The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 01, 1867, Image 1

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1.1 TIFD Efl
No. BO I.Str
r. B. Peannumuf, I Edwin! ,
fasige Sia l PAV ED, InsOmess Hanars.
Sided Caplet .. ... 3 cent•.
Delivered. by earlier. (per 15 cents.
Mill Subscribers. (per Yoe , r) SS."'
Jalberalreditettons to Newenore
Blunt Comes, per ......
the do. do. - do.- enot , ..... •
Ten or more enples. to one edam , . and
one free to elob, earl ..... r...
!Sloe present Term •
tbo Western' University will close., on
Fabmarvarst.tind the next term will cont.
,d, s ice hit ,touchy, February the' fourth.
all destrinis of connecting tbemselvta.
with it; should be present. at that time.
been 'new classes will be formed in im
portant .ittudles. The University was
sever More prosperous; The best advanta
ges are enjoyed ire F.reparatory English,
Pre*MorYCliaticid. Collegiate and act
ontilio Studies. , Book Keeping and Pen,
nianshlp are taught at low rates, by a con,
petent instructor— Instructlon Ls given in
Analytical Chemistry.
The grout' eloslog ont sale of tb °immense
stock of good Boom and Shoes in the justly.
popular oprwir flours Shoo Store. We are
going latothe WSIOLIMALL TEA.DZ April let,
and as the presort stock Is not sukalde nor
of tpo - proper - sixes for such - a trade, we
want to - olose out as touch of the present
:stock SS TOSlnble, end rtechrdlngly, haring
' this end In rlewore wlll sell you goods at
.your own pries& . All goods far below, cost.
.Bfwgainti in everything you handle for tho
'next SIXTY nays. This grand opportunity
to benettt yourselves should not be passed
by as It Is something extraordinary In the
way of - selling Boots and Shoes.
ate* ILlfe'9asuraneo Company..
By reference to another column It willbe
'seen: trait Mrs. C, Oyer, and Pira. Wm. J.'
Richardson have made - public, aeknowledg.
mentor the receipt of five thousand dollars
each, trom D.1".. - Chttp man, Manager o 1 the
PAttabargh branch-of .tho aCtria Life Insu
rance Company. The progress with the
prompt and careful management - of tills
Comgany . commerals it to every one inter
weted in the subject of Life Insurance:, We
destre to states. few fact. in regard to it.
Over one thousand pessona of Pittsburgh
and vicinity have taken Out znieles In the
This Company issued 19,19 e policies dur
ing the, Ngar WC.' 'Being an . inerease of
IS.BSdover the preceding year! fie -an.
were $5,521,930.50 for the year
Comment Is unnecessary. firese figures
speak for themselves. Persons contenapla-
Bug insuring will do well to call and get a
circular and an explanation in regard to
the workingvof this popular Company.
The Wilco is at No. l 9 Fourth street, second
floor of Ilteriugs building.
At The Worid•e Fedi
In London, ISO 2, the Wheeler & Wilson Sew.
lag Machine received the highest award—
all the Machines of Europe and dmellea In
conipotttion. This award has always been
made wherever exhibited. You will make
no mistake in ordering ono as a holiday
gift to wife, Sister or friend. They can be
.purchased only at Sumner & Co's., Fifth
Of canned Omits and • vegetables are invi
ted to inspect the assortment kept by (leo.
:Barmen, at 117 Federal street, Allegheny
City, ,
Almont /..t.
Dr. Warner.
• Tan medical office of E. warner, old In
dian rhystaian,,a Son, removed to No. 2.11
Penn meet. '- NRS,
DraCi sud'Modletnes
. Doctors' prescriptions carefully prepared
at half tho usual price, at Yultou , s Drug
Store, opposite Fostonico.
toreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph S.
Nodes Distillery; No. 1.99, 191, 1.93 and /95
First struot, Pittsburgh.
• Tim Om Buy ' .-
98 per cont. Alcohol at Sosoph S. Finch's.
You Can May
Now Hops nt Joseph S. Pinch's..
AlmO■t Lost.
. bill Tian passed the Massachusetts
lions° of Representatives -allowleg the
rate of interest to be flied at seven per
cent., by special contract; but where no
agreement la made r tho legal rate of inter
' est remains at sir per Cent.
• The steamer Damascus, from - Liverpool
on the seventeenth, aarived at Portland
yesterday. ..
• at Quebec, the trial of Won. Church for
killing hlfiscife,haireaulted in a verdict of
The cost of cliainnit the streets of Boston
of anew darins the two list great Storms,
amounted ,to $50.000. Over ono thousand
men Were employed. • •••.- •
The lee In the DelaNritre it Philadelphia
Is very heavy. Yesterday people were
crossing at Chester on the Ice. Thousands
of people Were skating and alelighing on
the ice opPosito the city.
The Memphis Appeal newspaper has been
Purchased by John Ilogan. of at. Louts, and
others. It will be edited by General Albert
Pike. • .'
"Genend Curtis - Leo—pon of the, General
Les—has declined the Presidency of the
, Maryland Apiculture! College.
_ .
The State eonvention of the Grand Army
of.tbo gerinblie of Ohio, has chosen General
Thomas. of Cincinnati, Grand
. . .
Goveredr,Warti, of New Jersey, boa veto.
- fed the Bribery bill, - whatever that may be.
The,old - wOOden building, formerly used
:as theillinols Central- depot, in St. Louis,
`was buried, Wedneaday nigh t.Loss $12,000,
:insure - 4
for $7,100 in thOlinclarwriteral Com,
Poity"bodles have been recovered from
'llaikating told. Regent Park, London..
The R.Onther has been unpreeedentedly
tn'Eurispe; es well SLO in this country,
this present . winter.
Large hard. of buffalo aro moving In the
direction of Denver City; a. sure sign that
the Indians are behind them, and bound in
the same direction.
.a. mOVetiteitt is on foot et Fichmond, Va.,
to IPPP/ I t.cogo:npirtfulars , by the Legtsla.
`taro, whose duty it shall ho to remain In
,- Wasbtrigtois;and . brlng before the Snpreme
Court all acts of Congresti affecting the in
, . • Wrest of tbaSontb, in order that they may
be pronoun ced anconstltutionaL"
` , rue serttth 'do 'getter COMMlaslon have
fawned sub ciainest appeal for no Immeli late,
gene:rens and universal effort tn behalf of
tbolandawintrialrem districts of the South.
Beath* of ' . United
United Stites Itoldlers on
• She Littman from Cholera—Tbe War
.ssetweentSpain and Pews and Chill
and Paragnay—A: Chip Cs
' • - -%WI Through the Istittuins of Darien.
N4w lona , Jannary..3l. The . steamer
Ile 7 Chauncey lias arrived with one mill
lion and iseventy thousand dollars in Cali
Ferly. deaths 'from cholera occurred
Aim:loathe United transi t ,roops detained.
on the Nicaragua. up to the leth
of January.. . •
• The agent o f the line, Copt' Maury, was
mobbed. by passengers for allowing the
Wesel Taylor to call for San Francisco
without them, and narrowly escaped death.
. Dr. Hine, American Consul to Costa RICO.
died Januaryintlarnatory rheuron•
Lt is rumored the Spanish Admiral would
• proceed with all bin ships to Faullaland
' It is also rePOrted that Spain would estab
_lash a naval station at Monteveldo.
The Brazilian army hod gained an Wren-
Moe over a column of live or six thousand
Paraguayans. • •
The revolution in • Mendoza has not
spread - to anY 'other parts Of the Argentine
IloPpumlo.. •
.Tbe Peruvian Government bus granted a
concession to colon Americans for the con
struction of a good road from Lima to
It was probable that Mr. Burton. our
'Minister to Bogota, would receive sultablo
apology. Stow the Government, for offensive
lanquic used by ono of tha President's
A party . of imeilenu engineers is at Pan
Preparing for a survey of the Lsthmu.
of Darn, with' a view to the construetto •
Of a ship canal.
• 1 -, , i . . i : L_ _ .
, ___ ,
. 2 -'! . s i
1 '
' i 1
. ti\ 'llir
• 1 60
Turkey Strongly Advized to Befom
Suez Canal Opened to Steam Vessels,
American Fleet at Constantinople.
Luxecur, Jun. 30.—1 t is stated that the WU.
Ish Cabinet freely express the hope that the
peace of Europe will be preserved, In spite
of the threaterdnr appeanuiees In the
The search of baggage of foreign travel
ers In England and Itancs will hereafter be
Merely nominal.
Panis,Jan.3o.—lt is thought here that the
mint.. of Enteral' to the United States Is
a Russian Intrigue to involve the Ameri
can government In the eastern question.
krusks, Jan. 30.—The Greek government
le about to raise the/ tarltr, and expect tiy
this means to Lucre* the revenue one and
ahalf . mtlitoue drachmas.
Lomas, January' at. Is asserted that
12.1 Derby's administration will fall to the
ground. If the speech of the Queen at the
ra-opening of Parliament should not re-
commend reform.
John Bright has made a speech at Roch
dale, In which he said that the recent re
forms announced by the 'Emperor Napoleon
should be interpreted in a liberal sense;
the authority for suspending newspapers
would be abandoned, and that public meet
ings could be held twenty days before=
election, and that the tribune would be m
Dispatches from Constantinople announce
that twelve American' war vessels were
daily expected there. -
Pass, Jan. 31.—The French Government,
acting for the great European powers, id
engaged In framing reforms favoring the
Interests of Christianity.
PARIS, Jan. 3L—Mr. Bennett Is to receive
a gold medal from the yachtmen of Rochelle.
Ile will also havd an oudienee with . theEnt.
licumnr, January 31.—A conference, com
posed of delemstna appointed by the Yrtia
elan and 3.ustrian Governments to arrange
&system of customs, doe, has adjourned.
Results not stated.
SS. PLTERSDIDIO, January 31.—The Rue.
elan Government has addressed a note to
the Porte, advising generosity tow ards the
Greek subjects of the Ottoman Empire, null
the granting of reforms.
Llano', Jan. al.—ln tile Senate action ban
been taboo in favor of tno abolition of
alavory in the Portuguese, colonies.
Losoos, Jan. 31.—The Porte Las doter
mined to make concessions to rho Cretans,
and will Soon appoint a Chnstian Governor
for CandLa.,
LATO 917.011 lIRAZIL.
The mall steamer from Illobnugs ROWS
that the Emperor of Brazil has resolved to
Increase his army and carry on the scar
against Paragaay wish vigor.
PAms, Jan. 31.—Count Montholon. late
-Minister at Washington, has been decors,
tea with tho Grano Cross of the Legion at
Honor and goes to . Lisbon as Ambassador.
Fcoasninc, Jan. 31.—The canrucipality of
Voniels has tendered the Gambit of the city
to Garibaldi. •
ALL.T.1.31:011.1A, January 31.—Large steam
tugs have passed through the fresh water
canal to Suez. "
Lo2rumt„Jannery lirittell Gov
ernment has made a demand upon France
for the rendition of Lamtrande; •
MULLIN, Santulli 31.—The Prussian Dlet
has approved loans for railroad ps,rposes
to the amount of 2.1,0X1.0D0
DEATH 07 TIM 711.31C11 3111113210T0.2001L.
• P.Auts, January 30.—Advices from .Iho Je
heir° report the death of the French 71114
/Star to Brazil. •
Usets, Jan. 30.—United States bowls de
clined 34.
LONDON, Jan. 31.—Noon—Con90ls 001.1.10;
FiVit4WentloB 72:Y;; Illinois of 4; Erie JOX.
Livenroot, Jan. 31—Cotton market dull,
and favors buyers. though there is ;so quo
table change; middling upland ILcd.. Sales
estimated at .9,000 bales.
Fesneronr, January 3l.—Five-Twenty
bonds, n).l.
Llvenroot. January 31—Evening.-.Cotton
market net; Middling Uplands, 14 .1. Sales
did not exceed 13,000 bah.. Bret vistuirs
easier. Corn closed at 404.0 d. Pio visions
and products steady and unchanged. •
Lox non, Jan.3l—.Evening.--Consols:
live-Twentins. 72%; Illinote Central, 9I14;
Erie, M.'
I.osnos, Jan. :31.—The market hero for
Five s Tlcs is flat, and a dillplatelYrOnl
rtai reports that they nave dentin. ni one
fourth because of the recent dinars clad In
telligence from America.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
Special Dispatch to the Plttaborgri Casette
lialiatantraa, Januar* .21:
Petitions were presented by Mr. Brown
from citizens of Mercer county, for the ro-
Pool of the law aPPOinting auctionew , rs.
Mr. White presented the petition of tho
Wool Growers , Association of Penn sylva,
ills, in favor of the pending tariff bill.
A joint resolution was presented Inctruct.
mg our henators anti Representatives in
Congress, to 'urge a re-411MM= of the revenue
tax on petrolamm.
Also, a Joint resolution Instructner and
requesting ..our members Con,r,ss
vote for a law to pay bounties to soldiers
posing their discharge papers. •
Mx. Graham read in place no act granting
Courts in this Commonwealth power to ep.
point. viewers to open streets and alleys;
An act to punish by fine any corporation
allowing their employees to exclude per
sons from any cat on account of color.
The act to authorize the sae of agileultu
nil laid scrip was amended • and passed. '
supplement to the school law to
increaseithe efficiency of teachers, was
discussed and postponed.- for the present,
Mr. Frelforn presented a similar bill to
that presented by Mr. Graham in the Sen
ate, relative to excludiug persons from
cars on account of color.
Al. tile session, the special or
being the Constitutional dmeadmient,
was discussed.
Adjourned. •
itecoru3truction Committee at
Work on a New Plan.
...Meeting of Southi.rnßepubli
can associationi
Grand Lobbying Scheme Proposed,
WAS nlxuroS, J anu.syy 31, UM.
The itecotuttruotion Committeo Is CS•
petted soon to make report on several plans
now before tuom looking to the re-habilita
tion of the Southern States.. Their views
bayonet, however, yet taken clellnite shape.
Therosonms to be no doubt that some pro-
Vision will be adopted by when to avoid
the effect of any passible recognition of the
Southern States, in their present conditioll,
by the United States Supreme Court:
Amendments to the Internal Revenue
Love nro now, under consideration by the
Committee of Ways and 3lonns. It In probe
able many articles for the benefit of earl
culturists, and Oihura, Will be exempt from
such tax, such as salt, butter and choose,
made by associated enterprise, leatherand
farm wagons.
• sotmeet. r.ercumess ASROCIATION.
The Notional lateWye - Herr gives au ac
count purporting to be Otto proceedings of
'the Southern 'Republican Association, held
last night, at ulsich twenty representatives
of States took part in a discussion to favor
of holding a convention at Washington, on
or about the 4th of March nout ,to urge the
Impeachment of President Johnson as the
only hope of the South for a speedy recon
struction. - •
A citizen of New Tork, whole once Is on
Wall street, has tutted a coullderitial circa.
be to the national banks,proposLog to come
to Washlegion aid lobby for them, If they
will contribute at the rate of one dollailtin
each thousand of their circulation for his
expense.. If all the banlm could ho per
to Join In such an arrangement It
would yield him the snug little sum of thvsa
hundred thousand dollars. Natlodal banks
abould beware of all such bilierolent oiler. •
. , . Timms= IS nommen. .
The r port of Brigadier General Billion,
Assla t Commissioner of tho Frecilmen'a
Bureau r 31eisissippl, showing the condi
tion of 1 o freedmen's affairs in th at State,
during iecember, has been received. lie
states tit derneind for labor is no greet that
..treedmen are being Drought gram other
Stat. tOlthisiaslppl, where they can -con
tract at CO to $l5 per month, mtlone, quar
ters and medical attendance Meted - id.
Boring the month of December there were
7.9e0 mike. ,issued, being an Increase of Vil
over the 1 issue for . November. The freed
men alioin no spirit of Idleness, and plan
ters are anxious to secure laborers. School
• •
matters seem to he progresslig flatly, and
a growink uttered 18 manifested which
promisesL: be of permanent service. T<o
fruittul so rees of dissatisfaction to freed
men are ix,ws prohibiting them 'carrying
Elmearms and owning real estate. •
The Committee on Ways and Ileum; at
their mee ti ng to-day, while considering
the amendatory tax bill, agreed to abolish
the tax od newspaper advertisements. it
is understood the bill will be repotted
within the next ten days. The tax on
large number of articles will be considera
bly reductid, In order to lessen the general
roves:Metre= Internal sources.
ins reams:rev nectaxo.
The work of the Currency Bureau of the
Treasury Department was resubsed to-aay,
the Board of Examiners having completed
the count ) of current issues, which was
found ,to )se correct. • The amount which
the Examiner, have-Counted is nearly $.1)0,
MO 000
Another roll'orlionor bp tablished by QUAm .
lertnaster ieneral hielge, at the instance
Lary of the Sec of tho War, -being the
names of diem Who
. lied. Lathe defeese
of the Union and are iterred to the come •, .
teries of the States Cl New York, Wiscon
sin, Penns vuxiiii, !owe, Maryland, MIS-,
sour!, North Carolteir, Arkansas, Kansas
and DakotATorrlawies, The publication of
this pamphlet, of over twelve hundred
names, is for the Information of theirs=
siving comrades and friends.
Brig. General F. D. Bewarde recently de
snatched, by order of Major General Doi,-
*rd. to make an Inspection of the District
of North Carolina, has retained to head-
quarters at W ashington. •
Lieut. J. W. Stickney ban been ordered to
duty, In connection with the Frectirtion'S
linreau, In Tennessee.
Tho'speelal Order of the War Department
mustering out of service Lieut. Cot Beebe,
128th colored troops, he• been revolted. 7
no order Issued by the iincrataryoffihr,
carrying Into effect the law abolishing the
o Mee of 13T:tiler, goes into e!reet after July.
let, next.
ynetrnetions have hem prepared by the
Comnidsstimer General at the Loud Odic.
W govern reglatarsi receivers and sgents,
of Mato/ and corporations In the selection
of land L adcr grants from Congress, for
A memorial was presented to the Senate
to-day, from Senor Def Palma, Vice (Mnsul
of Yertugal,aL Savaonah,.durlng the robCD
Hoe, claiming ..romtinerattori for property
taken by General Sherman'a army. Ile had
removed his family'. to Wynnaboro, Sooth
Carolina, where, an he alleges, they ware
plundered of els thousand dollars Ln
gold and diamonda t . Jewelry and wear:.
lag apparel to the total value of thirty-two
thousand four hundred and seventy.four
dollars. 11e complams that Ids application
for redress failed to receive proper consid,
oration at the State Department.
1110/4111 DELtOATION
A delegation from fourteen tribes or In=
dines Patted upon Cmumlasioner /too to ,
day to aiscortaln . What disposition is to be
made of the Muds they now occupy, besides
certain Interests which they hold in others.
The Commissioner not being prepared to
hold a business le ferriew at present, briefly
welcomed each delegation, expressing to
them separately an outline of his yiews on
the subject of their mission to Washington.
Among those present was Keokuk, who,
after the termination of Mr.ll. gy's omech,
approached the Commissioner nil, through
an interpreter, expressed his willingness
to adopt suet, views WI the C.mmlasioner
had prescribed..
Tilt ar cause , . exciter ox.
The Speaker's Reception tTrileit was
more crowded than any previo lon.
General Grant was amongst the moat prom
inent personages. •
• • 'f from the Gerald Cerre.pon 'see.
Commissioner Rollins woe
with the Ways and Means con
Wednesday, in regard to the int
enter tax. Thee far they h.,.
tad few articles which It Is
. 1. 1867.
put Into the list. The Conotaisaimmar inn
formed them that there was a great falling
off of the revenue 'receipts within the last
sixty days, and from present indicatimm it
was likely to diminish still more during
the next six or nine months, on account of
the generalstagnation of butanes. The
Committee';have, - th ere forty decided, not to
pees a pon-any rated° until they_ get the
tariff bill, and then It is likely but little, if
any, redaction will he made on the leading
articles. -
The Sub Committee Is still engaged In su
staining Into the whisky tax- It will be
•stimo days before they will be ready to re
port. Commissioner Rollins is ln confer
ence with them every evening.. Ile Is Op:
posed to making any reduction at present,
and favors stringent legislation, believing
it will puts stop to frauds. 'The Commit
tee, however, are very much divided on
the question, and It Is doubtful whether
they will recommend It.
Creole the Times Cormspondence.l
Some Idea may be formed of tho frauds
perpetrated by smugglers, from the fact
that a special scent Sent to the frontier to
inveStis are the m ovaa able to make arrange-
Meets with twenty-two custom homes of
ficers out of twenty three In the district, for
smuggling goodainto the United States.
. Thu President has nominated to the Sen•
ate lion. It: linlbert, to be Comptroll of
. The Ways and Means Committee have atl
dad twirled leather to tho 'realist.
rom the Tribune Correspondence I.
Quite a ntienbbr of letultng Southern men
are la.the city arranging a new plan of rai
-1 natment which has been approved-by
number of Republica., bused upon the
Constitutional Amendment.
ThdProsident 11118 recently said to a unto
beret persons that the worst thing be over
did In iris ills was to period Mayor Monroe,
of Now Orleans. .
One of the most Important cases yet pre
sented to the Court of Claims, is that for
two million dollars domegei against the
Government, for the scums by tile war de
partnaer.t large tract of land at
the CIMCSI4IO. of the Columbia river, In
Washington territory, since occupied as a
military post, and , belonging to George M.
CFrom the World's Correspondence.]
The Department and Congressional In
*emaiu o ti n on i neufe d th eo n T ' r We u n y s P d r a i y n , tL and
thomh no actual fraud has been discover
d, there have appeared some discrepancy
in the accounts which may be explained
It nts' ho safely namixted, that away. - '
standi the voluminous Testimony taken
by special committee investiguting the
Now Orleans riot, bat few additional facts
have been developed. The Chairman Is
already making np his revert, which will,
of course, be made to reflect severely en
the President. It will state, however. that'
the Committeedo not propose to recom
mend the Impeachment of the President.
is Passage by tho Senate This
Morning--Ayes 27, Nays 10,
WAS ni ?info", January :11,
Mr. 17.21.M.5ET, trom the Post office Com
mittee. reporttal favorably on a Mil to le
galize a bridge across the Missouri river. at
St:Charles, Mo.; also a 1.1111 to authorize the
construction of* sulanergial tubular bridge
across the Missls4pl, at ht. Louis; also a
bill amendatory of the postal laws.
Up 111011011 of .11r. SUSINEIt, a resolution
was adopted calling on the President for
any eorrevendenee between the State De
partment and lbrelga 3iinliger , ,on the pol
icy of toe adruintitration towards the re
bellious States, and nf any InglitTieti bayed
013._ COLIVernatIOTIJ reported to the State
on motion of air. P ATTEC,,s'ON, the
Committee on Cialm6, IL 1411 sus instructed
to inquire into Inc ex pedtency of enmpen•
sating the lays! ell Isom. of East Tenntwsce,
for war 10-ses, In accordance with the rf-
COrialoontlutioll of the emnuabalOu appoint
ed by lieneral Burnside. '
IIISCITILOCt" , WIT» 5.1,11 141. ANDY.
On motion of alr. C ANI ON NESS, the Secreta
ry of Dm Treasury was asked as to the ad
visability of a reclproeity treaty with the
Sandwich lalen a.
TILE ...124T11TA7.1 3,119F.10,
SOISIO donate occurred on 3lr. Sumner'
rerolutlon of alliuyy,•, upon lii
President for a copy f i to U letter alt.
which the Secretary of tho State predicate.
Jib loiter to Mr. Motley, but no action w
'' • •
nature SILL.
Talc tariff bill was tuken op.
The duty on cast iron pipe, was increased
to 171. cent per pound; ou Clllollltito and by
chromate of potassa, to 414 c. per pound. '
The duty on woolens of less value titan
one dollar per pond, was Axed at 45 vints,
and Z 5 per cent. advulorem; when Valued
'at less than $1,50 per pound. :is rents per
pound and 1u per cent. ad valonma; arid
when valued at over $1.50 per pound, 5o
cents .per. pound and .1;5 per cent. adv..
lorem. Yeasl9; nays, 15.
Lila coar se of the debate on the forego.
'lng, Mr. WILSON .1,1 the pending bill was
a western measure, originating in the
brains and pockets of wool growers.
for. GRIMES said, on the part of the West,
which he represented to part, he was here
to-day to, deny that assertion. Tito West
did not want this tariff, and would not re
main quiet under It.
Tho Section Of the bill allowing draw
backs on all articles that Ont. Into [bacon.
atruction of ships was amended SO its not to
apply tostearn vessels. ,
Sir. SLIEItidAN explained the nece.ity
of this amendment; If It was not adopted,
,lsteamboats and vessels fur service on the•
akes and western rivers, „would be built
entirely of foreign materials, and govern
ment would not receive any revenue from
them.. •
Several amendments were Offered and re-
.00 motion of Mr. SHERMAN, rallroml
companies were authorized to import iron
fratheir roads for two Years; this Provision
Is for the benefit , of the Pacific 'Railroad.
which by existing laws is compelled louse
American Mon.:.
On motion of Mr. SPIIAGCE, nnimals lm.
ported exclusively for breeding purlnsies,
were , placed on the; free list.
The duty on files and rasps over ten
ma ceong, was raised to eight cents per
Recess, '
• •
Weenhip_ fleation.—The OLLIE- submitted
tienend Wilson's report! of the capture of
Jeff. Darla. Ordered printed.
hovers{ private bills wore passed, when
the „tariff bill woe taken up; a lumber of
amendments were offered nod rejected.
Mr. FOWLER moved to reduce the duty
Onoollbe (comb toS cants per pound. Toss,
173 hays 17. ho the amendment failed. .
sir.HENDERSON moved to reduce the
duty on tee from 25 to 15 cents per• pound.
Mr. UENDEItSON moved to reelect the
duty on sugar not above No. 12 Duch stand.
aid, from 3 to: cents. Rejected.
Mr. FOSTER moved to increase the duty
on pooket-knives. Rejected. ,
Dlr. Ith.NDERSON toured to minces the
duty on salt from us cents par he lbs., or
=arty WO per coal., to Le per coat. adyalo
rnm. Rejected.
.HY.I7DERSOW moved to increase the
tax on linseed and Ilauued from cu to =I
cents per bushel. Iteleetsul.
Mr. I 7 ND nerved to omit the sec
tion {{lowing a drawback on an material
used In the construction of railing vessels.
In the Warms of his remarks no denounced
the bill as oppressive to the interests of the
West. The amendment was rejected'.
Mr. Oftibills =eyed to increase the duty on
dry beef from 1 to 135 eente per pound, end
"on anted beef from 'km to aloe per barrel.
' IV. GRIMES morel to return the ilutiOrt
dating popes from 'S.! to 15 per cent. , Re
fins—Meters.'. Doyle, FOrlt.
rialeS,Heridereoa. Hendricks, Lone, me.
Mongol], 'Patterson, /tam 3 rY, Trombuil'aml
• Ways—Messrs. Duckalow, Cattell, IChand
ler, tionneB3, Cragin, Edmunds, Fedatal don,
Foster. Fowler, Frelingbuysen, • Harris,
Howard. Howe, Johnson, Morgan Morrill,
Poiatul, Sherman, Sprague, blleintrt. Van
Winkle. Wade. Willey, Williams. Wilson.
• Mr:GRIMES moved to strikeout the duty
on lumber. Rejected.
Mr.OILIES moved to strike ship timber
from. the tree list. lielooted.
On moiled of Mr. HENDERSON It w.
agreed that the act shall lake effect from
Its Mange Instead of let of April.
The vote' on Mr. • WILSON. amend
! meet was recensidered and made toy read'.
Ottwooleit weeds vuleesfat4l.oo 'impound
prj.loes, 15 cents per pound and 25 per cont.
ad valorem; over SI,SD and loss than $2,00 per
pound, duty re cents per peatat an d same
'per cent. adeTOOretaf Over 12,00, duty re
cents per pound and 15 per cont. advalnratch
Tile bill missed the Semite at half-past
twere. by a Vote of 27 against lit
Tho Ornate bill, explanatory to tho act
Loyroront~wnctirr or serri.cmi. •
an:ninon on
ttortint Rot ,
o pas ol on
Propottit to
. .
The liouse joint revolution for the relief
of certain vattlocipoo the Sioux [Abe rvatlon.
la itltnnosota, wits proved. •
Private bills were then conahlered.
Mr. IitiSSON 111r:deed a bill for the re•
let of Incas •ceittillY, 'Own. Referred to
the Committee of,Publie Lands.
SPritoratisrma BILLS. - •
The consular. 41 diplomatic apPropMe-
Lion bills were seed as amended by the
the Committee ' the Whole. Similar as-
Mon was taken the Military Academy
bill. •
Mr. TP.O WBIt OE. from the- Committee
on Enrolled hills, reported as a question of -
p riv liege, a prtiaMble mating that the bills to
repeal the amnesty power of the President,
and regulate the fratachiseln tae territories
of the United States, have become laws, by
failure of the President to sign or return
with objections; ooncluding with a resole.
Lion asking the Secretary of State to in.
form the Mouse whether the stud laws hail
been flied in his Department. After discus
sion it was adopted.
?morsel . ; os or LOT6I. PEOPLE Or MARrLARR.
Tho SPEAKER. preSented the resolutions
of the
he of Baltimoretetheelket
that the loyal people 'of that city are enti
tled to protection treat the 'revolutionary
purposes of the governor and the Legisla
ture of Maryland. Referred to theJudicia.
ry Committee. • •
atom; arrtzrSd.iNDLAß Braman.
A bill to' rowittganize the Indian Bateau
was debated, at considerable length, and
amended by tainaforring the Bureau to the
Wax llepartmenttty a vote of 76 to 73, and
passed, by 90 against 53._
Who Senate bill lo punish Illegal voting In
strietof Co umbia, et
the Illas passed.
The Senate amendment to the House bill
allowing an extension of thelateral branch'
of the lialtimore Rua Potomac Railroad into
thelbstrlet of Colombia, was concurred In.
Also, the Senate amendments to the House
bill relative to the habeas coypu. in the Um
tell Stat. courts, and the Senateamend
ments to the
lm bill to punish forgeries
In United States bonds and securities.whieh
reduce the penalties of the original bill.
iteLizr OF A whereas litAiLnost,
The Senate hill for the relief et the Wino
na ISt. Peters Rallroad was referred.
Mr. MALE gavemottco that he would, to.
morrow. try to bring tho Senate bill ri•gula.
Unit the tenure of certain ontoee to a vote.
The House went into a Committee of the
Wholu on the fortification bill.
. . • . .
Art amendment'was moved of 111:10,000 for
the commencement of two additional forts
in Portland harbor, wham a debate ensued,
ned without =tit:nth° Committee arose.
Mr. HOOVER auggeStaa that after to-day
the House will take-a recess doily t'rom half
pAAt,..follt till Oaf 'pact coven. ,
Mr. STEVENS objected.
Sir—MAYNARD presented it memorial
-from stz hundred clitiseus of - Virginia for
setting aside the present State government
and the establishment of nprortsional gov
ernment. Referred.
119T1111121189 Introduced a bill to' ox
empt certaLn puhtlglle lands from taxation
ocatteoll. seavice.
Mr. 31eltliElt bitroduced a bill to author-
Ire too eAtabllatnnent of ocean mall oteam
stdp nervleo batireen tbo United Ntates and
.Sauthwiell Islands. Iteterml.
Adjourned. . •
Tiv el ve Thoomlitad Judi the War
Fair for Junction tity—The
natrnico Quebizon la the Kaunas
JUNIITION CITY; Kansas, January 31.—ii.
scent Just , in from the West reports the
Cheyennes and A.rapahoe Indians, number
ing about twelve thousand warriors, on the
war path. • '
This place Will be the terminus of the
melon Peeifie Railroad in the coming sum
mer, anti great pis:manatem are being made
for it heavy business with Now -Mexico.
Twelve large trains are already en route
tram that terrltalyto receive stocks which
have beeu stupor@ to this point.
Sixteen thousand acres of land were en
tered at this office tinder the hoMestead
net during fleece:oer and January, and I+,-
000 acres taken up under the preemption
act during the latter mouth.
Teres.A, his., Jan. 31.—The Lionse to-day
'paused a Joint resolution to amend the Con.
stitutlen by striking out the word ' , white,"
by a vete of IA 1
tuondm allowing female suffrage
Rue defeated b vote of te td tO.
.The Semite discussed the saute propos'.
thou, antln committee of the whole adopt
ed an amendment, Introduced by a el:ltele,
votive niembor, that every elector shall be
d bqualified from voting who has stolen or
embeexled prOperty from too thiltisl States
Government, or who, us a member of the
Legidature, has reccireet money or other
cousideratioalor his vote; or who has at
tempted to bribe any member of the Legis
lature or elector at the polls, togs; his vote.
The Troubles In Fayette County—A
Derision es to the Civil Bights Law.
Sr. Loris, January 31.—The ease of Cola
nel Montgomery, arrested under the Civil
Eights Bill, for nets committed aline In
commumi oh the State militia at Lexing
ton, and taken out of the United States
Marshal's hands bye writ of habeas corpus,
PiStled by Jo•Igo Kreckei, of the United
States District Court, was closed on Tues
day lest, and a decision rendered releasing
the defendant. Jud Kreekel, took the
ground that the Civi l Rights
nights 11111 was inten
ded to afford protection to freedmen whO
And been slaves, and did not Include white
citizens, and that if It were otherwise, there
was no evidence adduced to show that any
rights of complainant hod been intruded by
defendant, or that the courts of Lafayette
county werenet open to Word them redresv.v
Commissioner Peabody, who was present
.during the examination of the wituesseu,
coincided with Judge K., and released the
other prisoners executed at the same time.
Gen. Sheridan on nu tar to
Ironton—Tax on Groan Pi lee Declared
Uneonatitallonerrona the West
Indies. .
• .
New Ocrotaits, Jan. 31.--Gen. Sheridan,
and Col. Crosby, of his stag, loft for Wash
ington Lo-dAy. " '
The act passed by tlic Legislature of 1564,
levying a tax of ono fo unix per cent. on the
gross pales and receipts. has been declared
by Judge Duplettier unconstitutional; as It
levies a tax on imports and exports, thus
coming In conflict with ti, provisions 'of
the Constitution: The decision gives great
West Italia advlces state tho cholera is
deoreaeing at St. Thomas, but eau:ll-pox
end yellow foyer are ragi ng.
The Governor General of Jamaica left on
the lith for llondunta, with troops to sup
press thu insurrection.
Death of a Fromlnept nerchant—The
Ceutal bivalent—The Weather -nod
Myer. •
Sr. Louts, Jan. 31.—L. A. Benoist, a prom
inent and very,wealuiy banker of this city;
died at Ilavana, a few days ago,.where he
had 'done for the benefit of Ma health.
The Merchants , kirehange of this eity
has adopted the eental system to take Wert
March sat. .
• The weather livery warm. The anew htid
nearly disappeared. The river will proba
bly open very soon.
Fren . fiettools for Nbttea and Blasts
• Established—She Vote on Ike Con
stitutional Amendinons. •
oirrannsrtv, ACA. January al.—Tbe
House of Representatives bas passed a bill
10 cstaldedt a system of penile sehoule for
blacks and smite alike, except that, the
schools for each snail be separate In each'
school district.
It is understood that the Inglalaturo 1.111
net reconsider Its action ou 1100 Contain.
tional Amendment.
River Telegram.
13e Aterrhantt . Alitf °not 21-ler/rots Co.]
On. cm - , January 31.—The weather le
very warm, and it la thawing. ~ 11 se raining
a little now. •
The nil market rentalnu dull, at about
Westmoreland Conuty In the Pouf
, tent lacy.
From dui' Wodmoreland Re/mt./icon nod
Democrat we take the following concerning
the representatives of that'eonnty In the.
Western Penitentiary tinting the year VAT,
based on n bill rendered to the County Core
millsiener, (ram the Inspectors of the Orb.
on, for the year ISM. Ilie total number of
days charged the county in 3,107, at
twenty-six anti one-halt 'COALE-POI' day.
emote:dadu iPtal.fd. 4 crodd, by latter,' of
144,70ds given. whiehdenves a balance clue
the rezitelttlanty of 011,10. The twenty-sire
and ahalf cents per day Includes previa. ,
lons TIlCiliCll3Oll , clothing, fuel, &c. 'The
number of convicts Is Moen, all males, two
on charges of rape. busts rears each, to date
from November tint, Mat twelve charged
with larceny, sentenced to nerve from one
year to five parrs; burclarv, one, three
years, from 36r 4xtb..lssd. Two convicted
and sentenced were pertleued by the Got-
Acquitted.—Couductor Logan, of - the
Pittaburah and Fort. Wayne TOW], was tri3O
at Mayer last weak, for trdroloritary men.
slaughter. ' He was conductor one tram of
cars en tho railroad, from which, last fall,
at Now Brighton, a' llttlo boy, ,seven or
eight years of age. was throw,, by the
den backing of the train and killed. The
evidence showed no culyiblltly on the part
of the CondoctOr, and he teas 4.ll4clarged.
fourth Pal e.—Addltional City and Su
burban Intelligence, Financial and Coin
morclal, Inver, ac., /te r •
Apeclal "feeling of the Allegheny
. Councils.
L After the special meeting of the Allegheny
Councils, on Tuesday evening, a mistake in
the count of votes for Weighmaster in the
Second siardWas discovered, and a, special
meeting for the purpose ofgoing into a see_
mad ballot, , eas orderegforlast evening.
Members present; Messrs; Irwin, Englleh
Myler, Patterson, A. D. Smith,
J. D. nrolth, C. C. Smith, Wm, Smith Thomas,
President e itrier.f • .
. . .
On motion' the • aetion of toe Common
Council respecting the publication In Om•
phlet form of the reports of the City officers
and standing committed; for laki, was con.
curred In. . • - -
The clerk of Common Council announced
that that branch of Council, was ready to
meet . the fleleettlantual la loint session for
the election• or k Second ward Weigh
After the return of the Seleet Council to-
Its own chamber, the report of the COM -
missloners of sewersi was presented with
-,klnation,wail made -to niiprove the . re.
port, and much discutision'ensued.
A re-solution was offeredio plade the re
'port and pains In the City- Regulator's or
lice,there to remain ten days, public no.
tici being given by the Regulator this:nigh
the papers meanwhile, so that all may ex.
amino them and mato known their Wilco
tines.. -The motion:was Arguar at length,
several of the members lindstirig that the
report be approved at once, sad leavinall
appeals to be made to Court, while
considered that the people have a right to
know what- nasexeluents have been made
on them before the action of the CoUnesl9 .
be pule Irrevocable.
- , - • • -• •
The question was culled for. and the re-S•
.Intion was carried.
Un Inbtion adjourned.
3. [embers present—Messre. Cutler, Dun
ham, Drennan, Pau Dumber, Minna, Ing
ham, Kirkpatrick, Mc raw, 11.1cDonald, Mc-
Neil, Smith, Slime], Voegthy, -President.
Tue minutes of the prermas meeting
were read by the Clerk and approved.
On motion, the Select Council was noti
fied that the Common Connell were ready
to meet the Select lu joint session.
On the resumption of the session of Com
mon Council, the following preamble and
resolution were presented and apopted
Worasss, Divers complaints have been
made in regard to the condition of the Cue
Lamps In the First ward of the city, and
the Inefficient manner that they have boon
attended to; therefore
Resolved, That the Committee on Gas be
Instructed anti required to investigate this
matter anti propose some measures to rem
edy the defect, and report the same.
Concurred m by Select Council.
On motion, adjourned.
Councils met In the chamner of the. Co
mmon Council, President Mc.Brier, of the
Select Council, occupying the chair. The
President -annon.nced • the object of the
meeting to be the rest:lnside &Lion of the
election held at the hut meetin 6 •
for Weigh
muster of the Second ward. lie read corn
umnlcauon from D. idaeferron. Log., Clerk
of the Select Council, stating that um error
had occurred In hie tally. of the election at
the previous meeting. The President
stated that this only proved that the most
proverbially careful men would sometimes
make mistakes.
A motion to, proceed to a second ballot
was carried. Much discussion ensued and
at length the roll was ordered to Do called.
Bolero the maim, of the roll the name of
Dlr. Maxtor was withdrawn. The balloting
Tho result was as follows: Jas.
Hunter, 14 votes; • Wm: Scandrett, 12 votes.
Mr. Hunter, having resolved the majority
of votes, was declared elected.,
Ur. Ilegraw objected to the count, as isle
tally made it • tie, mod moved to appeal
The motion to appeal was not seconded, and
a motion to ndjonxn was made, but not se.
• • •
On motion, another ballot was taken with
the same result c before announced.
Mr. Hunter was declared elected, and on
motion the Councils adjourned to their re
veetive Chambers.
Pittabarab Rafe Depoalt.
The : Sale Deposit Company of Pittsburgh
was charierml last week with the following
named gentlemen as Corporators,vls:
William M. Lyon, William Phillips, Henry
Lloyd, Byron li. Painter, Thomas 8. Chirac,
Campboll R. Herron, Joseph 8. Morrison,
William Rea, Samuel 11. Hartman, Henry
W.. Oliver, lr., John 1). !Wally. Robert H.
Marsha/1, Robert W. Mackey and Mark W.
Books of :subscription were opened by the
Cooperators yesterday, at the People Se-
Dant, Fourth etrect, and nineteen
hundred and seventy shares were promptly
subscribed. Thu capital stock of the Corn.
pony is 4100.600, .with the privilege to In
crease the same to,FtiCe,fire.„ Alter the sub
imrlptions were closed. the Stockholders
elected the following gentlemen as Direc
tors. viz William Phillips. JohniD. Scully,
James L Denuett,Joseph b. Morrison, Wil
liam lies, CampbMlll.llereen,lleary Lloyd,
Byron 11. Painter and Thomas S. Clarke..
Tne Board of Directors immediately met
and organized by electing m. Phillips, -
President, and Sidney F. Ten Donnhorst,
Secretary and Treasurer. Our community,
In common with the cltizenii of the entire
State, have long felt the necessity fora
Safe Depository for the mire keeping of
valuables, and the •instltuttort pot organ.
lord. Beeline& the want, and we Onnbt not
but it will prove, as It has done to Philadel
phia and New York, a perfect success. r The
gentlemen having direct. charge of the
Company here, arc recognized' among one
sUotrithest and most tenstlvorthy businces
urea, and the public may rest assured that
their Interests as depositors, will be more
then safely guarded. Mr. Ton Bonnhorst,
late elty postmaster, the Secretary and
Treasurer, is well and favorably known to
all of onz readers, and 'enjoys the highest
reputation as a careful, prudent and MY
commOdatlnir business man, and no better
selectiou could have been made for the
Oar advertising columns announce to.
day a disaalutloa of the old and widely
known banking firm of Hanna, Hart
the senior partner, Joshua Hanna,
having practically withdrawn, for the past
two years, from the house bore to the care
of important interests In New York and
New Jersey. The now drm of Hart, Caughey
& Co., organized to confirm, the business,
embrace. W. flan and P. Canghey, of
the old line. - These gentlemen bare hero.
toter° for messy years, with consummate
prudence, untiring indiastry and signal coo.
cells nuinaged the affairs of the old firm,
.andthey bring to the conduct of the now
firm a ripe experience and a tried integri
ty, which; with their habit of constant and
close application to all the details of their
large business, their high moral character,
urbane manners and ample capital, give ar..
aritnetrof a bright and prosperous future.
On-Weilnesday livening as 'a
party of four
young men, rldlun in a ewe-horse
were turning n corner rapidly 'on West
street, Allegheny, the. sleigh overturned,
and the occepanta were all th rown out, all
revolving more or less • injuries, none seri
onely.• The horses became frightened and
started down West street at . a furious
"opted, the driver - retaining the, reins until
lie was compelled to let go. finding file ef
forts useless and likely to endanger his life:
At the corner of } 's nit street the sleigh came .
In contact with a wagon, demolishing the
former and damaging tho latter. Two little
girls, who were crossing the street at this
point, Were knocked down by the horses tits
teens.' to the aleldh.lopiring them severe.
in Nit AOL dengerOnsly. West street a
man end women were knocked down, the
formerrecolving severe injuries, The team
belong.d to lir. Leveler: • •
11re Would-be lifffeillooderer.
Our reading, hinVe Pot forgotten the des,
pomto attempt male a few weeks' since by
Jacob Baltzell to kill hiS wife Rosa Baltzell
and her father /fear Strong, at the house
of the latter, m the Second ward. Allegbe.
ny. Baltzell was committed to jell to
await the results of Strong's injuries. The
lattrmie now In a fair way to recover, and
atrorts are being made to immure the release
of the prlsouer. le view of throe Owls Bose,
the wife, yesterday malls inforpodion
fore Alderman litrain.againat, her Bus hood,
charging lure with assault and battery with
luttrul to Icilltand also for surety of the
peace. In default of three thonsand dol
lars bail, two. commitments wore, lalgo4
against the accused.. -
Dennis Doyloyead the flaming, advertise
111011C8 and band-bills of Doctor Tomblety
Indian uyarb" Doctor, and bounced It them
to the ettent of. paying. tlarty•llve 101,
tars, he to be relieved of certain liod.tly.
as the consideration thereof by the rEseu
lapean aforesaid. Donnie alleges that the
contract way 'not totalled, and tnerefore
made an information before Alderman
Strain, charging Tumblety with false pre
tences. A warrant was issued. The pros.
eenitietefeaL medical gentlemen of the pat
ent persuasion. for a failure to accomplish
all they profess, strikes one ea rather it nov
el proceeding, Find attaneed with
.SlN..- •
Surety' or the Pester—Plally Bpeher
WWI sent to Jail yesterday, by vilatiCet
real, of East, Iltrtotb l etant, for threatening
the tiro' or Conrad agner. -
._. _,
__\, \ \ F7 r
_i , ,
\ )411 3 \ te/,
4 -
Trial List.
Durreacr COVIIT—Judge "Tampion.
42 James Summerville vs. Guy C. Irvine.
93 James Sanderson vs. Adam Keeps.
73 C. 1. Ihmsen & ' sons vs. Wilma.. Simi.
& Co.
Wooldring Oil Refining Company vs.
Equitable Insurance Company.
94 Egbert S. Ward vs. 0. B. Jones.
50 Egbert S. Ward vs. Kane a Co.
Stl Ann Mackey vs. Benj. rail.
99 E.G. Watson vs. Joseph Fl -
Colivos Paean—Judge Mellon.
212 J. 11. Mellon vs. Owners StesmboatßrD
17 Rosanna Ragman vs. Michael Ohler.
19 Levi Edmondson vs. Heath.
22 James Dowling vs. Thos. Renuft et. al.
31 W. C. Sneattren vs. David It'Donald.
al Greenwald 2t Kahn vs. Adam Berry.
4 Millin,cer & Bidwell vs. Jacob H. Young
and James B. Corry.
231 J 61112.11. Fulton vs. J. IL Foster.
rutted litotes District Court
Beton, lion. Wit.sor MoCanntres.
United States ez red. Bargratlus Sollman
U. Captain C. J. Dickey, U. S. A., and Wm.
J. White, Warden of Allegheny County
Jail. Habeas Corpus.. John liergratius,
eon of the relator, ens committed to j all by
Captain Dickey, recruiting officer in this
city, as a deserter from the army-. The writ
was awarded on tho petition of the father.
who deposed that Ida ,son was a minor; be
twocn sixteen and seventeen years of age,
and bad enlisted In August last, without
his Oho father's) confetti. 'The hearing was
deferred, on motion of Billings U. Cnilds,
.Esq., counsel for relator until Tuesday next
at eleven o'clock.'
• • -•-• • .. •
United States vs. Thomas Davis. Indict
ment, passing Counterfeit national curren
cy. with intent to defraud Charles dforitroll,
tavern-keeper in East Birmingham. It was
shown on the part of the Government that
the amused, on the evening of the . .1 . 2d of
December last, Saturday, purchased' a tur
key at IderitamPs store, and offered in Day
meet a an) bill on the Fourth National Bank
of Philadelphia, but left without •gettintr
his "change' or taking with him the tur
key. The note ho had offered was given to
Mrs. Moritren, who, as directed by her 1:113111.
band, took it to them:ace of Justice Ammon,
near bv, where it was pronounced counter
feit.' The accused was arrested next day
ut his mothers house, in East Birmingham,
within a square of lioritron's store.
For toe deiense, John 11. Ilatupton, Eaq.,
Connect, It was proven that the accused
lett ?demean's store at the inatakice of an
acqualiderice named John Ledisler, and
went with htin to Brownstown, above East
Birmingham. going first to a barber shop,
where they got shaved, and thence to Leis
stens house, from whence Davis started to
his home. On the way from the store Da
vis remarked to Leissler that he had
bought a turkey which ho had left, and also,
that ho had not received his change out of a
twenty dollar bid. It was 'also shown that
iloritson bad said that he did not believe
Davis knew the note was a counterfeit, was
satir,fled that he did not. lie thus expressed
klmsell to two different persons. latter this
evidence had been adduced. going to show
the absence of "guilty knowledge,. District
Attorney Ca rn ahan said he would not insist
- npon a conviation; being satisfied Davis was
entitled tone acquittal. The jury, there
' upon, found a verdict of not guilty," and
the accused was discharged by proclama
i Lien.
United States vs. William F. Everts, of
Linton Mills, Erie county. Pa„ George H.
Denning. of Itochaiter..Nevr. York, and Jo
siah 11. Mosely. Verdict for 4017. the amount
of the penalty of thu bonds. to be released
on payment of fifty-fly° cents.
En ite.l States vs. Henry 13.4/strum, Impli
cated with B. Foster Dewey and /leery C.
011 n. Verdict for the corn 01.4100, to be re
leased on payment of Mal 45.
The following canes rettniin nmilsposed of:
United btates vs. Itnbart' Conley. Indict.
meet, carrying on the business ot. a retail
liquor dealer withoutlicensa.
United States vs. Robert Campbell. In.
liktLUCht, carrying an the business of. a 111 ,
cry stable keeper without license.
United States vs. John Sanderson. Indict
ment, carrying on the nosiness of &butcher
without license. •
United Staten vs. Wm. Stewart. Indict
ment. oa:rying on the • basinees ,of a retail
dealer without license.
United Stat.:. v. John Clark. Indictment,
carrying on the business of a retail dealer
without license. .
United States vs. Ellen Scanlon. Indict
ment, carrying on the business of a .retall
dealer in country produce without license.
United States vs. James 1.. Clubmen et al.
Indictment, carrving on the business of
bankers, without license.
United States vs. John Myers. Indict.
meet, manufacturing cigars without It
• .
United States vs. Amos Graham. indict
ment, passing counterfeit national cumin.
es. Continued at the it/stance of the Dis
trict Attorney.
• ]LOTION coals AZA relax-
Gen. F.H. Collier eyed for a new trial in
the case of Joseph Weaver, convicted on
Wednesday on an Ludletment for passing
counterfeit money. The motion will be its
gelday ld
ten o' cl
. Frny. Court adjourned till
to-dd t o. ay at ock.
D 1111 l et Court.
'Before Ilon.ldoies Hampton.
James Summerville TS. Ony C. Irwin. The
plaintiff and clefendanLJ anuary Ith, 1360, at
Louisville, 'Kentucky, entered into aarree
mesa by which, no a consideration for cer
tain real estate in the city of Allecheby, the
plaintiff sold and delivered to defendant a
lot of boards, supposed to be 303,100 feet, at,
61230 per 01, Lobe taken In the water, and •
also about 193,000 shingles at 63 per M. Af
ter taking out kLSOO, the fell consideration
for the real estate, the defendant under the
agreement, was to make to the plaintiff one
note for $1,13:0; payable at four months, and
the balance, after the lumber was Measured,
In another (note payable to the order of
Leopold liellbzuner. In pursuance of this
agreement plainti ff states, in his affidavit
of claim, that 'he delivered to the defend
ant at Loulovlllo the boards, amounting • to
the full number mentioned, aa they were In
the water, and that the price to he paid
therefor, at 612,50 per If, was $3,6501 that he
also, In pursuance of the contraeLdelivered
amount of shingles specified the price to,
be raid amounting to "Stu making the total'
amount doe him yl,-Au. On this claim the
defendant, at the time of the delivery of
the timber, paid the coal of 62.600, by gising
a deed for the property In Allegheny City.
and In October following (1630) the further
sum of sl,ooe, by note payable atfour months
without mterest. The slim yet claimed to'
be due and for which the suit is brought, is
The defendant claimed that be had pnr
chased the boards upon the representation
that there were 4o,Ouo.feet of one inch and a
half and two inch clear and first common
plank, and teat toe residue was drat quality
of common lumber taken as the logs would
run; but that when the lumber came to,be
drawn out of the water and measured, it
was found that there were not more than
10,100 feet of clear and drat common lumber
the whole lot, the rvemainder being no
thing more •or better than refuse boards,
, unlit for the oriltriarypurposes for which
lumber Is used, and 'ln selling, he (the de
fendant) was forced to make a reduction
the price. The defendant further claimed
that of shingles there (appeared, noon
tiountlng, to be het Napa; or amino
11),(0) less than represented; and fur
ther, that the plaintiff t' le largely
indebted to htm In relation to the purchase
of the lumber, this Indebtedness being
=ALIO upof the payinents made and the
damaged inistained by reason of mISPOp.
zosenuitions. He therefore put In the plea
of covenant performed arms Abe, with
leave to glee In evidence the specialmatter
contained in the affidavit ot defense, and
with leave to alter end amend at bar. •
The platntift rested his case after giving
in avid arum' trie . r4rtlele Or gareo4leni, and
proving tha number of boards and shingles •
taken away. - The diffendanVnconntel offer.
cd to prove a conversation, relative to the
.inerinailty of, the lumber, between the
plaintiff and witness celled at the time the
bargain was made •with deferadmit! , go!
Ing to show' fraud. Object/id to, beetuse
It loterforpd with and' conttfulletod.the'
written contract of the mullein Itirtberbe,
cause it did not appear that the court was
made upon the strength , and *faith or the
representations alleged;-and "furthor, ho
muse the evidence preplittal to be neared,
eliewed that the lumber was roceivekenib,
sequent to the alleged declaration.
. Ily the Court (Judge ilampton,)—.so ref
erellee is made ,by the , counsel to any one
of the nemermie •uthorities on Able ques
tion, and en 1 have no time to' examine,
trusting to my recollectlon as to the etrin
,geney of the rule as to admitting parole
evidence to [sharer affect solemn Instru
ments of writing under seal, I must rebel
tile evidence for tits present, bat will• bear
the party one motion for a new trial, If no.
reentry. The oleo was en trial at adjourn.
merit. S. d. d IV. h. Purvltutoo fur plaintiff.
F. Lucas for defendant. ! •
Common. Plena. • •
• Before lion. Thomas aloUon •
The coos of Mrs. Ihmarooat.ra. Alex, Niro.
ark action for damages—want so thole
ry last evening. No Venda had been ren
dered at adjournment. • •
Ansilsms ILlMpter.—The “llmtinfla
Chapter or Temperance and W Worn, bo,
1; of .Deausylvaule,n. held , • regular meet
lug laececmitng AL their MOMS -FotrrtA
street. The aiinndid.d Waa verY
The following are the °cers elected,far
tha esumlng term:. Ulituanbe;
Amnon; —1 hurts; U.—D. W. Rade
hough; 6.—D. Ifcliharthelny T.—Davld eau*,
b e n ; tiordOrt; utoines._
Cbeinges;—The o toe- taxtlit
tot, at their meeting on Wednesday man:
i t to,deolded. on only four changes - in the
want and special tones. 'lro of these
o t mees. were on secount Of old age, and
two for I:dolies! disability.
Meeting. of the Aunt:Mani Committee
The Ladles , CoMmittee, together with'
the Executive CommAtee, met at CRY Flail
yesterday afternoon at three o , clockfapt.
Cook la the chair. Pr. Ed. Embstetter
stated that the - Committee on Ant:lpoint
meats. of Disti let Committees for .0110.
gheny cennly, were now prepared to direr
their report, which wt.a.s follows:
First a - mil, Pittsburgh—William 'Mali,
Frank Jones, James O'Connor, 1.. Tht.
Second ward, rittsburch—W. P. Weyman,
[lon. EL A. Weaver, Dr. K. 8. Sutton, 3,11.11.
O'Connor, A. L. Lane, John Wilson. •
n war • tullourgt —Frit= B. Sel.
Jere, Dr. J. W. Witham, Captain WiWana
. Fourth ward, Pittsburgh—John Watt,
James Verner, S. It. McCune, [tutus H. Her
First Precinct, Fifth ward. Pittsburgh—
Joseph linap, Williato Crawford.
Second Precinct, Fifth Wurd,Pittsbnigh
—Joseph Irwin, Thomas Dickson_
Sixth Ward, Pittsburgh--Capt. Samuel
liitgore, Wm. F, Robb.
Seventh ward,'Plltsburgh--Gcnend T. A.
/iouleY, T. B. Alcidillau, Samoa Lippincott,
James Robb.
Eighth ward, Pittsburgh—E. S. alorroW,
Esq., /lorace S. Snowden, Edw. Dlthrldge.
• N inth ward, Pittsburgh—Capt. W. Sord,
Charles Armstrong, Ssmnel McKee, .Tohn
T. Shane, David - '
Tenth ward. Pittsburgh—Dr. E. S. Crab
staetter, Dr, G. L. McCook, James K. Ltatal,
James 31ontooth.
'First ward, -allegrieny.-Gen. Chas. Itarnes
Capt R. F. Jenuings, Capt. S. C. Schoyer,
Capt. J. 11. Foster. .•
Second ward, Allegheny—Henry S. Spang
ler, Cnpt E.Swurtr, Edward R. McCandlcsa
John S. Nichol.. • . •
Third ward. Allegheny—Col. D. 1.. Smith,
Capt. Caapar Wing, J. N. Ralph, B. C. Ben.
haw. ,
Fourth ward, Alletthentitai. F. 111 li:On
linedoy. fit.b it i tr ,. L P. hallow, P. caltr,
. Borough 01 Sewickley—lt. tilancoy, And.
Borough of Manchenter—W.. S. Sprat;
Isaac Stewart.
Borough of Dmineene—D, Dempsey, G
3loul. •
Borough of Sharpsburg—Capt. B. A. Fes
WC, Gen. F. B. Collier.
Borough o(Torentum—D. Burner, J. For
First Irani Lawren&nrille—Gencral A. L.
I'earson, Win. Janney, Em.
Second ward, Lawrenceville—S. il. Kier,
Esq., I). C. Dimirney.,A. J. //arbaugh.
Borobgh of West Pittsburgh—E. Sprung,
Jno. Ana).-
Borough of South Plltaburgh—Levi Breh
neman, W. Stark.
• - -•
}..lizabet.l2—S. /herr, B. Csurpin.
111/711u—A. McClure. J. r•. Dravo
Boblnsen—.S. S. Glass, A. 11, Young.
Moon-31. Rhodes S. J. Ewing,
Franklin—John Rhodes,
Isaac NeelY.
Baldwin—S. 11. Moore, John Noble.
Ross—Col. T. M. Bayne, J2ldelinlght.
McCandless—J. Wallace, .7. Itedpatb.
East Deer—Jas. /I enderson, A. Marvin.
tipper St. Clalr-I.ll.3lurray, J.
North Fayette—W. 11. Clerk, V. 311 Ber.
NnsWo—W. A. Shanks. V. Coles.
Stealer—J. Herron, John Stnith.
Yawn—J. P. Mopes, J. B. Nesbitt.
Union—John Slacker. Nora Gilmore.
Scott-W. B. Lea, T. L.Gamble.e
Marshall—George Neely, Wm. ROMMITI.
Harrison—T: H. Bracken, , T.3. Stevenson
Borough. of Mcmongaliela—Blelmrd Terry
T. nosatter.
First Precinct, Borough of Birm
-- P. Pears.
Second Precinct. Borough of Birmingham
—Hon. It. 11. Uarnahan.
Borough of East lltranlartham-I.ll.Jarmes,
Wm. Itittensroy. •
Borough of Mckcesport—Col. .1. 2.ler:
tinalgrass, /lon. Wm. Hooey.
Borough of Elizabeth—W. 11. Lynch, A.
Borough of West Elizabeth—W. A.
Craighead. • •
Borourrh. of Mount Wo.lilngton—Captain
Samuel llarper. Captain J. S. Alc3llllln.
PUG Townshlp—Wm. M.' Gormley., E. 11
Collins—Gen. J.*. S. NegleY, Lt. J. G. Ile-
Connell, Jno. -
Plum-5. C. Patterson, A. Coon
. _
Penn—T. Hart, J. B. Stottler.
-.. Swishelm, Daniel Kuhns.,
Patton—Thomas McMaster, W. N. Hay
maker. •
Versallllea-11. .r...hlcQulnton, A.
Jefferson—John O%N'eII, Hugh Donaldson.
Chartlers—ll. 'Leese, J. C. Duff.
Flndley—Jobn Ilarper, George Duras.
011 to—J. W. Itobnason, Frank Little.
Reserve—Augustus .31111er, A. A. Allen.
Snoaslen—Copt. Thomas lildcloo, IL 31
S. McCord, 0. Anderson.
. .
West lleer—M.halrey, W. Leslie.
Indtan.—A. Wallace, R. Henderson
- -
Lower St. Clair—C. B. M. Smith, S. (.Wen
der, Jr.
- South Fayette—No nenointment. • •
Sewickley—E. Reno, F. IL Love.
' Crescent—F. 31cC1elland,Jolm Hampton.
McClure-11.S. Fleming, C. Hartman.
Illcbtand—Wm. Dickey - , a. Harper.
Hampton—D. Hillerlancl,l2...Furgerson.
Liberty—John Barton, Moses
Captain Norman 31. Saab, Sergeant J. 11,
Oakland—W. E. Schmertz, Chas. Clark.
Peebles—R. IL Palmer, W. W. Burchfield
Toe report, was accented and ordered to be
published, and the Committee discharged.
On motion, Gen.Sehootmaker, Capts. Jen.
flings and Snowden were appointed a com
mittee to visit Philadelphia and New York
and procurna first-class hose carriage to be
contested for at the coming
On motion, the Committee' adjourned to
meet at Firemen's Association Booms on
Thursday next, at t o'clock.
A young man appeared at the' horse mar
ket on Irwia street, on Wednesday evening
and desired to sell two sets of harness to the
proprietor of the Horse Market, who stated
that It wa.,i after market hours and would
be of no use mall Saturday. Later In the
evening the yonng men again visited the
market and left the harness, stating that
they were for the proprietor. Sot e time
ago, a gentleman w
ho resides on the hill,
had two sets of harness stolen from his Sta
ble, nail it Is probable that the above will be
Wendt:M.las his property. . •
Attempted nobbaryf--e bold attomP
at robbery was mane at the house of a tav
ern-keeper on Smithfield street, on Wc.l nes•
lay evening last. Three fellows obtained
Ingress to his sleeping apartment, and were
busy in hunting up valuables when the
tavern-keeper awoke and cried nut for help
at the to otitis voice. ,T - ey told him to
keep quiet, or they would kill him, unit
succeeded In snaking good their escape.
There were $1,150 In the sleeper's- posses
sion, which, It is presumed, led to the at
tempt at robbery. No information bus been
made, before any of the authorities.
Got Drank on It.—Sarah• S. Free[ was
picked up on tale Street yesterday afternoon
In a ethic or vigorous Intoxication. She
wu just drank enough to make everything
.stand aronnil.". After some difficulty she
was taken to the lock up, whereon° received
doe attention. She 'admitted that she, wa , .
drunk, and very drunk, but Bald that ono
was exensahle. She' had -just sold OA°
worth. of property for cash down. and felt
,lust Med on gutting drunk on the proceeds.
Insane Man,—On NodneslOy evening,
the friends of John Altzhouse, en old In•
sane man residing Milt° !fourth weal, Al
.retzhcny brought him to Mayor Morrlsbu , s
°Mee, with the request that-the
nate msn'be locked up, until action can be
taken In the Court lookmg to his removal
to Dlzmont. lie hoe been Insane for some
time and has at last become ungranageahle.
lleis now la &cell la the lockup and adl
rczttala. there until setae tUspoantots of his
case can be made.l
Snow Buller Como to tirlef.-rA man
named Robert Jones, living- In the Second
nrd, In..Ploctown," mule 11:Lionisation be.
fore Mayor McCarthy yesterday, charging
J. M. McCoy, n boy of ten years, with disor
derly. conduct. The halo d i sorderly bad
been guilty of Ihroirlng snow 'balls at the
hones of his accuser, doing some ,light
damage.' - The boy was arre3ted Of other
Vart7.4utl.suillisebarreal by the Mayor on
the payment of the cost.
tame Mettled.—On ITetininality Mrs. -
'Johnson, wife of John Johnson, living on .
First street, Third ward Allegheny, made
information before Justice Arent, of me.
Eerre teeesnip, eiterallig her husband with
assault and battery. The Justice turned this
gy3e agar to Meyer Morrison, and officer
T gnnyas t t e h rd a yt n h e e e p tt r t ioether Magar's
fronted with nig wee and' The case kettiod
to tautest salltiftetion.
Coroner's Inuest ,
YeitordaY: JlMlth'
W. 31. Barker, of - sout hlttehtirgb;held an ,
invent upon tee boat - of a three
years of ago, named :harsh whoop
parents read° In Browntlown., TThe child
was in good . health upon - retiring to bed
with her.panatiti, but ta.tho morning was
found dead. Attor neitrefol tununinhelon
tho Jury returned it. verdict of (loath front
Paine &Co's Aravottne—Poi instantly
plating ~1 articles of cop our, brads or 1:10r
mon &Veer; Iran pitto Ithero worn
off" sn&for clear/dog and. polLshlng silver
or cilyr‘r,platorl ware. • Warzantod .con.
tato oo izatotrilvor.or acid, or any/Vl:trio.
Toe ANo,by'J. §apple, Allegheny,
Thirty%Whir* Itetrarti.—it the
Metht Doctsfrfatis to asortbe Stream,. and
toll hha patents the nature of their eom
pplslaL illness, Without receiving nap In.
torreatloultow theta. No charge for 'ad
.viee or ocnisultatton: omee, Ist Liberty
street, between Market and Sixth streets,
Pittsburgh, 10.
. ,
Almost Lost:
The Skatteih CohteshtAirard
Solwithelnuding the nature of the wroth.
or yeeterday, a large crowd gathered M the
Central Perk,: to witwiii the conclusicm Of
the MatiOnal contest for the elzattorhushlP•
The ice was very good and the contest
even more, spirited than on the drat day. •
At the ConeinsiOn meths programme, the
Judge*. after daMeatidets awarded' the
medal and preminto to Mr. E. T. Goodrich,
Last evening a {small party. cOnsisting of
the competitors, the. manager" of the Pally
and a few outsiders, met. at the Mononga
hela House, to assist as themotion of
the medal. • Charles Iht rke = u lna milled
to preside over th e Meeting, and the re.
portme present were nide Secretaries.
The presentation Was made by- T. A.
Esq., Secretary of the Central Parkmash,
Association, to a few. brief but felicitous re-
The meant wt. reeolret on bebalf of the
ehatorilen,-by Mr. IL Potter, of the Even mg
31r. Mallets, or Now York - , on be*
half of all the contestants, returned to the
Keusgers of Cot Park Um. warmes t. thanks 'of nll tlo competitor" for tho not
lormly courteous hoeorable manner to
which they had been treated during thole
./13. In Pittsburgh.
An untatimous vote of thanks was return
ed to the Judges for the antlafactory man
ner in .1.100 they had performed their (in
tros. -
Detroit,o of New York, Capt. Miner
o Mg. /Meer of Jersey City, Mr_
Curtis of Cnicago, Mr. Metzger, - Sciperim.
temlent of the Union Park, and Xr.Corwin,
Smierhatandent of the Central Park made
brief remarks', alter which the meeting ad f
Jourtied. _
The medal is a beautiful mad
one, miatinactered by Stevenson a Son,
Market street, and vained_at WIS. On one
side is engraved a skate, surrounding which
:troth° words, "Champion of America and
Canada" On the reverse is engraved.
"Central Skating rink, Pittsburgh, Pa..
J en., 1m7."
The lkillcient General Superintendent of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,West
ern Division, Robert Pavans, Esq., is again
at his
post at the outer depot. ' The heavy
storms Of-snow kept him exceedingly nosy'
at the mountainous poets of the roads for
nearly a fortnight put, • overseeing that
travel was not impeded.. lie gained a great
achievement, as the long stretch of track
under his soperrellbuice was kept in per
fect order everrday. and noSa tram was
delayed on account of the snow. Thta was
accomplished by great labor, and vigilance.
',by day and night, and reflects the highest.
credit upon the management, energy and
abilities of Sir. Pitcairn and his associates.
The eastern division of the road was folly
as well kept open, and Pittsburgh was la
Ing all the eventful snow season through,
which we have Just passed.
neelater's leollees.—Mr. Gray, County .
Register, gives notice in our advartJainie
column. of numeru. 'accounts of execru.
torsi, administrators, guardians, de., which.
baying been'dnly. passed to the office, will
be presented to the OrplusiewCourt for con.
nrmatlon and allowance.
Almost Lost.
LOOSfI3LAt. SLIMY_ aul Thursday Ore t,lnK.
ary 14th, lea, SARAH W., Wife at Bon. A.
W. Loomis.
Tno funeral will take.plate from the reslden ea
of Mrs. 31. Metcalf, CIUI strt et, TIIIS AIrTZR
Nocov, at: o'clock.
IST'ng.EH—Lase 'evening, at II o'clock, of tv•
t. bold fever, ti/LUItOIC t!.II43EZEK. at tat,
volldencc of his slea•fattaf. ltamuel C. Bucker.
No. OS Ferry +street. •
Announcement of the 'anneal In the evening
beautiful '43od•s-sere.• the largest subur
ban p 1 ice of aepulchre. except one. In this coun
ty situated on New Brighton toad. Immediate
ly north or Allenteng.. For burial lots, penntus
or M earl st Central Drug !Store of COW. X..
Ci.A.NEY. Allegheny-My.
.11.fichesier, Wood•e Run and ideally.
Corner Sheffield and furnished.
'realm and carriages furnished.
No. IN Fotirth street, Yittatutrah, re . COFFINS
of all Undo. tiktArat. OLOVES, and every de
scription of Funeral Furnishing Hoods furnish-
ItoomS opened day and night. Beane and
Carriages farnishe4.
xsrenexcr_c—ltev. David Hem D. N.Y.
N. W. Jacobus. P. 0., Thomas Ewing. Zesp. Ja
c Oa H. Miller. Esq.
EIS T.411.337-.X/91.13 MEE= 'l O
No. 56 Fifth Street,
flaelny fitted p rooms exclusively for there.
nalrlng of WM CRY'S coma
CLOCKS. with good
tools and. torte nod competent force of work-,
men, ire areenabled to do work as well. If not.
tinter than any other store Wille city. Watches
lc ft for repairs will receive prompt sttentlon
mud be rei elated by oar • ,
. da 6 Wylie SL; 34 door froirsth.
5 ,
• • eit • •
Have More Improvements,
.111.1KESI LE W MOW.
And meek MORE SPEEDY and SIMPLE le op
eraatlon alma ear kisentne Va tea market.
27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh.
IrgerM • •
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A hark Aucatmat of
Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe,
Pumps, Sheet Lead. ite.,
161 Wood Street, near Six%
w. n. b.comiw...l.
°CASED THE 11.1.014: CO 1T OE WUHAN,
formerly owned wy Mum. HMO: rEbaitoC
c IC
CO.. pw.ribrowb tais pubae bust we
lllthe alwanOwtlue Of •
Sheetings; - Cottoniaragy Carpet
- Chains, Candle'.Wick
andllatting. •
ord.n may be leti at the (Mee of the . Works,
Corn erotEnwl..A . .VES and Barker's AMT.
r . ittaibiltrab. N•ra.
C181EL5 . 2.4 X181.4116.T.
..P0..92.. Federal 'Street,
arracurrry crrr.
S. w. J0UE5T0X........., Lis gom
JOHN O 7 & & cirri . "'" '
Fine Watches, (leeks, Jewelry,
No. MA LINFITt; 81 4 0 POrs
. 11=11.1:14‘.
Partical. Wan Om to Bspairtaw
Vatenes, Clockr tad 515we1r7. A 4 wort rr.r
ren 48.e71
epOSB & CO.,
Practical Foait re Ilanatattarara
hand Latest sills* Of
RiTtrisz emtitantl7 oa
LEIGIIING" vow:ll , gram
BTILIM Ton!: "'". •t° u'uowAigwa
. .. „
70ftstriftt;im limmwsiselnlima.