IlteWittobutgit6nette i1.13811111T I, 1867 TER Central Preis yrcsents the name ladge 'X.,ira as a candidate for the thilEtepreme Bench of Pennsyl vania, to be - tiled next Fall. -- • Mn.-Oxman Lannosr, Senator from the Bradford district, and Mr. Lewia W. Hall, from the Blair district, are named as the successor to air. Buclralew in the Gaited States Senate two years hence. George Connell, Senator from Phil adelphia, and Mr. .T. L. Graham, Senator from; Allegheny, and Mr. Morrow B. Lowry, Senator from Erie, are already ' brought foiward for the State Treasurer shipnext year. TITOWAS WI LIAAIIS, when' the. Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation bill ,was cutler consideration in .the House, moved to strike out the item providing feriae salary of our Master at Rome. This was in view of the suppression of the American chapel, and the renewed prohibition of Protestant worship inside the walls of the city. Mr. WlLLusts's motion was good, as far as it went, but it did not go far enough. As we said some days ago,. the ;embassy to Rome ought to he abolished. At best erns mental rather than nerd, by the march of events it has become prejudicial to Liberty, both religious and secular. A Tritrran from Harrisburg to a Phil sdelpbia journal says: "The East now has .the Governor, a United &stet; Senator (Gen. Cameron), the Attorney,General, the. State Treasu rer, and the Auditor General. at has the chairmanship of all the important committees of both Houses of the Legis lature, and It is more than likely that a citizen of the same section will be nom inated as the candidate for Supreme Judge in place of Woodward. Indeed, you need notbe surprised if the present Attorney General be called by the pep ' ple to take the place of the present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court." Remembering that the counties west of the Alleghenies furnish the entire Re publican majority in the Commonwealih, this statement; which is literally true, discloses singular condition of affairs. We beg to suggest that a mutiny is pos sible in this section, which shall leave the Republicans without the power to elect anybody; The "grab game" has been Fished about as far as it can be OUR .6111tUEI ; RAILROAD COMPA Eln:1 We learn that a bill hii been, or soon' will be, Introduced Into the Legislature at Harrisburg requiring, the various Street Railroad Companies of Pitts. burgh and the adjacent municipalities to sell passenger tickets at their respective offices in packages of ten for fifty cents, and at the name. rate for larger numbers, and authorizing them to demand and re ceive six cents from every passenger not provided:with a ticket. The design of this bill is to simplify the accounts of tic Companies; to lessen the cost of book-keeping; and to dimin ish 'the number of fiducial agents, so as to render lighter liability to loss. It will have no tendency to increase the cost of fare to the regular patrons of either-of the'roads; the additional cent a trip falling, on those who are off their usual routes in going to and returning from business. So far, therefore, as we are able to judge the bill is reasonable and just, and will conduce to the ad- Irantage of the public as well as of the Companies. __ ' DANGEROUS LEGISLATION After a , somewhat careful inquiry_ among •our- friends engaged in the 011 business, we are constrained to think unfavorably of the bill read on the 18th ~ instant in the House of Representatives by Hi.. Haan, of Allegheny. The oh ., lectproposed is to regulate the inspec tion of illuminating oils in Pennsylva nia. pirthe first reading of the bill we thought, in comroonwith others, that its provisions were - timely and judicious ; but upon a 'careful consideration of the rules or customs of the trade, which are the- fruits of experience and have ac quired the force Of law, insomuch that all large dialers pia the principal cities of this country not only, but of Great Bri tain and the continent of Europe, are governed by them, we 'have come to a .different conclusion, The inspection brands of certain well- known experts in Pittsburgh, Philadel -..-"ptdif, New York and Boston are flimillar to" the dealers of Liverpool, llamburg 'and Antwerp; and the market value of Pennsylvania oils in foreign countries :AT : regulated by the character of the iimitec — ifotieeitificates of these American experts. An invoice -of American oil is often spid before its arrival, on the frith of the Inspection certificates which have preceded it, The experts referred to are employed and paid by the parties inter , waled ; who world desire to hive certifi cates from the same experts, even if offi cially inspected by the appointees of the Governor. 'TO compel, by law, the in spection before leaving the refineries of all . the• oil manufactured in Penn . aylvenis would prove dliastrotts to the , oil trade of Pennsylvania, and be of no profitable use: The evil consequences may be thus enumerated. PLUM An Inspector, with Assistants, would be Nitwit-Sal:media every county. This is ainitiplying officers, not to sub serve, but greatly to -damage the intir- eats of the. Trade, without a particle of compensating benefits. In •Allegheny !-.29114tr, for example, where very large quantities of oil are refined, and whence - large daily shipments are made, orders 'for the immediate - shipment of one, two or five thousand barrels of oil may come by telegraph. The sale may depend on its prompt shipment. The refiner goes to thrt 43 °Termra hagector and finds bI and his assistants busy on some pre vious order. Me cannot inspect today —perhaps not to-morroVi. It is , th e , fore, impossible to have the oil at Phila• delphia or Bevy York in time to corn plete thd cargo of an out-going ship. The aala is lost to the refiner here be cause of the. laws. But suppose the Pittsburgh Inspector does inspect the order, and the oil goes forward in time. • The barreli have all been bandied; the image '.resnoved and replaced at Pitts burgh; five cents per k barrel paid for a service; which Is no service, because if the 01l is to be sold in New York or in • Liverpool, anotherand different inspcs• .tion mot' be bad paid for, so that ' the Pittshurgh inapection km served no bodi but the man whom the Governor hats coinmisalonod—practically to vex and 'annoy not to foster and and ad vance the true interests of our People. Becond—A. certain effect of the pro- posed law; for the reasons, already link _slated, will he to prevent the extenaloTa . 0 r Refillilig ll . Peamsylviuda, and trans fer business to the conterminous States, where no legal hatoperings are enforced. Cleveland, Buffalo, Camden, Baltimore and other cities beyond our borders will be jubilant over the passage of Mr. McKire's bill. Ohio, New York, New Jersey and Maryland, will as surely as this bill passes, profit largely by its malign operations in Pennsyl vania.. Third—The immense oil commission business of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, amounting to millions of dollars would be driven out of this Btate. Fourth—Mr. McKee's bill imposes on any person not duly commissioned, offering to inspect oll,a - Pennity of $5O, and imprisonment in the county jail for thirty days. fr New York merchant wants a few thousand barrels of oil for export. It must be of a certain quality. He sends out an expert known to him for his skill and fidelity, to examine and select the oil. Ulm attempts any such examination the local inspector treats Lim to the pains and penalties of the law. The New York faction will look for fu ture Wants to the cities of some Bate where such laws era not in force. —lianyother considerations haie been urged upon our notice. What has been said will Bunke to warn our Repre sentatives to delay action on the bill until its provisions and their effect on the trade of Pennsylvania can be thor oughly canvassed. We know that sev eral oil merchants who signed the peti, 'don for the law, are now earnestly op. posing its passage. We say this, that any law that may be deemed necessary for fixing the grades or fire-test of oil for home consumption or export—and we think such a law is or may become necessary—should not be enacted by Pennsylvania, nor by any other State, but by Congress. Whatever is needful on this subject should extend equally and uniformly over all the country. No other course is safe, at any rate for Pennsylvania, than to keep her commerce in oil or other commodities di vested of all clogs or incumbrances that do not egsally pervade the business else wherS. All that our Legislature can safely do is to enact a law to regulate the Inspection of oil sold for, consump tion within the Slate. The retail trade alone is all that requires to be guarded by pains and penalties. Let every man or woman thattnya a pint or gallon of oil become the informant against the Tender of oil below a safe fire test, and much danger and loss of- life may be averted. But place no shackles on the vast outgoing commerce in our oil. EDITORIAL BREVITIES WILLIAM MINTZER, President of the Bank of Pottstown, and a zealous Re publican, died on - Saturday last. Bins. EaillA 'HerrAnsa, a' grand daughter of enemas Ransom., of Car rolt9n, died this week in Raltimore. Tics Davis "presidential 1113339/011," in Richmond, Va., fa offered for sale at $40,000. If sold the money Is to be glv en to Mrs. Davis. A rnmtvn watchman In St. Lc&is was arrested in the act of robbing the 'estab lishment he wan employed to guard. He proved a thief set to catch a thief. TnE St. Louis Board of Trade has adopted the rental system. There can now be no doubt but the old bushel meas ure will be completely done away with in tills country by dealers in grain. Tux English journalists have formed a "Defence rt,r.lrlation," to help each other out of difficulties. In this country the rule generally followed in the pro fession is to keep each other in them. HATurr S. Idzonevr, ex-State Treas urer:, and formerly a resident of this city, was struck down on Tuesday evening last, at Washington,with apoplexy. Ile was in a critical condition at last ac. counts. Tzts Philadelphia folks are disiatiefied with the water they drink, and claim it is much more impure than that supplied any other city in the Union. Upon that score we claim precedence for the water or the Allegheny. Tim convicts of the Connecticut State prison are regularly_ . regaled with concerts and dramatic performances, to help pass away their time.• The expen ses of the entertainments are borne by outside philanthrophists. Jmatts WiwstmcwvEn, worth half million ;dollars, died in St. Louis on Tuesday. He left all his wealth to his wife, with the exception of one dollar to each of 'ids six children. They "will care for mother now." Tare St. LOll/13 Diepateh thinks there is no earthly reason why their town should not compete successfully with Pittsburgh for the immense Southern coal trade. We think there is an earthly reason why it could not. • ADICERAL Tzotrutory, of Austria, spected the Philadelphia Navy Yard on Wednesday. He spoke'enthusfastically of League Island as - a faiorable place for all iron-Clad - naval station, pronouncing it far superior for such purposeto any I harbor in Europe. IT is stated that the Committee on Ways and Means have reported in favor of a bill allowing street railway and gas, companies to collect from the public, the internal revenue tax imposed upon them. By the existing law this right terminates on the let of next April. Tag press throughout the country are at this late date preaching practical ser mons against gift concerts and lotMry schemes.. .The masses have already lad their eyes opened, and it does no good for editors to attempt to make them any wiser than has experience and cost left them. -"Blues" POMEROY, the vituperator of General Butler, is now in New Or•, leans bunting up testimony to prove all he said in his paper about the old hero= tobe hue. Like many other editors he will find it a much easier task to make a slanderous assertion than to prove it in Court. However, one thing is quite ap parent. It will be as easy for Pomeroy to find evidence to sustain bin slanders as for Butler to realize anything out of a verdict - for damages against his worth less defamer. Tim PITTRIIIIRGII GAZSTTS.—This staunch veteran journal celebrated its eighty -drat anniversary on New Year's I day. It may be truthfully said it grows better with age. It always commanded respect. for its reliability and unswerv ing devotion to the live questions of the day, and never more so than at the pres ent time. Within a year Its circulation natter the ad mirable management of it's present con ductors, and for its intrinsic worth. Such has been the press of advertising, I that they have been forced to add four whining to its size, =king thirty-six columns of space. The erection of a new press of the most approved modern build, enables them to throw of their large edition with great rapidity and de liver to their subscribers in seasonable time. The editorial department,-and in. deed every department, bears the im. press of careful preparation, as well as of signal ability. No better evidence of the manner its business department is conducted could bo given than its pres ent prosperity. May it prosper still more.—.Hatburuh Uhritlia7i AtiCOCafr. GENERAL !lIEVY4S —The Lual.or at Baltial At: Ack aded with wc, • - - —Castle Thunder at Ricli,,ond is now a large tobacco factory. —Edwin Booth Las engager cents that will occupy the next two yea' rs. —The hand of the Stot• . of Virginia is to be reargar tized. - - _Bismarck bonnets an cl neeille.gun skirts are among the bat .est whims of fashion. —Victor Hugo ii wriVing a new ro mance, the scene of wid , Hl will be laid iII England. - —Empress Eugenic is afraid of corpu lency, and has taken to a diet of vinegar and elate pencils. —The State constabulary prosecuted three hundred and seventy-three per sons in Boston during the last week for selling liquor. —Wm. D. Baguet!, superintendent of public schools, in Norfolk, and former cashier of the Bank of Virginia, died in that city on Friday. —The crown of the Queen of the Bel gians is causing a sensation. It is com posed of forty-five pearls, of forty flag. nificent diamonds of immense size, and five thousand small brilliants. —Benjamin B. Miller _convicted of stealing letters with checksi In them, while passing through the New York postoftice, was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment at Sing Sing. —Two men convicted last fall, at Dan bury, Ct., for robbing the Adams Ex- Dress car at Norwalk, escaped from the anbury jail,,Wednesday night, by dig ging a hole underneath their cell. —Samples of tuo new five-cent piece have been received at the Treasury De partment. The coinage has already been commenced at the Mint, to which application for them must be made. —Rear Admiral Smith says it would he cheaper for Government to double or treble -the pensions of aged and decrepid sailors and soldiers, and let them live at home, than to maintain institutions for their care. . —The 'Widow of the late Rev. Mr. Horton, of Massachusetts, who was mur dered in the July riots at New Orleans, sought to recover damages against the the city, but all the prominent lawyers declined to aid her. —A Washington journal says mali ciously that some of the ladies seem to go jo the skating parks to . - save fuel. They take their sewing and sit comfort ably at the stove front the time the pllce opens until it closes. —Seieral Continental . papers give cu rious statistics of assassination. The proportion of murders is: England, I in 670,000 souls; Holland, 1 in 103 ON., ; Prussia, 1 in 100,000; Austria, 1 in 7.7,- 000. Prance is left out of the calcula tion. _ —Boston is announced as returning to primitive customs, an innovation having been made upon the rules of fashionable life by issuing invitations to a stylish party, in which it Is announced that the entertainment beginsist three and ends at eight in the evening. The good sense of this proceeding cannot be too highly praised. —The following is the conclusion of an epitaph on a tombstone in East Ten nessee : "She lived a life of virtue, and died of the cholera niorbus, caused by eating green fruit In the full hope of a blessed Immortality, at the early age of twenty-four years, seven months and sixteen days. Reader, go thou and do likewise.' —A Washington correspondent says "protracted clerical service in the de partments Las a tendency to destroy the intellectual verility of the male sex and endow it with all the weaker traits of the womanly character." In other words, ten years of department clerking will come very near to making a woman out of a man. —A jury awarded damages In the sum of $1,350 to Mary Johnson, the plaintiff in a suit brought against Thomas Johnson, a widower, aged fifty-seven years, in Brooklyn, for breach of promise. Mrs. Johnson is the widow •of a Captain of the Fifty-third regiment, who was killed in the late war, and had been for the past two years in the employ of the de fendant as housekeeper, during which time an offer of marriage was made and accepted, but the contract was never fel linen by Mr. Johnson. - TO CONSILTRIP'TIVES. • - Uer. ZUMAILD A. WILSON'S Prepaxed Pre se:intl.on for the cure of CONSUMPT/ON,ASTEI EA, AIVANCEIITIn, COUOIII3, cocp:4. and id IIIiOAT and LUNG AFFECTIONS, hut ue been In rise over ten years. With the most mark EMI= Tli i e Remedy, prepared under 31r.Wilsou'e per sonal ouperetslon; also a Pamphlet' containing the original Freserlpilon, with fell and explicit direction. for preparation and use, a:spelt:terse lb a short history of Las we, may be 011 1 / 1 11.d of xcam. mmuzrtramrca, DRUGGIST, No. S 4 Market Street. I:KV EDW•gI) A. WIIAON. E ono Weer. Wklllsmsoimg, N. Y. • hi GRAY HAIII, BALDNESS, DAND uu rr, ANY DISEASE 01 TRY SC ALY.—tO , DISCOVERY CAT. • %Oil CARE WITH 'LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER. ANC I/KESSIBI.." "London Cu, 100 Color Restorer•' ..Conlon Bair Color Restorer•• .I..ndon Physicluta Hair Color Itentorer .London - fiur Color Restarer London Use and Mali tetlor •esL ores London flair Color Restores . . "London Recommend It. (lair Color Restorer" It nererfalls to Impart life, growth. and vigor to Mr wethesthslr, fastens and stops W and Is sore to produce a, now growth of trate, c.sing If to grow thick and strong. um?. 7b cents a bottle4lßthe half dozen. Sold by lleCLELLItabf A IIeKENNAN, nE Market strett, fiEt• A. KELLY. 31 Wood st., and JOE. FLEKIINO. 114 Rarket street, lltta• burgh. HANK • DRUITT, tolegbeny. 114.=:LWAIIrI FIFTEEN TEARS AGO; HOS TETTEIVS STU3IA(III 1311"TEILIS was sung elan into - notice solo. the prejudices which everything new. however excellent, I, doomed to envonnter. T 0.1.1 1 -11. stands at the head of all the tonic Led siterallve preparations In exise tenee. Its celebrity has evoked many !mita tlollll hat aG tur.l.4. Impact., Inooo4llre It the Only Farr 2411),121..”, that ha, &Tee been introdared Into the 1.11• chamber. In the Ilse tpi tt&he s voefr yth be a t m u ya ic n &fo N a co v v t a h l e a c s e u n rg e e , o wed a rne. port as It Invaluable for sustaining the vigor of ...opt on the march, as a relhrdy for scurvy and ell Utte affeettons, 4114 as the only specinc ter seat... California and eitstrells have emphatically endorsed 11 av the Mt,. it•e Slnnt elb it the tropical and In bpanlsh &merles and an the tropical climatem. it is conaldt red the only reliable antidote to epidemic laver. There la no mysteryshout the causes of Its seeress. It is the only storneehlo sad alterative In which are combined the grand requisite, or a mild. pure and unvilialed vegetable otimulaut, with the Angst selection 01 teak. anti-bilious anti-morbetle, aperient, and alelltleatilre hech, meets. roots; and barks that /IMO ever been In tertnlied in a medicinal preparation. It I. also proper_ to state that the lilt.r, are sold ceeinsively in glees, and never, finder Any Cireqlll,ll42lCea, by the gallon or the barrel. Im posture and imitators are abroad. and the only seed.. the public has agale4 them is to see that tin Bitters they hay hearth< engraved label andnote of bend of hand of Messrs. Hostetter & and tile Government stamp ovr the cork of the bottle. class NEW ADVEETIBRINTRNTEL WAG BINGHAM,' Jr., ddaMII Zrprm Of. Jiar,ls4 ava Haw; to an authorised .deond to rams.ddonZ4o n. U for the CheZE272, and ald,odier papers thraughout the Untied elates and tAs pandas.. . 01IrICS OrEKANG COU V, ALL TI IMITSY CITY, Ps . THE lIIENNLIL ELECTION for NINE DIIigt.,"COUS of this Ootopeny, ill belted at the °dice of the Company, on T 1:na• 'DAY. the 14th day of February, between the hones of 10 ao X. and 10 at. fe1365 , H. Id ET7Mifft. Beareteff. PEFINEIIV AtiSOCIATION.-A A-. spacial matting oi the Itenners , Association will be hold THIS RIFTEUROON, Al 3 ONCIOck, at the DUARD Or TRADE ROODS : A DID at tendanee of the trade lo jeneral la urged. Una toots of vital importance. Dy order. fel:sr.: TWO ACUEfI OF GLIOUND AND 00T111C COTTAGE AT A troTiox.—wiii be offered at A. Leggaten Auction mom, Ico Federal atreet, Allegheny, on MONDAY, Feb. f, at: o'clock, Me. llarhaugh , Uothle.Cottage and twoacre. of groloid , otr the Ferryarble road and adjoining plumbic* of NY. Feellutork. The seconds are planted with clinics fruit and le • lofty dmlrablo plot. 'to Doom competition and mieltive *ale, the upset orlon la reouced to $3,4/0. Tersio,- - Onemitalf cash; balance In nro year.. fel A. LEITOATE, Auctioneer. . PirOW fintali;-P-17-Jiir.itEreih D . P. CHAPMAN, Agent - LIMA LIFE FOBITSANCE 00IPANYI •2 , h t2 b 7 seknowlcdrie the reeelpt. t or r ir/.11:-. rt, onlIe l :f tl2;lllg . Frira& ~ • •=.4xo . • MARY OYES. . p. -- visAPNANy'S gent: ara. , -Iliage wept MT tiu .k ti r c r i i c,F I EE . r.. ni. ADVERTISEMENTS. !NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, I I:AS. T. BRADY & CO., Wooccotoos to 8. Joao. t C 0..) to or Fourth & Wood Ste" BANKERS & BROKERS, nasISILS IN ALL EMUS Os Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Compons. COLLECTIONS mole on - .11 secaultS• Volt am la the traltad BMW wad Camas.. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. BREAKFAST, DINNER, TEA. Teas Free from All Admixture, In Natural Perfection, AS DROWN - AND HARVESTED. Sales Restricted to Smallest Frac tional Profit. SION - -ENOINEINTHE WINDOW. SHIELDS & BOUCHER, 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. s.3,wwr MUTES! SKATES' SKATES li„tlTOCltifinEt'En,D.TMS2'.2; from - s,ooo.Pairs of Various Makes. Before purchasing elsewhere; call and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERi snout, INDIJOEMEHTI JAMES BOWN N 0.136 Wood Street. UNIVERSALIST FAIR AND FESTIVAL • • ors!: AT 3E ir r .N 2 " MIALMALII . MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, And Will Continue Two Weeks. A valuable selection of articles will be Olt- Dosed of. Music. Instr.. ntal and roes!, lottr•porsed with bolos, Uactt. and Choruses. will make the trenl og pass iileilmatly and agreeably. Meal. and liefreahment• pro, Med In the Ilan. Mosta; each night, eacept haturlay. with a Promenade. Admission, 23 Cents. lIRPILINS , COURT SALE.-Ely vittns of an order of tho Orphant• Court .4 Allegheny County, the nod , talgued. administra tor of Jo be M. Cornered, deceased, wl.l .all et treadle sale on the prelnlses In the Borough of Stanel.ter, nn B.ITEED&T, IEO. 23, Nl7, IT 10 O'CLOCIFA. I, All that rertaln to amens and tot of Emend on the north side of ithanald street conananclon at the distance at *laity-man feet vatnardif from ilinar.lers street, thence eatwardly slime eliettleld street airenty-three feet nine lashes; thence authwadly and patella' with thattlers attar one hundred nod thtrty•elget fat to an hiali thence "Paten nity alone aid street sa - atty.:bra feet nine lathes: and threes south thirdly and wallet with Chantal street to the beglonfon; Inane a that of seventy-three fat nine inches on nhetheid Strait. and exteedlng back one hundred end thirty feet to an alley. on which la crated a twatory brick dwelling booth lately occupied by the dacened. Tnews—tiAllll, canna:talon of ale. Posse.. sten on the trot day LI April neat. The put chart to pay fur dad and omen. • felialat H. H. COLLllis..adinlnlitrator. SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. RARE OPPOUTIAITY. A SPLENDID DRUB STOIE, In one of the best toestions In the city. doing • splendid bust., is Offered For Sale, IF APPLIED roa IMMEDIATELY. This I. one of the best °Nonni:title eeeee offend In this city, as the most satlsinclory nano, will be given for selling. Address.). H. C.. trove re OrviCe, or Inquire of It. Z. SIMIANS J. CO.. corner of necond and Wood street.. feint' TN 'THE COURT or COMMON PLSIN 01 , •I.LEGUENT COUNTS', Sid. M, Slants Term, off Notice Is hereby ;Knelt of the epplicaUon of The Building 'and Loan Associa , lion, No._3, Pittsburgh for Charter of Ineorooratlon. aged In the am , of t• e Prothonotary, at the number snit ter ail e .toted. übiolt will be greeted at the ne term of the Court of Common Plea, nnleis • cepttous thereto be Sled in proper time. fr I tat; JACOB II. WALTICIL Prothonotary. FOR SALE CHEAP. • • ONE SECOND iIAND 12 STOP MASON 1. SIibILIN OSMAN, Double Bask Errs; prlue wisest new 463t1. wlll sell for 41 ots. Also one second nutS stop ist A 8024 LIAM LID OnliAl4, Double Bank Keys, Isben new $l.lO. will for SI3O. Bolls Me above are In good order, and Lava. 33311 , lately'. bean used In a. Vigo:out b Church at ilia dlr. and Prosbrtarlan Chard, or Kitts.- slog, Isom of widen are now using SOO IldrEY (MOAN MOTS/ASS. MgiM=l BABE, BYAKE t BUETTLER. Genet.' ireots for the relobrotr.l INTL' COT TAOOLLUAN. No. 1 IN. Cl LLr 11,Vert. Fjux bore.. C!. • Ja.ll , "1 CITY CoNTIOLLYIVS PITTPHUIIOII, 4111uar7 1... 1 KALE!, PROPOSALS, addresa to thr "rill be received lee r. February 71b. 1007 .c 3 o id,,,k C. C. far sulialvier the city with bFATIONICILY and iiLLNIi BOOKS during the yrar .•0131i 3lreaktrill,l Jaalias4 City cordralier. 825 1 000 TO WAN I= In sumo or 1600 and toward. Neal Estate bougt4 atrd sold GEOUGE Y. PETTY. Je9 Eel.] )data Aren't. No, 11 61...Cia1s T • M. BLACK, A. Trir6l33. Three doors shove Stelthdeld Street, PITTABUROB, PA. Every kind of Work demean the shorten notlde and to oe treseonable terms.); Sertlettlar attention pant to Jobblns. slldB4 NOTICE.—A rare chance Is now offered to those who wish to acquire • perfect knowledge of the art of PLIONOWIA- PliY, or SHOUT HAND WiIITINe. A class Is now bring fronted by a penitent galn , rtar from London, A :inland: Addrou lan:slot EXTRA arcactioxilyrizza. Jut received a fresh .apply of iltuart's Kitt Vror for male by the gallon or banal at Oh U""" bi"a( JOHN A. Itg.NISHAW. isis owner Liberty and Hand atreata. 'REMOVAL. THE ENDER. VD bate removed the Ofilee of the 1101.1 t OIL W 01111.5 from 35 lilaelcet street., Pltuburgb, to their Wor is on Carson eteret, waterway-nowhere they ten hereafter be Wood. roatooce Address 1430. oaali VUNUALN • WILLIAIIL 01 rtc.x, rirrsuritnli. I' S.. February lit. iln7. f . NOTICE IS lIEREIIV GIVEN that the following accounts of Executors. Admlnlstratore tluentious. base beau duly passed W sald 'lighter's melee, and will be prs • retried to the Orpioni Court for cone emotion and allowance an MONDAY, March 4, Ise:. lint and dual account of Esuittel Whitehouse. administrator 1,111.1 tittlenerato /noose, of lien aoh deceased. Flied Nov. id. Veld. Final s b bays, •ite'cl. Wiled Jan. JJa, t 0.7. • , VIM s od ilzal sfr3lint of Iluetz 3.le.Elheny.ono of kbe curator. e.steof NV: U.: .11e1.11..y. deed. Y . :1.1J.. 1.1: • . t iro mL. • , • , d dna! account of I.ltharlni. Palmer. •dmlnlatratri a roam of Inane I: o' lour, deed J an. nl. Pinot nod !told account cf .7.'llr:of/At Meek, act Inn • lec mimeuter of John V oderr ort, dad rised Account of e. Moth and 1411.11t0n It. Johnston ctccu tors or A odrow'J ohnhtott wbo 'Tr a T«cutor of 411:11m Itogeu, act'd. }fled Jan UN Pr. • , Vlrot anew - int of In der Ink Deletrot I,lc•ln totrannr of Coristlau Uabtrotb, deed. if 1144 •n. 9.tb, - litrii.econn ' t of Frederick Miracle, guardian of Rau' If.. idray, formerly Rau n. Rego, mi• nor child of Jubli Y. Hague, e9n . .1. • Vinod Jan. a. Final arcane% ofJoseph b. n IC. ot of Jane A. lirratinAti. Ellett Jan. ofith, First and Coil account of Job, M. t lbhorne, nuardian of Yana) Osborne. /lied Jan. Y. 411, 11 YI rst and Anal aceiiunt of Most. Mildly.; ad- Jinistrator of the estate of Unorge Richardson, .e . d. Filed Jan. . Account of Jane Miethe; surviving ailinlels trots); of total* of Walter n. devid. 71104 J an. 29th. 1.0. bronnte eNtOunt Sled for Joseph COlt•M dee'd., one of the extent., of Jane NeLoon, decti. )liforrle sad Jtan Colt,rl„, ewer , olors Jesepla Cotten, der:d. "lied Jan. 10U. P 1.% • flop lempentve lly .1... of Yennelt 1.1. Balky, elgnar of Michael Allen, deed. Yllod Jan. aot 6, 107, JABIZY DRAY. KegNter. TO CAPITALISTS. Lucrative business In lEnttiolkauirski. SElnier. TUE UNDERSIGNED' OFFERS for saleand lintordiata unman, the Twaae , fit toms. hood Will and Stock of one of the loading boon. lathe West combining two eepa. rate bisect... of husinutas either of which can be carried on independent of the otberi'ona a verfie cash retell but :nen almost without •limlti the olb.. • sperlnlty, with but one cum na Lao, and capable of bellig•cry largely auto ded. and la which uo capital is required. The pronto of the host in for inml were WOW°. and tt to oomparatteely in Its infancy. being thoroughly legitimate, and retiairMir but energy and often tiou. it Is to Mcroan of capital at once nre and epeci al chance. gailshwtory scasous emu for disposing of the same. and fu particulate Oren in detail. Address. Box - X, 1100. TRE PENNSYLVANIA State Agricultural Society to hold Its ILIILIBI7ION 0[1E47 211 h, and the Three Succeeding . Days of September next. 'lle unite...tuned are empowered to receive propoelilons fur the location of the propmwd ehtlittion, until the 19th Or AEXT, C W omm i th e y . w ur t b h e r el n fo be rma e iont e o fth o t re e 101 n :te n ts of the ewer etywill be gi,e. upon pnoo to A..moyi, HAMILTON, llarrUburg, A.U. LONOAKEIL Norristown. Ja.93:04,1" LADIES' FURS, cosp rirtioEs, Al rim HAT, CAP AND FUR STORE OF Mee OR D & QO., 114131 WOOD STREET. 3 SKATES! SKATES! Prize Skates, Club Skates; ( SKATES FOR THE MILLION; AT ±:0 311 N" . Dleystch Bundles. Flftb Street. WALL PApEtt—Of all grades, PArlols, D t IV:gdirir . rZt i ti oa7 Rz IlUtiii/21 £ 131141. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M'FARLAND & COLLINS Offer al Wholesale and Retail, CARPETS. A new stoc extentir.. natters, whi c h „... t b . excelled inand Thrlety. Window Shades, In Green, Tin color, Hof, Lavender, Dean. and uilors, with plain, neat and rich WU and Velvet border., over:lndifferent style.. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, All the beet redeem In market la sheets 3. 6, 74s 13, 111 and 24 feet erlda. • 'SCOTCH WINDOW HOLIALUS,. End, 9reen,.l3ltie aztel White, to W wldtlta English Woolen Druggets, vo.ilvi,ig d zlor.. m2'4. 3. Mi. WS, and 3ti WOOLEN AND LINEN CRUMB CLOTHO, MISS 'WtON in WM PBS, Swiss Lace & Applation Cartafai, to pattern, that nra not to to found shawl:We. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, English and French , 11E4 rr c II RTatAr GOODS, New Patterns Cornices, C7z4z-pot wad Cuurtiailza. • 111PLIOLSTEBY. Order. promptly sini carefully ...clued. Wlll send careful and experienced apholstarcra as Y Part of the country to lay carve to and put op curtains. @nudes. de. II'FIRLAND & COLLINS, it and 73 NM Street. Next building to United States Custom Homo and Fontaine, second floor. Juai.e4l FoIETTN.4I.IIGIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, CONN. - January Ist, 1867. CASH CAPITAL, - $500,000 .ASSETS: ALI Ma►rlcot 4e►luo. Cis', hnnd,ln Bunks lintt watt Afronta. 9124,211 94 United States Bondi 44,009 00 ==l "Mato 134)PdA llartforl►M New ll►ven Hall road Bcock New Yorkßank Stocks 96,100 00 llartford Bank Stocks 62.943 00 Loans and Collateral hocurlty.. 179,672 00 on Bonds srulllortgee. 17,312 041 Duo for Bents. accrued Interest and other Items. 9,046 96 U 7 47& se OM x..sAL.333:3rax.rxmas Losses unadjusted and not due-630,10 11.2 = A, A. CABBIES & BRO., General Agents. El 33E1l IX 41=103PIPIONS: 63 ourth Street. I.I3 :.a SEED ! SEEDS!! We are Now Prepared with Oar SPRING STOCK Ckarden, AND FLOWER SEEDS, IMAM]) FIISII GEWIR Pro offer special 1124 , 1w:orate to Market Gardeners and Country Merebants. ALL OUR SEEDS ARE TESTED Before Ofitritirtor Salt • HAY PRESSES. lagers°WsHand and Horse Power 3PFL.I9/1111/3 4 / 8 1. A Fall Stock of all Sizes. KNOB, ( Uri Liberty Street. THE NORTH AMERICA LIFE INSFRINCECOMPINY,, • Of New York, Is ME • Only Co parry In the World Orreries semirity guaranteed bythis direct. Bihar stsion and control of Its Funds of the or BAL. 00T•f912•111 Is addition to the !security heretofore offered. we call partienlar attention to the (Morrie: 110 a remit ant of the Legialeture of tbe State of New York. the Company la authorired to make ISpe dal Depoeits with the Inperloteadant of the Insurance Department. and metre Lbw.- for Begistered Policies. bearing the Seas of the Department awl a Certificate that the Daley le mound by pledge of Potato awake under a Opt. rW Tfeat created try the Act of gieglslature In foyer of the ZIONTH AMSRICA 'ASO/SODOM COMPANY exclasirely make' cacti Reg istered Policy its mere to the holder as a Ne- Donal Hthk Note ar a United States Bond. NO ItEnTiIIUTIONO In Trent. Heeldeace or the Ordinary itoploymenta In any Dart of the united suttee or Metope. at Ley omen of the YVliltrr ir DRACX on ailestewld M s:cents. ALL POLICIDI are non-forfalting and Imme diately Indlemstatile. Income of Inalle • • OVER ONE JILILLIONI DOLLARS. • All Insurers are Dirtied t 0.1021110 Cam pare their, pollela• with Chem of the •Itortb America.' N.D. MORGAN. Presides's. , 4. W. MIRRILL. necrutes7, • E. T. COOK, General Agent. • rirrentuan IMARRitt No.6lFourth street. • A few more attire. efficient mon eon have Astenclea. Dal irifirdtwT • ARTISANS' INSURANCE CO.-. °Mee, Corner of Wood and Third streets,' Puit'ittsburgh. his Pa—The ibilowleg Statement 110, the ss o f t Co mpany on December Alt, I. published In conformity with law: Capital WWI privilege of Increasing to. Premium. received from July 17, to De-Amber MC5......" Intim.; received $ l -1.6910 p 2= ;riff " ' "r" and corn- MI 01 Po Nomarine rime takes. 100 - . Cash In Ifechsales Bank and In °Me Bonds and 2longues. first Wens... 1 1 ,524 SS Loans on eollstarAas 21,5:3 03 U round rent on glint 'on 3,C00 00 !loot aeoonnt for prunlnln IS 00 001,s fumiture, tares'and 1a..... • 1.233 72 Stoet boles 00.000 00 MAI Ca WM. H. SiIITH, ['rest. J. G. COFFIN, Seel. • ROTARY viirefle-Coach• Mw kvs Sots Vlsm Jost nwelnd • full M. iortmezt Th• boa Vim In Ule =arta tor Coach Makeri. tornla br *oat meet. p;;V:11:1 1 03:4 1 41034 1 0 ONE WEEK MORE. THE GREAT SALE oar DRY GOODS, MEI Wholesale and Retail, =I J. W. BARKER CICMIEPALIVY,' 59 MARKET STREET, I=3 p.y_=_maui&LlA, BELL AND BRASS POBBRI, 33„000 00 20.00000 ME= 1= Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA. MANIIPACTOBSE9 OP ILL SIZES OF BELLS From 10 to 100,000 Pounds. ELOII6, OGLE, (WI Di SIMI TALUS, I =I Slop Cocks of Brass or Iron EIZTEIMIM GUACE AND CYLINDER CO • : ♦Rents for all the different STEAM PUMPS Bola *Rams for the Celebrated Steam• Syphon., Dante. In OAB PIPE ETHAR and GAS PIT- El NUS. PLUMBERS . WORE, etc ate. - Particular stunt:ton pald to BELAU and CAI§ 111TTING In all Um bran.. The o_nly matinfactnzes• of A. /TILTON% METALLIC PACEJAID POU STEAM (ALIN LIMIT'S CELEBRATED ANTI:•ATTRL- TiltE METAL constantly on band. BRAno. RUN .d BELL CASTINGS made to older .4 11.. ed off& neatness and dispatch. ElLettcsilar attention paid to Bros rmtsbmg In all Its bran We 4 We a 1... conatantly on band all la. ore... Sq.ce and Itoanntinm. 11.10 and Cotton racking. Bun Hose or all six. At op to order. A. FULTON'S SON & CO, Junco January 14, 1567. CRAND OPENING OF MO j g SALOON, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, mcco. 12113 11111toCrlair /Street, Between Penn et. and &location Bridge, PITTIIIVROII, PA. I would respectfully anaemic. to ray me nd. VZ 1 :g4`.."4":1. 'erimpv . "—the First-Class Restaurant, In all it. branches. OYSTERS. TOM and 'every Wirctricoilte.'meta afford, be served up oa .108. PRIMAL - ER. No. 23 St. Clair Street. 11 LAMINA' DI),INU HOWLS ON Ellit'OND 1.0011. LADIES' AND GENT'S .1PT.711R46, - - SUMMER PRICES, ALT UILLERI lAN' No. 75 Wood Street. Also. ■ Large Assortment of HATS & OAPS Or TEE • L4TEST STELES. jail HOLIDAY GOODS. ALL KINDS Or fiIIIONZENILT, CDT AXD GLANS Oarbon Oil Lamps and Ohandelieta,. . Lamp Ttimminp, &c. Also WAREANTID NON-ZTPLOS/TIL 01/1. BON OIL. wholuals 104 MAU. JOHN ROW& CQ N Zam. B4Utramlamit astraeit s deIouLANAINT YITTABUNAIkI. PA. - It ICO, COO 0: SO,CCO CO S. 33X-LALIEL HAS NOW • LARGE STOCK OF cAin gpe y &T al c= scrir t egaM 111.1LIDAIrn he oaf epoeta tentloa to Ids sunertor CA-111.T. *1 itHs and Odors' St" Allegkesi• aircata .BELTINGIBELTING:—Leathar and Oom itelttas of Ms less qualltr. AU*. Osskels, [O. Law Lath vs =id Elveta &wale on tmad sod tomt prices by J. TatiLLIPS. J sod ea. Cutubtftet, -------- VoTICE.—ALL CARPENTERS I -LI A.D JOINEHS tarots:An to Inman( CAUPENTEUB' SLND ERRS UNION. for Pi tt rgb, w ill pl ente meet at Br. J. DICK'S USUPENTEIt YIIIO. o. s Pennsylvania are nue opluusite HlKtt Meet, on naTU HUAI" Fehrunn" 2 d. Ja2ln33 CkItPENTEIt NOTICES oinci Virs•nrnott Inn - RA:MCC Co., COrner Market and Water kitretts. PITTS6Z;HOII. JittlUarY 92d. 1e,7. 1 TVANN UAL ELECTION FOR .VENTIEN DIBICCTORS of awls Comi , ny will be held at tb nex t. c.. on TIJICnIJAY, the lth dm. of Febtuary notwo.o the b 0 ... 0, 11., K. and? P. K. ja12 , 1136 Wit. 11. KEEPER, Yooretary. rovEDEN omc: or Prorti-S' InStuttisCi Pirriinrsicu. dummy 7. Men. • The Board of Directors of this Company have this day declared a did of TWO POLLA fa PY.ft SIIARF. out of the ` profits of the lut six months payable on and after the teth inst. Jasiril W3l. Y. tiAltilfilEft. `Secretary. ;rile% Or THE rrirSurllGll O.MI ColeraNT, Jenuary 1110. 166:. DIVIDEND NOTICE—The Trus tees ofTtIEPITTeIBURtiIitiAB CONIF.A.SY hare thls day declared a oteldend oft 10.0 Capital litc.ek of TN 0 DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENT'S per share. out of the tomtits of the last sts tuouths..ospeble forto,llo, at the eller of We W. kIcOLKLLAND. Treasurer. • DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Dl- M•etors Of the PACITIO AXE, ATLANTIC TELEORAPII COMPANY OP THE UNITED 131V.T7Gi. hare tbla eay declared a dividend oat f the earnings of the llondieto Falk? Dk Title, of Me line, for tar tour months from Ali mint to Deeember I, At ale rate of TIN PEE CENT. per annum, free of tiovemmentAnd Mate Tax. payable forthwith to Dm bolder* of Mentor-2 of the Monongahela Vailey Teter _mph co.? p..T. EDWA RD JAY ALLEN. NOTICE TO BOND HOLDERS UY TH E PUBLIC CATHOLIC LIEIILLET A. 141) IMADLNO ILOOSI 1580CIATION.—Tbe Ixoldsrs of Um.. Hands an tenni aoilled that the Interest due on them January bit, for the year tfald, Is payable on demand at tha office of the Treasurer, JAMYS PHELAN. 1a19m4 24 Fifth street. NOTICE TO BOND BOLDED& Pittsburgh Contiellaville Vet!road Co. Tirol Mortgage Turtle Creek D 1111 l on Construction Bonds. Holders are hereby notified that the Interest Coupons on the above Bonds dee PZIIRI7I - FIRST proz., * lollbe — peld on end atter thst date on presentation and delivery, at the HLTIOSAL BANK 01 ' • JI.O. H. PAHL, Jtc., .1a - Veit • heuetery. colViltOLLlalre OVPICE. eirT OY ALLImPaiiY. January MIL Ur. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at WE ogice until YEIDLT. Feb Ilth, for the sale of/120.000 WitALHIT IMPROVE SIVA T 120241)8. Bald Bends icibe orate denom te.tieg of 4500. Payable 20 Years after data with coupons attached for the payment °tinter est. at the rate of T par cent, per annum. paya ble semi-annually ken the let .dayi of Julf and JAMMU. The faith, property.and MAilt Of the city are pledged for their redemption. rwrmv MECO - TO BUILDERS.— PROPOSALS .111 be received at the lihoe Store of JAALEB ROBB, No. NOMarket street, for the ereCtion of a BANK 8U14131150 for the KEYSTONE SAY.. !NUS BANK, until TUESDAY. Yebra ary 12th: Plane and .I:x69ex/ions now ready for exam ination at the office of HARR A MOSER. Archi tects, No. 2c t. Clair street. Bide aro cilicited for each of t branches of "fork separately, and for the whol completeln one contract. ; SAMUEL BARKLEY, JAAIES BILL ABMS, • WM. YlUttEitnULLI., 7--• JAI:Ms ROBB, .1•17:115 • 12717.8•1311 77. Wl.Thre t CMCAGO.II. W. Co } 0 gees qf the &cectary. PITTE2Cimu. A's., Dee. 1724, DIRECTORS IMr d ai deelar AßD IF. 22 PEI( CEN f, free of tioverament tax, oo od of thelacapital Mod:, wid sesni-annrial dividend of P ER CENT.. lees Government tax, un too Third Atortg age Honda pa able on ann after l h w tLa n f eJ i C r , , 2 11 7 7 n0d t 2 t o hPi&neEL & e o re f e Wt.i to ghes;- registered at New 'York, uulattlie °ince of the Treasurer, to those registered at Pittntlrgh. The Wane fer Hooks will close on the 2010 day of December, at go'eloet. r. Y. and will re-open on the 17th day cf./silvery, 1107. 1.9:r61 7. a. ISLITCHINSON,2eeretary. anon =r. Iss7. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWN ERS.--The attention of the property era and citizens of elttsborgh called to the fol lowing resolution Of the litre.; Committee, adopted st the Its: meeting. Jan. MC: jecro/rol, That the Cititens end rropetty Own., Ot Pittsburgh, desirous of having the crams in front of their respective property graded, pared and set wilh eon stout are In cited to pretent tnel r pea VlCourolls before tie ISt day of April, ISo all petitions pre sented after that date will nocessartly he Laid lover till the following Tear. • CIIAUI.X.2 FLEICIiBPPAIZL, _ lenteti Clerk of the linnet Committee. ()Tyler. OP A LLZOIMIT VALISY R. U. Co.. if/1788mm. Yuman 101. 1867. I VOTICE TO HOLDERS' OF 0 . 0 P/RST MORTGAGE BONDS uP THE AL- T VALLEY RAILROAD COMENOEY. —TAO Allegheny Vniley gal Itos4 Company nett by eve noUce that tAny orlll redscm the • The First MortgageDonde Grebe Co. Within two year. from that data. In accord= with the provisions of the montage evert 10 tare the pat ment of said bong& ral:ll:".4lilllll'l4llgLtilreZeYresigent. R,TATKIIIENT OF THE CONIEII. tIA .-FDIIIO el OF Ttrz PITTBIIITRIIIIBALNE lOU December at. IDSB LLUSLIZIII.2I. Capital 5t0ek........- Due Depositors Contingent !mg..... &AU /33 $235,1111 P r4 ' ltletr;iff " 03136 /fixtures 363.63 5 , 33 CO • cult 14439 03—M5,61215 • 63. E. /13161231.16 Y. 263333633. • The endertlebed, Auditing Committee reapeet folly report that they have esambeed the Hooke and Aieeta of the Bata and end the above state ment to be correct. JOHN betYrY. 43. OLLANISBEN. ROBERT C. 801131E1172. ES= p:rlp HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, PITTAIIIIMAH, PA., WUCCIEBBOIIB TO HAMA, HART it C 0.,) , DF.ALEI7.I lft Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And nartieut=loard to the pm , GOVERNMENT BONDS. Ifsr1110111 : 1111APItt ON LONPOS. jofl N. 'HOLMES & SONS 3124.49.N32 ERI3, No. 57 Market Street, rrrrsimuum Defaults f enelsed In Par Fluids and Cunene] , Co ilectlons made on all the prlncll4 Do/ols the Wilted States and Cetudas, Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT /ND SOLD ON COMMISSION. ( Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of U. S. Securities, Including 11. S. SIXES 01 1E81; do. do. 1.. U.; FIVES 10-40. Q. H. ClElliiiit)ATEi OF IiaiIeBTEDNESS (Mere and Youcttersbought or collected. .- ia2331 FITTSBURGH BANK. FOR SAVINGS, ( rmmerly the DINE SAVINUS LNIITITHTION . C t Fourth Street, Nearly Opposlte'llant of Pi ttabargle. - OHARTEZED 1N.11362. OPEN DAILY from- to 4 o'clock. and an Wif.DNEISDAT AND SATURDAY EVltalNlis from N.Y Lt to N 04414044 LA. t to 91104.104 k. sad from November /sato May Ist. to o'clock. Rooks of sj-Liovs..kc.. furnished at Um office This Institution especially °Veto them otiose centaurs a. ilmirm.4 the opportunity to aeon. hy email ceposite, easily SAY 44. /MO Wlitell will be a resource when neede.', aud bear ing batereet 'naiad of remaining ;reproductive. 33cPeerci, of 111COOO.ozoross PILIFIDLNTV , GEORGE A. DERRY. ging reAstrmars: 8. 11. ISARTNAN , JAMES PANE. JO. ' filen:L.lLT AND TZ1A561211: . D. Z. 31cEINLET. a. BRADLEY. I in.„ R ;Ar iI ! ICK. A. b., lIEOL. • , •• 5. .^. -- kfloymy IN". S. DILWORTH. 40SAYt c, ,,, r r ti. FOLLANSPEE. jell: . pcipegigTE, JAM. L. Ogg' _ 6141 E EVii. POttctrons—D. W. t A. a. anal; J. F. STARK & Go BANKERS,i (~ COrner of nod and Third Br4is, 33trs . .13,1173 D ISZCL/Z2 Burma 511113 BOW, Oa SUER LID COEPOSS, wme anu Sight !Mint racbsasaaa 91 . 047. TRANOI... , GIZIWIT, ITALY. • • - - c)CASKtiI BLIDDEB, Dutch, rile' eod for sato be OliO. A. KELLY t CO. deal Wholesale Drogilste, S Wood street pi WANTED, IPaR TMER, 'WOO trout OLIN to 11`,SW. to RR itt1t4114 . .1 130.1oets. Apply at - N. lOR CENTRIC AVENUM, PlrtnuL .114. WAN - TED. A LARGE STABLE, Wan SUED Thou •08 WAtioNS ICA iutra ►t No. '34 lik - WD ISTIZEIT WA.NTE.O. mrsr 8 80Y pitmen year. of age, a 'hellion to a nook Stationary Store. Apply at Ja19:217 - A 2 PINE CIT. Pint/ want WAIWTF,D, Wanted to borrow, oninsortgaste on good - property. for oast year. Address BOX "8" GAZILITZ Ornrs, Stating Whirrs an Interviews= • . had. Jals:us WARTF,D--50 Stove and Hot- LOW NABS IfOULDIREt. to Isbell good wages and steady emplorme.t will be given. No one Wangles to the Itoniders , Linton Jas.. elation :Iced apply. • 1311.1D9ZIVED .1 CO.. Louisville. EMIII WANlTED.—Graduales of LH erary and Cot:men-14 Colleges to engage Permanently In business requiring haAt.III•LI , ship and,business correspondence. Apply 'frith reference. to B. IL CUURAN, 118 Urant street. oppocite Court House de'llmat wAiIiTED.--/00. 1000, 10,000 Men no seIIANDRZWIP ti/th aENATUB, which can be attached to any Into, makes the best gee light In eminence from common oil. convenient as a candie; will not blowout. Most •raeldly article out, Wog , . Agelllls eol.lng lIIODtT, selling It with ligh t to me it J. C. TILTON, jai No. Inti Bt. Mar street. (Boom No. 2.) WAFTED--AGENTI3-lIT THE EU.ItEICAL DEWING MACHINECOMPANY to sell Melt. /SEW 8510 Xtiselt ME- Will sew Row Write paper to heavy 8 cloth or leather without ebony* of feed, needle or ten. Mon. Sett-adjusting pressure foot and newly demented four-motioned UntlenrinD. - Address. enclosing stamp, .1. It. HALL I CO.. dell (at fifth street, (Seoorld flo ?Manor/tn.for.) WANTED. -- AGENTS. MALE and FEMALE—In everypart of 'Western Peantylvanla, for the line new Steel Engravings, ••VIIKY Cif AT VALLEY /.01111E,'• • THE 31 all/EN•I4 PtCAYalt.'• ••LINCULtI•eI HOME AT dr ttlEi G ri ELI) •• Either by the mouth or by tommissloo. Pub. Where' rate. allowed. For MI particulars AP Ply In venom, or sddrem FAIWO C UV. 43 mil Street. puut.tril, WANTED—AGENTI--The best Chance yet. A Work of Instonleet Wine and Natlonar importance. The OW)Toclx on one Navy yet tn the neld. relateUt OUIt CA:IMAM/T.llB, by lon. J, L _T. IIgAULKY, the dlatlndelehed Author sod Lble. torten. In one handsome volume: Illustrated bend at on. for term and territory. Address A.. 1.- T.,LCOTT, jail:MS:dd. P - fdrdneket Plttaborgn,Pa_., WASTED, A Partner, w1(11 00,000.1 IN SAFE AND EXCELLENT P➢9INEYi Yielding itnY Ignong roffts E=l32 STEEL & WILSON. Batman AND ELS ZEITATI•OI.IrTS, sO - . ea 2.1t16e1d Btrbet FOB FOR RENT. • , TWO TWO-BTOBY BRIO% D LIMOS, Bit:it c on Robinson .trectoacar CI rich .ircet, Allegheny. 4•Clleocktahlior .1:t °BM 004 1 eel* Ihr, tc. Inquire of AL A. WOOL/W/OW, Pl:r.o Po. 144 rocith street. Pili.bhriril T° LET S .IELCICSIIdiES. Two or three Young Mn cad obtain Large nod Comfortable 81.eulag ♦yartmenta, within two minute* walk of the l'estotliee, by addrew, lug Immediately, (Dare= 4.1 . .0g, Pittsbn rib. es. I=l TO LET., 4. 7 r OFFICE, Oa Ent Eo3r of No. 69 and 70 Wateritreet I= = • ItLET.—Elght Booms of a elifManed House. on Penn street, Po ltth Ward. enlist:de for a Private funily. neat refer. cornea and senurlty repaired. Poseeaalon elv en Jet of.A_pril. • £1.50, TO LET—Taro other Ihrellinr• Oa Penn street, near Christ Moire,. In nil of . CUTHBERT BON. ' 7512,0 51 Market Street. • FOB . 4 L4RGE ROOM, In bark building ot GAZETTE. For particu lar. mantra at JaG:rlt7 GAZZTTZ COUNTINU-ROOM. Fop, SENT, STONE BOOM NO.OOIII.9.FLET STREET; BOOMS SUITABLE FON 9.111111.8 GENTS; enact BOOM. SECOND FLOOR Of 58 STNIZT; 0/11088 ON 111111 D .ILND_XLILICZT J. N. 4,AZZLN, .MO7 at Lair. 98 Grant Cave. TO LET, The Warehouse, 21 Wood St., Now occupied by T. A. =VANS A CO. or further latormonort. sPPILto Ituteu . PENNOCK. Or WILLI CY IMINLEI.Y.P.. IslS:r7i No. AM Wood atreet, rib Or FOR SALE. EVII BALE ,— We offer for sale that valoable - MANUFACTURING SITE, Occupied D 7 Its as i; Barrel Pastory. situate a the toot of Taylor street. Pitt township, and op V.I. the Copper 11111 of Park, MoCordy 3 Co. This property has front of 244fect on the Alle gheny river; containing near TWO ACRES,snd privilege of Riling op to mate as much more. /or Iron, 81.1 or other large Manefacturing purposes, has no super.r. Terms made tenth purchaser. ' 1.1:s11 utrrusts a SILL. Fon SALE. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. The Urge TWO STOUT DOMBLE DWULLIUU. No. 112 Volum street, opposite Can ire seem., now oceupled by W. gat. The hone is utirtywitht feet Rout by thirty-41z feet deep.standing n a g b on e p lot e tnysf o e otaey. y The h w nd ln d i e m de des o r a bl w . t l pleuzitt. containing YOUNT/LEN BANAL% be gide/ balls, de. sltb neat front yard and large •=t.'7,:;;`="`.l,l*=l cheerful and apply . .S, CUTIIIIEST 41 SOB!!, J 019.016 • MARKET STREET. FOR SALE.—One Three Story Dwelling norm. containing eleven roomy. ONE TWO STORY DWELLINU 310175 E containing tight rooms an/ UMW attic. ONE SMALL SitiliE HOUSE containing Ave room and Pantry. Inquire of WIC \ll C.II3II.ItELL. N. =2 Second Street. 1= FOR SALE OR RENT. A COF FEE STAND, la the Mulct Hours Diamond, Do. I. /or further particulate empitre at the Stand. No. 4D, in the liatket Dottie Diamond, ;Pittsbuh - . Jain:srgat FOR SALE—One Lot fronting 44 . le feet, inch., on West side of.giedesky sestet. ranaltig beek 91 feet I leetses to irtilt at .gey,nn which there Is erected 4 tsro-stary brick Muses,: on Deride eerier - yet: with from. eeeb• and 2 on Wing eller, with 4 roosts Were, oppo site the Fourth Went School No use 4yrill be molt et • bargain, by . nAILnICY 4144.4 , L. least /slate Mends. Ja11:611 No. 99 Set ver street, Allegheny. FOR SALE--The Church. Build fur oecirp Mtw rirrall. P. Cit.MORE- U LTION, WM.' of Pleat Mad Smt est;n A.- gheny Qty I. *Mired for .us S i Topositioroilbr puratase will be remind. sof fall Lisfurrnstfon glrrao7eltnerorlna undersigned. ngt u rungs fah WC. T Me nlo wNree, No. s t r eet. sx#NinuiluarriN •bio.'l2Ulzakond. OEM V OS SA LE—A n t desirable prop -44 n a • y nd n ir A w n 7 .167 la tdoon n e dn a o y znatt.elcy street and 114 40 on strawberry al. Vig;*l2l4ll.":=V:st, with raven Imola., Ana hams shoo on the tam end of tbn lot. Sae nutter Infortnailois Inqulrs on Ilto nrenanen, • joall • 111 SAM/O , BY lITILELT. 8411. E.—ONE TWO-STORY .LIIIWN CLAD BulL1)111 , 43. 441 th no«) star•- Mm. (and to. (4) year leans of ground front 1.1. mat A. 11;) situate in itood locaLlon. betas No. L 2 Yam 4treet, corner. Harrison stunt. would be a prod locatlnn (Ora Ir. rd Mare. or rltunblng land lima Milting Moo.' Engel,. of Z. Italte No. )l0 rann street;cet sandpit. Bauwa a CU., Pluabera - Stem and U. rtpe titters. No. IS 'federal meet, Alladhealrlllty. la3mco FOR SALL—second Rand &TEAM ENGINE AND BOILER. W. s. LYTLE. NO. 01 ►tnt .1100. NEW PANEL PAPERS, WITH- PLAIN TINTS AND WOOD IMITATIONS. No. 107 MA 67ATSECT, FULLS FTITLI. JOM. B. HIUGUES BRO.