust your deliberations, cos.
ducted In iplrih of firmness,' moderation
and mutual .forbearanee, may the
adoption of meaner's which, without un
due disturbance of the balance of political
power, shall freely extend the, elective fran
"The frequent occurrence of the dlsagr ee
meet between employers of labor and their
workmen. canning ninthrivate su ff ering
and puldlo loin, and occas ionally leasilegAs
is alleged, to seta of outrage and violence,
1 has induced me to Issue a commlselon to In
quire Into and report on the organ
ization -of Trades' Unions, and oth
er ecieleties, whether of-working men or
employees, with the power to suggest any
improvement of the lane for their benefit.
Application will,lni made of you for Paella
mintary liowere, which still be
make thin inquiry.etrective. -
"I have directed bills to be laid before
you for the exteniton to other trades of the
beneficial provision:li of the factory acts, ea
onemilyzeportodby'lliallayal Commission
on the employment of children, and for the
better regulation, according. to the prinel. '
pie of thoseacts, of work-shops where wo- '
men and children are largely employed.
"The Windham" Of the. mercantile, marine
has attracted my serious attention. Com
plaints are made that thersupply of seamen
m dencieut and provisions for their health
and dinette an board, are; Imperfect,
ileesuresw bo subrettled tO you .with •
view to Increase the orttalericy of this lai
"I hare observed with istisfaction,there
lexatiou recently introduced into the earl
mitten lane Ginner:eh , I have =Pressed to
the Emperor my readiness to submit to
Parliament a propo sal, for the extinction ,
en equitable terms, 'au exeollitiou frou'l
local charges on eildePirr ,
which are still
enjoyed by a limited number of individuals
in British ports, and have, in entletprition
of this step, already admitted British ships
to the advantages of the now law. A bill
upon this subjo will forthwith be laid be
fore yo in
u. • . ,
“A bill will also be submitted for making
provisio railwa y the arrangement Of the af
(airier eompaninswhich urn ena
ble to meet engagements.
"Mmusures will be submitted to you for
improving the management of the sink and
other poor in the metropolis, and for the
- re-distribution of sumo of the charges
.for relief therebui •• '
• "Y (Mr attention4lll alto 'be balled to en
' amendment of thelaw of bankruptcy; to Um
• .swinsolidation of the Courts of Probate and
Divorce, and Admiralty; and to means of
disposing, with greater dispatch and fre
quency, the Increasing bailees' lathe supe
rior courts of common law and the assizes
'The relations between landlord and ten
ant,la Ireland, have engaged my attention,
and a bill will be laid before yon which,
without Interfering with We rights of prop
erty. will offer direct encouragement to or
cupyers Of land to Improve their holdings
and provide a simple mode of obtaining
compeneatlOn for nernianent improvement.
"I commend to your careful consideration
. these and other measure. which will be
brought before you, and I pray that your
labors may, under the blaming' of Pro*
Mince, eonduce to the prosperity of the
country cad happineas at my people."
I l
t is Sent South to be Acted on by
' • Southern Legislatures
Sanford Conover on Trial for
Important Reports from the
I WAtilliaoTo`.l, rob. 5, Loco.
TUE NNW," roucr.. •01511 In ON DV TOE ruin-
- toter.
The new policy of the. President.. has co"-
minated In a aeries of propositions, which
have been forwarded for ratification to the
Routhern ataws, and will be embolic.," In
the President's message to the Fortieth
Congress. tbo following outline of the
plan proposed is the result of the combined
decisions of the prominent Southerners, al.
luded to as In consultation with the Tres'.
dent, and the entire Conservative element
of both !louses. Messrs. Bingham and
Banks have bee's) privily committed to it
from the first: •
Besokrtf, Ity the Legislature of the State
•f—, that the Congress of tho Unita'
:tates be negotiated to propose to tho Leg•
slalom of the eeveral States the following
utondmeat to the Constitution of the
Sicno. 1. No State h,se aright to secede,
nor has the Federal Government the right
to eject a State, or deprive It of represen
tation in Congress.
saevtow 2. The United 5t tea debt slutil
be held sacred and inviolate, but the rebel
debt shall naves be paid by the nation or
any State.
Section' 3. All persons born or natural- '
ised in the United States, end subject to Ito
jurisdiction, shall be citizens, sod Wall have
the righu arallmosunittes of all the Statue.
Life, liberty and property are guaranteed.
800105 G Representation shall be based
on the number of poptilation, tanunting all
persons except Indiana not taxed; but when
a Stew excludes any of Its population on
account of race or color from rot tog, then
those excluded shall net be counted in the
teals of representation.
Finally, an ameridutaid to the Constitu
tions of the several 'Staten is proposed, to
the effect that every male citizen who has
resided in the State for one year, and in
the county in which' he offers' to vote, six
months immediately on:mating the day of
election, and who can read the Declaration
of Independence and the Corudlttitlon of
the United States in the English language.
and write Ids name, Ol who may - ho the
owner' of two hundred and fifty dollars
worth of taxable property, shall be entitled
to vote at all elections for (taverner of the
State, Members of the Legislature, and all
other °Slicers, the election of whom may he
by the people of the Slate, Promled, That
no person by reason Of this article, shall be
excluded from' voting, who has heretofore
csercloolthe eleetiVes.Gwnclanio under thp
constitution or laws of the State, or who at
the time of the adoption of the amendment
may be entitled to vote under said cormtltu
' tion and laws.
To the proposition, as above set forth,
has been appended a distinctive feature,
which may betaken In the general Plan or
considered separately. Amnesty is to be
declared with no other prohibiting clause
than that the leaders of the rebellion shall
be debarred from holding any Federalofflee
The pankinet hill W. discussed. and a
final vote reached m the Senate to-day.
The, bill was lost by two votee. 31r. /tarris
voted In theitegatlve to move a recoaelde•
stem., ' .
Sanford Conover Tres arreigned before the
Criminea Cohn today, on chargeof PerTurY
in has evidence before the Judiciary Com
=Mee, on the matter or Jog. Deets' corn
pllcltytri the plot for the assassination of
Tar... Line-ran.
VIASCiAL itheecaz.
The Senete Financial Committee took,
this morning, favorable action on the bill,
converting interest bearing notes into
bonds, to be held as a reserve by banks, no
was predicted some time since In ti ie cor
OftWel dlapatchea have been yeeelved at
the War Department stating that there Is
no truth In the report of fifty men having
been killed by the Cheyenne Indiana, be
yond Fort Wallace:
The report of the Muse Committee on
Indusu .kffeirs, Is to the effect nit there to
no evidence of fraud or corruption in the
letting cd Mintroctil. and the House should
rescind the reselutten which directs Ito
Becretary of the Interior *s suspend the ex
ecution of them. .
The report of the minority ulYs the =-
tracts should be set .Ide as unjust, and
that instead of the awards: halo by the In
dian. Commissioner, the contract for lint,
'Clue goods should ha given to G. A. Dross,
I.llllmlelphia, and for the second and third
clones, to Stallman Bros., New York.
A communication from the Secretary of
the To:wary to the lionso shawl the total
amomtt paid by riattonal.Dank in g Ass Coll
ations m semiannual duty; aceruitig prior to
July Ist, 1500, to be 47,283,590 41, and naintor
nal revenue taxes to J uly 31,1018, inclusive,
a6„424,024 46. , Thu duty.. for six months Pro
eedjoir January 1 10/11. canal:arm stated
wi It is in process of collection.
The Secretary also states to the
that of debts due by the United States to
Texas prtvions to the rebellion, 37,100 of
the prinelpal of the Texan indemnity btinds
remained unpald,with sa unknown amount
of interest coupons. Orthose sixty-ono am
In the department where they were dopes.
&tad by an scant Of the Into Prowl-Sion al Cior
error of the Kato. Bone of tho remaluing
310 ore believed to be In possession of
State autdorlUcs of under their control.
By act of Congress, approved February is,
on appropriation was mado for the
payment to such creditors' of tho State of
Texas as pro comproheridcd In the act of
September 9, 1883. Of this appropriation'
there remain. unorpended 11111,896. - Tho I
Treasury Department. has 'no information
as to what money or stores waataken by
the State of Tarme from the Confederate
authorities on the breaking of the Con.
foderacy, and no such money or property
OAS been accounted for by the State W ith -
the Department. An agent of the Depart
ment seized from an agent of the State,
and aliened to New York on account of the
United States, ono hundred and Elva balm
of Confederate Cotton, ondeli IS the 'only
property realized by the Department from
Ule-souree mentioned in the resolution of
the 110050.
Tea nnitsx-or Or ran lea Oa int IuroXAC.
'Much damage is reported in Georgetown
by the breaking up of, the ice. which was
frouitwelve to fourteen inches thick. The
wharves were overflowed, and the toe preen
trig against and under them, lined them
from their frnindationa. For miles the Po
tomac ha. the appearance Of an Immense
ploughed field. Both Long Bridge and the
newly constricted Unreal bridge to the
'Virginiashore are seriously damaged, large
sections haring hem swept away. The le&
is packed in come places five or six feet
high, along the west bank of the Washing
ton channel, and the current IS telktalkg
Over the flats at a fearful rate, carry.
mg down timbers -- of bridges, etc.
The body of ice mad timber la blocked up
at the Eleventh Wee wharf. The water
coma into the city- canal with a nlsh. and
soddenly ridged over the btoks, filling the
cellars on the South aide of the Avenue,
carrying away lumber from the canal banks
and doing considerable damage.
A dispatch (rem . liarpoes Ferry announc
es the water there as subsiding. No harm
done and the bridges all safe.
Tiffolol , l orrlca.
An effort is now being maple by the Corn•
missioner of Pensions tol have Congress
Pass an act authorizing him to Increase the
Clerical force of the Venetian often.
The Commissioner of the Uorteral Land
°Mee bee completed an elegant and com
prehensive map of the United States, show
ing the exact localAti of the vanous mines
anti tho mineral products of the country,
with tho Wilkes of Surveyors and Registers
of tho Land OPlee. . . . .
The fifth state &tter of the President
nok place this evenlng.
GOvernor Sharkey will leave for home In
a few data and it In said iloVerrior Yaisone
soon follow
(Dispatches to the Hess Toth Press.;
The Vienna mission will probably be ten
dered to Idlniner Ring, - now at Rome.
Cowan cannot be confirmed.
. .
Mr. Stevens denies being In censpi.raCy to
Int peach rieneral Grant. Kr. Stevens anal
General Butler both dens. having anything
to do with Ashley's Impeachment. mein
tines. •
The Southern loyalists held a.Meetinir
'satinGait, Thomas S. Durant In the chair.
nomlotions to the effect that Congress
should not legislate for the lament of Intsr
nal Improvements In the un-recoartruoted
States until the Governments of sash
Stat. were In the hands of loyalists, were
Robbery of 81100,000 In :S-20 Bangle—
Me Embarrassment Of the letter.
nape Companies—MU Enter primes
Dedared Illegal—The CbUlan Plass
teer—More Fires.
New Your, Febrmary 5, MT.
♦ 1111AVI - 10119ZILY o■ ♦ r 60511IIIrei 8110N. , 01.
Iletween.-twelve and one delook 8040 y.
the office of Leonard W.- Jerome, on Wall
street, was entered by burglars, and robbed
of e100,C40 In 5.31 U.B. bonds. Tho detectives
bare some Dopes of eeeuring the guilty
'rho prth.pehts and liabilities of the
rine insurance Companies were the main
topic of conversation In Wall street, ye.
The scrip holders of the Sun Insurance
compauykave, It Is stated, sent their re
port to - .the Insuranco Cemmissioueni at
Several of the Sire In once Companies
are making arrangennmth to close up hush
pens altogether.
It Is reported that the receivers of the
Columbia lasi:franca Company, which killed
a year ago, have brought m action at law
against the Stockholders who received
• dividend upon their shares a few weeks
before the collapse.
- • •
STILL .4110111.11 pint
'rho fard OR Reemery or Cooke a Co, on
llehry street, was destroyed by Lire last
nl ht. lone Arty thousand dollars. Dunc
an a not known.
/I" r . 1T1641 , 8191. ILLIMAL.
,d te , Ingraham, •to hts• charge to the
• n Jury of the Court of Oyer and Ter
n Cr, has Instructed them that gilt enter
prima were Illegal. •
• .
The Post learn• from 'Washington that
here is not the shghtest nrospeet of the
1.4:068 Of the Impeadareenfeclesme.
The examination of the supposed priva
teer condemn the belief entertatned of her.
There was found aboard a large lot of am
mvv sad cartridges, and a Can
tan hag. .
~11y..tbe fall et ar, emlal;U;rient 1a Droolc.
Y. Tesler , ' sy, three laborers Were senone
y. fatally I 12.1 eral.
tuna now tag Gangs.
. .
The Greek Consul et title city hen }not re
ceived the following dispatch by the Athos
tie Telegraph:
..1-truttroot, February I.—The Hellenic
Community of Liverpool request you to
tender their crateful thanks to the Boston
and new York Committees. and the Amen
ean people, for their syruyathy on behalf of
the destitute families of the Cretans fight
ing for Liberty: ,
Thr 31.11•112 or City of Paris. from Liverpool
on the Ltd. and Galveston on the 24. th of Jan
nary, h. arrived.
The ship liasard arrived to-day tram San
Francis.. with 19,516 Hicks wheat.
morclal, River, Sc., de.
log—Annexatton to Attoghesy.
The regular monthly meeting of the Ilan
ehester Borough Connell ems held last even
in g at the echoed House.
Tao Committee on AnnesatiOn made the
following report:
In reply to the propositions from the
Committee of the Councils of the Borough
of Manchester to the Committee of the
Councils of Allegheny, with ref. rence to
annexation, the following wan mutually
agreed upon by both Committees:
We suggest that Manchester be annexed
to the city of Allegheny as one ward, with
her present Council awl Burgess admitted
as members of the City Councils. It being
understoal that,. soon= practicable after
the consolidation in effected, the Councils
will proceed to re-district the
t city tine so es to
make Idanchatter, with a portion of e
lower wards, into wo wards.
We will recommend to the Councils that
they take such action as will make the city
laws against the erection of frame build
ings Inoperative to Manchester until each
thee as their fullrenresentationialuOomis
elle after tadistrieting the city.
The question of grades must be left with
the Councils of the re-districted city.
That the municipal debt be assumed by
the whole city after annexation. .
Ir. the event of Manchester being annexed
we would recommend to Councils an As.
=dant litthet CoMmlssionerof ttlfeesaaky.
We will recommend to Councils stair dis
tribution of gas lamps and a full supply of
Manchester consents Co submit to what
ever tax is levied by the City Councils after
-It was agreed that the Solicitors of the
tWo corporations draw up an enabling bill
to be submitted Lathe separate Conneila..'.
The reporter the Comulittee wag - accept,-
al anti ordered to be filed
After the transaction °tether unimpor
tant business, Council all anted.
Alleged Highway Bobber/.
John Wooloy and Patrick Doan= wore
before Alderman Donaldson yesterday
afternoon, charged with highwey rohlierD
The proesocutor, John Deegan, alleged that
bp came, to, the city (rein the country:, on
Monday evening, and Put up at the board
ing house Occupied by Wooley, in the Yifth
ward.: There ho immediately ''medo 'the'
nequaintabeo of Wooloy and gave him five
dollars to wet some whisky. The whisky
was got and drank, and another quart ,
charm, the same fate, Tony then started
out for a .walk„ going•ap Into ilin.kiluth
ward.' Reagent:tad in his pocket, ash* de
clares, two hundred and eeventy-five• dol
lars. They had one but a abort distance
when they wore )oieedDy,Patrietkaleagan,
who invited them' into a Baleen to take'n
drink. They came oat,. and en resuming
their walk Wooloy was on. one side Of the
deponent and Patrick Meagen on the other.
Suddenly he received Wetmore blow on .the
head, which laid-him soneelesA ' When be
recovered he was alone and his money was
all gone. Ile made information and both
the partfeewerc arrested:Beth denied being
though they acknowledged all the
eireninatinleo9. They state, however, that
they were knocked Sown at the same time
with Re they ag .beean. and' - rendered insensible.
When ame sensible their hate , were
gone and they west into a house to procure
'P light and help A further hearing wait
:appointed for the rib inst., and five hun
dred dollars tall required in each ease.'
Deegan found bail, bed Wooloy was unable
and was committed ro j&1l
Dew Draw Douse
Not a new house, but a new firm to ether.
Used • today' The' large establishment
hitherto circled on by .1...1. Bender a Co..
at the canter of Liberty and Wayne streets,
has been purchased by Wm. U. Sellers and
F. Yin Gerdes . . who wader the name of
dellortf.d FAD - Gorder, will continue the
baldness of the old s tl. Mr. - Sellers, al.
l is
though • young man h been thoroughly
trained in the drug b OW in one of the
olden and beat homes the trade. Both
gentlemen are known i r their enterpriste;
intelligence-wad 7/rob' . Their.. stand is
nne,totrards which: the tictivilles of trade
are constantly. tending. They design keep
ing it all Mmes . °. largo And Trtrimi etock
euttleot to the Market. We predict for
them a • liberal ,hare of business in their
line. We further promise those who may
deal with them ono year.that this now Ern
will deserve and therefore retain their Con-1
Ildenee and Cuetem !ofMany years.
0 k -A . ,
c, i i,
Special Meeting or City Connell..
Both branches of tho Pittsburgh Councils
hold a special meeting In thau respectlvo
chambers, City Building. I •
There were present Meson. Armstrong,
Coffin, Crawford, Dickson, McCarthy, Ma
Ewen, McMillan; Morrow, Phillips, Roos
Tanner, Thompson, White, Wilson, and
President McAuley. •
The minute. of the previous meeting were
dispensed with, on motion of Mr. McMillan.
President McAuley read the following
communication explaining the °Wet of
the present special meetings
JAwks AlcAuter, Eno., President tiefeee
Cbuncit—Dawn Sim Tho tern; ofolllce of
George Alba.] and Jos. C. Dickson, elected
as Guardians of the Poor, rebruary.f.d,
by the Select Connell of the city of Pitts
burgh, expires this day.
Tours, ac., •
Ononox Feattirdry
Secretary of the Guardians 01 the Pour.
The Council thou went Into an election to
eupply the vacancy. *the following gentle.
men were placed in nomination: Messrs.
bum act /11 , Kee, George Albree, David Fits•
eimmons and John Lightner. The election
salted as follows:
cid Fit7.11111330¢11....,
blame M'Keo
Geo. Altkree...
Jao. laghtner 3
Messrs. FIIZAIIIONOOS and Witee Laving
TVOOITINI a majority of all the votes cast.
were duly der-Jaren elected.
DPEwen presented a remonstrinee
against the vacation of Vine street, which
was retorted to the Street Committee.
Sir. COnin presented the report of the
Spec lal Committee appointed. .to examine
into the question of vacating Spruce Alley.
In the Ninth ward. and recommending the
passage of the following resolution:
Rcrefercf, That the Select and Commob
Councita - of the city of Pittsburgh, do here.
by recommend the passage of an set of As
sembly vacating so much of Spouse alley,
In the Ninth ward of the cdty of Pittsburgh
.as lies between Wilkins and Carrot streets.
The report was accepted.
• Mr-McAuley vacated the chair in favor
of Ur: lekson and offered, the following
amend. cot to the resolution "►ud that
fore sr • Vacation Shell have been eon.
salamis .d, the. said William South shall
sgrp . s .. 2 piny to City Treuuror ouch sum as
cieemect a aumciont cominnsation
and that the &vette therefrom
applied to the Improvement of the
01 said Spruce alley In the . Ninth
a • hlt be
shall • -
. . ante increasing the salaries of
• ofncers, originating at tne last
of Councils In the common branch,
The o
the elt
. . .
Wan no t taken op and discussed.
P Mips moved that the ordinance in
clude a advance of sloe upon rack of the
Clerks' .alary, and that the Janitor's salary
be Gies ut $ .OO. Adopted unanimously.
Mr. Millen moved that the entire ordi
nance retorted back to the Pinnace Com
mittee rills intr.:tie/it to report n new Or
,tnnallt• on apro rota haste. Lost.
Ste. coma moved that the salary of the
Mayot's clerk be fixed at WO. Lost.
The ordinance, SS amendod, was read and
finally pound, the rules having been previ
ously suspended.
. • S . /MITI IIISOLVT1011(11.
Ilfr. Tanner ' Introduced the following pre
enAC and rihnlutions, In a powerful and
argumene sech, reviewing the tariff
question Ina cloneand lucid manner.
Wuneam, The future of our country is
fraught with proming and Imminent den
g 7ilu b s o u th eis7lte c t i c i fleTe d i l t i . Tfel '"U A :feet y
to a %Ant 01 material prosperity. brought
. . .
upon the country by the absence of proper
protection to its laborer, thereby opening
the door to escesSive iMpOrtations, which
aro paralizing the Indttaal of the people,
end which, 1f not timely arrented by Von
a:rem, threatens lowest our nation to bank.
ruptey; and . •
W yams, In view of the dearness of liv
ing, our Merclianice and laborers cannot
live and support .their famluee, as'Aineri
can families should be supported, at a lees
compensation for their labor and services
than tuey are now receiving; and es stimu
lated prmluctiqu, properly protected, can
alone add material prosperity to a nation,
enabling the people thereof to bear tax/a.
Lion withal:re estreseralsershare• •
Asadted, Dy the Select and—T.ommon
(blind's of the city of Pittsburgh, that our
Representatives in Congress from Pennsyl.
vents be requested to vote for, and urge
through their Rouse, with the least possible
dealy,tbe bill as amended and.pasaed by the
Selmte- and which is now before them for
their action.
RAG/ ed. That the iron, steel and atlas in
tereita of Pennitylvania • requwe the foster
leg Bate of our legislators, for Just as those
Interests prosper so are the people inter ,
ested, enabled to purchase more freely the
fabrics of other States, as well as the, pro
duee, adding thereby to theNstgarml wealth
and prosperity of all.
lismired, That the BilmsdnoM coal Inter-
oat of Pennsylvania requites and demarala
that a duty of one dollar and fifty cents per
ton Deplane , ' upon ebb foreign article, so am
to enable this groat interest to be Luny de
velopei sod togive proper protection to the
capital invested, asl well as to allow fair
wages to the shiners employed.
Resalred, That copies of these preambles
and resolutions be prevented bY our clerk,
to the lion. dames. S. Moorhead and the
non. Thomas Willuuns, with the request
that they be laid baffles their Chamber for
its early action on this most important sub
ject. The resolutloh, ae amended. was
p On motion
Oni adjourned.
ty and Su
and Com-
There were present Messrs. Barnhill,
Beck. BOgg., Ernab,Vouraln. Fawcett, Ford,
Mare, Rowe, Jonoa, Man Money, adetant.
wan, Mct:lelland, Slot;wren, Holman, Been.
Minnick, Roberta, Robb, Seibert, Sloan,
Toinllngon, Weldon, Welsh, and President
-• • .
The minutes of thil:previons meeting
were read and approved.
The President stated that the meeting
had been called for the parpoim of electing
l'"im'trtroritnusanligic? ae f
v " ier
Dam Woods sal David P. McKee, whose
time had expLred.
Council then proceeded to the election of
(3,iLidian:oitte PO°.
Mauer,. David F. McKee, T. W. Shaw, Joa:
Fullerton nod John Torrence were nowt
named. ' •
A ballot was then entered Into, which re.
suited as follows : McKee, 17; Ethaw.l6; Tor.
reran% /2: Fullerton, 5.
Messrs. McKee and Shaw were :leolared
duly elected.
Mr. Ford offered an ordinance providing
for the bettor regulation of the ;streets and
prescribing duties for the Iteaarding Itegu
later, which was read and laid over under
the rule..
Mr. McGowin presented a commnicatien
from the Niagara Fire Company in relation
to repairing their engine home, which was
reed and referred ter Committee on City
Mr. Jones presented a petition from citl
neneof the Seventh ward. Praying for the
appointment of now viewer. to useila the
damages and benefits of the opening of W.V
11e and Duman streets- head and referred
to the Committee on Streets.
Mr. Jones also presented a petition from
John Beatty to relation to the seine auldeet,
which wee referred to Street Committee.
An ordinance In relation to the inspec-
tion of salt, presented at the last regu
lar meeting, was taken up, read three time.
and linseed. . _
Mr. flare offered an ordinance providing
for the extemion of Pike street eurtwartily
across the lot of James Gray, a distance of
.103 fret ten inches. Bead and laid over
under the rules. • .
The report of the Spruce alley Special
Committee was then taken up, and after en
animated disei3sedon, was dually pawed
with the 101101.111 g vote: • .
• Tem—Messrs.• •
, Beck, 80%
"Brnab, Connie, Fawcett, Mouse, Jo
Qumran, McGowan. Rahman, Beer s 'Boo.
niV .a ote ti fta Babb, Sloan, Welsh, and
Bay= ilimars. Ford, Cara, litawhinney,
o e e,
McClelland, Seibert, Tomlinstm and Web.
The Chair decided that the rescduticat yea
Ttut amendment to the ordinance firlag
eateries reported from Select Council, men
--.- Mr..Reecl moved. aa art aktenament, that
the salary'
to of the Whoffmaater bo lacroastal
from $l,OOO. Adopted.
Dir. 'olitala moved that the weary of the
Mayors Clerk be Luartmaod from $ to
ba motion oulloormal. - . '
Cnureh TitLr.—The ladies of gt. Thomas'
Catholic Church, Braddock's Field, of which
Rev. W. A. Nolan, formerly of this city,
the talented and imtetened pastor, announce
a grand fair to eommence this evening at
Odd Fellow , s ilea in that borongh. Every
thing has been arranged to encore the en
joyment of those who may attend, while
the tables have been abundantly supplied
with attractive • and valuable articles. Me
Unlit the fair will prove an entire success,
as we have no doubt It will under tne.excel
lent and liberal management of ger. Hr.
Nolan. The net proceeds are to be applied
to the benefit of the church.
On Guard .—A man named Matthew Mas
low, while considerably under the influ
ence of liquor, established himself on the
-floor of the store occupied by Messrs. Knox
McKee, on Liberty street. Be had a
whiskey bottle, mostly eniptied, in his pee.
session, and with this ho stood or rather
saX, guard, at the door, refusing to budge
and striking with the bottle at every person
who attempted to pass out. Thep:Mos were
Summoned end officers Bash. sad Dressier
Convoyed the chap to the lock-up, where he
still remains..
Hare Clianee.—Attentton - is directed to
the advertisement of Mr. A. F. Keating. of
fering for sale a very comfortable and cosy
dwelling house on the lino of the Miners
vine Passenger hallway. It will mate an
eneallent home, and Is oCorod at a bargain.
NaMk . nljl2ALild
A Veteran In the Leek•Vp
At about one o'clock yesterday afternoon
cancers Cochran and Cordon, of the special
pollee, observed adikapidated chap taking
the extreme latitude of Canal street In his
progress from Liberty to Penn. They cap
tured the individual and straightened his
ways, Conveying 1111 n In a direct line to the
lockup. He gave his name as Daniel Mal
lea, and had but Just returned from the
ranks of thn Fenian army. lie came quietly
enough to the 10ek , up, but no sooner had
he been brought within the walls hi tno
Mike than the war.llke spirit developed by
long and arduous Campaigns on the border
uosted itself, and ha corlinexce.idf;t;.
°nitrations on a Comprehensive scale. He
insisted on being_ permitted to go to the
uove, request . which wag compiled with.
Having gained a poeition by the coal We .Le seared the poker and striking an attb
Cede and endeaVoring to strike one of the
officers at the same time, dared the whole
opposing farce toadvance upon him. Wader
Gordon, bye hank movetnent,dizarmed the
enemy, when the letter eat down noon the
boy having apparently urroudered good
faith. He watched with wary eye where
thelroker was put, however, and soon, by a
dexterous movement, gained possession of
It again,' giving at the same time n whoop
ana a flourish as if he ware at Donnybrook.
This time he wan aggresslve• and made an
advance movement, He was wonted in the
ern:muter, and then with a despairing yep ,
dashed hi s hat to the floor and commenced
• • • •
a violent attack upon the stovevpipe. Be
fore he could be prevented be had delivered
two or three blows upOnthe tubing nehrly
demolishing It and alrblng and blistering
his knuckles in a moat suggestive manner .
Lie was now summiu - lly taken possession of
and sent to vent his belligerency impotently
behind the bars. •
The audience at the New - Opera House
hut evening was even larger andmore brth
Rant than that which assembled on Monday
evening to Latest to .11 Troystore," and the
appreciation among the lovers of music
was very keen • and 'demonstrative. "Cris
pin° a Is Comare" - was cast excellently.
Signor Stott as Crispin, Mlle. retinue Can
last es Annetta, end Signora Parcae et La
Corner., ware thoroughly eratisfait
e:adory both
in singing and acting. e They wermire.
bly supported, all the other characters be-
ing well rendered. The plot of the Opera
is already familiar to our readers. it Ls
light, sparkling •composltion, -full Of bril
liant music and lively •ittlatiOUS. AS a
comic opera. relieving the heavier, deeper
compositions which constitute the usual
reportoirs, It has the elements of a favorite
piece, and its popularity Is not to be won
dered. at.
This {evening Ifeyerbeer , s post-humone
opera—tie masterplece-12•Africeine will
be ;trounced, and It will •• be repeated to
morrovb evening. This magnificent com
position, which has created so tremendous
Jurors everywhere throughout the civil
ised world, has never been produced in
Ylttsburgb, and the hove, on the two nights
ite rendition, will be crowded to 11l et-
On eaturday afternoon a grand operatic
matinee will be given, the "Barber of Sav
ille" being produced.
Bore About the Break rp
The Monongahela river is now romped
tiveiv clear of ice, between here and Greens
boro. :thvigation could be resumed were it
not that dam Yth. 1 is still totally obstruct:
ed. The tither dams are clear. The ice in
the Youghiogheny has not yet moved at all
. • d it Is gorged to a considerable extent.
The fall of the water in the Sewickley
creek - , where the grert genre exits, hm low
ered Melee so much that the iron bridge of
the Con/1811.111e radroadoirinch bad been
lifted from its seat, 4., dropped again to
its original position. The g ers at one
end of Oa bridge weresomewhat bent, and
some of them partially broken, but by tem
porary devices - the bridge him been made
perfectly safe until it am be thoroughly re
paired. A land slide, of considerable ex
-tent, has occurred on the Connelsville rail
road, about three miles the other side of
of Connshnllle. fibs debris will be removed
to-nay, so far that connection can be made.
The steamboat Arab which wee sunk at the
mouth of the Youghiogheny. Is found to be
considentbly damaged, but not ruined. She
has a hole about sixteen feet long In her
side. The water has receded and left her
careened on ono side, on the shore.
laleeltetare Is b too Late.
Call without delay and see the Indian
Herb Doctor, at N 0.1.94 Liberty street. By
so doing you will escape the iron green of
mnrcnry and - other - baneful poisons; nay,
more,you will become once more In posses.
on of that greatest of all earthly blessings
and goal
Will soon purify the whole mass of you
Malignant diseases be soon shall put down
There are ttionsaads could tell now who lie
midis town.
I desire your prostrate hearts to 1111,
Your bleeding wounds to ours.
And with the treasure of Nature's gift,
itelteve the rich and poor.
Come Ma see for yourselves, ye lame and
Ohl ye rheumatic and dying eOme and see—
Light shall again the fading eye illume;
And rosy health the pallid cheek resume,
Thousands rescued from disease and death,
Invoke God's biassing on the Indian Herb
No charge for eoneubation oesilviee. Or.
Are, No. let Liberty street, between Market
and bsstb streets.
Great Bargains in Cloaks at ilFereces.
The Immense and.varled assortment of
well made and faaldonable cloaki, mantles.
sac/Ines, oohs, as.. whack's to be found at
the great emporium of Of. J. Spence. Bar
ket street, near -Fourth, lass been marked
Sown at, p ri ces regardless .of cost. The
ladles In need of suck articles will find such
bargains as never Wore have been offered
In teas city: and as the closing out sale will
only last for a few weeks. we advise our
readerr, to at once repair there to make
their purchases. Mr. Spence, in order to
keep up the fashionable and enterprising
character of ids popular cloak rooms, will
shortly visit the eastern cities and lay In
l a s r fAl a sezic o. of th. the lates t sty forthe
Increased business In that o season, the prim"-
eat sale has been commenced, and hence
the unparalellediaargelus offered. He also
offers, at the same reduced rates, his stack
of cloths and cashmeres. Call in and sea
for yourselves. examine the goods and la
wn= the price& •
Twoweeke ago last BaturdaY a man liam.
ed Patrick Manama, residing in TeniDer
enceville came to this CIO'. nxid atter
tog whls started home. On
Pena sheathe stopped at the secombhand
clothing establishment of lease Biggers,
and alter examining some pantalconts, so.
mired a pair and departed. -nigger; who
:discovered the" theft shortly - afterward,
made an information before the Mayor and
a warrant was issued. Mrs. Finneran on
Tueeday last returned the .pantaloons to
Illuert,statingtbst as soon as she ascertain
ed that they were stolen she neatened to re
turn them._ ihrgert then for the ilmetthie
ascertained where Patrick war. An Wiener
was rent after Patrick, and he was arrested
and placed in the lock-op. Robed a hearing
yesterday morning and.tree held to bail for
a farther hearing..
Abe. 4420,10, Lodge sot 2:3 L o.lif G. T.
At a: meeting of the Abe Llmeite Lodge
N 0.22, L 0. of G. T., bald :at their hall,ln
,JEttis, 02 Monday arming lest, the follow.
leg ofitcent were elected to serve for the ell
ening term:
W. G. T.. John W. Willie:l4 W. V. T.,
Norman King; W, B A. G. Wt oow.s; W. A,
Nuns liabells Joess:W. T. Samuel IL
Butted, F. Is., 14121.0 W. 0,
Joseph r. w. C. Jesse Tyler;
W. Y.; Joeoph O. Humeri W; IL' X; Mies
Susanulth bloom; V. 8. G.,• James Lave: W.
0. G., Henry A: Mona, W. IL U, Dna Ad
nlo 9tewert• W. L. b., 211ee Late Grim.
men Thts LOge row numbers • :some sew
,:ety or eighty d members. • Tbe regaler
mooning, ca,No. 22 are held on Monday eve.
Too nuaL-Aire. Mark- greitb, witloti.
To ' rltg i fo ' rs k ii== t l e rgllll
weld be tilled, and then, in pasting one of
the Maas. alllk Waked up a beef's heart and
started off with It. Shop= droppedtbe
heart, howerer,for larger oohs. and Belted
place a pork beaky enough to make A'
comfortable load of itself...Blm eartied both
that and .her tmaket Par a illatance, , but
found the loud too much,, so ere put down
both the Pukek and the pork and stood
I comidertegurhat to do. While she wesda
walk and ma= she WU nabbed and
conveyed to the lOck-up;
foresees. Varalet.—The adjourned In
finest In the case of ktdiloßelalck, who was
killed on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, in
the Fifth ward, • on • Monday evening, was'
concluded laat amsolluest the office of Al.
dermas 'Taylor. Fear Istaleasea wero. et.
amined.butno new_facia wore developed.
A verdict of accidental death was rendered;
. .
Died of lojetriew—D wlll ho =e:
membered that Mr. John Schulte, en aged
resident of Lawrenceville. was so severely
inJured sometime since by bang run over
by a sled, that his life was despaired of.
We regret to learn that Mr. Schultz's injur
ies have proved fatal. 110 died 01 them on
Monday. .
A new tow.bcial,yust built by Mr. ilistattast
Fawcett. At Brownsville, came down tit
iionOgahelaYeitddiiS to this city aniline
hornlit Liftaf ternoon: : lier length ii mei
bundreaandelitlity six feet, to meg to mil_
suit Of her being passed through. locia.,
soshe had tovjurcip,” the dams._She made
the trip in satety, coming snecesftilly aver
four dams. A tow boat brought berp,thes
large of dam No.l. and after shishad
theleap another boat took her in ett=
and brewed her safely to- her moorings, A. -
large crowd stood excitodly - watching the.
leap over dem No. 1. The boat has been.
brought down to receive her final. equip.,
Coroner's Inquest. ,
Coroner Clawson yesterday Mont= held"
an Inquest on the remains of R. P. Lally.;
the brakeman who was killed at Hanalelde
on the Pan Handle Railroad, at four o'clock.
on Monday afternoon. The deceased was
In the employ-of Nowa. Wm. It. Cilaney
Co.. as brakeman, and it was on one of
their coal trains that the accident occurred.
The deceased watt a -young'. man of lade
habits, and had been la the employ o the
company over one year.• Hiu parents reads
at West Alexandria. l ams Wash county.
He was twenty-two years of verdict
of accidental death was returned. •
Central Parll..—Thi weather being pm.'
pltions, Capt. John Miner, of DetroM, the
celebrated stilt abater, and one of the con
testants for the prise medal last week, at
noona nal t
twoo l'exk, will appear this ' after-
'clock, and exhibit hllarod-•
clec units. Every effort will be
be n
accommodate the large crowd - that will
be in attendance. .6 brass band will die-•
course music on the occasion. Price of ad
mission twentyeare cents.
The Senidlng Aftair.-3frarrs.Atom-a
'lb e scalding affair reported In your Toes
day's Issue was not before our Red Trout
store on Smithfield street, not committed.
by anyelerk in our employ. It was is front.
of a neighbors business place, and commit
ted by one of ins clerks.
. Smatter & floccina,
Bed Front Store, IOS Smithfield St.-
Pains do Cosa Argentlne—Forikstantly
Plating all articles of cop per , Wang or Ger
man.silver, with pure • saver,,where worn
oft, and for cleansing and polishing Over
or silver•plated warn. Warm:Mod, to.oon.
tan no quicksilver or acid, or say injurious
article. For sale by J. Sample, Allegheny,
and all druggists. dal&11.
The rite at City Ball 'le already in its
wand week.. Itla areal aueoem. To-night.
the W. watch goes off. " ..'
EA-SLY—RILL—On Tuesday, tbc. Ittik Last..
tbe Eartoe•ge, No. Union aTeciae, - 1 , 17-
gh.7 cm.. bit he RIM V. Lucas. Kr. UttlAIS
W. 1174.71.17, of I.l[l.6bargla, awl Ines 17..1.47t11L
RILL., of Allegheny 1.1177.
Di/MEATH & C0..98
Ira Ten BEP4IRI.T6i
~.•.. _, r .;.y ~~
No. 56 Fifth. Street;
- - •
, .
Having fitted up rooms exclusively for there.
pairing of W/LICILT-5 and CLUCKS. with good
tools and a large .4 competent force of
en wortk
.we aro enabled do work as wt. If not
mer lb. any other ta .7, el
loft for relpalre will melee prompt attentlon.
and be regulated by our
• .
6 WylleSt., 3d doorfron sth.
J• W. JOHNSTON.... • seam- 4
JOHNSTON do sborr,
Fine Watches, (locks, Aviary,
Aar nstination Aian Baiiiiibig
Watidlas, Caoan sad - Jolrstry, ALL wort. war--
ranted iestaa
Gas and Steam Fitters;
Chandeliers, Brackets, Leal
Pumps, Sheet Lead, Ai
ALWAYS'CIN ..11421D.
161 Wood Street, near Sixth,
89 89 89 89 89 89
Wt. CO au
S 9 iffarket Street,
JAS. ROBB, 89 Market .B*.
189 89 89 89 89 89 89 89
JOS. 11110013.. r. X. 11. LATIVIAR.J. AM:M*BOA
- .
formerly owned by Yews. KING. Pit NOCE. •
Cu.. wa remeettarty Inform tea public Md.
• 1.11 continue tee manutut•!s ot.
Sheeting, Cottonlrarns, Carpet
Chains, Candle Wick
and Batting.
Orden; maybe left at the Ole. otitis Works.
DsarTxs "-
X.lttigibrtirigl 3 4 N'aor.
Have More Improvements,
XatILIES LESS eirozw, • ' ,
And much MOME IiPICEMT Imd SIMPLE in op
""ti°4 “r11.:403. J. marks.
WIG sIMNEs. do CO,
27 FAflh Street, riebblargb.
THIZI PJLAFE Iro nay " ,
C 001),
. .
92 redaryel ltrfeA,
DAB. CLOSB. - it CO., '
firaittcall Furniture Manufacturers
t. trit stylea of 411831XOSZeotiorimitly
icrArsammimr.isican Et; -
wo. iNCIXII7I2I3
at .41 kltgl.; OLO sad frrerr4.s._
acription or Inner] Yorrilatilvit .tarstalt.
VI. Banns opcmodtly and Elgin: Reuse and
turraizacsa—Der. Da,l4 Kerr. D. P.. •
D. W. aerobe. D.D.. 21Wees• Ewing. Dag-. Ja-
;1{:-T. 111111 TE & CO4
Manchester, Wes:44llton and etelnlty,
Ceenez enecisia aura Chestier& .trees,;
Meatse east • •tarnislooL .
vr l/ 17.7c =da ! ,,,,, ituvraituil
Tint attest, fa. liesaturstiels Heals.
sfsflaar,tunalles lisle. to t 1141125.
Deevtitni “God's-scre.' 'Me larrmat mbar
ba. place of Beredettre..ement one. la thin room.
ty, rammed on New B deb ton mad. Immediate•
ly north of. Allegheny. For burial
all tr lot „pen
CLAZlcAlAeiCennyQDu'g b4re Of Col.