• 1.1, =2l i. .CITY AND .8111311889 N. • THIRD nom Locial;MßO lairt AND ,_ .. . 1.1, z /rills.* Orans.—Testerday the sale of reserved seism sesta for the grand ° its: , lam Opera which opens at the :Sew ill a Malin on Waal, nest, /Vk ;c:f a nd U, WV number were ditelo wi .V . ~ show that the mecca of 00 C.C. Me llor be brilliant. Tana at Sles2r,L ` •''''' , letasln Store, the sale of reserved • 4 :M ccL is far env Of the nights of the Opera ' and we advise all at our "Ader.antUrW led tit:arta' gi:rirc?c: %ewers Y er.es. _.. wren , my proms.. meant cg ti u„ te i. trreat . , I ., ";-; taraltoTab Mummy, we anti places. _. un precedented stub. for favored tams ILmosur Mar.—The lone aki of Vishnu who ttss been holding people spell-bcinnd in his wondfeats of en. emusuoent, WU greeted with an immense audience last night. while hundreds were ' turned away Murtha door unable to gain admittance. The dlstributron of gilts was Innen larger last night than heretofore, as , - , the Fakir is determined te Share withnef " peolde his grea t PrOlP eri .safa was Tlw!bgrrelliss R i Ll: al . ' XY,TI - 3,1* lor Avenue, AneChe by. TOmlght a handsome habraot. end a ' ' Uve pig wit! be the prinetml prizes. Ilan y ' other gifts are °Cared. Go early to get '' ' Winv Omuta ilossa.-4. large, higbl7 IP reciatise, and faahionable sentence greet led Miss Maim Western. last evening, al. ttte ' liew Opera House, she epolarintin Blade. sto es Olsy of Green ilneices• To.tught a ..rto:d btu is offereekand as t tas talented so trey& our rapidly drawing to a theatrololng community should 'r ..attend.. Teo stock eon:Maul ts Tort creel . lent, and reelects much credit on Manager , U tederson, who leaves nothing unturned ' •-, toreador the Opera Liotise a.lirst , close Plato Of amtuteMent. - , - " TusaTez Commen—This place of amuse - meat indrawn:ix good houses, and the man meat unceasing in theiriabors tonight. t -:-Iy. add now attractions. h ballet girls _ still hold forth, much to T h e e atisfactims and apparenetunnsement. of the audience. ... Dick Sande, the great clog dancer, anneals gray night. and is • good big card for the establishment. As the naffed of prleos icretheap we know ot no place of entertain. ' Mont in this line equal to the Theatre Coms ultU4•ol- indeed ofeny which approaches it. ---..------- • A WO/ Denier. . Margaret Fare, living near the outer de • • fstot in Allegheny, - made information before F.; gayer Morrison, on 'Wednesday, chargin her husband, Frederick Faro, with assault (:(I , pd:•ba 0419 -and.. disorderly conduct. She alleged thathe hail beaten her badly, and .bad acted in the most disorderly manner in the house; tearing up the furniture and turning the house topsy tem; °Dicers flues and ScottTrocee , led to the hen. bat - found Oct th e disor derly husband, but only a marvellously disarranged normal:told. Oki - eersCanipbell and Nixon traced the accused ..to a hoesebn'Esst lane and there arrested - 'Yesterday morning his wife came to theoftlee, when the prisoner begged no t d '- het hel. bs t° an t e neali,Age b rA htm. lie even got on his knees to her and wept. Of courts-she-re lented , and the arcing man was forgiven. The matter was settled and they departed together. BM . Jaattie Ammon.—Sesterday, Justice Ammon of Bomb Pittsburgh, corn utitted.lotM Peru:antler Mien, to default of a o,o:tined, to keep tne peace toward all men. and more especially towards Henry Shaffer. the complainant. — . Henry Lemming made ecomplalnt before the same magistrate, against Thrones Heu ai ry,for surety of the peace, the,delendant was commilzedin damilt Pretencelt—Lowis Myers inmis an , information before Aldermen Strain gest. , daT aXalnat Dexter Lamer for false pre. Lances. The Darter obtained board from Lewietothe extonntof eSLOO on tbe strength _of alleged remittances expected from Ger. ~ - maimx.. Hope deferred ma in f o r m a tion of Lewis sore, brace the for ' fraudulent . pretences.' d. warrant was' is. .E.Wlnnslea—Thomis J.llhontan. mas yes terday released from prison on • hall. Be , had-been ; committed on a surety or the WWII Charge by Justioe Barker,. of South Pittsburgh. Henry Ochme, committed some days J since for.assanit and battery, by mtice Arent, or East llawham, was yester• day released on bail. ail. . NM Belsonstratiessesterday, Acting as ,sietant District Attorney rhscir, left The city tor Harristmrg, with b ill mo wtrat the postage of th now before • the - House, creating the office of Aasistsat District Attorney. 'rho remonstrance web signM.by ffitagreat majority e igh t y lawyers ol the clty—numbering over names. eteldeas..,Testerday ernoon %young ladY. whose name we.. not ascertain. 1 1 117Ped, ea she was pass'' along /UM street; neai-Fcmrth, and 1 to the. pave ment, to cakin g her ankle. She was taken up and carried Into a house • ear by, where she received proper =ea. treatment. Drunk In Allende —May or More . son yesterday disposed o . common' , case. A drunken man. far adv • - ced In the ataganof “gcmenesar who was Pic (Atm on Federal street. lie was fined and 1 rated ...Yeaterday morning. , . /leaving—This morning. at ten o'cl ire i he.aring will be given by - Mayor McCarthy In the case of Wm. Adams and John. Rev z tteis.eharand with the robbery of the Great eatern dun Works. .aldersaala Strata yesterday • issued a warrant, for the arrest of L Wagoner, for thresieulnig to ent'open the head of George NEW AD 89'89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 MARKET STREET. - • ecTiv 'FL COM 33 SS, 89 Market Sired, AND GET TOM& BOOTS SHOES &C, s S ATM CHEAPEST AND' BEET =or Trcin c3x.r,r NO AUCTION HOODS KEPT. JAS, ROBB, 89 Market St. 1 89(89;89'89 89 8989.89:89' 14.1“1111. . . }MAIMS DMUS AND IPIERY STABLE 410 Penis Street. DUN & rrrcateN, Proprietors. ----Alirthosittnise• sad carri+PM f.-r.ubp ,l- 1 0, Vila& ;..41.150, Catstsiges Tor Jruttera3l6 Wedatua • Lad tilikA 14 short sottee sad raasom.ble mks. F • - • `..littible Open Day and Night. MM.EWS I.IIBIRICATIVE ~c+dCSINGI~. , A stock of the above Pectins, always on hams; which telly - sell to Dealers, Railroad Commodea and consumers at the same prices as It can be purchased from the maaurseturers, as have bees appotatel Sole /Limas tor Westero Peael. Call and examine It at So.. and . 1.9 tart. t.lalT street., . ' ft PHILLIPS, • len r •lole Agents. New rerza HAVITGINGS. Aron rAx+en.s—rench Desisia, lath Gold TVG LlEBlLA.Biltd—Ponipetan Patterns on prsa TOriffl ""l New Greek Patterns an End Mel 47 11 1 % 44 C8AMPER5—Lace and Munn Pattern orer. d m erk g" 2 " v r. KABSIIALL. " Kt Wood ._..t. • ( . 4EOI/GE szeveri, Candy Manufacturer E ac. III , C.A.N llo:112 Federal Street, !Mound (I"plxi Veto the First Matto& Bulk. i 5101.3 • AtGLIGHISNY CITY. .P./. WAIT b - tplt THE llEsT.—lve . work t 7 Hon. A94V . 0.1 1 ;t1t . • Vili TI OATIMPVitiVaiMis th.crxs T h_, AKt s t ., yrs olltuLhp, O.AUSES m A i Iie, Zrg 4 tre . thettli ' lg ' hlih - 111:4::•rfiLim , g i rs t 4g, :::„,cd ell mho tbe i mnns lr ATIONTLVIIITIVeitt tt %P. fa?:t4ftor*lalfl4"'"4.6.‘ 11"kipb,.. plAltiOS I PIANOIII I—An entire 1141117EOCUOIKNIZO. 41 17 . 1AtioS. Iffl high ;. 1111(rp. nrInZATED ••5 Persons In want Ot t Ent e4p`p`l~, rePfarensvp=tillitelnem• BELT. a co., . Anchor COUGH Ming, Pittsburgh, yeirerriaras Aiicuoifit. saiowkisLisllKETlNClPl. • ANCLUOS (C) BUWL S. Andl3Llllllo.- ' urrilnao ----•- •011181DIELIA 6, isitV&Trllitrial bes = k ge "24, etterere prepared' to le rule h Wedding and other ra parties .erith Telifeatet Nand Itoottets. /lam :=l.l,...ll.4rarZruottoei.ll.tosnAlllsoordfor -r.htlyttg..delrthere roe to the Ureen. tge4 . Juan; a A iuenoca. ROOMI9 . 3UTERULS. tinsient, Pitch, Pdt Parattlese Flarniah And Black Paint, annwnente lac Oths7 ho iv% w.. Us country, tir , nor. IBM a CCM ••• weltb WINDOW SHADES—A new lot it anwrand beantlfqldedirns on Green, and.BuStimanda and-Panted kW. der% jio.lo7_llartst. , meet. Pcal a. manta a Ase. _ • rel3aEUrZ, Banker and Broker, ffd Wood Bt., near comer of Fifth. bought nc p so t liooan o b e G r o te e rmm.e Bonds • London and Continental Exchange sal at Sew York Yates. Gold, ?flyer and Coupons bought at high est rates, and Gold Drafts tuned on New York. - FINANCE AND TRADE. OTTICE Or TEI PITTSBURGH GASZTTI., THUMADGT. JIIII. 11,1847. The New York stock quotations to4ay, u ;reported by Itobinton, IleClean Co., were as follows el Gold, 13 4 14TDIltf: Eighty one bonds, 10734; Five Twenties, old 107 X; Five Twenties. '6l. 101%; Fits-Twen ties,: .new, 10114; Seven Thirties, 101%; Cleveland d Pittsburgh, 77; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne a • Chicago," 943 k; Erie. SQI Stieliigan Southern, Gpjf,; Chicago and North Western, Ng; Chicago and: North Western preferred, GI; Chianti° and hock Island. 93N; Western Union Telegraph CO, 0%. One report from Washington is to the ef fect that "lir. Bandallts bill to create sinking fund and to retire the national cur rency, cannot pass the House, as there ore two members who voted for It In committee who will probably oppose it when it comes up In the Douse, on the grounds of Duane diency at the present time. The Committee On Finance of the Senate have not arrived at any" definite conclusion on the subject of the Gold bill; and, at preeent.there appears " to be but little disposition to interfere with the polyether the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject: , —The receipts from internal rovenue on Satunlay amounted to 1115.50,1100, making a total of nearly $.1,500,000 for the week. The aggregate receipts since July 1,1806, up to - this date inclusive, reach the sum of 1 1181.- 131,711 CO. It will be observed that the total receipts for the week era an improvement "op those for the previous one by consider , ably over $1,050,(0). The receipts have not yet reached, the daily average estimated. being influenced by the present agitation of the tarDl bill, and the degree of unser. tainty attending It. It is believed that the receipts from the several cities In which Investigations , in revenue matters were largely made by offithal committees will be larger than formerly, COnsetitient upon the result of those investigations, and the measures taken for the protection of the p chile Interest. la this respect. —We have received the report of a special committee to the Detroit Board of Trade, ou the currency question, In pamphlet form. The sentiment of the committee Is embodied in the following synopsis, which, we may add, represent the views of the great majority of tho western trading classes: "Gree ry nbacks and National Currency sat- IsfactO. and shoufd not be destroyed. circulating medium not .re .redu nd an t.' Tbe the present situation immediate resump tion certain disaster. Let itcome when M. balances on foreign trade invite It. Reve nue of Government, under existing laws. over SNACCO,ON) more than required The i certain road to speedy resumption wthout injury or disaster,. higher tarifrou imports and a reduction on Internal Revenue taxa tiOn. The public debt should not be paid by the pment generation. In favor of a free National Ranking law." • Wo endorse the recommendation for are. ductioe or taxation, and concur m the re marks touching the public debt and a free • National Banking law.—.Nhe lock Shipping Lisi. pirrsEvnou MAIIIITES. 027101 MI Ms Pry/ January Hatay-Ha Trrunstia.T. anuary 31, 1967. The produce markets present no new Miran' teristics worthy of special - notice. The operations la most, If not all of the . leading commodities, are of an unimpor tant character, the demand being re stricted. almost entirely to supplying the wants of tbil - retail trade. • GRAlN—Wheat Is drill. and there is not . enough doing to establish quotations. Corn is dull. b ush all sales, in store, at 75 to SO. Sale 01 MO Oats, to arrive, at 47; small sales In store. at 50 to 52. Barley la in de mand ate° for No. 1 Spring. Prime.erina " I t irin= la tlra i :Ett gr. little weak. but prices are nominally unchanged. We continue to quote at 1171,0 to 4 50 for standard Spring Wheat brands; 9113,50 to 11,53 for Winter Wheat; and $ll to SI7,M for fancy St. outs bran. atil gam L ed at 47,75 to 69.00 d, perßye Flour bbl, and is Buck -1 wheat at 63,60 to $3,73 per cwt.. PROVISIONS—SaIes of WOO lbs thouldars at. 113.4 to 12 and ZOO lbs Sugar Cured l l ama at Icy, to 164; IS tierces Leaf Lard at 4to ny.,. Mess Pork 10 dull, bat heletvery Melly °afore:ter quotationa. OlL—Sales 01.45 bide No. 1 at 61,10 to alai. and R ibis No.-2 at 87 to 90. Demand fair, and market steady. Y-1.0 in better, demand, and armor, butot notably higher; rale of 3 car loads, 4 prime ed. at $2l. --- 114 4 a BU RBr-There is a' fair demand_ for prime Roll Butter, and we can report small 1 sales at 30 to 33. EGGS—Fresh Packed . in fair demand, and but very few in market—sales reported to day at 50 cents, and same price offered for more. ASHES—S*lra¢ but unchanged; sales of 25 ton. Soda Ash at 51y to 6, and 4 tom Pearls at 14. APPLES—In steady local demaod,and we can report sales, in store, at 41410 to 6 4 ,5 0 per blOl, as to quality. POTATOES—Quiet and unchanged; small sales of prime Peach Blows, in store, at Mt per bush. SEEDS—Flaxseed is in demand at 69,M to IMP, and but little offering. Timothy Seed quoted at 4I to 43,25, and Clover at 96 to ..„ ... , 0 1011.1.ED_FRUIT—Dull, with a supply con. Warship in rarest of the demand—small sales at former quotations. BEANS—SmeII sales prime at V,75. FIG LEAls—Sale of TOO pigs at ley. prrrenvicanpramois.cra Orrtok or wax PITTBDITsan Gamer., Tumointt, January al, /3M. I CRUDE—The market remains in pretty much the same condition it has been In for some time post, dull. and weak, with -but comparatively little offering, and not much disposition manifested on the part of refiners to contract ahead at present prices. Smith's Ferry oil fs !selling, on the spot,at 7 to IX, Dockage. retunred, and II to 13Ii, packages included. and for the present: these may be regarded as the extremes of the market.. We can report a sale of five thousand barrels, Venetia° oil, for March, April and. May delivery, at 133.4. and we are cogrdra ne other •offeehavlfig been made to b o ltlionted anionnt"for mime de livery, at same.price. On Wednesday; we heard of a number of offers to buy at et. to-day, appeared to be the best offer, and these are not very many buyers even at that. ILEYINED—There was not a Single emu tion In bonded oil to-day—indeed, so is, as e have been able to learn, there b as not been a single sale this week. There were tome transactions reported on iloadday, but there were effected on last Saturday. On the spot, quotations may.be fairly given at 21% to 22, on cars here, and 27M to :21, de livered in Philadelphia, and white thereare but very few, If any, refiners at present willing to yell for these. thrones, yet, we are assured that they are the best that can be obtained.. March may be quoted at 305; et for April; 32 for May; 33 for June, and :I:llVagietlfufb.nged -111es of standard attg ourramr. isvz-emocia lIARKET Om 01. OP Tim PtrrissrsouGarerry, i TiIuaNDAT, Jam:Lary SI, 1837. Themarket for cattle was quiet, though somewhat dreier than last week, in copse • quence of a Molted supplyi and light sull y" and in'the aggregate/the transactions were comparatively light- There ,d,re het veryfew good cattle on sale, and while 84 to Bi 4 cents are the highest prices, retorted. we &recognizant Oran offer_ of 8 Cte for the ?elf= go P i w c h k ri! = l i e ir e t. l o o tte a rnit n ai that price and refused. The Philadelphia buyers bought eparingly, and only at low figure., while solar as we could learn,there was not a single_representative from either Bal New York or timore. lied there been a big run 4)f stock, the market this week would -undoubtedly have been the hardest of the season, :is the advice' from the east were quality most unfavorable character. Tha of the cattle on side was Ulte rior, generally irpealfln g, and while good to prime grades sold without much didiculty at full prices, common and inferior cattle,' as has been the ciao for some , time past, i saleabl e. & ril l s= I t r i . 7. e:a e h rf e l li 'l P ctllMl n l; tow* and rough oxen, sold at aN to 5 cents, 'Mile, as we have already stated, eight eta .... gored and refased . for a car load of •--' . . . BLUME, t/Ca4a "Mb street.' r The receipts of HSogs wohae. ve been compare. Lively 11,0 tit this weeir, and with • fair. de man "IA Aerated supply, prices, 000 r paked whales% week, have advanced fully WO/ neat per Donnd, and we now quote at t/141mM, satanstrel to 63.51ner week. oav, pers were not disposed to op erate very rogralieginu that there sem no margin between hero andthe east—yg 40 744 here. while 7 21,_te cenie, la all that Cain be obtained in sew York. Gilehretst CO, berWht a r = et 7 0P MU° for Philadelphia,. end '024 at ra', to 7 for Baltimore' Binger& Imhoff bought MO fol Philadelphia at 7,37 to 1,1 t; and 370 Co, r t ° 475 4,7 t glagr " 8 at 6,20 tO 7,25. phis, The inuket tor Sheep daring the catnip . part of the wee& was Ann, with a dela ad in excess Of the supply. and prime ruled i a,,,co higher than last week, but slues then, ander the hareem of Inereued wall, the tnarkat was a shade - easier yest,, r . day and today, and prices, although no. changed Were barely main load. Elliman & Co., report having bought during the week about WV hewn at 515 to e% and Beg.; ear bought 15 car loads In all,at prices rang. .Lug from a. tO Crawford k Comm fold • 6 e ,...e dr0v nt.. .3 . averaging 95 Ms, at a r it n :C:: , o 7 - =port:CM isea.zB or cyrrce . ..,r.. 'Marlyn Jer.3ltlS.a. Slog to liathawar 6S gt o lt,M,Fe h g, ' 7, 7 tit H/ : same 62renl'rlce. Dona t 9 sj9t4' ,ague c. Co. 71 ead, weighing 7 4 6 0 90, ';• ,- 71...9.20' licArdle 72 head,weighing,ll,6,,a, ..,..,,u.siunthor to Selzer .47 bead, welg., ,s 4 .2275, at (94. w toKlemen 1 CO. 9 lletz 1, weighing maw, et al% . . -- ff or to 2doradle 52a !lead..3re gbingl9.sA .104. TaffertY a - ,' , 3.-to Sam ten 15 head, we seang 17.3.20,15 t On p.t. Haslet' rood & Cato Kiemen 18 bead, weighing 2 0,950, et GS:. k lr t e o Toting 19 head, weig*ni pg 18,925, at ,4.iVirkersham to Shambezg. 12, weighing %Am. at 4%. Huff to Toter 10 head, wrdgb tag 9,500, at 5,35. Carpenter to II 'Magas IS head, weigh- Ing 19,450, at G. Smith & Taira sae to Voter G 3 head, weighing 71,500,.nt 6y. Smith d Talmage to it:lieges 19 head. *Neighing M. 4Z, VA. Kellev to Phlllips 17,, weighing 17,- 750, et 6. ThOtapßOn to Mamma 18 :send, weighing i 19,075, at 5. Phillips to Schrlinp 30 head, weighing 40,825, at 0%. Sheller to Philips 15 head; Weighing 12,9.441 414.. waif to crease & limn 10 bead, weighing 24.,190„ at GM. Par tridge sold Meardle 2 car loads of common Ohio stook at 5. . Dew York Financial dia Nrw Y oae, January 3L—ldoney steady, at C 417. Sterling dell; 851,4365(,. Gold a shade firmer, opening at 13t74,. Government stocks without decided change. Freight to Liverpool dull and lower, with engoge. menta of 15;000 bushels of corn, at eta per sail. There was a better feeling . In financial circles to-day, and the disposition to sell won less marked.- Stooks opened dull and drooping, but improved at the regular boards and closed quite strong, especially on Erie, Southern and Northwestern. Ore• forted. The tollowing wore the latest gun. tattoos: °bib Oortiocates.`-'14111;i: Western Union Telegraph, 41%41:J4114; New York Cen tral, twx97, ex-dlyniond; Erie, 1E'40 5 :411 Godson', 127; Reading, 10:11.4404; Aitchison Central, 100;401108; Elttsbersh, 7r.31; Toledo, 117; Bock Island, oWitt2ll4; Fort Wayne, % 6% . 14: Northwestern, 33%; do. preferred, 133%;_Wahosh. 41K; Old Southern, .7140271. Governments are quiet but steady. Coupon Five-Twenties of '02,10774; 470.'64, ior.N. do. now, , 65,104%; Treasuries, 10154; TemForkies, 99:14,• Ohio Sires, 1070, par: now Tens, IS. Gold weak at 105%. I,llAns sharps are firmer: Gregory closed tweak at 410,$1; Cory don, 67,70; Smith and Farmiee, SS,IO; Gold $4,044,0; American Flag, $1,10; Gun nel, $l,lO. New lurk Produce Market Slow Yong, January M.—Cotton dell and drooping, sales, tM bales, uplands mid dling at 14. Flour dell, 1561.5 c lower ' re ceipts, G 313, sales 1,600; sunerline Sato and Western, 49,1069,73; extra - Western, 11111611,- 2.5; Shipping brand IL IL 0. 910,W611,75; trade brands, $11,84913,30; faLley and extra Southern, 413,30616. 10 key nominal. Wheat dull, 305 e lower, bales 7.0 00 hushed!, No. l and 2, Milwaukee at $2!20, and 7,010 be. No. 1 Chicago at about 82,kt. Rye dull and heavy. Barley, 0,000 bushels 4 rowed State at 16,03; and 19,U00 bushels Canada West, free at sous. Barley malt dull. Corn un settled, reeelpts 2,6/0 bushels, salex, tr3,OOD bushels mixed western store, 0.056 LWe afloat 41,13. knits lower, reeelPts, els; small sales ofWestern butt , ile. 1 Um. oerl. dull. Petroleum dull; ;nude 19. lined, ln bond vow. llopn gait% at 1.4137. Pork stead_ but less .tlvel sales VA* hots, at $19,7569.1.5010r new mess, crowing ar 9.11,77 cash for acstern; 10,4419;n for old mess, closing at 910, cash; 910,69611 for prlo2o, and 419er0 for prime 01000; de,. US for new mows; 999,3;621,12 seller and buyer, Febre ary sod March. Reef heavy; setae 400 hbis, at prOVIOII9 prices. , Beef llama Ilrm,• sales I,bls. at µl63s. Bacon ipderd salsa '270 hos, at 16%0 for Cumberland Gut; 12e for short clear, and 1135 e for short ribbed. Cot goats Item; sal. Mu plot+, at 3116 9 14 e for shoulders, and 1061251 e Inc 00010. Dressed Bogs drama, at. 0.410,14`c for western; fan do, at lee. Lard heavy; 6.93 bid , . at 111 01274 0 for old, end 191.;10Lle arm o, an. tonal/ lots at 111i441Z!‘.. Butter C 1.113.230 Clue... strati CINCINIATI, January 31.--Flour ant Wheat unchanged. Corn quiet, at 35056 c for car, and I"42;site for shelled; not • mace demand. liatt dull; \o. 1. at 51c. nee and Barley un changed, Whisky In fair demand, at V.,25 m toed. Cotton unchanged and dud; mid dling, at 31c. Bogs f1r03,1“..57,50(17,E.1; Co. cei d. pts but 500 head. Provisions rather dull an without any ge of Ortance. bless Pork, at Salakl chan,3r, ihe latter Insp for good city brands. Bulk Yeats dull; shoulders, at 7%11,7 tic; sides, at tr.f.,a3:l4e. Loose eimir Da mn slues are in demand. at 11 , ,iiii 13 ci node. mend of consequence fur stiouider4 or rib_ sides- Lard, at 12c with a fair demand. but I It is dilllcult to buy prints city at less than 12i4c. Nothing done In green meats. There was au crror 1 , 1 the footing. of the pork packing statistics as D es In the Prim Current, which reduces the estimated in creasoto GLO,OCO. Linseed Oil Is m active. demand and prices have advanced to 61,30. Butter and Cheese changed. Eggs, at 330. Gold tinted at 133 buylng,_but lt was bought In the forenclon at 134. No change In the Money market. tIL Loafs Market. So. Loris, January al.—Weather very mild, snow thawing rapidly, and the pros pect of a speedy resumnlion of navigation caused holders or produce to ask - higher price., but high freights induced buyers to hold oft Tobacco nominally unchanged. Cotton quiet; 110 for strict middlieg. flour dull and unehanged, bash:leis very small. Wheat doll; millers standing orf torloner prices; small sales of strictly prime as eiJa. Corn Army and higher, at Wisiliific. Oats dem at 6.s!eitc. ProVlsions hulks ss Peoria sold nage WI. of loose t Peoria sold at 7i.i,c; loose hulk meat to arrive, 7!;c for ihouiders, and 10140 for hams and clear sides. City Bacon{ clear sides, 110; anger. ' cured. barns, Ito decline, and enconistod InA. Liao. liMilic for country. flogs Griner at o..2secrtsi_packing almost . closed for the • =Won, Sig e l/ a ka ...o. y, Wi n iftl,l i. Cams o, January 31.—Money market do cidedly uingent. Exellango quiet. Flour dull with a declining ' tendency. Wheat fairly, &Odra, at #2,13 ,1, for No. /. and 10.81.!411,92 for Tio.2. Coin active at ilijigy ise. lestOa andy. Mata. Pork Ba lls l =cher with sales at 1619,50018,e714. Ba Matta ln good request and bold very lirinlYfaides of Shoulders at 'l%o loose. Sweet nal:01W Rims !MEOW run nest, with sales 5t.1101114. Cumberland Middles steady . , at i... - Xfs./..,r, packed. ; Lard ;inlet' bat !Inn, at' ll)/fil.. tire= Hams from slaughtered LDRISoId st UlffteXc, and Shoulders at gyfc. Live /logs Alm and toad upward; Isles 44,0541 6 .4 0 . Dressed MOO in!igatire request for Aay wont st an advance of 1011.10 on medium and 1/0000c an cholas; market closed arm medium 7,93417,45, dlyiding on =lbs., and 07,T0/0 3 for choice doily weight. ' ! Hana° rtarket.' Burragh, January M.—Flour In matersto demand; market steads., No. 1 Spring CIAO. Wheat nothing doing, Corn nommal at si GB for No. 1, and 00W00 for No. L. Outs quiet and nomirdd. at BNB for No. k /tur ret, nommalat SIO:4IUL Rye pomtnal at rrortalana--tho demand for Bess pork Is moderate at 1.30.:I0 01,00, and 'll9.ta light; smoked hams retailing at 1114015. lard nominal at 130. Bre.ed hogs, the de mand is moderato at, SOSI‘i. Whisky 200, at Baltimore Jllarkoi. fiskymeas, January. 31.—Coffee quiet but firm. Flour unchanged, though nominal. Whilst vary dull. millers are not grinding, Corn—White, $ l,OOl good to prime mired, $1,0301,136; yellow, to lower, miles at tfiejaM. eats, allanee.- Meky—Contraband, $i,75; city aria western was held higher. but there were no Wee. Mess pork, szi. There was an active detained for - heron and bulk meats, but no stock. Lent lirlfierral 32y02 Dry Goods Market. /fro Tour, January. 21--DrY gecnie Th.r get Inactive, with tendenay to laver buy ers at leant one per cent. Extra almount can be more easily obtained on cotton. oath for ten Co Leavy brown lamming 10 22, Bleached inuslin—Yorbet Dale, fallen to lc. and Fountain to :le ;others unchanged. Woolens foreign and Ilotnestic. dell and 10.; little or uo further deelleo entlol. • Philadelphia CaStlrplarlret. Pun. •tuttruin*JTru.le dull. Flour vary dull; Hurtliweetern-brunds $11,e12,:d. Wiles% dull; Penusylvauln red 4:1.0e. It yo 61,11Q1,13. Corn quiet and firm; %ales nf WO bushels now yellow; at 1/70.1,0u. (late eteady at tilCifinc. °rang. and LeILIO44 $ pet bout su.leu of 1,910 boxed. Whisky dull. Now York Cottle Market. , Xsw lona, January 31.—The t attle mar. hut inquiet. BeeVO4—ltecelpte light. liar het quiet and price, Inver nellere. Sheep quiet with moderato reralpta. ler to prime, ire& dun at 4.4 0 ,25. Milwaukee Market. Mat.wicuseiJun.3l.—Ylour dull but arm,' duldu eat Hem dull, porak, at l,e6lrovlesous l. ' at 111. Primo • Lard, at line. pressed Hoge dull, at idep,...z. IMPOUTS 15T BAIIJLOAD. rtrialluaan.lfroa?Wamis 4 Centaao M R. Jancury 313 bx candles,/ Gang wich; 1 car metal A Garrison; 4 bbls 011, D Scott; / Car staves, .2talya a . itobortson; 1 car bay, 14 11eaJr; 1 do do, Campbel a /Down l ; 1 car wheat. Liggett a co 1 bbl l butter, 11 tlddleu 130 bble paper, McElroy & Kart ism; 2 can wheat, Coy, Noble a co:9 kegs butter, 5. 11 Voint 4 00;49 bills broom corn, McElroy a CO;! care staves, Kart le. Iloborsson; IW bbls flour, filmmaker & Lang; 9.10 do do J 1.1 I Doe; 100 do do. 1 car millteed, Kell a Mitch. art; tpars bay, D N Courtoey;J car lime. stone, Bhoenbarger & CaruMaila SOD PlTTeausoil licranota.— Jan nary 91-465 bush barley, W Garrard A cot IMO fEI umber, W W Higdon; 38 bales hay W J Kennedy; 11 can Iron ore, 'Fitment:cr. her Blain bble apples, Lll Voigt a co; 1 bbl batter, . Potter, Aiken a Shepard; 37 DAL paper, Ilostelter a Smithy% bra groce ries,/ D Mayo; 55 bbls oil, 1) Illy; 1 car fire clay, IV Smith;gdo brick, Union Aron Mills; 1 ear bay S liarbaugh a co; 25 bbl. whisky, Isaac Mein; 110 DM, flour, owner. • Prrrciscramr. Coca:rive & .CisolairATl 8.H.. January 211-100 bbls flour, Culp Shepardtl car Iron me, W it nhoenberster; 1 car wheat, Ltggett coy He bbls goer, Kirkpatrick & Corr= & car wboatilarbangh oo; 6 bale. -cotton,Kennedy, Childs ft co; 15 dodo, Holmes, Lien Ace;. /5 bbd. sugar, Arbuckle* a co; 365 busbels eons, Dan /Val. ALLitanzar TALMIT ItalLllol4.—Jaa• 31.- 1 car corn, Kell a BA [chord; 1 car hay, C Reiter; 61. eke oats, J a W Fairley; 1 car oil, but Batineyjrt SS sacks corn. W Koss; 3 bbls butter, J Cad:13111 eke rya; Wm Bingham; 14 pkgs produce; J Dray:net:vs butAter,...l ".y,IIWr" BTATIOII . , 'January car ha Stewart a Co; 1 car ;done, J Shearer; 1 ledeat. Kennedy & Broi bbl :111tab art{ 511bidea, W Flacons a d Son; 133 bdie paper. Pitta Paper Co. • & co .; PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, axrks- PflißLUTTlrratrTior THINOUCNT4III.S. manses., Cards. Letter Neada. Bond.. LIMA.. Card., Diplomas. Poetralte. Certificates of Dapnelts, Invitittion Cardt &a. Noe TN mid 74 Thlrd it.. 1 Itt. 4""136 lOn PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. MARSHALL, FRITIVN & BoLuturi, Oat/ MsaufuUtreza la the West of HEAVY CORDAGE, - Boltablo for Stem sad Coal &nu. HAWSER VIED OIL WELL ROPE. Tarred Ropes for Coal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING,. CIIILKING COTTON. &a., IA. Warehouse, 114 and 113 Water Street, MMI;M; z 4 l'I: 4 : V .:', at'3:ll The weather has once more undergone a complete ehringe. Yesterday it was maid and thasied rapidly all day, and towards evening there was every appearance of rain. it did tho saute thing not long since, and then just as suddenly turned very cold, and it islust as likely to do so again. Geo atallY opeakieg, our people would like to see "G. A's." predictions reallecid—our rivers to remain closed anti early in March. Wo have alluded already to the fact that a line of packet steamers has been formed between here and St. Louis, and we have now , to add that it may , be regarded as a fixed fact. Fourteen boats have gone into it, and operations aline commenced modlittely open the resumption of naviga tion, two boats leaving here every week— one on Wednesday and the other on Battu , day. The board of director" are men of the right stamp, an will be seen by the names Copts. Wm . Dean, J ohn ;Rhodes, Samuel Shuman, and James Bees. The Superni- Dindent, Capt. C. L. Brennan, D a gentle. man in every way onalltled Inc the position and the name can be said of the Treasurer, General Wm. A. Caldwell. The following named boats comprise the Line: Silver Cloud .No. 0, Capt, J. B. Conway; Maggio flays, Capt. D. L. lieu:Dickson; Ezra Yorter; Capt. .1.11. Porter: Lorena, Capt. Sam Shuman: TOrkln.lis Cent. Ebbert; New Yok, Cant. W. U. Comm; Sil ver Lake No. 3 r , Capt. J. Todd; Wan:mita, Captain Thomas Seaman; Kate Putman. Capt. J. IL Lightner: Nate Robinson, Capt. itobt. Robinson; Importer, Cain, John Koss; Armenia, Capt...ll- C. McCallum; Columbia, Capt G. W. Reed; Messenger, i, L espt.. Jesse Dean. In Mobile on Saturday last the United States Marshal, acting under. Instructions from the United Stntes District Atterney, seized all the steamers lying at the wharf for an alleged infraction of the law of Con gress prohibiting vessels from carrying cotton not covered with- tarpaulins. On Monday the ,New Orleans mail boat suit I river steamers, which. arrived during the day, were also seized. They were released by the Marshal after beitig placed under hatey bonds mud pitying the due itepoeal. livisiivitte. Juieuy 2i.-7 P IL—Ens. Con.—The strainer wee cloudy with a light snow falling all day. It is ritoslonalnif • /Be tie. The river is falllug slowly. The into le in tame fields and very heavy, but not so abundant. Nothing hes passed In the shape I of a etearnbent, through the gorge at Dutch Ilend since Sunday. The ice, at timeastop rd r ous i n g there Tasterday.• The Liberty 0.7. and another boat, the gam Parker or Meplutm, pained Mount Vernon at lo'eloc it ,en route to this port. The,Armads is firing up to follow them through the gorge if they [ suceetel. Freight for the South Is rapidly accumulating here. The wholesale houses are crowded with goOds. packed on enters for shipment on the opening of navigetioe. The Poetoftlee Department at Waalungtou bas Just oalered the payment of eaNetin tol Capt. Ed. Hart 1 Co.. ot Memphis, for , the transportation of the mails from Nr.l[llsl)l3' to Duvall's laud', from July, Ina. We take the following from our Louisville ezoliangss of Tuesday : Mr. John Jourdwn, one of the oldest pilots on the river, died at his residence yester day, aged eisty-tive years. Ills arfatonl the rough work of his earlier days has told On. his tonstitutlon, and for years he has done but little on the river. During tne rebellion Ur. Jourdan served as 'a pilot on several vessels connected with the blinslasippl Taln r' ; e arlier ? I ' iv r a r r e r7p= n ing e ng m tii * e pioneers who had We energy co settle the then wilderness, where, in later day." city has been raised. They were the Unite tio. tween the prat and present. May those who are now the vigorous ex -oedema of the present day tie as regretted when they Ire nollebre as Capt. Jortruan wilt baby .11 who Knew him. May the turf rest Dabble wor hietrail as he Mamie on the banks of La Ilene Div/ere. We anriounce the arrival of several boats from lower ports ymterday. all of whlCh have gone into winter quarters at the foot of the falls, and the crew, paid oil% Tido ins cludeS trio J. 11, Ciroesbeek, Kenton, Lida Norwelland EmnieFloyd. The Argosy has been laid up at the head of the meal. The Darling and D. L. Hodge (.2 are at the Portland wharf, together with the Tempest, the letter leering lightened the Darling over the falls It was stated last evening that Captain Chenoweth had determinedto push on with , the Darling for Mem phis. The Clifton that arrival from Uric:unlit! yesterday, reports We Sliver Spray, bound tor NeWtureens, laid up at the foot of Vera; Island. The river was re. ported gorged by lee at the head of eta. Mlle island' last eyeeleg. The Jeftrson viile rein , boats were loathing oomisiciriel trips yesterday, although the ice at tunes was very formidable. All the coal boats and bargee at the wharf, the tow-head soil the tend were silo On to last evening, thoegh still begitt with Ito. riguri ha:erten Mescs tarsr fawn er. John Vaunter was the first settler. Ile nog from Ms parent. (who moldable Deaver county, some fort,' mites (foul PlOsburgh, Pa..) about tee ear HIS, be be ing an uuedecated boy o Some visteett yearn of ago. Ile enlisted and served same hire years In We trailed ((tatee error. De, with several others, were discharged at Green May. when Mier started on foot for Pittabergb,Pa. A great portion of the way tinny m e taled on-an Didier/ trail. Forserte ens days awl night. they Mend no other 1 substertence than Immo nuts and berries. In I Inlghl be was a hand on my keelboats ru n e sing between Pittsburgh. Pa, and Wheel thif:4l'4:r. .nte so .t1:21.1 0 .11. 4 i s ro " ixa m gat. , time untllls3l. when ,toming up on a steam boat, 1 saw his cabin where lie had made a location some years beton, his Ptiel On We ' land where the city of llallude:mg is now Situated. Ile established a wood-ye:tither., which was one of the lint waxbyards 10. cabal above Owner, on the Mlanasioet ricer. Me rendered Mildest service in the Black Hawk. war. E;ui;S~a~++w~~~,'l~ 9 ou.a.issaan .i 144.111. (MI (..1111111111 BARB. IIIiAKF. & BUtaTt,ER, I=l N 0.12 lit. Clair It., Piltsiburgls MEM Pi/MOS, Organs, =1 Leßola Agent, for Dm Celeb•tted IIRdUBU• KY, lirve Tort, and BeIIUMACILER A CO.. Pll.llOll. Mao. mazy t C0..6 •1101TAUL." sod B. D. t 11. W. 2DIITII'II 1.01.- OANB. a0d1111.10,111 PATIENT IJUITAII. Tim bust /Wink and German Vlolla at.d tar atrlats alnafaoa bawl. _alttrto CHINA. W*IIEIIOUSE. RICHARJYE. BREED, xxicPear.wriaxit., No. 100 Wood -NireeL • IIItITTANNI• ANIS lIILVItIt PLATED TA. BLS: WA UM. TEA Tit/LTA and TABLE. !JUT-. LKllYalcus ye on bawl. IIIIIN • TKA nytTn, UIIINA DleiNcuurry, C lIIN A TOILET !MILO, CHINA VA , situ, 1111 I urt I.I . ITTIJOrts, LAVA W ARK y desorlptlon 011111) ItActitTs, LAVA VAldltn, LAVA SCETI "MOIL KNULISII ATONE WAKEor all yartellea, lu .. suit whole.ll,l6nd entail trade. The ararst and most complete Stock or every. Nang In 11l line tn the cItY• t l rlers and tonna the tame.. In the eas tee tern - MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES Vaults, Fountains. Statuary, Vases, DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, =I 'WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW SLIM SILVER PLATED WARE .a. Ck• CO CD TO 13 . M. cszt.rvasi 37 Ohio Street, Allegheny, Irlcc Watch and Clock net...tang promptly at tehOd to. • de15,17 FITZPATRICK & BROTHER. FIRST PREMIUM GOLD PEN SIANUI/ACTIMEIte, 43 IdkitkET BT.. " Ntg i' A d .brnilfgt " 4% 'l 6l3lale ana 1018 itZYAItte.D. eg P o e s r e s e o dt hem t o b f y tmhea l city Oh pr om ptly tr. uor nrp.ar noIMorMIWIr lA,TvrrAcn aAEON, 15110(MnOlIS TO CLIZB36IAN CLAIM, == OAK LEATHER BELTING, go. 11 tltno street, Allegheny City. A 16 0 .11111 'assortment of Belting H. AN 1)"*P21148. eg6l2,lB4i.lng;:.°' • ‘2o l 4 u l s , 0 tt c w lll . l z ll:l47 , c receive. cie!l eg° Prorttlith Fr W AELEGUENT INSURANCE CO. OF PITTIABUILGU.- OFice. No. 37 ruin street. Ban Block. 12 .... 8 Stalin k ell I liolo of 11ra ILLtitte Was. INSITBELNCE , JOHN IHWIN,_3I., ?resident. JOHN V. IiCOOHD, Vtoe President , Age.. DEUCTOze John Irwin, Jr., PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CONPAYY. • OF PITTSBURGH, PA. °Moan Fttth Street. Sagan Block. TM. I. • B•me and ausixtef ey Vlre exclusively. LEONARD WALTER. Pr.ldeet. C. V. HOTLY, VI. Creek.. 1101111CILT PATILICK, Treasurer. BMW U`XLILE.IIY. Dn.Cyan.: Leonard Walter, I 43coroLIV_Ilaeu , ( i . get ß g l :c, Jacob reinter, J. C. Yleirmr, Joeish Mug.; Vocg%l.Y. Copa., A. Arrueou. Henry iiprol, WESTERN INSURANCE CO., OP PPITSRUID3II, ALZMANDES PLR:MK. President. WK. P. lIILUSAIII necretary. • CAPT. OZORGI MICZLI), dextral Agent. thee, MI Water etre.. SOAR * Ware Don. up stalra Pittsburgh. Will innra neat.% all kinds of Tire and Marine Risks. • home Institution...aged by Directors who ant well knowsi to the commonitr. ned who are determined by prompt.. and liberality, to maintain the character which they hare as sumed, as offering the notpeevetto. to the. who Omani to ha Itienred. litesdrona. Alex. ND:ricks Rees JThomas, It. Miller. Jr, C1....ch.. J. Clark, Jame. Meillief. John It. McCune, Alexander Speer, J.Ent•r. Hanna. Andrew SUM,. Josel,ll Kirkpatrick, David M. to. Phillip Reyna, des W W II. I 1 2 . 1111KMIrtit . T. Secretary. PEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. 071101. N. Z. 008. WOOD AND rim" di" A HOAR COILPANY, TAKINII /IKE AND ILLKINS KIWIS. PlZaciOan. • Vas. PUMP., Capt. John L. /Dwane John Watts. ' Inamael V. Sart ear, Joan Z. Parke, Castles Azlonekle, Capt. Jas. Miller, John IP. Kirkpatrick. Win. Van Kirk, i Irrant•li. Waren. Janis D. Verner. C. Ita ) n , ttn Lore .TIPT.LVeed,..i. W.p.Daa JOl t.Wre i4erlien . e j.iiiti y Capt. Jan. litiir Doti. Gang Apt. AN ORDINANCE making gip -40. proorloloo• tor Ms year 1.147' S.Ysog ye I. lie It ordained and enacted by the Mar and C of Pltt. D in Select Aldermen and Commonltleens Connell , . tat sembled, and tt m hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the revenue of 0111401 W. for tho year ISC7, arising Item the taxes, loans and all Other .rrrea, together with any moneys in the Treasury, not othertelse appropriated, are hereby approprAted ter the fodeo lug purpose.: .11M ATM° Ars aorniArmss roe 1641. No. 1. Interest SAO,oOO Salaries 3. Prlntsng Coen 1. Fire Engines and Ilene 2,4000 9 9. Night Police. S. Water Worth 7. Street., , Galt Light I" 9. Diamond Markets " 15. Monongahela Wharf 11. Allegheny Wharf " 12. Weigh Seale, • 1.1. Cantlattunt Fatal Board of health "17. Loans dna and falling dee lc. City Property • 17. UMW...ding Warrants . " lg. Finance Department... • le. Sinking Fund " M. Fifth Ward Market " 21. lire Alarm Telegraph., $74654V) tSTIMAT. or nrrizrra iron 1... Z. City Tax, 16 milts • .173,1X.0 Bussneaa Tax IZO,IXI Water Tax 1,71.01:0 Allegneny Wharf 17,c0u Mononsrahnla Wharf la,oo Diamond Markets Stud Mayor's Ofnce 11,000 Wood and Bark Mcaanring 3u) Board llusnring So Sal( Inspectlng. go 90x) City Gusaar Vab aria LiCll.ll.O 0,18, hiasenger Itallvrays Wotan Scales.-. 3,M11 LOans dna and . !slimy due , Taal. , • Ii74:1:0 nee. 2 That for the purpose of providing sediment revenue to meet the ordinary ex pellees of the city, and pay the interest on the Compromise bawls outOodaol by act of assembly, approved the lith of April. b , d 2 , and the ordinances of Connell., earned In purulence thereof, the rates of taxation are hereby increased shove what in auth or -IXed by former acts of Assembly. and for the yeyr 11 , 67 they Mall be an follows, vie: 1. Lyon ill propertylaxahle for Plate or county purposes ducal mills capon the dollar of 'ideation.. 2. upon sU goods, wares and merchan . disc. and upon all articles of trade and c.o. merce,lnClading sales at auction and oth. urea., two and ono-fourth mills on the dollar. • 1. Upon the actual yearly sales or each and every person or firm ugaged la the trade, business, or occupation of retailing for bin, ,or their b, pleate d ter or distilled liquors,enefit tent:l3llls onfer- the dollar, and on the actual yearly sales of , (met, and every pernon or nrra engaged in the business or occupation of un ono- , tioneer, live Mills on the dollar, excepting ; no. Omo mins of stook. nal estate or 5501150. 1 boat., the rate of which shall he two and 1 one-fourth mills on the dollar. - t. tin the average quarterly hostilen of iforwarding end cointni.sion merchant...ten mills ou the dollar; on the average quarter. I,y business of brokers, banks and hank Mg Lostatztlo., two Mtn* on the dollar; on the average quarterly receipts of insurance companion, Insuranoe agencies, express companies and telegraph companies, live mill. on the dollar . . And it . the above rates the City Asseasor shall asses. the af1.1.1 taxes. eqw. 3. That the rates of water rents fur Itof shall be the same an for lit:G. ' - bac. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinan ces. s 0 far ita the name aro Inconalatent herewith, are hereby repealed. •pi.. 3.1.17 GOVERNMENT MALE. The Properly known he the otiovern men, Toopery dllleam anw MU: . with ty-ateAerea of Land, Weer !Wm Antonia. Tenon -136.A1.111) rltuvots LA .111 reecl red op to the r 1113 T DAT , it H w NJII. £Ol for the peseta. el 13 acres of Land. (Wee or lese,) together •Ills the Bulldlnga erected there- Itn• and the apputtenances appertaining. that Is to ssy. ONE TANN cont.:sling 11 glees 1.1101 Vats, Firty•two Wooden F ate. !levee etcou Pale; and hapale of teatime ls.olAtildee per nent. 0.1111 11TRAH HAW MILL. tArable of awing ,01ofeet of lumber daily. Ottlt 311ALe ETON 11.1)13(1. The shore uttfsertl libelled olwlut ( l itre . above allot t tonio, on the bast Antos.° nod , he allot Is conducted to the cstabllstoncut G (haw. stone lsld l told 10 t. made by t d was he late so•ealied confeder Ivrea .11, and are e stltnalcd to base 00. 4 1 o.loollls la geld. The properly ha bare ender lease fur the year sauce. a monthly res Irani VA paYeble Ira ad• A ilecured tllle e steeple .111 be gives by the United States laverunsent. rrogussla will be mart ed •'Proposals for Goy eratuent_Tatocry ad Saw 31111.” andaddresec.l to J. LI, till/ t/tg,, get 31111.1 en. AWL Cum— floras It. V. A A. 1.., (.11:103 thdtestog, Tel a. A LLEGOENY COUNTY. Ile.—ln 4.0.r00 Court of Common ties. , Nu. Itecembrl Term. MM. In .he m LLLLL of Wei applleailon at tlinTputonla and Los .. Avinclall•in 0 Lawrenceville, for a hartrr or Ineorporattow And now, to wit: pr.. mu, pm& 'file direct Paid writing to ile pied In.. " Prothonotary of Conrt of Common o Pleat In and for mid cunaty, and nutter thereat , . be pnbltehml to oar nrwppappr.prlotrd In the tally of Plltthurgh, and county aforrtaid, for It Moat Oren week.. petting Matti that an liPPli• callus ha. been mmle to rho Mort for thh per. Poseur granting the Teuton la Build:. • Loan •es.tailon of LawrencavUle, • Charter of In. f ai r ttet l x " t n iet d :lll.tr(forrnf anteo exception. heratd will bo l nm ined Illtroper time. BY Tilt CO 21. T. Paoli TOO Mu JACUm., ll tl. WALTYII. f'roth'y. • C'e ll oMel =EI BUSINESS MAN'S - COMMERCIALCOLLECE. Nos, 6 and 9 stSlair Street. ', • Has a Paapetaal Charter. Dank -Keeping. Penmanship and Arithroe Ume anthalted 040 ArlthrueOe and Penman:olllp per quarter of three months, resmiestap, per mouth, lot Clrcelera or Bpoehaeus, addle" ' N. HIIAFFEB.Ar J. F. hiceI.J.I,IRINDS potlrtmon OA K TANNED,PAT P.- , INT 2ITILILTIIII7.II AND FLIVYTIIO • LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, Ninoheturvkat No. BS BINITHTINLD HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Alio. Agouti, for New York Rubber 00. Gi-um Belting. tVA A'n..W4Tsl' ITLITLVVAIr CUP! r Ell RIVILM and BUB.S.LICLT 110010,ete. teignin LOUIS BER t GE O,lARltNanulOc ...tutors ol 1311/1311) •ND & C ntyl ITANUM Wares...mum. try IILiCILKER PICK tiecood Block in est from Broadway, /YEW if . The Pianos manufactured bY krk k.. dotted by all the leauling artists of the conniti for. their powerful, clear, brilliapl mid anima 'tbetle tout; also for their durability aud ousel. last workumiablo Berea octave Rosewood anus, with our (Maud Transit liepeattng Action, starred. laks, ll ud troaratites fo rae years, for pww.l. linot molt :WWl,' BAUR & 111081611, .41XL417.73,XTZ10T1E 3, Burets' of even tothe d“lanleg and buildlng of Court Masao and public building.. rilEi lIIIRRILIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGHIJNS, z ,, mr.rlEs)atrrecit-s, mukviLcrimias cr, AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen IrOn; T 8a11e,16 & 20 lbe. to the 5 - aril; Train Italls,punehed and. coon- tar sunk Boiler,Bridge aid Tank Rivets Cut Nail and Spikes; • Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car It ueels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Arles; i Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled shafting: Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. rail WAJIT.HOUSE AND 011'ICE. 120 Water and 15 Front Ste. BILBIIOII 110U191. Nos. 22,21 and 26 River St., el .Y 5 01110.100. ILL. UNION IRON ELLS, NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. • CONSOLIDATION OF THE "IRON MT TORA/E" •NLE ••DYCLOPS DIOAI CO." O[XITLAL WAXOFACTUEZES or IRON AND FORGINGS, 'Special attelltlOU given to Abe roseinfacture Of Hammered and Rolled Loom*. nye and Car Axles 313.1. 4 0 , 11a.A.MS 383F1LA:147= 0 . ILLILKOA I) (MA IsrLice HAIM Ballrili ' IRON BOLTS, Ac.; LiNKB AND BOLTS, I BEAYB. LIVIDE 6 / 1 10lig OCT/OR/HAL 110I.IAJW WILOUOHT 1110.11 'M; T ANL/ AN6I.T. IRON, AO. =I 95 Water and 126 First Streets; KMMI ~TTHR WORKS, NINTH WARD. FITTeII'OH ATLAS WORKS, MORTO,X . STREET, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMASN.MILLER,President 3,000 4,UUD 10,007 I, 10 These Works are among Mir larrost and most omplsto establlsrmeot to Lb. Wyst, •od ate ow pro- moil to furnish Engines of Decry Description, Boller!, 011 Tank. 'MOM Z) uou 50u 111,t, &I 0.000 Sheei Iron Work, Railroad Ciodings, Bolling MITI Citrtlugr, Engine Casting. Machine Castings, General Gas - tinge. ORDERS SOLICITED, *O3" pITTSISURGO STEEL WORK ANDERSON, COOK i CO., =IS Itaanfaetosors of tte best relined can Stall. Binary, Pitt York Lk-Lagoa, of all lira, Saw Plates. Hwk York and Slaws Cast Steel, Can Steal for Reaping and Blowing Machines. srincr ;mow *mem, siquass; LZ Lxis atlicoLaga. to Cart & Comma's Plough & Spring Steel, B 011.4-Cant. 'or TIM .4 Eassots<4l4, two ••••• • 1.4.• the Monongahela no.. Catri KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. strronsoii,TlLLSl3 St CO., limearAnners of IAo dlioneut dies of Round, Square, Flat and Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate. Tank and Salt-ran Iron, Sheet Iron, die,, &c., U. Works. PITS TOW7e8t111", on Manania.baLa river. °Moe and Werenonse: No. 146 Water St OSFSGENT SEEIEL WORKS anu,tt. BARE & PARKIN, lt•wriacrn.iaa or BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL. Warranted itqlgaf to any In the !tar hat either Imparted or or Do taeetle 2111.1lhketillr•• BrIAILLT. A.TTRiZa:MnupToIINE CUM IMIIM:EMI Office, 38 Wood Street, g-rtLa A ra,rx r & " na t'l4sl:, DUQUESNE IRON AND STEELWORKS & CO., KANOTACTCRILAS OP Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. USING AID A. B. BUM, tO., I=l Mgrs. 77 .V/V Tailor /tree PITTSEIIIIIGEL HARDWAItE. B. WOLF. .IE4 &CO., Hardware& 0 utlery. Are now receiving large additions to our enact ertach Is ottrre4 to Vellum at SLAJSTXIIELD7 Z . 1 .1124033111111. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Ste., Pitt aul=rwrish, 3Pai. .131k71 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Natter' Street, Ninth Ward, 01 . 8081 TE UNION IRON MILLS, N.3M.TO 13MT11.423 Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings UMW LID rtniNGS CILIIPALIL 'Orel ■ prumptly laid carefully executed. 011.1110Z3 R&LtiONLIILX. • EIUIERT & MACHISMO WILMA BOILER warms. MORROW & BLUNUILL, A 0 00 V 00 ICASMTACTORISIS Or Steam BoHero, Oil Stills, Agitators, Tank.. Salt Pans, Gasometers, Wrought Iron Bridges, Sheet Iron Work, eke., Age,, CO% LIBERTY AND SECOND piTvirs vrierr, P 4. REPAIRIN4I DONK PROMPTLY. -myiebl iIiTINCOTT MENU No. US Water Street, hulmrAosoutne or P,L i TENT USOUNIP, PATENT TEMPERED, PATENT fOOTHID MULAT. juip Ati. ~,.:5 B LACK DIAMOND ISTMIMMaS 9 7 4I = IO PlTl!lHOittilL IA. Mini" BEM QUALITY 111.1WID OAST !TZIL. Sonar, Irlat and Octagon, of as aloes. War. atm d cone to any. Imported or manntactstred olds cons trr. °ease and wareltonaa, No. 1111 and 15121114, Sad pi &Mad Witt& ritlablritn. La T. MANUFACTURERS. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL BD TIM CARROLL & SNYDER, 111AATMACITTIIIIIEI OW TUBULAR, DOUBLE-YLIIED, TUBULAR TIBZISOX 4% CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AliD OIL TANKS, czahnam, BIL&HCHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- . . . . . . _ • DEN SERn, STEAK PIPES, GASOMIL TEES, AND IRON BRIDGES, PRISON DOOII.9,LND COAL SHUTEB OM as and Works earner Second. Third. 'Short cad Liberty Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. agrOrders sent to Ma &bare !Wens will be Deemptli attended to. •elt:inl SHEFFIELD SUM MIS. SINGER, NIMICK & CO BEST BOWED CAST STEEL 801111, TIM LND OCTAGON, 01 AIL RH& DILLS, MULAY, Ciazimas, o..ra AND CaOSIS CDT SAW PLATES. =lame ►ND arau-naarno RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Hpring Bled., Cast and German Plow Steel, PLOW WINOS AND 110W/11 BAWL SPRINGS, RILES AND STEEL TIRE, ISIOXI.C.EDILIVEL4 ROE. BAEZ, /OWL TUX CALK •NDAST 11TX11.., CHAW-BAICS. to.. O Warehouse 83 Water St., Pittsrogh, selB k/ - - KENSINGTON/ , IRON WORKS, L.,n, LLOYD ' BLACK, win+ sag or Best Common, I dined Charcoal • Juniata, Bloom Iron, KIROHANT BAR. ROUND A SQIIAILEIIIOI I HOLM BAND. T And ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and 011EET IRON. • ROWER and REAPER BABE CYLINDER .d GUARD OR FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS. WI tad 10 Ito. to the TAN. WROUGHT CHAIRS aad ?SPIKES for .Ame. FLAT BAILS, Pouched sad Could...sunk. COAL WEIRS I1lON: NAILS and SPIESS. Warehouse, No. SS Water and No. M 1 Market sta. Worts, Second street, ILlgalt. Ward. ad- Jotainatelty Oas Works. dlttrborth. aietirla - VF,SITVIUS IRON IND NIAL WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZELL & CO., IIANOTACTURIM OP BAR, BOILER, SHEET IRON NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water &90 Front s PITTSBURGH, PA. * WA du; FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. 8.1.■130, Copying Presses, iVarekouse Trucks, Baggage Barrows, Sugar Mks &c. FORSYTH, TAYLOR & CO., mMtal% 39 MARKET BTRICET. RQ BERT LEA, =I STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Freight Holsters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. teirCutloge or all deecrlidlora nude to order C of First and Fsrry Street === isE FORT P' FOUNDRY. CHARLES ENO NEPHEW. HEAVY ORDNANCE, AND ALL WOMB QV HEAVY CIARYINU_a.,L nougat attention paid to EOLLLNO /KILL ALArr ILACHINEIIY and =MEM HEPALIta attended to prompt] . Lo beretatorg the boot vlll always be need at, thin raundry. ♦dlensg w of our old natter., we aro ..=.4vunder the 10ntorzn ligterns, nat . :, to turnlsh HAIL 111"C"LiLti lil rES ate o bo ' rt Z u l a " . tlee. noank ROSEDALE 'STOVE WORES L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., Manufacture:l sod Dealers to all tlado of Cooking and Heating Moves, HOLLOW 'WARE, &c., "417hIrrigitiraylltrW s. PITTSBURGH, PA. WORKS. al:1118 ALL1N......1./a. lIMICL VALLEY STOVE WOLLIEB. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., ome. sad Weretusaise SOlLlborty Sf •topposlte Salad :old, ii.UfattllTC.i • gee. veflety of OOIIK. PAR LOn o d BIIATING IffoVtd, among will. the celebrated Allegheny and Monitor Coo (looking InoTes: an. the Autocrat .4 geolln for coal or wood, .4 UN unrivalled M. of lb Zondre, . for wood; also. Arches. UM., :=O t yr , , elCentles. Dog bons 110110w:A UTILITY WORKS. -, A { MeLE.A.N it: ii B 1 No.i 83 Liberty St., opt=Fourtb, I ituttrraCroatne OP CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. eil:rojr...tnir l ll,"Blr... u titr a rt%l Va C i t e *T ooto rlß iln7lt l 7:2 ga l ra n TV 7g iirl ' lT '" :lel Pll l:. ' 7 1 :2 1 7 " ng 44 Lakbal, DlL , Leaa's Window Cub bapportu, X . Labb.• Ucenttle but. 11.110.. UMW ItbaS• Ur antl ban Elnief. lirtml•none Liangt.... bad Innis, Sub WW,tbta. Ila.. to. MAW • .W. VAXX166........1. 1111LADLU ETNA EITOVE WORM. A. RBADLET & Co. Illanatantnre Crary insist) of Cook, Parlor — sad nesting Stoves, .i k tui &WWI We bratad ZURILKA, TEtinu sad TALIIIMAN Elteres;) ro. YANA, VITIBAN and iRONSIDLd j • Cook Alen stanetfactnet • - • - • • - GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, kg.... OR and W.:do:ma, corner of &wood and Wo. d streets, rlitaborigh. Matroneo ois daeoad lzeot. lala:rsa IRON CITY MILLS. ROGER S & BI7RMEETRIA Nalmfacturen of BoOned.charooal,Zontata dt Pollhabee MECHMT =ROW. corms AND WAszuOaso, No. SO DLLOKST .11:1315 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO, PEXXSIM r.dunr.: IRON WC113:3314. IlTateloosa.,Npi z .la aid 1117 tlt ape. TVUQUESNE AND WEST POINT IRON FORGER, P‘. man ufacture all claws of Porilnp. bicamhom elm libarta, entuag. Plsioa_ Rada. Laren, Pitman Jaw► and Witte; aleo, Railroad lALes. Leconup. I lye pl‘mar., and all shape erork. The underslira ed haring been for inu.7 Taus summed In Um basins. are prepared to Turnlah all orders... crusted to than with peon:intim= and dtApatekt. 1111:114 Joe. P. HAMM R ix.. PIESICK &Bre" Engine Bidld • EltB AEU mantfacturen of .121e21212 , 2P.t00l hal once Yahoo. for Ws. Est. grA , 2oil t . 241 klo m. t of Breworl. te t l2 o 1:;Zi . 21222, 221112 A 1' 1211222 147A,n1111... Piro Pronto, WAlng Bono Conoo 2 t lo . 110122. Pumps, le., CORNER ti/J2/21.20 •N la PIKE EIKEETIL Reparliut sad patina up 111tt0444 to. OIL WORKS& COMPANIES co3rata: crxms: