ex t i. rinEFtrrz, Banker and Broker, US Woad Si,, near corner of Finn. All - deserlpticms or Gcrvertunent Donde bought and sold on Meru' terms. London and Conunental fang told it New TONE rates. Gout, guy.. and COUPwls bonitht at WO- W, rates, and Gold Drat+ itened on New Tort. iTIK.A.N6E AND TRADE, Ovincs p> ?us Prrrearraon Gizsrrrs, WZDIMIDAY. Jan. 30, 1e67. • The New York stock quotations to-day, ca reported by Betdmierni McClean Co., were IS follows : Gold, 1.10140136: -Eightpone bbnds; 107%; Five Twenties, old 107; 'rive Twenties, IOWA; Five Twen ties, new,: 106%; Seven Thirties, 101%; tffevelanda . Pittaburgh, 77%; Pittsburgh, Pert Wayne el 6 Chicago, 95%; Erie, 55%; Michigan Southern 70%; Chicago and North Western, MN; Chic ago and North Western preferred, 1134: Chien° and "Bock Island, 51; Western Union Telegraph Co., SPA. —The depression in the New York steck market h worked s ose who_ • have held es stoutly for a Averely , recovery, an M d we re 'Bret, to announce that it caused the sus pension on Satuniay of the stock commloe sion house of Messrs. Keys a Bra 1n this businesse firm lad a large capital in their and exf:oct when mattera are tip to have a surplus on which to re: some buslnees. It is proper to say that tho rumors floating about In this connection pro edictal to the standing of their corr.:a pe:Menus in New York, Messrs. litownr, Keys .0 Head. are wholly without founds- Mon. Wo are able to nay that this lino is not luriously affected b y the disaster to- the p a rty bore. both on the authority of Mr. Keys, of Keys ft Bro. here, and on the an. .Lhority of s telegram from Mr. Mowry, of Mowry, Keys ,t Bend, to a party here, and also to • say that that the rumor that the Now York flrm took any unfair advantage of the firm here is entirely groundless. They have acted in good understanding, and each area on its own foundation. Wo regret to say also that the banking arm of Goo. G. Glass S Co. found it neces sary teeday, to make an assignmentto Mr. Edgar M. Johnston. The liabilities of the house aro light, and will affect but few.pe, sons. A full mut:mint of it condition will be presented as soo 22 n as it can be made ep.— imercial, . —The tinkering propose , Phy Congress In .the form of new interest bearing notes, to take the place of maturing compound notes, is a waste of time. The proposition is mad wholly the use of the inflationists, and lii ed for by the condiUon 1 of the Treasury, or from any deficiency - in existing laws governing the Secretary. If he is not able to cancel the compounds, or . tensed them at - maturity, ho hes amine - power to pity in notes free of interest, or bearing interest,as lie may deem expedient. line cannot cancel or fend thorn, it is his duty to exchange them for some bind of notes legal-tender, and not capable of showscirculation. The bank statement a ccmtraction of 4.2.357.151) in loans. and a reductionof $3,213,00e In deposits. The Movement is a goNI one for the peeks, but the reverse for their debtors.—Nrie York TV Ouse. . —The political trouble apprehended a week 'or two ag o from Mr. Ashley's lin phme movement Is not soma-ions, and w euc e believe nt the probabilities daily increase 'that there will be no change or disturbance 'of the currency, and np alteration In the funding of the-publicdebt from the present Authority and practice under the acts of March 3, 1E45, and April 12, We. The former makes no reference to t h e funding or with drawal of greenbacks bearing no interest, while the latter planes no inure than $1 Dee,- MO per month &Carina 12th bf October last, In the inset - talon oft ho Secretary of the .Treasury, toeing but one per cent on the or iginal-four hundred millions issued, mad of which 100,197,542 was outstanding on the let of January, instunt. This discretion will obably be contidued as it is, and also bis sta probably authority to renew or extend any portion of the 11144,9.0,410 of compound legel.teuder notes, as they fail due in all the - fourteen Months succeeding the 15th of Juno next, to avoid undue competition in funding the Seven-Thirty per cents, and to provide against any embarrassment to the national punks of the large cities, which ' hold about one-third of this issue as part of h he da r g e n s ienravet ho ird p ep r o s c ta t —Ph g io r Pres s. e • —A Washington telegram sityll - "it now looks as though the efforts to re duce the tax on whisky would be instrec turd.. in whisky circles It is said that too many of the members of Congress are interested in the Illicit distillation of highwines to al low anr reduction of the tax, - We do not vouch for the truth of this allegation, but - as every member of congress must know that the Government is obtaining no rove ime front the present tax, it is evident tuat there must be some reason, which bas not yet neon made public, for the unwillingness of our legislators to take such action on the matter as will protect both Government and the honest manntacturer.—Chictige Tribune. P;TTPIDUNDU IL!LILIETPS 0/11C11 Vannllll Glll7l/, ESDAY, Junukry A 1957. The produce markets ;reeont no characteristics worthy of sPeeial notice. There Is no improvement to note in the de mand (crony of the-lending commollties, and as the operations are generally of a re taljobbing character, it is difficult to glee tellable quotations, though with the cal caption of each articles as are effected by thelinatuations in gold, values have under: gone little or no change for some time past. GllALl.—Wheat is dull—sale Of lour on private terms. Oats dull but unchanged. 'Small Bales in store at 50 to 52. Corn is quiet and unchanged; small sahts, 113 store, at 75 to SO. No transactions in Bye. Sale of 1 cur Barley on private terms, The former is quoted at sl,:b for prime Ohio and Penna. - and the latter at 90 for No. 1 Spring. FLOUR—Is quiet and dull but unchanged.. We continue to Quote. at S I2 M to 1 4 50 for standard Spring Wheat brands; $13,50 to 14,50 for Winter Wheat; and $l6 to $17,00 for. fancy St. Lords brands. Rye Flour is still quoted at $7,75 to $O.OO per bbl, and Beek wheat at $3,50 to 113,75 Per cwt. PROVISIONS—Ltacon Is quiet and un changed—small sales at 12 for Shoulders; IGsito 17 for Sugar Cured Hams. Dud is. welling at 12%.t0 13 for kettle rendered- No ElOVelliellt. Balk Meat or Mess Pork. Dressed llogs selling. at to a—arrivals comparatively light hEEDS—Flaueed is in demand at $t. , ,2. to 10,Q; and but little offering. Sale of la IMIs Timothy Seed at Clover Seed is qtx. Sdi Bt ot , l to t 5,50. nurTTEtt—Tooro Is a fair ,lereand for prime nnli flutter, and wo ran report small salmi ut to 31. EGGS—Fresh packed in fair demand and none in market—would command As to 40. 11A1—is. tri bettor demand, and prime baled may be quoted at `'S to S. Z, on truck. Sale of I car,puri, and part at VS. • Ar rivals continue c o mparatively APPLES—In steady local demand,and we can report lades, in store, at $ l3O to $1,50 per bbl, as to quality. POTATOES—quint and unchanged; small sales of prime I..eaeli Plows 10 store at 90. PITTSBURGH P.ETUOILEVIINIAILIEFT Ovirres for ?Ms Prrrealleall °Liar , W ELINNSDILT, January 30, 104. t CUE—There in really but little that Ls new to ho said about, the Crude Petroleum spot, at. 7to 74, packages returned, and 'lt market. Small gales of huittles Furry,ou the to 12i4, package? Melodist. There Is con siderable said about Vcoango oil, for spring delivery, sada good deal of ,orilekering" goinion, but payers and sellers are apart,„ • and the result Is we have but fey • toe ions to report. We hoar. or lidera ll at • 11, andollers to buy at to te4,and we have a sale of three thousand burr i s reported at Me, first named figure, A. The crude men sinew , that they cannot, without losing • money, contract. at anything less than nine mths, while refiners aver, that taking the • Price of refined as a basis, they ought hot to pay more thane ItEFINED—There was not a stogie opera , . Lion inbonded 01l to-dny that we could hear of, nod while the market is dull and 110. F or prices tiro nominally unehangml. For trunteillate delivery,•quotations may be fairly given , at.TiC, free onboard ears bore, - and delivered In ,Pelladeliibla-30% for March; 111 for Aprili Yor May; =for June, and 34 be n oy. Tons far, thls week, Worn has not bee a single sale efamted, flomethingxemarkable, as It has been some time since three days bave been allowed to roll away,without single transaction bay ing been consummated. For free oil, the Inquiry is Very limited, being restricted en - 74,04i0. supplying the wants of the retail orthobleg trade. allitlFXLS—The 'following arrivals of oil re reported today. Lllly . 551 S. Mehlabon & Co.. 09 J. K. - Barbour' fid Jas. Baxter 7. 5 Nat T ot a lo - , Ill) New York PrOsliato Markel. Nrw Tons, Jan. M.—Cotton quite firm; Mika of 1,4(0 bales Of uplands at 31c. Floor irregular andel:mottled at Hake. lower. re condo 100 barrels; asks 11,5c0. western, at 42,Pag2, 5 Z,• estruAireaturn *10,25011,30; cholce,.at *maims J o. boo , oh, at a10k441101 for alupVag sad 1111,20®12,40 for trade brands . hti:ky nominal. WM4011111; kulsnakce,at ss,t4 %WIN°. 2 do, at 145.1 b; atte bbla. umber state .at I . 05. Nye quiet and 'drocjilns; sale. et 'WOO bush Canada in bond, at 1,14. Barley steady; sales Yi,fin mists, C. free. at 111,12 61.20, the latter delivered; 4 rowed Mato, at ; SIAS. Harley Malt nominal and 203 c lower; receipts 12,775; Wes 52,4110 bush mixed seat 'ern In store, at v,toet,l2; afloat, at 41.129 1,13. Oath dull and lo lower; sales 14,0e0 bus western, at 03H - 632 Coal quiet; domestic, nt,50,00003,50. Leather quiet and firm at Se Hikic Woolmlock sole. Hops steady, at ,3 We. steady:. sales 20,0 ( 0 pounds da p:nestle ['Coca at Stet.le. Groceries dull. Pe. umlaute dol l; crude. at IDVArillic; refined. at. YoNatle mbond. Pork heavy and lower; vales s;kie bbls, at I. 1,1243".9.50 for slew mess. closing at gas,is. cash, tor Western. 410,07019;25 for o d mess, closing at. 115,01 cash; 4415,02(1117,00 for pirlme, and 11119,00051,0.1 for prime mess; also 1240 Ws. now maps at 5a1,40, seller four mouths; 430.0843P),7 5 , seller March. Beef steady; sales bbia at previ us prices; sales 371 i Homes prime Indiana Moss itogf, P. T. Beef Hama firmer; FISICR zfo bbls 117.531,00/035.00. Bacon active; sales WO bozos; 10Y„ITIOI:c fOf Cumberland cut, lio4olil4c for short ribbed. and 1014 c for magi aides. Cat Meats firmer and active; sale. Ira package:int t 84.0934. for shoulders, and Misolo/,e fOr hams. Dressed Hogs firmer aitP4sc for western, and 10441014 c tor . city. Lard steady, sales 891 bldai for old, and 10 44 513 e for new, and small lOW at IX/SUM:C. Butter quiet and steady. Likeesa unchanged. MARKETN BY TELEGRAPH New 'fork Financial ](allot =I ,torliruf 41u11, ram,. gular uustittlettopeulou :It, Dancing to 1124;, declining to .13{};,', arid nt CZ. Govern ment b10c63 ashade fir mer more doing. Freights to Ltverpool, Quiet., without change. The stock market.early in the day shows general recovery from the extreme depre. , elan of yesterday. and with liberal orders from luventora und purchasers to corer shorts, primes advanced !::(p3 per cent. 1 , .r1e reached 9;; prices were weaker after board, and tone still hesitating under the snpr.o. drat ; the lusts may renew -emir, and closed with strong dOwnWitra tendency except Reading and Fort Wayne. and the latest figures were 10; Erie, 5t!..".; Reading, IRchigan Cen tral. irsb Southern, 2!;;;ntishergh, 71;4; North Western, 2416; precerred,o2 , 4; Toledo, 119; Hock lslnntl, it:i‘;lo certificates, 21; Western Union, 43:4; Font Wnyno, !Zlil note Central, Us. Money easy on Governments. Gold closed at 133, bid. Governments quiet and steady; convons of ISO, 147.,4; new Fivo-Twenties, 128:1, 101%. Mining shares quiet and sternly; Greg ory, Smith Pansielee.rM; tinnrea 11111, an; New York hotel, 12:n Corydon, MI. Prices of Mining stock's bid to Roston this day: Canada, 04 Copper FaII2,4SV; Frank lin. M. 4; Hancock, 9%; llurOn,,Tu Lg., Royal, 9; MillrlebOta, Q ; Quincy, 31. • I= Crean:ism January Dl—Flour held firm ly at previous prices, but the demand lam been onitelight; Superfine 65,./.5i,V10,50; trade brands 411,(X/4312,50, and fancy a Wheat dull, bat prices are unchanged; No. t 2,37 for Spring, and k2..5ei11.5.5 for Winter. Corn unchanged and dem; ear 5,0 tee; shelled 132063 C. 0510 nun nt 514 Pie for No. I. Rye firm at 1111,181{e4.ni. I:tnGey on. than ged. Cotton quiet anal unchanged; mutating:Sid:W.4e. Whisky null at V... 15. In bond. Bogs unchanged; net beech demand; sales of medium to heavy at s7,7ohr - 7,75. Re ceipts, 1,400. The Price Curren given the total receipts for the at at 430.013 against last ann.!). 11. also gives re turns from, a large number of parking places, shearing the number packed and to be packed this ann...013, 1.9.4,211 head, against 1,214,1501, the total manner packed at Una same places last year, art tileree.9o an tar na heard from of 747,111 hugs. There Is a general increase in tile weight, from nine pounds to sixty-sla pounds per hog. The whole number of pecking places reported Is ninety, including nearly all the leading, points, but there are over eighty addition .' planes to hear from. The whole number packed in the West last season was 1,700,000 head. The Provision market Is quiet, but holders are grin. This demand quite light. Mess Pork at s2op. lard wil9 in de mand at lie, bat was held at 12 1 401215 e. Bulk Meats and Bacon are nominal anal un. changed.. Green bleats at GWlO.4e. Eggs ardlielil at .Isdnic. Jim ter and Clint,. are 'nuchangell. Gold wan bought In the tore r:Kin at lA, but closed at 1,31. 12E=E:MIE .'sr. Louis, January ao.—Tellacco In fair demand, at 4,50 Jar lugs; $1,75(f Lee for common teat; $lO for faetorY dried; s4,soffrOo for medium dark tillers; "SUE; for black wrappers, and $ - .lutp2s for good und tine leaf. Cotto quiet. at tlht.ll:asl ror 1.10- 4110 g. Lleutp—lt n ressed sells in a small way at $1143,10 tor single hackled, and 5:1,15tf3, , 5 4 for double tle; now, undressed, woo Offered freely, at 11,25. Wheat nod fluor tiulet and unchanged. Corn, - 17 , ..fagee. Oats !Inner and better, at haiih.ag... lorov et, at $10,511 for couutry lIICAN pork, and $ qui ..O for city do. Bacon—Shoulders, I iv; clear sblee, 13e. Lard dull, and but 111010 doing; prints tierces, 11 1 ,7 c; country keg. 1:1 , ;r. llngs and bosh.. entail; ...tail lots sold of-daY at 15,75416,50; the number parked to tide dale was 100,000 head. Whisky dull, with small sales at private 000404, understood to be a 5 07i511,07X- • Chicwr. Narket. Cairene, January dell and easy. Wheat and Pater. at $;1,13 for No. Ind sl,toftl,S , P,4 for No. '2. Corn dull at 74 rf .a .4;ir. Oats active. at 411X4ee. bless Fork in good tletuntalto till tnaturing con tracts; sales of 1,20t1 barrels, ut Lard grm but ti‘4,4311e holders generally ask 12e.tnetat 11 Blew arc ill talc request; rough sides, c, loose: English meats steady; Cumberland', l 70. packed. Live longs firm at 15,05G6,50; logs light, closing at $7.5/i47.4e; dividing on 501 pounds. Receipts—Flour, 5,900 barrel"; Wheat, 74000, bushels; Corn 14, 141 t bushels; Oats, 1,400 bushels. Slupmenta—Flour. 7,9°0 turrets: Wheat, SAO bushels. " Now °noun. Market. New Osizasas, January M.—Colton un chang,ml; sales of 6.000 bales of low middling. at 314631;4c; middling at 6 , 41315 c. Receipts —5.EtrJ baled; exports—.6l3 baled. Sugar in fair demand at ice; 1101as0e0 (Ear at lt:7sc for prime, and 76451 e for cholce; Flour— stock light; superfine at 116 lA, and lit Wig 16 01 for extra; Cora easy at. SI 12`.4.41 to; Oats higher at 96e, and light stoea; GaY grue at 66a 06665 00; Pork dull and loner at $23 00; Bo.ooo—market bare, shoulders 16!ic; clear sides le,. Whisky steady; Tobacco un changed; Gold 31X,• Bank sterling 4514; New York excluume discount; frelgu. un changed. Baltimore 'Market. BALTIMORE, J 6011417 W.—Correa stead) and unonanged. Flour dull and drooping. Wheat 1101111.1161. Corn firmer, demand act. Ire; good to prime $1,63 &LIZ; mixed SzettAl Date—largo sales, at 65(430.1e. Rye—Prin. Pennsylvania, im Provisions firm. tun(Orßelle changed. Western !less Fork, Cr_. "Lard in barrels, 1.2!..;(1 . 1),,e per Lb. Whisky nein dleanphin 31•rket klaurals, :tan. 31—Cotton firmer; mid dling 301.;531c; receipts, ccports, baton. Corn lower and steady at 61,00(01,02: lay market bare; ‘,106.12. Oats nrmer at rkilll.sc. Flour unchanged. Mess Pork low er at iri.sCark,m). 1101 k kleuts 1141 1 ' 44, Sugar Cured 'buna e. bacon higher 11§15lAc. Dressed Logs it.l,obirll,:ar. Lard higher at 1i@1514c., Louisville Markel. Lotriarixxx, January A—Sales of C:3 hinla of Wbacco nt sl.,Celital, ',menthe floor at 1110,5. Prime wheat—winter, COln—shelleil, balk, Teti ....kg Melo.. ad. 85090 c; ear corn. enc. Belk xhunidera. 814; bulk clear,lll4. oil packed. flaw whis key, fal,t3CP.',V. • Philadelphia Markel. PHIL/a/EL nu J au. :W.— Trades Is general ly dull; dry goods Is epeelally ad. flour Is dull without Chlillgt. Wnent ,mint; red is scarce; sales at 13;20q3,2.5. Corn dull: new yellow, at 10e631. Oats steady, at :..71Erso Petroleum dull; relined In bond, at..?.7! , ,e Whisky dui 1. • 111.11wankew Meet. et. MILIFACKNE, Jan - nary :D.—flour dull ant lower. Wheat lower and unactile I; t-/,1 for No. 1; a1,..745/I,Wi tar No. 0.4 m aull 4le for No. nye lower at 9. for No. I Proclaima dull and utielnuoutl. Drease , Hog.: dull at $7,e067, - 0...* Iteggipts.l,:c!!. New 'York Dry Good% Now forts, Jan. Se.—Thu Dry Dotolu mar het la very quiet and prices are unchanged Heavy Drown Sheetlntta, at .11t5CYff.. unch anged ad Muslin and other gradeu unaltered, lIIIPOKTM tIY IiAILROAD PlTTStannin, Foe? Waver d Cumemo It. R., January :1).-2 cars wheat, 1 Liggett olt co; Ido o, Coy, Nole. eo; car b d meta, Jll Parker to; 25 phizo lard, 3 Marvin; 1 dressed. hogs, Volgt A en; OW Imo glassware,C F llnosen ,t thin OS use candles, John Ditcnovltt; PA oh , loat icy, Peter Auren; 3 ,iressegl bogs, 11 Myers A co; lei hales cotton, All Chil , l9 fr, en; el 1.1110 flour, li tionmyer & co; Gbblo cider, John tlanhy; 5 cars lard, F Sellers ,t co; 12 Lege pearl bur ley, Seginnyer A Yoakum p; 35 bog wnp, Ar buckles G co; 37 do do, lade, hnir , l A Pat ton; M sack', nuts, Blair & Woods; S eke unto, Volgt A. co, CL070.1,1.11) AXIS P 17701100.1. ILAILIIAO. JIIIIII6TyIIIII4COCIOVeI-8)01, I) W - st i fle; cbbseet., shot:taker a Lang: is do ,10, Atwell, Lee & co; 10110 do, Ariolek. les & eu; :Si do ito, Spenrer & to; lit In tto. Seghrnyer & Vosicamp; bids 611, .1 K Barbour:ludo do, S Alt:Mahon ; LS do doll Illy; 9 Slits 1/eank,tr skit dry )101110.0. Y 7 pkgs sundries, Steel & Ern; . 4 MISS In.llS, I/11 Houston; pk 00 st.e.l,llead & tiletairar; IS bid dry apples, 11 1ttd.11.41..". bids J hooter; Slim do, Sat Ito( Go; IS ears iron nrr,Shoen berger r; IS tads taburvil, • II isworlii, hiCUOnahl & en;. ears hay, W .1 Kennedy: Scars 1/011 ore, Ilussey. Wells & co; lei mks Mair, Carson, Darlingtou co; 10 pkgs dune. Gook, 800 & co. EXTrilliti mart. COLUMBUS lt CI,CIfIATI 11.11.- I January O—C hales Vow, 1.10011 & 1401•0 . 12 11 sits NO Icy, Clanton, Ilarlinson h. co do do, Galway & Collins; 7 pkgs hardware, LaulTrnan; IS hit tads fish. Jos Craig; II do do, Kirk; IS dory, JOS It'llanlon,• 6 du. o, S Dyer; 10 blds dappliss It tubs lard, Graff .2. Kolb:tilt 0.1.1 corn, ' lt Smith; 7 ski dry apples, it • Tneker; I car waal. E Johnston; 100 bids dour, Jos Gardiner; 1 ear utillfeed, :Stewart & Lan genhalm; 11.11.111 1.0.1)111k 1.001, .1 If llatuts CO. • - JitLINIONNY ISTATIOIL, January 27 En tot, 100 kgs Riddle; 20) bundler Iddes,J & W Groetelngcr; I cur stavos,kolyu & Ilobernmo; L d0 i10,.1 Logan; car buy, Yoeghtloy & Kopp; 100 Utile floor, H. K nor. Son; 10 doe branns, o caddies tobacco, Huhn & lladley;.s do do, Sam Dyer; 7 do do, J Me- Ken; 8 elm cornmeal, C ldcalasters; doz etas, J llutchlosorn 25 sks flaxseed, Ewer 17 bbls floor, Fad wart & Langenhelm; 5 boo tobacco, 11 W Jen kloson. MA Yolllol7' Ilamnoao.-4an. GO bbls ash. Wl' Beck & co; (Volts rye, W J Nook; 71 sks oats, W Illogharn• 72 000 corn, J Cornoy; 40 sks rye, J 5 Y inch A car relined 011, Lockart. & Prow. I' 00 AID CONNSILPVILL. January P 3.--2 oars tan burk,Luppo & I car metal, S Wlckersinn; I bbl mower, Little, Baird & Patton; 5 bells hides I Ma tallow, Hays & Stewart; II 1811 s j paper, Ear kin & co. •. BINGHAM HOUSE ELEVENTH AND MARKS STS 1 EM1X.+42L1:123X.P.13.X.421.. 'rills Tu.. and elebant /10110-018 n0w1,16111 for lb re Ceptlon of ic.d.s. witl. .olnr wpprt.ln Men to of =1 CITRLIS DAVIS rnorruvroce. da.pumwr -AbIIIIroIISTIRATUIVB NOTICE.- When ',ethers or Administration on the mter et Andrea , Wolfe, dere... hove hems •tanted to the onderelnoed. nit theingewee Indebted want.' Wel. It. Lind from ro . .vember 1.1 to MIT Ist. ato o'clock.. Book h Itr-1ddr0..9.c.. foratalted title ounce Tole Institution especial!) ttooto•lonnt Ware limited. tlot opportnOlt7 Ic e s uminte. ty mad newel!, endly saved, a smn, olden wilt Or lit re.oree WhVik need. , and >rat io, lute. tt lostrad of rrsualaing ooPl , olortitr• 8 oncrci of M naznCoriiit liIKOMIE ♦. neAtror %Ica l'NESIDIIIIITS: S. 11. JAIIKS PARK, J ' AND TU.ASURIM: 11,KINI.161". A. unono.my, W. K. NIMICK. A. K. lik:o..1„ V. it•IIII. to. 011.WoitTil Jo k,111.1. rci.Lotonor.K, 101 IN oetoTT. JAM. 1.. Una IL C. co.lionacTz, • ,citillS.toenltit. ZUG. oco.nrcaos—l). W. d A.A_A. Kohl fyil — ef. PEHLIEVS 9 CeEIIaNISPLA.TZI 3 Z I WORCESTERSHIRE SAIICE 4.1.T/XACT Lm St from DICAL fIL2I .t MADRAS Is Brenner a It WC ST I It. ell LIA A It It 58 that r SAUt Y. Is mli 001....11,4 10 In, and In, In ml un, the moot made al itril most 1,0010- i 0 ISAUCK 4551 3:10X09133C. made.'• The • ovees. of u... mat and unrivall ed condiment Immo( conned man/ notenelaied deal,. to 20010 the came to 00171,101)0 OS- rot,' 00. lb...1'01141:1s amErt.Criot , La, 1. and Ito It -011,11.1. remsrated to fte that We name of LEA •AL 1 . 0 nXINti are Sp., the WILA ['PEAL. LABEL. tITOPPRit and 111/17L14. Manufactured by LEA it 1 . 111/111Nit. Worcesy JOHN DIUNCANN KONFte FORK. AGENTS FULL TUX UU. 11. ..35:1347‘7_, Tim...rm.:lL II CONNOISSEURS TO lii Tilt ••ONLY GOOD SOW and a pplirable LTtnT TAtlitio BA I LEY, rAuftELL & co., Lead Pipe, Sheet and Bar Lao. 11=2 1:11=2 1:1132123 RUBBER lIOSIC, %TEAM PINION, • =I I'ORCE Prism sad Brass and Iron Goods of all Kinds. 167 1133nailth.21co11 i = BrAlal! orders pro.PIIT anew J. F. STAR( & Go., BANKERS, Corder of Wood and Third Streets, Azro - sr .4161•173 USITED STATE BONN, GOLD, SILVIA AND COUPONS, =I ENULANI). WRANOR. IiKIIMANY. ITALY dei3:pes:Wr ie,, /le, FWST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY• ONS, No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Keeps on hand and nianaractarea tb order, the Yth Beer trent( Ur ottitiKWUois and WALNUT, LWAI. and BQUAItIt INACTItaIT and.BlUTUltit /114.1104 Umtata Cornice. Banda and Botta:is, Consols, Tripod and Bracket 'rabic& of esitalalta design and rkraansbtst, / LUINti AND RIOILUINU executed to the tiltaentitzhaillmtiwrg, FIRST PREMIUM GOLD PEN MA.IIU/ACTUltttlef, 43 MAW= 137%. near Tblrd street Pittsburgh: - PICNS AND (MIMS, Vibolessle ems PlNti ItSPAIKILL). Persons not of the city having Peal to repair eau send them by =Hand promptly returned. nol4:o7mwr 20 00 0 00 GOOD NEWS FOB TIM Al'. YIAUTY.I). PATYNT MEDD:MINS AND I)NOUN, at low. • HONTIVIViellobt DITTXIIII Al_twe bottle. DUANE% rLANTATIUN Birrz Kts. do. .41.(NWLANIPU BITTAINVAI per boueL be lbs. DO W•LI NHUIIAUD,A7 VW lb. IlAad t•eillb b rata4:l2 , 4 0 alteli Tunik , Na. Mt. Clrftllr T J 150 Bak SUMO MN b 7 A14.%4241/ZU 111240. I=l JA_A.NUFACTUREJIS AMMAN IRON ARKS. JONES & LAIIONIBS, 1 2. 1 . r . r103E11::MG i rM E, bt•NITIACTOTMII6 or AMERICAN AND CLAIR Dar, Hoop, Bpeet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; ' Coal Screen Bon; T naiLe s lo & 2011 m. to the surd; Tram Italle,pnnehed and coun- ter stink Bailerißridse is id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car ueels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles;. Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled piston Rods; Mower and Reaper liars• 7.&IIZROIIdr. •141) OrYlett. I' .120 Water and 15A Front fit;. UHANUH H01.111G.1 • Nos. 22,21 and 26 River , St., 10:05 CIIICA4IO. ILL. QM UNION IRON MILLS, NINTH WARD,PITTSBURGH. • •• • A CONWILIDATION OV THE "IRON cITY VOICUIV. , illoN CO." nIATTIAL 14.011.7IACTIrItalt5 ..P IRON AND FOGINGS, 11pCelal attvntloia itymn w LL H :on oofzeto re Of Hammered and Rolled liocomO the and Car Axles, .lElFSACrixfiLdx.iXT RAILROAD MIMI/4f. CIPLICIG BARS, • I.IIVN 1101.T$c !lc.; !Mika AM) 8U43,11511/.1111, UIILIMEIL OCTAUONLL lOLLOW wicutunrr IRON MST/4 T AND ANK.I.It, MON, AO. JUniata, Bloom Iron. KILO li ANT BAR, KO UN I) A EIQUANK /IiODI 1104.1 t. NII, and ANUI.K IIUUN. 95 Water and 129 First Streets; . ' v011:1. ('LA'I'N. stud MIKE. r I 'um. MR and ItY.A I' KIS ItA ICS =I I:=M MZ=li=ll= ATLAS WORKS, .monro..r. STREET. Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. TICIONIAS 111111.LEH, President These Warts ire among the larreAt sod rns owpirts establlssrpene Wet I. awl pre- aced 1. fa rat.la Eligtnes of Every' thsrriptl,in Boiler.. OIL Tank, I=l Railroad Casting, nolllag NM COOwl', Engine Cu4ll:wi. .IMarfttne lastll3p, General Casting.. . °RUBES SOLICITED. 1109:108 pITTSI2IIIII42III STEEL.L ANDIMMON, COO Co I= Ilaltafactarrn Of LI r boat rratil 4 Cant rt. It, *la., Flat and Ilttai{on, or oil M.', 1,1 UAL Wit and hltaat Cr. Waal Mt Reaping and Mowing Machine ■Tilt'! rum wrnura. sriamGh. wl Lica CIUCVIALIN So. Cut A:Common Plangh S Sprilig Odin—Conker of first ftact ana{lloCol, t• b .boye Ilonougalwla KBYSTOMI IRON WOIIKS HIMIEELSON, GLASS a: CO Iloasfactorcri Cr Oho +PI . ,. sat sly r of Bound, Square, Flat and Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, . Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, &e., fit., &c. w0.t... PITT TOWN'SIIII% oo river. 1-Tica ald Wareboaso, No. 146 Water- St 4.1 oc4:1 CRESCENT STEEL WORK 2 MILLER, BUR & PAHRIN, riEE7 Witt I/I,MM M.Ol or BEST QUALITY CAST FM Warranted Equal to any In She MOr krt. attend Imported or or Po meatla Massarae ter rd.. !Oriel -AL ATTY.NIOISiII , 1 , 11.1 .. 0 FISK ANL Ull3ThApl Oflloo. 38 Wood Street, [K IT. ~, MI AIItLESHIITIfI. nU11,101 i , a , 4 ytiteliCßOU. .1 .11 .• ^../. UQUESNE IRON AN 0 STEEL WORKS. HALLMAN, RAHM CO., 111111111/ACITIZMRS os Iron, Nails. Springs, ii.xlos, PLOUGH. SPRING AND A. B. earra., I= 11Ces. 7'7 1217ist or NIS tx- .5. . rivrsnimian IIAmWAi 1. B. WOLF, JR., &CO., !MALI. IN. • 1-lEirdware& C ntlery. Are COW recal•lnc I M cryo 1,11 our nliwk Whltlt Is O re.l /vllir. t l. 1 ELAJBWEIFILMS 30M Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., X.lttmilzruci•gla,3lPe-t, Ma] MED MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward I= JP ITT' 33 - Cr 3E213- . Belling Mill and Bridge Castings lICHLISIT ASD CASTINGS GINAGALLY, ceder. mewl, and carefully caccuted. 011ARGES 11.1fA1IONABLE. . EMMERT & MACKLINII. MORROW & MASUTiMISIMUS OF Stem Bolters, 011 MLUte, Agitators TWA.. malt Palls, Gasometers, Wrought lend Bridges, Sheet Rau Work, .ke.,;. OR. LIBERTY AND MONO BTH, PITTSBURGH, - Pa. • ALTALEILNU DONE rlithliPTl.Y. .ort.:ba ==l LIPPINCOTT & BEEWELL, No. U 8 Water Street, (I ' llolll4ll. - PAT . ENT 14,V1NT41307 r ougauLAß. ol / I ,IffI, , AND m ons-cur 3016: AL. SO • 1/ti BLACK DIAMOND ISmommnr.ocncroxAmo s, • lA. PARK, BRoTIIER & Ilannfaanzero nt In? QUALITY REMOLD OMIT IiTEELo • &P.M Mt and Oetat on. of all onoa. WlLT aanil to any bnponad or manufactured In 011..1111sin Moe and irstabonao. 110.110 and 1111 ton, and 0114,014 Plttannflll• OM TO I= MANUFACTURERS, * FORT PITT MILER, STILL IND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SAYDER. 311 , :tC/ACTI/lIIIIS OT TUBULAR , DOUBLE-FLUBD, TUBULAR • FIRE:4IOX /t CT 1.11 D EB.STEAM 80/LEILS, OIL ST/LLS AND OIL TANKS, CDIUNEYS, BILEECULNU AND ASH PANS, S.ETTLLIO PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- PEN STI I NRS, GASOMETERS, AND IRON PILIP.ON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES Waco mud Works rrrrr fiererid, Third .rid Liberty 8t • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. .1191 . 11rdere sent to the above address .111 be promptly ...Tided to. Ye 14,1%. SHEFFIELD STEEL WHIES. SINGER, NU ICK & CO NA MRACTITAK. I I 07 BEST REFEVED CAST STEEL SQUARB, FLST AM!! MASON, OT ALL 811 I& M lILAL. CIRCULAR, 11.010 AND OROSS CUT SAW PLATES. YLLIrTIC AM) isemi-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Caai Spring Steel, fast am! German Plow Steel, • 1 . 1.0 W WlNtle. AN!) MOWER BAAS. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIKE, 51CK1. ,, .! , 110VF.L. 110 E, RARE. YORK, TOE CALK VIA , MINILItY OAST kiTiAL.. Cit..W.HAP.S, de.. de., Ae. Warehouse, S 3 Water St., Fittsr'gh sei,kl KENSINGTON IRON WORKS LLOYD & It & NLTACTROYEN 07 Best Common, Ridned ('harcoa t;,(l.lNla.lt en , l IMAM , Int FI NIIKLL IRON. altA 1.1. T It All.. •2'r and 111 lbs. an , na 'DM Watintall 11111111 wad bt..11(X3 far sitar. ri. NT k I'nnrbr:l and enonteranok. sA I. ft'N MOH. ' kl 1,4 ant k %.r. Wsk Wats, ant No. ft Market . rrron , l strut, Klknlk Wart. ad- Ore ,tsts tle. ‘eiet Ls. l'lttst,urett. au2.1:14 N'l.lllU CTS RON AA MIL URK; t.IVIS, BAILEY, & CO., I=ll BAR, BOILER, SHEET wriAki...lQ - 37... IRON NAILS AND NAIL RODS. arehouse, 73 Water & 90 Frunt PITTSBURGII, PA. FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. Z1..1.0910, Cflpyink Presses, 'arehouse Trucks, Baggage Barrows, Sugar Mills, &c. FORSYTH, TAYLOR & CO., 39 MAILKILT STRIMT. ROBERT LEA, I=l STEAM ENGINES AND BOILER .Roisters AND DOCTOR ENGINES ....LI,. of ati olrecriptlons oas.le to onl Corner of Ffinstoud Ferry ytrrrt FE= EM El E FORTFITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES U4r NEPHEW NIANII/ACTIIIIIIIIII OP 111:11 V V ORDNANCE, Aitt. H (NMI OF lIZATIf CASTINUA. • A tt•cnt Atontl.to paid to 1t1t1.1.114t1 MILL to•.t tti.AoT Mitt:MAY.la nod ILETURTS. It lf PAOLA A:Loudcdto proMptift_ At Otto :Afore, the Lost materials Will Alert). ttt fhts foundry. Inv Altptoed of our old patternt, Wt i t pft yt,tlt .tottlt NNW AND IlfrooLittt Itetret r Alt ' A r' lVZ l relet e ;Atr. 1171 rLulrpt'no. U)SEI)ALE STOVE WORKS L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., Alan rti•C DM rs sad Dealers In all ataxia of oohing and - Heating Stoves, HOLLOW WARE, dm, All:i.r. vcts LATESIMATTIOINII and CITTLILB, iVarelsouse, 197 Liberty Street, PIPTSBURGII, PA. WORK,. ISANciIESTI.II.. .01:11111 u m ,11.........1011.N ALL......1/..5. L. WM. VALLEY !MOVE IWORILfi. ALLEN..RAI'KEE & CO., Offic• •e.l oo . 01 Liberty It nppoaL• Glawiftrtor.4 mat variety of COOK. YAK -1...1t II %TOY KS. atoutig lads lut , tio WA Monitor Coal Coot.lne .; 1.110 AototTall tad tleutlnel tor ceei or end the Ilaelealled Mar of W. ENO, fey viten% 01.0. /aches, orate, Vets r., rw•• !toe Ironsand Hollow W t ang mut UTILITY Ivormas. ItioLEAN & SLATOR, No. S 3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, manor/XI - Milan Or CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE. Tncy make aopectalLy Iron lloaatand. anti en,tovo Vorrelnin, llcd.ten4and Phut 12,510 r IN Panty:Ants; alOpl for liattn pion Tn 1.1.., ac. Tim) , Ilan manure...tun! nod nsl.• coax toot t, Nola Tl..nrub laLachns. Opting Window Nash linpoortar, Al'l.cc los Eneccarto naah Hutton. Utility anat. tcrna 111111 Miran. (Irina...tone Hanalnan. r n nut I tcns. nn , h Wblal.ta. On., La Jaaarall ..111,LaTrr—. .W. iF J TNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY ft 00. • Minaufactlire ererf ,nri.t.loll Cook, Parlor and Healing Stoves, Among winchaO LU rathe oln e'bratell 11/lintCA. ?WWII. and TALAN (Otal titcvea;) SIANn. VICTXICAN and ILnONI3/IMS (Wald Cook et , ,reg.) an , inanafattan , CRATES, GRATE FRONTS. kn. ()Men and Warnanora, corner or Seeman and d Wert, rittlibargb. Bausuc• an att..at. 1012:059 IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BIIRMM:M:13 . - - - Hortutootstrers of Itothied, charcoal, /PM otio& Pollobed M 333321 1 . 1. MCIIO7. Urn c. •rn WAsscuousr., O. 51......;; net BT. EVERSON, PRESTON es CO,. P E.VTRi • rAWV74 In.ON wows. °P r:: Jet, 1.. 'talon. Wm. MIAMI. I)IIII IM lIESNE EH AND WENT POINT •-e' IRON MtV, mar. urarturn ail elats.4 of Pompous, etteamboat Mat ilhatts, llranke. Piston Hods. Levers. Pitman Ja* s 11114rW richt ; also. Rodin - chi &Meg, Looomo t Fromm, and ail ahape wort • Thollnderstitt 14 baying been for many yeam ealbtiled in t.* h ul loess are prepared to Punish all orders an trum., to them with promptoess and dispatch. Ly 1.1474 JUN. P. ItAlUki • I %h 1 11 , ..51CK t'•4, Bro i Engine Band RS AND MACHIN 81M, manufacturers or Ittelck•s Patent 'Balance Valves. for Clean Co lter. and all 51.14. of Brewers' Machinery, i:strtior. Manger., Pulleys. Oil P.M. , . Of .0 rlu f, with or without Balance 11 all es, Boilers, Fire • Fronts. Waiting Memo Connm•tiau cider. Potato, Ac., COMNICR H•itlilbON s, AND 111110 lit Piltsburgh, Pa. Rep:111.1oz sod puitlrts Up MaChinell promptly attended to. aclitrtg OIL WORKS & COMPANIES Oxr,ies: caxr_as: OIL®: SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFO & 110 /lAN U TACIT:MISS Tue. CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICCOR Petroleum Lubricating Oil Sperm, Lard and Wha.e Oils, D.LIG at, TANNIIS" OIL 1 GRIISL ALSO, SUNNED WHITE BURNING OIL, No. 33 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. SEND FOIL A CIRCULAR._ _ WARING & KING, COMMISSION MECCA ANIS AND BMW IN Petroleum and Its Products, 4 .D Q DE S .47E WWl', =I 111.0 WARING. KING & CO.. titytLati IST Walunt St.. Plttla IiNDRn'S LEBEITOR. =I WUITE, lIROS..k. CO., N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, N 0.3 St. Clairfitreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. Heap can.tint.l7 as hand COttnar'''T On. lEt 1a o r VII, WoONU _ fr%r on I i).rk U VII. t ß oll Oil. pp.a.°6l W OULDitIDBE !HEBEI') C,COSITIP.496IVIr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. fseNtVitriazz436., Trau./. WOlllO4 IN TEN PI ItANCENI ELt. Nee, No, 2 Duquesne Way, • (NW Sambaslon 111.NUFACTU11.61LA (4 . CUBE OIL. BURNING'OIL. Brand—" Lucifer." 2E3 EUREKA OIL WORKS, MANOTACTIIIIiIIa OP EUREKA C4IIIIOJr OIL, MEM= EUREKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, M==== Crude, gentled and Lubricating Oils, LARD, bents!. WHALE AND Yi W OILS, No. SI Market, St., Pittsburgh. O. O. NOMIX.IO, Call and examina sampler and read certlncatea. n 014.14 BET TILE REST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, FOIL OIL E.V.VINILII.I linniseto red only and for Axle hi T. I/. 4EI S CO., PIONEER PAINT WORKS, N.W.Cor.34lartqlliaret Ocl9 PITTSBIIIaIIi. PA. BILEWEII; - BUIHE & 120.. COMMISSION NIERCIIINTS, AGENTS YUIL TILE Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil Works. Ample Storag e for Crude and Iteansdoll. Lib eral cash miner. made en consignments of Crude or Kenneth Petroleum. Tants fur change end shipment of Crude Olt at hahnenentile. Odin and Warehouse. cornerof Umnesne Way sod Ilannek street. Pittsburgh. tont:alb I.I.I•MLITALAI D.A. IDDAI.OI.. EAGLE OIL WORKS, laascsrrexvocovi-1 20 . WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. Renner' and Dealer% in P ETR 014E13 M. BT.COND I3VOILY, MILNER HAN ! COC)I DT. 411,11)111.1QUMOIL WAY. myitt.a.l YORE CALIFORNIA WINES. GURNER & CO., No. 80 Cedar St., New York, Offer for sole these vale able which are i:Vcl L :lfet ' gn h- p;cn o d r ey w al . vgn‘ l 4,Ttuirratit!*illoy.: levity Iv nut t outwith e t 11. They base only to be (till) tested ogive themtbe preference over ad others. Au a purlder of blood they excel all other Wine/Lunt the numerous certlacates which have voluntarily been tendered front the mnAt eminent physicist, as well as gentit men in every ietsltion in We. live proof conclusive that these Wlnc• see medulla enemies for wbiell they are recommended. The following brands are now offered by us. They contortive all the varieties now grown to the Platetu table for sale: WHISE, or lilted WINS—Of a light straw colored, very delicate and One Moored. 4/I.AIIST—A superior 'slue for table toe. .d i mly lade and naturally sweet wine, muchd by ~ and vatnable In Maack chamber. till makes doe wheys and) ellies. It le One desert wine, and well adapted for Com , =union nurpoves. ILiIIATSL—A-light colored, nighty aromatic wine. Very similar to the dlebrawd Vote). POST—Deep red color. tine flavor. and in many reapeetealmilat to the old wines of Lisbon. ark; BIIANDY—The pure distillation of our wiper. WINE BITSSIL4—A. veil agreeable Wale. and a cord remedy tor the diarrhea. This Is one of the snout valuable comblnstamot of • usefol soldan agreeable beverage! that haa ever been uttered to the public. killitons ei bot tles were sold threettltent the worth during the last four welcome yd wherever Introduced table proved a addition to the Invalid the fatally eineie, anti the bachelor's side/loan). Ladies who have lout strength and •Plletite, sodsuffer from nausea. vomiting and vertigo; gentlemen who • don't feel very sell" lust he fore bees& fart or dinner, whose stoo.aebs aroma of order. m°l Whose system. are generally der ranged; mothers weaning children anal atilrerlag irom general debility; children of AcklY nature and sour, dyspeptic coneututions; leo who have occasion to c house their water: and all who live In ...tette.. districts and are slect la Mi asmatic influences, will find It one ofthe Most valuable intheOraton that Can be taken. • It Ina need very extentively In Isai. with such rat .attsfactionihst t 0 oterthir it to the Trott. ile now we &emit eantueesary to yllOll.ll any of gnaw many ecethlealult bat we have received, t tifing In the very strongest terms In its favor. Ali that we ran •ar It in gnantlitee that we 0111 pledge °unwired to lunebeh an article ruttg. Late ig a. been goen to-little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with Most baps°, effect. One little girl, In particular. with pain. In her bead. loss of appetite .And dully wa.oug consseeption. on whom all EY tlsl teal skill has been exhausted, lass been entirely- reatorcd. Otte be gan with but a irmooonfitl a'atay an tler appetite and strength luessased d she is now well. 7...fort_crt* .L.1.1.colo: ret Bottle. Per I.ozen !lock 9 la Wine Mlle. $ CO t "ZS II to Curer 1° 'I Ou Fort li 11.1 IIft1(11 7.1 1100 1 . 111.11.nt 1 el ra 13 W Ilts.ly la 20 tO or:Y.:alai THE. LIGHTNING TAMP. U. C. cuAWBOAD Inn. Tom.. JONES, IRAWFORD & VOGEL, Agts, TIIERULY B MOST . RILLIANT 'POWEIIFUL L AND T COALAS MO UT IT ER BRODUL,F.D• Adopted. by U. S. Governmen Non traploalve. Moan Lad Neautiful. Moos is btltltinGllHLL iteso-foldaroaror Leon ittir other lamp. Tots ',stoat issdapted to all Juno P.M. - to. and as tho let Is moray • conductor, acres evolves all trithAlog. ol:Tth,sesioci ti3el3lolllBlf7o °gra lam A F Valor. opposite Post Ortleo, above rim: Noes lispo4 second door. prirrouverau PAPER FACTUIIIMICtIIdrANY, Manufutureriut PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, matrig.B L L ItI, B NEW igalitV3 2 : OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, No. la Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WITICEES—AIJOINT fIARTJEt reike rvadent., .11/40. B. LIVLNliti N. Tr. tiAMULL ill DIME. crerm H D . li a r ' s's nal! 747: atr11:0411.106L:B.111:11: O. I. gertlek. Cash 141.14 for Paper Sleek. noZtobS GREAT .IVWEF!TIALN, 'LANING MILL, Gnu d luiuJ Sired Ili Dij eue 1117, virrammou. PA. • Sash Doors, Blinds and Mouldings MAUL TO UKUBIL. Unfinished w takenat In a dry house and finished when oat. Baling's. Plowing. Weather Boarding. Laths and mangle. soustanVy an hand. hawing. rs, sawing add heron hawing dann with dinpatch. Boers of all kinds made to order. .JUIIN II gATH. (ZREAT REVOLUTION IN THE W IN C THAW r.OF THC UNITED tiTATES. —POHL LIALJVOHNLL - route and prepared as If done.la pan. how pure Cailforrile talita6l... place of loner. tnletiampagne. I 'lto undersigned would tall the 'attention of Wire peelers .ad Hotel Keeper. to ttn follow fox letter 'ditch may be • entreat Wes of the quality...alt . Wine. rmiumasuu, Oct. rsth. "Mules. Bouclun CO.—Growtiorsteft: Hay: Inc riven Poor tiallfortusehlutungne•th.Vl test, we tar plenum Io saying thstere e the brat AnserPan tylou we hare tree used. W shall at once pls. It on our hlll of fiflief. Tours truly J. K. hltiltieiLlf 4 ,, y. Call an oar CalLfornl. (limper- „ 5011;1176 ' 301,101131 l • let.. 36 Psi .• MEDICAL coNsumirrioN. CORES AND TIIE The changer of climate . Incident to the seatt, the year are rah with diet:See of the throat and lungs, whieh wIH Unit an unfailing retnedi to Dr. KEYCEIt'n IN VALIJAIILE ••I•KUfUHAL SYRUP,•• dusting 9tc rants a htittle. let. Dr. Krr:er•r I•rctoral cy cup will cure lirottobttle. Dr. Kuyser's Vectors& Syrup will cure lileeaug Lungs. 34. Itr. Keyser's Fret:lr.' Syrun wilt cure Whooping 1:012,4. Itr. Keyser's Pectoral Strup will cure Cold tu the 14..1. sth.yl), Hrygra'a Teetotal gym, will core a rteent Cough In ba f • nay. • ach. Dr. KeTaalallectoral 73yrup rellera durallan. 7th. Or. Keyser, Pectoral Mr.l 7 wlll cure Laryug , tlc. Silt Or. lie Tier , I.rr4nvll C 11 1 .1! Conomntlon, If laktn In time. Olh. Dr. Ileyaer, roctoralbrinp will en, In flanesn. lath. Dr. Koyacr's rectorial Byrup will cure Catairh. ' 11111. Dr. Ilierrer , a rector.' 27r.9 8111 r'" Floarser.err. 12th. Dr. Keymer's Pectoral Syrup Is sold at most Ilrug !Storm and at th a Proprietors. 140 Woodntrert. Consulting and Examining 011100: 1140 Penn Street. EEll=l CONS I t.l* BIPTION. • Our ton. JAMIE nalErrllt.:llolne three reeds was staleted e06221ap 11 , 01. 1 1 . th e 111. forwhich be was dlasharged from the arm.. lie was awniest' try four army phyblm , m. Oarre t d-tb.lllle molt 111• wittl the attest.... We brought Islas to Ur. ILKYISY.Ii. /Al Wood .tree(. (sow ILI/ rean btreet:). l .. after o.OndloK Isla 1011a2_ ealalaelleed to treat WM. and Cored blur sound sod well. Ile tenor well and has a en for titer three years. Others aldl..ted :Ike maps can litolmse berated. .d.fkalr, rata T 11. MANY ANN P . /LINTER. Trropemmeex Pept. blh. bed. Decerobsr 31, 11 - . n. A GREAT CUIIE IIE PH. &EYCK Rid lael t o Ht% Ilveeeletienth i r p g A TllO - RALec - unt, l l hal a n nog b ande d pitlne , wbleb commenced about tenth of gehrtary la c. and eUuttneted elgbt.en loon lie. I einidu3eil ti best phyalelltill In the countly. nod 14 enrol ntinued unabated until early In Ire ipber. At that time WI. advised to try you r lecterns Cough dernr. which I did. and after I had t, ken on. Mane. /se entirely feet 'twat!. roughing and stinting. I had despaired of ever ef Wog irfl, and I tblok that It should be Lnuen that tide valuable remedy .1.1 A...others what' It has done In my rase. JOHN C. t.arri.E. Itnes4—H. H. Multi, Trebled township. A. case of dye years; standing cured by lir. ILETZIgh.'S l'EtrYtiltAL IhaTTDVIIGH..iannarY 11. HATSIR:—MIy RIG' has been 1 with I.M/ugh and dill/cult) of breathing ftatale.e., nye or nix )ears. which. for several years buck, had grad ally Increased In violence. Toe coapislat bus been hereditary., and the had bte..=cab liv several physicians without Soy relief. In thin ate other cave / procured's.. of your tigif • TMIMI. COUGH laYltUlf. I bought the brut time a aft? =at bottle. wrileb roll, ved bey t. t y uch; es 1 W called and got duller bottle. welch cured her entirely. and she has Dow uo trace of the fanner disease, meicineeept western. I would also =ate that I toed th e medicine 111540 i to a cold awl cough. The medicine cured taklug one do v. I express toy entire sagarle =on with tot =edict., and you are at Ilbetty to put.= thialf ?on eaalre to do so. td MS , es:, • 'Alderman, Flttit Ward. WHOOPING COUGH. Below milt i.e found • eoriltleste from Dort. M. be rot. one of our mon respectitandettl, In retard to Dr. l:aiaer•a Pectoral tlTrllP• Pectoral byruP la al. an Infalllblocort Tot-or r 7 tuna or cough And told to which we are Ilabl PlTisnritollaJune "Z, is o . tin. linTaLlt:—Dearlilr: I have fora lone time been opposed to adv. [l.ed or Patent medicine.. and It le with reluctance that rcommr ant of them. The col:tat...lion . however. that ant dolottlie cornernetty sen - lex, Inducer rue to overcome my objections, and to publicly re• Si l a your Peetdral nyrup. We hold left IL la our (smite for the 1.1 are Or six years and b aleh e ta Wert:dug.. such o• are produced enlds, ~ with the effect of Wievtal. nr tirely! melt!. them. Inning last winter our children were exposed to the tifection of whoop. lair cough, and eseh one CI oar three boa w. attataed with what we believed to he :that malady. We administered four him, Idevail7. lnd the result was, that the whooping loug h asted with neither of them more than ten or twelve dam I hope others will at trout make • trisk ot your medicines to such co: es. at wa have a. fouod It benellclal hour, VIMUT. No. TI Wine street. lERNIA OR RITTIIRE. It Will be obeereed Diet We hate published for aomatlme pest an advertleement of Dr. Worse 11. Keyser, of lag Wood street, Pittsburgh,. to. In reference to Tmsses and other mechanical Appliance. for themre and retie! of horde, rupture, besides verb>o* brokeeddown conditions of the bum.; body which are mashy boy op gi the reach of medication. Dr. Keyser has given this braueh of the business {real att.Lloo f elerer eifeY.paet, and We think wis Are jostilled to eating that he .romprehends lt thoronshly. You e. get at Ids store, Shoulder braces for weak brawls, Itlestle Iltuctinse fur v.leo. veles, Vile Props for the care of riles,. end, in fact. ere," eerhAy of mech.leol appliance. Dr. Keyser Is the Li:levet.. of • Trust for the rscll.l ours of Herat, or Rupture, so perfect to lie Porte an? so cum fot table to the wearer, as to elicit the Admirultou of ell who may need such au sp.- a•ce. lie hes recently been_ In communication with some of tile ablest and most capet lowed truss surgeons Ili the Dulled Slates, and feels eatlsned that All inose who bate hero cleaned or annoy cd with is-niting and uncomfortable triunes., can be accommodated by calling at ale coneulttoc rooms, No, 120 Penn street, Or at We Aledlcioe sod Trull Depot, 140 Wood street. t/diee hours from eight to ele CI A. 111 and 0 , 1..0 to four POffAVi:kkirAZlll4ll:l:l:llt4 'Many persons have rested content in the be lief that shin tad ear illseasee. however trouble some, will wear out of themselves. or that no remedy will avail In effecting a cure: in this v. 7 many persona bare layered through half dos- WhO mittaLeastly have been rell.red at the onset to as many weeks. go alaie with re go.,/ to the Oar. • Preltellicc tax &Aline.; that the ear is toe delicate on organ to be treated. or es to often exprentaarAxrusp wITUI hence hun dreds have thin remained deaf for the greeter part of a Wolin:tee Who might have trendy 'relieved, and to many lestances. com to pletely e stored to their bearing, hod proper assistanm: been timely spoiled for, no rosy readily be by a' perusal of the following eertificate. Nee also take oecselon tO remark that the let Ilmoht. al camel Wm a Boort . ° elm. at hand. In Otte whercupon inquiry, soy on: inter. C. .„,witofy themselves of its troth: ce nt Ftrfalitinritt, Jllly 2g, PAL Dian Stnr - 1 tate pleasure in eddlng my t,. tothat of others In favor oft. :Key te rn tmatisent of deafnese. aly son heen ~,,nee years with deafness produced front erOelat fever. ti times he tumid not best.. all; to event only understatil ml we would motion , to iilm. rite speech had also become all