The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 04, 1867, Image 1

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mare>. be • ,
P. svPiiterint
nourrolt. s
"SIAM 51 " 14 iltaitassallUalla
Neste (*Wei . . ... . anti.
Manama by bony; (per amts.
Mal anbseabas, (paryeal
I.4blßal Yednettaas to Tfionbays and Aabla.
. •
....• I 50
Ph• 40. , • do. do.. eieb . .. It sits
t. Tenor more eoptes„ to one *Urea, and •
=2 n=l
CITY In=3.
'Menne anal 1.170 Aerali At /incites..
A. -Ulnae Irin oftbi. on Monday next
at two oiciock, at his anction - Mouse, N 6.150
adored street; Allegheny, li.r. - Marbanghle
cottage,aad Viso. acres In - McClure town.
shlp Orally soinntas walk front Allegheny.
~Tri Were competition, and positive sale,
4ite r nitpllin Pried
theusa. ve hnndred . dollars. The - Prop•
arty is considerestehenp at a thoussaul dol.
tars more than thli ono: .
In London, lECi, the Wbc;eler'd. Wilson Stew.
; . lug Mitehtnerefeivcal tam higbartawiird—
all sheMaettlnei of:Europe and einartes In
031 niNtition; TILL award has ninny* been
. made•.heierar exhibited. Ten =be
' 'no mistake. In *Meting one iu a holiday
to:nzfe, alter oz./Niel:a. Theresa be
Pdrednialld ?Myna Stunt= £ Co'n, 27 lrlfth
. •
Bakatdl d Caswell:a Cod Liver OIL
: • purlitiod tkrostektraid Llvir 011 In
Ma_ world, )13iinutsotured , from fresh,
wit t y unity, upon the sea.sboin. It is
petfeetly , pore and sweet.. - Ask for m:lfaz•
Vaivroll's Cot Lidstoll,,,
CAswitt4BSCC.VCo. Now York.
- Sold by - all druggists.
Go to Ptouttors Drug 'Store,
'ioilho hoot White Lea& fn tho City. IL
Datket Stxtiet. '"
' Th4nititrosl' *Mee .of .E.,Warner,,ol4l, In
dian Phrstolnn, & Son, ,remoYeAl 10 zit?: .n 1
_ _ law,' : :
. •
vegotaiklis are Invi
ted to*leet the aekoitarkepli. kept by Geo.
Detveni at 117 - Poderal street, -Allegheny
Drugs oral Itedief nes.
..." , /lieeicria , prieeerlpt4ns earern.Uy prepared'
It halt the mild pries, at PultoWs Drug
Stare; Opposite Motel:dee. •
iett.o scry
Vorelgti Liquors of all kinds at Joseph S.
Sinah's Distillery, No, DA 793, 193 sail 195
First street,
se More.
NO. e 4 Market DWl . Drat
mum. Street,fOr Pia:seen on alai
Buy - • "
trot MAU' ATOottol a; Jcbeepli 5. Final%
Aaii'ftw's it Joseph gala
Washington Haut died-in ...New York . on
Satnidiy morning" in ilftY:sixth year
ot Waage., Ne set-veil as a Roprotentatlve
in Congress from the Buffalo Mettle% veins
INS to 1819, he Was then - elected Coxiiptioller
of Now York, and in 18ki ehoieis Goireiai9r
of. that State. Since that time he hiss - lived
in retirement Oilde fares hear- toOkli o *t.
Ile was a delegate to the Chicago C 011•011.
Lion in 1881. In politics he bobstiged to the
entail and Select eissagalled , Wilser-grey's
lat& y Judge of the
Supremo Court of Massachneetts, died 14,
Boston Saturday afternoon.,,
'AWN has 'beau: Introdaded in - the Now
'York Logieletose to enable national bank
sisceintions tobet:nine Slate banking heal.
• . ,
atire.occuirea at• wentzvtue, Muktrt,
Itursdirk ae'stniyed ikt.qat
' ten thousottd.rilettars worth or properly.
, The moo night aletoreln rive
worth at wentr.vme; NOL/Ibroken open
and rqbtr4 ,of threp dollars be.
, , . .
looting 'the .7,ferebtmta , '.l7nlon Express,
r and the building and lie content". Includ
ing the.jewels and records orate lIILSOZISO
Lodge,. burned:. Wentzville tout laat -any
thotuinqdollars by hieendtarp - tree daring
the past two moo the.
vfater; of peat strength has ,been
,Telicifed ilthlri theelty limits of Lawrence,
. . ,
Razzes, at a , depth of iseventy4lve feet.
~Patties tare /eased all the city properly
_l,tho Vicinity. Moth fizoltensont aidsts over
Congressuiewore. to be • elected' , In Kea-
tricky, ea the 4th of leap, insteadat. at the
regular Angstst election:'
' The lientnalty LOgsslatare G considering
risen:R.lton ',requesting the President to
prcOttisedinstior general amnesty;
and lit now odesiditiel-- cipodient by
him v ilest Joliet. kreckenxidge be pardon
ed itnepermiltradto 'Miura home. '
ktniTinTrtutselli tent to the Penitentiary
one year for killing -her 1111111.131011 i. in Cht
cago,'-has ...been pardoned - Minna im
imprisordnent of atenst one numth.:
Sfe:l4 'Buie; of, hiciigo, telecom:dunned
suat ` leiiniit; Cio;by and iihe drawing
.Committee; . 'tar: the
.ieciwesy, of dye' dol
len invested in. gm opera-R*4a aititur,
.iamemit splintaLsiamsly with the prostra
:Alan of Hon: H. E. Dingrair, by parsnips, In
. bla -brothel Jamas Xe.
; '.:grim. .wba resides. near. Baltimore, was
• • .•
• -stricken dawn bv.the quails qualm. Should
he'dlejour s • of Ilagtellr brothers wilt
hems tell= hem the Bathe cense. - The Only .
g'4•4:isali . 'l . 6:l&aptellilsgraw of &Mar
z atrium irbeztt&oked and robbed. the
lOirm of thiiinVeZii)r!:*4 betw.een Klnelt
U4indWfliesMazre. Oth kat/maws
last. cirtire" wen , at Willceo-
. . .
,Buse, au. Satunlay. to the penitentiary 'for
, five yeatis each , . =Theindcrei. Intirlet:OVered.
Jusei A:Oils, sr weal :I:nowit iountahst of
4 10 4°, 0 • 121 9 4 1ercr-d+7.. = • F
..The operatives o f she Middlesex woolen; Lowell; MasS . 4 'Aro gab stelke, In
•ixwasiiinenee at a =tactics:Cot wages,
'. Mumma pet li sooti • lng litaf aQgcertets
riOm um, Arksosasi io 'Port StolLh.
The !Nov 'Bra; O rental paptir' ot fort
Smith, .41tatutoo., Is" about to millpond Its
patOlcattoit - oii iccolint of She attiogoritstlo
. . .
Testerdays mon:dogs flro broke out la tbo
bakery of ])arguer d Nattera;orrWost First
street, ,Chiisliou, Nov - York. Throe. blocks
warcrilostroyed....bosssibout. 4:14061; bum
21111C1) IEOI4. CSAOIOONCat. ,
P.11)4, EXLC Q
The Imperialists Shrovelog Aosow-A
± - 21tOreisent fa BOOM of-britgo-Ello
Esodsif Oellexiehu bodEnesbehliew.
ideols-hhlptgents 11.1 Iljpeefe to Eow.
ropelhelnemeetel ,
,An6,lho Pselge
Nay Yong, Febronry 3.-11crimin cones.
.:Lpondenoe to the7Ut ult., steam that famed
Lamm were thcresult of. the late dabbers.
tinned Itm /nipprlidistsatAa Teem, and
American' rdild.mla wet* to be among the
contritmtora 10 support the
• • Government. • TweaisAlvo members et the
junta Toted for the conthumnim of.M.axl•
=Ulan oc tholltirone;tutt it was the pope.;
lar imPriesion. that the oonnoll en.
• • ,solyed topmonnce for Ortega as *feeler
of the natal will.
The exodus of Mexican and French real
, dente Is increasing. The Archlitentm of
Mexico is getting roady,Ulitalco his doper
. Two and a Lai[ millions of dollars have
• •
been ehiPPell•ros.Vera Cm: Is an advance
of the French withdrawal from the.Empiro,
Sia Talmud,: Tehruary 93.—The Golden
Agefrom Pialettutitringil later dates trom
Mexico. General vase. had moved his
tome toward 10 ,4 1 : 1 a ti .. ? 'trail:x4 hie ftad..
9 . ' Five or six fessels, died Masada. with
full ,corgoce of
from Europe.
• nolnot 00 landed while the Imperialism
ave possession of Colima. Cardirand the
other Generals will apart, no efforts to cap-
Five ereneh war vassals were in the Dm ,
bar of Acapulco. - Asmall lone of,ltuped
abets garrisoutho forte—, .
SAI / 11 •JOUICO.Vebr111473,4rbe MlSldea3i .
Coned at this Mby_lias itioalved dicta in.
formation.of c the captured an important
'town anagusca, Tarty =Um trom toe City
of mexleo, uvular v•itti the - Imperial
fames Mew
Colonel Madrid who
P.cTbY 7
ii&ii'srou ciii7; ImgtWlata
at north mate et Aticitocor,. am- captured
pr -
k • •
I , t 1 , , -
-i 1 )\.!5, lit
An Offer to Pay the Alabarea °Jaime
Concession Of Religious
erty in Prance.
The North German Confederation
LONDON, February I,—Tbe affairs of Got
Atlantic and Great Weeteraltallroul t which
Were . ieferred to a Committee, aro nmb'
- Lif Ird ;offers to Pas' tad Alatam►
nit saithquajciroocurrad at Sierra Leo
and was very destructive to lito and prop.
DINDON, February 'lrma the
Continent elate that it is onleially aitiount.
ed that Maximilian will iemaha in'Maxine,
wile Congress of that.couatry, now soon
to-assemble, attains him,
• \
It v iald that the plane of the .Govern
ment do not' embrace the Introduction of
the Eater= OM." The settlect, of reformNalli
merely be recommended.
• thuibalcidisconntenanoas any riilng
Rome at'presont,
Paula. February 'L.—Napoleon soo n ,
lute a decree gran meetin gs perpetual right'
of social religions in France. .
PAms, February 2.—/.4 Preisa thinks the
presence of the American squadron tu the
Mediterranean seems only to complicate
the Zasteritquestion.. - • .
Tire NOR= OZHILIN coartrosnamon.
Rearm, February 1.--The flag of the North
German Confederation agreed will
consist of an eagle, and black, white and
rehash...declines to treat .with tkto South
German States, on account of the prosi-
Mons of the treaty of Prawn).
.Pllliiiil2oll Toth: Al TO valacs AND 311,
Bmum, February 2-Coast Bismarck has
refused to declare the Policy to be pursued
by Germany, wittinagard to differences be•
tween France and Belgium on one side, and
Prussia on the othat,
Pet1208172.--090r 012 . 0 btMdred
arrest.. bare recently been made here or
pores:is s
lutionary uppose scdheme to bo connected with the
itrunne, February I.—lt in impossible for
the (Iranian Government to prevent 'volun
teers leaving for Crete. ...FUteen hundred
Lave Just loft for that. island.
LnrsnmOoL, February 2.—Eutudag.—The
Map Monmouth, from hew Orleans tor Liv
erpool, via Pensacola, was abandoned id
-sea; no date. Eight lives lost: the remain
der of the' crew, twelve In number, were
LivearooL, February 2: —The . steamer
Beigiam, from , rortiabd, has arrived at
Green Castle. The City of Cork, lib= New
York, has also arrived.
'•Quesmirowit, Pebreary_ IL—The steamer
Sacramento arrived at Monrovia on Persia, ' from New York, has
Moo arrived.
LONDON, February 2.—.Ercniny.—Consols
declined 1-16, and quoted at 90 1.16. Erie
/Mares declined- %, and, closed at W%, At
,Frankfort rive-Twenties advanced %e,and
closed at 16%, AtTaris United States' bonds
frilly %, and closed at Eli. Bonds in this
city ali unchanged, as are also Illinels,Cen
tral• the fanner closing at 71, and the latter
Ls n, February 2.—Emning.—Cotten
closed dell and inttetive, The sales to-day
amount to 6AOO hales; ve,
prices limn and un
changed. Thres4stuffs Corn,deellned;
4lki for mixed Western. Provisions- quiet
and steady. Spirits of Turpentine his ed
per cwt.
Crime J. tite'City—Criali Amour the
losorenee Compatitee-4elmire of
the liallroad—Corler ae a Privateer
—tiambllitz. Hoare ..Palled”—The
Pealsite Manioc fee. atimething to
"Tura Ilr . --ilouttiera Itelleforte.
CUM) NNW 2022.
Nair Yong, Febrtuaty 3.—Numerons
ingtobberies have lately taken place In the
Eleventh wart!, the perpetrators of which
are still at largo. Eight houses were plea-
derbri on the same night. James A. Will
find 191.11taln • Neill, just from California,
were yesterday induced by sharpen; to ex.
change {MOD In gold for a bogus cheek for
. •
Haws ow naosnwar. •
- S.D..llltirloves hat and furnishing goods
storo On Broadway, was damaged to the
extent orSISAB in stuck and 12.0001 n Su
tures, Insured for $l.OOO. The, adjoining
stares wereathightly ,maged.. . ,
It 1.1 stated that the house of Mich°lea
Boyden it Co.. bankers and brokers in Walt
street, has been seized for deficiencies to the
tiovornment on taxes, amounting to WACO.
This-boasts bag done a large foreign and
domestic banking bashless for the last fif
teen_ years.
- •sa 71.31.4 A XIOARIBEIIII4
Tho Fontana, It Is now sald, haWe deter
rained to. retain the arms they offeren for
sale. as they expect something to turn Up
soon,-,a war between Franco and England,
perhaps, an the Lam arinde case.
new ten4loller counterfeit on the Flour
City-National Munk, Rochester, le In *ea.
• •
GAMBLING 11011811"sutren. 0
The police last night madondeacent upon
the gambling house of Alexander B. Span.
cue, on Broadway, arrested Spencer and
elghtpuneassablers and seized. a complete
gambling apparatus; Among thosnarrest
ed were twentywix married men. They
„were gambling at Senn. TOclr ages range
rom 19 WAS:. , ;
iirriliraznsiretera Joorrinron.
Tbo Internal Hareem collected an Near
York CIV for MG accounts to $315,700,060, and
for Cho- last four years nearly i11a0,000,000. •
CZTZED 1•111AT6211.
Thesteamer WIC Cuyler, recently repeat
to the dolutablari dovernmena Lu
been eased under the orders of Collector
Smyth, ode charge of having been fitted out
as a privateer for the Chillisa or Peruvian
service: She bad en armament of all guns
'aboard,and a largo quantity of small arms
and ammunition, and wan manned by sixty
exerebels. respectable
parties. however, say that the privateer
story is =true, and that the vowel Ls actual
ly sold tech, Columbian Government, un
-der assurances by. the State Department
that such a sale would bit perfectly leglti.
11.1LliolD COXIIOLinttIOIG .
The Camden and Amboy and New Jester
Itallroads have taken preliminary measures
to codsoltdate their Intereats.•
Malan ANO3IOIII6I7IAVOR ooKrAllin.
Those was aromas In Wall street miter ,
dyy, that a odds . of s threatening nature
hasp over many of the Insuraece Compa
nies Of the city, owing to the unprecedent
ed losses by Are and marina. disasters Our,
Ing.the ret. Year- Telw/Y afesemeote have
been pu Ilabed by some of the most prone
neat companies, by which In ancars that
many of them cancel all the capital repro
enntel by scrip• ..
The San - Matuarlistirance Company held
meeting cin Saturday," Inconsequence of
the repartsrelatlve:to Its financial 00041.
slob, and a. committee. was appointed to
examine thebooks. - ' " •
. The Reread editorial/7 Says: The ease of
the Sun Mutual. Insuraoce .Company has
two sides.. The ikrip of this Company has
been sold at a very .heavy dlecount-In
meme_htstaneee as ea. Ii . ..Pm' 'Met.
11..7 of the present holden of the scri p
are. therefore speculators, who . have per
ahased,certllcates-- Of - profit los- a - mere
The = Ikruttiern Bella - Ootasattoo , ,Asvp
thus tar raised 1114.0:0.
The Western Union Team - sob Company
Is patens 1.01 January Dividends. at th e Sew
York canoe tenthly:tor sesdneg out Omen to
noteholders:, - ParaMU L Slade on orders
or drafts through bents or otherwise,
-NO. 29.
rebrUl27 2.1f1a
THIL 5C0,14 31411.111 W. .
J petition:was presented from the Sugar
Stefinors of. the United States, stettee that
there aro thirty live millions of dollars In
vested In their busineas In the country, and
asking for protection in the pending Tariff
Mr. WADE called up Cho bill authorizing
the Judges of Idaho to appoint the time and
place of holding ccrarta, and providing that
the Legis.latarc /anal tie elected biennially,
in 'August, and meet biennially on the first
hlciaday In December, which was passed.
A. Joint resolution, anthotiedng croon
mail service, thine times per month, be
tween San Francisco and Portland, Oregon,
at a cost not ezceedinttOS,Mo per annum,
was passed.
Mr. SUMNER'S rezolutton calling for the
letter on which Mr. Seward founded Ole cn•
genies to Minister Motley, wee Dewed.
Un motion of Mr. CONNESS, the Secrets,
ry of State Was requested to report What
stops bad been taken by him to obtain from
the Republic of Columbia the right for the
United States to make the •neeemary sur
veys for an utteruer..”u•shlp eanalth. - ongh
her territory. • • .
Idr. TRUIdIIIiLL, from the Judiciary
Committee. reported a resolution prohibit
ing payments tram the Trees at 7 to pmsOns
not known to have been opposed to the to•
belllon, and in favor of its suppression,'
with an amendment strlldnat out the - pro.
vision above quoted, and leaving the bill to
prohibit the payment of any claim of such
persons occurring prior to the 13th of Aprll,
tmt, and that noperson shall authorise stmhi
payment until this Joint resolution be mod-1
Plod or reminded: • •
Mr. STEMAII.T, from the Committee on
Public, Lands, reported a bill providing for
the entry at MIIIIMUM price in the public
land °Meet in California and Nevada, lands
settled and occupied as town sites, with an
amendment providing It shall be construed
-subject to thettrovislons of the act granting
the right of way to ditch and canal owners
over the public lands, and nothing In the
act shall be c'enstrued to grant any right In
conflict with the rights of miners upon nub
he lands, which they bold under any law of
.Congress, or by virtue of rules or customs
of muter.
TO 71:4= CY.RTAIII ClantS.
Mr. ILENDILICHS from the Committee on
Judiciary, reported a DM to deffne and pun
ish certain crimes therein named, with an
amendment striking out the whole MU and
inserting that irony persons shall rob an
other, nnbuctully In custody thereof, of any
kind or description of personal property
beim:ming WNW, United States, °reboil fele.
Measly take or carry away the same, the
person no offending, shall, on conviction, be
pimished by-a fine not exceeding 15,0 M, or
onenaprnmt at bard labor notion than
year, or both, at the discretion of the
Mr. HARRIS introduced a bill to amend
the act for Lhs removal of mum, in certain
case*, from State courts, approved July
lan, which amendment provides that pars
ties now resident in any of the States late.
ly. In Insurrection, or a party, plaintiff in
any cause now pending or hereafter to be
brought In any court of such State, who Is
or shall be detended in a muse retained s.o.
coording to tau laws of such State for silo.
cation, for relief sought by him after the
plaintiff lout ceased to prosecute the origi
nal action, shall be entitled whom die
amount involved does not exceed 4.10 D, at
any thne before trial or Anal hearing there
of to have said muse removed to the S.
Circuit Court for such State, In the manner
prescribed by the sot, to which this Is a sup
plement; Provided. That such removal shall
apply only to such causes as could tinder
the Constitution and existing ..laws tail
brought Sato the Circuit or District Court
of the Halted States In the , sate of the mi.
'Omit action.
Sec. two prowidea that the pleadings In the
muse when trantertud, shall have the same
voice and erect which the crriganal plead
ings would have in the State Courta.under
the lawe and practice themot, at time
ref the oommenement of the muse the
IProrided, no person shall be excluded or
prevented from testifyleg or be deemed in.
competent as a witness, upon account of his
color' or race.
The Bankrupt bill wail taken up. The
pending queotion .was upon the 6121004-
1913.11t01 the Judiciary Committee to strike
out the propooltion of tho limns bill, ex
empting from sale under the law, so mach
of the debtOr'il property im is exempted by ,
;exemption law of the .13tato m which the
debtors reside.
• • -•--• -
The proposition was debated by Means.
LITTLE, after which a vote was taken on
Mr. Wilson's amendment to Insert in lieu
ol the above a provision that an amount
may be exempted not to exceed two thous-.
and dellant. • This was dtsagreed out .to, and
the Question recurred on striking the
clause above referred to, and resufted, you,
Ity nays, 25.
The Senate bill to regulate the tenure of
office was received from the Rouse, untend
ed so as to include Cabinet olltmrs among
those who cannot be removed without th e
adatee and consent of the Senate.
• Mr. EDMUNDS moved that the; Senate
illaagree, and mil for a Committee of Con
Mr. TRUMBULL hoped the Senate would
agree to the amendment. He did not see
why Cabinet Ministers should be excepted
from the provishons of Inc bill, and the eget
might as well be made here as in &Commit
tee of Conference.
Mr. EDMUNDS said the Senate had ex-
Pressed its opinion very decidedly on trite
sobject, and according to the usages of the
body, it ought not tb be pressed to concur in
-what It had 10 decidedly voted down.
Mr. HENDRICKS Moved to postoona the
further consideration of the subject. Disa
greed to. • .
DIATEt OP =PAMIIIII,7ITX 4011,1101 r.
The Clerk of the Mouse anzioinced the
proceedings of that body on the death of
Philip Johnson, Itepresicutative from the
Eleventh District of Pennsylvania.
Mr. DUCKALICW delivered wn address on
the life a. d character of thedeCeellk4,ol
whom be spore interims of McCune regard
and high respect.
The customary resolutions wire passed
and the Senate adjourned.
. acsmas Or TOO 110,001.
On motion of Mr. WILSON, of lona, lasso
was siren the Judiciary Committee to sit
during session hours for the rernahider of
the session.
. .
ii.r.HOOPER gave notice of Ida Intention
temp.., on Monday for evening sessions of
the Ilona° daily, except Saturdays. •
Tho Borate bill to regulate the tenure of
certain ctraMilices mime tap.
'fluy voto of yesterday, rejecting Dir. Nil.;
flame , amendment, was reconsidered, 74
against CS, and the amendment adopted, sr
against. M.. The trirect of the amendment Is
to strike ont the exception of Cabinet oil.
curs from the' operations of the bill. 0111
passed, 11l against 38. • • •
TUX Taill/7)IILL.
. .
The Senate amendments to the Tariff Bill
were referred to the Committee of Ways
and Means.
The bin to eztend the pat Ont otTbos. W
ilarvoy Was tabled. , -
The Sonata Joint resolution providing for
the payment or certain 'Kentucky - militia
forces was , passed with amendments. •
&vocal privigo bike
~, were disposed of.
einerbsii of rtinito rotors!.
Mr. JdILIN flow the Committee on
Printing, reportedn bill for the election, by
the Mouse of a Congressional Printer, and
the abolis hment'of the office of Soperin
tendent of Public Piintlfg.. -
member seeking tho. hoot, Kt.
LIP moved th.:prevlooa question, which
was seconded.
Mr. TRIMBLE moved to table tho bill and
the ',Memos about Whin "bon, Schen
mirrt or NOM. rifts's , . ronvieroa.
Ilr. ANCOIiA rose and annottsood the
death of his colleague, lion. romp John
ston, and offered the aloud resolutions of
moduli:ems iuulrespeet. .Ealaglea Were de
livered, after which the Bosse adjourned-
Military °Mears to Aat as Freed
mew. Donna Of/lerra—,arremr, of
TWO Doctors for Basta'llly an a Dab
aro fad-
lsr.visgros, Yebreary .9..-oerieral Origin
bee issued orders empowering =Unary oat
ears, where there are no Sob Ai/indent Com.
Inlsslorters of atm Preglinext , s Moreau, 'to
act as sorb. This extends the operation
of the /Susan over the entire State. ' •
General Origin officially .00nsplInsents
blajOr Hogan, of the Ilith United States
oolored traria, for gallantry. In disporsing
a troop of banunci at lloglown. . ,
There was some excitement tit Saiet on
Sectoght or aw° doctors who lima geffon ne d
a nameless surgical mcrtilation cm a negro
lad. They had been arrested by the awnauthorities and rescued afterwards by Mil
zelle.':They were - ' boanesW. gpg
pre nowiteid by the balltarY. - •
The Tee Broken.
Sarooolal Diskrioestohois.
(By the Atlantic and lizeijia Tskrraplt Co.].
linowirsvm., Feb. 3,a P. Y.
The Ice gorge between this place and
Greewiboro,gaie.way at.foor o'clock this
kfternoon, since 'carrying everything be
fore it.. The ice swiftly floated down the
rapid strearn..and .wcpt, .with it barges,
tinitiere, - andever) , thing which was
loosely moored on the banks.
...4itiiiio , olociut reached itlee'lLendlog,
and the toatlhg. mountalne of Ice tore
away, It to thought, great r,ortrotra of Dam
No:13:'Il also inatorlally Irdured the abut
ment of the Elam. The lock Is gorged with
'lee, and will be armless for several days, as
It will prove a Eliflicult task to clear It out.
Beo 10 o'clock, r.
feiv . mliites . past seven O'clock the
Ice' reached Brownsville. The river Im
mediately filled from bank to bank, but, es
yet no serloturdainage to property In this
ueightiorhood, has been reported. Several
rifts. Ilavoltiveld - past during_ he Beat few
Lours.. There 'are twenty-eight feet of
water lit the channel, and risinteat the Tate
of two feet per hour. It is impossible to
ascertain the amount of damage done by
,the,!•bmalt. Up" at Greensboro, !„
,• Igmetat.4.ellicatie cad
.••. • • -
Mot esaroitP, eonioak. T. Y.
The Monongahela and Font:him! any,
rivers are rutiniug fall of lee. Today be
tow boat Arab, which was moored at t o
'mouth of the ToUghipithenF: run ill
by the Ice coming out of that river, and.
"demised tosdeh ',leabint so to'cituse her
to sink - graduelly 'to her huller deck and
.then capelee. She was owned by Williem
Steno. - , •
'FlTyraCific and iAtlantic 21.1eprapi' Cod!
litiowasvtu-s, Feb. 3,1/c7.—ri, r.
There are now twenty-eight and a half
"feet brwater tudthe river Is falling Mealy.
• The tee le still'runnlng heavy; and tt Is im
possible to ascertain the exact emOunt of
damage; but as 'all were Pretty well pre.
pared for a big rise, the loss hers will not
be very ,heavy. The. followleg /a all the
damage lir, as heard from: =• -
The Ice attack tbeatentaboat Payette, of
the Colon Packet Line Company and eke
hail her wheel badly damaged by heavy
pieces of timber striking it,iinocking sev
eral arms and butikelit out...Carver,'Wood
& Co., had a raft carried away - by the tee,
and a largo inantity of lumber pursed hire
but the owners are unknown.,
lOnecloi be ClaniefirrUia R. 22.7YiL Line.)
bTATIOS, Feb. 3—tat r. n.
• Tbe: t.n' the loughiooany has, not
started yet, and It is thought not probable
that It will go . out :rittlOnt,'Teiiire rain. is
gorged above, no that the water cannot got
power enough to start.. The river Is fallit•g
hero very slowly. The gorge at Sewlekly.
Station la ireuiendwal, the moat eat raordp
nary ever known. It Is a hcantiful specta.
elri and a worthy subject for the artist.
When it moves look out for great damage
iFprettd by .3feralicinast Neffonal Tliel7rdPA
- Ou. IaTT, February 3.
This morning the river was about thirty
Inches and rising, The tee mewed . below
. the Island a little; and in some parts of the
creek it n 'mien. To general brisk antici
pated now. It la now snowing; prospect of
a freeze to-night- :Co damage none es yet.
River new ruing atowly.- - - •
- • COAL errr,Tebrardy 3.
Ice not moved any Yet. hirer rising
• . Irairrear; february 3.
• Allegheorrivir 'falling' -fast. Iftsktrelnl•
Its river running out heavy': Ice. Ice still
tight In the hitegluicy above Freeport.
• Wriestrau. Feb. 3.—The ice grorge In the
river broke at this point on Saturday atter
noon, Carrying MT the steamers New Stale,
Hellman, Eagle, and Booth, Battelle t Co.'s
large wharf boat. The Eagle was secured a
few miles from the city considerably dam
aged. .The liellman, Nth• State' and wharf
boat were at last accounts, still needing
away with the Its, the damagemnknown.
The weather le thawing; the river is very
A Council of Army Officers as
to Troops at the South.
Rumors as to the Impeach
ment Project. '
The New Plan ,
of Restoration,
W.aantrurox,yotuary 3, 1847.
The CommissioLer of the Freedmen's Bu
reau Lae received the report of (lemma
John fitly; Chief Superinteriderit :efi the
Freedmen's affairs for Xentucky, giving In
detail the operations of the , Enreart in t h at
State for December. The trumherof con
' tracts =de during the monthwere fifty
four. and the average rate of wager, paha to
males per niontil7 410,411 for females, SSP,'
including rations and quarters.
- Oen. Ely last.. that the outrage upon Hey.
A:Schofield, and the breakingtM °retread
men's mime' at Camp Nelson, ity:, by Deg
utlatore, has-been theroughlyinvestigated,
bat none of the parties concerned emoted
.itster/Winif to the Mobility of Mr. Soho.
fleid. , M-Identlfy there. The sedum' &Abut
place has not beau re-opened.
The receipts for contracts approved, the
Ju't'e"eE maril6ae lidettseil. lord Yoe fines
and ferfeitureidaring the month; wee e 26.5.
Thennmoer of panperithnoreaseddurmg the
month to come extent, andmvies Of extreme
destitution haie
Orrtora, reavreariox or taws. (
Special publicaticnils made of the met to ,
repeal the 13th section ..of,the Um of ,July
.11t14 last Which itieltion lies follows I.
ifferthar enockd, ThattheFsesl dent M
hereby auttforleed at anytime-hereafter,
by proclamation to extend to persons who
mayhems participated in • tha 13.1./AUDff re
any State, or pert thereof, .par
don and amnesty, with such exceptions and
on snch conditions as he may deem expedl
ent.tyr Ilm,pnblle welfnrg.ryz , ;
(=dal publication Is also given to the
act providing that frons and Otte its paw ,
age there shalt tie no denial of the elective
&Ritchie') In any ; of,the' Territories of the
'f'a'ted t3trtea, oi hereafter to be organ
deed, to any-citizens thereof, on account of
- rape or color or previonielonditlon. 'sew
vltude, and all sots or pasts acts, either
:of. Congress or the legielative asserabllei of
said territprien, brzonaletent ,with the pre.
vlaleas 9f- this not, aro hersbytleelaxed nog.
ntiett DIU la. illgeod by tlemplaellt.9, l. the
flotilla - *tie the' Seunto, 'axiil' - the renewing
note attlettetb7 nigneleittgiextt of Mat'.
"The foregoing net hovintAeon presentee
ntellibe Wit StaW (or Mil
sliprotrilli CruOtliairitiebote' returnee by,
him to the house of Congress In - whlel, it
originated, within the time prescribed by
the (..onetttatlett ofthoUnited States, has
become a law without Ms approyaM,
The fractional currency printed at the
Treasury during the week was 1130,103. -
Tiler° was forwarded to the Assistant
Treasurer at New Orleans, $180.000; to the
Assistant Treasurer nt Chatioston,, 00,000,
to the United States Depositories, .130,000:
and to#stloned banks, 1031,813, Total, .17,-
• DMing the weelethero halm been Issued
from the Treasury Department 4110,210 lie,
tional Dank currency.
The ellebtasements of the week by the
Treasury were as follows:
War Department k2,1G093 a.
1 , 33,t2 9
Nary '.
interior " , ....-- 17,92 9
The dhiburaements during tlio month of
January were as follows:
War Department aß,ite,Ole
Navyior • 3,75t,0a
The fractional currency redeemed and tle
stroyml daring tho - wiiek amounted to $.30.1,..
100. Thelicelpta of internal Revenue on
Saturday warn 1 1 .a0it205.40. making a tote
of the week of a5,n1,567,u0.
• lOATILIITO ,1311178 D.
. .
Two hundred and three patente , will be
IBSUCti from the Patent oMce for the week
ending On Monday tlicilth mat, Daring the
past week five hundred and ten applies.
tions and ninety caveats were Sled. •
• The Senate has refloated the President
to return the nominations of the following
persona whO recently were rejected, Gen
eral Paaaitt Langdon Assessor r frit Dis
trict of Ohiol John W. Boyle, 42 , 80Ciatl) J um
xx.azunza .17II01:031/1
lira. E. of Terre Haute, Ind., and
J. It. Swab, of Illasoort,bave been appoint
ed examining hargeonn by the Commis.
atonal . of Pensions.
.. council or general °Meat, of the or
my has been tailed by_tienerat Grant, In
W.1./M0=440 confer upon matters non.
cernin& the army, and particularly In rot.
armlet, td.rnalitaining :Mtn:limns: In the
Southern States.
ll:angst/et , te going te'ruete 3taj bielneas
now;_TbritietentY-third of reliititarjr Ja the
lest nay on which bills can • bo presented to
the l'reoldent with any degree of safety.
Alter Chet- they Pill 1,0 become a law if be
doei not them within ten days, andbor,
beyond. the Tlitilptunth Congicee. 110th
Houser, will bold night scialons until the
close of tbo session, In 'order to dash up
the public toaelness.
The recelpte of the internal revenue since
July 1, Inelndlng yesterday, were Sias eoe7 d.
It la confidently believed that whatever
falling off may be experienced In the Inter
nal revenue receipt. for the year will be
fully compensated by those from enstoma,.
which are steadily and largely Increasing
over matt year, aml the 011titInte3 made for
this year; and which will madam the whole
revenue despite the depressing Influences
bow bearing heavily upon some Drenchro of
at, and leaves aurplusillrger, perhaps, than
,has been expected.
117111 MAL
C[naxnalte. -
The funeral ceremonlea bt Representn
tire Johnson, of Pennsylvania, were held in
the House/tall to-llay, before a crowded eo.
Menne, including thw - President ant Peet,
tary coward. The funeral herementes were
conducted by rho liar. Dr. Deynten, Douse
Chaplain. The remains were taken to the
Congressional cemetery, 'marled by a large
number of Senators, ltopresentativea and
Last night a reception: and serenade was
tendered stsDatolll r019.1 . 0y And Loss, of
lransas ‘ by the cltisens of that Etat° reek
dent In Washington, to congratulato then:o
upon their triumph in the late Senatorial
The Mexican Consulate, at San Francleco,
M. telegraphed that the reported execu
tion of the United State. Consul -at Oa:J:1A-
I= la false. •
General Sherman has telegraphed that he
Irtll be here on Thuraday'or Friday of next
V. 86.
[Prom tbe Times Com.pundence.)
Tha House Judiciary Committee have be
come 9atiafied that ttio testimony already
add aced, Including that of General Butler,
Is andlcient to warrant articles of Impeach.
meat against the President. This conclu
sion Is based on the testimony of Radicals
only. Thare has bean no testimony heard
yet on behaltor the President, and when
thla IS aliened It may entirely change the
mind of the Committee.
The strong vote, given In the on
the, provision Mike Tenure of Office bill.
that Cabinet °facers shall not be removed
excepthy and with the advtse of the lien
ates,wat4broughtlabout by the:statement pro
vately made, that in noother way could
Secretary Stanton be retained in his placuk
It Is reported that Senator Saulsbury, has
determined to resign.
The author of the letter to Mr. Seward,
concerning Mr. Motley, Is a man of wealth,
no is making a tour of pleasure through
Europe. • Ills name will ptobebir be own
usunteated to the Senate In response to Mr.
Sumner's resolution.
I from the 'Trios le Correspondence.]
General Ashley has must come into pew
session of some very•lmportant facts ex
ceedingly damaging to the Yresident.
The Judiciary Committee pros at work on.
the inveatigatlon of the alleged Implication
of Jeff. Davis In the allarwslnatlOn.
Tine Postal Committee decided to recom-
mend therepcal of the law prohibiting the
carrying of books and newspapers In the
overland mall, and making the postal laws
of the country uniform.
,from the World Cor opens/ noel
There is considerable foundation fur the
reports width have Coen prevalent for a
day or two relative to the conelderatton of
k new plan by the Adminiatration forth°
'restoration of the Southern' States. .Tlio
adore preach leading Southern men as Gov.
Orr, - cfx;Gov:' Persona, ez-Goya Marvin and
others, have been solicited by the President.
and It is more than probable that liar. Jelin.
son wilt submit n. hue Maumee to the For
tieth COngreasi on the ith of liandire holds
of restoration, WWl:tit Is thought will com.
mend Itself to the liberal elements of the
Itepubllcan party, and be acceptable to the
leading men of the South. One feature of
the new plan will be dOubtlesa based on
riniverral amnesty and another on iptalificd
suffrage. Nothing, however, has been dun
nltely agreed on_ this special respect of
the new plan. - . • - • ...
[Front to ltresing.Chrouleis Despatches.]7
The President has not Yet positively do.
elded whom he will nominate as threetorof
:UM Philadelphia Mint Is place of Mr., Mil
ward, Out it isalmoat certain that be will
appolnl Col. Jam. Page.
It Is probable that Charles T. Sherman,
rEsq., will' be nominated as Vetted Stat.,
District Judge, for the Northern District of
Ohio. Mr. Sheraton Is a brother of General
Sharman and Senator Sharman. •
The Judiciary Committee of the BMW. In
becoming impatient at the delay' of Mr.
Ashley in nutting In evidence regarding the
impeechment. Mr. Wimon. - the Chairman
of the Committee, yeeterday notated the
former gentlemairthat unless he could pro,
Seco witnesses the . neat week, going to
prove all that be sot tip in the charges now
under Investigation. the Committee • would
neargiza Or the matter, owing to
the expiration of the session.
Cholera iwol Small Pow lwrols--You
low I' w 12CrItlab Gulanw-loalso
War, la Ileloge—nrauth TroOpo D.
New Tong, February o.—Tire steamer 00.
tumble beluga Havana advice, to January
30th.. The weather has been uncap:tally di..
agreeable. but as yet there Is little sickness.
though there bed been a few cases of yellow
lever MUM harbor. 6=ll pox hes appar
ently Tau its mine in Matatemes, though
over five 'hundred cases were there eta'.
Advlcea from at. ,Thomas state that the
choleraic rapidly deCremart;
" The Dominican ll epublle programing
Hasty under President (labraL
. AtDmaraii the yellow fever Is raging.
end up toJaunary 7th one hundred 61212
twoofty oees
wm wr h
tu rcee o. ived hoe . tart Y.
A Jotter from . Belize, Honduras, January
Elth, states that the COldnißlJ are in a
state of excitement In consequence of the
Indian rant on the mahogany
planters. 'A detachment of British troops
which was sent agallult the seem,' lo Do .
ember wag met by the Indians and defeat
"ed after a short battle. The retreat of the
Britt* described as Livery disorderly
route. Martial law was proclaimed In Bei.
hie. and contintied in operation. English
teinforcetenta had arrived and others-were
expected. Trade Is dull in a ea4e, IMMO
Another horrible ]Massacre
on the Plains
Gens, Grant and Sherman on Sup
plying the Indians with Arms,
Jusertes CITY, KAIISAM, February ,2.—A
man came into Salina, about fifty mites
cadet Or here, yesterday, and reports afright
ful massacre of white mon by Cheyenne In
diens, near the head of Smoky dill river, a
few days since, under the followhweireum
stanceux Wallace's tram, with sixty men;
were in camp,.when a party of fourteen In
dians came bogging. The teamsters retie.
al to giro them anything, whereupon the
Indians fired upon them, without effect.
The teamsters returned the tire, and killed
eight Indians. About eight o'clock that
night the camp was gurrounded by two
hundred Indians, who massacred fifty-nine
entthe sixty-three. The man that brought
the news had all arrow hole through his
shoulder, and another wound In his hip.
lie claims to be one of four men that escap
ed from the party.'
Ordllam Comstock, the famous totorpre
ter, Government scoot and guide, says the
Oneyennea and Arrupbee of Arkansas
and Smoky Mal appear !deadly, but a part
of the northern Indians are. now snoring
Southward, nod have already 'committed
many murders and °them outrage,. Mr,
COrastock belleve:,l they mean war.
E.A311 Fnanciace. February .—A telegram.
states that General Crook was actively car
rying on the war against the iodine In
Ithdio Territory, and confirm the report of
the capture of one hundred I,ndLans. •
Br. Louts, Feb. 2.—Lato Montana papera
report considerable alarm in different re
alone on account of the Indian deprada-.
tiona,and the people were arinhig to c haa
tl so thorn. ' • • • •
Thu becretary of communi
cated to the Senate telegrams and other
palatal_ communications relative to the
massacre of troops by Indians, on the list.
of December, near Port rha licarney. The
report of General Cook . shows that three
officers, Lieutenant Colonel. Fetterman,
Captain Drown andideutenant Greenwood.
and ninety Men were killwL
Lieutenant General Sherman, in forward
tog the partial report of tho commanding
General, says that he can make no recom
mendation for a court -Martial, nntlfbe re
ceires the sob-reports Of Colonel Carring
ton and General On the :Sill of
- January, Gm:wrest. Sherman forwarded to
General Grant an extract frets, a private
letter received at his office, from a Sergeant
at the fort. describing the horrors of the
massacre. It represents that no ono escap
ed; that alt were butchered and scalped;
their bodies gashed and chopped with
knives; tocest!whed,strlppcul of every sr.
tiele of dress, and shot through and
through with arrows,
The writer completes of the conduct of
the Indian Commietioneuw,.ani says they
are furnishing the Indume with gene and
ammunition to hunt with, and they are
using them to murder white men. The OM-
Mal report estimates Ithe DOLPLOOT of IOWILLIP
attacktng the mtessacrod party at 3,000.
Thera are detachments ores: Companies
with five °Meer*, at the post. Their num
bers era -deemed too for, and the treether
too intensely. .cold. to admit of aggressive
oseratitms at present.
PL1.1.11110 AIMS TO TOO 11101•11111--IPTTIO OP
Tho Secretary of War has. addressed a
communication to Representative Schenck,
Chairtnau of the Committee on Military Af
fairs, enclosing a copy eta letter from Mel.
Douglas, commanding at Fort Dodge, da
ted January 13th, In relation to the issue of
large number of arm. with ammunition
to the Klowas and other Indian tribes, and
expressing apprehensions of Indian heath
ties, to consequence. lie says "the anxiety
of the tedious at the present time to obtain
arms and aremradtloa is so grest - a tempta
tion to trade, that for a revolver an
Indian will give ten and eleven times
lie value heroes and fare; Powder
and lead are sold to them at the seine rate,
and their bulk la so small that large quan
titles can be transperted at comparatively
little expense. This anxiety cannot be caus
ed by a lack of ouch articles, because - they
have plenty to last Mane time; but every.
thing tends to 'show that the Indiana are
laying in large supplies, preparatory to an
ontbreek. When the outbreak occurs, we
will see, too late, that we have provided our
enemies with means for our destruction..
General Grant, on the Istllnst. enclosed to
the Secretary. at War a letter from General
Bbeinnan. General Grant says the letter
shows the argent necessity for the Immedi
ate transferof the Indian Beretta to the d ar
Department and the abolition of elan Indian
agents and licensed traders. "If," he. ears
"the present practice Is to be continued. I
do not see any course left open - to ns but to
withdraw our troops to the settlements and
call upon Congreile to provide means and
troops to carry on formidable hostilities
egat.t, the Indians; until the Inelan• or
Whites of the great plains, and between the
settlements on the Missouri and the Fac.eo
slope are exterminated. The course Gen
eral Sherman bas pursued in dleregardltur
the permit of Mr. Bogy and others Is Dietified
Bonnet hint' , to enforce his order
till it is countermanded by tile Preeldent or
yourself. 1 would respectfully ask that
this matter be placed before the Zresulent,
nod hie disapproved of the nate of arms to
Indiana asked. if the rule Is to be followed
that all tribes with which we bays treaties
and pay annuities. .can wooer& Snell ant.
cies without stint or limit, it will not be
long before they will avail themselves to
equip perfectly for war. They will got the
arms either by making treariee themselves.
or through tribes who have such treaties."
General Sliermsu , s letter is dated Janu
ary let, and addressed to General Hancock,
in which be says, "we (the military) are
held responsible for the peace of the fron
tier nnillt Is an absurdity to attempt It if
• I ndian 'agents and trailers can legalise and
eeeouregese dangerous a tram,. I regard
the enclosed paper addressed to Dr. a: Bat-
tertield. and signed by Charles Bogy, W. H.
Irwin, J. H. Leavenworth and others, as an
Outrage upon our rights and supervision of
matters, and I nowc authorize you to die,
regard that paper 'and at 'once stop the
praettoe. If Indian agents may, without
limit. supply Indians with arms, I would
not ealsesse our troops and trelna to thorn
at all, hot we:laid - withdraw Our eoldiers who
have already a herculean 'task on their
hands.. . • .•
. .
• l'Ock. br Cherie. .Bgy r and
'olbors, ad:Lressed to Butterfield Is no fal-•
lows :
Ora;—Yon having requested verbally to
be Informed In regard to your tight to toll
arms and ammunition to the Indians, we
have to state as follows ; You as an Indian
tradersliormeed.. for that purpose by the
Unltedlitatea (tavern:went, are authorized
to.aoll or trade armw and .- smannaltion to
any Hulls:is that ere at peace with and re..
noising annultiser from the United denim
Government. This rule of course applies
to any other regularly hemmed trader us
well as yourself. .
. .
tilllllllllCL,KhlteAte Pahl . -A letter from.
a *either at. Port Phil Kearney says that
the Indiana are still hostile anti very threat.
ening In that vicinity. It was with greet
oinicnity that the bodies of .the vtothas of
the late massacre could be burled. owing to
the presence in the Immediate neighbor
hood of bands of savages.
. .
Ara t II :Vote on the Negoo Puffin*
-111111—Foleoado•of Um Ileasarellach
- Elatior—Pordone42 by Gov. thrown
Nsidictux. February 2.—The House do
hate ots tbeNegro Sulltage bill has closed,
and a test vote wu taken, which resulted—
yeas in, nays 18. Thu friends of the measure
are much.cateiL
Ant/tour. We -Federal noldier under son
tame of death, for killing.
ilreraint:and two necomplioes eenteneea to
twenty years , babrbonment, hero been
partlooal by GOY. Brownlow.
A company of tbeTblrty-rourtn rosin:tent
Merton county today, to protect
Fourth- Page.—Adelltlonal City and Set
burban Intelligence, Fmanclal and Com
mental, River,
Breaking the lee
The two or three days of warmth and rein
which we have had have wrought their co.
sults in the breaking up of the rivers and
their tributaries. Yesterday morning it
seemed as though the calamity whiCh many
have ozpocted as the result cd the long con
tinned and steady cold, and the unusual
amount of snow which has fallen this win
ter, was about to be vislUad upon as in the
shape of heavy floods and wrecked yea.
8018. ' •
On Saturday evening the Allegheny
broke up at Freeport, UM oaring the night
and yesterday the river here was running
full of the fragments. The water was at a
high stage, and continued rising slowly un
til last evening. No serious damage resin
ted from the break up. either here or
above. Ttie steamboat men hero bad
taken the precaution,during Satur
day, to sew the ice free • from Most
of the bouts lying at the wharf, so that toe
peril to the moored cnata was very =uteri.
ally lessened, Three or four data were
staved In, but the local damage wan priori.
pally confined to this. Further up the river
the damage was not great. SeveralnU Hats
wore seen to come down with the. Ice. One
bulk boat, full of 011, struck a Wet of his
Land street bridge and was broken asunder
emillships, the oil flooding the river and
producing on the ice the finest possible
"surface truncations." At latest advices
from Freeport the river was falling, and
the Kiskimlnitis running out Ice very,
Theprincipal apprehension of danger
along the upper Allegheny, id muse of a
freshet there, is for the lumber that has
been got out during the winter. It is es
timated that - the amount. get ont le fully
double what it has been during any previ
ous seasou. Title piled along the river,
awaiting' shipment in rafts. - The average •
depth ot . snow In that region is about
eighteen Inches, and if It goes off soddenly.
the ireabst restating will cause an incalcu
lable amount of loss. •
. - .
At two o'clock Saturday morning. the ice
in the Monongahela broke up and commen
ced running down. '
At Greensboro It had raised twelve feet
at noon, and mu rising fast, with no Ice
running. At Brownsville It had raised five
and a half feet, and was rising slowly with
nine feat ink'. channel. •
At one o'clock, .Saturday afternoon, the
ice broke at Brownsville. At Greensboro
the Ice was gorged from above Davidson's
Ferry to the mouth of Cheat river.
At three o'clock and thirtydlve minutes yes
terday afternoon, thegorge, at Greensboro
gave away with thirty feet of water and the
tremendous velnme of Ire and water rush
ed forward; sweeping everything before It,
Barges, fences, fiats, Skiffs, lumber, fence',
all were hurled along the steam, with the
,lestroylng Ice. At five o'clock the flood
reached Itice's Landing and shortly after
seven o'clock, It was at Brownsvilbr. At
McKeesport the tow boat Arab was run Into
by the Ice and mink. We heard of several
other neeldente to boats, but the accounts
were mere rumors.
- -
On the Connellsvllle Railroad the bridge!
over Jacob'. Creek, eighteen tulles from
Conn ells vine, was carried completely away.
At Sewickley Station, two tulles west of
West Newton, the Iron bridge over Sewick
ley Creek was lifted entlrelyout of Its seat,
and supported by the Me. It WAS hoped tint
when the Ice left the bridge would sink
into ita place without material damage.
The gorge at this place la described in our
dispatches as tremendous and threatening
great damages when the break up shout d
came. t Minton Station one of the trusses
of the trestle Work was moved out 'Displace
hut no great damage done. Some other
Blight injuries were sustained but of no
great importance.
At three o'clock, on Friday afternoon, the
Chartiers crock overflowed Its banks, break
ins up the ice and carrying it In heavy
masses down the stream. It gorged &Albert
distance above, Marmilakl, and inundated
the greater part of the town, doing an im
mense amount Of damage. The farm or
Robert Bell suffered considerably. Ilts loss
will reach something in the neighbOrlmed
of Site. The gorge being very Arm ' the
creek forced a channel over a neck of land
belonging to Mr. Ewing, sweeping away
fences, shrubbery, and everything in its
course. Mr. Enintre lons will amount to
nt,ont I d . Mr. John McClellan also auf
tared to the amount of about one hundred
dollars. The principal rofferer was Mr.
Thornburg. whose farm lies along the
right shore of the creek. The gorge forced
the water across Mr. Tbernen rg's farm, and
a channel of great width sad about three
feet deep is cut across the Land. About sev
enty acres of Mr. T.'s farm are covered to
the depth of ten feet with Me and debris.
Wm. Burroughs, the tenant occupying Mr.
Thornburg', land suffered severely. 111.
house was lenundated, his furniture badly
damaged, considerable damage done to
Co. which was still in the shock. Mr.
Thornburg's loss will amount to hetween
$l,OOO and $1,5u0. Roddy Patterson, Eeq.,
whole land Joins Mr. T. s, infrareds-Lightly.
On Friday night, at about ball-pest nine
o'clock, a horribly mangled body was dis
covered on the track of the Pittsburgh.
Fort Wayne and Chicago Ra ilroad, by the
watchman at Neville Station. Two trellis
had passed wit' only a short interval be
tween, and it was impossible to tell which
bad done the frightful" work. The corms
was cut, mangled and crushed out of ell
semblance to humanity. The fake was so
torn to piece', that not a feature could be
dilate go lobed; the body was crushed to
fragments. and the limbs wore cut into
short Mecca.
On his person eras found a paper, on which
was written "Wtn. Y cGilvarv,- St. Charles
Rotel, from ten to two, r. a., January Mil,
Mr. lictillvary le the proprietor of
an iron works at Sharon, Bearer county,
and was at the St. Charles on the day men
tioned. engaging laborers for bin works.
It in presumed the man killed was one of
those employed, who had started to walk
to Sharon. and had been overtaken by the
train at the spot where he was found.
Later: another paper was found on him.
from which it appeared that his name was
John Matilde. J °enema. The remains were
removed to Mayor Morrison'. °Moe, in .M
-legheny, and during Saturday afternoon
the friends of John Matthias Johnson, re
siding in Manchester, having heard of the
accident and of the papers found on the
person of the deceased. visited the °Mee.
ay them the remains were frilly identified.
Yrs.' daimon, the wife of the unfortunate
man, visited - the corpse, and was DO over
come by the terrible sight that she fainted
and fell to the floor. Sbe recognised bee
husband by the pieces Of clothing. The sur
mises occasioned by the finding of the paper
were correct. The defeated hail accepted
employment at the Sharon Works, and was
On his way thither at the time of 416 death.
Coroner Clawson held an Inquest yesterday
and a verdict of accidental death was ren
dered. Deceased was about forty-flve year!
'nr age and leaves a Wife and several
The ..11T•Nry."
The Lender of yesterday, records the ad
vent of a' "mystery" la A llegheny la the
shape of an Incomprehensible epeetre which
appeared to haunt a terror-stricken night
watchman in that city, and asks for a aoln
than. The apparition appeared, an we have
learned; to the watchman on the lower beat
in 'the Second ward, on - Weston', avenue,
near the lead works.. At.abont ono o'clock
on Saturday morning, a strange object was
seen approaohlng the oMcer from the direc
tion of the skating Yark. At first be paid
little attention to it, but as it came direct
ly towards him, be looked st it more curl.
Gusty. , A large don which ompanied the
emcee went towards the creature, but be
fore netting close to it ran howling away.
The object came closer, moving on all (ours
and sec it got tolerably near, reared up on
Its Mud legs and walked swiftly towards
the night gauntlet. Alumna, the omrer
flied two shots from his revolver at his vis
itor, and then ran for bls boa without wait
ing to witness the result. The result pro
belly was itu 4 a pet bear whien belongs to
a gentleman in that vicinity, and which
had got loose that night, rodelva4 a palatal -
Tbe Elea.
• Janie. Reed. or Alleithend J , has an unfor
tunate way or getting tigh Six times re.
curtly, has he been before btoyer Morrison
to answor for his extremej intblbition. On
the occasion of his third vllothe was unable
to pay the !Ina Adjudged 'dialled him, and
loft in the Slayer , s hands a silver "bull's
Aye" watch as security for futhrepayment.
The next •two visits found him is the same
predicament as before. and the amount of
the fines was charged against the watch.
On Saturday night he was drunk again and
acting In a disorderly manner at tlproulPs
fir.lawrene6 tavern, on Federal street, xxr
the Second ward, Allegheny. Odle. Cusp-
bell, of hoe day pollee ' arrested him and
locked him op for a hearing. Yesterday
morning be had a hearing and was fined as
usual. He managed tri ecrapotogether •
but left
andlelent amonnt to pay the
his watch still in pawn for arrearages. •
Gaye Ball.--on. antoriar_ Margaret lita.
ham came to the office or iildermela num,
bert and preferred a charge of malicious
mischief .agalust J. L. Wain. The depct
rent states ,that the latter dW, withal:nu.
helous .intent to do horse Injury, destroy
and totally demolish a beautiful *wpm, e
belonging to her which had been
'some time since I n Moran% bands far safe
keeping. The defendant gave bait in the
earn of tiro 'handsel dollars km a bearing
. 01/ WeilfeNelay glen,
Had AOlahr—lus lo'nener Youth Commlls
A most painful tutair Occurred yesterday
Morning In East Blrenlngbatn, resulting In
the death of a young man named William
Gelsenlanahter,..resiiiing with his father,
Henry Gisixerflerichter, on Brown street.
The deceased was 'seventeen years ofage,
-and has been for a long time sick. Recent
ly he has had the scarlet fever, from which
he was slowly convalmeing, and which had
affactedhis mind, Producing depression of
spirits amounting to mild Insanity. Yes*
terdaymorning his inOther, who Is a Pro.
fessional nurse, left lila at tIVO o'cleek, In
the care of his father. At a little before --
eight o'clock, the father left tho sickaon
and went down Into the yard to get some
wood. While in the yard he heard the re
port of a gun, and running to his eon's
chamber. found him lying on the floor gasp.
ing In the agonies of death. The gun, Just
discharged. was laying agidiut the wall.
The father' immediately ran for help, and
Dr. Roberta was sommoneil, hat life was ex
tinct before he arrived. Ihe enema
from the gun had entered breast,
mussing almost directly through the
heart. A very large hole had been pro.
duced. inducing the belief that the gnu was
loaded with shot as well as ball. Ine gun
had been left in the kitchen, and the de.
conned allot have urLsen In his father's ab-
Bence, gone down, procured the gun and
taken It back with tam. ,it was evident
that he stoat with the mer.olo against, Isis
breast and oulled the - trigger with his too.
be falling backwards and the gun fulling in
the position In which it Was Mond. Coro
ner Clawson was summoned and held on
Inquest. A verdict was rendered to the et.
feet that“the deceased came to his death In
Eat Birmingham, on the 3,1 of February,
by a gunshot wound inflicted by .111mseIf."
/tr. ,Gelaenlectiter, father of the deceased,
Is a miner in very good circumstances. The
son, aswohtive Bald, has lon glabored under
• deep depression of opiate, the result of
long sickness. He has several times said to
his mother that there was no use for him
teller, any longer, as he was only a burden
to all hut friends. -
Disorderly Tow= .amerbraws.
Yesterday morning at about four o'clock.
Aeonsiderablodistarbance wits observed to
be in progress in the little box belonging to
. ,
the Manchester Passenger Railway Cow-
early. and situated on Federal street, Alle
gheny nearly opposite the Railroad depot.
Thia bowls occupied by, boys employed by
the Railway company. tOattendlto thu ex ire
horses used to draw the Cara on the np grade.
Ofticera Patton and Frank Campbell of the
Allegheny night pollee, Investigated the
dlaturhanceandlound that four boys nem.
ml Decay, Stewart, Alcatillou and Graham,
were i congregated' there and acting In a
most diaordlaly manner. They ware arrested
by the officers and conveyed to th e lock-up,
at tbe bearingyesterday morning the young
reprobates wore tined end sent away.
/Stole art Umbrella.
On Saturday evening Mr. T. A. McClel
land noticed Amble Lawson, a man not al
togetter unlmown to the police, examining
an umbrella In his auction store. At first
the proprietor supposed that, Archie In
tended to buy the article, but ¢S he saw him
edging towards the door without ' , settling"
he went out In Search of an Officer... He re
turned shortly after with ollicerJohn Glenn
of the night watch.. They found Archie
there still, but not with the umbrella which
he at tint possessed. Ile had stolen end
disposed of that.and had come book to ateal
another. Wm. Green, clerk for Mr. McClel
land, made Information against Amble for
larceny. Yesterday morning the prisoner
waived a hearing, and In default of ph" woo
committed to Jail for Court.
Fought the OUleer.
Saturday night linker Sicsltilan, of the
Allegheny night. police, discovered a man
named John O'Neill acting An a disorderly
manner generally, induced by particularly
bad whisky, on Ohio street, Third ward, Al
legheny, and preceded td arrest him.
O'Neill resisted strongly, and as the odicer
was tenacious in has purnose of taking a
prisoner back to the lock up with him, a
very considerable right ensued. The officer
got the bettor of his pugnacious prisoner
at length, and succeeded in marching him
to the watch house. Yesterday morning
be had a bearing, and was lined $5 and the
- Jail Ineeadiarism.—The Zanesville
Courier enyin Last evening about 8 o'clock . ,
theist" was discovered to be tell of smoke,
and on exammution It wan found that one
of the primmern had tried to born out. It
appears that the prisoners, after being
locked in their cells, are allowed lighted
candles until eight o'clock, when they are
taken away. Last evening one of the pris
oners tore 00' a piece of poplar plank sigmt
two feet long, from the ceiling of the cell;
this plank be lighted and placed on the
wooden floor,lirtlich burning caused the
smoke. Ithadslightly charred the door of
the cell when discovered.
Aosta of TemperanerAt a meeting of
Lafayette Lodge, No. 11, of Sharpcburg, held
on taursday last, the following officers
were chosen:
W. E. Slurry; W. V. T., Miss
Karr tiardiner; W. S. Miss Little McClea
W. 1 1. o . wtn 8 a . t . etii ; 11 4 -8 . gt e nl r flp
W. IL, James T. Lewis, Jr.;M., Miss
Maggio Englruti; W. C. Wm. Pattemon; I'.
W. C. T., Wm. Ayers; W. 11.11, S. Miss Bugg--
sle Gibson, W. L. IL S. Miss Lydia Kay; L
~ Miss Sarah McClain; O. U., Martin
Ayers. •
Wheeling. rollltes.—The Register BAN'S
The Democracy of this city on hlonday last
took the city by storm." In the Filet
Branch of Council, out of foutteen Mem
bers, but three are Itepublicana, and out of
twenty-three In the Second liranch, but one
I. a ho publican. On ajoint ballot the Dem
ocrats have thirty-three and the Republi
cans but four votes. The city oflicisle are
all Democrats but one—the Treasurer.
Drunk on Stnaday.—Yesterdas - after
noon, a man named Jones *O9 arrested in
%lin Alley bony Dismond,•by °Meer Scott, of
the day pollee. Jones, when discovered,
was Ina beastly state of Intoxication, hav
ing dinrovered a cotcronient bark door to
somebalv's saloon, or else used his own p el-
Tata Sunday aupply of tangle font, with ut
ter want of discretion. lie we., locked up,
• °audition In which he still remains.
Universalist Weir add Testival.—This
Fair and Ye:nivel open. tonight at City
1011. its usual, the Committee having the
matter to charge promise a very interest
ing occasion. Thu proceeds are to be appro.
misled • towards the payment of their
churl% debt, incurred in the purchase of
their church building, corner of Tlurd and
Grant streets.
HIL—A RarranL woo issued by Alder
man Strain on Saturday for tea arrest of
Patrick Curtin, charged th assault and
battery on within Patrick Morley. Marley,
who resides on Forbes' street, in the
Eighthward, alleges that Curtin struck
himbitting elm in the fa., knocking him
down, and otherwise abusing him.
Had for Her Bead.—On Saturday, as
to a statement made by 31ra, Ing
ham to Aldermaci Lynch, Adam Sweltzer,
while Musing the house of the estimable
lady, to the Second ward, threatened to
knock her head off. She made Information
against him for surety of the peace, and a
warrant was Issued.
Thasks.—Our thanks aro doe to W. 0.
iloghert. Ede., President of the Collocate
villa Railroad Company - , and also to the
nue , atom of the Merchants , National Union
Telegraph Company, for courtesies extend
ed to us in obtaining dispatches and in
formation respecting the ice break in the
two rivers.
Paine & Argentine—For instantly
plating all articles of copper; brass or Ger
man sliver, with pure salver, where worn
off, and for cleansing and polishing silver
Or sliver-pplated ware. Warranted to con-
Lain, no quicksilver or arid, or any Wind...
article. For sale by J. Samplo,'Allegheuv,
and all druggists. daltetr
Stole • Sitnul.—Annie Mack tondo In.
formation before, Alderman Johns, charg ,
lug Mary Ann Timmons with lemony. The
deponenantlegns that the accused " atole
front her heavy woolen shawl valued at
ten doll Mary Ann was arrested and
held to ball In aTIO for a further heating to.
Dead Drv■lt.--Ooorge WaUcm, of Al
legheny, was arrested on Saturday night
for drankeunem. by °Doer Ecire of the
night poUce. Tho prisoner was found lying
dead drank on Ohio street, In the Third
ward, Allegheny. Tosionlay morning ho
pad thooaatomary Ono and went Ws way.
gm:sr.—The Wheeling Resrtater to tho
following Ito= There is great complaint
...g the Belmont County, Ohio, farmers
of the 443VIIMULUOUS of nits. The crops are
balmy literally eaten up by them, =II they
wren at
olons. tack young fruit trots en yoeng
Sad acelQe¢a—Oa Monday bust, a boy
named &Milan, aged about len yemn, reatd
lag at GWtan, was dragged about two
mum under the care, and when discoverod,
was taken up lifeless. •
A New Rridgm—A new suspension
bridge over the Ohio, is talked of at Wheel
ing, puke the plasm of the present atruo.
tore,inch la deemed neither commodiolis
Ex-Governor Carney, defeated candidate
for United States Senator In Itanass, at a
recent banquet iris=
.1 - 7 Ids Inends. an
nounced Siarntlrement from politics. claim
lag to hat!! always been radical Imo in ad
vanco 04 the pUbllo aentuaent of Cho State.
I The Dlsturbenee on the (here. plan
-UMWY.-Near' Xavan nAh—Tet e Other
Side of the Story—ii Political Libel
. gait Decided—An Editor Convicted
of Libelling! a Southern Congress.
New Toga, •Tebruar!.• 4.—The Tribunes
special sups: Onna a priVate letter to a
prtiralastit °glad in Da city from d source
entitled to 'full Credence, it seems there la
another side to the Chaves plantation out.
rages in South Carolina than - that present
ed try the Amocitted Press report. The fol
lowing it taken from the letter referred to
The trouble on the Savannah Slyer was
easily settled by General Scott, Commis
sioner of Freedmen. Slime anther sent a
squad of soldier, to a plantation under
charge of an ex-rebel officer and the no
gross took exceptions to being killed by
United States soldiers under a rebel officer.
Day before yesterday a young fellow rode
up and _down King street Charleston. In
full confederate imitorm with at least font
dozen brass buttons on h im.
Two colored orderlies [rum Geri. Seat%
headquarters were beaten one day while
carrying orders down town. They now
f=i3 mikets wherever they go. Bothnia
Ms have been arrested by the Corn.
missioner of Freedmen.
Savassan, February I.—The muse of the
State of Georgia against. John E. liars, of
the Savannah llepablieen. Indicted forlibel-
Eng Solomon Cohen, Cougreastnan elect,
Charging that be was a defaulter, as Post
master. to the Celled State. Government,
Las been deeldel Lya verdict of guilty. The
case excited groat public interest, from the
political Issues Involved and' tee promi
nence of the parties. The verdict is consid
ered as adverse to the rights of ail tiorthera
or Union men of the community.
at Saturday Morn Feb.
ish7. at ',remit. SARAH N . ...eldest
daughter of J. I. end A. N. McLaughttn i
Funtral from the re.idence of her patients.:
No. cl Ch. Clam street. MONDAT. rebruary 4th.
PC% at 2 o'clock r. ar. The members of Trhear
Church mid friends of the family netveralr, am
respectfully Invited to attend.
.1 ililladelphla papers please copy.),
JOYINSON—Ien Saturday morning, Vebrnarz
24, Jtl'SIiltAJOHnbUN, aseededy e ere, •
The friends of the family are inelted to attend
his funeral from sl. John'. church, Lawrence
ville, on IfONDLT. February fib, atIO o'clock.
lIAMLIN—on Friday afternoon Yebinary
at three o'nlock. at her Into residence on Hand
street. Mrs. InidaNN A HAMLIN. In the See
entleth Tear Of her age.
Her vernal.s wa:e taken to Latrobe,Westmorav
land county. for burial.
11UTCIIIIP/N.—On Sabbath, Feb. 30, kt 2:47
r. NE., DaSID ANIMU2 W. son of Dario and Mar
e arnt Mutchlaon. aged 10 Team and :4 days.
Ihe funeral will take place from the realdenea
of Is:. parents, Corner of Blot and 510Te11/0111
street., Tots DAY, (110E1day.) at toi o'clock
Tn. The friends of the family are respect rally
Invited to attend.
'TOWNLEY—On Saturday morning Febrea27
2.d. at hall-past rour welcmk, MARY 1 4 7WALIT.
daunt:let or James and Tatra Townley.
The funeral will take plates from the residence
of her parcels,
,N 0.37 Zaplanade rtreet, Alla
enemy City, on MONDAY. at tl/0 O'elOCC, r.
to proceed to 73111dade Otailetery,' The friends of
the family are reapectnally Invited to attend.
I civir:ll :V f:J 41
sier...susioam - so sax.. ra.
will be ➢resented each eeenting
Will be distributed to the audience at the effort
of ever, entertainment.
' 25 Cents,
ao Ciinu.
Ite.erved Seats....
Famtls Tickets
a-alstautlful l•tioal.prare,` the largest enbur ,
Cane see of sepulchre, except one. In this coun
ty. Instated on blew Brighton told. Immediate
ly north of Alleaheny. For burial lots. permlta
or utlea. cell at Central Drug Blare of COOL &
CLANCY. Allegheny City.
ii.chener. Wood•e Eon and
Corner ■ hadleld and Chartler, streets
Hearse .0 Carriages binds/led.
No. larourth street,
Plttsburei COFFINS
Wor kinds: CittAYELIA' and every de-
scription of Funeral Furnishing cods furnish
ed. Rooms opened day an.l night. Hearse and
Carriages furnished.
• • ..
lisrabziters—ltev. David Kerr, D. IL Bev.
M. W. Jacob.. D.D., Thom. Ewing, Ep. , Ja
e.ll) 11. 11111er. Dad.
371E1T.A..1ELL111313 neramarr
No. 56 Fifth Street,
, OPPOSITE ausciarze HALL.
Baring flied op rooms exclusively for the re
tsirie g of WAACHES and CLVCKd , with good
ools and alone and competent fores of work
men, we are ebled to do work as well. If not
lietter hau any other store ligthe city. Watches
lon for repairs will ceive prompt attsaUott
std be regulated by n or
des 6 Wylie St., 3d door from kb.
Have Hoye Improvements,
.114.ECES Less .roisE, •
And much MOHZ SPZEDY and BIBIPLI.Itnep
creation than any Maculae in the market.
27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh.
intate .
Gas and Steam Fittet , s,
• large assortment of
Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe,
Pumps, Sheet Lead. dtc.,
161 Wood Street, near Sixth.
CMC199.1 3 4 X B .8901 1
- .Pb. 92 .Federat Street,
' co "' 1
Fine Watches, (locks, Jewelry,
/Fro. 274 LIBERTY EMU"
riftttl l llsll2-rib4
rartlemlar attention,
ran ne,'
alenta, Cloaks sad Jewauy. All watt Ina-
Practical Fartdture Mtuadacaiier a
Latut ■tyta of TIIBNITITRZ ookonanUr On.
n4IIII7 "' go 0 )10 WALtrli
First meet. near Mononsadela
n Eutita . lu attention pald to Intylbe Lae tint
Vui w it i r " - UAL
nterePrrpdred to fundeb vreddl th't
MAN *to. Tableaad ny,,d no :Jr eod other
Alecirorubort hotten...Wecr?zavr-.(---
m:rptliTmatteunwderloh.l..aztoati thAeU dretr:
.10/1N E. NURlX)thde