1!=lillii OM ---q -:. i . "'"'". - N-*i7:- - wil 7-: '•`:,- I?''''';‘ fV I . ElNAMPfag rite - , ~'r's! -- :--tia- 26 aik 4 .hi ka Hon. ~Advickiiiip. a Theck o r r.of that county, would .;:t3 - race - IlieVan-cl acceptable candi 'thoSopieme Bench on the Part tti.alkOrrliiii• - ---..• ciirt'llnters at Warrisbttig have under consideration the proposition to ratio ibilegal iate of interest to' seven ~ . _ . '.... ':, ;per ,contual. It would be better to leave - ..- 7 •,--, thirate of interest subject to contract : -.- titian parties, flung seven per cent= . • • •,•as the rate when none is agreed upon. •- , •,, Cflo solid reason can be given why money, ••••-:--",- as all other commodities, should not be ...• ',Regulated by the demand. Such is prac. • .; tically the case; even , hanks, in all the _ - ":larger cities; getting as high tit ten or •;., • .tweivo.per cent= in tunes °lies:city. it and taking th t att. the measure, money is always scar 0 at Pittsburgh. Massa chusetts. lots ecently raised the legal . -rate to sevenper centaur. '. • - • litiftirs the Office Tenure bill was under consideratiOn in the Senate Mr. SUALNER offered in amendment extending its op' . - Annaba to members of the Cabinet. This was'-rejected by a . decided majority. : .When Metall came up In tit° Senate on Friday Xr..Wux.tasto offered the same amendment, and it was rejected. A re. • t . • coiitaderation iris obtained, and on Sat • tudity the amendment was carried.. Whether the Senate . will concur may be regarded as doubtful. - ' - ::lbat amendnient, doubtless, had its or ' • igin In•the probability of Mr. STANTON ' S ' ' dismissal. If the amendment shall pre.. ' .- •' will he cannot be dbiplaced without the consent of the Senate, and so Of another _.' -f, : - i present" and proapectWe cabinet WS- Tom' PILESIDENT has at last become satisfied that his scheme of reconstroc• opPosed - by a largo majority of the loyal people of the country, and can tier Preyed. lie has concluded to Isbell• don it,' and to borrow an idea from Mr. GIIEEIXT, which is to base the restora tion of the revolted States upon, an ex. change of impartial suffrage fort other. sal amnesty. :Itis probable that: , at the opening of the next Congress;on the .fourth al:next mouthhe will dmbody his new scheme in his message.. ' This will pat tie Presidentin an'awk . ward dilemiria with himself. He did not rest hir °rigid' method of reconstruc tion on expediency, but on Constitution al right. its maintained dat.thc Booth ern States, by rebellion, haul incurred no forfeitures, and, hence, it wait Itigke handed usupation.for Congress to at tach to restoration.. ^ Me now proposei to dictate terms himself; and so to fall niider his own eondemostion: newprojectThis of the President, offensive to the Southern:leaders; will salt theni better than the tinstitu- Mond 4mendment, which send them in- . • to:Political i t ssishmmt. They will elect, „however, to let some of the bleats vote, lutist . than ant hold office themselves. But this movement of the President wilt strengthen him with the Republi cans...A, considerable portion of them have all aloniconenrred with Mr. Coax . XXX, hid will not be likely to reamt be ' 'cause they have mane a convert of the President,.mad are in fair way to secure through him the concurrence of 'the SOuthein leaders. EmuAli>s utLL. —Elsewhere.ixt this - issue wil.l be found theß 41 to.Anthorlie. the FormatiOn of Rsilioad Coe:mantes; prepared for the Senate Committee on Railroads by Dlr. Bran.Ax, one of, the Senators for this coFtnty... We bespeak for it an iirunedi- ate and careful consideration by the friends of.Freedoin in Ballroad Build ing. If defects are discoirered. in it, let . there be pointed oat at once, and amend. ment"ba-iiialsted on. It is better the measure should fail entirely at 'this ses tiOli than that &bill should be acceptei 114 serve. effectually the par- 11 08 0 irttzaded. Bo far &aye are able to judge Kr. BIGII.Say has acquitted ofilliedaak dcwoired upon him in" a 'satisfactory manner. - "And here we cannot refrain from re. marking that it is idle to hammer away at the Pemasyliar& Railroad Company. ' - The Managers thai concern are - charged with 'the protection of an im :,_"Miertitt haferest. .!They would be faladto tiMtxtrat confided to them if they failed to do all they honorably multi in behalf Whate:rer an in dividnalhas arighfto do for hiapartien , Jai: calling they hare a right to do. The 'capital they ;control 7 was embarked fandet a.nOlicy of, special franchises. As 'a departure from that policy might prove - - injurious to their road, they instinctive , ly enteSelt. In this they do no more than every sensible individual Would do, if he could, in the .management of his private affairs.. We hear a good deal about mago‘niNtity and the encouragc ' ment of enterprise; but wo do not see -that they who so preach reduce their ' own theories to practice in - their respec titre cohcerinv • • I . • ' Nor is-it nn.offence for this Company to seek to influence legislation, so as to make' It favorable to themselves or to — their caste, provided they resort only to paeans which .are leglamate when used by an individual-in hia own behalf. .Theyaro just as clearly at liberty to. OP -Genitul--Railioad Law as other Pan/sitar° to contentiffir it. In oppos ing v‘ General Law they occupy a Poal" tionield fix' . comtuon by all the Railroad Companies ha-existence. To illustrate this point. ytte. Pldttroore and Ohio Companiata anxious the lees talon in this Cainnionwesathunfriendly to the Pittsburgh and C o nnellstiiie Rail-. " road Company should beieselinlen ; but t , lJeyhave so little forts Vreeib i n . ' ; road Lsw ii is nianifest they would not, accept' one;;. applicable to Pennsylvania and Idarylaritialike, to secure the repeat - of,the repealing Act.. What is for their. Welfare they : desire, tut nothing beyond Mat.. -This .J 3 human • nature, whether "actilfg in individual or corporate capaci ties , -- and, it. is - weakneSs to grumble about' it. " - If. ilia Penniylvania Railroad Comps- " ny or any. other 'Company, or several Companies in combination, shall, resort t to corrupt - appliances to defeat lir. Bipara's blll r or, any Li l a Of that char , 4404 they will do an act deserving of ,tharit pensuro and, ficrimil Oullieluneuti :I;ut they will not llos'as guilty as Mem - beis of the Legislature who receive the brtbes they offer end give their Totes or 'Weir abseiMei aeon equivalent item 11eis of the I,..gisiatme Iliaddition to the ordinary obligations to honesty, which L ul a & Aro all men, have taken solemn oaths te(-I,lbseryc the Jaws and daport ms theeivis donscientioUsly in the per formance of their public duties. Out , eiders aro not under nibs special obllga ficiia, on that, while It Is a wrong and a • crime to offer a bribe to a member, it is a still more flagrant thing for a member • to accept a corrupt consideration. By this we do not mean to imply that all members who may vote against Mr. Bigham's bill, or any General Railroad bill, will do so under improper motives. Far from it. In 4ome localities all the railroad facilities (desired have been ob tained or are obtainable. New railroads in certain directions„ would divert trade from them. The 'representatives of those localities, actuated by that selfishness which is a predominant trait in human nature, but does not add to its loveliness, may be expected to go by a sort of gray_ itation, against any change of the pres ent status. In doing so, they will be neither better nor worse than other men. But members who represent districts which are in want of railroad accommo dations, and who may vote against a Gen • eral Law, will be fairly liable to suspi cion of having acted from unworthy and mercenary motives. There is still another aspect of this case. The Republican party is in pow er. It has the-Govemor, and irresisti bltimajorities in both Houses of the General Assembly. By the Voluntary action of the last State Convention it stands publicly pledged to pass a Gen eral Railroad Law; not a Law beginning in deceit and ending in a snare; but an' honest and wholesome law, under which all citizens who want to develop the re sources of the Commonwealth by, con structing lines of intercommunication may do so as readily and on as easy con ditions as they could under the most favorable special charter ever granted by the legislatare. Shortly after Gen. GEARY was made by the Republicans their gubernatorial candidate, he was interrogated by a number of citizens as to his views on this subject. He res ponded, giving a distiVt and full pledge to do whatever he rightfully could to se. cure the enactment of a General Law to fdellitate railroad building. • To the redemption Of these pledges the People aro entitled to hold 'the Republi can party, and will hold it.. If it shall refuse or fail to make good its promises in this regard, it will require a counte nance of solid brass for it to come before the People of Pennsylvania again, and ask to be trusted on any assurances what ever, touching any matter of public con cernment. IMPEACHMENT Gamma W. Stara, a Judge for Oneida county, New York, was recently brought before the Senate of that State, on Arti cles of Impeachment, and convicted, the proceedings closing on the 95th inst. The charges against him were that he re ceived pay for drawing exemption papers under the draft; that he allowed his law partner to • receite pay for like service, and shared in the proceeds, knowing the papers were to come before him for decision; that for personal gain he procured the appointment of Excise Comndssioners; procured from them his own appointment as prosecuting attorney to the board, and then sold the appoint merit for five hundred' dollars; that he corruptly bailed a man charged with grand larceny, upon condition he should enlist fora bounty of six hundred dol lars, which should be held by his law partner, who became surety, the under standing being the bond, should not be prosecuted; that he was corruptly mixed up with honnty brokers; that he received five thousand dollars, to be offered as a bribe to the Assistant Provost Marshal- General; and other matters kindred thereto. The Senatelteld most, but not all, of these charges to be proven. • Is there a man brazen enough to deny that a magistrate guilty of such prac tices Ought to be impeached! If such a man exists, we have not 'heard from him. What if a higher magistrate has viola ted his duty, not in the same way, but with equal flagrancy—shill he not be impeached? A good many people say, Ned • It seems to us that this question of the impeachment of the - President is exceed ingly plain. - Hap he committed acts clearly in isolation of. his duty! Then he ought to be put Upon Ids trial. The higher the magistrate=ths more impor tant the interests confided '' - to his keep ing—the more urgent the necessity for holding him to accountability. ' Shall a paltry County Judge be, arraigned and deposed for corrupt condtict,• and the President be allowed to do wrong with Impunity? If the President is an offen der, and a clear case. shall be made out against hire, the people will sustain prompt and- efficient proceedings against him. But it is folly to think of arraigning the President on differences of opinion betweemhim and Congress - , or upon what shall appear to be such to the masses of the people. If those who are fomenting this matter, hn - se real material out of which to make a °lax case, let them go ahead; but if they have not, the sooner they subside and Tet: the prolect, expire, the better for themselves and the country. , APPAIRS in Oblon county, Tennessee, ore daily assuming a more terrible character, tbo rebel outlaws completely overpowering the - civil authorities, and setting aside even the nuthority of Gay. Bnownr.ow. & ruffian named FARADS, Who assassinated Senator CASE, l& in command of the desperados, and he has sworn to kill ten Union men before be -quits the county. 7he 'Laden citizens are subjected to all manner of persecu tion and insult, and the reign of terror among them would be difficult to des critter, much worse than that which pre. veiled among them during the rebellion. If the Tennessee Legislature pass the militia bill now pending, .obrernor BROW/MOW will make siert work of the reconstruction buahwhackers and guer rillas. , Ix la stated that the well-known house of IL B. ClaMin & Co., Nevi:Work, !sin 11nancial difficulty. Lest yeai this firm returned M the Asaessorof 134einal Rev inUe an income of two rallii4s of dol lars, bat is now brought to a Stand with liabilities of twenty millions: The diffi culty la to be attributed to the 'rant that the market to overstocked, While the de mand far goods ts Icry ligt, and M sales lea fall on credit . - In the Bide Senate the bill to malos It penal to cxelude colored people from railroad cam is a special order for to. morrow. A. century hence; the student of history who shall stumble upon that bill will take it as evidence that barber. ism had not expired In Pennsylvania. CONPLIMEiCTART. —Th e ti cam bi a C oun ty Republican is .pleasetl to Say: "The Pittsburgh - GAS/UT% la the ablest paper in Western Pennsylania.n TOE Philadelphia Councils are ation to fortdd street railway companies sa lt fug their tracks. A DAILY "Conservative" paper has been established at Saioxville. A nn,r, Is before the Legislature of - " Missouri, with a fair prospect of passing, making the keeping of a gambling house orhouse of prostitution punishable, in all cases, by imprisorunent, and not by d oe , the term of confinement to be not less than three .months or more than twelve. .The people of St. Louis are divided in opinion as to the expediency of the law; some matntained it is as blameless to play faro as to take a chance in a lotto • with an 0 ra House or a set of - diamonds for the highest prize; while others think the most vigo cons measures of repression should be adopted. As to social vice, many of the most respectable citizens are represented as in favor of licensing houses of bad repute, and keeping the inmates under strict surveillance, while others think it should only be regarded as a crime pun isbable by the severest penalties. Fnou the Salt Lake - Daily Telegraph of the 12th ult., we clip the following: "To-morrow (Monday) morning, a stir- Vey party, under the direction of Capt. Thos. H. Bates, division engineer, start from this city for Weber River Brinyon, from whence a branch survey of the Union Pacific Railroad is to be made this winter to the valleytof Snake River (below Fort Hall,) Idaho Territory. The line will run through Ogden, Brig ham City, and Malad, up the Malad or Rosseaux river, on the east side,Oross ing the old California road at the head of the Malad, thence due north to the Snake River valley, making a distance of one . hnndred and fifty three miles from the mouth of Weber River Ken yon to the terminus in the Valley of the Snake. The survey, it is believed, will be continued the coming summer duo west the Snake river to Portland, Ore gon." Tua Kansas House of Representatives passed, on Saturday last, a memorial to Congress asking that aid be given the Union Pacific Railroad to enable it to construct the road to the point where it is to connect with the Omaha branch, east of Denver. TnE Mayor of Philadelphia has given orders to his detectives to arrest and bring before him all the professional thieves of the city, when a person has his pockets picked on street railway cars, so that the thief may be selected from the crowd. Honor, the murderer, who is to be hanged at Norristown, Montgomery county, Pa., on Wednesday, will be launched into eternity_ froth the same gallows upon which Probst, the Phila delphia murderer, expiated his crimes. Tim. water in Philadelphia is to un dergo a chemical analysis, pursuant to an ordetilssucd by the Councils of that city. The gas is also seriously com plained of, so we think our neighbors hard to please. THE next sesaion of the British Par liament'promises to be more than an or dinary 'one, and it is hinted that the Derby Government will go to the wall if the speech from the throne !shall not recognize reform. 11:i.nmszeract is assuming a tretropoli tat character. Recently a prize fight took place near its borders and now another one is to be arranged for at ono of its sporting houses. Fasnv klanrzn, a colored woman, has been lecturing on "Our Na tion Salvatlon," with. much success in Boston. She is pronounced a FRED. DOUGLAS of the other sex. liflßS CL ARINDA °DANT, of Banbury, Pa., died recently, leaving all her world ly goods, amounting to $4,000, to the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Illasions. JI7DGE EZEMEILL F. CILLUBEIIII, Kent county, Maryland, dINI on Wed nesday last. He was Senator in Con gress from 1826 to 1831 THE Reading Times recently adopted a quarto form, but lute gladly got back to folio. • COIE7B DYSPEPSIA CIIIIE. Regulates and tenor the Stomach. Coe•s Limeysla Core Is a edrerrlan remedy. for all dlseasee of the Stomach and Bowels. Coe's Drapepsla Core • Cares raver and Ague. Let those &Rioted with title malady try Coe'. T , yrpepsla Cu re Cure. Inetantantwonlyt and you do not have to watt • week to ate It. en... Coe's Dyspepala Cure /. the appetizer neer knowo—a net only create. the xi:Toilet but eneble. you to estally digest your food. ord. DT peels. Cara Is recommended by nil the leading PhYslClano. , Coe . • Dirpeo.le Core Is at lnialuable friend to all wno are weak. de , btlitated and to • low state °Cuero.. action. Sole vent tor Plttsburebe jun. wt,,seum., No. 04 Albaket .[rest. anti Queltstrrar on hand at low rated.: telittW GHAT HAM BALDNESS. BAND- D l m 3. C /1 is. re rui A sztl I'H i A lI tl A ith lP Ull 6l 11&OLO UA i4.Silffi.L64.. " " D London Unr Best Mir Color heatoter. "London Ilatr Color Restorer" "London Physletens Hair Color Restorer" "London !lair Color 'Beaton , '" "London Use and . II H e r odor eratorer" "London Moir Color Eastover" "London Recommend It. flair Color Restorer" It never faUs to Impart lfe, growth, end •hror Lo d h tweezes% hair , fastens and stops Itsrfalllng. an Is sore to pro..tore a new growth of half, causing It to grow thick and won/. tnoly eeataa u Bold bf atbt.r.aa a rk........., 0.00. A- NALLY. 071 Food an ■ d JUS. FLAILING, 84 Market street, !Ma hwah.. It...a.tri ♦ DJSUITT, ldeghenT/ antnthhiWr • FIFTEEN YEAVA AGO. 1108- TETTEIPEI STOMACH BITTEIhe was Ming- Ong Into notice against Ike prejudices which everything new, however excellent, Is doomed Wouut cr. TO•DAY It shads at the head of it the took and altersPive p reparations v In ells- It' Ilk Celebrity hes oked 20507ee7 tious hut NC litirkLit. Phylicians pr the only hunt eiTIMCLANT that has o ivernounce been letrodueed Ar my e slot chamber. ln the and pita.s of the and Navy, the suromons end port an It trivelbable for sustshilog the Vigor of op. on the hi xrcb, as a remedy for seers? and . a r s r or sbutlin oe s l s. c Ca n f s ni d ah Au on a y l i s s p kne c emphatically endorsed It as the klinett . s ties pee excellence and in spa America and all the tropical climates. It Is coaldered - the only reliable antidote to eolderole fever. Thera Is no mystery about the cases of lie success. it Is the oeiy niumachic and al.rative In which Sr. combinedthe Krand requisites of • mild, pore sod envitistml Vegetable etlinulant, with the guest sclectlob oft. oho. ati-billous anti-Scorbutic, aperleat, and depseo tlee herbs,. plants, toots, and bark. that hate ewer been In termixed in • medicinal preps . &thin. It to alto proper to state that the Bitters are sold exclusively to Om, and never, uodet any irc , msancre, by the gallon or the Sorrel. Im poeturs and Imitators are abroad. and she only safeguard the public has agalust Shunt to to sec tligh the bitters they boy bear the es aaaaa 4 label And note el band of bad of M eson. Hostetter a Smith, and the tioverninent Sump over the cork of the bottle. . J.O :vit., wi tE .4 ki 0 54,4 :4 ‘: La WM. BINGHAM, Jr., Adam Agreal Of. pa, 6 4 IVA and, la an authorised Agent to mesas Adserttinmseestie tor tie• 0.48112 TA and all other papers throsspAind the Untied Mates S2.3OO VVILL PURCHASE tluit eubetautial brick dwelling and lot situated on Turnpike Street , Temparenewet.lt. The owner wishes to more to Missouri 1e the Mae. of Ole offering his property et to i;taet e . ""ig“./Prang Co.. LV /mirth R. SMOKE D SALMON. SE* TEEM! aEOKED. ' Bloater iiirsing% to t., ...."' wad; Ow clolct,, ' r; TE , i - th .d?r a n or box A. imistuw, : . .... . . i . r Liberty and nand Marcia. _ • BANK. INS MANCE & OTHER dTOOIOI.—TOIrADAY IrMentha. lob. - VA Mo t : ri t ct et irja " su shwa. nand 10•1300•1 40 1,401 t. isialsoleoao.l,l -- rff w&s.7l°T. 11111UG Sirour. rot BALX - " - Bit. u, at 'No. 10617.n. u nk,21,7491, Centre wrens e l Thit h ea t . t , X t r wertay gait i f DZ.. and now doing • im!lnese betedWelled a proat ef CZ per day, lon/low; with a 4% year loess. rewerwton 'MOW at On /Or tel. end terser, cell oil McL kw a i 30 .:•• • lad i= fourth /Veit. WALL PAPERS AND DECO vvItATIOXB OF ALL GRADIS, new and etyllett. aswell et cheap, at No. 10 7 Martel greet, near Flllll easel. jeZadlliTT 40$. B. Htlekl7.3 s BRO. NEW ADVIER IarTHE REGULAR ANXVAL meeting of the Stockholder. of the HUTCHISON OIL AID REFINING CO. will be held at the office or. the Cod.Palllt 1 0. Dr).'sw9:i7A7.4TlL_B,UlB2,tr_ for ugig toe a wzi or Directors /or th.ehrulkS Y." . •fc4:177. /1. S. PHILLIPS. Soaetari SAN ELECTRON FOB 'FiIESIA DIMS, ItAZIAGEhg and OPYI‘Man or tht pan) foreseettng • Bridge oyse the the Al. legheny Bluer , opposite rittourae. le e.unty of Allegheny, will be held At tho TOLL HOUnE, •t the south end of the Brldse.,e MONDAY, O. CZ day of Muth lig2t. 00 tn. hour of Y o'clott r. led 071 s W.tf. ROSEBUIttI. TrellUrel, IarNOTICE.The Second Win• BULLMEETING of the Gtoekholders of the (MOICIImY KIN ISSII 0!I LND 11O1NO CO. will be held at Wm. hluClllTrlXON`llUrrl d r. h/4 Conn street. Plt , sburgll, on Wednesday. Feoravy lath, at le Weloca, , fur the pur pose of Meatus Company of Dthemor. and the °Meer, of tile for the enddna year. lip order of the Pveabte.t. feb4;sel J. 31cCUTCFIEUN. hee'T•_ ONTICZ Or TOE AM.. tixal . 4t i r i i , ti t l . C. , TaHE cigt!tiEktitnrNiu,NarAL Allegheny Valley Railroad Co. Wilt he held at the Orace or the COmPenr. eor nee of Flee and Canal streets, rlttsbureh, on Tuesday, Feb. 26th, MY, t 11 o'clock, A. Y.. for the election of a Board .f Y Imagers to nerve for the availing year. and transact such other business la nas7 be Pre ruled. WILLIAM rill LLIPS, feass7a President. BISHOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE, A COLLEGIATE SCIIOOIIIIB 10t3G LADIES, . No. 62 UHANT STININT. The Second Term of Ms !Rho , ' heft. en Ifeb.. nary N. J. CohT.Cti. Nectar. PAN.: .01110 E OP UNION Mr, fa DUSOU. NO AND ',COMM; CO. PIiTS Fr. r DITiDENDe—TbIe Board of Dl rectors have MI. day declared • dividend or - - • TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. on - tha rapltal Stack payable forthwith at their (Mee, No. in Lioerty street. 1 . 414:479 WM. ILIttEPATIIICX.. Treasurer. PUOF. COW PER'S DANCING AOADIGXY AT WIL.RINSH AUL, FOURTH STREET. N K.A.R HMITHFIRLD.—New clown. now forming. Maleshays and tiaturdor X ssssss and; C.nor at r. K. Heotle - mes Class at 7.y. N , OTICEGrand balmy on Friday craning. .Fcbrossy Ist. Overlord' by orchestra, at is o'clock. lionOing to commence at "o'clock Pr emir Tickets can be had of t h e pupils of Prof. Cowper only. le 41:•711 CUTLERY: CUTLERY! CUTLERY! Everybody Goes to r.3CPMT%Ty.ei For krine Wni - ves, 67 and 69 FIFTII STREET, MM=E5=l PRICES REDUCED. WHITE, O i RE & CO., No. 25. Fifth Street, Offer saloa largo litio of Riob 3:lmearses EMIE=M==! UNIVEUSALIFT FAIR ADD FESTIVAL "ELMS CMX"Ir "JECALLOLE MONDAY, FEBRUARY ate, And Will Continue Two Week& ♦ valuable telectlou articles will Im dis posed of. Music, tustr4mintal sad soca`, istempersed wlti8olos;-luetta and WM make tbe evenioir pads blessatitly and agrmably. - Meals sad Sakes: meats provided In the Hal. eloileg each elem. except Saturday, wllh a 'Cremerwle. Admission, 2 Gnats. feta 2 GREAT SALE OF OIL PAINT INUr, on,neetdllcwr of Commercial halos goon. 101 amlthleld street, WEL •611,41 mad ILITIMIDAY. Sib atd 7th, at 10 Wel.% a. •nu 2 and 7l• F. This aolleellon et 101 choice wort. of /Ist ma...elected WOO great cam and dlserlndnatlmi from the letadloa apd Mole leria• of It. Ina. talcum. wallas of lar••• sad and Is specially attrartle. love.comprise. many line, ortainal Walla's, and coulee limin the old moaner.. • •011.10 a of the oolloction wag painted then Art 1.10100. and sold far the benefit of Vous. embrace. *peel:aces from •amis of sueb asthma as I thy hpencer. Myertielam, Myer, schro.er. Koseittwrg, Hammitt, eomms, Slane, Ws, of London; 1.1.1•80, 110.0.• Coate., Church, Cara lionhear, and many other. of pawl emineacm. Tlta wboll, nies In all Its brandies. We also teen constantly on hand all altos oral:wet. IPlnarn and Mend am limp and Cotton._ reams. dem Hose of ail elms At.); toorder. • A. PULTON'S SON & CO EillslllE.SS STAND: TEMT, KICILLEST: •FIVE-STM.JUSINESS.:I IOIIII ii: 21 SMITHFIELD 'BTUErr. wild ed.. b. , tween Flnt and Second Btenatn, Inolror.d fn , •ale on teaeonaele terns. Apply to STNS IL a. WILSON. Rionius AND Hsu; Win flame, 20. GO Stslttlel4 Street I:7E °rims or rNIC!N Pictiry.na FUX ITY A nramr, adliehY C § THE•migmea. ELccriox for NINE DOM:MOILS of tote Company. add be held at the Mc. of the Comiaany. oo T UHS DAT. the 1410 day of re7MMI7. bet.oto the boors .110 x. earl 1 L /UL B"""": Orrice liWurs Com.r.orr. fTrfoovadd, Jan. 30. mg. s DiymENDe—The Directorsckt, THE 31 MIME OIL CONIPANY bare TOO • del deelued • Dlvldessd of rife Per Cent. o the Capital otocb. out of 11 the eaffd 9Fe_ g 2 r t r r 5 .V5131 .sr, e ' rta T : , tsNN ' a ' t the fecreur7. No. 49 Wabl urea. Tr -aster book cloud. , fet.2.74 F. E. HINILUART. Ster. TO BUILDERS.= PROPOSALS will be recelredst the Shoe Store of JAMS ROBB. No. So Market street for the erection of • BANK BULL DINO for the KEYSTONE SAY INGS BANN. untfl TUESDAY. Beers an , INti. Minn Ana specleestloos now ready for exam- Inatton at the *Bee of BABE A 31031/3. Archl tects. No. St Clair strnt. 11140 are sAtelled for each of the branches of work separstely, and for the whole complete In one contract. SAMUEL 111IIKILIT. JAMES GILL.EXPIM, 1 00 .1 m, WM. PICK CHMULL., /Mfr. 11,0514 • FM ITTisncurtn..lll2loall Z. MI. 'NOTICE TO PROPEUTT OWN. o.• Ettn.—The attention of Oa property own ers surl entrees of Pittsburgh Callot to the fol. lowing resolution of the ettreet COQmittee, adopted at the lest meeting Jan. 'rt. 13.. Swotted, That th e Citizens • and Propelll Owners ot rittonarnn. deat•oos of baring the streets In front of their respective property graded, paved and set with colt stone are In vited to present their petitions to petitions Ms Ist day of tyrit, mt. at Mtpre sented after that date will necessarily be lald 1111 the foZcorln t it Clerk of the !Octet Committee. EMI Urrxer. Or A LLlGaglorr VALLEY Halt. Co.. P1750n00011. J.tare lit, gan. NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF lillger MORTGAGE BONDS WY THE Al.. LEW:IEN I VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY. —Tbe Allegheny Valley italleo.l.Com ebr born . P by glva notice Out OW' Ell rt...n Th. FL" , nortaace Bond■ of the Co. • Wltlato two 7ett from the dot., Ix accord. lath the prostateas of the mortgage given to - core the pa , meat et sold bonds. By order or the hosed of Maosoers. • • J03a13 I.IIILLIPO, rrestdent. lIITARLAND & COLLINS Offer at Wholesale and Retail, CAR PETS • new eteek of' choice patter.. ' , which cannot excelled in extent and variety. . , Window Shades, An Green, Tan color, Bar. Lawender, !Drab. and Auer colors. with plan, nest and Met Gilt and Velvet borders, over= differed; Mies. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, All the beat patterns feetket 13 sheet: 3. 6. 7S 13 18 and WI vrlde. SCOTCH WINDOW HOLLANDS, Bo.L Gre e n. Ettliand White, to all Irldttu English Woolen Druggets, =Me:lon, 1)i. SIX. 3. 3% 3S. sad 3% WOOLEN AND LINEN CRUMB CLOTHS, BELO WILTON AD Ulm RtG9, Swiss Lace & Application Curtains, In patterns that are not to be found elsewhere. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, English and French r. HE 4 ry CO Braid," 000D 5, New Pattern Cornices,' claix-raet tuaci. 4e — t•itite;a343. UPHOLSTERY. • • (inters promptly and carefully executed. Will end Careful and experienced dphohdererx ny part of the CuuUtry Carpeta and put D curtains, shades, lc. . ITIRLIND & COUINS, Hand 73 Fifth Street. • übledxtr.ballmdc.Un,m4,.llJlatLdr.States CastoT6Lto .u ut • X 2 T:PTDCALM FIItE INSERINCEIIIPIMY ELABTFOBD, CONN. January 15t,.1867. CASH CAPITAL, = - $500,000 .A.SSETS: .41-t IliZe.riatat 'fro Joao. , . . . Cash on hand,ln Banks and with Agents. 9134,=1 94 United States Bonds 4 , ,009 Oer Heal Estate 32,000 00 State Bond. , 20,000 00 ihartford and Now Haven Bail. road Stock 19.032'00 New York Bank Stocks 96,100 00 Hartford Bank Stocks.. 942 00 Loa end Collateral Security.. 47 = 9,672 00 Loans on Bonds and Mortgages. 4 7 , 619 06 Due for Hants, scented Interest arid o th erltems 9,046 96 E 322 Lessentinsditsted and not 1w3—.30,916 sa Byrom acid subscribed to January 1.1111, 1267 A, A. CABILIKEI, &. 8330.; = SEI.ELINTOS GI.II.IFXO Els Mt Fourth Street. THE MIDI MERICA LW INSEAM CORPS Of New York, /15 THE • • Only Company In the World Gees leg security iharanteed *the direct . raper vision and control of Its land. of the General or Beath Government • addition to the worth) heretofore offered, w , call particular attention to the foLlowthe .• BT a recent act of the Leidslature of the Kate of NOW York the Company authorized to make lipectal Deposits with the Superintendent or the Inetleauee IleteUtteerte. and receire them. The beelsteTed Foliose*. hearth" . the beat of the Department and a Certilleatelhet the Y et of olicy sehtowei 07 pledge of retitle aorta ander • Spr gNel : t7f Th c elrAlf U rlitt i rrtrltiti COYPAN exchialrely. This makesermy Meg fawned rolle . .y nth. to the holder at a. lie. atonal Bank Nom or a United Sta , ca Bonds ) aseralt:TlONs In , travel. liaildanen or unitedrr Zgo.pIOTSMILI to Mir Part of Oh Mates ....004 01 say maws of the eer. THLUIT DAYS , GILA= on an reuewsl Tay- m ALL eats. POLIO:3MR Me non-forfaltlat MI lame dietary Intlapatable. - Income of 1866 s OTE.g oar. tui.tioN not.t.kus. ill Insurers me Invited Wawa'ae and com pare their policies mirk those of the •liorth• America." 31080112 1 . Dreslderlf. J. W. DOLEUILL. Stalp27. E. T. COOK, General Agent, PITTS81:111GIC BRANCII. - N 0.67 Fourth street. dm more active. eMelent men ea. Dave fait: le:Otler HOLIDAY GOODS ALLlt•lff!g i!RONZE,GILT, Oarbon Oil Imps and OhwMierß, Lamp Trimaimings,b.c. Also. wunuarrio itolmmethernman. DON OIL. wholesale sad sauOL JOHN'ROBEF&' - '130., 2.fe064r3351.4"111151Z1.4)P2 tl ALL PAPER—Of an grades, for parlors, Dlalng Rooms -and Sltehang, In mat Tarlsty, at 1a0.107 Market OM - JUG. .It., nue= /MN WASTED, An Active 111.11 t,. With 11.1.003 toial 0,0 to Ito ia I to ale Ti .11 tore of Iroo. t , • one who ban. =: expermnoo In thnoutinelin. n • g.t YEy T. .‘,. I'e. P• Itox. U. pit, --- cram WANTED.--Graduates-,.- st Lit. trait' and Commercial Colleges to •'!”: pe....nently In baler., regain., sgle.s. ship and Innannu earre•pondCll. Appir With reference, to IL IL CIIIIII4IIV, 116 Gnat atteet, opposite Coart de.11:04 00,10,000 WASTED.-10 0 . 'tett to sell AN °HEWS' GAB tit EN ATO *blebs utt be lineal d to mly Inman, melee tee best gas Ugh!. etence irons conamon oit. convenient as • candle; still not blow out. 31", rapidly selling article out, retailing at gajon. Agent I are coining money, sellingit with N right to use It .1. V. TILTO, Jet No. InS'SteCieleettecteittoons No, 2j_ WANTED -50 Stove and Dot . W 1.:5.)w WAHL MOULD/CMS, so ROOS wages ad steady employseat wi Yo ll De glue. as belong le it to the Moulders' truFou Asso aloe used ands , . DRUMM NIX d CO., Ire Ole, Ky. IBIRM WANTED-AGENTI3--1# WTHE SUItZtE BEWINUMSCIS 'MPASiIf to Nen their lt NMI" 1123 Ma.CIoI 111 tl-toc paper to her', Stayer cloth or leather without change or feed needle or let 2511,adjubting presoure foot and Wiwi, deal.P 11.1,-Enotlope.l UN DLIMILIO. ad ALL t ores.. enclosing ttajap ki i th rlttrburgh. --- ViriNTED—AGENTS—Tbe best T (Tme° yet. • Work ollllstorlenl Vale* and l ' itr 41 . i n tt he ryg: OUR NA Vod. t.,'Menri a DIRS. by _lion. J. T. lIILADLEY, the dlettegolsbed Antbor end lilr t 071•13. in one handrome volume: Illustretect dead st Once for terms and A 1•71 . 121 ( 141 .. .... latlnsled.t er7 63 Market in.. littsburgn, WANTEIN.- - AGENTS. fi and TESL...LE—In .11,17 G E N TS ^ peone Ivan tor the tine new Steel E grailhdes r VALLEY FORGE," • TILE 111 aIDEN'S _ ••LINOW,N,S HOME A.TSPHIMirizLI,At„ Either br the month or by COMlblaslotl..g..r UM... rates showed. For 110131...qical pry In p""e, stre:4l4itgA. FOR RENT FOR BENT.—The IV'trehonse, 226 pad 120 Liberty it&et , . and 113 Wood street, st , preseut occupied by the sub- IrrSberS. Yossesolost glean Ist April. or cannot deslrtd, rebsisol JOTIN FLOYD dk CO FOE RENT. TWO TWO-BTOBT,BRION. DWELLINOB, BRUM a on Robinson eteeetineer Goalrieh street. Alierheny, each containing elm mere , . food out" luri te. Inquire of A. W 00Dier AXLE, fel :eta N 0 .141 Towel, street. I'lttsonreb. To LET, 14.0 Two or torte Totter Men can obtain Largo .d comfortable bite, , tnir ArilLrtMentli. 'MOM two ottnntes walk of the rostr:nee, by address Ind lmntsdistely, 113:=1 p LET, afX OFFICE, On fret Don of Ho. 09 .ad 70 Water street J AMES DALZICI.Li HOF ES= TO LET.---Elght Booms of a veil dashed Donee, on Fenn &Weed. Fo Ward, soluble for a prlylll,e Deer refer ereuees and aecurity required. rosweelon gir "D.lii!Vifilli.ET—Tiro other Dwells:a of Penn Street, near Christ Church. Inquit• of IitITILBZUT 0021. 3L Market Street. V `e f.; EMI FOR RENT, :LARGE Roo.mi, •. . In back' , building of GAZETTE. Y WAWA . lan. Inquire at - GAZETTE COUNT G-ROOM. FOR RENT, STORE BOOM NO. 60 MARKET STREET; ROOMS SUITABLE YOB SINGLE GENTS; SALTS 1100 M. SECOND rwps,ol 5111 MARKET STREET: ' ~ OFFICES ON 'THIRD AND MARKET STS. M. t.AZZAAL Att.,' ai Law. OS °twat street. QM To LET, The Warehouse, 27 Wood St.. Plow occupied Dr T. A. EVAN?! • CO. For farther loiormallou.aTAw s , . piNNOLE. Or WILLI . M N. 1.W071107 Wood Weed. 09 0004. FOR SALE. FOR SALE.--We offer for sale that ralnable • MANUFACTURING SITE,' Omni:U.l by us u• Barrel Sectary, Monte • the foot of Taylor etrcet. Pitt township, and op poelte•the Cdpper =lot Park, McCurdy A Co. This property hos • front of Zakteet on the Alle gheny river; containing near TWO ACRI.S. end privilege of ailing up to mate ai meth ....- for Iron, Steel or other large NainutaCturiut purpos es, hae no reporter, i • Terms made to sett purchaser. I ' laZtaki ournurc A BILL. VOIR BALE.--One Three Story Dwelling Ronan, containing eleven TOOMS. ONE TWO IiTOEVDWELLING HOME containing eight room and finished anti. ONE BUMS. VitA.ME 1.101.1 EM containing lee rooms and pantry'. Inquiet of . 11.- CAMPBELL. Ja1.1:611 No• l 2 Second !Street. FOR SALE Olt RENT. • A,COF tEE STAND, In the idarket EioneO Diamond, No. I=. Toti iuxther Dattleuisie pnquira at the Stand, No. I'M, to the ',Whet liottse Diamond. {Pittsburgh, Va. jate:eli POtt SALE—one Lot 1 rooting feel; 9 inches. on We.t side of Yend.ky street. mining back. feet 5 tootles to Whig. i -1 ty. on which hthere Is ereeted a two•story brier. house., Son handu sky elre.t, with 9 rooms e.he and 2 on Whigalley, with 4 booms e onh. 050*- M. the Voorth Ward dchool House; will be sold at a bargain, by IIAMSEY. E. LTALL. Real Estate Agents. lat9ml3 No. 99 Bet vet .treat, Allegheny. 1 ROB SALE—The Church Bed Id , e 4 0 , oeeopled br the Firrii U. P. COMORE -0 &VON, corner of Pint sad Last streets. AUG glrfsey City, Is o ff ered for sum. Proposltlone for Falr;:iBPro r eg - rvul±7 . 7 . r,p q , let, VIZ! No. 119 Oblosereet. • ALE.T.A.NUEIL NIA Erns 1at7:02 No. 12 Ulserersd. 8617.178 $6 Mimes &NM EIALE.—A desirable prop esti In Al'esheny, Weston on bandusky •treVt Ptrnwl3P. , 7 ntlor the lot Is 20 feet on gsnonsky street upl 114 feet on IStrserte Ere al- I llrarogn ` hrgirtf4f.Telr e " :t2. l lra.V. 'Mhos - wen rooms, and • frame shop on the ouch and - nt the lot. Nor farther Information Inquire on the nmalses, 011082 1791 sANDunrir ISTIVIGET. IL SALE.—ONE TWO-STOGY • LENIN CLAD BUILLIINI.), with goal starn m. (and lour ft) year lean ot 'ground froariat CM Awl%) elmatri In rood locatio Dolan No. CM Penn streohnorner of Harrison st reet. eet. would besnood locatlonior a F. ed Store. or Plonablug and U. !Mut Nboo. Znnote. or R. Rel)(11.- 11fr No. 7131 Penn street; or . BRUWbr Zan)..Plumber., Mesta and is ripe Fitter. No. Brederal street. •In.gbrlll City. FOB SALE—Second Hand STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER. Jingo]. of \ !.. W. 8. trrtz. No. 91 lint etrett. 0 0:11feto 6 iizil 020HUL L. ILLS.; a. N. alloDoxies. GEORGE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggists, 87 Wood Street, OPIITIS, ! lODIDE POT/MEWL )aoILP NIA, . • QIII.OILATX. POT &Ha. QUININE. ! WWII POTAI3B UM, . lODINE 1n211714 NITRATE SILVIS. 15*AND411.D ler • DRUGS! DRUGGS!! DRUGS!!! I . -- JAMES: T. SAMPLE • HAVING BOCKi I NT THE WELL; KNOWN Dittio ROUSE 'ON COIL TELINBAL AND BilatrSON: STS„ ALLICLOOL! 2, WIN boy oa AAAAIL hallaasortment (4.llkt:idiot EalirCr(34lo. And which will Ina sold theliper then any other holm in the two Otto. ?methadon& -- C 1.174=1:3 on Mad. un LOJER J . SCIIOO ' & SON, Pittsb W hite Lead Works, PURE HITELEAD, alma LocAx. 43.11.003 D IN OIL 70/3 PAIR. , TO II OIL FLIZTLILS, ISM T M. BLACK, 47.496.1.L1.0 Wriral-ts. Aaiery, %tree doom above Szatluteld Street. • prrinsnersan, PA. irery kind of Work done oa the shortest toile.. Marna, Mumma. tarms. ranl.l.lraltentlon wad to obblNr. 14:154 - - 8. 25,000 TO LOAN OH 1110IITOLGE8, In sum. of $5OO and apwarde • 01143E0E Y. PETTY. pal Beg Elthtil'Attat. Zio. 13 Bt. t 1313 E. I. CRENIGLILS, . . I Prepared D 7 a Ant. tatracr and TAN CY BOA PIS 15410 tract. Up Stairs.